How much is a meter level. Construction level - we understand the device and the rules of choice for the house

The building level is a device designed to control the installation of devices, materials, structures in the vertical and horizontal planes, as well as to check the clarity and correctness of the lines.

Modern construction technologies require the use of only high-quality materials and high-precision tools. It is from strict adherence to the clarity of the lines that, quite often, the overall result of repair or construction depends.

One of the main tools to keep all planes perfectly flat is the building level. Control of vertical and horizontal lines is carried out using different types of building levels: rack, hydraulic or laser.

Helpful information:

In order to determine which building level is best suited to your needs, first consider their design and features of use.

Bubble (rack) levels

The rack level is a rack with three cones at different ends. Each of them contains an air bubble placed in a tinted liquid. Also, the cones contain special marks on which the necessary measurements are made.

Bubble levels are so called because of the presence of cones filled with liquid (non-freezing in the cold) with an air bubble left. The cones are marked with marks that help to determine the position of the bubble relative to the earth's surface, and, depending on the position of the cone, indicates the horizontal or vertical of the measured object.

The basis of the work of this level is the movement of the bubble in the cone, relative to the level of the horizon. The cone located in the middle is responsible for controlling the horizontal lines. The other, located at one end of the staff, is helpful in measuring vertical lines. The third cone is installed at an angle and allows you to maintain a plane at a 45-degree inclination.

When choosing a building level, you should also pay attention to its design, or rather the design of the rail. It can be of two types: rectangular section and I-section (in the form of a rail).

Rectangular section levels are popular among amateur models that are used in everyday life. I-beams, however, have earned the attention of professional builders, due to their "vitality". Such levels do not deform when dropped from a height and during prolonged intensive use.

The sectional shape is not the only structural feature of the building level to which attention should be paid. Levels of different lengths are designed for different types of construction work. With their help, control of the evenness of lines and planes is carried out in a wide variety of conditions.

Rack levels exist with different numbers of eyes (cones), for example:

  • One-eyed (horizontal)
  • Two-eyed (horizontal and vertical)
  • Three-eyed (the most common type of rack level), in such levels, two eyes are fixed motionless (horizon and vertical) and one adjustable eye (with a scale of degrees to determine the angle of inclined surfaces)
  • Five-eye levels - special plumbing levels for laying water and sewer pipes at a certain angle.

Bubble (rack) levels are of various sizes - from 20 cm to 2.5 meters.

To check the bubble level, place it on a flat surface, mark the position of the bubble relative to the marks, then turn it with the other side. If the bubble has not changed its position relative to the marks on the flask, then the level is accurate. Thus, it is necessary to check the readings of each cone.

Hydro levels (water) levels

The hydro level is another type of building level. It is a transparent tube with marked flasks at the ends. Its functioning is ensured by the action of the laws of physics and the principle of communicating vessels.

The liquid level in the flasks remains the same and constant, regardless of the height of one of them. In order to use the hydro level, it is necessary to draw water into it. When doing this, try to avoid bubbles entering the tube, as each bubble will significantly reduce the accuracy of the construction tool.

To carry out correct measurements at the hydro level, you will need an assistant, you will not be able to handle it yourself. Each takes a flask in his hand and opens the lids on them to prevent the flow of water. One bulb is pressed against the wall near the mark, and the other in the place where you want to apply the mark. After that, the first flask is lowered or raised until the water level in the flask and the mark on the wall are on the same line.

The water level in the second flask will indicate a point that is in the same horizon with the mark. It is imperative to wait until the water in the flasks and the tube has calmed down, otherwise, it will not be possible to carry out correct calculations.

After it was possible to obtain two marks in the same horizon, they are connected together by pulling a string or tracing a line. Such levels are used at fairly large distances. The sizes of the hydro levels range from 3 to 25 meters

Using the hydro level, you can mark only horizontal lines; for vertical lines, you must use a different type of building level.

When performing finishing work in rooms with a small square, it is not recommended to use the hydro level. Its minimum length is five meters, which makes it difficult to work with in small rooms.

