What are dangerous energy. What are harmful energy for the body: properties, types and contraindications

The composition of energy drinks includes: caffeine, taurine, carnitine, ginseng, guarana, B vitamins, mateine. Due to its composition, drunk gives a person energy and a feeling of cheerfulness. Drinks with a high content of caffeine help to cope with drowsiness, and vitamin-carbohydrate energy drinks increase endurance during physical exertion.

The drink has a convenient packaging, so it can be taken in situations where you can not drink tea or coffee.

Due to the high content of vitamins and glucose, the energy drink stimulates vital processes in the body, gives energy to the brain, internal organs and muscles. Its effect is enhanced by the presence of carbon dioxide in the composition and lasts up to four hours.

Negative effects of energy drinks on the body

Medical studies have proven that energy drinks have a negative effect on the human body. If you use more than two cans a day, this will lead to a significant increase in blood pressure, sugar levels, which can provoke the development of serious diseases - sugar and hypertension.

The vitamins contained do not form a balanced complex. An excess of B vitamins can cause tremors in the limbs, rapid heartbeat, and weakness. With regular use, caffeine causes exhaustion. Excess of this substance has a diuretic effect, as a result, salts are excreted from the body in large quantities.

Glucuronolactone and taurine combined with caffeine can greatly deplete the nervous system of the body.

The components of these drinks irritate the walls of the stomach and can provoke the development of gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Energy drinks can cause an exacerbation of the disease in people with diseases of the nervous system, blood vessels, heart, liver, pancreas. They do not give energy, but only open the energy channels of the body. As a result, a person uses his internal resources, which leads to nervous overexcitation and exhaustion.

Regular use of energy drinks ultimately leads to increased fatigue, irritability, insomnia, depression, and nervous breakdowns. Thus, the effect of an energy drink on the body is mostly negative. If it is impossible to refuse them, in no case should they be used daily, otherwise this will lead to exhaustion of the nervous system.

Why are energy drinks harmful? This drink is a mixture of various stimulants. They represent a kind of danger to the human body.

And yet, why are energy drinks harmful? After all, it would seem that they contribute to improved performance. In fact, the harm and benefits of this product are unequal. This drink has outwardly positive aspects, but its components negatively affect people's health. You can find out how harmful energy drinks are by reading this article.

What is an energy drink?

Its use affects the central nervous system. Thus, it suppresses fatigue to prolong the time of wakefulness, increase mental activity for several hours. But this effect is temporary. After it, a decline in strength is observed in a person.

This drink consists of a mixture of substances. Some of them are positive, for example, vitamins, while others are very harmful. This will be discussed in more detail in the next section of the article.

About the composition of the drink

Today there are a huge number of types and manufacturers of this product. But their composition is practically no different.

The energy drink also contains ginseng and guarana. These natural extracts help cleanse the liver and remove lactic acid from the cells.

Matein in the composition of the drink helps to lose weight and dull the feeling of hunger. Glucose, sucrose and fructose are carbohydrates that keep a person awake and stimulate the brain. In addition, B vitamins are added here. They, in turn, are necessary for the normalization of the nervous system.

When comparing three energy drinks, such as Burn, Adrenaline Rush, Red Bull, we can say that the first option is the most high-calorie. It also contains the highest amount of caffeine and taurine.

How do drinks affect the body?

The positive effect of energy drinks is observed only at the beginning. It is at this moment that a person feels an increase in both physical and mental performance. After hyperactivity comes exhaustion. The human body after a shake is tired.

Also, the use of these products adversely affects sleep. Namely, people complain that it is very difficult for them to fall asleep and they are often tormented by nightmares. Because of such a bad rest, a person does not feel vivacity and a surge of strength.

So how bad are energy drinks? Frequent use of this kind of drinks leads to depression, suspiciousness and aggressiveness. Also, such people experience disorientation and irritability.

How bad are energy drinks? They can lead to organic lesions. There is an increase in blood sugar and blood pressure. A person has malfunctions in the work of the heart, as well as a decrease in the protective forces of immunity.

What is the danger of an overdose?

