Gazprom dividend rate for. Gazprom dividends

Gazprom shareholders at the annual meeting on Friday decided to pay annual dividends based on operating results in 2016 in the amount of 8.0397 rubles. per share, 1.9% more than last year, a TASS correspondent reports from the meeting of shareholders of the Russian gas holding.

The closing date of the register for receiving dividends is July 20, 2017. The recommended completion date for the payment of dividends to nominee holders and trustees who are professional participants in the securities market and registered in the register of shareholders is August 3, 2017, and to other persons registered in the register of shareholders is August 24, 2017.

Dividend history

On May 15, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the decision on the size of Gazprom’s dividends would be made based on the company’s actual cash flows, and not on the company’s results according to international financial reporting standards. According to him, when the government makes a decision on this issue, it will certainly take into account the realities, and not the paper component of the company's income.

Previously, Gazprom stated that the holding’s board is aimed at maintaining dividends for 2016 in ruble terms at a level not lower than payments for the previous year, or 7.89 rubles. per share. The same level is planned for 2017-2019.

Currently, Gazprom's net profit, determined according to Russian accounting standards (RAS), is used as the calculation basis for dividend payments. At the same time, the company is considering the issue of switching to the payment of dividends calculated from the consolidated profit of the Gazprom group according to IFRS.

Gazprom's net profit attributable to the company's shareholders, according to international financial reporting standards (IFRS), for 2016 increased by 21% and amounted to 951.637 billion rubles. At the same time, in 2016, net profit from exchange rate differences under IFRS amounted to 453.689 billion rubles.

Gazprom's net profit according to RAS at the end of 2016 increased by 1.96% compared to the previous year and amounted to 411.425 billion rubles.

Gazprom paid dividends in the amount of 7.89 rubles for 2015. per share or a total of 187 billion rubles, which corresponds to 24% of net profit for Gazprom shareholders under IFRS or more than 50% of adjusted net profit under RAS. At the same time, the amount of dividends was increased by 10% compared to 2014.

Currently, Gazprom has several hundred thousand shareholders living in Russia and abroad. The Federal Property Management Agency owns 38.4% of Gazprom shares, the state-owned Rosneftegaz - 10.97%, Rosgazifikatsiya - 0.89%.

The Russian language borrowed the word “dividends” from Latin - “that which is subject to division.” In the economics and mathematics dictionary you can find the following definition of this word: “Dividends are payments appointed by the Board of Directors of a joint stock company for distribution among shareholders in proportion to the number of issued shares.”

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation also explains the meaning of this word: any income on shares (owned by the shareholder) that the shareholder (or participant) receives from the company at the time of distribution of profits that remain after taxes are paid. This income is proportional to the shares of other shareholders in the authorized capital of the company.

They are divided (according to payment stages) into:

  1. Interim (preliminary) – paid until the end of the financial period:
    • quarterly;
    • semi-annual.
  2. Final – at the end of the financial period (annual).
  1. Ordinary shares - such shares give the shareholder the right to vote at the general meeting, are certifying documents of participation in the joint-stock company, and can receive dividends and part of the property of the joint-stock company after its liquidation.
  2. Preferred – the advantage of the first receipt of income of the JSC (the same advantage of the first priority in case of liquidation of the company).

According to the payment method there are:

  1. Cash – paid in cash equivalent.
  2. Property – payments are made with your own shares and property.

According to the size of the payment amounts themselves - full and partial.

Who can receive dividends

Recipients of dividends can be not only shareholders of the company, but also nominal holders of shares (a person representing the interests of another person, but without the right to own securities), who are included in the register of the joint-stock company in the manner established by the constituent meeting. Dividends are accrued to such a nominal holder, but he is also the responsible person for transferring these amounts of money to depositors (specific shareholder-owners).

In a situation where shares or part of them are sold to another shareholder (after a list of persons who have the right to receive dividends has been compiled - this may be the date the register is closed), the right to receive dividends will still belong to the previous owner of the shares. And the new owner can exercise this right only with a power of attorney issued to him by the seller.

