How to plant verbena seeds in open ground. Verbena growing from seeds: when to plant

Verbena decorates gardens and summer cottages with its flowering from early summer until late autumn. More than two hundred species of this culture are known. Plants of the Verbenov family can be seen both in tropical latitudes and in the American subtropics, in Europe, in the Central Asian region and even in the Far East.

Most of these crops attract with unusual bright inflorescences mounted on faceted stems with foliage in the form of cloves.

Verbena is very thermophilic; in open ground, rhizomes can develop well at temperatures no more than three degrees below zero. That is why most species winter in open ground only in the southern regions. In mid-latitudes, species are grown either as annuals in open ground or as perennials using pots in greenhouses or indoors.

Among the varieties that are successfully cultivated in winter in mid-latitudes, the straight one and a half meter verbena stands out.

Variety of species and varieties

As a result of many years of selection, a large number of verbena species were obtained. The most popular include:

Of all the species, hybrid plants are considered the most popular. Among them, verbena grandiflora is common. A striking example of such a variety is the “Etna” variety. In addition to the large-flowered one, it is also classified as a mammoth species. One such inflorescence can contain up to 50 red flowers with cream eyes. The height of the variety is approximately 45 cm.

Another type of hybrid is low-growing verbena. Low-growing Lady's Dream verbena is best suited for decorative garden beds. The height of the bush is 30 cm. Bright pink flowers with a pleasant smell. Compactness and good branching distinguish this plant from others. Lady Dream blooms until frost.

The Spectrum Rot variety is compact, grows to a height of 25–30 cm, and the inflorescences are dense, with a dark velvety tint. Low-growing varieties also include Moon River - hanging plants with dense inflorescences. Verbena Rubin is a hemispherical shrub, compact, with purple-red flowers.

Technology of growing from seeds

To successfully grow high-quality and beautiful verbena in the garden or at home, you need to choose seeds. The following suppliers of planting material have proven themselves in the market:

  1. Aelita.
  2. SeDek.
  3. Gavrish.
  4. Russian vegetable garden.
  5. Search.

In open ground, verbena plants can reproduce by self-sowing, but to collect your own planting harvest, remove the brown seed boxes from the faded shoots, dry them, and carefully remove the oblong-shaped seeds. The germination of harvested material lasts up to 5 years.

Sowing dates and soil selection

To germinate verbena seeds, choose the second ten days of March. Earlier crops will require additional intense lighting. Late planting of seeds will lead to good seedlings only in July.

For optimal cultivation of verbena, you will need shallow pots with drainage, which can be carefully covered with glass lids or polyethylene in the future. The soil is selected with a loose structure, but not too fertile and with good water permeability, since excess moisture in the soil and stagnation when cultivating verbena are contraindicated.

Often they use a ready-made universal soil mixture for plants, which contains the addition of sand. The optimal soil is mixed from equal parts of peat, sand, garden soil, adding a little wood ash. Before direct use, such soil must be steamed and treated with a fungicide, thus preventing damage to future seedlings by the “black leg”.

Preparation of planting material

Before you start germinating verbena for seedlings, you need to prepare the planting material. It is worth considering that plant seeds germinate unevenly, so it is necessary to treat them with a growth stimulator. Another hardening option is to carry out stratification, that is, apply cold to the seeds. To do this, all planting material is laid out on a damp cloth, sealed in polyethylene, and placed in the lower section of the refrigerator for 4 or 5 days.

Well-hardened seeds are laid out without burying them in moist soil. The carefully seeded container is tightly covered with polyethylene and then placed in a warm place (should be +25 degrees). The lighting should not be intense. This creates a greenhouse effect for plants.

Features of caring for seedlings

After a few days, the oblong seeds germinate in warm conditions. When this happens, the containers are immediately transferred to places with good lighting, where it is cooler (should be approximately +17 degrees). In this case, the film must be regularly lifted, providing care in the form of ventilation, and carefully removing excess moisture from the polyethylene surface.

Spray the soil with a spray bottle very carefully. The earliest shoots begin to form after a week or 10 days, and some shoots will appear only after three weeks. When paired leaves of seedlings appear, the covering can already be removed.

Diving and rearing

One of the stages of care is replanting the plants into separate pots when the seedlings have 2 or 3 leaves. The containers must have a drainage hole in the bottom, a layer of pebbles or expanded clay, and optimal soil for seedlings. Bury the sprouts to the cotyledon leaves, carefully compact the soil layer, and apply moderate watering.

The first feeding after diving is carried out after 14 days. Complex mineral fertilizers are applied. Further care of the plants involves approximately two feedings within 30 days.

Landing at a permanent place

Due to its fairly compact rhizomes, verbena can be grown both in open ground and in containers or pots at home. For container plantings, choose spacious containers with a drainage hole. A layer of small pebbles or expanded clay is placed on the bottom, then the main layer of soil. The seedling is carefully transferred to such a pot, keeping a lump of earth on the plants, then the required amount of soil is added, compacted, and watered in moderation.

Verbena retains its decorative properties indoors for up to 10 years, and requires regular replanting of crops (every year). The plant can be propagated by dividing the rhizome. Only strong and well-developed seedlings grown from verbena seeds should be planted in open ground. Provided that the frost has passed, they begin planting in the beds. This is done only at the end of May.

Choose a place for planting that is well-lit and windless. The soil for growing is suitable with a neutral environment. You should not choose soil with excess peat or humus. The acidic soil environment is neutralized using dolomite flour or wood ash. Planting holes are placed every 25 cm. Drainage made of brick chips and a layer of pebbles must be laid at the bottom. Water is poured into each hole to make a slurry, and only then the plants are planted. Crops are watered moderately and then mulched with foliage or decorative materials.

Verbena breeding rules

With any method of growing verbena - at home or in the garden, you must carefully monitor the degree of watering. It is important not to overdo it and prevent water from stagnating. When a crust forms on the ground, plant care involves loosening the soil. Single crops require weeding.

Frequent feeding is not recommended. It is enough to apply mineral fertilizers once or twice every 30 days. The main thing is that the nutrient complex does not contain a large amount of nitrogen, otherwise the foliage will grow to the detriment of beautiful flowering.

To stimulate the formation of new buds, it is necessary to remove dried inflorescences. With the onset of frost, the plants are harvested, carefully digging up the bushes with a lump of soil, and the crops are transferred to a room where the temperature is no more than +10 degrees.

