The work program for extracurricular activities "the history of the Kuban Cossacks". The work program for extracurricular activities in elementary school "Cossack games"

Municipal budgetary

educational institution

secondary school №6

municipal formation Timashevsky district


decision of the teachers' council protocol No. __

dated ______20__

Chairman of the teachers' council




Cossack sports games

Age of students 7-10 years

Number of hours 136 hours

Compiled by Viktor Karpov

The program was developed on the basis exemplary program for Cuban studies

federal state educational standard of general primary education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 373 of October 6, 2009)


    Reasons for the development and implementation of the program:

One of the important tasks of our society is the education of the younger generation, its comprehensive preparation for taking responsibility for the fate of the country and its security. Much is done for this by state structures, the school, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Cossacks, and various public organizations. Their efforts are aimed at the formation and development of a person who has the qualities of a citizen-patriot of Russia, who is able to actively participate in strengthening and improving the foundations of society, prepared for the successful fulfillment of tasks related to ensuring the defense and security of the individual, society and the state. This is especially important in connection with the existence of negative trends in the education of schoolchildren and adolescents in our society, the growth of deceleration (lack of purpose in life) among young people, which requires making decisions that are adequate to the situation, searching for new organizational, pedagogical means, forms and methods of educating schoolchildren, youth, generations who will have to take responsibility for the fate of Russia. That is why the question of the patriotic education of our youth is so acute. The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation defines: “Patriotism is one of the deepest human feelings, fixed for centuries and millennia. It is understood as devotion and love for one's Fatherland, for one's people, pride in their past and present, readiness to defend them. The historical and geopolitical conditions in which Russia was born and grew stronger forced her to constantly fight for her state and national independence. This could not but affect the formation of a special attitude of Russian people to the Fatherland and military service. In folk epics, songs, epics, fairy tales, the heroism, courage and courage of those who spared neither strength nor life itself, defending their native land, were sung. This brought up in the Russian people the qualities that have always been noted by both allies and opponents: decisiveness in the offensive, steadfastness in defense, courage, mutual assistance and contempt for death at critical moments of the battle. The main feature of patriotic education is that it forms not just a citizen, but a patriotic citizen who passionately loves his homeland, his land, is ready to worthily and selflessly serve it faithfully. Today, one of the main directions of patriotic education of schoolchildren in MBOU secondary school No. 7 is the education of students on the basis of the culture and traditions of the Cossacks , the use of the richest experience of public education and upbringing accumulated over the centuries. In recent years, much has been done to revive the Cossacks, their age-old traditions and original culture. Already today we can confidently state that the Russian Cossacks have revived, formed as a movement capable of solving serious and significant tasks for the country. The Russian Cossacks, combining historical, traditional forms of self-government with modern democratic norms, with a special way of life and their customs, makes a significant contribution to the construction of a new Russia.

With the revival of the Cossacks of Russia, its historical and cultural traditions, the question naturally arose of working with the younger generation, including in the regions of traditional residence of the Cossacks. The cultural heritage of our ancestors contains inexhaustible sources of work with children, adolescents and youth. Turning to the history of his country, his people, a schoolboy, a teenager, a young man begins to understand the greatness of his Motherland, the need to become a creator, a citizen of Russia grows in him. Being an integral part of the general education of the younger generation, the system of military-patriotic education performs, first of all, the function of forming a personality with high ideological conviction, consciousness and social activity.

The experience of carrying out educational work with the younger generation shows that the main directions of its military-patriotic education are:

    family upbringing;

    education in the Cossack general educational institutions;

    education by out-of-school forms of education based on the culture and precepts of the Cossacks.

The centuries-old history of the Cossacks has formed a folk pedagogical tradition that has survived to this day and is the basis for the revival of the Cossacks and their culture. It includes:

    community education, through which the children learned the standard of behavior, the customs and traditions of the Cossacks, the attitude towards the elders and labor (military and agricultural) as a factor in the life-building of the Cossack, the collectivism of life and common goals, the traditions of the people, patriotism and courage;

    confessional (Orthodox) upbringing and education, through which the Christian worldview was formed, the need to serve “God, Holy Russia, your people and your state!”;

    monogamous upbringing, through which an awareness of the male and female roles was formed, everyday and professional (for boys) experience was acquired;

    family as a factor of inviolability, the foundations of the Cossack society, the authority of parents and the well-being of human life;

    cultural conformity of the forms of Cossack identity as a factor in the special artistic and aesthetic spirituality of the Cossack way of life and relations;

    apolitical upbringing and education of the younger generation, influencing the formation of the supreme authority of God, the Cossack will and equality, serving for the good of the Fatherland and its people.

The following factors contributed to the development and implementation of this program:

    Firstly, it is connected with the general interest of modern society in the origins of national culture, in the spiritual values ​​of our past;

    Secondly, sociocultural changes in the mentality of Russians, which was reflected in the innovative basis for organizing the activities of a comprehensive school, opened up prospects for enriching the content of patriotic education of schoolchildren on the culture and traditions of the Russian people, including the Cossacks.

The system of education most fully meets the tasks of the military-patriotic education of the younger generation. The school implements the tasks of obtaining a quality education, widely used forms and methods of introducing students to Cossack traditions, history and culture, including them in the program of military sports, holidays, matinees. The school is based on the traditions of family Cossack education, has become a true school of patriotism, education of worthy citizens of our Fatherland.

    Program features:

Folk games are an integral part of the international, artistic and physical development of the personality of younger students. Games in combination with other educational means are the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, which combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. Children's games form the foundation for the development of their moral feelings, consciousness and their further manifestation in socially useful activities. This program presents group outdoor Cossack games that give younger students the opportunity to move deftly, take the initiative, cooperate with comrades and the leader, be attentive, collected.

An outdoor game is one of the important means of comprehensive education of children of primary school age. Its characteristic feature is the complexity of the impact on the body and on all aspects of the child's personality: physical, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education is simultaneously carried out in the game.Active motor activity of a gaming nature and the positive emotions it causes intensify all physiological processes in the body, improve the functioning of all organs and systems. Unexpected situations that arise in the game teach children to use the acquired motor skills appropriately.The program "Cossack games" has a healing significance, and also has a great influence on the neuropsychic development of the child, on the formation of important personality traits.The program evokes positive emotions, develops inhibitory processes: during the game, children have to react with movement to some signals and refrain from moving with others. Will, ingenuity, courage, speed of reactions develop in Cossack games.In outdoor games, the most favorable conditions for the development of physical qualities are created. For example, in order to dodge a "trap", you need to show dexterity, and to escape from it, run as fast as possible. Fascinated by the plot of the game, children can perform with interest and, moreover, many times the same movements without noticing fatigue. And this leads to the development of endurance. During the game, children act in accordance with the rules that are binding on all participants. The rules regulate the behavior of the players and contribute to the development of mutual assistance, collectivism, honesty, discipline. At the same time, the need to follow the rules, as well as to overcome the obstacles that are inevitable in the game, contribute to the development of strong-willed qualities - endurance, courage, determination, and the ability to cope with negative emotions. In mobile Cossack games, the child has to decide for himself how to act in order to achieve the goal. Rapid and sometimes unexpected change of conditions makes us look for more and more new ways to solve emerging problems. All this contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative, creativity, ingenuity. Games help the child to expand and deepen their understanding of the surrounding reality. Performing various roles, depicting a variety of actions, children practically use their knowledge about the habits of animals, birds, insects, natural phenomena, vehicles, and modern technology. In the process of games, opportunities are created for the development of speech, exercises in counting, etc.Joint actions in games bring children together, give them joy from overcoming difficulties and achieving success.The source of outdoor games with rules is the Cossack games, which are characterized by the brightness of the idea, richness, simplicity and entertainment.

The program "Cossack games" is organized in extracurricular educational and recreational work with students.Younger schoolchildren must be taught to play outdoor Cossack games.When choosing a game, the teacher takes into account the compliance with the required nature of motor activity, the availability of game rules and content for children of this age. The teacher ensures that all children participate in the game, performing all the required game movements, does not allow excessive physical activity, which can cause them to become overexcited and tired.The program is implemented in strict accordance with the rules and regulations for the protection of children, the rules of personal safety and hygiene.To do this, it is necessary to develop their interest in these games, to provide the opportunity to organize them for a walk, during leisure hours, at holidays.

The program "Cossack Games" was developed for children in grades 1-4, the duration of the program is 4 years of study, with classes held 2 times a week.

Goals and objectives of the program:

    Formation of a respectful attitude to the culture of the Cossacks

    Creation of a positive basis for the development of patriotic feelings: love and devotion to the Motherland

    Development of an active, harmoniously developed personality

    Development of attention, dexterity, ability to navigate in space

    Raising a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance.

Educational and thematic plan of the course "Cossack Games"


Working programm

1 class

Grade 2

3rd grade

4th grade

Introductory lesson. Introduction to the general rules of the game. Safety rules during the game

History of the Cossacks of Russia.

Cossack game "Horses"

History of the Cossacks. Game "Cossacks"

History of Cossack games.

Cossack game "Put on a hat"

Outstanding Cossacks of the Kuban, their contribution to the development of Russia.Fifteen. Fifteen with transfer. Fifteen with a ball. Spots from the ground. Fifteen off the ground with the ball. Cossack tags

Schemes of folk outdoor games of the Kuban Cossacks.

Games with running and dodge.

Jumping and fighting games.

Games and exercises with throwing, games with pebbles.

ball games.

Ball games.

Games without toys.

Harness games, sticks.

symbolic games.

Games “Kuban region-land of the Cossacks.

Contests "Cossack without service is not a Cossack."

"Cossack Kuban - Craftsman's Kuban"

"Cossack prowess"

Final lesson. "The calendar dictates the holiday!"

Program content:

    Introductory lesson: acquaintance with the general rules of games, safety rules during games.

    History of the Cossacks of Russia. Cossack game "Horses". Acquaintance of students with the emergence of the Cossacks.

  1. History of the Cossacks of the Kuban. Game "Cossack". Acquaintance of students with the emergence of the Kuban Cossacks.

  2. History of Cossack games. Cossack game "Put on a hat." Acquaintance of students with traditional Cossack games.

  3. Outstanding Cossacks of the Kuban, their contribution to the development of Russia. Acquaintance with the chieftain of the Kuban Cossacks, his contribution to the development of Russia.

  4. Cossack national games. Acquaintance with the national games of the Cossacks.

Expected Result:

    Expanded horizons of students

    Ability to independently and actively play Cossack games

    The acquisition of qualities necessary in everyday life: resourcefulness, initiative, quick decision-making, the ability to quickly find a way out in a difficult situation

    The ability to relax, be sensitive, caring towards each other, develop a positive body image

    Development of mental processes: visual-auditory perception, fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm.

List of educational literature:

    Kovaleva O.V. "Some Aspects of the Political Behavior of the Cossacks", V.D. Zotov, M.: MAKS, 2004

    Pyotr Krasnov series of books "Cossack glory", "History of the Cossacks", ed. Yauza, Eksmo, 2006

    Petr Krasnov "History of the Kuban army", ed. Veche, 2007

    Anatoly Korochenko "Russian generals", ed. AST, Astrel, 2004

    Vladimir Lesin "Historical portraits: Mikhail Kutuzov, Matvey Platov, Alexei Yermolov", ed. AST, Astrel, Transitbook, 2006

    Textbook: "History of the Cossacks in questions and answers", comp. S.A. Kislitsyn, ed. Phoenix, 2001

List of methodical literature:

    UMK "Russian Cossacks", ed. E.L. Ryabovoy, ed. M., 2009

    "Russian Cossacks", rev. ed. T.V. Tabolina, ed. M., 2003

    Almanac "Cossacks", ed. E.L. Ryabovoy, ed. Ethnosocium, 2008

    Journal "Ethnosocium", ed. E.L. Ryabovoy, ed. Ethnosocium, 2005

    Ramazan Abdulatipov "My Russian people: Kuban Cossacks", ed. Classic Style, 2006

References for parents and students:

    Brief Historical Dictionary, "South of Russia", ed. A.P. Pronstein, ed. RGU, 1977

    "Military history of Russia", ed. O.V. Saxonov, V.A. Zolotarev, S.A. Tyushkevich, ed. Kuchkovo field, 2001

Mostovsky district stanitsa Khamketinskaya

Municipal budgetary educational institution

basic comprehensive school No. 24 of the village of Khamketinskaya

municipal formation Mostovsky district


the decision of the pedagogical council

Chairman __________ T.V. Nazarenko

Work program for extracurricular activities

Educational program of spiritual and moral direction

(type of program: focused on achieving results of a certain level / for specific types of extracurricular activities)


(circle, elective, scientific association, etc.)

"History of the Kuban Cossacks"


5 years

(program implementation period)

10-15 years old

(age of students)

Slednikova Alla Mikhailovna

    Explanatory note.

Changes in the social life of modern Russia have entailed the need to revise both the very structure of education and the topics of the problems being studied.

In the richest history of our Motherland, the history of the Cossacks is perhaps one of the most interesting and least studied subjects. The very word "Cossack" is covered with many historical legends. Folk legends and epics put the Cossacks on a par with the heroes. The most popular hero of the Russian epic - Ilya Muromets in epics is called a Cossack. Much has been written about the Cossacks. The Cossack theme was developed by the luminaries of national history N.M. Karamzin, S.M. Solovyov, V.O. Klyuchevsky. She inspired writers and poets from A.S. Pushkin and L.N. Tolstoy to M.A. Sholokhov. The assessment of the role of the Cossacks in the history of Russia is emphasized by the phrase of LN Tolstoy: "The border gave birth to the Cossacks, and the Cossacks created Russia." And meanwhile, how little, in fact, we know about the history of the Cossacks!

