skeleton cave in thailand documentary. Skeleton Cave in Thailand - an anomalous place

Skeleton Cave- the legendary semi-mystical cave in the jungle in the northwest of the mouth of the Kwai River in Thailand, the reality of whose existence there are numerous disputes.

In Russia, this cave first became known from the words of the famous explorer Nikolai Nepomniachtchi, while abroad they started talking about it in 1992 after the disappearance of the famous scientist David Woddle in these places.

River Kwai - Thailand

The US National Association of Anthropologists sent a special expedition to search for it under the command of Perry Winston and Roy Clive, who had already spent more than one year in the area of ​​​​the proposed search. Following the Voddle route, they quickly reached the densely overgrown hills where, according to the descriptions, the search area should have been.

Beyond the hills lay lowland, bordered on one side by a river and on the other by swamps infested with snakes. Among the local residents, these places were notorious, according to their legends, a tribe of cannibal sorcerers lived here in the past. Belief in ancient legends turned out to be so great that local guides flatly refused to accompany the search expedition...

In the diary entries of the missing anthropologist Woddle, made by him shortly before his last trip, there were mentions of this plain and of some cave located there and of great interest to him, where cannibals performed magical rites. Winston and Clive made it their mission to find this cave, assuming that Woddle and two companions died somewhere nearby ...

And on the very first night, having set up camp on the plain, people heard strange sounds, similar to the fraction of a large number of hammers, and coming from the southwest. Feeling involuntary fear, the searchers did not dare to go there in the middle of the night, and in the morning, having traveled several miles to the south-west, they discovered a cave, the main "suspect" as the place of death.

It was about her that the missing Woddle wrote. It is possible that just from here came the night sounds. However, no human foot has set foot here for many years, there were no footprints on the soft marshy ground. Indeed, the almost completely decomposed bodies of all three members of the missing expedition were soon found in the nearby jungle. They were easily identified by scraps of clothing and equipment.

This is where the worst begins. According to Nepomniachtchi's description, the anthropologists died a violent death: their chests and skulls were crushed by some kind of blunt object. At the same time, no one stole anything from valuable property, which led to the assumption that people may have been killed by some powerful beast ...

Entering the cave, the researchers found in it many human skeletons lying on the floor, leaning against the walls, even suspended from the walls and ceiling. All the skeletons are very old, if not ancient. But ... the chests and skulls of the dead were broken in the same way as in the "fresh" corpses of Woddle and his companions. What was not clear...

The camp was set up at some distance from the cave of skeletons. And again, in the middle of the night, a fractional clang was heard, now much closer. Now no one had any doubts where he was coming from. The search engines, people in general not timid, and besides, well-armed enough, spent a sleepless night. Only in the afternoon did Winston and a few other people go to the cave. Everything here remained the same, there were no traces of anyone's night stay.

But in the cave itself... A cursory glance at the skeletons was enough to make sure that most of them, if not all of them, had changed their position, the day before they had been sitting or lying differently! Someone dragged the dead at night? Why, for what purpose? Winston and another member of the expedition decided to hide near the entrance to the cave. Stocked with coffee and whiskey, armed with pistols, and carrying a movie camera to shoot in the dark, they hoped not to oversleep and fix the cause of the strange noise.

The rest returned to the camp. The next night, the same fractional sound was heard from the side of the cave. No one doubted, only bones can knock like that. Nobody heard any other sounds - no shots, no screams. And the next morning, Clive discovered the corpses of Winston and his companion, lying in a bloody pool, their bodies were crushed in the most savage way, and their skulls were pierced by some kind of blunt object.

This made such a terrible impression on the people that they hurriedly took the corpses and immediately left the plain. No one dared to look into the cave again, although one of the expedition members said that, passing by its entrance, he shone a flashlight there. A beam of light pulled out of the darkness part of one of the cave skeletons. This man claims to have seen on the blackened bones of an ancient skeleton... fresh, dried blood!

Of course, the people who met Clive's expedition were not in a hurry to believe everything told, few people believe in the story of fresh blood on the skeletons "rising at night" ... The expedition report was never widely publicized, which, apparently, was done under pressure from the investigating authorities. It is planned that in the future another expedition should go to the mysterious cave.

