Waterproofing and roofing materials. Pitched roof waterproofing: device, materials, installation

The waterproofing layer is the most important part of the construction of the roofing pie. For roof waterproofing, various bitumen, bitumen-polymer materials, membranes, mastics are used. Below we consider the features of these materials, the specifics of their application and the principles of choice.

Types of waterproofing materials

Soft roll materials

This category includes various brands of roofing material. The material is made of roofing paper coated with a layer of bitumen. It is used on roofs with different slopes. Its main advantage is low cost. But the service life of rolled bituminous materials is small - about 5 years, depending on the brand. Other disadvantages of roofing material are that it is highly flammable, and the base of roofing paper is extremely fragile. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, bitumen loses its elasticity and rapidly loses its waterproofing qualities, so the coating needs to be updated regularly. For the indicated reasons, roofing felt is less and less used in the repair or installation of the roof, replacing it with more modern waterproofing roofing materials.

Bitumen-polymer roll materials

This category includes roll waterproofing made of SBS- or APP-modified bitumen based on fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester. Such a coating is durable, easy to install by welding or mechanical fastening. Polymer additives give bitumen elasticity, increase its resistance to adverse environmental influences and increase the service life of waterproofing up to several tens of years. Pay attention to the structure of the roll roof in the photo.

Bitumen-polymer roll materials can be used for waterproofing the roof of buildings and structures for any purpose. They are presented in various price categories - from "economy" to "premium". The material can be laid on any non-combustible even base, including when reconstructing an old roof.


Roofing membranes are made of PVC-P with the addition of plasticizers. The material is resistant to UV radiation, does not lose plasticity in frost, is easy to install (without fusing), creating a reliable waterproofing coating, vapor permeable. Roofing membranes are more expensive than other waterproofing materials, but the higher price is offset by a long service life (up to 40 years). Are applied at repair and the device of a roof of inhabited, commercial, industrial objects.

Elastic continuous coating based on a two-component mixture. It is applied to the substrate by cold airless spraying. Liquid rubber has good adhesion, full moisture resistance, lasts up to 30 years, it can be used to insulate roof elements with complex relief. The main disadvantage of liquid rubber is the complex installation and the need to use specialized equipment. The waterproofing covering from rubber is not vapor-permeable.

Bitumen-polymer mastics

It is applied in several layers when repairing small sections of the roof, used as coating insulation, sealing joints, cracks, and junctions with them. Used as an additional waterproofing agent when installing the roof. As the main roof waterproofing, bitumen-polymer mastics are not used, since the coating does not form a continuous, stable waterproofing carpet.

Features of the choice of waterproofing material for the roof

To create a reliable waterproofing layer of a roofing pie, bitumen-polymer roll materials and waterproofing membranes are most often used. One of the world's leading manufacturers in this segment is ICOPAL. IKOPAL roll materials for roof waterproofing are produced in two versions: for single-layer and for two-layer roofing systems.

Materials for the top layer of a two-layer roofing system are indicated by the letter "B" in the marking (for example, IKOPAL-V), materials for the lower layer are indicated by the letter "H" (for example, IKOPAL-N).

  • For waterproofing flat roofs and roofs with a small slope, it is recommended to use two-layer roofing systems. They create a reinforced moisture-proof layer of a flat roof.
  • For waterproofing a pitched roof, repairing a flat roof, single-layer and two-layer solutions are suitable. Single-layer systems are more affordable from a financial point of view. They are also lighter than two-layer ones, which reduces the load on the supporting structure of the building.
  • Both single-layer and two-layer systems can be used as a material for repairing an old roof, reinforcing joints.

Advantages of roll materials from SBS-modified bitumen from ICOPAL:

  • The polyester base in IKOPAL bitumen-polymer roll materials is strong and elastic, the waterproofing carpet lasts over 25 years.
  • ICOPAL's SBS-modified bitumen protection profile solutions optimize the installation process.
  • Roll coating can be laid at any time of the year (in the absence of precipitation).
  • Slate dressing on top of the canvas protects the waterproofing carpet from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Roof membranes

Membranes are a new generation of roll materials for roof waterproofing. Their service life exceeds 30 years. ICOPAL produces MONARPLAN membranes for roof waterproofing, which consist of three layers: two layers of plasticized elastic polyvinyl chloride and fiberglass (or polyester) between them to give the material strength.

Advice. If you are using the membrane to repair an existing roof, please note that membrane roll materials cannot be laid directly on the old layer of bituminous waterproofing.

