Properties and application of digitalis

Digitalis grandiflora - perennial herb with a horizontal rhizome and erect stem, reaching 1 m in height. The leaves are alternate, large, oblong-elliptical, with a pointed tip, unevenly serrate along the edge, more or less pubescent with hairs. Flowers one by one on the drooping pedicels form a one-sided multi-flower brush on the top of the stem; corolla tubular-bell-shaped, large, up to 4-5 cm, pale yellow, inside with reddish-brown spots; stamens 4. Fruit - two-capsule box 10-12 mm long, pubescent with glandular hairs.
   It blooms in June - July.
   It occurs infrequently, in forests and shrubs, and is confined to the following forest types: pine forests with oak undergrowth, spruce forests and subori with deciduous underbrush, spruce-hornbeam fern oak woods; less often, oak tree forests are derived from birch forests with eagles, as well as alum gray alder forests with hazel. In the shrub thickets picks a pine-oak low forest and low-growth oak forest with hazel.
   Preparations are possible in limited quantities, as the foxglove does not form any large thickets.

The use of digitalis in medicine

Folia Digitalis leaves are used for medicinal purposes. Collect rosette leaves of the first year of development of the plant and stem leaves during flowering in subsequent years. Raw materials are dried quickly in dryers at temperatures not higher than 50-60 ° C or outdoors in the sun, laying out a thin layer.
   The finished raw material should contain no more than 13% moisture; total ash not more than 7; darkened and yellowed leaves no more than 1; crushed leaves that pass through a sieve with 2 mm openings, no more than 2; stems, fruits and other parts of digitalis no more than 1; organic impurities not more than 0.5, mineral impurities not more than 0.5%.
   This kind of digitalis is allowed for use along with the cultivated digitalis purpurovoy - Digitalis purpurea L. Currently, the need for raw materials is almost completely covered by the cultivated foxgloves, and the collection of raw material of the wild-growing digitalis of large-flowered is made rarely.
   In the leaves of digitalis grandiflora contains cardiac glycosides - digitoxin, gitalin, bigitalin. Digitalis leaves have a strong effect and therefore require precise dosage; exceeding the dose can cause toxicosis up to cardiac arrest.
In medical practice, digitalis preparations (leaf powder, tincture, tincture, tablets) are used for chronic heart failure, valvular heart disease, as well as for other disorders of the heart activity. The therapeutic effect is manifested in the first phase and is expressed in enhancing the contractile function of the heart muscle, slowing the heart rate, increasing the filling of the heart with blood (more complete diastole); this increases the amount of blood emitted per minute. Digitalis preparations have a cumulative effect (drug accumulation). Therefore, treatment with digitalis is carried out under the supervision of a physician, who during treatment reduces the dose in order to avoid toxic effects.
   The toxic effect is manifested in the second phase at the beginning by an even greater slowing of the heart activity, and then by an increase in the heart rate and a decrease in the blood supply, a rhythm disturbance. Especially severe phenomena occur in the third phase - there is a decrease in the blood volume of the heart, acceleration and rhythm disturbance, complete blockage, atrial flutter, cardiac arrest. When the phenomena of toxic effects should apply potassium salts (6-8 g per day) to increase diastole. After 2-3 days, the daily dose is reduced to 2-3 g. When an arrhythmia appears, it is required to reduce the dose of the drug by half or temporarily stop its use, administer camphor oil injections. In case of poisoning with cardiac glycosides, unithiol has an antitoxic effect. Unithiol (5%) is administered 5.0 times three times a day intramuscularly for 1 to 10 days while continuing therapy with cardiac glycosides and potassium supplementation.
   Rp .: Solutionis Kalii chlorati 10% -200.0
   D. S. 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day
   Rp .: Pulveris foliorum Digitalis 0.1 Diuretini 0.5 M. f. pulv. D. t. d. n 12
   S. 1 powder, then 1/2 powder 3 times a day

enters into number of family under the name nornichnikovy, in Latin the name of this plant will sound as follows: Digitalis grandiflora Mill. (D. ambiqua Murr.). As for the family of the large-flowered foxglove, in Latin it will be like this: Scrophulariaceae Juss.

