Exercises for the development of running in children. Master class "Methods of teaching preschool children the main types of movement: running

There are different types of running. In sports practice, running is divided depending on the length of the distance: sprint (60-100 m), middle-distance running (400-1000 m), long-distance running (from 2000 m), marathon running. In addition, there are cross-country running, obstacle running, and hurdling. In recent years, running at a low pace (jogging), which is used for recreational purposes, has gained particular popularity.
Given the age characteristics, the following types of running are available to preschool children: normal running at a calm pace, running at speed, with obstacles and the inclusion of other movements (climbing, jumping), running at a changing pace, slow running. Types of running and running exercises differ in execution technique. The educator should know these features in order to prevent mistakes, to correct them easier and faster, to correctly determine the tasks and teaching methods.
Regular run. The correct technique for such a run is considered to be: the ability to run freely, easily, with natural hand movements. The arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers are freely bent (but not clenched into fists). When running, the arms move forward and upward approximately to the level of the chest somewhat inward, then they are retracted with the elbows back - to the sides. When running in small steps, the leg slightly bent at the knee is placed on the front of the foot. With wider running steps, the leg is placed from the heel, followed by an elastic lowering to the entire foot. When pushing off, you need to straighten your leg at the knee. The toes of the feet are not bred to the sides. The torso is slightly tilted forward, the head is in line with it, the chest and shoulders are deployed, do not turn the shoulders following the hand, so as not to cause excessive rotation of the torso.
Normal running at an average pace is widely used to teach certain elements of technology, the skills of correct coordinated movement. With such a run, children can better control their movements, feel them well, and can make adjustments to their actions.
Normal running can be carried out in various formations: in a column one at a time, in pairs, in a circle, in a “snake”, etc. The approximate duration of continuous running increases gradually from 10-15 s in the younger groups to 35-40 s in the older ones (repeated 2 -4 times with breaks). For children 6-7 years old at the end of the school year, the duration of the run can be within one minute, since during the year children master the elements of the correct running technique, their functional training grows.
Sock running. The foot should be placed on the front of the foot, without touching the heel of the floor. The step is short, the pace is fast. The movements of the hands are calm, relaxed, in time with the steps, do not raise them high, You can put your hands on your belt.
Running with high knees. Run lifting the leg bent at the knee at a right angle, put it on the floor with a soft, elastic and at the same time quite energetic movement on the front of the foot. The step is short, with a slight advance forward. The body is straight and slightly tilted back, the head is held high. Hands can be placed on the belt. Alternate with regular running or walking.
Run with a wide stride. Take wide steps, increasing the push and flight time (as if jumping over an imaginary obstacle). Put the foot from the heel with a roll over the entire foot. Try to fully straighten the pushing leg, vigorously pushing off. Hand movements are free and sweeping.
Running with the leg bent at the knee back. The torso is tilted forward a little more than usual, hands on the belt. The leg bent at the knee after the push is retracted (try to reach the buttock with the heel). Alternate with regular running, while relaxing your legs a little more, giving them rest. Walking with a cross step. Perform with an overlap of almost straight legs: right - to the left, left - to the right. The leg is placed on the foot.
Jumping run. It is performed energetically, with a wide sweeping movement. Push forward and up.
The duration of continuous running on toes, with high raising of the knees, with the leg bent at the knee pulled back, is short (10-20 s). As a rule, these types of running are repeated 2-3 times, alternating each type with regular running or walking. Running with a wide step is given at a distance of 10-12 m. For this run, you can use various landmarks - lines, cords, flat hoops, stuffed balls.
Running at a fast pace. It is performed on the forefoot or on socks. The step is wide, swift. Hand movements are active, in time with running steps. Do energetic repulsions with a push leg, straightening it well. Move the fly leg forward and upward. The body is tilted forward in the direction of movement, the head is in line with it. Shoulders deployed, not tense, look forward. Fast running is most often used in games with competitive elements. The duration of such a run is small - 5-8 s. However, alternating with natural stops - rest, it can be repeated 4-5 times.
Slow running has recently gained great popularity, mainly as a means of developing general endurance, increasing the functionality of the body. In this run, one must be able to maintain a low pace, not speed it up or slow it down, run rhythmically. Take short steps, put your foot on the front of the foot or elastically from heel to toe. The movements of the hands are calm, the arms are bent at the elbows at waist level, the shoulders are slightly relaxed.
Variable pace running is used in combination with other movements. The main task in teaching this type of run is to teach children to choose the pace and type of run that best matches the content of the task. So, if the run ends with a jump or a long jump, then you do not need to slow down the pace before the push, but immediately move from the last step of the run to an energetic push up or forward. You must be able to quickly and deftly switch from running to another type of movement. For example, crawl under a hoop or rope, walk along a log, and then continue running without stopping, without changing direction. At a variable pace, you can offer different exercises.
Shuttle run. A wide, brisk stride alternates with a sharp stop at the end when moving in a straight line and frequent strides when cornering. Before changing direction, the pace is more frequent, the steps are shorter, the knees are more bent to maintain balance. Hand movements are natural, helping to move in a straight line and around corners.
Running combined with crawling under sticks, climbing into a hoop, jumping over, jumping up. Here you need to be able to slow down and speed up the pace of running before overcoming an obstacle.
Running in different natural conditions develops the ability to apply the type of running that best suits these conditions, its pace and speed. Running on a winding track is different from running in a straight line, and running on sand requires a different technique and different effort than running on a dirt track. By changing the conditions familiar to children, choosing different combinations of them, it is necessary to promote the development of a skill that is so necessary in life - to use the most effective type of running in accordance with surface conditions (dirt, grassy, ​​asphalt track, running on sand, water, uphill and downhill) .
When running uphill, the foot is placed on the toe, the step is short, the body is tilted forward. When running, the leg is placed on the entire foot or from heel to toe, the legs are more bent at the knees, the body is slightly tilted back.
When running up and down the board, laid at an angle, the feet are placed close to each other, the socks are not spread apart, the balance is maintained by hand movements.

E.N. Vavilova, "Teach to run, jump, climb, throw", M., 1983

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A small child shows a great need for movement. This is physiologically determined. Helping a preschooler to master motor skills in a timely manner is an important task for a kindergarten teacher. The author reveals the methodology of teaching children basic types of movements: running, jumping, climbing, throwing taking into account the conditions of education in a rural kindergarten. The book focuses on holding relay games, competitions with elements of sports entertainment.

Features of running as the main type of movement

The ability to run quickly and deftly is necessary in the main activity of the child - the game. Running is more often than other movements used in everyday life by all children, regardless of whether they visit a child care institution or play on playgrounds in the yards.

Running is included in the content of many types of movements: the ability to run correctly depends, for example, on the success of high jumps and long jumps, the performance of sports exercises that include elements of badminton, volleyball, and basketball games. Running is the basis of the TRP complex. In recent years, recreational running has become widespread among all segments of the population.

Like walking, running is cyclic exercise, in which repulsion from the support with the foot (right or left) alternates with flight. This is the hallmark of running versus walking. In running, as in walking, good coordination of movements of arms and legs is necessary, correct posture, expedient, depending on the type of run, placing the foot on a support. Multiple repetition of individual cycles (push, flight and landing) allows you to run for a long time without experiencing overstrain by developing endurance.