Thailand is a mysterious country, like a magnet it attracts tourists from all over the world. Some are attracted by rest on the picturesque islands, others are crazy about the vibrant nightlife of Bangkok, and others dream of seeing world-famous architectural monuments. And for archaeologists, Thailand is generally a paradise on earth - curious artifacts are found there with enviable constancy. But the Land of Smiles is not always ready to share its secrets with strangers.

Klondike for specialists

The River Kwai is Thailand's most famous waterway. She was glorified by the French writer Pierre Boulle, who wrote the novel "The Bridge on the River Kwai." Later, a film of the same name was shot based on the book, which was recognized as the greatest motion picture of the 20th century. The film tells about a tragic page in the history of Thailand - the construction of a bridge over the River Kwai by captured British and Americans. Thanks to the Oscar-winning film, the river acquired a new name, although in fact it was called Khwayai, which is translated from Thai as "a large tributary" (the river flowed into the Meklong). The Thai government decided to bring the name of the river in line with the film and renamed it.

Today, the Kwai River is a popular holiday destination for tourists, but twenty years ago, when there was no such flow of tourists there, it was discovered by European and overseas scientists. The fact is that Thailand has the world's richest reserves of tin, copper, lead and iron ore. Ancient people settled on the territory of modern Thailand, because they always had at hand the necessary material for the manufacture of arrowheads and spears and other items necessary for hunting. Scientists-archaeologists have recently discovered eighteen settlements of the Bronze Age! Some of them were inhabited by primitive people in the Neolithic period.

It was for this luxury that archaeologists and anthropologists from all over the world flocked to Thailand - and each with the dream of discovering their own Thai Troy. One of them was the American anthropologist David Waudle, whose main goal was the jungle of Thailand, which hid many secrets from prying eyes. In 1992, Vodl gathered an expedition of the same enthusiasts and headed to the north-west of the kingdom, to the mouth of the Kwai River.

In the wake of the lost expedition

David Waudle was no newcomer, but it is still not clear what exactly let him down. He approached with his people to the place where, according to his information, there was a cave with traces of an ancient man. This cave has long been notorious among the locals, and it was problematic to extract any detailed information from them. The Thai cave caused unaccountable horror, which was quite understandable: according to legend, in the past a tribe of cannibal sorcerers lived in it. Local guides flatly refused to accompany David Waudle and his two assistants. The scientists went to the cave in three, and no one else saw them.

In search of the disappeared group of scientists, the National Association of Anthropologists of the United States sent an expedition led by two scientists at once - Perry Winston and Roy Clyde, the most experienced explorers who spent more than one year in the jungles of Indochina.

An expedition of ten scientists reached the place where Vodl allegedly disappeared. Despite the warnings of the locals, Winston and Clyde decided to go all the way. As in the case of Vodl, local guides categorically refused to accompany the group, even despite the huge reward. Scientists had to go deep into the jungle on their own at their own risk. Their goal was the same cave where their colleague could die.

Valley of fears

Moving along the map and compass, the scientists overcame the impenetrable jungle, and a valley opened up before them. On one side, high mountains closed it off from the jungle. At the foot of the mountain, the leaders of the group decided to set up camp so that in the morning they could start searching for the cave they were looking for with renewed vigor.

The first night gave scientists an unpleasant surprise. Strange sounds were heard from the mountains. Most of all, they resembled the clicking of castanets, or, as one of the travelers claimed, the fractional clatter of many hammers. In the morning, the members of the expedition broke camp and went deeper into the mountains. They walked strictly along the route that was drawn for them in a nearby village by local experts. By noon, scientists had found the cave, which, apparently, was also searched by David Waudle. The Americans set up camp and began to explore the surroundings. Soon they managed to find the parking lot of David Wodle. Surely it was her! Backpacks with rotten matches, iron mugs that had rusted, notebooks with records washed out by rain, the remains of a fire - all indicated that people had been here relatively recently. But the remains of the people themselves were not here. Then the Americans armed themselves with lanterns and advanced into the cave. To their horror, they found the bodies of Vodl and his companions almost at the entrance to the dungeon. The bodies were badly decomposed, the remains could only be identified by the documents and fragments of equipment with the initials of David Wodl preserved in the pockets of half-decayed clothes. What is strange, they all died a violent death - the skulls and chests of all three were broken. The dead lay in some unnatural poses: one - in the fetal position, the other - in the lotus position, the third "sat" facing the wall of the cave.