More about Gazprom

Gazprom is a Russian gas company. It is engaged in geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing, sales of gas, gas condensate and oil, production, sale of heat and electricity.

The owners of this PJSC in 2019 are the following shareholders:

  • Rosimushchestvo (38.373%);
  • OJSC Rosneftegaz (10.97%);
  • OJSC Rosgazification (0.889%);
  • others (persons registered with PJSC Gazprom).

Gazprom is governed by a meeting of shareholders, subordinate to it is the Board of Directors, a functioning executive body. The website of PJSC Gazprom has been created, here you can familiarize yourself with the history of the creation of the company, its social responsibility, and company news.

A special tab “For Shareholders and Investors” contains information about the gas concern’s reporting with comments from analysts and experts. You can also find out the Gazprom stock quote for 2019 and credit ratings. For shareholders, information has been posted on the amount of dividends per share based on the results of 2016: 7 rubles 89 kopecks. If you are interested in documentation on the procedure for paying Gazprom dividends, this document can be viewed and downloaded here.

Gazprom dividend payments

The Gazprom charter spells out the rules for accrual and payment of shares. The website of the investment company “Dokhod” contains information regarding PJSC Gazprom. Experts report that the current yield of this company is 6.07%, and the share of profit is 43.59%. Analysts also predict: in the next twelve months, total dividends could be 7.89 rubles. With such forecasts, the possible profit will be about 400,000 million rubles. Payment stability – 0.95.

In 2013, it was possible to trace good potential for dividend growth, which amounted to 25% of profit under RAS. In 2015, their size remained at last year’s level – 7.2 rubles per share (although a significant drop in profits was planned).

Individuals can receive cash payments in two ways:

  1. By postal transfer (indicate the address of the post office in the form).
  2. By bank transfer (for this you need to indicate bank details in your application form).

If the personal data does not indicate the method of receiving cash dividends, then the funds are credited to the shareholder’s existing account.

If personal data changes (change of surname, residence address, registration), the person registered in the register is obliged to make changes to the questionnaire (this rule is determined by the laws of the Russian Federation). If such data is not provided on time, cash payments will not be made until the necessary papers are presented.

Latest information for 2019

Based on the latest news to date in 2019, at the general meeting of Gazprom PJSC the dividend payment amount was approved - 7.89 rubles per ordinary share (for the entire 2016). According to the results of this meeting, the closure of the Gazprom register will take place on July 20, 2019.

Over the past 2016, the income of members of the board of Gazprom PJSC became less than last year by 9.4%, that is, 2,449 million rubles (in 2015 - 2,703 million rubles).

Experts shared their opinions on Gazprom securities, as well as forecasts for dividend payments.

Vsevolod Lobov, head of the analytical service of IK DOKHOD, believes that Gazprom shares will not return to historical highs until the company optimizes investments, begins to pay a decent level of dividends, or until a rally in gas prices begins.

Georgy Vashchenko, Head of Operations on the Russian Market at Freedom Finance Investment Company, believes that fundamentally the paper looks attractive. “Another thing is that the dividend does not seem to be growing, and because of this the dividend yield will be low. Over the 20 years of the organized market as a whole, the corporate culture on the issue of dividend policy has not developed. Boards of directors perceive dividends, in most cases, as an additional tax, which, if possible, should be avoided. Historically, top management earns money not from the growth of the capitalization of their companies and dividends, but from other sources. This applies not only to Gazprom. The head of one large state corporation in the past stated that he was absolutely not interested in the price of shares. This is also the reason for the low value of Russian companies compared to their global counterparts,” he says. Gazprom's dividends are more of a political issue, the expert explains. “In the long term, their significant growth is not envisaged. The solution is very simple: if you want high dividends, index the tariffs. There are no other sources for paying dividends anyway. And now they will not accelerate inflation by increasing prices for everything just to support speculators,” concludes Mr. Vashchenko.