Advantages of MONARPLAN membranes from ICOPAL:

  • They have a low level of water absorption.
  • Form a stable homogeneous coating.
  • They have vapor permeability, which prevents the accumulation of condensate drops in the roofing cake.
  • Tear resistant.
  • Lungs - about 2 kg per sq. m (depending on the brand of membrane coating), do not create an excessive load on the supporting structure.
  • Installation can be carried out at any time of the year, without the use of an open flame.
  • Resistant to UV rays, temperature extremes, mold and mildew.
  • They have a wide range of applications, suitable for roofing, underground waterproofing.
  • Repairable.

In the MONARPLAN line from ICOPAL there are several types of roofing membranes for waterproofing an operated and non-operated roof, a “green roof” device.

Recommended. To simplify the installation of the roofing membrane and create the most reliable waterproofing, including on difficult sections of the roof, additional materials from the MONARPLAN series will help: metal sheets for fastening, a membrane sheet for waterproofing junctions, lining to reinforce corners, etc.

Roof waterproofing

In a professional environment, the concepts of roof and roof have completely different meanings. The roof is the upper enclosing structure that perceives the wind and snow load and protects the building from atmospheric precipitation, sharp fluctuations in outside temperature. But the element that protects the building from the penetration of atmospheric precipitation is called the roof. Both in the segment of low-rise construction and in industrial and civil construction, similar requirements are imposed on roofs. They must be strong and durable.

To ensure reliable roof waterproofing, there are many proven, high-quality materials that differ in installation method, operating rules and areas of application. TECHNONICOL roofing materials are distinguished by consistently high quality, manufacturability in the process of application and long service life.

In the segment of industrial and civil construction, bitumen-polymer materials and PVC membranes are most in demand, and coatings made of mastic are also popular. In low-rise construction, in addition to roll materials, piece materials are actively used on pitched roofs. One of the most popular in terms of durability, reliability and aesthetics is a flexible tile.

The use of new generation materials for roof waterproofing guarantees strength, reliability and long service life of the roof. In some cases, the warranty period is up to 60 years. Depending on the type of roof, its laying can be carried out on various bases: wooden, metal, concrete.

mastic roofing

Mastic roofs allow you to mount a homogeneous coating, without seams. Such a composition is applied in layers, and does not require special preparation before starting work. Mastic has good adhesion to concrete, various metals, as well as bituminous materials.

Cold applied mastics contain a solvent, and therefore the application of such compositions must be done in a thin layer. Otherwise, the top coat of the applied composition will harden, thus clogging the inner layers, from which the solvent will begin to evaporate over time. The layer thickness must be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Laying subsequent layers is possible only after the previous ones have completely dried. Any light-colored cloth or glove can be used as a control. It is enough to apply it to the treated surface. If there are no marks on the fabric, then you can start applying a new layer.

Some types of mastics involve the application of additional UV protection, which is mandatory indicated in the instructions for use. For this purpose, sprinkles, for example, from slate, are suitable. They are applied to the surface treated with mastic before it dries. As an alternative, a protective mastic with aluminum pigment can be used.

The use of mastic for waterproofing various roofs is justified both for residential buildings and for industrial buildings. It becomes especially relevant when a lot of different building structures (stretch marks for antennas, supports for equipment) are carried through the roof.

Bitumen-polymer roll materials

TECHNONICOL offers a wide range of modern roofing and waterproofing rolled bituminous materials produced on the basis of fiberglass, fiberglass, polyester.

Polyester is elastic, chemically inert, well impregnated with a bitumen-polymer composition, in percentage terms, the relative elongation of a material sample with a polyester base reaches 30-60%. For these reasons, bitumen-polymer material with a polyester base is used in almost any solution.

Fiberglass is considered the most durable base, but the fiberglass base is well impregnated with a bitumen-polymer binder, but less resistant to tearing.

The undoubted advantage of bitumen-polymer materials is their strength and vandal resistance. The thickness of the waterproofing carpet with bituminous materials on a flat roof ranges from 5 to 8.2 mm. As you know, the thicker the coating, the more difficult it is to damage.

The important advantages of bitumen-polymer membranes include biostability, high heat resistance, resistance to frost and ultraviolet (due to the use of durable slate dressing on the top layer of the waterproofing carpet), which is important in the harsh Russian winter in the north and hot summer in the south.