As you know, the drink contains taurine. Its amount exceeds the daily norm several times. Overdose can occur if energy drinks are consumed in excess. It is characterized by symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting, gastritis and heart failure, abdominal pain and fever, arrhythmia and exacerbation of ulcers. Signs that may occur with an overdose also include hallucinations and frequent urination, fainting and confusion.

In this case, you need to seek help from a specialist. From all of the above, we can conclude that drinking energy drinks every day is harmful and dangerous. Therefore, do not test your health and body. Use these drinks only when absolutely necessary.

Why is energy dangerous?

A single drink in a moderate amount by an adult will not cause a negative reaction of the body. But you can't use it every day. Otherwise, it becomes hazardous to health.

So why are non-alcoholic energy drinks harmful? The use of this drink leads to disruption of the central nervous system, as well as the development of diabetes. This product is dangerous by the formation of various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and mental disorders.

In addition, people who regularly drink energy drinks experience a deterioration in attention and a loss of interest in life, a decrease in libido. Some of them cannot live a day without this drink, that is, in this case we are talking about addiction.

Also, this product adversely affects the work of the cardiovascular system and the heart. In addition, such patients most often develop diseases such as thrombosis and epilepsy.

Can teenagers use it? Why are energy drinks bad for kids? For them, the harm from this drink is more serious. Here they can be fatal. Therefore, in no case do not give your children such drinks. Based on how dangerous they are to the health of an adult, it’s not even worth talking about small ones.

What could be the consequences?

This is discussed if a person uses them regularly in his diet. Then the consequences can be dire.

People complain of frequent headaches and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The latter is expressed in the form of nausea and vomiting. Women in a position who abuse this kind of drink have miscarriages. In addition, accidents due to loss of consciousness, the development of various fears, loss of working capacity, suicidal behavior, hearing loss and convulsions are observed.

Also, some people develop mental abnormalities and arrhythmia. As a result of all this, death often occurs. This is due to the long and regular use of these drinks.

Who shouldn't use energy drinks?

In general, it is advisable not to use such drinks for anyone. But they are especially contraindicated in the first place for children and the fair sex in position, lactating women.

This category also includes the elderly, patients with chronic diseases, diabetics. Also, energy drinks should not be used by those who have diseases of the kidneys and heart, the central nervous system, and the gastrointestinal tract. The same goes for people with high blood pressure and glaucoma.

So which is more harmful: coffee or energy drinks? If the first version contains only caffeine, then in the second, such harmful substances as taurine, phenylalanine and melatonin are added to this component. Therefore, in this case, the energy drink is more harmful. But overdoing it with the amount of coffee drunk per day is also not worth it. This is especially true for people with a tendency to high blood pressure.

What are the benefits of drinking?

It also happens that energy drinks have a positive effect. But in this case we are talking about the moment when this drink is consumed in moderation and rarely. Sometimes mental labor of a person needs an additional reserve. For example, when you urgently need to finish some important work. Here you need to be careful and not overdo it with the drink.

Energy drinks will temporarily give a person strength and vigor, help relieve fatigue and improve thinking processes. Herbal ingredients and vitamins will add strength to muscles and internal organs.

The effect of drinking this drink will be much longer than from drinking a cup of coffee. But the latter does not contain such a large amount of harmful substances.

How to use energy drinks correctly?

If nevertheless it is necessary, then they should be consumed in limited quantities and not so often. This will avoid the negative impact of energy on the human body. As mentioned above, under no circumstances should it be given to adolescents, especially small children. Their growing organism is especially susceptible to the influence of harmful substances.

These drinks should not be consumed with alcohol. Otherwise, there may be an increase in blood pressure. Also, they can not be drunk in the heat. It is at this time that the vegetative and cardiovascular systems are fully functioning. The energy drink will help to warm up the body more. Also, it should not be consumed chilled. Because it will be harmful due to the temperature difference.

You can't use it after workouts either. Its use after exercise will lead to increased blood pressure and dehydration.

In order to avoid addiction, you should drink the energy drink no more than twice a week. These days you can use a couple of cans. But then you can not drink tea, coffee and other products that contain caffeine. These actions will help to avoid overdose.

After using the energy, a person receives a certain charge of vivacity and strength. But do not forget that this effect is temporary and the human body also needs a good rest. This is necessary in order to recover from additional stress.

What is more harmful?

In this section of the article, a comparison will be made of various types of drinks with the one under consideration.

What is more harmful - alcohol or energy drinks? It all depends on the rate of consumption of these drinks. So, red wine has a positive effect on the digestive tract and promotes the expansion of blood vessels. In addition, the latter become more elastic.

As a result, there is a decrease in the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. It also improves appetite and mood. In this case, we are talking about moderate alcohol consumption. If you overdo it with it, then there will be poisoning of the body. A negative effect occurs on the liver and heart, as well as brain cells and intestines. Alcohol also replaces the water in the cells with "alcohol". As a result, the body ages. And the energy drink helps to produce the hormone adrenaline. Because of this, the wear and tear of the human body is also obtained.

In both cases, there is harm from excessive drinking. But alcohol is still less dangerous if used in moderation.

And what is more harmful - beer or energy drink? Much has been said about the last drink. The consequences of its use were also considered. Let's get back to beer. This product, due to its yeast effect, helps to improve digestion. But also don't forget about the expression "beer belly". This is due to the excessive consumption of this drink.

It is best to drink live unfiltered beer with a reduced content of ethyl alcohol. Both products have a common drawback: addiction. Also, the negative point of beer is that it speeds up blood flow. But when comparing the two products, we can say that the energy drink is more harmful. Since its consequences are considered dangerous to human health.


Thus, "Flash" (energy) is harmful or not? When overused, of course, yes. It should be noted that the use of this drink is prohibited in some countries. If you need an extra amount of energy, then do not overdo it with energy drinks. Since there can be disastrous consequences, which were previously mentioned.

Cocaine is recognized as the most harmful energy drink. It contains three times more caffeine than a regular drink of this type. In the United States, where it was released, the sale of this product was banned. But still, on the Internet you can stumble upon offers of this type.

Do not risk your health, do not use energy drinks. And if this is necessary, then follow the rules for their use.

In order to do everything at the modern pace of life, you need to constantly be in good shape. For this, stimulants are often used that have an effect better than a cup of strong coffee. However, the harm of energy drinks on the human body is very significant, although the manufacturers of such products and even some doctors consider them safe.

Energetic: what is it?

An energy drink is a drink that uses a variety of stimulants and other components: dyes, flavors, vitamins, and others. Using them, a person affects his central nervous system, thus suppressing fatigue in order to prolong the time of wakefulness, concentrate, and increase mental activity for a few more hours.

It would seem that these products are bad? After all, they improve performance. But this is only at first glance. The benefits and harms of energy drinks are unequal. Despite outwardly positive characteristics, do not forget that their components have a negative effect on people. Most of them adversely affect the central nervous system.


Currently, there are a lot of manufacturers and varieties of energy drinks in the world. Their number and range is constantly growing. And there are practically no differences between them. All of them have an identical composition, which includes:

  • caffeine - a substance that stimulates the brain and significantly increases the heart rate;
  • melatonin is an antioxidant that regulates the human circadian rhythm;
  • taurine is a powerful antioxidant that speeds up the metabolism in the body;
  • matein, which allows you to lose weight and dull the feeling of hunger;
  • ginseng, guarana - natural extracts that cleanse the liver and remove lactic acid from cells;
  • L-carnitine, which oxidizes fatty acids;
  • glucose, sucrose, fructose - carbohydrates that stimulate the brain, prevent a person from falling asleep;
  • phenylalanine - to give taste;
  • vitamins of group "B" - normalizing the work of the nervous system.

The effect of energy drinks on the body

The positive effect of energy drinks on the body occurs only at the beginning of their use, when people feel in themselves the replenishment of energy resources, an increase in physical and mental performance. But after euphoria, hyperactivity, the ability to work with an increased load, exhaustion comes. The body after stress, shaking is very worn out, tired.

In addition, such products negatively affect the duration and quality of sleep. It is difficult for a person to fall asleep, he suffers from insomnia, and having dozed off, he sees nightmares, easily wakes up from the slightest noise or irritant. Such rest does not bring joy, does not add strength, does not give a feeling of cheerfulness.

Regular use of such stimulants can cause depression, aggressiveness, suspiciousness, headaches, anger, often leads to loss of strength, depression, loss of orientation, irritability, and even death.

In addition, organic lesions may appear:

  1. An increase in blood sugar levels.
  2. Increased blood pressure.
  3. Prolonged sinus tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).
  4. Interruptions in the work of the heart.
  5. Decreased defenses of the immune system.


  • pain in the abdomen;
  • arrhythmia;
  • rise in temperature;
  • gastritis;
  • interruptions in the work of the heart;
  • exacerbation of the ulcer;
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting;
  • hallucinations, both auditory and visual;
  • frequent urination;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • fainting.

Harm and danger

A one-time use of energy drinks in a moderate amount by an adult, healthy person is unlikely to cause a negative reaction. However, regularly drinking it in large quantities or abusing it one day may not be safe for health. The action of the components of this product on the human body can cause the most negative reactions and diseases:

  1. Violation of the central nervous system.
  2. The development of diabetes.
  3. Various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Mental disorders.
  5. Thrombosis.
  6. Deterioration of the heart and cardiovascular system.
  7. Decreased libido.
  8. Epilepsy, anaphylaxis.
  9. Deterioration of attention, decreased ability to work, loss of interest in others and in life.
  10. Addictive.

And harm to teenagers can be even more serious, up to a lethal outcome.


If you regularly use such stimulants in your diet, the consequences of the body's reaction to them can be the most terrible and deplorable:

  • accidents due to sudden loss of consciousness;
  • hearing impairment, bleeding, convulsions;
  • miscarriages (in pregnant women);
  • suicidal behavior;
  • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of vomiting, diarrhea;
  • prolonged headaches;
  • arrhythmia;
  • the appearance of mental abnormalities, disorders;
  • development of various phobias;
  • loss of concentration, performance;
  • death from the constant use of energy drinks.

It is advisable not to use energy drinks by anyone and never. However, they are especially dangerous for the following categories of people:

  1. Children.
  2. Adolescents.
  3. Pregnant and lactating women.
  4. People with chronic diseases.
  5. Elderly age.
  6. With diseases of the heart, kidneys, circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system.
  7. Patients with diabetes mellitus, with glaucoma, with chronic high blood pressure and many others.

These products contain a lot of caffeine, taurine, melatonin, phenylalanine and other harmful substances.


It is undeniable that these kinds of stimulants are sometimes beneficial. But this is only in cases where they are used infrequently and in moderation. From time to time mental labor needs additional reserves to complete some work. But here you should be careful not to overdrink energy drinks.

Of course, they will charge a person for a while, give him strength, give a feeling of cheerfulness, drive, improve thought processes, and relieve fatigue. Vitamins and herbal ingredients add strength to muscles and internal organs.

This product works much better, faster than a cup of coffee, and the effect of its use lasts much longer. But this will pass after some time, even if you “reinforce” them constantly. And in the future, it will only harm the health of energy drinks.

Video: harm to power engineers.

Rules of use

Drinking energy drinks should be in small quantities and infrequently to avoid a negative impact on a person from their side. Never give to children and teenagers. A growing and developing organism, like no other, is exposed to harmful substances.

You can not use energy drinks with alcohol in order to avoid pressure surges and a hypertensive crisis.

They are also contraindicated in the heat, when the cardiovascular and autonomic systems are working at full strength. The drink will only warm the body even more. Even when cold, it is very harmful due to temperature changes.

After sports training, it is also advisable to refrain from this product, because it will increase blood pressure and lead to dehydration.

To protect yourself from addiction, it is recommended to drink energy drinks no more than twice a week and no more than two cans a day. At the same time, you should also stop drinking tea, coffee and other products containing caffeine, at least for 5-6 hours, so that there is no overdose.

Despite the fact that a person received a charge of vivacity and energy, he still needs a good rest in order to recover from an additional load. In no case should this be forgotten.

Energy drink (the so-called "energy drink") is very popular in all developed countries of the world. The reason for the popularity is simple: the comparative cheapness of the drink and the invigorating (tonic) effect it has.

In fact, an energy drink is a more effective analogue of coffee, which also quenches thirst. The variety of flavors of energy drinks is also one of the reasons for the popularity of this drink.

But how dangerous is it to use energy drinks? In this article, we will try to understand how dangerous and harmful it is to consume energy drinks.

Energy drinks entered wide production in 1984. To put it quite simply, these are drinks created using a combination of various stimulants and additional components (vitamins, flavors, dyes, and so on).

They are designed to stimulate the central nervous system. Due to this, a significant reduction in fatigue is achieved, and indicators of mental activity increase, but for a limited period (up to 6-8 hours).

Composition of various energy drinks is the same in most cases. It includes the following substances:

  1. Caffeine. The main component of energy drinks, which has a tonic and invigorating effect. It should also be noted that caffeine significantly increases heart rate (up to 120 beats per minute).
  2. Mate. It is an analogue of caffeine, gives the same effect, but to a lesser extent.
  3. Ginseng and guarana. Both are natural (ie not synthesized) CNS stimulants.
  4. Sucrose and glucose - universal energy for the body, simple carbohydrates. Once in the body, these substances quickly have a stimulating effect, first of all getting into the brain, reducing the desire to sleep and stimulating its activity.
  5. Taurine. An amino acid that speeds up metabolism, quickly gives energy to the body, and is another central nervous system stimulant.
  6. Theobromine. In its pure form, it is toxic, but energy drinks contain the theobromine, which has undergone chemical processing. It is a tonic.
  7. Phenylalanine. Adds flavor to the drink.
  8. B group vitamins.

Popular products in the CIS countries

In the CIS countries, a large number of different energy drinks are sold. The most popular of them are the following:

  • Jaguar;
  • Burn;
  • Red Bull;
  • non-stop;
  • Revo Energy;
  • Gladiator;
  • Adrenalin Rush.

It should be noted that in Europe and the USA the number of types of energy drinks significantly exceeds the number in the CIS countries.

The impact of energy on the human body

The use of energy drinks directly affects a person’s sleep. To be more precise, chronic persistent insomnia develops, and the existing sleep becomes pathological. The patient may have nightmares, any external stimuli make him wake up, after sleep there is no feeling of cheerfulness and "new strength". This is the so-called rollback.

Over time, mood lability (its instability), suspiciousness, irritability, excessive anger and aggressiveness are formed. The world in the mind of the patient loses its colors, which usually indicates the onset of depression.

Organic lesions include the development of prolonged sinus tachycardia, extrasystoles (feeling of interruption of the heart), high blood pressure. Often there are persistent constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.

What's wrong with energy drinks?

Negative consequences of taking power engineers have not raised questions from doctors for a long time. It is a well-known fact that they are very harmful to health, namely (we are talking about long-term regular use):

  1. Increase the likelihood of developing diabetes.
  2. They disrupt the work of the central nervous system.
  3. They create problems with the performance of the heart and the cardiovascular system as a whole.
  4. Cause pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Lead to mental disorders, reduce libido.
  6. Able to cause formidable diseases (thrombosis, epilepsy, anaphylaxis).
  7. Reduce the ability to work, attention, interest in the world around.

Harm of power engineers (video)

Does it get addictive?

Unfortunately, all modern research on energy drinks suggests that they are persistent and highly addictive. Moreover, in some individuals this addiction is as strong as in patients with alcoholism.

Apparently, in the near future a solution to this problem will not be found. In many countries, the use of energy drinks is not regulated in any way, and propaganda against their use is kept to a minimum.

Who is dangerous / contraindicated to drink energy drinks?

Abuse of energy harms absolutely all people. However, there are categories of people for whom energy drinks are especially harmful.

Such people include:

  • people with chronic diseases of the circulatory system (especially patients with thrombophilia);
  • patients with diabetes;
  • patients with heart disease;
  • patients with diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal system;
  • people with chronic high blood pressure;
  • people suffering from insomnia;
  • teenagers;
  • people over fifty;
  • pregnant women;
  • patients with glaucoma;
  • patients with a history of cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • patients with diseases of the central nervous system.

Is an overdose possible?

Unfortunately, in addition to the benefits of energy, they also pose a real danger to the human body. An overdose of such drinks causes serious poisoning, leading to an overload of the central nervous system and an increase in the load on the arteries and heart.

An overdose of energy drinks usually occurs against the background of their frequent use for the implementation of any intellectual work. Statistically, energy poisoning most often occurs in students before an exam and in knowledge workers (programmers, writers, professional gamers, and so on).

The reason for an overdose of energy drinks is that they increase the body's performance by increasing the load on all its systems. The cardiovascular and central nervous systems suffer most of all, which, with a large use of energy drinks, work for wear and tear.

Simply put, energy drinks turn on the body's reserve systems for a long time, while they are designed for short work ( no more than 30 minutes and only in critical situations).

Symptoms of an energy drink overdose

Symptoms of poisoning(overdose) energy drinks are as follows:

  • a significant increase in heart rate (up to 160 beats per minute);
  • persistent and prolonged insomnia;
  • irritability, aggressiveness;
  • redness of the face and a feeling of heat;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • diarrhea;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • violations of coordination of movements;
  • frequent urination (less often - the inability to control it);
  • cold sweat;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • repeated vomiting, sometimes without relief;
  • anxiety, panic, suspiciousness;
  • confusion;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • loss of consciousness (syncope).

Possible consequences

Consequences of frequent use energy drinks, as well as an overdose of them, are quite serious.

Let's try to list all available of them (according to "PubMed"):

  1. Decreased libido, impotence.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases (especially often develops gastritis and heartburn).
  3. Cognitive impairment, including problems with academic performance in adolescents.
  4. The development of mental illness.
  5. Depression, apathy, indifference, aggressiveness.
  6. Heart failure, thrombosis.
  7. Persistent chronic insomnia.
  8. Overexcitation, nervous tics.
  9. Convulsions, epilepsy.
  10. Decreased interest and motivation.
  11. Fatal outcome (relatively rare).

First aid and further treatment

If an overdose of energy drinks is suspected, the patient should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, you should give him 2-3 liters of warm water and provoke vomiting. It is quite simple to do this: after the patient drinks warm water, you need to press his finger on the root of the tongue.

After vomiting, the patient should be given 10-12 activated charcoal tablets. To neutralize caffeine, if possible, the patient should be given green tea or milk. Foods with magnesium (cabbage, avocado) may be useful.

In the hospital, the patient will again wash the stomach and put a dropper. The treatment will be carried out with an emphasis on detoxification of the body and on the "unloading" of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

What hooked the deputies on these drinks and are they really so bad?

The topic of energy drinks has long been of concern to both parents and Rospotrebnadzor, and leading narcologists of Russia. Experts are unanimous that energy drinks do not work well for teenagers. Parents of the Krasnodar Territory at one time even wrote a collective letter to the deputies of the local Duma with a request to ban "liquid batteries". Like, uncontrollably drunk on energy drinks, children become too aggressive, then lethargic and depressive. Then, four years ago, they were not heard. But the other day, a draft law entitled “On Restrictions on the Production, Retail Sale and Consumption (Drinking) of Non-Alcoholic Energy Drinks” was submitted to the State Duma. Although for now this is just a bill and its decision will be tested for some more time, but we still decided to ask the sellers in the kiosks about the consumption of these harmful sodas in general?

I want to take an energy drink tomorrow morning, - I say to the seller, paying for mineral water. - How do they take it?

They take it, - the girl says willingly. - But not in the morning, but more in the evening. Here they brought a batch two days ago, most of it has already been sold.

And what is more often taken - alcoholic, non-alcoholic? Do young people use? I ask as innocently as possible. - And then I heard that some kind of law is being adopted regarding power engineers ...

No, adults take more. - The seller looks at me suspiciously and carefully continues: - Teenagers hardly buy. During the check, my owner was already warned that soon they (an energetic nod towards the bright jars) could not be sold. We'll have to get rid of, - she sighs heavily in parting.

Ban and withdraw!

The allowable daily intake of caffeine is no more than 150 ml, and the caffeine content in energy drinks is usually from 150 to 320 mg/l, depending on the volume. But, as the statistics say, rarely does anyone drink only one can. Not to mention that the big ones are preferred over the small ones. According to doctors, many lovers of energy drinks are addicted. And this leads to an exacerbation of the latent mental illnesses that occurred before.

