A note about a reading competition at school. Reading competition (photo report)

Devyatkova Svetlana

Photo report from the reading competition"Little Poetry Lovers"

TO reading competition in our kindergarten we were preparing All: both children, and parents, and teachers. The children took the event seriously, learned poems, repeated them almost every day, and organized mini-concerts in the group. Parents sewed costumes and prepared prizes.

Purpose the competition was as follows

1. To attract the attention of teachers and parents to recitation as one of the techniques for developing speech.

3. To develop children’s aesthetic taste and interest in the poetic genre of fiction.


Creating conditions for cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic development of children;

Formation of expressive reading skills and artistic skills in preschoolers;

Development of a sense of rhythm and rhyme

IN competition Children from 3 to 5 years old took part. The competition was held on the topic"Little Poetry Lovers", parents and children independently chose a work close to them in spirit and mood. There were many poems by B. Zakhoder, A. Barto and others.

Before the start, the children were very worried.

Children of younger groups performed first.

Then the children of the middle groups.

The jury was kind.

At the end all the children received prizes.

Publications on the topic:

Reading competition Goal: Development of children's speech in the expressive performance of poems. Objectives: Speech development and familiarization with fiction.

It has become a good tradition in our kindergarten to hold this competition. Preschoolers are willing to memorize poetry, but not always and not everyone has it.

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Barto reading competition Review - a reading competition among pupils of the Teremok group of the Lemeshkinsky kindergarten "Solnyshko" MKDOU, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of A. L. Barto.

Reading competition “Victory Spring” MBDOU "Shulma general developmental kindergarten Musical and literary competition of readers "Victory Spring" Objectives of the competition: 1. To educate.

Reading competitions are one of the forms of organizing the creative activities of preschool children. The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool educational institutions imply: the construction of an educational institution.

Dear colleagues, I invite you to get acquainted with photographic materials from the “Young Poetry Lovers” competition, at which schoolchildren in Vladimir and preschoolers competed in the art of correctly pronouncing sounds and reading poetry expressively. In our Center, parents gladly responded to the invitation to take part in the family competition: “Young Poetry Lovers.” This form of work allows parents to be involved in joint activities with their child in a family setting and additional education, and gives parents and children the opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities.



Report from the reading competition “Young Poetry Lovers”

Description of material:Dear colleagues, I invite you to get acquainted with photographic materials from the “Young Poetry Lovers” competition, at which schoolchildren in Vladimir and preschoolers competed in the art of correctly pronouncing sounds and reading poetry expressively. In our Center, parents gladly responded to the invitation to take part in the family competition: “Young Poetry Lovers.” This form of work allows parents to be involved in joint activities with their child in a family setting and additional education, and gives parents and children the opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities.


  1. To attract the attention of teachers - speech therapists, pedagogues and parents to recitation as one of the techniques for speech development.
  2. To develop children’s ability to expressively read poetry by heart, feel and convey poetic images.
  3. To develop children’s aesthetic taste and interest in the poetic genre of fiction.
  4. To improve the professional skills of specialists from the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Pre-school Special Education Center" and the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School in Vladimir, to disseminate positive experience in the speech development of children of preschool and school age.


Creating conditions for cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic development of children;

Formation of expressive reading skills and artistic skills in preschoolers;

Identifying the best readers among children, providing them with opportunities for self-expression

Develop a sense of rhythm and rhyme

Quietly, quietly, let's sit next to you,

Lyrics enter our home

In an amazing outfit

Multi-colored, painted.

And suddenly the walls open up

The whole earth is visible around,

The waves splash like a foamy river

The forest and meadow are lightly dozing,

Steppe paths run into the distance

Melting in the blue haze,

This lyric is in a hurry,

And he leads us along.

Children of different ages from 6 to 10 years old took part in the competition. The competition is held on the theme “Young Poetry Lovers,” that is, parents and children chose a work close to them in spirit and mood. There were many lyrical poems dedicated to nature, his native land, and the city of Vladimir. Mostly such works were read by schoolchildren. Contemporary poets (E. Maltseva, V. Stepanov) and the bygone century, such as N. Surikov, N. Nekrasov, sounded...

Some participants, on the contrary, chose humorous, playful works by S. Marshak or B. Zakhoder. This is the youngest age category of participants.

Due to the fact that the age of the contestants was different, the competition was held in two categories:

  • first nomination “Best performer in his age category 5-6 years”;
  • second nomination “Best performer in his age category from 7 years old.”