Currently, the range of TECHNONICOL bitumen-polymer materials has been expanded with a line of self-adhesive materials intended for work in the field of ASG and low-rise construction. For their installation, it is enough to remove the anti-adhesive film from the self-adhesive bitumen-polymer layer and attach the material to the surface. Such materials are perfect in cases where the use of open fire is not possible, for example, when mounting on a wooden base. In addition, the self-adhesive base greatly simplifies the installation itself, as it does not require special skills and additional equipment.

Polymer membranes

Polymeric membranes are a modern roof covering, which is made from high-quality polyvinyl chloride with the addition of modern additives and plasticizers. PVC membranes have the highest combustibility group G1 for polymers at a thickness of 1.2 mm and group G2 at a higher thickness. An exception among TECHNONICOL PVC membranes is LOGICROOF V-RP 1.5 mm. She passed the tests by two methods and received the highest class Broof (t1), Broof (t2), Broof (t3).

The installation of polymer membranes is carried out in a fireproof way - the sheets are welded with hot air, without the use of open flame, using special automatic equipment. This reduces the influence of the human factor, and also ensures 100% reliability of welds. Membranes are used on a variety of roofs of any shape and design, and color solutions allow you to highlight the roof and create a unique pattern or logo that will be noticeable from a bird's eye view.

Flexible roof tiles

Flexible tile is a popular material in the low-rise construction segment. Each shingle is based on a heavy-duty fiberglass coated on both sides with a bituminous binder. The top dressing made of natural stone provides durability, resistance to mechanical stress and ultraviolet radiation. The unique formulation of bitumen, which is part of the flexible tile, allows the tile shingles to sinter, forming a homogeneous joint on the roof, which ensures absolute tightness. Flexible tiles are silent and do not spread flames, in addition, colored stone granules retain color fastness throughout their entire service life.

The aesthetics of flexible tiles can be singled out as a separate line. The TECHNONICOL assortment includes 14 collections in 70 colors and 8 cut shapes. Such a variety of shapes and colors allows you to implement any architectural solution and preserve the bright appearance of the object for the entire period of operation.

Waterproofing materials from TECHNONICOL

Roofing mastics:





Bitumen-polymer roll materials for roofing:




















Self-adhesive waterproofing of a flat roof TECHNONICOL



Roofing PVC membranes:





Flexible tile:


Multilayer tile TECHNONICOL SHINGLAS, CONTINENT collection

Multilayer tile TECHNONICOL SHINGLAS, WESTERN collection

Multilayer tile TECHNONICOL SHINGLAS, JAZZ collection

Multilayer tile TECHNONICOL SHINGLAS, COUNTRY collection

Multilayer tile TECHNONICOL SHINGLAS, RANCH collection

Flexible tile TECHNONICOL, CLASSIC series

Flexible tile TECHNONICOL, ULTRA series

Flexible tile TECHNONICOL, series FINNISH TILE

Composite tiles:

Composite tile TECHNONICOL LUXARD Classic

Composite tile TECHNONICOL LUXARD Roman

Having found out how much the cost of 1 m² of roofing will cost, developers immediately wonder how long the roof will last. The question is important, since the construction of a roof is not a cheap pleasure and I wanted it to last for decades. However, the longevity of a roof depends not only on the choice of a good covering material, but also on other factors. One of them - waterproofing - will be discussed in this article.

Roof waterproofing

Roof waterproofing - protection of the entire roof structure from the penetration of melt and rain water into the under-roof space, the destructive effect of condensate. It will provide reliable ventilation of the attic or attic space, which will save the insulation from getting wet, which means it will save you from additional costs for heating the house. In a word, good waterproofing of the roof is a guarantee of reliability and durability of the house.

Waterproofing pitched and flat roofs: features and differences

Typical waterproofing of a pitched roof involves the laying of the following layers from the inside out: drywall → vapor barrier → insulation → waterproofing → lathing → roofing. As you can see, waterproofing is inseparable from vapor and thermal insulation. Only together they give effect and make the pitched roof durable and safe.

Scheme of a roofing pie for a soft pitched roof made of bituminous tiles

With such a layering, the insulation is reliably protected from getting wet: on the one hand, by a vapor barrier from condensate, and on the other, by a hydrobarrier from atmospheric precipitation. But, unfortunately, there is always a fly in the ointment. In this case, the location of the waterproofing agent directly under the roofing. Here it is, it turns out, is not protected by anything, except for the flooring.