Description of Digitalis grandiflora

The large-flowered foxglove is also known under the following popular names: foxy foto, dzvonchik, styagach, sbanochka, creeping flowers and wine glasses. Digitalis grandiflora is a perennial herb, the height of which can reach one hundred twenty centimeters. Such a plant will be endowed with a fibrous root system, which will form in the first year of the outlet, consisting of large basal leaves. After some time, the stem will appear, which will carry on its top a brush of rather beautiful, large flowers of irregular shape, painted in yellow tones. The leaves, calyx, upper part of the stem, pedicels and the corolla of this plant will be covered with glandular hairs. The leaves of the foxglove large-flowered are elongate-lanceolate and pointed, they are endowed with short broad petioles. The flowers of this plant will be drooping in a small sparse brush. The length of the foxglove of the large-flowered foxglove will be about four to seven millimeters; they will be endowed with sharp and lanceolate lobes. The rim of this plant will be tubular-bell-shaped and large, its length will be about three to four centimeters, it is painted in yellowish tones and from the inside is endowed with brownish veins. The fruit of the foxglove grandiflora is a bilocular ovoid box, the length of which is about eight to fourteen millimeters. The seeds of this plant are tetrahedral and prismatic, and their length will be about one millimeter.
  Digitalis grandiflora will bloom in July, while seed ripening will occur in August. Under natural conditions, this plant is found on the territory of Western Siberia, the European part of Russia, as well as the northern and western foothills of the Altai. It is noteworthy that the whole plant will be poisonous.

Description of the medicinal properties of digitalis grandiflora

  Digitalis grandiflora endowed with very healing properties, with the medicinal purpose of using the leaves of this plant.
  The presence of such valuable healing properties  should be explained by the content of flavonoids, anthraquinones, mineral salts, iridoids, traces of alkaloids, tannins and the following cardiac glycosides: hypoxin, hypotension of digitoxin and purpureoglycoside A, B, C in the composition of the leaves of this plant
Drugs created on the basis of a large-flowered foxglove will contribute to the normalization of biochemical processes and improve the functions of the neuro-muscular system of the heart. As a result, there will be an increase in blood volume, which will flow over a certain period of time from the venous system to the arterial system. Actually, this is how the conditions for the rest of the heart muscle will arise.
  Preparations based on this plant are indicated for use in acute and chronic heart failure, and they will most favorably affect the body when the heart rhythm is disturbed.
  However, we should not forget that the digitalis grandiflora is a poisonous plant, so long-term use of such drugs can lead to poisoning: it is recommended to use particular caution when handling this plant.

Other plant names:

ural foxglove, foxglove large-flowered, foxteum, natyagach, creeping flowers.

The name of the plant was due to the similarity of its flowers - bells with thimbles.

Short description of the foxglove large-flowered:

Digitalis large-flowered (Ural, large-flowered)   - This is a perennial herb. The stem is straight, unbranched in height from 40 to 120 cm, covered with soft hairs.

From the rhizome spring comes rosette spear, on the edge of the toothed leaves. The leaves are alternate, pale green, pubescent, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, irregularly serrate, smooth on top, covered with fine silver hairs on the bottom along the veins. The lower ones sit on long petioles, the middle ones - on short ones, the upper ones are tight to the stalk. Sheet length from 5 to 20 cm, width from 2 to 6 cm.

The flowers are large, up to 3–3.5 cm long, collected in a simple brush, yellow, to almost brown, inside with brown specks, coming out of the axils of the spear-shaped bracts on pedicels. Sepals are spear-shaped, gilded. Corolla tubular-bell-shaped, covered with gilded hairs outside. The fruit is an egg-shaped box. It blooms from June to July (sometimes until September).

Places of growth:

In the wild state, foxglove is found in sparse deciduous forests, along their edges, between shrubs. Distributed in the Urals, in Western Siberia, the foothills of the Altai, in the European part of Russia, in the Pre-Caucasus, in Ukraine. Digitalis grandiflora - photophilous forest plant, can grow in partial shade. It lives in light forests, on clearings in forest edges. Now it is successfully cultivated as a medicinal, ornamental plant.

