A pillow for sleeping in the office. Orthopedic pillows on the seat Office pillow for sleeping

With the help of a short restorative sleep, you can increase labor productivity and efficiency by 30%. And therefore, a pillow for comfortable sleep in the workplace can become an indispensable device. It will give you the opportunity to sit in the office, and at the same time relax as comfortably as in your own bed. Below are the most common and original types of products.

This sitting pillow is really popular. Many companies are engaged in the production of headrests, offering solutions that are unusual in design. This is a great choice for both an adult and a child. The products are able to support the head in a healthy position, relieving stress from the cervical spine.

Today on sale you can find headrest pillows for sleeping at work, made in the form of funny animals: elephants, cats, giraffes and others. Monochromatic and multi-colored models in the form of a semicircle are also relevant.

Sleeping headrests really make falling asleep easier. They are filled with many tiny balls, and easily take the shape a person needs. The size is universal.


It is worth dwelling on these models in more detail. Development belongs to British designers. It allows you to fall asleep wherever you need it: on the train, at the workplace, in a cafe. The name of the pillow was given not by its shape or color, but by the principle of operation. The product is made in the shape of a huge bag. There are three holes in the design: for the head and for the hands. Putting your head in such a bag, you hide like an ostrich in the sand.

Despite its large dimensions, the product is quite compact and lightweight. It doesn't take up much space when folded. A giant headpiece is able to cover the head completely - from the top of the head to the shoulders. In addition to the above holes, there are also small holes for the mouth and nose.

One of the features of the ostrich pillow is its double-sided design. On the one hand, it is blue, on the other, it is gray. The products are made of very soft and delicate material on both sides. And therefore, you will not feel any discomfort while resting.

The development is really convenient and well thought out. The design is such that the corresponding compartments conform to the shape of the neck and head, allowing you to rest in comfort. You don't have to worry about a stiff neck or headache after sleeping. Even the seams are made in such a way that the pillow is like a single whole.

The lightweight synthetic material that the "ostrich" is filled with not only provides the neck and head with the necessary support. But it also protects the hearing from extraneous sounds. Sleep will be sound and calm.

Under the back

These pillows have a more traditional look than "ostriches". They can be used at home, in the office or in the car. They support the spine in a healthy position and are an excellent prophylactic against posture disorders.

The shape of the product is standard rectangular. The peculiarity is the presence of fixing straps. On them, the pillow is proposed to be fixed on a highchair, work or car seat. Children's models can be made in the form of various animals.

Toys and anti-stress

Despite the fact that these products are for children, adults will also like them. Transformable pillows are made in the shape of various animals. But if you turn them inside out, you will have a comfortable sleeping accessory in your hands.

Antistress models or the so-called mnushki should be included in the same category. Just like in headrest products, there is a special filler inside them (tiny balls). They are able to relieve fatigue and stress from the body. If you knead them in your hands and hug them, you can also get rid of nervous tension and stress.


The original Glo Pillow pillow will appeal to those who want to relax in the workplace. But he is afraid to oversleep, for example, an important meeting. Turn it on at the right time, and 40 minutes before the sound signal is triggered, the bedding will begin to glow with a slowly increasing intensity.

The product has the effect of the rising sun, thanks to which you will wake up softly. And not abruptly and immediately, as with a regular alarm clock. It is known that a painless awakening takes just 40 minutes.

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov GV Some modern approaches to the therapy of insomnia // Attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects of insomnia therapy // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M .: Medgiz, 1960.

Healthy sleep is the key to a good mood and productive work. Especially if you sleep during the working day. On World Sleep Day, we have prepared for you TOP 10 products that are necessary for a sound and comfortable sleep at the workplace.

Eye stickers called “the watchful eye” are ideal for those who like to sleep at work. They will give you the opportunity to take a nap at your desk without arousing the suspicions of others. Just stick the "watchful eye" on the closed eyelid, and sleep well - everyone around will think that you are continuing to work actively. Some options look a little creepy, but you can choose stickers that are as close to your eyes as possible.

