We erase the primaloft insulation. Overview of modern insulation technologies: from down to thermal adaptation technologies Types of synthetic insulation

What is the purpose of developing synthetic insulation in the presence of excellent natural materials? What provides them with heat-shielding properties? To choose the right clothes with suitable insulation, you need to know their main types and features.

Synthetic insulation for clothing is a wide class of modern materials with heat-saving characteristics due to a special texture.

Initially, these air-filled nonwovens appeared in the 70s of the last century as a cheaper alternative to natural options, but with the development of the polymer industry, they increasingly turn out to be more perfect in use and technological in processing.

It was largely forgotten and was not used in outdoor for a long time, but now it is returning in a new quality and at a different technological level. For example, merino wool is used in the manufacture of thermal underwear, socks, medium warming and even outer layers of clothing (in development, or wool is one of the components of composite materials). Thus, against the background of the general distribution of synthetic insulation, in particular cases, just the opposite processes can be observed.

Why, after all, in the bulk of clothing, natural insulation is replaced by synthetic? The down remains, but for all its merits, it is an allergenic material. It is capricious in production and care - for its "keeping" in clothes, it is required to use special fluffy fabrics that prevent fiber migration, that is, they simply do not allow fluff to come out of clothes. When wet, the down loses its heat-shielding properties and dries for a very long time. And with frequent washing and active wear, it abrades into dust and falls off.

The coat is hypoallergenic, but it can irritate the skin. It is subject to wear, shrinkage and is also afraid of water. Warming with wool and fur significantly weighs the clothes down, so this option is practically not used in clothes for outdoor types where light weight and volume play a vital role, for example, in mountaineering equipment.

Getting wet negates the heat-saving functions of almost any insulation. But air-filled synthetics in high humidity conditions work better than fluff or wool, having a very low hygroscopicity and performing their functions even when wet.

The main differences between natural and synthetic products can be summarized in the table:

The main differences between natural and synthetic insulation
Characteristic Natural insulation
Moisture absorption (hygroscopicity) Absorbs moisture Does not absorb moisture
Vapor permeability High Depends on type and brand
Hypoallergenic May cause allergies Does not cause allergies
The ability to accumulate static electricity

The down is not electrified. Wool is electrified

Insect resistant Low High
Resistant to bacterial contamination High Low (requires treatment with silver salts)

Types of synthetic insulation

To compete successfully with natural materials, synthetic novelties must have:

    low thermal conductivity of the fiber material;

    light weight;

    high porosity;


    hygroscopicity close to zero;

    good breathability;

    resistance to microorganisms;

    high elasticity and mechanical strength.

Polyester fibers differ in density, thickness, texture, type of twisting, which is why the choice of modern insulation is so diverse. Air-filled canvases are available in different thicknesses and densities for different weather conditions.

To improve wear resistance, a layer of insulation can be placed between thin non-woven fabrics - spunbond or non-woven.

Any changes, both in the design of the insulation layer in order to strengthen it, and in the form of twisting the fiber, its length, allow manufacturers to patent more and more new brands that slightly differ from each other in their consumer parameters.

Consider the most famous types of synthetic insulation.


The synthetic winterizer is still the most common material for warming clothes. It is based on polyester fibers held together in various ways:

    glue- connects fibers with special glue;

    thermal- fuses fibers by exposure to high temperatures;

    needle-punched- entangles fibers with penetrating needles.

However, adhesive technology is gradually becoming a thing of the past, because the introduction of chemicals degrades environmental friendliness and adds weight. In addition, the glue is easily subject to thermal degradation during washing and dry cleaning, so such products are short-lived.

Needle-punched synthetic winterizer is the densest and most durable among its fellows. And the hot-melt option is not only the most environmentally friendly, but also allows us to offer consumers the lightest and most effective insulation.

But this insulation is heavy in comparison with more modern developments, it crumples after numerous washes, does not hold its shape well and has low vapor permeability.

The widespread use of padding polyester is due to its versatility and satisfactory consumer qualities, such as low hygroscopicity and easy maintenance. At the same time, it is cheap and its production has long been mastered by industry.

The temperature threshold for using a synthetic winterizer is -10 ° C, and in order to increase its heat-shielding properties, it is necessary to increase the thickness and weight. Most often, the sewing padding polyester has a density of 60 to 300 g / m2 and is used for demi-season clothing.


The Hollofiber trademark belongs to the only manufacturer - the Moscow plant Termopol, and recently it celebrated its tenth anniversary. A modification of the Hollofiber SOFT material is used to insulate clothing.

This is an improved type of padding polyester, characterized by environmental friendliness, increased elasticity and low weight. Fast shape recovery and the absence of permanent deformations are provided by a special structure of hollow fibers (hollow + fiber) in the form of multidirectional microsprings that move freely when pressed and dissipate compression energy. Lightweight fibers create additional porosity by increasing the volume of air per unit of material, thereby reducing thermal conductivity.

This insulation with zero hygroscopicity and reliably protects at temperatures down to -25 ° C. The thermal conductivity of Holofiber is almost twice as low as that of padding polyester.

For clothing, a non-woven fabric with a density of 60-350 g / m2 is used, in which the twisted fibers are pressed and bonded with a hot melt method, and the surface is processed between the calender rolls to impart smoothness and strength. This treatment prevents the migration of fibers from the insulation layer and makes the use of additional insulating coatings unnecessary.

The thermal conductivity of the insulation is related to its density, and when choosing clothes, this must be taken into account first of all. At the same time, comparing heaters of different brands in terms of density will be incorrect, because the thermal conductivity of, say, synthetic winterizer and Holofiber at the same density is different.


Thinsulate is an innovative material similar to natural down in terms of thermal preservation, but at the same time devoid of its drawbacks. It keeps its shape well, is hypoallergenic and absolutely sterile. It is also called artificial swan down. As birds lubricate their feathers with a special substance to protect them from getting wet, this type of fiber is covered with silicone for the same purpose. This not only provides one hundred percent protection from moisture, but also easy slipping of the fibers when deformed.

Its feature is excellent vapor permeability, so the material protects against hypothermia even at a temperature of -30 ° C with active movement. It copes well with, effectively removing excess heat.

It is the thinnest of modern heaters with similar thermal insulation properties. It does not absorb foreign odors, does not shrink and dries quickly after washing, completely restoring its shape.

For surface hardening and better fixing when sewing clothes, some modifications of Thinsulate are produced with one- and two-sided cellulose fiber interlining. The density of Thinsulate is from 100 to 230 g / m2, and today it is the lightest and most effective synthetic insulation.

Initially, the material was developed by 3M by order of NASA for astronauts back in the 70s. Its production from the thinnest, coiled, highly siliconized fiber up to 10 microns thick is still expensive, so this material is mainly used for the production of professional outdoor clothing for extreme sports enthusiasts and polar explorers.


Fibertek is a Belarusian brand of nonwoven fabric made of hollow polyester fibers. Silicone treatment of highly crimped short fibers allows them to easily slide relative to each other, without deforming, without caking, and quickly recovering their shape. The density of 200-400 g / m2 provides an optimal ratio of air capsules to fiber, therefore the material has excellent heat-shielding properties.

Often the fabric is reinforced on both sides with spunbond - a thin non-woven polypropylene fabric, which gives additional strength to this peculiar sandwich. Fibertek is an environmentally friendly, breathable material that perfectly protects against 40-degree frost, however, in this case, the thickness of the insulation layer will be greater than that of Thinsulate. The technology does not provide for the use of adhesives, so it is absolutely hypoallergenic.

Compared to synthetic winterizer, Fibertek is lighter, more form-stable, and in comparison with Holofiber it is more durable, since thermal bonding of fibers is not used in its manufacture. After deformation, the insulation restores its shape by 100%, and even after three washes, its shrinkage does not exceed 3%. It is used mainly for special clothing, but its price is lower than that of Thinsulate.


Synthetic insulation under the Belgian trademark Isosoft is produced by Libeltex from ultra-thin fibers that form a dense structure. A double-sided spunbond coating is additionally applied to the surface, which prevents fiber displacement and deformation during operation. This contributes to good combinability with various covering and lining tissues.

This plastic, hypoallergenic material reliably warms at temperatures down to -20 ° C, is easy to wash and dries quickly. The most demanded density for warming clothes is 200-300 g / m2. One layer of isosoft, in terms of its heat-saving parameters, replaces four layers of traditional padding polyester.


Albany International's innovative development of synthetic insulation under the PrimaLoft ® trademark was originally intended for the American army. The manufacturing technology is the manufacturer's know-how, but it is known that high consumer characteristics were achieved due to the combination of long ultra-thin polyester fibers with a special water-repellent coating and fibers of variable cross-section.

Imitation of natural fluff allows you to create a highly porous structure, strong and elastic, quickly restores volume and dries faster than a natural prototype.

Primaloft material is just as light, but practically does not absorb water. Therefore, the military development very quickly found application in outdoor clothing, as well as in the outfit of fishermen, hunters, making their stay in extreme conditions as comfortable as possible.

Clothes with Primaloft remain dry at any humidity of the ambient air, it effectively removes excess heat and moisture from the body during active movement.

For clothing insulation, the varieties PrimaLoft ® Sport, PrimaLoft ® One and PrimaLoft ® Infinity are used. They differ in the percentage of fibers of different thicknesses and, accordingly, in specific gravity, caking and wear resistance. The lightest and warmest PrimaLoft ® One is considered, it is most often used in clothing for outdoor activities, and the best keeps shape and is characterized by increased wear resistance PrimaLoft ® Sport. Therefore, as a rule, this particular variety is used in the manufacture of clothing for extreme conditions, shoes and sports equipment.

In 2014, together with The North Face®, PrimaLoft® launched the new Thermoball® insulation. Its peculiarity lies in the structure of fibers that imitate the texture of fluffs. The rounded balls of PrimaLoft® Thermoball® synthetic fiber retain heat as well as natural down, but are much more moisture resistant and dry quickly.

In addition to synthetic insulation, PrimaLoft ® has developed and began to produce hybrid insulation of the PrimaLoft ® Gold Insulation Down Blend and PrimaLoft ® Silver Insulation Down Blend series. In the "gold" line, ultra-thin Primaloft fiber is mixed with natural goose down in a 30/70 ratio; and in "silver" - 40/60. In hybrid insulation, the beneficial properties of natural and synthetic fibers are combined in such a way that the final result allows you to achieve the maximum efficiency of the thermal insulation of the material. In addition, hybrid insulation is cheaper than down insulation.

Very often Primaloft is compared to Thinsulate, and controversy continues among lovers of high-quality outdoor clothing. Objective tests have not yet been carried out, but one thing is known for sure - both materials retain heat equally well and surpass natural insulation in performance parameters.

