Lamp energy saving power consumption. Energy-saving lamps

There are many different factors that matter. This article is about how to make the right choice.

Energy saving lamp device

For many years, fluorescent light sources were used along with incandescent lamps. But they had a drawback - large sizes. The development of technology made it possible to make the flask thinner, bend it in the shape of a “U” or a spiral, and the electromagnetic choke, which consumed reactive power in addition to active power, was made electronic and placed in a conventional base.

energy saving lamp and incandescent lamp

Thus, the size of luminescent devices became comparable to incandescent lamps, and they took their place in lighting equipment.

Main characteristics

The main parameters of energy-saving lamps that affect the choice of the desired light source are:

  • plinth type;
  • light flow;
  • Colorful temperature;
  • light output;
  • color rendering index;
  • Term of the work.

Plinth type

The bases used in energy-saving light bulbs are of two types:

Threaded or Edison base. Their marking consists of the letter "E" and a number indicating the diameter. The most common are E14 (e14 minion), E27 (most commonly used) and E40 (changes in high power devices corresponding to old 0.5–1 kW incandescent lamps).

Pin. Designated with the letter "G". The numbers indicate the distance between the pins.

Plinth types

Luminous flux and output

This parameter indicates the amount of light emitted by the bulb in the room. The luminous flux is measured in Lumens (lm or Lm) and is indicated on the packaging.

Luminous flux indicates how many lumens a light source emits per watt of power. For incandescent lamps, it is minimal - 10-15 lm / W, for energy-saving lamps - 50-80 lm / W. The most economical sources are LED. They have a maximum luminous flux - 40-100 lm / W.

ESL luminous flux

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

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With prolonged use, the light output decreases. This is due to the deterioration of the properties of the phosphor, filament or diodes in LED lamps.

light temperature

The subjective perception of illumination is affected not only by the luminous flux emitted by the lamp. The shade of the light matters just as much.

White light is used for lighting, but depending on the preferences of the user, the shade may be different. It differs in light temperature. The most common are:

  • 2700 K - warm white, incandescent lamps have such light. Used in living rooms.
  • 4100 K - neutral. This type of light source is used in bathrooms, corridors and kitchens of residential buildings and industrial premises.
  • 6500 K - cold white. Suitable for the street.

light temperature ESL

Color rendering index

The human eye perceives color best in natural light. Artificial light sources distort color perception.

The color rendering index (Ra or CRI) is an indicator that determines the naturalness of color under artificial lighting.

Its ideal value is 100. The use of fixtures with an index below 80 in residential areas is not recommended, as this distorts real colors.

The color rendering index of fluorescent and energy-saving lamps is 60–98.

Term of the work

Energy-saving light bulbs, including CFLs, claim a lifespan of 8,000 hours, or 8 years, assuming an average run time of 2.5–3 hours a day, including the bathroom, where the light is switched on sporadically, and the living room, where it is lit all evening .

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in the repair, maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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The service life is badly affected by a large number of starts and poor power quality. All these factors lead to the fact that the service life is less than stated.

Comparison lamps their advantages and disadvantages

Like any electrical appliance, energy-saving lamps have advantages and disadvantages. They are best seen in comparison with incandescent and LED bulbs.

As can be seen from the table, ESLs are more economical, have a longer service life and a variety of light shades compared to incandescent lamps.

However, they require more careful handling (there are mercury vapors inside), consume more electricity and have a shorter life than LED bulbs, which are the most energy efficient light sources.

comparison table

ESL power table

Consumers are often interested in the question of what power CFLs correspond to incandescent bulbs. The table below gives an answer on the correspondence between the power of luminaires of different types.

incandescent30 W35 W40 W45 W50 W55 W60 W65 W75 W80 W90 W100 W115 W120 W130 W180 W275 W
energy-saving (luminescent)6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W15 W16 W18 W20 W23 W24 W26 W36 W55 W
LED4 W 5 W 6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W15 W16 W18 W20 W23 W

According to this equivalence table, an ESL with a nominal power of 11 W corresponds to an incandescent lamp of 55 W, 15 W - 75 W, 20 W - 100 W.