External ease of running is associated with the presence of optimal effort with perfect coordination of movements. One of the main points that provide good results (high speed or duration of running) is the rhythm of running. Running on the ground, associated with uneven ground, sharp turns, ascents and descents, loses its cyclical and rhythmic nature, characteristic of running in the gym or on a special track. Such a run requires the ability to rebuild the coordination of movements well and quickly.

Preschool children should be taught to run quickly, easily and rhythmically, with good hand-foot coordination. Children should be able to use the most appropriate type and technique of running, depending on the specific conditions. So, on an uneven surface, running at a slow pace while maintaining balance is more effective; uphill - with a small step, from the mountain - with a wide step, in games about catching and dodging - running at a variable pace, with turns, unexpected stops.

In their daily activities and games, children most often use running on slightly bent legs at an average pace with a change in direction. But it is necessary to teach children other types of running (at speed, at a slow pace, running with knees high), which are important for comprehensive physical education, the development of motor qualities, such as agility, speed, endurance.

Running as a new type of motor action appears in children in the second year of life after they learn to walk confidently. At first it is just accelerated walking with frequent and small steps. The body at the same time strongly leans forward, the legs are bent at the knees. It looks like the child is falling. At the beginning of the third year of a child's life, this peculiar accelerated walking becomes actually a run, its characteristic feature appears - flight, although the steps are still mincing, uneven, and the foot is placed on the surface heavily, with the whole foot at once - “slaps”. Hand movements are not always consistent with leg movements.

For a period of 2 to 7 years, running in children becomes easy, rhythmic, flight is well expressed in it, movements of the arms and legs are coordinated. The foot is placed with an elastic roll from heel to toe. Children are already able to perform different types of running, using different techniques. For example, in a short segment, when asked to run fast, they perform an energetic run on toes, with active hand movements. When running for a long distance, they run at a calm pace, putting their foot in a roll from heel to toe, hand movements are slightly relaxed.

In order for children to gradually improve different types of running, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for them.

Running training methodology

When teaching young children to run, the example of the educator is of great importance. Therefore, in exercises and games, the teacher performs the task together with the children, drawing their attention to the ease of running, coordination of movements. At the same time, he uses a game image, for example, run like mice. When performing such imitative actions, it is not always necessary to show movements, but the teacher must be sure that the children understand and are familiar with the image proposed for imitation. Do not give children a lot of sometimes incomprehensible instructions, such as "raise your legs higher" or "move your arms harder." Often this leads to the opposite result: the children begin to stomp, the run becomes heavy, abrupt, and the already emerging coordination of the movements of the arms and legs goes wrong. In order to keep kids interested in learning, it is advisable to offer game tasks more often - run to a toy, run up to a tree or stone, play outdoor games with running: “Sparrows and a car”, “Cat and mice”, etc.

In the future, when teaching older children to run, the teacher shows less himself, explains more, pays attention to those who run well (runs easily, rhythmically, correctly observing the running technique) and can serve as an example.

In order not to decrease interest in running, children of older groups should be offered additional tasks: change the pace or direction of running, quickly stop and continue running again, run around objects, alternate running with other movements - walking, climbing, jumping, etc.

Running with the introduction of additional tasks is most often carried out in such exercises as “Catch up with the ball”, “On the bridge”, “For high, for low”, “Stork, butterfly, frog”, “Run - do not drop”. The content of many of them includes running with catching and dodging, which affects the improvement of coordination of movements, running speed, and the development of dexterity.

To develop endurance, running at a uniform slow pace is useful. It is used with children of all age groups. For children of the first and second junior groups, the duration of the run is 30-60 s, for children of the older groups, the duration of the run increases to 2-3 minutes. This type of running is used in exercises and games with pronounced continuous motor activity. It is advisable to use a long slow run in the air, including it in the games "Pilots", "Cosmonauts", etc., and alternating with overcoming some obstacles (walk along a log, crawl under a rope, run up a hill and escape from it).

Types of running

Types of running different. In sports practice, running is divided depending on the length of the distance: sprint(60-100 m), middle distance running(400-1000 m), long distance running(from 2000 m), m Arathon run.

In addition, distinguish run cross country, steeplechase, hurdling. In recent years, running at a low pace has gained particular popularity ( jogging) used for recreational purposes.

Given the age characteristics, the following types of running are available to preschool children: normal running at a calm pace, running at speed, with obstacles and the inclusion of other movements (climbing, jumping), running at a changing pace, slow running. Types of running and running exercises differ in execution technique. The educator should know these features in order to prevent mistakes, to correct them easier and faster, to correctly determine the tasks and teaching methods.

Regular run. The correct technique for such a run is considered to be: the ability to run freely, easily, with natural hand movements. The arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers are freely bent (but not clenched into fists). When running, the arms move forward and upward approximately to the level of the chest somewhat inward, then they are retracted with the elbows back - to the sides. When running in small steps, the leg slightly bent at the knee is placed on the front of the foot. With wider running steps, the leg is placed With heels with subsequent elastic lowering on the entire foot. When pushing off, you need to straighten your leg at the knee. The toes of the feet are not bred to the sides. The torso is slightly tilted forward, the head is in line with it, the chest and shoulders are deployed, do not turn the shoulders following the hand, so as not to cause excessive rotation of the torso.

Normal running at an average pace is widely used to teach certain elements of technology, the skills of correct coordinated movement. With such a run, children can better control their movements, feel them well, and can make adjustments to their actions.

Normal running can be carried out in various formations: in a column one at a time, in pairs, in a circle, in a “snake”, etc. The approximate duration of continuous running increases gradually from 10-15 s in the younger groups to 35-40 s in the older ones (repeated 2 -4 times with breaks). For children 6-7 years old at the end of the school year, the duration of the run can be within one minute, since during the year children master the elements of the correct running technique, their functional training grows.

Sock running. The foot should be placed on the front of the foot, without touching the heel of the floor. The step is short, the pace is fast. The movements of the hands are calm, relaxed, in time with the steps, do not raise them high. You can put your hands on your belt.

Running with high knees. Run lifting the leg bent at the knee at a right angle, put it on the floor with a soft, elastic and at the same time quite energetic movement on the front of the foot. The step is short, with a slight advance forward. The body is straight and slightly tilted back, the head is held high. Hands can be placed on the belt. Alternate with regular running or walking.

Run with a wide stride. Take wide steps, increasing the push and flight time (as if jumping over an imaginary obstacle). Put the foot from the heel with a roll over the entire foot. Try to fully straighten the pushing leg, vigorously pushing off. Hand movements are free and sweeping.

Running with the leg bent at the knee back. The torso is tilted forward a little more than usual, hands on the belt. The leg bent at the knee after the push is retracted (try to reach the buttock with the heel). Alternate with regular running, while relaxing your legs a little more, giving them rest.

Walk around. Perform with an overlap of almost straight legs: right - to the left, left - to the right. The leg is placed on the foot.

Jumping run. It is performed energetically, with a wide sweeping movement. Push forward and up.

