Monolithic ceiling using corrugated sheets. Construction of monolithic floors using profiled sheets

Construction today is developing at a fairly rapid pace, and all this is due to the fact that new building materials have begun to be used, which have a number of the most remarkable characteristics. Reinforced concrete slabs in which corrugated sheeting is used also play an important role, because such flooring can be used in the construction of houses, terraces, and non-residential buildings.

In the case of the construction of floors, the construction stage is especially important when it is necessary to draw up a project and make the necessary calculations. It is also necessary to have special knowledge that will allow you to select the appropriate dimensions of corrugated sheets, as well as select reinforcement sections.

The difference between a conventional floor and a corrugated floor

The most basic difference between corrugated flooring and conventional flooring is that in the second case a formwork system is used. With it, a completely finished ceiling can be obtained, and its appearance will not require any modification or finishing.

Overlapping with corrugated sheets has a number of advantages, for example:

    There is a variety of sizes of profile “waves”, and the cross-section of the ceiling can ultimately be ribbed.

    Low consumption of concrete solution.

    Durability of the floor thanks to the ribs of the corrugated sheet.

    The load is distributed on the foundation, which is why working with the material becomes simple and accessible.

In addition, if we talk about the weight of this structure, it will not be so large, which allows the use of lighter material to build walls - and this is an undoubted advantage of corrugated sheeting. Maximum attention will have to be paid to the foundation, since it is it that takes on most of the load. In order to give it even more strength, it is necessary to use as much concrete mortar as possible, and in the case when a corrugated flooring is used, concrete is consumed in smaller quantities, and each part of the foundation will take the load from its side on the metal frame.

Carrying out installation work. Floor calculation

In order to do this work, you will first need to calculate the monolithic floor, since the construction of the facility, as well as the installation of the floor, will depend on the accuracy of the calculation.

In this case, it is very important to take into account the size of the object, as well as to calculate all the necessary loads created by the ceiling.

As for the technology of corrugated flooring itself, it includes the reinforcement of columns, which are in their own way supporting, as well as beams. In this case, pipes consisting of asbestos or other metal are often used. These pipes, or rather their cross-section, can have any shape. Channels and metal I-beams can act as beams.

In this case, a very important concept is the laying step, which in this case will largely depend on some factors - such as the size and shape of the sheets, and the greater the height of the profile, the smaller the beam pitch will be. For example, if the size of the flooring is TP-75, and the thickness of the sheet is 1 m, then the laying step will be approximately 3 m.

Overlapping with corrugated sheets has some recommendations, and they must be followed when performing the work.

– So, in order to avoid deflections on the profiled sheets, you need to lay three beams, and then fasten them with self-tapping screws, and place them at three appropriate points. The joints are similarly secured with self-tapping screws.

– In order to secure the sheets to the base, it is recommended to use self-tapping screws.

After the corrugated sheet formwork has been constructed, you can proceed to the process of pouring M350 concrete, but before doing this, it is necessary to prepare the corrugated board accordingly. To do this, additional sticks should be installed in the center of the distances between the beams, which will serve as a kind of supports to support the corrugated sheet. After the concrete solution has hardened, the supports can be removed.

It is very important to remember that pouring the mortar must be done in one span, since it will be very difficult to completely concrete it during the entire working day. In addition, you will have to wait until the concrete can gain the required strength, and its maturation in cold weather can take up to one month. And in order for concrete to mature quickly in hot weather, it must be constantly moistened with water.

Reinforcement of a monolithic floor

A two-span floor is the most common floor plan used for a two-story house. This means that the ceiling is carried out according to the principle: there are load-bearing walls around the perimeter of the house, and one is located in the middle. The only differences are in the size of the house, as well as in the way the opening for the stairs is located.

For each size of house there is its own version of such an overlap. As a structural scheme, it is necessary to take one in which the ceiling will rest only on three longitudinal walls, and as for the transverse walls, they are load-bearing. Thus, you can:

– save on materials due to the dimensions of the foundation for self-supporting walls;

– eliminate the dependence of reinforcement on the length of the house, as well as on the width of the staircase opening.

It should be noted that this scheme is designed for cases where the slab rests on three walls, and not on four.

The second step is to select materials to complete all the necessary work.

    Concrete class B25, which is heavy.

    Steel fittings (steel grades 35GS, 25G2S).

    Clamps consisting of smooth rods of class A240C.

It is also necessary to determine the protective layer of concrete for the lower reinforcement, which is assumed to be 30 millimeters. The size of such a layer for the upper reinforcement will be 20 mm.

The standard loads on the floor are assumed to be as follows:

– floor structure and live load – 150 kilograms per square meter.

– weight of partitions – 50 kilograms per square meter.

The ceiling is not designed for the fact that any racks will subsequently rest on it; only support of the staircase landing is allowed.

Features of slab reinforcement

When reinforcing a slab, it is necessary to take into account a number of features, since they affect the work process.

So, for the lower reinforcement of the first layer, it is necessary to lay 10 diameters on the wall from wall to wall (if the diameter is 12 mm, then it is necessary to place it on the wall 120 mm). In this case, the end of the reinforcement is not brought to the edge by 15 mm.

After the first layer of reinforcement has been laid, it is necessary to tie the reinforcement of the hidden beams, which will form the frame for the staircase opening.

For the lower reinforcement of the second layer, it is necessary to lay distribution reinforcement, which is smooth and is part of class A240C. This reinforcement is placed on the wall, just like the reinforcement of the first layer. It is necessary to ensure that all smooth reinforcement ends in so-called “legs”, bends, 48 ​​mm long.

For the upper reinforcement, the first layer must be laid parallel to the middle wall, the step is 200 mm. The reinforcement is smooth, and you need to treat it the same way as with the reinforcement of the lower layer.

For the upper reinforcement of the second layer. This layer should be laid perpendicular to the first, and then tied using wire twists.

After everything is ready, you need to leave the formwork for 28 days, and only then remove it.

Advantages of reinforced floor slabs

Floor reinforcement is a very important detail in many structures. They can be used for both public buildings and residential buildings. Reinforcement as a process has many advantages, among which there is no need to use construction equipment. Another undeniable advantage is that this method involves the manufacture of floors for rooms with non-standard dimensions, and it can have absolutely any complexity. Walls and columns act as support for such floors, thanks to which the house acquires a more free layout. The third advantage is that the structure is very durable, and much stronger than wooden floors. Reinforced floors have qualities such as fire resistance, and they can withstand even high voltages.

In order to mount such an overlap, it is very important to make the correct calculations, to calculate the optimal thickness, which is in full accordance with the thickness of the span - like 1:30. In order for the reinforcement to be of the highest quality, you will need monolithic slabs, mesh, and knitted reinforcement.


Concrete slabs are marked with special markings, and you must pay attention to them. The letters in the marking indicate the type of slab itself, so PNO are lightweight flooring slabs, and PC are floor slabs. NV means internal flooring. Next, the letters on the marking are followed by numbers according to which the dimensions are indicated, namely length and width. The very last figure is the loads that are permissible. So, the number 8 means that the permissible load is about 800 kilograms per square meter.

When choosing the type of slabs, it is very important to pay attention to the fact that in general they differ in structure. So, according to the cross section, they can be hollow, solid or ribbed. Hollow-core slabs have gained the most popularity, this is due to their low weight, so they can be easily transported and installed. The voids can be round or oval in shape and are made of heavy concrete.

Due to the fact that the variety of slabs is large, they can be selected based on their main purpose, as well as on various natural features.