When choosing a hydro level, you should pay attention to the shape of the flasks. Preference should be given to rectangular rather than cylindrical. It is easier to work with this level, because it is more convenient to press the flasks against the wall and make marks. The diameter of the tube also plays a role, the larger it is, the faster the water in the flasks is set at the same level. The diameter of the tubes ranges from 6mm to 8mm.

Laser level

The third type of building level is the laser level. This type of construction equipment is more modern and accurate compared to the ones described above. Equipped with various electronic technological solutions, it allows measurements in various planes with maximum accuracy.

Today, the most convenient and accurate control and measuring device, which allows you to accurately and efficiently build lines in various planes. Laser levels can be mounted on tripods, magnets, sliding rods or on special brackets. The most common models of laser levels are the so-called "self-leveling levels", in which the projection part of the beam works on the principle of a pendulum, that is, it aligns itself relative to the earth's surface.

There are several types of construction laser level:

  1. A classic rack-and-pinion level with an integrated laser pointer, with which you can project a laser beam onto a plane.
  2. The so-called laser level, which can be self-leveling.
  3. Well, the last, the most technically advanced, is the plane builder. It has the ability to project several laser beams on a wide variety of planes at once.

Technical perfection and versatility make the laser building level the most preferable for purchase, but also its price is maximum.

Selection of the optimal level length. Here you need to determine for what work you plan to use it. If it is facing with tiles, then you will have to purchase two levels: short (up to 60 cm), to control the level between adjacent tiles; long (200 cm), to control the level of the entire surface of the cladding.

When installing plasterboard structures, pouring screed, plastering walls, you must purchase a long, at least 200 cm, building level. Thus, the larger the working area, the longer the level needs to be bought.

The presence of all sorts of additional design features. Built-in magnets allow you to attach the building level to metal structures, freeing your hands. The slots on the rail make it easier and more reliable to hold the level in your hand. Rubberized pads protect against slipping and act as shock absorbers in the event of a drop in level.

The building level is a control and measuring device, therefore, when buying it, it is necessary to check for the absence of factory defects and errors in the readings. To check the correctness of determining the horizontal position, you can use a horizontal stand (available in large hardware stores).

If there is no stand in the store, you can put the level on any horizontal surface and, turning it 180 degrees, check the position of the bubble. If it has not changed, then the level is in good order. The correctness of the readings of the vertical flask is checked by applying a level to a wall or other vertical surface. The unchanged position of the bubble indicates the health of the flask.

Levels are more reliable and accurate if the flasks are securely fixed. You should not buy models with screwed flasks, it is better to choose with tightly mounted ones. This is worth paying attention to, because over time the screws loosen and they constantly need to be tightened and the level accuracy checked.

In addition to the above design features of flasks fastening, attention should also be paid to the quality of the fastening. If the flasks are not installed securely enough, then over time they will loosen and the level will become unusable.

When considering the prices of different types of tiers, you should not settle for the cheapest options. Such building levels are short-lived, require constant adjustment, and may give incorrect readings. It is not worth saving on instrumentation, because the result of construction and repair work will depend on them.

If you decide to buy a laser level, then the savings are all the more inappropriate here. Such things cannot be cheap, unless they are fake or defective. But here it is important to understand that if you need a level for a one-time work (for example, installing interior doors), then it does not make much sense to spend money

Always keep your receipt! It may happen that you determine the defect or inaccuracy of the acquired level only at home after some time. Most often this happens when you cross-check the planes with different levels. Professional builders use a range of measuring instruments. Each of them is adapted for a certain type of work and conditions, and therefore they cannot be called interchangeable. They perfectly complement each other and "hedge". Therefore, in order to be able to replace or return a low-quality level, save the receipt.

We hope our tips will help you decide which building level to choose for your specific needs.




Asking the question of how to choose a building level, any person realizes the consequences of a wrong decision.

A common type of bubble level is the rectangular version, which is inexpensive.

After all, any, even the smallest deviation from a flat surface can lead to the most disastrous consequences, up to a complete alteration of the just finished repair. Therefore, the question of how to choose a building level should be treated with great care, because this tool can be of several different types, properties, purpose and price of which can vary significantly.

Currently, the market has a fairly wide range of these construction tools. One of the most common measuring instruments of this type is the bubble level. It consists of a body and a flask filled with liquid, in which an air bubble floats. This level is very simple and at the same time quite accurate and reliable.

