Standards for the distance of the cesspool from a residential building. Distance from the cesspool to the nearest objects

The sewerage or drainage system in a private house is developed at the stage of its design and planning. This is one of the most important communications. Its installation is quite strictly regulated by the norms and rules of arrangement, preserving measures for cleaning and protecting the environment. One of the simplest and most affordable sewerage options for a private house is a drain or cesspool. Despite the primitive design, its device has a lot of nuances that must be taken into account.

Sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN and SNiP) for this type of buildings were not developed by chance. They have been operating on the territory of Russia since the times of the Soviet Union. Even then, it was noticed that the absence of any rules for arranging a drainage pit, with a certain density of residential buildings, and a small distance between them, it can cause serious damage not only to the environment, but also to people living in this zone. After conducting a number of studies in this area, it was noticed that the wastewater seep into the ground, reaching the upper threshold of groundwater. The result was uncontrolled pollution for many years, the consequences of which were felt on soil fertility and the quality of the region's water resources.

Certain difficulties are caused by the secrecy of the building, the very presence of which and the quality of the construction work performed for its arrangement are often extremely difficult to determine. However, the harm is primarily felt by the owner, who violates the standards and rules for the manufacture of a drain pit, as well as neighbors living in neighboring areas. Therefore, when designing a plot of a private house, the construction of a drain pit must be carefully studied, thought over and not too lazy to coordinate sanitary standards with the local SES, in order to avoid mistakes and violations that could entail irreversible consequences for the ecology of the site.

Compliance with the rules for the placement and protection of the internal space of the cesspool, on the contrary, is completely legal and permissible, especially since in some cases this is the only rational way to arrange a sewage system on a site of a private house.

What are the drain pits

Structurally, drain pits can be divided into several main categories:

  • With soil post-treatment;
  • Sealed (with storage).

To begin with, it is worth noting what is a violation of technical rules and regulations in such a device. And first of all, this is the absence of any protection at the bottom and walls of the cesspool. The runoff entering its area freely and without hindrance penetrates the soil, getting stuck there for many years, disrupting the ecological balance. Some of them are digested by aerobic bacteria. But putrefactive processes continue in the soil, and make it less suitable for agriculture. With a large remoteness of vegetable gardens and neighboring similar structures, the damage from them is less significant and tangible. In the absence of materials for insulation, this method was generally the only one possible for many years. But times have changed. Today, you can easily get any material, and equip a modern cesspool without harm to the environment and for yourself.

So, an autonomous sewage system in the form of a drain pit can be equipped as follows:

  • Monolithic reinforced concrete structure - one of the most durable materials that do not deteriorate for a long time is reinforced concrete. Even with a small wall thickness of such a container, the reinforcement cage will perfectly hold back any tensile loads. To form the pit container itself, formwork from OSB or plywood is used set at a certain distance (15 - 20 cm). The bottom can also be made monolithic or filled with a sand-gravel mixture by 30 - 40 cm, as an additional filter. In the first case, any ingress of sewage into the soil is excluded, however, sewage works will be quite frequent. In the second case, for some time the filter will cope with its purpose, but after siltation it will be necessary to replace it. The volume of wastewater, subject to filtration and sufficient pit dimensions, is no more than 1 m 3 per day;

  • Photo: monolithic reinforced concrete structure

    A drain pit is often accompanied by a fetid odor, especially in the hot season. To cope with this deficiency, aerobic bacteria will help, which not only eliminate unpleasant odors, but also help to process dense biomass into a more liquid and suitable for further filtration.

  • Brick or cinder block cesspool - an option in which the walls and bottom of the pit are laid out from piece materials, such as bricks and cinder blocks. The method is not bad, but you need to take into account the dressing of all seams with an iron bar or reinforcement. After that, the finished surfaces are plastered with a cement-sand mortar, followed by ironing. In addition, it can be coated with bituminous mastic to increase waterproofing. The bottom can also be made airtight or with soil purification;

  • Photo: brick drain pit

    The depth of the cesspool should not be more than 3-4 meters, since the length of the sewer hose may not be enough to empty the entire well. This will lead to the fact that silting at the bottom will be constant and filtration in it will simply not be possible.

