Good jokes for April 1 at school. How to prank the teacher at school on April Fool's Day

In the past, people were much more trusting, so the joke about a person having a white back always worked. Now it is considered obsolete and a person will not even take off his jacket or jacket when he hears this. In order for a joke to work in the modern world, it must be much more inventive.

However, it is worth noting that now it has become easier to come up with jokes, because a person is dependent on many things - phone, social networks, email, car and computer. And, besides, in stores you can find a huge amount of special props, with which you can easily play friends, classmates, and even harsh teachers.

Often, however, the fantasies take the jokers far away, and sometimes the person who becomes the victim is far from laughing. It is worth remembering that the jokes on April 1 at school should be, first of all, kind. After all, it is good laughter that prolongs life. Consider how to prank friends on April 1 at school and how you can make fun of teachers.

Students who are wondering how to prank classmates on April 1st at school should be prepared for the fact that they will have to answer for their jokes, so it's best to team up with a few friends and play pranks on the rest of the class. So the victims will be less offended, and the result will bring much more pleasure to the authors of the prank.

Smeared phone

Teachers don’t like it when students use phones in class, and it’s these gadget lovers that you can play a trick on on the first of April. To do this, at recess, while no one sees, you can carefully apply ordinary women's lipstick on the sides of the phones. When comrades pick up their phones during the lesson, their hands and fingers will be covered in lipstick, so they will either have to look for napkins or ask for time off to wash their hands. And those who do not immediately notice, for sure, will leave prints in a notebook.

Runaway money

The next draw is better to discreetly record on video, because there is nothing more fun than watching classmates hunt for money. You can attach a thread to a fifty-ruble bill with adhesive tape and put it in the center of the corridor near the classroom. When one of the classmates wants to raise money, you will need to sharply pull the thread, and the bill will run away. You can also joke with a coin. You can stick 10 rubles on the step with superglue and watch from around the corner how everyone is trying to peel off the coin.

small shoes

If it is customary at school to wear interchangeable shoes, then you can play classmates with the help of ordinary newspapers. To do this, you need to roll balls from newspapers and push them into everyone's shoes. When classes are over, it will be a lot of fun to watch your classmates change their shoes.

free candy

Another interesting draw can be done using the phone. You need to borrow a gadget from someone and send SMS on behalf of this classmate to other students with some text, for example: “I treat you with sweets today. Come to me at recess." It will be very funny to watch a crowd of free candy lovers gather around one person.

As you know, teachers can also play students well, for example, by announcing that everyone will write a test, or that after the lessons they will have to stay to work on an additional topic.

Very often, students arrange rather offensive pranks for teachers, for example, they put buttons on a chair. But you can do it so as not to anger the teacher, but rather, to cheer him up.


The most fun prank will require serious preparation. You need to find clothes that are similar to those worn by the teacher, or the teacher. If anything, you can borrow a shirt and pants from dad, or a suit and unnecessary tights from mom. From the collected clothes it is necessary to make a person. To do this, you can stuff things with newspapers, while wrapping everything with tape. Then you need to put the resulting character at recess at the teacher's table. After that, you need to figure out how to hide the absence of a head. You can make it look like a little man is reading a newspaper. After the new teacher is seated, all students should sit down at their desks and start writing something. Surely, the teacher will be very surprised to see the children who are taught by his double.

Singing in class

Another interesting prank should be done with a teacher who has a sense of humor. You can invite classmates to answer in the lesson not as usual, but by singing their answer. Of course, you can’t stretch such a joke for a whole lesson, but you can play each teacher like that, and at the end of the lesson, sing together “Happy April First!”

Popular draws

Among the popular pranks, one can also note the lathering of the board so that the chalk does not write, or the joke that the teachers are called to the principal. But in this case, it will be necessary for the rest of the students to gather at the office of the school administration and greet the teacher with joyful cries.

“And your back is all white!” “You can’t fool anyone like that today. Today you need to be creative! Oh, sometimes it’s so good to play a joke on someone! Over a school friend, over a strict teacher, over dad and mom, over all classmates at once ... The first April day was created for practical jokes, jokes and jokes. Before you begin, remember the most important rule: your antics on April Fool's Day should not cause great harm or threaten someone with injury. Be sure to remember this!

