Planting aster seeds in open ground. Asters in open ground in spring

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Seedling method

Asters are sown even before winter. Marigolds can be used later - they still will not rise until the earth warms up.

Seedless way

Asters can be sown outdoors in April. Some gardeners sow asters before winter, but such flowers do not differ in lush bloom.

Asters: planting and care

I plan to sow at home in a box in the first half of March, then dive several times ...

Asters are perennial and annual plants of the Aster family. Adult plants can reach a height of 20 to 200 cm (depending on the variety). Leaves are simple, serrated. Stems are long, not branching (in annuals) and branching (in perennials). Inflorescences are ligulate, tubular and transitional. There are a lot of aster shades, but the central petals are predominantly yellow. Plants are cold-hardy. Just do not forget that these stimulants are not top dressing, and it is still needed to form a favorable soil for growth. After that, the selected piece of land is dug up, and then digging is done in the spring. In this case, it is necessary to add potassium salt and superphosphate. Asters begin to bloom, depending on the variety and growing method, from late June to mid-August. Flowering continues until frost. When

More details: Reckless These beautiful flowers are very popular due to their unpretentiousness and long abundant flowering. Annual asters are grown in two ways: seedling and, accordingly, seedless. Each has its own pros and cons.

You can sow, they will sprout as the time comes. You can sow a petunia, the rain will pass, it will rise.

I plant open ground in May

Now there is no need for snow, there will still be recurrent frosts, but they need warmth for germination. In 2011, I had such peony-shaped Seeds of annual asters are sown at the end of March in the soil of a greenhouse. The sprouted seedlings are planted in open ground in early May, the distance between the seedlings should be at least 20-30 cm. The place for the seedlings must be carefully prepared: it must be sufficiently moist and located in an open sunny place.

Of course, watering is an integral part of grooming. It must be regular so that the plant develops well, grows quickly and rather begins to delight the eye with its flowers. You can sow seeds at a time convenient for the gardener: either in the spring or in the fall. The only thing to consider is the climatic conditions. In the Moscow region, it is possible in both seasons, but in the Urals it is better to do this in the spring, so that severe frosts do not kill the plant. By the way, I always plant asters in the spring months too. Many varieties of asters set seeds well in the conditions of central Russia. To preserve the variety you like, you need to wait until the petals on the inflorescence wither, and its center darkens and a white fluff begins to appear on it. Such inflorescences are plucked, put in paper bags and dried in a warm, dry place. On the package, you must write the name of the variety, or at least the color and shape of the inflorescence and the year of collection of seeds.


Master class on growing aster seedlings

Way. Sowing seeds for seedlings should be started from mid-March to early April. Prepare the planting material, for this you need to soak it in advance in a growth stimulator. Dilute the drug according to the instructions. Spread the seeds on a cheesecloth, cover them with a cloth and pour in the solution. Keep them for 24 hours. Then dry. Prepare the substrate for planting seedlings. The simplest thing is to use ready-made universal soil, but you can make up the soil mixture yourself. To do this, take 2 parts of leaf humus, add 1 part of peat and a little sand or vermiculite to make the substrate friable. Pour soil into a plastic container. Smooth the surface, put the prepared aster seeds on it and sprinkle with a layer of soil 0.5 cm, Cover the container with foil and place in a warm, sunny place. Expect the first shoots in 3-5 days. Wipe the film from this makeshift greenhouse daily, as condensation accumulates on it. Plant in open ground in a permanent place in mid-May. And after a couple of months, the aster planted in this way will delight you with lush flowering. When the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, they will need to be dived into separate cups. If somewhere in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Kuban or in the Crimea, then probably. We are in the suburbs only through seedlings. In open ground in mid-May, calendula or nasturtium and what May will be.

Only when the threat of frost has passed.

I sowed asters yesterday. In the Urals, we need to sow early so that they bloom in August. I sow in the usual way, not on the snow. Today is a new moon, you do not need to sow, tomorrow you can, if you adhere to the lunar calendar. I didn’t look at the lunar calendar last year, everything has grown great anyway. Perennial asters reproduce by cuttings or dividing the rhizome. To do this, you will need to cut off the green stems that have appeared in the spring and plant them in moist soil. If necessary, place the cutting in a container with water until roots appear, and then plant it in the ground. The distance from each other, as for annual plants when planting in the ground, should be 20 cm. If everything necessary has been done for the soil in the fall, it is not necessary to add nutrients. But they never get in the way. Asters are recommended to be fed with mullein.

Earlier is better because moist soil will guarantee excellent germination. After the seeds for seedlings are sown, it is advisable to cover the area with foil so that in case of frost the flowers do not die. You will need to remove it when shoots appear.

The only drawback is that the seeds lose their germination rather quickly during storage: after 1-2 years, it decreases from 90-95% to 40-50.

Method, the seeds are sown in the ground in early spring, as soon as the soil is ready. Seeds are sown in shallow grooves, covered with a layer of soil 0.5-0.8 cm, well watered and, in dry weather, slightly mulched or covered with covering material until shoots appear.

