Immunostimulating tablets for children. Immunomodulators (immunostimulants)

Immunomodulators include agents directly affecting the immune system and capable of adjusting its activity. It is possible to raise immune indicators only to the extent of physiological parameters that are considered the norm for the human body. The presented list of the ranking of the best immunomodulators includes agents that effectively increase immune responses.

Medicines are used to treat sluggish infectious and allergic diseases, a weakened state of the body. Such funds are especially relevant in the off-season in autumn and spring, when cold, damp weather contributes to an increase in colds.

It is better to take care of your health in advance and take preventive measures on your own in order to remain a healthy working person.

The list is compiled on the basis of positive feedback from people who have undergone prevention or treatment by the means listed below.

Rating of the best immunomodulators - a list of drugs

1. Interferon (Sotex PharmFirma, Russia)... The most popular endogenous immunostimulating agent. Increases the resistance of healthy cells to pathogenic viruses. Possesses high biological activity. The main application is the prevention of influenza and ARVI. The solution is instilled into the nasal passages or sprayed. High efficiency, safety and affordable price puts interferon on the first line of the rating of immunomodulators.

  • Bottle of solution 1000 IU / ml 5ml - 115 rubles.

2. Echinacea-Vilar (Pharmcenter VILAR ZAO, RF). Purpurea Echinacea Juice and Herb on the basis of which the medication is made is deservedly considered one of the best natural immunomodulators. Stimulates cellular immunity, increases the immune status.

It is used to increase the protective function of the body in frequently recurring inflammatory diseases and for immunostimulation. It is used for internal intake in the form of drops diluted with a small amount of water.

  • A bottle of juice with an alcohol content of 50 ml - 114 rub.

3. Grippferon (Firn M, Russia)... Active substance interferon alpha - 2b... A powerful prophylactic agent for the prevention of influenza and SARS. Stops the development of the disease when taken on time at the very initial stage of its development. It is guaranteed to protect against colds by 96%.

It is successfully used for prevention, as well as during epidemics in large groups. After taking, after a short period of time, the removal of inflammatory symptoms is noted: a runny nose, pain in the oropharynx, normalization of body temperature.

  • Nasal drops 10,000 IU / ml 10 ml - 260 RUB

4. Arbidol (Pharmstandard, Tomsk)... Active ingredient umifenovir... A pronounced immunomodulator of antiviral action. Increases the body's defenses to various kinds of infections, reduces the risk of developing secondary infections and complications, increases immunological parameters to normal. Scope - prevention and treatment of influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, infectious diseases caused by the herpes simplex virus.

  • The cost of the tab. 50 mg, 20 pcs. - 168 p.

5. Immunal (Lek, Slovenia)... Natural remedy based on Echinacea herb juice... It has a pronounced immunostimulating effect. Suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria, including influenza and herpes viruses. It is used to enhance immunity in order to prevent ARVI and increase the body's resistance with prolonged use of antibiotics and other conditions associated with immune deficiency.

The usual tincture of echinacea is much cheaper in price than immunal, but many prefer a more convenient tablet form and are willing to overpay for a comfortable use. Due to its natural composition and reasonable price, the medication deservedly took the fifth line in the rating.

  • The cost of the tab. 80 mg 20 pieces - 250 rubles.

6. Ribomunil (Pierre Fabre Medicament, France)... It is included in the rating of the best immunomodulators with a high degree of safety - it is approved for use by children from the age of six months. Active ingredient bacterial ribosomes increase the body's immunity to pathogenic infections.

It is used as a preventive measure to reduce the risk of diseases of ENT organs and diseases caused by respiratory tract infections. Recommended for patients prone to frequent colds with recurrent relapses, as well as for the elderly.

  • The price of tablets 0.75 mg, 4 pcs. - 390 rubles.

7. Derinat (FZ Immunnolex, RF)... Strong safe modeling agent. Active substance sodium deoxyribonucleate... Allowed for admission to adults and children from the first day of life. The medicine stimulates various links of the defense system.

Promotes the development of resistance to microbial, fungal and viral infections. Strengthens the physiological regeneration of tissues and organs, activates the immune response to bacterial antigens.

  • The price of a bottle of 0.25% 10 ml is 254 rubles.

8. Anaferon (Materia Medica, Russia)... Medication with homeopathic composition immunomodulating action. Scope - prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and diseases caused by the herpes virus. The drug is popular among people who save for homeopathy.

The undoubted advantage of anaferon is the absence of contraindications for use, except for the individual intolerance of the components in the composition. Admitted to adults over 18 years of age. Also produced "Anaferon for children" for persons not older than eighteen years of age.

  • Tablets 20 pieces - 194 rubles.

