List of housing programs. State program "Housing" - how to get an apartment for a young family? Queue according to the program

The Russian federal budget annually provides funding for a large number of government programs, among which we can particularly highlight those aimed at young families with children. The state helps young families improve their living conditions and become owners of their own homes. the principle of targeting and need, according to which:

  • family must be recognized in need of improved living conditions;
  • the family must belong to one of the recognized socially vulnerable categories(for example, at the birth of two or more children).

Not a single housing state program provides for the transfer of housing into family ownership for free!

To participate in any of the government programs listed below, families will need to confirm their solvency and raise their own funds for the purchase or construction of residential premises.

Below is a list of the main social housing programs for young families:

What are government programs and what are they?

The federal budget and the financing of expenditure items provided for it are carried out according to program principle, within which the concept is widely used Government program.

State program is a government strategic planning document containing a system of measures interconnected by tasks, deadlines and resources and implemented with the aim of ensuring government functions and achieving the goals of socio-economic development of Russia.

Official website of the Government

Unfortunately, due to the widespread use by the country’s leadership of the program principle for ordinary citizens, there is great confusion in the forms of existence of various programs, within the framework of which some state tasks are solved, including in the field providing housing for young families.

In particular, from official sources we can highlight at least the following: 4 types of programs:

  • state (state programs);
  • federal targeted programs (FTP);
  • subprograms within the framework of the Federal Target Program and state programs;
  • implemented in the form of separate activities within the framework of subprograms.

Maternity Capital program

The program principle of the Government clearly described above is well illustrated by the example of the familiar Maternal Capital program, according to which the Pension Fund issues state certificates to families with children in the amount of . This amount can be sent in full or in parts in several directions permitted by law, including - improvement of living conditions(purchase or construction of housing).

The financing of this program in the budget law is now carried out in the form of the following system:

  • name of the state program- Social support for citizens (valid for the period 2013-2020);
    • subroutine No. 3- Improving social support for families and children;
      • main event 3.8- Providing maternal (family) capital.

In the understanding of ordinary citizens, maternity capital payments are a separate independent government program (although in reality, as can be seen from the diagram presented above, this is not the case at all).

More information about the terms of its validity can be found on the Maternity Capital page.

Federal Target Program “Housing” and the “Young Family” Program for 2015-2020

The Federal Target Program (FTP) “Housing” is one of the longest-lived and has a very long history. In total, there were several editions of it:

  • for 2002-2010 - completed;
  • for 2011-2015 - replaced the completed one;
  • for 2015-2020 - adopted and extended in a new edition dated August 25, 2015 No. 889.

Subroutine “Providing housing for young families”, according to which the state subsidizes citizens for the purchase of housing in the amount of at least 30 or 35% of its cost, was present in the Federal Target Program “Housing” from its very first edition, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2002 No. 638.

Now its financing is carried out in the form of the following system:

  • name of the state program- Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities to citizens of the Russian Federation (for 2013-2020);
    • Federal Target Program "Housing" for 2015-2020;
      • subroutine No. 1 - Providing housing for young families.

Thus, the general housing state program of the Government began working only in 2013 and absorbed the old federal target program “Housing” and “Young Family”, which have been in effect since 2002 and will all end together in 2020.

Detailed rules for participation in the program can be found on the pages of this website:

  • general federal rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • features of the implementation of the program in the regions of the country in accordance with local laws.

“Housing for the Russian family” for 2014-2017

By Government Decree No. 323 of April 15, 2014, Dmitry Medvedev approved the housing state program, as part of which the implementation of a new program is planned for the period 2014-2017 "Housing for a Russian family"(IOR).

Below are the features of the new program and its difference from the “Young Family”:

  • the program is aimed at providing families in need of improved housing conditions, economy class apartments costing up to 80% of the average market price for real estate in new buildings in the region, which families will have to pay on their own;
  • new economical housing must be built and put into operation by developers until the end of 2017(in total, at least 25 million square meters of apartments throughout the country) under special program conditions;
  • The government subsidizes developers the price of housing that passed the competition and was approved by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation as participants in the program, up to its market value.

Thus, we can highlight the following fundamental differences between the ZhRS program and the “Young Family”:

  • housing is initially provided at a price below market value, and its entire cost is provided to citizens pay independently(for this you need to confirm your solvency) - for this you can use a certificate for maternity capital or a social mortgage;
  • Government subsidy issued to non-citizens, and directly to developers who are certified as participants in the program, build economy-class housing and sell it to families at a price of up to 80% of the market value;
  • you can buy housing only on the primary market- and only in new buildings that are built by certified developers specifically in accordance with the rules of the iron ore resource program.