  • Drain pit made of reinforced concrete rings and blocks - ready-made reinforced concrete structures, standardized in production, greatly facilitate the construction of such buildings. The only drawback is their weight, which slightly complicates the installation work and their transportation to the site. On the other hand, it is a great way to speed up the construction process by eliminating "wet" works on concrete pouring, plastering. Connect the rings or blocks to each other by welded joints, and thoroughly coating the seams with waterproofing mixtures, mortar;

  • Photo: installation of reinforced concrete rings

    If it is a free-standing well, it is covered with a sealed cover to prevent precipitation from entering it. The decomposition and fermentation of waste waste produces explosive methane. In this case, the lid is equipped with an outlet - a small piece of the ventilation pipe that goes out.

  • Ready container or storage - this method is the most modern, since a container made in production conditions acts as a pit. This can be a tank, barrel made of metal, concrete or plastic. The latter is especially in demand due to its light weight and resistance to corrosion. Depending on the depth, the walls of such a container are insulated and strengthened. In addition, sewage pipes of any diameter are easily supplied to them, which can be cut into their walls. A sealed container allows you to reduce the distance from residential and other site facilities.

Rules and norms of SNiP and SanPiN for the arrangement of cesspools in personal and summer cottages

Having decided on the type of cesspool, it is necessary to calculate its location on the site. For this, there are restrictive recommendations of the following documents:

  • SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 "Sanitary rules for maintaining the territories of populated areas";
  • The set of rules SP 32.13330.2012 “SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. External networks and structures ";
  • SNiP 30-02-97: "Planning and development of territories of horticultural associations of citizens, buildings and structures."

The remoteness of the drain pit, especially with soil pre-filtration, according to the SNiP standards, should be at a distance:

  1. From a residential building - 8 - 10 m;
  2. Household buildings - 5 - 7 m;
  3. Fence - not less than 1 m;
  4. Neighboring house - 10 - 12 m;
  5. Water intake wells - 20 - 30 m;
  6. Water pipes - 20 - 25 m;
  7. Gas pipes - 5 m;
  8. Trees - 5 - 7 m.

Photo: sanitary standards
Photo: the remoteness of the drain pit

The type of soil and its properties also matter when laying sewers. Clay soils are dense and oily, they conduct water worse. Cesspools in such soils should be at least 20 m away from natural wells. For loams, this parameter is already 30 m, for sandy soils - 50 m.

In design work, the sewerage system of a private house must be taken into account in full, since it consists of an internal (located within the house) and an external part (all the rest of the sewerage on the site). A detailed drawing will help to calculate the amount of materials for the sewage system, its location on the site, determine whether it will be gravity-fed or if it needs to be made forced, and at what distance from residential and ancillary buildings in a suburban area.

Photo: drawing of a drain pit

For professional plumbers, engineers, designers, solving these problems is not difficult. But even for an ordinary man in the street, these rules of SNiP and SanPiN are not so complicated, because a cesspool is the most primitive, and at the same time, the cheapest sewage device in a summer cottage that you can do yourself.


Usually, in private households, the problem of draining wastewater and sewage is solved by building cesspools on personal plots. There are certain standards that clearly prescribe how the process of arranging septic tanks and other treatment structures serving individual residential buildings should be carried out. It is not recommended to break them.

When a cesspool is created, sanitary standards are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation N52-FZ of 1999 "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population." The requirements specified in it are mandatory for citizens of the country.

Sanitary standards for cesspools

According to the text of the regulatory document, cesspools (see photo) must be built with a mandatory device for special filtration, and they should not have a normal bottom under any circumstances, especially if the amount of wastewater exceeds one cubic meter during the day.
At the same time, it should be noted that during the construction of a cesspool for servicing a heated house, in which at least 4 people will live, the sump should be made with a special bottom.