Inspection showed that none of the valuables were missing. Vodl had a gold ring on his ring finger, and one of his companions had a gold chain with a pendant in the form of a lizard. So the robbery was not part of the plans of the one who killed the scientists.

Winston and Clyde urged their men to be vigilant and went deeper into the cave. What they saw next horrified them. Scientists have found a dozen dead. To be more precise, they were skeletons in various poses. Some lay on the floor, others were leaning against the walls, others were suspended on rusty hooks from the ceiling. The members of the group were struck by the fact that the skulls and chests of the dead were broken in exactly the same way as those of David Waudle and his companions.


In fear, the members of the expedition left the cave. They were to spend one more night nearby, and that made everyone uncomfortable. As midnight approached, a familiar thudding sound reached the people, this time much clearer and closer than the last time. The sounds clearly came from the cave, now it has become quite clear. People's nerves were already on edge, and after that the composure began to leave the members of the group, someone began to sob, someone was shaking with fear. Winston and Clyde, the only ones with weapons, held them at the ready. Fortunately, after a couple of hours, the knocking ended.

In the morning, scientists began to re-examine the cave. They found no new tracks. But - oh horror! - all the dead were in other positions! As if someone was dragging them from place to place at night. The same fate befell the dead Vodla and his comrades. All three sat in new positions and seemed to be looking at their living colleagues with empty eye sockets. The members of the expedition were so terrified that they decided not to tempt fate again. They quickly packed up and left the ill-fated place, never finding the solution to the terrible secret.

This chilling story was not available to the general public for a long time: a detailed report on the expedition was classified as "top secret" within the walls of the FBI. Recently, information flashed in the US media that another expedition is being prepared for the location of the mysterious cave. Along with anthropologists, it can include archaeologists, psychologists, and even psychics. Perhaps the third expedition will shed light on the events of 24 years ago.


Riddles of the Bermuda Triangle and anomalous zones Voitsekhovsky Alim Ivanovich

Mysterious cave in Thailand

Mysterious cave in Thailand

Relatively recently, an article by A. Rodionov "The Cave of Skeletons" was published in the almanac "UFO". It told that in 1992, a special expedition was sent by the National Association of Anthropologists of the United States to search for the famous scientist David Wodl, who disappeared in the jungles of Thailand. It was led by Perry Winston and Roy Clive, experienced explorers who had spent years in the wilds of Indochina. Following the route of Vodla, they reached the hills overgrown with dense thickets in the northwest of the mouth of one of the local rivers. Among the inhabitants of the surrounding villages, these places were notorious. According to legend, a tribe of cannibal sorcerers lived here in ancient times. Local guides refused to accompany the expedition, so Winston and Clive, with a group of assistants, set off at their own peril and risk.

In the diary of the missing Vodla, an entry made by him shortly before his last trip was found, which mentions some kind of cave where cannibals performed their magical rites. Winston and Clive, not without reason, believed that Waddle and his two companions had gone to this cave and could have died somewhere in its vicinity.

On the very first night, after setting up camp, the members of the expedition heard strange sounds coming from the southwest. The sounds were like the fractional clanging of many hammers. Experiencing involuntary fear, the Americans did not dare to go to where the sounds came from at night. In the morning, after walking several miles, they finally found the cave they were looking for. It is likely that strange night sounds were heard from here. But it was clear that no man had set foot here for many years.

Soon, in the jungle surrounding the cave, the decomposed bodies of Vodl and his companions were found and recognized by scraps of clothing. Examination of the corpses showed that the anthropologists did not die by their own death: their chests and skulls were broken by some kind of blunt object. Strangely, the killers did not take anything from the property. This means that Vodl and his people were not killed for the purpose of robbery, but became a victim of some kind of beast.

Entering the cave, the researchers found in it many human skeletons lying on the floor, leaning against the walls, and even suspended from the walls and ceiling. The researchers were amazed that the chests and skulls of the dead were broken in exactly the same way as those of Vodl and members of his expedition. This circumstance has puzzled the researchers.

The camp was moved almost to the cave. And again, in the middle of the night, a fractional clang was heard, this time much closer. It came from the cave. Arms at the ready, the people spent a sleepless night. It wasn't until the next day that Winston and a few others went to the cave. Everything around her remained the same. There was no sign of anyone's presence anywhere.

However, in the cave itself, an incredible surprise awaited them. One glance at the skeletons was enough to make sure that most of them… had changed their position. Even the day before, they were sitting or lying in a completely different way! Obviously someone was dragging the dead at night. But for what purpose? Winston and another member of the expedition decided to stay near the cave for the night. Stocked with coffee and whiskey, armed with pistols, and carrying a night camera, they took refuge at the very entrance of the cave, and the rest returned to the camp.

At night, the same fractional sound was heard from the side of the cave. It became clear that only bones could knock like that. Nobody heard any other sounds - no shots, no screams. The next morning, Clive discovered the mutilated corpses of Winston and his companion. They lay in a bloody pool, their bodies were crushed, and their skulls were pierced by some kind of blunt object. This made such a terrible impression on the people that, having taken the corpses, they immediately left this ominous plain. No one dared to look into the cave again. True, one of the expedition members later said that, passing by the cave entrance gaping with blackness, he nevertheless directed the beam of his flashlight there. What he saw shocked him. The beam snatched out part of one skeleton that was in the cave. The researcher claims that he saw fresh, dried blood on the bones of the skeleton! ..

According to the New York newspapers, the report on this expedition never saw the light of the day, which, apparently, was due to pressure from the investigating authorities. In the near future, another expedition should go to the mysterious cave...

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Probably, in every country there are mysterious places about which there are many terrible legends. In Thailand, for example, among others, such a place is the Skeleton Cave. The blood runs cold from the mystical facts associated with it. The Skeleton Cave is located in a remote place - among the hills, surrounded by swamps and swamps on the one hand, and the turbulent waters of the river on the other. In 1992, research scientist David Woddle, who was studying this cave, disappeared under mysterious circumstances. A new expedition soon followed, led by anthropologists Roy Clive and Perry Winston, to find out what happened to David Woddle. The legends about the Skeleton Cave inspired such horror in the locals that the guides refused to approach the entrance, which was located in one of the hills. At the first inspection of the cave, it became clear where its name comes from - it was filled with human remains, on which the same handwriting of the murder was visible - broken skulls and chests. In the course of further exploration of a mysterious cave in Thailand, the remains of a missing scientist and members of his expedition were found with exactly the same damage. Household items and valuables were intact, which ruled out murder for the sake of robbery. As a result of the examination of the place around the cave, no traces were found - everything was clear that a human foot had not set foot here for a very long time.

At night, to the camp of Winston and Clive, set up not far from the cave, strange sounds were heard - as if someone was tapping small fractions with small hammers. These sounds instilled mystical fear in the expedition, and no one dared to go and see what was the matter. At dawn, once again in the cave, Winston and Clive fell into a stupor - almost all the skeletons and remains were not in the same places as yesterday: who was "lying", now "sat", who "sat" was hung on the wall, etc. In the evening of the same day, Winston decided to sort everything out and, together with a volunteered expedition comrade, stayed overnight in a cave. They stocked up on food, drink and firearms. The rest returned to the camp in full confidence that nothing threatened their colleagues. At night, small shots were again heard from the side of the cave, but neither cries for help, nor shots were heard. In the morning, the expedition members returned to the Skeleton Cave for their comrades, but their bodies were found at the very entrance - the skulls were broken, as well as their chests. There were no signs of a struggle. Even scientists, accustomed to a cynical attitude towards "mysterious" and "mystical" phenomena, were shocked. Nobody dared to enter the cave this time. The camp was closed, they took the bodies of their comrades. Upon his return, it was reported to the authorities, but the report on the expedition was not widely publicized. When these facts were leaked to the press and numerous questions fell on the investigating authorities, they put forward a version that some ministers of mysterious cults may be involved in this murder. And the expedition members themselves say that small fractions still sound in their ears, and only bones can knock like that.