Playing on the phone

Insidious prank of a classmate: thickly grease the telephone receiver with lipstick. Of course, it is not necessary to smear the entire tube, but only that part of it that is applied to the ear. Now call! When your buddy answers, his whole ear will be covered in lipstick. Another option is to call a friend and in a serious voice tell him not to pick up the phone for 10 minutes. Allegedly, a telephone operator has come to repair your device, and the telephone master can be electrocuted. Call back in a couple of minutes. When your friend picks up the phone, let out a heartbreaking cry and immediately congratulate him on the first of April!

How to prank friends

With your back turned to your friend, shake the closed soda bottle well and offer him a treat. When a delighted friend starts to unscrew the lid, he will be lightly covered with lemonade foam. Has the bell rung for change? Go up to your best friend and say in a sad voice that he was urgently summoned to his school principal or head teacher. Eh, briefcase battles cannot be avoided! Before starting this fight, make sure your friend doesn't have a huge brick in their briefcase that pranksters could plant.

Take the usual poltorashka from under the soda. Cut off its neck so that you get a balloon. Fill it with water and just put it in the hallway. Put a shopping bag on the balloon, in which everyone carries groceries. The first kid passing by will definitely kick your balloon and spill a gorgeous puddle in the middle of the school corridor! You don't have to do this at home.

Take a 10-ruble coin and stick it on the steps with instant glue. After that, hide behind the corner and watch with pleasure how all the people entering the school try to pick up the coin. Did you have guests? Fine! Leave for a minute in the hallway and stuff crumpled sheets of newspapers into everyone's shoes. Their shoes will become, as it were, a size smaller. When your guests go to get ready, you will just break your stomach watching them try to put on their shoes. Do not forget to congratulate everyone on April 1 and help pull out the paper.

Another option with guests. Call everyone and say that you are expecting him to visit, well, let's say at 7 o'clock in the evening. Make a deal with mom. She must say that you have not yet come from the street. Hide yourself in the closet. Let the guests gather in your room and wait. Sit in the closet for 10 minutes, and then jump out of it and please your friends with your unexpected appearance! But you don’t need to shout too loudly - what if you scare someone ... Did you laugh together as you should? Fine! Now offer delicious juice and cookies to your delighted guests.

Pranks for parents

Find any cardboard box - well, for example, from under shoes. Hang it on some closet so that you have to reach for it. Cut a large hole in the bottom of the box, and pour confetti inside. Glue a bright label to the box with a large and tempting inscription "do not touch the gift!" When a concerned business dad enters this room, he will immediately see the box and try to take it off. Your box with a holey bottom will shower him with confetti from head to toe! Laugh with your mom.

Let's play a joke on mother too! But how? Ask your beloved mother to close her eyes and reach out her hand. Tell her you want to surprise her. Really do it! Put a big plastic beetle in her palm. You'll see how she screams! The reaction of the mother can be violent - you may even have to hide a little behind the broad back of the father.

How to divorce your relatives, friends and just acquaintances on April 1? The relevance of this issue increases as this amazing holiday approaches, popularly referred to as the "April Fool's Day".

History of April Fool's Day - April 1

  • The first vague hints of the existence of this custom can be found in the literary works of French poets dating from the beginning of the 16th century.
  • There is historical evidence describing the actions of a Flemish nobleman who played his servant on April 1, 1539, forcing her to carry out playful assignments.

For the first time, the English writer John Aubrey mentioned the existence of the holiday of fools in the distant 1686.

  • A decade later, several Londoners attempted a hoax by letting Londoners know that a public lion-washing ceremony would take place at the Tower on April 1st.

Muscovites first encountered the April Fool's hoax in 1703. Arriving at the place of mass festivities at the invitation of street barkers to watch the “extraordinary performance”, the people saw the stage with the curtain down. At the appointed hour, the curtain was thrown open, and behind it everyone saw a canvas with a mocking text: “The first of April - don’t trust anyone.” No performance followed.