When to sow asters outdoors and how to prepare the soil

The place of these plants should be chosen light, even, so that the water does not stagnate during irrigation and in rainy weather. It is advisable that asters and other crops suffering from fusarium (

Ideal soil and planting time

This is less laborious than growing by seedlings, so many growers recommend growing asters in this way - planting plants immediately in open ground in a permanent place. This can be done both in spring and autumn. For autumn sowing, prepare a place for asters in advance. Dig up the flowerbed, remove the rhizomes of the weeds and apply complex mineral fertilizer and humus. Start sowing aster seeds from early October until frost. Make grooves, spread the planting material in them, and sprinkle with humus on top. In the spring, when the asters grow and the first true leaf appears, thin out the seedlings. Seedling maintenance consists of watering, weeding and loosening. Similarly, you can plant asters in the spring. Prepare the soil and sow the seeds that have been soaked in the growth promoter. Then water the grooves, cover the plantings with non-woven covering material and wait for shoots. Asters planted directly in open ground in spring will bloom in early to mid September. If you want chic asters on your site to bloom from mid-summer to late autumn, plant them in both seedling and seedless ways.

I have knee-deep snow there. At night it was minus 14. I sowed asters in bowls on Sunday, yesterday they were already standing with soldiers. And I'll sow the marigolds later. They will stretch until the end of May.

This is interesting in which rkgione? It's snowing with might and main today.

So this: firstly, you need to sow asters in mid-March.

How to sow asters for seedlings?

It is enough to loosen, weed, moderately moisten and fertilize the soil. Astra does not tolerate excessive moisture. It is also equally important to regulate the growth of shoots in tall varieties.

If this is not possible, you can always buy fertilizing from mineral fertilizers, as well as ammonium nitrate or urea. Complex options will also be harmless, because they already have all the essentials for a plant.

It is necessary to transplant when the sprouts are completely ready for this. The main thing is the level of their development. Do not move to the beds if they are still immature, only with a couple of the first leaves. Better to let more time pass. Asters should rise about ten centimeters above the ground.

Care for bright beauties

Greetings, my readers! Diverse, bright, fragrant, incredibly colorful and picky - these are asters. Perhaps even a child will be able to distinguish them from any other colors.

Well-developed seedlings in the phase of 2-3 true leaves are thinned out to a distance of 10-15 cm. It is better not to pull out extra seedlings, but carefully dig up and transplant to another place.

Potatoes, tomatoes


Of course, the main reasons for the popularity of the annual aster are beauty and variety. Simplicity also plays an important role.

It snowed, I sow everything in the middle of April in the ground, but then I plant it anyway, even if not big frosts return, they still sprout well and the seedlings are hardened, CHELYAB OBL

Depends on where ???? Asters are early, but marigolds probably can be they are fallen from me every year they sprout themselves

You need to sow on the snow like this: collect earth in a jar and put snow on top, compacting it well. Seeds are placed on the snow, cover the jar with foil and refrigerate for 3 days. Then they are transferred to the window, the film should not be removed until the seedlings appear - only sometimes by airing.

Powdery mildew, rust, black leg - these diseases can threaten the aster with waterlogged soil and poor ventilation. The pests affecting these plants are mainly aphids and spider mites.

General information

Maintenance includes loosening the soil and removing weeds. Loosening is desirable every time after watering. This process will eliminate the need to fight the grass. If you correctly follow all these simple recommendations, then in the fall on the flower bed asters will certainly delight us with their multicolor.

Planting asters

The prepared furrows are filled with water. It is advisable to make the distance between them at least half a meter.

They do not need special care and long nursing in greenhouse conditions, they just bloom and delight the eyes of the hostess. And another important plus is the ability to sow these flowers right in the garden without growing seedlings. And when to sow asters in open ground, you can find out from this article!

Aster care


Aster diseases

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When to sow asters outdoors?

Lelya Casanova

The method of cultivation, the seeds are sown in late March - early April in boxes or directly into the soil of the greenhouse - in the grooves, sprinkling the seeds with soil (0.5 cm), watered with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and covered with paper or film. So that the seedlings do not get sick with the "black leg", the seeds are dusted with a fungicide before sowing, and the soil is spilled with a solution. After 3-5 days, when shoots appear, the paper is removed from the boxes and placed in a bright place so that the seedlings do not stretch out.


Grow an annual aster

Smile Dog

If there are no more frosts, then marigolds can also be. ... they do not withstand even a slight minus temperature. ... asters, on the contrary, can withstand .. they can be sown even before winter


It's snowing outside the window now ...


There are instructions on the back of the bags

Nastya Nastya Nastya

In April, under the film. It is possible on the snow at home so that the seeds are drawn into the ground. When sowing at home, asters do not like burrowing into the soil.
Share the article with your friends, let them also have a beautiful multi-colored carpet made of these beautiful flowers at their dachas. And by subscribing to my blog, you will read all new useful articles on time.


Valentina Barzakovskaya

Initially, you need to choose a place - it should be sunny, as these flowers love light and warmth. The soil is nutritious and drained. It's great if marigolds used to grow on this place.

Elena the Wise


Anna K

Humus or compost (but not fresh manure, it contributes to the defeat of plants by fusarium), complex or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (40-60 g of nitrophosphate or 60-80 g of superphosphate and 30-40 g of potassium fertilizers) and wood ash ( 100-150 g) per square meter of area. But if the soil is well cultivated, rich in nutrients, then you can do without fertilizers. Before planting, seedlings are watered abundantly, especially if they were grown without pots.

Can you already sow asters and marigolds outdoors?

Elvira Radina

When the first true leaf appears, the seedlings dive at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other into pots, a box or into the greenhouse soil, since aster seedlings tolerate transplanting well even with an open root system. If the seedlings' hypocotyledonous knee is strongly elongated, then when diving, they can be deepened almost to the cotyledonous leaves.