Professional historians argue about where the term "Cossack" came from. In the mass consciousness, the idea of ​​the history of the Cossacks is very fragmentary. This applies both to the history of the Cossacks in general, and to the history of the Cossacks of the Kuban.

The history of the Cossacks in the past was not the subject of a deep, comprehensive analysis; only some of its aspects are reflected in the scientific literature. Meanwhile, interest in the history of the Cossacks is growing as the revival of the Cossacks is expanding. We are witnessing how the Russian Cossacks, considered long buried, are reviving and getting stronger. According to the decision of the Military Assembly of the Kuban Cossack Host dated November 22, 2003 XXI “On the main activities of the Kuban Cossack Host”, among those were recognized the military-patriotic education of the Cossack youth, the revival and preservation of the historical, cultural and spiritual traditions of the Kuban Cossacks.

In a number of educational institutions of the Krasnodar Territory there are classes of a Cossack orientation, in institutions of additional education for children there are circles that are attended by schoolchildren who are interested in the history of the Kuban Cossack army. Therefore, the study of the history of the Cossacks in the schools of the Kuban seems to be quite relevant.

Students are the future of our small homeland, and THEY should know the history, culture and traditions of the Kuban Cossacks.

The rich culture of the Russian Cossacks, including the Kuban Cossacks, is of particular interest and the opportunity to actively study and cultivate in practice the traditions of the historically established Cossack system of spiritual, moral, patriotic and physical education. In the context of the favorable development of our Kuban region, the study of the history and culture of the Cossacks is an important component of the upbringing and education of the youth of the Kuban: it is on healthy and strong traditions that a worthy modern society can be built and formed.

The objectives of the course are to promote the formation of an educational space that influences the development of the personality of a Kuban patriot based on the study of the historically established traditions of the Kuban Cossacks and methods of spiritual, moral, psychological, civil and military-patriotic education.

The proposed course is based on a combination of problematic and concrete historical principles. The program contains both theoretical understanding and the necessary factual material. This course is designed to implement in the practical activities of schools in the Krasnodar Territory the principles of state policy and the general requirements for the content of education, formulated in the Law on Education:

    education of citizenship and love for the Motherland;

protection by the education system of national cultures and regional cultural traditions in a multinational state;

the formation of students' picture of the world, adequate to the current level of knowledge;

formation of ideological, moral culture;

    humanization and humanitarization of the education process.

Therefore, the objectives of the course are:

1. Formation of cognitive interest in the history and traditions of the Cossacks among Kuban schoolchildren and youth.

2. The study of everyday and spiritual traditions and rules of behavior of the Cossacks; improving the physical and psychological health of students on the example of the historically established traditions of the Cossacks.

3. Strengthening ties with the Cossack family in the prevention of social behavior of children and adolescents.

Teaching the "History of the Kuban Cossacks" in classes of a Cossack orientation and institutions of additional education for children involves at least three conventionally distinguished the level of cognitive work of students(in real pedagogical practice, they are organically connected with each other, they constitute a single "field" of cognitive activity of schoolchildren):

1) students receiving “ready-made” knowledge from the words of the teacher;

2) independent acquisition of knowledge, which provides conditions for more active cognitive work of students (schoolchildren in the process of educational research make "discoveries for themselves", that is, they actually rediscover already known facts and events of the past, phenomena and patterns of life around them);

3) in-depth research search of scientific interest (students actually act as "young scientists" - researchers). The most effective form of organizing this level of students' cognitive work is project activity, which is carried out by members of circles.

The teacher needs to clearly distinguish and keep in sight all these levels, to see their differences and connections, the ways of transition from elementary forms of work to more complex ones (from V to IX grade). This is an important condition for the effective use of this program in the process of forming the core competencies of students as a result of studying the course.

One of the main tasks of the teacher is to form on the material of the course core competencies of students, which include:

1) key intellectual skills:

a) problem statement

b) work with information (search, analysis, organization, generalization, presentation, transfer);

c) work planning;

d) proposing and testing hypotheses, designing processes and phenomena;

e) reasoning: making and arguing judgments, identifying or indicating their boundaries;

f) assessment (self-assessment) and correction;

2) universal ways of activity, ways of cognition and interaction,

3) basic structure-forming knowledge, a general idea of ​​the knowledge system,

4) social experience;

5) adequate self-assessment of one's own (mastered) knowledge system.

The set of techniques and methods used by the teacher and students depends on the age of the students, their level of preparation, the purpose of the lesson, and the tasks of the work being done.

The planning of training sessions should combine lectures by the teacher, excursions to museums, messages from students, their independent work with a book and documents, workshops with a broad organization of learning based on dialogue. It is the study of this course (due to its accessibility, close proximity to students) that provides great opportunities for group research, disputes, and discussions. In particular, a combination of written sources and evidence of contemporaries is possible. (the use of the so-called "oral history"; today, in the context of the democratization of all spheres of public life, great opportunities are opening up in this regard). No less significant is the development in the process of dialogue of a moral assessment of events and human activity in history. This is important in rural schools and schools of "small towns", where the very situation of long-term residence of several family generations of Cossacks in a given area contributes to a careful attitude to traditions, the preservation of vertical family ties. At the same time, the development in the process of dialogue of a moral assessment of events and human activities in history seems significant.

It is advisable to conduct excursions and inspections of historical and cultural monuments of the Kuban Cossacks, "round tables", etc. Classes can be held on the basis of state and public museums, archives and book depositories with the involvement of old-timers and activists of local Cossack organizations, as well as scientists and local historians. Particular attention should be paid to the organization and functioning of school museums, which should become the main base for the practical activities of schoolchildren studying the history of the Kuban Cossacks.

Expeditionary activities of schoolchildren are expedient within the framework of additional education of children; at the same time, the topics of expeditions related to the study of the history and traditions of the Kuban Cossacks may be different. Expeditionary search is preferably carried out jointly with the Cossack organization, the local museum, the state archive, the department of the cultural fund, the society for the protection of historical and cultural monuments, the military registration and enlistment office, etc. In general, the basic scheme of expeditionary search is as follows:

1) the study of publications, previously collected and additionally found archival sources, memoirs;

2) collection by expeditionary groups and detachments of new material on the ground, during the expedition;

3) study and systematization of the collected material;

4) practical use: preparation of messages and reports by students, design of albums, exhibitions, museum displays, short articles for a local newspaper, radio and television appearances, etc. In the course of the search, nominal, historical and geographical indexes, maps, diagrams, etc. are compiled.

The key to success in working on this program is that the classes are permeated with creativity, student initiative, research, emotional intensity; so that students constantly turn to various methods of revealing a particular phenomenon, learn to participate in a dialogue, openly discuss events of the past and present, learn lessons and draw conclusions from the events of the history of the Kuban Cossacks, actively participate in the revival and renewal of the progressive cultural traditions of the Kuban Cossacks.

    General characteristics of the elective

The program of this course is designed for pupils of the main school studying on the basis of institutions of additional education for children or in general education schools (classes of the Cossack orientation) according to additional education programs. This program is the first part of the software package for students of institutions of additional education for children or classes of the Cossack orientation of general education schools. The program on the history of the Kuban Cossacks provides for the training of students in grades V - IX of these categories in the amount of 34 hours in each class during the academic year (once a week).

The course proposed for study includes two parts, corresponding to the age capabilities of students; at the same time, the authors took into account their relationship with the basic subjects of the school curriculum - the history of Russia and Kuban studies. The first part of the course (for students of grades V-VII) gives a general idea of ​​the Kuban Cossacks and is largely devoted to the study of the traditions and military holidays of the Kuban Cossacks. This is explained by the fact that in these classes, within the framework of general educational programs, schoolchildren study the history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century. The second part of the program material, addressed to students of grades VIII - IX, covers the actual history of the Kuban Cossacks, including its prehistory and the current stage of the revival of the Kuban Cossack army and Cossack traditions. At the lessons of basic disciplines at this time, the history of the country and our small homeland of the 19th - early 21st centuries is studied.

    Description of the place of an elective in the curriculum

Extracurricular activities "History of the Kuban Cossacks" is studied at the level of basic general education as extracurricular activities in grades 5–9 in the total volume 170 hours, - 1 hour a week.

Number of hours per week

Total for a year


    Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the course

It is assumed that the result of studying the history of the Kuban Cossacks in primary school is the development of a wide range of competencies in students - socially adaptive (civic), cognitive (cognitive), information technology, communicative.

To the most important personal results studying the history of the Kuban Cossacks in the primary school include the following beliefs and qualities:

    awareness of one's identity as a citizen of the country, family member, ethnic and religious group, local and regional community;

    development of humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society, respect for human rights and freedoms;

    comprehension of the socio-moral experience of previous generations, the ability to determine one's position and responsible behavior in modern society;

    understanding of the cultural diversity of the world, respect for the culture of one's own and other peoples, tolerance.

Metasubject Results studies of the history of the Kuban Cossacks in the primary school are expressed in the following qualities:

    the ability to consciously organize and regulate their activities - educational, social, etc.;

    possession of the ability to work with educational and out-of-school information (analyze and summarize facts, draw up a simple and detailed plan, theses, notes, formulate and justify conclusions, etc.), use modern sources of information, including materials on electronic media;

    the ability to solve creative problems, present the results of their activities in various forms (message, essay, presentation, abstract, etc.);

    willingness to cooperate with fellow students, teamwork, mastering the basics of intercultural interaction at school and social environment, etc.

Subject Results studying the history of the Kuban Cossacks by students in grades 5-9 include:

    mastering holistic ideas about the historical path of the peoples of their country and their region, humanity as a necessary basis for world understanding and knowledge of modern society;

    the ability to apply the conceptual apparatus of historical knowledge and methods of historical analysis to reveal the essence and significance of events and phenomena of the past and present;

    the ability to study and systematize information from various historical and modern sources, revealing its social affiliation and cognitive value;

    expanding the experience of evaluation activities based on understanding the life and deeds of individuals and peoples in the history of their region and humanity as a whole;

    willingness to apply historical knowledge to identify and preserve historical and cultural monuments of their region and country


Working programm


Topic 6. Final lesson

Topic 1. Traditional equipment and weapons of the Kuban Cossacks


Topic 3. The military world of the Kuban Cossacks

Topic 4. Outstanding Kuban chieftains

Topic 5. Heroes of the Kuban Cossacks

Topic 6. Final lesson

Topic 1. Historians of the Kuban Cossacks



Topic 2. Spiritual mentor and educator of the Black Sea Cossacks KV. Rossinsky

Topic 3. Cossack regalia and symbols

Topic 4. Cossack abroad

Topic 5. Revival of the Kuban Cossacks

Topic 6. Final lesson - presentation


Topic 1. Introductory lesson


Topic 2. Cossacks as a historically established ethno-social community of people in the geographic space of Russia

Topic 3. The first Cossacks in the Kuban

Topic 4. Cossacks - the forerunners of the Black Sea Cossacks

Topic 5. Formation of the Black Sea Cossack Host

Topic 6. Relocation of the Black Sea Cossack Host to the Kuban

Topic 7. Don Cossacks and Kuban

Topic 8. Linear Cossacks of Kuban

Topic 9. The social composition of the Cossacks and social contradictions in the Black Sea region

Topic 10. The military-administrative structure of the Black Sea and Linear Cossacks

Topic 11. Cossacks and highlanders: the search for a compromise

Topic 12. Chernomorians in the Patriotic War of 1812

Topic 13. Cossacks of the Kuban in the wars of Russia in the 20-50s. 19th century

Topic 14. Cossacks in the hostilities of the XIX century on the southern borders of Russia

Topic 15. Economic development of the Black Sea Cossack army and the linear Cossacks of the Kuban

Topic 16. Ekaterinodar - military town of the Black Sea Cossacks

Topic 17. Great Russian writers about the Cossacks

Topic 18. Outstanding chieftains, military leaders and administrators of the Black Sea and Linear Cossack troops

Topic 19. Orthodoxy in the life of the Cossacks. Kirill Rossinsky

Topic 20. Culture of the Black Sea and Linear Cossacks

Topic 21. Famous chroniclers of the Kuban Cossacks

Topic 1. Introductory lesson

Topic 2. Formation of the Kuban Cossack army

Topic 3. The end of the Caucasian War and the colonization of the Trans-Kuban region

    Topic 4. Economic development of the Kuban Cossacks in 1860 -1917.

Topic 5. The culture of the Cossacks in 1860-1917.

Topic 6. At the head of the troops were ...

Topic 7. Kuban Cossacks in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877 - 1878 and military operations in Central Asia

Topic 8. Revolution of 1905 - 1907 and Kuban Cossacks

Topic 9. Participation of the Kuban Cossacks in the Russian-Japanese and World War I

Topic 10. Kuban Cossacks in the revolutionary events of 1917 and the Civil War

Topic 11. Emigration of the Cossacks. Their life and position abroad

Topic 12. Cossacks in the 1920s - 1930s

Topic 13. Cossacks in the Great Patriotic War

Topic 14. Revival of the Kuban Cossacks

Topic 15. Kuban Cossacks at the present stage

Topic 16. Final lesson

5th grade (34 hours)

Topic 1. Introductory lesson. The subject and objectives of the course "History of the Kuban Cossacks" (4 hours)

What is the Cossacks, who is the Cossack? The origin of the Cossacks. Cossack troops of pre-revolutionary Russia, the territory of their settlement. Cossacks past and present: general and special.

Topic 2 Orthodoxy as a source of spirituality of the Cossacks (8 hours)

Religious traditions of the Zaporozhian and Don Cossacks. The Caucasus is the place of the early appearance of Christianity. Orthodox Tmutarakan. Orthodoxy among the Circassians. Byzantium and the Genoese missionaries. Cossacks - Old Believers in the Kuban in the XVH century. Features of the religious consciousness of the Black Sea settlers. Black Sea clergy. Spiritual life of linear villages.

The influence of the church on the spiritual and moral state of the Cossacks. Diocesan administration of the Kuban region. Fight against schism and sectarianism. holy abodes.

Faith in the life of the people. Holy corner. Orthodox calendar. Pilgrimage and veneration of holy places. Station temple. Station father. Faith and belief.

Traditional religious holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks. Christmas. Caroling. Generosity. Seeding. Epiphany. Christmas time. Pancake week. Forgiveness Sunday. Great post. Palm week. Holy Week. Candlemas. Annunciation. Easter. Wires. Ascension. Trinity. Exaltation. Cover (cover). Patronal/temple holidays.

Military holidays. Day of the Right-Believing Prince Saint Alexander Nevsky. Saint Catherine is the patroness of Yekaterinodar. Shrines and rituals of the Cossacks. Birthing and baptismal ceremony. Seeing the service. Wedding ceremony. Funeral rite.

Topic 3. Cossack traditions, folk knowledge and folklore (7 hours)

Folk knowledge. National meteorology. Folk ideas about the structure of the universe. People's Veterinary Medicine. Traditional medicine.

Cossack arts and crafts. Traditional arts and crafts. Artistic forging. Making weapons. Engraving. Spinning and weaving. Embroidery. Pottery. Vine weaving. Painting. Military painting.

Cossack musical folklore. Stages of the formation of the Kuban Cossack musical tradition. Feature of the genre system of the Kuban musical folklore. Military genres of folk songs of the Kuban. Historical song. Ritual song genres. Wedding folklore. Untimed genres of folklore: dance songs, choruses, ditties. Cossack dances. Cossack language - dialects and dialects.

Topic 4. The culture of physical education of the Cossacks (6 hours)

Physical education of Cossack youth in the family and community (village). Folk games of the Kuban Cossacks. Physical education in educational institutions. Combat and physical training in the Cossack troops. The art of hand-to-hand combat and riding. survival system. Cossack Spas.

Topic 5. Material culture of the Kuban Cossacks (7 hours)

Land ownership and land use in the Kuban. Military lands. Equity put on. Stations and farms. Manor land and field allotment as the basis of economic activity of the Cossacks.

Settlements and traditional dwellings of the Cossacks. Sich. Kosh. Stanitsa. Farm. Kuren. Hut. Turluk. Adobe. Dugout. Base Cellar. Barn. Summer cuisine. Cossack towns. Winterers. Maidan.

Traditional clothes of the Kuban Cossacks. Trousers. Shirt. Kosovorotka. Shirt. Zipun. The dress. Skirt. Sweater. Jewelry. Circassian. Burka. Hood. Beshmet. Papakha.

The traditional food system in the Kuban. Cakes. Porridge. Kurnik. Vareniki. Fish meals. Dairy products. Dishes from vegetables and fruits. Borsch. Meat dishes. Studen (jelly). Salo. The drinks. Kvass. Kissel. Uzvar (blast). Braga.

Topic 6. Final lesson (2 hours)

Excursion to a temple or a museum, it is possible to sum up the results of the expedition carried out during the academic year

6th grade (34 hours)

Topic 1. Traditional equipment and weapons of the Kuban Cossacks (6 hours)

Outfit of a Cossack and a riding horse. The evolution of firearms of the Cossacks. Steel arms. Checker. Saber. Dagger. Pick. Preparation of military equipment for military service.

Topic 2 Formation of the Kuban Cossack army (4 hours) Formation of the Kuban Cossacks. South Russian and Ukrainian components of the formation of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossacks - the predecessors of the Black Sea army. Black Sea army: Cossacks, Little Russian Cossacks, immigrants from Poltava, Chernigov and Kharkov provinces, retired soldiers. Chernomortsy as sailors, riders, scouts. Donets - the predecessors of the Caucasian linear Cossack army. Linear Cossacks: Khopertsy, South Russian odnodvortsy, Donets. New line. Cossacks of Zakubanye. The unification of the Black Sea and linemen. Formation of self-consciousness and self-name: Kuban Cossacks. Kuban Cossack army. N.I. Evdokimov - the first ataman of the Kuban Cossack army.

Topic 3. Military peace of the Kuban Cossacks (7 hours) Cossack as a born warrior. Military service of the Cossacks in pre-revolutionary Russia. Intelligence service. Border protection. Cavalry service. Scouts: from shooters - scouts to the "queen of the fields". Participation of the Cossacks in the protection of the borders and military operations of Imperial Russia.

Military folk knowledge. military folklore. Military rites. Regimental/battalion identity.

Topic 4. Outstanding Kuban chieftains (8 hours)

S. I. Bely, Z.A. Chepega, A.A. Golovaty, FYa. Bursak, A.D. Bezkrovny, N.I. Evdokimov, G.A. Rasp, N.N. Karmalin, M.P. Babych: their life and work for the glory of the Cossacks, for the benefit of the Army.

Topic 5. Heroes of the Kuban Cossacks (7 hours)

The feat of the defenders of the Olginsky kuren led by Colonel L. Tikhovsky (1810). The feat of the Cossacks centurion A.A. Grechishkin (1829). Cossacks in the Crimean War: heroes of the defense of Sevastopol. The feat of the Cossacks centurion E. Gorbatko (1862). Cossacks - the liberators of Bulgaria. On the hills of Manchuria. Esaul V.D. Gamaly and his famous raid during the First World War. Military pilot V.M. Tkachev. Elena Choba. Cossacks - heroes of the Great Patriotic War. A.E. Berlizov is the hero of Transnistria.

Topic 6. Final lesson (2 hours)

The Cossack is a valiant defender of the Motherland. military traditions

Kuban Cossacks and modernity (meeting from representatives of the Cossacks).

Grade 7 (34 hours)

Topic 1. Historians of the Kuban Cossacks (7 hours)

Ya.G. Kukharenko, I.D. Popko, PL. Korolenko, E.D. Felitsyn,

F. Shcherbina, V.A. Golobutsky. Their activities in the study of the history of the Kuban Cossacks.

Local history activities in the Kuban. The study of the history of the Cossacks by local history organizations of the Kuban. Kuban Regional Statistical Committee (1879 - 1917). Society of lovers of the study of the Kuban region (1897 - 1932). Kuban society of lovers of the study of the Cossacks in the Kuban (1911-1917).

Topic 2 Spiritual mentor and educator of the Black Sea Cossacks K.V. Rossinsky (3 hours)

Who is K. V. Rossinsky: the origin and formation of personality. K. V. Rossinsky - a military priest. Educational activities of KV Rossinsky and his spiritual heritage.

Topic 3. Cossack regalia and symbols (6 hours)

What are regalia? The composition of the Cossack regalia, their purpose.

Symbols of ataman power. Mace. First Naseka. Bunchuk. Prapor. Banners. Seal. Coat of arms. Certificates. Hymn.

The fate of the Cossack regalia.

Topic 4. Cossack Abroad (6 hours)

Civil war and the tragedy of the Cossacks. Emigration of the Cossacks. settlement countries. Life abroad. World War II and the second wave of emigration. Lienz Tragedy. The current position of the Cossacks abroad.

Topic 5. Revival of the Kuban Cossacks (10 hours)

at the origins of the Cossack revival. Kuban Cossack Club.

Constituent Congress of the Kuban Cossacks (1990). Formation of the Kuban Cossack Rada, the All-Kuban Cossack Host, the Kuban Cossack Host. Organizational structure of the army. V.P. Gromov - ataman of the Kuban Cossack army. The activities of the Kuban Cossacks at the present stage. The main functions and activities of the Cossack societies in the Kuban. Primary Cossack society (stanitsa, city, farm). Kuban Cossack army: ataman, composition, activities.

Topic 6. Final lesson - presentation (2 hours)

You, Kuban, you are our Motherland (presentation to parents and the Cossack public of materials collected as a result of research, expeditionary activities; an exhibition of exhibits collected by students or created by them in the course of classes, etc.).

Grade 8 (34 hours)

Topic 1. Introductory lesson (1 hour)

Goals and objectives of the course. Familiarization of students with the thematic plan and literature necessary for studying the course.

Acquaintance with the methodology of preparing and conducting practical classes and independent work of students. About preparation of reports (abstracts) on separate themes. For example, about the exploits of the Cossacks L. Tikhovsky, A. Grechishkin, E. Gorbatko; about Kuban historians - Cossacks Ya.G. Kukharenko, I.D. Popko, PL. Korolenko, E.D. Felitsyn, F.A. Shcherbina; military leaders and chieftains A.A. Golovat, Z.A. Chepega, G.A. Raspile, F.A. Krukovsky, NL. Sleptsov e et al.; about the history of his family, his small homeland - a settlement, the culture and traditions of the Kuban Cossacks. Familiarization of students with the methodology for preparing and conducting a quiz for the course being studied.

Topic 2 The Cossacks as a historically established ethno-social community of people in the geographic space of Russia (2 hours)

The problem of the origin of the Cossacks Chronicles, epics and other sources of materials about the Cossacks. Cossacks in the works of V.N. Tatishcheva, N.M. Karamzin, S.M. Soloviev, V.O. Klyuchevsky. Free and service Cossacks. Cossack troops of pre-revolutionary Russia. The Black Sea Cossacks in the Works of the Soviet Historian V.A. Golobutsky. Developments on the history of the Cossacks in modern times.

Topic 3. The first Cossacks in the Kuban (1 hour)

The appearance in the Kuban of the Cossacks - the schismatics of Ataman Pyotr Murzenko. Founding of the first towns. The uprising of K. Bulavin. Escape to the Kuban of the Cossacks of Ignat Nekrasov and the creation of the Kuban Cossack community. Relations with Russia and the Crimean Khanate. Departure of the Nekrasovites to Turkey. Immigration from Turkey to Russia.

Theme 4. Cossacks - the forerunners of the Black Sea Cossacks (2 hours)

Formation of the Zaporozhian Sich. Military-administrative structure of Zaporozhye. Military-political organization of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. The development of cattle breeding and crafts (fishing, etc.). Social contradictions. The struggle of the Cossacks against the aggression of the Crimea and Turkey. Trips to Istanbul. Cossacks and Mazepa. The defeat of the Zaporizhzhya Sich by the troops of Peter 1 in 1709 Aleshkovskaya Sich. The return of the Cossacks to Russia and the formation of the New Sich in 1734. The Cossacks and "Koliivshchyna" (1768). Cossacks and the uprising of Yemelyan Pugachev. Liquidation of the Zaporozhian Sich (1775). The fate of the last ataman of Zaporizhia, Peter Kalnishevsky. Transdanubian Sich. Zaporizhzhya Sich through the eyes of N.V. Gogol: historical facts and creative fiction.

Topic 5. Formation of the Black Sea Cossack Host (1 hour)

The project of A. Golovaty on the transformation of the Zaporizhzhya Cossack army. The beginning of the Russian-Turkish war of 1787 - 1791 and the formation of the Troops of the Faithful Cossacks of Zaporozhye. The participation of the Cossacks in the Russian-Turkish war. Black Sea Cossack flotilla and its military operations. Storm about. Berezan and Ishmael. The first ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army Sidor Bely. The issue of land allocation for the Black Sea Cossack army.

Topic 6. The resettlement of the Black Sea Cossack army to the Kuban (2 hours)

Deputation of the Cossacks, headed by A. Golovaty, to St. Petersburg with a request for the allotment of land in the Kuban. Inspection of the Kuban lands by a detachment of M. Gulik. Diploma of Catherine 11 on the granting of lands. Campaign of the rowing flotilla of Savva Bely to Taman. Arrival of other parties of immigrants. Foundation of Yekaterinodar and 40 smoking villages. Troop government and the entry into force of the "Order of Common Benefit" - a kind of charter on command and control of the army.

Topic 7. Don Cossacks and Kuban (1 hour) Formation of the Don Cossacks. Don Cossacks in the service of the Russian state. A.V. Suvorov in the Kuban. Participation of the Don Cossacks in the process of joining the Kuban region to Russia. Service of the Donets in the Kuban in the 1790s. Unrest of the Don regiments and their escape to the Don. Massacre of the rebels. Settlement of the Don people in the Kuban. The formation of the Kuban cavalry line troops and its service in Russia.

Topic 9. The social composition of the Cossacks and social contradictions in the Black Sea region (1 hour)

Cossack foreman and "seroma". The order of serving military service on the cordon. Runaways and serfs in Chernomorie. The criminal situation in the Black Sea region and the struggle of the Cossacks for law and order. Persian campaign. A. Golovaty - the failed ataman of the Black Sea army. Replacement of the election of chieftains by the appointment of the king. "Persian Revolt".

Topic 10. Military-administrative structure of the Black Sea and linear Cossacks (2 hours)

The administrative structure of the Chernomorie and the Caucasian linear Cossack army: common and differences. Troop government and military office, their composition and functions. Kurennye (stanitsa) chieftains. Duty and internal service of the Cossacks. The Regulations on the Black Sea (1842) and the Caucasian linear Cossack army (1845) are the main documents that regulated their internal structure and official tasks.

Topic 11. Cossacks and highlanders: the search for a compromise (1 hour) The first contacts of the Black Sea with the highlanders. A. Golovaty's meetings with the mountain princes. Kunachestvo as a form of twinning. Reception of mountain children in Cossack schools. Mutual assistance during epidemics and crop failures. Interaction of cultures. "Exchange yards" as an effective form of commodity exchange and rapprochement of mountaineers and Cossacks. Adyghe enlighteners and their role in bringing together the peoples of the Kuban.

Topic 12. Chernomorians in the Patriotic War of 1812 (1 hour)

Black Sea Cossack formations in the Russian army. Participation in Borodino and other battles. Warlords and war heroes: A.F. Bursak, A.D. Bloodless, N.s. Zavodovsky and others. The participation of the Black Sea people in the foreign campaign of the Russian army and the capture of Paris on March 19, 1814.

Topic 13. Cossacks of the Kuban in the wars of Russia in the 20s - 50s. 19th century (2 hours)

Persian campaigns. Russian-Turkish war 1828 - 1829 and the participation of the Cossacks in it. Chernomortsy A.D. Bezkrovny in the capture of the fortress of Anapa. Crimean War 1853 - 1856 Participation of the Black Sea scouts in the defense of Sevastopol. Linemen in the fighting on the territory of Turkish Armenia. Defense of Taman.

Topic 14. Cossacks in the military operations of the 19th century on the southern borders of Russia (2 hours)

Struggle for the North Caucasus: Causes and Tasks. Black Sea and Kuban cordon lines. Methods of their defense by the Cossacks. Military and economic activities of the Cossacks on the Old and New lines. The feat of the defenders of the Olginsky cordon led by Colonel Tikhovsky (1810). The battle of the Cossacks on the banks of the river. Steppe Zelenchuk under the leadership of the centurion A. Grechishkin (1829). The heroic defense of the post (near the village of Neberdzhaevskaya) by the Cossacks of the centurion E. Gorbatko (1862). Cossacks in the last offensive operations of the Caucasian War.

Topic 15. Economic development of the Black Sea Cossack army and the linear Cossacks of the Kuban (2 hours)

Land use and land ownership. Transition from a free-grasping form of land use to a communal redistributed one. farm system. Features of the use of employees. Cattle breeding and agriculture. Fishing and crafts. Development of trade. Trade fairs. Opening of barter yards for highlanders.

Topic 16. Yekaterinodar - military town of the Black Sea Cossacks (1 hour)

Question about the founding of the city. Choice of location. First mayor. Street layout. Administrative structure and organization of city government. Economic development of the city. cultural image of the city. Cultural objects of the city. City and natural environment (R. Kuban, Karasun, parks, etc.). Connections of Yekaterinodar with the outside world.

Topic 17. Great Russian writers about the Cossacks (2 hours)

Everyday scenes from the life of the Zaporizhzhya Sich in the story by N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". A.s. Pushkin in the Kuban, his assessment of the Black Sea Cossacks. M.Yu. Lermontov and Kuban. Cossacks in the works of M.Yu. Lermontov. LA. Tolstoy on the role of the Cossacks in the creation of Russia. Story LA. Tolstoy "Cossacks" and "Hadji - Murat".

Topic 18. Outstanding chieftains, military leaders and administrators of the Black Sea and Linear Cossack troops. (2 hours)

ZA Chepega - his life and work. AA Golovaty is an unusual biography of a military judge. G.A Raspil - politician and administrator. F. Krukovsky - combat ataman of the Cossacks - linears. n.p. Sleptsov is a fearless general.

Theme 19. Orthodoxy in the life of the Cossacks. Kirill Rossinsky (1 hour)

Orthodoxy in the life of the Zaporozhian and Don Cossacks. The Caucasus is the place of the early spread of Christianity. Chernomortsy and Orthodoxy. Military churches. Black Sea clergy. The influence of the church on the spiritual and moral state of the Cossacks. Military holidays and military shrines. The first monasteries in the Kuban. Old Believers. Kirill Rossinsky and his role in the spiritual education and enlightenment of the Black Sea people.

Topic 20. Culture of the Black Sea and Linear Cossacks (3 hours)

Traditional household and professional culture of the Cossacks. The influence of the South Russian and Ukrainian traditions on the formation of the culture of the Kuban Cossacks. Toponymy. Cloth. The appearance of the Kuban settlements. The custom of collective construction of houses. Types of houses and buildings. Family holidays and rituals (weddings, etc.). Calendar holidays. Song and musical traditions. Military singing and military musical choirs (1811). Folklore. Church and Cossack traditions. Architecture, construction of Orthodox churches. Home and school education. Upbringing. Book business. Opening libraries. Higher education: Cossack students of St. Petersburg, Kharkov, Stavropol and Orenburg cadet Cossack schools.

Topic 21. Famous chroniclers of the Kuban Cossacks (3 hours)

Ya.G. Kukharenko and A.M. Turenko - the first historians of the Black Sea Cossack army. I.D. Popko (1819 - 1893) - researcher of the military and civil life of the Black Sea people. P.P. Korolenko (1834 - 1912) - local historian and archivist of the military archive of the Kuban Cossack army. E.D. Felitsyn (1848 - 1903) - historian, archaeologist, statistician, founder of the local history museum of Kuban. F. Shcherbina (1849 - 1936) - an outstanding historian and public figure of the Kuban. Acquaintance with the most interesting works of Kuban historians.

Grade 9 (34 hours)

Topic 1. Introductory lesson (1 hour)

Goals and objectives of the course. Familiarization of students with the thematic plan and literature necessary for studying the course, with the methodology for preparing and conducting practical classes. Selection of speakers on selected topics (at the choice of teacher and student). Information on the preparation and holding of the competition for the best essay on the history of the Kuban Cossacks

Theme 2. Formation of the Kuban Cossack army (2 hours) Decree of Emperor Alexander II on the formation of the Kuban

Cossack army. Administrative structure and management of the army. N.I. Evdokimov - the first ataman of the Kuban Cossack army. Land functions of the troops, their implementation by stanitsa societies. Military service of the Kuban Cossacks. Privileges and duties of the Kuban Cossacks.

Topic 3. The end of the Caucasian War and the colonization of the Trans-Kuban region (2 hours)

The capture of Shamil in 1859 and the intensification of hostilities in the North-Western Caucasus. The arrival of Alexander II in the Kuban and the approval of the plan for the conquest of the Western Caucasus. Offensive against mountain tribes. Resettlement of highlanders in Turkey. The end of the Caucasian War, the beginning of the settlement of the Trans-Kuban region by Cossacks and other settlers.

Topic 4. Economic development of the Kuban Cossacks in 1860-1917.

Topic 5. The culture of the Cossacks in 1860 -1917 p. (2 hours) Traditional folk culture. Religion and beliefs (Orthodoxy, Old Believers). Holidays and rituals. Folklore and folk knowledge. Housing, clothes. Kuban Cossack choir. Attributes and symbols. Education. The science. Ethnoscience. Art culture. Literature (V.S. Varenik, V.S. Mova-Limansky, G.V. Dobroskok, N.N. Kanivetsky and others).

Theme 6. At the head of the troops were ... (2 hours)

About the life and work of the most famous chieftains of the Kuban Cossack army. F.N. Sumarokov - Elston - military leader and administrator. His contribution to the development of the education of the Cossacks. N.N. Karmalin and his influence on the cultural life of the Cossacks. I. Malama and his concern for the well-being of the Cossacks. M.P. Babych is the “ready Batko” of the Cossacks, the honorary old man of the city of Yeysk and 38 Cossack villages and farms.

Theme 7. Kuban Cossacks in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. and military operations in Central Asia (2 hours)

Participation of the Cossacks in the Khiva campaign of 1873 Mobilization of the Cossacks for the Russian-Turkish war. Balkan theater of operations: 2nd Kuban Regiment and 7th Plastun Battalion. The capture of the Ardagan fortress. Defense of Bayazet and Shipka pass. Participation in the assault and capture of Kars. Reflection of Turkish landings in Abkhazia.

Khiva campaign. Participation in the Akhal-Teke expedition in 1881 and the assault on the Geok-Tepe fortress. Fights with Afghans in 1885 on the river. Kushka.

Topic 8. Revolution of 1905 - 1907 and the Kuban Cossacks (1 hour)

The beginning of the revolution. The attitude of the Cossacks to the events that took place. Protection of the Tsar by His Imperial Majesty's Own Convoy. The involvement of the Cossacks to combat revolutionary uprisings and protect public order. Unrest of the Cossacks of the 14th, 15th and 17th Plastun battalions. The uprising of the Cossacks of the 2nd Urupsky regiment. Declaration of the Kuban region under martial law. Convocation of the Kuban Cossack Rada and its decisions.

Topic 9. Participation of the Kuban Cossacks in the Russian-Japanese and World War I (2 hours)

Fighting on the hills of Manchuria. Horse raid of General P.I. Mishchenko.

Kuban Cossack formations on the fronts of the First World War. Cossacks on the Western and Caucasian fronts. Deeds and awards. Raid of hundreds of Yesaul V.D. Gamalia on the enemy's rear.

Cossack "cavalryman - girl" Elena Choba. Air ace Kuban Cossack V.M. Tkachev.

Theme 10. Cossacks of Kuban in revolutionary events

1917 and the Civil War (3 hours)

The overthrow of the tsarist government. Commissioner of the Provisional Government Bardij. 1st Congress of the Kuban Military Rada and the creation of a military government. The election of Colonel A.P. Filimonov. Legislative Council. "Ice" campaign of General L.G. Kornilov. Ekaterinodar in the hands of the Reds. The capture of Yekaterinodar by the army of A.I. Denikin. Creation of the Kuban army. "Independents" and "one-indivisibles". Departure of the Kuban delegation to Paris for a peace conference. Massacre of Denikin's delegates. Capture of Yekaterinodar by the Red Army. Novorossiysk tragedy. Surrender of the Kuban army in Adler. Greens are supporters of the third way.

Topic 11. Emigration of the Cossacks. Their life and position abroad (2 hours)

Kubans in the Crimea in the army of General P.N. Wrangel. Evacuation to about. Lemnos (Greece). Elections of the Kuban military ataman V.G. Naumenko. Moving Cossacks to Serbia. Settlement of the Cossacks in other countries. Organization of Cossack communities, farms and villages. Socio-political and cultural life abroad. The fate of the Cossack regalia.

Topic 12. Cossacks in 1920-1930s (3 hours) The end of the Civil War and the policy of the Bolsheviks towards the Cossacks. The fight against the white-green movement. Land management in 1923 - 1927 The course towards the collectivization of the village. Dispossession. Narrative. Famine in the Kuban at the turn of 1932-1933. "Black Boards". Deportation of the Cossacks, repression. "Great terror".

Topic 13. Cossacks in the Great Patriotic War (2 hours)

The attack of the Nazi invaders on the USSR. Registration of Kuban volunteers to the front. Kuban National Defense Fund. Formation of the 17th Kuban Cavalry Cossack Corps. Battle of the Cossacks near the village of Kushchevskaya. 4th Guards Cavalry Corps in the battles for the Motherland. 9th Plastun Division.

The villages of the Kuban under the rule of the invaders. Kuban units in the Wehrmacht. Tragedy of Lienz.

Topic 14. Revival of the Kuban Cossacks (3 hours)

from the student circle to the Kuban Cossack club.

Large founding circle of the Cossacks of Russia (June 1990). Constituent Congress of the Kuban Cossacks (Oct. 1990). Kuban Cossack Rada. Ataman v.p. Gromov. Alternative Cossack organizations. Resurrection difficulties. Creation of the Kuban Cossack army. Law “On the Rehabilitation of Repressed Peoples” (1991) and other laws related to the Cossacks. Regional law "On the rehabilitation of the Kuban Cossacks" (1995). Approval of the Charter of the Kuban Cossack army. Assistance to the Terek Cossacks, participation in hostilities in Transnistria and Abkhazia. Inclusion of the Cossacks in the state register.

Topic 15. Kuban Cossacks at the present stage (3 hours)

Return to tradition. Creation of stanitsa amateur collectives. V.G. Zakharchenko is the artistic director of the Kuban Cossack choir, composer, and scholarly folklorist. Publications of Cossack songs and materials of folklore expeditions. Anapa children's festival "Cossack". Festivals of Cossack groups in the village of Tulskaya. Tikhovsky, Lipkinsky and other commemorations. Research Center for Traditional Culture under the direction of N.I. Bondar. Modern fiction about the Kuban Cossacks (V.I. Likhonosov, A.D. Znamensky, I.F. Varavva, V.P. Bardadym, etc.). Cossacks in modern realistic painting (G.T. Kvashura).

Topic 16. Final lesson (2 hours)

Past, present, future of the Kuban Cossacks (round table from representatives of the Cossacks and cultural figures of the Kuban).

    Thematic planning with the definition of the main activities

(grade 5)

Characteristics of the main activities of the student (at the level of educational activities)

Topic 1. Introductory lesson. The subject and objectives of the course "History of the Kuban Cossacks"

What is the Cossacks, who is the Cossack?

To be able to determine the features of the study of the past, to know and characterize the main periods of history.

Know the main historical periods, be able to characterize their content, the ability to work with the time line

Development of skills to work with a map, atlas, electronic application.

The origin of the Cossacks. Cossack troops of pre-revolutionary Russia, the territory of their settlement.

Cossacks past and present: general and special.

Cossacks in oral folk art, fiction and art.

Topic 2. Orthodoxy as a source of spirituality of the Cossacks

Religious traditions of the Zaporozhian and Don Cossacks. The Caucasus is the place of the early appearance of Christianity.

Explore simple situations from the life of a person and society, revealing the significance of religion in our time and in the past.

Identify positive learning outcomes based on examples from works of art

Assess your own ability to learn and opportunities for its development.

Identify opportunities for practical application of knowledge acquired at school

Use elements of a cause-and-effect analysis when characterizing the social ties of a younger teenager with classmates, peers, and friends.

Illustrate with examples the importance of religion for a person.

Orthodox Tmutarakan. Orthodoxy among the Circassians. Byzantium and the Genoese missionaries.

The influence of the church on the spiritual and moral state of the Cossacks.

Diocesan administration of the Kuban region. Fight against schism and sectarianism. holy abodes.

Faith in the life of the people. Holy corner. Orthodox calendar.

Traditional religious holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks. Christmas.

Military holidays. Day of the Right-Believing Prince Saint Alexander Nevsky. Saint Catherine is the patroness of Yekaterinodar.

Shrines and rituals of the Cossacks. Birthing and baptismal ceremony. Seeing the service

Topic 3. Cossack traditions, folk knowledge and folklore

Cossack commandments and traditions, their promotion and implementation. Education in a Cossack family.

Folk knowledge. National meteorology. Folk ideas about the structure of the universe.

Cossack arts and crafts. Traditional arts and crafts.

Artistic forging. Making weapons.

Cossack musical folklore. Stages of the formation of the Kuban Cossack musical tradition.

Feature of the genre system of the Kuban musical folklore.

Military genres of folk songs of the Kuban. Historical song. Ritual song genres.

Topic 4. The culture of physical education of the Cossacks

Physical education of Cossack youth in the family and community (village).

To develop the following universal learning activities: the ability to take into account different opinions

and strive to coordinate the various positions

in cooperation; the ability to formulate one's own opinion and position, argue and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation in developing a common solution in

joint activities; the ability to adequately use speech to plan and regulate their activities; ability to work in a group

Create conditions for the development of universal learning activities: the ability to interact in a group, the ability to work with various information sources, the ability to search for information on the Internet, the ability to present their work on a specific topic

Folk games of the Kuban Cossacks.

Physical education in educational institutions.

Combat and physical training in the Cossack troops.

The art of hand-to-hand combat and riding.

survival system. Cossack Spas.

Topic 5. Material culture of the Kuban Cossacks

Land ownership and land use in the Kuban. Military lands.

To develop the following universal learning activities: the ability to take into account different opinions

and strive to coordinate the various positions

in cooperation; the ability to formulate one's own opinion and position, argue and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation in developing a common solution in

joint activities; the ability to adequately use speech to plan and regulate their activities; ability to work in a group

Create conditions for the development of universal learning activities: the ability to interact in a group, the ability to work with various information sources, the ability to search for information on the Internet, the ability to present their work on a specific topic

Equity put on. Stations and farms.

Manor land and field allotment as the basis of economic activity of the Cossacks.

Cattle breeding. A horse in the life of a Cossack. The cow is the breadwinner. Cossack trades. Fishing. Hunting.

Settlements and traditional dwellings of the Cossacks. Sich. Kosh. Stanitsa. Farm. Kuren. Hut. Turluk.

Traditional clothes of the Kuban Cossacks. Trousers. Shirt. Kosovorotka.

The traditional food system in the Kuban. Cakes. Porridge. Kurnik. Vareniki. Fish meals. Dairy products.

Topic 6. Final lesson

Traditions of the Kuban Cossacks and the present.

Create conditions for the development of universal learning activities: the ability to interact in a group, the ability to work with various information sources, the ability to search for information on the Internet, the ability to present their work on a specific topic

Excursion to a temple or a museum, it is possible to sum up the results of the expedition carried out during


    Description of the educational, methodological and logistical support of educational activities

5th grade: textbook « History of the Kuban Cossacks, Grade 5 ,

6th grade: textbook « History of the Kuban Cossacks, Grade 6 , .N.Ratushnyak, O.V.Ratushnyak, Krasnodar: Tradition, 2009

7th grade: textbook « History of the Kuban Cossacks, Grade 7 , .N.Ratushnyak, O.V.Ratushnyak, Krasnodar: Tradition, 2009

8th grade: textbook « History of the Kuban Cossacks, Grade 8 , .O.V.Matveev, Krasnodar: Tradition, 2009

Grade 9: textbook « History of the Kuban Cossacks, Grade 9 , .N.Ratushnyak, O.V.Ratushnyak,

Krasnodar: Tradition, 2011

Internet resources:

Unified collection of Digital educational resources .

http: // History on the Internet

Visual aids:


1. Regalia and relics.

2. Kuban Cossack army today. Lipkinskie commemorations.

3. Kuban Cossack army today. Chamlyk commemorations.

4. Kuban Cossack army today. The main activities of the Kuban Cossack army

5. The main milestones in the history of the Kuban Cossacks

6. The form of the Kuban Cossacks

    Planned learning outcomes and mastering the course content.

The proposed course is based on a combination of problematic and concrete historical principles. The program contains both theoretical understanding and the necessary factual material. This course is designed to implement the principles of state policy and the general requirements for the content of education formulated in the Law on Education in the practical activities of schools in the Krasnodar Territory.

At the end of the course History of the Kuban Cossacks students will learn:

    citizenship and love for the Motherland;

    protection of national cultures and regional cultural traditions in a multinational state;

    to see a picture of the world adequate to the modern level of knowledge;

    to form a worldview, moral culture;

Show interest in the history and traditions of the Cossacks.

    to study everyday and spiritual traditions and rules of behavior of the Cossacks; improve physical and psychological health on the example of the historically established traditions of the Cossacks.

    to strengthen the connection with the Cossack culture.

This course introduces students to the geography of the settlement of the Cossacks, their way of life and culture. The course reveals the importance of the Cossacks in Russia. Particular importance is attached to the development of the skills of searching for geographical information, working with its various types, explaining and evaluating the facts of the placement of Cossacks across the country, determining by students their own attitude to the life and culture of the events of the Cossack people. The course contributes to mastering the skills of analysis, explanation, development of students' communicative culture. The program provides an interconnection in teaching the course of Cossack geography to form a holistic knowledge of students about the placement of the Cossacks on the territory of Russia, and specifically in the Trans-Urals.

The program of the course "Geography of the Cossacks of Russia" is designed for 17 hours.

Course objective: to acquaint with the features of the most important centers and areas of accommodation of the Cossacks, their way of life and occupations.

Course objectives:

To form knowledge about the Cossacks as an estate;

Identification of the main centers of placement of the Cossacks;

Formation of knowledge about the Cossacks in Kurgan;

Formation of knowledge about the modern role of the Cossacks

To consolidate the ability to work with the main means of geographic information;

Education of citizenship, patriotism, development of worldview beliefs of students;

Expanding the horizons of students;

Expected results:

Students should know:this course provides an opportunity to learn the originality of the placement of the Cossacks in Russia; the functions of the Cossack circle, its traditions, the role of chieftains in modern Cossacks, the interpretation of the term "Cossack"; Orenburg Cossacks, Don Cossacks, Caucasian Cossacks and others. The origin and nature of the spiritual culture of the Russian Cossacks; concept of culture. Traditions of the Cossacks: clothing, housing, household, life, the Cossacks with the authorities, about the relations of the Don, Kuban and Ural Cossacks; about the role of the Don intelligentsia in restoring the ethno-cultural heritage of the Don region, about the revival of cultural traditions.

Students should be able to:select literature on the proposed topic, analyze it, show different points of view of scientists on the issue of the origin of the Cossacks. Distinguish the symbols of the Cossack communities. Understand the meaning of individual terms, if necessary, enter them into an active vocabulary, work with a map: correctly show the borders of the state, show the places of the Cossack communities. Work correctly with the book, draw conclusions, explain the terms, describe the Cossack's dwelling, name the elements of clothing of the Don, Orenburg, Caucasian and other Cossacks (kuren, fortress, plow), draw up a description of Cossack rituals (New Year's, Christmas, wedding)

According to the functional purpose, the program of the training course meets the requirements of specialized education, since the school has cadet Cossack classes.

According to the degree of novelty, the program includes new knowledge for students that is not contained in the basic programs.

According to the motivating potential, the program contains knowledge that arouses the cognitive interest of students and is of value for their personal development.

According to the scientific nature of the content, the program includes progressive scientific knowledge and the most valuable experience of human practical activity.

The main type of lesson is combined. Other forms of lessons are also provided: lecture lessons, conversations, meetings with representatives of the Cossacks, watching films about the Cossacks, defending the creative work of students.

The course reveals the concepts of "Cossacks", "hut ataman", "cut", "gathering", "bracket", 2 settler. The geographical location of the Cossack communities, their way of life, traditions. The emergence of the Cossacks. Free and service Cossacks. Occupations, social system. Basic principles of the Cossack worldview, Cossack morality. The rights and obligations of the Cossack. The military structure of the Cossacks, the creation of the Don, Kuban, Siberian, Ural Cossack troops.

I The concept of "Cossacks" - 1 hour

II Dnepropetrovsk Cossacks -5 hours

2. Zaporozhye Cossacks

3. Transdanubian Cossacks

4. Danube Cossacks

5 Azov Cossacks

6 Bug Cossacks

III Caucasian Cossacks -3 hours

7 Caucasian Cossacks

8 Terek Cossacks

9 Kuban

IV Don Cossacks-1 hour

10 Don Cossacks

V Ural Cossacks -3 hours

11 Orenburg Cossacks

12 Trans-Ural Cossacks

VI Siberian Cossacks -3 hours

13 Trans-Baikal Cossacks

14 Amur Cossacks

15 Ussuri Cossacks



Course topic

Number of hours

Date plan

date fact

The concept of "Cossacks"

Dnepropetrovsk Cossacks. Zaporozhye Cossacks

Transdanubian Cossacks

Danube Cossacks

Azov Cossacks

Bug Cossacks

Caucasian Cossacks

Terek Cossacks


Don Cossacks

Orenburg Cossacks

Transural Cossacks

Transbaikal Cossacks

Amur Cossacks

Ussuri Cossacks

Modern Cossacks, Cossack circle

General lesson on the topic: "Geography of the Russian Cossacks"


Course section

Number of hours

The concept of "Cossacks"

Dnepropetrovsk Cossacks

Caucasian Cossacks

Don Cossacks

Ural Cossacks

Siberian Cossacks

Modern Cossacks, Cossack circle

Total hours


1. Agafonov O. Cossack troops of the Russian Empire. Kaliningrad, 1995.
2. Baranov A.V. Social and political development of the North Caucasus under the new economic policy (1921 - 1929). SPB., 1996.
3. Breer I. Cossacks. M., 1992.
4. Vasilevsky V.I. Transbaikal Cossack army. Brief historical outline. M., 2000.
5. Venkov A.V. Anti-Bolshevik movement in the South of Russia at the initial stage of the Civil War. Rostov-on-Don, 1995.
6. Military history of the Fatherland from ancient times to the present day. M., 1995., vol. 1 - 3.
7. Voskoboynikov G.L. Cossacks and cavalry in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 M., 1997.
8. Voskoboynikov G.L. Cossacks in the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). Scientific Library of RSU. Rostov-on-Don, 1995.
9. Voskoboynikov G.L. Cossacks in the First World War 1914-1918 M., 1994.
10. Voskoboynikov G.L. Cossacks and cavalry in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). M., 1995.
11. Gordeev A.A. History of the Cossacks. M., 1991 - 1992, vol. 1 - 4.
12. Gordeev A.A. History of the Cossacks. M., 2007.
13. Ignatiev B.B. The development of the control system of the Cossack troops of Russia in the late XIX - early XX centuries. M., 1997.
14. History of the Cossacks of Asiatic Russia. Yekaterinburg, 1993 - 1995, vol. 1 - 3.
15. Cossacks. Encyclopedia / under. ed. A.P. Fedotova. M., 2003.

Mininkov N.A. Don Cossacks at the dawn of their history. Tutorial. Rostov-on-Don, 1992.
16. Orenburg Cossack army. Culture, life, customs. Chelyabinsk, 1996.

17. Ryabov S.I. Don land in the 17th century. Volgograd, 1992.
18. Skorik A.P. The emergence of the Don Cossacks as an ethnic group. Novocherkassk, 1992.

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Kurgan

"Secondary school No. 24"

Reviewed at MO Agreed Approved

"___" ______2013 "___" _______2013 "___" _______2013

Head of MO Deputy Headmaster by Headmaster

Smirnova O. In the UVR Ischunina E.S. Maksimova N.P.

_______________ _______________ ______________

Working programm

training course

By geography

"Geography of the Russian Cossacks"

for grades 10-11 for the 2013-2014 academic year

Makarova Zh.V.

is intended for elementary school students of the Cossack orientation of general education schools. The program on the history and culture of the Kuban Cossacks can be considered as an independent discipline of additional education or extracurricular activities. The content and technological content of teaching corresponds to age characteristics and is built on a general familiarization principle. The content of the program is based on the moral foundations of the Cossacks, formulated in the Cossack commandments, they combine the foundations of history, the Orthodox culture of the Cossacks, the features of life and work, family traditions.



Municipal general educational institution secondary school No. 24



decision of the teachers' council protocol No. 1

Chairman of the teachers' council

Bugakova M.V.


elementary local history course and

self-improvement training "Cossack freemen"

Level of education: primary general education (grades 1-4)

Number of hours 135

Compiled by: Kochkina Svetlana Nikolaevna

The program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for General Primary Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 373)

2. Explanatory note.

K.D. Ushinsky wrote that "before moving on to solid food, a child is fed with mother's milk, before teaching a child to love other countries and other peoples, he must be taught to respect his country and his people."

In 2007 and 2008 in the messages of the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, it was emphasized: “The spiritual unity of the people and the moral values ​​that unite us are as important a development factor as political and economic stability ... and a society is only able to set and solve large-scale national tasks when it has a common system of moral guidelines, when the country maintains respect for the native language, for the original culture and original cultural values, for the memory of their ancestors, for every page of our national history. It is this national wealth that is the basis for strengthening the unity and sovereignty of the country, serves as the basis of our daily life, the foundation for economic and political relations.”

The most important goal of modern domestic education and one of the priority tasks of society and the state is education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, competent citizen of Russia.

A child of school age is most susceptible to emotional and value, spiritual and moral development, civic education. At the same time, the shortcomings of development and education during this period of life are difficult to make up for in subsequent years. Experienced and learned in childhood is characterized by great psychological stability.

3. General characteristics of the course.

Elementary local history course and self-improvement training "Cossack freemen"is intended for elementary school students of the Cossack orientation of general education schools. The program on the history and culture of the Kuban Cossacks can be considered as an independent discipline of additional education or extracurricular activities. The content and technological content of teaching corresponds to age characteristics and is built on a general familiarization principle. The content of the program is based on the moral foundations of the Cossacks, formulated in the Cossack commandments, they combine the foundations of history, the Orthodox culture of the Cossacks, the features of life and work, family traditions.

The goals of the program are:

creation of conditions for the realization of the needs of society in the education of a spiritually rich personality with high moral principles and active citizenship;

education of students on the spiritual and moral foundations of the Cossacks, the revival of the spiritual, historical and patriotic traditions of the Kuban Cossacks.

To achieve these goals, it is planned to solve the following tasks:

To introduce younger schoolchildren to the moral foundations of the culture of their ancestors;

To help children discover for themselves the meaning of the highest moral values ​​of Orthodoxy, which were strictly observed by the Cossacks, to promote their rooting in the children's mind and heart;

To give students solid guidelines for goodness in the samples of outstanding personalities in the history of the Cossacks;

To promote the development of interest in the history of their region;

Raise love and respect for the Motherland, its people, culture, language, shrines;

Introduce children to the circle of the main Orthodox traditions, show their connection with the life of the Cossacks, art, creativity.

As a result of mastering the subject content of the course, students are expected toformation of universal educational activities(personal, cognitive, regulatory, communicative),allowing to achieve subject , metasubject and personal results".

4. Description of the place of the course in the curriculum

According to the curriculum of MOU secondary school No. 24, in total, 135 hours are allocated for studying the course "Cossack freemen" in elementary school, of which in the 1st grade - 33 hours (1 hour per week, 33 academic weeks); 34 hours in 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades (1 hour per week, 34 academic weeks in each grade).

5. Description of the value orientations of the course content

Russia, our multinational people and civil society, family, work, art, science, religion, nature¸ humanity. Accordingly, the basic national values - the basic moral values, priority moral attitudes that exist in the cultural, family, socio-historical, religious traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, transmitted from generation to generation and ensure the successful development of the country in modern conditions;

- patriotism - love for one's small homeland - Kuban, one's people, for Russia, service to the Fatherland;

- citizenship - law and order, freedom of conscience and religion, the rule of law;

- social solidarity - personal and national freedom, trust in people, institutions of the state and civil society, justice, mercy, honor, dignity;

– humanity – world peace, diversity of cultures and peoples of Kuban

- science - the value of knowledge, the desire for truth, the scientific picture of the world;

- family - love and fidelity, health, prosperity, respect for parents, care for older and younger, care for procreation;

- work and creativity - respect for work, creativity and creation, purposefulness and perseverance;

– idea of ​​faith, spirituality, religious life of a person, tolerance;

- art and literature - beauty, harmony, the spiritual world of the Cossacks, moral choice, the meaning of life, aesthetic development, ethical development;

- nature - evolution, native land, reserved nature, planet Earth, ecological consciousness;

Basic values ​​should underlie the way of school life, determine the lesson, extracurricular and extracurricular activities of children.

6. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the course

The results of studying the course "Cossack freemen" is the formation of the following UUD:

Personal UUD

The student will have:

  1. Internal position at the level of a positive attitude towards school
  2. Sustained educational and cognitive interest in new general ways of solving problems;
  3. Adequate understanding of the reasons for the success / failure of activities
  4. Competence in the implementation of the foundations of civic identity in actions and activities
  5. Ability to solve moral dilemmas based on taking into account the positions of partners in communication, focusing on their motives and feelings
  6. Attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and its implementation in real behavior and actions
  7. Conscious sustainable aesthetic preferences and focus on art as a significant area of ​​human life.

Regulatory UUD:

Upon completion of the course, the student will learn:

  1. Define purpose of the activity with the help of the teacher and independently.
  2. Accept and save a learning task.
  3. To plan
  4. Detect and formulate a moral problem.
  5. speak out your version of the problem.
  6. Distinguish between the way and the result of an action.
  7. Working according to the proposed plan, use necessary funds.

The technology of problematic dialogue serves as a means of forming these actions.

  1. Define success in completing their task in a dialogue with the teacher.

The means of forming these actions is the technology of evaluating communicative achievements.

  1. Monitor your activities, evaluate your actions, make adjustments to their implementation
  2. Adequately perceive the proposals and assessment of teachers, comrades, parents and other people.

Cognitive UUD:

  1. Search for the necessary information to perform research work in the course of project activities. Find and use educational literature, encyclopedias, reference books (including electronic, digital) in the open information space, including the Internet.
  2. Do preliminary selection
  3. watch and do independent conclusions .
  4. Record and fix
  5. Consciously and voluntarily build messages in oral and written form.
  6. To carry out the analysis of objects with the allocation of essential and non-essential features;
  7. To carry out synthesis as a compilation of a whole from parts
  8. Set up analogies.
  9. Build a logical reasoning, including the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships in the studied range of phenomena or actions;

Communicative UUD:

  1. formalize
  2. Listen and understand other people's speech.

The means of forming these actions is the technology of problematic dialogue (inciting and leading dialogue) and the technology of productive reading.

  1. Consider different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation.
  2. Formulate your own opinion and position.
  3. Negotiate and come to a common opinion.
  4. Control your partner's actions
  5. Adequately use speech to plan and regulate their activities.
  6. Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them.
  1. Learn to play different roles in the group (leader, performer, critic).

Group work serves as a means of forming these actions.

The program "Cossack freemen" is designed for 4 years and is implemented in extracurricular activities of students in grades 1-4.

The program includes the following sections:

Love work and do not be idle.

Serve faithfully to Russia and the Cossacks.The inner world of man: a general idea of ​​human properties and qualities. A person is a member of society. Relationships with other people. The culture of communication with representatives of different nationalities, social groups: showing respect, mutual assistance, the ability to listen to other people's opinions. Value-semantic content of the concepts "Motherland", "Fatherland", "Fatherland", "Small Motherland". Kuban is a part of Russia. Acquaintance with the Cossack commandments. understanding their content. The place where we live. Timashevsky district, the village of Medvedovskaya. My street, my house, my neighbors.

Take care of your family and be an example to them. Respect elders, honor old age.

Spiritual and moral values ​​in the family culture of the peoples of Russia and Kuban. The family is the closest environment of a person. Names and surnames of family members. Providing assistance to adults. Distribution of duties in the Cossack family. Caring for children, the elderly and the sick is the duty of every person.

Die yourself, but save a comrade.

Honor and a good name for a Cossack is dearer than life.

Stick to Orthodoxy, the faith of our ancestors.

Act according to the customs of the Cossack people.

Kuban traditional culture. Folklore. Proverbs, sayings, incantations. Songs, jokes. Fairy tales.

Love work and do not be idle.

8. Thematic planning

Thematic planning

Number of hours

Characteristics of the activities of students

1 class

2 cells

3 cells

4 cells

Content BasedCossack commandmentsa general idea of ​​human properties and qualities is given. Man is a member of society. Relationships with other people. The culture of communication with representatives of different nationalities, social groups: showing respect, mutual assistance, the ability to listen to other people's opinions. Value-semantic content of the concepts "Motherland", "Fatherland", "Fatherland", "Small Motherland". Kuban is a part of Russia. Acquaintance with the Cossack commandments. understanding their content. The place where we live. Timashevsky district, the village of Medvedovskaya. My street, my house, my neighbors.

Research work: 1 class. Why was the name of the street on which I live? 2 class. Legends of the Cossack region. 3 class. Timashevites are the pride of Kuban. 4th grade Faithful sons of Kuban.

Section 1. Serve faithfully to Russia and the Cossacks

The country where we live.

Russia is a multinational country.

Kuban is a Cossack land. Loyalty to the Motherland.

Cossacks are patriots of their Motherland. Cossacks are equal in rights.

Timashevsky district. Attractions of the region. Museum of the Stepanov family (Excursion).

Art. Medvedovskaya. The history of the founding of the village and its name.

My street. My house.

My neighbours.

be aware internal position at the level of a positive attitude towards the school.

Listen and understandother people's speech.

Meet and discussrules of communication and behavior at school and follow them.

To study perform various roles in the group (leader, performer, critic).

Communicate your position to other people: formalize his thought in oral and written speech (in the form of a monologue or dialogue).

Practical work: searchnecessary information to carry out research work.

Find and showthe territory of Russia, its state border on the map.

Simulate situations concerning the attitude of schoolchildren to representatives of other peoples, their languages, traditions, religions.

Show location of Moscow and Krasnodar on the map of Russia.

Explain symbolic meaning of the main images of the State Emblem of Russia and the Kuban, learn it among the coats of arms of other countries.

Listen, recite (sing) anthem of the Russian Federation, Kuban.

Acquaintance Cossack commandments.Discussion and understanding their content.

Spiritual and moral values ​​in the family culture of the peoples of Russia and Kuban. The family is the closest environment of a person. Names and surnames of family members. Providing assistance to adults. Distribution of duties in the Cossack family

Caring for children, the elderly and the sick is the duty of every person

Research work: 1 class. My family. 2 class My grandmother (My grandfather) 3kl. My surname. 4th grade Genealogical tree charting.

Section 2 Take care of your family and be an example to them. Respect elders, honor old age.

My family. My parents. Grandfathers and grandmothers.

Family traditions in the Cossack family.

Responsibilities of children in a Cossack family

Education of boys and girls.

Family holidays. Mother's Day.



Listen and understandother people's speech.

To choose in the educational game the optimal forms of behavior in relationships with classmates, friends, adults.

Extract necessary information from additional sources of knowledge, discuss received information on this topic.

To accompany discussion with illustrations.

The value of friendship, harmony, mutual assistance. The concepts of "friendship", "comradeship". Rules for relationships between friends and classmates. Modeling and discussion of situations that arise between peers.

Practical work: 1 class. Portrait of my friend; 2 class Creative work "My best friend"; 3 cells Modeling situations, their discussion. 4 cells

Section 3 Die yourself, but save a comrade.

Friendship and fellowship.

My friends.

Friend is known in trouble.





Evaluate the best character traits presented in the image of an ideal person in the culture of the peoples of their region.

Formation of internal positions at the level positive attitude to comrades.

Talk about your friend.

Consciously and voluntarily build messages in oral and written form.

Process the received information: watch and do independent conclusions .

Record and fixinformation about the world with the help of ICT tools.

Discussion and disclosure of the content of the two commandments: Honor and a good name for a Cossack is more precious than life. Be an example for everyone, you are judged by all the Cossacks.

The main memorable dates and significant events in the history of the Cossacks. Development of the Kuban land. Protection and protection of the borders of Russia.

The exploits of the Cossacks during the Great Patriotic War.

Heroic deeds of our countrymen in peacetime.

Research work: 3.4 cells. “Grandfather’s victory is my victory”, “Our countrymen are heroes of war (labor)”

Section 4 Honor and a good name for a Cossack is dearer than life.

Be an example for everyone, you are judged by all the Cossacks.

The main memorable dates and significant events in the history of the Cossacks.

Development of the Kuban land. Protection and protection of the borders of Russia.

The exploits of the Cossacks during the Great Patriotic War. War heroes are our countrymen.

Heroic deeds of our countrymen in peacetime. The deeds of our countrymen. Creation of the journal "Combat Ways of Compatriots".

Timashevites are the heroes of the Second World War. Excursion to the Alley of Heroes in Timashevsk.

The feat of the Stepanov family. Excursion to the Stepanov Museum.

Research project.




Communicate your position to other people

formalize his thought in oral and written speech (in the form of a monologue or dialogue).

To plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

Tell based on the results of an excursion to the museum about the past and present of the native land, places of historical events, historical and cultural monuments of the native land.

Participate feasible in the protection and care of the monuments of his village.

Searchthe necessary information to perform research work in the course of project activities.

Find and useeducational literature, encyclopedias, reference books (including electronic, digital), in the open information space, including the Internet.

Respect for the religion of their people and the peoples inhabiting our country, region. The study of Orthodox traditions in Cossack families. Orthodox churches.Temple rules. Temple visit.

Research work: "Orthodox holidays": 1 class. Drawings, crafts for the holidays, grade 2 Ritual songs, jokes. 3, 4 cells. Project activity.

Section 5 Hold on to Orthodoxy - the faith of our ancestors.

The Orthodox faith is the basis of the Kuban family.

Orthodox traditions of the Cossacks.

Orthodox shrines of Kuban.

Temples. Temple rules.

Temple visit.

Orthodox holidays: Christmas. Easter. Trinity.





Adequately use speechto plan and regulate their activities.

Group work.Learn to play different roles in the group (leader, performer, critic). jointly agree about the rules of communication and behavior in the temple.

Steady adherence to moral standards and ethical requirements in behavior

Do preliminary selection sources of information to solve the problem.

Convert received information: watch and do independent conclusions .

Kuban traditional culture. Folklore. Proverbs, sayings, incantations. Songs, nursery rhymes. Fairy tales.

Cossack games. Education of a warrior from early childhood. The value of games in the education of the Cossacks. Games for girls, for boys.

Research work: "Kuban folklore": 1 class.Proverbs, sayings, incantations, ritual songs, jokes, nursery rhymes.2 cells. Cossack games. 3 cells Project "Cossack fairy tale", grade 4 "An old fairy tale in a new way" or "Cossack Fair" (optional)

Section 6 Act according to the customs of the Cossack people. Kuban traditional culture.


Proverbs, sayings, incantations.

Songs, jokes.

Fairy tales.

Cossack games.





Accept and save learning task.

To plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

Detect and formulate a moral problem.

Work according to the proposed plan, use necessary funds.

The value of labor in human life and society. The value of labor for the Cossack family. Traditional clothes. Cossack dwelling, yard, household. Occupations of people in the Kuban. Ancient and modern crafts.

Research work: 1 class. "My mother is at work", 2nd grade. "Professions of parents, 3rd grade. "Occupations of people in the Kuban", 4th grade. "Ancient (modern) crafts"

Section 7 Love work and do not be idle.

Work feeds, and laziness spoils.

Traditional clothes. Cossack dwelling, yard, household.

Occupations of people in the Kuban.

Ancient and modern crafts.

Professions of parents.





Evaluate the contribution of their countrymen, compatriots to the preservation of the Russian historical and cultural heritage.

Ready small messages about the traditions of the Cossacks.

Record and fixinformation about the world with the help of ICT tools.

Consciously and voluntarilybuild messagesin oral and written form.

Set up analogies.

Build logical reasoning, including the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships in the studied range of phenomena or actions.

9.Material and technical support of the course "Cossack freemen"

Name of objects and means of logistics



Library fund

Popular science, fiction books for reading (in accordance with the main content of the course)

Children's reference literature (reference books, atlases, encyclopedias)

Teaching aids for teachers

printed manuals

Administrative and physical maps of the Krasnodar Territory.

Portraits of prominent people of the Kuban.

Illustrative materials (albums, sets of postcards, calendars of significant dates)

Computer and information and communication means

Multimedia tools and educational resources relevant to the content of the training.

Technical training aids

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  • Prokopenko Ivan Alexandrovich Head of the sector for work with the Cossack societies of the Volgodonsk region. Deputy Ataman of the First Don District of the East Kazakhstan Region of the VVD for work with Cossack youth

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Education since its inception and at all times has had a great influence on the development of national culture.

"Changes in the socio-economic life of Russia at the present stage of its development, - according to Professor A.N. Vaneev, - required a reassessment of values." And most importantly, what education is currently aimed at is the upbringing of a citizen, the formation of an active life position in the student.

At the present time, when interest is being revived in national cultures, in the rites and customs of our ancestors, in various stages of the development of peoples and tribes, great importance in the educational process is given to the social education of the younger generation. And social education, emphasizes K.S. Cherevik, is one of the main links in the process of socialization of the individual. "Socialization, - according to the definition of scientists A.V. Petrovsky and M.G. Yaroshevsky, is a historically determined process carried out in activity and communication and the result of the assimilation and active reproduction of social experience by an individual. Socialization can proceed both in the conditions of education, i.e. "purposeful formation of the personality, and in the conditions of spontaneous influence on the developing personality of various, sometimes oppositely directed factors of social life. Education is the leading and determining beginning of socialization ".

Children are always interested in learning new things. He not only needs knowledge, but also participation in this or that business he likes. That is why he chooses additional classes for himself in creative associations according to his interests and needs. For a child, first of all, knowledge about his native land is attractive, which contributes to the improvement of his general culture, the acquisition of useful knowledge, skills and abilities. This forms the responsibility for the natural historical whole of the modern generation. This enables the child to learn more about the land on which he lives, whose name is Motherland. And love for the native land, knowledge of its history is the basis on which the growth of the spiritual culture of the whole society can be carried out. folk culture is a living tree, it has not only branches, but also roots, and it is extremely important that growth begins from the roots. Therefore, we must strive to get to the roots of the history of our people. And history can be treated differently, but the main thing is that it must not be forgotten. It is necessary to know the past not only in order to correctly correlate the role and actions of individuals, but also of the generation as a whole. A person cannot live without the past, he needs it in order to understand for himself the connection and nature of current phenomena, to understand where these phenomena came from and what they can lead to. And today such a connection is especially acutely felt. The past and the present, expressed in the close interaction of material monuments, human creative activity, cultural traditions, excite us, make us turn again and again to our origins.

The history of culture occupies an important place in our historical past, it is associated with events in the development of science, art, education, literature, theater, folk traditions, holidays and rituals, and reflects the characteristic features of its time. Reviving folk traditions, we enrich our culture, improve the world around us.

That is why scientists-educators at all times conduct a tireless search for new educational means and forms, study the conditions for the spiritual development of the younger generation, and explore various educational technologies that ensure the process of socialization of the child's personality.

The development of a creative personality, its independence and initiative is one of the important tasks of the socialization process. And the traditions of folk culture have always carried a huge educational potential, contributing to the important process of socialization of the individual.

The social upbringing of a child is his familiarization with the cultural values ​​of the past and present.

Explanatory note

The Origins program is a modified (adapted) educational program. This program provides for changes taking into account the peculiarities of the organization and formation of groups of children, the mode and time parameters for the implementation of children's activities, non-standard individual results of education and training.

The creation of the educational program "Origins" is dictated by the need for children of primary school age to know the life, way of life and cultural traditions of their countrymen - the Don Cossacks. The history and modernity of the native Donshchina is amazing. Preservation, revival and promotion of the cultural traditions of the Don Cossacks is a noble cause of every Donetsk citizen. The cultural heritage of the Don Cossacks is an integral part of folk culture.

The relevance of the educational program "Origins" lies in the need in modern conditions through the cultural traditions of the people to influence the minds and hearts of the younger generation in order to familiarize the young with an inexhaustible source of folk wisdom. The culture of the people carries the richest educational potential, forming an active life position of a young citizen. The beneficial effect of folk culture on the personality of a person is emphasized not only by Russian teachers and scientists, but also by foreign ones: K. Ushinsky, A. Makarenko, N. Krupskaya, V. Serikov, E. Bondarevskaya, V. Kuvakin, B. Kupriyanov, V. Gavrilyuk , A. Mudrik, Ya. Comenius and others.

Program goal:

  • creation of conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality of the pupil with the aim of his successful socialization through familiarization with the cultural traditions of the Don Cossacks.

Program objectives:

  • education of love for their small homeland;
  • introducing children to the life, life and cultural traditions of the Don Cossacks;
  • development of creative abilities, communication skills, moral qualities of pupils;
  • preservation of the mental and physical health of the child through the creation of a favorable microclimate in the children's team and excursions outside the educational institution.

The program is designed for children of primary school age.

Program implementation period: 3 of the year. Number of hours: 216 hours. Number of classes: 2 hours per week, class time: 40 minutes.

The process of mastering the educational program "Origins" includes: mastering by children of theoretical and practical material about the life, life and traditions of the Don Cossacks based on Cossack folklore, historical data on the place of the Don Cossacks in the history of the Russian state, historical information about their native Volgodonsk region through various forms classes and events. The main pedagogical technologies used in the implementation of the educational program are: museum pedagogy (based on museum lessons) and health-saving technology (based on excursions). Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, conversation, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, quiz, meeting evening, etc.

  • The first year of study under the "Origins" program provides for the mastering of knowledge about the life, life and cultural traditions of the Don Cossacks on the basis of Cossack folklore (tales, proverbs, sayings).
  • The second year of study in the educational program gives children the opportunity to learn more deeply about the life, way of life and traditions of the Don Cossacks through historical sources, museum material.
  • The third year of mastering the educational program "Origins" expands and deepens children's knowledge about the life, life and traditions of the Don Cossacks on the basis of historical material about their native Volgodonsk region, Potapov's native farm.

A feature of the educational program "Origins" is its integration. Classes are held not only in the educational institution itself, but also provide for going beyond it: to enterprises, on excursions, etc. The pupil himself learns to oil on a large scale: he strives to participate in various events, he can draw independent conclusions. A special feature of the program is its regional component. Among the variety of program sources, an important place is occupied by the book about the native Volgodonsk region "Volgodonsk region: history and modernity" by the authors V.P. Melnikov and S.Yu. Shenderuk.

In 2009 - 2010 academic year The author of the program "Origins" presented his experience in the methodological manual "The Role of the Center for Extracurricular Work in the Social Education of Children" at the All-Russian Festival "Open Lesson", as evidenced by the diploma of the festival and a certificate for the right to publish the presented methodological manual in the Moscow publishing house "First September". The reviewers of the manual are A.A. Shmydko, candidate of pedagogical sciences of the TSPI and V.I. Novikov, professor of Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov.

Pedagogical monitoring

Control over the development of the educational program by students is carried out in stages.

Purpose of control:

  • Stage 1 - preliminary: identification of the initial level of knowledge;
  • Stage 2 - intermediate: correction and management of the educational process;
  • Stage 3 - final: determination of the success and effectiveness of the program.

At the end of each topic, a thematic control is also carried out.

Control methods: conversation, testing, child's creative work, peer review.

The knowledge and skills of children are determined by the activity of mastering the material during the classes themselves and during events at various levels.

Expected results of the program

Based on the results of mastering the educational program "Origins", pupils should:

1 year of study:

be able to:

2nd year of study:

  • acquire the following competencies:

be able to:

3rd year of study:

  • acquire the following competencies:

be able to:

Equipment of the pedagogical process

  1. Literature for classes (list attached).
  2. Handout for classes (indicated in the lesson plans).
  3. Map of Russia.
  4. Map of the Volgodonsk region.
  5. Russian anthem.
  6. Flag and coat of arms of Russia.
  7. Anthem of the Rostov region.
  8. Flag of the Rostov region.
  9. Coat of arms of the Rostov region.
  10. Exhibition material about the life, life and traditions of the Don Cossacks (based on a personal family museum).

1 year of study

Educational and thematic plan

No. p / p Topic name Number of hours
Theory Practice Total
1 Introductory lesson 1 1
2 folk culture 1 1
3 Cossack folklore 1 1
4 Cossack tales 30 20 50
5 Proverbs and sayings of the Don Cossacks 14 4 18
6 Final lesson 1 1
Total 48 24 72

1. Introductory lesson.

Goals and objectives of the program. Safety engineering. Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Constitution of the Russian Federation on the protection of cultural heritage.

2. Folk culture. Folk culture is an invaluable experience of older generations.

Form of organization of the lesson: conversation, illustrated story, exhibition.

3. Cossack folklore. Cossack folklore as an integral part of folk culture.

Form of organization of the lesson: conversation, illustrated story, exhibition.

4. Cossack tales.

  1. The fairy-tale world of the Cossacks is unique.
  2. Cossack fairy tale "Bead". The kindness of the Don Cossacks, sung in a fairy tale.
  3. Mutual assistance of friends in the fairy tale "Bead".
  4. Cossack fairy tale "Ivan Svetilnik" Story commentary.
  5. Good and evil in the fairy tale "Ivan Svetilnik".
  6. Cossack fairy tale "About the son of a merchant and the daughter of a shoemaker". Annotated reading of a fairy tale.
  7. Classes of the Cossacks in the fairy tale "About the son of a merchant and the daughter of a shoemaker".
  8. Cossack fairy tale "Vanyusha and Baba Yaga". Unique Cossack dialect in a fairy tale.
  9. Cossack sharpness and resourcefulness in the fairy tale "Vanyusha and Baba Yaga".
  10. Cossack fairy tale "About the king's daughter and the shepherd". Story commentary.
  11. Cossack professions in the fairy tale "About the Tsar's daughter and the shepherd".
  12. Cossack fairy tale "Wedding loaf". The ability of a Cossack to keep his word.
  13. Cossack wedding ceremony in the fairy tale "Wedding Loaf".
  14. Cossack fairy tale "About the tsar's daughter and the goat". Annotated reading of a fairy tale.
  15. Unusual Cossack dialect in the fairy tale "About the Tsar's daughter and the kid".
  16. Cossack fairy tale "Tanyusha and stepmother". The kindness of the Cossacks in a fairy tale.
  17. Cossack customs in the fairy tale "Tanyusha and the stepmother".
  18. Cossack fairy tale "The Black Cow and Annushka". Story commentary.
  19. Kindness and diligence of the Cossacks in the fairy tale "The Black Cow and Annushka".
  20. Cossack fairy tale "The cat and the fox". Cunning in a fairy tale.
  21. Cossack fairy tale "Cossack and the Fox". Cossack diligence and resourcefulness in a fairy tale.
  22. Cossack fairy tale "The Fool and the Stallion". Greed and stupidity in a fairy tale.
  23. Cossack fairy tale "Mityai is a fearless Cossack". Annotated reading of a fairy tale.
  24. Love for the Motherland of a Cossack in the fairy tale "Mityai - a fearless Cossack".
  25. Cossack fairy tale "Cossack Chigin". Story commentary.
  26. Patriotism of the Cossacks in the fairy tale "Cossack Chigin".
  27. Fairy tale "Woe - Misfortune". Cossack wisdom in a fairy tale.
  28. The ability of a Cossack to overcome everyday difficulties in the fairy tale "Woe - Misfortune".
  29. Fairy tale "The Wayward Wife". Story commentary.
  30. The foundations of the Cossack life in the fairy tale "Wayward Wife".
  31. Fairy tale "Likho One-Eyed". Cossack dialect in a fairy tale.
  32. Cossack sharpness and patience in the fairy tale "Likho One-Eyed".
  33. Fairy tale "Cossack and Fate". Annotated reading of a fairy tale.
  34. Cossack wisdom in the fairy tale "Cossack and Fate".
  35. Fairy tale "Lobasta". Unique Cossack dialect in a fairy tale.
  36. Cossack family harmony in the fairy tale "Lobasta".

