Life of Sergius of Radonezh translation into Russian. Tests


Test work

Test papers

in literary

Test 1. Chronicles. Epics. Lives.

1 option

1. When did information about important events begin to be recorded in chronicles?

a) many thousands of years ago b) when oral folk art appeared

c) with the advent of writing d) when the first books began to be printed

2. Why didn’t Oleg accept the wine from the Greeks?

a) it turned sour b) he didn’t drink wine

c) it was diluted d) it was poisoned

3. What does the word pavoloki mean?

c) money of Ancient Rus' d) food, dishes

4. What is the name of the Russian folk epic song - the legend of the heroes??

a) due to frequent trips with the prince to the Horde b) due to frequent Tatar raids on Rus'

c) due to many heavy tributes and fees of the Horde d) due to moving from their native land

Option 2

1. How many ships did Oleg have?

a) one thousand b) two thousand c) three thousand d) four thousand

2. What does the word pattern mean?

a) jewelry, clothes b) silk fabrics, bedspreads

c) ancient coins d) food, dishes

3. How many years did Oleg reign?

a) 20 b) 30 c) 33 years d) 32 years

4. Who is the hero?

a) rich man b) powerful man

c) defender of the Motherland d) warrior, defender of his Motherland, endowed with self-esteem and distinguished by extraordinary strength, courage and daring

5. What did Bartholomew do when he met the holy elder?

a) walked through the forest b) shepherded

c) looked for cattle d) played with children

6. Why didn’t his parents give their blessing to Bartholomew to begin monastic life?

a) they wanted their son to look after them and bury them b) they didn’t want him to lead such a life

c) sons Stefan and Peter got married and thought about how to please their wives and not their parents

d) were afraid to live alone

Test 2. The wonderful world of classics

1 option

1. Who wrote the work “Gifts of the Terek”?

2. Determine the genre of the work “Nanny”.

Mom, love, angel, dream, Nikolenka.

a) “Boys” b) “Gifts of the Terek” c) “Nanny” d) “Childhood”

a) kind b) indifferent c) meek d) gentle

4. Find what is superfluous in the list of Ivan’s affairs.

a) caught the Firebird b) kidnapped the Tsar Maiden

c) went for a spear d) was an ambassador in heaven

5. Who is chaush?

a) watchman b) officer c) nobleman d) boy

No one was born wise, but learned.

a) “How a man removed a stone” b) “Gifts of the Terek”

c) “Childhood” d) “Boys”

Option 2

1. Who owns the work “Childhood”?

2. Determine the genre of the work “Gifts of the Terek” a) fairy tale b) fable c) poem d) story

3. Find out the work by reference words.

Gymnasium students, sisters, mystery, America, animals.

a) “Childhood” b) “Ashik-Kerib” c) “Boys” d) “Nanny”

3. Find an extra definition of the princess’s character.

a) meek b) indifferent c) greedy d) envious

4. To whom did Elisha speak? Please indicate the correct order.

a) to the sun, month, wind b) to the sun, wind, month

c) to the month, sun, wind d) to the wind, month, sun

5. How do you understand the word blame?

a) push b) laugh c) give gifts d) reproach

6. Which work does this proverb apply to?

Those who want it badly will achieve it. a) “Childhood” b) “Ashik-Kerib” c) “Boys” d) “How a man removed a stone”

Test 3. Poetry notebook (part 1)

1 option

a) “Schoolboy” b) “Falling Leaves”

c) “The earth still looks sad...” d) “Butterfly”

2. Who wrote the poem “In the winter twilight of Nanny’s fairy tales...”?

Whisper-murmur, forests-meadows, bare-dales, winter-hills.

a) “In the blue sky they float over the fields...” b) “Spring rain”

c) “The earth still looks sad...” d) “Where is the sweet whisper...”

4. In which poem does the rhythm change?

a) “Children and the Bird” b) “Falling Leaves”

c) “Butterfly” d) “How unexpected and bright...”

5. Choose a synonym for the word noisy.

a) thunderous b) quiet c) modest d) inaudible

6. Which poet are these lines about?

From his father he inherited strength of character, fortitude, and enviable stubbornness in achieving goals.

a) about b) about c) about d) about

Option 2

1. What poem did you write?

a) “Falling Leaves” b) “Children and the Bird”

c) “Butterfly” d) “Where is the sweet whisper...”

2. Who wrote the poem “Where is the sweet whisper...”?

3. Find out the poem by its rhyme.

The fields are the edges, the fog is the blush, the night is the boundary

a) “Where are the sweet whispers...” b) “In the blue sky they float over the fields...”

c) “Falling leaves” d) “The earth still looks sad...”

4. Which poem describes children's fun?

a) “Schoolboy” b) “Nanny’s tales in the winter twilight...”

c) “Butterfly” d) “Children and the Bird”

3. Recognize the poem by the first line.

How could I not be proud of you...

a) “Motherland” b) “Rus” c) “Horses in the Ocean” d) “Oh, Motherland! In a dim glow..."

4. Finish the proverb.

Homeland is on the other side...

a) like a mother b) dearer than the eyes c) twice as dear d) alone

5. Which poem says that no one could conquer the Russian land?

The expanses of the Russian land. Rus' is mighty.

2. What poem did you write?

a) “Motherland” b) “Rus” c) “Horses in the Ocean” d) “Oh, Motherland! In a dim glow..."

3. What poem are these lines from?

My grievances and forgiveness

They will burn like old stubble.

a) “Motherland” b) “Rus” c) “Horses in the Ocean” d) “Oh, Motherland! In a dim glow..."

4. Finish the proverb.

What is a man without a homeland... a) a bird without a nest b) without a mother c) a bird without a wing d) a nightingale without a song

5. Indicate a work about the death of animals. a) “Rus” b) “Motherland” c) “Oh, Motherland!” In a dim glow..." d) "Horses in the Ocean"

6. Find out the work based on the points of the plan. Who is author?

Dark days in Rus'. The king called - Rus' has risen! a B C D)

Test 11. Country Fantasy.

1 option

1. Who wrote The Adventures of Electronics?

a) b) Kir Bulychev c) d)

2. Determine the genre of the work “Alice’s Journey”

3. Find the meaning of the word double bass.

a) stringed musical instrument b) the science of the general laws of control processes and information transfer

c) a person who smuggles

d) contract, agreement

4. Find the reason for the bush attack.

a) they were aggressive b) they forgot to water them

c) they ate people d) a sandstorm was approaching

The next moment the professor was... He saw... flashing between the trees.

a) at the door, blue blouse b) at the window, blue jacket

c) at the screen, green jacket d) at the gate, green jacket

6. What do you know about Alice?

a) she is from the future b) loves animals c) an ordinary girl d) a robot girl

Option 2

1. Who wrote the work "Alice's Travels"?

a) b) Kir Bulychev c) d)

2. Which work tells about the amazing adventures of a robot boy?? a) "Alice's Journey" b) "The Adventures of the Boy Electronics" c) "The Adventures of the Robot Electronics" d) "The Adventures of Electronics"

3. Determine the genre of the work.

a) fairy tale b) story c) fairy tale d) fantastic story

4. Find an extra hero.

a) professor b) Alisa c) Gromov d) Elektronik

5. Insert the missing words into this passage.

Running down ..., the professor noticed the director’s surprised face and ... waved his hand. There was no time now...

a) path, friendly, smiles b) stairs, reassuring, explanations

c) stairs, kindly, explanations d) path, reassuringly, greetings

6.Who was Alice's dad?

a) cosmobiologist b) cyberneticist c) director of a space zoo d) doctor

Test 12. Foreign literature.

1 option

1. Who wrote the work “Gulliver’s Travels”?

2. What work did S. Lagerlöf write?

a) "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" b) "The Little Mermaid" c) "Gulliver's Travels" d) "Holy Night"

3. What does the word okolotok mean?

a) something that is being hammered b) located near c) the surrounding area d) a nailed object

4. Recognize the hero by description.

Prankster, cunning, inventor, loves adventure, quick-witted, inquisitive.

a) Tom Sawyer b) Gulliver c) Prince d) Judas

5. Which work does this proverb apply to?

The world is hateful without a loved one.

a) “Holy Night” b) “The Little Mermaid” c) “Gulliver’s Travels” d) “In Nazareth”

6. Which of these writers was born and lived in Sweden?

Option 2

1. Who wrote “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”?

a) D. Swift b) c) M. Twain d) S Lagerlöf

2. What work did D. Swift write?

a) “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” b) “The Little Mermaid” c) “Gulliver’s Travels” d) “In Nazareth”

3. What does the word quiver mean?

a) a head of cabbage b) a type of clothing c) a case for arrows d) a man in chain mail

4. Which of the heroes are we talking about?

After an amazing meeting, he realized that he had to be attentive to others and help those who need help.

a) about Tom Sawyer b) about Gulliver c) about the shepherd d) about Judas

5. Which work does this proverb apply to?

Fear does not come to the lover.

a) “Holy Night” b) “The Little Mermaid” c) “Gulliver’s Travels” d) “In Nazareth”

a) D. Swift b) S. Lagerlöf c) M. Twain d)

Test work 1.

"Chronicles. Epics. Lives."

1. Answer the questions.

a) What were the names of songs about the heroic deeds of heroes?

b) What epics have you already read or know?

c) Which of the heroes do you know?

2. Guess who we are talking about.

a) One day the boy Bartholomew met an old man - a monk who helped him get out of the forest. And this boy also decided to become a monk. What new name did he receive and glorify throughout Rus'?

b) I cleared that path,


I dug up a treasure, but no treasure back

He returned and was poor again!

And I catch fate by the mane,

I go around the restive one,

And fate for me is for the horse!

Whose words are these written down?

c) What did the Magi prophesy for Prince Oleg? Did their prediction come true?

d) There was such a great groan,

There was a battle with so much blood,

That the Don was painted crimson

All the way down.

And Prince Dmitry...

Since then the people have nicknamed

And good glory is behind him

He still lives to this day.

What was Prince Dmitry's nickname?

3. Find out the work. using the text, insert the missing words.

a) God did not allow such a baby, who was supposed to ________, to be born from unrighteous _________.

b) And the day came for the fulfillment of his mother’s vow: after six weeks, that is, when ________ came

the day after his birth, his parents brought ________ to the Church of God.

c) ... on Wednesday and Friday he did not take _________ and did not drink _______ cow, and so remained without _______ throughout the day.

d) Stefan and Peter quickly learned __________, while Bartholomew did not _____ learn to read, but somehow ______ and not diligently.

e) The boy secretly often ________ God with tears, saying: “Lord! Give me _______ this letter, teach me and ______ me.”

f) The elder answered: “I told you that from this day on the Lord will grant you ______ letters. Say God’s _______ without doubt.”

g) Sons ________, Stefan and Peter, got married; the third son, the blessed young man ______, did not want to get married, but was very eager for a ________ life.

Test work 2.

"The wonderful world of classics."

1. One line of the poem, remember its title and author. Write it down.

a) And lightning wrapped around you menacingly...

b) Fed by the breast of clouds...

c) You look through the forgotten gates...

d) And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts...

2. Which works from the studied section are these proverbs suitable for? Indicate the title of the work and the author.

a) Where happiness breeds, there envy will be born.

b) Whoever wants something badly will achieve it.

c) Although with need, he achieved honor.

d) Live kinder, you will be nicer to everyone.

e) The stronger the friendship, the easier the service.

3. Using reference words, find out the work and its author. Write it down.

Little man, bison, California, mustangs, America, Montigomo Hawk Claw.

4. Add the names and patronymics of the writers to these surnames.

a) Ershov________________

b) Pushkin______________

c) Lermontov___________

d) Tolstoy_______________

d) Chekhov_________________

5. Which piece from this section did you like best? Who is its author?

Test work 3.

"Poetry Notebook" (part 1)

1. Find out which poet we are talking about. Write it down.

a) At the age of 12, this poet freely translated Horace’s odes.

b) One day he decided to leave literature and take up farming. Over the course of 17 years, he turned the Stepanovka farm into an exemplary profitable farm.

c) said about him: “... original - because he thinks.”

d) Contemporaries remembered him as an exceptionally delicate, gentle and friendly person, always ready to help.

e) He opened a bookstore in Voronezh and a cheap library with it, which became the center of the literary and social life of the city.

f) From his father he inherited strength of character, fortitude, and enviable stubbornness in achieving goals.

g) He spent his last years in poverty, working on a book about his literary teacher.

" Schoolboy"

"Where is the sweet whisper..."

"Leaf Fall"

“The earth still looks sad...”

" Butterfly "

"In the blue sky they float over the fields..."

"Children and the Bird"

3. Find personification in the poems you read. (Personification is the endowment of objects, natural phenomena with feelings, mood, abilities, and character of a person.) . What does it help you feel and understand?

Test work 4.

"Literary Tales"

1. Which of the fairy-tale characters could give such announcements? Write it down.

a) I sell leeches. Price is negotiable.

b) We organize survival courses for those traveling into the jungle.

c) Veterinary services with travel to any part of the world.

d) I sleep and see the prince.

e) A security agency requires 33 strong-built employees for permanent work.

f) I will take quitrent from everyone, even from devils.

g) Entertainment for you: I sing songs, chew nuts.

2. Guess the riddles. Remember in which fairy tale you read in the last lessons the answer appears. Write it down.

a) He sings for a month, but the crow caws all year round.

The swallow begins the day, and he ends it.

He doesn't need a golden cage, a green branch is better.

b) The pot is small, but it cooks it.

You brewed it yourself, dissolve it yourself.

You can't ruin it with oil.

3. Read excerpts from biographies of writers. Write down their full names.

a) He was born in the Urals, in the family of a mining foreman. Since childhood, he was attracted to people, legends,

fairy tales and songs of our native Urals.

b) This writer was born in Ufa. He spent his childhood in a landowner environment. Studied at Kazan University. Then he entered the service in St. Petersburg, where he became close to the “Conversation of Lovers of the Russian Word” circle. He loved his sons very much, who also became famous.

c) As a five-year-old child, he experienced a family drama that influenced his character as a future writer. His works amaze with the depth of the characters’ feelings and vivid personifications.

d) His father was a scion of an ancient princely family, and his mother was a former serf peasant. His house became a place where the best writers and scientists of the capital regularly met.

4. Explain what a literary fairy tale is. How is it different from a folk tale?

Test work 5.

"Time for business - time for fun."

1. Which works from the studied section do these proverbs apply to? Indicate the title of the work and the author.

a) I got up late - I lost a day; I didn’t study when I was young - I lost my life.

b) To learn hard work, it takes three years; to learn laziness, it takes only three days.

d) Good luck for the student, joy for the teacher.

2. Find out the work and its author using one phrase. Write it down.

a) If you try to binge drink in class, they will immediately kick you out.

b) They splashed, and the result was something very friendly and joyful.

c) trucks are rumbling - quickly, quickly, we need to hand over the goods to stores, factories, and railways.

d) I only realized yesterday that I still need to learn my lessons.

2. Do the crossword puzzle.

Horizontally. 1. A poet whose poem Denis Korablev did not memorize.

3. The main character of his stories had a prototype: the son of the writer himself, his namesake. Who is this writer?

4. This profession helped the oversleeping boy rush a second before Raisa Ivanovna.

5. This writer was born in Baku. In defiance of his parents and music teachers, who dreamed of seeing their son become a musician, he chose painting.

6. The two workers realized that the boy had nothing to do. They suggested pushing the crooked house from the side so that it would be level. They were...

7. The heroes of the work did not know how to appreciate him.

8. She was standing against the wall. The janitor forbade anyone to touch her.


9. A character trait of a person who loves to work.

10. The films “Cinderella”, “Don Quixote” and others were filmed based on the scripts of this writer.

Test work 6.

"Country of Childhood".

1. Find out what characters or objects from the works you read are in question. Write it down.

a) These brother and sister ruined the New Year's Eve for many.

b) This girl inspired the great composer.

c) The offended aunt said that in the future Minka will be... .

d) The boy put a piece of it on the steamer, near the booth.

e) This instrument could sing about everything.

2. Remember where it was. Answer the questions.

a) Where did Edvard Grieg spend his autumn?

b) When he was little, he was sent to live there. This is where this unpleasant story happened. Where was the boy sent?

c) In what city were you born?

d) Where did you spend your childhood?

e) In St. Petersburg, in the family of an artist,... was born.

3. Read the modernized proverbs and sayings and restore them. Write it down.

a) You need to walk through the forest with a basket.

b) The day is boring until the evening when you do homework.

c) It’s not a shame not to know, it’s a shame not to tell.

d) From time immemorial, television raises a person.

e) The first two are forgiven.

f) You won’t get far on a cheat sheet.

4. Guess the hidden word in proverbs and sayings. For which work is it key? Indicate the title of the work and the author.

a) Late HE gnaws the bone.

You can’t erase a word from a song, you can’t kick Him out from the table.

The uninvited HE is worse than the Tatar.

b) Not all that SHE sounds like.

Even snakes dance to her good music.

Foma understands HER, but Yeryoma knows how to dance.

5. What action are we talking about in these proverbs? What work can they be attributed to? Indicate the title of the work and the author.

The gate is open, and he climbs into the gateway.

For a cockroach - with a drum, for a mosquito - with an ax.

Why go there with a knife, where the ax is placed?

Test work 7.

"Poetry notebook 1" (part 2).

"Grandma's Tales"

"Our Kingdoms"

"A Dream Again"

"A path runs from a hillock"


2. Find out the poem and its author by the quatrain. Write it down.

A ) And we sit, barely breathing. b) The month has passed. Louder rustling.

It's time for midnight. A zebra rushes in the distance.

