Intellectual contests for corporate. Sports competitions corporate

Have you decided to celebrate your birthday at work? Then you need funny ones.

The presenter invites the players to measure their strength in tongue twisters, he distributes cards to everyone, on which one tongue twister is printed. Then he calls the competitors.

At first, each of the players slowly and loudly reads the words of the text so that its meaning is clear to everyone, after which, at the command of the leader, he says a tongue twister at a fast pace.

The winner is the one who did not utter a word and did not make a single mistake.

Tongue Twisters:

The sentimental Varvara felt the unfeeling Vavila.

The bull was dull-lipped, the bull was dull-lipped, the bull had a dull white lip.

From the trampling of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Senka is carrying Sanka with Sonya on a sled. Sled skok - Senka off his feet, Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the mice noisily rummaged around for pennies.

On Thursday the fourth, at four and a quarter o'clock, four little curly little black imp were drawing a drawing in black ink. Extremely clean.

Malanya the chatterbox chattered milk, but she did not blur it out.

The commander talked about the colonel, about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant colonel, about the ensign, but he kept silent about the lieutenant, but said that look for a goose's whiskers - do not look - you will not find that the scales are at the pike, the bristles at the pig, which is near the bell of the bell that the wasp does not have a mustache, but a mustache.

Not the one, comrades, comrade comrade who is with comrades comrade comrade, but he, comrades, comrade comrade, who is without comrades comrade comrade.

The quick-talker spoke out, said that he would re-negotiate all the tongue twisters, re-negotiate, but, having said a word, he said that you cannot re-negotiate all tongue twisters, you cannot over-negotiate.

The competition is good for those who like to drink or, conversely, dream of ending this addiction forever.
All participants are divided into pairs, one person in a pair is blindfolded with a scarf or towel.
The second person from each pair picks up a glass or glass and goes to the table. It is required to prepare a cocktail in a glass from everything that is available to the participants: from ready-made drinks, fruit juice and ending with ...
The main thing here is to stop in time. Remember, the cocktail must be suitable for consumption by mouth !!!
A blindfolded participant tries the prepared mixture and tries to guess its ingredients.
A couple who guessed absolutely all the components gets a super prize.

Try your luck game

This game is suitable both for a wedding and for a fun company of colleagues, where there are many single guys and girls.

Host: They say that a wedding is the best place to meet, and sometimes to start a romance. Let's try our destiny! All young men and women draw out cards with the names of literary and fairy-tale heroes, and then everyone is looking for their own pair (to music)

The first pair wins. However, everyone continues to search, because the competition doesn't end there ...

All who have found each other dance the next dance together. (If there are fewer boys than girls in the hall, then the number of options corresponds to the number of boys, and the girls are given repeated cards, and you need to be the first to find your Prince)

You can, for example, make such cards: Santa Claus and Snegurochka, Masha and the Bear, Prince and Cinderella, Carlson and Freken Bock, Dunno and Camomile, Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful, Tsar Guidon and the Swan Princess, Danila the Master and the Mistress of Copper mountains, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Kai and Gerda, Aladdin and Princess Budur, Ostap Bender and Mrs. Gritsatsuyeva, De Artagnan and Mrs. Buonasie, Count Vronsky and Anna Karenina, Onegin and Tatiana, Hamlet and Ophelia, Orpheus and Eurydice, Zeus and Hera, Adam and Eve, Don Quixote and Dulcinea, Komar and Fly-Tsokotukha, Odysseus and Penelope, Ichthyander and Gutierez, Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood, Captain Gray and Assol, Master and Margarita, Fedot-Sagittarius and Marusya, Robber and Atamansha, Romeo and Juliet, The prince Elisey and the Sleeping Princess, Ali Baba and Zeynab, Natasha Rostova and Andrey Volkonsky, Pushkin and Natalie Goncharova, etc.

The search starts at the signal of the Master.

A competition is held for the fastest couple, for the perfect couple, for the best dance pair from the above. Prizes are awarded.

Playful dance game

A dance is chosen, during which everyone is invited to break into pairs.

Lead commands: left shoulder to left shoulder, right shoulder to right shoulder, left cheek to left cheek, right cheek to right cheek, left ear to left ear, right ear to right ear, right leg to right leg, left leg to left leg , forehead to forehead, back to back, nose to nose.

The pair that performed the commands best wins.

Blank sheets of paper and pens are distributed. Then the facilitator asks everyone to write down four associations: 1) with the word "forest"; 2) with the word "sea"; 3) with the word "cats"; 4) with the word "horses".
In this case, the answers should be detailed, in the form of one or several sentences.
The records are then signed and collected. The presenter explains that the concept of "sea" personifies life, respectively, "sea" personifies love, "cats" - women, and "horses" - men.
After that, the presenter reads out the notes made by the guests, from which the subconscious attitude is clarified. everyone to life, love, women and men. It turns out pretty interesting.

High-quality (denser) toilet paper is taken. The participants are divided into boy-girl pairs. Each pair is given a roll of toilet paper.

On a signal, one of the partners begins to wrap the other like a mummy. The one who wins the partner faster and better wins.