Mixed heaters

Despite the obvious shortcomings of the outdated padding polyester, manufacturers are striving to improve its thermal insulation properties and environmental friendliness by adding up to 70% of natural fibers of camel and sheep wool to the thermally bonded fabric. This is how Shersticron is obtained, the wind protection of which is three times higher than that of padding polyester, with excellent vapor permeability and low moisture absorption. This material is lighter than pure wool, but has similar thermal insulation properties.

In order to improve environmental friendliness, polyester fibers are sometimes combined with cotton. These materials include the little-known Italian insulation Valtherm on the Russian market. It is a flexible, breathable and warm material with a special honeycomb structure, used in children's and sportswear.

Care rules

Caring for synthetic insulation is almost the same for all brands and is not difficult.

Basic Rules:

  1. exclude chlorine-containing detergents;
  2. washing temperature 30-40 ° C;
  3. dry in an upright, straightened state in the air.

Unlike natural materials, synthetic counterparts dry quickly, do not shrink and do not go astray.


    Synthetic heaters are more convenient and practical than natural ones, but they are still inferior to them in terms of heat saving efficiency.

    The basis for the production of synthetic insulation is polyester fibers.

    The heat-shielding properties of the insulating layer are provided by the porous structure, and the more pores per unit area, the more effective the material.

    Types of synthetic insulation differ in thickness and density, as well as crimp and additional surface treatment of polyester fiber.

  • Other materials can be applied to the surface of non-woven fabrics for additional strength.

Synthetic insulation PrimaLoft © was developed by Albany International for the US Army as a quality replacement for down for workwear and sleeping bags. To date, PrimaLoft insulation has reliably conquered the market not only for army clothing, but also for the outdoor market.

First of all, PrimaLoft © insulation is lightweight and durable, and also has excellent thermal insulation properties. In addition, PrimaLoft has excellent air permeability, and its hygienic properties are far superior to those of ordinary goose down. These excellent results are due to the thermal properties of the new PrimaLoft microfibers, whose structure was copied from goose down microfibers. Thus, the thermal resistance of goose down is 2.18, and for PrimaLoft insulation - 2.15, which indicates the better thermal insulation of synthetic insulation compared to down. So far, none of the widely used synthetic insulation has come close to such indicators.

Insulation PrimaLoft is excellent as a filler for outerwear or sleeping bags, as it is lightweight and has a volume comparable to that of down. Compared to goose down, PrimaLoft insulation is water-repellent and hypoallergenic. Researchers at Albany International have also achieved excellent breathability through microscopic air spacers. On the surface of PrimaLoft microfibers, due to their very small size, air molecules accumulate, which provide high thermal insulation properties of the insulation with a relatively thin insulating layer. Thanks to these large-diameter hollow fibers, the so-called "Loft" is preserved during prolonged use, washing, pressing and drying.

In the outdoor industry, several types of PrimaLoft insulation are used:

- PrimaLoft © One

- PrimaLoft® Sport

- PrimaLoft Eco

- PrimaLoft Eco Footwear

- PrimaLoft Infinity

- PrimaLoft Yarn

- PrimaLoft SYNERGY

The following diagram shows the R-value - the value of the thermal resistance of the insulation layer. Indicated in CLO. The higher the R-value, the better the thermal insulation properties of the material.

PrimaLoft One

Insulation PrimaLoft © One most often used as a heater, both for urban clothing and outdoor clothing for outdoor activities. In the production of PrimaLoft © One insulation, ultra-thin microfibers are used, which allow maintaining the thermal insulation properties of the insulation with a low weight and volume. The thermal insulation properties of PrimaLoft © One in dry form are 0.92 clo / oz / yd2, and in wet form - 0.9 clo / oz / yd2 (the thermal insulation index is the higher, the higher is the thermal insulation characteristic of the material). It is PrimaLoft © One that retains the greatest thermal insulation and practically does not lose it when wet. It is wind-proof and dries faster than goose down.

PrimaLoft © One application:

  • Outerwear
  • Hats (Men's Hat Outdoor Research Inversion Beanie)
  • Gloves (Black Diamond Enforcer Gloves)
  • Accessories
  • Sleeping bags
  • Overalls
  • Shoes

PrimaLoft Sport

Insulation PrimaLoft® Sport used for the production of clothing and products for extreme conditions, since this type of insulation is thinner and lighter. The thermal insulation properties of PrimaLoft © Sport in dry form are 0.79 clo / oz / yd2, and in wet form - 0.72 clo / oz / yd2 (the thermal insulation index is the higher, the higher is the thermal insulation characteristic of the material).

PrimaLoft® Sport Applications:

  • Outerwear ("Quantum" Splav Pants, "Highlander" Splav Pants)
  • Hats
  • Workwear (Overalls Marmot 8000M Suit)
  • Sleeping bags (Sleeping bag double Splav "Double 300", Sleeping bag Splav Fantasy 233)
  • Military clothing

PrimaLoft Eco

PrimaLoft Eco- insulation designed for lovers of ecological materials. It is composed of 50% recycled ultrafine fibers and standard PrimaLoft fibers. In combination, the fibers create an effective heat-insulating and moisture-resistant structure. Garments made with PrimaLoft Eco will keep wearers dry, warm and comfortable.

PrimaLoft® Eco application:

  • Outerwear

PrimaLoft Eco Footwear

The eco-friendly PrimaLoft® thermal insulation contains at least 50% recycled ultrafine fibers and, when combined with standard PrimaLoft® fibers, creates a thermally efficient and waterproof insulation structure. Due to the increased softness and ease of insulation, the shoes in which it is used PrimaLoft® Eco Footwear keep you dry and comfortable

PrimaLoft® Eco application:

  • Shoes (Dixon Boots, Cobra Boots, England Splav Leather Boots, Wolverine Boots)

PrimaLoft Infinity

PrimaLoft Infinity Are heat-insulating blocks that can shrink 20% more than similar insulating materials. This type of insulation has a fairly light and soft structure due to its use in the production of ultra-thin fibers. PrimaLoft Infinity has high thermal insulation and moisture resistance. The fibers, united by a single thread, prevent the appearance of cold spots in the insulating material and ensure the uniformity of the insulation structure over its entire surface. PrimaLoft Infinity provides excellent protection from the cold even when completely wet. This material retains its shape and quality even after numerous washes and dryings.

PrimaLoft® Infinity Applications:

  • Outerwear

PrimaLoft Yarn

PrimaLoft Yarn Are threads that are a mixture of PrimaLoft fibers and sheep wool. This combination is most suitable for the manufacture of outerwear. PrimaLoft Yarn fibers are twice as thin as cashmere fibers for softness. This material has the ability to quickly absorb moisture from the surface of the skin and release it to the surface of the fabric, and this provides additional dryness and comfort.

PrimaLoft® Yarn Applications:

  • Outerwear
  • Socks (Thermal socks Lorpen SPFL Ski Primaloft Lightweight (851))


PrimaLoft SYNERGY Is an advanced heat-insulating material that is created on the basis of interweaving fine and ultra-fine fibers and combining them into a single thread. The insulation has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. PrimaLoft SYNERGY is a moisture resistant material that is used in the manufacture of sleeping bags and outerwear.

PrimaLoft® SYNERGY Applications:

  • Outerwear
  • Sleeping bags

Instructions for caring for products with PrimaLoft © insulation:

Follow these care instructions for garments made with PrimaLoft insulation. Machine wash and cold rinse on delicate cycle. Tumble dry in the washing machine at medium temperature on a gentle spin cycle. Dry cleaning, bleaching, ironing or steaming is prohibited.

Is a synthetic material with high thermal insulation properties. When creating it Albany Interional very scrupulously studied the structure of goose down and put it into the base of the material. The fibers of this insulation are very thin and look like goose down more than the fibers of any other synthetic material. It is this similarity that gives it the thermal properties of down. The thermal resistance coefficient for goose down is 2.18, and for -2.15. This is a very high indicator, because other synthetic fibers do not even come close to this value.

The filler has a long-fiber structure, thanks to which it recovers its volume better and faster than similar materials. Even after a huge number of washes and dryers, the material does not deform. The fibers are endowed with water-repellent properties that help any liquid to drain or evaporate. This ensures that PrimaLoft insulation products are always dry.

Laboratory studies have shown that PrimaLoft has exactly the same softness as goose down, and it is much softer than similar thermal insulation materials. Thanks to this characteristic of the material, all products made from it take the necessary shape: they sit on the figure, and the blanket exclusively fits the body of a sleeping person.

Another great advantage of this material is that it breathes and allows moisture to evaporate. Its air spaces are very small for moisture to penetrate, but large in order to allow moisture formed inside to evaporate. A small volume of PrimaLoft is sufficient to keep a person warm.

It can be compressed strongly, and this will not affect the quality and structure of the material in any way. In a short period of time, the material completely returns to its original volume. According to the above parameters, it surpasses all its synthetic and natural counterparts. Of all the world famous insulation materials, only PrimaLoft has the ability not to retain moisture in itself due to the silicone processing of the fibers. Such insulation, in comparison with similar materials, absorbs 3 times less moisture, it is 14% warmer in a dry state and 24% in a wet state. Due to its long-fiber structure, similar to fluff, the filler recovers its volume better than other materials, even after many washes and dryings. The water-repellent properties of microfibers allow any liquid to drip or evaporate, which allows the user of ® products to always be dry and warm.

Scientific tests have shown that "®" has the same softness as fluff, and much softer than other synthetic fibers. Due to the softness of this fiber clothes, made of it, fits perfectly to the figure, and the blanket or fits the body of the sleeping person. Taste the sample and you will feel how great He is! This remarkable material not only repels water and keeps bulk when wet, it breathes, allowing moisture to evaporate. Its microscopic air layers are too small for moisture to penetrate, but large enough to release moisture evaporation from the inside. A small volume of "®" is quite enough for human heat accumulation. It can be strongly compressed, after which this material fully returns to its original volume. In these parameters, it surpasses both synthetic and natural materials.

Of the world brands - heaters, only ® has the property of not retaining moisture due to the silicone treatment of the fibers. As the table shows, the greater the number of fibers, the more the insulation absorbs moisture:

PrimaLoft PL1-75%
PrimaLoft Sport-400%
Polarguard 3D-500%
Thinsulate LiteLoft-995%
MicroLoft (DuPont) -1730

Other well-known synthetic materials do not even come close to such indicators. Due to its long-fiber structure, similar to fluff, the filler recovers its volume better than other materials, even after many washes and dryings. The water-repellent properties of microfibers allow any liquid to drip off or evaporate, allowing the user of Primaloft® products to stay dry and warm at all times.

Taste the sample and you will feel how great He is! This remarkable material not only repels water and keeps bulk when wet, it breathes, allowing moisture to evaporate. Its microscopic air layers are too small for moisture to penetrate, but large enough to release moisture evaporation from the inside. A small volume of Primaloft® is sufficient for human heat storage. It can be strongly compressed, after which this material fully returns to its original volume. In these parameters, it surpasses both synthetic and natural materials.
The human body has a normal temperature of 36.6 degrees Celsius, but is often found in places that make it noticeably colder! PrimaLoft ® keeps your body warm to keep you warm and comfortable even in extreme cold.