Other types of digitalis are also used in medicine: purple, rusty, woolly, ciliated foxglove, Shishkin.

Digitalis preparation:

For medicinal purposes, use only the leaves collected during flowering. In the first year of plant life, leaves are harvested 1–3 times per summer, in the second - no more than 1 time, immediately after flowering. Dry at 50–60 ° C in the shade in the air, or in a dryer, or in attics under a metal roof, with good ventilation, folding it in a thin layer and constantly stirring.

The chemical composition of digitalis grandiflora:

The leaves contain cardiac glycosides digitoksin, gitoksin, gitonin, purpureoglycosides A, B and C, steroid saponins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, anthraquinones, potassium salts and other substances. An increase in the solubility of cardiac glycosides and the rate of their absorption through the gastric mucosa is promoted by the saponins that make up the leaves of the foxglove. Cardiac glycosides are little destroyed by the enzymes of the stomach and are well absorbed in the alimentary canal, being excreted mainly by the kidneys.

All of these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of the large-flowered foxglove (Ural foxglove).

Pharmacological properties of digitalis grandiflora:

Pharmacological properties  foxglove determined by its chemical composition.

Digitalis is considered the best remedy for the treatment of severe circulatory disorders, chronic heart failure of various origins, paroxysmal tachycardia. The main value of digitalis glycosides is that they have a beneficial effect on the heart, especially if it is weakened. At therapeutic doses, the foxglove causes an increase in systolic contractions of the heart and an increase in the tone of the heart muscle. At the same time, the duration of systole is reduced. The systolic effect is associated with the direct influence of the digitalis on the heart muscle, on its tissue metabolism.

The diastolic is also attached to the direct systolic action of digitalis. It manifests itself in lengthening diastole and slowing the rate of heart contractions. Due to this, the intervals between individual systoles increase, and during the extended diastole more blood flows into the ventricles. The stroke volume of the heart increases, the blood flow increases.

The digitalis lowers conductivity along the Riesz beam, as a result of which the gap between atrial and ventricular contractions is extended.

Under the influence of digitalis, the vessels of the abdominal organs are constricted and the muscles, skin, brain and kidney are dilated. Blood pressure is normal. With stagnation and low blood pressure, it increases as cardiac activity improves, with increased blood flow, it decreases slightly.

Digitalis also has a diuretic effect and improves digestion.

The use of digitalis in medicine, the treatment of digitalis:

Digitalis and its preparations improve the general condition of cardiac patients, relieve discomfort in the heart area, reduce congestion, increase blood flow velocity, reduce pulse, stop shortness of breath and swelling.

For disorders of the nervous system, hysteria useful tincture.

With valvular heart disease, atrial fibrillation, hypertension, as a diuretic for edema, digitalis is prescribed. This is one of the most potent cardiac funds.

AT traditional medicine  The ethereal extract exhibits antitumor and antibacterial activity.

Dosage forms, method of use and dosage of digitalis grandiflora drugs:

Effective drugs and forms used in the treatment of many diseases are made from foxglove leaves. Consider the main ones.

Digitalis is used in the form of powders, tablets, water infusion, alcohol tincture, and special, cleared of ballast substances, neogalenic preparations Cordigit, digitoside, digipuren, lantoside, digitoxin, gitalen.

Infusion of leaves foxglove large-flowered:

Boil 200 ml of boiling water 1 g of crushed leaves, insist 1 hour, strain. Assign adults inside 1 tbsp. l 3-4 times a day. For children, the infusion of leaves is prepared in a ratio of 0.1–0.4 g per 100 ml of water. Assign 1 teaspoon or dessert spoon, depending on the age of the child. Infusion and decoction is used as a diuretic and sedative for edema of cardiac origin, hypertension, as well as for ascites, hemorrhoids, jaundice, rheumatism.

Foxglove leaf powder:

Crushed into fine powder leaves digitalis grandiflora is prescribed inside for adults at a dose of 0.05–0.1 g per reception, 2-3 times a day.

The maximum dose of digitalis powder for adults: one-time - 0.1 g, daily - 0.5 g. Leaf powder is used externally as a wound-healing agent for bone fractures.