9. Immunorm Teva (Israel)... Medication with a herbal composition based on Echinacea purpurea... Activates immunity at the cellular level. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It is used as a preventive measure for a tendency to colds characterized by frequent relapses.

  • The cost of tablets 100 mg 20 pcs. - 172 rubles.

10. Stimmunal (Evalar, Russia)... Another drug included in the rating of the best immunomodulators for enhancing the protective functions of the body. The recipe includes Echinacea purpurea extract and ascorbic acid... Strengthens immune responses, strengthens weakened cells, removes oxygen radicals, prevents allergies.

  • Price tab. 500 milligrams 20 pieces - 168 rubles.

Some medications have serious restrictions on their intake, allergic reactions and side effects are possible. When choosing a medication, be sure to consult your doctor.

Four drugs out of ten presented in the rating contain echinacea extract... This suggests that people in most cases prefer natural, inexpensive and safe products with a low percentage of contraindications.

Usually, such remedies begin to be remembered when the child becomes ill. This is precisely the factor of weakened immunity and a sign that it needs to be stimulated by means specially designed for this. But how can parents not be mistaken with the choice of such drugs? What should be considered? How does the child's age affect the choice? Let's try to figure it out.

Features of the use of immunostimulating drugs

Immunity is the defensive reaction of the human body. The baby has it from birth and works regardless of external stimulation. For example, allergy is also the action of the body's defenses.

Preparations for stimulating immunity, as it were, give an impetus to the body to activate the defenses. These funds are a kind of signal for battle. But with whom to fight is unknown. Therefore, the protective forces are constantly on the alert in anticipation of a real threat to the body.

Parents who use immunostimulating drugs for children speak positively of them, because in practice they are convinced of the effectiveness of their action. But progressive pediatricians remind that hardening is needed. Sports, competent nutrition of the child from early childhood, including breastfeeding, are the best catalysts for the defenses of the child's body.

Immediately, we note that there are several types of agents for stimulating children's immunity. Depending on the composition and origin, such drugs can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Vegetable. Can be based on echinacea.
  2. Bacterial origin.
  3. Based on nucleic acids.
  4. Interferon group. These are the most popular immune-boosting drugs.
  5. Thymus preparations. They can only be given to children as directed by a doctor.

Despite the availability of such funds, they must not be abused. The child very quickly gets used to such drugs, and then their effect becomes ineffective. This is a result that has been compared to treatment with pills. If a child is constantly given the same pills for a cold, then he will simply get used to them, and they will not treat the child

As for immunostimulating drugs, it must be understood that they are an auxiliary factor in strengthening the immune system. But ideally, parents should strengthen children's immunity without any stimulants. That is, hardening and daily routine, proper nutrition and activation of the body's own forces.

Immunostimulating drugs up to a year

It should be noted that up to a year, the baby's immunity is very weak. Children of this age are often sick. Therefore, the pharmaceutical industry produces a separate group of immunostimulating medicines for them. Among them, the most popular are:

  1. Bronchoimmunal. It is a combined immunomodulator of bacterial origin. It is used both for prevention and in the complex therapy of ARVI. For the purpose of prevention, children are given one capsule a day for 3 months. The drug can be used from 6 months of age.
  2. Anaferon. This agent activates antiviral immunity. Anaferon can be given in complex therapy to children from 1 month old. It is recommended to use the drug at the first symptoms of a respiratory illness. And for prophylaxis, Anaferon needs to be taken for two weeks, one tablet daily.
  3. Echinacea of ​​Dr. Theiss. Echinacea extract is a component of many immunostimulating drugs. Echinacea Dr. Taissa is used to treat and prevent colds. It is also prescribed as a pain reliever.
  4. IRS-19 is a spray drug that increases specific and nonspecific immunity. The remedy is prescribed for children from 3 months of age. It is usually recommended to inject IRS 19 into the nostrils 2-3 times a day.

It should be noted that more than 400 names of drugs-immunomodulators are registered in Russia.

How and how to strengthen the immunity of a child from 2 to 3 years old

Older children can be given the same Anaferon to strengthen immunity. It is used to treat influenza and pharyngitis, laryngitis and rhinitis in babies from one month old. Children under 14 years of age are treated with this drug. Anaferon tablet should be kept in the mouth until it is completely absorbed. For children under 3 years old, it is advisable to dissolve the tablet in water.

Immunal is one of the most popular drugs for preschoolers and children of primary school age. Its main active ingredient is Echinacea purpurea juice. Immunal has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Children from two years old can already use natural immunostimulating agents ... They just need to explain in an accessible way that honey and lemon are very useful for health, that from them the child will grow faster, become stronger, stronger, more beautiful. Such children can be recommended home immunostimulants from the available components.

