How to decorate the barrel beautifully in the country. DIY stencils templates city

Absolutely at every summer cottage, you can see several old water tanks, mostly barrels. These containers are used for watering plants, as well as as a reserve, if suddenly the water on the site is turned off.
Painted barrels in the country
So that the type of barrels (mostly rusty tanks) does not spoil the landscape design of the site, they can be beautifully decorated with the help of paints.
The painted barrel can be installed anywhere: in the garden on the lawn, between vegetable beds, in the garden, on the porch of the country house, etc.
This idea is popular due to the fact that it requires almost no effort and money.
Now we will consider the technology for decorating plastic and metal barrels in the country.
How to paint barrels in the country?
First you need to find the right barrels. Large 200-liter barrels look the most beautiful. drawings of any complexity can be made on them.
To paint a barrel with your own hands you will need:
Empty clean water barrels
Metal brush and sandpaper
Water-repellent paints in various colors
Simple pencil
Working with a plastic barrel is much easier because before painting, it only needs to be thoroughly washed and dried.
When decorating a metal barrel, first you need to completely remove all rust. For this, it is recommended to use a metal brush or sandpaper. Once all the rust has been removed, it is recommended to clean the surface of the barrel with a rag soaked in alcohol. This event will allow you to degrease the surface before painting.
After preparing the barrel for painting, you need to think over the drawing. It all depends on your imagination. The barrels look the most advantageous, on which the following drawings are depicted:
Fairy tale characters
Animals: People (for example, a boy and a girl)
Having created a sketch of the drawing on paper, you need to transfer it to the barrel. To do this, first paint the barrel in one color (completely). Next, with the help of a brush, the contours of the picture are drawn, which are further painted with a suitable paint.
To paint the barrel beautifully and at the same time involve the whole family in the work, it is recommended that you first paint the container in one color and wait until the paint dries. Further, using paints of different colors, you can leave the handprints of each family member on the barrel. Such an idea will make the barrel creative and become a memory for the whole family.

Barrel of family prints
After the barrel is completely dry, place it in a suitable location in the country and enjoy the updated landscape design.
I would also like to note that the barrel can be additionally decorated with flowers. To do this, it is necessary to pour fertile soil inside the container and plant suitable plants.

Painted water barrel with flowers
Another tip - make the background of the picture on the barrels different. For example, paint one barrel red and the other green. The contrast in the shades will make the barrel composition more attractive.
Photos of painted barrels in the country
So that you can clearly see this idea for a garden, we present to your attention a photo of painted barrels in the country:

Blue painted barrel

The idea of ​​using a painted barrel

Beautiful water barrel

Simple design of the water barrel

Pop art barrel decoration

Drawing of a bunny on a barrel

Beautiful barrels in the garden

DIY Barrels coloring page

Green barrel in the country

Painted barrel with climbing plants

Decor of a water barrel in the country

Everyone wants to have a beautiful summer cottage with well-groomed flower beds and beds, without conspicuous, dirty back streets and rusty, unsightly water barrels. For those who spend a lot of time and energy on arranging and decorating a garden and a summer cottage, it is important that even plastic or metal barrels for water have an attractive appearance.

Funny pictures on water tanks

Old water tanks, as a rule, look sloppy and dull, which in the midst of a sunny summer can ruin not only the interior of the summer cottage, but also the mood. Those who love to be creative and are not indifferent to their summer cottage can solve a similar problem in this way: present the process of painting a water barrel as a kind of recreation. In this case, your favorite activity will help you relax your soul, and the result of your work will delight the eye for a long time.

It should be noted that it is better to take metal barrels for painting, plastic tanks can also be painted, but after the work they do not look so impressive. A plastic barrel is much easier to work with, though. In order to get started, it only needs to be washed and dried.

In addition to acquiring a bright appearance after painting, an old iron barrel, in addition, can be saved from corrosion. Since the days when people began to actively use metal objects, there has been no better way to protect it from rust than painting since then.

There are a huge number of pictures that can be applied to the outer edges of the tank, in principle, as well as the methods for applying them to the barrel. Some summer residents who have small children, for the most part, put fragments of their favorite children's cartoons and cartoon characters on barrels, others like funny faces that can give a certain character to an inanimate object, others prefer floral prints.

