Design of utility networks for a private house. Design of engineering systems for country houses and cottages

Turnkey engineering systems design is the process of developing design solutions that allow rational placement of technological equipment in a limited space at the stage of construction of facilities, their repair or reconstruction. Creating a project allows you to identify the slightest inaccuracies at the stage of its development and correct them in a timely manner even before the start of laying communications.

As part of the creation of the project, equipment with optimal prices and performance characteristics is selected for durable and uninterrupted operation of utilities. Requirements for design documentation are regulated by state standards, SNiPs and other technical regulations. High detail of drawings and their clarity are ensured by the use of appropriate software. After reviewing the finished project for the installation of engineering systems, the customer receives an objective idea of ​​the upcoming costs, the features of the equipment used and the expected loads.

Prices for engineering systems design

Name of works Explanations Unit. Price

(for houses up to 300 m2)

The project includes:

  • thermal engineering calculation;
  • heating system design;
per 1 m2 of building area 120 rub.
Complex project of engineering systems
(for houses over 300 m2)

The project includes:

  • thermal engineering calculation;
  • heating system design;
  • underfloor heating system design;
  • design of hot and cold water supply;
  • internal sewerage project.
per 1 m2 of building area 100 rub.
Heating system design with thermal calculation (for a house up to 100 m2)

The project includes:

  • thermal engineering calculation;
  • axonometric diagram;
set 6000 rub.
Thermal calculation Calculation of heat losses of a building. per 1 m2 of building area 20 rub.

(for a house up to 300 m2)

The project includes:

  • thermal engineering calculation;
  • selection of equipment and materials for the system;
  • selection of heating radiators according to thermal engineering calculations;
  • radiator heating wiring diagram by floor;
  • axonometric diagram;
  • specification of necessary equipment and materials.
per 1 m2 of building area 60 rub.
Heating system design
(for a house over 300 m2)

The project includes:

  • thermal engineering calculation;
  • selection of equipment and materials for the system;
  • selection of heating radiators according to thermal engineering calculations;
  • radiator heating wiring diagram by floor;
  • axonometric diagram;
  • specification of necessary equipment and materials.
per 1 m2 of building area 55 rub.
Design of an underfloor heating system

The project includes:

  • selection of equipment and materials for the system;
  • underfloor heating diagram;
  • axonometric diagram;
  • specification of necessary equipment and materials.
per 1 m2 of building area 45 rub.
Thermomechanical diagram of a boiler room (power up to 30 kW)

The project includes:

  • explanatory note;
  • selection of automation;
  • thermal diagram;
  • specification of necessary equipment and materials.
set 5000 rub.
Thermomechanical diagram of a boiler room (power up to 60 kW)

The project includes:

  • explanatory note;
  • selection of boiler room equipment and materials;
  • selection of automation;
  • thermal diagram;
  • arrangement of equipment in the boiler room;
  • specification of necessary equipment and materials.
set 7000 rub.
Thermomechanical diagram of a boiler house (power over 60 kW)

The project includes:

  • explanatory note;
  • selection of boiler room equipment and materials;
  • selection of automation;
  • thermal diagram;
  • arrangement of equipment in the boiler room;
  • specification of necessary equipment and materials.
per 1 kW of boiler power 120 rub.
Design of hot and cold water supply

The project includes:

  • selection of equipment and materials for the system;
  • hot and cold water supply diagram;
  • axonometric diagram;
  • specification of necessary equipment and materials.
for one point of hot or cold water 550 rub.
Design of an internal sewerage system

The project includes:

  • selection of equipment and materials for the system;
  • diagram of the sewerage system in the house;
  • axonometric diagram;
  • specification of necessary equipment and materials.
for one device outlet 650 rub.

Prices for the design of engineering systems for cottages, private and country houses

Prices for design services for engineering systems of private and country houses, as well as cottages, are presented in the table above. We offer our clients the optimal cost of developing heating, water supply and sewerage projects, a wide selection of equipment for utilities of houses, its competent installation and professional commissioning.

The communications design service is not just a package of drawings, but a large-scale work of highly qualified specialists of various specialties. The company's clients receive effective technical solutions for their home, developed on the basis of studied information about the structural features. Research on heat losses (through windows, doors), data on orientation to the cardinal directions, as well as building construction technology, thermal insulation of the roof and foundation are taken into account.

The cost of design services for engineering systems for a home is influenced by several significant factors:

  • purpose of the object: for residential buildings, warehouses, production facilities, different calculation coefficients are used;
  • area of ​​the object, its number of floors, presence of an underground part, type of construction and complexity of architectural solutions;
  • the cost of design work is calculated on a per 1 square meter basis;
  • You can order the development of a project from us to suit the client’s specific conditions and within the allocated budget.