First of all, PrimaLoft © insulation is lightweight and durable, and also has excellent thermal insulation properties. In addition, it is highly air permeable, and its hygienic properties are much superior to those of ordinary goose down. These excellent results are due to the thermal properties of the new microfibers, whose structure was copied from goose down microfibers. Thus, the thermal resistance of goose down is 2.18, and for PrimaLoft insulation -2.15, which indicates better thermal insulation of synthetic insulation compared to down. So far, none of the widely used synthetic insulation has come close to such indicators.

Insulation PrimaLoft is excellent as a filler for outerwear or sleeping bags, as it is lightweight and has a volume comparable to that of down. Compared to goose down, PrimaLoft insulation is water-repellent and hypoallergenic.
Researchers at Albany International have also achieved excellent breathability through microscopic air spacers. On the surface of PrimaLoft microfibers, due to their very small size, air molecules accumulate, which provide high thermal insulation properties of the insulation with a relatively thin insulating layer. Thanks to these large-diameter hollow fibers, the so-called "Loft" is preserved during prolonged use, washing, pressing and drying.

Thus, this lightweight, highly insulating and quick-drying insulation takes one of the leading positions in the fight among equipment and outerwear insulation.

There are several types of insulation:

  • Primaloft® One

it is one of the best insulating (insulating) materials. It is created using microfiber technology, which is the closest in terms of characteristics to natural down in terms of structural, thermal and tactile characteristics. It is the only filler in which every fiber has a permanent, water-resistant treatment.

The very fine fibers are specially processed using patented technologies and then woven together to form an incredibly soft, lightweight and waterproof insulation.
PrimaLoft ®One absorbs 3 times less water, 14% warmer when dry and 24% warmer when wet compared to other materials.

Insulation PrimaLoft © One is most often used as insulation, both for urban clothing and outdoor clothing for outdoor activities. In the production of PrimaLoft © One insulation, ultra-thin microfibers are used, which allow maintaining the thermal insulation properties of the insulation with a low weight and volume. The thermal insulation properties of PrimaLoft © One in dry form are 0.92 clo / oz / yd2, and in wet form - 0.9 clo / oz / yd2 (the thermal insulation index is the higher, the higher is the thermal insulation characteristic of the material). It is PrimaLoft © One that retains the greatest thermal insulation and practically does not lose it when wet. It is windproof and dries faster than goose down .

PrimaLoft © One application:

  • PrimaLoft ® Sport

PrimaLoft® Sport is a high quality insulation made using technologies that combine ultrafine and variable diameter fibers for maximum thermal insulation performance. PrimaLoft® Sport is the technology by which PrimaLoft® Sport is made combining ultrafine and variable diameter fibers to achieve these characteristics. Specially treated ultra-fine fibers provide a waterproof structure, while variable diameter fibers help shape the material.

If you want to spend a great weekend in nature, ® Sport makes you feel as comfortable as at home, even if it gets wet.

PrimaLoft® Sport insulation is used for the production of clothing and products for extreme conditions, as this type of insulation is thinner and lighter. The thermal insulation properties of PrimaLoft © Sport in dry form are 0.79 clo / oz / yd2, and in wet form - 0.72 clo / oz / yd2 (the thermal insulation index is the higher, the higher is the thermal insulation characteristic of the material).

PrimaLoft® Sport Applications:

  • ® Eco

insulation created for lovers of ecological materials. It is composed of 50% recycled ultrafine fibers and standard PrimaLoft fibers. In combination, the fibers create an effective heat-insulating and moisture-resistant structure. clothing made with Eco will provide its owners with dryness, warmth and comfort.

The eco-friendly PrimaLoft® thermal insulation contains at least 50% recycled ultrafine fibers and, when combined with standard PrimaLoft® fibers, creates a thermally efficient and waterproof insulation structure. Due to the increased softness and ease of insulation shoes that uses PrimaLoft® Eco footwear to keep you dry and comfortable.

  • ® Infinity

These are insulating blocks that can shrink 20% more than similar insulating materials. This type of insulation has a fairly light and soft structure due to its use in the production of ultra-thin fibers. Infinity has high levels of thermal insulation and moisture resistance. The fibers, united by a single thread, prevent the appearance of cold spots in the insulating material and ensure the uniformity of the insulation structure over its entire surface. PrimaLoft Infinity provides excellent protection from the cold even when completely wet. This material retains its shape and quality even after numerous washes and dryings.

  • ® Yarn

These are yarns that are a blend of PrimaLoft fibers and sheep's wool. This combination is most suitable for the manufacture of outerwear. PrimaLoft Yarn fibers are twice as thin as cashmere fibers for softness. This material has the ability to quickly absorb moisture from the surface of the skin and release it to the surface of the fabric, and this provides additional dryness and comfort.


it is an advanced thermal insulation material, which is created on the basis of interweaving fine and ultra-fine fibers and combining them into a single thread. The insulation has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. PrimaLoft SYNERGY is a moisture resistant material that is used in the manufacture of sleeping bags and outerwear.

  • ® 4Flex

an innovative technology for creating a heater that is able to stretch in all four directions and immediately recover easily without losing its insulating and water-repellent properties. This insulation is ideal for outerwear and gloves - things where maximum stretch is important for free movement. Including in clothes for winter sports.

  • ® Grip Technology

Provides maximum grip for gloves and shoes. It is designed to prevent gloves and shoes from slipping wherever needed for a confident and stable hold. This technology is especially relevant for climbers, ski riders, motorcyclists or golfers and anyone who needs a warm, comfortable, waterproof clothes or shoes with the additional ability to firmly hold the handle of the desired projectile or tool.

  • Primaloft® Thermoball ™

The latest synthetic insulation from , which very accurately copies the structure of the fluff. Outwardly, the novelty resembles a rolled cotton ball, which served as the name - Thermoball ... Until this development, all synthetic insulation was a mixture of hollow fibers that did not resemble fluff outwardly and only partially repeating its properties. Insulation as a whole repeats in properties One, but 15% warmer per unit weight, corresponding to fluff with an indicator Fill power 600. This means the ability of fluff to restore its volume after compression and to retain an equivalent amount of air between the fibers, which serves as a heat insulator. As with One, the developers have made a special emphasis on the preservation of heat-insulating properties Thermoball when wet, as confirmed by numerous tests in the field.

  • Primaloft® Down Blend

Despite the obvious successes in the field of improving synthetic insulation, they do not want to give up the use of down, even in Inc... However, all experts are well aware of its main disadvantages - low thermal insulation when wet and slow drying, to which the aforementioned disadvantage is added - a high price for the manufacturer, and, as a result, for the end consumer. Creation Primaloft Down Blend was intended to overcome these shortcomings.

The essence of the technology comes down to mixing natural fluff and artificial fibers Primaloft Ultra-Fine, close to it in the property to restore its volume after compression and to hold the maximum amount of air between the fibers. In addition to this fluff treated with a water-repellent compound. These measures made it possible to reduce the cost of hybrid insulation without loss of quality, ensure acceptable thermal insulation properties of the wet mixture, and also increase the speed of its drying in comparison with ordinary fluff by 4 times!

® Performance Down is available in two versions:

Gold Insulations Down Blend - Goose down 70% (fluff feather 90/10) - synthetic fibers 30%. 1.23 ClO dry versus 1.18 CLO wet.
PrimaLoft Silver Insulations Down Blend- Duck fluff 60% (fluff feather 85/15) - synthetic fibers 40%. 1.14 ClO dry versus 1.07 CLO wet.
Thus, the new combined insulation corresponds in its thermal insulation properties to high-quality down with an index of FP 750 and FP 600, respectively. At the same time, thanks to the inclusion of synthetics and moisture-repellent impregnation of the down, it continues to work even in a wet state with practically no loss.

Ceramic Technology

The collaboration between the companies and Goldwin has resulted in a new generation of insulation technologies. The achievement of the development was the combination of microfibers with kerma fibers, which together create a more functional insulation. The new product is called Kodenshi. Goldwin introduces new material in Japan for the first time in the fall 2005 as one of 12 of its licensed products. clothing and with the new insulation had good sales figures.


  • high thermal inertness
  • nano-ceramic particles in fiber
  • improved physiological comfort
  • improved softness

What is Kodenshi?

Kodenshi are ceramic fibers. Specially developed ceramic particles incorporated into the structure of the filaments effectively absorb infrared radiation from the body and reflect back more heat. Infrared radiation excites the body's water molecules. Excited water molecules collide with each other and generate heat that warms you from the inside.

It is believed that the human body has a perfectly balanced temperature. Living in today's busy world, most of us do not pay enough attention to ourselves and our body, as we should. This leads to stress, disturbed eating rhythm, lack of physical activity, etc. These “foods” of daily life lead to imbalances

body temperature. It is believed that when the body temperature is imbalanced properly it results in the body “freezing”. Kodenshi helps burn your body from the inside out, allowing you to stay warm and comfortable.

Kodenshi creates optimal warmth for winter sports. It is a highly efficient thermal insulation material that absorbs the heat generated by the body and effectively retains this heat at a level that is comfortable for the human body. This comfortable warmth is ideal for ski wear, mid-layers and sports underwear.

Used 40, 60 and 100 gr.

Kodenshi pro down

High-tech fluff combining the best qualities of natural fluff and KODENSHI fibers, which provide thermal insulation properties using infrared rays.

900FP Down

Natural with the best recovery rates. 550FP is usually considered high quality, 700-800FP is also, but as they say, there can always be something better.

SYNERGY is an advanced thermal insulation material that is created by weaving fine and ultra-fine fibers together and combining them into a single thread. The insulation has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. PrimaLoft SYNERGY is a moisture resistant material that is used in the manufacture of sleeping bags and outerwear.

Instructions for caring for products with PrimaLoft © insulation:

Follow these care instructions for garments made with PrimaLoft insulation. Machine wash and cold rinse on delicate cycle. Tumble dry in the washing machine at medium temperature on a gentle spin cycle. Dry cleaning, bleaching, ironing or steaming is prohibited.

A bit of theory

The amount of heat energy produced by a person depends on the individual characteristics of a person, well-being, and even on how well he ate and slept. The role of insulated clothing is to conserve this very energy.

Thermal insulation- the process of reducing heat transfer between the body and the environment. It is not for nothing that in English, heaters are always defined by the word Insulation - insulation.

The lowest thermal conductivity is possessed by a vacuum environment, and the most affordable heat insulator with low thermal conductivity is dry air. Precisely dry, since moisture is a good conductor. The more air molecules the insulation holds in one cubic centimeter, the better its thermal insulation properties.

The air is always in motion - the warm one tends to go up, the cold one goes down, this factor must also be taken into account when developing insulated clothing.

Thus, the main task of clothing insulation is to keep the air warmed by our body inside, and not to let the cold outside.