In early spring, verbena can be propagated by cuttings. The apical shoots of the plant are cut so that they have 4 or 5 pairs of young leaves. The sections are processed with charcoal chips, removing the lower leaves. The cuttings are planted in a damp peat-sand mixture (in equal proportions), deepening to the first node. Caring for such plantings consists of the following procedures:

  • covering with film;
  • ventilation;
  • kept at a temperature of +20 degrees.

Within a month, the plants develop strong roots. The varietal characteristics of the daughter plants are preserved from the original crop.

To grow beautiful verbena from seeds, you need to provide the plants with good lighting and avoid stagnation of moisture when watering. Verbena, obtained from oblong seeds, provides planting material for new crops. Plants can be grown both in open ground and at home. With quality care, verbena will become a bright decorative addition to garden plots or indoor verandas.

For many centuries, verbena was known as a common plant with certain medicinal properties. It was used to prepare medicinal potions, love potions, and was even used to scare away vampires and other evil spirits. Today, verbena is practically not used for medicinal purposes. In this article we will tell you about growing verbena from seeds at home, we will give advice on how and when to plant, what fertilizers to use.

For aesthetic reasons, attractive cultivars are planted, descended from heat-loving species that came here from the American continent. Therefore, this type of flower cannot overwinter in open ground, except in the southern regions, where in winter the temperature does not drop below -3 degrees. In the middle latitudes, only straight one and a half meter verbena can overwinter - the only variety of the cultivated species. But still, for the winter it needs to be trimmed and covered with spruce branches.

Of course, in terms of aesthetic indicators, erect verbena is significantly inferior to heat-loving varieties, but there are usually no problems with it when preparing for winter. In addition to its beautiful appearance, this culture has such qualities as:

  1. Drought resistance.
  2. Endurance.
  3. Unpretentiousness.
  4. Long flowering period (from the beginning of summer until the first frost).
  5. Pleasant aroma.

Description of popular varieties of verbena

Thanks to the long-term hard work of breeders, today you can purchase a variety of species of this plant. The starting species for them were:

Name Plant height Description of features Flowers
Hybrid Bushes from 30 to 50 cm high The shape of the plants is branching and ampelous. The leaves are serrated. Their surface is covered with soft-touch fibers. Blooms luxuriantly. Small buds. It features an amazing combination of colors and shades from white to lilac.
Canadian Miniature plants. Its height does not exceed 20 cm The stem is tetrahedral. The leaves are arranged in pairs. They have a beautiful openwork shape The inflorescences are white, pinkish or purple.
Tough Has creeping stems. Bush - voluminous The leaves are serrated. Have an elongated shape Flowers are placed at the top of each shoot. Can have a shade from scarlet to light blue
Buenos Aires Grows up to one meter high The tips of the oblong leaves are pointed Inflorescences are purple-pink, small
Large-flowered Grows up to half a meter tall The stem spreads and the shoots are raised The inflorescences are large - up to 7 cm. Depending on the variety, they can be dark blue with a white eye (“Cyclops”), or scarlet-red, and the large eye is cream (“Etna”).

There are several types of verbena, among them - garden and home

Peculiarities of verbena propagation

Flowers native to the American subtropics can be propagated using only two methods. This is sowing seeds and cuttings. Beginning flower growers prefer not to take risks and simply purchase the flowers they like in specialized stores. But is it really that difficult to grow verbena yourself at home? Not at all! But first you need to stock up on seed material:

  1. Verbena can also reproduce by self-sowing in open ground, but it is still better to control this process yourself in order to get seedlings of exactly the varieties of flowers that you like. If it is not possible to buy seeds, then you can collect seed material from your own bushes, but they do not always retain varietal characteristics. Read also the article: → "".
  2. To collect seeds, you need to remove the seed pods from them after the shoots have faded. They differ from the main bush in their brown color.
  3. After this, they need to be dried for some time.
  4. Now all that remains is to shake out the oblong seeds from them. They can not be sown immediately, but the next year or even the year after - they can retain their germination capacity for up to 5 years.

If you have doubts about the quality of your seeds or want to start new varieties of verbena, you can contact seed stores - on the domestic market today they offer to purchase seeds of this crop in a wide variety.

Preparing to plant seeds

To begin with, you need to wait until the second ten days of March - this time is considered the most optimal for sowing seeds. If planted earlier, the emerging shoots will need to be provided with additional lighting, which is not always acceptable. Moreover, even the use of additional lighting is not a guarantee that the seedlings will develop well and grow quickly.

If planted later, for example, in early April, the young plants will not bloom soon, due to the fact that representatives of this crop have a long growing season, more than 3 months. Now you need to prepare the containers. They should have drainage holes and be shallow, but such that after sowing they can be covered with polyethylene film or glass. As for the soil, it is best to take a loose substrate that is not too fertile.

At any stage of development, verbena seedlings cannot tolerate excess moisture, so it is best to prepare moisture-permeable soil so that the water does not stagnate in it. To do this, you can buy ready-made universal soil, to which sand or vermiculite is generously added, or you can prepare the substrate yourself by mixing garden soil, sand and peat in equal quantities. To this mass you need to add a little wood ash.

Tip #1. Before planting seeds, the substrate must be treated with a fungicide or steamed. This will prevent the appearance of a “black leg”.

Preparation of seeds and features of their sowing

What is unpleasant and not entirely convenient is that the seedlings appear unevenly. This can be partially eliminated using stratification. To do this, the seeds are laid out on a damp cloth, placed in a bag and sealed tightly, and then placed in the refrigerator where the temperature is highest. After 4-5 days, you can take out the bag and start sowing. A simpler option is to use a growth stimulator to treat the seed material.

  1. Moisten the substrate in the planting containers.
  2. Carefully and evenly spread the seeds on its surface. There is no need to bury them.
  3. Cover the container with film or glass and transfer it to a warm place where a constant temperature of about +25 degrees is maintained.
  4. There is no need to provide lighting at this stage.

Features of caring for seedlings

After just a few days in the warmth, the seeds will germinate. After the tops of the sprouts appear on the soil surface, the container must be moved to a place with a lower temperature - about 16-17 degrees, and well lit.

The glass or film must be lifted periodically so that air can penetrate to the sprouts. If droplets of moisture appear on the inner surface of the coating, they must be removed. After 12-20 days, when the young shoots are fully formed and real leaves appear on them, the coating can be completely removed.