And if the coating is laid with violations, then the waterproofing layer will quickly become unusable, and with it the entire roofing "pie" up to the load-bearing structural elements. And also do not forget about UV radiation, temperature changes, repeated freezing and defrosting, which negatively affect the roofing and through it to the next layer - waterproofing, gradually destroying it.

What is the way out of this situation? How, having paid once, not to return to this issue for at least 10 years? And there is only one way out - to use high-quality modern insulating materials from trusted manufacturers, pay special attention to the composition of the waterproofing agent - are there protective additives from ultraviolet radiation. Such protective materials, of course, are more expensive, but they also last much longer. The usual warranty is 10 years, but, as practice has shown, such roofs do not age up to 50 years.

Flat roof waterproofing

Even 15 years ago, the “pie” of a flat roof was not much different from a pitched roof in terms of laying insulating layers. He had the same flaw - the waterproofing was laid last, so it was not protected and quickly collapsed.

The scheme of the roofing pie of an unexploited flat roof used to be not much different from a pitched roof

But with the advent of new technologies, they came up with an inverted flat roof, devoid of such a drawback. The waterproofing material is now located at the bottom of the pie between the primer and geotextile, protected and the roof insulation with two layers of geotextile.

The scheme of the roofing pie of the inverted flat roof has changed over time

In addition, bituminous resins, used until recently as waterproofing agents, recognized as fire hazardous and harmful, have been replaced by modern polymer or membrane resins, which are more effective and much easier to install. With them, you can easily get waterproofing of a flat roof with a service life of 20 years or more, if only:

  • a smooth screed without swelling cracks was made;
  • a technically correct roof slope was created to drain water;
  • a protective primer material was applied in 2-3 thin layers for better adhesion of the waterproofing to the base;
  • the rules for applying waterproofing are observed - the layers are applied thinly and evenly, each subsequent one as the previous one dries.

With this approach, a flat roof will serve faithfully for many years.

Roof waterproofing materials

For roof waterproofing today there is a wide variety of products to choose from. More popular - moisture-proof films and vapor barrier, liquid rubber. As well as self-adhesive tapes, glassine, roofing material and its varieties, membranes, etc.

Penetrating waterproofing for the roof

A hydrobarrier with penetrating compounds is made on roofs with a porous structure of limestone blocks or concrete. Its essence lies in the fact that the insulating mixture fills all the cracks, penetrating deep inside and solidifying. As a result, penetrating compounds become like a part of concrete, forming a monolithic solid structure.

Penetrating waterproofing compounds become like a part of concrete, forming a monolithic solid structure

As a penetrating insulator, liquid glass, molten bitumen, and polymer compounds are most often used. Their new compositions showed themselves well "Maxright 500", "Maxsil Flex M", "Millennium", "Penetron" and others.


  • easy to use and non-toxic;
  • clog even large cracks formed as a result of shrinkage of concrete;
  • have good adhesion and are easy to apply;
  • good resistance to corrosion and alkaline salts, excellent resistance to high water pressure;
  • long service life, which excludes repair work.

Liquid waterproofing for the roof

Liquid waterproofing materials are single-component and multi-component (base + hardener). Liquid rubber belongs to the latter. It got its name due to its external similarity with rubber - black, viscous, waterproof. However, it is not based on rubber, as in rubber, but on bitumen.

Liquid rubber is similar to rubber in appearance, but differs in composition.

Liquid rubber - a waterproofing seamless coating of cold application. Key feature - instant hardening. Advantages:

  • good adhesion to any surface, regardless of the stage of hardening of the rubber and the age of the roofing;
  • seamlessness, which greatly increases the reliability of the coating;
  • the possibility of using on roofs of complex construction;
  • resistance to ultraviolet, sudden temperature changes, frost;
  • non-toxic.

Roll self-adhesive roof waterproofing

Roll waterproofing is designed for use on pitched and unused flat roofs. The main feature of these insulators is the fireless laying method. Self-adhesive bottom layer allows you to carry out insulation work as quickly as possible.

Fireless installation of self-adhesive rolled waterproofing has an undeniable advantage over other rolled waterproofing materials

In addition, some brands of rolled insulation material have a surface with coarse slate dressing, which provides reliable protection from UV radiation, rain, snow, wind and frost.


  • convenient easy installation;
  • high water resistance and heat resistance;
  • good fire resistance;
  • durability - the service life of the coating is up to 20 years.

