Garden path from old tires. Master class with a photo: garden paths made of tires

Almost any suburban area allows you to bring a wide variety of ideas to life. So, you can use comfortable tracks made of old tires as decorative elements. There is no need to rush to throw away things that have become unnecessary, you can restore these items, and bring something new and original.

An example of the device of a garden path from tires

Do-it-yourself tracks made of old car tires will be a unique addition for anyone. Moreover, their use can be completely diverse. From car tires, you can make an original frame for the following various elements of the garden:

  • or flower beds;

It should be noted that most of the owners of country houses will be very willing to build garden paths from car tires, in view of the fact that this method is not unnecessarily time-consuming and does practically without large financial investments. By the way, as an independent ennobling of garden paths, it will be necessary to use far from the entire surface of old tires, but only a certain part of it - a treadmill, the so-called tread.

Garden paths made of cut tires

For making such a high-quality decorative element in your garden with your own hands, absolutely any old tires are suitable, but it is best to use those that are left over from trucks. Their use will significantly increase the width of the future comfortable garden path, but at the same time you will need much less tires themselves than if you used car tires from light vehicles.

Moreover, this will in no way affect the quality of the future track, but it will allow you to reduce the time spent on the external improvement of your site. There are several reasons why it is recommended to use rubber from old car tires:

Manufacturing process

It should be clarified that all the necessary material for such a track will be completely easy to obtain.
This process is easiest to complete in stages:

After you build such a garden path with your own hands, it will be desirable to walk along it several times, which will allow you to better press the boards with ribbons into the top layer of soil. In order for the covering to lie well, the ground must first be leveled under it.

To this end, it will be necessary to carefully remove a small upper layer of earth, and fill the resulting area with fine gravel or pour ordinary concrete. When the preparation for such a path is completely ready, you can spread the rubber garden covering you have made on it. When installing rubber bands from car tires, it is not necessary to lay them directly on the ground layer.

We nail the rubber onto a special board

Using ordinary nails, they can be carefully nailed to a wooden beam or planks, and only then carefully laid out on the garden path.

Moreover, if you do not place car tires close to each other, but leave a small gap between them 1-2 cm wide, then new grass will soon sprout through such cracks.

It will look very nice and will also prevent the rubber bands from the car tires from moving in any direction in the future. If you do not have your own freight transport, then the tires necessary for the garden path can be purchased absolutely free of charge. For example, skilled craftsmen from all kinds of tire shops are likely to be only too happy if you help them get rid of unnecessary material.

The use of decorative tire tracks

In addition to the above areas of use of such tapes from car tires, it will also be advisable to apply them in the following places of the suburban area:

  • Parking of personal vehicles on the territory of the personal plot;
  • Walkway at the entrance or entrance to your yard;
  • A place used to wash cars, bicycles or scooters;
  • A utility yard with various buildings, the passages between which can be laid out with similar high-quality decorative paths made of car tires.

Such a coating on the territory of a country house, built with your own hands, will not only look very harmonious in natural design, but also differ in its special practicality during operation.

Option for the device of a garden path from tires

In addition, such a coating is in itself absolutely non-slippery, which makes the chosen solution more than rational, especially if there are small children or elderly people in your family. In the spring, when the snow melts or at any other inclement season with abundant precipitation, certain problems often arise with the approach to the summer cottage. This problem can also be solved with rubber bands.

It is necessary to spread them on the most problematic places and any car will pass them completely unhindered.

It is also worth noting that it will not be superfluous to carry a small amount of such tapes with you in the trunk of your car. They can always be useful to you in case of the most unforeseen circumstances, allowing you to get rid of unnecessary manipulations with a shovel and the need to put boards under the wheels if your car cannot drive off-road.

Such interaction of rubber with rubber will provide practically caterpillar cross-country ability of the transport. Another, lesser known, but rather eccentric use of old car tires might be to use them as suburban buildings. Since this material can be given a semi-cylindrical shape, like, in fact, tiles, then it can be laid in a completely similar way.