Tip #2. To avoid damaging thin plants, they need to be watered very carefully, using, for example, a spray bottle.

How to plant and grow seeds?

  1. After 4-5 leaves appear, young plants are transplanted into separate pots. The soil is the same as for planting seeds.
  2. At the bottom of each individual container, a drainage layer is built using expanded clay, broken ceramic, and pebbles.
  3. Each plant is buried to the point where the cotyledon leaves are located on it.
  4. The soil must be compacted very carefully, then watered and the pot with the “new settler” placed in place. After 14-15 days, young plants need to be fed, then, until planting, feeding should be done twice a month. Read also the article: → "".

Planting verbena in a permanent place

Due to the fact that verbena has a small root, it can be grown both in open ground and in flowerpots, including hanging ones. But when planting plants in a permanent place, you should avoid low areas and heavily moist places, since verbena does not like excess moisture: its roots rot and the plant dies. The planting process depends on the place where the plant is placed:

Place of growth Special requirements Process Features
Open ground The place should be protected from winds and well lit by the sun. Humus and peat can be added in very small quantities. Plant at the end of May. Prepare planting holes with a distance of 20 cm, make drainage from broken bricks, add soil and water to form a soft mixture, into which to immerse the earthen ball with the sprout. Be sure to mulch the planting.
Window flowerpots Verbena needs to be replanted annually. You can take ordinary, small flowerpots. When transplanting, a 2-4 year old plant can be divided into two bushes for propagation purposes.
Hanging containers Containers should be spacious and have drainage holes Fill the bottom of the container with a drainage layer, then with soil, onto which you carefully transfer the seedling along with the earthen lump. It is desirable that it remains intact. Fill the soil to the top, compact and water moderately

Verbena is an unpretentious plant that survives in many climates and soils.

Caring for verbena after transplantation

You don’t have to do anything special; watering and fertilizing is all that verbena needs for growth and flowering. Those plants that are planted in the beds will need to be weeded as weeds appear. Often after watering, especially on very hot days, a crust forms on the surface of the soil. Through it, moisture evaporates very quickly, and air cannot penetrate to the roots. Therefore, it is necessary to disturb it in order to prevent the plants from drying out. To do this, you need to loosen the ground around it.

Verbena planted in hanging containers also require attention; care must be taken to ensure that the soil in them does not dry out. After the inflorescences dry, they need to be removed. This will improve the appearance of the flower and stimulate the appearance of new buds.

Features of wintering verbena bushes

With the onset of frost, plants need to be removed from garden beds. To do this, the bushes are also carefully dug up so that a lump of earth remains on the root. Then they are placed in pots, the leaves are removed, cutting off the stem so that about 10 cm remains, and they are transferred to cool (+10 degrees) rooms until spring. This could be an outbuilding, a basement or a balcony.

In the spring, the entire procedure must be repeated in reverse order. In March, you can move the pots indoors and let the roots sprout new shoots. You can plant it in the garden as usual when the threat of frost has passed.

Verbena fertilizer: what preparations can be used for feeding

Like any other perennial, verbena needs feeding. She needs both mineral and organic fertilizers. But there is no need to be zealous: organic matter can be added to verbena only once a year. If this rule is not followed, a lot of nitrogen will accumulate in the soil. This will make the verbena turn very lush, but it will not bloom. You can feed mineral preparations no more than 3-4 times during the warm season.

Drug name Description Purpose Application
"Florovit" Liquid. Available in containers with dispenser Promotes abundant flowering and prolongs its lifespan Water the plants with a 1% solution from the beginning to the end of flowering 1-2 times a week
« Planton S" Dry powder One gram of powder is diluted in 1 liter of water. Apply before watering
"Mr. Color" Highly concentrated solution Improves color development The drug is diluted in water intended for irrigation
"Success" Liquid for feeding Stimulates flowering and formation of new flowers Used for application to the soil during watering or for foliar (spraying) fertilizing
"Vermiculite" Granular substance Enriches the soil with nutrients It is introduced into the soil during weeding.

Category “Questions and Answers”

Question No. 1. Is it possible to grow verbena at home?

Yes. Can. But, in this case, it is necessary to choose exactly the type of plant that is intended for growing at home, in a pot. Since there are varieties for growing in the garden and for growing at home. Verbena is taking root well.

Question No. 2. I have verbena growing at home and it has started to fade, why?

Perhaps the soil is not very suitable or it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering. If there is no drainage in the pot, then this may also be one of the causes of this problem.

Question No. 3. Do I need to feed verbena?

This is not mandatory, but it is advisable to have additional feeding. the most suitable amount is 3-4 times in the warm season.

Summer residents not only grow fruit and vegetable crops on their plot, but also strive to decorate it with flowers. Choose unpretentious varieties with a rich range of colors for planting. Growing verbena from seeds is not a labor-intensive procedure that even a beginner in floriculture can handle. The ideal option is to use verbena for design. This plant will delight with its flowering and fragrant smell, from the end of spring until the first frost on the soil. It grows actively both in flower beds and in flowerpots. Ampelous verbena looks amazing on open verandas.

Growing from seed

This beautiful flower is grown from seeds at home. It is important to select the right material for planting. You can always buy a bag or two at a flower shop. But experienced gardeners prefer to plant verbena seedlings using seeds from their own collection.

How to collect seeds

Verbena propagation often occurs by self-sowing. To grow summer seedlings, planting material is collected. Unfortunately, the varietal qualities of the crop will be lower. The collection of garden verbena seeds begins after they have ripened in boxes, when mass flowering ends.

It is enough to shake the dried inflorescences over a flat container, and the seed pods will end up at the bottom. Then they need to be slightly dried and opened. You can use your material for 5 years. Germination will be good.

Planting containers and soil

Verbena seeds are planted as seedlings in low containers. Holes must be made at the bottom for drainage. At the same time, choose containers that are as convenient as possible for creating an impromptu greenhouse.

The soil is chosen to have a loose consistency. The best option is store-bought flower soil. But you can prepare the soil mixture yourself. Mix peat, soil from the site, river sand one to one and add a little wood ash. The soil must be disinfected with a fungicide before planting verbena seeds. This will avoid damage to the seedlings by the black leg.

