A fable of solitude loving timid siskin. The moral of the fable Siskin and the Hedgehog and its analysis (Krylov I

The moon lived in this world. Although no, not on white, but on black, since she only came out at night. It has existed for many, many millennia and illuminated our Earth with you at night, while we slept. Everything was fine, life moved forward and did not turn to the past ...
But one day the moon thought: “Why do I actually need? The sun brings joy and warmth, helps the plants to look out of the ground, heats up and illuminates everything! And why, then, do I need ?! Everyone looks at the Sun with awe, and when the Moon comes out, everyone falls asleep. During the day, people love each other, she is happy, and at night, duels and crimes are committed. All Earthly beings do not enjoy me, they do not notice me, do not appreciate me! "
A vicious resentment overshadowed the immaculate mind of the heavenly body.
"Then, I have nothing to try, the Moon will leave this planet forever" - she thought.
The next night, nothing lit the streets, the night plants did not bloom, the artists could not draw a beautiful moon path on the water, later travelers lost their way. At that moment, all people, plants and animals felt that something had changed, fate had finished another round, nothing could be changed ... They could not do anything - after all, the Moon had made a decision ...
Years and centuries passed, and the Moon still did not appear. There are very few people left on Earth who remembered what a "night star" was. Only the stars remained overhead, and the sun - during the day. No one knew if the Moon would ever return to Earth, but people believed, waited and hoped.
And what, I wonder, was Luna herself doing at that moment? She traveled across the galaxy. After a couple of millennia, she began to miss those ungrateful creatures who were waiting for her on Earth. The moon decided to take a look at how people live without her with at least one eye. She believed that life did not stop, that it flows on and everything develops ... But everything turned out to be different.
Earthly beings did suffer. No one dared to go out after sunset, people were afraid of the slightest rustle and everyone looked at the sky, as if they were waiting for something ...
Luna felt guilty for leaving people unattended. She did not know about the prophecy created by the sun god Ra, which people received shortly after her departure. It said that “for several centuries the human race will know neither place nor rest until the moon returns to earth. And if he returns, then a struggle will begin that will incinerate all of humanity.
And so she returned. The first part of the prophecy is fulfilled. The Sun also noticed such changes, it didn’t want to share power, it didn’t want people to worship the Moon as well. And the sun attacked at night, wanted to incinerate the moon. The heavenly beings fought for a long time until the ancient gods intervened. They all got together and decided to make it so that the Sun and the Moon would no longer meet. And divided their reign into day and night. But all the same, when the Sun goes down or rises, the sky turns red - the color of blood. This happens day after day, year after year, and never stops. As for the humans ... they survived because the battle and the prophecy itself were not over. Man has forgotten this instructive story, but he still values ​​day and night equally.
They say that after that the Moon never disappeared from the sky again and shone every night, taking care of people, remembering what its disappearance could lead to.

The Tale of the Sun and the Moon

The Sun and the Moon argued somehow. They didn't even argue, they just had a fight.

Go away, the Sun said to the Moon, why are you needed? You can't give people anything but a dull, matte glow. My rainbow and cheerful, sun glare give peace and affection, and warmth, and life to all living things on earth. Leave! The earth can live without your dark and dull light!

The moon was offended, and, of course, left. She hid behind a smoky mountain, deciding to spend her life in a whitish fog so as not to disturb anyone with her unnecessary sparkle.

The eternal Eden of light and warmth has reigned on earth. Trees began to bear fruit more often, delighting with unprecedented harvests. The flowers became incredibly - captivatingly fragrant. Animals, birds, all living things around - played with a fantastic, incomparable range of colors and paints.

The shining idyll of eternally bright light on earth, of course, after a while, began to bring its own harm. Some trees and shrubs began to die from the exhausting light. Many animals and birds could not find the long-awaited shade and coolness to escape the scorching sun's rays. And then, the stupid Sunny found the moon and said:

Forgive me, but not for driving you away ...

And not for the fact that forbade you to come to earth in your turn ... Just forgive that I did not love you before, for who you are ...

(Ganzhina Polina)

Sun and moon

Once upon a time there was a time when the world was divided by the long Milky River into north and south, light and dark. The Sun Prince lived on the south side. Every day he put on his fiery crown and walked along the river from east to west, distributing light and warmth to people.
And once glancing at the northern shore, he saw the beautiful princess Luna bathing in the waters of the Milky River.