Important values ​​that allow you to describe the quality of the insulation:

R-value- the value of the thermal resistance of the insulation layer. Indicated in CLO. The higher the R-value, the better the thermal insulation properties of the material.

Fill power(F.P.)- the most common indicator of the quality of insulation (as a rule, natural fluff). This characteristic shows the ability of the insulation to recover after compression. The higher the FP value, the warmer the product with the same weight of down. Some companies operating in the European and American markets sometimes double the FP-750 F.P. Euro, 850 F.P. USA. This is due to the fact that the quality standards in these areas are somewhat different. By the way, all synthetic analogs have characteristics similar to FP600 down.
One of the most important characteristics of the insulation is thermal resistance value per unit weight of insulation... It depends on this indicator how heavy the insulated jacket for specific temperature conditions.
Durability- an essential characteristic, especially considering the considerable price tag for high-quality insulated clothing. For example, cheap insulation materials can fall off over time, caking, changing their density, which leads to a decrease in thermal insulation properties. Perhaps someone noticed that after washing, some insulated products retained heat an order of magnitude weaker.
Hydrophobicity(describes the interaction of the material with water). As a rule, synthetic insulation materials are not hygroscopic, i.e. do not retain moisture. What can not be said about fluff. For insulation to be as versatile and effective as possible, it must keep warm in humid conditions.
Compression ability... One of the most important tasks of outdoor collectors backpack, pick up equipment as lightweight and compact as possible. The most important advantage of down products is their minimal volume when folded. Modern synthetic heaters, perhaps, are inferior to down in the degree of compression, but they are definitely close to it. Often vest or the jacket can be folded into your own pocket.

Elasticity... With regard to insulation, this is the ability to restore the original structure, in fact, volume. The structure of synthetic fibers often recovers faster than fluff... This is partly why down jackets often make inserts with synthetic insulation in the shoulder area and on the sides. jackets where the pressure is greatest.

Since and shoes will save your heat in different ways, depending on how much of this heat your body emits, then formulate purchase recommendations, it is precisely based on the degree of a person's supposed activity on the street in winter.

High activity

If you use clothes or shoes at temperatures up to -10-15 degrees Celsius, then when buying outerwear, you can limit yourself to insulation densities up to 100 grams. For shoes - a 200 gram seal will be quite comfortable.

At temperatures of -20-30 degrees Celsius, it is better to choose clothes with insulation with a density of 150-200 grams, with insulation up to 400 grams. You can, of course, buy shoes and with a denser insulation, but there is a high probability that with high physical activity in such shoes it will be simply hot. If you just want to have a "heat reserve" just in case, then it is better to buy shoes albeit with a denser insulation, but always using membrane fabrics that can remove excess heat.

Average activity

Up to -15 is quite suitable with 150-200 grams of insulation, perhaps even the range of 100-150 grams will be enough, but everything will depend on other clothes under the jacket. Shoes should be chosen in the range of insulation density - 200-400 grams.

From -15 degrees and below, for outerwear, insulation from 200 grams will already be advisable. If the activity is not related to sports and the size of outerwear is not fundamental, then in this case it is possible that even warmer clothes will turn out to be down jacket... As for footwear, here you should choose models with a heater with a density higher than 400 grams, but, probably, no more than 1000 grams, because. otherwise your feet will just sweat.

Low activity

Up to temperatures of -5-10 degrees, clothes with a heater of 200 grams may well be enough. At lower temperatures, it is still better to buy clothes with natural insulation ( fluff or a down / feather mixture).

As for shoes, in this case, up to -10-15 degrees is quite suitable or boots with insulation with a density of 600-1000 grams, at lower temperatures, you can already choose models with an insulation density of 1000+ grams.

Terminology used in English-language sources

As in any industry, there are a number of abbreviations and concepts in thermal insulation technology.
Loft is the thickness of the insulating layer.
Clo is a measure of warmth.
Thermalweight efficiency is the ratio of a measure of warmth to weight.
Compressibility - the degree of compression of the material under pressure.
Fiber blend - insulation composition. A mixture of fibers.

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Since clothes and shoes will save your heat in different ways, depending on how much of this heat your body emits, then it is worth formulating purchase recommendations based on the degree of a person's expected activity on the street in winter. High activity If you use clothes or shoes at temperatures up to -10-15 degrees Celsius, then when buying outerwear, you can limit yourself to insulation densities up to 100 grams. For shoes quite comfortable

PrimaLoft synthetic insulation was developed by Albany International for the US Army as a quality replacement for down for workwear and sleeping bags. To date, PrimaLoft insulation has reliably conquered the market not only for army clothing, but also for the outdoor market. Primaloft Inc. - a private company, whose field of work is the production and development of insulation and functional fabrics. The current headquarters are located in Latham, state

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Demi-season jacket (smok), outer layer Lining - light synthetic fabric, quick-drying, protects from the wind Large Canadian buttons (on a ribbon leg), difficult to tear off, easy to unfasten with thick gloves All the main seams are sewn (in the lock) with a chain stitch. All loaded places are reinforced with zigzag bartacks Free straight cut, specially designed for prying warm layers of warm thermal underwear, fleece jackets, light insulated jackets such as Base Primaloft) Central zipper and Velcro, a zipper strip along the entire length, protects from wind and chafing of the neck zip, outer strip to protect the zipper from clogging Extra high and wide collar. The hood is adjustable in three dimensions, the shape is comfortable when shooting, does not obstruct the view On the chest Velcro for attaching the name bands Cuffs with Velcro patches On the elbows Supplex reinforcement (100% nylon) to protect against rubbing, includes a removable shock-protective insert of an anatomical shape made of polyurethane foam Pockets: Napoleon pockets on the chest with zippers. Four front patch pockets with buttons. Large volume, bend of the entrance to protect against falling out of small objects. Internal organization (plastic half-rings, volumetric fabric pockets with a rubberized entrance) two side lower pockets of large volume, without a bend in the entrance (to facilitate access to the contents) sleeve pockets - volumetric, with a vertical zipper, Velcro top for attaching chevrons two internal pockets on a vertical zippers Drawstrings: inner tightening of the waist and bottom of the smok with an elastic cord, the extra ends of the cord are passed through special loops so as not to get in the way Material: NYCO Rip-stop, 50% cotton, 50% nylon Reinforcement -100% nylon Nylon Supplex fabric rip-stop TEM- 500 WR. Lightweight, not rustling, breathable and very durable for its weight Product weight: 46/170 size -1254 g 50/170 size -1358 g 54/182 size -1362 g 56-58 / 182 size -1389 g SIZE SELECTION: Download Sizing chart (.xlsx) for precise determination of the required size REVIEWS: Review from Green "a and Olga MAYBE YOU ARE INTERESTED IN:

Set of windproof smok (jacket) and warm liner with Primaloft ® Black insulation, which can be worn separately as a stand-alone jacket Smok: Can be worn with or without liner High and wide collar. Hood with a visor, into which plastic is inserted to give a rigid shape. For a careful adjustment of the hood, it has three adjustments.Front zipper with two locks, unfastens both from the top and bottom Windproof flap covering the front zipper Velcro cuffs for smooth adjustment of the wrist girth Frontal zipper and pockets fasten with Canadian buttons (on a ribbon leg) which are more reliable than conventional buttons. The buttons are large, so it is convenient to work with them in thick gloves. Volumetric pockets on the torso have a foldable entrance that protects the contents from falling out Pockets: 2 volumetric pockets on the chest 2 volumetric pockets at the bottom of the jacket 2 pockets "Napoleon" with zippers on the chest one flat pocket on the left sleeve and one inside on the left with a zipper Tightening: along the waist and bottom of the jacket, using elastic cords to protect against cold penetration under the clothes Lining: The lining is quilted together with insulation, which increases the service life of the clothes (the insulation remains in place when dry cleaning or washing ) Fastening to the smoky and fastening when worn as a separate jacket, is carried out with the help of comfortable lenticular buttons of the American model. Hood, adjustable to the oval of the face. For comfortable wearing, the inner part of the hood is trimmed with fleece. Ventilation holes on the armpits. Knitted cuffs for comfort. Inner pocket on the left with a zipper. 65% Polyester Smoka Lining: Thin Blend, 35% Cotton, 65% Polyester Main Lining Fabric: 100% Polyester Lining Insulation: Torso - Primaloft® Black 2 x 133 gsm 2 Sleeves - Primaloft® Black 2 x 80 gsm 2 Product weight: 46/176 size -1969 g 50/176 size -2097 g 54/182 size -2181 g 56-58 / 188 size -2439 g Also on the site are models of trousers with insulation Primaloft® MAYBE YOU'RE INTERESTED: We strongly recommend the use of front-loading washing machines, but if you own a top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash your clothes and equipment in a special mesh laundry bag to protect against possible damage parts of the drum of the washing machine. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the product while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray-on or machine-wash formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash-proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR repair products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry.

Set of windproof smok (jacket) and warm liner with Primaloft ® Black insulation, which can be worn separately as a stand-alone jacket Smok: Can be worn with or without liner High and wide collar. A hood with a visor, into which plastic is inserted to give a rigid shape. For a careful adjustment of the hood, it has three adjustments.Front zipper with two locks, unfastens both from the top and bottom Windproof flap covering the front zipper Velcro cuffs for smooth adjustment of the wrist girth Frontal zipper and pockets fastened with Canadian buttons (on a ribbon leg) buttons which are more reliable than conventional buttons. The buttons are large, so it is convenient to work with them in thick gloves. Volumetric pockets on the torso have a foldable entrance that protects the contents from falling out Pockets: 2 volumetric pockets on the chest 2 volumetric pockets at the bottom of the jacket 2 Napoleon pockets with zippers on the chest one flat pocket on the left sleeve and one inside on the left with a zipper Tightening: along the waist and bottom of the jacket, using elastic cords to protect against cold penetration under the clothes Lining: The lining is quilted together with insulation, which increases the service life of the clothes (the insulation remains in place when dry cleaning or washing ) Fastening to the smoky and fastening when worn as a separate jacket, is carried out with the help of comfortable lenticular buttons of the American model. Hood, adjustable to the oval of the face. For comfortable wearing, the inner part of the hood is trimmed with fleece. Ventilation holes on the armpits. Knitted cuffs for comfort. Inner pocket on the left with a zipper. 65% Polyester Smoka Lining: Thin Blend, 35% Cotton, 65% Polyester Main Lining Fabric: 100% Polyester Lining Insulation: Torso - Primaloft® Black 2 x 133 gsm 2 Sleeves - Primaloft® Black 2 x 80 gsm 2 Product weight: 46/176 size -1969 g 50/176 size -2097 g 54/182 size -2181 g 56-58 / 188 size -2439 g Also on the site are models of trousers with insulation Primaloft ® YOU MAY BE INTERESTED: We strongly recommend the use of front-loading washing machines, but if you own a top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash your clothes and equipment in a special mesh laundry bag to protect against possible damage parts of the washing machine drum. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash in a delicate mode at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the garment while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray-on or machine-wash formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR recovery products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry.