What are the types of levels

The principle of operation of the water level.

Bubble levels. The most common type of this level is its rectangular modification. Its length varies widely and can be up to 2.5 meters. The minimum size is 20 cm. However, occasionally you can find telescopic devices, the length of which reaches 4 meters. Their flasks are made of impact-resistant transparent material. Alcohol is used as a filler.

Some of these tools are equipped with magnets, making them much easier to use on steel surfaces. There are also a variety of levels that are used when working with pipes: such tools are usually small in size and a semicircular notch that runs along the body. Thanks to her, the device is well adhered to the surface of the pipe. These tools are not expensive, but versatility is not their strong point, so it is better to choose a different type of level.

Water levels. This type of measuring instrument, otherwise known as a hydro level, is well suited for measuring deviations of large horizontal surfaces. It consists of two containers filled with liquid, which are connected to each other by a hose. The main feature of these levels is that their length ranges from 5 to 25 meters, which makes them indispensable when working with extended surfaces and at the same time completely useless for use in an apartment.

The principle of the laser level.

They are sensitive to heat and should be kept away from heat sources. You also need to ensure that air bubbles do not get into the tanks while filling the containers with water, as this significantly affects the readings of this measuring device.

Laser levels. Measuring instruments of this type are among the most accurate and at the same time the most expensive. Their main advantages are their small size and large radius of action, which can reach several tens of meters. They are also best suited for measuring large and extended surfaces, as the laser beam emitted by this instrument can be turned into a plane. They also perform well when laying directions. For ease of use, such measuring devices are equipped with tripods and magnetic suction cups.

Top-end instruments have more than one laser beam. They can overlap, making measurements easier and more precise.

This device can definitely be called the best among all levels. It is versatile, accurate, compact and practical. It has only one drawback: its high price.

Choosing a level in the store: what to look for

The type of measuring device largely depends on how large-scale tasks will be solved with the help of it. After all, it is one thing when a level is chosen for frequent use in large-scale construction work, and quite another thing when it is needed only in order to level the floor in an apartment.

There is no need to fall under the influence of the products of well-known brands and choose the most famous brand, because the main thing in any thing is its quality, and this indicator is often in no way connected with a big name.

How to choose a bubble type building level

Bubble level diagram.

First of all, you need to decide on what tasks you need this measuring tool for. If you are going to level the walls with it, then you need to choose the level of maximum length, but if the question is posed much more modestly and you just need to attach a bookshelf, then the tool, accordingly, should also be smaller.

The air bubble itself should be clearly visible, and the marks on the level flask should be black and there should be several of them. These marks should be very close to each other, forming something like a scale.

After this stage of verification, you can proceed to the next one and test the accuracy of the device. If the purchase is carried out in a specialized store, then for sure he has special stands that are specially designed to test such measuring devices.

For the test, the device should be placed horizontally and precisely remember the location of the air bubble on the scale of the flask, then turn the level 180 degrees. If everything is in order with the device, then the bubble will not change its position relative to the scale.

After that, you need to check its work in the vertical plane. For this, an appropriate stand is selected, to which the device is applied. Then everything happens as in the previous case: the location of the bubble is remembered, then a 180-degree rotation follows. If the bubble remains in its place in this case, it means that the level is made with high quality and you can safely buy it.

In the absence of such a stand in the store, upon arrival home, you need to invite a person who has a level or laser level and with the help of these tools check the correct operation of the purchased one. If something does not suit you, then there is always the opportunity to return the purchased device back to the store.

What to look for when buying a laser level?

If you have made a choice in favor of a laser measuring device, then when buying, first of all, you should pay attention to its technical characteristics, the main of which are the measurement error and range. The accuracy of the laser level must be at least 3 mm for every 10 meters, and the range must be at least 20 meters.

Often, this device comes with special glasses that allow you to better see the laser beam.

In addition, these devices are equipped with two types of lasers, which differ in the color of the beam they emit. The most common emitters that give red color, but if possible, it is better to choose an instrument with a green beam, since this color is more noticeable and contrasting to the human eye. However, levels with a green laser are somewhat more expensive than their "red" counterparts.