Forms of organizing classes:

5. Proverbs and sayings of the Don Cossacks.

  1. Proverbs and sayings about Cossack friendship.
  2. Proverbs and sayings about the love of a Cossack for the Fatherland.
  3. Proverbs and sayings about the faithful service of the Cossack to his Fatherland.
  4. Proverbs and sayings about Cossack good neighborliness.
  5. Cossack proverbs and sayings about the chieftain.
  6. Proverbs and sayings about a true friend - a horse.
  7. Cossack proverbs and sayings about kindness.
  8. Proverbs about the Cossack family.
  9. Proverbs and sayings about the Cossack faith.
  10. Proverbs and sayings of the Cossacks about good.
  11. Proverbs and sayings about Cossack diligence.
  12. Proverbs and sayings about Cossack happiness.
  13. Proverbs and sayings about the conscience of a Cossack.
  14. Proverbs and sayings about fidelity to the Cossack word.
  15. Proverbs and sayings about Cossack modesty.
  16. Proverbs and sayings about the Cossack order.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, conversation, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, quiz, meeting evening.

6. Final lesson.

Forms of organization of the lesson: exhibition, excursion.

2nd year of study

Educational and thematic plan

No. p / p Topic name Number of hours
Theory Practice Total
1 Introductory lesson 1 1
2 Folk culture. Life and culture of the Cossacks 12 6 18
3 Cossack crafts. 4 4 8
4 Folk clothes. Cossack clothes 7 4 11
5 The foundations of Cossack life 6 4 10
6 Cossack symbols 5 2 7
7 Customs, rituals and holidays of the Cossacks 4 3 7
8 Bright pages in the history of the Don Cossacks 6 3 9
9 Final lesson 1 1
Total 45 27 72

1. Introductory lesson.

Goals and objectives, program. Safety engineering.

Forms of organization of the lesson: conversation, story, exhibition.

2. Folk culture. Life and culture of the Cossacks.

  1. Folk culture is an invaluable experience of older generations.
  2. The culture of the Don Cossacks as an integral part of folk culture.
  3. Life, customs, rituals, holidays, traditions of the Donetsk people are a wonderful legacy of our Cossack ancestors.
  4. The history of the origin of the Don Cossacks.
  5. The Tale of the Glorious Don River - the Quiet Don, Don Ivanovich.
  6. The first Cossack towns.
  7. Cossack manor.
  8. Kuren is the main Cossack dwelling.
  9. The stove is the mistress of the house.
  10. Cossack cook.
  11. Hut - a rare dwelling on the Don.
  12. Decoration and protection of the Cossack dwelling.
  13. Dishes of the Don Cossacks.
  14. Clay pots and cast iron.
  15. Cossack salt shaker is the main subject of the Cossack table.
  16. Wicker products in the Cossack life.
  17. Copper utensils.
  18. Irons in Cossack life.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, conversation, illustrated story.

3. Cossack crafts.

  1. Stanitsa crafts in the old days and modern professions of the Cossacks.
  2. Skillful basket-makers.
  3. Blacksmiths forged.
  4. Wonderful potters.
  5. Don millers.
  6. Grain growers - golden hands.
  7. Hard-working grocers.
  8. Shepherds and shepherds.

Forms of organizing classes: conversation, exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story.

4. Folk clothes. Cossack clothes.

  1. Folk clothes are the craftsmanship of the people.
  2. Russian folk clothes are the basis of Cossack clothes.
  3. Cossack clothes.
  4. Men's Cossack clothing.
  5. Zipun and caftan, Circassian coat and cloak.
  6. Women's Cossack clothing.
  7. Features of oriental clothing in a female Cossack costume.
  8. Elements of Russian clothing in a Cossack women's costume.
  9. Jewelry in the clothes of the Cossacks.
  10. Russian folk clothes.
  11. Homespun linen products in Cossack life.

Forms of organizing classes: quiz, competition, conversation, exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story.

5. Foundations of Cossack life.

  1. The Cossack family is the basis of the life of the Cossacks.
  2. The role of father and mother in the Cossack family.
  3. Raising a boy in a Cossack family.
  4. The custom of mounting a little Cossack on a horse.
  5. Raising a girl in a Cossack family.
  6. The little Cossack is the main assistant to her mother.
  7. Cossack ancestry.
  8. Name and surname of a Cossack.
  9. Modern Cossack genealogy.
  10. Wonderful Donetsk residents are our contemporaries.

Forms of organizing classes: conversation, exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, meeting evening, quiz.

6. Cossack symbols.

  1. Anthem of the Great Don Army.
  2. Flag of the Great Don Army.
  3. Cossack circle.
  4. Symbols of the Cossack power.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, conversation, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, quiz, meeting evening.

7. Customs, rituals and holidays of the Cossacks.

  1. Baptism.
  2. Pancake week.
  3. Easter.
  4. Trinity.
  5. Cover.

Forms of organizing classes: museum lesson, exhibition, exposition, excursion, illustrated story, meeting evening, quiz.

8. Bright pages in the history of the Don Cossacks.

  1. Ermak the Mighty is one of the most revered heroes in the history of the Don Cossacks.
  2. Don Cossacks - the defenders of Azov.
  3. Don Cossack Stepan Razin.
  4. Ancient fortress Taganrog.
  5. Kondraty Bulavin - ataman of the Bakhmut town.
  6. Emelyan Pugachev - Don Cossack.
  7. Matvey Ivanovich Platov is the most outstanding Cossack commander.
  8. Yakov Petrovich Baklanov - the famous Cossack general.
  9. A good horse is a faithful friend of a Cossack.
  10. Don Cossacks are famous defenders of the Fatherland.

Forms of organizing classes:

9. Final lesson.

Forms of organization of the lesson: exhibition, exposition, excursion

3 year of study

Educational and thematic plan

No. p / p Topic name Number of hours
Theory Practice Total
1 Introductory lesson 1 1
2 Volgodonsk region on the map of the Rostov region 1 1 2
3 Native area of ​​Volgodonskaya - a piece of the Don region 3 1 4
4 Historical past of the Volgodonsk region 2 2
5 The emergence of farms and villages of the region 6 2 8
6 Station Romanovskaya. History of occurrence 2 2 4
7 Modern Romanovskaya 8 2 10
8 Cossack villages, farms and settlements of the region today 6 2 8
9 Native farm Potapov on the map of the Volgodonsk region 1 1 2
10 Sights of the farm Potapov 4 2 6
11 Wonderful farmers 3 1 4
12 Veterans of the Great Patriotic War from their native farm Potapov 3 1 4
13 Potapovtsy - amazing masters of arts and crafts 5 3 8
14 Family traditions of farmers. Pedigree 2 5 7
15 Presentation of the program "Origins" at the All-Russian Educational Youth Forum "Seliger-2010" 1 1
16 Final lesson 1 1
Total 48 24 72

1. Introductory lesson.

Goals and objectives, program. Safety engineering. Constitution of the Russian Federation on the State and Citizens of Russia.

Forms of organization of the lesson: conversation, story, exhibition.

2. Volgodonsk region on the map of the Rostov region.

Forms of organization of the lesson: conversation, story, exhibition.

3. The native region of Volgodonskaya - a piece of the Don region.

  1. Don region as a component of the Russian state.
  2. Volgodonsk region: education, culture, health care.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

4. Historical past of the Volgodonsk region.

  1. The emergence of the region, its name.
  2. The territory of the region.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

5. The emergence of farms and villages of the region.

  1. Khutor Yasyrev.
  2. Stanitsa Bolshovskaya.
  3. Stanitsa Kargalskaya.
  4. Farm Ryabichi.
  5. Farm Cold.
  6. Khutor Semenkin.
  7. Farm Kalinin.
  8. Farm Pirozhok.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

6. Stanitsa Romanovskaya. History of occurrence.

  1. Station name.
  2. Station location.
  3. Sights of Romanovskaya.
  4. Station objects.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

7. Modern Romanovskaya.

  1. Station map.
  2. Streets of Romanovskaya.
  3. District administration.
  4. Education.
  5. Culture.
  6. Healthcare.
  7. Production facilities.
  8. Regional Museum of Local Lore.
  9. Heroes of the Romanov underground.
  10. Festival "Strings of the Soul".

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

8. Villages, farms and settlements of the region today.

  1. rural settlements.
  2. Manufacturing facilities.
  3. Education.
  4. Culture.
  5. Attractions.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

9. Native farm Potapov on the map of the Volgodonsk region.

  1. The territory of the farm Potapov.
  2. Khutor Potapov is my Motherland.

Forms of organization of the lesson: conversation, story, exhibition.

10. Sights of the farm Potapov

  1. Memorial of military glory.
  2. Mass grave of the defenders of the Potapov farm during the Great Patriotic War.
  3. Potapov Cossack farm society of the Romanovsky yurt of the 1st Don Cossack district.
  4. Cossack houses - kurens.
  5. Cossack courtyard.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

11. Wonderful farmers.

  1. F. Turuk is a wonderful corn grower.
  2. A. Bogachev - participant of VDNKh.
  3. I. Bashkintsev - honored combine operator.
  4. R. Chepukhova is a multiple winner of socialist competitions.
  5. R. Vince - virgin land.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

12. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War from their native farm Potapov.

  1. Ivan Aleksandrovich Yarulin.
  2. Alexander Petrovich Paryev.
  3. Elena Andreevna Shevchenko.
  4. Ivan Ivanovich Lukovskoy.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

13. Potapovtsy are amazing masters of arts and crafts.

  1. P.F. Sirenko - masters of golden hands.
  2. Sisters L.K. Baranovich and O.K. Makhnovets are craftswomen of homespun linen.
  3. M.A. Kovtunovich is a skilled embroiderer.
  4. R.V.Vince is a master of artistic knitting.
  5. R.A. Likhacheva is a craftswoman with golden hands.
  6. K.A. Radkova is a master of artistic knitting.
  7. A.A.Popov is a master of basket weaving.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

14. Family traditions of farmers. Pedigree.

  1. Cossack family.
  2. Modern family.
  3. The role of parents in the family.
  4. Raising children in the family.
  5. Traditions of the modern family.
  6. Family holidays.
  7. Cossack ancestry.
  8. modern pedigree.

Forms of organizing classes: exhibition, exposition, excursion, museum lesson, illustrated story, conversation, competition, quiz, meeting evening.

15. Presentation of the program "Origins" at the All-Russian Educational Youth Forum "Seliger-2010".

Form of organization of the lesson: presentation.

16. Final lesson.

Forms of organization of the lesson: exhibition, exposition, excursion.

At the end of the course, students should:

1 year of study

  • acquire the following competencies:
  • the concept of a Cossack fairy tale, proverbs and sayings about the life, life and culture of the Don Cossacks;
  • the concept of an unusual Cossack dialect, reflected in a fairy tale;

be able to:

  • talk about a Cossack fairy tale, determine its theme;
  • use the acquired knowledge in everyday life;

2nd year of study

  • acquire the following competencies:
  • the concept of life, life and cultural traditions of the Don Cossacks;
  • the concept of the place of the Cossacks in the history of the Russian state;
  • the concept of the culture of the Don Cossacks as an integral part of folk culture,

be able to:

  • talk about the life, way of life and cultural traditions of the Don Cossacks; use the acquired knowledge in practical activities;

3 year of study

  • acquire the following competencies:
  • history and modernity of the native Volgodonsk region, Potapov farm;
  • wonderful Cossacks who glorified the Don region;

be able to:

  • tell about the history of their small homeland;
  • use the acquired knowledge in practical activities and everyday life in order to further develop communication skills, adapt to social conditions.


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Presentation " Potapov farm Cossack society

Romanovsky yurt of the 1st Don Cossack district.

The activities of the voluntary Cossack squad of the Potapov farm to revive the traditions of the Don Cossacks, founded on March 14, 2008" (see on electronic media).

Presentation "All-Russian Youth Educational Forum