Video: Rizolin self-adhesive roll waterproofer

Bituminous roof waterproofing

Bituminous mastics protect the under-roof space from external waters. Bituminous mixtures are made for hot and cold applications. They are quite in demand due to their qualities:

  • resistance to aggressive manifestations of the external environment and salts;
  • ease of application;
  • profitability - a small expense to get a good result;
  • elasticity and viscosity;
  • low weight compared to rolled, bitumen-polymer, rubber and rubber materials;
  • environmental friendliness - mastics are made on a water basis;
  • good adhesion to any material and tensile strength.

The bituminous mastic hydrobarrier increases the durability of the protective layer due to the seamless coating. Allows to use them in any places and junctions of pitched, domed, spire or flat roofs even without removing the old roofing.

The disadvantages include the dependence of the work on weather conditions - the minimum temperature for application is not lower than -5 ° C. As well as the difficulty in checking the uniformity of the application and the thickness of the layer. Therefore, when working with bituminous waterproofing, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface to be treated.

Video: application of Bitumast waterproofing mastic

Rubber roof waterproofing

Rubber waterproofing belongs to the category of coating. These are various types of mastics and paints for repairing and insulating roof structures, sealing joints and junctions, sealing cracks and seams. Before applying such compositions, the base must be treated with a primer, preferably from the same manufacturer as the mastic. This will improve the adhesion of the waterproofing agent to the work surface.

Mastic bitumen-rubber Bitumast for waterproofing, sealing and anti-corrosion protection of the roof

The most common and proven waterproofing products of this group are: AquaMast roofing waterproofing mastic, Isaval and Antigoteras waterproofing rubber paint, TechnoNIKOL waterproofing, Bitumast and others. All of them are different:

  • high resistance to ionizing radiation and ultraviolet;
  • have good dielectric properties;
  • withstand shock loads and large temperature fluctuations;
  • good resistance to moisture, oils and solvents;
  • almost all of them are single-component, that is, they are immediately ready for use;
  • after processing create a durable coating.

Mastics belong to the group of combustible substances, so you should work with them in overalls and rubber gloves.

Bitumen-rubber roof waterproofing

Bitumen-rubber waterproofing agent is a multi-component composition, ready for use. It is made on the basis of petroleum bitumen with the addition of crushed rubber, an organic solvent, mineral and technological components. Distinguish mastics for cold application and hot. Cold compositions are more popular due to the lack of need for heating before application and a wide range of colors due to dyes in the composition of the product.

Popular and more commonly used brands are Izobit BR bitumen-rubber mastic-primer, Elastopaz rubber bitumen mastic, Disprobit rubber dispersion mastic for roof waterproofing, TechnoNIKOL and AquaMast waterproofing products.

The unique composition of bitumen-rubber mastics makes it possible to obtain a waterproofing layer that is resistant to precipitation, temperature extremes and ultraviolet radiation.

Bitumen-rubber waterproofing has the following characteristics:

  • forms a durable integral waterproofing layer that can withstand a wide range of temperatures and reliably protect the roof from leaks;
  • famous for its low consumption - it takes 3-4 kg / m² to cover a medium-sized roof in 3 layers;
  • strength of adhesion to metal and concrete surfaces ≈ 0.1 MPa;
  • elongation at break not less than 100%;
  • heat resistance +80 °C and more;
  • good water permeability and flexibility;
  • work can be carried out from -10 °C to +40 °C.

Bitumen-rubber mastic is fire hazardous, like rubber mastic, with a permissible share of harmful substances that disappear after the mastic absorbs its waterproofing properties - during the day, although the process depends on weather conditions.

It is impossible to use bitumen-rubber mastics for waterproofing residential premises.

Video: waterproofing for roofing bituminous-rubber AquaMast

Roof waterproofing tape

Universal bituminous tapes are used for waterproofing joints, complex roofs in hard-to-reach areas, cracks that have appeared, when repairing the coating, as well as isolating adjoining. They are a multilayer fabric, elastic and durable, on an adhesive basis. The inner layer is bitumen with the addition of rubber and polymers, the outer layer is the thinnest copper or aluminum layer, which provides strong and reliable protection of the base from the negative effects of the environment.

Bituminous roof waterproofing tape is a self-adhesive sheet that provides a highly effective waterproofing layer.

The main advantage of waterproofing tape is ease of use. No equipment, skills or knowledge required. Laying the tape is easy and fast, especially since it is applicable to any surface. In addition, the advantages of the waterproofing include:

  • large temperature regime of application;
  • high degree of safety and environmental friendliness;
  • a good alternative to expensive repairs of individual sections of the roof;
  • resistance to sunlight, moisture, chemical elements;
  • variety of colors;
  • the ability to self-heal, which not all waterproofing compositions are endowed with.