The use of incandescent lamps has long been irrelevant. They were replaced by a new invention, which became very popular even despite the higher cost. These lamps are called energy-saving or simply "housekeeper".

The main feature of such elements is low consumption of electrical energy. It is this property that led to their popularization in all countries of the world. In some states, with the advent of "housekeepers", bans were introduced on the use of incandescent bulbs.

But if the design of an ordinary light bulb is simple and understandable, then energy-saving ones are a mystery to many. This article will help you find out if energy-saving elements are really so useful and economical.

Application area

When energy-saving lamps appeared, they were more often used in office premises. Over time, they began to actively fill the markets and electrical stores. This led to the fact that the cost of "housekeepers" decreased and increased their availability for all categories of the population.

Energy-saving lamps are a great way to save electricity, which rises in price every year.

Having tested energy-saving light bulbs in action, people are convinced of their effectiveness and try to switch only to this type of lighting.

Basically, these lamps are used in residential areas. Less commonly used in cellars, hallways and corridors, as well as to illuminate the territory of a private house at night.

The use of such lamps is also widespread in the housing and communal services sector. On staircases, where ordinary lamps often burn out, it is very convenient to use the “housekeeper”. The service life allows you to use them for a long time. Even if a defect occurs in the device and the lamp burns out before the specified period, it can always be replaced under warranty. Every year more and more apartment sectors are switching to energy-saving types of lighting.

How to choose

Manufacturers produce "housekeepers" with different parameters and quality of the product.

When choosing an energy-saving lamp, pay attention to its size, otherwise it will not fit in a chandelier or lamp.

First, let's choose the optimal form:

  • spiral;
  • U-shaped;
  • semi-spiral.

Lighting and operating modes for all types of lamps are almost the same, the differences are only in the form of their manufacture and cost. Spiral is more expensive due to the complexity of the design.

“Housekeepers” differ in power consumption of electricity. The power range ranges from 3 to 120 watts. It is worth paying attention to this, because the brightness of its glow depends on the power. If it is necessary to illuminate a large room, then high-power lamps are used.

Bulbs are produced with different diameters of socles, which have different applications. Some are designed only for wall lamps, others for ceiling chandeliers and spotlights.

Quality directly depends on the manufacturer. It is not recommended to purchase Chinese lamps at a low cost.

Energy-saving lamps, various in shape and color

The service life also plays an important role in the selection. If the warranty for the lamp is 1 year, then the “housekeeper” has low quality indicators. Normal manufacturers give a guarantee for their products up to three years.

When heading to the electrical store for an energy-saving lamp, it is important to remember the following:

  1. Form;
  2. Plinth type;
  3. Power;
  4. Life time;
  5. color rendering;
  6. Firm manufacturer.


What are the advantages of "housekeepers"? These include the following important indicators:

  1. High light output properties. "Housekeepers" allow you to emit a luminous flux many times greater than conventional lamps. Profitability also lies in the fact that the maximum consumption of electricity is converted into a luminous flux.
  2. Long service life. Medium quality light bulbs can burn continuously for up to 15,000 hours.
  3. Variety of color streams. Incandescent lamps do not have the ability to control the color of the glow. "Housekeepers" come in three types of glow: warm, cold and daylight.
  4. Minor release of thermal energy. This property suggests that the energy consumed goes precisely to the formation of a luminous flux. Weak heating of the device allows it to be used in floor lamps made of fabrics and plastics. Conventional light bulbs heat up the fabric and may cause a fire.
  5. Soft and even distribution of light rays. The light spreads around the room with the same glow.
  6. Low power consumption at high lighting rates. Savings can be up to 75% compared to standard incandescent bulbs

“Housekeepers” save the financial resources of users


Along with such quality indicators, energy-saving lamps have their drawbacks. They are as follows:

  1. Long time for the maximum luminous flux to occur when the lamp is turned on. This time ranges from 3 seconds and sometimes up to 2 minutes. Especially this phenomenon is often noticed when the “housekeeper” is operated in a cold room.
  2. Energy-saving lamps emit rays that are harmful to people suffering from skin diseases. The operation of the light source for such people is not allowed at a distance closer than 30 cm. The higher the power of the lamp, the more ultraviolet they emit.
  3. Sensitivity to voltage drops. With a decrease in the voltage of the 220 V network by 10%, they are able to turn off on their own. They do not turn on at a low voltage of 195 V. Lamps must not be used in luminaires with dimmers.
  4. Low frost resistance. It is impossible to turn on and operate an energy-saving lamp in cold weather at sub-zero temperatures (-15 and below).
  5. The content of harmful substances in the structure: mercury and phosphorus. These substances are not dangerous when glowing, but are dangerous if the lamp breaks. After unsuitability, they require special disposal.
  6. Intermittent flickering. This is not normal and indicates a possible failure in the near future.
  7. High price. To transfer the entire house to this type of lighting, considerable financial costs will be required.

Mercury vapor hazard

Mercury is a chemical reagent that is one of the most dangerous for humans. Almost all energy-saving lamps have mercury vapor in their design, or rather, inside a glass bulb. Their content is 3-5 mg, which is a lethal dose for humans. During the operation of the lamp, this mercury is absolutely harmless, it is not released from it and does not affect the human body in any way.

If the lamp breaks, then the risk of poisoning a person with mercury vapor increases.

If an energy-saving lamp breaks, you should immediately ventilate the room and dispose of it.

Measures taken in time will not entail any dangerous consequences. It must be properly disposed of. After all, the industry produces millions of energy-saving lamps a day, and there are very few collection points. In this regard, people throw away lamps together with household waste, which is unacceptable and causes enormous damage to the environment!

If it is not possible to hand over energy-saving light bulbs to a recycling company in a locality, then it is better to choose those that do not contain hazardous substances.

A few words about manufacturers

Since the advent of energy-saving lamps, the number of manufacturers of this light source has been growing every day. The most demanded (in terms of price indicators) are products made in China. The cost of high-quality elements is an order of magnitude higher than Chinese ones, but the long service life and high technical parameters pay off the costs.

Among the most popular and high-quality manufacturing companies are the following:

  • OSRAM;
  • Philips;
  • Photon;
  • Maxus.

These brands have really excellent technical indicators. Manufacturers give a guarantee for their products up to 3 years. Production bases are located in Germany, Italy and other countries.

Firms producing energy-saving lamps of medium quality:

  • Space;
  • Navigator;
  • Wolta;
  • Nakai.

Manufacturers of economy class products (quality level - satisfactory):

  • electrum;
  • Volta;
  • deluxe;
  • sunluxe.

Manufacturers of high-quality energy-saving lamps do not use liquid mercury in the manufacture of flasks, but a special type of amalgam alloy. In this alloy, mercury is in a bound state. This allows her, when the flask is broken, not to dissolve in the air, but to remain in a bound state.

Main technical parameters

Energy-saving lamps consist of a base, a bulb and a starting device. Bulbs of lamps are filled with vapors of mercury or inert gas of argon. The white matter on the glass of the flask is the phosphor. It is also used in fluorescent lamps.

The principle of operation of such lamps is based on the supply of high voltage to the flask with vapor. The voltage is increased by means of an installed starting device inside the plastic shell of the lamp.

High voltage causes the continuous movement of electrons. These electrons collide with the mercury atoms and produce an ultraviolet glow inside the bulb. Ultraviolet passes through the phosphor and causes a glow that is perceived by human vision.