Optimal prices for the design of engineering systems do not involve significant expenses, and heating equipment, equipment for water supply and sewerage and competent installation of water supply will provide your home with warmth and comfort.

Before starting work on re-equipment or creation from scratch of engineering systems for a cottage, private or country house, we will need a package of documentation: floor plans of the building, architectural design, etc. If there are no documents, we will arrange for a specialist to visit the site so that the engineer can take detailed measurements of the building and advise on the selection of equipment and installation options.

To order turnkey professional design of engineering systems in Moscow, take advantage of the experience and competence of our specialists. Call the VIP HEATING company at +7 (495) 135‑00‑98, and we will develop the necessary design documentation for connecting water supply, heating and sewerage communications.

Engineering is an integral part of any Object - from a small cottage to a large industrial enterprise. In order for it to be installed efficiently and on time, it is necessary to carry out competent design of engineering systems. This output document contains drawings, diagrams, specifications, and a descriptive part, which allows installers to complete their work much faster, and the Customer to exercise constant control over the progress of its implementation.

Cost of engineering systems design

Section / House area (m2)









20,000 rub.

35,000 rub.

60,000 rub.

80,000 rub.

110,000 rub.

130,000 rub.

warm floor

14,000 rub.

20,000 rub.

30,000 rub.

40,000 rub.

52,000 rub.

60,000 rub.



10,000 rub.

13000 rub.

23,000 rub.

33,000 rub.

48,000 rub.

55,000 rub.

Mechanical (supply and exhaust ventilation)

30,000 rub.

60,000 rub.

115,000 rub.

150,000 rub.

210,000 rub.

230,000 rub.

Mechanical + dehumidification (for swimming pools)

Price per m2 (based on the pool area) ~ 900 rub.

Smoke ventilation

70,000 rub.

120,000 rub.



10,000 rub.

15,000 rub.

25,000 rub.

35,000 rub.

50,000 rub.

60,000 rub.


28,000 rub.

48,000 rub.

77,000 rub.

105,000 rub.

140,000 rub.

163,000 rub.

Boiler room

20,000 rub.

30,000 rub.

50,000 rub.

70,000 rub.

100,000 rub.

120,000 rub.

Water supply and sewerage

24,000 rub.

38,000 rub.

70,000 rub.

90,000 rub.

120,000 rub.

140,000 rub.

Power supply and lighting

40,000 rub.

60,000 rub.

110,000 rub.

140,000 rub.

160,000 rub.

180,000 rub.

Structured cabling networks (SCN)

24,000 rub.

28,000 rub.

36,000 rub.

42,000 rub.

50,000 rub.

55,000 rub.

Television (terrestrial/satellite)

12000 rub.

16,000 rub.

28,000 rub.

32,000 rub.

Internet - local area network (LAN)

32,000 rub.

36,000 rub.

44,000 rub.

48,000 rub.

60,000 rub.

70,000 rub.

Video surveillance system (VS)

30,000 rub.

40,000 rub.

50,000 rub.

Covert video surveillance (CCVS)

24,000 rub.

28,000 rub.

36,000 rub.

Automatic fire alarm (AFS) + automation

34,000 rub.

42,000 rub.

50,000 rub.

62,000 rub.

70,000 rub.

Alert, evacuation control (SOUE) 1 and 2 types

16,000 rub.

20,000 rub.

28,000 rub.

32,000 rub.

Alert, evacuation control (SOUE) - type 3

20,000 rub.

28,000 rub.

32,000 rub.

36,000 rub.

40,000 rub.

Alert, evacuation control (SOUE) - type 4-5

28,000 rub.

32,000 rub.

36,000 rub.

40,000 rub.

46,000 rub.

Powder fire extinguishing

24,000 rub. - 1 room; 30,000 rub. - 2 rooms; 36,000 rub. - 3 rooms etc..

Access control and management (ACS)

14,000 rub.

20,000 rub.

30,000 rub.

Intercom communication (DS)

14,000 rub.

20,000 rub.

30,000 rub.

Emergency communications (SES)

14,000 rub.

20,000 rub.

30,000 rub.

Security alarm (OS)

24,000 rub.

28,000 rub.

36,000 rub.

Perimeter Security Alarm (PSA)

30,000 rub.

40,000 rub.

Musical decoration of premises (MO)

16,000 rub.

20,000 rub.

28,000 rub.

32,000 rub.

Security and protective deratization system (OPDS)

12000 rub.

16,000 rub.

28,000 rub.

32,000 rub.

Automation, dispatching / smart home, etc.

8000 rub.