Video: Sika Multiseal self-adhesive bitumen tape

Adjacency waterproofing tape

Self-adhesive adjoining tapes are specialized for sealing joints, seams when roofing material is attached to walls and output channels of communication systems. Tapes are made from a polyisobutylene mixture with an aluminum mesh inside. On the reverse side of the tape, two-centimeter rubber strips are applied. A special feature of the adjoining tapes is that they lie perfectly evenly on any roof decking and do not form folds, which creates excellent moisture resistance. Aluminum mesh gives strength and good stretching - the tape does not tear even when the building shrinks.

Today you can find many brands of self-adhesive tapes, both domestic and foreign. All of them deserve attention, because they provide, subject to proper installation, reliable waterproofing.

The junction tape, when properly installed, creates a good seal

Roof waterproofing film and its types

Dampness in the house, mold, fungus, an unpleasant smell - everything indicates that water has penetrated under the roof lining. An urgent renovation is needed, and how this will hit the household budget depends on how far things have gone. To avoid such negatives, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing film in the roofing "pie" between the insulation and the roofing deck. And it is desirable to do this even at the construction stages. The film for waterproofing will reliably protect the insulation from getting wet, preserve the load-bearing elements of the roof and the cladding of the attic.

Hydrofilms are:

  • polyethylene, which, in turn, are divided into reinforced and non-reinforced;
  • polypropylene;
  • films with an anti-condensation layer.

In addition, there are perforated and non-perforated films. Perforated, of course, are much better - due to perforation, they have greater vapor permeability - up to 40 g / m² per day.

Perforated films have greater vapor permeability - up to 40 g/m² per day

However, this is not enough to remove steam completely from the under-roof space. In addition, micro-holes get dirty over time, which reduces the steam-conducting ability of the films. Therefore, in houses with heated attics, where more condensate is formed than in cold attics, it is imperative to leave a ventilation gap between the layers of vapor and thermal insulation.

Table: properties of waterproofing films (summary)

Properties Polyethylene Polypropylene Anti-condensation
unreinforced reinforced unreinforced reinforced
Water resistance (m. water column) 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3
Longitudinal tear strength (N/ 5 cm) 190 620–630 600 640 600
Transverse tear strength (N/ 5 cm) 170 420–450 340 500 450
UV resistance 3 months 3 months 6 months 6 months up to 12 months
Use in homes unheated and heated heated heated heated heated houses with metal roofs
Average cost ($/m²) from 0.5 from 0.7 from 0.75 from 0.8 from 1.5

Anti-condensate films are non-perforated, they are laid with an anti-condensate rough layer down, and a glossy one up.

The anti-condensation film is designed to protect against the penetration of moisture from the outside into the inner under-roof space.

Since such waterproofers are not "breathable", they are used mainly on metal roofs, where there is a larger volume of condensate. As a result, the likelihood of corrosion of the metal is higher. Anti-condensation films do not allow steam to escape from the insulation under the roof, thus protecting the roofing metal decking from rust and destruction. Steam accumulates on the bottom layer of the hydrofilm and is absorbed by the textile shell. Therefore, a ventilation gap of 4–6 cm is simply necessary when using them.

When laying an anti-condensation film, a ventilation gap of 4-6 cm is simply necessary

Roof waterproofing installation

The roof can be covered with any material - natural or metal tiles, profiled sheets, slate, wood. Ruberoid, stone, copper and others. But for its long-term operation without unplanned repairs, it is necessary to properly lay all the components, including waterproofing, which will protect the entire house from destruction.

A properly equipped waterproof roof with good heat and sound insulation will ensure the longevity of the entire house.

Roof waterproofing with mastic

Bituminous mastic is a good waterproofing agent that allows you to efficiently and quickly seal the roof without expensive equipment and special equipment.

Video: polyurethane mastic for roof repair and waterproofing

Roof waterproofing installation

When choosing a waterproofing material for roof sealing, it is better to purchase a waterproofing material based on fiberglass coated with bitumen. Such a composition will create a strong and durable coating that is well resistant to fire, moisture and mechanical damage.

If, when working with a waterproofing agent on the street, it is below +10 ° C, then the rolls should first be kept for a day in a room with room temperature.

Video: hot laying waterproofing

It is not difficult to make waterproofing a concrete roof on your own if you follow the instructions.