Upper material - Thickened genuine chrome leather Lining - Alpine synthetic material Insulation - Primaloft ® Eco Footwear 200 g / m 2 Outsole - Vibram ® Commandos, molded from special. rubber, heat-resistant, petrol- and oil-proof Sole attachment method - dopple-glue (analogue of welt-stitched with reinforcement of the heel with brass nails) Insole unit is made of hydrophobic material Ankle-leg height -23 cm Valve ("Tongue") - Solid, high Lacing - Accelerated - on hinges and hooks Toe - Reinforced with thermoplastic material (TM) Back - Rigid, molded instep - Metal Weight (pair 42 r.) 1.32 kg Sizes -40-46 (6-12 imperial size system) Insulation: Primaloft ® Eco Footwear 200 g / m 2

Set of windproof smok (jacket) and warm liner with Primaloft ® Black insulation, which can be worn separately as a stand-alone jacket Smok: Can be worn with or without liner High and wide collar. Hood with a visor, into which plastic is inserted to give a rigid shape. For a careful adjustment of the hood, it has three adjustments.Front zipper with two locks, unfastens both from the top and bottom Windproof flap covering the front zipper Velcro cuffs for smooth adjustment of the wrist girth Frontal zipper and pockets fasten with Canadian buttons (on a ribbon leg) which are more reliable than conventional buttons. The buttons are large, so it is convenient to work with them in thick gloves. Volumetric pockets on the torso have a foldable entrance that protects the contents from falling out Pockets: 2 volumetric pockets on the chest 2 volumetric pockets at the bottom of the jacket 2 pockets "Napoleon" with zippers on the chest one flat pocket on the left sleeve and one inside on the left with a zipper Tightening: along the waist and bottom of the jacket, using elastic cords to protect against cold penetration under the clothes Lining: The lining is quilted together with insulation, which increases the service life of the clothes (the insulation remains in place when dry cleaning or washing ) Fastening to the smoky and fastening when worn as a separate jacket, is carried out with the help of comfortable lenticular buttons of the American model. Hood, adjustable to the oval of the face. For comfortable wearing, the inner part of the hood is trimmed with fleece. Ventilation holes on the armpits. Knitted cuffs for comfort. Inner pocket on the left with a zipper. 65% Polyester Smoka Lining: Thin Blend, 35% Cotton, 65% Polyester Main Lining Fabric: 100% Polyester Lining Insulation: Torso - Primaloft® Black 2 x 133 gsm 2 Sleeves - Primaloft® Black 2 x 80 gsm 2 Product weight: 46/176 size -1969 g 50/176 size -2097 g 54/182 size -2181 g 56-58 / 188 size -2439 g Also on the site are models of trousers with insulation Primaloft® MAYBE YOU'RE INTERESTED: We strongly recommend the use of front-loading washing machines, but if you own a top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash your clothes and equipment in a special mesh laundry bag to protect against possible damage parts of the drum of the washing machine. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the product while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray-on or machine-wash formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash-proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR repair products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry.

Very light warmed trousers - can be used as a stand-alone product or as an insulating layer under HardShell, SoftShell in winter Trousers are slightly narrowed towards the bottom The back of the belt is enlarged The inner part of the belt is made of Polartec® 100 fabric Belt with elastic on the sides Thin belt loops 2 side pockets Gusset Articulated knees Material: Upper: TORAY - EVOLUTION 20, 44 * 22 DTEX NYLON, micro rip-stop Diamond Insulation: Primaloft® Silver 1 × 60 g / m 2 Breathability - 0.7 cm 3 / cm 2 / sec Fabric weight -37 g / m 2 Product weight: 44-46 / 170 rr -281 g 48-50 / 176 rr -305 g 52-54 / 182 rr -328 g Also on the site are models of jackets with insulation Primaloft ® SIZING: Download Sizing chart (.xlsx) for precise determination of the required size Sitting at the desk in the office, we dream of the fjords of Greenland, a beautiful ascent to a mysterious peak or a fish weighing from a small whale. Having finally broken free of the city walls, we begin to dream of comfort, home warmth and a hot dinner. A dream, appearing in its material embodiment, often disappoints or turns out to be not so cloudless. In our case, this will not happen. Low-rise trousers gently warm, and at the same time do not press with their weight (48 solution weighs only 247 g) and do not constrain movement. Depending on the weather or the intensity of your movement, you can wear them as outer pants, wear them in the evening in a bivouac, or wear them under a windscreen. Just a simple listing of the materials from which the trousers are made sounds, for the initiated, like music. TORAY - EVOLUTION 20, 44 * 22 DTEX NYLON, micro rip-stop Diamond without a film layer - very lightweight, durable, keeps the wind and “breathes” during active movement, and its moisture-proof impregnation protects against splashes and dry snow. Long-fiber Primaloft ® Silver, slightly yielding to down in terms of thermal characteristics, better than most insulation materials, returns its volume after repeated washing and drying. In addition, it is water-repellent and breathable, dries quickly and warms even when wet. All these qualities make it possible to use clothes with this insulation where the fluff does not work, that is, in places with high humidity. You quickly get used to the convenience, but the Quantum trousers are a long-lasting pleasure. Enjoy, advise and give to your friends and loved ones. We strongly recommend using front-loading washing machines, but if you own a top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash clothes and equipment in a special mesh laundry bag to protect them from possible damage from parts of the washing machine drum. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the product while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray-on or machine-wash formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash-proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR repair products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry. REVIEWS: Review on the site "Russel"

Consists of two parts: trousers and detachable liner Pants: Can be worn with or without liner Elastic detachable suspenders included. With height-adjustable Velcro fastening to single-slot buckles sewn to the waist at the sides. You can unfasten the suspenders without removing the jacket. High belt, fastens with two buttons, a wide elastic is sewn on the sides for tightening. Loops on the wrong side for attaching an insulating lining Fly with a zipper Pleats in the knee area give extra freedom when moving Reinforcing pads on the knees and in the sitting area The bottom of the trousers is pulled with an elastic cord to protect against cold penetration under clothes and snow into shoes, adjustment with a fastener sewn from the inside of the zipper on the sides of the bottom of the trousers for the convenience of putting on shoes. Under the side cargo pockets there is a small loop of the lace for tying the OZK protective stockings. The buttons are large, which makes them comfortable to work with in thick gloves Pockets: 2 cut-in hand pockets 2 large cargo pockets on the sides 2 flat back pockets Fastening to trousers and a fly with comfortable lenticular buttons of the American style the belt does not have a drawstring or belt loops. The bottom of the trousers has knitted cuffs for comfort. Buttons on the belt for attaching to the trousers. 65% polyester Main lining fabric: 100% polyester Insulation: Primaloft ® Black 2 × 133 g / m 2 Item weight: 46/176 size -1114 g 48/176 size -1145 g 50/176 size - 1175 g 54/182 size -1218 g 58/188 size -1257 g Also on the site are models of jackets with Primaloft ® insulation MAYBE YOU WILL BE INTERESTED IN: We strongly recommend using front-loading washing machines, if You are the owner of a top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash clothes and equipment in a special mesh bag for washing to protect against possible damage from parts of the drum of the washing machine. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the product while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray-on or machine-wash formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash-proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR repair products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry.

Consists of two parts: trousers and detachable liner Pants: Can be worn with or without liner Elastic detachable suspenders included. With height-adjustable Velcro fastening to single-slot buckles sewn to the waist at the sides. You can unfasten the suspenders without removing the jacket. High belt, fastens with two buttons, a wide elastic is sewn on the sides for tightening. Loops on the wrong side for attaching an insulating lining Fly with a zipper Pleats in the knee area give extra freedom when moving Reinforcing pads on the knees and in the sitting area The bottom of the trousers is pulled with an elastic cord to protect against cold penetration under clothes and snow into shoes, adjustment with a fastener sewn from the inside of the zipper on the sides of the bottom of the trousers for the convenience of putting on shoes. Under the side cargo pockets there is a small loop of the lace for tying the OZK protective stockings. The buttons are large, which makes them comfortable to work with in thick gloves Pockets: 2 cut-in hand pockets 2 large cargo pockets on the sides 2 flat back pockets Fastening to trousers and a fly with comfortable lenticular buttons of the American style the belt does not have a drawstring or belt loops. The bottom of the trousers has knitted cuffs for comfort. Buttons on the belt for attaching to the trousers. 65% polyester Main lining fabric: 100% polyester Insulation: Primaloft ® Black 2 × 133 g / m 2 Item weight: 46/176 size -1114 g 48/176 size -1145 g 50/176 size - 1175 g 54/182 size -1218 g 58/188 size -1257 g Also on the site are models of jackets with Primaloft ® insulation MAYBE YOU WILL BE INTERESTED IN: We strongly recommend using front-loading washing machines, if You are the owner of a top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash clothes and equipment in a special mesh bag for washing to protect against possible damage from parts of the drum of the washing machine. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the product while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray-on or machine-wash formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash-proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR repair products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry.

Winter jacket designed for the city. Suitable for many types of winter outdoor Light, warm, comfortable, high-tech jacket with a modern design. This model uses the most modern materials Pockets, hood, collar and center placket are finished with soft and pleasant to the touch SoftShell material Hood - removable, has cuffs along the volume and oval of the face The inner part of the collar is made of Polartec ® fleece (micro-velor) Inner warm protective strap Bracing on the bottom of the jacket Additional lycra cuffs on the sleeves Pockets: 2 lower pockets, one chest pocket and one sleeve pocket, one inner zip pocket, one inner stretch mesh pocket Material: NYLON 6.6 Down Proof full dull, 30D, micro rip-stop Diamond, Teflon DWR, cire. Fabric weight -40 g / m 2 Insulation: Primaloft ® Silver 2 × 100 g / m 2 Breathability - 0.7 cm 3 / cm 2 / sec Product weight: 44-46 / 170-176 size -896 g 48- 50 / 170-176 size -924 g 52-54 / 170-176 size -953 g Also on the site are models of trousers with Primaloft ® insulation It is difficult to suspect this stylish jacket in adventurous inclinations. However, this is the case. She is very versatile. People who are accustomed to sports style have to adapt to society. It is not always convenient to come in a puff to business meetings, to meet the parents of a beloved girl who hate extreme sportsmen and life-seekers, and under "Stout" you can easily wear a jacket. Warm, lightweight, comfortable city jacket. But this is only one side of the coin. On the other hand, all the elements of combat jackets are present. Two coats of Primaloft® Silver will keep you warm on vacation after a tough transition, at a ski resort or on a road trip. The ultrafine fibers of this material are more similar to the structure of the fibers of the fluff than any other synthetic fiber, which gives it the thermal properties of the fluff. In addition, Primaloft® Silver is water-repellent and breathable, dries quickly and warms even when wet. Due to the compressive properties of the material, the jacket can be folded into a small bundle, after which it completely restores its previous volume. On the inside of the jacket, the back is sewn from the magical Termo Ten material, which allows the body's evaporation to pass through, but reflects and thus returns warmth to the back. Detachable hood trimmed with Soft Shell fabric, adjustable for head and face contours. Stand-up collar lined with soft Polartec ®. The zip is protected by a windbreak, the bottom of the jacket is pulled back, and the Lycra cuffs stop wind from breaking through the adjustable sleeve. All this will keep you from freezing in the city and will give you the feeling of being at home on the go. We strongly recommend the use of front-loading washing machines, but if you own a top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash your clothes and equipment in a special mesh laundry bag to protect them from possible damage from parts of the washing machine drum. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the product while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray-on or machine-wash formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash-proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR repair products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry. REVIEWS: Review on the site "Russel"