The principle of the formation of visible light in energy-saving light bulbs

The main technical parameters of the “housekeepers” include:

  • power;
  • Colorful temperature;
  • light output;
  • types of plinths.


This is an important indicator when choosing an energy-saving lamp for lighting a room. “Housekeepers”, when consuming low power, are able to emit a luminous flux 80% higher than that of incandescent lamps. can be replaced with an energy-saving one, with a power of 10 watts.

Below is a table of the ratio of the power of incandescent lamps and "housekeepers" with the number of lumens they produce.

Comparison of the power of lamps with the luminous flux emitted by them
Power of the "housekeeper", W Incandescent lamp power, W Luminous flux, Lm
5 25 220
8 40 420
12 60 720
20 100 1360
30 150 1900
45 225 2600
65 325 3590
85 425 4875
105 525 5985
120 600 7125

The table shows how much you can save on electricity if you use energy-saving elements.

As mentioned above, energy-saving lamps can emit three different types of glow, depending on the temperature of the radiation:

  1. Warm radiation has a glow temperature of 2700 degrees Kelvin. Warm light is suitable for rooms where there is no need for eye strain. Best for bedroom and kitchen.
  2. Daylight - 4200K. It will be an excellent solution for lighting children's rooms and living rooms. This glow is closer to natural light.
  3. Cold - 6400 degrees Kelvin. For office spaces where long-term eye strain is required, lamps with cold light emission are suitable.

Visualization of the “color temperature” characteristic

If the eyes get tired of the light that the device emits. This is evidence that the color temperature of the lamp was incorrectly selected for this room.

Light output

Luminous efficacy is the ability to propagate a luminous flux, measured in lumens Lm, and directly dependent on the power of the lamp. The more powerful the energy-saving lamp, the faster and more intensively the electrons inside the bulb move, interacting with the atoms. A table characterizing the amount of light flux from power is presented above.

Almost all packages indicate the power and luminous flux of the lamp that it emits.

Types of plinths

In order to avoid the need to replace the cartridges of many lamps and chandeliers, the “housekeepers” are produced with the types of the standard E27 base. The number 27 indicates the diameter of the plinth in mm.

There is also a small base marked as E14, designed for small lamp holders or floor lamps.
Manufacturers have not forgotten about projector cartridges, into which lamps with an E40 base must be screwed.

Energy-saving lamps have characterized themselves on the positive side and have become very popular. Along with negative properties, they still have more positive ones.

Already after the first month of operation, savings in electricity consumption will be noticeable. It remains only to synchronize the utilization of energy-saving lamps with production, and financial savings in the family will be guaranteed.

Video about the device of energy-saving light bulbs

To finally dispel doubts about this type of elements, see the detailed video. It describes in detail and shows the principle of operation, as well as the "opening" of light sources and their detailed analysis.

Important indicators of energy saving lamps

To choose the right energy-saving lamp (ESL) for your space, it is important to know the selection criteria for the main technical characteristics of energy-saving lamps.

The main parameters of the ESL include;
lamp dimensions. Of course, you need to pay attention to the size of the lamps, since in general ESLs are larger than incandescent bulbs and may not fit in the lamp shade;

plinth type these lamps are the same as incandescent ones - these are E27 type bases (27 mm in diameter), the most common, E14 base (14 mm in diameter), they are mainly intended for installation in chandeliers, multi-track lamps. Socle type E40 is designed for lamps installed in spotlights;

lamp glow color has a color gradation from a cold white glow to yellow.

Bases of energy-saving lamps E 14 (left) and E27 (right)

Technical characteristics of energy-saving lamps

The main characteristics of ESL include;

Power consumed by the lamp. For private use, lamps with a power of 5 to 100 W are purchased, and for industrial needs 5 - 250 W.