Nadezhda Kuznetsova


Olechk @ Shock)))

If the ground is warm, plant.

Pontelemon Bovin

Lucky ones ... Our snow did not start to melt. Frost -10.

Vera Tregubova

Yes, in the snow, especially if you live in the northern regions. Sorry, cool question. Live and learn

Natalia Zakharova

In general, asters are very fond of transplanting. The more you transplant, the more luxurious.

Lelya Casanova

Asters (Latin Callistephus) are one of the favorite flowers of many summer residents. Asters are annual and perennial. Here we will talk about annual asters. Annual asters are very diverse. Flowers of different colors and shapes are grown; terry and non-terry. There are thousands of aster varieties that differ in color, flower shape and bush size. These plants are used to decorate flower beds and flower beds. Low-growing varieties are used for landscaping curbs. Asters are very good for cutting; they can stand in a vase for a long time. The flowering time starts from the end of July and lasts until frost. Asters are grown from seeds or seedlings. For seedlings, seeds are sown in March and kept indoors until May, in May they are planted in open ground. Plants can withstand even slight frosts of about -3 ° C. It is recommended to remove faded inflorescences. Tall bushes are tied up.


Around this time, you can already give them a growth stimulant. Such a preparation will help the flowers develop faster. For example, it can be sodium humate.


Preparing the soil should be done in the fall. First you need to add manure and compost to it. It will take about 4 kg per square meter.

The decoration of the garden is a blooming flower bed. How to properly plant and care for aster in the open field, the gardener is looking for answers. There will be no particular difficulties, even a beginner can handle it. It takes not so much, pick up planting material, dig up a bed and plant seeds.

Astra decorates the garden of a large number of summer residents and gardeners. Some flower lovers grow it on the balcony. The choice of variety is important when deciding on planting. It is necessary to determine exactly for what purpose the flower is grown. If for bouquets, choose tall species. If for decorating the site, then take varieties with a short stem.

The summer resident is provided with a wide range of shades and sizes of bushes. Planting material is purchased in stores or collected independently. The second option is a win-win. The summer resident gets exactly what he wanted to grow.

The difference between planting perennial and annual asters in open ground

Annual or perennial plants are planted in open ground in early spring or autumn. The garden bed is prepared in advance, dug up with mineral fertilizers and grooves are formed. Annuals bloom in the same year, perennials bloom in a year.

When planting perennial representatives of the family, only fresh planting material is used. A one-year-old aster can be 1-2 years old. There are no particularly critical differences, it is necessary to comply with the technology and comply with agrotechnical requirements.

Growing methods

Aster is planted in various ways. How to grow a flower, the summer resident chooses based on personal preferences. They use the seedling method and the seedless method. If a perennial aster is grown, then the roots are still divided.

It is better to plant annual plants in seedlings, since they will bloom half a month earlier.

Seedling method

Using the method helps to get flowering plants much earlier. With proper care, the flower beds are especially colorful. This method is often chosen by summer residents who want plants to bloom early.

Dates of sowing seeds for seedlings

The summer resident determines the period independently, depending on the growing region. Approximate planting date: late March - early April. It should be remembered that it is necessary to transplant seedlings into the ground by mid-May.

Planting material processing

For disinfection, the seeds are kept for 30 minutes. in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To speed up the sprouting of sprouts, they are soaked in growth stimulants purchased in stores.

Soil for asters

Flowers prefer fertile soil, before digging, they bring in:

  • compost;
  • humus;
  • wood ash;
  • dolomite flour.

What kind of soil asters like is easy to understand, it is important to protect the flower bed from waterlogging and weeds. For seedlings, a soil is prepared that allows moisture and air to pass through well. For better watering, a drainage layer must be formed at the bottom of the containers.

Sowing seeds

Sowing depth is 0.5-1 cm. Watered with warm water. Then it is tightened with polyethylene and placed in a warm, dark place. After the sprouts appear, the film is removed and the pots with plantings are placed on the window.

Temperature control and lighting

The culture loves sunlight, the more daylight hours, the stronger the seedlings of flowers. The air temperature is not higher than +18 ⁰С.

Watering seedlings

Use only warm water. The first time, 7-10 days, is watered by spraying. Moisten with a spray bottle, so the roots are not washed out. Water as the top layer of the soil dries out. Without flooding or waterlogging the soil.

Plant picking

Produced at will. Some summer residents do not recommend touching the plants. They feel good in the group and grow well. But if time and place permits, then after the appearance of the second leaf, they are transplanted into separate containers.


An obligatory process before planting seedlings in open ground. Plants need to be prepared for growing conditions. Therefore, a week in advance, the containers are taken out onto the balcony or outside for 10-15 minutes. The next day, increase the time. Then it is brought up to 10 o'clock. And the last day is left for the night.

Planting seedlings in open ground

The final stage of planting. The transfer to a permanent place is carried out in mid-May. When the shoots have reached a size of 10-12 cm. It is recommended to do this in the evening to reduce the stress on the plants.

The planting scheme depends on the variety of asters:

  • tall 30-40 cm;
  • undersized 20 cm.

This arrangement of the bushes helps to create an aesthetic appearance in the flower bed.

Growing from seed by direct sowing in open ground

To properly grow plants, you must follow the recommendations given by experienced gardeners. Direct sowing into the ground reduces the labor intensity of cultivation, but significantly postpones the flowering period.