There is no definite answer as to what should be the distance from the house to the cesspool. The requirements for this parameter are ambiguous. The minimum distance between these two objects is 15 meters (read also: "").

Such a distance from the house to the drainage pit is required so that the poisonous gases emitted by the waste do not harm the environment in the area and the people living in this area.

If it becomes necessary to make the distance from the pit to the water supply system closer, then you should contact the appropriate authorities (Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision) and utilities (for example, the water utility department, etc.).

Rules for the arrangement of cesspools

If a cesspool is being built, sanitary standards must be observed. Sediment basins with a working volume of no more than one cubic meter of wastewater and sewage per day belong to the classical version of the arrangement of cesspools for servicing summer cottages and country houses, in which the residence of people is not permanent and water heating equipment and household appliances are not used.

According to sanitary requirements, the distance from the septic tank to the summer kitchen cannot be less than 5 meters. In the event that the daily volume of wastewater reaches 8 cubic meters, the distance should be increased to 8 meters.

The rules for arranging cesspools provide for compliance with a number of requirements:

  • when the drain per day is 3 cubes, the pipes must be placed as close as possible to the groundwater (distance 40-50 meters);
  • pipes should be mounted upward relative to the flow of groundwater;
  • if there is an artesian spring in the immediate vicinity of the house, the distance from the well to the cesspool should be at least 20 meters.
In the event that homeowners do not have the opportunity to observe the distance of the drainage pit from the house and sources of drinking water, experts recommend making wells or capturing for several houses at the same time. In this case, it is necessary to observe 2.5-5 meters of indent from the "red line" Before starting work, you definitely need to know how to make a drain pit correctly and according to the norms.

SanPiN 42-128-4690-88: requirements and standards, installation distance

On the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of the region of residence, the SanPiN requirements for cesspools apply.

When a private house does not have a centralized sewerage system, its owners are allowed to locate a cesspool on the site. The main requirement for it is mandatory water resistance. Above the sump there should be a cover for its closure and a special grate. You can equip a common drain pit with neighbors.

When a private house is located near a school or a kindergarten, then the distance should be at least 20 meters. If you have any questions regarding the arrangement of a cesspool, the owner of suburban real estate should contact the local administrative authorities.

But there is a general rule for all private households - the sump should be located so that the distance from the well to the cesspool is 50 meters.

Sewage treatment facilities must be cleaned at least once every six months.

When disinfecting drain pits, a tool is used, the components of which are:

  • 5% sodium hypochlorite;
  • 5% creolin;
  • 10% chlorine lime;
  • 10% - naphthazole;
  • 10% sodium metasilicate.
In no case should dry bleach be used for disinfection.

Additional requirements for the arrangement

  1. In addition to the requirement of what should be the distance between the well and the cesspool, there is another important point - the tightness of the treatment plant so that sewage does not poison the soil and aquifers, since in this case the environment will be harmed.
  2. Building materials (bricks, boards, blocks) used in the arrangement of sedimentation tanks must differ in density
  3. The drains should not be allowed to be higher than 35 centimeters from the surface of the soil, since then the owner of the property himself will hardly be able to cope with the negative consequences.
There are also requirements for the distance from cesspools to utilities:
  • from the water supply system from asbestos-cement pipes to septic tanks and drain pits, the distance should not be less than 5 meters;
  • when using cast iron pipes with a diameter of no more than 200 millimeters - 1.5 meters;
  • in the presence of cast iron pipes with a diameter of more than 200 millimeters - 3 meters;
  • to gas pipes - more than 5 meters.

So that the unpleasant smell does not bother the residents, it is necessary to observe a 5-meter distance from the building to the cesspool. The sump should not be located closer than 1.5 meters to the border of the site.

A cesspool is an important part of the sewerage system, which is why its construction should be carried out not only in consultation with specialists, but also with state regulations... "SanPiN: cesspools" includes several categories of requirements, each of which must be observed without fail.