As for the process of reinforced flooring, it occurs with standard meshes, as well as with the use of knitted reinforcement. The diameter of the welded reinforcement rod is about 3 mm or even more, and the diameter of the knitted reinforcement is 6 mm or more.

Multi-span beam slabs

These slabs are reinforced using welded rolled mesh, in the process the rolls are rolled out across the beams, which are secondary. In places where the extreme spans are located, an additional mesh is applied, and instead of it, rods can be laid, which in the process are tied to the main mesh. In order to maintain economy of reinforcement, you can use welded mesh that will overlap each other.

If narrow welded meshes are used during the reinforcement process, they must be laid in two layers, and the directions must be perpendicular.

Pressure reinforcement that operates in both directions is designed in the same way as support reinforcement for beam slabs.

Monolithic beamless floors

If the floor is beamless, then it is reinforced in a similar way, and as a result, the slabs rest on the columns. In this case, there is a need for additional reinforcement using flat frames or rods that are located along the axes of the column. In order to determine the need for materials, it is necessary to make a calculation.

In the case of separate reinforcement, other reinforcement is installed.

If thick monolithic foundations are used, they are reinforced using special reinforced concrete blocks, which are assembled from special meshes, as well as from flat frames. Then the process of their installation is carried out, a gap occurs, which is equal to the width of the reinforced block, and horizontal meshes are installed in the resulting gap along all levels of the blocks.

Dismantling a brick partition

Floor slab installation technology - technical requirements

Construction of a foundation made of FBS blocks


Monolithic corrugated flooring: calculation and installation

Modern technologies make it possible to carry out construction work cheaper and faster. The most popular now is monolithic flooring on corrugated sheets, which allows not only to reduce the cost and construction time, but also to significantly reduce the labor intensity of the work. The technology is applied to buildings of any shape and size; it is quite competent and scrupulous to calculate the floor using corrugated sheets.

Tools and materials for work

When working with monolithic floors, the following tools and materials will be useful to you:

Profile base

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • capacity;
  • concrete mixer;
  • shovel;
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fittings;
  • formwork;
  • Master OK.

What is corrugated sheeting and where is it used?

Corrugated sheet is a galvanized steel corrugated sheet. This material acquires its waviness by cold rolling. Sometimes an additional anti-corrosion coating is also applied to the material, which further increases its visual appeal..

Corrugated flooring is used for cladding walls, creating roofs, building fences, fencing, hangars and change houses. The following types of profiled sheets produced by the modern industrial sector can be distinguished:

  • type C – profile for walls;
  • type NS is used for flooring and wall construction;
  • N – load-bearing type, used for roofing (both flat and single- and double-slope) and floors.

Load-bearing corrugated sheet

Type H profiled metal products have the highest load-bearing capacity, which allows them to be used for roofing. The profile height is also the highest among other varieties. For example, in profile H35-1000-0.7 – 35 is the height of the corrugated sheet in millimeters, 1000 is the width, and 0.7 is the thickness.

Specifics of material calculation

When making calculations, it is imperative to take into account the dimensions of the building, the weight of the entire structure, as well as the load factor on the floor and the parameters of the foundation of the house. The types of metal supports and columns will be selected in accordance with the construction parameters.

The corrugated sheet ceiling will have the thickness required by the level of operational load. The formwork parameters and the cross-section of the metal fastening rods also depend on the degree of load, as well as on the length of the span between the support beams.

The corrugated floor covering, which includes a profile and a slab, will have a width in the proportion of 1:30 (relative to the span length).

Structural design

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to prepare all design documents in accordance with SNiP II-23-81. Due to the fact that it is extremely difficult for developers without special engineering education to carry out structural calculations carried out using these documents, special software was created with the help of which anyone can create working documentation and perform all calculations. By the way, using the same program you can make drawings of formwork and reinforcement, as well as calculate the total costs of materials.

Without first completing the work with documentation and calculations, it is not recommended to build a monolithic floor using corrugated sheets, because in this case there is a high probability that the likely load on the floor or roof (flat or with slopes) will be calculated incorrectly, as a result of which either the building or itself will be deformed profiled sheet

In addition, it is worth calculating in advance the step between the support beams, which varies depending on the type of corrugated sheet (for example, type H, used for a flat roof, requires frequent steps between the support beams, because the height of this profile is higher than the others - as much as 35 mm.) . This is due to the fact that the strength of the concrete pour will be low.

After all the calculations have been made, you can begin to build a monolithic floor using corrugated sheets, which you can actually do yourself, but for this you will need special tools and high-tech equipment.

Installation of monolithic flooring on corrugated sheets

Finished ceiling - bottom view

The main stage of constructing a reinforced concrete floor is preparing and pouring the formwork. The finished monolithic structure can later be used as a ceiling that does not require additional finishing or decoration.

The second important link of a monolithic floor is profiles. It is thanks to them that a ribbed section is achieved, which significantly increases the level of reliability of the ceiling. Also, thanks to the use of profiles, it is possible to reduce the cost of reinforcing the structure, which will reduce the overall construction costs.

The ceiling made of corrugated sheets is, in fact, a permanent formwork, the support for which is precisely the metal frame. Due to the fact that the overall structure has impressive weight and strength, lighter materials can be used for the walls without fear for the strength of the building, because a metal frame is responsible for it.

The load is transferred to the flat part of the frame, which further lightens the load on the walls and foundation. Thus, you can even save additional money and build a cheap and quickly erected column foundation.

Main stages of installation

Before calculating the length of a corrugated sheet, it is worth considering that its support must be provided by 3 support beams at once, so that in the future the sheet does not bend or deform.

Profile fastening

Fixing the profile with self-tapping screws

If the calculations were a preliminary stage, then the first stage will be attaching the sheets to the metal base. This is done using self-tapping screws with a reinforced drill. In this case, the fastener can freely enter the channel even when the hole was not made there specifically.

Fastenings must be made wherever the corrugated sheet comes into contact with the support beam, because the total load on the structure will be quite high.


The next stage of work is reinforcement. Reinforcement is a frame that helps the concrete pour to withstand heavy loads. The structure of the reinforcement will consist of 12 mm longitudinal rods laid in each of the waves of corrugated sheeting. If you need to further strengthen the structure, you can add transverse reinforcement bars (6 mm thick). The reinforcement frame is connected by welding or steel wire.

Strengthening the structure

Filling of floors

The next stage is pouring the floors. The grade of concrete must be the highest, in addition, the entire pour must be done at one time. It’s better not to mix concrete yourself - it’s safer to order ready-made concrete and pour it using special equipment (concrete pump and conveyor).

Pouring the solution


After pouring the ceiling, it must be carefully leveled. First you need to add several supports to insure the corrugated sheet from deflection under the weight of the concrete pour. Additional supports are installed between the main support beams.

As soon as the concrete gets stronger (this will take almost a month), the supports can be removed. Pouring is done only at temperatures above zero, because at sub-zero temperatures there is a high probability that it will take even longer to dry.

If for some reason work has to be carried out at a very low temperature, it is worth buying concrete with additional additives that will help the mixture strengthen.

If you have to work in dry and hot weather, then in order to prevent cracks from appearing, the poured composition will need to be periodically moistened. If frost may occur during work, it is recommended to order a mixture with special additives. It can gain the necessary strength even at low temperatures.