Despite the centuries-old tradition of April Fools' jokes, the leading positions in the arsenal of traditional jokes continue to be occupied by phrases about runaway milk and a back that has turned white from chalk. The most amazing thing is that these jokes continue to operate to this day.

How to play a husband?

  • A wife who loves to make fun of her beloved husband can cover the toilet with the thinnest cling film. As a rule, an unsuspecting sleepy person does not notice anything and sends natural needs. How good this joke is - both spouses decide, eliminating its consequences. At best, the joker will hear a few not too flattering expressions addressed to her. At worst, there will be a scandal. To arrange such a draw or not is up to you.
  • In a family with a child, you can organize such a joke: putting a hefty portion of squash caviar in a clean diaper in advance, wait for the moment when the husband enters the kitchen and, in front of the astonished spouse, start eating ... you know what. This must be done with gusto. When the husband comes to his senses, offer him to try an unusual treat.

A fairly standard joke is the substitution of the contents of the sugar bowl and salt shaker: salt and sugar are poured from one container to another. As a result, for breakfast, the husband makes himself either sweet scrambled eggs or salty tea, and with a particularly “successful” set of circumstances, both.

  • Quite often, wives make fun of sleeping husbands by painting their toenails green. For those who choose this option, we give a hint in advance: hydrogen peroxide will help to cope with greenery.

How to play a wife on April 1 - video

A harmless but effective prank for a wife with a sense of humor.

How to play a prank on your parents? Or how to divorce parents on April 1?

How to prank friends? Or how to breed a friend on April 1?

How to breed friends on the first day of April?

How to breed and play classmates at school on April 1?

To draw classmates on the first day of April, there are many ways that have already become traditional. Let's remember them:

With the advent of prank departments in our malls, classmates got a way to play pranks on their comrades at school. Especially for the April Fool's drawings, they can buy there:

  1. Chewing gum with a disgusting taste (for example, dichlorvos).
  2. Candy with insects inside. Made of food-grade plastic, they will not cause the slightest harm to health, although they make a rather repulsive impression.
  3. A spyglass with an eyepiece that leaves a mark around the eye that resembles a completely natural bruise.
  4. A pen with splattered ink. Defiantly spraying them with an overly elegant classmate and enjoying a violent reaction on her part, you can follow the process of the disappearance of the stain with no less pleasure (this ink disappears after drying).

Harmless pranks of colleagues

Office workers have a huge number of ways to play each other, because everything you need for this is on any desktop.

Tape prank in the office - video:

  • Having printed an image of paper clips on a copier, they put it under a transparent tray: someone will certainly try to get them out of there.
  • Computer mice of all employees are glued to the table with double-sided tape.
  • On the doors of the toilets (preferably on a couple of floors), a notice is posted that they are being renovated.
  • The drawers of the desks are pasted over with double-sided tape so that they open at the same time.

How to breed the boss on April 1?

Before you divorce the boss, you need to think carefully about whether you will have to regret it later. If he does not have problems with a sense of humor and vindictiveness, he does not suffer, you can start preparing the April Fool's prank.

How to breed a beloved guy on April 1? Or a prank on a loved one

how to joke on the internet

There are a great many ways to play a harmless prank, and as information technology develops, the number of ways that make it easy to convey comic disinformation is also increasing. Nowadays, it has become possible to divorce your loved ones over the Internet and via SMS.

Ways of April Fool's drawings on the Internet can be as follows:

  • Secretly from someone close (parents or a guy with whom they live together), they change the password for their favorite computer toy. Imagine their annoyance when they make several attempts to enter it.
  • You can play a loved one in contact by sending him a special link, by clicking on which he will be confused by the sudden change of language on his page. Information on how exactly this is done can be obtained using the search bar of your browser.