When to sow

It is necessary to wait for the soil to warm up. The optimal period is at the end of April and beginning of May. The summer resident calculates the day, correlating with the peculiarities of the climate of the region of residence. Planting material is planted in open ground not only in spring, but also in autumn. Then the planting time depends on the frost, since the seeds are planted in frozen soil.

Asters planted in this way bloom later, but more abundantly and longer. In the beds, grooves are formed in advance and planting material is sown in them. Sprinkle with a layer of mulch 3-4 cm thick, use humus or compost.

Choosing a place on the site

It is advisable to choose a well-lit area that will be protected from flooding and waterlogging. Drafts and strong winds are not loved by any culture.

Soil preparation

The garden bed is dug up, roots and weeds are removed. Provide nutrients. Make grooves, the depth of which is 2 cm. Then watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Sowing scheme

Sow in grooves made at a distance of 8-10 cm. Then cover with polyethylene. After emergence, the film is removed.

When the 3rd leaf appears, they break through at the distance necessary for a certain variety.

Outdoor care

After the plants are planted in a permanent place, it requires quality care. Carry out the necessary work on time, water, weed and loosen.


Astra does not tolerate waterlogging. Water as needed when the soil dries out. It is advisable not to plant flowers in places where groundwater runs close to the surface of the earth. The root system of plants does not tolerate waterlogging well. In hot weather, water is rarely watered, but abundantly. Do not irrigate during rainy periods.

Weeding and hilling

Like all cultivated plants, aster does not tolerate the neighborhood with weeds. Weeding is carried out regularly. To reduce the number of weeds, the soil is loosened after each watering. In addition, the soil is saturated with oxygen and retains moisture. Hilling of plants is carried out in order to strengthen and stimulate the branching of the root system. It is carried out before branching, the height of the soil during hilling is 5-7 cm.

Top dressing

To increase the size of the flowers and the intensity and duration of flowering, the plants are recommended to be fed. Fertilizer is applied half a month after the transfer of plants to the ground. Use nitroammofosku. Then the flowers are fed by spraying the bushes with minerals. Produced 1.5 weeks after the first feeding.

To improve the effect of dressing, mineral fertilizers and organic fertilizers are alternated. Before and during flowering, they are fed with a mullein. Calculation 1:10. Of minerals used:

  • superphosphate;
  • urea;
  • potassium chloride;
  • urea and others.

Pruning and tying

Perennial asters need to be tied up, as tall bushes are unable to hold themselves. Especially with strong winds and precipitation. Bushes are tied to stakes. As for pruning, it is necessary to do it. Thinned bushes look more beautiful when forming a hedge. If you remove the tops of the branches, then there will be more inflorescences.


The summer resident wants to increase the number of plants he likes. It is not always possible to purchase seeds from the store financially. Therefore, many people propagate flowers on their own.


A proven method of flower propagation. Plants retain all the characteristics of their parents. Even beginners will not have any difficulties. It is enough to collect the planting material and sow it correctly.

Seeds are also purchased in stores. It is desirable from trusted sellers who sell only high-quality planting material.


This method refers to the reproduction of perennial asters. This is done in the spring. After the shoots grow 15-20 cm, they are cut off. The cut must be at an angle of 45⁰. Then the lower leaves are removed and placed in a growth stimulator for several days. Planted in partial shade at an angle, monitor the level of humidity. Without letting dry and not flooding the planting.

By dividing the bush

Gardeners practice this breeding method for perennial asters. In the first place, the bush grows no more than 5-6 years. Then the plantings thicken and the plants lose their attractiveness. This method is the fastest, as the bushes bloom in the same year. The bush is dug up and, using a shovel or knife, it is divided into parts. In each, at least 5 shoots are left.

The wells are prepared in advance, the distance depends on the characteristics of the transplanted variety. The higher the mature bushes, the greater the distance.

Post-flowering care and preparation for winter

If the aster is an annual, the bushes are pulled out and burned to avoid the spread of diseases. Perennial plants are not touched after flowering. They wait for the aerial part to dry up, cut it off and burn it. Divide and seat if necessary. It is recommended to cover the flowers by winter, since some varieties do not tolerate cold and frost poorly.

Diseases and pests

Aster is attacked by many insects and viruses. If you do not take action in a timely manner, nothing will remain of the flower bed. Since flowers are not eaten, they are treated with chemicals. This is done for the purpose of prevention and when signs of disease are detected.

Growing problems

Not everyone is able to grow asters on the site and not face problems:

  • A common nuisance is poor germination of planting material.
  • In addition, seeds are stored very little. You must remember this when collecting planting material.
  • High susceptibility to disease is also a problem for summer residents.

Perhaps, when growing, the summer resident will face other problems. But in general, aster is an unpretentious flower, which, with proper care, pleases with abundant and long flowering. Planting an aster is a simple process, since the plants are unpretentious and responsive to care. Decorating flower beds with it makes any garden an object of admiration.

Many gardeners want their backyard to be attractive at any time of the year. In autumn, when the first signs of wilting are noticeable, it is difficult to do this. But experienced summer residents know that an elegant aster will be able to decorate the site even in this dull period. Planting asters in the ground with seeds is within the power of any novice gardener.

Description of colors

It is not for nothing that the Greeks called the aster a star. Flowers, like shaggy multi-colored stars, light up in the plots and delight gardeners with their charming appearance for a long time.