Contraindications of a large-flowered foxglove:

All parts of the foxglove large-flowered are very poisonous, especially the leaves. Digitalis is contraindicated in compensated heart defects, coronary insufficiency, cardiac conduction abnormalities, dramatic changes in the heart with degeneration of the heart muscle and marked atherosclerosis, and endocarditis with a tendency to embolism.

Digitalis has a cumulative property. Prolonged use of even small doses leads to a dangerous accumulation of its active principles and to poisoning.

The main symptoms of cardiac glycoside poisoning are:

- disorders of the cardiovascular system: bradyarrhythmia, extrasystole, atrial and ventricular fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia, atrio-ventricular blockade, ventricular fibrillation, hypotension;

- disorders of the central nervous system: headache, dizziness, tinnitus, drowsiness, loss of consciousness, delirium, convulsions;

- disorders of the urinary system: oliguria, anuria;

- disorders of the digestive system: nausea, hiccups, uncontrollable vomiting, colicky pain in the stomach, diarrhea;

- disorders of the respiratory system: shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, cyanosis;

- violation of thermoregulation: chills, cold extremities;

- disorders of other systems: scratching and burning in the throat, oral cavity.

Assistance to the victim in case of poisoning with cardiac glycosides:

In case of poisoning with glycosidic plants, the stomach should be washed (through a tube) with a suspension of activated carbon (20–30 g per 1 l of water) or 0.2–0.5% solutions of tannin. Saline laxatives are introduced (magnesium, sodium sulfate up to 25 g); cleansing enemas. Assign potassium chloride (2–2,5 g intravenous drip in 0.5 l of 5% glucose solution, but not more than 1.5 l per day).

As antiarrhythmic drugs (atrial fibrillation), procainamide can be used (3-5 ml of a 10% solution intravenously; 0.5–1 g regularly every 2 hours), quinidine sulfate (0.2 g 3-4 times a day ); with extrasystolic arrhythmias, atrioventricular block, the appointment of a 0.1% solution of atropine sulfate (0.5–1 ml subcutaneously) is indicated, and with paroxysmal tachycardia, inderal (0.025 g 3-4 times a day).

The rhythm driver is also used to eliminate the atrioventricular block.

To eliminate the general toxic and toxic effects on the myocardium, a 5% solution of Unithiol is injected (1 ml / 10 kg body weight according to the following scheme: 1st day — 3-4 times, 2nd time — 3 times and 3-7 times Ea day - 1–2 times intramuscularly), potassium chloride (1 g in powder, 2–4 powders per milk on the 1st day, and 1 powder 3 times a day the next).

Assign caffeine-sodium benzoate (1–2 ml of a 10–20% solution subcutaneously), camphor (1–2 ml of a 20% solution subcutaneously), cordiamine (1 ml subcutaneously or intravenously). From antihistamines and desensitizing agents, diprazine is shown in a dose of 0.25 g, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. When excited, chloral hydrate is administered in an enema (0.5 g) and chlorpromazine (1–2 ml of a 2.5% aqueous solution intramuscularly).

Hypoxia is eliminated by oxygen therapy: in case of violation of urination, aminophylline is used (10 ml of a 2.4% solution intravenously); to combat the dehydration of the body, an isotonic solution of sodium chlorine and 5% glucose solution is administered parenterally, drip, intravenously.

Introduction of emetic means (with vomiting - swallowing ice in small pieces), as well as adrenaline and noradrenaline hydrotartrate, which cause ventricular fibrillation, are contraindicated.

Use of digitalis in the household:

The leaves of foxglove large-flowered are used in folk veterinary medicine in the form of powder, bolus, porridge, water infusion (1: 400). Doses inside: cattle - 2-6 g; horses - from 1 to 5 g; small cattle and pigs - 0.2–1 g; dogs - 0.03–0.5 g. 2–3 times a day for 4–6 days.

Digitalis preparations prescribed by certain schemes under the supervision of a veterinarian.