Let's pretend we don't hear the forest, exploding a heap of leaves,

If mom calls you to sleep. Stupidly reaching for the river.

c) We feel good. While still in bed d) You say a word, you lie down in the grass,

All the elders and the summer air is fresh, You can’t untie the black chain.

Let's run to our place. The trees give us a swing, there's a pit below, a height above,

Run, dance, fight, cut sticks!.. Spin, spin between them.

3. Guess which of the poets from the studied section we are talking about. Write it down.

a) After Konstantinovo, where his childhood “was spent among the fields and steppes,” a fourteen-year-old teenager finds himself far from home in a closed two-year boarding school. His only consolation is his friendship with his classmate Grisha Panfilov. On long evenings, he and a friend stayed up late in the Panfilovs’ house - they sang, played, danced, and sometimes read poems to each other, among which the poems of this poet were particularly light.

Even the earliest, simplest and purest of his poems, even at the first reading, overwhelm the soul with their melodious syllable:

Where the cabbage beds are

The sunrise pours red water,

Maple tree for the little womb

The green udder sucks.

b) He started composing at the age of eight, and wrote seventeen in one year, almost two thousand lines. From the very first steps, he does not want to follow in the footsteps of Pushkin's or Nekrasov's imitators. He firmly believes in his star.

In the history of Russian literature, he forever remained the discoverer of new paths, a magnificent master of verse, who proved that a poet can convey the whole variety of human passions, all the “treasures embedded in feelings.” He left his mark on culture as a talented critic, organizer, editor, and teacher.

Since childhood, he was attracted by the unknown:

I dreamed: groves of palm trees, an unknown ocean,

And the secrets of the poles, and the abyss of the dungeons,

And the daring paths of interplanetary countries.

c) In the October death days, when the Bolsheviks came to power, she remains in Moscow alone with two daughters, without any means of subsistence. At that time, in her poems, terrible life is transformed into high poetry:

My attic palace, my palace attic!

Arise! A mountain of handwritten papers...

So. - Hand! - Keep right -

There is a puddle here from the leaky roof.

Now admire, sitting on the chest,

What kind of Flanders did the spider bring to me?

Don't listen to idle talk,

What can a woman do without lace?

4. Which piece from this section did you like best? What touched you about it? Who is its author?

Test work 8.

"Nature and us".

Siberian "Upstart"

" Boar "


"Haircut Creak"

"Barbos and Zhulka"

2. Write down the title of the work and indicate its author.

a) What work opens the section?

b) In what work did the magpie lose its tail?

c) The danger was approaching in single file, the front one was five steps from the hero.

d) The hero of this work had to learn life on his own, without the help of his parents.

e) They were different, but their friendship was strong.

f) He was an adopted member of the family, but very loved.

3. Find out what works these objects are from. Indicate the title of the work and the author.

a) mink b) horns c) tail d) bowl e) boat f) broom

4. Recognize the hero by description. Remember what work it is from and who its author is. write it down.

a) It is grey. Doesn't like pampering. If there is a little bit of disorder somewhere - a fuss or a fight - he will slowly walk up and poke the right person with his beak. The boss is a bird!

b) She was small, thin-legged, with smooth black fur and yellow markings above the eyebrows and on the chest.

c) It doesn’t matter how a person yearns. He will come ashore, stand on one leg and start screaming. Yes, he screams pitifully...

d) It was very difficult for her to feed the children alone. But she was a good mother.

e) She was cheerful, everyone liked her: her ears were like horns, her tail was like a ring, her teeth were as white as garlic.

f) In the summer, he was constantly covered from head to tail with prickly “burdocks,” but in the fall, the tufts of fur on his legs and stomach, rolling around in the mud and then drying out, turned into hundreds of brown, dangling stalactites.

Test work 9.

"Poetry notebook 2" (part 2).

1. Guess the riddle and remember what wonderful time of year the section “Poetry Notebook” was dedicated to.

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves

She lit the fires of the rowan bonfires.

That is a generous beauty

Smiles playfully

And protects everyone with slanting rain.


"Spring in the Forest"

" September "

" Indian summer "

" Gold autumn "

3. In which passage does personification occur?

a) The hares will gather in a pile

Under the drop and the warmth,

Louder Red-breasted Woodpecker

It will knock on the dry and ore

A trunk with a crack and a hollow.

b) Indian summer has come -

Days of farewell warmth.

Warmed by the late sun,

In the crack the fly came to life.

c) And there is pearly dew all around

She cast scarlet sparkles,

And over the silver lake

The reeds leaned over and whispered.

4. Find out the poem from a few lines and write down who its author is.

a) And there are azure flowers all around

Spicy waves were spreading...

b) How soybeans cluck in languor

And the wood grouse are circling.

c) And I don’t wish for anything,

And I don't want anything!

d) Have pity autumn! Give us light!

Protect from winter darkness!

5. Remember what comparisons he uses. Write them out.

6. In which of the poems read is the main story about events in the lives of the heroes? Indicate the title of the poem and the author.

Test work 10.


1. Read the poem. Answer the questions.

My first friend, Antipin Kolka!

He probably remembers this day,

When in the quiet sunshine

A living shadow covered us.

We looked back and froze,

With their mouths agape in shock:

A soldier stood, gray with dust,

And he smiled from above.

And suddenly, caught up in that moment,

Recognizing by instinct, and not by face,

I choked on a sweet cry

In the silent embrace of his father.

He fell to his cheek and froze,

And behind in the bright light of day

I looked with orphan eyes

Antipin Kolka is on me.

V. Bogdanov


a) How do you understand the meaning of the poem? What is it about?

b) Could this poem be included in the section you just studied?

Drozhzhin ________________


Nikitin _________________


3. Find out the work and its author using two lines.

a) A mine pierced the bottom of the ship

Far, far from the earth.

b) I am in every rustle of sheets

c) My grievances and forgiveness

They will burn like old stubble.

d) I’ll look to the south -

Mature fields...

Test work 11.


a) ________-_________ b) _____________- “Alice’s Journey” - __________

2. Choose synonyms for the words.

Transparent -________ Sounded - ________ Surprise - ___________

3. Check yourself to see if you are reading carefully. Fill in the missing words in the sentences.

a) Early in May morning, a light gray car drove up to the hotel___________.

b) The guest of honor came from _______________.

c) The director and ____________ assistants took hold of the handles and carried the suitcase to the __________ floor.

d) A small __________ - an airy _____________ - chirped over the trees.

e) Leaving Electronics, the professor went up to __________ and dialed the number on the disk.

f) You will move a lot today. We need to eat _____________________.

4. Decipher what is written here, and you will find out the real name of the science fiction writer Kira Bulychev.


5. HowCancharacterizeAlice? Choose what you need. Add if you think necessary.

Kind, evil, brave, cowardly, resourceful, sympathetic, ___________________________________.

6. Check yourself to see if you are reading carefully. Choose the correct answer.

a) We carefully dug up... bushes

five six seven

b) I started preparing the camera for filming because I hoped that the bushes would soon bloom...

medicinal flowers amazing flowers luminous flowers

c) The mechanic’s name was...

Yellow Red Green

d) To protect himself from the bushes, Alice’s father grabbed...

mop brush broom

e) To combat bushes they wanted to use...

flamethrower machine gun water cannon

f) Alice defeated Bushes with the help of...

bucket watering can hose

g) The bushes wandered along the sand and...

looking for water, looking for the sun, looking for food

h) I really loved the smallest and restless bush...

fruit juice tea compote

Test work 12.

" Foreign literature ".

1. Find out the work. indicate its title and author.

a) In this work, the main character was a giant, although he remained an ordinary person.

b) In this work, the main character sacrificed her life for love.

c) The main character of this work was often punished by the teacher.

d) This work tells about the night on which miracles happened.

e) This work ends the section.

f) In this work you can learn about underwater life.

With Lagerlöf "Gulliver's Travels"

D. Swift "Holy Night"

M. Twain "The Little Mermaid"

" Adventures of Tom Sawyer "

"In Nazareth"

3. Guess what work these things are from. Indicate the title of the work and the author.

a) clay gray bird

b) peach

c) a sharp knife

d) a long pointed stick

d) long stairs

e) slate board

4. Say a name.

a) Mark Twain's real name

b) Selma Lagerlöf's full name

c) the name of the girl with whom Tom Sawyer was in love

d) name of Jesus' mother

Test for the 1st half of the year.

Option 1.

Jack is a guide.

Residents of Mira Street know this man well. In winter and summer, wearing large black glasses on his face speckled with blue marks, he walks along the sidewalk every day and tap-tap - tapping his carved stick. The man in black glasses is a former military pilot. He lost one arm and both eyes from the explosion of an enemy shell. And suddenly, to the surprise of passers-by, the blind pilot appeared without his eternal wand. Instead, he held the dog by the leash. Jack confidently led his master down the street. At the intersection, Jack stopped and waited for the cars to pass. He avoided every pillar, every pothole or puddle.

"Jack, stop!" - and the dog obediently leads its owner to the bus. If the bus passengers themselves don’t think of giving up their seats to a blind man, Jack chooses a younger person from among those sitting and nuzzles his nose into his knees: they say, you can stand, but it’s difficult for my owner to stand... “Jack, to the store!” - leads to the grocery store.

Jack is now my eye in return! – the former pilot cannot boast enough about his guide.

(G. Yurmin)

Questions and tasks:

1. Determine the genre of the work.

2. Why did the residents of Mira Street know this man well?

a) he was different from everyone else in appearance b) he always walked the dog

c) he walked in the same place

3. For what reason did the pilot go blind? Write the answer from the text.

4. How do you understand the meaning of the word guide?

5. Who became the former pilot’s loyal friend?

6. How do you understand the expression Jack now gives me eyes instead?

7. Choose a synonym for the word pothole.

8. How did Jack help his master find a seat on the bus?

a) barked at the young man b) nuzzled the younger passenger’s knees

c) started growling at the passenger

9. Restore the sequence of events in the story.

a) Instead of a stick, he held a dog by the leash.

b) Jack leads to the bus.

c) Every day he walks along the sidewalk, tapping with a stick.

d) He lost one arm and both eyes.

e) The former pilot is happy with his friend.

Option 2.

Read the text, answer the questions, complete the assignments.

There lived a poor woman on earth. She had four children. The children did not obey their mother. They ran and played in the snow from morning to evening. The clothes will be wet, and the mother will get sushi, the snow will be covered, and the mother will be removed. And my mother caught fish on the river herself. It was hard for her. And the children did not help her. My mother became seriously ill from such a life. She lies there and asks, calls the children: “Children, my throat is dry, bring me some water.”

The mother asked not once, not twice. Children don't go for water. Finally, the eldest son wanted to eat, looked into the tent, and the mother was standing in the middle of the tent, putting on a malitsa. And suddenly the little girl became covered with feathers. The mother takes a board on which the skin is scraped, and that board becomes a bird's tail. The iron thimble became her beak. Instead of arms, wings grew. The mother turned into a bird and flew out of the tent.

Brothers, look, look: our mother is flying away like a bird! - the eldest son shouted.

Then the children ran after their mother:

Mom, we brought you some water.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo! It's too late, son, I won't be back.

So the children ran after their mother for many days and nights over stones, through swamps, over hummocks. They wounded their feet and bled. Wherever they run, a red trail remains.

The cuckoo mother abandoned the children forever. And since then the cuckoo has not built its own nest, has not raised its own children, and from that time on red moss has been spreading across the tundra.

Questions and tasks:

Determine the genre of the work.

a) story b) fable c) fairy tale d) poem

2. How many children did the mother have?

a) three b) two c) four d) _________ (write down your answer)

3. Why did the mother get sick?

a) caught a cold b) got infected c) from a serious illness d) _____(your own answer)

4. What did the mother ask for her children? (Write the answer from the text).

5. Choose a synonym for the word chum.

6. What kind of bird did the mother turn into?

7. What people do you think composed this work?

a) Russians b) Azerbaijanis c) Nenets d) __________ (your own answer)

8. Where did the events take place?

a) in the steppe b) in the forest c) in the desert d) in the tundra

9. Restore the deformed outline of the text you read.

Transformation into a bird.

The cuckoo mother abandoned the children forever.

Mother asks for a drink.

The children did not obey their mother.

The mother became seriously ill.

Mother flies away.

The children are asking to come back.

10. Determine the main idea of ​​the text.

Test work for the 2nd half of the year.

Option 1.

Read the text, answer the questions, complete the assignments.

At the beginning of winter, when the northern winds blew and snow fell, I decided to make a bird feeder at the dacha. On the bright veranda right outside the window on a wooden shelf, where on warm days we displayed indoor flowers, I organized a “bird canteen”. I sprinkled seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, even a sprig of scarlet rowan... It turned out to be an excellent “menu”. Feathered guests must arrive. Nimble tits, sedate bullfinches, noisy waxwings, nuthatches... And other inhabitants of the garden that I did not remember. In general, I began to wait. And a day passes, and two... For some reason my guests don’t show up. Have you migrated to another garden, or what? Where the owner is more hospitable, more friendly, probably. I felt sad looking at my frozen gifts. It seemed like I was trying in vain... And then suddenly the frost hit. Just like Epiphany. You can hear the trees crackling in the garden in the middle of the night.

I wake up one morning. I go out onto the veranda. I looked, and behind the cloudy frosty glass a light flashed. Smoky red. It's like a candle on a Christmas tree. Carefully he crept up to the window. He stood up on tiptoe, looked out of the corner of his eye and... was stunned. Squirrel! Apparently she came running from a nearby grove. She climbed up the trunk of the birch tree, and she was nearby, just a stone's throw from the veranda, and jumped into the feeding trough. Hunger is not a big deal. She instantly emptied the tablecloth. And he looks out the window with currant eyes. He's probably waiting to see if the compassionate owner will add anything else. I had to fork out more. Fill the feeder with “squirrel gifts”: nuts, chopped apples, dry mushrooms - good, there’s a bunch left over from the fall.

Now every morning the squirrel - even if you checked the clock - was waiting for me near the feeder. I even came up with a name for her. He called it Manka. And she responded to him willingly. She took the treat right from the palm of her hand.

And so my long winter passed in friendship with the forest beauty. And in the spring, when the icicles became long and “whiny” and the sun blinded the eyes, spreading over the blue snowdrifts, the wife said somehow warmly, but with firmness in her voice:

No need to train the squirrel anymore. She will forget how to get her own food, become a beggar and may die...

Although I felt sorry for Manka, I still listened to my wife. She was a biologist. And she knew a lot about her science.

(N. Krasilnikov)

Questions and tasks:

1. Determine the topic of the text.

2. Where did the narrator set up the feeding trough? Try to answer this question more accurately.

3. Why did your friendship with Manka end?

4. How do you understand the meaning of words and expressions at your fingertips, react, currant eyes?

Option 2.

Read the text, answer the questions, complete the assignments.


The boys destroyed the nest of a wheatear. They broke her testicles. Naked, blind chicks fell out of the broken shells. I managed to take only one of the six testicles from the boys intact.

I decided to save the chick hidden in it.

But how to do that?

Who will hatch it from the egg?

Who will feed?

I knew the nest of another bird nearby - a mockingbird warbler. She just laid her fourth egg.

But will the remnant accept the foundling? The wheatear egg is pure blue. It is larger and does not at all look like mocking eggs: they are pink with black dots. And what will happen to the wheatear chick? After all, he is about to come out of the egg, and the little ones will hatch only in another twelve days.

Will the mockingbird feed the foundling?

The mockingbird's nest was placed so low on the birch tree that I could reach it with my hand.

When I approached the birch tree, the mocking bird flew off its nest.

She fluttered along the branches of neighboring trees and whistled pitifully, as if begging not to touch her nest.

I placed the blue egg with her crimson ones, walked away and hid behind a bush. Mockingbird did not return to the nest for a long time. And when she finally flew up, she didn’t immediately sit down in it: it was clear that she was looking at someone else’s blue egg with disbelief.

But still she sat in the nest. This means she accepted someone else's egg. The foundling became an adopted child.

But what will happen tomorrow when the little wheatear hatches from the egg? When the next morning I approached the birch tree, a nose was sticking out on one side of the nest, and a mocking tail was sticking out on the other.

When she flew off, I looked into the nest. There were four pink eggs and next to them was a naked blind wheatear chick.

I hid and soon saw a mocking bird fly in with a caterpillar in its beak and put it into the little wheatear’s mouth.

Now I was almost sure that the mocking would feed my foundling.

Six days have passed. Every day I approached the nest and every time I saw the mockingbird’s beak and tail sticking out of the nest. I was very surprised how she managed to feed the wheatear and hatch her eggs.

I quickly moved away so as not to interfere with her in this important matter.

On the seventh day, neither beak nor tail stuck out above the nest. I thought: “It's over! The mockingbird has left the nest. The little wheatear died of hunger.” But no - there was a live wheatear in the nest! She was sleeping and didn’t even lift her head up or open her mouth: that meant she was full. She had grown so much these days that she covered the pink testicles barely visible from underneath with her body.

Then I guessed that the adopted child thanked his new mother: with the warmth of his little body he warmed her testicles and hatched her chicks.

And so it was. Mockingbird fed her fosterling, and the fosterling hatched her chicks.

He grew up and flew out of the nest before my eyes.

And just by this time the chicks hatched from the pink eggs. Mockingbird began to feed her own chicks - and fed them well.

(V. Bianchi)

Questions and tasks:

Determine the genre of this work. What event started this story? How do you understand the title of the story? What scared V. Bianchi on the seventh day? How did the foundling thank his new mother? What surprised you about this piece?

Topic: Sergius of Radonezh - the holy land of Russia. V. Klykov “Monument to Sergius of Radonezh.”