Ignoring the instructions on this matter promises you not only penalties, but also a lot of problems. For example, the wrong location of the cesspool can result in an unpleasant odor in the house and even fraught with diseases that can be obtained after the sewage gets into the drinking water.

The main document that should be guided by when building a cesspool is SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 "Sanitary rules for maintaining the territories of populated areas." It is here that the primary requirements to the location, design and maintenance of the cesspool.

It was developed and adopted back in the Soviet Union. Subsequently, analogs of the document were adopted in almost all CIS countries. Despite its relatively long history of existence, the sanitary standards set forth in this document are still relevant, although not all of them.

For example, many modern specialists in the field of sewage arrangement recommend slightly increasing the distance from the waste collection container to the living quarters or additional buildings. Let's talk more about this in separate sections.

Requirements for the location of the waste collection pit

The very first thing that everyone who decides to install a cesspool on the site should know is smallest distance to a residential building.

According to the previously mentioned document, it should be from 15 m and more... If it is impossible to install the container at such a distance, it is possible to bring it closer to the building only after agreement with some services.

However, experts do not recommend deviating from this requirement. In the process of rotting waste, which invariably occurs in the pit, various gases are released. Also, do not forget about the natural unpleasant smell. In the summer, especially with the windows open, all these scents will penetrate the house. As you can imagine, this is not pleasant.

It is necessary to take into account the distance from the cesspool to the nearest water pipes. Compliance with this point "SanPiN cesspools" is one of the most difficult, because you also need to take into account direction of groundwater flow.

If they flow from the drainpipe towards the cesspool, then the minimum distance is 25 m.If in the opposite direction, then the distance increases to 40 m.

At about the same distance, the cesspool should be located from the nearest source of drinking water, a well or a well.

It is also necessary to take into account the distance to the fence, minimum 2 meters... Experienced installers also give their recommendations in this matter. It is best to install the pit close to the entrance to the yard, so it will be much easier to clean up.

Requirements for pit construction

Cesspools used for autonomous sewerage must be closed with a grate and a hatch. In cases where the structure is used for a country toilet, it should be equipped with a solid threshold that will leave only a small part of the waste collection container open.

The maximum depth of the cesspool is 3 m, but only if the groundwater passes below this level.

On the site with high the groundwater level is best not to use a cesspool at all. Even if you choose a closed structure, some of the waste can still end up in the water layer. This is especially dangerous in cases where drinking water in the area is supplied by purifying liquid from nearby reservoirs, wells or wells.

Requirements are put forward for the selection of the volume of the cesspool.

For example, a small structure with a volume of up to 2-3 cubic meters can be installed only for a country toilet, or in an autonomous sewage system of a house where no more than two people live.

In all other cases, the required volume of the pit is selected according to a certain formula, which takes into account both the water consumption and the number of days during which the pit will not be cleaned.

Basic care requirements

For cleaning and preventing unpleasant odors in the sump prohibited use chlorine and bleach. These chemicals completely kill all microflora and microfauna inside the structure, and it plays a very important role in the processing of organic waste.

It is best to apply for these purposes biological products, which not only do not interfere with natural biological processes, but even accelerate them.

Sump cleaning

When designing a country or country house, it is necessary to immediately take into account the arrangement of the drainage system. The optimal solution to this issue today will be a cesspool. To implement the plans conceived, it is necessary to study specific recommendations, advice and established regulations on the topic cesspool - sanitary standards.

The design and arrangement of an autonomous sewage system for private households is associated with compliance with sanitary requirements, certain rules and regulations that are mandatory. In case of violation of the points of sanitary norms during the design and construction of a cesspool, its operation can then bring many problems and considerable fines.

Failure to comply with the requirements of even part of the established rules leads to pollution of natural sources of drinking water and the spread of infections. Therefore, the ideal option before the construction of a cesspool would be to include it in the development plan and agree with all government services involved in this issue, including SES. This is necessary to obtain construction permits.

How to choose the right construction site?