It is one thing to have a general theoretical understanding of the painting of water tanks, it is another thing to apply knowledge in practice. After all, not everyone will be able to master the technique of drawing "pictures on a barrel". It is good if a person has artistic ability, and has at least a small idea of ​​art. Otherwise, you will have to use a stencil to apply a pattern to the barrel. This may not be so bad, but also not as original as hand painting.

How to paint a water barrel

Before painting the water barrel, it must be cleaned of debris, dirt and dust accumulated on the walls. Then, using any solvent, degrease its surface. This will help the paint to lay down evenly. Now you can proceed directly to painting. The first layer of acrylic paint should cover the entire surface of the tank. After applying a layer of paint, the barrel must be well dried and the layer of acrylic paint must be fixed with transparent varnish. In this case, the rain will not be able to wash off the drawing. After the barrel dries out again, the main drawing is applied to the resulting background. To definitely like the result of the work, it is better to first make a sketch of the drawing on paper, and then transfer it to the barrel. When the tank is completely ready, it must again be covered with a layer of varnish.

The resulting funny pictures will decorate the garden, this area, attract attention and cheer up. In addition, the drawings do not require special care. Nicely painted barrels look good at any time of the year. Painting on tanks looks especially impressive in late autumn or winter. When funny colored faces and drawings peep out from under fallen leaves or snow.

Initially, all water tanks are the same, and how to give them a little originality and thereby create a new decor element for a summer cottage can only be decided by a creative owner who is not indifferent to his country house. But everyone will agree that it is much more pleasant to come to a dacha decorated with bright decorative elements than to a dull, unremarkable area.

If you follow a few simple tips for painting metal water barrels. Observing these rules, painting a water barrel will not turn into an ineffectual and boring task.

Most modern primers can be applied to the barrel surface that is not rust-free. The first layer of acrylic paint is best applied with a roller. It is best to draw the drawing right away with chalk, so that, if necessary, the unsuccessful lines can be easily erased. In order for the composition to look harmonious, the design on the barrel must correspond to the scale of the water tank.

Absolutely at every summer cottage you can see several old water tanks, mostly barrels. These containers are used for, as well as as a reserve, if suddenly the water on the site is turned off.

So that the type of barrels (mostly rusty tanks) does not spoil the landscape design of the site, they can be beautifully decorated with paints.

The painted barrel can be installed anywhere: in the garden, between vegetable beds, in, on the porch of the country house, etc.

This idea is popular due to the fact that it requires virtually no effort and money.

Now we will consider the technology for decorating plastic and metal barrels in the country.

How to paint barrels in the country?

First you need to find the right barrels. Large 200-liter barrels look the most beautiful. drawings of any complexity can be made on them.

To paint a barrel with your own hands you will need:

  • Empty clean water barrels
  • Metal brush and sandpaper
  • Water-repellent paints in various colors
  • Solvent
  • Brush
  • Simple pencil

Working with a plastic barrel is much easier because before painting, it only needs to be thoroughly washed and dried.

When designing a metal barrel, first you need to completely remove all rust. For this, it is recommended to use a metal brush or sandpaper. Once all the rust has been removed, it is recommended to clean the surface of the barrel with a rag soaked in alcohol. This event will allow you to degrease the surface before painting.

After preparing the barrel for painting, you need to think over the drawing. It all depends on your imagination. The barrels look the most advantageous, on which the following drawings are depicted:

  • Fairy tale characters
  • Animals
  • People (for example, a boy with a girl)
  • Flowers

Having created a sketch of the drawing on paper, you need to transfer it to the barrel. To do this, first paint the barrel in one color (completely). Next, with the help of a brush, the contours of the picture are drawn, which are further painted with a suitable paint.

To paint the barrel beautifully and at the same time involve the whole family in the work, it is recommended to first paint the container in one color and wait until the paint dries. Further, using paints of different colors, you can leave the handprints of each family member on the barrel. Such an idea will make the barrel creative and become a memory for the whole family.

After the barrel is completely dry, place it in a suitable location in the country and enjoy the updated landscape design.

I would also like to note that the barrel can be additionally decorated with flowers. To do this, it is necessary to pour fertile soil inside the container and plant suitable plants.

Another tip is to make the background of the picture on the barrels different. For example, paint one barrel red and the other green. The contrast in the shades will make the barrel composition more attractive.