Goals : introduce local history facts and materials (the history of the temple in the village of Novo-Sergievo), with an excerpt from the “Life of Sergius of Radonezh”; to form a sustainable interest in the subject, a desire to learn more about the Orthodox culture of Russia; to form an emotional and personal attitude towards cultural and historical facts presented in the lesson; teach to be attentive to the word, enrich your vocabulary; develop students' creative abilities, memory, speech, thinking.

Planned results: subject: the use of different types of reading (study (semantic), selective, search), the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content and specifics of a prose text, participate in its discussion, create your own text based on a work of art, reproductions of paintings by artists, from illustrations, based on personal experience ; meta-subject: R - formulation of the educational task of the lesson, based on the analysis of the textbook material in joint activities, understanding it, planning together

activities with the teacher to study the topic of the lesson, evaluating one’s work in the lesson, P - using various ways to search for educational information in reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias^ and interpreting information in accordance with communicative and cognitive tasks, mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization , classification according to genus-species characteristics, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, K - answers to textbook questions based on a work of art; personal: formation of a sense of pride in one’s homeland, its history, people, a holistic view of the world in the unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions.

Equipment: a selection of books about St. Sergius of Radonezh for the design of the exhibition, photographs of the monument to St. Sergius of Radonezh by V. Klykov, audio recording of the bell ringing.

Lesson progress 1

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

Read it yourself.

My Fatherland! Russia!

The spirit of antiquity lives in you.

And not a single other element

Didn't defeat your people.

From the darkness of centuries you rose

And she became stronger.

Holy Rus' is your beginning,

And St. Sergius is in it.

S. Nikulina

(A recording of a bell ringing sounds.)

Read the topic of the lesson. Define its tasks.

III. Checking homework

Tell us what you learned about Sergius of Radonezh.

IV. Physical education minute

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

(Acquaintance with the lives of saints. A story from a teacher or trained students.)

One day the monk Zosima, who lived on the Solovetsky Islands, came to Novgorod. He was invited to a feast by the rich and famous noblewoman Marfa Boretskaya, the widow of the Novgorod mayor. “And she invited Zosima to dinner, and seated him at the feast... They knew about his virtuous life... He, with his usual humility and meekness, sitting at the feast, took a little food - from his youth he loved silence, not only during meals, but always. And looking at those sitting with him at the feast, Zosima was suddenly surprised and bowed his head, but did not say anything. And again he raised his eyes, and, seeing the same thing, lowered his head, and looked a third time, again he saw the same thing: some of the feasters, sitting among the first, presented themselves to Zosima without heads. And the blessed one was horrified when he saw such an unusual vision, and, sighing from the depths of his soul, shed tears. And I couldn’t touch anything else that was offered at the meal until I left there.” Zosima told about his vision only to two people close to him who were with him at the feast - the monk Herman and the Novgorodian Pamphilius, known for his virtuous life. He told them that he saw six boyars sitting without heads at the feast. The saint ordered Herman and Pamphilius not to tell anyone about this. A few years later, the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan Vasilyevich went on a campaign with his army to subjugate free Novgorod. “And the Novgorodians met them with many forces, and they had a battle with the commanders of the Grand Duke, and the Novgorodians were beaten in that battle. And the governors captured six great boyars, and then took many other Novgorodians captive and brought them to the Grand Duke. He sent them all to Moscow, and executed some of them, so that others would fear him. And the Great Prince ordered six boyars to cut off their heads.” Thus the terrible prophetic vision of Saint Zosima was fulfilled.

This vision is narrated in the lives of the highly revered Russian saints Zosima and Savvaty, the founders of the Solovetsky Monastery. The word “life” in Church Slavonic means “life”. Old Russian scribes called “lives” works that tell about the lives of saints. In ancient Russian manuscripts, these works were also often referred to as a story about life or a legend about life and miracles.

The Life is not a work of art in the modern sense. It always tells about events that its compiler and readers considered true and not fictitious. It is no coincidence that the authors of hagiographies (hagiographers) often name witnesses to the life of the saint and the miracles he performed. Supernatural events: resurrection from the dead, sudden healing of incurable patients, etc. - were a reality for ancient Russian scribes.

Open the textbook on p. 21. Consider the monument to Sergius of Radonezh by V. Klykov.

What do you see? Compose an oral history.

VII. Summing up the lesson

What did you learn during the lesson?

What particularly surprised or amazed you?

Material for teachers

Monument to St. Sergius of Radonezh

On May 29, 1988, on the day of the Holy Trinity, a monument to St. Sergius of Radonezh was unveiled - the spiritual inspirer of the victory of the Russian army in the Battle of Kulikovo, who blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy for the battle with Mamai. The monument was erected near the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the village of Gorodok near Moscow, later renamed Radonezh.

The place to install the monument was not chosen by chance. Not far away is the city of Sergiev Posad, on whose territory is located the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius - an Orthodox monastery founded by St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The author of the monument is sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov. The monument to St. Sergius of Radonezh represents the figure of Sergius with the image of the young youth Bartholomew - the soul of Sergius, who has retained its purity since childhood. In the hands of the youth is “The Trinity” by Andrei Rublev: in the icon, three angels are sitting at a table in front of the Chalice. Through love a person must unite with God and with his neighbors, then he will become like the Holy Trinity.

Lesson progress 2

Organizing time

. Speech warm-up

(A fragment from the epic is written on the board.)

And he came down from a high mountain,

And he drove up to the heroes of the Holy Russians -

There are twelve of them, Ilya the thirteenth,

And they arrived along the Tatar Silushka,

They let loose the heroic horses,

They began to beat the Tatar strongman,

They trampled the whole great power here...

Read in the “bird market” way (also: slowly, with acceleration, expressively).

Determine the topic and objectives of the lesson.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

Let's do vocabulary work.

(The teacher and students explain the meaning of unclear words.)

Noble - 1) highly moral, selflessly honest and open; 2) exceptional in its qualities, grace.

PLEASE- 1) a person who pleases (colloquial); 2) in religions: the name of some saints.

VIRTUE- positive moral quality, high morality, moral purity.

RIGHTEOUS- among believers: pious, sinless, corresponding to religious rules.

VOW- solemn promise, commitment.

PIOUS- for believers: observing the instructions of religion, church.

ANGEL- in religious ideas: a supernatural being, a servant of God and his messenger to people.

HUMILITY- lack of pride, willingness to obey someone else's will.

PURSE- a bag for storing money.

GRACE- in religious ideas: power sent from above.

YOUTH- teenage boy.

How do you understand the expressions “with all my soul” and “from the bottom of my heart”?

Find synonyms for the words “noble”, “unprecedented”.

Choose an antonym for the word “bless.” (Curse.)(Reading the text by students.)

IV. Physical education minute

V. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

1. Work according to the textbook

Look at p. 23 textbooks, a reproduction of M. Nesterov’s painting “Vision to the Youth Bartholomew.” Read the passage from the text that relates to it.

(Work on questions and assignments 1-3, 5 on p. 29 of the textbook.)

Tell us about the Battle of Kulikovo Field. In your story, use the supporting words given in task 6 on p. 29-30 textbook.

2. Independent work

Check yourself to see if you read carefully. Fill in the missing words.

“God did not allow such a child, who should have been... to be born of the unrighteous....” (Shine, parents.)

“And the day came for the fulfillment of his mother’s vow: after six weeks, that is, when ... the day came after his birth, his parents brought ... to the church of God.” (Fortieth, child.)

“Stephen and Peter quickly learned..., Bartholomew did not... learn to read, but somehow... and not diligently.” (Literacy, quickly, slowly.)

“The boy secretly often with tears... to God, saying: “Lord! Give me... this letter, teach me and... me.” (Prayed, learn, understand.)

The elder replied: “I told you that from this day on the Lord will grant you... letters. Say... God without a doubt.” (Knowledge, word.)

“The sons..., Stephen and Peter, got married; the third son, a blessed young man..., did not want to get married, but was very eager for... life.” (Cyril, Bartholomew, monastic.)

VII. Summing up the lesson

What miracles happen to Sergius of Radonezh before becoming a monk? (Approximate answer. Before accepting monasticism, three miracles happen to Sergius, indicating his chosenness. Even before his birth, Bartholomew cried out loudly three times in his mother’s womb during a service. As an infant, the child refused mother's milk when she ate meat, as well as on fasting days - on Wednesdays and Fridays. In his adolescence, Bartholomew acquired the gift of understanding book literacy thanks to the miraculous bread, which was handed to him by the divine elder.)

Remember what you know about Russian folk fairy tales.

How are the fairy tale and the epic about Ilya Muromets similar? How are they different?


Repeat the material from this section. Collect materials to complete the project (optional). Project topics are given on p. 32 textbooks.

Material for teachers

Sergius of Radonezh

Sergius of Radonezh (Bartholomew) (May 3, 1314 - September 25, 1392) - saint, reverend, greatest ascetic of the Russian land, transformer of monasticism in Northern Rus'. Born into a boyar family in the village of Varnitsa (near Rostov) to parents Kirill and Maria. Bartholomew had an older brother, Stefan, and a younger brother, Peter. Already in infancy, according to legend, HE refused his mother’s milk on the fast days of Wednesday and Friday. At first, his learning to read and write was very unsuccessful, but then, thanks to patience and work, he managed to familiarize himself with the Holy Scriptures and became addicted to the church and monastic life. In 1328, Sergius's parents, driven to poverty, had to leave Rostov and settled in the city of Radonezh (not far from Moscow).

After the death of his parents, Bartholomew went to the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky Monastery, where his elder brother Stefan spent the night. Striving for the strictest monasticism, for living in the wilderness, he did not stay here long and, having convinced Stephen, together with him he founded a hermitage on the banks of the Konchura River, in the middle of the remote Radonezh forest, where he built (c. 1335) a small wooden church in the name of the Holy Trinity, on the site of which now stands a cathedral church also in the name of the Holy Trinity. Soon Stefan left him. Left alone, Bartholomew accepted monasticism in 1337 under the name Sergius.

After two or three years, monks began to flock to him; a monastery was formed, which in 1345 took shape as the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, and Sergius was its second abbot (the first was Mitrofan) and presbyter (from 1354), who set an example for everyone with his humility and hard work. Gradually his fame grew; Everyone began to turn to the monastery, from peasants to princes; many settled next to her and donated their property to her. At first, suffering from the extreme need of everything necessary in the desert, she turned to a rich monastery. The glory of Sergius even reached Constantinople: Patriarch Philotheus of Constantinople sent him a cross, a paramand, a schema and a letter with a special embassy, ​​and with which he praised him for his virtuous life and gave advice to introduce strict communal living in the monastery. On this advice and with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexei, Sergius introduced into the monasteries a community charter, which was later adopted in many Russian monasteries.

Before his death, Metropolitan Alexei, who deeply respected the Radonezh abbot, tried to persuade him to become his successor, but Sergius resolutely refused. According to one contemporary, Sergius “with quiet and meek words” could act on the most hardened and hardened hearts; very often he reconciled the princes warring among themselves, persuading them to obey the Grand Duke of Moscow, thanks to which by the time of the Battle of Kulikovo almost all Russian princes recognized the primacy of Dmitry Ioannovich. Going to this battle, the latter, accompanied by princes, boyars and governors, went to Sergius to pray with him and receive a blessing from him. Blessing him, Sergius predicted victory for him 54

Chronicles, epics, legends, lives

and salvation from death and released two of his monks on the campaign - Peresvet and Oslyabya.

Approaching the Don, Dimitri Ioannovich hesitated whether to cross the river or not, and only after receiving an encouraging letter from Sergius, admonishing him to attack the Tatars as soon as possible, did he begin decisive action. After the Battle of Kulikovo, the Grand Duke began to treat the Radonezh abbot with even greater reverence and invited him in 1389 to seal a spiritual testament that legitimized the new order of succession to the throne - from father to eldest son. On September 25, 1392, Sergius died, and 30 years later his relics and clothes were found incorrupt; in 1452 he was canonized. In addition to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, Sergius founded several more monasteries (Blagoveshchenskaya on Kirzhach, Borisoglebskaya near Rostov, Georgievskaya, Vysotskaya, Golutvinskaya, etc.), and his students founded up to 40 monasteries, mainly in Northern Russia.

Topic: General lesson-game “Chronicles, epics, legends, lives.” Assessment of achievements. Project "Creation calendar of historical events"

Goals : summarize knowledge on the section; learn to listen to the opinions of your comrades, make the right decision in a team, and defend your point of view; develop speech, thinking and creativity.

Planned results: subject: the ability to choose a book for independent reading, focusing on thematic and alphabetical catalogs and recommended bibliography, evaluate the results of one’s reading activity, make adjustments, use reference sources to understand and obtain additional information, independently writing a short summary; meta-subject: P - formulating the educational task of the lesson, planning together with the teacher activities to study the topic of the lesson, evaluating your work in the lesson, P - analysis of the text read, highlighting the main idea in it, K - answers to questions based on the literary text, discussion in a group of answers to teacher questions, proof of your point of view; personal: showing respect for the art book, accuracy in its use.

Equipment: scoreboard on the board.


Price issue

Time Machine












Live picture





Wheel of History






Cultural monuments






During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Today we will play “Our Game”. You will play as a team. Before you give an answer, you should discuss it as a team. In order for the game to be organized, select a team captain. He will name the topic that the team chooses and then give an answer after discussion.

The points earned by the teams are counted. This is how the winning team is determined. We will also check your understanding of the topic.

II. Work on the topic of the lesson

The Monk Sergius was born from noble and faithful parents: from a father named Cyril and a mother named Maria, who were adorned with all sorts of virtues.

And a miracle happened before he was born. When the child was still in the womb, one Sunday his mother entered the church while the holy liturgy was being sung. And she stood with other women in the vestibule, when they were about to begin reading the Holy Gospel and everyone stood silently, the baby began to scream in the womb. Before they began to sing the Cherubic song, the baby began to scream a second time. When the priest exclaimed: “Let us take in, holy of holies!” - the baby screamed for the third time.

When the fortieth day came after his birth, the parents brought the child to the Church of God. The priest christened him with the name Bartholomew.

The father and mother told the priest how their son, while still in the womb, shouted three times in church: “We don’t know what this means.” The priest said: “Rejoice, for the child will be a chosen vessel of God, an abode and servant of the Holy Trinity.”

Cyril had three sons: Stefan and Peter quickly learned to read and write, but Bartholomew did not quickly learn to read. The boy prayed with tears: “Lord! Let me learn to read and write, give me reason.”

His parents were sad, his teacher was upset. Everyone was sad, not knowing the highest destiny of divine providence, not knowing what God wanted to create. At God's discretion, it was necessary that he receive book teaching from God. Let's say how he learned to read and write.

When he was sent by his father to look for cattle, he saw a certain monk standing and praying in a field under an oak tree. When the elder finished praying, he turned to Bartholomew: “What do you want, child?” The youth said: “My soul desires to learn to read and write. I am learning to read and write, but I cannot overcome it. Holy Father, pray that I can learn to read and write.” And the elder answered him: “As for literacy, child, do not grieve: from this day on the Lord will grant you the knowledge of literacy.” From that hour on, he knew how to read and write well.

The servant of God Kirill previously owned a large estate in the Rostov region, he was a boyar, owned great wealth, but towards the end of his life he fell into poverty. Let's also talk about why he became poor: because of frequent trips with the prince to the Horde, because of Tatar raids, because of the heavy tributes of the Horde. But worse than all these troubles was the great invasion of the Tatars, and after it violence continued, because the great reign went to Prince Ivan Danilovich, and the reign of Rostov went to Moscow. And many of the Rostovites involuntarily gave their property to Muscovites. Because of this, Cyril moved to Radonezh.

Cyril's sons, Stefan and Peter, married; the third son, the blessed young man Bartholomew, did not want to marry, but strove for monastic life.

Stefan lived with his wife for a few years, and his wife died. Stefan soon left the world and became a monk in the monastery of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin in Khotkovo. The blessed young man Bartholomew, having come to him, asked Stephen to go with him to look for a deserted place. Stefan obeyed and went with him.

They walked through many forests and finally came to one deserted place, deep in the forest, where there was water. The brothers examined the place and fell in love with it, and most importantly, it was God who instructed them. And, having prayed, they began to cut down the forest with their own hands, and on their shoulders they brought the logs to the chosen place. First they made themselves a bed and a hut and built a roof over it, and then they built one cell, and set aside a place for a small church, and cut it down.

And the church was consecrated in the name of the Holy Trinity. Stefan lived for a short time in the desert with his brother and saw that life in the desert was difficult - there was need and deprivation in everything. Stefan went to Moscow, settled in the monastery of the Holy Epiphany and lived, very successful in virtue.

At that time, Bartholomew wanted to take monastic vows. And he called a priest, an abbot, to his hermitage. The abbot tonsured him on the seventh day of October, in memory of the holy martyrs Sergius and Bacchus. And the name was given to him in monasticism, Sergius. He was the first monk to be tonsured in that church and in that desert. Sometimes he was embarrassed by demonic intrigues and horrors, and sometimes by attacks from animals - after all, many animals lived in this desert then. Some of them howled in flocks and roared past, while others not together, but in twos or threes or one after another passed by; some of them stood in the distance, while others came close to the blessed one and surrounded him, and even sniffed him.

