The sterilized cat went for a walk. Can a cat walk or get pregnant after spaying? Is there a chance that a spayed cat will get pregnant?

We all love animals, but cats in the list of pets are far from the last position. Yes, such cohabitation has many charms, but sometimes the owners of furry cohabitants have to deal with the need for sterilization, since their pet is actively walking.

This is explained, first of all, by the unwillingness to get offspring and, at the same time, certain inconveniences associated with it. Having decided to perform an operation on their pet, every second owner asks a completely natural question: can a sterilized cat go on a spree?

Can a cat walk?

Unfortunately, spree after sterilization is not always possible to avoid. Cases when the female walks after sterilization are rare, but they do occur. The cat asks the cat after the operation only as a result of the following factors:

  • Poor sterilization;
  • Hormonal duplication;
  • Syndrome of ectopic ovarian tissue.

The manifestation of signs of hunting and the appearance of estrus are mainly characteristic of females operated on already in adulthood. She walks because the hormonal background of the animal is significantly rebuilt after the operation.

Shortly after spaying, it is quite possible that the primary signs of estrus will appear and she will most likely ask for a cat again.

How to avoid neutered cat gulls?

Even if a spayed cat walks again, certain measures must be taken immediately so that a stable cycle is not established. An effective measure is the introduction of hormonal drugs. In very rare cases, this procedure needs to be repeated. Note that if the sterilization took place a few days ago or reached a period of 7 months, and the sterilized female is still walking, an injection of a hormonal drug will definitely help. If the sterilization was done a year ago, or even more than that, the pet walks for a completely different reason.

Poorly performed sterilization: consequences

One of the most obvious explanations for a neutered cat to walk again is that the animal was not properly neutered. The pet walks at this turn of events, since veterinarians could not remove a piece of the ovary or even the whole ovary at all during sterilization. Then in the first month after sterilization, she resumes hunting again and then walks the same as before the operation. Such a case is quite rare and, if detected, requires immediate wide abdominal surgery. Laparoscopy is not used in this case, since its results are ineffective for a pet that has already been sterilized once.

The cat walks after sterilization: hormones and their effect on the body

Certain hormones are responsible for puberty and for the occurrence of estrus in the female. They are produced by the following organs:

  • ovaries;
  • the pituitary gland;
  • hypothalamus;
  • Adrenals.

Here it is important to know and understand that as a result of a hormonal failure, the hormones of the pituitary and hypothalamus are capable of forming a special hormonal background, similar to the background of an animal that is walking. Such an outcome is quite likely for both sterilized individuals and non-sterilized ones.

The adrenal glands, in turn, when tumorous neoplasms occur in them, can also change the hormonal background in sterilized cats.

What other cases are there?

In veterinary practice, there are also a number of specific cases when the sexual hormonal background of a sterilized individual was determined by diseases occurring in the thyroid gland. Aligning and correcting the balance of hormones in this situation is not an easy task, which may include a number of steps:

  • Exclusion of tumors producing hormones;
  • Chemical suppression of sex hormones.

Most often, the latter is performed by implanting a special capsule under the skin.

Drawing conclusions

Summing up as to whether sterilized cats walk after the operation, I would like to repeat. Sterilization implies the loss of an exclusively reproductive function, that is, estrus, and the desire to mate in a sterilized female may persist.


Many people keep animals at home. Cats are often chosen as pets. Living with these animals has many advantages. But sometimes owners have to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon as sexual hunting. To avoid it, many turn to the veterinarian for surgical intervention on the animal. There are times when a cat, after sterilization, asks for a cat. Why is this happening? How to deal with such a phenomenon?

What can explain sexual hunting after the operation?

Many cat owners decide on a similar procedure for obvious reasons. Firstly, the sexual activity of animals is accompanied by loud cries that disturb the peace and sleep of the owners.

Secondly, not all people are delivered good emotions of care associated with the birth of cubs. Having decided on a surgical intervention, many owners ask themselves the question: “Does it happen that a cat asks for a cat after sterilization?” Unfortunately, this situation is very likely. This happens for a number of reasons, the most common being:

  1. Poor quality of surgical intervention.
  2. Hormonal disruptions.
  3. Features of the development of the sex glands.

Signs of sexual activity are usually found in females who have undergone surgery in adulthood. Symptoms are evidence of changes in the balance of hormones. Some time after surgery, behavior characteristic of the estrus period is observed. Watching the pet, the owners begin to understand that the cat, after sterilization, asks for a cat.

