What is the best way to paint a wooden house? Painting a wooden house inside: step-by-step preparation and painting of wooden walls inside the house

Finishing the facade by painting is always more profitable from a financial point of view than the same type of finishing used for interior decoration. The thing is that in addition to the external walls, the house also has partitions, which doubles the area of ​​the surface to be painted. Therefore, even if the price of facade paint turns out to be slightly higher, less money will still be spent on exterior finishing.

However, before painting the outside of the house, you need to choose the right paint and prepare the surface, because the quality of the finish as a whole ultimately depends on these two nuances. In this article we will talk about the types and compatibility of facade paints and varnishes, their protective and decorative properties. We hope that our instructions will become the best assistant for those who cannot make a choice.

By and large, the standards impose requirements not so much on the paints themselves, but on the decorative films they form.

What is most important to them? The main indicator of good façade paint is the ability of the coating to maintain its integrity and original color for a long time under weather conditions.

Basic indicators

For façade paints, indicators such as vapor permeability and moisture resistance are very important, and in fact, achieving them from one material is quite problematic. And without this combination, the coating will not be durable, since moisture attacks it not only from the outside, but also comes out in the form of steam from the wall.

Note! When the steam has nowhere to go, it condenses and moisturizes the inner surface of the paint film. In winter, this moisture freezes, and when it thaws, it expands and peels off the paint. Keep in mind: the higher the vapor permeability of the structural material of the walls and their interior decoration, the higher this indicator should be for the façade paint.


  • Paints with good vapor permeability are called “breathable”, and this characteristic is improved by introducing pore-forming additives into the paintwork composition.. But in order for the coating to be resistant to ultraviolet radiation, manufacturers have to use light-resistant film formers and pigments.

  • Peeling of paint from the base occurs not only due to its poor vapor permeability. The quality of the coating is largely determined by the properties of the primer, which must also be properly selected. The main rule here is that the primer composition should be made based on the same components as the paint.

To a question like: “How to paint the outside of a log house?”, we can safely answer that the best option is self-priming paint, which is both a primer and a paint.

Simply, when applying the first layer, it is diluted with a solvent to a more liquid state, and the surface is primed. The second layer is applied as usual.

Choice of colors

When choosing paint for the facade, it is also necessary to take into account such indicators as hiding power and consumption per 1 m2. In fact, these are two related concepts - the better the paint covers the base, the fewer layers will have to be applied, and accordingly, its consumption will be lower.

Advice! Before judging which paint is more cost-effective, do not look at the price tags, but compare the consumption indicators. If more expensive paint turns out to be more economical in terms of consumption, then, most likely, its use will be the most profitable from a financial point of view.

Lime based paints

The most environmentally friendly paints are lime and silicate options. It would seem that with the advent of newfangled paints and tinting impregnations, no one uses lime whitewash anymore. But, nevertheless, the facades of old buildings that are undergoing restoration are painted with them.

What is the reason for this preference:

  • But the fact is that lime paint does not contain polymers and does not form a film, which, in fact, is foreign to the walls. It conducts steam best, and is even a kind of antiseptic - just remember trees, whose trunks are still treated with lime to this day. But, of course, this does not mean that wooden walls can be painted with a lime-based composition.

Note! Substrates suitable for applying lime paints include lime-containing plasters and base substrates, as well as walls built from natural stone and concrete. The list of contraindications for them is as follows: all gypsum-based substrates (plaster, panels, gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber board), ceramic bricks, as well as old paint and varnish coatings that are not classified as lime.

  • The only disadvantage of lime paints is that they do not tint very well (see How to tint paint: choosing an option), and when painting it is almost impossible to achieve a uniform shade of the surface. In addition, over time it crumbles, and the facade quite often has to be repainted. Therefore, when we are talking not about a modest country house, but about a city residential building with a façade design claim, you will have to choose something else for exterior painting.
  • If you need to do the initial painting of a newly plastered house, or you need to repaint a façade that was previously painted with lime or cement paint, you can give preference to silicate compounds. They also contain lime, but along with it there are also 13-15% organic compounds, due to which the durability of the coating increases.

  • Indications and contraindications for the use of silicate paints are exactly the same as for lime paints - we have already drawn your attention to this. This type of paint is produced either in powder form, which must be mixed with liquid glass, or, as shown in the photo above, in finished form.
  • As a rule, it is just white paint. Before use, it is tinted as desired, but the colors are mostly pastel. Silicate compounds are quite caustic, and when applying such paint with your own hands, you must be especially careful and use protective equipment.

For the same reason, and also because it hardens quite quickly, it is applied with a roller (see), and not with a spray gun. You will get more detailed information on performing this work by watching the video in this article.