For example, you can do this vitamin balm: 1.5 cups of high-quality honey, a glass of dried apricots, walnuts, raisins, grind in a meat grinder together with two lemons with peels. Mix all the components well and give the child a tablespoon of such a remedy daily. It can be taken by all family members. And if the child sees that both dad and grandmother also use this tasty and sweet little thing, then such an example will be an additional incentive for him.

You can use another version of the immunostimulating folk remedy. True, it will be bitter, but still worth a try.

Take 100 grams of fresh aloe juice, 500 grams of chopped nuts, 300 grams of honey and juice of 2-3 lemons. Mix all the ingredients well and have your child take a teaspoon of the product three times a day. Please note that the aloe must be at least two years old.

Immunostimulating herbal preparations

Today, many parents have a preference for herbal immune-boosting drugs. Among them is the same Immunal, which mothers and fathers use to improve the health of children prone to frequent colds.

Echinacea as a universal immunostimulant for the body at any age, it is part of many drugs. This is Echinacea of ​​Dr. Theiss and just a tincture of echinacea of ​​domestic production.

Can be used as an immunostimulant for children Eleuthorococcus extract ... The course of prophylaxis with the drug is 25-30 days. Tinctures of ginseng and schisandra chinensis have also proven themselves well as prophylactic agents during periods of seasonal epidemics, as well as adjuvants for the treatment of colds in children.

Immunostimulating drugs for prevention

Many dads and mothers prefer not to wait for the onset of epidemics or illness of the child, but are engaged in the prevention of diseases by using certain drugs. It is better when they are appointed by a pediatrician who knows the characteristics of the child from birth.

Popular drugs for the prevention of childhood diseases are the following:

  1. Ribomunil. If infectious diseases of the child often recur, then this drug is used. We are talking about relapses of sinusitis and rhinitis, tonsillitis and otitis media. The medicine exists in the form of granules and tablets. It is attributed to babies from 6 months.
  2. Bronchoimunal. The medicine is available in capsules and is prescribed as a prophylaxis for rhinitis, bronchitis, sinusitis.
  3. Imudon. Absorbable tablets are prescribed for children prone to tonsillitis from 3 years old.
  4. Grippferon. An excellent antiviral agent that helps against germs and inflammation. Interferon indicators in it cause the child to produce its own interferon. This remedy is excellent for stimulating the immune system.
  5. Arbidol. It is known as a stimulant of the immune system, is available in capsule form and is prescribed for children from the age of two. Anaferon is an excellent anti-virus. It can be used by children from one month of age.
  6. Cycloferon - tablets that stimulate increased immunity. They are especially effective against viruses.

Medicines that increase immunity: reviews

On the forums, parents are happy to share their experience of using immunostimulating drugs for children. Analyzing their comments, we can draw the following conclusion: there is no remedy that would be a universal immune stimulant for all children of the same age.

Firstborn mothers follow the instructions of doctors and praise Anaferon, Interferon, Aflubin. Immunale collects a lot of positive reviews. Mothers who have a second and third child prefer to strengthen their immunity in the old grandmother's ways, that is, with honey and vitamins in the form of strawberries, citrus fruits, kiwi.

Some progressive moms share their experience of hardening babies, in particular, using salt mats and water treatments.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

Immunomodulators and immunostimulants, the differences of which we will consider further, quite often come to our ears, especially during colds. Often questions about these medicines are asked in the fall and spring, when our immunity is weakened, it requires protection. First, let's get acquainted with the very concept of "immunity".


This concept is encountered quite often, only the lazy one does not offer to improve it, increase it. But first you need to get to know it, find out how it works, before trying to somehow correct it. By the way, immunomodulators and immunostimulants (their differences are colossal) adjust immunity, only they act a little differently.

So, immunity is the ability of our body to defend itself against foreign substances. Consistency is closely monitored by the immune system. How does the immune system know which substance to kill? All substances, molecules that are not similar to the structure of substances in the human body are subject to destruction.

When we eat food consisting of large molecules, for example, starch, proteins, they decompose into simple substances, from which, in turn, more complex compounds characteristic of the human body are formed, for example: hormones, blood proteins, and so on. If the result is a foreign compound, then it must be destroyed by the immune system.


As mentioned earlier, foreign compounds can be obtained, let's call them agents, they can be:

  • bacteria;
  • insect poisons;
  • cellular debris;
  • chemicals such as cosmetics or washing powder.

Types of immunity

Many are familiar with the concepts of innate immunity and acquired immunity. What does it mean?

So, innate immunity is a very resource-consuming reaction. That is why it is quickly depleted, the acquired one comes to the rescue. Note that innate immunity cannot resist for a long time.

Acquired immunity, in contrast to congenital, has memory. If any large dose of the pathogen is received, then the innate immunity gives way to the acquired one. Although antibodies to pathogens quickly disappear, they can instantly form due to memory for this agent.

Helping the immune system

If our body cannot cope with the attack of harmful bacteria, then it can be helped. There are drugs such as immunomodulators and immunostimulants, their differences are that the former are auxiliary substances that also fight viruses and bacteria, like the human immune system. The latter forcibly stimulate the immune system to give up a reserve to fight the virus. In other words, immunomodulators and immunostimulants, the differences of which are already known to us, are completely different drugs that act on the human body in completely different ways. Let's see how exactly.

Immunostimulants and immunomodulators: harm and benefit

Imagine the following picture: a gypsy is riding a tired horse so that it does not slow down the pace of the ride, a man urges it on with a whip. Question: "How long will his horse ride?" Of course not, she will be completely depleted. It is another matter to give her food, water and rest. Then your horse will serve you for a very long time. So it is with drugs. The immunostimulant forces you to release the last reserves of your body, which is dangerous and harmful. In our example, the immunostimulant is a gypsy.

Our immunity is a full bank, one third is a reserve that the body needs, so to speak, for a "rainy day". You can't force him to give it up, otherwise we have a direct road to the hospital by ambulance.

Immunomodulators are excipients for fighting agents, they fulfill the function of our immune system (pest control). They are prescribed after long-term treatment, after an illness with complications, after operations, injuries, fractures, and so on. An immunomodulator drug helps to cope with the problem, the treatment is faster and without complications. However, there is also a dark side to these drugs, for example, allergies, intolerance to any substances, there are also a number of diseases where an immunomodulator drug cannot be taken at all.

You can strengthen your immunity without resorting to medication. There are immunomodulators of natural (plant) origin:

  • garlic;
  • Clover;
  • cranberry;
  • nettle;
  • lemongrass and so on.

This list can be continued for a very, very long time, almost indefinitely. There is one "but". Immunomodulators and immunostimulants of natural origin are less effective than their "counterparts" developed under special conditions in laboratories.

Preparations for children

There is a lot of debate about drugs for children, especially immunostimulating and immunomodulating drugs. Let's name the main conclusions, wishes, recommendations of medical workers.

As a result of studying and analyzing many medical works, we can say the following: many parents seek help from doctors with requests to strengthen their child's immunity. Hardening, prevention, nothing helps. If it means that his immunity is very weakened, when natural helpers do not help him, it is possible to take immunomodulating ones for children. Note that the child's immune system is just beginning to form, it is very unstable and immature. Only by the age of fourteen will the child develop immunity. That is why, immunomodulating and immunostimulating drugs for children should not be selected independently, but entrusted to your doctor. This will allow you not to harm your baby.

Immunomodulators and immunostimulants: list

This list is different for children and adults. Side effects, route of administration and dose should be studied in the instructions for a particular drug. Do not self-medicate, see your doctor.

  • "Likopid".
  • "Kagocel".
  • "Arbidol".
  • "Viferon".
  • Derinat.
  • "Anaferon".
  • "Amiksin".
  • "Immunal".
  • "Cycloferon".
  • "Remantadin".
  • "Dekaris".
  • "Lizobakt".
  • "IRS".
  • Ergoferon.
  • "Aflubin".
  • "Citovir".
  • "Timogen".

Read the instructions carefully before use. Remember that immunity can be maintained in other ways:

  • proper nutrition;
  • hardening;
  • walks in the fresh air and so on.


External factors constantly test the strength of the child's immune system. If it is weak, then the baby is constantly sick, does not feel well, and this condition is called immunodeficiency. This situation requires correction and it can be done in several ways. One of them is the means for immunity for children, which will be described in detail below.

How to raise the immunity of a child

Up to 6 months, the child's body receives all the necessary antibodies along with the mother's milk, but then its defense mechanism is forced to cope on its own with all external stimuli. In order for immunity to resist colds, viruses, it is necessary to be vaccinated and perform general strengthening procedures. In some situations, immunomodulators may be required, but before giving drugs for immunity to children, methods of raising the body's defenses without the use of medications should be used:

  1. Proper nutrition. Most of the vitamins that the body needs to boost immunity come from food. Give up semi-finished products, fast food, every day should be in the diet of fruits, vegetables (onions, garlic, cabbage), dairy products, legumes.
  2. Eliminate sources of possible chronic diseases: carious teeth, sinusitis, tonsillitis. The immune system is constantly under attack from these pathologies.
  3. Try to create a positive mood for your child, stress and experiences negatively affect the immunity of children.
  4. Tempering helps a lot to raise the immunity of children. Procedures should begin in the summer. Make sure that he goes to bed on time and does not sit up at the computer or TV.
  5. The child must definitely go in for sports. Regular physical activity will strengthen all systems of his body, maximize protection against external aggressive environmental factors, and reduce the incidence of infectious diseases.
  6. Some parents are too zealous to protect the baby. Immunity will not work if it has nothing to fight with, so you should not be afraid to let your children go out into the street, in kindergarten or school.

