Unified speech rf monitoring. A unified speech regime will be created for Russian schoolchildren

Secretary of the United Russia General Council Sergei Neverov at a press conference at TASS.

United Russia will create four groups to monitor the implementation of high-profile laws. The results of this work will be presented in the form of a report to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Secretary of the United Russia General Council Sergei Neverov said at a press conference in TASS.

We are talking about a block of amendments to the law on trade aimed at supporting domestic producers, on amendments to laws in the field of ecology in terms of creating forest park green belts around large cities and megacities, as well as to the law on involving unused agricultural land in circulation.

Some of the laws in question are of a framework nature, including at the regional level. These are important, resonant laws, the passage of which in parliament caused resistance from various groups. We have created four monitoring working groups, we invite experts and activists to take part in this work. The result will be joint reports that we will present to our president, Neverov said.

Preservation of the forest fund of Russia

Sergei Neverov, speaking about the amendments to the Forest Code of the country, noted that they were accepted with difficulty. According to him, there was some rejection on the part of the timber merchants.

They opposed the creation of a register of unscrupulous forest tenants - those who, contrary to their obligations, do not reforest, do not take proper measures to protect against natural fires, and do not restore village roads destroyed by timber trucks. But at the same time, it is important that the norms of the law do not become an instrument of unfair competition, says the Secretary of the General Council of United Russia.

“In the same block, there are issues of creating forest park green belts around large cities and metropolitan areas (the so-called Green Shield). Those who planned to build cottage settlements on tidbits of land, those who look at city parks solely from the point of view of the possibility of infill development, were also not enthusiastic about the adoption of these amendments,” Neverov added.

Nikolay Nikolaev, head of the Center for Monitoring the Execution of Presidential Decrees "People's Expertise" of the ONF, will monitor the implementation of the law on the conservation of the forest fund. And Vladimir Gutenev, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Industry, will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the law on the "green shield".

Every piece of land is in business

In order to involve unused lands in the turnover, it is necessary first of all to find out “the readiness of each region to conduct an objective, understandable monitoring of how the lands are cultivated and whether they are cultivated at all,” Sergey Neverov believes.

At the same time, as Nikolai Pankov, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, who is responsible for the implementation of the relevant law, informed, “today, 28 million hectares of land in Russia are in private ownership. However, nothing has been produced on it for 5-8 years.”

According to the norms of the adopted law, it will be possible to buy land from negligent owners for its further use in production. The law is already producing results. At meetings with agrarians, agricultural producers confirm that they have an interest in expanding production. Our main goal is to convince the owner of the land to produce products, and if this does not happen, then to transfer the land to those who can work on it. The addition of 28 million hectares of land will give us more opportunities for production. We also expect that the new law will create new jobs, lead to an increase in wages for agricultural producers, says Pankov.

Domestic manufacturer support

For several years, United Russia has been striving to support local producers of products - to provide them with access to a wide sales market, Neverov stated.

Therefore, the Law “On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Trading Activities” (the Law “On Trade”) is under constant control. In this spring session, we made amendments to it, the adoption of which was also quite difficult, with great opposition, - said the Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia. - They were accepted. For example, the amount of remuneration for chains is limited to 5 percent of the price of purchased food products (previously 10 percent). However, at meetings in the regions, they say that the networks are trying to get around these restrictions, in fact, leaving everything in its place.

Irina Yarovaya, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Corruption, will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the law on trade. According to her, it is necessary to follow the conclusion of supply contracts and other agreements between retail chains and suppliers of food products. Yarovaya promised to pay special attention to socially significant goods, as well as compliance by retail chains and food suppliers with antitrust rules.

We are in constant interaction with the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS). We intend to ensure such interaction within the framework of our monitoring, and most importantly, our allies in this monitoring are manufacturers who find it very difficult to find a public plane and declare that they are being forced to deceive, Yarovaya said.

Earlier, at a meeting between Vladimir Putin and representatives of the leadership of parliamentary parties, the head of the United Russia faction, but with the participation of experts, activists and representatives of public organizations that monitor the most significant laws.

The past event with the participation of Vladimir Putin and the leaders of parliamentary factions is a kind of preventive measure before the Duma elections, Georgy Fedorov, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, expressed his opinion. The president, the expert believes, wanted to once again directly hear from the leaders of the factions their vision of the result of their parliamentary activities and talk about how they further see their work and how they analyze the country's political system.

“The main thing is that the parties do not use the elections for destructive purposes. That is, Putin wants to gather everyone and agree on acceptable rules of the game. This step, in particular, is another signal to society that there is a dialogue and it will continue in the future,” Fedorov said.

A SINGLE SPEECH MODE is a system of requirements governing the activities

participants in the educational process in purposes ensure conditions for optimal

speech development of students. This system assumes compliance with ALL

educational process speech norms, education of speech culture,

proper design of all materials, documents, visual campaigning in the institution.

The native language in a general education school is not only a subject of study, but also a means of teaching the basics of all sciences, therefore, it is necessary to coordinate the efforts of the entire teaching staff to implement a unified regime of speech culture and literate writing in all spheres of the life of an educational institution.

Here is the conclusion reached by the authors of the Methodological Recommendations for Teachers: "Analysis of statistics showed low practical literacy of the examinees. Spelling and punctuation norms are mastered mainly at the level of skills, and by the end of schooling, students' skills do not turn into literate writing skills."
Is it a matter of knowledge? No, it's a matter of common culture. More precisely, the general lack of culture in which our children live and study. The wide expansion of non-normative speech undermines the existing system of speech norms.




  1. 38 teachers of Russian language and literature from 19 schools of the district took part in the survey
  1. What meaning do you give to the conceptobservance of a single speech regime»?

14 accounts

Single speech mode- this is a mode of literate writing and compliance with the norms of oral speech, which should be reflected in the system uniform for all requirements expected strict observance by all participants of the educational process of the norms of knowledge of the Russian language.

The need to comply with language norms by all members of the team and students of the school.

A unified speech mode is a unified requirement for oral and written speech of students and teachers.

It is purposeful, systematic work Total teaching staff to educate a unified regime of literate writing and culture of speech of students.

Fulfillment of uniform requirements for compliance with the literary norm.

Fulfillment of the system of requirements for compliance by all teachers with the literary norm.

Uniform requirements for the oral and written speech of students by all teachers and other school employees.

The upbringing of the speech culture of students is carried out in unity, by the common forces of all teachers.

24 accounts

FROM observance of a single speech mode is the observance of the norms of the Russian literary language in speech:literary pronunciation, the formation of word forms, the construction of phrases and sentences, the use of words in accordance with their lexical meaning.

Compliance with a single speech regime provides for strict adherence by all teachers and students to:

Literary norm in the field of orthoepy, grammar, logic, spelling and calligraphy;

Certainly competent design of all materials, documents, including materials of the website of the educational organization, documents and visual aids;

Systematic correction of all errors and shortcomings in the oral and written speech of students with mandatory follow-up work on the mistakes made;

The system of mastering terms and special combinations in all disciplines of the school curriculum; a system of keeping notebooks and various records in all subjects.

  1. Do you know any normative or advisory documents covering issues?

If so, which ones? Do you use them in your work?