The duration of continuous running on toes, with high raising of the knees, with the leg bent at the knee pulled back, is short (10-20 s). As a rule, these types of running are repeated 2-3 times, alternating each type with regular running or walking. Running with a wide step is given at a distance of 10-12 m. For this run, you can use various landmarks - lines, cords, flat hoops, stuffed balls.

Running at a fast pace. It is performed on the forefoot or on socks. The step is wide, swift. Hand movements are active, in time with running steps. Do energetic repulsions with a push leg, straightening it well. Move the fly leg forward and upward. The body is tilted forward in the direction of movement, the head is in line with it. Shoulders deployed, not tense, look forward.

Fast running is most often used in games with competitive elements. The duration of such a run is small - 5-8 s. However, alternating with natural stops - rest, it can be repeated 4-5 times.

Slow run has recently gained great popularity, mainly as a means of developing general endurance, increasing the functional capabilities of the body. In this run, one must be able to maintain a low pace, not speed it up or slow it down, run rhythmically. Take short steps, put your foot on the front of the foot or elastically from heel to toe. The movements of the hands are calm, the arms are bent at the elbows at waist level, the shoulders are slightly relaxed.

Variable pace run used in combination with other movements. The main task in teaching this type of run is to teach children to choose the pace and type of run that best matches the content of the task. So, if the run ends with a jump or a long jump, then you do not need to slow down the pace before the push, but immediately move from the last step of the run to an energetic push up or forward. You must be able to quickly and deftly switch from running to another type of movement. For example, crawl under a hoop or rope, walk along a log, and then continue running without stopping, without changing direction. At a variable pace, you can offer different exercises.

Shuttle run. A wide, brisk stride alternates with a sharp stop at the end when moving in a straight line and frequent strides when cornering. Before changing direction, the pace is more frequent, the steps are shorter, the knees are more bent to maintain balance. Hand movements are natural, helping to move in a straight line and around corners.

Running combined with crawling under sticks, climbing into a hoop, jumping over, jumping up. Here you need to be able to slow down and speed up the pace of running before overcoming an obstacle.

Running in different natural conditions develops the ability to apply the type of running that best suits these conditions, its pace and speed. Running on a winding track is different from running in a straight line, and running on sand requires a different technique and different effort than running on a dirt track. By changing the conditions familiar to children, choosing different combinations of them, it is necessary to promote the development of a skill that is so necessary in life - to use the most effective type of running in accordance with surface conditions (dirt, grassy, ​​asphalt track, running on sand, water, uphill and downhill) .

When running uphill, the foot is placed on the toe, the step is short, the body is tilted forward. When running, the leg is placed on the entire foot or from heel to toe, the legs are more bent at the knees, the body is slightly tilted back.

When running up and down the board, laid at an angle, stacks are placed close to one another, socks are not spread apart, balance is maintained by hand movements.

The content of exercises for children of the older group (5-6 years old)

1. Running on toes.

2. Running with a wide and small step.

3. Running high knees.

4. Running with tasks.

5. Running in combination with other movements.

6. Running at a fast pace for 10 meters (repeat 3-4 times).

7. Running for speed at a distance of 20-30 m.

8. Shuttle run (3 times 10 m each).

9. Alternating walking and running on 2-3 sections of the path, 60-100 m each.

10. Running at an average pace over rough terrain for a distance of up to 150-200 m.

11. Slow run for 1.5-2 minutes.

Methodical instructions. Running exercises for older children are becoming more difficult. The teacher seeks from the children the ability to perform different types of running technically correctly: on toes with short and frequent running steps; running with a wide step with a large easy flight and sweeping arm movements. The teacher encourages children who can apply the types of running appropriate to the task, and in all cases positively evaluates easy free running with natural hand movements.

Exercises and games often include various tasks when running at an average pace, for example, without reducing the speed of running, change the leader, turn around, change from a column into pairs. Cross-country running is also performed at an average pace. The distance of such a cross-country run for children of 6 years old is up to 150-200 m. If possible, obstacles are included that children must overcome on the run: crawl up, jump over, deftly run around.

In the older group, special work is being done on the development of motor qualities of speed and endurance in children, for which the length of running distances is increased. Children compete in running for speed at a distance of 20-30 m or repeat 3-4 times a fast run for 10 m.

In order to develop endurance, children are invited to run from 60 to 100 m, then go part of the way and run the same distance again. Running becomes longer at a slow pace - up to 1.5-2 mil. At first, the teacher himself shows how to run at a slow pace, and then one of the children demonstrates his ability evenly and slowly run. Slow running is more expedient to carry out in natural conditions in the air.

Exercises and games for children 5-6 years old

Handkerchief burners(Udmurt game). Children line up in twos. In front, facing them, the driver, he has a handkerchief in his hand. He picks it up. The children standing in the last pair run from both sides to the driver.

Rules: the one who ran up first takes a handkerchief and becomes the leader; the latecomer pairs up with the previous driver in front of the rest of the pairs.

Physical training! Children are located on one side of the playground behind the start line. The finish line is marked on the opposite side in 15-20 m. Guys say:

“Sport, guys, is very necessary. We are close friends with sports. Sports help! Sports - health! Sport is a game! Physical training!"

With the end of the words, the children run a race to the finish line.

Rules: Those who are among the first three to cross the finish line win.

Complication: line up the winners 1-2 steps further from the start line.

Find your place(Italian game). The players form a circle. Leading around the circle with a handkerchief in his hand. On a signal, he runs after the children standing in a circle, puts a handkerchief on one of them and continues to run. The one who turned out to have a handkerchief runs towards the driver. At this time, the children standing in a circle move apart, as if filling the vacant space. The driver and the child with the handkerchief must find this place and stand up.

Rules: the one who gets in the right place remains in the circle, and the one who is late becomes the leader; if the driver was in this role 3 times in a row, he is replaced.

Horses. Children are divided into two equal subgroups, one of which is riders, the other is horses. Riders are located on one side of the site, horses are in the stable. The teacher is a caretaker.

Riders harness horses using jump ropes or ropes (2 m long), stand one after another. To the words “walk”, the riders follow each other with normal walking, the horses raise their legs high. They run to the “run” signal, jump to the “gallop” signal, run to the “scatter” signal in different directions around the site. Then they follow each other again. To the words "whoa!" stop. Children change roles. The game is repeated.

Rules: change movements on a signal; do not collide while running.

Complication: add walking on a plank or log, uphill and downhill.

Swan geese. At one end of the site, a house is marked where the geese are, at the opposite end there is a shepherd. To the side of the house is the lair of the wolf. The rest of the site is a meadow. A shepherd and a wolf are appointed or elected, they take their places. Geese graze in the meadow. P a with t at x. Geese, geese! Geese. Ha, ha, ha! Shepherd. Do you want to eat? Geese. Yes Yes Yes! Shepherd. So fly! Geese. We can not,

The gray wolf under the mountain Does not let us go home... Shepherd. So fly as you like, Just take care of your wings!

The geese, stretching their arms to the sides, fly home, and the wolf runs out and tries to catch (feel) the geese.

Rules: the one touched by the wolf is considered to be caught, the geese caught are counted, a new wolf and a shepherd are appointed.