Game with ribbons

At least three players can participate in the game. In the middle of the room, the main player becomes, for example, a girl. The other two players (men) are blindfolded. One of them is given several ribbons in his hands. He must go up to the girl with his eyes closed and tie bows on her anywhere. The task of the second man is to approach the girl and find and untie all the bows. Then the players change places - a man is invited to the role of the main player. And so, until everyone who wants to try all the roles


And mathematics! - he exclaimed. - Each step reveals the deepest laws of nature. About how beautiful Euclidean geometry is, I already explained to you last year. But here comes our brilliant compatriot, professor of Kazan University Lobachevsky, and creates Non-Euclidean geometry. What the deepest secrets of the universe she reveals! And now you, a young man who have been given every opportunity to comprehend these secrets, turn away from them ... And I got one correspondent, a village priest. It is thrown into the depths of our Orenburg black soil. There are several tens of miles to the railway, no life, but a continuous slumber. It would seem that only sleep upside down, the security is complete. Other of his estates do just that, they only know what to collect. But he is not! Having an attraction to mathematics and not wanting to be limited to a meager seminar education, he goes through the course himself! He would ring some mass there, mutter a meaningless psalm, come home - and for a textbook. He solves the quadratic equations ... '' Vladimir Konstantinovich spoke with a trembling voice. 'This year, we got to the analysis of the infinitesimal. And all by correspondence ... Great man! he concluded, raising his finger.
The class listened to this most original reasoning, chuckling good-naturedly, giving approving remarks. I was silent, remembering my father's wise advice not to argue with teachers. And although I felt that in Molchanov's fanatical love for mathematics there was something lofty and even akin to art, I stubbornly followed the path I had chosen.
But somehow, in the winter, together with my contemporaries, we wandered through the streets of Chelyabinsk all evening. Deserted, quiet. You can only hear the dogs barking now in the distance, now nearby ... And suddenly, in the sleepy silence, the sounds of a violin were heard, And we, of course, went in that direction, as if we were called there. We found this little house without difficulty; the window was open, steam was pouring out of it, and music was pouring with it. I wanted to look at the violinist, I imagined an inspired young man with wavy curls.
It is not difficult to look into the room, for this it is enough to climb onto the rubble. I climbed in and saw through the window the face of Vladimir Konstantinovich cut with deep wrinkles. Slightly swaying with all his large body, he slid his bow over the strings. Only a hand and a sensitive ear can extract sounds of such purity and sonority from a violin. His gaze was slightly blurred, he looked through the window and did not see me ...
Math and Music! They gave him fullness of life. But everything that lay between music and mathematics simply did not exist for him ...
Today, on the first day of the revolution, Molchapov discovered the apolitical attitude that still outraged us all - the algebra lesson was the only one that day. In the second lesson, even a priest, a teacher of the law of God, made a revolutionary speech and said that, in order to eliminate tyranicide, he adheres to the views of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, especially on the issue of transferring land to the peasants.
- True, not gratuitously, but for the remuneration established by law, - he finished his speech and, rustling with his silk robe, left.
After that we were dismissed to our homes.
We were studying on the second shift, and since lessons were over two hours earlier than usual, it was very pleasant to walk around the city before dark. The impotent February snow fell from the sky and immediately melted. The streets are not usually crowded, but on the faces of the inhabitants an expression of frightened curiosity. The counter glances inquiringly at each other, as if expecting something. When acquaintances meet, they talk about the latest news: about the State Duma committee and the Soviet of Workers' Deputies in St. Petersburg, about Prince Lvov and the lawyer Kerensky, and also about the fact that some desperate second lieutenant Grekov seized the telegraph in St. Petersburg and informed the whole country about the overthrow of the autocracy ...
In Chelyabinsk, we also created a Public Security Committee. For us, pupils of the sixth grade, who recently went through the history of the Great French Revolution, the formidable name sounded exciting when applied to Chelyabinsk merchants and industrialists, doctors and lawyers, cooperators and zemstvo workers, whose familiar names signed the first notice of the Public Security Committee.
On the roof of the three-story building of the State Bank, some volunteer enthusiasts were working, they were removing signs with a two-headed eagle. A large crowd followed their actions, giving advice from below.

Funny, funny contests will allow you to have a good rest and have nice fun at the New Year's party. The presenters who are entrusted with organizing the entertainment part, we offer an original selection of games, contests and quizzes for the scenario of a festive corporate party!

To make the New Year's holiday more successful, we have made for you a selection of the most interesting contests and fun.


To begin with, we propose to include cool table contests in the program of the New Year's corporate party at work.

What will Santa Claus give?

Attributes: small pieces of paper, pens (or pencils).

Before sitting down at the festive table, guests receive a small piece of paper and write down what gift they would like to wish for themselves in the new year. It can be, for example, a new apartment, car, dog, travel, money, lover ...

The leaves are rolled up and placed in a beautiful box, a hat ... At some point in the evening, the host asks everyone to draw out an arbitrary piece of paper and find out what good Father Frost has prepared for him for the next year. Everyone has different desires, so it will be fun! And the wish will come true if you save the piece of paper until the next holiday, and then tell about what has come true.

The leaves can be attached with threads to a rope / line and then, as once in childhood, blindfolded with the help of scissors, cut off a wish. Another option is to tie notes to balloons and distribute to those present.

I want, want, want! ... Branded hochuha

Another game about desires. But this time without attributes.

5-7 volunteers are called. In turn, they name their wish for the next year. You need to speak quickly, without delaying the line! Stopped for more than 5 seconds - the player is eliminated. We play until the victory - until the last player! (Small prize is possible).