Agrees with him Evgeniy Loktyukhov, Head of the “Analysis of Industries and Financial Markets” department at Promsvyazbank. He believes that dividends for Gazprom will amount to 7.89 rubles. “The board of directors does not want to pay more and, judging by the ongoing discussions in the government and the investment plans of the concern, it is unlikely that they will. Unless, of course, a new state finance crisis occurs or the 2018 election year does not bring a surprise. It’s still difficult to tune in to anything here. It’s better, if it’s positive, to react after the fact,” he suggests. According to Evgeny Loktyukhov, Gazprom will go up as soon as oil in rubles begins to rise. "Those. this year, in my opinion, by 125-130 rubles. and the quotes have nothing to do lower, with everything else (oil, economy, country premium) being equal. Even despite a bunch of BUTs related to organizing a business,” the expert clarifies.

UPD 05/04/2017

On May 16, the Gazprom Board of Directors will consider the issue of profit distribution based on the results of 2016.

The board of Gazprom proposes to the board of directors to pay dividends for 2016 in the amount of 7.89 rubles per share, the company reported in April. Thus, it is proposed to maintain the amount of dividend payments at the 2015 level.

Gazprom's profit for 2016 increased by 1.95%

Gazprom’s net profit according to RAS at the end of 2016 increased by 1.95% compared to the previous year, to 411.424 billion rubles, according to the company’s reporting. The corporation's revenue in the reporting period decreased by 9.23%, to 3.934 trillion rubles.

Based on the results of the last meeting of the company’s board of directors, it was decided to maintain dividends in rubles at the 2016 level in 2017-2019. Let us recall that in 2016, 7.89 rubles were paid per share. When paying dividends, Gazprom relies on net profit under RAS.

It was noted that a significant increase in dividend payments by companies with state participation, discussed recently, could lead to a decrease in the level of financial stability of Gazprom, an increase in debts and a decrease in available financial resources for large investment projects of strategic importance for the Russian economy.

Judging by the pictures, Gazprom has not yet found its bottom.

Gazprom wanted to increase the price of gas for the population

Gazprom approached the Russian Ministry of Energy with a proposal to change the economic conditions for the company in order to increase its income. One of the measures is an increase in gas tariffs for the population.

From a letter from the deputy head of Gazprom, Valery Golubev, to Deputy Energy Minister Kirill Molodtsov, it follows that the state-owned company’s first proposal is to equalize gas tariffs in all regions of the country, as well as for business and the population.

At the same time, prices for enterprises are currently frozen, although they are higher than for individuals, for whom they increase annually by a percentage slightly below inflation.

At the same time, Golubev proposes introducing targeted assistance to low-income categories of the population. Currently, the spread of gas prices in the regions for industry is significant: for example, RBC cites Moscow with 4,370 rubles per thousand cubic meters and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug with 2,395 rubles as an example.

Among Gazprom's other proposals is to allow it to sell gas at a discount, as is now done by private companies, which have taken 35% of the domestic market in recent years. Previously, the government did not give permission for a discount, and private companies were afraid of competition, asking in return to allow them to sell gas to other countries.

Gazprom is also asking to change tariffs for the use of its gas transmission system (GTS) by other companies, moving away from calculations for actual pumping volumes to pre-agreed indicators and additionally introducing a fee for “entry and exit” from the GTS.

Golubev attached draft government resolutions to his letter, but first the documents must be approved, in addition to the Ministry of Energy, also by the FAS and the Ministry of Economic Development.

Gazprom: Application for a U-turn

At the previous trading session, the capitalization of Gazprom increased by 1.26%, closing at 128.81 rubles. The paper looked the same as the entire Russian market as a whole.