The competition jury was demanding, carefully selecting and auditioning the contestants. Nothing escaped the keen eye and sensitive ear of the jury members:originality of the chosen work, suitability of the work to the child’s age, performing skills (intonation, use of various non-verbal means of expression, elements of dramatization), speech technique (breathing, voice strength, diction, articulation), appearance of the participant.

While the jury was deliberating in summing up the results of the first and second nominations, the students of the group “Luchik” performed the dance “Autumn the Prankster” and “White Swan” for the participants of the competition and their parents.

The results of the reading competition are summed up in each age category (5-6 year olds and schoolchildren).

The winners of the competition were awarded diplomas of the First, Second and Third degrees, and the participants were awarded with memorable gifts.

All the children and parents who took part in the competition program received a lot of pleasure and positive emotions.

This quote from the prose poem by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Russian Language” (1882) is also relevant centuries later. We increasingly think about the importance of the Russian language in our lives, we are proud and value it.

A small part of this is confirmed by the annual recitation competitions “And we will preserve you, Russian speech, the great Russian word!” They are aimed at promoting works of Russian classical and modern poetry, at acquaintance with the literary heritage of Russia, reflecting the greatness of our culture and the richness of the Russian language.

In the year of culture, the competition brought together about 50 participants from schools in the area, admirers of prose and poetry by Russian authors. The children were given the opportunity to read their favorite works and reflect their vision of the events taking place in them. When choosing poems, many preferred the works of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, as well as poems on military subjects, which is especially important on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Each of the guys tried to convey to the audience the horrors of that time. Therefore, the choice of poems was appropriate: Robert Rozhdestvensky “The Ballad of Anti-Aircraft Gunners”, Alexander Tvardovsky “I Was Killed Near Rzhev” and many others.

Along with poetry, some speakers read prose - an excerpt from Ivan Bunin’s story “Antonov Apples”, an excerpt from Nikolai Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”... Some impressed the competent jury with funny children’s poems, and amazed those present with their wonderful acting. Many spectators could not hold back their tears, the contestants read so heartfeltly.

In two age categories (children under 10 years old and 10-13 years old) 28 people participated in the “Individual Performance” nomination. They demonstrated their skills at the Mir cinema. Among the younger participants the winner was Daria Bibikova from Stanovlyanskaya school. Daria Kokotkina (Soloviev School) took second place, third place was shared Ilya Mishukov (Stanovlya school) and Stanislav Proselkov (school in the village of Chemodanovo). The Audience Award was awarded to one of the youngest readers - Evgeniy Rodionov from the Zlobin school. Zhenya read a poem by Yuri Makarov about a fellow countryman, his namesake, Mikhail Fedorovich Rodionov.

She performed best in the second age category Ekaterina Kiseleva from the secondary school branch of the village. Stanovoe in the village. Petrishchevo. In second place is Yulia Sorokina (branch of secondary school in the village of Palenka in the village of Ploty), in third place is Danila Borodin from the Tolsto-Dubravskaya school.

Senior schoolchildren (14-17 years old) performed in the reading room of the Stanovlyany inter-settlement library.

The boys and girls did an excellent job of conveying the mood of the works to the audience.

The winners in the “Individual Performance” category were: Milena Govorova (secondary school in the village of Stanovoe) and Alexander Shalaev (secondary school in the village of Lamskoye). IN second place went to Daria Tarasova from the Stanovlyanskaya school and Tatyana Apostolova from Tolstodubravskaya. Took third place Kristina Maslennikova from the secondary school branch of the village. Stanovoe in the village. Petrishchevo.

The speakers also demonstrated their skills in the “Literary Compositions” category. Pupils from the Berezovsky school showed the “top class”. The guys got into character so much that after reading them, none of those present remained indifferent. And the youngest contestants from secondary school with. Lamskoye, showed an excerpt from Alexander Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin”. They managed to bring smiles to the audience with their sincere emotions.

Places in this nomination were distributed as follows: first - branch of secondary school with. Lamskoye in the village. Berezovka, second - secondary school with. Tolstaya Dubrava and secondary school with. Lamskoye, third - branch of secondary school with. Stanovoe in the village. Petrishchevo.

The children admitted that participating in the competition was both an exciting and enjoyable event. It allows you to enjoy reading to your peers and gives you the opportunity to show off your abilities.

The winners of the regional competition will advance to the regional stage, where young readers will glorify our small homeland.

The jury did not remain aloof from the main part of the event: Nina Ivanovna Merenkova and Galina Maksimovna Doronina presented those present with a wonderful, heartfelt reading of works written by Lermontov, Pushkin, Turgenev...