Let's raise a glass! New Year's toasts

When, in the midst of a feast, the guests are bored, invite them not only to fill their glasses, but to make a toast or congratulations to everyone present.

There are two conditions - each speech must be one sentence long and begin with letters of the alphabet in order!

For example:

  • A - I am absolutely sure that the new year will be the best!
  • B - Be healthy and happy!
  • Q - In general, I am glad to be with you today!
  • D - Pride is bursting at the sight of those gathered around this table! ..

The funniest moment is when the letters e, e, u, y, s come into play.

Variant of the game: each next toast begins with the last letter of the previous congratulation. For example: “I am very glad if you support me with applause! “And all the best to you…”. To complicate matters, you can prohibit starting a toast with prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.

"I'll sing about Frost!" Compose a ditty

Those wishing to write during the evening, and then submit to the audience a ditty, in which there are pre-set New Year words or themes by the presenter. It could be “New Year, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden”.

You can compose non-juggles - with the last line not rhymed, but keeping the given rhythm of the ditty. Example:

Hello red santa claus
you brought us presents!
The most important is ten days
let's just rest.

Snow news

Attributes: Cards with nouns. The cards contain 5 completely unrelated nouns. It is advisable to include at least 1 winter word there.

The participant pulls out a card, reads out the words he has received and within 30 seconds (although if those present at the party are already, well, very tired, then 1 minute is possible) comes up with news from one sentence. And all the words from the card should fit in it.

Nouns can be transformed into other parts of speech (adjectives, verbs, adverbs ...) and changed as you like, and the news must certainly be interesting and funny.

You can start the news with the words "Sensation!"

For example:

  • 1 card - “road, chair, roof, bike, snowman”. Sentence - "Outside the city, a huge snowman with a broken roof was discovered on a road bike with a chair instead of a seat!"
  • 2 card - “fence, sound, ice floe, shop, tree”. Sentence - “Near the store under the fence, someone left a Christmas tree with sounding pieces of ice”.

Try this: it will be even more interesting if you prepare many cards, where one word will be written in one different way, and the players themselves will draw out the 5 words they have inherited.

Fun guaranteed!

Love / dislike at the neighbor

The game does not require any available tools! But requires a sufficient degree of emancipation or relaxed relationships in the team.

The presenter invites everyone present to name which part of the body (clothing is possible) they like on the one sitting on the left, and which one does not like. For example: "My neighbor on the right has my left ear and I don't like the protruding pocket."

After everyone has named and remembered what was said, the presenter asks to kiss (or stroke) what you like and bite (or slap) what you don't like.

Not everyone can play, but only 6-8 brave ones are called in a circle.

Our friend is an orange!

This game can be played at the New Year's party in the office only if all colleagues are well acquainted. Or at least everyone has a friend or girlfriend in the team.

The presenter thinks of a person from those present at the table. And the participants try to guess who it is with the help of leading questions.

But the questions are not simple - these are associations! Whoever guesses the first will win.

Questions are something like this:

  • - What fruit / vegetable does it look like? - For an orange.
  • - What food is associated with? - With pies.
  • - What animal? - With a mole.
  • - With what music? - With choral singing.
  • - What flower?
  • - What plant?
  • - By car?
  • - Color?
  • - Part of the world?

Yin-yang bumps

Attributes: 2 cones - one painted white, the other black. If you have nothing to dye with, you can wrap them with colored woolen threads of the desired color.

The course of fun: the host is selected from the guests, who will have these two bumps. They are signals of his answers, because he cannot speak at all. He makes a word, and the rest, with the help of leading questions, try to guess what he is up to.

The whole secret is that he can only silently show: YES is a white cone, NO is a black one. If neither this nor that, he can lift both at once.

The first guesser wins.

Instead of cones, you can take multi-colored Christmas balls. But you need to be more careful with glass, especially if the host has already drunk a couple of glasses of champagne.

Associations on a piece of paper. Corrupted phone of associations

Players' attributes: a piece of paper and a pen.

The first person writes any noun word on his piece of paper and speaks it quietly in the ear of a neighbor. He comes up with his own association for this word, writes it down and whispers it to the next one.

This is how associations are transmitted along a chain ... The latter speaks aloud the word passed to him. It is compared with the original source and it is fun to find out at which link in the chain of associations the failure occurred: everyone reads out their nouns.

Funny neighbor

Any number of guests plays.

We stand in a circle, and the driver begins: he performs an action with his neighbor that will make him laugh. He can take him by the ear, pat on the shoulders, tap on the nose, click on the hand, touch the knee ... That's all, those standing in a circle must repeat the same movement with your neighbor / neighbor.

The one who laughs drops out.

Then the driver makes the next move, everyone repeats. If nobody laughed, a new movement. And so on until the last "Not Laughing".

New Year's rhyming

The driver reads out little-known New Year / winter quatrains. But he says aloud only the first 2 lines.

The rest are invited to participate in the competition for the best rhyme writer.

Guests come up with and rhyme the last two lines... Then the funniest and most original poet is selected, and then the original of the poem is read out amid general laughter and amusement.

Drawing competition "I see-see the New Year!"

Those who wish are given sheets A-4 with arbitrary lines and felt-tip pens. Everyone has the same image (a copier will help you).