Price: 50 rubles
Where can I buy: Darimax.ru

A sleep mask will save you from bright office lamps. It is made of soft and pleasant to the touch material that does not allow natural or artificial light to pass through. The face of the mask mimics a sticker and informs everyone about the benefits of eight hours of sleep. With such an item, you are reliably protected from the encroachments of colleagues on the sacred - daytime sleep.

Price: 490 rubles
Where can I buy: Mrgeek.ru

A knitted pillow with expanded polystyrene filling is a must have for office sleepers. The small size of the pillow will allow you to hide it in a drawer at the right time, and a cool inscription will remind you that there are things in life that are more important than work. Small polystyrene granules inside make it possible to use the accessory not only for sleeping, but also for relieving stress. It is worth wrinkling the pillow in your hands for a couple of minutes, and the anger is gone.

400 rubles
Where can I buy: Pum-pu.ru

Another creative option for an office pillow is in the form of a smartphone. This gadget is convenient to use for office sleep. If the boss catches you at the wrong moment, you can always pretend that you are on the "phone" with a client. The pillow has a vibration mode that will make your daytime even more comfortable.

Price: 1450 rubles
Where can I buy: E-xpedition.ru

If you know exactly how long your boss will be absent from the office, a dynamite alarm clock will help you wake up at the right time. The alarm clock looks like a stick of dynamite: matching design, dial and four colored wires. Having heard the call, or rather the alarm clock squeak at the appointed time, you need to quickly disconnect one of the four wires - otherwise the dynamite will work. There are only 5 seconds for everything. The model runs on a lithium battery, which is charged from a computer via USB. The thing will also come in handy for those who regularly wake up at work.

Price: 1490 rubles
Where can I buy: Mrgeek.ru

A warm blanket made of soft polyester will add comfort to your office routine. Unlike ordinary blankets, it has sleeves, so it does not constrain movement when working at the computer. If you decide to sleep at work, a blanket will work perfectly as a blanket. Finally, it will protect you from cold air conditioning and keep you warm in the off-season when the office is not yet heated.

Price: 1999 rubles
Where can I buy: Mediamarkt.ru

"Happy hours

Did the boss catch you sleeping at your workplace? Didn't even the false eyes and the phone pillow help? Another option to justify yourself is a clock with escaped numbers. With such a wall clock, you can always say that the working day has already ended, which means that it is not forbidden to sleep at the table.

Price: 616 rubles
Where can I buy: Pum-pu.ru

It is better to fall asleep at work under the soothing sound of the surf, and not under the phone calls and conversations of colleagues. Unusual headphones will help create the perfect background for sleeping. Made in the form of bananas, they not only isolate you from external noises, but also demonstrate to others your sense of humor and originality.

Price: 999 rubles
Where can I buy: Presentario.ru

If you have vivid dreams at the workplace, you cannot do without a special notebook for writing. Not to write them down in a diary, really? The notebook from the Eksmo publishing house, made in the form of a book, is a stylish and practical accessory that will become a wonderful decoration for your desktop.

Price: 242 rubles
Where can I buy: Bookvoed.ru

Why is the naked boss dreaming? Burnt out office? Million salary? The images are deciphered by a large universal dream book, which contains 120 thousand interpretations of dreams. According to the publishers, the book contains the most complete interpretations adapted to modern realities. They will allow the reader to decipher the meaning of dreams himself and turn this activity into an exciting game.

Price: 366 rubles
Where can I buy: Ozon.ru

Alena Yarkova, who also loves to sleep

To begin with, the Ostrich Pillow is not at all like an ostrich. She was named an ostrich because it helps, if not to bury her head in the sand, then to isolate herself from the outside world, and to get some sleep. Moreover, in comfort.