Naturally, this option is not suitable for the main country cottage, but, say, or it is a more than profitable solution, since with the help of old car tires you can build with your own hands an almost eternal water-repellent roof that can withstand any bad weather.

It looks like a roof of a cottage made of car tires.

If the decision to create such a decorative element from car tires at your summer cottage has already been made, then you can choose from two possible options:

  • Use rubber bands from tires (the method of their extraction is described above);
  • Use rubber tiles, which are essentially recycled tires.

Both of these options are equivalent in their performance. Rubber bands from car tires and rubber tiles have exactly the same characteristics and similar durability.

Hello to all homemade lovers! Today I want to show you a great idea for using old car tires! The main plus is that such tires can be taken free of charge in any quantity at tire changers, and the benefits from them are quite big!

Making garden paths

The first step is to stock up on tires. To begin with, I took 4 pieces of R13 winter ones, but in general it is better, of course, to find wider tires.

Next, you need to cut out the inner part. You can cut with a knife, but this process is very long and it is better to use a regular jigsaw and it is advisable to immediately put the blade on metal. It will cut both rubber and metal inserts in the middle of the wheel.

After all the middle parts have been cut out, the tire needs to be cut in half. At first I used an angle grinder, but the disc cuts the rubber very badly and as a result I sawed the rest of the tires with a jigsaw with a blade for metal.
And if you know where you can apply the middle parts of the tires, write in the comments, it will be interesting to read, since I have accumulated quite a lot of them.

After that, it is necessary to make small cuts approximately every 10-15 cm on both sides of the tire strip, so that it better adheres to the ground.

And in the end, we got such wonderful garden paths, which have a lot of advantages:

- this is completely free material
- durability
- ease of manufacture
- grass will not grow on the tracks under the rubber
- you can safely walk after the rain

When arranging a summer cottage, there is often not enough money for new building materials. Most of the owners have learned to do with improvised means. And if you add a little craftsmanship, then from unnecessary things you get unusual functional products.

One of these solutions is garden paths made of car tires. It is a durable material that requires little maintenance. And the creation of a path from it is within the power of a person without construction skills.

Pros and cons of using

Among the advantages of using tires, the following are noted:

  1. Material reliability... For tires, high quality durable rubber is taken. Even when worn out, they do not lose their properties.
  2. Durability. Such a path will serve for years without the need for repairs.
  3. Anti-slip rubber... The relief surface allows you to easily walk on them during heavy rain or frost.
  4. Not afraid of temperature extremes, high humidity.
  5. Does not deform under high mechanical stress.
  6. Requires minimal maintenance... It is enough to periodically rinse the surface from dirt using a hose or sweep the debris with a broom.
  7. Easily move the track to another location if necessary.
  8. There are almost no costs for such a path... There is no need to buy material, and every owner has the necessary tools.
  9. The tire does not rot and dries quickly.
  10. Ease of installation.

Photo: future path from a truck tire

But one should also take into account a number of disadvantages that will have to be faced. Among them:

  1. The need for a large number of tires... Even for a small garden path, you will need more than a dozen of them. But if you agree with the service station employees for a nominal fee, then you will have a sufficient amount of rubber in stock.
  2. Unaesthetic appearance... Of course, the beauty of a tire path cannot be compared to natural stone. However, for owners of summer cottages, for whom practicality, durability and price come to the fore, the attractiveness of the path is not so important.
  3. Weak plasticity of rubber... Before assembling a product from a tire, the material should be straightened, which will take a little work.
  4. When creating a path, a compulsory gravel bedding is required.... Otherwise, the track will soon simply sink into the ground.

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At the beginning, you should prepare the necessary tools and fasteners:

  • sharp knife or jigsaw;
  • wooden slats;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • shovel;
  • axe;
  • nails (at least 7 cm long).