The task is to finish painting on the New Year theme.

Of course, everyone knows who in the team understands painting best of all. Here he or she will evaluate the results. Who's more interesting is the winner! There can be many winners - a holiday!


Nimble bump

Attributes: pine or spruce cones.

The course of the game: guests can either sit at the table, or stand in a circle (if by this time they have sat too long). The task is to pass the bump to each other. Condition - you can only transfer it by holding it on the back of two palms. Try it, it's hard enough ... But also fun!

You can also split into equal teams, and which one will pass its bump faster, that one won.

My Frost is the most beautiful!

You will need various items such as: garlands, funny hats, scarves, beads, ribbons. socks, mittens, women's handbags ... Two or three ladies who want to be in the role of Snow Maidens for a few minutes each choose a man to turn him into Santa Claus.

From the items prepared in advance on the table, the Snow Maidens create a cheerful image of their hero. In principle, this can be finished by choosing the most successful and funniest model ...

The Snow Maiden can take snowflakes for herself, which will help with the "decoration" of Santa Claus and with advertising.

Snow paths

This is a very successful game to identify pairs for the subsequent New Year contests.

Attributes: colored ribbons of winter shades (blue, light blue, silver ...). Length 4-5 meters. It is necessary to cut the ribbons in half in advance and sew them, mixing up the halves.

3-4 pairs of players are called. The presenter holds a basket / box to which there are colored ribbons, the ends of which hang down.

Host: “In the New Year, the paths were covered with snow ... The blizzard mixed up the paths in the house of Santa Claus. We must unravel them! Take in pairs each of the ends of the tape that you like and pull the track towards you. The couple who draws their ribbon earlier than others will receive a prize! "

The players choose their pair and the color of the ribbon, expecting that there will be a single ribbon at the ends of the same color. But the fun is that the ribbons are sewn in different ways and the pairs are completely unexpected.

Happy people train

Everyone loves round dances: both small and large (and those who are embarrassed to admit it)!

Arrange a round dance-train for your guests. It is clear that having a rest at a party can find it difficult to raise themselves to a mobile competition, so come up with branded clickers.

- Now those who
a) wants a lot of wealth for himself,
b) wants to be loved,
c) who wants a lot of health for themselves,
d) who dreams of a trip to the sea, etc.

The host drives the locomotive through the hall, it fills up and fills up with guests. And when it is clear that no one else can be pulled out from the tables, dancing-movements of the engine are arranged (they can be shown by the host) to the daring music.

New Year's term deposit

Attributes: candy wrappers.

Two couples are chosen, each one a man and a woman. It is desirable that men should be dressed approximately the same (if one has a jacket, then the other should be in a jacket).

- Dear women, on the threshold of the New Year, and you need to manage to make an urgent deposit in the bank. Here's some money (each of the women is given a pack of candy wrappers). These are initial payments. You will put them in the bank for a super term deposit. Your men are your banks. There is only one condition - each "bill" in a separate cell! Pockets, sleeves, collars, lapels and other secluded places can become cells. The contribution can be made while the music is playing. Just remember where you put your money. Let's start!

The task is given 1-2 minutes.

- Attention! Intermediate check: those who managed to make a full investment (not a single wrapper was left in their hands) receives an additional point. All the money is in business!

- And now, dear depositors, you must quickly withdraw cash - after all, we know that it was a super quick deposit. You will shoot each with a blindfold, but you always remember what and where you put it. Music! Let's start!

The trick is that men are swapped, and women blindfolded "search" someone else's partner without knowing it. Everyone has fun!

We are actors anywhere!

Those wishing to participate are given cards with tasks. None of them know in advance what they will have to face.

The host announces that the participants need to walk in front of everyone, depicting what is written on the cards. Here's a rough list:

  • tightrope walker over an abyss,
  • duck in the yard,
  • teenager with a stalled bike
  • shy girl,
  • shy Japanese woman in kimono in the rain,
  • a toddler,
  • heron through the swamp,
  • Joseph Kobzon at the speech,
  • policeman in the market,
  • hare on the path,
  • model on the catwalk,
  • arab sheikh,
  • cat on the roof, etc.

The assignments can be supplemented and expanded with any ideas.

Funny drawing "Bear in a den or slow-witted spectators"

Attention: played only once!

The presenter invites the person who wants to portray a pantomime, takes him to a separate room and gives him a "secret" task - portray without words bear (hare or kangaroo).

In the meantime, the facilitator's assistant negotiates with the others NOT to understand his movements.

The volunteer returns and begins to show the selected animal with movements and gestures. Guests pretend not to understand and name anything but the one they are shown.

- Walks, waddling? It's a platypus (a lame fox, a tired boar)!
- Licks his paw? Probably the cat is washing itself.

It happens that the depicting person is surprised by the lack of understanding of the guests, begins to get angry: “Why are you so stupid? It's so easy! " And if he shows hellish patience, he shows again and again - he has iron nerves! But it also amuses the staff gathered at the party. Do not delay it. When the player starts to run out of imagination and patience, you can guess the right animal.

3. Competitions to music

Can you imagine the New Year without music, songs and dancing? That's right, no! For additional entertainment and fun, a lot of music games-contests for the New Year's corporate party have been invented.

Scene "Clip Song"

This is the most creative musical entertainment for a New Year's corporate party.