Among them, one bear used to come to the monk. The monk, seeing that the beast was not coming to him out of malice, but in order to take something a little from the food for food for himself, took the beast out of his hut a small piece of bread and put it either on a stump or on a log, so that when he came, as usual, the beast found food ready for itself; and he took her into his mouth and went away. When there was not enough bread and the animal that came as usual did not find the usual piece prepared for it, then it did not leave for a long time. But the bear stood, looking back and forth, stubborn, like some cruel creditor who wants to collect his debt. If the saint had only one piece of bread, then even then he divided it into two parts, so that he could keep one part for himself and give the other to this beast; After all, Sergius did not have a variety of food in the desert at that time, but only bread and water from a source that was there, and even then little by little. Often there was no bread for the day; and when this happened, then they both remained hungry, the saint himself and the beast. Sometimes the blessed one did not care about himself and remained hungry: although he only had one piece of bread, he threw that too to the beast. And he preferred not to eat that day, but to starve, rather than deceive this beast and let it go without food.

The blessed one endured all the trials sent to him with joy, thanked God for everything, and did not protest, did not lose heart in the difficulties.

And then God, seeing the saint’s great faith and great patience, had mercy on him and wanted to ease his labors in the desert: the Lord put a desire in the hearts of some God-fearing monks from the brethren, and they began to come to the saint.

But the monk not only did not accept them, but also forbade them to stay, saying: “You cannot survive in this place and you cannot endure the difficulties in the desert: hunger, thirst, inconvenience and poverty.” They answered: “We want to endure the difficulties of life in this place, but if God wants, then we can.” The monk asked them again: “Will you be able to endure the difficulties of life in this place: hunger, thirst, and all kinds of hardships?” They answered: “Yes, honest father, we want and can, if God helps us and your prayers support us. We only pray to you for one thing, reverend: do not remove us from your presence and from this place dear to us, do not drive us away.” ".

The Monk Sergius, convinced of their faith and zeal, was surprised and said to them: “I will not drive you out, for our Savior said: “He who comes to me I will not cast out.”

And they each built a separate cell and lived for God, looking at the life of St. Sergius and imitating him to the best of their ability. The Monk Sergius, living with his brothers, endured many hardships and performed great feats and labors of fasting life. He lived a harsh fasting life; His virtues were: hunger, thirst, vigil, dry food, sleep on earth, purity of body and soul, silence of the lips, thorough mortification of carnal desires, bodily labors, unfeigned humility, unceasing prayer, good reason, perfect love, poverty in clothing, remembrance of death, meekness with gentleness, constant fear of God.

Not very many monks gathered, no more than twelve people: among them was a certain elder Vasily, nicknamed Sukhoi, who was among the first to come from the upper reaches of Dubna; another monk, named Jacob, nicknamed Yakut - he was a messenger, he was always sent on business, for especially necessary things that cannot be done without; another was named Anisim, who was a deacon, the father of a deacon named Elisha. When the cells were built and fenced with a fence, not very large, they also placed a gatekeeper at the gate, and Sergius himself built three or four cells with his own hands. And he took part in all other monastic affairs needed by the brethren: sometimes he carried firewood on his shoulders from the forest and, having broken it and chopped it into logs, carried it to the cells. But why do I remember about firewood? After all, it was truly amazing to see what they had then: there was a forest not far from them - not like now, but where the cells under construction were set up, there were trees above them, overshadowing them, rustling over them. Around the church there were many logs and stumps everywhere, and here various people sowed seeds and grew garden herbs.

But let us return again to the abandoned story about the feat of the Monk Sergius, he served the brethren without laziness, like a bought slave: he chopped wood for everyone, and crushed grain, and baked bread, and cooked food, sewed shoes and clothes, and water in two buckets on his He carried it up the mountain on his shoulders and placed it at everyone’s cell.

For a long time his brethren forced him to become abbot. And he finally heeded their pleas.

Sergius did not receive the abbess of his own free will, but God entrusted him with the leadership. He did not strive for this, did not snatch dignity from anyone, did not make promises for this, did not give payment, as some ambitious people do, snatching everything from each other. And the Monk Sergius came to his monastery, to the monastery of the Holy Trinity.

And the blessed one began to teach the brethren. Many people from various cities and places came to Sergius and lived with him. Little by little the monastery grew larger, the brothers multiplied, and cells were built.

The Monk Sergius multiplied his labors more and more, tried to be a teacher and performer: he went to work before everyone else, and was at church singing before everyone else, and never leaned against the wall at services.

This was the custom of the blessed one at first: after evening service late or very late in the evening, when night was already setting in, especially on dark and long nights, having completed prayer in his cell, he would leave it after prayer to go around all the monks’ cells. Sergius cared about his brethren, not only thought about their bodies, but also cared about their souls, wanting to know the life of each of them and the desire for God. If he heard that someone was praying, or making prostrations, or doing his work in silence with prayer, or reading holy books, or crying and lamenting about his sins, he rejoiced for these monks, and thanked God, and prayed for them God, so that they complete their good undertakings. “He who endures,” it is said, “to the end, will be saved.”

If Sergius heard that someone was talking, gathered together in two or three, or laughing, he was indignant about this, and, not tolerating such a thing, he hit the door with his hand or knocked on the window and walked away. In this way he let them know about his arrival and visit, and with an invisible visit he stopped their idle conversations.

Many years have passed, I think more than fifteen. During the reign of Prince the Great Ivan, Christians began to come here, and they liked living here. They began to settle on both sides of this place, and built villages and sowed fields. They began to visit the monastery frequently, bringing various necessary things. And the venerable abbot had a commandment for the brothers: not to ask the laity for what they needed for food, but to sit patiently in the monastery and wait for mercy from God.

A hostel is established in the monastery. And the blessed shepherd distributes the brethren according to services: he appoints one as a cellarer, and others in the kitchen for baking bread, and appoints another to serve the weak with all diligence. That wonderful man arranged all this well. He commanded to firmly follow the commandments of the holy fathers: not to own anything of one’s own, not to call anything one’s own, but to consider everything as common; and other positions were all surprisingly well arranged by the prudent father. But this is a story about his deeds, and in his life one should not dwell much on this. Therefore, we will shorten the story here and return to the previous story. Since the wonderful father arranged all this well, the number of students multiplied. And the more of them there were, the more valuable contributions they brought; and as the deposits multiplied in the monastery, so did the love of strangeness increase. And none of the poor who came to the monastery left empty-handed. The blessed one never stopped charity and ordered the servants in the monastery to give shelter to the poor and strangers and help those in need, saying: “If you keep this commandment of mine without complaint, you will receive reward from the Lord; and after my departure from this life, this monastery will grow greatly, and will stand unbroken for many years by the grace of Christ." Thus his hand was open to those in need, like a deep river with a quiet flow. And if someone found himself in the monastery in winter, when the frosts were severe or the snow was swept away by a strong wind, so that it was impossible to leave the cell, no matter how long he stayed here because of such bad weather, he received everything he needed in the monastery. The wanderers and the poor, and among them especially the sick, lived for many days in complete peace and received food in abundance, as much as anyone needed, according to the order of the holy elder; and everything is still the same. And since the roads passed here from many places, the princes, and the governors, and countless warriors - everyone received the necessary sincere help, as if from inexhaustible sources, and, setting out on the road, they received the necessary food and sufficient drink. The servants at the saint’s monastery joyfully served all this in abundance. So people knew exactly where everything they needed was in the churches, food and drink, and where bread and preserves were, and this all multiplied because of the grace of Christ and his wonderful saint, Saint Sergius.

It became known that by God’s permission for our sins, the Horde prince Mamai had gathered a great force, the entire horde of godless Tatars, and was going to the Russian land; and all the people were seized with great fear. The great prince who held the scepter of the Russian land was the famous and invincible great Dmitry. He came to Saint Sergius, because he had great faith in the elder, and asked him if the saint would order him to speak out against the godless: after all, he knew that Sergius was a virtuous man and possessed the gift of prophecy. The saint, when he heard about this from the Grand Duke, blessed him, armed him with prayer and said: “You should, sir, take care of the glorious Christian flock entrusted to you by God. Go against the godless, and if God helps you, you will win and return unharmed to your You will return to your fatherland with great honor." The Grand Duke replied: “If God helps me, Father, I will build a monastery in honor of the Most Pure Mother of God.” And, having said this and received a blessing, he left the monastery and quickly set off on his journey.

Gathering all his soldiers, he set out against the godless Tatars; Having seen the Tatar army, which was very numerous, they stopped in doubt, many of them were seized with fear, wondering what to do. And suddenly at that time a messenger appeared with a message from the saint, saying: “Without any doubt, sir, boldly enter into battle with their ferocity, without being at all afraid, God will definitely help you.” Then the great prince Dmitry and his entire army, filled with great determination from this message, went against the filthy ones, and the prince said: “Great God, who created heaven and earth! Be my assistant in the battle with the opponents of your holy name.” So the battle began, and many fell, but God helped the great victorious Dmitry, and the filthy Tatars were defeated and suffered complete defeat: after all, the accursed saw the anger and God’s indignation sent against them, and everyone fled. The crusader banner drove away the enemies for a long time. Grand Duke Dmitry, having won a glorious victory, came to Sergius, expressing gratitude for his good advice. He glorified God and made a great contribution to the monastery.

Sergius, seeing that he was already going to God in order to repay his debt to nature and transfer his spirit to Jesus, calls for brotherhood and conducted a proper conversation, and, having completed a prayer, he gave up his soul to the Lord in the year 6900 (1392) of the month of September on the 25th day.

When the time came, Mary gave birth to a baby. Rejoicing at his birth, the parents called relatives, friends and neighbors to their place and had fun, praising and thanking God for giving them such a child. After his birth, when the baby was wrapped in swaddling clothes, it was necessary to bring him to the breast, but when it happened that the mother ate some kind of meat food until she was full, then the baby did not want to take the breast; and this happened more than once, but sometimes for a day, sometimes for two days the child did not eat. Because of this, the baby’s mother and her relatives were dejected with fear and sadness; they hardly understood that the baby did not want to drink milk when the mother feeding him was eating meat, but agreed to drink only if she was not allowed to fast. From that time on, the mother abstained from food and fasted, and the baby began to feed on her milk all the days, as it should be.

The day came to fulfill his mother’s vow: after six weeks, that is, on the fortieth day after the birth of the child, the parents brought him to the Church of God, giving him, as they promised, to God, who gave him. They immediately ordered the priest to perform Divine Baptism on him. The priest, having read the baby and read many prayers over him, with spiritual joy and diligence baptized him in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and named him Bartholomew in Holy Baptism. The priest took the child, who had abundantly received the grace of Baptism from the Holy Spirit, from the font, and, overshadowed by the Divine Spirit, the priest foresaw and foresaw that this baby would be a chosen vessel.

His father and mother knew the Holy Scriptures well and told the priest how their son, while still in his mother’s womb, shouted three times in church. “We don't know what this means,” they said. A priest named Michael, who knew the sacred books well, told them from the Divine Scripture, from both Laws, Old and New, the following: “David said in the Psalter: “ Your eyes saw my birth“[Ps. 139:16], and the Lord Himself, with His holy lips, said to His disciples: “ Because you are with Me first"[John 15:27]. There, in the Old Testament, Jeremiah the prophet was sanctified in his mother's womb, and here, in the New Testament, the Apostle Paul exclaims: " God, who chose me from my mother’s womb and called me by His grace, blessed me to reveal His Son in me, so that I might preach His gospel to the pagans"" [Gal. 1, 15, 16]. And the priest told the parents many other things from Scripture, but about the baby he said: “Do not grieve for him, but, on the contrary, rejoice and be glad, for he will be a chosen vessel of God, the abode and servant of the Holy Trinity,” which came true. Having blessed the child and parents, the priest sent them home.

After a few days, another miraculous sign happened about the baby, strange and unprecedented: on Wednesday and Friday he did not take the breast and did not drink cow's milk, but turned away and did not suckle and remained without food throughout the day, and on other days except Wednesday and Friday, I ate as usual; on Wednesdays and Fridays the baby remained hungry. This happened not once, not twice, but many times, that is, every Wednesday and Friday, so some thought that the child was sick, and his mother complained about this with sorrow. She consulted with other women who were breastfeeding, believing that this was happening to the baby due to some illness. However, examining the baby from all sides, the women saw that he was not sick and that there were no obvious or hidden signs of illness on him: he did not cry, did not moan, was not sad, but the baby was cheerful in face, heart, and eyes, He rejoiced in every possible way and played with his hands. Seeing this, everyone understood and understood that the baby did not drink milk on Fridays and Wednesdays not because of illness, but this signified that the grace of God was on him. This was a prototype of future abstinence - the fact that later, in the coming times and years, the baby would shine with a fasting life, which came true.

Another time, the mother brought a certain female nurse who had milk to the baby so that she could feed him. The baby did not want to feed from someone else’s woman, but only from his mother. Then other female nurses came to him, and with them the same thing happened as with the first. So he fed on the milk of his mother alone until he was suckled. Some think that this was also a sign that a good shoot from a good root should be nourished with pure milk.

We think this way: this child was a worshiper of the Lord from childhood, already in his mother’s womb and after birth he became accustomed to the thought of God, from the very cradle he knew the Lord and truly heard Him; lying in swaddling clothes in the cradle, he got used to fasting; feeding on his mother's milk, he, along with tasting this carnal milk, learned abstinence; being the age of an infant, he, above nature, began to fast; from infancy he was a child of purity, nourished not so much by milk as by piety; before his birth, he was pre-elected and prepared for God, when, while in his mother’s womb, he cried out three times in the church, which everyone who hears about it marvels at.

However, what is more worthy of surprise is that the baby, being in the womb, did not cry out anywhere outside the church, where there was no one, or in some other place, secretly, in private, but precisely in front of the people, as if so that many they heard him and witnessed this authentic event. It is also remarkable that he shouted not just quietly, but to the whole church, as if making it clear that his fame would spread throughout the whole earth; He did not shout when his mother was at a feast or sleeping at night, but when she was in church, during prayer, as if indicating that he would be a strong man of prayer before God; He did not shout in some hut or unclean and unknown place, but precisely in the church, standing in a pure, holy place, where it is appropriate to perform Divine sacred rites, signifying that he himself would be a perfect shrine of the Lord in the fear of God.

It is also worthy of surprise that he shouted not once or twice, but three times, indicating that he would be a disciple of the Holy Trinity, since the number three is more honorable than all other numbers and is highly revered, because everywhere the number three is the source and beginning all that is good and saving, I will give examples: three times the Lord called to the prophet Samuel; David struck Goliath with three stones from his sling; three times Elijah commanded to pour water on the logs, saying: " Do this three times", and they did this three times; also three times Elijah blew on the youth and resurrected him; for three days and three nights the prophet Jonah was inside the whale; three youths extinguished the fiery furnace in Babylon; the three-numbered thing was heard by the prophet Isaiah, who saw the Seraphim with his own eyes singing in the sky Angels who proclaimed the Trisagion: " Holy, holy, holy, Trisagion: " Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts!"[Isa. 6, 3]. At the age of three, the Most Pure Virgin Mary was introduced into the temple, into the Holy of Holies; at thirty years old, Christ was baptized by John in the Jordan; Christ led three disciples to Tabor and was transfigured before them; three days later Christ rose from the dead; three times after the resurrection Christ asked: " Peter, do you love me?"[John 21, 1517]. How can I talk about the number three and not remember the great and terrible mystery of the Triune Divinity: in Three Holy Places, Three Images, Three Hypostases, in Three Persons One Divinity of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, both the Son and the Holy Spirit, Trinitarian Deity, Who has one power, one authority, one dominion? It was fitting for this baby to cry out three times in the womb, before being born into the world, as a sign that he would one day be a disciple of the Trinity, that and it came true, and will lead many to understanding and knowledge of God, teaching his verbal sheep to believe in the Holy Trinity, Consubstantial in the One Divinity.

Isn't this a clear indication that amazing and wonderful things will happen to the child in the future! Isn’t this a true foreshadowing of his future life, which will later be fulfilled in his wonderful deeds! Those who saw and heard about the first signs must also believe the subsequent events. Even before the birth of the saint, God had chosen him, not without a special purpose; to the surprise of many this first sign was not given in vain, but it was a harbinger of everything that happened subsequently. We tried to talk about this, because we are telling about the wonderful life of a wonderful person.

It is worth recalling here the ancient saints who shone forth in the Old and New Law; both the conception and the birth of many of them were preceded by a special revelation from God. We do not say this on our own, but we borrow examples from the Holy Scriptures and with our story we mentally compare stories about other events: thus, God sanctified the prophet Jeremiah in his mother’s womb, and, before his birth, foreseeing that Jeremiah would be the receptacle of the Holy Spirit, foreseeing everything God filled him with grace from a young age. Isaiah the prophet said: " Thus says the Lord, who called me from the womb, and, having chosen me from my mother’s womb, He called my name"[Isa. 49, 1]. The holy great prophet John the Baptist, even in the womb of his mother, knew the Lord, carried in the womb of the Most Pure Ever-Virgin Mary, and the baby jumped joyfully in the womb[OK. 1:44] his mother Elizabeth, and through her mouth he prophesied; she then exclaimed, saying: " Where does it come from for me that the Mother of my Lord came to me?"[Luke 1:43]. It is known about the holy and glorious prophet Elijah the Thesbite that when his mother gave birth to him, the parents saw how beautiful and bright-faced men named the child, wrapped him in fiery shrouds and fed him with a fiery flame. Father , having gone to Jerusalem, reported this to the bishops, to which they said: “Do not be afraid, man! For the life of this child will be light, and his word will be judgment, and he will judge Israel with weapons and fire,” which came to pass.

The baby about whom we continue our story was breastfed for several months after baptism according to the law of nature, then he was weaned from his mother's breast, unwrapped from his swaddling clothes and taken out of his cradle. The child continued to grow, as children should; growing in soul, body and spirit, he was filled with reason and the fear of God, and the mercy of God was upon him; This is how he lived until the age of seven, when his parents sent him to learn to read and write.