Approximate price indicated

Engineering Design Stages

Based on the design of the engineering system, after construction and installation work is completed, as-built documentation is prepared. In addition to the basic sections, it includes certificates and licenses, acts and protocols of laboratories that verified the values ​​of the main parameters of installed engineering systems.

Approval of project documentation

The design of engineering systems for a cottage, as a rule, does not require approval from supervisory authorities. But sometimes it is still necessary.

Currently, the body authorized to carry out this approval is Rostechnadzor. Its official representative is given one of the copies of the engineering systems design documentation. The document is checked for compliance with the requirements of the regulatory framework. If violations are identified, an order is drawn up with a list of requirements for their elimination. After the design organization fulfills these requirements, an acceptance certificate is drawn up.

In addition, if the regulations provide for the examination of the project, it must be carried out in a specialized organization that has permits. This organization, after successfully passing the examination, issues a protocol on the basis of which the engineering project can be used as an official document.

Composition of standard design documentation

A typical design of engineering systems includes graphic and text parts.

  • The graphic part consists of general and floor plans of premises, highway routing diagrams, and it should also include a general interfloor diagram in an axonometric projection
  • The text part includes an introduction and an explanatory note that explains the feasibility of the technical solutions chosen by the designers. In addition, there must be a detailed specification of the materials and equipment used, from which the cost of implementation can be calculated

In a modern private cottage there are quite a few types of systems that must perform their direct functions, not interfere with each other, but complement each other, and be connected into a single infrastructure or automation system. Therefore, it is important that the design of utility networks of houses is carried out in close cooperation of the entire project team, in order to avoid conflicts in the project.

The cost of designing utility networks, as mentioned earlier, depends on the volume of work performed, its complexity, ramifications and functional features of any individual system. The following types of networks are created in country houses:

  • Power supply to various permanent and temporary electricity consumers.
  • Lighting – creating systems that provide a sufficient amount of artificial light.
  • Ventilation is normal, garage and anti-smoke.
  • Air conditioning of all or only selected rooms.
  • Water supply - pipes to consumers: bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, swimming pool, sauna, lawn watering, stationary car wash.
  • Sewage, both for drainage of wastewater from the house, and storm drainage;
  • Design of engineering systems for a country house aimed at security (video surveillance, security alarms, fire safety equipment).
  • Heating with the creation of water and/or electric circuits, up to heating a parking space, paths, roofing, heated floors, etc.
  • Low-current systems: television, telephone networks, Internet, intra-house communications.
  • A gas pipeline, which, although not available everywhere, is most often used for heating systems due to the lower costs of heating a house compared to many other options.

Design of home utilities: heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)

In the last decade, the autonomy and environmental friendliness of country residences has been gaining popularity. Our clients are also increasingly paying attention to solutions that, although somewhat more expensive, in the long term bring more benefit and pleasure from living, and reliably serve for years. An equally important point is the high-quality functional integration of heating and ventilation systems.

Design of a house's utility networks regarding ventilation includes:

  • Forced change of air masses due to the installation of ventilation equipment of the required power - blowers, fans, shafts.
  • Natural ventilation, which works due to the difference in pressure inside the house and outside.
  • Design of engineering systems for cottages to ensure enhanced automated ventilation of critical areas and places with high humidity: garage, boiler room, sauna, gym, basement.
  • The use of bioactive filters and fine filters to improve indoor air quality and create an optimal microclimate.

The design of a cottage's engineering systems in terms of heating depends on its type, economically and technically justified, the ability and desire to connect to centralized networks or create an autonomous system:

  • The stove system uses the simplest and cheapest type of fuel, but also requires increased attention and control, and does not warm up the house very quickly.
  • Convectors and heaters are a simple, convenient, but often very expensive way to heat a house with electrical appliances, although for some cottages it will be quite appropriate.
  • The air system is low cost in the process of both installation and operation, but it is necessary to very carefully approach the design of its engineering system at the stage of creating a house project, since it will not be possible to attach it later.
  • Water system - ease of operation and various types of energy carriers for heating water (or connection to central networks), higher costs for design and installation, however, the efficiency of the systems is also higher.

Engineering systems design services: water supply and sewerage (WW)

Design of engineering systems in Moscow and the Moscow region by InnovaStroy specialists allows you to choose a variety of network options that will meet your requirements, ensure comfortable living, and will only require routine inspection. Again, the type of systems used depends on the ability to connect to central networks or create an autonomous network.

Water supply and sewerage systems include:

  • Creation of an independent water intake from an artesian well with the organization of settling tanks, filters and storage tanks, or connection into existing water supply networks.
  • Distribution of water utility networks of the cottage, the design of which is carried out on a three-dimensional model in order to position the pipelines in an optimal way.
  • Selection of components, expansion system parts, shut-off and distribution equipment, etc.
  • Discharge of sewage into an external network, or organization of local treatment systems, most often of which, due to a combination of factors, septic tanks are used.