Features of the operation

In order for this procedure to be successful, it is necessary to properly prepare the pet.

Firstly, 12 hours before the event, the cat should not be fed or given water. This restriction helps to avoid vomiting. The most difficult period is the time when the animal is recovering from anesthesia. The recovery of the female depends on her age, general health, the nature of the operation (whether the event was planned or emergency), and the type of anesthesia. During the first hours, a decrease in temperature may be observed. Extremities become cold. In order to warm your pet, you should put it on a warm heating pad, cover with a warm cloth. How do cats behave after spaying? During this period, the female often shows aggression and increased sensitivity to environmental factors, refuses to communicate with the owner, and moves little.

It is necessary to create a calm environment for the pet, place it in a separate room. The animal is also given a special bandage. The bandage prevents the seams from being damaged. It should be left on the body of the female for about 7-10 days. Features of care and diet after surgery should be clarified with a veterinarian. Temporary loss of appetite and retention of stool under these circumstances are considered normal reactions of the body. However, it is necessary to ensure that the female eats food and regularly empties her intestines and bladder. In the absence of bowel movements for three days, you need to consult a veterinarian about the selection of a laxative. Even if the preparation for the operation and the procedure itself were carried out correctly, there are times when a cat after sterilization asks for a cat.

Causes related to the production of hormones

In the body of any animal, substances are produced that regulate sexual behavior.

Many owners mistakenly believe that sexual activity stops after surgery. The fact is that a certain amount of hormones remains in the blood of the pet and in the subcutaneous tissue for some time. Due to exposure to these substances, a cat after sterilization asks for a cat. The more adipose tissue the pet had at the time of the surgical intervention, the longer the signs of estrus persist. There are times when the female continued to scream for a year, demanding a male. Sometimes this phenomenon is explained by the presence of hormones in the tissues of the adrenal glands. Fortunately, the amount of these substances quickly dries up, and sexual activity stops.

Features of animal behavior

Sexual hunting is accompanied by a change in the nature of the pet. If a cat after sterilization asks for a cat, her need for mating is manifested as follows:

  1. The animal begins to meow loudly and hoarsely.
  2. The female suddenly becomes restless.
  3. She's marking her territory.

Sometimes this behavior persists in the pet for the rest of his life, despite the surgical intervention. Fortunately, in sterilized animals, the discharge does not have a pronounced odor.

It should be borne in mind that the level of hormones in the blood of females is affected by the work of not only the sex, but also the adrenal glands, as well as the pituitary and hypothalamus. And after surgery, these organs can produce substances that provoke sexual activity. This situation often indicates the presence of tumors. As a therapy, veterinarians prescribe medications and special capsules that are injected under the skin.

Incorrect operation

One of the explanations for why a cat asks for a cat after sterilization is the error of a specialist during the surgical intervention. This happens when the gonad or its fragment remains in the abdominal cavity. If such a violation is detected, it is necessary to repeat the procedure. The operation with the help of a laparoscope in this case is not used, since it will not give the desired result. Owners should observe the animal after this event and be aware of the signs of sexual activity in the cat after spaying. The photo clearly shows how the animal behaves.

What should pet owners do?

In order for the pet to calm down, it is necessary to consult with a specialist for the selection of therapy.

Today, pharmacies have a large selection of medicines based on medicinal plants that help to cope with the problem. Based on the results of the examination, the veterinarian will advise the correct remedy for the animal. Fortunately, these drugs do not cause serious side effects.

If, after sterilization, the cat began to demand a cat, it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of her diet.

Eating nutritious food helps increase sexual activity. In addition, the operated pet has a great danger of gaining excess kilograms. To prevent the development of obesity, you should reduce portions of foods. The answer to the question of whether a cat after sterilization can ask for a cat is definitely positive. Sometimes owners have to give the animal drugs to stop sexual activity. However, in some cases, avoiding stress helps to eliminate the symptoms of estrus without medication. The female is better placed in a separate room. This will allow the animal to calm down.