Consists of two parts: trousers and detachable liner Pants: Can be worn with or without liner Elastic detachable suspenders included. With height-adjustable Velcro fastening to single-slot buckles sewn to the waist at the sides. You can unfasten the suspenders without removing the jacket. High belt, fastens with two buttons, a wide elastic is sewn on the sides for tightening. Loops on the wrong side for attaching an insulating lining Fly with a zipper Pleats in the knee area give extra freedom when moving Reinforcing pads on the knees and in the sitting area The bottom of the trousers is pulled with an elastic cord to protect against cold penetration under clothes and snow into shoes, adjustment with a fastener sewn from the inside of the zipper on the sides of the bottom of the trousers for the convenience of putting on shoes. Under the side cargo pockets there is a small loop of the lace for tying the OZK protective stockings. The buttons are large, which makes them comfortable to work with in thick gloves Pockets: 2 cut-in hand pockets 2 large cargo pockets on the sides 2 flat back pockets Fastening to trousers and a fly with comfortable lenticular buttons of the American style the belt does not have a drawstring or belt loops. The bottom of the trousers has knitted cuffs for comfort. Buttons on the belt for attaching to the trousers. 65% polyester Main lining fabric: 100% polyester Insulation: Primaloft ® Black 2 × 133 g / m 2 Item weight: 46/176 size -1114 g 48/176 size -1145 g 50/176 size - 1175 g 54/182 size -1218 g 58/188 size -1257 g Also on the site are models of jackets with Primaloft ® insulation MAYBE YOU WILL BE INTERESTED IN: We strongly recommend using front-loading washing machines, if You are the owner of a top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash clothes and equipment in a special mesh bag for washing to protect against possible damage from parts of the drum of the washing machine. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the product while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray-on or machine-wash formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash-proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR repair products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry.

Insulated packable jacket, typical seventh layer of military multilayer clothing systems (analogous to ECWCS, PCU, VKPO). Increased strength. Carried in a backpack, packed in a compression bag, worn on top of basic clothing during parking. Includes a simple packaging bag, cylindrical, with a paracord entry tightening and a Duraflex® lock. Attention! Long-term storage in compressed form is not recommended. Packing in a bag should be done by randomly creasing the jacket, and not carefully rolling it up, because at the same time, the insulation is minimally deformed Free cut with a margin, it means putting on over warm thermal underwear and a demi-season suit (fifth layer), and possibly over the unloading system. The entire height of the zipper is covered from the inside with an insulated bar to protect it from the wind. The neck bar is lined with velor for comfort, and the top folds outward to protect the chin. Slim, symmetrical Cordura® fabric strips cover the outside of the zip to keep out snow. At the bottom, from the inside, there is a button closure that relieves the load from the zipper. Simple collar that goes into the hood. Small visor, elastic cord tightening around the face with Duraflex ® locks and vertical adjustment with Velcro patches. Hand pockets, insulated, entrance is at an optimal angle. On a tractor zipper, with a comfortable grip from the webbing. The zip is covered with a snow strip and opens up from the bottom to minimize open space. Large enough to fit inside warm accessories such as hats and mittens In the belly area, large internal mesh pockets with an open rubberized top, are convenient for drying gloves or socks. On the left chest there is an inner pocket for documents and electronics, with easy access with a vertical zip. Raglan sleeve, shoulders are reinforced with Cordura ® fabric overlays. Sleeve pockets with entrance on a vertical tractor zipper with tape grips, the outside of the zipper is covered with narrow symmetrical strips. Slim profile. There is a pleat at the back for volume. Velcro for attaching chevrons (10 × 15 cm) is made of a special soft Velcro fabric by laser cutting, its edges are not scratched, and it does not puff up due to rigidity Elbows are reinforced with Cordura ® fabric pads to the wrists Cuffs are rubberized and additionally adjustable with Velcro patches ... Durability pads are made of Cordura® fabric. Above there are small loops for hanging mittens (for example, included in the VKPO kit). The bottom is pulled by an elastic cord with adjustable Duraflex ® latches on the sides. Drawstring in Cordura® fabric to resist chafing. Seat area reinforced with Cordura® fabric. All Velcro is reinforced. On the outer surface of the trousers, all trimming is done with extra strong COATS Nylbond nylon thread (designed for equipment). Loaded areas are reinforced with zigzag bartacks Plastic fittings Duraflex® Material: Insulation: Shelter ® Sport, 150 + 60 g / m2 (body), 150 g / m2 (sleeves, hood collar). Top-end insulation of domestic production, a complete analogue of Primaloft ® Sport / Silver. Highly resistant to deformation, designed for use in packable sleeping bags and clothing Main fabric: 100% nylon 40d, lightweight yet durable windproof fabric with water-repellent DWR surface treatment Reinforcement fabric: Cordura® (100% nylon) 500d, extra strong fabric, no PU coating on the reverse side (breathable), with a water-repellent DWR surface treatment Lining fabric: 100% nylon 30d, thin lightweight fabric with Rip-stop reinforcement and back calendering We strongly recommend using front-loading washing machines if you own top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash clothes and equipment in a special mesh washing bag to protect against possible damage from parts of the washing machine drum. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the product while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray-on or machine-wash formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash-proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR repair products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry.

Warm and lightweight trousers, designed for both urban use and many outdoor activities in winter. Good for winter hikes, also suitable for skiing Thick, abrasion-resistant fabric Insulation - one layer Primaloft ® Silver 100 Ergonomic fit, high waist at the back to protect from the cold Wide, adjustable belt with the ability to use a belt 5-5.5 cm Inner part of the belt is made of velor Articulated knees Reinforcement at the bottom of the trousers Zippers and Velcro patches at the bottom of the sides Can be used together with Universal suspenders Pockets: 2 side pockets with zippers 1 hip pocket with zipper Material: 100% Polyester Finish WR Kudos FP Weight: 110 g / m 2 Abrasion resistance: 5000 cycles Insulation: Primaloft ® Silver 100 g / m 2 Attention! The trousers from the old batches have 2 zipped hip pockets. We kindly ask you to clarify the design details when buying or ordering through the online store of the "SPLAV" Company. Also on the site are models of jackets with Primaloft® insulation. , the snowy plains were tired of expectation - when we said goodbye, we promised to return to them. The edges of the skis are already sharpened, the dogs are tangling the lines of the sleds and the buer is flapping the sails. We will meet soon and paint the snow-primed canvases with our footprints. And let the snow continue! Warm, durable and wear-resistant Highlander trousers are a pleasure to travel, play sports, walk or play snowballs with your child. The trousers are made of dense Polyester fabric, which makes them lightweight, durable and wear-resistant (Abrasion resistance: 5000 cycles). Keeping the wind at bay, they gently warm thanks to the high-tech warm and lightweight Primaloft® Sport insulation (100 g / m2). Long-fiber Primaloft® Silver, slightly yielding to down in terms of thermal characteristics, better than most insulation materials, returns its volume after repeated washing and drying. In addition, it is water-repellent and breathable, dries quickly and warms even when wet. All these qualities make it possible to use clothes with this insulation where the fluff does not work, that is, in places with high humidity. A wide, ergonomic-cut belt covering the lower back, which is trimmed from the inside with soft velor, also protects from the cold. And from getting snow into boots, snow-protective gaiters. Articulated knees, reinforcement along the bottom of the trousers and zippers on the bottom are aimed at comfort and durability, allowing you to slip on the boots freely. We will be glad if you like Highlander. Appropriate clothing in winter is at least half of the success of a conceived venture. We strongly recommend using front-loading washing machines, but if you own a top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash clothes and equipment in a special mesh laundry bag to protect them from possible damage from parts of the washing machine drum. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the product while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray-on or machine-wash formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash-proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR repair products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry. REVIEWS: Review from Survival Panda Review on the site "Russel"

Versatile, very lightweight and warm jacket. It is mainly intended for outdoor activities in winter, late autumn and early spring, but it will be just as comfortable in the city. The jacket can also be used as an insulating layer. The site presents a version of the "Barrier" jacket without a hood. Anatomical fit One-piece underarm inserts provide additional freedom of movement Tight-fitting hood with elasticated band Protective strip under the central zipper with chin protection from chafing Sleeves with elastic band Cinch at the bottom of the jacket Pockets: one chest pocket and two side pockets one inner zip pocket Material: Top: 100 % DWR-impregnated nylon Lining: 100% nylon Insulation: Primaloft® Silver 1 × 100 g / m2 Product weight: 40-42 / 158-164-410 g 48-50 / 170-176-435 g 52-54 / 182 -188-465 g Also on the site are models of trousers with Primaloft ® insulation Precaution: When using a jacket as the main outerwear, avoid excessive mechanical stress and use equipment with caution (backpack straps, etc.) SIZE: Download You can love winter and be philosophical about the vagaries of the weather. The hardest thing is to come to terms with the bulky, heavy clothes that replace the summer emancipation. The "Barrier" jacket helps to avoid the autumn depression. This lightweight jacket provides warmth as naturally as animal skins. Thanks to its Primaloft® Silver insulation, a durable, elastic, water-repellent and windproof upper (100% DWR-impregnated nylon) and a hood, it is ideal as an outerwear. One coat of Primaloft® Silver (100 g / m2) is enough to feel comfortable outdoors in the off-season. When the temperature drops, the jacket can be worn with a vest or windscreen, which greatly expands the range of its use. Long-fiber Primaloft® Silver, slightly yielding to down in terms of thermal characteristics, better than most insulation materials, returns its volume after repeated washing and drying. In addition, it is water-repellent and breathable, dries quickly and warms even when wet. All these qualities make it possible to use clothes with this insulation where the fluff does not work, that is, in places with high humidity. The calendered nylon lining is very soft and pleasant to the touch, windproof and breathable. Anatomical cut and one-piece armpit inserts increase freedom of movement and allow the jacket to fit more tightly to the figure, which cannot but please people who prefer an active lifestyle. Everything is logical, streamlined and convenient. The absence of protruding parts, elastic tape on the sleeves instead of thick cuffs, protection of the chin from the zipper make using the jacket as an inner insulating layer pleasant and not burdensome. At the same time, a soft-fitting hood with elastic edging, roomy side pockets, comfortable zippers, and non-through seams are essential elements of an outer jacket. We strongly recommend using front-loading washing machines, but if you own a top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash clothes and equipment in a special mesh laundry bag to protect them from possible damage from parts of the washing machine drum. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the product while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray-on or machine-wash formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash-proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR repair products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry.