Landing dates

The flower is thermophilic. Therefore, sowing verbena seeds for seedlings should begin in the first month of spring, and in open ground - with the onset of warm weather. For most Russian regions, the optimal time for planting garden verbena seeds for seedlings is March 15-20. If you provide additional artificial lighting, then it will be possible earlier. But the shoots will not be friendly. If planted 2 weeks later, this will lead to late flowering.

How to care

Verbena is an unpretentious plant. But, like anything else, it needs care. A week after planting, the seeds begin to sprout. You need to pay attention to some care features to ensure that the seedlings turn out to be of high quality.

  • Hatched plantings are placed in a cool room with an air temperature in the range of +15-18 0C.
  • Lighting should be maximum.
  • Regular ventilation is carried out to remove condensation from the inside of the greenhouse.
  • Seedlings need diving. The procedure is carried out when the third leaf of the seedling is formed.
  • A small container is used as a picking container. You can make it yourself from paper or buy it at a specialty store.
  • Deepening is carried out to the leaves-cotyledons.
  • Moderate watering is needed.

Picked verbena seedlings must be fed after 2 weeks. The plant is watered with water at room temperature and fed with liquid mineral mixtures.

After 15 days, another dose of fertilizer is applied. During this period, you need to pinch the seedlings to activate the growth of side shoots. This verbena at home will produce many flowers. Seedlings need hardening. Trays with grown seedlings are periodically taken out into the fresh air or windows are opened on the balcony. The young verbena will get stronger and will safely tolerate planting in open ground.

“The 24-hour stay of seedlings in the fresh air is arranged two days before transferring them to permanent flower beds.”

Planting in the soil

The plant has a fairly compact root system. And the flower can be planted both in a flowerbed and in a hanging pot on an open veranda. Annual verbena, which does not take much time to grow from seeds, begins to be planted in open ground on May 20-25. Don't forget about these deadlines. Transshipment time in different areas may vary by 3-5 days. But when warm weather sets in, it is undesirable to delay landing.

For planting, holes are prepared 20 cm apart. The following are placed on the bottom: fine crushed stone, expanded clay or pieces of brick. The soil can be taken from the garden and moistened generously. Place the young verbena with a lump of earth on the root in a permanent place. Then water and mulch the surface.

Perennial verbena, planted in pots as a houseplant, feels comfortable, but requires annual replanting. It can be propagated by dividing the root system into full segments.

How to care after planting in the ground

Garden flower is undemanding in care. Everything is minimal. Moderate watering and fertilization. Can survive in extreme conditions. Almost never gets sick.

Irrigation regime

Verbena requires weekly watering during the period of active growth and flowering. At the end of July, you can reduce the procedure to 1 time every 2 weeks. Dried soil will not harm the plant, but waterlogging can lead to rotting of the roots. During the dry season, it is advisable to loosen and mulch the soil in flower beds.

What to feed and when

During active development, verbena needs to be fed with universal complex fertilizers. Once during the entire growing season, the summer bushes will also accept the compost mixture. An excess of organic and nitrogen-containing substances will lead to abundant leaf growth, but there will be practically no flowers.

Pests and diseases

Hybrid verbena, which is most often grown by summer residents on their plots from seeds, almost does not get sick. Experienced flower growers, as well as beginners, sometimes encounter some diseases of this luxurious beauty.

Powdery mildew appears on shoots as a result of waterlogging. Treatment is carried out with foundationazole or Amistar Extra. Blackleg and other fungal infections affect bushes with excessive watering.

If agricultural practices are incorrect, garden aphids and spider mites cause harm to the flower.

“It is important to detect the disease early and begin treatment.”


The culture includes more than 200 species. We will introduce you to descriptions and photos of the most common varieties of verbena. This will give you the opportunity to choose the plant you like and decorate your yard, summer cottage or room with it.

Verbena “straight” (Verbena stricta)

Perennial. The bushes of this variety are tall, up to 150 cm. Oval grayish-green leaves, jagged along the edge, are located alternately on the stem. Inflorescences up to 40 cm long, dark purple. The flowering period is short compared to other varieties.

Dry inflorescences of “straight” verbena are removed to activate the formation of buds. This variety reproduces well by seed, so you can collect seeds. Perennial verbena can be easily preserved in winter by cutting the stems to the ground and covering them with dry leaves.

Verbena “Buenos Aires”, or “Bonar” (Verbena bonariensis)

Verbena bonariensis is a perennial garden flower. But in cold climates it is grown as an annual. The erect trunk grows up to 120 cm. Side branches extend from the root collar.

Verbena rigida

It has a variety of stems: erect, branching and creeping. The leaf is hard and wedge-shaped. The reverse side is hairy. The flowers are lilac-lilac in color, up to 0.1 cm in diameter. Propagated by both seeds and seedlings.

Verbena “hybrid” (Verbena hybrida)

Verbena hybrida is popular among gardeners. Shoots 20-50 cm long are branched, creeping and erect. Leaf blades with colorless fibers are elongated in the form of triangles. Fragrant inflorescences of regular shape are collected in umbrellas of different shades. There are pure white, beige, orange, purple, yellow verbena and others. The hybrid is represented by the following species: “mammoth” – large-flowered crop. The length of the shoots is up to 50 cm. The most common varieties: The low-growing type of hybrid verbena “Lady Dream” is unpretentious. Bush 30 cm high. Perfectly decorates country flower beds. Fragrant inflorescences of a bright pink hue. Verbena bushes of this variety are compact. The maximum flowering period is until late autumn.

Spear Verbena (Verbena hastata)

The bushes are dense and grow up to 30 cm. Popular varieties: The culture is unpretentious. Growing verbena from seeds is also possible by self-sprouting. This is not only a beautiful flower, but also medicinal. There is a belief among summer residents: “Verbena will bring good luck to those who plant it on their plot.”

Healing properties

The most popular varieties

Reproduction of this plant occurs using seeds. Breeders have developed many beautiful ornamental varieties by crossing different species. Today there are more than 250 items; by the way, they are very popular among lovers of indoor plants. They can also very often be seen in outdoor pots and gardens, because thanks to the beautiful and very bright flowers, hybrid verbena perfectly decorates any facade or lawn.

Care, watering and fertilizing

On our website you can find many useful tips on how to grow, where it is better to place verbena and other summer-flowering plants, how to feed them and how to store them in the winter.