Aqueous dispersions

Everyone knows that water-based paints are mainly used for painting interiors. But imagine that for facades in many cases they should also be given preference. For example, on cement plaster, which is usually used for exterior work, it is generally not recommended to use alkyd and oil-based compounds.

  • The reason for this is the presence in these paints of fatty acids in an ethereal state, which, when exposed to the alkaline environment of the plaster, begin to collapse. So here the palm goes to dispersion-type paints.

Note! To the question: “What is the best way to paint a house made of timber from the outside?”, we will answer this way. If you want to get a color that matches the wood palette, it is better to give preference to tinted antiseptics, or, as they are also called, colored impregnations. They are both bioprotection and wood tinting. Well, to obtain any other color, we recommend the same dispersion paints.

  • Given such a wide range of applications, we will dwell on water-soluble paints in more detail. Many people do not understand the difference between the concepts “water-emulsion” and “water-dispersion”. And this is the same thing. An emulsion is a mixture of water and substances that do not dissolve in it.
  • And a dispersion is a suspension of the smallest solid particles that are present in the same emulsion. Typically, its role is played by cellulose, chalk or talc, which are included in the paint composition in order to obtain the desired thickness. Water-dispersion paints are also called water-soluble paints, since in a liquid state they are diluted with water.
  • Old generation paints, made mainly on the basis of butadiene styrene or polyvinyl acetate, were not only easily diluted, but also easily removed from the surface. Naturally, they were not used for facades. In contrast, coatings of modern paints made on the basis of acrylic resins, latex, and silicone have ideal mechanical strength.

When they dry, the film polymerizes, which is akin to the setting of cement, which is first easily diluted with water, and then forms a stone that becomes impenetrable to it. These compounds are sold white, but a color as rich as in the picture is obtained using concentrated tinting pastes added to the paint before application.

Synthetic paints and their compatibility

For painting facades, especially in large quantities, synthetic paints are often used, since they are much cheaper than others. These include oil compositions, although many are skeptical about them.

Meanwhile, modern technologies have long brought them to a fundamentally new level, and with the right approach to preparatory work, the result is unlikely to disappoint.

  • In any case, the question: “How to paint the outside of a frame house?” can be safely answered – with oil paint. The base surface in such a house is wood-polymer board (OSB) cladding, and this type of paint is perfect for it, as well as for any wooden surface.
  • In addition to oil paints, the following synthetic paints are used for facades: perchlorovinyl (CV), silicone (SO), pentaphthalic (PF), and paints based on chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CP). All of them are toxic, have a pungent odor, and therefore are only suitable for outdoor use.

  • Some of the synthetic paints can even be used at low temperatures, which is why they are used in large-scale construction that is carried out year-round. We will not go into the technological details of their manufacture, but we will pay a little attention to their compatibility. In cases where you have to renew old paintwork, this is very important.

In the table below, we will note which old coating cannot be applied to this or that type of paint, and will rely on the requirements of the current standard:

  • Among the variety of façade paints, I would especially like to mention siloxane-based compositions. They also represent an aqueous medium into which silicone resin is integrated, so they can rightfully be called water-based. The structure of silicone is similar to quartz sand, but there are also organic compounds attached to it.
  • This substance can equally well be attributed to both the inorganic and organic groups - that is, it is some kind of intermediate form. Among facade paints and varnishes, silicone paints occupy a very special place. They form a surface that does not absorb water to any extent, and, by the way, does not attract dust at all.

  • In terms of vapor permeability, they can easily “compete” with silicate paints. Most importantly, siloxane-based paints do not contribute to surface tension on plastered surfaces, which makes this coating the most durable.

Silicone dispersions adhere well to almost all types of surfaces and are also compatible with most organic and inorganic paints. Thanks to this, they are equally good for both primary painting of the facade and for its repair. The high cost is the only drawback of this option, but given the quality and durability of the coating, in the end, the consumer only benefits.

Sooner or later, every owner of his own home has a question: how to paint the outside of a wooden house? Even if it is built from expensive materials that have undergone high-quality professional processing, the façade of the building must be updated over time. In addition, in this way you can save on the cost of materials, while ensuring that the work is done well.

If you use untreated wood, you can save a lot on costs.

Why does wood age?

Despite all the advantages of natural wood, its main disadvantage is that it is a living natural material. Like other living matter, wood also ages over time, especially when cut down, this happens much faster. Paint can protect wood from rot, mold or blue stains.

How to paint the outside of an old wooden house

The choice of material for painting the house depends on the condition of the walls, as well as the paint previously applied to the façade of the structure. It may also be that high-quality repairs are only necessary for one wall. The rest will only need a light update using the same paint.