At the last trading session, Gazprom shares broke through the trend line of resistance from the recent local maximum. Trading turnover has increased slightly. The candlestick formation speaks in favor of buyers, as does the stochastic. We can say that this is a serious application for a reversal of the protracted downtrend. If today we manage to continue the upward movement and gain a foothold above the 21 moving average, only the lower boundary of the long-term ascending channel in the area of ​​132 rubles may provide resistance to buyers. A little higher is the horizontal level of 135 rubles, and there is the upper limit of the downward channel from the beginning of this year. The probability of continued decline to the 125-120 area has noticeably decreased. This scenario will become relevant again only if yesterday's low is updated.

The external background in the morning is neutral. American markets rose. Asian indices are trading in positive territory today. S&P500 futures are down 0.1% this morning, Brent futures are up 0.7%. Gazprom futures fell by 0.05% in the evening session. All this gives reason to assume that if the background remains the same, the opening will be at the closing level of the previous trading day.

Resistances: 130 / 135 / 139-140 /

Supports: 128 / 125 / 120

Timeframe H4

Long term picture:
Since 2012, Gazprom shares have seen a wide sideways corridor/gentle upward channel. All local trends fit within a large consolidation range. Its upper limit is located in the region of 165-170, and the lower one is around 115-125. In addition, a long-term slightly ascending channel can be identified. For several weeks now the price has been trying to return to its course. But the update of local lows opened the way for a deepening correction to support 120-125 rubles.

PJSC Gazprom is a Russian transnational energy corporation. The state controls more than 50% of the shares.
The largest company in Russia in terms of revenue at the end of 2015, according to Expert magazine.
The share of available gas reserves is 17% of world and 72% of Russian. Gazprom accounts for 11% of global and 66% of Russian gas production.
Gazprom owns the world's largest gas transportation system, with a total length of more than 170 thousand km.
It is the only Russian producer and exporter of LNG within the framework of Sakhalin-2 and a number of new projects.
It ranks first in the world in thermal energy production.
According to the Forbes magazine rating, at the end of 2011 it became the most profitable company in the world.
Until the end of 2013, Gazprom had a monopoly on the export of any gas from Russia. After December 2013, it retained a monopoly on the export of pipeline gas.

Registry closing date Payment date Dividend (RUB) % arrived
07/20/2019 (forecast)14.08.2019 10.43 16.96%
19.07.2018 01.08.2018 8.04 12.22%
20.07.2017 01.08.2017 8.04 24.90%
20.07.2016 01.08.2016 7.89 18.35%
16.07.2015 01.08.2015 7.20 21.02%
17.07.2014 01.08.2014 7.20 104.04%
13.05.2013 01.08.2013 5.99 12.08%
10.05.2012 01.08.2012 8.97 16.83%
12.05.2011 01.06.2011 3.85 6.50%
07.05.2010 01.06.2010 2.39 5.74%
08.05.2009 01.06.2009 0.36 1.16%
08.05.2008 01.08.2008 2.66 2.30%
11.05.2007 01.07.2007 2.54 2.48%
12.05.2006 01.07.2006 1.50 3.71%
06.05.2005 01.07.2005 1.19 8.74%
07.05.2004 01.07.2004 0.69 6.63%
21.02.2003 01.06.2003 0.40 4.99%
13.05.2002 01.06.2002 0.44 30.18%
04.05.2001 01.12.2001 0.23 36.64%

Cumulative dividend payments by year, Gazprom shares

Year Dividend (RUB) Change to previous year
Next 12 months (forecast)10.43 0.00%
2019 10.43 29.73%
2018 8.04 0.00%
2017 8.04 1.90%
2016 7.89 9.58%
2015 7.20 0.00%
2014 7.20 20.20%
2013 5.99 -33.22%
2012 8.97 132.99%
2011 3.85 61.09%
2010 2.39 563.89%
2009 0.36 -86.47%
2008 2.66 4.72%
2007 2.54 69.33%
2006 1.50 26.05%
2005 1.19 72.46%
2004 0.69 0.00%
2003 0.40 0.00%
2002 0.44 0.00%
2001 0.23 0.00%
Dividends for all companies

Comments on Gazprom's profitability

According to the dividend policy, deductions for dividend payments amount to 10% of profit under RAS. Upon reaching the target level of reserves - from 17.5% to 35% of profit. Previously, they paid 25% of net profit under RAS, which, as a rule, was less than profit under IFRS. In recent years, they have been paying dividends at the level of 8.04 rubles per share, without increasing it due to a large-scale investment program. At the end of 2018, management announced its readiness to increase dividends to double digits.