Anorak-trimmed sweater is a great option for a warming layer for the most extreme conditions. The site presents a version of the "Stealth" anorak jacket with a hood. Jacket has very low packing volume and weight Sleeves and bottom are rubberized for a better fit Internal protective strip 2 external side pockets with zippers Ideal for use in damp cold conditions Anorak outperforms Polartec® Thermal Pro® jackets, while being significantly lighter in weight and volume Material: Top: TORAY - EVOLUTION 20, 44 * 22 DTEX NYLON, micro rip-stop Diamond Breathability - 0.7 cm 3 / cm 2 / sec Fabric weight -37 g / m 2 Insulation: Primaloft ® Silver -60 g / m2 Packed size: ∅11 × 15 cm (volume -1.4 l) Product weight: 44-46 / 158-164 size -245 g 48-50 / 170-176 size -295 g 52-54 / 182-188 solution -361 g Attention! Long-term storage in a compressed form is not recommended. Also on the site are models of trousers with Primaloft ® insulation. at the price of additional discounts, SIZE SELECTION: Download you have only a spoon for dishes, with a sigh you take out the only fleece from your backpack. Do not despair! We can offer you a better option! Warm and cozy Stealth anorak with Primaloft® Silver insulation, noticeably lighter than Polartec jackets or knitted sweaters and folds into a small packing bag. The long-fiber Primaloft® Silver used in the jacket as insulation is lighter than down, and although inferior to it in thermal characteristics, it behaves much better in high humidity conditions, since it has water-repellent and "breathable" properties, dries quickly and warms even in a wet state ... In addition, Primaloft® Silver recovers its volume better than most insulation materials after repeated washing and drying. Anorak upper fabric: SOLL N-100% 20D * 40D fabric without a film layer - weightless, durable, keeps the wind and "breathes" during active movement, therefore, despite the fact that the anorak is conceived as the second - insulating layer of clothing, it is quite Can be used as an outer jacket in cool weather. Lining - very light nylon Jacket fabric (36g / m2) Anorak, breathes well and dries quickly when wet, which makes it an excellent option for active people. The absence of a hood, unnecessary details and heavy accessories, edging elastic bands instead of tight cuffs on the sleeves and bottom of the jacket, a short zipper, in combination with light materials make it airy and light. Thanks to the thoughtful cut, the anorak does not restrict movement and gently warms under the storm jacket. Stealth is especially relevant for cavers who spend most of their lives in underground camps, and extreme tourists. We strongly recommend using front-loading washing machines, but if you own a top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash clothes and equipment in a special mesh laundry bag to protect them from possible damage from parts of the washing machine drum. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the product while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray-on or machine-wash formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash-proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR repair products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry. REVIEWS:

A beautiful and comfortable women's jacket designed for the off-season. Has a wide range of uses. It can be used both as an independent product and as an insulating layer. Suitable for any kind of outdoor activity, as well as for use in urban environments. The site presents a version of the women's jacket "Resolve" with a hood. The shelf, back and sleeves are made in the form of a "sandwich" of the upper stretch fabric, with protection from rain and wind, 1 layer of Primaloft® Silver 100 and lining fabric. Side and sleeve inserts are made of special Polartec® Power Stretch® Pro ™ with a resistant to surface abrasion. These inserts provide additional ventilation and freedom of movement, due to good stretching of the fabric. Elastic bands are inserted at the bottom of the side parts to maintain the shape of the product during use. Comfortable soft collar that fits the neck. Upper: 100% nylon Lining: 100% nylon Insulation: Primaloft® Silver 1 × 100 g / m2 Item weight: 40-42 / 158-164-335 g 46 / 158-164-345 g 48 / 164-170-368 g 52-54 / 170-176-400 g Also on the site are models of trousers with Primaloft ® insulation Precaution: When using a jacket as the main outerwear, avoid excessive mechanical stress and use equipment with caution (backpack straps, etc.) For goods with a red price, additional discounts do not apply. SIZE SELECTION: Download Girls in shabby windbreakers and flannel ski suits smile at us from faded photos ... In their wildest dreams, they could imagine that their reckless granddaughters would wear a bright, weightless, elastic warm jacket instead of an elongated sweater. Yes, and not so long ago we were looking forward to the appearance of such jackets in our store. Please welcome! The bright, stylish "Resolve" jacket will adorn the windy, wild beaches of the seaside in summer, in the warm off-season it will be appropriate both on rocky paths and on city streets. Primaloft® Silver insulation and a durable, elastic and windproof upper (20D nylon (polyamide) with Lycra) make it a complete outerwear. As an insulating layer under the wind protection, the jacket warms you comfortably and gently without creating any discomfort. Everything is logical, streamlined and comfortable - there are no bulging details, elastic tape on the cuffs of the sleeves, pockets hidden in the seams, a collar that fits tightly around the neck. Due to the fact that the side and sleeve panels are made of elastic Polartec® Power Stretch® Pro ™ with an abrasion-resistant surface, the jacket is breathable and does not restrict movement. Thus, despite her unconditional femininity, she is suitable for the most active representatives of the fair sex. The long-fiber Primaloft® Silver used in the jacket as insulation is lighter than down, and although inferior to it in thermal characteristics, it behaves much better in high humidity conditions, since it has water-repellent and "breathable" properties, dries quickly and warms even in a wet state ... In addition, Primaloft® Silver recovers its volume better than most insulation materials after repeated washing and drying. Live actively and joyfully, and we will gladly help you with this! We strongly recommend using front-loading washing machines, but if you own a top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash clothes and equipment in a special mesh laundry bag to protect them from possible damage from parts of the washing machine drum. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the product while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray-on or machine-wash formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash-proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR repair products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry. REVIEWS:

A very warm and light winter jacket. Designed mainly for urban use in winter and for many outdoor activities. Modern comfortable cut and many pockets will make this thing irreplaceable in winter The jacket is made of rather lightweight and very abrasion-resistant fabric. The shoulder part is reinforced with thick textured TSW824 fabric from Toray Attention! Highlander jacket mod. 2 in tundra is made entirely of base material. There are no shoulder reinforcements. The detachable hood has a drawdown in two directions - along the face oval and in volume. The inner part of the collar is made of soft velor. The sleeves have inner Lycra cuffs, additional elastic band and patches for adjustment. In jackets of 2016, the inner placket has a warm seam, which prevents heat loss through the central zipper Elongated backrest Central zipper 2-zip Colored decorative elements Pockets: additional pockets on the sleeves - on the right shoulder, on the left in the lower part of the sleeve 2 external chest pockets 2 external side pockets pockets additional chest pocket under the outer placket one large inner pocket made of knitted mesh one inner pocket with a zipper Tightening: inner drawstring at the waist drawstring at the bottom of the jacket Material: 100% Polyester Finishing WR Kudos FP Weight: 110 g / m 2 Abrasion resistance: 5000 cycles Insulation: Primaloft ® Silver 133 g / m2 + 80 g / m2 Product weight: 44-46 / 170-176 size -1060 g 48-50 / 170-176 size -1158 g 52-54 / 182-188 size -1238 g Also on the site are models of trousers with Primaloft ® insulation SIZE SELECTION: Download cold wind, especially since the two-way front zipper is located between the two protective strips. The new model is also reinforced with Toray's thick TSW824 textured fabric on the shoulder, collar and hood. You can fearlessly wear heavy backpacks, bags, skis on your shoulder, in addition, the collar keeps its shape perfectly and is not blown out. In contrast to the dense fabric of the upper, the lining of the jacket, decorated with decorative elements and the Alloy Company logos, is delicate, lightweight and breathable. The elongated back and comfortable grips of the zippers are also significant for winter. A detachable hood, adjustable in volume and face contour, in combination with a padded velor collar, protects the head and face from cold and wind. Hood puffs snap into place. Articulated sleeves at the elbow, with inner Lycra cuffs, adjustable with patches. As a jacket insulation - two layers of light and voluminous, like the natural Primaloft ® Silver down. Primaloft® Silver is water-repellent and breathable, dries quickly and warms even when wet. Due to its long-fiber structure, the filler is better than most heaters to regain its volume even after repeated washing and drying. Combined with the dense outer fabric, two layers of this material are sufficient for cold weather. The original Alloy Company patch becomes the finishing touch to the stylish look of the jacket. We strongly recommend using front-loading washing machines, but if you own a top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash clothes and equipment in a special mesh laundry bag to protect them from possible damage from parts of the washing machine drum. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the product while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray-on or machine-wash formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash-proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR repair products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry.

Insulated packable self-discharge trousers, a typical seventh layer of military multilayer clothing systems (analogous to ECWCS, PCU, VKPO). Increased strength. Carried in a backpack, packed in a compression bag, worn on top of basic clothing during parking. Includes a simple packaging bag, cylindrical, with a paracord entry tightening and a Duraflex® lock. Attention! Long-term storage in compressed form is not recommended. Packing in a bag should be done by randomly crushing the trousers, and not carefully rolling them, because at the same time, the insulation is minimally deformed Free cut, it is meant to be worn over warm thermal underwear and a demi-season suit (fifth layer). Full-height side zippers, fully detachable, allow you to quickly put on trousers without taking off your shoes. Reliable large tractor zipper, fastened with comfortable braid grips for working with warm gloves. The zipper is covered from the inside with a bar for protection from wind and biting. Knees with darts for articulation, reinforced with overlays made of Cordura ® fabric. The bottom of the trousers is pulled together with sewn-in wide elastic bands and additional Velcro patches that take the load off the side zipper. There is a small volume adjustment for use with winter shoes with thick tops. Reinforcement with Cordura ® fabric patches in the most wiped areas - on the inside of the legs, on the wrong side of the bottom at the point of contact with the shoes, and the bottom patches are also made of reinforced fabric The zipper of the fly is lengthened and unzips both at the top and bottom for ease of use with many interfering layers clothes The belt is rubberized. Fastens at the front with two buttons. Belt loops available for trouser belt widths up to 50 mm. On the sides there are wide stitches with Velcro and buttons that relieve stress from the side zipper. Sewn to the stitches fastenings of the suspenders. Suspenders of the "hill" type with an easily accessible side fastening by means of Velcro and a small height adjustment. Due to the fact that the suspenders are attached to the front half of the trousers, the back half can be unfastened like a sanitary flap. The seat area is reinforced with Cordura® fabrics. All main seams are made with double stitching. All Velcro is reinforced. On the outer surface of the trousers, all trimming is done with extra strong COATS Nylbond nylon thread (designed for equipment). Loaded areas are reinforced with zigzag bartacks Plastic fittings Duraflex ® Material: Insulation: Shelter ® Sport, 150 g / m2 (over the entire area of ​​the trousers). Top-end insulation of domestic production, a complete analogue of Primaloft ® Sport / Silver. Highly resistant to deformation, designed for use in packable sleeping bags and clothing Main fabric: 100% nylon 40d, lightweight yet durable windproof fabric with water-repellent DWR surface treatment Reinforcement fabric: Cordura® (100% nylon) 500d, extra strong fabric, no PU coating on the reverse side (breathable), with a water-repellent DWR surface treatment Lining fabric: 100% nylon 30d, thin lightweight fabric with Rip-stop reinforcement and calendering on the wrong side Product weight: 44-46 / 170-176 size -916 g 48- 50 / 170-176 size -929 g 48-50 / 182-188 size -981 g Cover weight -30 g SIZE SELECTION: Download