Immunostimulating drugs for children

By definition, this group of medicines refers to immunomodulators. These drugs for raising immunity in children are able to increase the activity of the child's defense system in order to more effectively fight diseases. There is a wide range of medicines that are used depending on the cause of the baby's illness. The question that worries many parents is whether it is worth taking pills for children at all? This should be decided by the attending physician, who assesses the degree of immunodeficiency. For the same reason, the pediatrician should prescribe the drug and dosage, the treatment regimen.

How to choose a remedy for raising immunity for children

Caring parents are always trying to find the safest way to strengthen their child's immune system. In some cases, an increase in the amount of fruit in the diet, more frequent walks in the fresh air will be enough. Preparations for raising immunity in children are really needed if:

  1. Diagnosed by a specialist immunodeficiency.
  2. All possible reasons for the decrease in immunity were excluded, and an increase in protective functions was not observed.
  3. Additional conditions for raising immunity were met (balanced nutrition, hardening, vitamin complexes, homemade folk recipes), but there was no positive effect.
  4. The age is suitable for the use of the immunocorrector.

Only a doctor can choose the right medicine to raise immunity, based on the results of diagnostics. He will determine the treatment regimen, dosage, based on the age of the child, the degree of immunodeficiency. The type of immunotherapy must necessarily correspond to the disease, for example, with ARVI, herbal medicines or interferon preparations are needed. The latter will only help against a respiratory viral infection, while the former can be used as a prophylaxis.

Of plant origin

This type of medicine is made on the basis of plants that have immunostimulating, adaptogenic properties. Preparations for increasing immunity for children of this group are represented by such well-known medicines:

  • Immunal;
  • Chinese schisandra;
  • ginseng preparations;
  • Echination purple.

These medicines are good antiviral agents for children. They are given for the treatment of the disease itself or for preventive purposes. It will be effective to take the medicine in the fall and winter, when there are epidemics of colds. You can give Immunal to drink before sending your child to kindergarten. The course of prophylactic admission should not exceed two months.

Bacterial origin

This group of drugs is similar in principle to vaccination: the medication contains fragments of various pathogens of the disease (pneumococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, hemophilus influenzae), which cannot harm the child's body, but force them to develop antibodies. Among the drugs for raising immunity in children, the following are popular:

  • Imudon;
  • Likopid;
  • IRS 19;
  • Broncho-munal;
  • Ribomunil;
  • Broncho-vaskom.

The action of these funds is aimed at maintaining local, general immunity, it is recommended to use them in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, chronic ENT diseases (sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis). It has been proven during research that the bacterial group of immunotherapy increases the effectiveness of vaccinations. For this reason, the doctor may recommend taking these medications to a person during vaccination.

With nucleic acid

Physicians closely studied this substance, in 1892 scientific literature appeared, which indicated that nucleic acid is able to strengthen the protective functions of the body. It was used to treat anthrax, systemic lupus, diphtheria, tuberculosis. Now the medication is used to prevent viral, bacterial infections, immunodeficiency. It is forbidden to use in case of an allergic reaction to the components of the substance, during pregnancy and lactation. Popular medicines in this group:

  • Cavesan;
  • Ridostin;
  • Derinat.

Immune interferon

The active active ingredient has the ability to block, inhibit the development of viral infections. Interferon is often used to strengthen the immune system in children with ARVI. If you start taking an immunomodulator of this group on time, for example, Viferon, there is a possibility of significantly reducing the duration of the disease period, the likelihood of complications. To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to take a group of interferons in the first hours of the onset of the disease. You can increase the immune defense with the following medications:

  1. Viferon. It can be produced in the form of an ointment, but is more often used in the form of suppositories for rectal administration.
  2. Arbidol. Available in the form of tablets of 100, 50 mg. Can be assigned to children from 2 years of age.
  3. Grippferon. An effective antiviral agent that can help cope with inflammation, microbes. It acts as a stimulant for the production of its own interferon.
  4. Anaferon. A good remedy that can be prescribed for babies from 1 month.

Immunostimulating drugs of the thymus

For the first time, medicines of this group were used by researcher Alice Sandberg. Extracts of the thymus gland (thymus) have a positive effect on the entire human body. They are able to help in the fight against serious diseases, to raise immunity. Thymus itself is responsible for the functioning of the immune system, therefore its extract stimulates the work of defense mechanisms, helps to restore them.