So, the pillow. It is worn on the head. Covers the head from all sides. It closes so softly, it is convenient. You can lean your head against something hard, such as a bus window, and you will still feel soft and comfortable. Now you can sleep at work, and on a trip, and in the park - in general, where Morpheus's arms overtake you (not to be confused with Morpheus), sleep there. The front of the pillow has a slit for the mouth and nose. Eyes closed - you will sleep in complete darkness. The ears are also closed, so that extraneous noise will not disturb you. There are two more holes in the pillow just above the level of the ears - for air circulation and so that there is where to stick your hands (if you sleep with your head on the table). This is how it is, Ostrich Pillow. A true product of the 21st century ...

Yes, and it's also a two-tone pillow. It is gray outside. Turn inside out - blue.


  • material: textile;
  • filler: synthetic winterizer;
  • size: 45 * 28 * 15 cm;
  • weight: 462 g;
  • color: gray outside, blue inside.

Do you like to sleep at a convenient moment? Do you prefer to spend your lunch break on a pleasant, healthy rest? Do you travel often? The modern and functional ostrich pillow is perfect for you!

With this product you will be able to sleep fast and get a boost of energy for the whole day. The pillow attracts with its original shape, allows you to completely isolate yourself from the world around you and literally immerse yourself in peace and quiet. The famous thing got the name "ostrich", because the person in this pillow on his head resembles the very ostrich who plunged his head into the sand, abstracting from reality. This is how it is very convenient to have a rest!

Immerse your head in the best sleeping pillow: the ostrich will give you comfort!

The functional Ostrich Pillow provides maximum comfort and the best conditions for a restful sleep. With her, you can quickly enjoy beautiful dreams, even when it is noisy around, bright light irritates, vanity and polyphony reign.

A number of advantages of the pillow make it indispensable for all lovers of healthy sleep:

  • The ostrich pillow hugs your head: just put on the product to stop seeing and hearing everything that surrounds you.
  • There is an opening for the nose and mouth, small aesthetically designed slots on the top of the pillow. A person breathes calmly, can say something if necessary, there is no harmful greenhouse effect. The peculiar ventilation ensures an optimal microclimate and guarantees a healthy sleep.
  • With such a pillow on your head, you can sleep in any position, not only lying down, but even sitting. The tight collar perfectly fits the neck, prevents tension in the neck and spine.
  • In the slot on the top you can hide your hands, sleep in the most comfortable position.
  • The pillow looks aesthetically pleasing, will attract everyone's attention, delight with its practicality, stylish design.
  • Color: gray, blue
  • Size: 42 x 33 x 15 cm
  • Material: soft fabric, holofiber
  • Production: China

An excellent choice is to buy an ostrich pillow for yourself, purchase it as a gift. This unusual, useful and versatile thing is useful to everyone!

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In the old Soviet film "Circus" there are the words: "People should all sleep, but not at work." And it was even impossible to imagine that such a device as a pillow for sleeping at work would appear. It was believed that a good employee and sleep in the workplace are incompatible things. But at the same time, people were sleeping at work, and everyone knew this very well. Modern realities are changing this cliché.

The importance of sleep

Employers have never been thrilled to see workers asleep during work hours. And the same attitude was projected on the lunch break. But a person who really wanted to sleep still found every opportunity to take a short nap.

A pillow for sleeping at the workplace, as a quite designated thing, appeared relatively recently, and before that everything that was possible was used instead: a stack of books and training manuals, a rolled-up sweater, one's own elbow.

In the enlightened 21st century, the bosses already understand that a sleepy subordinate cannot work efficiently, and therefore sleeping at lunchtime right at the table raises no objections.

It is believed that in order for the body to recover, it takes about 8 hours of sleep. But it is not always possible to get enough sleep. The reasons can be very different, from noisy neighbors and illness to a banal lack of time (work and study, etc.). But the consequences of constant sleep deprivation are the same. A person sleeping less than expected runs the risk of:

  • grow old ahead of time;
  • gain excess weight;
  • weaken the body's defenses.