9 accounts

Federal state educational standard of basic general education

10 accounts

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Methodological Letter of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR of 09/01/1980. No. 364-M - September 1, 2005 (25th anniversary of the “Unified Speech Mode of Secondary School”), Federal Law “On the State Language of the Russian Federation” (adopted by the State Duma on May 20, 2005, approved by the Federation Council on May 25, 2005), “Norms for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities students in the Russian language” (document approved by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR (Order No. 234 dated September 3, 1984)

2 account

regulations on the maintenance of school records

1 account

regulation on compliance with the EOP in OS

2 account

2 account

4 accounts

Yes, they are known, but I would like more specifics (accuracy) in this matter, for example, a single provision recommended by the district education department

8 accounts


  1. Do you complysingle speech modein the educational process of your educational organization? (If yes, how is this achieved? If not, what is the reason for this?)

5 accounts

as far as possible, a single speech mode is observed, this is expressed in the system of work of teachers with documentation, with the design of classrooms, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

2 account

Yes, we comply.

Regulations on a unified speech mode in the MKOU Demidov secondary school. Adopted at a general meeting of employees of MKOU Demidov secondary school. Minutes dated August 23, 2013 No. 3. Approved by order No. 306-r dated August 28, 2013

7 account

Of course, we try to comply with the EPP in the educational process, this is required by our subject, we cannot say the same about teachers of other subjects. In our school, the efforts of teachers to educate speech culture are not coordinated.

In the process of educational work, we monitor the oral speech of students, we ensure that it is logically consistent, connected, correct, consistent with the norms of literary pronunciation and expressive enough. We are working with clogging the speech of students, dialectisms, clericalisms. We make sure that students understand, pronounce and write correctly new terms and other words that are included in their speech practice for the first time.

3 account

The school has a regulation on the observance of a single spelling regime, and pedagogical councils are held on the culture of speech.

6 accounts

Yes, through the interaction of teachers teaching different subjects at the school and with the help of requirements developed by the administration of the educational institution. We are trying: we are working on the development of speech in the classroom and after school hours, rhetoric lessons have been introduced at school, we are struggling with youth slang, etc.

9 accounts

We try. But, unfortunately, the big problem is the fact that EPP strictly observed only by language teachers.

  1. Strict observance of literary norms in the field of grammar, spelling, punctuation.
  2. Competent registration of all materials and documents.
  3. Correction of all errors and shortcomings in the oral and written speech of students.
  4. Accounting for errors when setting a mark.

5. A single procedure for maintaining notebooks and writing papers.

4 accounts

A single speech mode should be observed not only in a single educational institution. It should start from the top: the media (radio, television, print), because they should serve as a model for all. One can often observe both incorrect stress in words, and incorrect pronunciation of words, and errors in the formation of word forms, in the declension of numerals. We observe a single speech mode: when preparing for a lesson, we carefully think over the course of presentation of the material, the correctness and accuracy of all formulations; competently draw up all types of records, write in legible handwriting. We do not allow incorrectly constructed sentences and phrases in speech, violations of pronunciation norms, carelessness in the choice of words and inaccuracies in the wording of definitions. The subject teacher is responsible for the correct, competent design of the blackboard for the lesson and during the lesson. Records on the board must be made clearly, neatly, legibly, observing spelling and punctuation norms.

2 account

In our school there is no provision on a unified spelling regime, but the following provisions have been adopted:

Regulations on maintaining a classroom journal.

Regulations on the maintenance and verification of student notebooks.

Regulations on student diaries.

These documents present the general requirements for the implementation of a single spelling regime, the requirements for keeping diaries, class journals, notebooks by students, as well as the requirements for teachers to comply with a single spelling regime in the educational institution. (Ulyakhinsk school)

  1. What are effective approaches and methodscompliance with a single speech regime Are you aware?

1. The teacher needs to carefully consider the course of presentation of the material in the lesson, the correctness and accuracy of all wording, questions; competently draw up all types of records (on a blackboard, in a journal, in student diaries, etc.); write in legible handwriting.

2. Do not allow in your speech incorrectly constructed sentences and turns, violations of pronunciation norms, carelessness in the choice of words and inaccuracies in the wording of definitions, tasks.

3. Systematically carry out work to enrich and concretize the vocabulary of students, to familiarize themselves with the terminology of the subject being studied. When explaining new terms, pronounce the words clearly, write them down on the board and in notebooks, constantly check the assimilation of their meaning and correct use. Use tables, posters with words that are difficult to write and pronounce, related to this academic discipline, to this section of the program.

4. To teach schoolchildren to work with a book, use a variety of reference books, catalogs and card indexes, tables.

5. Monitor the accurate maintenance of notebooks, the competent design of all entries in them.

6. Correct the mistakes made.

7. To control the availability of notebooks for students in academic subjects, compliance with the procedure established at school for their design, maintenance, compliance with a single spelling regimen.

8. Use all forms of extracurricular activities (olympiads, competitions, optional, circle classes, disputes, seminars, KVN, etc.) to improve the speech culture of students.

Methods focused on oral communication (all types of retelling, all forms of educational dialogue, reports and messages, role-playing and business games, educational research and educational projects requiring surveys, discussion, discussion, debate, speaking as leaders at events); methods focused on written communication (essays and presentations, preparation of notes and articles in the media, participation in creative competitions).

At all lessons, conduct orthoepic five-minute sessions, orthoepic battles, constantly work on the culture of a monologue answer. A big plus is given by competitions in the subject related to public speaking (in particular, "Live Classics", competitions of readers), any form of work with text.

Model of the speech environment in the educational institution (MKOU Krasnooktyabrskaya secondary school)

Effective methods of compliance with the speech mode is a good example of a teacher. The teacher must demonstrate high-quality speech, the main characteristics of which are correctness, accuracy, consistency, relevance, richness and expressiveness. The correctness of the teacher's speech, i.e. his observance of the norms of the Russian language is an important factor in fixing the language norm in the speech of students. A special role in the formation of normative Russian pronunciation among students is played by its implementation in the oral speech of the teacher. In this regard, attention should be paid to the teacher's strict observance of orthoepic norms - stress norms, especially in a group of words, the control over the assimilation of which is submitted for the final certification in the Russian language.

Trainings on the topic "Culture of Speech", game methods, problem situations and questions, extracurricular work on the subject

When planning school-wide events and the work of the class teacher, it is necessary to provide for conversations with parents on the implementation of uniform requirements for the speech of students at school and at home.

5 accounts

I don't know, it's hard to answer

  1. How, in your opinion, can the educational achievements of students in the Russian language be assessed from the standpoint ofcompliance with a single speech regime?

It is possible to assess the educational achievements of students from the standpoint of observing a single speech regimen only together with all teachers working with this student, his literacy and respect for the language as a means of thinking and speaking should not be limited only to the lessons of the Russian language and literature.

Every student must know the requirements for speech and comply with them . And teachers need to control, guide students, help "distinguish the wheat from the chaff." And, of course, to lead by example.

Diagnosis of communicative and speech competencies.

Diagnostics fixes the level of rhetorical skills and speech competencies, it is advisable to carry out such monitoring at the beginning and at the end of each year of study.