Astra has the following advantages:

  1. It is unpretentious, does not require excessive efforts from people during planting and during further care.
  2. Both large and small aster flowers are outwardly attractive, retain their beauty until frost.
  3. There are many varieties and varieties of asters.

Important! Reproduction of asters is possible only by seeds.

Correct sowing of seed is a guarantee of the appearance of strong shoots on the site and subsequent lush flowering.

Many summer residents prefer to grow asters in a reckless way for several reasons:

  1. This technique is less laborious.
  2. The seeds and sprouts that have appeared are hardened in natural conditions and the plants are less sick in the future.

A warning! If you sow asters with seeds directly into open ground, then flowering will have to wait for a long time. Plants planted with seedlings delight people with lush flowers much earlier than asters obtained in a seedless way.

The timing of flowering varieties of asters is different:

Advice! Aster - a perennial, will be covered with buds only the next year after disembarkation. Therefore, it is preferable for her to plant seedlings in the ground.

When to sow asters outdoors

Aster seeds are planted in open ground in spring. Moreover, the growers were divided into 3 groups, deciding on the best sowing time.

Some believe that it is worth landing in a slightly thawed ground. Then cover the ground with a film or covering material.

The second group of summer residents claims that it is better to plant when a stable temperature of +10 degrees Celsius is established.

Still others support the opinion that the early varieties of asters should be sown in mid-March - early April, and the later ones - in early May.

Seat preparation

Asters prefer light, fertile soil with an acidity close to neutral. In order for healthy plants to grow and their flowering to begin faster, it is necessary first of all to prepare the planting site.

Experienced gardeners give the following recommendations on this matter:

  1. The sandy soil is fertilized with compost.
  2. The clayey place is lightened by the addition of peat and perlite mixed in equal parts.
  3. Lime is added to the soil with a high pH.

Attention! You should not plant asters on the same flower bed for more than five years. Planting after marigolds or calendula will best affect the well-being of flowers.

Seed preparation

Garden aster seeds lose their germination within 2-3 years. Therefore, do not open the bags purchased several years ago. It is better to purchase fresh seeds from time-tested firms. This material is of high quality and does not require additional manipulations, it is ready for planting. You need to know and choose varieties that are resistant to diseases and adverse weather conditions.

Hand-picked seeds can contain harmful spores on the surface. The seed is treated with chemicals.

For seed material of some varieties, pre-sowing preparation will be required, including the following stages:

  1. Culling will occur if the seeds are soaked in water. Empty copies will rise up.
  2. Ordinary vodka will help to reduce the content of essential oils and soften the dense outer shell. Seeds in a bag are dipped into it for 5 - 7 minutes. Then they are transferred to a strainer and washed under running water.
  3. To disinfect and increase the ability of seed material to germinate, it is kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a growth stimulator for about a day.
  4. If it is indicated on the packaging that the seeds need scarification, then their outer shell is broken mechanically with the help of sandpaper.
  5. Only after all the manipulations can the seeds be put to germinate.

How to plant asters with seeds in open ground

Sowing aster seeds in open ground occurs in the following order:

  1. Depressions of about 2 - 3 cm are made in the ground.
  2. Produce them with moderate watering.
  3. Seeds are spread in grooves away from each other.
  4. The grooves are covered with fertile soil or humus.
  5. The flower garden is covered with a film and fixed around the perimeter.

Landing rules

Experienced summer residents try to follow simple rules when planting.

The soil is well moisturized, but at the same time, they are monitored so as not to overdo it. Otherwise, the rest of the actions will be difficult to perform with too damp ground.

The seeds of garden asters are small, it is better to mix them with dry river sand. When the resulting mixture is poured into the grooves, the seeds lie at a distance from each other. In this case, there are more guarantees that the seedlings will not appear crowded.

The grooves with seeds are not covered with soil from the flower garden, but only mulched.

The film is removed from the flower bed when sprouts appear. Subject to all the rules, they will appear on the 8th - 12th day.

Care after landing

After planting asters seeds, the emerging plants require regular maintenance. Otherwise, their development will slow down.

Attention! Asters are considered unpretentious, care for them is minimal, and regular weeding is required from gardeners. Weeds must not be allowed to grow in beds and furrows from the first day of planting.

With the onset of autumn with prolonged rains, asters are covered with plastic wrap fixed on light frames. This will preserve the beauty of the flowering plants.


After planting, the soil is watered as it dries. Asters do not tolerate excess moisture, but drought also harms them. It is better to occasionally make abundant watering.

Top dressing

During the season, it is required to carry out such top dressing.

Advice! Dry fertilizers are applied to wet soil, then loosening is performed. The dry soil is watered with water mixed with fertilizers.

Some gardeners prefer to use cow dung. For the 1st feeding, it needs to be infused for about 3 hours. For subsequent procedures, the time is increased to 2 - 3 days.


Asters must be loosened after the ground around them is moistened. That is, after rain, watering or feeding with liquid fertilizer, the summer resident must loosen the soil. Additional loosening should be carried out during the branching of the stems. This procedure will help the roots develop faster.

The depth to which loosening is carried out between the rows of plants is 5 - 7 cm. And near the aster they are loosened by 2 - 3 cm. This is due to the fact that the root system is located in the surface layer of the earth.


Asters should not grow close to each other. Therefore, you will have to thin out several times. The distance that is left between the plants depends on their height and the number of stems. But it should not be less than that indicated in the table.