Sterilization of a cat is a complex operation, after which the animal can no longer have offspring. However, even after it has been carried out, the pet may experience unusual reactions, for example, a cat may ask for a cat, disturbing the owners at night. This can happen for a number of reasons, depending both on the course of the operation and on the animal itself.

Can a cat after sterilization ask for a cat?

In rather rare cases, a sterilized female can go on a spree. Usually, such a process scares the owners and makes them wonder if the operation was successful.

Similar cases are possible when the pet has disruptions in the hormonal background, and then the cat begins:

  • expose the ass;
  • stomp;
  • yell loudly.

The presence of such symptoms clearly indicates that the cat is asking for a cat. In this case, it is necessary to consult with a veterinarian so that he accurately identifies the cause of this behavior.

Why is this happening?

There are some reasons that may contribute to the continuation of estrus after spaying.

And not always the owners need to worry about this.

Quite often, such a problem does not arise due to problems with the health of the cat, but there are times when all the blame falls on the veterinarian.

Poor operation

The negligent choice of the clinic and the doctor who conducted it could lead to the fact that not all the ovaries were removed by an inexperienced veterinarian. Even if part of the organ is not removed, hormone production continues, and the cat may begin to beg for a cat.


To find out if there is a doctor's fault, you need to take the cat for tests and ultrasound - these two types of diagnostics will accurately detect the presence of a remnant of the ovaries, which will confirm / refute the guess about a poor-quality operation.

Scientists call it ectopic ovarian tissue syndrome.

The problem is that during the formation of the ovaries, some tissue cells enter another part of the animal's body, and it is simply impossible to identify them in a mature and strengthened cat's body.


This hereditary predisposition is very rare.

What to do if the cat continues to walk?

First of all, the owner, who has noticed signs of estrus in his cat, should analyze the following points:

  • how much time has passed ;
  • could this be a reaction to, catnip, etc.

Next, you need to contact the veterinary clinic, while it is advisable to choose not the one in which the operation was performed. It is necessary to take tests for hormones to determine if they continue to be produced by the remnants of ovarian cells or other organs, and also to do an ultrasound that will display the presence of ovaries.

You will definitely need to make sure that the cause of hormone production is not a tumor, for this you will also need to undergo a series of examinations.

Solving the problem on your own with various pills that suppress estrus is not recommended. Often these drugs cause tumors and health problems.

Retention of other behavioral traits that should have gone

Each owner, sending a cat for sterilization, pursues a specific goal. Such a goal could be:

  • cessation of leaks;
  • the cat stops yelling around the clock;
  • The cat stops marking territory.

In some cases, this behavior may continue in pets.

For example, immediately after the operation, the animal may yell for a couple of months, as there are still “wandering” hormones in the body.

It is they who can cause the continuation of estrus for a short period of time after the removal of the ovaries.

If the cat continues to yell, the type of operation performed should be considered. For example, after the fallopian tubes are pulled, the female loses the opportunity to become pregnant, but the ovaries continue to produce hormones, respectively, the cat yells further. It is also worth making sure that the operation was successful.


The two-month period after sterilization should simply be waited out - no need to give the cat pills that suppress estrus, or panic. If the cat asks for a cat after 2 months after the operation, contact your veterinarian.

Should a cat stop marking?

The female stops marking after sterilization in the case when at the time of the operation she has not yet reached puberty. Otherwise, such sexual behavior is already fixed, and the lack of hormones may not affect it.

In addition, this behavior also depends entirely on the nature of the cat. She may not like such a trifle as the location of the tray, unknown and unpleasant odors, or just the environment, and she can express her dissatisfaction in one of the few ways - leaving marks.

The owner can deal with such a problem in several ways.

  1. Provide good ventilation in the house, eliminating unpleasant odors.
  2. Make sure the cat is not disturbed by anything. In case of anxiety, flower decoctions can be rubbed into the inside of the auricle. They can also be added to the water that the animal drinks - no more than 1-2 drops.
  3. Special preparations sold in pet stores allow you to kill the smells of existing tags. Their application is quite lengthy: most often, places marked with a cat must be processed for a month every day.