Photos of painted barrels in the country

So that you can clearly see this idea for a garden, we present to your attention a photo of painted barrels in the country:

Beautiful water barrel

In the household of every gardener, summer resident, owner of a personal plot, there will certainly be at least one, but rather several barrels for water. For watering vegetables, especially greenhouse ones, you need heated, settled water, and you simply cannot do without a large container. Sometimes these rusty structures spoil the look of the garden or vegetable garden. However, there are many examples when they become unique elements of garden design, if the owners of the site know how to decorate a barrel in the country, and know how to do it.

Old barrel in a new way

Decorating old barrels is a relatively new trend in landscape design. However, it attracts an increasing number of fans who want to make a piece of paradise from their garden. People who spend a lot of energy on arranging neat beds and luxurious flower beds no longer want rusted containers to disturb the idyll on the site. After all, with some effort and imagination, it is quite possible to achieve that among your favorite plants there are renewed, decorated barrels, pleasing to the eye.

Composition of metal containers

Decorating barrels with natural materials

So that the old, boring barrels do not irritate your eyes, you can hide them by "dissolving" in the landscape. Some decorating techniques:

  • decorating with live plants;
  • fencing with a wicker box;
  • covering with dry moss.

Funny painted barrels hide under the plants

These methods are quite simple, do not require special expenditures of labor, time, material resources.

To decorate with living plants, the easiest way is to bury the barrel in the ground to half the height (or deeper), and often plant a dense shrub in front of it, which will hide the old iron with a green wall. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the waterproofing of the buried part of the tank so that it does not have to be thrown out after a short time, leaking from rust.

A wicker box fencing is suitable for those who have minimal wicker weaving skills - it requires preliminary preparation. In January, it is necessary to prepare branches of willow, dogwood, and other shrubs that are suitable for work, and store them under a canopy or in a cold utility room until spring. In the spring, after the soil has thawed, you can start making a kind of "basket" without a bottom, which will reliably hide an unsightly vessel.

Vine weaving in garden decor

By the way, having figured out how to decorate a garden barrel with a vine, you can acquire the ability to weave products from a vine. It is useful for making wicker fences, flower bed fences and other decorative elements, especially in the case of a rustic design.

Covering with dry moss is also a simple and very original option. For its implementation, only forest moss and ordinary twine are required. The moss must be well dried. You just need to cover the barrel to be decorated with moss, starting from the bottom, and fix the moss layer with twine. You cannot cope with this work alone - you need a partner.

An old wooden barrel will still serve

Paints and a brush: an amazing transformation of summer cottages

When deciding the fate of a water container that has lost its appearance, summer residents most often seek to decorate a summer cottage with the help of ordinary staining or by applying various drawings to it. This lesson is exciting, fun and almost everyone can do it. Even children can take part in the transformation of nondescript vessels into bright design elements of the summer cottage.

When planning the coloring or painting of barrels, one must have a good idea of ​​where they will be located, what will surround them, how the created “masterpieces of painting” will fit into this environment. Obviously, containers that are too brightly colored, painted with a variegated pattern will turn out to be inappropriate near flower beds. But they will also come in handy near the playground or next to a shady garden path.

The modest coloring does not prevent this barrel from having a presentable

How to paint a barrel in the country with your own hands

Painting garden barrels is pretty simple. The ability to draw is an absolute plus here; for summer residents who own this art, such a painting is an excellent opportunity to embody their own creative ideas. But even those who do not know how to draw should not despair: templates for painting are on sale. You can use beautiful twigs and leaves of plants as templates. Finally, it is not at all forbidden to use the ideas presented here in the photo.

Of course, the drawing should be applied to the surface of the barrel, previously painted in one tone. It is worth recalling that before painting, any container must be cleaned of dirt, dust, and metal also from rust. The following stages of painting:

  • degreasing the painted surface with a solvent for better paint adhesion;
  • applying a layer of suitable paint over the entire surface;
  • applying a second coat of paint after the first coat has dried;
  • covering with clear varnish (desirable, but not necessary);
  • painting according to the selected drawing;
  • finishing varnish.

Any of the proposed ideas that awaken your imagination are suitable for the restoration of old barrels.

You can supplement your collection of ideas by watching the video:

This video will show you how to give new life to old wooden barrels: