How to make a rocking chair from plywood with your own hands - drawings and assembly instructions are attached. Do-it-yourself rocking chair: we make a rocking chair ourselves according to the instructions from wood

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A private garden is the best place to relax and work. In order to have a good rest in nature, mankind has come up with many types of different devices, for example, a swing or a hammock. The best comfortable piece of furniture can be considered a chair. But one addition can be made to its design that will make it more convenient. Such a model helps to relax all the muscles of the body, and slow and monotonous rocking encourages long reflections.

The design of the rocking chair has gained immense popularity in the world. That is why, since its invention, many rocking chair options. Masters say that making a chair with your own hands is quite simple.

What rocking chairs exist for giving

To make a universal model of a rocking chair for a summer residence, a willow vine will be needed. The unique and simple design will look great against the backdrop of a variety of greenery and go well with the decor of a gazebo or country house. The main disadvantage of such a durable and lightweight piece of furniture can be considered the fear of a large amount of moisture.

Rattan is a very flexible liana. which grows in Asian countries. This plant is also used to weave unique and beautiful rocking chairs. Their beauty is not inferior to willow products, but the strength is much worse. Fastening materials made of metal are not used in the manufacture of rattan furniture. It is customary to make connections only with the help of high-quality knitting and glue for wood.

When it comes to the service life and great strength of the rocking chair, the models made of metal parts are the best example. A unique lace chair is able to decorate absolutely any suburban area. Rocking chairs should be used not only as furniture for a country house. The main advantage of the product for office work is considered to be its solidity and representativeness. Now there are models of rocking chairs from famous designers, which are made in various modern styles.

Many modern designs of these pieces of furniture have special uniqueness. Together with conventional models of rocking chairs, they can guarantee their owner great comfort and independence from conventional energy sources. A similar piece of furniture, which is equipped with small solar panels, makes it possible to spend your free time with benefit and comfort.

How to make a rocking chair with your own hands

The armchair in its design has much in common with the sofa. When a lot of pillows are placed on such a piece of furniture or a blanket is thrown over, it is impossible to find anything better for relaxing in a country house. Next, the process of assembling a rocking chair from plywood with your own hands will be described in detail.

DIY rocking chair tools

Making a unique rocking chair is quite simple. By purchasing good materials and having the right tools, you can assemble this piece of furniture yourself in a small amount of time. To assemble a rocking chair you will need the following tools:

A good organization of the assembly process assumes that absolutely all the necessary tools will be located near the workplace.

DIY rocking chair: drawings

Every responsible work must begin with detailed drawing, which is needed in order not to be mistaken in the required amount of building materials. And also a high-quality drawing can be easily found on the net. On a special metric grid with a step of no more than 10 centimeters, there is a template for the side parts of the rocking chair. The best option would be to transfer the drawing to a large sheet of paper and make a pattern, with which it will be convenient to transfer the outline of the product to plywood.

In this work, small inaccuracies can be tolerated. But all sidewalls must necessarily be the same. There should be no protruding corners on the lower rolling side of the rocking chair.

Making blanks for a rocking chair made of wood

To make special tsargovy screeds and sidewalls, plywood of the highest class with a thickness of at least 3 centimeters will be needed. The side elements should be cut with an electric jigsaw according to the pattern made. Three tsars should have a size of 810 by 125 millimeters.

Next, it is worth cutting blanks from wooden bars, which in the future will make up the surface of the back and seat of a unique chair. For this purpose, a wooden beam measuring 50 by 25 millimeters is well suited. From it you need to cut 36 blanks of 1250 millimeters. Before you buy the material you need for work, you should find out what the standard length of a wooden beam is in the nearest hardware store.

The total length of the beam, which is needed for the manufacture of the product, is quite simply calculated on the calculator. It is necessary to observe the multiplicity so that when cutting the workpieces, a small amount of the remaining material remains. In this case, the best solution would be to reduce the size of the rocking chair. For example, if the standard length of a wooden beam is 2.5 meters, then one workpiece will be 1240 millimeters, because it is necessary to subtract the thickness of the cut and further processing.

With fasteners, everything is much easier. To make a wooden rocking chair you will need:

  • 14 special confirmations measuring 5 by 125 millimeters;
  • 150 wood screws 4 x 50 mm.

In this way, preparatory stage can be considered completed. However, it will still be necessary to work hard to make a unique rocking chair. Additionally, you may need the following materials:

  • high-quality drying oil;
  • varnish for wood;
  • liquid putty;
  • antiseptic against a variety of pests.

Processing the details of the future rocking chair

Next, you can start sanding the manufactured elements of the chair and removing small chamfers from them. When the grinder has great power and there is experience with it, then such a process does not take much time. Given that the furniture will often be in the open air, it is worth pay great attention to the ends of the parts to ensure their protection from moisture, which will constantly affect them.

All ends of the blanks must be well saturated with hot drying oil, and the longitudinal fibers of the wood on them should be slightly flattened with a hammer. Thus, moisture will not cause much harm to the rocking chair. This procedure for the ends of the product must be carried out several times.

Assembling a homemade chair

This type of country furniture does not have certain standards and assembly rules. Special holes for the drawers should be marked so that it is convenient to assemble the rocking chair. The main elements of a comfortable chair are:

  • headboard;
  • outer arc;
  • sidewalls;
  • foot.

Special drawers fastened to the sidewalls with euro screws. To do this job, you need to make high-quality markings on the sidewalls, and then combine the two sidewalls. Further, in their planes it is worth drilling a through hole with a wood drill with a diameter of 8 millimeters. To make holes in the end of the tsarg, it is necessary to use a wood drill with a diameter of 6 millimeters. Now you need to pull the frame of the product with the help of confirmations.

Next, you need to make holes in the wooden blocks that will form the back and seat of the rocking chair. There should be 35 blanks. It is necessary to make 4 through holes in each bar. As a result, it should get 140 identical holes. To simplify this work, it is worth using a special conductor. This is the name of a device for marking a large number of identical products.

Making it is pretty easy. A small piece of wooden beam is taken, but not less than 300 millimeters long. It is necessary to drill through holes for the template in it, the diameter of which must correspond to the size of the construction pencil for marking. From the end and side of such a device, you need to nail small pieces of plywood, which will act as a limiter. This will prevent you from making mistakes when marking holes.

Such a conductor can be used to mark through holes, but it is absolutely impossible to drill through it, since the template holes will be broken with a drill and the workpieces will have to be re-marked. However, you can use a 4 x 35 mm wood drill with a countersink. In this case, it is possible to make a through hole of the size you need in the marked part.

There must be a gap between the wooden blocks at least 17 millimeters. To avoid distortions, it is necessary to mark on the sidewalls of the product a distance corresponding to 6 bars together with the necessary intervals, and additionally check the matching of the templates in size. When they completely match, then you can continue to assemble the rocking chair. If the sizes do not match, it is worth making adjustments to the blanks. A modern self-tapping screw for wood fixes euro plywood well. However, if we take into account the fact that the fastening frequency is very large, then it is necessary to use a wood drill with a diameter of 3 mm.

Rocking chair finishing

It is necessary to carefully putty holes from self-tapping screws. Further, it is necessary to treat the product with a special antiseptic and cover it several times with waterproof varnish. This work should be done very carefully and carefully. After thorough drying of the rocking chair, you can begin to use it.

How to make a metal rocking chair yourself: drawings

Metal is pretty difficult to process material. When there is no experience in forging or specific equipment for the production of bent products, then only simple rocking chairs will be available for self-assembly. However, their design can be quite interesting. First, a product frame is assembled from a metal corner or profile.

Further, all blanks must be treated with an anti-corrosion compound. Hammer paints are very popular now. The decoration decor depends on the preferences of the master. For example, the seat can be made of wooden planks or covered with a soft cloth. To decorate a rocking chair, it is worth making small pillows for the back and seat, and on top cover everything with a large removable cover. Sometimes a metal frame is braided with a large amount of willow vines. For this work, theoretical skills in wicker weaving will be required, which are worth learning from the numerous videos on the net.

The armchair has always been a kind of “comfort equivalent”, since it is sitting in it that a person can relax and unwind after a busy day. The rocking chair enhances the state of relaxation, as it creates the effect of weightlessness, when there is no hard emphasis on the legs, and hence the load on the spine. Such pieces of furniture have long been very popular in many families. And although this is to a certain extent a relic of antiquity, many today are not averse to acquiring it.

However, high-quality finished products of this type are very expensive. Therefore, a do-it-yourself rocking chair is a way out for those who, for one reason or another, cannot purchase a similar piece of furniture for a house or apartment, and their head and hands work well.

The last reservation was not made by chance, since the manufacture of such an armchair is not an easy task. The complexity of creating a rocking chair lies in the correct balancing of the curved elements, because if it is not achieved, the chair will begin to tip over or simply will not be able to perform its main function - to swing without the risk of rolling over. Moreover, choosing a ready-made project or creating your own, it is necessary to take into account the different weights of family members.

Types of rocking chairs

The main types of rocking chairs by design features

Before deciding to manufacture such a product, it is worth delving a little into the information about different types of rocking chairs - this will help determine the choice of the required model. There are several varieties of such chairs, focused on specific requests and even user habits.

The table below will help you visually evaluate the different types of rocking chairs, as well as their main characteristics.

IllustrationBrief description of the features of rocking chairs
A chair with radius skids can be called traditional, since it was with such models that the development of other designs of rocking chairs began. E
Its name is explained by the fact that the runners along their entire length have a bend of one radius. Therefore, making this type of chair is easier than other options. Models with this design are still popular today, as they are distinguished not only by their simplicity of design, but also by the “conscientious” performance of their immediate functions.
A chair equipped with radius skids usually has a low seat - this factor is associated with its not too high rocking stability. So, with an increase in the amplitude of oscillations, it may well tip over.
This situation can be avoided by installing closing horizontal arcs on the skids.
A rocking chair with skids having variable curvature has a different radius of their bending in different areas along the entire length.
This version of the product has greater stability, and it does not threaten to tip over.
Therefore, it is this safe design that is used for rocking cribs.
The chair, which has runners made in the form of an ellipse, has a soft “move”, it is pleasant to rest and relax in it.
As a rule, the rocking chair has a low fit. Rollover of such models is rare, but in order to completely eliminate the risk of their occurrence, it is recommended to install a high-quality bump stop on the structure, which will reduce the swing radius.
Spring rocking chairs. For their manufacture, expensive elite wood species or spring steel are used. Therefore, their price is quite high, and making such a model at home is quite difficult. Yes, there is no special need for this, since it has a number of significant
Firstly, such rocking chairs cannot be called completely safe, since fingers can be pinched by the springs. IN
secondly, dust and dirt get clogged between the skids and springs, which can be extremely difficult to clean.
Rocking chair "three in one" - includes three functions and can be used as a regular chair or lounger, as well as as a rocking chair.
The chair is equipped with skids having smooth kinks. It is stable in any position and cannot accidentally tip over.
However, such a piece of furniture is still more suitable for apartments with spacious rooms or for use on the site of a private house - the design has impressive dimensions.
Another unpleasant moment is the transfer from one position to another, since for this it is necessary to make certain efforts in the form of sensitive shocks.
The roly-poly chair or "roly-poly" has recently become especially popular for relaxing in the garden. However, its compact version may well be installed in a residential area.
The design feature of such a rocking chair is that, if desired, while in the chair, you can take a lying position. Then, when the load is relieved, it takes its original position, and sitting in it, you can just sway slightly.
The pendulum design of the chair performs the function of swing due to the swivel joints and the presence of bearings.
Such models can be called an improved version of the usual classic chair, but supplemented with a rocking function. Models have a fixed base, while rocking they work almost silently.
This chair is perfect for a young mother to rock her baby.
However, making this type of chair yourself is very difficult. Therefore, if you are interested in just such an option, then it would be more rational to purchase it ready-made.

Material for the manufacture of rocking chairs

Having decided on the principle of product design, it is necessary to choose the material from which it is possible to manufacture it. In addition, each of the materials has its own characteristics, so it is selected depending on the conditions under which the rocking chair will be used. The table shows the most used materials for the manufacture of rocking chairs, but, of course, there are other options:

IllustrationCharacteristic features of materials
Armchair made of metal rods and strips, welded or forged.
This material variant is an excellent solution for an armchair designed to be installed in the yard or garden, as well as on a spacious terrace. Such chairs are highly durable and wear-resistant, they are resistant to various external natural influences.
The disadvantage of the products is their large weight and the fact that their manufacture will require special equipment. (However, it is unlikely that a high-quality wooden chair can be created without special power tools).
The frame of the structure is most often made of metal, on top of which a comfortable mattress is laid for the period of operation, and soft armrests are fixed.
A plywood rocking chair is the most popular product option designed for use in an apartment or house.
Any craftsman who has the skills to work with carpentry tools can make a model from this material.
The advantages of plywood include the ability to produce precise joints, relatively low weight. Due to the large linear dimensions of the sheets and various thicknesses, the material allows the implementation of even the most complex product designs.
In order for the plywood chair to last as long as possible, its parts are treated with one of the protective compounds - a polymer emulsion or acrylic varnish.
Wooden rocking chairs are the traditional option.
Wood is an environmentally friendly, easy to process and affordable material with high strength characteristics. Products made from it have a long service life, as well as a pleasant and warm appearance that can bring a feeling of comfort and coziness to any interior.
Wooden products with proper processing can be used both indoors and outdoors.
If you have a ready-made or your own, correctly calculated project, the manufacture and assembly of a wooden chair may well be done at home.
A profile tube chair, if properly designed and manufactured, will last for many years. This product is intended for outdoor use, on a terrace or in a large area.
Rocking chairs from this material are made by welding. In addition to the welding machine, you will need a pipe bender to work. For a chair, it is best to choose pipes that have an elliptical shape in cross section.
After completion of welding work, the product must be coated with anti-corrosion varnish or paint.
Boards or plywood covered with fabric or natural or artificial leather can be used as a seat and armrests.
An armchair made of polypropylene pipes can be called a creative option that is unlikely to be used in the premises of the house. It is more suitable for the conditions of the yard or garden, especially since the material is resistant to external natural influences, except, however, for severe frosts and direct sunlight.
To give the structure higher rigidity, it is worth using a large number of connecting elements, so that it consists of small pipe sections.
However, it should be borne in mind that this option is not suitable for people with a lot of weight, since even short pipe sections can bend under the influence of a large load.
For the manufacture of products from polypropylene pipes, you will need a special soldering iron.
Rocking chair from a rod.
To make a product from this material, you must have certain knowledge of its processing and the basic technological methods of weaving.
It should be noted that this work is very laborious and time-consuming, so you will have to be patient to complete it.
But the armchair made of wicker will turn out to be light and comfortable, you can take it outside if you wish, and then bring it into the house.

Recommendations for the choice of material and the manufacture of the product

Before proceeding to the consideration of options for the manufacture of different rocking chairs, I would like to give a few recommendations that will help in the selection of material and in the process of work.

  • For the manufacture of chairs, dense wood species are used - larch, oak, teak, ash, walnut, etc.
  • If plywood is chosen, it is better to give preference to "Euro-plywood", which has a thickness of up to 30 mm and has excellent quality, strength and reliability. Material before its acquisition should be checked for damage, knots or cracks. High-quality plywood is easier to mark, cut and process.
  • The more time is spent processing and impregnating wood blanks with protective compounds, the higher will be the durability of products made from them.
  • If the chair is planned to be made for outdoor use, then stationary soft upholstery should not be fixed on it, even from moisture-resistant material. Moisture will still seep under the outer skin into foam rubber or synthetic winterizer, in which mold will appear over time. The best option would be removable pillows or mattresses, as well as armrests, in which a synthetic winterizer is used as stuffing. Such products can not only be brought into the house for the autumn and winter period or during rainy weather, but also washed if necessary.
  • If the finished rocking chair falls back strongly or, on the contrary, moves forward, then it should be balanced. How to do this will be discussed in a separate section.

Check out some interesting options from our new article on our portal.

Options for the manufacture of rocking chairs

In order to independently calculate the ideally correct bending of the chair runners for a specific weight of a certain person, it is necessary to apply physical and mathematical calculations. Some precise data must be involved in them. In general, this process is quite complicated, and not everyone is able to understand its nuances. Therefore, it is recommended to use ready-made proven projects that are transferred to the main material of manufacture using a marking grid or provided dimensions.

rocking chair prices

rocking chair

Check out how to make chairs for a veranda or terrace from our new article -

garden rocking chair

This chair has a simple design and can be made even by a novice craftsman who has the necessary tools and skills to work with them.

Appearance of a garden rocking chair of the "Roly-Vstanka" type

For manufacturing, you will need some electrical and hand tools - this is an electric jigsaw, a manual milling machine for processing the edges of the material, a screwdriver, a metal ruler, a tape measure and a pencil, a rubber spatula.

From the materials should be prepared:

- plywood sheets with a thickness of 30 mm and a size of 1400 × 1200 mm;

- boards with a size of 800 × 150 × 20mm - 3 pcs.;

- boards for seat upholstery 32 pcs. size 1200×30×15 mm;

- self-tapping screws;

- water-based protective varnish;

- wood putty.

The first thing to do before starting work is to carefully study the drawing of the parts from which the rocking chair will be assembled.

General scheme. The patterned detail that will be cut out of plywood for transferring to plywood sheets is shown in a dimensional grid with cells of 100 × 100 mm

The table below shows step by step the process of manufacturing parts and assembling such a rocking chair.

The first step is to make side molding parts, which will become the basis of the structure - both skids and a kind of frame for attaching seat parts.
To make it easier to transfer curved lines to plywood from the drawing presented above, sheets of 1400 × 1200 mm in size must be drawn into squares of 100 × 100 mm. Then, by measuring the location of the lines in each of the squares on the project, the values ​​are transferred to a grid drawn on plywood. Therefore, to make it easier for yourself, a small drawing is best done on a scale of 1:10, that is, each cell will have a size of 10 × 10 mm.
After the drawing is transferred to plywood, the parts are cut out in turn using an electric jigsaw.
After cutting the parts, they are put together, compressed in clamps, and ideally adjusted to each other using a jigsaw and a router.
The next step is the processing of the side parts with a milling cutter - chamfers are removed from their end sides.
Well, then the parts are ground manually or using a grinding machine.
At the next stage of work, three jumpers (tsargs) are made from the prepared boards, which will fasten the sidewalls of the structure. The size of these jumpers-siders should be 800 × 150 × 20 mm.
We assemble a comfortable chair made of wood with our own handsFurther, focusing on the drawing, on the inner surfaces of the side parts, the installation sites of the fastening jumpers (tsarg) are marked. The markings should be as accurate as possible, otherwise the chair may turn out to be skewed.
In order for the jumpers to be more firmly fastened to the side parts, it is necessary to make a sample of wood from the lined rectangles to a depth of 5 mm.
Then, before installing the jumpers, these cut out grooves are filled with PVA or wood glue.
After the side parts are connected to each other by the drawers, the structure is turned on its side and twisted with furniture screws or confirmations. Each of the connecting nodes will require two fasteners. In order to prevent the jumpers from cracking, holes are drilled under them before screwing the confirmations - it is best to use a special cutter for this.
At the next stage, the assembled frame is sheathed with narrow boards. In order for them to be installed evenly, not to stick out to the left or right, it is recommended to mark and draw lines along which the fixing screws will be screwed. For marking, the slats are evenly laid out on the table, 200 mm are laid off from each edge - this is where the desired line will pass.
Then, starting from the lower edge of the chair, they begin to carry out the sheathing of the frame.
Reiki are mounted at a distance of 10 mm from each other. To keep the exact step, it will be easiest to make two 10 mm thick calibrator templates, which will set the width of the gap on both sides. After attaching the board, these calibrators are removed and rearranged to attach the next jumper - and so on.
As can be seen in the illustration, the edges of the skin protrude beyond the side load-bearing parts by 200 mm on each side. The heads of the self-tapping screws must be recessed into the wood below the surface level by 2 ÷ 3 mm.
The next step is to tightly fill the holes formed above the heads of the screws with wood putty.
It is best to make the composition yourself or add small sawdust to the finished putty left when sawing plywood and boards.
Putty is recommended to be applied with a rubber spatula, which will immediately level its surface.
Further, the putty must be allowed to dry well, after which the places of its application are polished.
We assemble a comfortable chair made of wood with our own handsBefore carrying out the "grand opening", the rocking chair must be covered with a protective varnish, which is designed for outdoor use.
You can choose water-based formulations or alkyd options.
Well proven as a durable finish for outdoor wood all year round, "Yacht Lacquer", widely used to coat the hulls of yachts and boats, as well as other structures in contact with water.

Rocking chair with skids of variable curvature

This type of chair is on sale in a large assortment - the models may differ in the configuration of the side parts, as well as in the arrangement and upholstery of the seats. To use rocking chairs at home, the seats are most often made soft, for the street - from well-treated wood.

One of the options for chairs equipped with skids with variable curvature

This section will consider a slightly different option from the one shown above in the photo, but made according to the same principle. The chair has a compact size, so it can be installed in a living room.

Prices for a rocking chair with a footrest

rocking chair with footrest

The demonstrated version of the chair is equipped with armrests, as well as overlays on the runners, which will prevent the structure from tipping over.

For the manufacture of this model, you will need the same tools that were listed in the previous case. From the materials it will be necessary to prepare:

The step between grid lines is 100×100 mm
  • Plywood sheets with a thickness of 16÷18 mm, having dimensions of 1100×700, 1200×600 and 1200×200 mm - 2 pieces each:

The first is for cutting out side parts;

The second - parts for the back and seat;

The third - a larger part is designed for overlays on the runners, a smaller one - for the armrests.

  • Bars-beams (tsargi) for fastening together the parts of the seat - 6 pcs. section 30 × 20 mm, length 600 mm.
  • Bar-beam to stiffen the structure, fastened by the lower part of the side parts, section 50 × 20 mm, length 600 mm.
  • Metal corners 14 pcs. size 30×30 mm.
  • Fiberboard sheets 2 pcs. for the base under the soft seat, size 600 × 700 mm.
  • Foam rubber 100 mm thick, the same size as chipboard.
  • Fabric or leather for seat and back upholstery - two cuts 700 × 800 mm in size.
  • Furniture self-tapping screws for assembly of the structure.
IllustrationBrief description of the operations performed
This illustration shows the assembled structure, but on which all the details are visible through and through.
Thanks to this image, it is easier to navigate how it will be possible to connect individual parts into a single structure.
The first step from the design drawing is to transfer the dimensions and shapes of the side parts to plywood sheets. It is recommended to draw them in a cell measuring 100 × 100 mm.
The installation locations of the fasteners are immediately determined, and at the intended points, after the parts are cut out, through holes are drilled.
In the same way, the parts that form the back and seat are transferred and cut out.
It is very important when cutting out both one and the other paired parts, to fit exactly to each other - they must be absolutely identical.
Finished curved parts (their edges) must be processed with a router, making sharp corners slightly rounded.
The next step is preparing the drawers - six crossbars for the seat and back, and one jumper for connecting the side parts. They are made from a board or bars suitable for the section.
The wood should be well sanded, free of roughness and burrs.
Next, there is a stage of connecting two parts - the seat-back.
It is very important to correctly mark the attachment points, otherwise the design will turn out to be skewed.
In this project, the connection is provided with the help of dowels, but it is additionally recommended to strengthen them with metal corners fixed on the back of the structure.
In order for the markup to be perfect, it is necessary not only to take measurements, but also, having laid the details side by side, check visually.
Now you can do the connection of the side parts with the seat and back. For this, the marking of the installation points of the fasteners is also done on the latter.
According to the marking, through holes are drilled for screws with nuts and washers installed on both sides of the fastened parts.
The next step is to install the lower jumper, which strengthens the structure.
Before its installation, the places of its attachment are also marked. The part is screwed with furniture screws, they will need two on each side.
Further, linings are mounted on the skids - their installation location must also be marked. To do this, the chair is turned upside down. These parts are fixed using a special technology, which includes several stages:
- the blank of the overlay is well warmed up with a building hair dryer;
- then it is laid on the marked place on the runner and tightly tied with cotton braid or twine. You need to work carefully so as not to get burned, as the plywood will still be hot;
- in the same way, the second overlay is also attached;
- after the plywood parts have cooled down and taken the exact shape of the runner, the fixing rope is removed;
- the slats are coated with PVA or carpentry glue, then they are well pressed against the runners; - the edges of the slats are nailed to their entire length until they fully adhere to the runners. Before hammering nails, washers or pieces of plywood are put on them to make it easier to remove them after the glue dries;
- in this state, the product is left for two or three days;
- then the nails are removed, the surface is cleaned with a grinder;
- blind holes are drilled at the ends of the overlays, into which self-tapping screws are screwed, their heads must be recessed into the wood;
- holes above the heads of self-tapping screws are rubbed with putty with the addition of sawdust.
It is important to remember that the fastening of the overlays with self-tapping screws is carried out only at their ends, otherwise, during the abrasion of the wood, the fasteners will scratch the floor covering.
After fixing the overlays on the skids to the glue, the armrests are fixed in the same way. After the glue dries, unlike the pads on the skids, the armrests are fixed with self-tapping screws along the entire length, they are installed in increments of 80 ÷ 100 mm.
Fastener heads are also recessed into the wood and sealed with putty, after which the linings are sanded.
Further, a not so difficult stage of work is underway - fixing on the lintels of the seat and back of the fiberboard fragments cut to size.
They are nailed with furniture nails with wide hats. You can also use short self-tapping screws to fix them.
Now you can do soft upholstery. For this, foam rubber and upholstery fabric are cut to size.
Then the edges of the fabric are carefully wrapped on the back of the foam rubber and fixed with glue. To fix the upholstery on a sheet of fiberboard, it is recommended to use a special glue for foam rubber. Such a fastening of the upholstered part of the chair is shown in this diagram, but it is still better to do it differently.
First, foam rubber should be glued onto separate cut-out sheets of fiberboard, then covered with a cloth, fixing it on the back of the hard layer with staples. Then - fix the pillows on a rigid base on the lintels of the chair, using through fasteners, for example, screws with round caps decorated with fabric or leather.
Another option is to make removable pillows. To do this, you need to sew covers, fill them with padding polyester, then flash the finished product in five to six places. As fasteners, a braid is sewn on the bottom and top of the pillows, which is tied on the back of the back and seat.

Rocking chair from an ordinary old armchair or chair

To facilitate the task of making a rocking chair, you can use a ready-made chair or a chair that is no longer used in household use. If the upper part of the structure is in a decent, durable condition, then it remains only to make skids under it and fix them on the legs, having previously adjusted and cut them along the formed radius.

In order not to bother with complex calculations, you can go empirically by making a runner template by selecting the required radius. To do this, you should take the advice of an experienced master.

This table will consider one of the ways to make skids, since it depends on them how well the chair will swing, and because they are the most difficult structural details to manufacture:

IllustrationBrief description of the operations performed
So, to create the necessary bend, you first need a strip of fiberboard 1200 long and 30 ÷ 35 mm wide and a rail with a cut to fix the strip on it, which will become the prototype of future skids.
Cutouts are made at the ends of the strip, with the help of which it can linger on the ledge of the rail, so that you can check how well and with what amplitude the swing will be performed.
Having determined the radius of the bend, on a table or on a sheet of plywood according to the pattern learned from the plank and rail, an arc is drawn on which the middle is determined - the top of the bend of the future skids.
When choosing the desired bending radius, it must be taken into account that the selection system allows you to achieve weak, medium or strong rocking of the chair:
- for example, if it is necessary that the chair barely sways, then you should choose a larger radius for the location of the bar on the rail, that is, push it wider;
- if there is a desire to create a "reactive" version of rocking, then the radius is made smaller, that is, the edges of the strip on the rail are moved closer to the center;
- in the case shown in the illustration, the middle option is selected, which will not allow the chair to tip over. The distance in the middle from the lath to the bent strip is approximately 150 mm.
According to the intended radius, you can simply cut out the skids from plywood with a thickness of 18 to 30 mm. Or make them in bent glued technology.
The second option is longer in execution, but when using it, more durable skids are obtained, and their width can be increased up to 50 mm. However, to carry out this process, a special device is required - stocks, which are wooden corners on which a strip of fiberboard is fixed.
The device has a certain flexibility and can be set according to the template drawn on the table - this is well shown in the illustration.
The exposed stocks are firmly attached to the base (workbench). Thus, a spatial curvilinear template is set, according to which it is fashionable to produce bent glued parts of the same radius.
In this case, only the technique of fastening plywood strips 5 mm thick to the template stocks is shown as an example, therefore only two strips of this material were used. However, for the manufacture of skids, of course, the thickness of two strips of plywood (or MDF) lamellas 5 mm thick will not be enough.
You will need at least six strips, which, before being installed on the stocks and clamped in clamps, are coated with PVA or other wood glue.
The installation of the workpiece smeared with glue on the stocks is carried out from the center, that is, first the middle is attracted with a clamp, then the edges of the lamella are hooked, but not finally attracted. After that, starting from the middle with a step of 100 mm, the clamps are installed and tightened through the wooden lining, creating the desired radius of the future runner.
The last clamps are tightened.
In this position, the workpiece is left to dry for two to three days.
The finished bent-glued skids are shown in this illustration.
In the future, the ends of the skids made in this example will be decorated with decorative details. For their manufacture, pieces of bars are fixed on the blanks.
For connection, grooves are cut out in the bars, equal to the thickness of the skids, with a depth of 20 mm. The edges of the blanks should fit snugly into the cut gaps. The grooves are smeared with glue, and then the edges of the runners are inserted into them.
In order to be able to pull together the glued structure, the skids are temporarily fastened together by horizontal bars.
After the parts are completely ready, they are milled and polished.
The craftsman decided to reinforce the bent-glued blanks with wooden plates, which are fastened together with dowels. The overlays are marked and sawn out according to a template created already on the inside of the bent glued blanks.

Now it remains to fix the skids on the legs of the old chair or armchair. To do this, measure the distance between the legs of the product. Then the middle of the runners is determined again, after which ½ of the distance between the legs is laid off on each side from the found point.

Prices for the rocking chair "Impex"

rocking chair "Impex"

For example, this or a similar chair model is perfect for converting it into a rocking chair.

This marking will help determine the location of the legs on the runners. Further, each skid is applied to that side of the chair, to the legs of which it will be attached. On the legs, cut lines are defined, which will repeat the direction of the skid, so that during installation they fit perfectly against the surface of the skids.

The next step is to cut holes or grooves in wooden overlays for bent glued blanks. Then grooves are also cut out on the legs, or the ends of the legs are processed so that they take the form of spikes. The spikes on the legs of the chairs are glued into the grooves cut in the runners. For reliability, it is fashionable to strengthen this connection with a dowel.

Find out, with step-by-step instructions, from our new article on our portal.

* * * * * * *

So, it is clear that making a rocking chair or even just skids for an old chair is not an easy task. Therefore, if there is no experience in carpentry or suitable high-quality tools for performing work, then you should consider whether it is worth taking on the independent implementation of your plan. However, if the material is available, time will allow, the desire to try your hand spurs you on - why not try? And experience is a thing! And even if not everything goes smoothly the first time, then the next time, with an analysis of the mistakes made, it will definitely start to work out.

Well, for good masters and lovers of tasks it is more difficult - an example of creating a metal rocking chair of a pendulum type.

Video: pendulum-type metal rocking chair

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How to make a rocking chair from plywood with your own hands - drawings and assembly instructions are attached

A comfortable and beautiful rocking chair made of wood in a store is not cheap. However, it is not necessary to buy such furniture, because everything can be done with your own hands. Read in this article about how to make reliable and inexpensive furniture from plywood for a comfortable stay.

Advantages of a homemade plywood rocking chair

The use of plywood as the main material for furniture assembly guarantees the following advantages:

  • Making furniture with curvilinear shapes. Plywood, unlike solid wood, can be bent in different directions, giving products complex curvilinear shapes.
  • Ease of manufacture. Most plywood furniture can be made by hand using readily available tools from the home workshop.
  • Affordable cost. Finished products will cost less than similar, but solid wood products.
  • Great look. Plywood is glued from veneer with a solid pattern, and therefore the finished furniture looks no worse, and sometimes even better, than similar products completely assembled from wood.
  • Strength and durability. Due to the special arrangement of the veneer in the board, plywood exhibits higher fracture strength compared to similar indicators of solid wood.
  • Environmental Safety. Multilayer plywood is a product made from natural raw materials - wood, and therefore this material is safe for humans.

Types of rocking chairs

What chairs can be made from plywood? There are many options, consider only the most interesting.

How does it swing

The review shows that in terms of the device, all rocking chairs are of 3 types, namely, models with curved skids, models with a pendulum and hanging models. But regardless of the modification, the principle of swinging all rocking chairs is pendulum.

The seat in all of these models moves due to the forced displacement of the center of gravity relative to its original position. Subsequent displacements occur by inertia. As you swing, the inertia weakens and the pendulum stops until you set it in motion again.

Drawings of plywood rocking chair

When choosing a chair model for self-assembly, we give preference to those drawings that will be easier to translate into reality. I offer several such drawings.

The drawing shows a model of upholstered furniture assembled on solid sidewalls, cut out in the form of curved runners, turning into armrests. To connect the sidewalls, you can use transverse inserts made of plywood or planed board.

The supporting frame of this chair is assembled from plywood parts. Cross bars are stuffed over the frame. The lower part of the sidewalls is reinforced with a bent strip of skids. Such a design will be an excellent element of the surroundings of a country terrace or a personal plot.

Puzzle Rocker translated from English means "a rocking chair assembled from mosaic fragments." 4 fragments shown in the diagram are cut from multilayer plywood. Then these fragments are put together without the use of fasteners and the chair is ready. If necessary, the rocking chair is easy to disassemble.

Design requirements and dimensions

The dimensions of plywood furniture are selected so that the overall dimensions correspond to the thickness of the material used. That is, the larger the chair, the thicker the plate should be, from which the details will be cut. The preferred option for any chairs is plywood with a thickness of 25 mm or more.

What you need to work

The most important tool for working with plywood is a jigsaw, which will ensure sufficient accuracy of the cut.

Required materials and tools:

  • Multilayer plywood - thickness 30 mm.
  • Fasteners self-tapping screws for wood and other hardware for furniture assembly.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Paints and varnishes for decorative and protective finishing of furniture.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Screwdriver with a set of drills and bits.
  • Clamps for wood.
  • Sander or hand grater with replaceable sandpaper.

Chair making process

Making furniture from plywood is not much different from making chairs from other board materials. The process is step-by-step and all steps are performed in the following sequence:

  • Cutting the material in accordance with the selected drawing.
  • Preparation of parts - chamfering, drilling holes, forming grooves, etc.
  • Furniture assembly.
  • Finishing, including grinding and processing with paints and varnishes.

Let's consider the above points in more detail.

If the material is purchased for subsequent painting, simply select a sheet of the desired thickness, not paying attention to the texture of the fibers. If the finished furniture is supposed to be varnished at the end of the assembly, we don’t save money and get the plywood that initially looks good.

We try to purchase the material that was stored correctly - we are talking about moisture and the absence of sheet curvature. The purchased material must be even and dry. We pay attention to the cut line, all layers must be tightly glued together without peeling.

Preparation of plywood and general rules for working with it

Plywood is a board glued together from sheets of natural wood veneer. On the one hand, the layered structure of the material simplifies the work, since plywood can be bent.

On the other hand, this feature makes sawing difficult, since an improperly selected tool and unprofessional cutting lead to the fact that the layers of veneer along the cutting line of the slab crack and crumble. That is why, when assembling plywood furniture, we follow the instructions and recommendations proposed in this article.

How to prepare material for subsequent sawing? You don't need to do anything special, just make sure the slab is dry enough and free from curvature. If there is curvature, lay the plywood on the bars so that the sheet curves in the opposite direction of the curvature.

Pattern making and drawing transfer

After we decided on the choice of the drawing, it remains to mark the plate in accordance with it. That is, you need to transfer the drawing to plywood, while increasing the scale of the image to natural size. If the design of the furniture to be assembled does not have complex shapes, the drawing from the paper is transferred along the ruler and square.

If it is planned to make furniture with complex shapes, patterns (templates) are cut out of thick paper or cardboard for each part, which are subsequently traced on a sheet of plywood.

Cutting plywood into pieces

For a curved cut, it is preferable to use a jigsaw, as the tool is available. If possible, blanks are sawn on a band saw, provided that a fine-toothed blade is used.

Construction assembly

The chair is assembled according to the drawing. The strength of the finished product largely depends on the choice of fasteners. To achieve maximum reliability, we use self-tapping screws only in unloaded connections. In areas with a high degree of load, we use fasteners consisting of bolts and nuts.

The advantage of bolting when assembling furniture is that the nuts can be tightened during operation and thus eliminate backlash and creaking.

Final balancing

How to balance skids for smooth rocking? Make sure there are no ridges or flat areas on the skids that could impede rocking. If there are such areas, round them off using a sander with sandpaper.

In addition, for smooth rocking without sticking, use the chair on a flat hard surface. If the furniture is to be used on a personal plot, it is preferable to make the runners wide so that they do not imprint into the ground.

How to bend plywood for a rocking chair

How to make curved parts out of plywood without cutting out their contour from a single sheet, but by bending the strips along a given radius?

Illustrations How to bend

Steaming and bending. This is a classic method in which the part is soaked in boiling water and then molded and fixed in a pattern. After drying, the workpiece retains the specified radius.

The method is relevant for plywood of small thickness.

Cutting and bending. On the inside of the intended fold, cuts are made to ¾ of the thickness of the sheet. After that, the workpiece bends.

To fix the radius, glue is poured into the cavity of the cuts and a strip of veneer is glued over the cuts.

This method is preferred for materials with a thickness greater than 25 mm.

How to make chair pads

Properly assembled furniture looks good on its own, but soft lining will make it more comfortable. The easiest option is to make pads in the shape of the seat and back on ribbon ties. You can make these patches yourself, or you can buy them ready-made.

DIY collapsible chair

Summing up

Now you know how to make a plywood rocking chair yourself. If after watching the video on choosing a design and assembling furniture, you still have questions, ask them in the comments to the article.

October 25, 2018

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Your own garden is a great place for both work and relaxation. For a full-fledged summer holiday, people came up with a variety of devices from swings to a hammock. Armchairs are a classic piece of comfortable furniture. But someone ingenious managed to make an addition to its design that made it even more convenient: a rocking chair was born. This model allows you to perfectly relax all the muscles, and unhurried and rhythmic rocking is conducive to pleasant thoughts, soothes, lulls. The rocking chair has proved so popular that since its invention, many variations and modifications have appeared. Moreover, it turned out that a do-it-yourself rocking chair made from different materials is not a myth.

To create a classic rocking chair model, you need a willow vine. The openwork and light design looks great against the backdrop of country greenery and successfully combines with the interior of a garden house or gazebo. The disadvantage of this light and durable product is one - the fear of excess moisture.

It is not so easy to make a light and seemingly unpretentious chair from a willow vine. You need to be able to prepare the material, and the weaving technique requires special skills.

Rattan is a flexible vine that grows in Southeast Asia. Wonderful and very beautiful chairs are also woven from rattan. In beauty, they are not inferior to willow, which cannot be said about durability. Neither screws nor nails are used to create rattan furniture. All connections are held only thanks to glue and skillful knitting.

Rattan as a raw material is not sold in our stores. Such a rocking chair for the owner of the cottage is a good purchase, and not a product in the manufacture of which he can show his creative abilities

If we talk about the strength and durability of the product, then this model made of forged metal can be an example of reliable furniture. An elegant lace structure will decorate any garden.

The main advantage of this model is its durability. The main one, but not the only one. Agree that this thing looks like an elegant silver jewelry

Rocking chairs are used not only as country furniture. A distinctive feature of the office rocking chair is its respectability and solidity.

Office workers also appreciate high-quality rocking chairs as accessories that help to fully relax from the bustle of business. Of course, office models are different from the country version.

There are also designer models of rocking chairs made in high-tech style.

Very interesting and, most importantly, quite functional model. Combines a comfortable rocking chair and a spotlight

Some super modern rocking chair designs are truly unique. Like simpler models, they guarantee their owner comfort, but, in addition, independence from energy sources. Such a product, equipped with solar panels, allows you to spend time with comfort and benefit.

For the base of this design, you can use thick plywood, and for its upper part - polycarbonate. Finding solar panels on the network today is also not a problem.

Master class: rocking chair for two

A double rocking chair is more like a sofa. If you put a few pillows on this comfortable structure or throw a blanket on it, you simply cannot find anything better for a summer vacation. We will tell you how to make such a rocking chair with your own hands.

Who said that you can only enjoy the comfort of a rocking chair alone? This model is good for two

Stage # 1 - preparing tools

Making a quality rocking chair is not as difficult as it seems. Having all the necessary tools and stocking up on quality materials, you can slowly do everything yourself. What kind of tools do we need for this work?

  • Electric jigsaw complete with wood saws.
  • Disc grinder. It will need nozzles with different grain sizes. In fact, a manual milling cutter may also be needed, but if you have a large amount of coarse-grained sandpaper and if the grinder has sufficient power, you can do without it.
  • Screwdriver with a set of drills for wood and bits.
  • A right angle with a long ruler.
  • Roulette.
  • Hammer.
  • Putty knife.
  • Brushes and pencil.

Proper organization of work assumes that all of the listed tools will be literally at hand.

Stage # 2 - draw a drawing

Any responsible work begins with the manufacture of a drawing. It is necessary in order to correctly calculate the need for materials. However, the drawing is already there. On the metric grid, the pitch of which is 100 mm, there is a template for the side of the chair. It is best to transfer the drawing to paper and cut out a pattern, with which it will be easier to draw a contour on plywood.

The drawing of an excellent rocking chair, which you can make with your skillful hands, is made on a metric grid, the pitch of which is 100 mm

Small inaccuracies are acceptable, it is important not to make a mistake in the main thing: the sidewalls must be identical, on the rolling, their lower side there should not be any protruding corners.

Stage # 3 - cutting blanks from plywood and timber

For the manufacture of tie-bars and sidewalls, europlywood is required, the thickness of which is 30 mm. The sidewalls, as already mentioned, are cut with a jigsaw strictly according to the pattern. The dimensions of each of the three sides are 800x120 mm.

Now it is necessary to cut the blanks of the bars, which will later form the surface of the seat and back of the rocking chair. To do this, you need a bar measuring 50x25 mm, from which we will cut 35 blanks of 1200 mm each. Before purchasing the material needed for this, find out what is the standard length of one such bar in your stores.

Based on the proposed drawing, you need to make a pattern, with which you should apply the contour of the sidewall of the chair to plywood

The total molding that you need, you can easily calculate yourself. Observe the multiplicity so that when cutting the workpieces there is not a large amount of residue. Let your rocking chair be a little narrower than it was originally planned. For example, with a standard length of 2.4 meters, the length of one workpiece will be 1195 mm (subtract the thickness of the cut and subsequent processing).

Fasteners are easy. Need:

  • confirmations (Euroscrews) 12 pieces, size 5x120mm;
  • self-tapping screws 140 pieces, size 4x45.

In fact, the initial part of the work is already over, but you still have to work hard to get the desired result. In the process of this work, you will need drying oil, wood varnish, putty, antiseptic, which also need to be bought in advance.

Stage #4 - pre-processing parts

We proceed to sanding all the details and removing small chamfers. If your grinder is powerful enough and you know how to handle it, this procedure will not take you much time. Given the fact that the rocking chair will be located on the street, special attention must be paid to the ends of all elements in order to protect them as much as possible from dampness, to which they will undoubtedly be exposed.

Pre-treatment of parts does not only consist of sanding and chamfering. All measures must be taken to protect the end parts of the elements from decay.

The ends of the parts must be soaked with hot drying oil, and the wood fibers on them should be slightly flattened with a hammer. So moisture will be less absorbed. For the ends, the processing-varnishing-processing procedure must be carried out twice before the general assembly of the structure.

Stage # 5 - assembly of the structure

There are no specific standards in the manufacture of this piece of garden furniture. The holes for the sides are marked as logic requires: the headboard, the middle part of the outer arc of the sidewall and the footboard. The tsargs will be drawn to the sidewalls with the help of confirmations. To do this, a preliminary marking is made on the sidewalls, after which the two sidewalls are combined, and a through hole is drilled in their planes with an 8 mm drill. A 5 mm drill is used for the hole in the end of the tsarg. Now you can tighten the frame of the chair with euro screws.

Holes for drawers must first be marked, after which both sidewalls are folded together and neat through holes are drilled

Now let's talk about how to drill the bars that form the seat and back of the chair. We have exactly 35 of them. It is necessary to drill 4 holes in each bar (two on each side). And these are 140 symmetrical holes.

To simplify the task, we use a “conductor” - a device for marking a large number of homogeneous parts. We make it very simply: we take a piece of the same beam, not shorter than 250 mm, we drill holes in it for the template, the diameter of which should be the same as that of a marking pencil. From the end and one of the side parts of the "conductor" we nail plywood scraps, which will serve as a limiter that does not allow you to miss during the marking process. "Conductor" is ready.

Assembly is the longest and most time-consuming part of creating a rocking chair. However, the "jig" will help you facilitate the procedure for drilling symmetrical holes.