Monolithic flooring on corrugated sheets: calculation, design

  • Advantages of monolithic flooring using corrugated sheets
  • Design features
  • Floor calculation
  • Do-it-yourself monolithic ceiling on corrugated sheets
  • It is difficult today to imagine construction that could do without the use of concreting. Reinforced concrete structures are present in the foundations of buildings and in interfloor ceilings. It would not be amiss to note that in the process of constructing objects for various purposes, monolithic concrete is increasingly being used instead of precast reinforced concrete. This applies to a greater extent to buildings with a metal frame.

    In individual construction, monolithic flooring on corrugated sheets is especially common. This solution is suitable, for example, for structures with non-standard spans or a large number of holes and openings. The operating load range is quite wide. During operation, permanent formwork for corrugated sheet floors also acts as additional external reinforcement, since it does not allow the concrete to spread during the hardening process. This significantly increases the strength characteristics of the structure being built and its load-bearing capacity.

    This design is a cake consisting of the following layers:

    • beams;
    • corrugated sheeting;
    • flexible reinforcement laid out along the wave;
    • vertically installed rod anchor;
    • reinforcing mesh;
    • screed according to the profiled sheet.

    Advantages of monolithic flooring using corrugated sheets

    • Organizational and financial costs when installing corrugated flooring are not particularly high.
    • They can have almost any geometric shape and size.
    • Pouring the floor over corrugated sheets is less labor-intensive and does not require the installation of formwork. The ridges of a profiled metal sheet significantly reduce concrete consumption, which often becomes an important argument in favor of choosing this solution.
    • Installation of the system is quite simple, and even a beginner can handle it.
    • Due to the relatively light weight of the profiled sheets, a monolithic floor weighs less than traditional reinforced concrete structures with collapsible formwork. And this despite their fairly high strength. Thus, such a system acts on the foundation with less force, which allows it to be used effectively when repairing dilapidated buildings. In addition, the profiled sheet allows you to achieve an even distribution of all forces on the foundation.

    • Corrugated sheeting, having become part of a monolithic structure, actually performs the functions of the main reinforcing frame.
    • The structural thickness of the concrete floor over corrugated sheeting may vary depending on the location of application, and therefore requires preliminary calculation.
    • Installation takes significantly less time.
    • The finished floor slab on corrugated sheets is no less durable than other analogues. Moreover, the metal profile makes the entire structure even more rigid and reliable.
    • Corrugated flooring may vary in type and brand.
    • The ceiling is fire-resistant: the fire resistance of a single-span slab with external open reinforcement is approximately half an hour, and in the case of multi-span monolithic structures reinforced along the span - from 45 minutes.

    • Interfloor metal floors have special formwork reinforcement, which makes it possible to immediately obtain a ceiling that does not require additional finishing or modification.
    • Constructions of this type are especially often used for buildings with a metal frame. The columns are connected to the ceiling through reinforcement, which makes the frame more rigid and stable.

    Design features

    This design is a solid slab concreted on corrugated sheeting. The supports for it can be brick walls and concrete, a steel frame and reinforced concrete elements.

    Monolithic systems can have different designs, for example, ribbed and beamless.

    • Ribbed, in turn, can be:
    • with slabs on corrugated sheets. The frame for them is beams supported by columns. The span varies between 4–6 m. As for the thickness of the slab, it depends on the level of load, as well as the dimensions. However, the most common thickness is in the range of 60–160 mm.
    • with secondary beams in addition to the slabs. The thickness of the slabs here is no more than 120 mm. The cost of a monolithic floor in this case is higher, and moreover, its installation requires more time.
    • Beamless structures are based on a solid slab supported by columns.

    On a note

    If the surface to be concreted has openings, then reinforcement is additionally welded into the openings around them to reinforce the monolithic mass.

    Floor calculation

    • The technology of covering using a corrugated sheet comes down to the installation of formwork from a metal profile, on top of which a reinforcing frame is built.
    • The load acting on the concrete slab is transferred through the monolithic ceiling along metal beams to the support beams and foundation.
    • The type and brand of corrugated flooring, the cross-section of metal reinforcement elements and the dimensions of the concrete shelf depend on the length of the span between the supports and on the operating load. To calculate the thickness of a slab, its ratio to the span is most often used, equal to one to thirty. That is, with a span length of 6 meters, the thickness of the concrete layer should be at least 20 cm.

    • The calculation of a monolithic floor using corrugated sheets is based on the design loads it experiences, as well as the weight of existing structures and the dimensions of the building being constructed. These parameters determine what the profile and cross-section of the metal support beams of the frame, columns, and the characteristics of the foundation should be.
    • Systems of this type are classified as structurally responsible construction objects, therefore installation work begins only after the preparation of the appropriate design documentation. The latter, as well as the calculation of strength characteristics, is carried out on the basis of the relevant SNiP, in particular those relating to steel or reinforced concrete (concrete) structures.
    • Such a calculation is quite complex and time-consuming, so designers, as a rule, resort to the help of special programs. Working documentation for a monolithic concrete floor with corrugated sheets includes a plan, drawings of formwork, reinforcement (mainly in dwg format), as well as a specification of materials.

    Do-it-yourself monolithic ceiling on corrugated sheets


    Pouring concrete using a profiled sheet requires a technically competent approach to the initial stage of work. Pre-requisite:

    • calculate efforts based on the exact dimensions of the future building,

    It is very important to check with the manufacturer in advance the performance characteristics of the profiled sheets.

    • calculate the material from which the frame is made with the required safety margin;
    • choose the type of metal profile, determine the sheet size and material thickness;
    • carry out a calculation of the range of reinforcement that is intended for the construction of a load-bearing frame.

    Thus, the preparatory calculation stage makes it possible to find out what assortment and nomenclature of metal beams and columns are needed. For columns, steel pipes with a profile section are used as the base material. Metal channels are used to make beams. The stability of the entire structure depends on the accuracy of the calculation of the monolithic system.

    On a note

    The pitch of the beams depends mainly on the type of corrugated sheeting used, more precisely on the height of its profile. The larger it is, the smaller the beam pitch is chosen.

    Installation of formwork

    When choosing the length of corrugated sheeting, a number of important points are taken into account:

    • to prevent the sheet from bending in the future, there should be three supports instead of two;
    • with short spans it will be easier to pour concrete, since the pressure will be less.

    To attach a profiled sheet to a metal base, they usually use special self-tapping screws equipped with a reinforced drill. Thanks to this reinforcement, the self-tapping screw easily penetrates the channel. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to drill it in advance. It’s not for nothing that such fasteners are also called armor-piercing.

    Given the fairly large number of fastening points, use a screwdriver or a drill set to low speed to tighten the screws.

    The structure is under the influence of very high loads; just remember that concrete (most often M-350 grade) for pouring is almost 2.5 times heavier than water. The reliability of the formwork largely depends on the method of fastening the corrugated sheets. It is recommended to fasten the sheets in places of contact with the beam with armor-piercing self-tapping screws in increments of about 40 cm. In places of overlap, individual sheets should also be fixed to each other. Fastening is carried out with smaller self-tapping screws and a smaller pitch - about 25 mm. Having completed laying the profile, they begin to reinforce the floor using corrugated sheets.

    Specifics of reinforcement

    The presence of permanent formwork does not provide the slab with additional strength, while during operation the concrete is exposed to large loads in both bending and compression. To avoid possible complications, an internal frame is constructed from metal rods, which are placed in the depressions of the corrugated sheet. “Upper” reinforcement is also performed by laying pipes along the crests of the sheets. Thus, a volumetric reinforcement frame is created from longitudinal and transverse components. Its elements are either welded or connected with steel wire.