- “Oil paint works best over previous coatings. But no other coating can be applied to it. That is, you will have to use either the same type of paint each time, or completely remove the previous layers.”

First, you need to clean the surface of old paint using brushes or scrapers or using special chemical agents in order to preserve the structure of the wood and not scratch it. After cleaning the surface, the wood must be thoroughly rinsed and left to dry. If there are areas covered with blue stains or mold, they must be treated with special chemical agents.

“To ensure the best possible adhesion of paint to wood, a special alkaline solution is applied to the surface before applying the paint.”

If the boards are severely rotten or damaged, they should be replaced. The process of painting the facade of an old wooden house is identical to the classic one.

What paint is best to paint the outside of a wooden house?

Before deciding how to paint the outside of a wooden house, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main types of materials. There are three types of coating for wooden houses:

· Antiseptic. This material penetrates deeply into the structure of the wood (up to 7 mm), thereby preventing the formation of rot, mold and blue stains, as well as protecting the wood from the negative effects of external factors (environment). In turn, antiseptics are divided into two main subtypes:

  1. 1. Glazing - the transparent structure of the product penetrates deep into the structure of the wood, preserving its natural structure and color, and also adds a noble shine.
  2. 2. Covering – the structure of which is opaque. They will completely hide the wood structure. However, its relief and structure will remain distinguishable.

· Paint is an antiseptic that helps protect the house from mold and protects the wood from negative external factors. Paints also come in different types:

  1. 1. Acrylic. When choosing the best way to paint the facade of a wooden house, it is important to consider that this type of paint is the most in demand. The material is environmentally friendly because it is based on water and acrylates, which act as binding elements. Acrylic paint protects wood from moisture. At the same time, it retains its breathable properties, due to which normal air circulation occurs in the wood. The coating is also quite wear-resistant, resists aggressive external influences and mechanical damage, and is resistant to low temperatures. The paint does not smell unpleasant, which is beneficial when carrying out painting work. Due to the fact that the polymer emulsion does not react with oxygen, the gloss remains as desired and is not lost at all!
  2. 2. Oil paint is very well absorbed into the wood structure, creating a kind of barrier that protects the wood from the negative influences of the external environment. Accordingly, the penetration of moisture into the wood is blocked. Today this type of paint is less relevant. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the paint takes a very long time to dry (up to 24 hours). Because of this, it is important to know the weather forecast so that after painting the facade of the house there is no rain, because it will destroy some of the properties of the material. Secondly, after some time, the paint changes its tone, in which yellowness appears.

When choosing what paint to paint the outside of a wooden house, you should take into account the durability of the material so that painting the facade does not have to be done too often.

In addition, if we take into account the service life of the painting materials and when choosing the best way to expose the surface of the house, it is worth considering this factor for each type of material:

  • · Glazing coatings will last 3-5 years
  • · 5-7 – covering. After this period they will need to be updated.
  • · 4-6 – oil.
  • · 7-10 – acrylic.

As for the choice of color scheme of materials for opening the wooden facade of a building, each owner chooses from his own wishes and preferences.

It is also important to take into account the fact that if the house is located near a body of water, its facade must be additionally protected with high-quality resistant materials.

How to paint a wooden house correctly

The process of painting a house made of natural wood consists of the following main stages:

  • · Preparatory work on the façade surface, thereby improving adhesion properties and, therefore, ensuring a durable coating.
  • · To prevent various wood diseases and save on painting the facade, an antiseptic primer is applied.
  • · The surface is painted.

Depending on whether the wood has been previously painted, the work performed may vary significantly.

How to beautifully paint a wooden house if it is new?

Only well-dried wooden beams need to be coated with paint. If they are wet, you need to apply an antiseptic primer to them and wait until the surface dries well. The walls must first be very well cleaned of dirt and accumulated dust. The best way to do this is with water and a stiff brush. If resin appears on the beams, it must be removed with an iron brush, and then the area must be treated with a special varnish for knots. If there is a suspicion of mold or blue staining, you should immediately treat it with special means. After carrying out the preparatory work, the wood “rests” for up to two weeks.

- “If the owner is concerned about the question of how to beautifully paint a wooden house, it is very important to adhere to the basic rules!”

Before painting the house, it is best to treat metal surfaces (for example, nails, staples, etc.) using an anti-corrosion primer.

It is best to carry out work on a warm, not windy and not hot day. The paint is periodically mixed during the work so that the shade of the painted surface is uniform and identical. The material must be applied in the longitudinal direction. And before applying a new layer, the previous one must dry thoroughly.

Knowing the main factors: how to paint the facade of a wooden house, as well as how to beautifully paint a wooden house - all the work will go flawlessly!

How to paint the inside of a wooden house

The interior of the house is pre-prepared, after which it is treated with antiseptics to prevent rotting, etc., after which a glazing compound (decorative paint) is applied.