When choosing an ESL, you need to know that they have a luminous efficiency 5 times higher than incandescent specimens. For example, a 20 watt ESL can replace a 100 watt filament. The package indicates the power of the replaced incandescent lamp;

Table of characteristics of energy-saving lamps - power comparison

Lifetime ESL is 8 times higher than a conventional incandescent light bulb, which is equal to 1000 hours of operation under ideal conditions. The increase in service life is achieved by a different principle of lamp operation, in which the filament consumes much less current. These lamps do not need a high wattage to ignite an inert gas, which significantly increases their service life. The product's service life is indicated on the packaging;

Light flow determines the quality of the lamp, the higher the quality, the higher the luminous flux. The measure of luminous flux is lumen (lm) and is also indicated on the packaging

;- Light output ESL is an indicator of lamp efficiency, which for incandescent bulbs has a value of 10 - 15 lm / W, and for ESL 50 - 80 lm / W, which is much higher, but not yet ideal. According to this parameter, there is a system for classifying electricity consumption by lighting sources. These 7 gradations are denoted by the letters A - G, where classes A and B are occupied by energy-saving lamps with lower power consumption;

Colorful temperature is a measure of the color of the lamp. In ESL, the color of the glow is determined by the type of phosphor and is measured in Kelvin (K). For incandescent lamps, the color temperature is in the range of 2703 - 3000 K - this is the color of the glow of the sky at sunset. Day or natural color has a color temperature of 4000 - 4200 K. The cool color range is in the range of 6000 - 6500 K.

Such a bright white color of the glow causes eye fatigue and the main use of these ESLs is the illumination of streets and squares. The power indicator of the lamps does not affect their luminous flux. With the same power ESL, the luminous flux can be different. Also, new designs of energy-saving lamps can have lower power and higher luminous flux, while older models with higher power have lower luminous flux;

Color rendering index shows the natural color of objects when illuminated by different ESL. This indicator ideally has a value of 100 Ra. For a comfortable perception of objects, the color rendering index should be within 80 - 100 Ra. A lower index indicates poorer color rendering properties.

Labeling of energy-saving lamps

The designation of energy-saving lamps for Russian models has a letter meaning, which indicates that;
- L is luminescent;
- B - white glow lamps; - TB - glow color is warm - white;
- D - day color;
- C - illumination with improved color rendering;
- E - means good environmental friendliness.

Characteristics of the luminous flux and color temperature of energy-saving lamps. Labeling of energy-saving lamps

In deciphering the international designation, the first digit reflects the color rendering index, while the others are indicators of the color temperature multiplied by 100. For lamps with a good color rendering index (high-quality phosphor), the first digit should not be lower than 8. For private use, the color temperature within 2700 and 3600 K, and the marking in numbers should be 827, 830, and also 836.

The main advantage of LED light sources is significant energy savings. You can get tangible and desired results using the products of the online store.

Energy-saving fluorescent lamps, which have already become familiar to many, are gradually becoming a thing of the past. It is being replaced by lighting equipment of a fundamentally new type, with different light and quality characteristics. Modern LED light sources have a whole range of advantages over their predecessors. This applies to light output, energy consumption, service life, environmental friendliness, fire and mechanical safety. The "minuses" that make their implementation difficult include the higher cost and the conservatism of a certain part of the population.

To overcome doubts, it is enough to turn to table of correspondence of power of LED lamps characteristics of light sources of the previous generation.

Table comparing characteristics of lamps: incandescent, halogen, energy-saving fluorescent and energy-saving LED lamps

The table of correspondence between the luminous efficiency of energy-saving (fluorescent) lamps and incandescent lamps corresponds to

LED and Incandescent

It should be noted that the tabular figures are averages and may differ for. However, the conclusions are clear. Traditional, but obsolete, uneconomical light bulbs lose significantly. The given table of correspondence of the power of LED lamps, even taking into account the inevitable error, convincingly proves the advantages of the new generation systems. To this must be added a long service life, due to their design features and providing a quick and repeated payback. Analysis of tabular data, simple calculations show: the present and the future are behind the LEDs!