The development and design of engineering systems is always carried out on computers first, and then paper copies of drawings and diagrams are created for submission to regulatory authorities. When creating systems, it is extremely important to adhere to regulatory documentation, the requirements of SNiPs and GOSTs, as well as to comply with the necessary specifications issued by the resource supply organization.

Design of engineering systems for a private house: electricity and lighting (EO)

Professional engineers of our company monitor changes in government standards that relate to methods of building networks and requirements for them. The design of utility networks in Moscow and the Moscow region should be based on specific technical conditions (TS) issued by electricity sales organizations upon your request for connection. Electrical work includes:

  • Power network wiring diagram, with the calculation of providing the necessary power and ease of operation for each consumer.
  • Calculation diagram of the lighting network layout inside the building based on the standards of health authorities, design and design solutions, if necessary, with the possibility of automatic adjustment or remote control.
  • External lighting of the territory of varying intensity, depending on the architectural project and landscape design.
  • Schematic diagram of electrical wiring and layout plan for electrical equipment, sockets, switches and electrical outlets with wiring.
  • Specification of equipment, materials, all their technical characteristics.

Design of engineering systems for a private house: low-current systems (SS)

The design and construction of utility networks also includes the organization of wiring of low-current systems:

  • Communications – all types of networks that are intended for permanent access to cable systems: telephony, Internet. The InnovaStroy company carries out such design of engineering systems based on the requirements of service providers and standard standards for this activity.
  • Television and radio broadcasting – engineering network design services cover the development and installation of satellite dishes, calculation of the characteristics and location of the necessary equipment, distribution of cables to all consumers.

Automation of premises and processes: entrance and garage gates, video surveillance, alarm systems, fire extinguishing systems.

Integrated design of engineering systems

There is only one reliable way to make it cheaper to design engineering systems, the cost of which will also cover construction and installation work - this is the creation of turnkey networks, a complex of works from concept and design to commissioning activities.

InnovaStroy specialists have been creating reliable and efficient networks for many years that require only periodic scheduled inspections. Prices for the design of engineering systems are based on the functional complexity and ramifications, selective or full scope of design work for this section and the features of the house design itself.

Depending on your wishes and the conditions of the area where your home will be located, we will calculate and offer optimal solutions for comfortable, safe living, hassle-free approval by government authorities, as well as minimizing further operating costs.

Heating and ventilation systems are most closely related to the architectural design of a house. Specialists from the Country House company had to design and install heating systems of varying complexity. In simple cases, the tasks of the heating system come down to maintaining the desired temperature in the house.

For small country houses, in this case, you can use a wall-mounted heating boiler and place it in the kitchen. More complex multi-circuit heating systems can heat floors in living rooms and bathrooms, heat water in a swimming pool, heat air in a supply and exhaust ventilation system, heat other buildings on the site using a heating main, etc. - it all depends on the needs of the customer. In this case, a separate room with a chimney and ventilation will be required to place the equipment.

Heating boilers can be electric, gas, run on diesel fuel, coal and even wood. The least troublesome to operate and noticeably cheaper source of energy for heating a country house is gas. If there is no gas on the site, it makes sense to think about additional insulation of the house.

Water supply and sewerage for a country house

Water supply and sewerage systems are also closely related to the architecture of the house. A thoughtful arrangement of the kitchen, bathrooms, water supply to the house and sewerage outlet allows you to avoid many problems during operation. The choice of materials also matters. Specialists from the Country House company do not advise skimping on the quality of pipes and fittings and usually use materials from well-known manufacturers - Oventrop, Rehau, Wirsbo.

The quality of work and materials is especially important when carrying out electrical work in a country house. Unskilled design and installation of electrical networks in a country house can endanger people's lives and cause a fire.

Ventilation systems

The least noticeable is the poor quality of ventilation in a country house. A modern country house with double-glazed windows and rubber seals on the doors has virtually no unregulated air flow. Therefore, in the absence of supply and exhaust ventilation, exhaust odors in bathrooms and kitchens are poorly removed, and the fireplace does not burn well. The air becomes saturated with emissions from finishing materials, dampness appears on the walls in stagnant areas, etc.

Was it worth leaving the city? At the same time, you need to understand that a well-organized air flow implies its filtration, heating and humidification in winter and cooling in summer. The result is a rather complex system, equipped with automation that maintains the specified operating parameters. The climate in the house in the literal sense of the word depends on the quality of operation of this system.