To create a medication, the thymus gland of calves is used. The treatment regimen is usually designed for 3-5 weeks. If there is no improvement, then a second course is prescribed. These drugs are prescribed for children if active immunotherapy is required. They must be prescribed by a doctor. Among the drugs are popular:

  • Vilozen;
  • Taktivin;
  • Timalin.

Biogenic funds

All sorts of nasal drops, syrups, injections and pills cause them concern. Biogenic agents that increase immunity in children are agents of natural origin. The necessary substances are released from the cells of plants and animals, which are resistant to negative manifestations of the environment. Such drugs are also called homeopathic.

When injected into the child's body, these substances act as a stimulant to strengthen the immune system. The natural origin of the medicines does not exclude the need for consultation with a doctor before taking it. Popular drugs in this group include:

  • FiBS;
  • Kalanchoe juice;
  • Aloe.

Synthetic stimulants

This group of means is created artificially so that a person can get the elements that are missing in his body. These drugs include all known vitamins. Complex options are able to provide the child with all the necessary substances for the full functioning of the immune system. As a rule, a person gets them with food, but in winter and early spring, many have a vitamin deficiency, so it is recommended to take them as a preventive measure. You can buy inexpensive multivitamin complexes at any pharmacy.

The price of drugs for raising immunity in children

Medicines for immunity are dispensed without a prescription, but before purchasing them, you must definitely go to a pediatrician for a consultation so that he will prescribe the best medication for your child. The cost of medicines will be lower if ordered from an online pharmacy. The estimated price for popular medicines is as follows:

  • Kalanchoe juice, 20 ml - price from 65 rubles;
  • Taktivin - price from 770 rubles;
  • Timalin - price from 270 rubles;
  • Viferon, candles 10 pcs. - price from 250 rubles;
  • Grippferon, drops of 10 ml - price from 260 rubles;
  • Arbidol tablets 50 mg 20 pcs. - price from 280 rubles.

Modern immunostimulating drugs are classified according to their origin into the following groups:

  • Herbal remedies - extracts or tinctures of Echinacea, Eleutherococcus, Schisandra, Immunal, etc. These funds are distinguished by mild adaptogenic and immunostimulating effects and are prescribed for patients with immunodeficiencies. When taken prophylactically, such drugs significantly reduce the risks of influenza or respiratory infections, prevent radiation pathology and reduce harm from cytostatics;
  • Microbial drugs - Imudon, IRS-19, etc. The drugs act directly on macrophages and monocytes, which, after activation, intensively produce cytokines that trigger immune responses that promote the elimination of microbes;
  • Interferon funds - Anaferon, Viferon. The drugs protect the body from all sorts of antigenic attacks of bacterial, viral and other origin;
  • Synthetic drugs - Amiksin, Trekrezan, etc. Increase general organic resistance to negative external influences and stimulate immune responses;
  • Endogenous agents - Timogen, Timalin. These are drugs based on placental or bone marrow cells or thymus. They restore the normal number of blood cells, cause increased interferon production and immune activity.

Drugs with adaptogenic or immunomodulatory activity are categorically not recommended to be taken on their own, the need for them should be determined by an immunologist.

Popular drugs

Trekrezan (250 rub *)

Adaptogenic immunomodulator Trekrezan stimulates interferon production, corrects and improves the patient's immune status. As a result of the use of the medication:

  • The body's endurance increases during mental and physical exertion;
  • Reduces the toxic effects of various medicines and chemicals;
  • The body acquires special resistance to oxygen deficiency, temperature extremes and other aggressive factors.

Due to similar effects, Trekrezan is successfully used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for respiratory infections, flu or colds. In the presence of stressful influences (for example, lack of oxygen, hypothermia or overheating), it helps to increase the efficiency and resistance of the body.

This immunomodulator is prescribed for the complex treatment of alcohol withdrawal symptoms or for heavy metal poisoning. The remedy is contraindicated in pregnancy, children under 12 years of age and pregnant women, with lactose intolerance.

Immunal, Echinacea (300 rubles *)

The composition of Immunal contains components of plant origin (echinacea juice). The drug provokes an increase in nonspecific immunity. Due to the activation of phagocytosis and an increase in leukocytes, the drug inhibits the reproduction and growth of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, Immunal has antiviral activity against herpes or influenza. The preparations Echinacea and Immunal are analogs that have the same active ingredient (extract from the herb Echinacea), so they have a similar effect.

Both drugs are used:

  1. When the initial signs of flu or colds occur, as well as for the prevention of these pathologies;
  2. In order to improve the immune status during long-term antibiotic treatment;
  3. In the treatment of recurrent genitourinary and respiratory pathologies.