Prepare musical accompaniment in advance: songs about Santa Claus, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden ... and simple attributes that will help the players to dress up (beads, hats, felt boots, scarves ...)

The task is to make a corporate video for the song "It's cold in winter for the little Christmas tree." We need an operator who will shoot the clip on camera.

The participants, accompanied by song accompaniment, begin to depict all the actions about which they are sung: "a gray little coward bunny jumped under a Christmas tree" - the hero jumps, "hung beads" - the team hangs beads on an impromptu live "tree".

You can split into two teams (employees and employees) and each will shoot its own video. It is desirable to display the results on a large screen and compare. To reward the winners with branded souvenirs or applause.

Contest "Lazy Dances"

The players sit in a circle on chairs and begin to dance to the merry New Year's music song. But these are strange dances - no one gets up!

At the command of the leader, they dance with different parts of the body:

  • First we dance with our elbows!
  • Then shoulders
  • feet,
  • fingers
  • lips,
  • eyes, etc.

The rest choose the coolest dance.

Shape-shifting song

This is a comic game that you can play at any moment of the holiday. The presenter pronounces the lines from the New Year / winter song, but with the words the other way around. The task of everyone is who is faster guess the original and sing it... The one who guesses the right is given a chip (wrapper, candy, cone ...), so that later it would be easier to calculate the winner in the entire competition.

The lines might look something like this:

- A birch died in the steppe. - The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
- The old month is slow, nothing will happen for a long time. - New Year is rushing to us, soon everything will happen.
- White-white steam stood on the ground. - Blue-blue frost lay on the wires.
- One gray donkey, one gray donkey. - Three white knights, three white knights.
- A brave white wolf sat on a baobab. -Grey little coward bunny under the Christmas tree was jumping.
- Be silent, Santa Claus, where will you go? - Tell me, Snegurochka, where have you been?
- You read me a book about 1 hour. - I'll sing you a song about five minutes.
- A huge palm tree is hot in summer. - The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.
- Weights were removed, left the chain. - They hung the beads, got up in a round dance.
- I ran away from you, Snegurochka, wiped off a little sweet smiles. - I ran after you, Santa Claus. I shed many bitter tears.
- Ay, heat-heat, warm you! Warm you and your camel. - Oh, frost-frost, don't freeze me! Don't freeze me, my horse.
- Your worst acquisition is me. - My best present is you.

Song Contest "Musical Hat of Santa Claus"

Attributes: we put words from New Year's songs in the cap.

The players pass it in a circle with musical accompaniment. When the music stops, the person who received the hat at that moment takes out a card with the word and must remember / sing a piece of the song where it occurs.

You can play in teams. Then the cap is passed from representative to representative of each team. You can limit the time for completing the task and reward the team for each guess.

Not sure if your guests are so quick-thinking - write not one word, but a short phrase. Then it will be easier to remember the song!

Candlelight dance

A dynamic, but at the same time very calm and gentle dance competition.

Put on some slow music and invite the couples to light the sparklers and dance. The couple with the fire burning longer wins and will receive a prize.

If you want to add spice to your dance - choose tango!

An old song in a new way

Print the lyrics of famous (not even New Year's) songs and prepare a music score without words (karaoke music).

It can be Karabas Barabas, Snow Maiden, an evil policeman, kind Baba Yaga and even your boss.

Quietly loudly

A well-known song is selected, which all guests begin to sing in chorus.

At the command "Quiet!" sing a song to themselves. At the command "Loud!" out loud again.

And since everyone sang at their own pace, the loud chorus starts with different words. And so it is repeated several times, all having fun.

4. Team

Team games for a New Year's corporate party will once again strengthen the team spirit and solidarity, playing the role of an unscheduled team building.

Competition - relay race "Boots of Santa Claus"

Attributes: 2 pairs of very large boots (or one).

This game is played around a tree or around chairs by teams.

Those who play at the signal of the driver or the sound of music put on big felt boots and run a race around the tree (chairs). If you only have one pair of these winter shoes, then let the teams compete against the clock.

With felt boots, you can still come up with many different relay races: divide into teams and run, passing them to each other in a team; carry on outstretched arms so as not to drop; put on felt boots and run backwards (it's difficult to do in large ones), etc. Imagine!

Don't drop the lump

Attributes: "snow" lumps made from crumpled paper; large spoons (wooden).

The course of the relay competition: two teams of equal number are going to. At the command of the driver (or by the sound of music), the first participants should quickly run around the room back and forth, carrying a lump in a spoon and trying not to drop it. Do not take too long routes - just make a circle around the tree.

The difficulty is that the paper is light and strives to fall to the floor all the time.

They play until the last person in the team comes running. Who is the first, he won!

Office wishes a Happy New Year

Attributes: 2-3 sheets of Whatman paper (depending on how many teams are playing), newspapers, magazines, glue and scissors.

In 10-15 minutes, the teams must cut out words from the paper editions offered to them, glue them on a sheet and draw up an original New Year greeting to those present.

You should get a little funny text. You can supplement the poster with clippings of pictures from the proposed magazines.

The most creative congratulation wins.

Christmas tree beads

Offer the teams plenty of paper clips (preferably multi-colored plastic). Task: in the allotted time (5 minutes, no more), long chains are assembled to pleasant music.

Whoever has the "beads" longer than the opponents, that team wins.