How to prank a friend on VKontakte by sending a message from a celebrity - video:

  • You can puzzle your boyfriend on VK with a simple change of status or marital status. Sometimes you can create intrigue by opening and closing access to different blocks of personal information. In this case, not only he, but simply familiar people begin to show interest in the personal life of the user of the mysterious page.

april fools sms

The texts of April Fools' SMS can be something like this:

  • Dear, come quickly: the husband has already gone to work, and the child is still sleeping. I kiss tenderly, I wait (“by mistake” is sent to my husband).
  • Hi! I am a messed up text message. On the way to you, I met with friends and forgot who I went to. Send me back to someone. Thank you in advance.

April 1 is a rare day when you can tell the truth with impunity, because not a single living soul will believe in it.

  • If on April Fool's Day you become a victim of a prank, then you feel like the last fool, and if you could play someone yourself, then the first.

The most fun day of the year, when you can make fun of your friends and not be afraid to take insults in return. In anticipation of this day, the offices are diligently preparing, and parents and children are inventing how to play each other in an original way at home. Well, schoolchildren, who just give the opportunity to play someone, develop whole plans on how to play a fun trick on classmates and teachers at school on April 1st.

To play a trick on April 1, 2019, you can send out funny, or comic text-advertisements on classmates. For example, that another lesson was added on Monday, or that a general cleaning is planned in the classroom, so everyone should bring gloves and rags with them.

But in order for April Fool's Day to succeed, it should be remembered that school holidays for friends and teachers should not be traumatic and offensive, because the main thing is general fun, which will charge you with a good mood and give only positive emotions.

The draw on April 1 with a box is popular among schoolchildren. Put a box with a bright, catchy and provocative name on a cabinet that is taller than human height in the classroom to be sure to attract the attention of the teacher. It is very important in this draw that the box was without a bottom, and there were a lot of confetti inside it. When the teacher sees the box and tries to take it off (or asks someone to do it), the “victim” will be sprinkled with confetti, because the box has no bottom.

Find the most inveterate debater in the class or among friends from the parallel and offer to participate in the argument. As a prize, choose a chocolate bar, yogurt or a pack of cookies. The essence of the argument is that he will not run a very short distance in 1 minute. Gather spectators and start the race. The athlete, of course, will cope with the task much faster, and when he demands a prize, say: “But you didn’t run in 1 minute, you did it faster. Lost! Well, do not forget to add: “The first of April - I don’t trust anyone!”

The classic and beloved by many draw on April 1 at school is to rub the blackboard with soap or paraffin. No matter what the teacher tries to write on the blackboard, he will fail. True, no one canceled oral assignments.

Want to prank the whole class? Prepare scary jokes. Buy plastic spiders, cockroaches, and other bugs, or cut them out of paper. On the day of the draw, come to the classroom early and arrange the decor on the desks, drawers and books of your classmates. And after that, all that remains is to wait for the "delight" when friends will find your little surprises.

If you are absolutely sure that your teacher has an excellent sense of humor, pull the following joke for April 1st. When the class bell rings, take the teacher's seat and encourage the entire class to do your task, such as sit-ups. When the teacher enters the classroom, say in all seriousness that you are the new teacher of physical education (biology, mathematics). At first, the teacher will be perplexed, well, and then he will laugh heartily. The main thing is not to play too much.

To play your best friend or girlfriend on April 1, carefully take his / her phone and smear some part (not a microphone and speaker) with lipstick, preferably colorless, and call. When a friend or girlfriend picks up the phone, the whole ear will be in lipstick.

Through the sleeve of a sweater or jacket, hide a spool of thread in your pocket so that one piece of thread sticks out of the sleeve. Ask one of your classmates to pull or cut the thread, but friends will not be able to do it so easily, because the coil is constantly unwinding. Make the same request to the teacher, who also will not be able to “save” you from the thread so immediately. Important: choose a teacher who will understand the joke and not get angry for wasted time.

Well, the classic jokes: “Your back is white” or “You were called to the director”, no one canceled.

Fix the coins on the floor in the classroom while no one is looking. Tip: you can use glue, or you can put a coin on tape - it all depends on how much time you have for this scam. When classmates enter the classroom, they will notice a bunch of coins on the floor, but they won’t be able to take them.