Financing of the “Housing for Russian Family” program for the period 2014-2017 is carried out according to the following system:

  • name of the state program- Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities to citizens of the Russian Federation (for 2013 - 2020);
    • subroutine No. 1- Creating conditions for providing affordable and comfortable housing to Russian citizens;
      • main event 1.8- implementation of the “Housing for Russian Family” program.

The detailed requirements of the Iron ore Works program can be found on the materials of its official website, prepared with the participation of the Russian Government.

The legislation of our state is constantly developing and implementing state support programs aimed at providing citizens of the Russian Federation with the necessary housing space. State social programs for the purchase of housing are a whole range of high-quality measures that are designed to improve the housing condition of single citizens and Russian families through the purchase or construction of residential real estate.

In this material we will introduce you to current social programs for purchasing housing in the Russian Federation.

1. Federal program “Young family - affordable housing”

The current state federal target program “young family” has already allowed hundreds of thousands of young families to become owners of new apartments and improve their living conditions. Young families can receive financial assistance from the state if they meet a number of requirements that must be taken into account if they want to obtain the right to a housing subsidy:

  • Authorized bodies must officially recognize the family as needing housing or improving the existing one.
  • Each spouse must be no older than 35 years of age (if the family is single-parent, the same applies to one parent).
  • The family must have at least one child.
  • The need to provide a certificate of permanent income or an available amount of money that will allow you to make a down payment for housing.

To participate in this state program, it is necessary to comply with all the above points.

2. Federal social program “Housing”

The state program “Housing” provides for the development of a special housing market that will be optimally affordable for the majority of citizens, as well as the provision of such housing to categories of Russians in need. For more successful and high-quality implementation, this social housing program was divided into several subprograms.

1. Subprogram number 1 – “Providing housing for young families”. Within the framework of this federal category, those recognized as needing housing or improving their living conditions can stand in line to receive subsidies on a voluntary basis.

The finances that must be fully spent on the acquisition of the required type of real estate are summed up from budget funds and the additional amount that applicants must have. Maternity capital can also become such a component.

But as part of the amount when paying for housing, the targeted use of funds is important (For 2015, maternity capital is represented by the amount of 429 thousand rubles). That is, with the help of maternity capital you can:

  • Make a down payment when applying for a loan or loan;
  • Successfully make the necessary payments on an existing loan.

For information: “The Russian state budget has already allocated more than 290 billion rubles to finance this “Subprogram 1.”

2. Purpose Subroutines 2 is " Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing to categories of citizens established by federal legislation", which include:

  • persons who are officially forced migrants,
  • persons who are or were previously involved in the Baikonur complex,
  • , employees of the police and other paramilitary departments,
  • persons who have already been discharged from military service, but are still registered as in need of housing,
  • persons affected by radiation exposure at the Mayak enterprise and Chernobyl victims,
  • former residents of the Far North.

The project of this program is financed only from the federal budget; more than 162 billion rubles have already been allocated for the current year.

3. Housing programs for WWII participants and combat veterans

Providing housing for veterans through the state budget was provided for in 2010 and is still in effect today. The presidential decree “on providing housing to veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War and combat operations” also helps the families of fallen servicemen.

The draft of such a social state program involves the allocation of subventions from federal budgets. The amount of subsidies is determined by the following factors:

  • Number of applicants;
  • The total living space is 36 square meters;
  • Price per 1 sq.m. living space, taking into account a specific region.

The intended use of funds issued under this program is strictly regulated; they cannot be used for other purposes.

4. State assistance in purchasing housing for state employees

A specialist who has worked in the public service and has official experience for a year or more has every right to a subsidy for the purchase of his own living space. To smoothly receive a subsidy, some nuances are taken into account:

  1. The person lives in conditions unsuitable for the established level, or in a dormitory.
  2. A person should not be the owner of real estate or part of it, or a member of the owners’ family, except in cases where it is necessary to live with a patient with chronic diseases.
  3. A person should not have concluded rental agreements for housing, nor should he be a member of a family who has such agreements, provided that the rented area is more than 15 square meters for each resident.
  4. A person can be a tenant of a communal-type living space or its owner.

Payments for the specified type of subsidy are made after providing all the necessary documentation and registration.

5. “Sustainable development of rural areas” social housing program

For many years, the periphery has suffered from a labor shortage as educated professionals tend to stay in the cities and earn higher wages. Rural regions are gradually fading, ceasing to develop.

In connection with the current situation, a special state program “Sustainable Development of Rural Territories” was introduced, with the help of which it is necessary to improve the standard of living and provide comfortable living conditions in villages and villages.