Carrying out painting work inside the house is a rather labor-intensive process. But the most important thing here is to follow technology.

Each owner chooses the most suitable and acceptable material for his home. For finishing work inside the house, the following main types of materials are offered on the market:

  • · Oil-based paints that penetrate deeply into the wood structure, thereby protecting it from fungus and mold.
  • · Acrylic type is the most inexpensive and accessible option. They have a fairly wide range of colors, from which you can choose the most unusually beautiful colors for interior decoration. In addition, this paint does not stink and dries quickly. Its disadvantage is its rapid flammability, which is why it must be used together with antipyrine.
  • · Water-based paint is an excellent option for interior decoration of a house. The room does not “clog”, the walls “breathe”. In case of contamination, the walls can be easily washed and, if necessary, damaged areas can be restored.

When carrying out painting work inside and outside a wooden house, it is important to treat the entire process carefully and seriously. After all, not only beauty, but also coziness and, of course, comfort will depend on how well the work is done!

What paint is best to paint the outside of a wooden house? The most popular construction and finishing material is wood and its “derivatives”.

However, in addition to its remarkable qualities, the material also has disadvantages that impose requirements for the exterior finishing of such buildings. The main enemies of wood are moisture and insects that wear it down. The article will tell you what paint to use and how to properly paint the outside of a wooden house.

In modern construction, houses made of wood are often used. This is due to many positive characteristics of the material.

These include:

  • The weight of such a house is almost three times less than a similar brick building, which allows you to significantly save money when constructing the foundation for a building, and build wooden houses, even if the soil is relatively soft.
  • The tree breathes, has excellent oxygen permeability, it is easy to sleep in a wooden house, especially compared to concrete buildings, which have a very negative impact on the health of residents.
  • Wood has excellent thermal insulation properties, which is due to its low thermal conductivity. A structure made of rounded logs, the diameter of which is 20 centimeters, is better thermally insulated than a building with walls made of brick 32 centimeters thick, lined on both sides with a 1.5 centimeter layer of plaster. And this saves money on heating the house.
  • Cheaper wooden houses cost their owner from a material point of view. It's connected:
  1. with a cheaper foundation;
  2. decorative wall covering is not necessary;
  3. relatively lower price of material - the cost of transportation and assembly of the house;
  4. during operation, the house will consume less energy for heating;
  5. wooden walls look more aesthetically pleasing inside and outside the building.
  • A wooden building, if necessary, can always be dismantled, transported and installed in a new location. The lightness of such structures allows them to be transported in assembled form.

Along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages of buildings made of wood compared to the construction of buildings made of brick and concrete:

  • The building requires standing, up to three years, until it completely shrinks, but you can move into the house after about six months.
  • Wood breathes, it tends not only to decrease in volume, but also to increase, which can elevate the structure. Because of this, many types of interior finishing cannot be done, such as laying tiles, without additional solutions, which means costs increase.
  • Fire hazard.

Advice: To reduce this unpleasant phenomenon, all wooden parts should be treated with special compounds.

  • Tree damage caused by bark beetles and wood rotting. In this case, you must initially use high-quality raw materials and reliable processing tools.

Such features of wooden houses also require a special solution to the question of what paint to paint the outside of a wooden house?

What types of paints can be used for exterior woodwork?

The difference between paint for interior and exterior work is quite large.

This is due to the fact that external walls are affected by:

  • Sun.
  • Wind.
  • Rain.
  • Snow.
  • Large changes in pressure, humidity and temperature.

Tip: When choosing a paint and varnish material for the external walls of a wooden house, you should take these factors into account.

To paint a building with your own hands, you can use the paints shown in the photo.

They can be:

  • Oily.

The advantages of such paints include:

  1. based on drying oil, the product penetrates deep into the structure of the material;
  2. resistance to changes in atmospheric conditions.

Disadvantages of coverage are:

  1. the painted surface needs to be renewed every four or six years, depending on the local climate;
  2. it fades quite quickly, especially when applied on the sunny side of the building;
  3. long drying time, which is several hours.

Their advantages are only in cost compared to other types of paints.

  • Acrylate.

These are optimal paints that have all the necessary qualities required specifically for wood:

  1. they do not form an airtight layer; after coating, the log or board does not stop “breathing”;
  2. even after hardening, the paint has some elasticity, which protects the paint layer from cracking when the wood is deformed;
  3. retain their appearance for up to 8 years, which corresponds to the approximate period of cosmetic repairs for any building.
  • Covering antiseptic.

The basis of the composition is alkyd-acrylate. This is a relatively new type of paint. With its help, even low-grade wood can be given a respectable look. This makes it possible to use cheaper materials in construction. Retains its appearance for more than 10 years.