A cesspool is a reservoir for the accumulation of household waste. To determine its location and harmonize with the regulations of sanitary norms, it is necessary to analyze your site and the adjacent territory.

To do this, you need to study the schematic plan of the site, where the location is indicated:

  • residential building;
  • outbuildings;
  • wells;
  • gas pipelines;
  • water supply pipelines.

Here it is necessary to take into account the elements of the landscape, lowlands and hills of the area. When planning, it should be noted the location of neighboring houses, wells and communication systems in nearby areas in order to allocate areas for the "sanitary zone". When planning the location of the cesspool, it is necessary to take into account the direction of movement of groundwater. Information about them can be obtained from the relevant services.

Conditions and standards for choosing the location of the pit

Having analyzed the schematic plan, it is necessary to choose the optimal place for the cesspool. According to sanitary requirements, it must be removed:

  • From the neighboring house and its structures - 10-12 meters.
  • Plot boundaries - not less than 1.5 meters.
  • Residential building - at a distance of 8 to 10 meters.
  • Water intake wells - 20 meters.
  • Water pipes - 25 meters.
  • Underground water table currents - 25 meters.
  • Gas pipes - 5 meters.

When building a cesspool, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the soil at the location of the device. On clay soils, natural wells, according to sanitary requirements, should be located at a distance of 20 meters from the pit. On loamy soils, they move away by 30 meters, and on sandy or super-sandy soils by 50 meters.

What type of cesspool to choose

Important ingredients

The simplest option provided by SNiP is a bottomless cesspool. It is designed for small wastewater emissions of up to 1 cubic meter per day. During this time, the drains have time to pass naturally into the soil, and the aerobic bacteria of the soil have time to process them.

The accumulated sludge from such cesspools must be removed periodically - once every six months. However, this is the simplest and most affordable option for receiving and recycling wastewater. It belongs to the type of village toilets, which are no longer relevant today due to their low resource for receiving drains and unpleasant odors near it. In addition, such structures today can be environmentally hazardous.

If more than two people live in the house, accustomed to the comfortable conditions of city life, it is necessary to consider options for arranging sealed cesspools. They are environmentally friendly, and waste from them will not enter the soil. One of the options that meets the requirements of SNiP is a pit made of concrete, cinder block or brick. An excellent solution to the issue of dumping household waste will be a sealed storage septic tank made of plastic.

Sump requirements

The depth of the sealed pit must be no more than 3 meters. This is due to its maintenance with a sewage machine, the hose of which is designed for a 3-meter length of drainage intake. If you make the pit deeper, the cleaning efficiency will decrease due to the constantly remaining sediment at the bottom.

The sewer pipe entering the pit should be 10 cm in diameter. The depth of its laying in the ground is 1.2 m, which ensures its safety in winter. The slope of the pipe towards the drain hole should be at least 3%.

Sewer hatch

The entrance of the drain pipe into the wall of any constructive solution of the pit must be made soft. Bitumen and ordinary construction foam are excellent for these works.

The bottom of the pit is equipped with a mandatory slope towards the hatch, which will ensure better pumping of sewage. To exclude the possibility of an explosion in the pit, you need to install a ventilation pipe with a diameter of 10 cm and bring it above the ground to a height of at least 60 cm.

The decomposition of organic matter in the pit leads to the formation of methane gas, which often causes an explosion. Therefore, it must be removed from the internal volume of the sealed pit.

For the operation of the sewer truck and maintenance of the pit, it is necessary to provide an accessible entrance to it. You will need to call the car 2 times a month with a consumption of more than 150 liters of water per day per person.

Types and design of autonomous sewage systems

Sewerage systems for autonomous use are subdivided:

  • Non-volatile. In this case, the drains flow into the pit naturally.
  • Volatile - while a pump is required to pump out the wastewater.

The main condition for arranging an autonomous waste storage tank is the complete tightness of the structure. The installation of ready-made septic tanks on the site provides absolute sealing, which is guaranteed by the manufacturer.