For this prank, you'll need little plastic insects, some luck, and a friend who definitely won't be mad at you. It is desirable that he does not have phobias associated with spiders. Wait for the victim to be distracted and throw cute spiders in her lunch, in a prominent place.

Prank - (from the English “prank, prank, prank, prank, joke”) are phone calls, usually anonymous, with the aim of provoking their “victim”, a hooligan joke, to force a person to a vivid response. Of course, it is important to know if your friend accepts this approach to humor, whether it will be funny to him.

If you are in doubt and feel that this can offend a person, hurt and humiliate - do not joke in this way.

Now you have new school pranks in your arsenal of jokes, which you can use to diversify the scenario of celebrating April Fool's Day on April 1st with friends at school. Have fun and enjoy April Fool's Day!

When choosing the appropriate option, how to play classmates on April 1 at school or a teacher, it is important to consider one thing. The prank or chosen joke must be kind, not harm anyone. If an April Fool's joke is a reason to laugh only for you, and it does not cheer up other people, then you should think about it, perhaps you did not intend a joke, but simply a mockery of a student or teacher whom you do not like.

But April 1 is precisely the International Day of Laughter. So, the selected draw should cheer up not only you, but all the people around. Only with such a competent and thoughtful approach will it be possible to find a positive and pleasant reputation as an excellent joker.

We offer a great version of a joke on a math teacher. It will be necessary to take the place of the teacher, while she has not yet come to the class and start with her classmates how to conduct a physical education lesson: squats, even push-ups. When the teacher enters the classroom, you need to tell her in all seriousness that you are a physical education teacher and now is a physical education lesson. At first it will cause shock, and then friendly laughter. With such an interesting draw, it will be great to start the lesson on April 1. And do not forget to congratulate the teacher on.

This joke can be played with any teacher, regardless of what subject he teaches at school. So, you just hide a spool of thread in your sleeve, and stick a piece of thread out. Then you need to ask one of your classmates to cut the thread. When they fail, because the coil is constantly going on, the same request should be addressed to the teacher. It is important to choose a teacher who can understand the intent of the joke and not be angry that you simply wasted his time.

An interesting option, how you can play your classmates. But it will be necessary to persuade the elder. At the beginning of the day, she makes an announcement that the math teacher (or other teacher) is unhappy with the class' performance. She said that today after the last lesson there would be additional mathematics. It is obligatory for everyone to be present, the absence can have a negative impact on the final grades. When angry and angry classmates come to the classroom after the last lesson, then you and the headman will meet them there with balloons, soda and sweets. There are not so many holidays in life, so why not celebrate April 1 together - April Fool's Day.

Another version of the joke can be made if agreed in advance with the teacher. You should ask him to dictate a lot of exercises as homework at the end of the lesson. When classmates begin to resent that the teacher should open the cards and say that this is his and your gift by the first of April. Of course, ideally, you need to agree with the teacher so that at the end he cancels all assignments and gives you a real day off. You can treat the teacher and classmates.

If you find an interesting way to play classmates on April 1 at school with words, then you won’t even need an additional organization of the draw. But, you will hardly argue with the fact that a specially organized joke is a special pleasure both for the person who decides to carry it out and for those around him.

It will be possible to organize a large-scale draw, for which you need to carefully prepare in advance. In a jacket and pants, boots, you need to stuff newspapers. Before all, and especially. Teachers, come to the school and put the newspaper man in the teacher's seat. Of course, this should be done as close to reality as possible. You can do, for example, that the teacher reads a newspaper: then his face and hands will not be visible. The effect of such a joke will only be positive, and the joke itself will be harmless. It will definitely appeal not only to your classmates, but also to the teacher. After all, all teachers value creativity. To celebrate April 1 even brighter, you can bring to school.

We have collected only harmless, but effective jokes as a mood booster. April 1 is the day of Laughter for every person. But not everyone has the courage, determination and just the desire to prank classmates and teachers in an interesting and unusual way. We believe in you and your creativity: you will be able to play any given joke as funny and interesting as possible. Good luck!