Therefore, we propose to introduce a ban on the sale of non-alcoholic energy drinks to minors, as well as to remove them from retail sale in children's, educational, medical institutions, sports and fitness facilities, on all types of public transport and in cultural organizations.

The impulse of the deputies was also supported by the chief sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko, saying that "if this (the adoption of the law. - Approx. ed.) happens, then I will consider this decision an act of civic courage of the deputies."

In the meantime, the bottom line is, we will try to figure out what is wrong with non-alcoholic energy drinks (we emphasize! Alcoholic ones are another topic) and whether they can be drunk at all.

Is it possible infrequently?

We asked the doctors if the devil is so terrible as he is painted.

I don’t see anything particularly terrible in drinking energy drinks not very often, say, once every one or two months, when you feel a strong breakdown, but you need to work, - says the neurologist, Ph.D. Victor Koss. - Yes, psychostimulants, which are in the composition of these drinks, can be addictive if you get carried away with them every day. For example, caffeine, by constricting our blood vessels, makes the body feel danger, therefore, release adrenaline into the blood. And adrenaline for the body is the same drug, only of natural origin. But they stimulate it artificially. And, of course, people with increased excitability of the nervous system should not abuse energy drinks. Otherwise, it may lead to unpredictable consequences.

Gastroenterologists and nutritionists are not so loyal to energy drinks: they say they have a lot of sugar. In general, carbonated drinks as such are not the best option for the stomach. They are especially dangerous on an empty stomach, they can even lead to gastritis. Yes, and endocrinologists against.

Any artificial stimulation of the body is harmful, - says endocrinologist Lyudmila Aksenova. - Let's look soberly: vitamins and some natural substances that are part of energy drinks are excreted naturally, through decay products. And artificial colors, acidity regulators, and other additives can accumulate in organs. And it is not known what consequences this may lead to. Such studies have not yet been carried out. In addition, overstimulation of our cells sooner or later depletes them. Since most of the components of energy drinks primarily affect the nervous system, it is she who begins to suffer the fastest of all.


Pregnant and lactating mothers;

Teenagers under 18;

Elderly people;

Those who suffer from insomnia, increased nervous excitability;

If you have a violation of cardiac activity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension.


Can you drink them when it's hot?

In the heat, our vegetative system already works at full capacity, says neurologist Victor Koss. - Given that there are no completely healthy people in the metropolis (if you are not an athlete), then people can experience vegetative crises. That is, when our cardiovascular system fails. There are crises with hypertonic or hypotonic slopes. That is, increased pressure can jump even higher. In hypotension, on the contrary, it will drop significantly.

And energetics stimulate not only the nervous, but also the vascular system, that is, they can simply aggravate this condition. So if you do not want to get health problems, it is better not to drink energy drinks on a hot day. As a rule, they are often sold very chilled. And this is another stress for the body. Comparable to the fact that first a person is warmed up in a bath, and then thrown into an ice hole. You will not notice any deterioration right away, but after two weeks it may become bad.

No wonder in the East they drink hot tea in the heat. Thus, they regulate the body's thermosystem. If you really want to drink an energy drink, then drink it not in a nervous atmosphere at work, but in nature, when you are relaxed. And then do not cool the energy drink, but drink it in a natural warm state.


Once I had to go late at night behind the wheel. In order not to fall asleep, I drank, it seems, three cans of energy drinks. After 10 minutes, I felt something dripping on my hands. It turned out that my nose was bleeding! And, most importantly, I could not stop her. Rode for half an hour. Since then, I have not taken them at all.

A jar of energy helped to tone myself up at the right time and successfully pass the exams in the traffic police. With pneumonia, a temperature over 38 and after several sleepless nights due to coughing. I came home after the exam and switched off for almost a day. Without it, simply physically could not do anything! Sometimes it is possible in reasonable quantities.


If there is a long auto-distillation, then I use cola + instant coffee and “Coffee beans in chocolate” sweets. Long lasting and guaranteed results. The main thing is not to abuse, as in any business. And energy drinks... For me, they smell like cat wee, and no one knows what is stuffed in there.

Let's discuss!