The prince's heart was aflame with love, and he sent a matchmaker to the moon - his younger brother Wind.
“If he loves, let him build a bridge first,” Luna answered coldly.
- "Well, so be it" - said the Sun and got down to business.
A lot of water has flowed under the bridge, and the prince worked for a long time, erecting a bridge: from a silver web, from sea grains of sand and field stones, from pine needles, from autumn leaves, from winter ice, from spring petals. And the Wind and the Earth helped him. Only Grom watched gloomily from the other side, because he had long and secretly been in love with the moon.
When the bridge was ready, again the Sun sent the Winds to the princess
“The prince is waiting for you on a date. At midnight, on the bridge, ”the Wind transmitted.
And at midnight the sun and the moon met on the bridge

“Be my wife,” the prince suggested.
- “I will ... If you give me your fiery crown. I want to be the queen of the north coast, and shine just like you "- said the moon

“I can't - the Sun was saddened. My warmth and light are needed there, on the southern coast, I cannot betray my friends. I can only give you my warm heart. ”And he held out his flaming heart to the Moon.
“I don’t need it,” the Luna replied capriciously, and, brushing aside, knocked her heart out of the hands of the Sun. And it fell on the bridge, and broke into thousands of fiery sparks-fragments, scattered in different directions.

The Sun took offense and, turning around, left forever on the southern coast. No one else offered their heart to the proud darkshore princess. Luna took offense at the world. She no longer bathes in the Milky waters of the river. Only sometimes at night he goes out for a walk, sometimes pulling on a dark cloak, as if hiding from someone, and wanders along the coast among the fragments of the heart of the Sun, which have become stars. And in the place where the fragments of the hot heart touched the silvery dress of the Moon, gray markings are still visible.

And the Sun ... He still walks from east to west, giving off light and warmth, but he has not forgotten the offense, and never seeks meetings with the Moon.
Thunder tried with his sister Lightning to break the bridge, but could not. And he still tries, but the bridge is still standing. Bringing day and night closer, he could not connect them.

The Sun and the Moon keep away from each other, and as soon as the Sun goes far to the west, the Moon comes out on the banks of the Milky River ... More than once the cheerful Wind tried to reconcile them, flying between north and south, between day and night, but still it is he fails.

(Artist: Maruda Evgeniya - Illustrations: Sun and Moon)

The blue planet Earth lived in a sky blue such an immense blue planet, and she had a little sister, but she was called the Moon.
And the Earth was elegant: rivers-ribbons flowed along it, golden bread grew on it, and honey grass blossomed. Yes, there lived glorious people on Earth, with their deeds kind, fearless and courageous, good-natured and friendly, not envious and bright.
The sun always shone on the Earth, gave life and love. Planet Earth in the sky could not live without the light of the Sun.
And the Moon was modest and simple, so inconspicuous: rivers did not flow along it, trees did not grow on it, people did not live on it, they did not give her perfume ...

So the Moon circled the Earth and spun, marveled at the earthly beauty ... and sang a song to the Earth:

Oh you, Lada-Earth is blue,

Oh, my light sister!
As in the stars you shine clear!
How you fill the world with joy!
I wish I, inconspicuous moon,
Give your tenderness to you!
The Sun heard the Red Song, it shone even brighter, and it turned to the Moon, the younger earthly sister:

Oh you, damsel Luna, Oh you, my dear!

How bright is your soul! How full of Love she is!
You are simple and inconspicuous, but kind! So selflessly
Do you love your sister! I thank you!

Clearly, the Sun said and called the Moon to her:

Closer, closer, you, Moon, take my Light and the Earth in the starless night

Shine my Light!

And the Moon, making a bow, the Sun took Fire, and in the night little sister Earth

he illuminated so brightly.

The Earth gasped: not the Sun, but her sister, the Moon, shone in the dark sky! And the Earth cried out to her:

Hello dear little sister, bright-faced Moon!

How beautiful you are, dear! Shining with the light of the sun,
So you warmed me dark night hopeless!
But she was inconspicuous, did not shine ... never
I have not seen you like this: like the sun,
You have illuminated me!

And the Moon, smiling, giving her moonlit tenderness, quietly started her speech:

My light, sweetheart-Earth! Sun Red Me

This day he called to himself: gave his clear light
To me, the lifeless moon ... because, you know ... I
I love you so much, sister! So my soul is reaching out to you! ...

The sun bequeathed me to you to shine in the dark -

To be the Clear Sun at night.

And since then, the Moon is smart, sun-faced, beloved! Although rivers do not flow along it, and grass does not grow on it ... But it shines on a dark night - it caresses the Earth with sunlight!

(And sometimes the clear-faced maiden-Moon turns into a golden boat - this boat is magnified - it floats somewhere, rushes, and then disappears from the sky completely ... It is called a New Moon.

But then the boat goes on its way back: a new Younger Month is born and grows kind and grows again ... yes, it becomes a round Moon again and, like the Sun, a dark, clear light pours on the Earth at night. It is called a full moon.)

That's the last straw fell.

So the Veda about the Earth and the Moon sounded.
If you listened, delved into its essence, well done!
The sun will grant you, friend, your crown!

NOTE: The text in brackets at the end of the tale may not be read to children of younger preschool age.