Tip: Any paint completely hides the wood texture. Therefore, you should not paint a house made of expensive material. Painting is done when finishing a building with a simple, smoothly planed board.

For calibrated logs, laminated veneer lumber and other similar workpieces, it is better to use azures and colorless varnishes. The gloss obtained on the surface will add attractiveness to the house. Colored varnishes will not affect the wood pattern, but will only change the shade of the walls.

Some useful tips:

  • When first painting a new house, the paint and varnish product is chosen at the discretion of its owner. And when re-coating, it is recommended to use a product of the same composition that was used previously: “oil” is applied to oil paint, “acrylic” is applied to acrylic paint only.
  • To determine the type of old paint and varnish composition, a small cut is made. If the "pattern" breaks easily, this indicates oil paint. The acrylate layer easily rolls into a “roll”.
  • If the wooden surface is exposed to sunlight, it is not worth painting. In this case, the drying of the areas will be uneven, which can lead to the formation of “stains” on the wall.
  • The instructions for the paintwork must indicate the year of its manufacture.
  • No paint will increase the service life of wood unless you pre-treat the wood with antiseptics, fire retardants and prime the surface.
  • When choosing a specific composition, pay attention to its approximate consumption and UV resistance.

How to prepare the walls of your house for painting

Before painting, it is necessary to carefully prepare all surfaces of the house in order to create the desired base, this will improve the adhesion of the paint to the surface and increase the durability of the applied coating.

In this case:

  • Using a garden sprayer and, in addition, a not very stiff brush, dust and other small inclusions are removed from the wood. Water absorbs dust much better than simply walking over the entire surface with a brush.
  • If mold or blue discoloration is noticed on the tree, they must be removed using a special product.
  • The resin, if present, is removed with a metal spatula, and the place where it was is coated with knot varnish, which will make the surface smoother.
  • All metal parts, which could be the heads of nails or screws, etc., must be coated with a special primer for metal (see Why primer is needed: technological nuances of finishing work).
  • The wood should rest for 10-14 days, covered with film. In this case, holes should be left for ventilation, and in warm weather the surfaces may not be covered.
  • If the wood is damp and it is not possible to dry it, apply a tinted antiseptic primer directly to the damp surface and leave the house until it dries.

How to paint a new wooden house

After deciding what paint to paint the outside of a wooden house, you can begin painting the new house.

For this:

  • Primer is applied. This antiseptic will protect the wood from fungi, mold and blue stains.

Tip: The surface primer should not be skipped. Otherwise, if you start coloring right away, you will regret it in two years, or even earlier. You cannot skimp on antiseptics; it will significantly extend the life of the new coating.

  • Paint is being applied. It should be applied to a dry surface in about three layers. Each of them must dry well.

The coating is applied to a wooden surface according to the following rules:

  • The paint is mixed periodically to obtain the same shade.
  • It is better to apply the solution with a brush, which will ensure uniform coloring of the wood surface.
  • A better quality coating can be obtained using a primer color. In this case the color will be perfect.
  • Wooden surfaces should not be painted in the hot rays of the sun. In this case, the paint will dry too quickly, which is not desirable. It is best to carry out painting work in warm, cloudy and calm weather.
  • Paint and antiseptic should be applied in the longitudinal direction.
  • The weakest points of logs and boards are their end parts. Here the water will be absorbed very quickly. To prevent rapid destruction and possible onset of rotting due to high humidity, the ends must be carefully treated in several layers of soil and covering material.

  • Each element is painted sequentially from top to bottom, avoiding smudges and overlaps.

How to paint an old wooden house

Before you decide what paint to paint the outside of an old wooden house, you can watch the video in this article.

Tip: If the house is not new, and there are traces of mold, peeling paint and other defects on its facade, you should update the color with fresh paint, which will improve the appearance of the building and allow the owner to experiment with color.

Before painting, you need to carefully inspect the surface of the house:

  • Maybe something has fallen off and requires immediate repair.
  • The western and southern parts of the house lose their attractive appearance most quickly; these sides suffer the most negative impacts from natural phenomena.

In this case, you can limit yourself to painting only the areas that are most worn out, or completely repaint the entire building and change its color.

When repainting, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Use the same paint.
  • Use the same type of coating that was used last time.

If after buying a house you don’t know what kind of paint was used, you can try to visually determine its type yourself:

  • Acrylate paint feels and looks like thin leather. It cracks in the direction of the fibers.
  • Oil paint acquires a matte appearance over time and leaves a light chalky mark on the skin when touched. The coating cracks across the fibers or in small cells.
  • Glazing antiseptics become thinner over time. The glossy surface of the house can be painted with an antiseptic of the same color, a darker one, or oil paint. If there are no traces of antiseptic, acrylate paint is used.