And also, do not forget to watch video clips that will clearly show you how to get healthy seedlings of verbena and other summer plants from seeds that will decorate your home and garden in the future. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the healing properties of this plant.

Growing verbena. Seedling. Planting in open ground. Propagation by cuttings and seeds. Types and varieties: Hybrid, Canadian, Hard, Buenos Aires

How to plant and grow verbena. How to propagate by cuttings. How to plant seeds for seedlings (10+)

Verbena: growing technology and proper care

General information about the plant

If you are just a beginner gardener, then grow verbena will not be difficult, because verbena does not require special growing conditions and care. The plant's homeland is considered to be the lands of South and Central America, where the climate is much warmer than in our country, so the plant is grown there as a perennial crop. In Russia, winters are harsh and cold, so verbena is cultivated only as an annual plant. The height of the plant, depending on the variety, ranges from 30 cm to 1 meter. Verbena stems can be erect or creeping. Some plant species may have slight pubescence. The leaves of the plant are lanceolate or oval in shape with toothed edges and hard hairs. Verbena flowers are small in size, shaped like a corolla of five petals, which are neatly collected in inflorescences. Particularly pleasing is the variety of colors of verbena flowers: white and pink, red and deep cherry, shades of burgundy and even dark blue.

The long flowering period, from July until late autumn, is another positive aspect that makes verbena so popular. After cutting, verbena lasts up to 10 days, so it is often grown for cutting. In addition, verbena looks very beautiful in landscape design. If you have a local area or a flower bed, then verbena will be an excellent decoration for a flower garden or edging. In an apartment, verbena can be grown to decorate a balcony, placed in a container or hanging basket. The plant propagates by seeds, which ripen in small boxes, and by cuttings. Verbena adapts well to the surrounding microclimate and easily tolerates drought and light frosts.

How to grow verbena seedlings

The ornamental verbena plant is propagated by seeds and cuttings, but verbena is often grown in seedlings. You should start seeding at the end of March or the first ten days of April. Previously, it makes no sense to plant them, since young shoots need light, and it will be extremely insufficient during short winter days. And as a result there will be a long germination.

Verbena seeds do not require additional processing. For planting, it is best to take a mixture of peat and sand. It is important that the soil is loose and also allows air and moisture to pass through. Just before planting, the soil should be leveled, lightly compacted and watered. Now the verbena seeds are laid out on the prepared soil; there is no need to sprinkle the seeds. It will be enough to cover the box with glass or polyethylene. For the next two days, the box must be kept in a warm room. Optimum temperature + 25 degrees Celsius. For example, you can place a box near the battery. Two days is enough for the seeds to swell and begin to hatch. After a two-day period, the boxes with the crops are moved to a cooler place, since verbena does not like a lot of heat. In just two weeks you will receive orderly rows of young verbena sprouts. At this stage, it is important to monitor the quality of the soil; if there is a lot of moisture, there is a possibility of young shoots being affected by the “black leg”.

As soon as the first true leaves appear, verbena seedlings require diving. Often, diving is done after 3–4 weeks. Seedlings should be planted at a distance of 2.5–3 cm from each other. At this time, the plant can be fed a little. It is best to use humus or wood ash as a top dressing. A pinch is made above the third or fourth leaf to make the plant bushier.

How and when is it better to plant a plant in open ground?

Seedlings should be transplanted into open ground at the end of May at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. Planting can be carried out in both cloudy and sunny weather. If the soil is moist enough, watering after planting is not required. Dry soil, in particular holes, should be watered at the rate of 2 glasses of water per hole. As soon as the water goes into the deeper layers of the soil, you can place a seedling in the hole, sprinkle it with earth and press it lightly. The first couple of days after transplanting seedlings into open ground, watering should be moderate.

For planting, verbena can be chosen in any part of the garden, for example, instead of already faded early spring flowers. But the best place is a well-lit place. There is no need to worry, because the leaves and buds of verbena do not fade for a long time in direct sunlight. Thanks to its compact root system, verbena can grow in hanging pots and flowerpots.

It is better to take loamy soil. If we are talking about heavy soil, then this drawback can be eliminated quite simply, namely, it is necessary to mix the soil with sand. If possible, make drainage from broken glass, expanded clay or crushed stone. This layer will help protect the roots of the plant from excessive moisture, since the water will not stagnate. Excessive moisture leads to the fact that the plant produces many shoots, but very few inflorescences. In summer, the plant must be fed with complex fertilizer for 3-4 approaches.

Verbena annual and perennial: features of planting and care

Features of verbena propagation by cuttings

Often this propagation option is used if the variety does not produce seeds. But this approach is also possible for traditional types of verbena, when there is a need for the plant to bloom in a greenhouse or on a windowsill at home during the cold season.

The plant that is to be cut should be stored in winter in a room where the temperature is no more than 10 degrees Celsius. The best option is a dry cellar. In the last ten days of February or early March, you can begin the cutting procedure. To do this, the top of the plant is cut off so that there are 4-5 leaves on the cut area. An important rule for cuttings: under the lower node of the cutting you must leave a 1 cm long tip. After this, all leaves except the top ones are removed. Next, the cuttings are placed in a prepared soil mixture of sand and soil, or you can use sand. A depression is made in the ground with a match, then the cut stalk is immersed in it to the bottom node. Cover the container with cuttings with polyethylene. After 2-4 weeks, the cuttings will already have young roots.

How to care for a plant

Verbena does not require special care. The most important thing is to organize timely watering, loosening and cleaning of weeds. The plant practically does not get sick; the only things that can affect verbena are aphids and powdery mildew. All this is a consequence of excessive soil moisture. If the aphid infestation is not very large, then the disease can be treated with a regular soap solution. Severely affected areas should be treated with Actellik or Neoron. If you notice a light fluff on the foliage, it means the plant is suffering from powdery mildew. To prevent the spread of the disease, tear off the diseased leaves and treat the entire bush with saprol or foundationazole a couple of times.

As for watering, constant watering is not required in the summer; it is important to prevent the soil from drying out and crusting. Mulching is a good option to protect the soil from drying out. To do this, make a “litter” of rotted leaves around the plant.

What types of verbena can be grown in a garden plot?

Even the most sophisticated flower lovers will not be able to ignore the beautiful verbena. Today, about 250 plant species are known, but the following varieties are most in demand:

  • hybrid verbena;
  • Canadian verbena;
  • hard verbena;
  • Buenos Aires verbena.