Complication: the wolf must crawl under the arc or into the hoop.

Carp and pike. Half of the children form a circle-pond, the distance between the players is two steps. One - the pike is outside the circle. The rest of the players - crucians run inside the circle. At the signal “pike”, she quickly runs into the circle, trying to catch carp. They rush to take a place behind one of the players standing in a circle (pebbles).

Rules: the pike catches those who did not have time to stand behind the pebble; after 3-4 repetitions, the caught carp are counted; children standing in a circle and depicting crucian carp change roles; a new pike is appointed.

Mousetrap. The players are divided into two unequal subgroups: the smaller one (about one third of the players) forms a circle - a mousetrap, the rest of the mice are outside the circle. The mousetrap players join hands and walk in a circle and say:

“Oh, how tired the mice are, Everyone gnawed, everyone ate. Beware, cheaters

We will get to you. Here we put mousetraps, Let's catch everyone now!

Children stop, raise their clasped hands. Mice run into and out of the mousetrap. At the clap signal, the children lower their hands - the mousetrap slammed shut.

Rules: mice should not stand in or outside the circle; those who did not have time to run out on a signal are considered caught and stand in a circle - a mousetrap.

hawk and ducks(Yakut game). Two circles are drawn on the site - lakes, the distance between them is 5-10 steps. With the help of a rhyme, a hawk is chosen, he stands between the lakes. The rest of the children are ducks swimming in their lakes. On a signal, the children-ducks change places. At this time, the hawk catches ducks.

Rules: the hawk only touches the ducks when they are outside the lake, ducks cannot be caught in the lake: the caught ducks are out of the game and return to their places after counting and changing the hawk.

To select a hawk, you can use the following rhyme: “There was one burbot in the river, Two ruffs were friends with him. Three ducks flew to them Four times a day And taught them to count: One-two-three-four-five!

Who is superfluous(Bashkir game). Clapping their hands and dancing, the children lead a round dance. Inside the circle, a triangle is drawn with sides equal to the length of 4-5 steps, at each of its vertices there are circles. Three guys become circles, and the fourth one is the leader in the center of the triangle. From the circles, the guys run into a round dance. Those in front of whom they stand must quickly occupy the empty circle.

Rules: the driver can occupy any empty circle; the latecomer becomes the driver.

Salki in a circle. A circle with a diameter of 30 m is drawn on the site. Two teams compete. Each forms a circle, i.e. two circles inside the drawn circle. At the first signal, the teams move with side steps in different directions. At the second signal, the players of the outer circle scatter, the guys from the inner circle try to overpower them. After some time, the game stops, the number of pissed off is counted, the teams change roles. The team that manages to defeat the most opponents wins.

Rules: you can not run out of the drawn circle.

Birdhouses. The players draw mugs in different places on the site or make them from jump ropes, cones, pebbles - these are birdhouses. In each - a pair of starlings. The number of players is odd, one without a home. Children run around the playground in different directions. At the signal “the starlings have arrived”, the children - the starlings run into the birdhouses and are placed in them two by two. At the signal “the starlings are flying”, they again run around the site.

Rules: you can occupy any birdhouse; a latecomer is left without a home.

Change subject. On one side of the site, 4-5 circles are drawn at a distance of one step from one another, each with a bag of sand. On the opposite side, players line up in 4-5 columns against each circle. Each first in the column receives a cube (bump, pebble). On a signal, the children run to the mugs, put cubes in them, take sandbags and return to their places.

Rules: the object must be put in a circle, not thrown; if the object is not exactly placed in the circle, the player must return and correct the object.

The content of the exercises for children of the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old)

1. Run with knees bent back,

2. Run with straight legs forward.

3. Running jumps.

4. Running in combination with other movements (dribbling, jumping rope, jumping).

5. Running with a wide step through obstacles 10-15 cm high.

6. Running from different starting positions.

7. Running for speed - distance 30 m.

8. Shuttle run (5 times 10 m each).

9. Alternating walking and running on 3-4 sections of the path, 100-150 m each.

10. Running at an average pace over rough terrain for a distance of 200-300 m.

11. Slow run for 2-3 minutes.

Methodical instructions. In the preparatory group for school, the teacher continues to ensure that the children's running is natural, easy, rhythmic, with good posture, relaxed position of the arms, head, torso. For children 6-7 years old, the number of exercises in running increases, new types are introduced that require good physical fitness, for example, running with the legs bent back at the knees, running with straight legs raised forward, and jumping. The tasks mastered in the older group become more difficult, for example, running with a wide step alternates with overcoming obstacles 10-15 cm high, which requires energetic repulsion, high flight, and the ability to perform several jumps in a row without stopping.

Running exercises more often combined with other complex movements, but only if children master them. So, the teacher offers running under a rotating long rope, developing in children the ability to balance the speed of running with the speed of rotation of the rope, to sharply accelerate the run at the moment of running under it. The same skill is necessary when dribbling the ball in the forward direction or "snake". Children of 7 years old have a relatively high level of coordination of movements, which makes it possible to perform such exercises as running along an inclined or horizontally raised log by 20-25 cm. Children should be prompted to run carefully, placing their feet close to one another, do not spread their socks, spread their arms to the sides, helping to maintain balance, look at the end of the log.

The teacher should not forget about the requirements for running technique when performing jumps. Success in these exercises is largely determined by the ability to increase the pace at the end of the run, ending it with an energetic repulsion.

The development of the quality of speed continues. A good exercise in the starting snatch is running from different starting positions - standing with your back, sitting, kneeling, lying down. Such tasks improve the ability of children to quickly respond to a signal, develop the maximum pace of running, at which children have a frequent step and energetic hand movements.

Opportunities expand stamina education. Children are offered to run at an average pace over rough terrain a distance of 200-300 m. Running in alternation with walking on sections of the path of 100-150 m is repeated 3-4 times. The ability to run slowly at a low pace for 2-3 minutes is consolidated. If possible, use barefoot running on sand, shallow water, dirt and grassy paths with turns and slopes more often, making sure that there are no objects that could lead to injury. It is desirable to carry out such a run in spring, summer and even late autumn, without fear of a fine, drizzling rain. In addition to hardening, running in adverse conditions strengthens the character of children, their perseverance, endurance, and creates the habit of daily physical exercise.

Games for children 6-7 years old

Trap, take the tape! Children are built in a circle. Everyone receives a strip or colored ribbon and puts it behind the belt or behind the collar. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the “run” signal, the children scatter around the playground (if it is large, it is necessary to mark the boundaries for the game). The trap runs after the players, trying to pull out the ribbon. At the signal “one, two, three, quickly run into a circle,” the children line up in a circle. The trap counts the number of taken tapes, returns them to the children. The game restarts with a new trap.

Rules: do not hold the ribbon with your hands; whoever loses the ribbon is temporarily out of the game.

corners. The game goes well on a large area, where there are many trees located close to each other. Children stand near them or in circles marked on the ground. One of the players, remaining in the middle, comes up to someone and says: "Mouse, mouse, sell me your corner." She refuses. The driver goes with the same words to another. At this time, the rest of the children change places, and the one in the middle tries to take the place of one of the ones running across. If he succeeded, the one left without a corner becomes in the middle. If the driver fails to take a corner for a long time, the teacher says: "Cat." Everyone changes places at the same time, the leader takes someone's place.