This is what the chair looks like at the final stage of work. Of course, in this form it can not be exploited yet. Measures must be taken to protect it from the weather

The "conductor" will be used to mark holes, it is impossible to drill through it, because you can break the template holes with a drill and the parts will have to be countersinked separately. If you take a 3.5x30 drill with a countersink, it will be possible to make a hole according to the finished marking as needed.

According to the drawing, there should be a gap of 15 mm between the bars. In order to avoid distortions, it is necessary to mark on the side of the chair the distance that will correspond to six bars together with intermediate intervals, and check the matching of the template inserts in thickness. If they match, you can continue to mount. Otherwise, an adjustment should be made. A four-millimeter wood screw holds perfectly in euro plywood. But given that the fastening frequency is high, it is better to use a 3mm drill bit.

Stage # 6 - finishing the finished product

Holes above the screws must be carefully puttied. The next in line will be antiseptic treatment and a three-time coating of the product with waterproof varnish. You have to work very hard. Remember how much your work has already been invested in this chair. After all, you want it to last as long as possible? Then try!

If you have small children, you can involve them in the work of filling holes over the screws, but you will have to carefully inspect the model for damage to fix them yourself

Sliding chair without skids

You probably noticed that all the models presented above have a common principle of operation. The trick is that these rocking chairs use curved skids as the base. How to make a rocking chair without skids? It turns out that this is also possible. Watch this video and you'll get an idea of ​​exactly how it's done.

Secondly, a simple and at the same time effective health simulator. Thirdly, it is surprisingly comfortable to relax in it, read a book or indulge in sweet, addictive and enveloping laziness.

Since the statement that all diseases stem from the nerves is largely true, the rocking chair can become a unique pill, a miracle cure for many diseases.

Rhythmic, even and calm swaying puts the human nervous system into some kind of trance - the body calms down, relaxes, but the parasympathetic nervous system, on the contrary, is activated.

A person relaxes, distracted from the daily routine and obsessive thoughts. A relaxed mind is “lazy” to control the body, the muscles relax, starting to fully rest and recover, accumulating a reserve of strength.

A rocking chair will help overcome sleep problems, because dimensional rocking is the same manipulation that a mother carries out, rocking a child in cradle. Just half an hour in a rocking chair - and a deep healthy sleep will take you into its arms.

A rocking chair will help patients with tachycardia - swaying, as it were, sets a certain uniform pace, to which the heart adjusts. It trains the vestibular apparatus - after it it is easier to endure long trips in a car, train or plane.

Today, rocking chairs are made from different materials, but our most popular products are made from rattan and vines.

What to make a rocking chair from: we select materials

To make a reliable, strong and durable rocking chair, you need to use high-quality wood - coniferous varieties, oak or larch. Often, to simplify the work, plywood is used - its sheets are not only easy to saw to get the part of the required shape, but it is also plastic enough and lends itself well to further processing (sanding, painting).

The choice of material is almost completely determined by the place where to place the rocking chair. An outdoor rocking chair should have additional protection and be treated with antiseptic agents that minimize the impact of adverse aggressive natural factors (frost, rain, snow) and allow it to maintain its aesthetic appeal for as long as possible.

For a summer residence, the combination of metal and wood looks like the best option - the base (frame) is made of forged metal, and the seats are already made of wood. And stores are increasingly offering plastic rocking chairs, which have two undoubted advantages: low price and high immunity to all natural influences.

How to make a rocking chair with your own hands: the most affordable options

The main part of the design of the rocking chair is two runners (skis), which have an arched shape, due to which, in fact, the chair can rock. These skids can be short or long. In chairs with long skids, the depth and amplitude of rolling are quite large, a person moves from a sitting position to a semi-lying position. Rocking chairs with short skids provide a calm and sedate swing, which is why they are especially popular with older people.

To make a simple rocking chair, you do not even need a detailed drawing of a rocking chair. It is enough to take a ready-made, for example old, chair (1) with wooden legs. Let's make two supports (2), for this we make two elements from the bars, which will have the same curved base. We also cut out the cheeks (3), which we will use later as the bottom for the legs of the chair.

For each leg of the original chair, we cut out two restrictive bars (4) - a total of eight. We nail the appropriate limiters at the required distance for each support for all legs. At both supports, we screw in three (6) furniture bolts from the outside - this will give the chair stability and ensure safe rocking. Let's prepare the end plate (7) for each restrictive timber. Having inserted the legs of the chair into the prepared grooves with limiters, we cover the limiters with closing plates and fix them with a perforator. For convenience, a footrest (8) can be added to the front.

Similarly, you can upgrade a chair with metal legs by making special metal mounting loops.

Plywood rocking chair

For plastic modeling, plywood is the most favorable material. Using a jigsaw, you can get a design that will greatly simplify the process, because structurally it combines the two most important (and most difficult to manufacture) elements of a rocking chair - skids and sidewalls. In addition, the absence of joints significantly increases the strength of the structure.

For the manufacture we need:

  • jigsaw
  • screwdriver
  • plywood - a sheet with a thickness of at least 15 mm
  • oak (pine) slats with a section of 10x50 mm - about 20-35 pieces, the length depends on the manufacturing option - a single or double chair. For a single chair, the rail length is 1200 mm.
  • timber (pine, oak is better) - 30x50 mm, 3 pcs, equal in length to the rails
  • self-tapping screws

We draw a pattern on graph paper, transfer the pattern to plywood and cut out the sidewall with an electric jigsaw.

After that, we sand all the details and remove small chamfers. If the rocking chair is intended for summer cottages, the ends will require special attention - they require maximum protection against dampness. Therefore, the ends of all parts are impregnated with hot drying oil, after which the wood fibers are slightly flattened with a hammer - so moisture will be absorbed much less. Before starting the general assembly, the processing-varnishing procedure for the ends must be carried out twice.

We mark the holes for the connecting bars (tsargs) at the foot, middle part and at the head. To achieve maximum accuracy, after preliminary marking, the sidewalls are aligned and a hole is drilled. The drawers are fixed with euro screws and additionally fixed with wood glue. After that, we evenly fix the rails on the already assembled frame with self-tapping screws. After the assembly is completed, it is necessary to putty the holes above the screws, once again sand all the details with fine sandpaper, treat with an antiseptic, cover with stain (if you like dark wood tones) and cover the resulting chair with waterproof varnish.

If it is possible to use a grinder and a welding machine, you can assemble a metal frame. To do this, you need a steel corner (20x20x3 mm) and a steel strip (4 mm thick, 40 mm wide). After assembly, the frame is painted, after which holes for self-tapping screws are drilled along the entire length of the seat and backrest, with which wooden facing strips will be attached.

Advice! Before assembly, be sure to treat the metal parts with an anti-corrosion compound.