The number of tires depends on the width and length of the alley. To make a neat garden path from old tires, it is important to carefully approach each stage of creation. Let's analyze them in detail:

  1. Preparation of working material... Carefully separate the rim of the car tire from the tread strip. The main tool is a jigsaw. Many craftsmen suggest using a sharp knife, constantly wetting it with grease, but it will take more time and effort. The rim is separated strictly along the edge of the tread. This makes the cut rubber straighten easier. The jigsaw should be guided around the circumference of the tire, not across it.... This measure will prevent the blade from dulling or breaking the tool.
  2. Ribbon forming... For this, the protector is cut with a knife or ax. The number of stripes depends on the selected track dimensions.
  3. Creating a solid foundation for the path... The trench is dug to the depth of the shovel bayonet. The bottom is compacted. A layer of crushed stone or gravel is filled up. From above, you can fill it with sand-cement mortar. But this is optional. For non-porous soils, a gravel bed will be sufficient.
  4. Aligning and securing tapes... It is carried out using wooden slats, pre-treated with resin. The edges of the rubber are straightened, nailed to the slats.

For paths with a width of several strips, a gap of up to 2 cm is left between the belts. Rainwater will not accumulate on the surface, and the grown grass will strengthen the position of the path on the ground.

Another interesting option is the creation of a staircase from tires on a personal plot. Suitable for summer cottages that are on a slope. The tires are slightly sunk into the ground and fit from the bottom of the soil to the top. The soil is poured inside. And so that the steps do not slip in the rain, a thin layer of gravel is poured on top.

Thematic material:

We make curbs from tires

Small fences of different heights are obtained from this material. Often, used tires from the rest of the yard are fenced off a flower bed or a children's playground. It is enough just to cut the tire in half with a jigsaw or a knife, cut it sideways to dig it into the ground.
And to make the borders look beautiful, they should be painted, applied with interesting patterns, drawings.

Photo gallery of finished tracks and border

Here are the different ways to use tires as material for garden paths and curbs:

Photo: excellent use of old rubber

As it turned out, even unnecessary products like old tires found useful uses. And what is even more pleasant is to save a significant amount on the purchase of building materials and to improve the suburban area practically for nothing.

Recently, my aunt was introduced to the blog of my niece, she, as a summer resident, was interested in the heading "Ideas for a summer residence". An order came in for a good idea for garden paths. This is what I like about dacha construction and renovation, so it is the scope for activity, and not only in the spatial sense, but also in terms of the implementation of the most unexpected ideas.

So, back to our ram tracks. There are a great many options, one more beautiful than the other. The tree for me will always be paramount when faced with a choice. Still a living material, breathable, warm.

Tracks, consisting of different segments connected together, also look very nice, especially when one of the segments is green in one form or another.

A mosaic made of colored stones, sealed in concrete, is, in my understanding, an artistic creation. You create a canvas using an unusual technique.

And there is such a very simple and budget option, you put together puzzles from rubber modules, I like the fact that they can always be shifted, you never know, plans have changed, space will be required. Minute business. Although, of course, it looks more like a temporary measure. In the end, all summer residents and owners of personal plots go through the state of temporaryness, so it will come in handy on the farm.

On the site, the author went further, he makes rubber tracks from old tires, but what are tracks, toys, jewelry, furniture, shoes ... in general, when all summer cottages will be in openwork (if at all really) you can equip yourself a workshop and create there, even from old tires. Like this:

And from the sidewalls you can build just such a flower bed and walk around in flip flops with tire soles.

This has nothing to do with the paths, but with the dacha - quite.

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A summer cottage is exactly the place where many old and unnecessary things, after alteration or restoration, begin their new life. This includes furniture, kitchen utensils, and clothing. Find use in a suburban area and unnecessary car tires. What skillful summer residents do not make of them: swings, flower beds, sandboxes and even small pools. Today we will talk about another option for using old car tires - arranging paths in the garden with their help.

The main advantage of rubber on car tires is its high quality. Even an old tire does not lose its increased resistance to external influences and perfectly tolerates both various kinds of precipitation and the influence of low and high temperatures.