The last payment of dividends on shares of Gazprom PJSC amounted to 8.04 rubles. (12.22% of the profit of Gazprom PJSC). The last date for payment of dividends is 08/01/2018, following the last closing date of the register of 07/19/2018. The next dividend payment date on Gazprom PJSC shares is 08/14/2019, which will follow the register closing date (forecast) on 07/20/2019. According to the forecast, the total annual dividend payments on Gazprom PJSC shares in the next 12 months will amount to RUB 10.43. per share. (change from last year is 0.00%). Country of registration of Gazprom PJSC: Russia. Sector and industry - Integrated oil and gas industry, Energy.

Gazprom dividends for 2017 - latest news

During the meeting of shareholders of PJSC Gazprom, a decision was made to approve the amount of dividends for 2017. During this period, the gas monopolist allocated 190 billion rubles, which is 26.6% of net profit.

Each shareholder of the gas monopolist receives a little more than 8 rubles per share. The income from this is 6%. This is not a large profit margin, since in other large companies you can earn up to 9%.

Payment of dividends on Gazprom shares in 2018

PJSC Gazprom is the latest energy corporation to confirm its earnings for 2017. The register of shareholders will be closed by the gas monopolist on July 19, which allows until July 17 to buy its shares in order to make a profit from this transaction. Most of Gazprom's revenue goes to larger projects.

Based on the final results for 2017, Gazprom paid fewer dividends than established by the Ministry of Finance. According to these recommendations, state-owned companies are required to give shareholders no less than half of all profits. The gas monopolist is the only object for which an exception has been made for the second year.

To compensate for Gazprom's lack of income, the government proposed increasing taxes on the company. The way out of this situation was to increase the coefficient when calculating taxation on mineral extraction from September 1 to December 3, 2018. Thanks to this, another 72 billion rubles will flow into the Russian budget. Such measures were already applied last year.

What will Gazprom's dividends be for 2018-2019? Forecast

According to Timur Nigmatulin, an analyst at the Russian financial group Otkritie Broker, one should not expect a significant increase in dividends due to an increase in the volume of the investment program in 2018-2019. This year the company will repay only 15.2 billion rubles, and in 2019, 8.4 billion dollars of debt. Improvements can only begin in 2020, when the construction of the Power of Siberia and Turkish Stream is completed.

According to Alexander Pavlov, General Director of Petersburg-Invest JSC, given the weak development on the market, buying Gazprom shares to make a profit is quite an interesting idea.

Previously, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation stated that a number of companies that own a share from the state may switch to paying interim dividends based on quarterly and half-year results.

Gazprom is one of the largest joint-stock companies in Russia, responsible for 11% of global and 66% of Russian gas production. Most of the companies' shares belong to the state. One share costs 5 rubles, and on July 2, one share cost 142.53 rubles on the stock exchange.

There are two ways to make money by buying/selling shares of OAO Gazprom:

  • receive income from changes in share price and/or
  • receive dividends (in case of purchasing shares)

Examples of growth in the value of shares of OJSC Gazprom

  • 25% for the period 04/15/2014 - 06/30/2014 (2 months)
  • 28% for the period 12/30/2014 - 02/30/2015 (2 months)
  • 17.7% for the period 03/27/15 - 04/21/15 (24 days)
  • 17% for the period 09/29/15-11/23/15 (56 days)
  • 20% for the period 01/18/2016 - 03/18/2016 (2 months)

Below is a chart of Gazprom stock prices. You can find out the price of securities today online in the SmartX program.