Treatment against diseases and pests

Failure to comply with the rules of care leads to inhibition of the development of flowers. In this case, the possibility of the appearance of viral and fungal diseases is great.

Name of the disease

Reasons for the appearance

How does it manifest

Removal measures


The appearance of darkish stripes. Then the yellowing of the leaves, the dropping of the buds, the death of the plant.

Lowering the acidity of the soil, spraying with copper chloride.


Acidic and excessively wetted soil.

Darkening of the stem, death of the plant.

Disinfection of garden tools and flower beds with manganese solution, removal of weakened asters, moisture control.

Brown spot

The leaves are covered with brown spots. Drying and falling of leaves.

Destruction of the affected asters. Spraying every 2 weeks with copper oxychloride or Bordeaux liquid.

Jaundice or mosaic disease

Harmful insects.

The appearance of light veins on the leaf blades, a slowdown in plant growth.

Removal of pests and sick asters.

Bacterial spot

Infection of seeds, the presence of plant residues on the flower bed.

The appearance of brown spots on all parts of the plant. Drying and falling of leaves.

Spraying with Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride.

Advice! Watering the soil with infusion of celandine or nettle will help to avoid diseases.

Asters attract not only beneficial insects, but also pests.

Pest name

What happens to the plant

Control measures

European earwig

It eats up all the upper parts, which leads to the death of asters.

Regular removal of weeds and loosening of the soil. Spraying with insecticides.

Meadow bug

Sucks sap from the upper parts of the plant.

Soaping and spraying with insecticides.

Spider mite

It sucks juice from leaf blades, covers them with cobwebs. The leaves dry up and fall off.

Processing with ground sulfur and karbofos.

On the upper parts, yellowish or whitish spots appear, increasing in size. The stems are bent, the foliage dries up, the buds fall off.

Spraying with insecticides.

Caterpillars of a butterfly called Scoop-gamma

They eat the plant.

Washing with soapy water and spraying with insecticides.

Plow slug

Eats asters.

Removal of slugs, spraying with a solution of metaldehyde.

Why aster seeds do not sprout and what to do

There are several reasons why aster seeds did not sprout:

  1. Few seeds have been planted in the ground. Experienced summer residents recommend planting seeds in large quantities, because the excess asters can always be removed.
  2. Insects or excessive moisture in the soil destroyed the developing plants.
  3. The sowing depth norms are not met, that is, the seeds are deep in the soil or, conversely, close to the surface.
  4. After planting, the soil was not covered, which resulted in damage to the seedlings.

Advice! If rare seedlings appear or they are not at all, then you need to plant another batch of asters.


Planting asters in the ground with seeds is not difficult. Anyone who carefully completes all the stages will cope with it, not losing sight of the little things.

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When summer leaves, the flower beds are suddenly painted with all the colors of the rainbow. It is the asters that bloom, which always carry me in my memories to the time of my school childhood. Beautiful, varied and very unpretentious, they will serve as an excellent decoration for your garden at a time when most of the plants have long faded. Next, how to plant and grow the best asters.

Annual asters

Large, shaggy and fluffy asters with one head on a long stem, which we are used to seeing in bouquets, are annual asters, they are callistephuses. This noble and beautiful flower is appreciated by gardeners all over the world.

Planting asters
Preparing the soil for the future planting of asters should be done in the fall. Large flowers will be obtained if the aster grows in soil that is well fertilized and moisturized. When digging up a site, be sure to add humus to the soil. One-year-old aster is usually grown with the help of seeds, by seedling or non-seedling methods.


For seedlings, seeds must be sown in the last decade of March.- in the first days of April, in prepared boxes or directly into the greenhouse soil, into the grooves, then wrap the grooves, pour with a solution of light pink potassium permanganate and cover with paper or film. To prevent the disease of the "black leg", the seeds on the eve of sowing must be powdered with a fungicide and spilled with a solution of the soil. When shoots appear (3-5 days), paper is removed from the boxes and they are placed in a bright place.

As soon as the first real leaf appears, the seedlings should be dived no more than 5–7 cm from each other into small pots or a larger box, or even into the greenhouse soil, aster seedlings are not afraid of transplanting.

Aster seedlings can be planted in open ground already in the middle of May, since the plant is cold-resistant - it is not afraid of frosts down to –3–4 ° С. It is necessary to plant seedlings in a permanent place in a bright, level place so as not to allow water to stagnate when watering or when it rains.

Seedlings ready for planting in the garden should have well-developed roots and the height of the aboveground part should be at least 10 cm... It is best to plant plants in open ground in the evening, in grooves filled with water, at a distance of at least twenty to thirty centimeters from each other, taking into account the splendor and height of the variety. Leave the distance between the grooves up to half a meter.

A week or two after planting the aster, you can start feeding with complex fertilizer, repeating feeding in a month. If the weather is dry, moderate watering is required. Light sandy soils require constant watering. At the same time, the seedlings of asters must be processed against possible diseases.

Sowing in the ground

Seeds are sown into the ground in early spring, in shallow grooves, shallowly covered with soil, watered abundantly and covered with foil until shoots appear. Aster seeds can also be sown for the winter (in frozen soil, in pre-dug grooves).

After the appearance of the third true leaflet, the matured seedlings are thinned out at a distance of ten to fifteen centimeters between them. Try not to tear excess bushes, but carefully dig them up and transfer them for planting to another bed.