The method used is observation and systematization of the collected material

With the help of the "Criteria for assessing the educational achievements of students in the Russian language." They establish: 1) uniform criteria for assessing various aspects of the proficiency in oral and written forms of the Russian language (criteria for assessing spelling and punctuation literacy, the language design of a coherent statement, the content of the statement).

Ability to work with written texts:

Fluently, consciously, correctly, with the necessary measure of expressiveness, read fiction, popular science, journalistic and official business texts;

Use the following types of reading in accordance with the learning task: continuous, selective fluent, scanning; analytical, commented; by roles; preliminary, repeated, etc.;

Prepare independently for expressive reading of unfamiliar artistic, journalistic, popular science texts;

Make a complex plan of written text;

Compile tables, charts, graphs based on the written text;

Compose written abstracts;

Make notes of the written text;

Make an annotation of the written text;

Carry out notes, extracts, quoting written text;

Make a review of the written text;

Compose an abstract in a certain form;

To carry out a bibliographic description of a book written by several authors, an article in a journal, an article in a collection, a multi-volume publication;

Competently, in an individual handwriting that does not contradict the generally accepted style of letters, write off and write texts under dictation;

Create texts of various types;

Own different types of text presentation;

Ability to work with oral texts:

Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases from the context;

Compile tables, charts, graphs based on the oral text;

Compose abstracts of the oral text;

Make a summary of the oral text;

Make a complex plan of oral text;

Perform citation of the oral text;

Make a review of the oral text; write a report;

Interact in various forms of dialogue and polylogue.

  1. Your organization suggestionscompliance with a single speech regimein educational organizations.

1. Include questions about uniform requirements for oral and written speech of a general educational organization in questions for consideration at pedagogical councils, in the system of intra-school control, organize the exchange of experience of subject teachers and hold joint meetings of methodological associations, organize parental general education dedicated to improving culture.

2. To exercise control over the literacy of students' public speeches, abstracts, scientific reports, any type of competitive works on the subject.

3. Each teacher should instill in students the skills of working with a book, including reference literature, dictionaries.

4. When preparing for any regime moments, each teacher should carefully think over the course of presentation of the material, the correctness and accuracy of all formulations; to make out all types of records in a competent, legible handwriting.

5. To use expressive reading aloud more widely as one of the methods of forming a culture of oral speech, as a means of emotional and logical comprehension of the text.

6. Fight the use of slang, vulgar, and dialectal words and expressions.

We believe that:

It is necessary to provide for conversations with parents on the implementation of uniform requirements for the speech of students at school and at home,

The requirements for the Russian language lessons must be supported by teachers of all subjects, both in the classroom and during extracurricular activities,

Every school employee must understand that the struggle for a high culture of students' speech is the direct responsibility of all teachers and school administration.

Introduction into the practice of the Russian school of proposals for the observance of a single speech regime, including taking into account ethno-cultural characteristics,

Conducting refresher courses for teachers and a conference on the implementation of methods for observing the speech regime in primary and secondary schools,

Issue of collections of methodological materials"Compliance with a unified speech regime at school."


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Slides captions:

Unified speech mode at school

Meta-subject teaching of the Russian language by literature teachers: the use of texts from different subject areas in the Russian language lessons, the development and conduct of optional linguistic courses on the language of the media, the Internet, family communication, etc., the implementation of extra-curricular work of a linguistic orientation covering various areas of life (design and research activities, class hours, lyceum days, thematic weeks, etc.)

Conscious and unconscious problems of teachers, misunderstanding of a particular term, grammatical structure, incorrect reading of the conditions of the task, interfere with the successful study of the relevant school discipline by schoolchildren ____________________________ Only their purposeful regular work with schoolchildren will help overcome this problem

What to do? to form in subject teachers a value orientation on the importance of such work, to offer teachers an understandable and logically structured content, to stimulate its systemic fixation and reflection. Such types of work provide an updated, consistent with the modern social order, a unified speech mode at school.

A unified speech mode is a set of measures aimed at the formation of universal skills that provide speech, language and sociocultural competencies and contribute to the creation of a unified educational environment.

Coordinators and organizers of the meta-subject teaching of the RL in the educational space of the school language teachers (with the support of teachers of foreign languages)

The goals of introducing the concept of a UNIFIED SPEECH MODE to promote the implementation of state policy in the field of preservation, development and dissemination of the Russian literary language; promoting the professional growth of teachers of the Russian language and literature of all types of educational institutions (preschool, school, secondary special and higher); promoting the dissemination of successful technologies for teaching school subjects in Russian; creating conditions for the realization of the creative potential of teachers of the Russian language and literature to improve the quality of teaching and learning the Russian language and literature in the Russian Federation; creating conditions for the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal results for students in the Russian Federation; creation of a unified developing educational environment both within a separate organization and in a network of schools.

Universal methods of systematic language work of subject teachers Preliminary work (before the lesson): analysis of the linguistic aspects of the material that will be studied in the lesson (select terms, other words and constructions from the text of the paragraph that may cause difficulties for students in perception and memorization). Preparation of tasks that stimulate work with the language of the subject. Preparation of etymological references on terms within the framework of this topic

Working with the language of the subject in the lesson. Some directions: determining the meaning (meanings) of a particular word using a dictionary or without a dictionary, conveying the meaning of a particular phrase (text fragment) in other words, searching for words-terms that are used in a different meaning in other sciences or everyday speech (biology: transcription - transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA), replacement of symbols and abbreviations encountered in the text with full words, comparison of the meanings of words from the text with the meanings of related words, if confusion of meanings is possible (history: clerk, clerk, clerk, deacon)

Work in the lesson: teacher control fixing typical schoolchildren's mistakes in the use of terms and various verbal constructions used when answering on the subject of the lesson (geography: "America" ​​instead of "USA", "place of birth of oil" instead of "oil field"), exact correspondence of schoolchildren’s answers to the question asked by the teacher, preservation of the original meaning when retelling, paraphrasing, correction of grammatical, stylistic and other errors, unacceptable wording (“a polysemantic word is when a word has more than one meaning”).

Work at the lesson: discussion and application of mnemonics techniques Russian language: Drive, hold, look, depend, see, hear and offend, and also endure, twirl, hate and look. Ivan gave birth to a girl, ordered to drag the diaper.

Language work that stimulates interest in the subject, the use of linguoculturological material of an entertaining nature, connecting the language of the subject with stories from the life of scientists and other famous people, traditions and customs of the people, holding games, quizzes related to the language of the subject.

After the lesson: reflection of language work in the lesson What tasks did the students complete more successfully, what caused the greatest difficulties? Will the work on the linguistic problem raised in the lesson be continued? Opportunities - in extracurricular work (for example, design and research)

Methods of meta-subject teaching of the Russian language contribute to better assimilation of special terminology, understanding of texts of tasks, definitions, more efficient search for the necessary information, memorization of rules and theorems, development of speech in the lessons of the subject, increased motivation in teaching the subject, development of research skills. A unified speech mode at school is a guarantee of students' success in solving tasks of the Unified State Examination and Olympiads


on the organization of compliance with a unified speech regime

In educational institutions of the Gus-Khrustalny district

A unified mode of literate writing and speech culture (spelling mode) in a general educational organization (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) is a system of requirements that are uniform for all, requiring strict observance by all teachers and students of the literary norm in the field of orthoepy, grammar, logic, spelling and calligraphy; competent design of all materials, including materials of the website of the educational organization, documents and visual aids; systematic correction of all errors and shortcomings in the oral and written speech of students with mandatory subsequent work on the mistakes made; a system of mastering terms and special combinations in all subjects of the curriculum; notebook management system, etc. “... observance of a single speech regime at school requires the upbringing of the speech culture of students by the common forces of all teachers. The requirements for the observance of norms in the Russian language lessons should be supported both in the lessons in other subjects and in the system of extracurricular activities. .