This model differs from the "Resolve" vest only in the absence of a hood, which is very comfortable if we wear a vest as outerwear, but often gets in the way under thick jackets. , 1 layer of Primaloft® Silver 100 and lining. Side panels are made of special Polartec® Power Stretch® Pro ™ with an abrasion-resistant surface. These inserts provide additional ventilation and provide freedom of movement due to good elasticity of the fabric Elastic bands are inserted at the bottom of the side parts to maintain the shape of the product during use Rubberized sleeves Pockets: 2 lower side zipped pockets 1 chest pocket with a zipper Material: Top: 100% nylon Lining : 100% nylon Insulation: Primaloft ® Silver 1 × 100 g / m 2 SIZE SELECTION: Download Size chart (.xlsx) for precise determination of the required size Warm, weightless and thin, "Resolve" 2, in terms of design and purpose it is closest to down sweaters. However, thanks to its Primaloft® Silver insulation, as well as the durable, elastic, water-repellent and windproof upper (20D nylon (polyamide) with Lycra), the vest is also good as an outerwear. By the way, he looks very cute and it's even a pity to hide him under a storm jacket. Long-fiber Primaloft® Silver, slightly yielding to down in terms of thermal characteristics, better than most insulation materials, returns its volume after repeated washing and drying. In addition, it is water-repellent and breathable, dries quickly and warms even when wet. All these qualities make it possible to use clothes with this insulation where the fluff does not work, that is, in places with high humidity. One layer of Primaloft® Silver (100 g / m 2) is enough to feel comfortable outside in cool weather, and if you wear the "Resolve" vest with the jacket of the same name, the temperature range of use becomes even wider. The calendered nylon lining is very soft and pleasant to the touch, windproof and breathable. The design of the vest will delight athletes and people who prefer an active lifestyle. The abrasion-resistant Polartec® Power Stretch® Pro ™ inserts on the inner sleeve and sidewall of the jacket increase freedom of movement, allow the jacket to fit snugly and provide excellent breathability. Everything is logical, streamlined and convenient. The absence of protruding parts, elastic band on the armholes, protection of the chin from the zipper make the use of the vest as an inner insulating layer pleasant and not burdensome. Capacious side pockets that hide in the side seams and the top beveled zipper pocket, comfortable zipper grip, no through seams are necessary if the vest is used as an outer layer of clothing. We highly recommend this vest and we hope you will love it. We strongly recommend using front-loading washing machines, but if you own a top-loading machine, it is recommended to wash clothes and equipment in a special mesh laundry bag to protect them from possible damage from parts of the washing machine drum. Before washing, close all zippers and velcro fasteners and completely relax all adjustments. If the upper fabric is membrane, then it is better to wash the product with the lining facing out (turned inside out). Wash on a delicate cycle at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinses to make sure that all residual detergent is removed from the fabric and insulation) and spin at medium speed. It is permissible to use a tumble dryer at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or until completely dry, if the upper fabric is membrane, it is better to dry the product with a lining outside (turned inside out). You can dry the product while hanging, with the lining facing out. To remove stubborn stains, you can treat the stains with a special compound such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash before washing, allowing the detergent to soak in for 10-15 minutes. It is better to store clothes and equipment with synthetic insulation in a straightened (not compressed) state. How to restore DWR treatment on insulated clothing or equipment DWR is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to make it water-repellent. DWR processing does not last forever. During the operation of the product, as well as after a certain number of washes, the efficiency of DWR decreases. If water droplets stop rolling off the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore the splash-proof treatment. We recommend the use of special spray or washer-based formulations such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX. Direct Wash-In or Spray-On. First, you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore the splash-proof treatment by spraying it directly onto the front side of the product while it is still wet, or by starting a second wash cycle, after having poured the required amount of the wash-in composition into the washing machine ... The manufacturer's instructions for the splash-proof treatment on the packaging must be followed exactly. Many DWR repair products require thermal activation, so it is best to dry treated clothing and equipment in a tumble dryer or oven at medium temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or until completely dry. REVIEWS: Review on the site "Russel"

Originally developed for the US Army, PrimaLoft insulation is used by many brands today. The company offers several variations of thermal insulation, from the maximum, designed for harsh conditions, to lightweight - for the city. The North Face was one of the first to notice Primaloft Black technology. It is a waterproof synthetic alternative to down filling. It is light enough for casual wear, jackets and boots. Insulation is also often used by the Helly Hansen brand.

Features of Primaloft Black

Primaloft has been producing synthetic microfiber insulation since the 1980s. The insulation is designed to mimic all the properties of down, but with less weight, less volume, and not losing its properties when wet. The fibers do not hold water, so the wearer of such equipment stays dry and warm regardless of the weather. The essence of the technology is to create many air pockets that actually trap and retain body heat.

Primaloft has three main types of insulation: Gold, Silver and Black. And if the first and second are more related to serious equipment for harsh conditions, then the latter is applicable in everyday life.

Primaloft Black is most suitable for everyday wear. It has a CLO rating of 0.65. It is a unit of measure for the thermal insulation properties of a product. For example, a 550 down fill will have a rating of 0.7. That is, a jacket with Primaloft Black is equivalent to a warm down jacket.

There are three types of Black insulation. They are all breathable, moisture resistant and provide warmth without extra bulk.

PrimaLoft Black Insulation Eco- lining made from 60% recycled material. It is obtained by recycling plastic bottles, bags and other raw materials.

PrimaLoft Black Down Blend consists of 50% synthetic fibers and 50% down. Thanks to this, the loss of heat-insulating properties when wet is minimized, but the jacket turns out to be more voluminous due to the down.

PrimaLoft Black Insulation Hi-Loft with fibers that provide high insulation, it feels like a down fill, but it is not. The insulation is more compact and softer, while all key properties, such as warmth when wet, are fully preserved.

For the new winter season, the company announced PrimaLoft® Black Insulation ThermoPlume. It is made using small, silky bundles of fibers that are tied together. This filling is suitable as an intermediate layer for mountaineering equipment, as well as for warm city jackets.

Primaloft Black Clothing

Known for their warm and reliable collections, The North Face uses synthetic fillers quite often. Their jackets are lightweight yet warm in cold and wet weather. When choosing outerwear, you should pay attention to the specified characteristics. The North Face Primaloft Black uses predominantly 60, 80 and 100 grams. Of course, the more popular “silver” insulation is more common, as it is equally good for outdoor activities and the city. It is housed in the iconic Back To Berkeley boots and a variety of jackets. However, Primaloft Black is even lighter and is used in demi-season clothing during the period when winter turns into spring or warm autumn turns into frost.

The filler for clothing and equipment Primaloft meets the high requirements of the consumer, because it is guaranteed to protect from the cold and does not allow you to experience discomfort due to the peculiarities of the structure. The material is used to insulate jackets, suits, overalls for autumn and winter, and is also used in the production of blankets.


When developing fibers for Primaloft insulation, advanced technologies were used, which made it possible to bring the characteristics of the filler closer to those of natural fluff. The fibers of the material are water-resistant, therefore Primaloft insulation is optimal for autumn clothes that do not swell in light rain and sleet.

During processing, the fibers are intertwined, and a light, but reliably protecting material from dampness and cold is formed. Compared to its counterparts, Primaloft is 14-15% warmer with dry fibers and 24-25% more reliably protects against cold when wet, while the water absorption of the filler is 300% less in comparison with competitors on the insulation market.

If you trust the meager testing figures, then the Primaloft filler has a KTS of 2.15, and the standard among heaters, goose down, is 2.18. This is the smallest possible difference, and no other synthetic materials for warming clothes show such figures.


The advantages of this brand of insulation over competitors are obvious, here are the main ones:

  1. Restores volume quickly due to its long-fiber structure,
  2. Does not deform when wearing outerwear,
  3. Possesses increased water-repellent qualities,
  4. Differs in high heat-shielding properties,
  5. Meets environmental standards,
  6. Allows air to pass through.

Clothes with Primaloft insulation perfectly "fit" to the figure and do not change shape during wearing, and blankets with filling do not get confused and fit the human body well. A winter jacket with Primaloft insulation will reliably protect from the vagaries of winter and will not turn into a shapeless bag after several months of wearing, and the blanket will retain body heat and will not create discomfort that can cause insomnia.

Compliance with environmental standards allows you to use the filler for insulating children's clothing, as well as outerwear and blankets for people with allergies. Primaloft blankets, jackets and suits literally breathe, while maintaining high thermal insulation properties.

The softness of the insulation corresponds to the softness of goose down and surpasses other synthetic counterparts by 20-50%. If the material is compressed, then it will 100% recover its shape in a few minutes. This is achieved due to the elasticity of the fibers and the peculiarities of the structure of their weave. The silicone treatment of the fiber does not allow the material to retain moisture, which means that a beneficial environment for the growth of bacteria is not created in the filler. Compared to the filler manufactured under the Thinsulate LiteLoft brand, Primaloft PL1 retains 1200-1300% less moisture.


Insulation Primaloft is available in the following types:

  1. Sport,
  2. Infinity,
  3. Yarn.

The most common grade is One, in which the fibers are water-resistant. This type of filler is used for all types of outerwear, filling blankets, sleeping bags, gloves and even insulating shoes. The Sport brand is used for tracksuits (professional sports, outdoor activities). The fibers have a variable diameter, so the insulation is distinguished by a long service life and an increased level of thermal protection.

Eco stands for stringent environmental standards, and Yarn is the softest synthetic garment filler, with a minimum of fiber to provide softness.


The care requirements for sleeping bags, suits, and other Primaloft-filled clothing are standard for synthetic insulation. For machine wash, choose a delicate mode at temperatures up to 40 degrees. Spinning is possible only at the minimum drum speed, steaming and dry cleaning are prohibited.

It is possible to iron products with insulation, but with minimal heating of the iron and without direct contact with the filler (through the upper fabric).