A bit of history:

The foxglove, once born in the mountain forests of Germany, was mentioned in the German herbalist Lern \u200b\u200bFuchs of 1543. In it, this plant was called "digitalis", so it is called to this day. Purple or yellow (depending on the type) flowers digitalis like thimbles or caps. In Germany they were called elf hats, in France they were called the Gloves of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Ireland they were called witch-like thimbles like witches, going to a sabbath, put them on their fingers. German tradition told about the origin of foxglove from thimbles taken by an evil stepmother from an orphan, whom they inherited from their mother. The stepmother secretly buried them in the garden, and the next spring, unseen flowers grew in this place, in which the orphan recognized her mother's thimbles. But in order to remind them that they grew out of a sense of hatred, an evil genius poured in them a terrible poison.

Their poisonousness was known in antiquity and in the Middle Ages, when it was believed that the foxglove's juice entered witches ointment. The significance of this poison was not known until 1775, when an English doctor, Whiting, did not find that the decoction of digitalis leaves helped with edema caused by heart failure. But Whiting was so insecure about the means he discovered that, fearing to poison his wealthy patients, he used it to treat the poor. Only in 1824, when Leroye extracted digitalin from her, digitalis becomes a common medicine.

Gradually, digitalis was studied and entered into medicine as one of the most valuable drugs for severe heart disease. Glycosides turned out to be its poisons, and 17 of them were already isolated from purple foxglove.

Despite the fact that it is easy to recognize digitalis (Digitalis), this genus of the Norichnik family is quite diverse. Currently, there are about 35 species and subspecies of this plant. Four of them grow only in the Caucasus, and two - in Western Siberia. Other types of digitalis are found in Europe, East Asia, and North Africa. There are types of foxglove represented by perennials, only biennial plants are part of the others. And those and others bloom in June and bloom until early September.

According to the International Genetic Resources Network, there are 12 types of digitalis:
1. Nyperyanka rusty (D. ferruginea);
2.Napristum grandiflora (D. grandiflora);
3.Neapolla woolly (D. lanata);
4. Nappetis smooth (D. laevigata);
5.Na pry yellow (D. lutea);
6. Nepristous veins (D. nervosa);
7.Napristina unclear (D. obscura);
8.Naprestyanka small-flowered (D. parviflora);
9.Napristine purpurea (D. purpurea); photo\u003e
10.Napristwort flowers (D. viridiflora);
11. Spanish peasant (D. thapsi);
12.Nepechenian mariana (D. Mariana).

For decorative floriculture, digitalis purpurea with a wide variety of varieties and hybrids is of the greatest interest. A separate page of our site is devoted to the story about it (). And now get to know other significant types of digitalis.

Plants of this species are perennials. They are distributed almost throughout southern Europe, the Caucasus, Iran and Turkey. The rusty foxglove in nature occupies several belts - from the lower ones, where there are forests and forest-steppe, to alpine meadows located at an altitude of 1600-1800 meters above sea level. The root of her horizontal, which must be considered when landing. Stems erect, with a height of 40 centimeters to one and a half meters. The pubescence of the stems is weak or completely absent. The size of the flower brushes depends on the height of the plant. A half meter brush reaches 60-70 centimeters. They are formed by yellow-brown or red with purple stripes, dots and veins, flowers a little more than 2 centimeters long. They have a lighter bell-shaped top and a darker shovel-like bottom. As a rule, the “spatula” is densely pubescent. It is a kind of landing site for insects, before they crawl into a flower. The foxglove rusty is considered not as aesthetically beautiful flower as foxglove purple, and is valued more than a medicinal plant. But if she takes the right place in the flower arrangement, it will look very impressive. This is best done if the rusty foxglove is planted in the center of the flowerbed, and not singly, but in a group, so that there are many floral “candles”. You can plant sredneroslye and low flowers around. Especially beautiful redheads of reddish rusty look on a blue and white background.