To organize a unified speech regime in the Organization, it is recommended to take into account a number of requirements set forth in these methodological recommendations.

I. Development of students' speech

One of the meta-subject results of mastering the educational program of general education by students is the ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express their feelings, thoughts and needs; planning and regulation of their activities; proficiency in oral and written speech, monologue contextual speech . Any statement of students in oral and written form (a detailed answer on a certain topic, a report, a description of a physical or chemical experience, a review of a friend’s answer, etc.) should be evaluated taking into account:

2) logical construction;

3) speech design.

Students should be able to:

Speak and write on a topic, respecting its boundaries;

Select the most significant facts and information to reveal the topic and main idea of ​​the statement;

Present the material logically and consistently (establish causal relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions) ;

Correctly and accurately use linguistic means to formulate an utterance;

Build statements in a certain style (scientific, journalistic, colloquial, etc.) depending on the purpose and situation of communication (at a lesson, conference, meeting, excursion, etc.);

Answer loudly enough, clearly, observing logical stresses, pauses, correct intonation, pronunciation rules;

To draw up any written statement in compliance with spelling and punctuation standards, neatly, legibly handwriting.

1) rules of pronunciation and stress (in oral statements);

2) rules for the use of words in accordance with their meaning, fixed in dictionaries, and the peculiarities of use in various styles of speech;

3) rules for the formation and change of words, as well as the formation of phrases and sentences in accordance with the requirements of grammar;

4) rules of spelling and punctuation (in written statements); mistakes are not allowed in the spelling of the studied terms, capital letters in geographical names, in the names of historical events, in the proper names of writers, scientists, historical figures, etc.

Students' speech should be expressive, which is achieved by a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structure, the appropriate use of emotionally colored words.

For the speech culture of students, such skills as the ability to listen and understand the speech of the teacher and other students, to be attentive to the statements of the participants in communication, the ability to raise a question, to take part in the discussion of the problem are also important, which characterizes one of the personal results of mastering the main educational program - the formation of a communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers, older and younger children, adults in the process of educational, socially useful, educational and research, creative and other activities . Students must master the skills of various types of reading (expressive, aloud and to themselves, etc.), semantic reading, which is defined as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading (selective, introductory, viewing, studying) depending on the purpose .

II. Student notebooks for written work

2.1.1. The main types of class and home written work of students are educational work, which include:


summaries of primary sources;


plans and lecture notes of teachers;

plans for articles and other materials from textbooks;

essays and written answers to questions;

drawing up analytical and summarizing tables, diagrams, etc. (without copying ready-made tables and diagrams of textbooks);

fixing observations in nature;

various types of working notes and sketches on the course and results of laboratory (practical) work (without copying the corresponding drawings from the textbook into the notebook).

2.1.2. To control the quality of mastering the program or achieving the planned results of mastering the educational program, current and final written tests are used. Current control works are aimed at checking the assimilation of the studied and tested program material; their content and frequency are determined by the teacher when drawing up the work program, taking into account the specifics of the subject, the degree of complexity of the material being studied, as well as the characteristics of students in each class. To conduct current tests, a teacher can take the entire lesson or only part of it.

Final control work is carried out:

after studying the most significant topics of the program;

at the end of the academic quarter, semester.

Organization and control over all types of written work is carried out on the basis of uniform requirements for the oral and written speech of students.

2.2.1. To perform all types of educational work, students must have the required number of workbooks for each subject.

2.2.2. For control work, special notebooks are allocated, which are stored in the Organization throughout the school year and given to students to analyze the results of control work and work on errors in them.

2.2.3. To perform work on the development of speech in the Russian language and literature (writing essays and presentations), starting from the 5th grade, students must have separate notebooks that are stored in the Organization throughout the school year and issued to students for homework and presentations, works over mistakes.


Number of essays



In middle school:







Number of essays



Although the number of presentations in each class is not defined by the standard, this type of activity for mastering the content of a work of art and exercises for the development of speech is mandatory. It seems appropriate to plan at least 2 presentations in grades V-VI, 3 in grades VII-VIII, in other grades presentations of various types (detailed, brief, selective, with commentary elements, with a creative task) are recommended to be carried out at least once a quarter.

2.3. All entries in notebooks, students must comply with the following requirements:

2.3.1. Write in neat, legible handwriting.

2.3.2. Uniformly carry out the inscriptions on the cover of the notebook: indicate what the notebook is intended for (for work on the Russian language, for work on the development of speech, for laboratory work in physics, etc.), class, number and name of the Organization, location of the school, last name and student's name.


for works

on literature

student of 8 "A" class

MBOU secondary school №1


Ivanova Ivana

Students' notebooks for examinations are recommended to be signed as follows:


for tests

In Russian

student 9 "A" class

MBOU secondary school №1


Ivanova Ivana

Notebooks of students for work on the development of speech are recommended to be signed as follows:

2.3.3. Respect fields. In notebooks for most subjects, the fields are placed on the outside. In cases where the work is checked according to several groups of criteria and / or more than one mark is given for one work, it is advisable to provide margins on both sides of the page and use them to mark not only the shortcomings, but also the merits of student work in accordance with the assessment parameters.

2.3.4. Indicate the date of completion of the work in numbers in the margins (for example, 09/10/14). In Russian notebooks, the day and month are written in words in the form of the nominative case (for example, the tenth of September), a dot is not put at the end of the entry.

2.3.5. Indicate on a separate line the place of work (classroom or homework), the name of the topic of the lesson, as well as the topics of written work (statements, essays, practical and other work).

2.3.6. Indicate the number of the exercise (for example, Exercise 35), tasks, or indicate the type of work performed (plan, abstract, answers to questions, etc.).

In notebooks for tests and works on the development of speech in the Russian language and literature, the type of work is written from the red line and the line below - its name, the dot is not put.

For example:

The same applies to the designation of short-term work performed in ordinary notebooks.

2.3.7. Follow the red line.

2.3.8. Do not skip a line between the date and the title, the name of the type of work and the title, as well as between the title and the text in notebooks in Russian. In notebooks in a cell (according to the literature, etc.), in all these cases, skip only 2 cells.

Between the final line of the text of one written work and the date or title (name of the type) of the next work, skip 2 lines in notebooks in a line, and 4 cells in a cell in notebooks (to separate one work from another and to grade the work).

2.3.9. Perform carefully underlining, drawings, symbols with a pencil or pen, if necessary - using a ruler or compass.

2.3.10. Correct errors as follows: cross out an incorrectly written letter or punctuation mark with an oblique line; part of a word, word, sentence - with a thin horizontal line; instead of the crossed out, inscribe the necessary letters, words, sentences; do not enclose incorrect spellings in brackets.