Rules: before the run, agree with the one with whom you want to change places; You can't stand in your corner for long.

Collect checkboxes. Flags are placed on the field, the site every 8-10 m. In the first row there should be two less flags than the players, in the second row - two more less. Thus, if 10 children are playing, then there should be 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 flags in each row. At the signal, the children run, everyone tries to take possession of the flag in the first row. The two who fail to do so are out of the game. After the second stage, six participants remain, then four, and finally the two strongest. The child who has mastered the last flag becomes the winner (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Collect flags

Rules: if during the run the child dropped the flag on the ground, he must first pick it up and only then continue to run.

Chase down your opponent. Two lines of children are located in front of the starting lines at a distance of 5 steps from one another. A house is outlined 15-20 steps from the starting line. On a signal, everyone starts running at the same time: the children in the back try to overpower those running in front. After counting the pissed off children change roles.

Rules: you can not salit behind the line of the house.

Run in ranks. The teams line up in ranks (at a distance of 15-20 steps), you can give them the names "Rocket", "Sputnik". On a signal, the children of one of the teams, holding hands, go forward, trying to keep the alignment. When there are 2-3 steps left to the other line, the participants of which are sitting on the ground, the teacher gives the command: “Run!”. The children of the first line unhook their hands and run to their house, and the guys of the second line try to overpower them. Settled are counted. The game is repeated, but this time the teams switch roles.

Rules: each time the children of both teams must take a certain starting position, for example, those who are advancing can take each other by the arms, put their hands on their shoulders, link them in front; those who expect rivals to approach may stand with their backs or sideways to them.

Skipping rope. Two children take an ordinary short rope by different handles, run around the playground, trying with their free hand to taunt the rest of the children running away from them. The first one caught stands between the leaders, takes the middle of the rope with one hand and joins in catching. In order for the three drivers to be freed from their duties, each of them must catch one player.

Rules: do not let go of the rope; coordinate actions in triplets.

Change of places. Two teams of 8-10 people line up in ranks facing each other on opposite sides of the site behind the city lines (distance 10-12 m) and diverge to the width of outstretched arms. On a signal, they run towards each other, trying to be outside the opposite city as quickly as possible, then turn to face the center of the site and line up. The team that does it faster wins.

Rules: do not collide when crossing; standing in line, line up.

Burners. The players line up in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. With the help of a counter, a trap is chosen:

"Oblique, oblique,
Don't go barefoot.
And go shod
Wrap your paws.
If you are shod
The wolves won't find the hare.
The bear will not find you.
Come out, you're on fire."

S. Marshak

The trap stands on the line with its back to the rest of the players. All standing in pairs say:

"Burn, burn clearly,
To not go out.
Look at the sky, the birds are flying
The bells are ringing.
One, two, three - run!"

With the end of the words, the children standing in the last pair run along the column (one on the right, the other on the left), trying to grab their hands. The trap tries to catch one of the pair and join hands with him. If the catcher managed to do this, he forms a new pair with the one caught and stands in front of the column, and the one left without a pair becomes a trap. If the trapper is not caught, he remains in the same role.

Rules: during the pronunciation of words, the trap should not look back; you can catch before the players join hands.

Obstacle course. Various aids can be used as obstacles: benches, arcs, barriers, targets for throwing. The order of overcoming obstacles can be any, for example, crawl under several arcs (rails), walk along a gymnastic bench (or log), run around stuffed balls (four balls placed at a distance of 1 m from one another), jump over two lines from a place, crawl on the gymnastic bench, run with a small ball (or a bag of sand) 6-7 m and throw it at the target. Evaluated the speed and accuracy of the task.

Be careful. There are 5-6 players on one side of the playground, on the opposite side (distance 8-10 m), three objects lie in front of each (for example, a cube, a rattle, a flag). At the “Run” signal, the players rush to the objects. Approximately in the middle of the path, a signal follows which of the three items to take, for example, a cube. Children take the named object and run with it to the starting line.

Rules: the one who came running with the object first wins; if the wrong item is taken, you need to return and replace it.

The kite and the mother hen. 8-10 children participate in the game. One of the players is chosen as a kite, the other as a mother hen. The rest of the children are chickens, they stand behind the hen, forming a column. Everyone is holding on to each other. Aside is a kite's nest. On a signal, he flies out of the nest and tries to catch the last chicken in the column. The mother hen, stretching her arms to the sides, does not allow the kite to grab the chicken. All chickens follow the movements of the kite and quickly move after the hen.

Rules: do not break the clutch in the column; you can not hold the kite with your hands; the one who is caught goes to the kite's nest,

Salki - do not fall into the swamp. On the site, sticks, cones, pebbles indicate a place where you can’t run in - a swamp (anthill, garden). Choose a trap. On a signal, he catches up with the children, trying to knock them down.

Rules: tagged or caught in a swamp is considered caught and is eliminated from the game until the tagged ones are counted.

Vavilova E. N. Learn to run, jump, climb, throw: A guide for the educator det. garden. - M.: Education, 1983. S. 32-54.

Running for everyone. Affordable training program Yaremchuk Evgeniy

Running exercises for children 4-5 years old

1. Running for parents.

2. Running with a change of direction, with attempts to catch the lead or dodge to the side.

3. Running "snake", with running around objects placed in a row.

4. Running with acceleration and deceleration.

5. Running with a change of leader.

6. Running on a narrow track.

7. Running with a wide step.

8. Running at a fast pace (10–20 m).

9. Running at a slow pace (1.5–2 minutes).

10. Running (40-60 seconds) alternating with walking.

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"House" (a game for children 4-6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements. At the edge of the house stands, (They fold their palms in a “house” above their heads.) There is a lock hanging on the doors, (They close their palms “to the castle.”) Standing behind the doors

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“This is me” (a game for children 4–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. These are eyeballs. Here. Here. (They show first the left, then the right eye.) These are the ears. Here. Here. (First they take the left ear, then the

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"Ball" (a game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Ten, nine, (Clap hands.) Eight, seven, (Slap knees.) Six, five, (Clap.) Four, three, (Slap.) Two, one.