Sump storage can be designed and constructed from a variety of materials, including bricks, cinder blocks, or factory precast concrete blocks and rings.

Features of brick and cinder block pits

Sewer system diagram

The construction of a brick or cinder block pit takes a lot of time and labor, however, it ensures full compliance with the requirements of SNiP.

The main stages of construction work:

  • The walls of the pit are laid out with bricks or cinder blocks with the obligatory bandaging of the seams.
  • The inner surface is plastered and ironed.
  • The outer perimeter of the masonry is coated with a 20-centimeter layer of oily clay.
  • The bottom of the pit is also first coated with a layer of the same oily clay, and the top is concreted, followed by ironing the base of the cesspool.

Construction of a cesspool from blocks and rings

The use of reinforced concrete rings and ready-made concrete blocks for arranging a cesspool has a number of advantages, but requires special handling equipment for their installation. For the construction of a cesspool, you must have a cover, a bottom and at least 3 rings.

After excavation and cleaning the base of the pit, the bottom must be concreted. Then you need to finally check all the dimensions according to the project in order to successfully assemble the rings. After installing the rings, their inner surface is covered with bitumen, having previously sealed the joints with concrete. Similar work is carried out at the bottom of the pit.

When constructing a cesspool made of reinforced concrete or concrete products, special attention is paid to waterproofing so that during operation the pit is not filled with melt or rainwater.

After connecting the sewer pipes, the hatch is mounted and the structure is covered with earth.


Biological preparation for cleaning cesspools

Recently, ready-made projects for autonomous cleaning systems have been developed. All of them are volatile and expensive, but on the way out, the customer receives a complete and complete "turnkey" system of modern biological treatment.

Air and reagents are injected into these systems, and the harmful substances of wastewater after biological treatment become harmless. Today it is the most effective wastewater treatment method, providing water purification up to 98%. Special permission from the sanitary services for such systems is not required.

Providing the benefits of civilization is very important for country houses and summer cottages. This issue is especially relevant for structures located far from centralized engineering networks. In most cases, to solve such problems, a well is built on the territory of a country house or summer cottage, a well is drilled and a cesspool or septic tank is equipped. These engineering structures will solve the problem of supplying water to a residential building, as well as wastewater disposal. However, when placing a hydraulic structure and a cesspool on the site, it is very important to observe the standard distances. Compliance with sanitary standards will maintain the quality of drinking water from the source at an appropriate level.

Sometimes, even the construction of a water intake structure in compliance with technology and rules will not insure you against source pollution. The point is that potential contaminants can appear already during the operation of the well. One of these pollutants may be a cesspool. Moreover, such a structure can not be built by you, but by your neighbors, who do not adhere to the norms for sanitary protection gaps.

In this case, the minimum distance from the well should be observed to the following sources:

  • drainage sewerage;
  • sewage treatment plant for waste water, the volume of which does not exceed 25 m³ per day - septic tank;
  • cesspool.

The distance between the well and the cesspool is essential, since this structure can cause dangerous pollution of the environment and sources of drinking water due to the significant accumulation of sewage.

Despite the fact that modern materials guarantee a high degree of tightness and durability of the cesspool, one cannot be completely sure of safety, because the risk of leakage is not excluded. That is why a standard distance must be observed between such a pit and a well or well. This is the only way to be completely sure of the safety of drinking water.

Usually, all sanitary protection zones are stipulated in the regulatory documents SNiPs and SanPiNs. Moreover, the gap between the source of drinking water and the cesspool depends on the productivity of the latter structure. Usually, this distance is at least 50 m. In this case, the gap between them can be increased depending on the volume of filtration of the cesspool:

  • if the water consumption per day is 1-2 m³, then the zone is 8-10 m;
  • at a flow rate of 4-8 m³, the zone increases to 15-20 m;
  • if the flow rate is 15 m³ or more, then the gap increases to 25 m or more.

Attention: in the sanitary protection zone there should not be open sources of drinking water (wells, reservoirs) and closed sources - wells.