It is worth taking a close look at what is included in the package of the device.

Often it is very diverse and includes both many useful items and those that you can do without.

If, along with the purchase of a laser level, you are going to purchase any addition to it, then be sure to consult with sellers or friends who understand such things on this matter, so that it does not happen that the purchased accessory does not fit your type of device.

Buying a level is a very important step, on which the quality of the upcoming repair directly depends.

Rating of the best building levels according to user reviews

You need to reliably erect a house or renovate an apartment, assemble furniture exactly or hang a picture, create a high-quality screed or glue wallpaper - you certainly cannot do without a building level. The building materials market is constantly changing, offering new models, leaving time-tested devices, non-competitive ones - throwing them away. Having studied the latest rating, you can find out the latest situation in the world of measuring instruments and take a closer look at the spirit level you like.

The building level of which company to choose

List of manufacturers whose products are especially in demand among builders:

1. Stabila is a German construction measuring equipment company founded in 1889. Thanks to the revolutionary discoveries of its engineers, it holds many patents and is one of the leaders in its industry. Few installers do not know this manufacturer, and many of them use the high-grade levels offered;

2. Kapro is a modern Israeli company that has managed to become a "top" in the measuring equipment market for 30 years of history. Ergonomic design, high quality and manufacturability of spirit levels were appreciated by both professional and novice builders in many countries;

3. Stanley is an American manufacturing giant with over 170 years of experience in the manufacture of various tools. Successful management, advanced technology and excellent quality are the keys to success. That is why the construction levels of the company are in demand for the construction of important facilities and for domestic purposes;

4. Sola is a well-known Austrian company for the production of measuring instruments, which sells its goods in more than 40 countries. Since 1994, the production has been in compliance with the ISO 9001 standard, so the owners of modern spirit levels do not doubt their quality.

Ranking of the best building levels

  • Experience in using tools from different manufacturers and the possibility of buying counterfeit products.
  • Purpose: control of ceilings and walls, screeds and masonry, suspended and suspended ceilings, door and window openings, as well as for the correct installation of household appliances, furniture, paintings.
  • Dimensions and weight of the level; measurement accuracy declared by the manufacturer; number, size and shock resistance of capsules.
  • Main structural characteristics: box or I-section, plastic or aluminum material, static or adjustable ampoules.
  • The presence of technical amenities in the form of magnets, clear markings, tinted liquid, backlight, ergonomic handle, ruler, shockproof plugs.
  • Comfort when hand-fitting, and in the process of use.
  • Verifiable build quality is mandatory.
  • Cost, warranty and service.


Best little bubble levels


Stanley 0-42-130 is a small gauge with a simple design: molded plastic body, magnetic V-shaped metal base and 2 (horizontal and vertical) capsules securely fixed in the holes. During transportation, the tool is placed in a pocket or fastened to a belt using a clip.


  • L / G / α = 0.09 m / 0.1 kg / ≈0.5 mm / m;
  • price: 0.4 ... 0.5 thousand rubles;
  • strong magnet; thanks to the hollow, tight attachment to the pipes; good overview for reading information; measurement accuracy sufficient for household needs;
  • compactness; convenience; mobility; practicality;
  • easily cleaned of dust and dirt; with careful use, it is used for a long time; worth it adequately.


  • sometimes bubble "gauges" scroll.

According to reviews: the level in question is indispensable for use in hard-to-reach places. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the fastening of the flasks.


Kapro 340-08 is a professional instrument for determining angular deviations using 2 horizontal and 1 vertical ampoules. It is made of plastic, equipped with 4 magnets, like a book cover, it folds in half or unfolds, forming a plane. An elastic band is used for fixing to non-metallic surfaces.


  • L / G / α = 0.08 m / 0.2 kg / ≈0.5 mm / m;
  • cost: 0.7 ... 0.9 thousand rubles;
  • Locks into place in 15 ° increments; not exposed to UV rays;
  • small dimensions; convenient to carry and operate; practical; dust is easily wiped off;
  • permissible error in measurements; the optimal combination of price, quality and efficiency.


  • during manufacture, geometric rigor is not always maintained. This factor must be taken into account when testing.

According to reviews: the device is good and useful, since it is often used not only for its intended purpose - working with round elements, but in a wider range.