Assemble a team or "Friendly mosaic"

The competition requires little preparation. It is necessary to photograph the teams, print the photo on a printer and cut it into small pieces. The task of the teams is to add a photo of their team in the shortest possible time.

Those who complete their puzzle faster win.

Desirable so that the photos are large.

The snowman turns ...

Two teams. Each has 4 participants and 8 balls (blue and white can be used). Each one has large letters C_N_E_G_O_V_I_K written on it. The snowman "melts" and turns ... into other words.

The driver makes simple riddles, and the players build the guessed words from the balls with letters.

  • It grows on the face. - Nose.
  • Prohibited at work. - Sleep.
  • Candles are made from it. - Wax.
  • Harvested for the winter. - Hay.
  • Orange is preferred over tangerine. - The juice.
  • Difficulty getting up in the morning. - Eyelids.
  • Where did the office romance happen? - Movie.
  • Snow woman's colleague. - Snowman.

The fastest get points, and the ones who get the most points win.

5. Bonus - contests for a purely female team!

These games are suitable for a New Year's corporate party of doctors, teachers or for a kindergarten.

Rope for the brave

This competition is exclusively for an adult company. The guests are divided into two equal teams.

At the signal of the driver and to the perky music, the players take off parts of their clothes in order to tie a long, long rope out of them.

When “Stop!” Sounds, noticeably undressed participants begin to measure the length of their chains of clothes.

The longest wins!

I'll dress up for the New Year! or "Outfit in the dark"

Two participants stand near their chest / box / basket, which contain different items of clothing. They are first blindfolded, and then they must put on everything from the chest as quickly as possible.

Speed \u200b\u200band correctness are appreciated. Although everyone is more cheerful and from the fact that things get mixed up on the players.

The Snow Queen vice versa

Inventory: ice cubes from the freezer.

Several applicants for the crown of the Snow Queen are selected. They pick up an ice cube and, on command, must melt it as quickly as possible, turning it into water.

You can give one at a time, you can give several pieces of ice, putting them in bowls.

The first one to complete the task wins. She is awarded the title "The Hottest Snow Queen".

Will Cinderella go to the New Year's ball?

Mixed beans, peppers, rose hips, peas lie on plates in front of two participants (you can take any ingredients). The number of grains is small so that the game does not run for too long (you can check it experimentally before the holiday).

After the players are blindfolded, they begin to sort the fruits into piles by touch. Whoever copes first will go to the ball!

Cool games for guests. Games will not only bring life to any celebration, but also help guests to quickly get to know each other and make friends.

Fun and cool games for an adult holiday

Dating games

Dating game "Match me a ball"

The guests stand in a circle. There are two balls in the game. One is given to a woman, the other to a man. While dancing to the music, a woman passing in a circle passes the ball to the man she wants, and the man, in turn, passes the ball to the woman who likes it, and so on while the fast melody sounds.

Magic Rings game

Guests are invited to stand in two circles, one external and the other internal. Guests from the inner circle turn their faces in the guests of the outer circle. While the music is playing, all the guests walk in a circle, the outer circle to the right, the inner one to the left and dance. As soon as the music has died down, guests get to know each other standing opposite each other. A man shakes hands with a man, a woman makes a curtsy in front of a woman, a man kisses a woman's hand. Before the game, you can invite guests to rehearse.

Game "Ball in a circle"

The guests stand in a circle. While the music is playing, the guests pass a ball to each other. But to warn not to throw, but to pass. As the music dies down, the one with the ball says his name loudly and stands in the middle of the circle. Music sounds again, do not forget to invite guests to dance while playing. Gradually two circles will form, the outer circle will be smaller and smaller. As soon as there are two people left, they must be given a prize for their quickness and intelligence.

Games for the company

Game "Good mood for everyone"

The guests are in a circle. An incendiary disco melody sounds. At the moment of the dance, the presenter offers to convey a good mood to each other. One person takes a neighbor's arm and whirls with him, thus this neighbor must go to his neighbor and whirl around with him to the music, and so on until everything is overloaded with music.

Game "Golden Gate"

Two people stand up as a pair, join hands and raise their hands up, the rest of the guests, to the music, stand behind each other and, holding hands, pass through the gate, which was created by two people, raising their hands. Music stops, hands drop, and those who stayed inside stand up in a circle with two novice players. Hands are raised and the rest of the guests continue to pass as long as the music is playing. Play until the last player. The inner circle becomes the main one.

The game "Smart train"

Each guest is a separate carriage. The host of the guests chooses a locomotive and announces the rules of the game. Each wagon clings to itself another wagon, and so on until the last. The last but one participant wins, who hit the trailer last.

Game "Islets"

The guests are standing in a circle. Each player has a sheet of paper A-4 at their feet. The guests walk in a circle to the music and dance. The music died down, and each player gets on his own island. The host, after each time, removes one piece of paper. Whoever did not get it, does not leave the circle, but simply dances to the music. Play until the last two players. Prizes for the winners.

Theater and song games for the company

Cool game "BABA-YAGA"

Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. He holds the bucket by the handle with one hand, and the mop in the other. In this position, it is necessary to go the entire distance and pass the stupa and broom to the next.