Such waterproofing can last for 20 years, since a properly arranged screed is itself a seamless and durable coating, and protected from above by roofing material is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, temperature fluctuations, severe frosts, strong winds, heavy rains and snowfalls.

When waterproofing a concrete roof, it is important to choose a roofing deck, taking into account the pressure on the load-bearing elements, since the screed itself is already an additional load. Therefore, the covering material should not be heavy.

Video: do-it-yourself garage roof

Roof waterproofing with liquid rubber

The use of liquid rubber as a roof waterproofing agent has many advantages. But one big drawback is that its application requires expensive equipment, which makes sense to buy only if there is always a large amount of work. Then it will pay off quickly. Because of this, private developers who equip the roof with their own hands have to invite a team of craftsmen with equipment or rent it to perform waterproofing work with liquid rubber. Liquid rubber is applied by spraying at an air temperature of at least +5 °C in dry weather.

Although liquid rubber is a non-toxic material, nevertheless, the specificity of spraying provides for work in overalls, protecting the waterproofing agent from getting on the skin. Liquid rubber dries instantly, so you need skills to quickly apply an even layer.

Video: spraying liquid rubber

Do-it-yourself roof waterproofing installation

The roof waterproofing device is not just an important, but a necessary process; it begins immediately after the assembly and installation of the truss system. In private housing construction, roll films are most often used.

  1. Across the rafters, roll out the film with the smooth side up.
  2. One side of the canvas is fixed with a stapler, then it is slightly pulled, leveling it, and fixed along the entire length.
  3. The edges of the film are cut off.
  4. To ensure ventilation of the under-roof space, a counter-lattice is installed and after that the crate is mounted.
  5. Layers of film sheets are overlapped (10 cm), and with a roof slope of more than 30 ° - 15–20 cm and the joints are sealed with adhesive tape.
  6. They work from the bottom up and, approaching the ridge, bend the film to the other side of the roof, fixing it along the perimeter.
  7. After laying the film, the joints are carefully sealed.

Video: roof waterproofing, installation of counter-battens and battens

When laying a waterproofing layer in several layers, it must be taken into account that each upper layer must lie on the lower one with an offset of about 50 cm, and that the optimum temperature for waterproofing with rolled materials is from +10 °C. Compliance with all rules and regulations is a guarantee of roof protection from leaks, which means comfort and coziness in the house.

Video: installation of lathing and waterproofing under corrugated board

The ingress of even a small amount of moisture under the roof negatively affects the durability of the structures of the entire structure. Waterproofing materials from trusted manufacturers and compliance with the installation technology will provide reliable protection for the house, save it from destruction, and the owners from unnecessary expenses.

Roof membrane waterproofing is a system for performing work on flat and pitched roofs, the slope of which is not more than 25 °.

The materials used for roof waterproofing must have good physical characteristics. To be elastic, moisture-proof, tear-resistant and have quality indicators of heat resistance.

Waterproofing work on flat roofs

A worn out or severely damaged top protective waterproofing layer becomes the main reason for the frequent, or different, or complete replacement of the entire roofing.

Only timely waterproofing work on the roof will make the roof durable, preventing rapid wear of hydromaterials.

Periodic waterproofing and sealing of roofing is a prerequisite for the repair of any type of building. These works are designed to protect the roof from moisture, precipitation, preventing it from collapsing before its useful life.

Fused waterproofing

Fused waterproofing is a special type of roofing work, in which the installation of roofing materials on the base is carried out by fusing them, using gas and solar burners.

Installation of a soft roof is carried out using materials on a bitumen or bitumen-polymer basis.

Roof waterproofing works are carried out in 3 stages:

  • ground preparation;
  • application and drying of the primer;
  • fusing waterproofing.

Mechanical waterproofing

Mechanical waterproofing refers to the work on the installation of bituminous materials by mechanically fixing them to the base, using roofing hardware.

When installing a rolled ventilated roof in the under-roof space, air vapors never form and the heat-insulating layer does not deteriorate.

Membrane waterproofing

Membrane waterproofing is work performed using special equipment. PVC, EPDM or TPO membrane is used as the main material. The technology of membrane roofing is similar in complexity and is used in industrial construction on flat and pitched roofs with an area of ​​more than 5,000 sq.m.

The physical characteristics of polymer membranes allow the roof to breathe. The accumulated condensate comes out through the pores of the material itself.