Digitalis large-flowered

This spectacular flower grows in East Asia and in almost all of Europe, with the exception of the most northern regions. Prefers foxglove large-flowered forest edges and felling. Sometimes it can be seen on stony slopes among shrubs. The root of this species is fibrous, strongly branched. Stem height of one and a half meters or a little more, and below, and pubescent above. It is straight in configuration, only slightly branched at the bottom. The leaves of the large-flowered foxglove are lanceolate, at the bottom are large, have fine teeth on the edge and hairs on the underside. The middle leaves are more oval, mostly without denticles, “sitting” on the stem without petioles. The upper leaves are small, also sessile, located near the pedicels. The foxglove large-flowered got its name due to its large beautiful flowers. They look like bells and are somewhat larger in magnitude than all the other foxgloves. So, the length of the petals of its corolla is about 4 centimeters, and the diameter is about 2. Their color ranges from pale yellow to deep yellow with dark dots inside. But the brush inflorescences in this type of digitalis is not very large, only about 25 centimeters. The foxglove grandiflora blooms in the second year after planting. In the first year, it forms only a lush rosette of leaves. This gorgeous flower invariably attracts rave eyes. It looks great in the center of the flower beds, surrounded by more stunted flowers. Also the foxglove large-flowered can decorate the facade of the house, if you plant it near the wall or near the porch. The famous late-flowering hybrid of digitalis, large-flowered and woolly - “John Innes Tetra” 60 cm high with flowers of yellow-orange color, as well as a new sterile hybrid "Goldcrest" of the same external characteristics.

The name of the species received for the dense pubescence of the stem, upper leaflets and sepals. Digitalis woolly grows in Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Ukraine, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. This species is considered endangered and is listed in the Red Book. In many countries, woolly foxglove is grown in specialized farms as a valuable medicinal raw material. In terms of its chemical composition, it practically does not differ from other foxgloves, however, preparations from it are better absorbed and have a less pronounced cumulative (accumulating poisons in the body) effect. Digitalis woolly is a medium high perennial. She grows up to 70-80 sentiments. Its stem and leaves have a dark green or dark purple color. The lower leaves are up to 20 centimeters long, the average is 10-12 centimeters, the upper leaves are up to 4, and the uppermost ones are very small, like all foxgloves bracts. The foxglove is woolly, just like the foxglove is rusty, it does not have a special aesthetic beauty. The flowers of these two species are slightly similar, both have a “spatula” - a pair of long, fused petals in the lower part of the corolla. Only if the rusty fossil spatula is dark, then woolly is light, much lighter than the other petals. There are individuals with quite white spatula. Dots and stripes on it are rare, mostly they densely cover the inner surface of the bell-shaped corolla. Its color varies from pink to light yellow or green-yellow. The lower flowers are 3 cm long and the upper ones are about one. The floral brush of the woolly foxglove is not very large, pyramid-shaped, the flowers on it are planted rather thickly. The foxglove woolly blooms in June, July and August.

This view is appreciated for its beauty. It is rarely mentioned in medical reference books. You can meet the plant in the forests and forest-steppes of Central Europe. Digitalis yellow looks very impressive. Its upright stems - candles are decorated with pyramidal racemes inflorescences with pale yellow or rich yellow flowers, like bells. In some varieties, the corolla has a small pointed tongue in its lower part, and some do not. The leaves of yellow foxglove are smooth, the stem grows up to 1 meter, and the flower brush is up to 50 centimeters long. Currently, breeders bred low-growing varieties of yellow foxglove. They are grown in pots. Low-growing varieties bloom in the first year after planting. Digitalis yellow has been used by gardeners since the late 16th century. In the landscape design with the right selection of a number of growing crops, it looks like a king. This species blooms from early July to late August. The most popular variety is Gelb Janus, which some people call Telb Janus. A wonderful hybrid “Glory of Roundway” with small narrow-bell-shaped flowers of pale pink color was created on the basis of yellow foxglove. Flowers are collected in a dense brush, plant height up to 120 cm.

Digitalis ciliated (Digitalis ciliata)

This kind of foxglove is not as popular as the others. You can meet him in the lowlands, and at a height of two and a half kilometers above sea level. The stalks of the ciliate foxglove are low, only up to 60 sentiments, but several of them grow from one root, all of about the same height. The leaves of the plant have sharp tips, and at the edges of the notch. The flower brush is small (up to 10 centimeters), the flowers are whitish-pinkish, resembling bells, not large. It is used digitalis ciliated mainly as a honey plant and a medicinal plant. In decorative compositions is very rare.

Important!  Digitalis grandiflora, rusty, woolly, yellow, ciliary and all other types of digitalis are poisonous. This should be taken into account when contacting the plant.