Energy-saving lamps are now in trend and this is not without reason. With ever-increasing electricity prices, many people want to reduce electricity consumption in order to reduce costs.

And one of the ways to save money is to use energy-saving appliances in the house.

And most often, savings begin with lighting fixtures. After all, it is easier and cheaper to change light bulbs in the house than, for example, a refrigerator.

At the same time, the use of energy-saving lamps in terms of energy consumption can significantly reduce the cost of electricity in the house.

So we will try to figure out what energy-saving lamps are, and whether they can really save us electricity.

General advantages and disadvantages of "housekeepers"

Let's start with the very concept - an energy-saving lamp. To determine if a lighting device is economical, it is compared with a conventional incandescent lamp. And any lamp that consumes less electricity than the “Ilyich bulb” is already considered energy-saving.

But there are few types of such lighting devices, and in domestic conditions three types of lamps are used at all:

  • halogen;
  • luminescent (gas-discharge);
  • LED.

The advantages of these lighting fixtures compared to an incandescent lamp are really many:

The first and most important of them is a significantly lower power consumption with the same light output, due to a higher efficiency. An incandescent lamp has a very low efficiency - about 18%, that is, out of every 100 watts of energy consumed, such a lamp converts only 18 watts into light radiation, the rest of the energy is spent on heating the spiral. For energy-saving lamps, the efficiency can reach 80%, but this depends on the design features of each device. Below we will take a closer look at the efficiency of all types of lamps;

Increased service life, which also affects financial costs, but here again, much depends on the design of the lamp and operating conditions;

Safety of use (does not apply to halogen lamps). The absence of a direct connection of contacts (in an incandescent lamp they are connected by a spiral) eliminates the occurrence of a short circuit.

Reducing the load on the network, which also increases security.

And these are just the main advantages inherent in all energy-saving lamps.

The main common disadvantage for economical elements is their cost.

There are a number of advantages and disadvantages that each type of "housekeeper" lamp has.

Basic parameters of lighting elements

In order to further understand the operating parameters of the above types of lamps, we will consider each of them using the example of a conventional incandescent lamp, since in all calculations they are repelled from it.

The main parameters for any lamp is its luminous efficiency, it is also efficiency, and light temperature - the intensity of light emission. This can also include a resource.

The efficiency of a lamp is the luminous flux (measured in Lumens) that it emits when it consumes a certain amount of energy (measured in Watts).

In simple terms, this parameter means how much light the lamp will emit, having spent 1 watt of electricity.

So, a 75-watt incandescent lamp provides a luminous flux equal to 935 lm and has a luminous efficacy of 12 lm / W.

Light temperature is the intensity of the radiation of a light source, taken as a wavelength in the optical range (measured in Kelvin).

To make it clearer, this parameter indicates what brightness and color tone the emitted light will have.

A 100-watt incandescent lamp has a light temperature of 2800 K, which in the optical range corresponds to warm white light with an orange tint. This is the temperature of sunlight during sunrise and sunset.

The average life of an incandescent lamp is 2000 hours. From these parameters in the future we will build on. The life of the lamps can be extended, special devices that not only regulate the degree of illumination of the premises, but also save electricity.

Halogen devices

Now for the energy-saving lamps themselves and let's start with halogen. In fact, this is the same incandescent lamp, but with some modifications. In her flask, the place of vacuum is a buffer gas (vapours of bromine, iodine).

The use of these vapors made it possible to increase the light temperature to 3000 K, and the lamp efficiency is 15-17 lm / W to provide the same 900 lm of luminous flux.

Due to its better luminous efficiency, the halogen element is able to provide the same amount of light as a 75-watt conventional incandescent lamp, but for this it needs only 55 watts of energy, which means that there is already a saving in electricity.

In addition, the use of a buffer gas increased the lamp life up to 4000 hours of operation.

The advantages of halogen elements, in addition to efficiency and increased resource, also include their availability, since they cost not much more than conventional lamps.