Stanley 0-43-511 is a small size magnetic windpass consisting of a plastic case, an aluminum base and 3 capsules - 2 perpendicular to each other and the first at an angle of 45 °. The tool with concave extruded plates is securely attached to the pipes, thanks to the end caps and the impact-resistant center ampoule, does not fail if dropped.


  • L / G / α = 0.23 m / 0.13 kg / ≈0.5 mm / m;
  • price: 0.5 ... 0.7 thousand rubles;
  • when working with metal structures, there is no need for manual support; deviations in measurements within standard limits; good visual accessibility of all scales;
  • lasting; compact; comfortable in using;
  • ergonomic design; democratic cost.


  • in some copies the build quality is "lame".

According to reviews: the operating parameters correspond to the purpose, size and price category of the device.

Best Medium Bubble Levels

L = 0.4 m

Sola MM40 is a trapezoidal die-cast aluminum appliance with 1 horizontal flask and 1 spirit level. Features include a neodymium magnet and shatterproof acrylic sleeves. In addition, the central luminous eye has a magnifying lens.


  • L / G / α = 0.4 m / 2.4 kg / ≈0.5 (1.0) mm / m;
  • price: ≈2.0 thousand rubles;
  • epoxy red coating; milled working blade;
  • resistance to various influences, including bending and torsion;
  • consistently high measurement accuracy.


  • when interacting with chemically aggressive substances, it "lets" paint color.

According to reviews: the tool in question is a necessary "thing" in the household: small, durable and accurate.

L = 0.8 m

Stabila 70MAS 1411 is a universal spirit level with a feature in the form of a measuring scale applied to 1 of the surfaces, and 2 sliders, with the help of which the required size is transferred, for example, to a wall. The device itself is an effective bubble instrument with a box-shaped body, closed at the ends with plastic plugs. Equipped with 2 eyes - horizontal and vertical.


  • L / G / α = 0.8 m / 0.4 kg / 0.5 mm / m;
  • cost: ≈1.5 thousand rubles;
  • 2 marking plastic slides; 2nd centimeter scales opposite in direction;
  • simplicity and ease of use; the strength and durability of the rail; the accuracy of the work performed; electrostatic powder coating.


  • sometimes running gears jam.

According to reviews: a very convenient and practical device - if necessary, the engines can be easily removed.

L = 1.22 m

Stabila R-300 18374 is a new R-shaped model, which is an aluminum case with 3 capsules (2 vertical, 1 horizontal) and removable end caps that can prevent slipping and absorb shocks. The electrostatically painted spirit level has 5 internal chambers, 2 wide working surfaces, a longitudinal recess for gripping. The effectiveness of the removable caps is ensured by the side pads.


  • L / G / α = 1.22 m / 0.3 kg / ≈0.5 mm / m (0.029 °);
  • price: 6.2 ... 6.4 thousand rubles;
  • accurate readings when working overhead; comfortable grip; alcohol tinted in ampoules; high quality powder coating; rigidity and strength of the structure;
  • high marking accuracy; tightness of flasks; ergonomic contours.


According to reviews: users who have experienced a novelty in business do not regret the money spent. - The rake works properly when performing any tasks and in various conditions.

Best Long Bubble Levels

L = 1.5 m

Stabila 70 02290 is a classic aluminum model, assembled together from a smooth, powder-coated body, opposite plastic plugs and 2 ampoules filled with alcohol - vertical and horizontal. The first is located at the end of the rectangular profile, the second is in the middle.


  • L / G / α = 1.5 m / 1.0 kg / 0.5 mm / m;
  • cost: 2.3 ... 2.4 thousand rubles;
  • ease of use; accuracy of measurements; strength; reliability;
  • not "afraid" of falls and exploitation in extreme conditions;
  • ascetic design; long service life.


  • paint will wear off over time.

According to reviews: the spirit level is very popular among both professionals and amateurs in the construction business. There are no complaints about the instrument - only positive words.

L = 2.0 m

Stanley FATMAX XL 0-43-681 - aluminum box model with shock absorbing plugs, through handle and 3 ampoules. The body is milled on 2 surfaces and is larger in comparison with analogs, the opening for the grip is finished with double overlays, the flasks are recessed in acrylic blocks. The central horizontal ampoule is enlarged, the lateral vertical ampoules have improved visibility.