Prepared by Ekaterina BIBIKOVA and Irina IGNATOVA.

MBOU Secondary School No. 2 rural settlement “Village Khurba” of the Komsomolsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory

On March 18, 2016, the municipal round of the international competition for young readers “Living Classics” took place. This is not the first time that Khurbinsk Secondary School No. 2 takes an active part in this event. Previously, there is a school tour of talented children reading expressively lyrical and prosaic works. This year, the winners in our school and, therefore, participants in the municipal stage were Alina Kosinova (6b grade), Ruslan Mikryukov (6a grade), Alexander Gaev (11th grade), Galina Lonshakova (9a grade).

The regional round of the competition took place at the Museum of Fine Arts in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur in a solemn atmosphere with a competent jury, which included a teacher of cultural studies at the Technical University Slastenova Yu.A., Chebanyuk T.A., methodologist of the Department of Education Nikolaeva E.V., priest of the Cathedral of the Kazan Mother of God Father Sergius.

Participants came from eleven schools in the Komsomolsk region. This “Living Classics” competition brought together 45 talented participants with excellent knowledge of the Russian language and literature, who presented expressive readings of passages of classical Russian and world prose to the attention of listeners.

We assumed that the opponents would be worthy, because our school constantly takes part in presenting its talented readers. Last year, Polina Ivanova, a 7b grade student, became the winner of the municipal round and successfully performed in the regional round in the city of Khabarovsk.

Taking into account the previous experience of the contestants, our participants had a difficult task: to expressively present a classical work and penetrate

into the hearts of listeners, to make them think about the main truths that a book always carries.

Alina Kosinova, a talented, charming girl, happily responded to participate in this celebration of literature. It must be said that Alina, despite her young age, has a special literary experience: she writes poetry and fables herself, runs a reading column in the school newspaper “VEDI”, and became the winner of the All-Russian online competition “Living Pen”.

The task was difficult: which passage to choose among the wonderful works of Russian prose. In literature lessons, we became acquainted with the work of our fellow countryman, the Far Eastern writer G.G. Khozhder, “On a Date with Grandfather.” This story is autobiographical. The writer’s brother, a participant in the Second World War, died at the end of the war and was buried in Kyiv at the famous Baikovo cemetery. For twenty years, the daughter searched for her father’s grave. And I found it. She recalled how she accompanied her dad to the front, how they sang “Katyusha” together... in the last two days. The lines of the story performed by Alina became even more touching. The performance of the famous military song gave the performance special expressiveness and emotionality.

We are glad that on the eve of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the birth of the Komsomolsky district, our student became the winner of the “Living Classics” competition with reading an excerpt from the Far Eastern writer G. G. Khodzher. Finally, the worries and worries are behind us, and today we honor the winner Alina Kosinova, who demonstrated a deep understanding of a literary work, artistic taste and extraordinary artistic skill.

In a telegram to the participants of the International Competition “Living Classics,” President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin noted that “the book brings out the best in a person, turns us to goodness, instills high moral qualities.”

This unique holiday of young readers has become an important contribution to the popularization of reading, demonstrating masterpieces of prose not only of world, Russian, but also Far Eastern literature.


State educational institution of secondary vocational education

Kemerovo Vocational Technical College


A reading competition as a means of developing interest in literature among students.

performed by Ilyina Elena Aleksandrovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

Kemerovo 2015

The problem of students losing interest in studying individual subjects, as well as in learning in general, is relevant.

The problem of fading interest especially concerns the Russian language and literature. A striking proof is that few students name Russian as their favorite subject. If we talk about literature, then interest in this subject, if not completely extinguished, is fading away every year.

During the presentations the following skills are highlighted:
1) Speech (verbal): voice, diction, intonation, tempo, vocabulary, expressiveness, correctness of speech, emotionality.

2) Non-verbal: facial expressions, plasticity, gestures, movements.

3) Social-perceptual: perception, attention, observation, imagination, understanding, professional and pedagogical thinking.
Observing students, one can come to the following conclusions:
1. They are attentive to each other and to the people around them;
2. They have a developed sense of responsibility for the assigned work, they can be relied upon;

3. They gain a sense of self-worth.

N and a teacher, especially a literature teacher, must never forget that he must instill a love for his native word, language, literary work, which must teach him to competently, accurately reflect his thoughts in oral and written form, not only in the classroom, but also in the process of extracurricular activities. It is then that students will be able to feel the need to expand and deepen their knowledge in extracurricular activities. The more actively a student’s creative abilities are manifested and developed in the educational process, the more active and successful his life position will be in the future.