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Running exercises for children 2–3 years old 1. Running after parents at a distance of up to 10 m.2. Running after or with an object.3. Running with stops.4. Running in a circle.5. Running between two lines - in a straight line and a winding path.6. Running in alternation with walking.7. Running at a fast pace (10 m) .8. Running in

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Running exercises for children 4–5 years old 1. Running after parents.2. Running with a change of direction, with attempts to catch the leader or dodge to the side.3. Running "snake", with running around objects placed in a row.4. Running with acceleration and deceleration.5. Running with a change of leader.6. running along

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Running exercises for children aged 5–7 years 1. Running on toes.2. Running with a wide and small step.3. Running with tasks.4. Running with high knees.5. Running in combination with other simple movements.6. Running at a fast pace for 10 meters (repeat 3-4 times) .7. Running for speed

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Classic running disciplines The classic running is its Olympic program: 100, 200 and 400 m sprint; middle distance running - 800 and 1500 m, stayers - 5000 and 10,000 m for men and women; hurdles - 110 and 400 meters for men and 100 and 400 meters for women; steeplechase - running with

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Stretching exercises (exercises for stretching) During the performance of any strength exercises, “shortening” of the muscles occurs. Subjectively, this is felt by a feeling of "clogging" in the muscles and a decrease in their elasticity. At the same time, microcirculation is disturbed and

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Magic for mothers and children I want to separately touch on the topic of pregnancy and childbirth. Preparation for parenthood and parenthood itself is an interesting and magical state that fills any family with happiness and love. If your family has a chronic lack of these

BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................ ...................................fifteen


The formation of basic movements is one of the most important problems of the theory and practice of physical culture. Its study is inseparable from the whole problem of the development of voluntary movements in human ontogenesis. Accompanying the child from early childhood, the basic movements are natural and contribute to the improvement of the body, as well as the comprehensive improvement of his personality.
Considering a holistic motor act as a sensorimotor unity, it should be emphasized that the development of basic movements should be carried out not for the sake of acquiring motor skills, but for the formation of the ability to use them in everyday practical activities, while making the least physical and neuropsychic costs. The ultimate goal of developing basic movement skills is to teach each child to: 1) consciously control their movements; 2) independently observe and analyze various situations, choosing the most effective way to implement motor behavior in relation to specific conditions of interaction with others; 3) understand the features of each type of basic movements, the advantage of their use; 4) the skills of accurate muscle sensations of the correct execution of the movement, the creative use of these movements in everyday life. The solution of the tasks set is possible only thanks to exercises in the basic movements in the conditions of the child's own motor activity, as well as in the process of organized learning.


Consider the basic requirements for running in different age groups.
First junior group. Running in subgroups and the whole group in the forward direction, one after another, in a column one at a time, at a slow pace for 30-40 seconds (continuously), with a change in pace. Running between two cords, lines (the distance between them is 25-30 cm).
Second junior group. Normal running, on toes (in subgroups and the whole group), from one edge of the site to the other, in a column one at a time, in different directions: along straight, winding paths (width 25-50 cm, length 5-6 m) , in a circle, snake, loose; running with tasks (stop, run away from the chasing, catch up with the escaping, run on a signal to the indicated place), running with a change in pace: at a slow pace for 50-60 seconds, at a fast pace for a distance of 10 m .
Middle group. Running is normal, on toes, with high knees, small and wide steps. Running in a column (one by one, two by two); running in different directions: in a circle, snake (between objects), scattered. Running with a change in pace, with a change of leader. Continuous running at a slow pace for 1-1.5 minutes. Running a distance of 40-60 m at an average speed; shuttle run 3 times 10 m; 20 m run (5.5-6 seconds; by the end of the year).
Senior group. Normal running, on toes, with a high knee (thigh), small and wide step, in a column one by one, two by two; snake, scattered, with obstacles. Continuous running for 1.5-2 minutes at a slow pace, running at an average pace for 80-120 m (2-3 times) in alternation with walking; shuttle run 3 times 10 m. Speed ​​run: 20 m in about 5.5-5 seconds (by the end of the year 30 m in 8.5-7.5 seconds). Running on an inclined board up and down on toes, sideways with side steps. Circling in pairs, holding hands.
Preparatory group. Running is normal, on toes, raising the knee high, bending the legs strongly back, throwing straight legs forward, with a small and wide step. Running in a column one by one, two by two, from different starting positions, in different directions, with different tasks, with overcoming obstacles. Running with a rope, with a ball, on a board, a log, alternating with walking, jumping, with a change in pace. Continuous running for 2-3 minutes. Running at an average speed of 80-120 m (2-4 times) in alternation with walking; shuttle run 3-5 times 10m. Speed ​​run: 30m in about 7.5-6.5 seconds by the end of the year.