The servant of God Cyril, who has already been mentioned, had three sons - the first Stephen, the second Bartholomew, the third Peter; their father raised them, instructing them in every possible way in piety and purity. Stefan and Peter quickly learned to read and write, but Bartholomew did not immediately master reading, but studied slowly and poorly. The mentor diligently taught Bartholomew, but the boy did not understand him, studied poorly and lagged behind his comrades who studied with him. For this, his parents often scolded him, his teacher severely punished him, and his comrades reproached him. The youth alone often prayed to God with tears, saying: “Lord! Let me learn to read and write, teach and enlighten me.”

Chapter 3

Bartholomew's parents grieved greatly, and the teacher was very upset at the futility of his efforts. Everyone was sad, not knowing the highest destiny of Divine Providence, not knowing what God would do with this youth, that the Lord would not leave His Reverend. According to God's vision, it was necessary that he receive book knowledge from God, and not from people, which came true. Let us tell you in more detail how, thanks to the Divine appearance, he learned to read and write.

One day, the father sent a boy to look for foals, and this was according to the destiny of the Wise God, as the First Book of Kings says about Saul, who was sent by his father Kish to find the donkeys: Saul went and met the holy prophet Samuel, by whom he was anointed to the kingdom, and thus found a higher lot than ordinary affairs. So the blessed youth received a gift that surpassed ordinary gifts: having been sent by his father Cyril to look for cattle, he met a certain monk, an old man unknown to him, holy and wonderful, with the rank of presbyter, handsome and like an Angel, who stood in the field under an oak tree and diligently, with tears, prayed. Seeing him, the youth first bowed humbly, then came up and stood close, waiting for him to finish his prayer.

Having prayed, the elder looked at the youth, seeing in him with his spiritual eyes the chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit. He lovingly beckoned the chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit to his eyes. He lovingly called Bartholomew to him, blessed him, kissed him, according to Christian custom, and asked: “What are you looking for and what do you want, child?” The youth said: “My soul desires most of all to learn to read and write, for this I was given to study. Now my soul is sad that I am learning to read and write, but I cannot overcome it. You, holy father, pray to God for me so that I can learn to read and write."

The elder raised his hands, raised his eyes to heaven, sighed before God, prayed fervently and after the prayer said: “Amen.” Carefully taking it out of his pocket, he, like some kind of treasure, with three fingers gave Bartholomew something similar to an anaphora, seemingly a small piece of white wheat bread holy prosphora, and said to him: “Open your mouth, child, take this and eat what is given to you "as a sign of God's grace and understanding of the Holy Scriptures. Although the particle that I give you seems small, the sweetness of eating from it is great." The boy opened his mouth and ate what was given to him, and there was a sweetness in his mouth like the sweetest honey. And he said: “Isn’t that what it says: “ How sweet are Your words to my throat! better than honey to my lips"[Ps. 119, 103], and my soul loved them greatly." The elder answered him: “If you believe, you will see more than this. And about literacy, child, do not grieve: know that from now on the Lord will grant you good knowledge of literacy, greater than that of your brothers and peers,” and taught him for the benefit of the soul.

The youth bowed to the elder, and, like a fertile and fertile land that has received seeds in its heart, he rejoiced with soul and heart at meeting the holy elder. The elder wanted to go his own way, but the boy fell to the ground with his face at the feet of the elder and with tears begged him to settle in the house of his parents, saying: “My parents love people like you very much, father.” The elder, surprised by the faith of the boy, immediately went to the house of his parents.

Seeing the elder, they came out to meet him and bowed. The elder blessed them, and a meal was prepared for him in the house. But the guest did not immediately taste the food, but first entered the prayer room, that is, the chapel, taking with him the child consecrated in the womb, and began to sing the hours, and ordered the youth to read a psalm. The boy said: “I don’t know how to do this, father.” The elder replied: “I told you that from this day on the Lord will grant you the knowledge of literacy. Read the word of God without doubt.” And then something amazing happened: the boy, having received a blessing from the elder, began to verse the Psalter very clearly and harmoniously, and from that hour he knew how to read and write well. The prophecy of the wise prophet Jeremiah came true over him, saying: “Thus says the Lord: “ Behold, I have put My words in your mouth"[Isa. 51, 16]". The parents and brothers of the boy, seeing and hearing this, were surprised at his unexpected skill and wisdom and glorified God, who had given him such grace.

Coming out of the chapel, the hosts offered the elder a meal. The old man tasted the food, blessed the boy’s parents and wanted to leave, but the boyars begged the old man to stay with them, asking him and saying: “Master Father! Stay a little longer so that we can ask you and you will calm and console our feeble-mindedness and our sadness. Here is a humble one.” our boy, whom you bless and praise and for whom you predict many blessings, he surprises us, and sadness about him greatly hurts us, because something terrible, amazing and incomprehensible happened to him: when he was in his mother’s womb, shortly before his birth , his mother was in church, and he cried out three times in the womb in front of the people, while they were singing the holy liturgy. Nothing like this has ever been heard or seen, and we are afraid of it, not understanding how it will all end and what will happen in the future ".

The holy elder, foreseeing the future in spirit, said to them: “O blessed couple! O wonderful spouses who became the parents of such a child! Why were you afraid? fear where there is no fear[Ps. 52, 6] ? On the contrary, rejoice and be glad that you were honored to give birth to such a child, whom God chose before his birth and marked in his mother’s womb. I will tell you the last thing and then fall silent: a sign of the truth of my words will be for you that after my departure the boy will be well literate and understand the holy books. And here is the second sign and prediction for you: the boy will be great before God and people for his virtuous life." Having said this, the elder got ready to leave and finally uttered the following mysterious words: "Your son will be the abode of the Holy Trinity and will lead many after him to the understanding of the Divine commandments." Having said these words, the elder left the house; the owners accompanied him to the gate, but he suddenly became invisible.

Cyril and Maria, perplexed, decided that it was an Angel sent to give the boy the knowledge of literacy. Father and mother, having accepted the elder’s blessing and imprinted his words in their hearts, returned home. After the elder left, the boy suddenly comprehended all literacy and miraculously changed: no matter what book he opened, he read and understood it well. This grace-filled youth, who knew and loved God from the very diapers and was saved by God, was worthy of spiritual gifts. He lived in obedience to his parents in everything: he tried to fulfill their commands and not go beyond their will in anything, as the Holy Scripture commands: " Honor your father and mother and you will live long on earth"[Ex. 20, 12].

Chapter 4

Let's talk about one more act of this blessed youth: how he, being young in body, showed the mind of an old man. Several years passed, and he began to strictly fast and abstain from everything, on Wednesday and Friday he ate nothing, and on other days he ate bread and water; at night the saint often stayed awake and prayed. This is how the grace of the Holy Spirit infused him.

His mother, lovingly, persuaded him: “My child! Do not destroy your flesh with excessive abstinence, so as not to get sick, because you are still small, your body is growing and blossoming. No one, being young, at such a young age observes such a cruel fast, like you; none of your brothers and peers abstain from food as strictly as you do. After all, there are those who eat seven times a day start early in the morning and finish late at night and drink without measure. But you when once a day "You eat whenever and not once, but you eat every other day. Stop, child, such a long abstinence, you have not yet reached maturity, the time for this has not yet come. Everything is good, but in due time." The blessed youth answered, begging his mother: “Do not persuade me, my mother, so that I do not have to unwittingly disobey you, allow me to do as I do.” Didn’t you tell me: “When you were in swaddling clothes and in the cradle, then “Every Wednesday and Friday you didn’t eat milk.” And hearing this, how can I, to the best of my ability, not strive for God so that he would save me from my sins?”

To this his mother answered him: “You are not yet twelve years old, and you are already talking about your sins. What sins do you have? We do not see traces of your sins on you, but we saw signs of grace and piety - that you have chosen the good part which will not be taken away from you." The youth answered: “Stop, my mother, what are you saying? You speak like a child-loving mother who rejoices for her children, driven by natural love. But listen to what the Holy Scripture says: “Let no one among men boast; no one is clean before God if he lives at least one day on earth[Job. 14, 5]; no one is sinless, only one God." Haven't you heard what the divine David, I think, said about our wretchedness: " Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and my mother gave birth to me in sin."[Ps. 50, 7]".

Having said this, he clung even more closely to his original good custom, and God helped him with good intentions. This perfect and virtuous youth lived for some time in the house of his parents, growing and strengthening in the fear of God: he did not go to the playing children and did not participate in their fun, did not listen to idleness and vain people, and had no communication with foul-mouthed people and scoffers. He practiced praising God at all times and enjoyed it, stood diligently in the Church of God, did not miss Matins, Liturgy and Vespers, and often read the holy books.

He constantly exhausted his body in every possible way and dried out his flesh, maintaining undefiled spiritual and physical purity, and often alone with tears he prayed to God, saying: “Lord! If what my parents told me about is true, if before my birth Thy grace, Thy election and a sign have dawned on me, poor one, Thy will be done, Lord! May Thy mercy be upon me, Lord! Grant it, Lord! From childhood, from the very womb of my mother, with all my heart and with all my soul, I have clung to You, from the womb , from my mother's breast, You are my God. When I was in my mother's womb, Your grace visited me, so do not leave me now, Lord, for my father and my mother will leave me in time. But You, Lord, accept me , bring me closer to yourself and count me among your chosen flock, for I, a beggar, have been left to you. From childhood, deliver me, Lord, from all uncleanness and defilement of body and soul. Help me, Lord, to do holy deeds in your fear. Let my heart will rise to You, Lord, and let not all the charms of this world delight me, and let all the beauty of life not excite me, but let my soul cleave to You alone, and let Your right hand receive me. Let me not weaken, delighted by worldly beauties, and do not allow me to ever rejoice in the joy of this world, but fill me, Lord, with spiritual joy, unspeakable joy, divine sweetness, and may Your Good Spirit guide me on the true path. The elders and other people, seeing the life of the boy, were surprised, saying: “Who will this young man be, whom God has vouchsafed with such great virtue since childhood?”

So far it has been told about everything that happened when Kirill lived in a certain village located in the Rostov principality, far from the city of Rostov. We should now talk about the move, since Kirill moved from Rostov to Radonezh. I could tell a lot about how and why he moved, but I, however, need to write about it briefly.

Chapter 5

The servant of God Kirill, whom we were talking about, previously owned a large estate in the Rostov region, he was a glorious and eminent boyar, had great wealth, but towards the end of his life, in old age, he became impoverished and fell into poverty. Let's also talk about how and why he became impoverished: because of frequent trips with the prince to the Horde, frequent Tatar raids on Rus', frequent Tatar embassies, because of many heavy tributes and fees from the Horde, because of the frequent shortage of grain. But worse than all these troubles was the great invasion of the Tatars led by Fedorchuk Turalyk, which happened at that time, after which violence continued for a year, because the great reign went to Grand Duke Ivan Danilovich, and the Rostov principality also went to Moscow. Woe, woe then was to the city of Rostov, and especially to the Rostov princes, since their power, principality, estates, honor and glory were taken away from them - everything went to Moscow.

At that time, by order of the Grand Duke, one of the nobles, named Vasily, nicknamed Kocheva, and with him Mina, was sent from Moscow to Rostov by the governor. When they arrived in Rostov, brutal violence against the residents began and persecution increased. Many of the Rostovites involuntarily gave their property to Muscovites, and in return they themselves received beatings and insults and left empty-handed, representing an image of extreme disaster, since they not only lost their property, but also received wounds and mutilations, walked sadly with traces of beatings and demolished everything resignedly. And why talk a lot? Muscovites became so bold in Rostov that they even raised their hands against the mayor himself, the oldest Rostov boyar named Averky, who was hanged upside down and left there, abused. Strong fear gripped everyone who saw and heard this, not only in Rostov, but also in all its environs.

Because of these violence, the servant of God Kirill left his Rostov village, which has already been mentioned; he gathered with his entire household and moved with all his relatives from Rostov to Radonezh. Arriving there, he settled near a church named in honor of the Holy Nativity of Christ, which still stands today. Here he settled with his entire family. Not only he alone, but also many other people moved with him from Rostov to Radonezh. And they were migrants in a foreign land, among them George, the son of the archpriest, with his relatives; Ivan and Fedor, from the Tormos family; Duden, his son-in-law, with his relatives; Anisim, his uncle, who later became a deacon. They say that Anisim and Protasius, thousand also came to this village, called Radonezh, which the Grand Duke gave to his youngest son, Prince Andrei, and installed Terenty Rtishch as its governor, granted numerous benefits to its residents and promised to reduce taxes. Because of these benefits, many people moved to Radonezh, since residents fled from the Rostov lands due to violence and oppression.

The virtuous youth, the son of the virtuous father we are talking about, the ever-remembered ascetic, descended from noble and pious parents, grew up as a good branch of a good root, becoming a reflection of his Prototype. From a young age he was like a noble garden and grew like an abundant fruit; he was a handsome and well-behaved youth. Although over the years he increasingly succeeded in virtue, he valued the beauty of life and trampled all worldly vanity like dust, so that, one might say, he wanted to despise, humiliate and overcome his very nature, often repeating to himself the words of David: " What good is my blood when I go to the grave?"[Ps. 29:10]. Night and day he did not cease to pray to God, who helps novice ascetics to be saved. How can I list his other virtues: quietness, meekness, silence, humility, non-anger, simplicity without tricks? He loved everyone equally people, never flew into a rage, did not argue, did not take offense, did not allow himself either weakness or laughter, but when he wanted to smile (after all, this is sometimes necessary), he did it with great chastity and restraint. He always walked lamenting, as if in sadness, and even more often he cried, and then tears flowed from his eyes down his cheeks, betraying sadness and sorrow. The Psalter was always on his lips. He was adorned with self-control, always rejoiced at bodily hardships and loved to wear poor clothes; beer and he never tasted honey, never brought it to his lips, and never even inhaled its smell, striving for a fasting life, he considered these needs of human nature to be nothing.

Cyril's sons Stefan and Peter got married, but the third son, the blessed young man Bartholomew, did not want to marry, but with all his soul strove for monastic life. He repeatedly asked his father about this, saying: “My lord, let me go now, as you promised, so that with your blessing I can begin a monastic life.” But his parents answered him: “Child! Wait a little and be patient for us: we are old, poor, sick and there is no one to care for us. Your brothers Stefan and Peter got married and are thinking about how to please their wives; you, unmarried, are thinking about how to please God , you have chosen the good part, which will not be taken away from you. Just look after us a little and when you accompany us, your parents, to the grave, then you will be able to fulfill your intention. When you put us in the grave and cover us with earth, then you will fulfill your desire " .

The blessed young man joyfully promised to look after them until the end of their lives and from that day he tried every day to please his parents in every possible way in order to earn himself their prayers and blessings. So he lived for some time, serving and pleasing his father and mother with all his soul and with all his heart, until Cyril and Maria became monks, and each of them retired to their own monastery at the appropriate time. Having lived in monasticism for a few years, they reposed from this life and went to God, and they blessed their son, the blessed young man Bartholomew, many times until their last breath. The virtuous young man accompanied his parents to the grave: he sang funeral hymns over them, dressed their bodies, kissed them, placed them in a coffin with great honor and covered them with earth with tears, like some priceless treasure. With tears, he honored his deceased father and mother with memorial services and holy liturgies, commemorating their memory with prayers, distributing alms to the poor and feeding the poor. So he created a memorial for his parents for forty days.

Bartholomew returned to his home, rejoicing in soul and heart, as if he had acquired some priceless treasure, abundant spiritual wealth, for the Rev. young man really wanted to begin monastic life. Returning home after the death of his parents, he began to part with everyday worries. He looked at the house and all the things needed in the house with contempt, remembering in his heart the Scripture, which says that worldly life is full of many sighs and sorrows. The Prophet said: “Leave them, and separate from them, and do not touch the unclean.” Here are the words of another prophet: “Leave the earth and ascend to heaven.” And David said: " My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me"[Ps. 62:9], and also: " I would go far away and remain in the desert, trusting in God who saves me [Ps. 54, 8]. And the Lord said in the Gospel: " If anyone comes to Me and does not renounce everything he has, he cannot be My disciple."[Luke 14, 26, 33]. Having strengthened his soul and body with these words, he called Peter, his younger brother, and left him his father's inheritance and everything that was needed for life in his parents' house. He himself did not take anything for himself, following the words of the divine apostle, who said: " I... count everything as rubbish, that I may win Christ"[Phil. 3:8].

Stefan, Bartholomew's elder brother, did not live long with his wife, who soon died, leaving two sons Clement and John, this John later became Theodore of Simonov. Stefan after some time left the world and became a monk in the monastery of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin in Khotkov. The blessed young man Bartholomew, coming to him, asked Stephen to go with him in search of a deserted place. Stephen, obeying the words of the blessed young man, left the monastery and went with him.

They walked through many forests and finally came to one deserted place in the thicket of the forest, where there was a source of water. The brothers walked around the place and fell in love with it, for God was guiding them. After praying, they began to cut down the forest with their own hands and carried the logs on their shoulders to the chosen place. First, the brothers made themselves a hut for the night, with a closet, and built a roof over it, then they built a cell, fenced off a place for a small church and cut it down. When the construction of the church was completed and the time had come to consecrate it, the blessed youth said to Stephen: “Since you are my elder brother by birth and in the flesh, but more in spirit, I should obey you as a father. Now I have no one to consult with about everything, "Except for you. I earnestly beg you to answer my question: behold, the church has already been erected and completed, the time has come to consecrate it; tell me, on which saint's day will the patronal feast of our church be, in the name of which saint should we consecrate it?"