Hybrid verbena is a small upright bush with five-petalled inflorescences. The leaves of the plant are round in shape. The maximum plant height is 50 cm. Certain types of the variety have jagged leaves that are covered with soft fibers. The color palette of inflorescences is very diverse: purple, yellow and fiery orange, cream and white.

Canadian verbena has even smaller shoots (up to 20 cm) and small flowers. The stem, closer to the top, diverges into four shoots with lacy foliage. At the end of each shoot there is a corolla with small bright peduncles, which are collected in bunches. Canadian verbena blooms in pink, purple and white.

Hard Verbena differs from other species by its strict, serrated, elongated leaves. The bush is low, but voluminous. The shoots are often creeping in nature. At the top of the shoots there are small inflorescences of soft blue or deep purple color.

Buenos Aires verbena- This is a representative of the class of tall plants. For example, the length of some specimens can reach a meter in height. Verbena leaves have an oblong shape and sharp tips. Verbena inflorescences of the Buenos Aires variety are collected in buds. The color of the flowers is purple-pink.

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Verbena is a beautiful annual and perennial plant that has been familiar to people since ancient times. Its birthplace is considered to be the Mediterranean coast. Over time, the plant spread throughout Central Europe and North America. In ancient Egypt, priests used verbena during ritual ceremonies. In Greece and the Roman Empire, wreaths were made from this plant for high-ranking government officials. Today, it is practiced to grow verbena from seeds in garden plots for decorative purposes.

Healing properties

In ancient times, people considered verbena a medicinal plant that had miraculous properties: brewed tea from its seeds was used to treat illnesses and injuries received in battles. In the Middle Ages, healers and healers always used the stems and flowers of the healer when preparing their tinctures, as they considered it a panacea for all diseases. And the medieval church used the branches of the plant to drive out evil spirits. In the modern world, verbena officinalis is also a very popular plant among herbalists: tinctures and teas from leaves and seeds are used in the treatment of dental diseases, gastrointestinal tract and others.

The most popular varieties

Reproduction of this plant occurs using seeds.

Bright colors of hybrid Verbena

Breeders have developed many beautiful ornamental varieties by crossing different species. Today there are more than 250 items; by the way, they are very popular among lovers of indoor plants. They can also very often be seen in outdoor pots and gardens, because thanks to the beautiful and very bright flowers, hybrid verbena perfectly decorates any facade or lawn.

The most popular types of this plant in our country are: ampelous and hybrid (pictured).

Hybrid and ampelous verbena are plants that bloom in summer and perfectly decorate any room, balcony or lawn with their fragrant flowers. They come in a wide range of colors: the flowers can be white, pink, red, blue, purple, etc., which are very rich and look great against the background of attractive leaves with jagged edges, which have a rich green color. In the photo you can see how beautiful these plants are.

Ampel and hybrid verbena feel great in pots or boxes that are located in a warm and sunny place.

They can also grow in partial shade. It should be noted that these two species grow very quickly in height and reach 50 cm or more.

Ampel verbena differs from the hybrid one in the size of the inflorescences; they are much smaller, and the stems are thinner and longer. This variety looks great in hanging pots that decorate houses or streets (see photo).

Growing verbena from seeds yourself

You can grow verbena using seeds in flower pots and boxes, the main thing is to give it plenty of sunlight and warmth. In order for you to be able to decorate your house, lawn or apartment with flowering bushes at the beginning of May, you should grow seedlings from seeds in advance, which is not at all difficult to do at home. Start growing at the end of January, and by mid-March you will already have adult seedlings.

Care, watering and fertilizing

Due to the fact that verbena is a very unpretentious plant, there is no need for careful care for it. The main thing is to remove faded flowers in time, which will allow the plant to throw out new inflorescences. The watering regime in summer should be moderate: once every 5-7 days, and in winter once every 12-15 days. This is necessary for the verbena to bloom next spring. When your verbenas are in active growth, you can feed them a little fertilizer. An all-purpose fertilizer for flowering plants is best.

The perennial flower must be brought indoors before frost sets in. Keep the plant in a dry and lighted room at a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.

Although growing and caring for outdoor verbenas is not particularly difficult, you should still ensure that there are no white spots or deformities on the leaves and stems - this is the first sign of a fungal disease. If you notice such damage, be sure to remove such leaves and treat the stems with an insecticide.

On our website you can find many useful tips on how to grow, where it is better to place verbena and other summer-flowering plants, how to feed them and how to store them in the winter. And also, do not forget to watch video clips that will clearly show you how to get healthy seedlings of verbena and other summer plants from seeds that will decorate your home and garden in the future.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the healing properties of this plant.

Verbena from seeds

How to properly care for verbena?

Verbena: care and cultivation from seeds... We grow Verbena as a very beautiful annual plant.

Up to 250 species are preserved in nature. The height of the plant ranges from 15 to 60 cm. Flowering is long - from the beginning of July until late autumn. There are many varieties of verbena with a variety of colors - from white, pink - to dark cherry and burgundy.

The plant is photophilous and heat-loving, grows and blooms better in sunny warm places, on well-fertilized loose soil, is quite drought-resistant, tolerates light frosts. Prefers loamy, moist soils containing humus. Verbena does not tolerate fresh manure; with an excess of nitrogen, it develops a large vegetative mass and almost does not bloom.

Verbena growing from seeds

Sowing of seeds is carried out using the seedling method.

Hybrid verbena: description of varieties, growing from seeds, planting and care

They are sown at the end of February - beginning of March in seedling boxes, sprinkled with soil. To obtain vigorous shoots, before sowing, the seeds are kept in the refrigerator at a low temperature of +2 - 4 degrees for several days (3-4 days). Sowing depth is 0.5 cm. At a temperature of +18 degrees, seedlings appear in 20-30 days. Some varieties germinate in 14-21 days at a soil temperature of +20 - 25 degrees. It should be remembered that seedlings do not tolerate moisture; too wet soil often leads to rotting of the roots. If the seating boxes are covered, they should be ventilated regularly.

Seedlings are sown in the ground in a permanent place in the ground in May, maintaining a distance between plants of 25 - 30 cm. The flowering period is from June - July until frost. Pinching the tops of plants, regularly removing faded inflorescences, fertilizing every 4 weeks with complex mineral fertilizer, which provides the necessary nutrition to flower crops.

If fertilizers are applied excessively, the verbena flower begins to vigorously shoot shoots, and flowering does not occur for a long time. Therefore, their application should not be frequent or too abundant. You need to feed the plant with a solution of complex fertilizer before flowering, then twice during flowering.

Seeds remain viable for 2 to 5 years, depending on the variety. If you use your own seeds, you must remember that often last year’s seeds have less germination than older ones. During the summer it easily reproduces by rooting shoots; they need to be bent down and covered with soil and watered. After 10-15 days you can transplant.

In order for verbena to bloom long and profusely, its faded inflorescences must be trimmed regularly, by about 1/4 of the length of the shoot. Until the seedlings take root, watering should be regular, but not abundant. This will help protect the plant from fungal diseases. Mature plants should be watered as needed, when the soil underneath them is completely dry.

Verbena is widely used for planting in flower beds, ridges, borders, rock gardens, balconies and for potting. It goes well with many annuals (marigold, chamomile, cosmos), as well as with perennials (rudbeckia, delphinium); goes well with roses. This low-growing plant will perfectly enliven a flowerbed or border with bright colors.

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How nice it is to be in a house where indoor plants rule the roost. They will clean the air, release useful substances, and improve the microclimate. And they will also bring a lot of joy to the housewife with their flowering, because it is no secret that it is the crops that can produce spectacular reproductive organs that are most often priced among lovers of indoor flora. However, gardeners also prefer them in outdoor flower beds. The desires of both will be fully satisfied by the young beauty with the melodious name “verbena”.

General information about the verbena plant

This wonderful flower is a representative of the family of the same name - Verbenaceae. It is grown all over the world, regardless of climate zone. In this regard, the types of verbena cultivated in different regions of the globe will differ only in their life form. Thus, in the northern regions of the planet, the crop flaunts as a herbaceous annual, and in the southern and middle regions - as a perennial subshrub.

Verbena reaches only half a meter in height, or even less: 30-35 cm. True, it grows up to 70 cm in width. The ornamental crop has erect or creeping stems with edges, sometimes covered with pile; Oval or lanceolate leaves of a pleasant green hue, pubescent, with a serrated edge. Flowers develop in inflorescences of the “scutellum” type: small, neat. Each of them has a five-petal corolla of various shades: blue, purple, pink, red, cream, etc. The two-color reproductive organs of some forms are very beautiful. The spectacular combination of original foliage and beautiful flowers is complemented by another highlight: each of these integral parts of the plant emits its own specific aroma.

Verbena is primarily an open ground crop.. It looks great in a flower bed and makes any garden more vibrant. However, nothing prevents you from growing this representative of decorative flora at home, using, for example, a hanging pot: the interior of your apartment will only benefit from this.

Today, only the lazy have not heard of the existence of verbena. But the wonderful culture of nothing remains on the stage of flower popularity. Having appeared in the field of view of people in the Victorian era, she lost human attention to herself for some time in order to return again.

Verbena is now highly respected. It is not only beautiful and gentle, but also healing, and, according to ancient legends, it protects against vampires better than garlic and silver bullets combined.

Verbena canada. She is just a baby: only 20 cm from the ground.

Verbena hybrid growing from seeds

It has lacy leaves, arranged in pairs on a tetrahedral stem, and flowers colored purple, pink or white.

Verbena tough. A voluminous plant that looks like a small bush. Its characteristic features: elongated leaves with a jagged edge, small inflorescences with purple or blue flowers.

Conditions for keeping verbena plants

Verbena, regardless of type, is an unpretentious culture. It is not characterized by vagaries, but the plant requires certain attention in terms of providing it with specific conditions of detention.

  • Lighting mode.
    The graceful beauty grows and develops best in a sunny place, where access to the rays of the daylight is not limited in any way. On hot days, when the sun shines and the heat is simply unbearable, it is recommended to shade the crop with a white cloth. It is not worth growing verbena in the shade, although the flower is quite tolerant of it.
  • Temperature regime.
    Verbena is a heat-loving plant, but this does not mean that it is delighted with the extreme heat. Optimal summer temperatures for the flower are within +20+28º. Minor fluctuations are acceptable. From October until the beginning of spring, the plant should be kept at room temperature, because a dormant period begins. Already in March, it is recommended to gradually increase the air temperature so that the crop gets used to the thermal regime.
  • Air humidity.
    Spraying verbena is not required. Reason: It is a drought-resistant crop.
  • Pot and substrate quality.
    The types of containers for planting decorative beauties have already been mentioned above. This is a hanging planter. Flowerpots can also be used. However, most often verbena is planted in an open-air garden. Highly nutritious loams are good as a substrate for flowers. It is recommended to place a drainage layer of brick chips at the bottom of the container.

Caring for verbena at home

Verbena does not need a lot of watering. The main thing for her is that the soil is moistened regularly and in moderation. Bottom watering is encouraged, but top watering is recommended to be avoided. What does bottom mean? The pot with verbena is placed in a pan of water and kept until the top layer of soil is moistened. Starting from mid-July, the frequency of water procedures is reduced.

The plant is fed with complex mineral fertilizers every two weeks. Organic fertilizers will also benefit verbena, but one should not lose a sense of proportion: once during the season is more than enough. This is no longer possible, since due to the oversaturation of the soil with nitrogen, verbena will in its development focus on the green mass of foliage.

The plant needs pruning, but this operation is performed quite rarely. True, this procedure is a good assistant in creating flower arrangements; this cannot be taken away from it.

Verbena is replanted as needed. It is unlikely that such a thing will arise, because the root system of the flower is compact. If replanting is necessary, use mineral-rich, fertile, loose soil.

The plant blooms from May to October. This period can be so long if faded buds are removed in a timely manner.

Verbena propagates by seeds and cuttings. Seeds are distributed over the surface of the substrate at a soil temperature of +25º. After a couple of days they hatch, and a week later they sprout. Cuttings are carried out as follows: apical shoots with 4-6 pairs of leaves are harvested in the fall and rooted in a mixture of sand and peat.

Verbena is rarely attacked by pests. She overwinters in a cool room. To do this, dig up the flower with a large lump of earth before frost. Follow all the recommendations for growing verbena, and it will repay you with its beauty!