    Pouring concrete

    • Before concrete work begins, the corrugated sheeting is reinforced with additional supports, which are installed between the support beams in the middle of the spans. The corrugated sheet will then not bend under the weight of the retained concrete mixture. The supports are removed no earlier than the fill has time to gain brand strength.
    • Concrete is poured in stages, since it is problematic to concrete the entire volume at once. It is recommended to concrete a specific span within a working day.
    • The concrete must stand until it reaches working strength. In the summer it ripens, that is, it gains the brand value by about 80%, in 10–11 days, in the winter – in a month. Since concrete takes much longer to gain strength at sub-zero temperatures, it is recommended that pouring be carried out in the warm season.
    • In hot weather, the concrete surface is moistened with water to prevent it from cracking and to ensure the maturation of the composition.

    If frosts are possible when installing a monolithic system, then it is better to initially choose a mixture with antifreeze additives. This concrete mixture gains strength even at subzero temperatures. In addition, a number of special technologies can significantly reduce its setting time. Of course, the cost of the composition increases.

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    Flooring made of corrugated sheets and concrete

    The use of progressive construction methods and the use of modern materials increases the pace of construction of new buildings. Flooring using profiled sheets is in demand today and is popular in the construction of objects - terraces, garages, residential buildings, enterprises.

    Traditionally, concrete slabs were used to cover objects. With their help, high-rise buildings were built. Lifting of heavy slabs was carried out by lifting equipment, and heavy physical labor of workers was used. Flooring made from corrugated sheets reduced the labor intensity of operations. Would you like to know how to use corrugated sheets for floors? You can do this work yourself by reading the material in the article.

    Currently, during individual construction, during the installation of floors, monolithic flooring is increasingly being done using corrugated sheets

    Basic information

    Pouring floors with a corrugated sheet base is the creation of a monolithic slab with increased strength and a margin of safety. In production, galvanized profiled sheet is used, a material with polymer protection, which is the basis. It performs the function of a stationary formwork, filled with concrete mortar. Metal frames absorb the force load.

    Floors based on corrugated sheets and concrete mortar, if calculated correctly and in accordance with all design rules, have a long service life and high strength. Compliance with all necessary requirements and proportions determines the reliability of the building and the safety of the people in the building.

    Advantages of corrugated sheets

    When planning to use corrugated sheeting for overlapping structures, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of this material, namely:

    • wide range of applications. Profiled sheets are used as facing and roofing material, as well as for the purpose of arranging fences;
    • corrosion resistance. The production technology of corrugated sheets involves the application of a special anti-corrosion coating, which increases the service life up to 25 years;

    Floors of this type are used in the construction of multi-storey public and industrial buildings with non-standard spans

    • light weight. The weight of the profiled sheet does not exceed 8 kilograms, which reduces the load on the load-bearing structure;
    • machinability and manufacturability. Sheets of material are easy to attach and can be cut;
    • increased strength. Corrugated sheeting can withstand increased forces;
    • acceptable price. Low cost has made it a material accessible to the masses;
    • aesthetics. The different colors of corrugated sheets allow them to harmoniously fit into the exterior;
    • transportability. Light weight and compact dimensions make it easy to transport the material;
    • environmental friendliness;
    • resistance to natural factors. Corrugated sheeting is not affected by weather conditions. Has increased resistance to alkaline and acidic environments.

    Features of monolithic design

    The interfloor ceiling made of corrugated sheets differs from the conventional structure by special formwork reinforcement, which makes it possible to obtain a finished ceiling that does not require additional finishing.

    The ability to use various types of profiled sheets when constructing floors is quite an important advantage


    • the possibility of reducing the consumption of concrete mixture associated with the presence of “waves” of various sizes;
    • reducing the amount of reinforcement material;
    • increasing the strength of the base;
    • reducing the weight of the structure;
    • uniform load redistribution;
    • the possibility of using lightweight wall materials, including foam and aerated concrete blocks.

    Profiled sheets for floors have been used relatively recently. The method of covering with corrugated sheets involves the use of formwork and concrete. In a short period of time, the technology has become in demand.

    One of the distinctive points is the possibility of constructing a column foundation for the structure, replacing the traditional strip one. The load that each column will bear is transmitted only by a specific part of the frame.

    The monolithic reinforced concrete base is a solid slab concreted on a profiled sheet. Structural supports – brick walls, concrete, reinforced concrete elements, steel frame. The slab is poured in a span of 1.5 to 6 meters in length. The size of the concrete shelf above the surface of the sheets is determined by calculation and is at least 30 mm. If there are openings in the concrete surface, strengthen the monolithic mass around them by welding additional reinforcement at the holes.

    The corrugated sheet used as reinforcement must have galvanized or some other coating that will provide it with resistance to corrosion

    Preparatory stage

    In order to qualitatively pour a concrete floor over corrugated sheets, it is important to approach the initial stage of work technically competently. Calculate the effort taking into account the exact dimensions of the building. To avoid mistakes when performing calculations, check the performance characteristics of the profiled sheets with the manufacturer.

    The preparatory stage plays a decisive role and requires a special approach, engineering knowledge and the ability to perform the necessary calculations. Before starting installation you should:

    • Calculate the material required for the manufacture of a frame with the necessary safety margin.
    • Select the type of profile sheet, determine the dimensions of the sheet and the thickness of the material.
    • Calculate the range of reinforcement intended for the manufacture of a load-bearing frame.

    The calculation part allows you to determine the assortment and nomenclature of columns and metal beams. The base material used for the columns is steel pipes with a profile section. Beams are made of metal channels. The accuracy of the calculation of a monolithic foundation determines the stability of the object’s structure.

    Monolithic floors should be built strictly according to developed and approved drawings and plans

    The work technology involves reinforcing beams and support columns. Metal pipes of various sizes and asbestos supports are used. A metal channel or I-beam is used as beams.

    Depending on the size of the corrugations on the sheet, the pitch of the beams changes. As the wave height increases, the spacing between the beams decreases. For example, the distance between the beams for a profile sheet of grade TP-75 with a thickness of 0.9 mm is 3 meters.

    Control that the sheets do not sag by installing them on three support beams. Fasten with self-tapping screws equipped with a reinforced drill. Remember the need to fix the joints, ensure the interval between armor-piercing screws is 40 centimeters.

    After completing the formwork, proceed to reinforcing the floor using corrugated sheets.

    Specifics of reinforcement

    Thanks to reinforcement, the strength characteristics of one material are increased with the help of another, which has increased rigidity. If we talk about corrugated sheets, the reinforcement is done with steel wire. The power circuit located inside the structure allows the concrete to withstand increased loads. Longitudinal rods with a diameter of 12 mm form the frame. Laying is carried out along the channels of the sheets. The frame parts are attached to each other by welding or wire.

    When the corrugated formwork is constructed, you can begin concreting

    If the formwork made of corrugated sheets and metal profiles has been installed and reinforcement has been completed, proceed to pouring concrete. Use concrete mix grade M350. Sequence of events:

    • Before pouring concrete, reinforce the corrugated flooring with additional beams - supports installed along the axes of the spans. They will support the base during the process of pouring the solution. After the mixture has hardened, dismantle them.
    • Carry out concreting in stages. During working hours, try to concrete a specific span, since it is problematic to immediately fill the entire volume with concrete.
    • Allow the concrete to cure until it reaches working strength. The ripening cycle in summer is 10 days, and at negative temperatures – one month.
    • Moisten the concrete surface with water during the hot season. This will prevent cracking and ensure maturation of the composition.

    If the calculations are made correctly, profile sheets are selected, a reinforcement frame is installed and concreting is done, then the strength of the structure will be at the proper level.

    Possible risks

    Being universal, corrugated sheet ceilings have disadvantages. During the work process, unforeseen moments may arise:

    • increased consumption of concrete solution;
    • insufficient rigidity of the floor structure;
    • failure to meet construction deadlines;
    • unforeseen increase in the estimated cost of construction of the facility.

    When installing and pouring, it is not advisable to save on the services of designers and qualified specialists. A complex and important design requires a high level of engineering calculations and the development of a detailed work project.


    Remember that the power-bearing sheets of corrugated sheets, which support the increased mass of concrete, do not tolerate errors. Pay attention to the calculations. If necessary, seek help from builders.

    Only if you have convenient tools, use high-quality materials, components and a professional approach to the work, can you make a concrete floor using corrugated sheets.

    Originally posted 2016-11-29 08:56:40.

    Overlapping according to profiled sheets: calculation and installation

    Modern construction technologies make it possible to use various materials when building a house, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Traditional materials, such as brick, wood and concrete blocks, are gradually beginning to give way to others, more practical, functional, and reliable. Increasingly, in the construction of residential buildings and other buildings, roofing using corrugated sheets is used.

    The starting material for the production of corrugated sheets is galvanized steel.

    This design represents the following “pie”:

    • metal beams made of I-beams or channels;
    • A special corrugated sheet for floors is laid on the support beams, which is secured with metal screws. These are special self-tapping screws that can even pass through a channel without additional drilling, which is not possible with other fastening methods;
    • From above, the future ceiling is reinforced using a profiled sheet with a reinforced belt consisting of metal rods. The mesh is fixed with knitting wire and additional fasteners made of metal and plastic;
    • Next, the concrete mixture is poured. But instead of concrete, you can also use moisture-resistant plywood, OSB boards, and in some cases foam concrete blocks are used.

    Before installing the floors, it is necessary to correctly select the material that will be used for the beams. Corrugated sheeting for the ceiling and reinforcement for the armored belt are selected according to the appropriate brand. At this stage, the help of a specialist is necessary, since all calculations regarding loads can only be performed using special programs. Amateur action in the absence of experience and knowledge can cause a collapse.

    Advantages of ceilings using corrugated sheets

    Table of types and areas of application of corrugated sheets.

    A ceiling device based on a profiled metal sheet is distinguished by the fact that formwork is used for pouring, which allows you to obtain a completely finished ceiling that will not require additional finishing. The technology itself consists of laying a profiled galvanized sheet on metal beams, reinforced with rods with a cross-section of 8-10 mm. After this, temporary supports are installed and the structure is filled with concrete.

    Monolithic interfloor slabs on corrugated sheets have many advantages:

    • the rigidity and strength of the resulting floor, which can withstand significant loads;
    • Concrete consumption when pouring is significantly less, as are reinforcement materials. At the same time, reliability remains high;
    • the profile metal sheet in this case acts not only as a reliable basis for the entire floor, but also as a convenient permanent formwork that reinforces the entire structure as a whole.
    • One of the advantages is that the corrugated flooring has much less weight than other materials, that is, its load on load-bearing walls and other building elements is less. Loads are transferred for the most part not to the walls, but to the metal frame of the floor.

    Corrugated sheeting can withstand any load.

    Corrugated sheeting can withstand any load without losing flexibility and strength.

    Other materials can be used together with the profiled sheet, although concrete pouring is most often used, as it is the simplest and most reliable. You can lay foam concrete, aerated concrete blocks, OSB boards, moisture-resistant plywood and other building materials on corrugated sheeting.

    Another big advantage is that corrugated flooring perfectly distributes the load on the foundation of the building. The use of this design makes it possible to use a lightweight foundation for the construction of a residential building; for example, instead of a strip foundation, it is quite possible to build a regular column foundation, which is much more economical.

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    Floor calculation rules

    Interfloor ceilings based on corrugated sheets, which have been so popular in recent years, are reliable and durable, but this cannot be done without preliminary calculations. Only a specialist should make such calculations, since the reliability and safety of the future structure depends on this. Separately, it is worth paying attention to the selection of corrugated sheeting, its thickness, type of wave, and design loads. The same applies to the section of beams, installation of a reinforcing belt and temporary supports that are necessary for pouring concrete.

    The higher the profile of the metal sheet, the greater the distance between the beams.

    Corrugated sheet roofing device.

    For example, a floor structure where the pitch of the beams is 3 m requires a 0.9 mm TP75 profiled sheet. In this case, the planning is calculated in such a way that the sheet rests not on 2 beams, but on 3, ensuring the reliability of the entire structure. The deflection in this situation will be minimal.

    The corrugated sheeting is attached to the floor beams using metal screws, which have dimensions of 5.5 * 32 mm. The sheet is fixed to the beam in each wave, which guarantees the rigidity of the surface, that is, the entire monolithic floor. To connect the profile at the joints, self-tapping screws with a cross-section of 5.5 * 25 mm are used, which must be installed in increments of 400 mm.

    Monolithic roofing using corrugated sheets can significantly reduce the cost of building materials without compromising the reliability of the structure. Interfloor slabs erected using corrugated sheets are lightweight and require virtually no external finishing. It is enough to cover the slabs with plasterboard or install a suspended ceiling.

    Monolithic roofing using corrugated sheets can significantly reduce the cost of building materials without compromising the reliability of the structure.

    The ease of installation of corrugated sheets, its low price and widespread availability have led to a rapid increase in the popularity of monolithic floors of this type. Next, we will consider in detail the selection of materials for work, the features of installing sheets and pouring concrete, as well as the procedure for installing supports and other means that prevent deformation during construction.

    Characteristics of corrugated flooring

    For the construction of interfloor formwork on corrugated sheets, profile sheets of grade H60 or H75 are used.

    Monolithic concrete floors as permanent formwork, for which metal sheets of corrugated sheets are used, are used for the construction of residential, public, industrial and utility buildings of different heights. The low weight of the structures, combined with ease of installation and high reliability, makes them an ideal option for the construction of summer cottages and private houses.

    For the construction of interfloor formwork on corrugated sheets, profile sheets of grade H60 or H75 are used. The choice depends primarily on the expected maximum load on the floor; for residential premises, corrugated flooring H60 is quite sufficient. In addition to the optimal height, this material is equipped with additional stiffening ribs located along the waves, which increases the resistance of the sheets to deformation.

    Due to the fact that the coating material will constantly be in contact with the air in the house, you should choose only corrugated sheets that have a coating that prevents corrosion. This type of protection includes galvanizing and paints that isolate the metal surface from the external environment.

    The thickness of H60 corrugated sheets ranges from 0.8 to 1 mm depending on the manufacturer, which allows it to withstand significant weight evenly distributed over its entire surface. Despite this, in order to properly pour concrete, you have to play it safe and install vertical supports that will take on most of the load, preventing the interfloor ceiling from sagging. Pouring concrete without such precautions can cause the mortar to pool in areas where the sheets sag, thereby increasing pressure on the structure. The load, increasing like an avalanche, will cause deformation of the sheets, breakthrough of the ceiling and failure of the entire structure.

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    A monolithic slab can use steel and reinforced concrete beams or brick and concrete walls as support.