Of course, all of the above should be put into effect only after the owner is convinced of the fixation of sexual behavior and the correctness of the operation. If the cat's hormone production continues, the above methods may not help.

false pregnancy

After sterilization, a cat can be misled by its own hormones. False pregnancy is not uncommon for cats, and hormonal disruptions can provoke it. In addition, if a mating was made with a male, the female may also subsequently decide that she is pregnant.

The owner of a cat can identify the problem by a number of characteristic signs:

  • the pet begins to look for a “nest” for itself: rummage through cabinets and other secluded corners;
  • change in behavior: females often become overly affectionate, or vice versa, do not want to make contact with people;
  • the cat begins to carry various small objects (“kittens”) in its teeth.

You can also notice an increase in discharge from the vulva, an increase in the abdomen and nipples, milk secretion, a change in appetite, and other symptoms.

The manifestation of a false pregnancy after sterilization should be discussed with the veterinarian. This is very important, because sometimes such a failure can lead to the development of such unpleasant diseases as mastitis, pyometra, in rare cases, tumors, endometritis.

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Even properly performed and high-quality sterilization may not rid the cat of some habits. However, if, after the removal of the ovaries, the pet continues to ask the cat, mark, yell, this is a reason to call the veterinarian and consult. Diagnostics with the help of ultrasound and testing will not be superfluous.

Veterinary center "KOTONAI" on Marshal Zakharov, 21

First of all, let's understand the terminology.

Sterilization is an effect that results in a violation of the reproductive ability while maintaining the gonads and their production of sex hormones and cells. In other words, after sterilization, the cat will "ask for a cat", "walk". She will have periodic estrus, but the cat will not be able to get pregnant even if sexual intercourse with the cat takes place. She will become barren.

And castration is the complete removal of the gonads (ovaries in females and testes in males). In this case, the possibility of "estrus" is excluded and the cat will not show any peculiarities of sexual behavior. It makes sense to sterilize cats and cats in the event that the animals are constantly on the street and walk on their own. It is preferable for pets living with a person to do castration.

Understood. Now let's get straight to the topic.

Cat owners who want to castrate their pet often ask veterinarians questions about the behavior and character of the animal after this operation: will it become more lethargic and indifferent, will it stop playing and lead an active lifestyle.

The answer is no. Hormones produced in the ovaries do not affect the character and behavior of the animal, except for the period of "estrus", pregnancy, etc. The character will not become softer or rougher.

Castration can only indirectly affect the lifestyle of the animal. The fact is that after such an operation, the cat needs fewer calories than before, and if you do not monitor her weight, she will gain weight and it will become harder for her to move, she will lie more, spend less time caring for herself.

It's hard to say how much a cat should weigh. Each breed has its own ideal weight, this figure fluctuates in a certain range. But it's much simpler: take your cat and run your fingers along its ribs. If the cat does not suffer from excess weight, the ribs are well palpable, if they are not immediately palpable, then it's time to “put the cat on a diet”. Such a check should be done regularly, it does not take much time, but you can adjust the nutrition in time if the need arises.

It is not entirely objective to assess the degree of obesity by the fat pad from the lower abdomen, because the presence of such a small pad for some breeds is a variant of the norm.

Excess weight is also bad for the future health of your pet. Therefore, it is important to choose a diet that takes into account the physiological state of the cat. It is not right to feed an elderly cat with cat food that is intended for kittens, just as it is not right to feed a neutered cat with food for non-neutered cats. Super-premium food usually has a whole line of food, which allows the owner to choose the food specifically for his pet. You can switch to specialized food a week after the operation.

If you prefer to feed your cat with homemade food, then you need to reduce the daily amount of food consumed by the cat.

You can increase physical activity, make the cat move more, for example, in the game.

If you follow these simple rules, you will prolong the life and improve the quality of life of your pet.

Even after reproductive function has been interrupted, the cat may still be in heat. The situation when a cat after sterilization asks for a cat arises for several reasons. These include: type of surgical intervention, poor-quality operation, as well as sterilization at a later age. Each of these reasons requires examination by a specialist. Only a veterinarian can confirm or refute a possible diagnosis, as well as choose the right treatment.