Unlike walking, running is a faster way to get around. However, it also has a more effective effect on the body. Children are taught different types of running.
Regular run. At preschool age, children should be taught:
1) tilt the body and head slightly, look forward;
2) coordinate the movements of the arms and legs: move the right arm forward towards the shoulder simultaneously with the left leg and, conversely, the left arm with the right leg;
3) it is easy to run, placing the foot from the heel with a roll over the entire foot and transition to the toe;
4) keep the direction of the run.
In children of two years, running is characterized by additional movements and strong lateral swaying of the body, a small, mincing step, a half-bent position of the legs with the feet turned inward; slight take-off during the unsupported phase, heavy planting of the feet with the whole foot on the ground, shuffling with the feet; wide spread of arms, tension of the shoulder girdle; uneven steps; inactive hand movements; weak repulsion from the soil; inability to maintain the direction of movement; low speed; lack of rhythm, uneconomical movement; insufficient dexterity (children bump into each other, into objects).
At three years, the coordination of the movement of the arms and legs improves; flight capacity increases. During running, stride length and speed of movement increase due to more vigorous repulsion from the ground.
With age, the step length increases in children (up to 85-90 cm), and the pace of running becomes less frequent (on average 168-178 steps per minute). Running speed gradually increases.
Regular running is best done on a site in a forest where there is soft ground. Hard ground and floorboards are more difficult to run on, as landing on hard, inelastic ground causes more pressure on the foot and more rapid muscle contraction, which can lead to a flattened arch.
When learning to run, much attention is paid to bringing the lower leg of the fly leg forward, energetic repulsion from the ground, lifting the thigh up. For this, the task is given to run, with stepping over obstacles 10-15 cm high (cubes, slats, etc.). Objects are placed at the length of the reduced step in a straight line or circle. At the same time, one must be able to push away from the obstacle and not run into it. After stepping, the leg falls to the ground with the front of the foot. Such a task is also given when running: throw the shin of the swing leg back before bringing it forward, that is, run bending the legs at the knees so much back that the heels touch the buttocks.
It is also important to teach the correct movement of the hands - forward-up towards the shoulder. The fingers of the hand are bent into a fist. After a forward swing, the arms are pulled back, elbows to the sides. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows. The amplitude and direction of the movement of the hands can be specified while standing still (in a line), as well as in short dashes from one side of the hall (platform) to the other. It should be remembered that the amplitude of the movement of the hands depends on the width of the step, the height of the knee lift and the speed of movement.
In the group preparatory to school, tasks for teaching running techniques become more complicated: children are offered to run, strongly bending their legs back; raising your knees high, trying to touch the palms of your arms bent at the elbows; throw straight legs forward.
Running on toes is used from the third year of life. Children run both on the playground and indoors. It is necessary to ensure that they run on toes easily, the foot is placed on the front of the foot, slightly off the floor. The step is not wide, the amplitude of hand movement is small. Hands are often placed on the belt. Along with showing and explaining, the teacher uses imitation during training (to run silently, like mice).
Running with high knees (hips) is used in the fourth year of life. It is carried out both on the spot and moving forward. When running in place, the children raise their knee high (alternately one and the other leg), pull it to the stomach and immediately lower the leg to the toe. The range of motion of the hands is significant. When teaching this type of run, the teacher, along with showing and explaining, uses imitation (running like horses, running through deep snow, through tall grass, etc.).
Running with a wide step is used from the fifth year of life. With this run, the leg is placed from the heel to the toe, the amplitude of the movement of the hands is large. When teaching, they use demonstrations, explanations and visual cues (running through lines, from hoop to hoop, from circle to circle, from square to square). The distance between the lines increases with age. This task teaches children to the uniformity of steps. It is also useful to give the children the task to run to some object (at a distance of 10 m), taking the least number of steps.
Running is combined with the performance of tasks. In the third year of life, children run around with rattles, ribbons, handkerchiefs, cubes, balls, etc.
In the older group, the tasks become more difficult: run around objects, jump over the cords, crawl into the hoop, crawl under the cord.
In the preparatory group, running is combined with stepping over the barrier, stuffed balls. Children run under a long rope; run, throwing the ball to each other; with a different position of the hands (hands on the belt, hands to the sides); alternate between running and jumping.
Running on hilly terrain is combined with completing tasks: running up a hill, escaping from it, running along a log and jumping off it, climbing onto a stump and getting off it, etc.
First, the children run one at a time (individually) in a straight direction, simultaneously completing tasks: bring an object (cube, rattle), move it from one place to another, throw the ball and run after it.
In the future, the children run in a small group or the whole group (“flock”) after the teacher in the forward direction (from one end of the hall (platform) to the other), run away from the teacher. Then, while running, they make a turn and run in the other direction.
In the future, children run independently on the instructions of the teacher.
In a column one at a time, children begin to run in the third year of life. First, the teacher plays the role of guide, then the children.
Children are taught the rules not to overtake the one running ahead in a column one at a time and not to lag behind him, that is, to keep a distance, keeping closer to the edges of the hall (platform) They teach all children to be guides (leaders) in running in a column one at a time, find your place after walking and running in all directions. In the future, the children, while running (on the run), make turns to the right (to the left), in a circle, are rebuilt in a column of two, four (see the chapter "Combat Exercises").
After the children learn to run in a column one at a time, they are taught to run in a column of two (in pairs) (observing the distance, interval), as well as in a line from one side of the site to the other (in games).
In order for children to keep a straight direction when running, they are invited to move between two cords (lines), along one cord (line). At the same time, the task is given to look at the end of the path or at the object that must be brought.
In the senior group, a run is given with the back forward, sideways (side step) to the right and left side, diagonally.
Snake running is used in the third year of life. Children run between objects (skittles, cubes) placed on the same line. In the older group, children run like a snake from one side of the playground to the other.
Running in a circle, holding hands, is given in the younger groups (one after the other). In the middle group, they run in a circle, holding on to the rope (cord). At an older age, children run without holding hands. Running in two circles towards each other is also used.
Loose running is given in the third year of life. In this case, visual reference points are used: between objects (pins, cubes) placed on the floor. Children are taught that when running around objects, you can not touch them. In the future, children are taught to run without objects, without bumping into each other, to give way to each other, to use the entire space of the playground hall.
Gradually, children are prepared to understand and execute commands for running, adopted in gymnastics.
To run on the spot, the command "On the spot, run - march!" Is given. According to the preliminary command “On the spot, run”, you need to get ready to run - your arms are half-bent, pulling your elbows back a little, and according to the executive command “March!” start running. The foot should be placed on the front of the foot.
To switch from running in place to running with forward movement, the command “Straight!” is given. Running forward is a full step. At the nearest corner, the command "To the left (to the right) around - march!" Is given. The turn is done without an additional command. As soon as the guide has made a turn at the corner, the corresponding command is given (“Straight!”, etc.).
To move from running in place to running forward, another command can be given (if running around the hall is provided) - “To the left (right) around - march!”. (When a command is given in motion, the word "run" is omitted.) -
To run from a place around (along the borders) of the hall, the command "To the left (to the right) around the run - march!" Is given. According to the preliminary command “To the left around the run!” bend your arms, pulling your elbows back a little. On the executive command "March!" start running at a full pace, make movements forward and backward with your hands in time with the run. To switch from running to running on the spot, the command is given: “Guide, on the spot!”.
If a group of students moves by jumps or some kind of dance steps, then to switch to running, you can give the command “Run - march!”.
The transition from one type of running to another or walking is carried out, as a rule, in motion (running) on ​​command, for example, “On toes - march!”. During different types of running, to switch to normal running or to finish the exercises, the command “March with a normal step!” Is given. To switch from running to walking, the command “Step - march!” is given. On the executive command "March!" you need to take two more steps running and start walking.
To stop the run, the command "Group - stop!" is given. According to the preliminary command “Group”, the leg must be placed more firmly on the floor, and according to the executive command “Stop!” take one more step (“one”) and put the other foot (“two”), assuming the position “at attention”.
Running at different pace enhances the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems, promotes the development of speed, dexterity, balance.
At a younger age, children run loose at an individual pace. Then the teacher runs ahead of the column and teaches the children to run at a given pace. Running time gradually increases, children learn to run at different paces.
In the younger group, children run at a slow pace continuously for 30-40 seconds; in the second junior group - 50-60 s; in the middle group - 1 - 1.5 minutes; in the senior group - 1.5-2 minutes; in the preparation room - 2-3 minutes.
In the middle group, at an average pace, children run 3-4 segments of 40-60 m, alternating running with walking. In the older group, they can run at an average speed of 2-3 segments of 60-100 m in alternation with walking (150-200 m in total). In the preparatory group, at an average pace, children run 2-3 segments of 80-100 m, 2-4 segments of 100-150 m, alternating with walking (300 m in total).
Running at a fast pace is given from the second junior group. In the middle group, children run this distance 2-3 times with breaks, in the senior and preparatory groups - 3-4 times.
From the middle group, a speed run is given. Children should run 20 m in 6.0-5.5 s by the end of the year; 30 m in 9.5-8.5 s; in the senior group - 20 m in 5.5-5.0 s; 30 m in 8.0-7.0 s; in the preparatory group - 30 m in 7.5-6.5 s.
Running for speed is performed from a different start. When starting with support on one hand, the toe of the left (right) foot is 20-25 cm from the starting line, the toe of the right (left) is 20-25 cm behind the left (right). At the command "Attention!" the right (left) hand rests on the ground at the starting line, the left (right) hand is pulled back, the legs are slightly bent. .On the command "March!" the run starts.
A high start is accepted on the command "To the start!". You need to stand in front of the starting line: one leg is at the very line, the other is half a step behind, the feet are parallel, the body weight is evenly distributed on both legs, the arms are lowered. At the command "Attention!" the body leans slightly forward, the arms are bent at the elbow joints, one arm (opposite to the front leg) is in front, the other is behind, the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the body weight is on the front leg. On the executive command "March!" the run starts. At the same time, pushing off with the standing leg in front, you need to sharply move the thigh forward and up behind the standing leg with a simultaneous quick movement of the arms. You need to run on your toes, put your feet in parallel. Steps increase with increasing speed.
Running can be performed from other starting positions: sitting, sitting cross-legged, sitting with your back, lying on your stomach, back (head or feet in the direction of running)
Shuttle run is given from the middle group. With this run, not only speed develops, but also dexterity. Shuttle run distance 15 m (3 X 5 m). The child runs in one direction to the object, runs around it, runs in the other direction 5 m to another object, runs around it and again runs 5 m to the first object. In the senior group, the total distance for running is 30 m (3 X 10 m), in the preparatory group 50 m (5 X 10 m).
Starting from the third year of life, a transition is given from running to walking, from walking to running (alternating walking and running)
From the fourth year of life, running is given with squat stops.
To consolidate running skills, children are given such tasks to catch up with the ball, hoop, run to the object, catch up (overtake) their pair, run segments for speed (race).
Running with a change in pace and with catching is used in outdoor games ("Traps") - to run away from the catcher, to catch up with the runaway.