Echinacea is contraindicated in autoimmune pathologies, immunodeficiency (HIV), AIDS, multiple sclerosis, hypersensitivity to the plant and its components, children under 12 years of age, in the presence of systemic pathologies such as leukemia, tuberculosis, etc. , because there are no definitive results of studies on the effect of the drug on the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

Immunal in the form of a solution is contraindicated for children under one year old, and in tablets for children under 4 years old. The drug should not be taken in case of autoimmune and systemic pathologies such as AIDS or HIV, multiple sclerosis and leukemia, tuberculosis, etc. Immunal should not be taken by persons who have hypersensitivity or intolerance to echinacea and other components of the drug. Unlike Echinacea, Immunal can be taken by lactating and pregnant women, but only with a doctor's prescription.

Immunomax (800 r *)

An effective immunostimulant, under the influence of which there is a threefold increase in the activity of the cellular structures of the immune system. Immunomax increases the body's resistance to viruses such as herpes or plague, papillomavirus or parvovirus. In addition, the drug protects the body from bacterial microorganisms such as chlamydia, staphylococcus, E. coli, salmonella or mycoplasma, ureaplasma, etc.

Contraindications for Immunomax:

  • Up to 12 years of age;
  • Breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • Hypersensitivity to the medication or its individual components.

The drug does not cause adverse reactions. And in exceptional cases, it can be prescribed during pregnancy.

Galavit (tablets 300 r *, injections 600 r *)

A modern immunomodulator, which is available in the form of suppositories, tablets and powder for injection. The medication has an additional anti-inflammatory effect. Galavit belongs to synthetic immunostimulants and has no analogues at the moment. The drug is endowed with a broad-spectrum effect:

  1. It enhances the production of the necessary antibodies;
  2. Enhances the production of macrophages, which are distinguished by their ability to eliminate pathogenic pathogens;
  3. Increases the production of interferons, which contribute to resistance to various infections;
  4. Has an antioxidant effect;
  5. Differs in hepatoprotective activity, i.e. protects the liver.

Galavit is contraindicated in patients under 6 years of age, breastfeeding, pregnant or people with intolerance to this medication.

Arbidol (250 rubles *)

Antiviral agent with moderate immunomodulatory activity. The drug is indicated for diseases like:

  • SARS, severe cases of respiratory diseases complicated by pneumonic or bronchial processes, types of influenza A and B;
  • Pneumonic lesions, complex treatment of chronic inflammation of the bronchi, recurrent herpes, pneumonia;
  • Restoration and enhancement of the immune status, prophylactic administration of the drug after surgery;
  • In the complex treatment of acute intestinal lesions of rotavirus origin in pediatric patients (over 3 years old).

The drug has practically no contraindications and side effects. It is not prescribed for children under the age of three, as well as for patients who are hypersensitive to the drug. Among the possible side reactions, allergic manifestations are very rarely observed.

Isoprinosine (600 r *)

Tablet preparation of antiviral and immunostimulating action. A drug of synthetic origin, a purine derivative, is used for diseases such as:

  1. Papillomavirus, including with lesions of the genitals and larynx;
  2. Various forms of ARVI and influenza;
  3. Shingles and chickenpox;
  4. Cytomegalovirus;
  5. Various modifications of herpesvirus of all types, as well as herpetic keratitis, genital herpetic lesions, etc.;
  6. Molluscum contagiosum;
  7. Corey;
  8. Mononucleosis of infectious origin, etc.

Among the disadvantages of the drug, patients note the presence of adverse reactions in the form of nausea-vomiting syndrome and epigastric pain, itching sensation on the skin, joint pain and dizziness, sleep disorders and headaches, exacerbations of gout or bowel disorders. Since the drug causes an increase in urea in the blood, it is contraindicated in urolithiasis, gout, insufficient renal activity and arrhythmias. In addition, Isoprinosine is contraindicated in children weighing less than 20 kg and under 3 years of age.

Imunofan (500 r *)

The drug Imunofan refers to drugs with immunomodulating action with hepatoprotective, detoxifying, antioxidant and immunostimulating activity. In addition, the drug prevents the emergence of cell resistance to antitumor drugs.

The drug comes in the form of injections, rectal suppositories, or nasal spray. Imunofan is effective in treating:

  • HIV infection;
  • All kinds of immunodeficiency states;
  • Papillomavirus;
  • Cytomegalovirus;
  • Viral hepatitis of various types;
  • Herpes;
  • In complex anticancer therapy, etc.

The drug is not used in the treatment of children under 2 years of age and pregnant women who have a conflict between rhesus blood and fetus.

Tiloron (600 rub *)

Medicines Lavomax, Amiksin and Tiloram are analogues, have the same active ingredient (tilorone) and belong to the group of drugs - inducers of interferon synthesis, which have immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. The drugs are produced in tablet form.