In response, Stefan said to Bartholomew: “Why are you asking and why are you tempting me and interrogating me? You yourself know the answer to your question no worse than I do, because father and mother, our parents, many times told you in front of us: “Be careful, child.” ! You are not our son, but God’s gift, because God chose you even when your mother was carrying you in the womb and gave a sign about you before your birth, when you shouted three times to the whole church during the singing of the holy liturgy, so that all the people standing there and those who heard were surprised and horrified, saying: “Who will this child be?” But the priests and elders, holy men, clearly understood and interpreted this sign, saying: “Since the number three was displayed in the miracle of the baby, this means that the child will be a disciple of the Holy Trinity and will not only believe piously himself, but will also gather many others and will teach you to believe in the Holy Trinity." Therefore, it behooves you to consecrate this church in the name of the Holy Trinity. This will not be our invention, but God’s will, destiny and election, for the Lord willed it so. Blessed be the name of the Lord forever!" When Stephen had finished, the blessed youth sighed from the depths of his heart and answered: "You have spoken correctly, my lord. Your word is kind to me, and I wanted and planned the same. My soul desires to create and consecrate a church in the name of the Holy Trinity. For the sake of humility, I asked you, and the Lord God did not abandon me; he gave me according to the desire of my heart and did not deprive me of my desire.”

Having decided so, the brothers took the bishop’s blessing for the consecration of the church. Priests came from the city from Metropolitan Theognostus and brought with them sacred objects: the antimension, the relics of the holy martyrs and everything that was needed for the consecration of the church. The church was consecrated in the name of the Holy Trinity with the blessing of His Grace Archbishop Theognostus, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus', under the Grand Duke Simeon Ivanovich, I think that this happened at the beginning of his reign. This church was rightly named after the Holy Trinity, for it was established by the grace of God the Father, the mercy of the Son of God and the haste of the Holy Spirit.

Stefan, having built and consecrated the church, lived for some time in the desert with his brother and saw that desert life was difficult, deplorable, harsh: there was need for everything, deprivation for everything, there was nowhere to get food, drink, or anything else needed for life. life. There were no roads to that place, no supplies from anywhere, around this desert there were no villages, no houses, no people living in them; no human path led there, and there were no passers-by or visitors, but there was a forest around on all sides, a deserted thicket and wilderness. Looking at her and burdened by his life, Stefan left the desert and his brother, the Venerable desert-lover and desert-dweller, and left from there to Moscow.

Arriving in the city, Stephen settled in the Monastery of the Holy Epiphany, where he found a cell for himself, and lived there, very successful in virtue: he was hardworking, led a harsh, fasting life in his cell, did not drink beer and wore modest clothes. At that time, Metropolitan Alexy lived in the Epiphany Monastery, who had not yet been ordained Metropolitan, but walked the path of monastic life with honor. She and Stefan lived a common spiritual life and in church they both sang in the choir, standing next to each other; in the same monastery there also lived a certain Gerontius, a famous and glorious elder. When Grand Duke Simeon learned about Stefan and his virtuous life, he ordered Metropolitan Theognostus to appoint Stefan as a presbyter, to invest him in the priesthood, and then ordered him to be entrusted with the abbess in that monastery and took him as his spiritual father; Vasily, the thousand, Theodore, his brother, and other noble boyars did the same, one after another.

But let us return to the glorious, blessed, faithful young man who was Stephen’s brother and half-brother. Although they were born from the same father, and although the same womb gave birth to them, they had different inclinations. Were they not siblings? Didn’t they decide together to go and live in that place? Didn’t they decide together to settle in that little desert? Why did they break up with each other? One wanted to live one way, the other another; one decided to pursue asceticism in the city monastery, while the other made the desert similar to a city.

Do not reproach me, an unlearned person, for the fact that I have so far talked so much and at length about infancy, childhood, and in general about the entire worldly life of Bartholomew: although he lived in the world, he turned his soul and desires to God. I want to show those reading and listening to his Life how, even in infancy and childhood, he was adorned with faith, pure life and all kinds of virtues - such were all his deeds and life in the world. Although this good and worthy youth at that time lived a worldly life, God took care of him from above, visiting him with His grace, protecting and protecting him with His holy Angels, preserving him in every place and on all his paths, wherever he went. God, the knower of the heart, the only one who sees the secrets of the heart, the only one who knows the hidden, foresaw the future of the Reverend, knew that his heart contained many virtues and a great desire for love, foresaw that the youth would be a chosen vessel because of his will for good, that he would become an Abbot numerous brethren and the father of many monasteries. But at that time, Bartholomew most of all wanted to take monastic vows, for with all his soul he strove for a monastic life of fasting and silence.

Chapter 6

Our reverend father did not accept the angelic image until he had studied the entire monastic charter and monastic order, and everything else that monks require. Always, at all times, with great zeal, with desire and with tears, he prayed to God that he might be honored with the image of an angel and communion with the ranks of monastics. Therefore, he called to his hermitage, which we spoke about, one spiritual elder, adorned with the priestly rank, venerable by the grace of the presbytery, the rank of abbot, named Mitrofan. Bartholomew asked him with prayer and, humbly bowing at his feet, joyfully bowed his head before him, wanting him to be tonsured into monasticism. The saint repeatedly repeated his request: “Father! Create love and tonsure me into the monastic rank, for I have long, since my youth, desired this, but the will of my parents held me back. Now, having freed myself from everything, I thirst for tonsure; like a deer strives for a source watery, so my soul thirsts for monastic and desert life.”

The abbot immediately entered the church and tonsured him into an angelic image, on the seventh day of the month of October, in memory of the holy martyrs Sergius and Bacchus. In monasticism he was given the name Sergius, since at that time names were given without reasoning or taking into account the worldly name, but whichever saint was commemorated on the day of tonsure, such a name was given to the person being tonsured. The saint was twenty-three years old when he became a monk. And in the church that was mentioned, created by Sergius himself and named in honor of the Holy Trinity, the abbot, together with the rite of tonsure, performed the Divine Liturgy. Blessed Sergius, a newly tonsured monk, after taking tonsure, received communion of the Holy Mysteries, the Most Pure Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ; he was honored with such a shrine, being worthy of it. And so, after holy communion or during the communion itself, the grace and gift of the Holy Spirit descended and infused him. How is this known? There were some people present there who became faithful witnesses that when Sergius received Holy Communion, the whole church was suddenly filled with a fragrance that was felt not only in the church, but also around it. All who saw the Saint’s communion and felt this incense glorified God, who glorifies His saints in this way.

He was the first monk to be tonsured in that church and in that desert, the first in that monastery, but the ultimate in his wisdom; the beginning of the account, but the end of his work. I will say that he was both the beginning and the end, for many subsequently took monastic vows in that church, but not one of them was able to achieve the degree of his perfection; many started the same way, but not all finished the same way; many later monastically lived in that place during the life of Sergius and after him; truly, all of them were virtuous, but did not reach the level of his spiritual age. This was the first monk in that place, who laid the foundation for monastic exploits and became a model for all the other inhabitants of that monastery. With tonsure, he not only cut off the hair of his head, but along with his senseless hair, he cut off his carnal desires; taking off worldly clothes, he rejected these desires from himself with them. He stripped himself and put off the old man in order to put on the new. Having firmly girded his loins, he prepared to courageously begin spiritual exploits; leaving the world, he renounced it and everything in the world, property and all other worldly goods. Simply put, he broke all worldly ties and, like an eagle that flapped its light wings and soared to the heights of the air, left the world and everything worldly, fled from all worldly cares, leaving his family, all loved ones and relatives, home and fatherland, like the ancient patriarch Abraham .

The blessed one remained in the church for seven days, eating nothing except prosphora from the hands of the abbot; Having withdrawn from everything, he remained in constant fasting and prayer. The song of David was constantly on his lips; he consoled himself with the words of the psalms and praised God with them. So he sang in silence, thanking God: " God! I have loved the beauty of Your house and the dwelling place of Your glory[Ps. 25, 8]; To Thy house, O Lord, belongs holiness for many days to come[Ps. 92, 5]. How Thy dwellings are desired, O Lord of hosts! My soul is weary, longing for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh rejoiced in the living God. And the bird finds a home for itself, and the turtledove finds a nest for itself, where to lay its chicks. Blessed are those who dwell in Your house[Ps. 83, 24]; in forever and ever they will praise You[Ps. 83, 5]. One day in Your courts is better than a thousand: better to be at the threshold of the house of my God. than in the habitation of sinners[Ps. 83, 11].

Seeing off the abbot who tonsured him, Sergius said with great humility: “Here, father, today you are leaving here, and leaving me, poor, as I wanted, alone. For a long time, with all my thoughts and desires, I strived to live alone in the desert, without a single person... For a long time I have asked this of God in prayers, constantly keeping in mind and remembering the words of the prophet: I left, running away, and remained in the desert, hoping in God to save me from cowardice and from the storm.[Ps. 54, 89]. And therefore God heard me and heeded the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, Who did not reject my prayer and did not turn His mercy away from me[Ps. 65, 1920]. And now I thank God, who, according to my desire, made me worthy to live alone in the desert, to monk and be silent. But you, father, now leaving here, bless me, the humble one, and pray for my solitude, and also teach me how to live alone in the desert, how to pray to God, how to avoid spiritual harm, how to resist the enemy and thoughts of pride, from him outgoing. After all, I am inexperienced; Being a newly tonsured, new monk, I must ask you for advice on everything.”

The abbot, as if in horror, answered, surprised: “Are you asking me about something that you know no worse than us, oh honest head! You have become for us a model of humility, but still now I will answer you, as befits me, with the words of prayer : “The Lord God, who chose you even earlier, will be merciful to you, may he instruct and teach you, and may he fill you with spiritual joy.” After talking a little with Sergius about spiritual life, the elder wanted to leave. But St. Sergius, bowing to him to the ground, said: “Father! Pray to God for me, so that He will help me endure carnal warfare, demonic temptations, attacks of beasts and labors in the desert.” The abbot responded by saying: “The Apostle Paul says: “ God is faithful and will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength." , and further: " I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me."[Phil. 4:13]". And again, leaving, the abbot handed him into the hands of God and left him alone in the desert to monk and remain silent.

Sergius, seeing off the abbot, once again asked him for blessings and prayers. The hegumen said to St. Sergius: “Here I am leaving here, and I entrust you to God, who will not allow the death of His Reverend, who will not allow sinners to raise the rod against the life of the righteous, who will not betray us into the teeth of sinners. The Lord loves the righteous and will not abandon His saints.” , but will preserve them forever; the Lord will preserve you in all your doings from now on and forever, amen." Having said this and prayed, Abbot Mitrofan blessed Sergius and left him, returning to where he came from.

Those reading the Life should know at what age the Reverend took monastic vows. He could be given more than twenty years in appearance, but more than a hundred years in the sharpness of his mind, for although he was young in body, in his spiritual mind he was old and perfect, by Divine grace. After the departure of the abbot, the Monk Sergius asceticised in the desert, living alone, without a single person. Who can tell about his works, who is able to tell about his exploits that he accomplished while living alone in the desert? We cannot convey how much spiritual work and effort he put in at the beginning of his hermit’s life, how long and how many years he bravely stayed in this deserted forest. His firm and holy soul steadfastly endured all trials far from human presence, impeccably and unfailingly fulfilling the rules of monastic life, keeping it pure and unchangeable.

What mind can imagine and what language can convey the desires of the saint, his initial zeal, love for God, the secret valor of his feat; Is it possible to truthfully describe the saint’s solitude, his boldness, groaning, and incessant prayers that he addressed to God; who will tell about his warm tears, spiritual crying, heartfelt sighs, all-night vigils, fervent singing, unceasing prayers, standing without rest, diligent reading, frequent kneeling, hunger, thirst, lying on the ground, spiritual poverty, in all poverty and lack: what you name it, there was nothing. Let's add to all this the fight against demons - visible and invisible battles, collisions, insurance against demons, diabolical obsessions, monsters of the desert, anticipation of unknown troubles, meetings and attacks of ferocious animals. Rising above all troubles with a fearless soul and brave heart, Sergius remained calm in mind and was not horrified by the enemy’s machinations, ferocious tricks and attacks. Wild animals often came to him, not only at night, but also during the day, packs of wolves, howling and roaring, and sometimes bears. Although the Monk Sergius was a little afraid of them, like every person, he nevertheless turned to God with fervent prayer and was strengthened by it, and thus, by the grace of God, remained unharmed: the animals left him without causing him any harm. When that place was just beginning to be settled, St. Sergius suffered many attacks and sorrows from demons, animals and reptiles. But none of them touched him or harmed him, because the grace of God protected him. Let no one be surprised at this, knowing truly that if God lives in man and the Holy Spirit rests on him, then all creation is subject to him; just as in ancient times to the primordial Adam before he violated the commandment of the Lord, so everything was submitted to Sergius when he lived alone in the desert.

Chapter 7

One day the Monk Sergius entered the church at night, preparing to sing matins. When he began to sing, suddenly the wall of the church parted and the devil himself visibly entered with many demonic warriors; he did not enter through doors, but as a thief and robber. The demons were dressed in Lithuanian clothes and pointed Lithuanian hats; they rushed at the blessed one, intending to destroy the church and raze it to the ground. Gnashing their teeth and wanting to kill him, they said to him: “Run, get away from here and don’t stay here anymore in this place; we didn’t attack you, but rather you attacked us. If you don’t run away from here, you won’t be alive: we will tear you to pieces and you will die in our hands." This is the custom of the devil with his pride: when he begins to boast or threaten someone, then he wants to destroy the earth, dry up the sea, but he himself has no power even over pigs.

The Monk Sergius, armed with prayer to God, began to speak like this: “God! Who will be like You? Don't be silent, don't remain quiet, God! For behold, Your enemies are making noise"[Ps. 82, 23] and also: " May God rise again, and may His enemies disappear, and may all who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke dissipates, so let them disappear: as wax melts from fire, so let sinners perish from the face of God, and let the righteous rejoice[Ps. 67, 14]". So Sergius, in the name of the Holy Trinity, having the Holy Mother of God as an assistant and intercessor, and instead of a weapon the Precious Cross of Christ, struck the devil like David Goliath. And immediately the devil with his demons became invisible, and everyone disappeared without a trace and The monk warmly thanked God, who had delivered him from this demonic rebellion.

A few days later, when the blessed one in the hut was tirelessly performing the all-night prayer in solitude, suddenly noise, roar, strong excitement, confusion and frightening sounds were heard, not in a dream, but in reality. And so many demons again attacked the blessed one, like a disorderly herd, screaming and threatening: “Get away, get away from here! What are you looking for in this desert? What do you want to find in this place? What are you trying to achieve by sitting in this forest? Or are you gathered here? live? Why did you settle here? Don’t hope that you can stay here: you won’t stay here even for an hour. You yourself see that this place is deserted, inconvenient and difficult to access, it’s far from here in all directions to people, and no one will come here. Aren’t you afraid that you might die here of hunger or that murderous robbers will find and kill you; besides, many bloodthirsty animals live in this desert, ferocious wolves howl and come here in packs, and also numerous demons viciously mischief, and formidable monsters countless people roam here, so from time immemorial this place is empty and unfit for habitation. What good is it if animals attack you and tear you to pieces or you die some other untimely, terrible, violent death? Get up and run away from here without any hesitation, without hesitation, without doubting, without turning back, without looking either to the right or to the left, otherwise we will drive you out of here first or kill you.”

The monk, having strong faith, love and hope in God, prayed fervently, with tears, against his enemies in order to get rid of the demonic machinations. The good Lover of mankind, God, quick to help, ready for mercy, did not allow His servant to endure prolonged attacks of demons and battles with the devil, but, I think, in less than an hour God sent His mercy so that the enemies, the demons, would be put to shame and so that they they came to know God’s help to the saint and their own powerlessness. Soon, Divine power suddenly overshadowed the Reverend, instantly scattered the crafty spirits, so that not a trace remained of them, comforted the Reverend, filled him with Divine joy and sweetened his heart with spiritual sweetness, and Reverend Sergius, strong in soul, constantly fighting against visible and invisible demons, was their winner. Immediately sensing immediate help from God and recognizing the mercy and grace of God, the Reverend sent grateful praises to God, saying: “I thank You, Lord, because You did not leave me, but quickly heard and had mercy. You performed a sign on me for good, so that "those who hate me have seen how You, Lord, help me and how You have now comforted me, and they were ashamed. Your right hand, O Lord, was glorified in strength; Your right hand, O Lord, crushed our enemies, the demons, and Your mighty fortress destroyed them to the end." .

Let everyone with reason, having examined this incident, understand that it was the work of the evil and malicious devil, who is the source of all evil. The devil wanted to drive St. Sergius away from that place, envying our salvation and fearing that the saint would glorify this deserted place with the grace of God, would be able to erect a monastery with his patience, create a certain village with his zeal and diligence, or populate a certain settlement and erect a town, create a sacred monastery, a refuge for monks who glorify and constantly sing praises to God. All this came true by the grace of Christ, and today we are witnesses to this, for he founded not only this great monastery - the Lavra in Radonezh, but also many other monasteries and in them gathered many monks living according to the custom and tradition of the ancient fathers.

Time passed, and the devil in all his manifestations was defeated by the blessed one; in vain he worked together with his demons: although he confused Sergius with many different visions, he could not plunge this strong-hearted and brave ascetic into horror. After various obsessions and menacing visions, St. Sergius armed himself even more boldly and took up arms against demons, bravely met them, trusting in God's help, and, protected by God's grace, he remained unharmed. Sometimes there were intrigues and insurance against demons, and sometimes attacks by wild animals, which, as was said, were then found in abundance in the desert. Some of them passed by in packs, howling and roaring, while others did not run in packs, but ran past in twos or threes or one after the other; some of them stopped at a distance, while others came close to the blessed one, surrounded him and even sniffed him.