    1. A monolithic slab can use steel and reinforced concrete beams or brick and concrete walls as support. In real conditions, it is most convenient to attach to steel I-beams: having a relatively light weight, they make it possible to evenly distribute the weight of the slab along the entire length.
    2. The distance between adjacent beams should be taken within 1.5-3 m. If you plan to install additional supporting beams, the length of the purlins can be increased to 4-4.5 m, but such an operation complicates the construction process and is used only in the construction of large industrial buildings.
    3. To ensure collaboration with sheets of corrugated sheets, vertical rods from anchors are welded to the I-beams. The scheme for their location is adopted as follows: near load-bearing walls they must pass through every wave of the metal sheet, and on intermediate beams - through every second wave.
    4. It is advisable to install corrugated flooring so that each sheet lies on three beams - two at the edges and one in the middle. The length of the sheets is laid without overlap - end-to-end, and the width ensures an overlap of one wave size. The profiled sheets are connected to each other with rivets.

    Compliance with simple installation requirements will ensure the reliability of the structure and will allow you to avoid such unpleasant consequences as mortar leakage, deflection and deformation of structures, or lack of load-bearing qualities of corrugated flooring.

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    Installation of fittings

    Reinforcing concrete only with corrugated sheets does not always guarantee the reliability of the structure. To increase the load-bearing characteristics of an interfloor monolithic floor, it is necessary to use an additional “skeleton” of reinforcement and reinforcing mesh.

    Reinforcement bars make it possible to increase the resistance of a monolithic structure to deformation. The optimal thickness of reinforcement used in the construction of private houses is 10-12 mm. It fits into the corrugations of the sheets, and for better effect it is raised above their surface by 20 mm with the help of small supports. The reinforcement between the beams is installed in continuous sections. On the extreme I-beams or places where the sheets lie directly on the wall, the reinforcement is brought to the very edge of the corrugated sheet. The maximum deviation from this parameter should not exceed 2 cm, otherwise the weight of the concrete will be redistributed not to the reinforcement, but to the thin metal.

    A reinforcing mesh with a cell size of 20x20 cm is additionally laid on top of the corrugated sheets. The vertical distance between the mesh and the flooring is taken to be at least 15 mm. To create a mesh, you can use either ready-made solutions or create reinforcement of this type from steel rods with a diameter of 3 mm or more. They are either connected by welding, or, preferably, connected to each other using galvanized wire.

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    When carrying out work independently, the question often arises whether it is possible to prepare concrete yourself and pour it onto the interfloor ceiling made of corrugated sheets. The problem with solving this problem lies in the fact that to ensure sufficient reliability, concrete must be poured in one go. Taking the average floor thickness of 9 cm and multiplying it by the total area, you will see that the cost of concrete will be calculated in cubic meters. By preparing such a quantity of solution yourself, it will be difficult to ensure uniform mixing, stability of the composition and control of the optimal consistency. Therefore, the best option would be not to save on small things, but to order the services of a concrete truck, which will deliver the solution to your site and use a pump to pump it onto the corrugated sheet. All that remains for you is to monitor the correct curing of the solution and trim areas with defects.

    The choice of brand and type of concrete is an important component of any construction, especially when it comes to covering between floors of a house. To carry out the work successfully, you should remember one simple truth: under no circumstances skimp on building materials! There is no need to experiment with reducing the weight of structures by adding expanded clay or using foam concrete. The ceiling is something that will always be above your and your family’s heads; its stability is a guarantee of the safety and durability of the structure.

    According to regulatory requirements, the thickness of the concrete layer must be such that it rises above the surface of the waves of the profile sheets by at least 50 mm, and if an additional concrete screed is planned, then this parameter is reduced to 30 mm. Adding a screed in most cases becomes a necessity, since the concrete floor, even with the most successful pouring, will have unevenness that no finishing material will hide.

    Concrete pouring must comply with regulatory requirements.

    As already mentioned, concrete is poured in one go. Using a conveyor belt or pump for this purpose, they achieve uniform distribution of the solution over the entire floor area. The filling features largely depend on weather conditions:

    • work is carried out exclusively at positive temperatures;
    • in hot weather, the concrete surface must be constantly moistened, otherwise cracks will appear that will damage the structure and integrity of the floor;
    • if pouring is carried out at the end of autumn, then it would be useful to use special anti-frost additives for concrete; although they slightly increase the cost of the solution, you will have a full guarantee of successful completion of the job.

    The construction of openings for flights of stairs is carried out by installing wooden formwork, which prevents the pouring of concrete into certain parts of the floor. In order for the formwork material to be well preserved and easy to separate from the concrete, it is recommended to wrap the wooden boards used for this with plastic film. After the interfloor ceiling has achieved maximum strength, the hole for the stairs will be easy to cut in thin metal with construction scissors.

    Maximum hardness is achieved gradually. If all requirements are met, maximum strength is achieved no less than 4 weeks after pouring.

    Reinforced concrete flooring is an almost irreplaceable technology in construction. We propose to consider how to make a monolithic floor using corrugated sheets, its technology, drawings and calculations.

    Advantages of overlapping with corrugated sheets

    A large amount of time is spent pouring the ceiling in any room, utility or residential, largely due to the fact that after completing the main work it is necessary to move on to finishing work. But, using corrugated sheeting, this part of the work process disappears by itself. In addition, the corrugation of the profile sheet helps to give the structure rigidity and strength.

    Photo - Overlapping with corrugated sheets

    1. Durability of the structure;
    2. Relatively cheap. In any case, it is much more affordable than installing a concrete floor on wooden formwork;
    3. High strength and low weight.

    Due to the fact that the concrete solution does not lie over the entire plane of the iron sheet, but only in the spaces between the ribs, significant savings in building material, reinforcement and other necessary parts are ensured in comparison with a continuous coating.

    The only note is that you only need to use roofing sheets, they are ideal for pouring concrete.

    Video: Monolithic ribbed ceiling

    Design Features

    In our case, a monolithic floor is a permanent formwork made of profiled flooring, on which cement mortar is laid; the entire structure rests on special load-bearing supports (frame structures), which consist of strong and rigid metal columns, beams, and joists. Thus, the main load from the corrugated flooring is applied to these supports, and not to the walls, so there is no need to be afraid that the material and structure of the walls will not withstand such a heavy “neighborhood from above.” This system allows you to build walls even from very light materials, such as shell rock, foam blocks and others.

    Also, this support system allows, instead of a very costly, expensive and complex strip foundation of the first floor, to install a more economical and simpler option - a glass type of house support. Each such “glass” will hold a specific column, due to which there will be no overall load on the floor, in addition, you will receive huge savings in building material. It should be noted that you will still have to make a grillage under the walls; it can cover almost the entire thickness of the wall, but take into account the slight deviation.


    To calculate a monolithic corrugated flooring for a cottage or private house, you need to use the services of a professional. Of course, now there are many programs (Autocad, SolitWorks, Compass) that can help you in this matter, but there is no guarantee that their calculations and estimates will exactly correspond to reality, because the program does not have a “one sheet is broken” or “bag” system cement mixed with a lot of sand.”

    In turn, we want to give several recommendations for calculating the cost of a monolith:

    The installation of a monolithic ceiling on corrugated sheets cannot be done without reinforcement, the price of which is often higher than the installation of the entire roof. Experts advise using reinforcement with data A 400C, with a cross-sectional diameter of 10.8 mm. This thickness is sufficient to provide the ceiling with technological load-bearing strength and rigidity.

    Installation of fittings on a profile sheet is distinguished by a special technology: pipes are installed in each recess. Afterwards they are fixed with special construction clamps and attached to the stiffeners. You can make these construction reinforcing brackets yourself from the same reinforcement, you just need special tools for bending metal and templates according to which you need to create a certain shape.

    Photo - Floor reinforcement

    The most important note is that you need to fill the reinforcement with concrete in such a way that there is 2-4 cm of mortar between the sheets, this is the only way you will ensure the required load-bearing capacity of the floor.

    Pouring concrete

    The concrete coating is very important; its indicators are the main ones in creating a corrugated flooring. It should be noted that the minimum concrete coverage of reinforced concrete structures based on corrugated sheets should be at least 7 cm. Pouring is carried out along horizontal beams, initially the depressions of the profile sheet are covered, then the entire area is poured.

    Photo - Scheme of corrugated flooring

    Remember that it is advisable to work at an accelerated pace, because... the profile sheet heats up very quickly and dries out the concrete coating, as the construction forum says, this significantly complicates the work.

    A private builder may deviate from standard solutions. Thus, the connection to the configuration and size of interior spaces is a thing of the past, giving way to new technologies. A monolithic ceiling using a profiled sheet allows you to cover any area, even if it is oval in shape.

    The technology for carrying out the work will not require serious organizational and financial costs. When installing a monolithic ceiling on corrugated sheets an additional range of benefits is realized:

    • the system does not require the installation of formwork and is relatively easy to assemble, which even beginners can do;
    • lower weight compared to traditional structures, which reduces the load on the foundation;
    • the corrugated sheet becomes part of the ceiling and serves as the main reinforcing frame;
    • the finished coating can be covered with plasterboard or left in its original form;
    • pouring the working solution is less labor-intensive;
    • the structural thickness of the floor may vary depending on the application areas, which requires calculation;
    • shorter deadlines for work;
    • the finished slab is not inferior in strength characteristics to other analogues;
    • the ability to use different types and brands of profiles;
    • fire resistance.

    The embedded parts are made of metal and contribute to the uniform distribution of loads. During installation, welding work is required

    Monolithic flooring on corrugated sheets - preparation

    The finished covering is at the same time the floor of the room above or the ceiling of the room below - it is both a load-bearing and enclosing structure.

    The quality of construction of a monolithic slab affects the safety of operation of the entire house, which is why it is so important to corresponding range of preparatory activities:

    • calculation of the load-bearing structure and load-bearing capacity. Mistakes made at this stage lead to sagging of the slabs over long spans, an increase in the thickness of the slab, followed by an increase in labor costs and financial costs;
    • calculation of materials;
    • to support the floor, it is necessary to provide special mortgages and “pockets” in the walls and pillars, which must be noted in the drawing.

    To correctly calculate the thickness of the slab, you must consider the following:

    • arrangement of partitions - even a lightweight plasterboard construction creates a load of 50-70 kg/m²;
    • Do not forget about the payload from the equipment of the room. In private construction it is accepted at 150 kg/m²;
    • the safety margin must exceed the design value by a third;
    • installation of vertical rod anchors will provide reliable adhesion of the corrugated sheet to the concrete. Additional elements are welded to the purlin flange during installation;
    • Detailed recommendations for the design of monolithic floors and calculations are specified in the STO 0047 -2005 standard.

    The maximum thickness of the monolithic floor varies between 200-250 mm, the minimum - 50-60 mm.


    The installation of a monolithic floor using corrugated sheets can be implemented as follows:

    • placing the structure on concrete or metal beams (channel/I-beam) in increments of 3.0 m;
    • installation on the internal shelf of an I-beam, the pitch is a multiple of the sheet length, for example, 1.2-1.5 m;
    • construction without supporting beams.

    Carrying out work

    The master must take into account the specified sequence of actions if he creates a monolithic ceiling with his own hands

    Laying corrugated sheets on supporting beams:

    • According to the drawing, an I-beam is placed in pockets or inserts. Embedded support corners are used when working on concrete columns or walls;
    • A profiled sheet is installed on the I-beam; the corrugation should be oriented with the extension down. When working, self-tapping screws are used. Fastening is carried out at the joints and in places where the beams become accustomed;
    • longitudinal reinforcement is “lowered” into each rib (190-200 mm pitch) and connected to a transverse rod placed on top of the sheet in vertical sections. The size of the finished cells is 150-150 mm;
    • supports are evenly mounted between the beams, which will avoid deflection of the corrugated sheet;
    • filling is implemented;
    • pockets or mortgages are sealed;
    • after 25-30 days, the supports are dismantled and further work is carried out.

    Laying on the inner flange of an I-beam:

    • I-beams rest on mortgages or pockets;
    • material is laid out on the inner flange of the beam. Laying is carried out along the length of the sheet, that is, with corrugations across the span of beams. The structure is fixed with self-tapping screws;
    • The reinforcement is laid and the filling is carried out to cover the entire thickness of the I-beam. Filling in sections is acceptable.

    Installation without support beams

    Installation is carried out with the support of corrugated sheeting and reinforcement on the walls with temporary supporting supports and embedded columns. The design allows workers to move along the spans and supports the weight of the pour..


    • the sheet is fixed on the mortgages with a metal anchor;
    • the reinforcement is welded to the embedded parts and columns at all points of contact;
    • the ceiling must not contain holes. The monolith should be placed from wall to column or between columns without interruption;
    • how to fill the ceiling? It is recommended to pour concrete at one time.

    An I-beam is a standard profile used in the construction of structural elements. The cross-section of the beam resembles the letter “H”, which provides high strength and rigidity, however, it is inferior to the channel in terms of resistance to torsion

    This type of organization of work is advisable to use in the construction of floors between the floor and the attic, which is due to lower loads.

    Choosing material

    Corrugated sheeting is a corrugated sheet made of galvanized steel, which can be coated with additional coating.

    Materials with the following markings may be available for sale:

    • “N” - load-bearing profiled sheet for roofing and ceilings;
    • “NS” - ​​load-bearing for flooring and walls;
    • "C" is for walls.

    The markings are deciphered as follows.

    For product H35-1000-0.7:

    • “N” - type of profiled sheet:
    • 35 – profile height (wave or trapezoid), mm;
    • 7 – metal thickness, mm;
    • 1000 – width (working/useful), mm.

    For the construction of monolithic floors, the choice should be as follows:

    • marking “N” (has a high load-bearing capacity), in the construction of less critical structures, profiled sheet “CH” is used;
    • if the span length is less than 5.50 m, the minimum thickness is taken as 0.80 mm;
    • if the span is more than 5.50 m – 0.90 mm;
    • reinforcing bar d0-12.0 mm;
    • concrete not lower than M300;
    • self-tapping screws M5.5 x 32.0/35.0 mm – fix the corrugated sheet on the supporting beams;
    • for the technology of installation on load-bearing metal beams - I-beam 12.

    You can separately note such material as corrugated sheet H60. Its use is advisable if the structure will accept high operating loads.


    If a professional team is engaged in the construction of a monolithic floor, the price is as follows:

    • lightweight structures - from 4 t.r./m²;
    • solid monolith 0.25 m – from 5 t.r./m².

    Profiled sheet H60 can be used for installation of floors without monolithic concrete, non-insulated and insulated wall structures, permanent and temporary fences

    Doing the work yourself will require lower costs, however, it is recommended to entrust the calculation part to professionals, which will require additional costs.

    Floors erected on corrugated sheets are a modern and justified solution for frequent construction. The technology is accessible to any master, does not involve significant costs and reduces the time required to complete the work.