Procedure for painting a house with old paint:

  • The surface of the wood is cleaned down to the base with a metal brush.
  • When painting a house with acrylate paint, the house will be painted with the same paint, or with oil paint, but after first cleaning the surface of old paint (see How to remove old paint from wood without problems).

To prepare a wooden facade for painting you need to:

  • Clean the wood from hanging pieces of old paint, remove dirt and dust with a scraper or brush.
  • Rinse the facade with water, spraying the walls with a spray bottle. If mold is present, it is removed with a special solution, and to improve the adhesion of paint to wood, it can also be treated with an alkaline detergent.
  • Uneven, rotten and old boards are replaced with new ones, otherwise they can spoil the whole work with their unpresentable appearance.
  • The paint can be removed with scrapers, wire brushes or chemicals, but if it adheres well and does not peel, it can be left.
  • Additionally, grinding can be done if necessary.
  • Next, the wooden surfaces are painted, just like on a new house.

A high-quality coating of a wooden house will preserve its beautiful appearance for a long time.

The wooden facade of the house is extremely decorative. However, due to the specifics of the material, it requires more frequent care and maintenance than surfaces finished, for example, with plaster or glass. Use the recommendations on what and how to paint the outside of a wooden house so that it retains its strength and attractiveness for many years.

Photos of painted wooden houses from the outside

A wooden facade is one of the oldest methods of finishing the exterior of a house. The popularity of this solution continues unabated; a fashionable solution today is to make part of the façade from this material. Despite all the advantages of the method, natural material requires constant and careful maintenance. Impregnation and painting of boards with special products is necessary to protect them and improve their appearance. Consider effective solutions that will produce the desired results.

The best way to paint a wooden house outside: nuances of choosing a product

There are many products on the market for painting and protecting outdoor wood surfaces. Many of them, however, have properties that do not provide comprehensive protection for the facades of wooden buildings and at the same time do not provide the expected aesthetic appearance. For example, standard varnish used outdoors will not always provide the best UV resistance. Oils protect wood from the effects of atmospheric factors, but they are quickly washed out of the structure by rain, so the lubrication procedure must be repeated once every year or two. In addition, oil painted surfaces should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Protection and decoration

Facade wood in the open air is constantly exposed to harmful sunlight, moisture, fungi, mold and pests, leading to the expansion of cracks, peeling of the coating, deformation and delamination of elements, which provoke serious damage to the wood. In addition, difficult conditions, such as winter frosts, acid rain and exhaust gases, cause wood to deteriorate much faster, losing its technical and aesthetic properties. Proper protection of wood with special means is required if you want to maintain its attractiveness and good physical shape for a long time.

What color to paint the outside of a wooden house: photos of fashionable solutions

Depending on what product you use to paint a wooden facade, it is possible to completely change the color or emphasize the natural colors of the wood.

What paint and varnish to paint the outside of a wooden house?

Facade elements and entire wooden surfaces should be treated with protective and decorative paint with properties that ensure a beautiful appearance and durability of the coating for many years. The protective layer of a suitable preparation must be flexible, stop the penetration of UV rays, prevent excessive peeling of the coating under exposure to the sun, and also prevent deep penetration of water into the wood. It is important that the product also provides resistance against the development of fungi, algae and mold. Walls on the north side are especially susceptible to their harmful effects. Consider two different preparations as a protective and decorative coating for a wooden facade. The first is BONDEX Extreme Decking 3 in 1 external use oil, and the second is Acrylic Enamel Bondex.

Lakobeyts 3 in 1 Bondex Extreme Wood Care

Lakobeits is a multifunctional varnish. With its help, you can protect wood from various atmospheric factors, and the finish of the painted surface lasts up to 8 years. The product penetrates deep into the wood, protecting it from mold and mildew, as well as from decomposition caused by light, water and frost, thus providing maximum protection. Lakobeyts 3 in 1 Bondex gives lasting color, decorating natural wood, emphasizing its natural pattern.

Water-based acrylic enamel Bondex Acrylic Enamel 12 years

Using acrylic enamel Bondex Acrylic Enamel for 12 years, you can protect the surface from exposure to atmospheric factors and mechanical damage, but, above all, completely change the color of the facade. The product provides an excellent effect after applying the first layer. In addition, the product is durable and flexible, so it will not peel or crack.

How to properly paint the outside of a wooden house?