Participants choose a song they know well and begin to sing it in chorus. At the command of the host: “Quiet!”, The players stop talking and begin a song to themselves. After a while, the presenter gives the command: "Loud!" and the players sing the continuation of the song out loud. In most cases, while singing to themselves, the players change the tempo, and after the command “Loud!”, Everyone sings out of order and the game ends with laughter.


Wishing contestants are given cards with a task that they perform without preparation. You need to walk in front of the tables like:
- a woman with heavy bags;
- gorilla in the cage;
- a sparrow on the roof;
- stork in the swamp;
- chicken in the yard;
- a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
- sentry guarding the food warehouse;
- an infant who has just learned to walk;
- a guy in front of an unfamiliar girl;
- Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

Fantasy game "GOLDEN KEY"

The participants of the game will have to portray the swindlers from the fairy tale "The Golden Key". Two pairs are called. One in each pair is Alice the fox, the other is Basilio's cat. The one who is the Fox - bends one leg at the knee and, holding it with his hand, together with the Cat, who is blindfolded, embracing, overcome the given distance. The pair "limping" first, receives the "golden key" - a prize.

Naughty games for the company


In the middle of the hall, chairs are placed in a circle. Participants (men and women) sit on them. The driver is chosen, who stands in the middle of the circle. He is blindfolded. Music sounds and the driver walks in a circle. As soon as the music is interrupted, the driver must sit on the lap of the one next to whom he stopped. The person to whom the driver sat on his knees is trying not to give himself away. The rest ask: "Who?" The driver is trying to guess. If he fails, then he swaps places with the player, if not, the game repeats.

Game "Dancers robbers"

The presenter creates pairs according to the number of men. Invites three women separately from couples. And explains the rules. Couples dance to the music. Dancers (3 women) approach the dancers and clap their hands loudly. The couple automatically breaks up, the man goes over to the one who was clapping his hands. The woman who remains becomes a hooligan and approaches any pair and breaks her. The most important thing in this game is that the music should not be slow.

The game "WATERWOOD"

The participants are divided into two teams. Each team receives two pots of drinking water (with beer, compote, juice) and straws according to the number of participants. At the command of the leader, both teams begin to drink water with the help of straws. The team that completed the task faster wins.


An odd number of participants are divided into pairs. The one left without a pair gets a special partner - a mop. The presenter turns on the music and the couples begin to dance (about 2-3 minutes). As soon as the music stops, the couples should switch partners. This must be done very quickly, since at this time a player without a pair throws a mop and grabs the first person who comes across, it does not matter, a man or a woman. The participant, left without a pair, will have to dance for the next 2 minutes with a mop. It's fun.

The game "FEED ME"

Guests are divided in pairs. Each pair has a man and a woman. The task of each couple is to unroll and eat the candy given by the presenter with joint efforts without using hands. The couple who did it first wins.


Place the glasses of the drink on the floor at your feet on the side and step as far as possible. And then get your glass out without leaving the place and without touching the floor with your hands and knees.


Whoever inflates the largest balloon and it doesn't burst wins.

Game "APPLE"

Each dancing couple holds an apple or an orange between their foreheads. The musician changes the melodies from slow to fast. The dancers' task is to keep the apple.

The last one to sound is "Yablochko", it is proposed to dance in a squatting position.


Participants stand behind each other and hold onto the belt of the player in front. The goal of the first player in the chain is to catch the last player. The chain must not break.


A piece of cheese (100 - 150 g) is tied to the elastic band. The elastic band itself is fixed on a stretched horizontal rope. In total, 2 - 4 pieces of cheese are suspended, and a couple of participants (preferably of the opposite sex) are called to each of them. The players' task is to eat cheese without using hands. The one who eats faster will win.

The game "COTTON"

Multiple participants are called. The host shows them two positions:

1 - the right hand holds the left earlobe, and the left hand holds the tip of the nose;

2 - the right hand touches the tip of the nose, the left hand holds the right earlobe.

On the clap of the leader, all participants must change one position to another. The clapping rate is slowly increasing.

The winner is the one who performs the movements correctly the longest.

"Funny toasts alphabetically."This one is well suited for those cases when all the standard wishes have already sounded, and raising glasses just like that is not interesting. Each party to the feast must make a toast that begins with a specific letter, for example:

  • Z - "Health in the New Year, so that you can gather at more than one corporate party!";
  • E - “If we don’t eat enough, then at least we’ll get drunk! For this we will empty our glasses! "

You can run the game in a circle so that the letters are given to everyone in turn, or you can prepare cards with the alphabet in advance, put them in a box and let everyone draw out at random. The winner is the one who, in the opinion of the majority of those present, makes the funniest or most original toast (one or more).

Council. To diversify this entertainment, you can draw an analogy with the popular city game: in this case, each next toast will start with the last letter of congratulations that was sounded earlier.

"How little you know about me." All competitors should be given pens and small sheets of paper. Everyone should write about themselves a fact that is little known among colleagues, something that is usually not accepted to talk about at work. For example, someone broke glass with a ball during his school years. Someone was promised a career as a famous football player, but due to an injury they had to enter the Faculty of Economics. All the notes must be rolled up and folded from the box, and then taken out in turn and read aloud. Those present must guess who they are talking about. The one who turns out to be the most discerning wins.