They are available with E14 and E27 bases.

At the same time, they often have smaller overall dimensions than incandescent lamps, which allows them to be used even in miniature lamps.

The disadvantages of halogen elements are the same as for conventional incandescent lamps.


The advantages of household discharge lamps also include a low heating temperature (does not exceed 65 ℃), which eliminates the occurrence of a fire, they are quite compact, do not explode when turned on.

But she also has a lot of shortcomings.

Firstly, they are much more expensive, about 15 times, compared to incandescent lamps.

Secondly, they contain mercury vapor, which are poisonous.

Thirdly, over time, they fade from natural aging, and frequent switching on and off significantly reduces their resource.

Fourthly, they are very susceptible to voltage drops.

Despite the shortcomings, fluorescent lamps are currently the highest priority for use.


And the last type of energy-saving elements is LED. Such a lamp is a set of LEDs combined into one circuit.

But LEDs operate from a constant voltage network, so a converting transformer is included in the design of the lamp, which is also a driver.

There are a lot of types of such lamps, and they differ mainly in the location of the LEDs.

This type of lighting fixtures has the best performance parameters.

Such a lamp has a luminous efficiency of 86-95 lm / W, therefore, to provide a luminous flux of 900 lm, it will consume only 7-10 watts. At the same time, its resource can reach 50 - 100 thousand hours of work.

Like fluorescent elements, LED lamps have a wide range of light temperatures, which makes it very easy to maintain the correct ones.

These lighting devices are very reliable, safe, immune to voltage drops.

Produced with the most common types of plinths. There are elements in the design of which batteries are additionally included, which allows the lamp to be used from a conventional network or from a battery in case of power outages.

There are also devices with a remote control.

The only drawback of such lighting devices is a very high price, about two times higher than the cost of luminescent analogues.

Options to choose from

Now about what parameters you need to consider when choosing an energy-saving light bulb. First of all, you need to decide on the type. At the same time, you should immediately pay attention to the cost and resource.


The first criterion for selection is the power of the lamps. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the correspondence of the selected elements to those already used at home.

For example, 100-watt incandescent lamps are used everywhere in housing, while the light from them is quite enough.

Based on the luminous efficiency, it can be determined that the same amount of light can be provided by a 70-watt halogen, a 20-watt fluorescent lamp, and a 12-watt LED lamp.

If there is not enough light, then you can pick up a more powerful energy-saving element.

At the same time, you don’t even need to carry out any calculations, comparative tables are usually printed on the packages of these lamps, which allows you to quickly and easily select a light bulb with the required power parameter.

Plinth type.

The second thing you need to pay attention to is the type of base. For conventional cartridges, a lamp base with the designation E27 is suitable.

In lamps and sconces, a cartridge for the E14 base is often used.

Before going to the store, you should definitely ask what types of plinth are needed. But you can make it easier - unscrew and take a light bulb with you, which will change and compare the bases.

Dimensions, shape.

The third selection criterion is the shape and size. If there is a lot of space for installation, then you can buy almost any lighting element in shape. In limited installation spaces, you will have to select lamps according to size.


Note that the savings from the use of "housekeepers" will not be immediate, because the lighting element must first pay off at the expense of the saved funds, and this may take quite a long time, and this also depends on the intensity of use. And it doesn’t matter in a private house you use such lighting fixtures or in an apartment.

The halogen lamp pays off the fastest, but in the end, the savings from it will be negligible.

A luminescent element can pay for itself after a year of use, and in the future it will already begin to save money. As for LED light bulbs, they have the longest payback period, about three years.

In general, only those lighting elements that have a significant resource and can work without problems for more than two years can bring really tangible savings.

Finally, we say that it is not necessary to immediately replace all the lighting elements in the house with energy-saving ones, because this can result in substantial costs.

If they are changed gradually, then the expenses will not be so noticeable, and in the end it will be possible to completely switch to energy-saving lamps.