Tags: verbena, verbena care

Verbena on the balcony and in the garden

Verbena is one of my favorite beautiful flowering plants. Thanks to its long and abundant flowering, unpretentiousness, diversity of species and varieties, resistance to diseases and pests, verbena is widely used to decorate balconies and gardens, and is planted in flower beds of city streets and parks.

Verbena flowers have a delicate, pleasant aroma. The aroma of verbena is most intense in a sunny and hot place, where this plant fully displays its best qualities. Due to its unobtrusive and delicate aroma, verbena is often planted near recreation areas.

The spreading form of verbena bushes with drooping stems allows it to be grown as an ampel.
Verbena is often planted in hanging baskets, and is also used in balcony and window boxes and wall planters.
Classic companions for verbenas in composing balcony compositions are petunias and lobelias.

Propagation of verbena by seeds

In the climatic conditions of central Russia, it is customary to grow verbena of any kind from seeds in seedlings to ensure early and long flowering for many months.

Verbena seeds are sown for seedlings already in winter (January-February) or early March, since they germinate rather slowly and unfriendly.
Practice shows that it is better to store purchased verbena seeds in a cool place to increase germination. I advise you to keep them in the refrigerator until sowing. And immediately the day before sowing verbena, freeze the seeds completely - place them in the freezer overnight.

Verbena seedlings are characterized by a long juvenile period. From the moment the seeds are sown until the young plants begin to flower, at least 100 days usually pass.

Verbena seeds are not very small, so when sowing they are easy to place at the desired distance from each other. I sow them in shallow bowls and boxes; I use loose permeable soil mixed with sand.
When sowing, you should cover the verbena seeds with a thin layer of soil. Otherwise, if surface sowing is used, then some of the verbena seedlings will not be able to free themselves from the seed coat (such seedlings usually die).

When growing seedlings, maintain moderation in watering. Verbena seedlings may be at risk of the most common and dangerous disease - “blackleg”. Then lodging of verbena seedlings occurs as a result of waterlogging of the soil or due to excessive density of seedlings.

I plant verbena seedlings in separate containers after the formation of the second or third pair of true leaves.
After a successful picking, when the verbena seedlings take root in a new place and begin to grow, I pinch the tops of the resulting shoots. This causes them to branch additionally, and dense verbena bushes look better and bloom much more abundantly.

Verbena propagation by cuttings

Not all flower growers know that verbena takes cuttings well - it is quite possible to propagate adult plants by cuttings.

If you want to preserve your favorite verbena varieties or hybrids and increase the amount of valuable planting material, use vegetative propagation. Both apical cuttings and middle cuttings (taken from the middle of the shoots) are suitable for these purposes.

Cut verbena cuttings root easily in a glass of water within 10-15 days.

How to grow hybrid verbena at home, on the balcony or in the garden

After the formation of root primordia, the cuttings are planted in individual containers. Then they are cared for in the same way as the pruned seedlings.

Growing Verbena

Verbena prefers a sunny, warm place. It should be well ventilated, but without drafts. Damp and damp places should be avoided.
Verbena can grow in light shade, but at the same time the intensity of flowering decreases noticeably, and its shoots become more elongated.

Verbena is heat-loving, but cold-hardy. Young plants cannot tolerate spring frosts, but mature verbena bushes at the end of the gardening season become resistant to slight autumn frosts.

Verbena prefers fertile soil, not too dense and not heavy, with a small admixture of sand and clay.

Verbena does not require spraying and does not tolerate prolonged waterlogging of the soil. Therefore, when planting seedlings in a container with a sufficient number of drainage holes, it is advisable to lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the container.
Verbena loves abundant and regular morning watering with warm water, which should be done as the top layer of soil dries. With a constant lack of moisture in the soil, verbena leaves turn yellow and dry out, although this phenomenon does not cause serious damage directly to the flowers and buds. But if there is a significant loss of decorativeness, it is better to trim the bare stems of a bush that has suffered from drought, then it will soon grow young shoots with leaves and flowers.

Mature verbena is resistant to pests and diseases. This plant is practically not attacked by pests - insects are not attracted by the pubescent, hard leaves of verbena, covered with secretions that are oily to the touch.

During the period of growth and flowering, I fertilize verbena regularly with complex mineral fertilizer containing microelements. Otherwise, if there is a shortage of them, verbena leaves are susceptible to chlorosis and turn yellow. The same picture is observed when watering verbena with hard water.

With proper care, verbena looks great and blooms profusely and for a long time. Under favorable conditions, individual inflorescences last for two weeks.
Fading verbena inflorescences must be removed in time - when there are still individual flowers in the middle of the shield. This stimulates further formation of new buds.

Preserving verbena in the house in winter

Verbena can be used as a perennial by keeping the plant indoors during the winter.
To do this, you need to bring the plant into the house in the fall, before the onset of frost. For a large bush, you need to shorten the shoots (to the middle of their length).
Place the bush for the winter in the brightest and sunniest, but at the same time coolest place in the house. During the wintering period of verbena, it is advisable to maintain the temperature no higher than 15C to prevent active vegetation.

Verbena inflorescences that appear in winter are removed, and shoots that are too long and elongated are pruned.
At the end of February, the successfully overwintered plant is cut short and replanted in fresh soil.

Overwintered verbena quickly begins to grow and is more bushy and resilient. And such a specimen that has overwintered in the house blooms much earlier than verbena seedlings obtained from seeds, even when sown in January.

Verbena in landscape design

Breeders have developed many varieties and hybrids of verbena with compact or creeping bushes with a variety of flower colors across the rainbow palette. This allows verbena to be widely used in landscape design, successfully combining with each other and with many other types of plants.

Most often used in floriculture is hybrid verbena (Verbena hybrida), which combines numerous garden forms and varieties of complex hybrid origin, obtained as a result of breeding work over almost two centuries.

One of my favorite varieties of verbena is the chameleon variety “Peaches and Cream”, winner of many international exhibitions. Thanks to the unusual color of its flowers and the early flowering period, which usually occurs within 2.5-3 months from the moment of germination, this variety of verbena stands out noticeably among others and is very pleasing with its long exotic flowering. The buds, like young flowers, are initially a rich, bright pink, almost scarlet color. And over time, as the entire inflorescence blooms, the color of individual flowers gradually changes to cream, passing through the entire spectrum of shades of orange and pink...

Mikhail Makeev/Beast (Kaluga) "Floriculture: Pleasure and Benefit"

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