Among them there was one animal called arcuda, that is, a bear, which used to come to the Reverend. Seeing that the beast was coming to him not out of malice, but in order to take some food for food for himself, the Rev. took out a small piece of bread for the beast from his hut and put it either on a stump or on a log, so that when the beast came, according to his custom, I would find ready-made food for myself, and the bear would take the bread into its mouth and leave. When there was not enough bread and the animal that came, as usual, did not find the usual piece prepared for him, he did not leave for a long time and stood looking around, like a cruel creditor wanting to collect his debt. If the Reverend had only one piece of bread, then even then he divided it into two parts, so that he could keep one part for himself and give the other to this bear. At that time, in the desert, Sergius did not have a variety of food, but only bread and water from the source that was there, and even then little by little, often the saint did not even have bread for the day, and on such days both the saint himself and the beast remained hungry . Sometimes the blessed one did not take care of himself and remained hungry, throwing his only piece of bread to the bear, because the Reverend would rather not eat that day and go hungry than to deceive the beast and let him go without food. The bear got used to coming to the Reverend not once or twice a day, but many times every day, and this continued for more than a year.

The blessed one joyfully endured all the trials sent to him, thanked God for everything, was not upset or discouraged in difficulties, for he acquired wisdom and great faith in God, with which he could extinguish all the fiery arrows of the enemy and defeat all kinds of pride that opposes the Providence of God; Having such faith, he could not be afraid of demonic attacks, for it is written: the righteous is bold like a lion[Etc. 28:1] and dares to do everything for the sake of faith, not tempting God, but trusting in Him: He who trusts in the Lord, like Mount Zion, will never be removed[Ps. 124, 1]. Anyone who firmly and undoubtedly trusts in the Lord, and this is precisely the kind of faith the blessed one had, will be like a brave warrior and a powerful warrior, armed and endowed with the power of the Spirit, so that not only will he always have concern for God, but God will also say about him: “ I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him. With the length of days I will satisfy him and show him My salvation"[Ps. 90, 1516]. The weak and lazy in the matter of their salvation cannot have such hope it is carried in the heart only by the one who in all his activities constantly remains with God, approaching Him with his good deeds, and undividedly and unshakably trusts the preservation of his heart to His Goodness, as the prophet David said: " My eyes are weary from waiting for my God"[Ps. 68:4].

The Monk Sergius had such hope, and with this boldness he decided to go into the desert in order to retire and be silent in solitude; having tasted the divine sweetness of silence, he no longer wanted to give it up and leave it. He was not afraid of attacks from animals and demonic obsessions, as it is written: Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, the arrow that flies during the day, the plague that walks in the darkness, the meeting with the demon at noon and midnight[Ps. 90, 5]. Against the fears of the desert, Sergius armed himself with prayer, as described in the Ladder: “In those places where you are afraid, do not be lazy to go through prayer, arm yourself with it and, stretching out your hands, defeat your enemies in the name of Jesus. If you begin to pray immediately, then the one who comes will pray with you a good Guardian Angel to help you."

The monk placed his sorrow on the Lord and his hope on God, made the Almighty his refuge and lived without fear of insurance, without damage or harm. For God is a good Lover of mankind, sending quick and faithful consolation to His servants, protecting and protecting His saint, according to the word of Holy Scripture: For He commands His angels to guard you[Ps. 90, 11]. So here too, God sent His mercy and grace to help Sergius in order to save him from all troubles, visible and invisible. The monk, seeing that the Lord was protecting him with His grace, glorified God day and night and sent grateful praises to the Almighty, who does not allow sinners to trample on the lot of the righteous, who does not send us temptations beyond our strength. The monk often read sacred books in order to increase his virtue with their help, directing his mind with innermost thoughts to the desire for the treasure of Eternal Life. Even more surprising is that no one knew about his harsh, virtuous life, hidden from human eyes, only God, who sees and knows everything secret and hidden before his eyes, knew about it, so the saint led a silent and serene life. In his solitude, the saint loved to offer frequent, earnest and secret prayers to God alone, to converse with God alone, to cleave to the Most High and Omnipresent One with all his thoughts, to approach Him alone and be enlightened by grace from Him. Indulging in such thoughts, he wanted his feat to be pleasing to God and perfect; To do this, he spent all nights in vigil, constantly sending up frequent prayers to God. God, in His mercy and boundless generosity, never rejected his prayers, for He was not accustomed to rejecting the prayers of those who fear Him and obey His will.

Some time later, when two years had passed, or maybe more or less I don’t know, only God knows, since Sergius began to spend the night alone in the desert, God, seeing the saint’s great faith and patience, had mercy on him and wanted to relieve him desert labors: the Lord placed in the hearts of some God-fearing monks from the monastery brethren the thought of coming to the saint. This was arranged by the Providence of the Almighty and Merciful Lord God, Who wanted Sergius not to live alone in that desert, but with numerous brethren, as Paul the Apostle said: “ I do not seek my own benefit, but the benefit of many, so that they may be saved." Or you can also say that God wanted to glorify that place, transform the desert, build a monastery here and gather many brethren. By God's will, the monks began to visit the saint, first one at a time, then two at a time, and sometimes three at a time. Falling at his feet They prayed to the monk, saying: “Father, accept us, we want to live with you in this place and save our souls.”

But the Reverend not only did not accept them, but also forbade them to stay, saying: “You will not be able to live in this place and endure the hardships of a desert life: hunger, thirst, sorrow, inconvenience, poverty and need.” They answered: “We want to bear the hardships of life in this place, but if God gives us strength, we will endure it.” The monk asked them again: “Will you be able to endure the hardships of life in this place: hunger, thirst and all kinds of hardships?” They answered: “Yes, honest father, we want and will endure it, if God helps us and your prayers support us. We pray to your Reverence for only one thing: do not remove us from your presence and from this place dear to us, do not drive us away.”

The Monk Sergius, convinced of their faith and zeal, was surprised and said: “I do not persecute you, for our Savior said: “ He who comes to Me I will not cast out"[John 6:37], and also: " Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them"[Matthew 18:20]. And David said: " How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to live together"[Ps. 132, I]. After all, I, brothers, wanted to live alone in this desert and die here. But if God so wished and if it pleased Him that there should be a monastery in this place and many brothers gathered, the will of the Lord be done! I accept you with joy, just let everyone take the trouble to build a cell for themselves. But let it be known to you: if you came to this desert to stay here, if you want to live with me in this place, if you came to serve God, get ready endure sorrows, troubles, sorrows, all kinds of misfortunes, need, deprivation, poverty and lack of sleep. If you want to serve God and have come for this, from now on prepare your hearts not for food, not for drink, not for rest, not for carelessness, but for patience to endure every temptation, trouble and sorrow. Prepare for hardships, fasting, spiritual struggles and many sorrows, Through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God[Acts 14, 22]; narrow is the gate and hard is the way and sorrowful that leads to eternal life, and few find it[Matt. 7, 1314]; The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force, and those who use force take it away[Matt. 11, 12]; many are called, but few are chosen[Matt. 20, 16]. There are few who are saved, therefore the chosen flock of Christ is few, about which the Lord said in the Gospel: " Fear not, little flock! For your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom"[Luke 12:32]". When Blessed Sergius told them all this, they promised with joy and zeal: “We will do everything that you commanded and we will not disobey you in anything.”

Each of them built a separate cell for themselves, and they lived for God, looking at the life of St. Sergius and imitating him to the best of their ability. The Monk Sergius, living with the brethren, suffered many hardships and accomplished great feats and labors of fasting. He lived a harsh ascetic life. His virtues were as follows: hunger, thirst, vigil, dry eating, sleep on the ground, spiritual and physical purity, silence of the lips, mortification of carnal desires, bodily labors, unfeigned humility, unceasing prayer, prudence, perfect love, poverty in clothing, remembrance of death , meekness with quietness, constant fear of God. For the beginning of wisdom fear of the Lord[Ps. 110, 10]; just as flowers are the beginning of berries and all fruits, so the beginning of all virtue is the fear of God. The monk instilled in himself the fear of God, was protected by it, and studied the law of the Lord day and night, like a fruitful tree planted by water springs, which gives fruit in due time.

Since Sergius was young and strong in body (he had the strength of two), the devil wanted to wound him with arrows of lust. The monk, sensing the enemy’s attack, restrained his flesh and enslaved it, bridling it with fasting; and so, by the grace of God, he was delivered from temptation. He learned to skillfully defend himself against demonic attacks: as soon as the demons wanted to hit him with arrows of sin, the Reverend fired arrows of purity at them, shooting in the darkness at the righteous at heart.

So he lived with the brethren and, although he was not ordained a priest, he diligently attended the Church of God with them. Every day he sang with the brethren in church Midnight Office, Matins, the third, sixth and ninth hours, Vespers and Mephimon, as it is said: seven times a day I glorify You for the judgments of Your righteousness[Ps. 118, 62]. In the intervals between labors, the monks often sang prayer services, because this is why they left the world in order to continually pray to God, both in church and in cells, according to the words of Paul: " Pray without ceasing". To serve mass, Sergius invited someone outside, a priest or an elder abbot, met them and asked them to serve the holy liturgy; Sergius himself from the very beginning did not want to be made a priest or accept the abbess, out of his great and perfect humility, since he was filled with meekness and great true contrition of heart, always imitating in everything his Master, our Lord Jesus Christ, who set an example for those who want to imitate and follow Him and said: “ Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart"[Matthew 11, 2829]. Because of his great humility, Sergius did not want to be made a priest or accept the abbess; he always said that the desire to be an abbot is the source and root of ambition.

At first, not very many monks gathered - no more than twelve people; among them was a certain elder Vasily, nicknamed Sukhoi, who was one of the first to come from the upper reaches of Dubna; another named Jacob, nicknamed Yakut, he was a messenger, he was always sent on business, for especially necessary things that cannot be done without; another, named Onesimus, a deacon, and the father of the deacon, named Elisha. When the cells were cut down and surrounded by a low fence, a gatekeeper was placed at the gate. The monk worked at all monastic obediences: he carried firewood on his shoulders and, having split it and cut it into logs, carried it to the cells. But why do I remember about firewood? The appearance of the monastery at that time was truly amazing: the forest stood not far from it, not like it is now, but above the cells under construction and already erected, the trees rustled over them, overshadowing them. Logs and stumps were visible everywhere around the church; various seeds were planted here and garden vegetables were grown. But let us return to the interrupted story about the feat of St. Sergius, about how he diligently served the brethren, like a purchased slave: he chopped wood for everyone, as was said, he crushed and ground grain with millstones, baked bread, cooked food and prepared other food supplies for the brethren , cut and sewed shoes and clothes and, having scooped up water from a nearby spring, carried it in two buckets on his shoulders up the mountain and placed it at each brother’s cell.

Sergius spent his nights in prayer without sleep; he ate only bread and water, and even this he ate little by little, and did not remain idle for a single hour. Thus he conquered his flesh through severe abstinence and great labors. When the demon aroused carnal unrest in him, the Reverend applied even greater efforts to his deeds, taking care of the prosperity of the place so that his work would be pleasing to God. And no matter what he did, there was always a psalm on his lips that says: " I have always seen the Lord before me, for He is at my right hand; I won't hesitate"[Ps. 15:8]. Continuing in prayers and labors, he thinned and dried up his flesh in order to become a citizen of the Heavenly City and a resident of Jerusalem on High.

One year passed, and the above-mentioned abbot, who tonsured Blessed Sergius, fell ill and, after being ill for some time, died, resigning from this life to the Lord. The Monk Sergius was very grieved and sent diligent prayer to the Lord, asking that God would give him an Abbot, a mentor of the monastery, a father and a steward, who could lead the spiritual ship of the earthly life of the brethren to the pier of salvation and deliver him from the drowning waves and attacks of evil spirits. So he prayed to God, asking for the Hegumen and the true organizer of that place, and God heard the prayer of His saint and heeded his prayer, so that the words of David would not turn out to be false: He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him, and He hears their prayer, and He will save them.[Ps. 144, 19]. God wished to give the very requester, the righteous steward, to the Abbots of the monastery; whoever Sergius asked for, he received; he found and acquired a truly righteous steward capable of leading the monastery. He asked not for himself, but for someone else whom God would provide; The Seer Lord, who knows the future, wanting to elevate, arrange and glorify that place, did not find anyone better than Sergius, but he gave it to the brethren who asked, knowing that he would succeed in governance, for the glory of His holy name.

How and how did the abbess of Sergius begin? God put in the hearts of the brethren the desire to make Sergius rule over them. Having gathered together, pondered, consulted with each other and strengthened their hearts with faith, the brethren all came together to St. Sergius, saying: “Father! We cannot live without the Abbot! Now we have come to you to reveal our thoughts and desires: we really want you to was our Abbot and mentor of souls and bodies, so that we come to you with repentance to confess our sins; we want to receive forgiveness, blessing and prayer from you every day and see how you perform the holy liturgy every day; we want to partake of the Most Pure Mysteries from your honest hands "Hey, honest father, this is our common desire, do not refuse us."

The Monk Sergius sighed from the depths of his soul and said to them: “I had no thought of becoming an Igumen, my soul desires one thing - to die as a monk in this place. Do not force me, but leave me to God, and He will do whatever He wants. me". They answered: “We, father, want you to be our Abbot, but you refuse. In this case, either be the Abbot yourself, or go and ask us for the Abbot from the bishop. If you do not do this, then because of this If there is no structure, we will all leave here." The Monk Sergius, heartbroken, again said to them: “Let us now go to our cells and diligently pray to God that He will declare and reveal to us what we should do,” and everyone went to their cells.

After several days, the brethren again came to St. Sergius, saying: “We, Father, came to this place because we heard about the beginning of your glorious asceticism and the foundation of the church, which you built with your own hands and which has in itself the grace of the Holy Trinity. With your leadership we turned to Her and placed our hope and trust in Her, from now on be our father and abbot. We hope that you will stand before the throne of the Holy Trinity, send up the Seraphim's Trisagion to God, offer the Bloodless Sacrifice and with your own hands give us the Most Pure Body and the Divine Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you will give rest to our old age and commit us to the earth.” Sergius refused for a long time, not wanting to be appointed, and begged them, comforting them with these words: “Forgive me, my fathers and my masters! Who am I to dare to dare to perform such a service, before which even the Angels themselves bow with fear and trembling? , unworthy, I dare to do this without having achieved such faith? I have not yet begun to live like a monk and have not comprehended the beginning of the monastic rule how can I dare to approach this shrine or touch it? That’s my business to cry about my sins so that with your holy prayers, to reach the good land of desires, to which I have strived since my youth." Having told them many more things similar to this, he retired to his cell.

A few days later, the blessed elders again came to beg the Reverend, they cited the same arguments and added new ones, this is what they said: “We, O spiritual father, do not want to argue with you; guided by God, we came to you here with the desire to imitate your life and virtue and with the hope of being worthy of the enjoyment of future blessings. If you do not want to take care of our souls and be a shepherd for us, the verbal sheep, we are leaving this place and the Church of the Holy Trinity and unwittingly breaking our vow. And we will wander like sheep without a shepherd, in the mountains of pride and debauchery; indulging in bad thoughts, we will be defeated by the mental beast, that is, the devil. But you will give an answer to the impartial Judge - Almighty God." So the brethren spoke to the Rev., threatening retribution and threatening punishment, for for many days in a row they had begged Sergius, either with humility, meekness and affection, or with tears, sharp reproaches and threats. But the Reverend, strong in soul, firm in faith, humble in mind, did not respond to kind words and did not heed threats, but was above the threats.

The brethren for a long time forced him to become an abbot, but he, humble-wise, did not want to accept the abbess and put aside the humility that had been inherent in him since childhood and brought him closer to God. He shook off these prayers of the brethren, considering himself sinful and unworthy, and added: “My words do not agree with yours, because you are too stubbornly forcing me to become an Abbot, and I too stubbornly refuse. Although I myself need teaching and want more to learn than to teach others, I strive more to be in submission to others than to rule and rule, but I fear God’s judgment, and if God pleases what you command me, the will of the Lord be done!” His heartfelt love for the brethren, zeal and concern for them prevailed in him, and he almost agreed to their prayer. The monk promised to fulfill their request and submit to their will, or rather, to the will of God. After this conversation, the Monk Sergius sighed from the depths of his heart and, placing all his thoughts and hope on the Almighty God, he told them with spiritual humility: “Fathers and brothers! I will not contradict you, having surrendered to the will of the Lord, for God sees hearts and thoughts. Let’s go.” to the city to the bishop."

Metropolitan of All Rus' Alexy was then in Constantinople, entrusting the affairs of government to Bishop Athanasius of Volyn, who lived in the city of Pereyaslavl. Our Reverend Father Sergius came to him, taking with him two elders, and, entering, bowed to the bishop. Bishop Afanasy, seeing him, blessed him and asked his name, Sergius named himself. Hearing the name of his guest, Athanasius was delighted and kissed him in a Christian way, for he had previously heard about Sergius, about the beginning of his glorious asceticism, about the building of the church, the founding of the monastery, about the virtues of Sergius - his love and care for the brethren and for others. Athanasius talked with Sergius about spiritual matters; when the conversation ended, Sergius bowed to the bishop again.