Spray liquid waterproofing

Sprayed waterproofing is work on the uniform application of liquid polymer rubber to the base of a flat roof. The use of such materials makes it possible to increase the resistance of the roof to aggressive chemical environments, to natural influences and mechanical damage due to elasticity.

Proper selection of waterproofing materials

There are a huge number of roofing materials in the world that require specific installation and adherence to step-by-step work technology.

Roof waterproofing material must have characteristics such as strength, elasticity and hydrophobicity.

Our experts will help you determine the properties of the material and how to use it. Roofing is also carried out by professional craftsmen.

Do not forget that the durability of the roof of your building depends on the successful choice of material. It should be remembered that even a small mistake in the process of improper operation of the roof can lead to tangible problems over time. There is no universal waterproofing material for built-up roofing, which can be used in all occasions.

Waterproofing soft roll roof- a very complex and important process, since the life of the roof will greatly depend on how well the water drainage system is thought out.

The formation of dead zones can adversely affect the properties of the material. Each structure can be characterized by different types of moisture, but if we talk about the device of a flat roof, it is important to provide for the movement of precipitation and their rapid runoff.

Sophisticated system of internal and external weir

Rain, melt water should not exert hydrostatic pressure on the structure, only then it will be possible to safely talk about the quality laying of the soft roof and its service life.

The appearance of stagnant water areas on the roof adversely affects the quality of waterproofing roll materials. It is the stagnant zones that play a decisive role in the deformation of the roofing.

Waterproofing a drainage system is a very complex and important process in the production of roofing works, since the service life of the roofing
will greatly depend on how competently the internal drainage system is implemented. Only then it will be possible to safely talk about the high-quality installation of rolled materials and the durability of the roof.

Roof waterproofing for industrial buildings

As for new construction, when at the stage of erection of an industrial building it is necessary to perform high-quality work, but at the same time also reduce the cost.

By using cheaper materials, you can minimize costs, but you can immediately prepare for a major overhaul of the roof in 2-3 seasons. The best way out of this situation will be the development and implementation of a new, more practical and cost-effective roofing pie.

Roof waterproofing is a complex process that requires high professionalism, deep knowledge and extensive experience with roofs of various designs. In order to save your strength, money and avoid fatal errors that can lead to disruption of the entire structure, contact only specialists.

For a comfortable life in the house, waterproofing of the roof is of great importance, which acts as a kind of barrier on the way of atmospheric precipitation to the insulation and even the interior space of your home or garage. But in addition to protection from rain and snow, well-executed waterproofing of the roof also prevents the formation of condensate on the reverse side of the roofing material and even in the insulation layer.

Roof waterproofing prices

How much does roof waterproofing cost?

In the old days, when roof waterproofing was needed to equip the roof of a house, its cost was minimal, because roofing material was used as a material. However, today, builders are gradually moving away from it towards more modern options for waterproofing a house. They can be all kinds of films and synthetic membranes.

When choosing a material for waterproofing a flat roof, you should pay attention to film membranes made from synthetic or glass fibers. As a rule, this material is sold in the form of a roll, the width of which is equal to a meter, and the length can reach two dozen. Thanks to this form, there are no problems with laying the material, and its elasticity and outstanding waterproofing qualities make it possible to use membranes on almost any construction site.

Types of waterproofing materialsThe cost of the material in rublesUnitsComments
PVC membrane Bigtop260 m2Roll 25x2 meters with reinforcement
Membrane Ekoplast (TechnoNIKOL)370 m2Roll 20x2 meters with reinforcement
Stekloizol60 m2Roll 10x1 meter
Technoelast (TechnoNIKOL)145 m2Roll 10x1.2 meters with reinforcement
Linocrom (TechnoNIKOL)65 m2Roll 15x1.2 meters, fiberglass
Uniflex (TechnoNIKOL)115 m2Roll 10x1 meter
bipol105 m2with reinforcement
Bikrost65 m2Roll size 15x1.2 m
Bicroelast95 m2fiberglass
Technoelastmost250 m2Size 8x1 m, with reinforcement
Ruberoid25 m215x1 meter
Icopal260 m27x1 meter
Rubitex140 m2
Elastobit110 m2Reinforced, fiberglass
Filikrov110 m2with reinforcement
Filizol150 m2
filigiz50 m2
Hydroisol45 m2Reinforced fiberglass
Bituminous mastic (TechnoNIKOL)1400 18 kg
bituminous primer700 15 kg
Rubber bitumen mastic260