Caring for asters
Compared to other flowers in flower beds, caring for asters is not difficult. If the soil has been well fertilized, then during the growing season you only need to water and weed the beds in a timely manner.
If you can feed the asters at least once or twice, it will be more than enough, and the asters will give you large flowers on powerful stems.

Perennial asters

Growing and caring

Perennial asters are grown in places that are open to the sun's rays (you can also grow in partial shade), are well moisturized (but not damp). In damp areas, the plant is susceptible to disease. In one place it can grow up to 6 years. Rhizomes grow rather quickly. Perennial care is simple. Requires loosening of the soil layer, trying not to affect the root system, and treatment with drugs for diseases of gray rot and powdery mildew.


The transplantation and reproduction of perennial asters should be dealt with in the spring. The plant propagates by green cuttings. In spring or summer, young shoots appear on the stems of the plant, which can be used for reproduction. They take root with ease, root and grow quickly, the bushes are quite strong. In addition to green cuttings, propagation of perennial asters (octobrines) is possible by dividing the rhizome. Of course, there is a way to propagate by seeds, but this is difficult and unproductive.

Perennial asters are good for use in gravel gardens, in rose gardens. They go well with stonecrop, violets, incense, geraniums and other flower cultures.

Types of asters

All kinds annual asters are divided into three large classes, depending on the shape of the petals: reed, tubular and transitional.
In turn, all these classes have varieties cutoff- which are cut for bouquets, with long stems and lush flowers, casing- long-flowering, with many inflorescences, universal, which can be cut into a bouquet, and to plant a garden and pot, compact.

Tubular asters

This type of aster has petals in the form of thin tubes. Cutting varieties are pinnate and tubular, and casing midget can be grown both in a pot and in a garden.

Transitional asters

This class has inflorescences with tubular and ligulate flowers. The types of asters are distinguished here: simple, semi-double and coronal.

Have simple asters the middle of the flat basket consists of small yellow tubes and is framed by several rows of straight reed petals. Grades: Sonnenschein and Margarita - shear, Edelweiss, Sonnenkugel, Waldersee, Apollo - casing.

Semi-double flowers more voluminous, bulging with reed petals to the sides and up, but the core is still clearly visible. 6 varieties: Anemone and Madeleine - shear, Mignon, Anmut, Rosette and Victoria Baum - casing.

Crown asters lush and similar to pompons, the core is barely visible. Varieties: for cutting - Princess, Fantasy, Laplata, Aurora, for upsetting - Pomponnaya, Ambria, universal Bouquet Princess.

Reed asters

In ligulate asters, the cores with small yellow tubes are not visible at all. The flower is lush, shaggy, spherical.

Curly asters- elegant ribbon-like, wide ligulate flowers, curling slightly at the ends. Market Queen, Hohenzollern, California Giant and Ostrich Feather - for cutting, Early Miracle, Chrysanthemum and Comet - universal.

Petals ray asters narrow, in the form of a tongue, twisted along the length, but did not grow together. Radio, Khudozhestvennuyu, Unicum and Corallen are cut varieties.

Tongues at needle asters like needles, thin and twisted in length. Riviera, Krallen, Valkyrie are versatile varieties.

Reed asters also include tiled, hemispherical and spherical varieties.

Among the species perennial asters Alpine, Italian, shrub, New England, or American aster, and New Belgian, or Virginian aster are distinguished.

New Belgian aster, or virgin- a bush with shoots from a meter to one and a half in height. The bush does not differ in strength, many varieties "fall apart", lose their appearance in flower beds. New Belgian aster begins to bloom at the end of August. Many of the varieties bloom before snow falls.

Astra New England, or American reaches a height of 160 cm. It grows in slender, even, almost columnar bushes that do not require any support. Large semi-double inflorescences, various colors: from white, pink, lilac to purple, and the middle is yellow or reddish-brown. These asters begin to bloom in the first decade of September. Blooms until frost.

Agriculture ecology. If you have no time to deal with seedlings of flowers, but you still want to have beautiful flower beds in the country, pay attention to the seedless method of growing asters from seeds

Simple, bright and varied asters, they bloom in flower beds on the eve of autumn. It is these unpretentious and showy flowers that are grown annually in many gardens in our country. Since the plant does not require special conditions for germination, it can be sown directly into open ground. So, asters: growing from seeds directly in a flower garden.

Site selection and soil preparation

For planting asters, an area well-lit by the sun with nutritious drained soil is suitable. The best predecessors of asters are marigolds and marigolds, but in places where gladioli or nightshades grew last year, it is undesirable to sow these plants, since they are affected by the same diseases.

It is better to prepare the soil for the future sowing of asters in the fall. At this time, it must be dug up, before adding 2-4 kg of manure or compost per 1 sq. m. In the spring, a secondary digging of the site is carried out, at the same time adding superphosphate (20-40 g) and 15-20 g of potassium salt and ammonium sulfate to each square meter of area. Immediately before planting, the site is weeded, the soil is loosened to a depth of at least 4-6 cm and moistened. But such preparation for planting asters in open ground is relevant precisely with spring sowing, while these flowers can be sown in autumn and even on snow.

How to plant asters with seeds at different times of the year

To figure out how to grow asters from seeds in a seedless way, you also need to decide when it is best to plant them in the ground.