"What is my name?"... For this entertainment, you need to prepare in advance small tablets with interesting and not the most simple words: for example, "excavator", "charm", "multicooker", etc. Each participant in a corporate party at the beginning of the evening should get a sign that can be attached to the forehead or back. The task of the players is to find out as quickly as possible what is written on their plate. To do this, you need to ask all those around you questions to which they will answer "yes" or "no". The winner is the one who most quickly understands what "nickname" he got.

Council. Another version of this game is to write on the tablets the names of famous actors, singers, athletes, etc.

"Everyone is singing!"... All those present are combined into several teams. It's good if each of them includes representatives of different generations. Then all together choose a common theme: seasons, love, animals, etc. The essence of the task: take turns recalling themed songs and humming a few lines from them. The team that holds the longest will win.

"Remember all"... Another board-table game for which you will need to prepare in advance pens or pencils and sheets of paper with the categories written on them: “city”, “country”, “plant”, “female / male name”, etc. Participants can participate in the competition individually or in teams. Having received the leaves in their hands, they need 1-2 minutes. write as many words as possible for each category. The winner is determined by a simple calculation method.

For outdoor enthusiasts. Mobile contests for corporate parties

"Big races". On the table or on the floor, you need to organize a kind of track: arrange dishes or other objects in such a way that you get several tracks. They need to drive small balls (for example, for table tennis), blowing on them through a cocktail straw. The winner will be the one who is the first to bring his car to the finish line. You can arrange a knockout game when a new participant takes the place of the loser.

"The snow is spinning." For this fun competition, you will need to prepare small pieces of cotton wool or paper napkins. They need to be distributed to everyone who wishes to participate in the entertainment. At the signal, everyone who received a "snowflake" should start blowing on it so that it does not fall to the floor. The winner is the one who keeps the piece of cotton wool or napkin in the air for the longest time.

"New Year's round dance"... This is a team competition, and the team that will cope with the task funnier than the others will win. Each group is given leaflets on which it is indicated which round dance should be depicted. This could be an event organized by:

  • in kindergarten;
  • in the army;
  • in a psychiatric hospital, etc.

To win, you need to artistically and wittily get used to the proposed roles. The most talented actors can be awarded with prizes.

A corporate party is a good reason to make the team even more friendly, and even the preparatory stage, joint discussion of ideas, preparation of props will help with this.

When choosing contests for the New Year's holiday among colleagues, do not forget that you need to maintain a healthy spirit of competition among employees by awarding prizes to the winners. Such gifts are usually symbolic: small office supplies, sweets, souvenirs, etc. You can prepare small presentations with the company logo, reward especially distinguished employees with funny, original certificates. The main thing is that it was fun to celebrate a New Year's corporate party, and remembering it is not a shame.

Corporate competition: video

A corporate party is fun with a special status. Only a few times a year each of us has the opportunity to see our colleagues in the form of ordinary people, and not heads of departments, chief accountants and economists. And a special role in such a situation is played by contests and games for a corporate party. After all, this is a unique way to unite into one close-knit and fun team. The main thing is that after the fun you will not be ashamed of your "exploits". To prevent this from happening, and time passed excitingly, and all kinds of outdoor games for a corporate party were invented. So, we present the most interesting and memorable ways to have fun with colleagues.

Entertainment and games at the corporate party

Any fun should start with frank conversations accompanied by strong drinks.

  • The competition "I never ..." is the best for this moment. Each of the participants, raising a glass, confesses to what he has never done and drinks. Only those who have done what the colleague is talking about can drink with him. This competition will reveal the terrible secrets of many employees, but will greatly amuse the whole team.
  • If the team is still young enough, then you can re-acquaint everyone. In the circle of those sitting at the table you need to put a hat with notes in which various difficult "names" are written. For example: bread slicer, lemur, excavator, grenadier, etc. The main thing is not to call the "grenadier" by his new name after the competition, so as not to be offended.

Not all employees choose to speak in public. Games at the table were created especially for them, which are especially popular at any corporate party.

  • Different notes are put in two containers (a hat, a cap, a large bowl will do). In one container it is written what to drink from, and in the other - what to eat. As a result, those sitting at the table will drink from a handful of a neighbor on the table, a juice cork or from a basin, and eat with a kiss from the same neighbor, a piece of napkin, a lemon crust, etc.
  • As entertainment at the table, a quiz of difficult questions is perfect. The winner is the employee who gave the most correct answers. Examples of questions might be as follows:
    • When is a person in a room without a head? (When he pokes her out of the window)
    • What should be done so that 4 guys stay in one boot? (Remove 1 boots from each)
    • When a horse is bought, what is it like? (Wet)
    • Which hand is the best for stirring tea? (It is better to stir tea with a spoon)
    • What gets bigger if you put it upside down? (Number 6)
  • Another great "drinking" competition is the "Don't Shoot" competition. Funny things are put into a pre-prepared box or bag: a sock, family panties, beads, clown noses or glasses with a mustache, a large bra, etc. To the music, a container with objects is passed from hand to hand, and then suddenly breaks off. The one who has the container in his hands pulls out one item. The main task is not to shoot the "catch" for about half an hour.

Comic and slightly frank games at a corporate party should be served "for a snack". Then they will receive the highest rating from their colleagues.

Entertainment and games at a corporate party are the best way to fight boredom. On each of these evenings, there are sure to be especially distinguished. But it is in such a relaxed atmosphere that true friendship is born in a team, which will give odds to any competitors in work.