Before you start painting the facade, the surface must be properly prepared. The scope of work depends on the condition of the boards. A preliminary inspection should answer whether it is enough to just sand the surface or whether any damage or defects should be corrected. Regardless of the condition of the facade, you should start by cleaning the boards with a brush and water and detergent. To remove dirt, use a spatula or machine. Only after this the facade should be treated with sandpaper or a grinding machine. It is then recommended to fill small depressions and remove loose wood particles. Damaged elements must be replaced with new ones. Before painting, surfaces must be dusted and dried.


After mixing, the product should be applied directly from the can using a brush or roller. For painting, you can also use a special spray gun if the application with such a tool is recommended by the manufacturer. Carefully go over the entire surface, including the boards and walls of the house, once along the grain of the wood. It is recommended to apply 2-3 layers of the product, observing the intervals intended for drying. A facade in good technical condition, which has been recently updated, only needs to be covered with 1-2 layers of decorative layer after sanding the surface. It is worth adding that wood paint must have the appropriate moisture content. In addition, painting work must be carried out in appropriate conditions, i.e. when the air temperature is not lower than 5°C and with a humidity that does not exceed 80%.

This way, the renewed and protected wooden façade will serve for many years. When you notice abrasion, fading, cracking or peeling of the coating, the outer walls of the wooden house should be repainted.

The time comes when it becomes necessary to carry out repair work both inside and outside the house. I was interested in the question of how to paint the outside of a wooden house, what materials are better, how to choose the right one and how to paint the house. All these issues are important for housing built from logs or laminated veneer lumber. Let's figure out how to properly paint a wooden house and how to prepare surfaces with your own hands, as well as what materials are best used for painting the foundation and pediment. In addition, I will tell you how to paint with water-based paint, what is special about the water-based mixture, why you need a compressor, and how to decorate the ceiling of a wooden house.

How to paint the outside of a wooden house

Color palette

Color palette

I decided to touch on this topic first, since everyone is interested in what color the façade of a home can be painted. The choice of color depends on your taste preferences, as well as on the color of the roof of a wooden house.

You can choose a color according to standards not only for houses made of laminated veneer lumber or logs, but also for brick or concrete houses. So:

  • Light colors can be combined with dark ones. For example, for a dark roof, light coffee and beige shades of the facade are used
  • If your private house is surrounded by greenery, then you can safely improvise with the design. The color can be rich and bright, but even here do not forget about the combination of details. You shouldn't paint your house green if there is a lot of vegetation around it.
  • A painted house can stand out thanks to small details, that is, against the background of a light facade, contrasting window frames, cornices and slopes will look very nice. By the way, all additional elements, such as drainpipes, are also matched to the color of the overall design
  • The style in which you plan to decorate the facade will play a huge role. Therefore, stop your choice on those shades that accompany this style. Sample catalogs from manufacturers will help you choose a color.

The color of the roof should be combined with the design of the facade, so if you have the opportunity, then immediately opt for more compatible finishing materials. As a small example, here are some possible colors:

  1. Bright red and soft yellow
  2. Rich gray and canary
  3. Cream color or cool yellow harmonizes perfectly with dark blue

A small table of shade combinations that will help you successfully paint your house:

Color of the walls below, roofs on the rightBlueDark blueDark greenBrownChocolateOrangeRedCherryDark grey
Light blue4 5 3 5 5 2 3 5 5
Turquoise2 2 2 5 2 2 2 4 4
Light green3 3 3 5 5 3 5 4 5
Yellow5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5
Beige5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5
Pink4 5 5 3 5 2 2 5 5
Pearl gray4 4 2 4 3 3 4 5 4
White5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

The table is very simple to decipher: 5 is excellent, and 2 is bad. Give due consideration to the choice of color, since in the future the facade design will serve you for many years.

Important! Dark color attracts heat, so for northern regions you can cheat and install a roof of exactly that color. This will help, at least a little, to improve the microclimate in the house.

Selecting paint and preparing surfaces

Everyone knows that wood is a natural material that tends to age. Therefore, let's take a closer look at how to paint the outside of a wooden house with your own hands if it is already old and has lost its appearance. But first, you should remember that the key to successful painting is surface preparation.

Surface preparation consists of preliminary cleaning the walls from dirt and dust. This is very easy to do by hosing down the base with water. If mold or mildew appears on the base of the log, then the walls of the house should be treated with special impregnations. And if you notice resin in some areas, remove it with a spatula and cover the area with varnish.

Important! Preparing surfaces with your own hands is a rather labor-intensive process, but with quality work done, you will forget for a long time about the need to repair the facade again.

All fastener caps must be coated with metal primer solutions. When surface preparation is completed, you should leave the walls of the wooden house alone for several weeks. This is necessary for complete drying and subsequent high-quality painting.