How to buy shares of OJSC Gazprom

General algorithm

Open a brokerage account → Deposit at least 50,000 rubles into the account. → Buy shares of OJSC Gazprom → Monitor changes in share prices

Securities of OJSC Gazprom are traded on various exchanges

  • On the Moscow Exchange shares of OJSC Gazprom
  • On the London Exchange you can purchase depositary receipts (ADR) of OJSC Gazprom

In order for an individual to buy shares in OJSC Gazprom, they need to open a brokerage account with a licensed broker, for example, ITI Capital. A brokerage account will allow you to make transactions on the stock exchange, and the purchased shares will be stored in a depository.

An open brokerage account with ITI Capital will also allow you to buy and sell securities of other large Russian and international companies.

Purchasing shares of OAO Gazprom provides individuals with the right to receive company dividends, because you become a shareholder of the company.

Not all shareholders receive dividends on shares of OAO Gazprom, but only those who owned shares on a specific date of fixation of the shareholder register.

Dividends on shares of OAO Gazprom by year

Registry closing date

Payment date

Dividends per 1 share (in rubles)

07/15/2016 (forecast) 09.08.2016 9.8
16.07.2015 01.08.2015 7.2
17.07.2014 01.08.2014 7.2
13.05.2013 01.08.2013 5.99
10.05.2012 01.08.2012 8.97
12.05.2011 01.06.2011 3.85
07.05.2010 01.06.2010 2.39
08.05.2009 01.06.2009 0.36
08.05.2008 01.08.2008 2.66
11.05.2007 01.07.2007 2.54
12.05.2006 01.07.2006 1.5
06.05.2005 01.07.2005 1.19
07.05.2004 01.07.2004 0.69
21.02.2003 01.06.2003 0.4
13.05.2002 01.06.2002 0.44
04.05.2001 01.12.2001 0.23
29.08.2000 01.10.2000 0.07
05.05.2000 01.12.2000 0.07

How many dividends does one share of OAO Gazprom bring in today?

From 2012 to 2014, the average payment of dividends on shares of OJSC Gazprom was 2-3% per annum. The deadline for paying dividends on shares of OAO Gazprom is two to three months after the decision of the board of directors on their payment is made. The dividend yield on shares of OAO Gazprom for 2014 was 5.5%.

Dividends on shares of OJSC Gazprom for 2014

The Management Board recommended approving dividends on shares of OJSC Gazprom for 2014 at the rate of 7.2 rubles per share. The Board of Directors was asked to allocate 90.2% of net profit for the payment of dividends. In 2014, the company's net profit amounted to 188,980 million rubles, with revenue of 5,589,811 million. 170,449 million rubles were allocated for dividend payments in 2014.

Dividends on shares of OJSC Gazprom for 2015

The decision on the payment of dividends to OJSC Gazprom will take place approximately in May 2016.

Profit from investment

A common method of making a profit on an investment is to purchase shares at a lower price and sell them at a higher price. Investors, when buying shares, are guided not by the possible size of dividends, but by the growth in the value of the shares.

About the issuer OJSC Gazprom

OJSC Gazprom is one of the world's largest energy companies. It is engaged in geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sales of gas, oil and gas condensate. Produces and sells electricity and heat. The share of OAO Gazprom gas in world reserves is 18%, in Russian reserves - 70%.

The company owns the world's largest gas transportation network. Its length is over 168 thousand km. OJSC Gazprom supplies gas to more than 30 countries of the near and far abroad. The company's goal is to ensure reliable and uninterrupted gas supply, development, increased efficiency and the use of scientific and technical potential.

Shares of OAO Gazprom are the most liquid instrument on the stock market in Russia. Owners can receive dividends on shares of OAO Gazprom within two months after the board of directors makes a decision to issue them.