  • L / G / α = 2.0 m / 2.1 kg / 0.5 mm / m;
  • cost: 5.2 ... 6.7 thousand rubles;
  • reinforced profile; high accuracy and durability; long service life without repair; indelible markings;
  • spectacular appearance; affordable real price.


  • it is difficult to completely remove dirt from the handle pads.

According to reviews: the instrument is the heaviest in its class, and this property is highly appreciated by experts. Working with him, they feel comfortable and enjoy.

L = 2.5 m

Capro Plumbsite Hercules 986-44-250 is a professional device milled on 2 sides, in an aluminum case of which there are 4 capsules (2 horizontal, 2 vertical), shock-absorbing end caps and an ergonomic handle in the form of a rubberized hole along the edges. Epoxy-glue-backed shockproof bulbs are made of polyacrylic and filled with bright Nite-glo oil. Readings are easy to read in an awkward working position and poor lighting.


L / G / α = 2.5 m / 2.7 kg / ≈0.029 °; cost: 6.1 ... 7.5 thousand rubles; unique Plumbsite system; box-shaped effective profile; reinforced weighty construction; minimum error in readings; resistance to sunlight, as well as torsion and bending; ease of use;

Longevity; affordability.


  • the horizontal end peephole is not always accessible for viewing.

According to reviews: the rail is of good quality, has an optimal weight, does not fail when dropped.

Best electronic building levels

High precision

Kapro 985D 60 L is a professional electronic spirit level with an illuminated display and 2 Plumb Site polyacrylic capsules. Effective thanks to 2 milled surfaces, built-in magnets, optimal length and calibration. It has additional practical options: comfortable grip, low battery indicator, auto-flip dial and 9x memory. Provided: for a tripod - 1/4-inch hole, for storage and transportation - a compact case.


  • L / G / α = 0.6 m / 1.1 kg / 0.1 mm / m;
  • price: 6.5 ... 8.8 thousand rubles;
  • measurement in percent, degrees and ratio "inches / feet"; sound signal at an angle of 45 °, as well as absolute horizontal and vertical position;
  • function "false 0"; box-shaped profile; laser ray; side view;
  • high measurement accuracy; convenience and comfort in work; resistance to ultraviolet radiation and shock;
  • long service life; relatively low cost.


  • paint is not always evenly applied.

According to reviews: this level is a real assistant who performs work of any complexity. Among the amenities, buyers especially noted the presence of a cover.

What building level to buy

The choice of tool depends on many of the above factors and may have the following options:

  • For control work on walls, ceilings, floors, including screed and plaster, you can use: Plumbsite Hercules 986-44-250 from Capro and FATMAX XL 0-43-681 from Stanley;
  • For checking the geometry of masonry and ceilings (tension and suspended) will do: Stabila 70 02290;
  • For an even installation of furniture, windows and doors, the best option: R-300 18374 from Stabila;
  • For driving in dowels with a certain pitch, the following is suitable: 70MAS 1411 from Stabila;
  • For work with metal structures, it has proven itself well: MM40 from Sola;
  • Effective for pipe alignment: Kapro 340-08;
  • Good for local household tasks: Stanley 0-42-130 and Stanley 0-43-511.

When buying a device, be sure to test it - put it in the store on a control surface, read the indicators on the flask, turn it 180 ° and set it strictly in the same place - the bubble should not change its location.

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How to choose a building level? And which one is better?

The final result of the work of a number of specialists in industrial areas depends on the accuracy of measuring instruments: a builder, a bricklayer, a carpenter, etc. The construction level of various modifications is a simple but obligatory tool for any serious team or individual craftsman, which allows to identify the accuracy of the location of horizontal and vertical surfaces. The history of the appearance of the first spirit level dates back to the second half of the 17th century, and the vertical plumb line is a well-known primitive prototype of later inventions.

Common classification for building levels:

  • Bubble (spirit level) - with flasks installed in a rigid case, filled with liquid, and the presence of a floating air bubble in each flask;
  • Laser level - with fast and clear marking of the laser beam point of the working surfaces;
  • Water level (hydro level) - the principle of operation is based on Pascal's hydrostatic law and checks the conformity of the planes of the horizontal surfaces.