  • That is why a garden path made of a car tire will not crack during winter frosts, will not get wet from a spring rain and will not deform in a sultry summer.
  • Having spent time once, you will provide yourself with a comfortable and reliable surface for paths in the garden for several years. Another advantage of the tire track is ease of maintenance. It is enough to just sweep away the debris, pour water from a hose or a watering can - and your garden path shines again with cleanliness.
  • Rubber does not absorb moisture and dries quite quickly, so even after a heavy downpour, you will very soon have a dry coating in the garden.
  • Car tires are quite slip resistant, it is almost impossible to slip and fall on them, but even if this happens, the rubber will significantly soften the impact and reduce possible injury.
  • Well, and the most important advantage of the rubber track is its ease of creation.

If you, having appreciated all the positive qualities of rubber, decided to use automobile tires in the arrangement of paths on the site, you have two options: to make a covering from old car tires or to use for these purposes a rubber tile, which is a product of recycling those very tires.

Tire tracks

To create a garden path, we need old car tires. It is desirable that they are all the same size. The amount required will depend on the total length of the tracks you plan to cover. If the tracks are wide enough, you can use truck tires.

In each tire, we will need to separate the treadmill - tread (pictured above). This will require a sharp knife, some oil or soapy water, and a proppant of some kind.

  • With a knife, gradually cut off the sidewalls on both sides of the tire in a circle. To make the knife easier to cut through the rather dense rubber of the tire, it should be regularly dipped in a container of oil or soapy water.
  • We need to insert our riving device behind the knife. This can be an adjustable wrench, a pry bar, or just a piece of wood.
  • After cutting off the side parts of the tire, we have a rubber band.
  • Having cut it, we get a cover for our future track.
  • Having typed the required number of protectors, we proceed to laying the canvas. Depending on how wide the garden path will be, two to four strips may be needed at the same time.
  • We align the ribbons in length and nail the edges to a wooden board or block, as shown in the photo. The distance between the tapes should be 1-2 centimeters. Grass will sprout in these gaps over time. It will perfectly keep the garden path from shifting.
  • In places where the wooden parts of the paths will be located, it is necessary to dig small depressions. This will help prevent the edges of the rubber from picking up.

At this, the installation of a garden path made of tires can be considered complete.

Rubber tile tracks

Now let's talk about the second option for arranging paths in the garden. For this we need a special rubber tile. The materials for its manufacture are all the same used car tires.

To begin with, they are crushed, and then from the resulting rubber crumb, tiles of various sizes, thicknesses and colors are formed. Many summer residents have already appreciated such a coating, and it continues to gain more and more popularity.

The rubber tile retains all the properties that a car tire possesses. It is clear that the acquisition of such a coating will require additional costs, but such a garden path will look much more beautiful than just tape from tires.

A large assortment of tile shapes and colors will allow you to create paths that are most suitable for decorating your site.

Installation of the coating is not particularly difficult. The design of the tiles provides for fastening with bushings or special locks.

The only point to consider when buying is the thickness of the tiles. Thinner tiles (up to 20 mm) require the preliminary creation of a hard surface in the places of future paths.

It could be

  • cement strainer
  • asphalt pavement
  • wooden flooring.

Already existing coatings are suitable as a basis.

  • To do this, it will need to align all the grooves and bulges on it and seal the cracks and chips formed under the influence of external factors.
  • The surface of the base is thoroughly cleaned and treated with a mixture of acetone and polyurethane glue in equal amounts.

A thicker coating does not require such extensive preparatory work. If the thickness of the tiles is more than 30 mm, it is allowed to lay them directly on the ground or on a 5 cm layer of sand.

If you want your walkway to last significantly longer and still look good, prepare a three-layer base before tiling.

The constituent bases

  • compressed soil as the first layer
  • rubble
  • sand and cement in a ratio of 3: 1.

When laying rubber flooring without preparing the base, the water leaves in a natural way, so there is no need to create artificial drainage. You can complete the work by installing rubber borders. They will not only improve the overall appearance of the tracks, but also serve as their additional fixation.

Rubber tracks are a great way to ensure comfortable and safe movement around the site at no significant cost. For rubber crumb tiles, see the video.