    The installation of a monolithic ceiling on corrugated sheets is available to everyone; you can see this from the video:

    reinforced concrete slabs; monolithic ones are also popular among private developers. Their advantages include not only the solidity and durability inherent in the same slabs, but also the ability to cover rooms of any configuration. At the same time, the disadvantages include the large mass of the slabs, requiring a reinforced base and wall materials of increased strength, and the need to assemble formwork. Therefore, many self-developers, including the craftsmen of our portal, prefer a lightweight version - monolithic ceilings on a profiled sheet, which will be discussed in the material. Consider:

    • What is a monolithic ceiling using a profiled sheet?
    • Technology of installation of steel-reinforced concrete floors.
    • Experience of portal participants in the installation of unsupported monolithic floors using profiled sheets.

    Monolithic ceiling on a profiled sheet

    Initially, NIIZhB (Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete) of the USSR State Construction Committee developed a method for pouring monolithic reinforced concrete floors with steel (SPN) for buildings and structures for industrial purposes. The first recommendations for the design of monolithic reinforced concrete floors with SPN were developed in 1987; almost two decades later, STO 0047-2005 appeared, essentially a slightly updated version of the first option. However, for those who want to understand the technology and make calculations on their own, without resorting to the services of a professional, our old-timers advise first to study the manual from the Land of the Soviets.


    If you want to figure it out without extra costs, read the recommendations for the design of monolithic reinforced concrete floors with profiled steel decking, NIIZHB, 1987.

    The essence of the technique is that the corrugated sheet serves as both the external reinforcement of the slab and the finishing layer.

    When it comes to industrial premises, such exterior finishing is more than enough. According to the service station developers, lightweight profile slabs have a number of advantages compared to a conventional monolithic slab:

    • Reducing the amount of steel for beams by 15%.
    • Reduction of labor costs by 25-40%.
    • Reduction in slab weight by 30-50%.
    • Increasing the rigidity of floors (towards horizontal loads).
    • Simplification of communication wiring - placement of highways in corrugations.
    • The absence of wooden formwork means an increase in the speed of work.

    The use of steel-reinforced concrete floors in the construction of industrial and private buildings is permissible under the following basic conditions:

    • slightly aggressive and non-aggressive operating environment;
    • humidity conditions up to 75%;
    • room temperature not higher than +30⁰С;
    • The concrete used is free of potassium chloride and other chlorine-containing additives.

    That is, the main contraindication to this type of floors is high humidity, due to which they are usually used as interfloor and are not used between the basement and the first floor or the basement and the first floor.

    al185 Super moderator FORUMHOUSE

    The corrugated sheet in the base will rot, if you are interested in the timing, look it up with a search. On the protection of wheel arches, galvanized screws rust within a couple of months.

    For pouring slabs, the use of both heavy and light concrete is allowed, but the compressive strength class for heavy concrete on fine-grained aggregate is from B15 (M200), for lightweight concrete on porous aggregate – from B12.5 (M150). The minimum layer of concrete above the profile deck is 30 mm, if a finishing screed is provided, if without a screed - from 50 mm. The flooring is made of load-bearing profiled sheets (H), with a corrugation height of 44 mm.

    For the reinforcement frame, reinforcing bars of a periodic profile, class A-III, and wire of class BP are used. If you plan to overlap with a staircase opening, then it is necessary to strengthen the reinforcement frame around the perimeter and install side formwork. The steel beams of the load-bearing frame are either rolled or composite sections.

    Technology of installation of steel-reinforced concrete floors

    In the original version, the corrugated sheet is laid not only on the walls, but also on a frame of steel beams (purlins), which is the load-bearing one. The number and parameters of beams are calculated individually, based on the dimensions of the span to be covered and the expected loads; on average, the step is from 1.5 to 3 m, but each sheet must have three support points - in the center and along the edges. Single-layer reinforcement – ​​mesh, wire diameter from 3 mm, pitch 200×200 mm, thickness of the protective layer above the mesh at least 15 mm.

    Corrugated sheets are laid across the long side of the span, with wide corrugations downwards, overlapping along the length, at least by one wave, end-to-end across the width. The waves are fixed between themselves with rivets or self-tapping screws with a pitch of no more than 500 mm. In order for the profile and purlins to work as one system, the flooring is secured with rod anchors, which are welded to the beams. Near load-bearing walls, the anchor must pass through each wave, and on intermediate beams through one. In addition, the flooring is fixed to the beams using screws or dowels.

    However, the use of steel beams is not the most attractive option for self-builders, so many of the craftsmen on our portal prefer an alternative option - a supportless monolithic floor using a profile sheet.

    Experience of portal participants in the installation of unsupported monolithic floors using profiled sheets


    The ceiling can be made using corrugated sheets without I-beams or channels.

    Instead of a frame, a load-bearing profiled sheet is used with a wave height of 60 mm, a thickness of 0.7 mm, and reinforced reinforcement - lower, upper, transverse and mesh. In this case, the profiled sheet is a permanent formwork, and the main loads are taken by the reinforced reinforcement frame. The sheets are laid with a narrow corrugation down and, just as in the method with beams, they are oriented in waves across the long side of the span. The result is a type of ribbed monolithic floor, only the ribs are formed not by removable formwork, but by corrugations. Unlike a steel-reinforced concrete slab supported on beams, this slab is not recommended to be filled with lightweight concrete, and the compressive strength class should be increased to B22.5 (M300).


    It is reinforced concrete that holds the load; neither foam concrete nor expanded clay concrete have the necessary strength. Strengthening the reinforcement in this case is useless.

    When pouring, be sure to thoroughly vibrate the solution. If necessary, supports are placed below, which are removed after the concrete has gained strength.

    One of our craftsmen decided to use corrugated sheets not only as formwork, but also as an additional load-bearing frame.


    I make a monolithic ceiling using H75 profiled sheet, 0.7 mm thick. In order not to lose its load-bearing capacity, after pouring I decided to include it in joint work with concrete. I did this: using a hammer drill (6 mm drill), I punched holes every meter in each ridge and inserted pieces of wire 6 mm thick and 10 mm long into them, and instead of stars, I placed and tied reinforcement onto it, plus a mesh on top. Even the stiffness has increased, I compare it before and after knitting the reinforcement.

    The spans are 3.6 and 2.0 m, reinforcement in the wave is 12 mm, on top is a wire mesh 5 mm thick, with a cell of 100×100 mm. From below, I covered the waves with scraps of gas block and sealed the cracks with polyurethane foam; one cylinder was enough for 70 m². The deck rests only on the outer walls and on the load-bearing wall in the middle. The slab was poured with a concrete pump, the thickness of the floor was 130 mm, the area was 76 m², about 7 m³ of mortar (M300) was used. After a few hours it was possible to cut off the bumps, following the rule, the next day I wet the slab and sanded it.

    A heated floor system is usually installed in a finished screed, but if desired, you can combine a heated floor and a monolithic ceiling using a profiled sheet.


    Is it possible to install TP pipes directly into the slab being poured? Will the presence of TP pipes in it weaken such an overlap? And if possible, how much thickness should I add under the 20 pipe? As I understand it, the TP must be placed between the layers of reinforcement so that the top layer of reinforcement in the concrete is not “drowned” for its normal operation? I would like to try once and pour the concrete evenly, so that only the finishing self-leveling floor remains and there is no need to load the slab with an additional screed.

    The method has the right to life, subject to increasing the thickness of the overlap and having some experience.