Optimal inspection frequency

in the 5th grade and in the first half of the 6th grade

after each lesson for all students

in the second half of the 6th grade and in the 7th - 9th grades

after each lesson, only for students who have learning difficulties, and for the rest of the students - not all the work, but only the most significant in terms of importance, but in such a way that once a week the notebooks of all students are checked

in grades X-XI

after each lesson for students with learning difficulties; the rest do not check all the work, but the most significant in terms of their importance, but in such a way that once a month the teacher checks the notebooks of all students

2.4.2. Presentations and essays on the Russian language and literature, as well as all types of examinations in subjects, are checked for all students. Checking these types of work by teachers is carried out in the following terms:

2.4.3. In the work being checked in all subjects, teachers need to note and correct spelling, punctuation, speech and grammatical errors made by students.

2.4.4. When checking works on the Russian language and literaturethe teacher notes and corrects the admittedspellingerrors, guided by the following modern methodological recommendations:

“In the spelling methodology, there are several ways to fix spelling errors in students' notebooks: 1) the error is underlined with one line, crossed out and corrected; 2) the error is underlined, crossed out, but not corrected; 3) the part of the word in which there is an error is indicated, for example:4) underline the whole word in which there is an error, for example " request "5) no underlining is done, a conditional spelling error mark is placed in the margins (In previous cases, a spelling error mark is also placed in the margins).

The method of fixing spelling errors is chosen by the teacher depending on the purpose of the work (training or control). When checking tests, as well as presentations and essays, the first two methods are used. When performing training exercises, all of the above methods of fixing errors are used. The sequence of their application is determined by the goals of teaching students the ability to find and correct errors. The first way shows how to mark, how to cross out and how to correct errors; the next one teaches how to correct a mistake; the third way is to find and correct an error in a particular morpheme; the fourth teaches how to find errors in a word, and the fifth teaches in a number of words in a line.

Not all students simultaneously master the listed skills, therefore, in the same work, the teacher will use different methods of fixing mistakes with different students, but during the school year it is necessary to guide all children through all methods of fixing. .

Other errors can be fixed similarly.

2.4.5. Mistakes made by students in the work on the Russian language or literature, the teacher indicates on the margins of the notebook with certain conventional signs (I - spelling error, V - punctuation, F - actual, L - logical, P - speech, G - grammatical, Z - violation of indentation articulation).

2.4.6. When applying the criteria-based assessment of written works in any subject, it is advisable to use a system of symbols (abbreviation, designation number of the criterion, a capital letter corresponding to the keyword of the criterion or assessment position, etc.) of the merits and demerits of the student's work in accordance with the criteria.

2.4.7. Underlining and correcting errors, as well as grading, is done by the teacher with red paste (red ink, red pencil, red gel or capillary pen).

2.4.8. After checking the dictation, presentation or essay, the teacher first counts and writes down the number of errors by type, then grades. The entry might look like this: 1 - 0 - 1 "4"

2.4.9. When applying the criteria-based assessment of written work in any subject, which involves summing up the points for each criterion, at the bottom of the work it is necessary to indicate what points the student received for each criterion, and the total amount of points. Rating is given next to it. If necessary, you can specify the percentage of work completed. The entry might look like this: 1+0+1+2=4 b. "four"

2.4.10. When checking texts created by students, it is recommended to write a comment, a mini-review, etc. , which contributes to the organization of feedback and work to improve the written . The teacher can write a mini-review of a creative work with a pen of a different color. Written commentary by the teacher on the strengths and weaknesses of the text created by the student, recommendations for its improvement can be placed both under the grade, and on a separate sheet placed in the student's notebook.

III. Compliance with the speech mode by pedagogical workers

The teacher must demonstrate high-quality speech, the main characteristics of which are the following: correctness, accuracy, consistency, relevance, richness and expressiveness.

1.1. The correctness of the speech of a pedagogical worker, i.e. his observance of the norms of the Russian language is an important factor in fixing the language norm in the speech of students.

In particular, a special role in the formation of normative Russian pronunciation in students is played by its implementation in the teacher's oral speech. In this regard, attention should be paid to the teacher's strict observance of orthoepic norms - stress norms, especially in a group of words, the control over the assimilation of which is submitted for the final certification in the Russian language (Appendix 1). It is advisable to single out in the presented list the thematic groups of words that are regularly used in the teaching of a particular subject, and organize systematic work on the corresponding group as part of the study of the subject.

Grammar norms should be consistently implemented in the speech of a pedagogical worker. A teacher within his subject area also has the opportunity to pay attention to those forms and structures that are subject to mandatory study and subsequent control at the current and final attestation of students (Appendix 2).

1.2. The accuracy of speech ensures the adequacy of its content and is ensured by the use of the word in its meaning, which is enshrined in the explanatory dictionary. Educational communication implies a particularly careful attitude to this requirement, since non-compliance with it leads to errors in the presentation of educational material. A frequency error, in particular, is the mixing of consonant words with different meanings. Words that cause difficulties in choosing one of them, taking into account the content of a particular statement and subject to control at the final certification, are also presented in a separate list (Appendix 3).

The erroneous use in the speech of a teacher of words and structures from the lists given in the appendices is especially unacceptable and can lead to the leveling of the work of a language teacher in the formation of subject competencies of students.

1.3. Logic of speechThe pedagogical worker consists not only in the ability to build a logically consistent presentation of educational material, but also in the accentuated use of logical connection means, transitions from one thought to another. This is what should make the logic of presentation accessible and noticeable to students. Typical language means of logical connection are given in Appendix 4.

It is significant that one of the most popular types of speech in the practice of educational communication is reasoning, and at the same time, it is this type of speech that causes significant difficulties for students in the course of its production, which is regularly noted by members of the Federal Subject Commissions of the Unified State Examination in various subjects. . Meanwhile, the teacher has the opportunity, within the framework of his subject, to demonstrate speech samples built according to the “thesis - evidence - conclusion” model, thus consolidating the meta-subject skills of students.

1.4. Appropriateness of speechteacher, i.e.the correspondence of speech to the topic of the message, the situation of communication, the composition of the audience, its personal and psychological characteristics, as well as educational and educational tasks, is the key to successful pedagogical interaction, the emergence of feedback. The right choice of language means, oriented to the interlocutor, the ability to adequately convey the content, justifying the expectations of the communication partner, harmonizes communication. The inconsistency of the teacher's speech with this criterion can lead to the emergence of speech and interpersonal conflicts - to misunderstanding, undesirable emotional effects, tension in speech communication.

1.5. The richness of speech - the variation of means of expression, the presence of different ways of expressing the same content - is the necessary quality of the teacher's speech, since he is dealing with an unformed linguistic personality: insufficient vocabulary and speech development of students may not allow adequate understanding of one or another expression, a word in teacher's speech. The richness of speech will provide a replacement for an incomprehensible unit and avoid misunderstanding.

1.6. An important characteristic of the speech of a pedagogical worker focused on the implementation of subject-subject relations with students is dialogicity - expression in speech by means of the language of interaction with students. The presence in the speech of a pedagogical worker of signs of dialogue (question-answer constructions; rhetorical questions and appeals; pronouns of the 1st person plural.(we), 2 persons (you) and verbs in the appropriate forms, etc.) contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of discussion, stimulates the participation of the audience in the conversation.