Types of sterilization in cats

Spaying and castration procedures in cats are aimed at stopping the reproductive function of animals. "Sterilization" often means castration, but the essence of these surgical interventions and the behavior of cats after them are completely different. The reason why a spayed cat begs for a cat and meows often lies precisely in the type of operation performed.

Castration is an operation in which the animal's reproductive organs are removed, in whole or in part. After the castration, the cat completely loses the instinct of procreation, so if the procedure is correctly performed, she simply does not want to ask the cat. The missing uterus and ovaries kill all cravings for the opposite sex in the animal.

Such an intervention is considered serious, however, it has its positive aspects. The absence of hormonal surges makes the cat more calm and balanced, and the complete removal of the reproductive organs eliminates the possibility of their inflammation, which is very dangerous for the pet. The postoperative period also passes quite easily: the very next day the cat becomes as active and cheerful as before the procedure, tries to play and run, tries to remove the bandages.

By "sterilization" many owners mean castration. It is quite simple to carry out, not traumatic, it benefits the health of the cat and the calmness of its owners.

Sterilization is a simple and quick operation that involves a simple tubal ligation. Since the reproductive organs of the pet are not removed, the instinct of procreation does not disappear anywhere: the cat is not able to get pregnant, but she still wants to have offspring. If the cat yells and demands a cat after the procedure, the problem may lie in this type of operation.

Now such an intervention is considered senseless and even cruel: despite the procedure, the cat continues to suffer from estrus at the right time of the year. She stops eating, does not go to the tray, sometimes begins to mark the territory, meows without ceasing. Veterinarians believe that sterilization is inappropriate - it does more harm to the animal than good.

To interrupt the reproductive process in a cat, it is worth giving preference to castration: this is a more complicated and expensive option, but it helps to get rid of the effects of estrus and hormonal surges, which are a serious stress for the cat's body. Sterilization should be abandoned - after such a procedure, the cat will not be able to give birth, but the discomfort from estrus remains, which interferes with the animal and its owners.

Incomplete castration

The second reason, very common, is the castration of a pet, which was performed incorrectly and not completely. Ovarian tissue is not completely removed. Soon they are almost completely regenerated and restored to their original number. This condition is called ovarioreminant syndrome (ORS). It is quite rare, and its occurrence is entirely the fault of the veterinarian who performed the operation. To establish the presence of ARS, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound: this is the only way to make sure that the reproductive organs have not really been removed.

There is only one way out of this situation: this is a repeated procedure, during which both new ovaries and the part that was missed the first time will be removed. Such an operation is more difficult to carry out, but the animals tolerate it much more easily and recover faster than after the first intervention.

If the second operation is not done, then the cat will continue to walk, meow and want a cat. The animal will be able to become pregnant if the uterus was not removed during the operation. In order to avoid estrus in May, it is worth contacting a veterinary clinic and correcting the consequences of the negligence of an incompetent veterinarian.

Important: so that the situation does not repeat itself, you should not save on the clinic and the specialist.

Late operation

Even after a properly performed castration, with a complete absence of the uterus and ovaries, the cat sometimes continues to ask the cat and meow. The reason may lie in adulthood: if the pet is over a year old and has already had childbearing experience, the instincts may remain for some time. Helping a pet in such a situation will not work: usually this condition disappears on its own over time, and after a year the animal is no longer disturbed.

If even after a few months the estrus does not stop, then the problem may be an excess of hormones. In addition to the ovaries, the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and hypothalamus are involved in the production of hormones. If the operation was performed late, the cat has already experienced estrus, these organs can continue to produce sex hormones even after the ovaries have been removed. This rarely happens, but it does happen.

This condition cannot be cured surgically. To calm the cat, the following hormonal drugs are prescribed to her:

  • Kovinan;
  • Depogeston;
  • libidomin;
  • Gestrenol.

The appointment of such drugs should be handled only by a veterinarian and after a complete examination. An animal may develop diseases in which hormonal drugs are strictly prohibited, or the cause of estrus may be something else.

For whatever reason, estrus occurs after sterilization, it should be the reason for a visit to the veterinary clinic. This condition requires careful examination and further treatment, otherwise the operation will be in vain: the cat will meow and ask for a cat, as before, and constant hormonal surges will inevitably affect her health.