Our blessed father Sergius began to ask the saint to give the monastery hegumen a mentor to the souls of the monks. The Monk Athanasius, filled with the Holy Spirit, said: “Beloved! God through the Holy Spirit through the mouth of David said: “ I will bring out the chosen one from among my people"[Ps. 88:20], and also: " For My hand will help him, and My arm will strengthen him"[Ps. 89:22]. The Apostle Paul said: no one accepts honor of his own accord, but he who is called by God[Heb. 5, 4]. My son and brother, God called you from your mother’s womb, and I have heard about you from many; may you from now on be the father and abbot of the brethren gathered by God in the monastery of the Holy Trinity." But St. Sergius refused, pointing out his unworthiness, to which Athanasius, filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, replied: "Beloved! You have acquired all spiritual gifts, but you have no obedience." Then our father Sergius bowed and said: “As the Lord wills, so be it, blessed be the Lord forever!" And all those present said: “Amen!”

Saint Athanasius ordered the clergy to go to the holy altar, and he himself took Blessed Sergius and entered the holy church with him. There the bishop put on liturgical vestments and ordered Blessed Sergius to recite the Symbol of the Holy Faith: “I believe in One God...” After this, Sergius bowed his head, the saint made the sign of the cross over him and, having made a prayer of dedication, made him a subdeacon, and then a deacon, then Athanasius celebrated the Divine Liturgy, and together they partook of the Divine Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. The next day, the saint ordained Sergius to the priesthood and ordered him to perform the holy liturgy and offer the Bloodless Sacrifice with his own hands. Reverend Father Sergius fulfilled all commands with fear and spiritual joy.

After the liturgy in private, Bishop Athanasius instructed the Reverend in the apostolic rules and patristic teaching about what is needed for the correction and salvation of the soul, and talked with him like this: “You should, beloved, as the apostle says, bear the infirmities of the powerless, and not please yourself. Everyone should please his neighbor for the good and edification[Rome. 15, 12]. And in Timothy Paul says: " Pass this on to faithful people who would be able to teach others" and further " Bear each other's burdens and thus fulfill the law of Christ"[Gal. 6:2]. By doing this, you will save both yourself and those who live with you." Having said this and endowed the Reverend with spiritual gifts, the bishop kissed him in a Christian manner and released him - the true Abbot, shepherd, watchman and doctor of the spiritual brethren.

It was not without the Providence of God that the Reverend was appointed, but because of his love for God, for Sergius did not accept the abbess of his own free will, but the leadership was entrusted to him by God. The monk did not strive for this, did not take away anyone’s rank, did not promise gifts, did not give bribes, as do ambitious people who, by trickery and dodging, race to steal honors from each other, not understanding the Scripture, which says: not from him who wills, nor from him who runs, but from God who has mercy

According to ancient legend, the estate of the parents of Sergius of Radonezh, the boyars of Rostov, was located in the vicinity of Rostov the Great, on the road to Yaroslavl. The parents, “noble boyars,” apparently lived simply; they were quiet, calm people, with a strong and serious way of life.

St. Kirill and Maria. Painting of the Ascension Church on Grodka (Pavlov Posad) Parents of Sergius of Radonezh

Although Cyril more than once accompanied the princes of Rostov to the Horde, as a trusted, close person, he himself did not live richly. One cannot even talk about any luxury or licentiousness of the later landowner. Rather, on the contrary, one might think that home life is closer to that of a peasant: as a boy, Sergius (and then Bartholomew) was sent to the field to fetch horses. This means that he knew how to confuse them and turn them around. And leading him to some stump, grabbing him by the bangs, jumping up and trotting home in triumph. Perhaps he chased them at night too. And, of course, he was not a barchuk.

One can imagine parents as respectable and fair people, religious to a high degree. They helped the poor and willingly welcomed strangers.

On May 3, Maria had a son. The priest gave him the name Bartholomew, after the feast day of this saint. The special shade that distinguishes it lies on the child from early childhood.

At the age of seven, Bartholomew was sent to study literacy in a church school together with his brother Stefan. Stefan studied well. Bartholomew was not good at science. Like Sergius later, little Bartholomew is very stubborn and tries, but there is no success. He's upset. The teacher sometimes punishes him. Comrades laugh and parents reassure. Bartholomew cries alone, but does not move forward.

And here is a village picture, so close and so understandable six hundred years later! The foals wandered somewhere and disappeared. His father sent Bartholomew to look for them; the boy had probably wandered like this more than once, through the fields, in the forest, perhaps near the shores of Lake Rostov, and called to them, patted them with a whip, and dragged their halters. With all Bartholomew’s love for solitude, nature and with all his dreaminess, he, of course, carried out every task most conscientiously - this trait marked his entire life.

Sergius of Radonezh. Miracle

Now he - very depressed by his failures - found not what he was looking for. Under the oak tree I met “an elder of the monk, with the rank of presbyter.” Obviously, the elder understood him.

What do you want, boy?

Bartholomew, through tears, spoke about his sorrows and asked to pray that God would help him overcome the letter.

And under the same oak tree the old man stood to pray. Next to him is Bartholomew - a halter over his shoulder. Having finished, the stranger took out the reliquary from his bosom, took a piece of prosphora, blessed Bartholomew with it and ordered him to eat it.

This is given to you as a sign of grace and for the understanding of the Holy Scriptures. From now on, you will master reading and writing better than your brothers and comrades.

We don’t know what they talked about next. But Bartholomew invited the elder home. His parents received him well, as they usually do with strangers. The elder called the boy to the prayer room and ordered him to read psalms. The child made the excuse of inability. But the visitor himself gave the book, repeating the order.

And they fed the guest, and at dinner they told him about the signs over his son. The elder again confirmed that Bartholomew would now understand the Holy Scripture well and master reading.

[After the death of his parents, Bartholomew himself went to the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky Monastery, where his widowed brother Stefan had already been monasticized. Striving for “the strictest monasticism”, for living in the wilderness, he did not stay here long and, having convinced Stefan, together with him he founded a hermitage on the banks of the Konchura River, on the Makovets hill in the middle of the remote Radonezh forest, where he built (about 1335) a small wooden church in the name of Holy Trinity, on the site of which now stands a cathedral church also in the name of the Holy Trinity.

Unable to withstand the too harsh and ascetic lifestyle, Stefan soon left for the Moscow Epiphany Monastery, where he later became abbot. Bartholomew, left completely alone, called upon a certain abbot Mitrofan and received tonsure from him under the name Sergius, since on that day the memory of the martyrs Sergius and Bacchus was celebrated. He was 23 years old.]

Having performed the rite of tonsure, Mitrofan introduced Sergius of Radonezh to St. Tyne. Sergius spent seven days without leaving his “church”, prayed, did not “eat” anything except the prosphora that Mitrofan gave. And when the time came for Mitrofan to leave, he asked for his blessing for his desert life.

The abbot supported him and calmed him down as much as he could. And the young monk remained alone among his gloomy forests.

Images of animals and vile reptiles appeared before him. They rushed at him with whistling and gnashing of teeth. One night, according to the story of the monk, when in his “church” he was “singing matins,” Satan himself suddenly entered through the wall, with him a whole “demonic regiment.” They drove him away, threatened him, advanced. He prayed. (“May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered…”) The demons disappeared.

Will he survive in a formidable forest, in a wretched cell? The autumn and winter snowstorms on his Makovitsa must have been terrible! After all, Stefan couldn’t stand it. But Sergius is not like that. He is persistent, patient, and he is “God-loving.”

He lived like this, completely alone, for some time.

Sergius of Radonezh. Tame bear

Sergius once saw a huge bear, weak from hunger, near his cells. And I regretted it. He brought a piece of bread from his cell and served it - since childhood, like his parents, he had been “strangely accepted.” The furry wanderer ate peacefully. Then he began to visit him. Sergius always served. And the bear became tame.

The youth of St. Sergius (Sergius of Radonezh). Nesterov M.V.

But no matter how lonely the monk was at this time, there were rumors about his desert life. And then people began to appear, asking to be taken in and saved together. Sergius dissuaded. He pointed out the difficulty of life, the hardships associated with it. Stefan's example was still alive for him. Still, he gave in. And I accepted several...

Twelve cells were built. They surrounded it with a fence for protection from animals. The cells stood under huge pine and spruce trees. The stumps of freshly cut down trees stuck out. Between them the brothers planted their modest vegetable garden. They lived quietly and harshly.

Sergius of Radonezh set an example in everything. He himself chopped down cells, carried logs, carried water in two water carriers up the mountain, ground with hand millstones, baked bread, cooked food, cut and sewed clothes. And he was probably an excellent carpenter now. In summer and winter he wore the same clothes, neither the frost nor the heat bothered him. Physically, despite the meager food, he was very strong, “he had the strength against two people.”

He was the first to attend the services.

Works of St. Sergius (Sergius of Radonezh). Nesterov M.V.

So the years passed. The community lived undeniably under the leadership of Sergius. The monastery grew, became more complex and had to take shape. The brethren wanted Sergius to become abbot. But he refused.

The desire for abbess, he said, is the beginning and root of the lust for power.

But the brethren insisted. Several times the elders “attacked” him, persuaded him, convinced him. Sergius himself founded the hermitage, he himself built the church; who should be the abbot and perform the liturgy?

The insistence almost turned into threats: the brethren declared that if there was no abbot, everyone would disperse. Then Sergius, exercising his usual sense of proportion, yielded, but also relatively.

I wish, - he said, - it is better to study than to teach; It is better to obey than to command; but I am afraid of God's judgment; I don’t know what pleases God; the holy will of the Lord be done!

And he decided not to argue - to transfer the matter to the discretion of the church authorities.

Father, they brought a lot of bread, bless you to accept it. Here, according to your holy prayers, they are at the gate.

Sergius blessed, and several carts loaded with baked bread, fish and various foodstuffs entered the monastery gates. Sergius rejoiced and said:

Well, you hungry ones, feed our breadwinners, invite them to share a common meal with us.

He ordered everyone to hit the beater, go to church, and serve a thanksgiving prayer service. And only after the prayer service he blessed us to sit down for a meal. The bread turned out to be warm and soft, as if it had just come out of the oven.

Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius (Sergius of Radonezh). Lissner E.

The monastery was no longer needed as before. But Sergius was still just as simple - poor, poor and indifferent to benefits, as he remained until his death. Neither power nor various “differences” interested him at all. A quiet voice, quiet movements, a calm face, that of a holy Great Russian carpenter. It contains our rye and cornflowers, birches and mirror-like waters, swallows and crosses and the incomparable fragrance of Russia. Everything is elevated to the utmost lightness and purity.

Many came from afar just to look at the monk. This is the time when the “old man” is heard throughout Russia, when he becomes close to Metropolitan. Alexy, settles disputes, carries out a grandiose mission to spread monasteries.

The monk wanted a stricter order, closer to the early Christian community. Everyone is equal and everyone is equally poor. Nobody has anything. The monastery lives as a community.

The innovation expanded and complicated the activities of Sergius. It was necessary to build new buildings - a refectory, a bakery, storerooms, barns, housekeeping, etc. Previously, his leadership was only spiritual - the monks went to him as a confessor, for confession, for support and guidance.

Everyone capable of work had to work. Private property is strictly prohibited.

To manage the increasingly complex community, Sergius chose assistants and distributed responsibilities among them. The first person after the abbot was considered the cellarer. This position was first established in Russian monasteries by St. Theodosius of Pechersk. The cellarer was in charge of the treasury, deanery and household management - not only inside the monastery. When the estates appeared, he was in charge of their life. Rules and court cases.

Already under Sergius, apparently, there was its own arable farming - there are arable fields around the monastery, partly they are cultivated by monks, partly by hired peasants, partly by those who want to work for the monastery. So the cellarer has a lot of worries.

One of the first cellarers of the Lavra was St. Nikon, later abbot.

The most experienced in spiritual life was appointed as confessor. He is the confessor of the brethren. , founder of the monastery near Zvenigorod, was one of the first confessors. Later this position was given to Epiphanius, the biographer of Sergius.

The ecclesiarch kept order in the church. Lesser positions: para-ecclesiarch - kept the church clean, canonarch - led “choir obedience” and kept liturgical books.

This is how they lived and worked in the monastery of Sergius, now famous, with roads built to it, where they could stop and stay for a while - whether for ordinary people or for the prince.

Two metropolitans, both remarkable, fill the century: Peter and Alexy. Hegumen of the army Peter, a Volynian by birth, was the first Russian metropolitan to be based in the north - first in Vladimir, then in Moscow. Peter was the first to bless Moscow. In fact, he gave his whole life for her. It is he who goes to the Horde, obtains a letter of protection from Uzbek for the clergy, and constantly helps the prince.

Metropolitan Alexy is from the high-ranking, ancient boyars of the city of Chernigov. His fathers and grandfathers shared with the prince the work of governing and defending the state. On the icons they are depicted side by side: Peter, Alexy, in white hoods, faces darkened by time, narrow and long, gray beards... Two tireless creators and workers, two “intercessors” and “patrons” of Moscow.

Etc. Sergius was still a boy under Peter; he lived with Alexy for many years in harmony and friendship. But St. Sergius was a hermit and a “man of prayer”, a lover of the forest, silence - his life path was different. Should he, since childhood, having moved away from the malice of this world, live at court, in Moscow, rule, sometimes lead intrigues, appoint, dismiss, threaten! Metropolitan Alexy often comes to his Lavra - perhaps to relax with a quiet man - from struggle, unrest and politics.

The Monk Sergius came into life when the Tatar system was already breaking down. The times of Batu, the ruins of Vladimir, Kyiv, the Battle of the City - everything is far away. Two processes are underway, the Horde is disintegrating, and the young Russian state is growing stronger. The Horde is splitting up, Rus' is uniting. The Horde has several rivals vying for power. They cut each other, are deposited, leave, weakening the strength of the whole. In Russia, on the contrary, there is an ascension.

Meanwhile, Mamai rose to prominence in the Horde and became khan. He gathered the entire Volga Horde, hired the Khivans, Yases and Burtases, came to an agreement with the Genoese, the Lithuanian prince Jagiello - in the summer he founded his camp at the mouth of the Voronezh River. Jagiello was waiting.

This is a dangerous time for Dimitri.

Until now, Sergius was a quiet hermit, a carpenter, a modest abbot and educator, a saint. Now he faced a difficult task: blessings on the blood. Would Christ bless a war, even a national one?

St. Sergius of Radonezh blesses D. Donskoy. Kivshenko A.D.

Rus' has gathered

On August 18, Dimitri with Prince Vladimir of Serpukhov, princes of other regions and governors arrived at the Lavra. It was probably both solemn and deeply serious: Rus' really came together. Moscow, Vladimir, Suzdal, Serpukhov, Rostov, Nizhny Novgorod, Belozersk, Murom, Pskov with Andrei Olgerdovich - this is the first time such forces have been deployed. It was not in vain that we set off. Everyone understood this.

The prayer service began. During the service, messengers arrived - the war was going on in the Lavra - they reported on the movement of the enemy, and warned them to hurry up. Sergius begged Dimitri to stay for the meal. Here he told him:

The time has not yet come for you to wear the crown of victory with eternal sleep; but many, countless of your collaborators are woven with martyr’s wreaths.

After the meal, the monk blessed the prince and his entire retinue, sprinkled St. water.

Go, don't be afraid. God will help you.

And, leaning down, he whispered in his ear: “You will win.”

There is something majestic, with a tragic connotation, in the fact that Sergius gave two monks-schema monks as assistants to Prince Sergius: Peresvet and Oslyabya. They were warriors in the world and went against the Tatars without helmets or armor - in the image of a schema, with white crosses on monastic clothes. Obviously, this gave Demetrius’s army a sacred crusader appearance.

On the 20th, Dmitry was already in Kolomna. On the 26th-27th, the Russians crossed the Oka and advanced towards the Don through Ryazan land. It was reached on September 6th. And they hesitated. Should we wait for the Tatars or cross over?

The older, experienced governors suggested: we should wait here. Mamai is strong, and Lithuania and Prince Oleg Ryazansky are with him. Dimitri, contrary to advice, crossed the Don. The way back was cut off, which means everything is forward, victory or death.

Sergius was also in the highest spirit these days. And in time he sent a letter after the prince: “Go, sir, go forward, God and the Holy Trinity will help!”

According to legend, Peresvet, who had long been ready for death, jumped out at the call of the Tatar hero, and, having grappled with Chelubey, struck him, he himself fell. A general battle began, on a gigantic front of ten miles at that time. Sergius correctly said: “Many are woven with martyr’s wreaths.” There were a lot of them intertwined.

During these hours the monk prayed with the brethren in his church. He talked about the progress of the battle. He named the fallen and read funeral prayers. And at the end he said: “We won.”

Venerable Sergius of Radonezh. Demise

Sergius of Radonezh came to his Makovitsa as a modest and unknown young man Bartholomew, and left as a most illustrious old man. Before the monk, there was a forest on Makovitsa, a spring nearby, and bears lived in the wilds next door. And when he died, the place stood out sharply from the forests and from Russia. On Makovitsa there was a monastery - the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, one of the four laurels of our homeland. The forests cleared up around, fields appeared, rye, oats, villages. Even under Sergius, a remote hillock in the forests of Radonezh became a bright attraction for thousands. Sergius of Radonezh founded not only his monastery and did not operate from it alone. Countless are the monasteries that arose with his blessing, founded by his disciples - and imbued with his spirit.

So, the young man Bartholomew, having retired to the forests on “Makovitsa”, turned out to be the creator of a monastery, then monasteries, then monasticism in general in a huge country.

Having left no writings behind him, Sergius seems to teach nothing. But he teaches precisely with his whole appearance: to some he is consolation and refreshment, to others - a silent reproach. Silently, Sergius teaches the simplest things: truth, integrity, masculinity, work, reverence and faith.