The listed characteristics (correctness, accuracy, consistency, relevance, richness and expressiveness) should become the subject of self-analysis of the activities of the teacher, as well as the object of quality control of the speech activity of the teacher in the educational organization.

The administration of the Organization needs to direct, coordinate and control the work on the implementation of a unified speech regime in a general educational organization. Questions about uniform requirements for oral and written speech of a general educational organization should be included in issues for consideration at pedagogical councils, in the system of intra-school control, organize the exchange of experience of subject teachers and hold joint meetings of methodological associations / departments dedicated to improving the culture of speech of all participants in educational relations .

Attachment 1

Orthoepic norms


agent, alphabet (from Alpha and Vita), airports ( motionless stress on the 4th syllable), bows (), beard ( win.p., only in this form singular. stress on 1st syllable), accountants ( genus p.pl., motionless stress on the 2nd syllable)religion (from the faith to confess),citizenship, hyphen (from German, where the stress is on the 2nd syllable), dispensary ( the word comes from English. lang. through French, where the blow. always on the last syllable), agreement, document, leisure, heretic, blinds (), significance ( from adj. significant), X ( im.p. pl., motionless stress), directory ( in the same row with the words dialogue, monologue, obituary, etc.), quarter ( from it. lang., where the stress is on the 2nd syllable), kilometer ( in the same row with the words centimeter, decimeter, millimeter), cones, cones (motionless stress on the 1st syllable in all cases in singular and plural.), self-interest, taps (motionless stress on 1st syllable), flint, flint (hit. in all forms on the last syllable, as in the word fire), lecturers, lecturers (motionless stress on 1st syllable), ski tracks, areas (genus.p.pl., on a par with the word form of honors, jaws, but news), garbage chute ( in the same row with the words gas pipeline, oil pipeline, water pipeline), intention, outgrowth, enemy, illness, obituary, hatred, news, news, nail, nail (motionless stress in all forms singular.), Boyhood ( from Teenage Boy), partner ( from the French lang., where is the blow. always on the last syllable), portfolio, handrails, dowry, call (in the same row with the words call, recall (ambassador), convene, but: Review (for publication)), percentage, beets, orphans (im.p.pl., stress in all forms pl. only on the 2nd syllable), funds (im.p.pl. ), statue, carpenter (in one poison with the words malYar, doYar, shkolYar), convocation, customs, cakes, cakes (motionless stress on 1st syllable), cement, centner, chain, scarves (motionless stress on 1st syllable), driver ( in the same row with the words kioskёr, controller), sorrel, expert (from the French lang., where the stress is always on the last syllable)


true ( short adj. zh.r.), ancient, significant, more beautiful, most beautiful, bleeding, kitchen, dexterity, mosaic, wholesale, perspicacious (short adj. zh.r., on a par with the words cute, fussy, talkative ..., but: gluttonous), plum ( formed from plum)


pamper ( on a par with the words to indulge, spoil, spoil ..., but: the minion of fate), take-took, take-took, take-took, take-took, turn on-turn on, turn on, turn on, join-flow, break in-break in, perceive-perceived, recreate-recreated, hand-hand over, drive-driven, chasing-chasing, getting-getting, getting-getting, waiting-waiting, getting through-getting through, getting through, dosing, waiting-waiting, live-living, clog, borrow-borrowed, borrowed, borrowed, borrowed, locked-locked(key, lock, etc.), call-call, call-call, call, call THEM, exclude-exclude, exhaust, put-lay, glue, sneak-creep, bleed, lie-lied, pour-lila, pour-pour, lie-lied, allot-allot , torn-torn, called-called, lean-til, pour-poured, narwhal-narwhala, litter-litter, start-started, started, started, call-call-call, facilitate-facilitate, pour-drenched, hug-hug, overtake - overtook, ripped off, ripped off, encouraged, emboldened, emboldened, aggravated, borrowed, embittered, pasted over, surrounded, surrounded

seal ( in the same row with the words form, normalize, sort), vulgarize-vulgarize, inquire-inform, depart-departed, give-give away, uncork-uncork, recall-withdrawn, respond-responded, call back-call back, transfuse-transfused, bear fruit, repeat-repeat, call-call, call- call-call

water-watered, put-put, understand-understood, send-sent, arrive-arrived-arrived-arrived, accept-received-received, force, tear-torn, drill-drill-drill, remove-removed, create-created, rip-pluck, litter-litter, remove-remove, speed up, deepen, strengthen-strengthen, scoop, pinch-pinch, click


spoiled, turned on-turned on, brought in, bent, busy-busy, locked-locked, populated-populated, spoiled, feeding, bleeding, begging, accrued, acquired-acquired, poured, poured, hired, started, started, reduced-reduced, encouraged-encouraged-encouraged, aggravated, defined-defined, disconnected, repeated, shared, understood, accepted, tamed, lived, removed-removed, bent


indulging, clogging, starting, starting, giving, raising, realizing, arriving


on time, white, to the top, utterly, to the bottom, to dryness, enviably (in the meaning of the predicate), ahead of time (colloquial ), light, dark, Old, more beautiful ( adj. and adv. in comp. ), up, over a long time, a short time

Appendix 2

Grammar norms

The main grammatical norms that are subject to mandatory study at school and subsequent control include the following:

Norms of formation of forms of nouns (potato peelings instead of cleaning, etc.);

Norms of formation of forms of adjectives ( darker instead darker, etc.);

Norms for the formation of forms of pronouns (not theirs, but theirs, etc.);

The norms for the formation of forms of the verb, participle and participle ( recover instead of recover, burst instead of burst, doing instead of doing, etc.);

Subject-predicate coordination (modelsThose who..; whoever..., everyone...; one of…; none of those who…; many of those ... who ... (“who, if not nature itself, taught ...”);coordination of the subject expressed by the combination"row + noun" and predicate;

Coordination inconsistent applications;

Coordination of attributive turnover with a combination of words;

Coordination of the subject and compound nominal predicate in a sentence built according to the model"n. is a noun.”;

Management with prepositionsupon completion, upon arrival, upon completion, upon arrival;

Management with prepositionsthanks to, according to, contrary to, due to, like;

Norms for the use of homogeneous members, participial and adverbial phrases as part of a simple sentence;

Norms for constructing a compound sentence;

Norms for constructing a complex sentence (the place of the attributive clause in a complex sentence; the use of a demonstrative word in the main part of a complex sentence; the construction of a complex sentence with an explanatory clause attached to the main part of the union to , allied words which, which; construction of a sentence with two definitions (mistake- incl. turnover + attributive clause)building a sentence with additions (error -indirect object + subordinate clause (explanatory) ";

Norms for constructing an allied proposal;

Norms for constructing sentences with direct and indirect speech (quoting in a sentence with indirect speech).