For a log house and structure made of laminated veneer lumber, you can choose compositions from the following list:

  • Antiseptic
  • Acrylate paint
  • Oil paint

Painting the outside of a wooden house allows you to protect the structure from the effects of external negative factors. This allows you to slow down the aging process of the log. With the help of antiseptics, they achieve excellent protection against mold. It is better to use a glazing antiseptic, which is transparent and can highlight the texture of the log. Acrylate paint is quite weather-resistant and allows the material to breathe. A good advantage is that this type is elastic, which means that during thermal deformations of logs and even laminated veneer lumber, the coating does not crack and retains its appearance.

Oil-based paints absorb well and have excellent characteristics, but a painted house will take a long time to dry and ultimately the surface may become more matte.

Protecting wooden surfaces with paints

We paint a wooden house with our own hands

It doesn’t matter if your wooden dacha house is built from laminated veneer lumber or other material, it still loses its original appearance over time. The old look negatively affects the mood of the residents of the house, so don’t delay updating the facade. There are several reasons why houses made of laminated veneer lumber become gray and unattractive:

  1. Firstly, water has a negative effect on wooden walls - they can be affected by mold and mildew
  2. Secondly, ultraviolet radiation contributes to the destruction of the integrity of laminated veneer lumber, and this leads to a deterioration in the properties of the material

In order to update the facade of a wooden house made of laminated veneer lumber, you should follow these instructions. Preparing surfaces with your own hands and painting occurs in the following sequence:

  • Sanding - sometimes this is simply necessary for laminated timber, as it may not have a perfectly smooth surface
  • Sealing - acrylic sealant is suitable for these purposes, which is used to process the ends
  • Primer of laminated timber
  • Applying paint - it is best to paint the facade in at least three layers

We paint the outside of a wooden house with our own hands

Very often, preparation and basic work can be done with the help of qualified specialists. Since many people want to know in advance how much such services might cost, I decided to make an approximate table of the cost of all work separately:

All services can be performed separately, which means you can save money and carry out some work yourself.

Important! If you are interested in how to paint the lining outside the house, then you should also choose all of the above options. But if you stop at using glazing antiseptics, then you will not need further painting. By the way, facade paints that are resistant to atmospheric influences are also used for the gable of the house.

Paintwork for the foundation

Tool for painting a wooden house

The foundation of any building, be it a brick, wood or concrete house, needs good protection. This is due to the fact that the foundation experiences heavy loads and has the greatest impact on it, since water tends to accumulate at the base of the house.

It is best to use water-based acrylic paints, as well as latex paints, which are also water-based paints. In addition, epoxy and polyurethane mixtures can be used for the foundation. If you paint the foundation surface with water-based paint, you get the following benefits:

  • Acrylic and latex paint dries quickly and is not afraid of moisture
  • Acrylics become hydrophobic after drying, while latex ones are very easy to clean
  • Quite economical consumption of the water-emulsion mixture: for acrylic - 0.3-0.4 kg/m2, and for latex - 1 liter per 8-10 m2

Despite the fact that the use of a water-based mixture is in great demand not only for the foundation, but also for the general facade, attention should also be paid to epoxy compounds. Although a water-based paint finish will last you quite a long time, epoxy manufacturers claim that their materials have a service life of up to 25 years. To properly protect the foundation, it is best to paint it in two layers, each of which will dry within 24 hours.

Important! If a spray gun and compressor are used to cover the foundation with a water-based mixture, then choose paint with viscosity parameters not exceeding 20-25 St.

The surfaces of a plastered house, if it is brick or concrete, can also be painted using water-based paint. If you have a compressor, the speed of work can increase significantly.

A compressor is an indispensable assistant if you need to paint something.

Painting the outside of a wooden house yourself

A painted house will look even more attractive if a compressor and a spray gun were used to decorate it. If you often do painting work, then select both the compressor and the nozzles at the same time.

For domestic use, it is best to take a compressor with a continuous operating time of 15-20 minutes and a pressure of up to 8 bar. A semi-professional class compressor can operate for up to 40 minutes and is used more often at service stations.

On my own behalf, I would like to add that for home use it is better to have a mobile compressor that is not installed on a platform, but has special wheels.

How to decorate the ceiling of a wooden house

Painting a wooden house

Very often, the ceiling of a wooden house allows your imagination to run wild. This is due to the fact that attics are often not used in wooden structures. As with any finishing work, the ceiling needs preparation, so it should be covered with an antiseptic mixture. Next, the ceiling is insulated regardless of the insulation during the construction of the house.

You can decorate the ceiling in a wooden house using materials such as:

  1. Wooden cladding, which occurs using lining boards, wooden panels, MDF panels
  2. The ceiling can be decorated with more budget options: plywood panels with a decorative coating that imitates wood
  3. Often a wooden ceiling is finished with sheets of plasterboard. After such covering, the wooden ceiling can be painted or wallpapered