Despite all the obvious innovative advantages of the same laser level, skilled craftsmen never refuse to use a high-quality bubble level - this versatile, time-tested tool.

The main characteristics of the building level

  • Measurement accuracy (from 0.3 mm / m, the longer the building level is and the heavier it is, the higher the accuracy of its readings);
  • Impact resistance. As a rule, the levels have a hollow body, but with walls of sufficient thickness;
  • Wide resistance to the slightest bending and torsion;
  • Measuring flasks with high transparency and resistance to discoloration, haze, cracking and leakage when exposed to low and high temperatures, as well as ultraviolet rays.


A rigid monolithic, most often rectangular case with a milled bottom edge is made of light and durable materials (aluminum, polystyrene, plastic, wood) with an anti-corrosion coating. In the case, depending on the required accuracy, a certain number of transparent sealed glass flasks (level eyes) with an air bubble floating in a colored alcohol-containing liquid are securely fixed:

  • one flask - only for the horizontal rail (180 degrees);
  • two - for horizontal (180 degrees) and vertical guides (90 degrees);
  • three - for more complex work, with an additional third camera that controls the measurement of the angle of inclination (rigidly fixed at 45 degrees, or rotary - for measuring any angle of the controlled surface).

In order to minimize errors in angular vision, boundary lines are drawn on the surface of the measuring flasks - risks. Eyes for checking the position of the vertical plane surfaces and the angle of inclination have built-in mirrored reflectors for simultaneous control of the position of the bubbles.

Plastic plugs at the ends of the level protect the structure in case of accidental drops.

Some level manufacturers also provide additional conveniences: for example, a built-in magnifying lens for more comfortable eye control of the bubble, magnetic systems or fluorescent liquid of the flask for the possibility of continuing work even in the dark.

The principle of operation of the bubble building level is simple: the measurement and adjustment of surfaces relative to the horizontal and vertical planes occurs due to the movement of the bubble inside a certain level eye. The correct setting will result in the bubble being exactly in the middle between the measuring risks of the flask.

Building level. Which is better?

Having made a decision to purchase a building level, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with some recommendations for its choice:

  1. Flask - must be securely attached to the body. When buying, it is worth abandoning the level in which the bulb is screwed on, because of which it may loosen over time. You should choose flasks made of polyacrylic, which is stronger than glass and more transparent than plastic.
  2. The length of the level - it is necessary to take into account the type of work to be done, since the larger the working area, the longer the level should be chosen;
  3. Defects - the building level is a measuring device, therefore, when buying a tool, you must make sure that there are no factory defects, as well as errors in the readings.
  1. Body material - the instrument can be made of plastic, metal or wood. The most reliable and durable is, of course, the metal level, inside which the stiffeners are located
  2. Marking - the best option is to place the control strips inside the bubble itself. The divisions applied to the surface of the flasks should be clear and located close to each other.

The spread in the cost of building levels is quite diverse. At the same time, it is not worth asking about the choice of more economic models, especially if it is necessary to use the tool repeatedly. If a thorough repair is to be carried out, then experts strongly recommend purchasing a professional tool. A characteristic difference for it is the presence of a shock-resistant case with special rubber pads, which, during operation, are able to soften the shocks from falls, etc.

In operation, he proved himself better than others, the construction level of the famous German brand "Stabila". For such a tool, on average, you will have to pay from 700 to 1800 rubles. This measuring device is famous for such advantages as:

  • high-quality and stable reading of indications (high degree of measurement accuracy);
  • good ergonomic characteristics;
  • precision in the geometry of the aluminum profile body.

In addition, under this brand, magnetic building levels are also produced, which make it possible to work with electricity, and are equipped with special slots for marking for switches and sockets.

In addition to Stabila, another good option can be the building level of the Akula company. The good thing about the levels of this brand is that they are not afraid of falls and bumps. Also good models are produced by the firms "Ermak", "Bosch" or "Kapro". For example, the company "Kapro" constantly updates its models and often introduces the latest innovative solutions, releasing tools for household and professional type. Models of the German company "Bosch" are distinguished by their high quality. A similar tool with the Bosch models is also produced by the Russian company Condtrol, which is more affordable in terms of cost.