Annex 3

Dictionary of paronyms

Subscription - subscriber

addressee - addressee

reckless - reckless - reckless - reckless -


grateful - grateful

weekday - everyday

experienced - former - former

Inhale - inhale

Age-old - eternal

Great - majestic

Upper - supreme - riding

Fill up - fill up - fill up - fill up

Remembrance - Reminder - Remembrance

Impressive - impressive

shake - shake - shake - shake

Choice - selection - selection


Benefit - Profitability

Issuance - return - transfer - distribution

Separation - branch


wait - wait - wait - wait

payout - pay - pay - pay

pay - pay - pay - pay - pay

Clay - clay

annual - annual - annual

proud - proud

Binary - double - dual - double - dual -


Valid - Valid - Valid

businesslike - businesslike - businesslike - businesslike

diplomatic - diplomatic

disciplined - disciplined

kind - kind

trusting - trusting

rainy - rainy

cruel - tough


life - worldly

to fence off - to fence off - to fence off - to fence off - to fence off

lower - lower - lower


Fill - fill - fill

difficult - difficult

initiator - instigator

sound - sonorous

malevolent - malevolent - malevolent - malevolent

Sparkling – playful – gambling – playful

Skillful - artificial

Outgoing - outgoing

stony - stone

Comfortable - comfortable

equestrian - horse


colorful - dyed - coloring

oily - oily - oily - oily

put on - put on

Availability - cash


send - send

Ignorant - ignorant

innocent - innocent

impenetrable - impenetrable - imperceptible

intolerable - impatient - intolerant

snippet - snippet

Embrace - embrace

fence off - fence off - fence off

limitation - limitation

limit - limit - limit

single - single - single

Call - response

Dangerous - dangerous


Selective - qualifying

deviate - deviate

Distinguish - Distinguish

Difference - difference

shake off - shake off

memorable - memorable

endure - endure

Transitional – transitory – transient

sandy - sandy

weeping - weeping - deplorable

Selection - choice

Fake - fake - fake

appropriate - similar

Place(s) - place(s) - fit(s)

Local - landowner

Replenish - fill

Get old - get old

Action is a misdemeanor

venerable - respectful

festive - idle

practical - practical

Submit - submit

representative - representative

Submission - provision

Recognized - acclaimed

Humiliate - Humiliate

problematic - problematic

production - productive

prophesy - read

fisherman - fisherman

Fishing - fishing

vocabulary - verbal

resistance - resistance

comparable - comparative

ancient - old

Glass - glass

Satisfying - Satisfied

Lucky - Lucky

Mention - reminder

get old - get old - get old

royal - regal - reigning

whole - whole - whole

Central – centralized – centrist

Efficient - effective

Efficiency - efficiency

Linguistic - lingual - lingual

Appendix 4

Typical language means of logical connection

Purpose of use

Means of communication

Create a connection between fragments of speech and thereby facilitate its perception

Word-signals of sequence, logical sequence (First, second, first, next, then).

Linked sentences (Now consider the question...; Let's move on to the next problem...; Let's dwell on this in more detail)

Explain the reason

Words with causal meaning (therefore, hence, because, consequently, etc.)

emphasize the similarity of something

As well as …; in the same way

Highlight the differences

On the one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary, on the contrary, but, however,

Specify, explain in more detail the above

That is, to be more precise.

express a guess

Let's suppose that..., Let's assume that..., As it seems to us...

Express a statement

Everyone knows that ..., It is practically established that ...; According to the researchers...

Express a belief

Agree that ..., This is convinced by the fact that ...; It is quite obvious that…

Give a rebuttal

Nevertheless..., It would be wrong to think that..., It is doubtful..., It cannot be argued that..., It seems disputable..., These data refute the position...

Provide rationale, reasoning

If this is so, then ..., Based on ..., Based on ..., As it was established ..., Analysis of the material shows that ...


This provision does not contradict ..., In relation to the previously stated statements ...

Draw a conclusion, summarize what has been said, signal the completion of the entire reasoning or any of its stages

The conclusion is that..., As has been proven..., Thus,...

See, for example: Zinin S.A., Novikova L.V., Gorokhovskaya L.N. Methodological recommendations on some aspects of improving the teaching of literature (based on the analysis of typical difficulties of graduates in completing USE assignments). – M.: FIPI, 2014.

Last week, the deputies of the Moscow Regional Duma went on summer holidays. The corridors of the parliament near Moscow were empty, and again political life will seethe here only in September. But before that, the deputies of the United Russia faction, who make up a confident majority in the Duma, at their meeting summed up the results of the half-year work and discussed plans for the fall.

Perhaps it was the most representative meeting of the faction in recent times. It was attended by almost all the top leadership of the regional Duma and the Government: Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Valery Aksakov, Vice Governor of the Moscow Region Alexei Panteleev, Chief Federal Inspector in the Moscow Region Nikolai Shuba, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Parkhomenko, Minister of the Government of the Moscow Region - Permanent Representative of the Governor of the Moscow Region region in the Moscow Regional Duma Boris Grigoriev, representative in the Federation Council from the Moscow Regional Duma Igor Bryntsalov, State Duma deputy Oleg Kovalev, Secretary of the Political Council of the Moscow Regional Branch of the United Russia Party Valentin Drusinov. It is obvious that the authorities of the Moscow region pay very close attention to the work of the United Russia deputies.

Ivan Zhukov, head of the United Russia faction in the Moscow Regional Duma, delivered a welcoming speech to all those present.

"The session was difficult, but fruitful," Ivan Zhukov summed up the results of the half-year. "The President of Russia and the Party put forward a number of tasks for society, which in many respects should change the life of Russians for the better."

According to Ivan Zhukov, the measures taken to develop legislation have contributed to improving the quality of life of the population, the implementation of priority national projects, and the attraction of resources for construction, industry and agriculture.

As Aleksey Panteleyev, Vice Governor of the Moscow Region, noted at a meeting of the faction, today, by absolutely all indicators, the Moscow Region uses its potential much more efficiently than neighboring regions, including the capital: in terms of pace, economic growth, investment and industrial production. He also praised the deputies for their work, saying that the Moscow Regional Duma "can be cited as an example in terms of the decisions made and the level of deputies' responsibility."

Moscow Regional Duma Chairman Valery Aksakov, who was recently accepted into the ranks of the United Russia faction, told the audience that, within the framework of federal legislation, deputies of the MOU adopted 272 laws for the development of the region's economy in six months. At the same time, the speaker of the Moscow Regional Duma praised the deputies for their work on the regional budget, emphasizing that 62% of the funds included in it are spent on the social sphere. "There are no such high figures in any of Russia's budgets," Aksakov noted.

Secretary of the Political Council of the Moscow Regional Branch of the United Russia Party Valentin Drusinov thanked the deputies for their good and productive work, noting that the deputies of the faction and the regional organization of the party are part of a single team led by a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia Party, Governor of the Moscow Region Boris Gromov . "The team," emphasized Valentin Drusinov, "which understandably solves the tasks set by the President of the Russian Federation, the party and, most importantly, the inhabitants of the Moscow region." Nikolai Shuba, Chief Federal Inspector in the Moscow Region, conveyed words of gratitude and a wish on behalf of the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District Georgy Poltavchenko to keep in the same mobile mode. He also noted that the Duma today looks very authoritative due to the fact that its main backbone is the faction of the United Russia Party.