Well placement requirements

The distance from the well to the cesspool depends on various factors. When determining this gap, it is worth considering such indicators as:

  • hydraulic connection between the rock and the aquifer, because it is the soil that performs filtration functions for water entering the water layer;
  • the composition and quality of the soil, since through it sewage can seep into the source (water seeps through the sandy rock most easily);
  • the depth of the passage of groundwater (a cesspool without a bottom cannot be buried below the aquifer);
  • the direction of the fluid flow in the underground water horizon (for wells located downstream of the drainage pit, there is a high risk of contamination).

Depending on the rock parameters, the gap between these structures can be as follows:

  • impermeable rock (water-resistant clay is considered the most impermeable, in this case the gap from the pit to the source can be reduced to 30 m);
  • permeable rock (sand) - in this case it is better to make a maximum gap of 50 m.

Choosing a place for a pit

As a rule, a cesspool is constructed on the territory of the land plot of a private house. When placing this object, it is important to observe not only the distance to the well, but also to other buildings on the site:

  • it is necessary to retreat at least 100 cm from the water supply networks;
  • it is worth observing a gap of 20 m before the mine wells;
  • from the well to the pit, it is worth making a gap of at least 30-50 m;
  • between houses and other buildings and the pit, it is worth making a gap of at least 10-12 m (while it is important to take into account the structures in neighboring areas), otherwise the waters can wash away the foundation, disrupt the integrity of the building and cause it to flood;
  • it is worth retreating at least 1 m from the fences;
  • free access of special vehicles should be provided to the pit.

Attention: it is forbidden to make sewage pits more than 3 m deep. The thing is that deeper structures, even for a sewer machine, will be very difficult to clean. Pumping equipment will not be able to lift all the sewage from the bottom of the structure.

When choosing a place for a cesspool, it is important to take into account the mutual placement of water and gas pipes. In this case, you should adhere to the following requirements:

  1. The drainage pit should be located at a distance of at least 500 cm from pipelines made of asbestos-cement or reinforced concrete.
  2. When laying a pipeline from cast iron pipes with a diameter of not more than 20 cm, the distance should be 1.5 m or more.
  3. If cast iron pipes of a significant diameter (more than 20 cm) are used, then the gap increases to 3 m.
  4. The drainage pit should be located at least 5 m from the gas pipeline.

Wells and small cesspools

With the construction of a small cesspool with a capacity of 1-8 m³ per day, the requirements for standardized sanitary protection gaps are somewhat softened. So, from the house of such a structure, you can retreat at least 5-8 m.

A small sewage pit can be located at such a distance from the water intake and its structures:

  1. If the drainage structure has a filtration volume of no more than 3 m³ per day, then the laying of a pipeline through which drinking and household water is supplied from the water intake to the house can be performed downstream of the liquid in the underground water horizon. In this case, the distance between structures should be at least 40-50 m.
  2. If, with the same volumes of the cesspool, the source is located upstream of the water in the aquifer, then a gap of 25 m can be observed between them.
  3. When placing a septic tank perpendicular to the movement of liquid in the water horizon, a distance between the source and the cesspool of 25-30 m is observed.
  4. From artesian springs and wells, sewage pits and other sources of potential pollution should be placed at a distance not exceeding 20 m.

It is important to know: the optimal placement of a sealed septic tank is downstream of the water in the aquifer, and the intake structure is upstream.

As you can see, in the construction of cesspools and sources of drinking water, many different requirements must be observed. Often, it is simply impossible to observe them all at one facility, especially taking into account buildings on neighboring sites. In this case, professional craftsmen use one universal solution:

  • first, water intake structures (wells, wells, columns, etc.) are organized in several neighboring areas;
  • then a concrete or asphalt site is performed (while the slope of the surface should be 5% from the walls of the structure);
  • the dimensions of this area must be at least 3x2.5 m;
  • the indent from the red lines of the street must be at least 250-500 cm.