Premature aging is caused by the fact that intermittent sleep does not allow the tired body to really recover. As a result, metabolism is disrupted, and hormones are produced that increase the feeling of hunger: a person eats a lot and gains excess weight. Weakening of immunity affects frequent colds, general weakness. If sleep deprivation becomes a way of life, serious illnesses (diabetes, hypertension, blurred vision, and even cancer) can develop.

But even if you do not exaggerate, then a sleepy person has a slow reaction and a bad memory, and these are not the best working qualities.

Why do you need a pillow

Healthy sleep is only possible when it is comfortable. It is difficult to feel refreshed if after waking up you have a numb body and a rumpled face, which is imprinted with a tabletop pattern or a button.

The pillow for sleeping in the office is made taking into account human anatomy and physiology and ensures the comfort of short-term sleep. At the same time, pillows are made taking into account the fact that a person can sleep either sitting upright, or with his head on the table. Both modifications are designed so that during sleep, normal blood circulation is provided, free breathing and the spine does not suffer.

A place to sleep

Taking a horizontal position for office sleep is a rare success. Therefore, most often the place to sleep is a table. A pillow for sleeping on the table is placed on it (or a head in it - depending on the chosen model) and you can sleep. This position is chosen because a person is more accustomed to sleeping while lying down, and if it is impossible to lie down completely, then at least let his head lie down. This is necessary in order to relieve tension from the muscles of the neck and the load from the cervical spine.

You can sleep using only a chair for this, with the condition that the back is high. A chair is also suitable for this. For such cases, orthopedic or travel pillows are used, which are a high collar that supports the head and allows you to relax the neck.

Criteria for choosing an office pillow

The pillow that you will have to sleep on in the office should have several qualities:

  • not too voluminous;
  • easy to wear off;
  • quickly be placed to sleep and quickly cleaned.

Office pillows are divided into two types: some are placed on the table, others are worn on the body. The first variety has been known since Soviet times, these are the so-called "dumochki" - tiny, easily fit into a desk drawer. But a modern office presupposes modern means, so products are chosen that are worn:

  • on the head;
  • on hand;
  • on the neck.

Lightweight, comfortable and fit for human anatomy.

Popular - ostrich pillows, produced for the head and hand. In the first case, the head is completely immersed in a large soft ball (hence, apparently, the name), holes for hands are made on the sides, on which you can put your head. Such an ostrich has ventilation holes, while blocking out the light and drowning out sounds, which ensures a comfortable sleep. From the outside it looks like a spacesuit helmet.

The second type of pillows is called Ostrich mini (mini ostrich) and is worn on the arm in a place convenient for sleeping. In fact, it is a voluminous armband with a soft filling. The hand is placed on the table, the head is placed on the mini ostrich. Such a device can be made with your own hands.

You can wear a tie pillow around your neck. A seemingly ordinary accessory, if necessary, is quickly filled with air and a substrate is obtained that can withstand a weight of up to 11 kg. The advantage of this item is that it can be quickly removed.

They are used for the office and travel pillows, in which you can recline in a chair and take a cozy nap. However, you need to choose not too voluminous models, since most of these products are stationary, and are made in such a way as to fix a large part of the human body - not only the neck, but also the shoulders. Some models are fixed on the chest.

Cost and sales locations

A huge assortment is offered in online stores, where the price ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles, depending on the model, material, design and filler.

The best filler is memory foam.

In retail, the same products will cost more, but here you see the product with your face and you can make sure on the spot that it is of the same quality and conforms to the described characteristics.

Office pillows can be bought at a home improvement store, a travel store, or a joke store that sells unusual things with an original design. For example, an office pad in the form of a mobile phone can cost up to 1,500 rubles. If this is a standard model in a home goods store, then the most popular Ostrich and Ostrich-mini can be purchased for 730 and 970 rubles, respectively.

You can help fill the sleep deficit at work, but it will only be healthy when it is comfortable. A pillow for sleeping at work will ensure quality sleep and allow you to quickly recuperate.