The Skeleton Cave in Thailand is believed to be located northwest of the mouth of the Kwai River. Many mystical legends have been created about it, and the true existence of this mysterious formation is subject to great doubts.

They started talking about the cave in 1992 after the disappearance of the American anthropologist David Wodl in the Thai jungle with two companions accompanying him. A special search expedition led by Clive and Winston was sent to search for these people. They were experienced anthropologists who knew the jungles of Thailand very well.

The expedition set off along the same route that the missing Vodl had gone. Very soon, the search party reached a hilly area overgrown with dense thickets. Beyond the hills was the valley. On the one hand, it was limited by a river, and on the other, a swampy lowland, teeming with poisonous snakes.

Locals avoided these places, as they considered them cursed. Once upon a time, a tribe of cannibals lived on these lands. All of them were sorcerers and brought a lot of evil to other people living nearby. Therefore, the guides categorically refused to go to the valley with a search expedition.

Even before his disappearance, David Waudle mentioned a mysterious area and some kind of cave in which a tribe of cannibals performed magical rites. The anthropologist wanted to track her down and examine her thoroughly. He went to the mysterious place with two escorts and disappeared. Therefore, the task of the searchers was to find the cave. It was next to her that the lost Vodl and his comrades should have been.

After the first day of searching, the expedition set up camp in the valley. In the middle of the night, people woke up from a fractional sound coming from the south. The sound was like a quiet drum roll. The researchers experienced involuntary fear and could not fall asleep until morning.

As soon as dawn broke, the group moved towards the sound that sounded at night. By lunchtime, not far from the swamp, people discovered a cave. The ground around was soft, but no human footprints were observed on it. It seemed that no one had entered the dark mouth, surrounded by dense vegetation, for a long time.

After some time, 50 meters from the cave, members of the search group found three bodies. It was Vodl and his missing companions. The bodies were badly decomposed, but they were identified by their clothing and equipment.

The bodies clearly showed signs of violence. Someone killed people. The criminals broke their skulls and chests with some blunt and heavy objects. However, the property remained intact. It could be assumed that some large and strong beast attacked the researchers.

Anthropologists entered the cave and found a large number of human skeletons in it. They lay on the ground, hung from the walls and from the ceiling. At first glance, it was clear that their age is calculated in the centuries, and the skulls and chests were broken in the same way as in the corpses found not far from the cave.

The search party set up camp next to the cave. At midnight, a fractional sound was heard again, but much closer. It seemed that it came straight from the dark pharynx, behind which lay human bones.

In the morning the members of the expedition went to the cave. There were no fresh footprints around her that could have appeared at night. However, in the cave itself, the poses of the skeletons have changed markedly. The day before, their position was somewhat different. It seemed that someone was dragging and outweighing the dead at night.

Clive and another member of the group decided to stay near the dark mouth for the night. They took with them guns, hot coffee and a movie camera for night shooting. The rest of the people returned to the camp.

At night, there was again a sound resembling a quiet drum roll. The idea suddenly dawned on people that bones could knock in the same way. However, no shots or screams were heard from the side of the cave. And in the morning, Winston and the members of the group who remained with him discovered the corpses of Clive and his companion. The bodies lay in bloody pools with broken skulls and crushed chests.

This sight made a terrible and painful impression on people. The expedition members took the bodies and left the valley. Again, no one dared to look into the sinister dark pharynx. Only one person shone a flashlight into the darkness and saw one of the cave skeletons. There were stains of fresh, dried blood on his dark bones.

After that, the skeleton cave in Thailand acquired an even more sinister mystical component. However, few believed the expedition members. They talked about the dead resurrecting at night, but they never wrote an official report listing supernatural oddities. Common sense and fear of psychiatric examinations won. In the future, another expedition is planned to the mysterious dark pharynx, behind which sinister mystical entities are hiding.