Already at the meeting of the Duma, the Governor of the Moscow Region Boris Gromov addressed the deputies. He told the deputies that Russian President Vladimir Putin highly appreciated the activities of the Government and deputies of the Moscow Region. At the same time, Boris Gromov urged the deputies not to relax, as "there are problems that need to be addressed." According to the head of the Moscow region, one of the problems concerns the energy sector in the Moscow region, which today delays the development of the region's economy in all areas, including housing construction.

Expressing gratitude to the deputies for their effective work, Boris Gromov said: “We really work with you in a dark contact, by the way, to the envy of many regions. the region continued to develop powerfully and dynamically, and the inhabitants had the opportunity to live better and better every year.

Press service of the Moscow regional RO VPP "United Russia"

I would like to believe that the state of affairs will somehow improve with the introduction of the so-called Unified speech regime in all educational institutions of the Russian Federation, which was announced on September 30, 2015 at a meeting of the Russian Language Council under the Government of the Russian Federation in Vladivostok.During the implementation of the project, which will be headed by I.P. Tsybulko, 200 teachers and employees of regional advanced training institutes will undergo distance learning, become tutors and begin to disseminate the information received further. It is assumed that the advanced training program will have a variable form and will be able to enter as an independent module into professional retraining programs. Consequently, after passing the next advanced training courses, not a single teacher (regardless of what subject and where he teaches) will not be able to say: "I am not a philologist and I am not obliged to speak correctly." MUST!
The native language in any educational institution is a means of teaching the basics of any subject. In this regard, such a formulation of the educational process is necessary, in which the upbringing of the speech culture of students is carried out in unity, by the common forces of the entire teaching staff. The requirements for Russian language lessons at school must be supported by all teachers, including those in institutions of additional education for children.
Practice shows that in order for the work to improve the culture of speech to become more effective, it is necessary that not only the language teacher, but also the teacher of any other subject, master the methodology for the formation of communicative competence.
A unified mode of literate writing and speech culture (speech mode) in an educational organization is a system of requirements that are uniform for all, requiring strict adherence to all pedagogicalworkers and students of the literary norm in the field of orthoepy, grammar, logic, spelling and calligraphy; competent design of all materials, including materials of the website of the educational organization, documents and visual aids; systematic correction of all errors and shortcomings in the oral and written speech of students with mandatory subsequent work on the mistakes made; a system of mastering terms and special combinations in all subjects of the curriculum; notebook management system, etc.

The goals of introducing a unified speech regime in educational institutions
 creation of conditions for educating students in respect for the Russian language as a national heritage of the peoples of Russia;
 Improving the quality of education in educational institutions.

Tasks of introducing a unified spelling regime in educational institutions
 improving the spelling and punctuation literacy of students and teachers;

education of speech culture of students by the joint efforts of pedagogical workers;

aesthetic education of students, instilling in them an aesthetic taste;

the formation of moral and ethical standards of behavior of students through mastering the skills of cultural speech.

The work of the teaching staff to implement uniform requirements for oral and written speech of students

The speech culture of schoolchildren can be successfully formed only as a result of purposeful actions of the entire teaching staff. To this end, each teacher is recommended

 carefully consider the course of presentation of the material, the correctness and accuracy of all formulations;

competently draw up all types of records (on the board, in a journal, in work plans, etc.);

write in legible handwriting;

not to allow in your speech incorrectly constructed sentences and turns, violations of pronunciation norms, carelessness in the choice of words and inaccuracies in the wording of definitions;

in all classes, pay more attention to the formation of students' skills to analyze, compare, compare the studied material, provide the necessary evidence when answering, draw conclusions and generalizations;

in the classroom to carry out special work aimed at the full perception by students of the educational text and the words of the teacher, which are not only the main sources of educational information, but also examples of correctly formatted speech;

any statement of students in oral and written form (a detailed answer on a specific topic, a report, a description of a physical or chemical experience, a review) should be evaluated, taking into account the content of the statement, logical construction and speech design, correcting

mistakes made;

more widely use expressive reading aloud as one of the important methods of forming the culture of students' oral speech, as a means of emotional and logical comprehension of the text;

persistently teach how to work with a book, use a variety of reference literature on the subject, a catalog and a card file, select literature on a specific topic, correctly format the results

independent work with the book;

systematically carry out work to enrich the vocabulary of students, to familiarize themselves with the terminology of the subject being studied; when explaining, pronounce the terms clearly, write them down on the board and in notebooks, constantly check the assimilation of their meaning and correct use in speech; GEF: Section II, p.9, p.7.

monitor the accurate maintenance of notebooks, the uniformity of inscriptions and the competent design of all entries in them, do not disregard spelling and punctuation errors.

All educators need

to achieve an increase in the culture of oral colloquial speech of students, to correct incorrect speech, while observing the necessary tact, to combat the use of jargon, vulgar, as well as dialect words and expressions, both in class and outside it;

make wider use of all forms of extracurricular activities (olympiads, competitions, disputes, meetings, etc.) to improve the speech culture of students;

carefully check the literacy of slogans and posters, slide presentations, announcements, as well as documents handed out to students and their parents (legal representatives);

when planning parent-teacher meetings, teachers need to provide for conversations with parents on the implementation of uniform requirements for the speech of students in an educational institution and at home.

Every teacher

is responsible for maintaining any documentation in accordance with the requirements of a unified speech regime and in accordance with spelling and punctuation norms, other norms of the Russian literary language; for the compliance of all materials placed on public display (visual material of the announcement, stands, newspapers, etc.) with spelling and punctuation norms, and other norms of the Russian literary language.

Whether or not this publication is taken into account in the RSCI. Some categories of publications (for example, articles in abstract, popular science, informational journals) can be posted on the website platform, but are not counted in the RSCI. Also, articles in journals and collections excluded from the RSCI for violation of scientific and publishing ethics are not taken into account. "> Included in the RSCI ®: yes The number of citations of this publication from publications included in the RSCI. The publication itself may not be included in the RSCI. For collections of articles and books indexed in the RSCI at the level of individual chapters, the total number of citations of all articles (chapters) and the collection (book) as a whole is indicated. "> Citations in the RSCI ®: 4
Whether or not this publication is included in the core of the RSCI. The RSCI core includes all articles published in journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus or Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) databases."> Included in the RSCI ® core: No The number of citations of this publication from publications included in the RSCI core. In this case, the publication itself may not be included in the core of the RSCI. For collections of articles and books indexed in the RSCI at the level of individual chapters, the total number of citations of all articles (chapters) and the collection (book) as a whole is indicated.
The citation rate, normalized by journal, is calculated by dividing the number of citations received by a given article by the average number of citations received by articles of the same type in the same journal published in the same year. Shows how much the level of this article is higher or lower than the average level of articles of the journal in which it is published. Calculated if the journal has a complete set of issues for a given year in the RSCI. For articles of the current year, the indicator is not calculated."> Normal citation for the journal: The five-year impact factor of the journal in which the article was published for 2018. "> The impact factor of the journal in the RSCI:
The citation rate, normalized by subject area, is calculated by dividing the number of citations received by a given publication by the average number of citations received by publications of the same type in the same subject area published in the same year. Shows how much the level of this publication is above or below the average level of other publications in the same field of science. For publications of the current year, the indicator is not calculated."> Normal citation in the direction: 2,787