  1. Lavomax provokes an increase in the formation of antibodies, stimulates bone marrow stem cell structures, and reduces immunosuppressive activity. It is used for herpes and cytomegalovirus infections, viral hepatitis, respiratory and influenza infections in adult patients. Contraindicated in pregnant women, children and adolescents under 18 and lactating.
  2. Amiksin has a similar effect and is able to stop viral reproduction. It can be used in pediatrics from the age of 7, however, it is contraindicated in breastfeeding and pregnancy.
  3. Tiloram, like Lavomax, is contraindicated in patients under 18 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding patients. Among the side reactions, sometimes there are allergic rashes, minor chills and dyspepsia (digestive disorders).

Timalin (RUB 500 *)

The drug is produced in the form of a lyophilisate for the preparation of injection solutions. The active substance of the drug is the tismus extract, which is obtained by extracting animals from the thymus gland.

The drug is effective when it is necessary to restore immune activity. In addition, against the background of taking Timalin, patients experience an improvement in cellular material exchange processes, hematopoiesis is restored and regeneration is accelerated.

Timalin is shown:

  • With a lowered immune status against the background of various kinds of soft tissue and bone purulent-inflammatory pathologies;
  • With infectious lesions of bacterial or viral origin;
  • With the suppression of hematopoietic and immune functions against the background of chemotherapy or radiation treatment of tumor and oncological processes, as well as with prolonged antibiotic therapy, etc.

The drug has no contraindications and is not prescribed only to people with hypersensitivity to it. In rare cases, the use of Timalin is accompanied by adverse allergic reactions.

There is an analogue based on the same substance - Taktivin.


Refers to the regulators of metabolism, has antiarrhythmic and antihypoxic activity. As a result of taking the drug, the blood circulation of the coronary network is normalized, the energy balance of the heart is increased. The active substance is inosine. The drug is used only in adult patients in the treatment of myocardial ischemia and arrhythmias provoked by the intake of cardiac glycosides.


Multicomponent preparation containing inosine, succinic acid, vitamins B₂ and PP. Cytoflavin belongs to metabolic drugs that improve tissue nutrition and cellular respiration, blood circulation. Possesses anti-ischemic and neuroprotective activity. Produced in tablets and injections, it is used in the treatment of patients of any age. It is undesirable to use in pregnant and lactating patients.

Can be taken by pregnant women

Doctors do not have an unequivocal opinion regarding the intake of immunomodulators in pregnant women, however, the majority is inclined to believe that it is still not worth taking them. Most of the drugs in this group have been on the pharmaceutical market for a relatively short time, so the long-term side effects of taking them are still unknown.

To increase the immunity of pregnant women, it is better to adjust the diet, enriching it with vegetables, herbs and fruits, rationally organize the regime, spend more time walking in the fresh air, etc.

In childhood

In the treatment of children, the use of immunomodulators and adaptogens is justified in the following cases:

  • Frequent SARS, colds and flu;
  • In the absence of hyperthermic symptoms during respiratory infections and influenza;
  • Sleep disorders, severe weakness, frequent headaches;
  • For food-type allergies;
  • With a noticeable increase in lymph nodes.

Up to 1.5 years of age, immunomodulators are used only in exceptional cases. Older children, strictly according to medical indications, can be given immunomodulators of the interferon group. It is pointless to give specific names of such drugs, because only a pediatrician should prescribe them. As immunostimulants and adaptogens in children, it is better to use natural remedies such as honey, rose hips, garlic or onions, eucalyptus, etc.

General operating principles

Immunomodulatory drugs are designed to balance the level of cellular structures of the immune system in the presence of autoimmune pathologies. These drugs balance the activity of all immune components, suppressing or activating their activity if necessary. The action of adaptogens is aimed at increasing the resistance of organic structures to infectious, viral and other types of external influences.

Immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed for patients with serious health problems. There are a number of pathologies against which the body is not able to withstand even the simplest infectious lesions. The most famous such pathology is the human immunodeficiency virus. To avoid constant colds and flu with any minor hypothermia, such patients are prescribed immunomodulators.

Also, premature babies need immunomodulatory therapy, especially when they start attending preschool educational institutions. In a similar situation, children find themselves in a completely new environment that has its own bacteria and microorganisms, therefore, sometimes during the adaptation period, adaptogens are prescribed to children, which:

  1. Slightly affect the nervous system structures;
  2. Restore endocrine activity;
  3. Accelerate material exchange reactions;
  4. Form the body's resistance to adverse external influences;
  5. Promote increased performance, tolerance of excessive loads, etc.

At the same time, adaptogenic drugs do not disrupt the processes of normal body activity. They are recommended to be taken by workers in hazardous industries and hard work, athletes and people in a state of stress or depressive disorder. If you take adaptogens with increased mental and physical exertion, then the drugs will accelerate the body's fitness without harm to brain and muscle activity.