Physical education in a preschool educational institution is carried out both in special physical education classes, and in play activities and everyday life of children, in various forms of motor activity organization.
Favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions are created in the kindergarten, the daily routine is observed, caring care is provided for each child on the basis of a personality-oriented approach; full meals, daily stay in the fresh air are organized; hardening events, morning exercises are systematically held at all times of the year.
Running training is carried out in all groups of preschool institutions. Running has a significant physiological effect on the child's body, activating its organs and systems, increasing metabolic processes, contributing to overall physical development, and improving the activity of the central nervous system.


1. Vikulov A.D., Butin I.M. Development of physical abilities of children: Book. for kids and their parents. - Yaroslavl: Gringo, 1996. - 176 p.
2. Glazyrina L.D., Ovsyankin V.A. Methods of physical education of preschool children. - M.: VLADOS, 1999. - 176 p.
3. Stepanenkova E. Ya. Physical education in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. - M .: Mosaic-Sintez, 2006. - 96 p.
4. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Theory and methods of physical education and development of the child: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook establishments. - M., Ed. center "Academy", 2001. - 368 p.
5. Khukhlaeva DV Methods of physical education in preschool institutions. - M .: Education, 1984. - 208 p.
6. Shebeko V.N., Ermak N.N., Shishkina V.A. Physical education of preschoolers: Proc. allowance. - M.: Academy, 1996. - 185 p.

In order to improve the quality of running in children, it is advisable to use various types: running on toes, running with a wide step, running with a high hip lift, which trains the muscles of the abdominal press, back and foot, light, rhythmic running to music, which affects the development of coordination and dexterity of movements ; running between objects and with objects (jump ropes, hoops); running with overcoming obstacles and on a limited plane (outlined boundaries), which contributes to the acquisition of orientation in space and coordination of movements; running with various tasks performed on a signal and for orientation in space and in a team, cultivating dexterity and a quick reaction to changes in the child's environment. Types of running and running exercises differ in execution technique.

REGULAR RUN. The correct technique for such a run is considered to be: the ability to run freely, easily, with natural hand movements. Normal running at an average pace is widely used to teach certain elements of technology, the skills of correct coordinated movement. With such a run, children can better control their movements, feel them well, and can make adjustments to their actions. Regular running can be carried out in various formations: in a column one by one, in pairs, in a circle, “snake”, etc. The approximate duration of continuous running increases gradually from 10-15 s in the younger groups to 35-40 s in the older ones (repeated 2-4 times with interruptions). For children 6-7 years old at the end of the school year, the duration of the run can be within one minute, since during the year children master the elements of the correct running technique, their functional training grows.

RUNNING ON SOCKS. The foot should be placed on the front of the foot, without touching the heel of the floor. The step is short, the pace is fast. The movements of the hands are calm, relaxed, in time with the steps, do not raise them high, You can put your hands on your belt.

HIGH KNEE RUNNING. Run, lifting the leg bent at the knee at a right angle, placing it on the floor with a soft, elastic and at the same time quite energetic movement on the front of the foot. The step is short, with a slight advance forward. The body is straight and slightly tilted back, the head is held high. Hands can be placed on the belt. Alternate with regular running or walking.

RUNNING WITH A WIDE STEP. Take wide steps, increasing the push and flight time (as if jumping over an imaginary obstacle). Put the foot from the heel with a roll over the entire foot. Try to fully straighten the pushing leg, vigorously pushing off. Hand movements are free and sweeping.

RUNNING WITH THE BACK OF THE LEGS BENT AT THE KNEE. The torso is tilted forward a little more than usual, hands on the belt. The leg bent at the knee after the push is retracted (try to reach the buttock with the heel). Alternate with regular running, while relaxing your legs a little more, giving them rest. Walking with the Cross. Perform an overlap of almost straight legs: right - to the left, left - to the right. The leg is placed on the foot.

RUNNING WITH JUMPS. It is performed energetically, with a wide sweeping movement. The duration of continuous running on toes, with high raising of the knees, with the leg bent at the knee pulled back, is short (10–20 s). As a rule, these types of running are repeated 2-3 times, alternating each type with regular running or walking. Running with a wide step is given at a distance of 10-12 m. For this run, you can use various landmarks - lines, cords, flat hoops, stuffed balls.

RUNNING AT A FAST PACE. Fast running is most often used in games with competitive elements. The duration of such a run is small -5-8 s. However, alternating with natural stops - rest, it can be repeated 4-5 times.

SLOW RUN. Recently, it has gained great popularity, mainly as a means of developing general endurance, increasing the functional capabilities of the body. In this run, one must be able to maintain a low pace, not speed it up or slow it down, run rhythmically. Take short steps, put your foot on the front of the foot or elastically from heel to toe. The movements of the hands are calm, the arms are bent at the elbows at waist level, the shoulders are slightly relaxed.

VARIABLE PACE RUNNING is used in combination with other movements. The main task in teaching this type of run is to teach children to choose the pace and type of run that best matches the content of the task. You must be able to quickly and deftly switch from running to another type of movement. For example, crawl under a hoop or rope, walk along a log, and then continue running without stopping, without changing direction. At a variable pace, you can offer different exercises.

SHUTTLE RUNNING. A wide, brisk stride alternates with a sharp stop at the end when moving in a straight line and frequent strides when cornering. Before changing direction, the pace is more frequent, the steps are shorter, the knees are more bent to maintain balance. Hand movements are natural, helping to move in a straight line and around corners.

RUNNING IN COMBINATION WITH CLIMBING under sticks, climbing into a hoop, jumping over, jumping up. Here you need to be able to slow down and speed up the pace of running before overcoming an obstacle.

RUNNING IN DIFFERENT NATURAL CONDITIONS develops the ability to apply the type of running that best suits these conditions, its pace and speed. Running on a winding track is different from running in a straight line, and running on sand requires a different technique and different effort than running on a dirt track.

By changing the conditions familiar to children, choosing different combinations of them, it is necessary to promote the development of a skill that is so necessary in life - to use the most effective type of running in accordance with surface conditions (ground, grassy, ​​asphalt track, running on sand, water, uphill).

In order for children to master different types of running, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for them, teach them the basic elements of technology, offer games and exercises that include running.

Toddlers from 1.5 years old are more likely to run at an average pace with a ribbon, a car, a wheelchair. The guys run each at their own pace, alternate running with walking, stops, that is, as if natural breaks for rest. Some children are more active, mobile, often run on their own initiative. Others need to be activated, offer tasks to perform running movements, for example, to catch up with an adult, a peer, run to a tree, slide.