1. Planting asters before winter
In the central regions of Russia, the autumn sowing of asters is carried out from 10 to 20 November. In this case, grooves with a depth of 2 cm are harvested in advance. The seeds are sown in grooves, the top layer of the soil in which by this time is already freezing, so that the seed does not germinate even when warm days come. It is advisable to distribute about 80 seeds per one meter of a row (placed at a distance of 1-2 cm). Since the ground is already frozen, it will not be possible to close the grooves, therefore the crops are mulched. To do this, use well-weathered peat, peat compost or humus, which are previously stored indoors to avoid freezing. The thickness of the mulch layer is 2-2.5 cm, the width of the strip is 5.5-6 cm. Laying the mulch with a tape, and not with a continuous carpet on the site, will allow, with the onset of spring, to loosen the row spacing even before the emergence of shoots.

2. How to plant asters seeds in winter
Sowing asters in winter in the central latitudes of the country is best done in December-January on pre-harvested areas. When the snow layer reaches 10-15 cm, aster seeds are sown directly on its surface. With a thinner snow cover, seeds can be washed off with water during a thaw. On top, the crops are mulched with harvested peat compost or humus.
In the spring, when the snow begins to actively melt, the seeds in this area are not washed off with water. In addition, the site thaws earlier, thanks to the layer of mulch. Winter crops with the onset of warmth fall into the most favorable conditions, since there is enough moisture in the soil and the likelihood of overheating is reduced.

3. Planting asters in open ground in spring
The timing of planting asters seeds in the spring varies depending on the climatic characteristics of the region. In southern regions with light soils, sowing can be carried out after April 15th. And in the central part of the country, where the soils are often loamy and heavier, the beginning of May is more suitable for this procedure.
As soon as the soil is ripe for sowing plants, you can proceed to this simple but responsible procedure. Moreover, the site for it had already been prepared in the fall.

If you are going to grow Chinese asters in a reckless way, you should know a couple of nuances:

Firstly, the seeds of asters are sown into the ground only in dry form. Of course, they can be treated in advance with potassium permanganate or fungicide, as well as for seedlings of asters, but this must be done in advance so that they have time to dry out directly before sowing. You should not germinate a seed before planting, because when temporary cold weather sets in, it may die, while a dry seed will simply begin to germinate later.

Secondly, despite the fact that plants that initially grow in open air bloom later than those sown in advance for seedlings, they are more powerful, and also more resistant to cold weather, drought and diseases, in particular, fusarium.

Technology for planting asters in open ground

When planning how to grow asters from seeds, you need to pay attention to how to plant the seeds of these plants in the ground. In the prepared soil, grooves are made with a depth of 0.5-2 cm. It is advisable to keep the distance between the grooves at least 10-15 cm, which is necessary for convenience in caring for plants. Seeds are sown at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. Then the grooves are watered from a watering can through a fine nozzle and sprinkled with garden soil or mulch (for example, humus) with a layer of about 0.5-0.8 cm.

Under favorable weather conditions, seedlings appear in 10-12 days. With a sufficient amount of moisture, additional watering during this period is not required, but during a drought, crops can be watered 1-2 times using a small amount of water. For better moisture retention, in this case, the mulch layer is increased to 1-1.5 cm or a covering material is used. By the way, sometimes gardeners, initially after planting, cover the ridges with a film, which is removed immediately after germination and used at first to protect small asters from the cold.

Aster crops care

Aster annual, grown from seeds in the open field, does not require special care. The main agrotechnical methods aimed at providing it with decent conditions for growth are thinning, loosening and weeding, watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

1. Thinning. This procedure is often carried out in 2-3 stages with an interval of 3-4 weeks. For the first time, extra seedlings are removed from the row at the stage of two true leaves, thinning them through one. As a result of the last thinning, the distance between the plants should be at least 10-15 cm, taking into account the loss of seedlings. In this case, the final planting scheme for different varieties of asters may differ. For example, aster "Pinocchio" refers to undersized varieties with compact bushes, so the distance between them can reach no more than 20 cm (especially in border planting). But pompon and peony asters are medium and tall, so they are grown according to an approximate scheme of 20 × 30 cm.Often information about the optimal planting scheme for a particular variety can be found on the package with seeds. It is better not to pull out seedlings removed during thinning, but carefully dig up and transplant to another place.

2. Loosening and weeding is necessary to provide young plants with sufficient space and air access to the roots. They must be done regularly after watering and rains. The depth of loosening the soil between the rows is no more than 5-7 cm, and within a radius of 2-3 cm around the plants, the soil is not touched, so as not to damage the roots.

3. Beautiful lush inflorescences and long flowering will be ensured only with timely watering. At the stage of growth, seedlings must be watered as the soil dries out, preventing it from drying out for a long time and excessive moisture.

4. Top dressing. With sufficient soil nutrition or good filling it before sowing, asters do without additional fertilizing. But additional application of mineral fertilizers during growth will have a positive effect. Often, fertilizing of seedlings grown in the ground is carried out at the same stages of development as for seedlings. At a "young" age, it is enough to feed the asters once two weeks after thinning. To do this, use a composition of ammonium nitrate (20-25 g), superphosphate (50-60 g) and potassium sulfate (10-15 g) per 1 sq. m. The use of organic matter, in particular, fresh manure, is undesirable, since it increases the risk of plant disease with fungal diseases. In dry weather, asters must be watered before and after feeding.

In addition, before the start of branching of the bush, it is recommended to huddle the plant to a height of 5-7 cm, which will contribute to the development of the root system.

In the presence of basic care, asters, growing from seeds of which is not a difficult task, will give you a round dance of lush and enchanting flowers in the summer.