Within the program, high-quality financial support is provided in the form of:

  • Additional financing of social rental agreements under the conditions of subsequent purchase of this housing;
  • Implementation of social payments from various sources of the state budget for the purchase of living space or construction of a residential facility in a rural region;
  • Preferential terms for mortgage lending and participation of maternity capital in it.

The program is financed through the state budget for a total amount of more than 300 billion rubles.

If you find yourself in the categories of citizens targeted by the described social programs for the purchase of housing, then you should contact the relevant government services for advice and receive social assistance for a particular housing program.

The Moscow Housing program began working in 2002, and in 2010 it was extended for five years until the end of 2015. In the same year, its validity period was again extended by another five years until 2020. The project was created for the purpose of housing construction and supporting families in purchasing affordable housing.

Purpose of the program

The protracted crisis in the country has revealed problems in the housing sector. This:

  1. Low level of competition between developers;
  2. Large administrative obstacles that do not allow a novice individual entrepreneur to participate in the acquisition of residential premises;
  3. Complicated procedure for obtaining land and completing documentation for individual construction;
  4. The practical impossibility of obtaining a plot of land to build your own home;
  5. Difficulty in obtaining loans for design, renovation and construction of housing;
  6. Bureaucratic conditions for joining engineering and other systems for the developer and more.

Therefore, the formation of partnership cooperation in the field of residential construction began at the state level. One of these areas was the unification of individual and commercial developers, non-profit associations of citizens and government agencies to solve housing problems.

As a result of such activities, changes were made to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which made it possible to comprehensively develop free space and develop already built-up areas, create communal structures, assign responsibility for bureaucratic obstacles to local authorities and create conditions for infrastructure development.

The following were recognized as important areas of the Housing program:

  • Development of urban planning of land areas suitable for the construction of residential buildings;
  • Construction of low-rise economy class buildings characterized by environmental friendliness, accessibility and energy efficiency standards;
  • Creation of social infrastructure;
  • Development of life support engineering systems;
  • A simplified procedure for obtaining credit funds for developers, housing cooperatives and others.

The main objectives of the project were:

  1. Construction of economical, social housing.
  2. Providing support to entities involved in the development and implementation of program measures;
  3. Control over the activities of funds and relevant financial organizations;
  4. Stimulating local government authorities to create conditions for the development of budgetary construction;
  5. Development of relations between commercial developers and government organizations.

Effectiveness of program activities

Since the creation of the program, its feasibility has been confirmed, including:

  • Many socially vulnerable categories of citizens were able to acquire their own living space:
  • It has become easier to build a private house;
  • Mortgage lending has become much more accessible.

Taking into account the proposed conditions, the “Housing” program has become almost the only opportunity for many families to become owners of their own homes with the help of state support. Changes made to the project entailed:

  1. Wider attraction of lending in the secondary real estate market. The loan rate may be below 10%;
  2. Increasing the number of affordable housing. In both capitals, an apartment can be purchased within 10 million rubles, while in other cities you can count on an amount of 4 million rubles;
  3. Introduction of a mortgage product for low-rise construction in the amount of up to 3 million rubles, where the loan rate cannot exceed 10%.

Purchasing your own home is an expensive pleasure, sometimes unaffordable for most young couples. Participation in events offered by the program provides a chance to own residential premises.

In such a situation, the state will partially contribute the cost of the object, and the remaining amount will be provided as a bank loan. It is provided on preferential terms, the rate of which cannot exceed 12%, which is actually much lower than what is offered by credit institutions.

State participation is expected in the amount of up to 40% of the transaction price. The specific value will depend on the category into which program participants are classified and other starting conditions. But at the same time, the parties involved must confirm their ability to fulfill debt obligations.

The purchase of real estate financed by the state occurs at a price established by an appraisal examination, and not at its market option.

The loan can be partially repaid with maternity capital funds.

Basically, the project was created to support the privileged group of the country's population.

Only persons with Russian citizenship and under the age of 35 are allowed to participate in the project.

The applicant must have initial capital in order to make a down payment for the purchased residential property. Its size is usually 10% of the expert assessment of the residential premises.

The money must be deposited into the bank account of the buyer of the property. Service employees will check his financial situation, as well as his ability to repay the loan funds provided. The stability of family income must be documented.

An application for participation in the project can be submitted to the administration of the locality in which the person wishing to purchase subsidized housing lives annually before 01.09. It must be remembered that at the time of application the applicant cannot reach 35 years of age. After a positive verdict is made, it is included in the project for the next year. The response is sent to the applicant based on the decision made by the commission no later than ten days from the date of submission of the relevant documentation.

The rules for participation in the program can be clarified with the local municipality, since the list of categories of applicants can be expanded depending on the capabilities of regional authorities.

Procedure for obtaining state support

The procedure for providing a subsidy takes place in several stages, the completion of which is necessary to achieve a positive result:

  1. Submitting an application to the administrative body in 2 copies. Its registration is carried out in accordance with a regulated format and is a request to be included in the registration queue of those in need of improved living conditions.
  2. Providing information on the availability of initial capital intended to pay the down payment for the purchased property.
  3. Carrying out calculations of the amount of subsidies provided.
  4. Obtaining approval from the housing commission to issue a certificate of the right to provide social assistance aimed at the construction or purchase of a residential property.
  5. Submission of the necessary documentation to the banking institution no later than 2 months from the date of receipt, conclusion of the agreement and opening of an account for the transfer of funds.
  6. Registration of a real estate purchase transaction.

List of required documents

Those wishing to take part in the project, in addition to the application, must submit:

  • Identity cards of all family members;
  • Certificate of registration of marriage relations;
  • Reference information about the total income of both spouses, as well as the existence of the amount required to pay the down payment for the purchase of an apartment;
  • Information about existing living conditions.


​During the period of its operation, the Housing program provided significant support to a large circle of citizens of various social levels in need of their own living space and stimulated the rapid growth of the construction industry. A legislative framework was formed regulating the registration of owner rights, housing and communal services, the construction sector and lending for the purchase of real estate. The program made it possible to improve the living conditions of various groups of people, including teachers and doctors in rural areas, military personnel, large families, and young professionals. The Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending was created.

The implementation of the measures made it possible to significantly improve the infrastructure in the country and build new living quarters for those in need. The conditions for calculating the cost of a residential meter have forced developers to use new developments and materials that make it possible to build high-quality and inexpensive objects in a short time.

Application of the Housing program in Moscow

Families with more than three children in the capital are given the opportunity to write off 30% of the cost of an apartment purchased from the municipality. Changes to the regulatory act regulating the provision of benefits were published on the official website of the government and the mayor of the capital.

Today, a family has the right to count on such a discount during the period of validity of the contract for the purchase of living space with installment payments, if it has a third child or has been adopted, or one of them has become disabled. The support is provided in the form of a one-time write-off of a third of the redemption price of the residential premises purchased from the city, specified in the agreement.

In addition, 30% of the purchase price of a real estate property can be written off for families with 3 or more children or disabled children who have used mortgage funds. Until 2018, this was only possible with participation in social mortgage lending programs. In 2018, 183 billion rubles were allocated from the capital’s budget for the implementation of the Housing project.

The federal Housing program was developed in 2002, and in 2010 it was further extended for five years until the end of 2015. After this, the Government of Dmitry Medvedev decided to extend the program for another five-year period - until 2020 inclusive.

In accordance with Government Decree No. 889 of August 25, 2015, the federal target program (FTP) “Housing” is formed by subprograms:

  1. Providing young families with affordable housing.
  2. Modernization of municipal infrastructure.
  3. Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for citizens of certain categories.
  4. Stimulating regional programs for the effective development of housing construction.

The program is aimed at creating an economy-class housing market that would be affordable to the majority of citizens of our country, eliminating the lack of environmentally friendly and comfortable residential premises, stimulating demand for residential premises and improving the quality of Russia’s housing stock.

Conditions of the Housing program for 2016-2020

The state program “Housing” is rightfully the basic tool for the implementation of the all-Russian project “Affordable and comfortable housing for citizens of the Russian Federation.”

The program provides that in order to implement the goals of this state program, all constituent entities of the Russian Federation must take certain steps to assist Russian citizens in solving the most difficult issue - housing.

As part of the program under consideration, there is a unique subprogram “Young Family”, which helps young Russian families get comfortable housing.

Main conditions to participate in the program are:

  • compliance with the age limit (no more than 35 years for one parent or both spouses);
  • be recognized by local authorities as needing improved housing conditions;
  • availability of own funds and/or regular income sufficient to repay loans.

Subsidy amount under the program- this is a certain percentage that the local budget pays for a young family when buying a house or apartment (at least 30 or 35% of the cost of housing).

Program goals and results achieved

Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to achieve the basic goal of reducing the cost of housing in Russia. If we sum up the interim results of the implementation of the long-term state program, we can note that there are the following achievements:

  • the share of private housing has increased;
  • mortgage lending has received significant development;
  • Housing construction volumes have increased.

Achieving the results of the Federal Target Program will be facilitated by the fact that the Maternity Capital program, which increases the birth rate, has been extended until 2018.

However, without their own housing, which would be as suitable as possible for small children, it is difficult for our citizens to solve this problem of the demographic crisis.