In the middle category of such instruments, it is worth highlighting the levels produced by the firms "Matrix", "Brigadier" and "Stayer", which are distinguished by special accuracy of measurements and an optimal ratio of cost to quality.

However, when buying a building grade, a well-known brand should not be a decisive aspect. The main thing is to decide on the type of future work and the frequency of using the tool.

180 degree method

You can check the accuracy of the level in the simplest way, called the 180 degree method:

  1. It is necessary tightly, without gaps, to put the building level on a flat horizontal surface and remember the position of the bubble relative to the marks.
  2. In the horizontal plane, turn the level 180 degrees and place it clearly on the same area.
  3. In a qualitative and accurate level, the position of the bubble should remain the same.

The vertical accuracy of the readings can be checked in the same way.

Round bubble level

This type of building levels is designed to control only horizontal surfaces and is somewhat different from the usual levels in the design of the body with the same principle of operation. The round level is a hemispherical sealed capsule made of impact-resistant glass with a fixed flask, inside which the position of the bubble is determined by the bounding round line.

The scope of the circular bubble level is not only construction work and control of the degree of shrinkage of already rebuilt buildings. Levels of this kind are widely used in photography and video filming to strictly adjust the position of the equipment tripod horizontally. It is very common to use circular levels and when installing commercial or control weights, as well as for constant monitoring of the stable horizontal position of stationary machines, industrial tools and even jewelry surfaces - for example, polishing wheels.

A circular bubble level often has the ability to locally attach to the test surface and is very low cost with high measurement accuracy. A knowledgeable person will appreciate this simple and necessary tool.

The ubiquitous use of levels

Whatever work you have to do (check the vertical and horizontal alignment of the walls, floor and ceiling surfaces; install a washing machine without distortions, hang a bookshelf or a picture) - the simplicity and ease of use of the bubble building level will help you do it quickly and with the highest quality. Even in the presence of a laser level or a plane builder that is more complex in execution and principle of operation, the building level that is unchanged in the arsenal of any master will not remain idle.

The building level is a tool that reveals the slope of surfaces. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

How do they work

The algorithm of operation of any of them is reduced to the choice of the installation point and the place for measuring the level. The rest of the possibilities depend on the specific type of instrument and can be combined.

The building level helps:

  1. Determine the verticality or horizontalness of a given surface - in order to establish a further scope of work and its need.
  2. Find out in which direction the tilt occurred, in some models its exact size is also available.
  3. Set clear guidelines when marking surfaces - before installing frames or furniture.
  4. Calculate the volume of materials - for this, the arithmetic average of the levels of different points on the same surface is applied.
  5. Determine a single level in different rooms - often required when installing ceilings or windows.

In low-rise construction or apartment renovation, manual variations of the tool are often used. These are devices without complex electronics and do not require special skills. Professionals use several types at the same time.

Types and functions of building levels

Hydro levels

The functioning of this type of instrument is based on the laws of physics about communicating vessels. Structurally, hydrolevels are two flasks connected by a transparent tube.


  • This is an accurate view of the levels, but it is important that the hose is not kinked and that you have good vision.
  • Suitable for checking slopes in different rooms at the same time.
  • As a rule, they require pair work.

To bring the device into working condition, it is enough to fill it with water so that the upper meniscus of the liquid reaches the middle of both flasks, and no air bubbles remain in the tube.

Bubble building levels

Regardless of the size and design features, the principle of the device is the same. At least two flasks are built into the level body, where small air bubbles "float" in the liquid. Focusing on them, they check if there is a slope of the planes.


  • The liquid in most cases will be technical alcohol. Allows measurements with an accuracy of 1 mm / m - this is the industry standard.
  • Hard acrylic "air" bubbles offer greater precision. Accuracy 0.5 mm / m.

Some models of bubble levels are equipped with flasks on a rotating base. This allows you to work with inclined planes. Profile shapes are in the form of a box, a trapezoid and with one measuring plane, cast Shark (shark). Part of the tool is equipped with end elements that prevent breakage in case of falls.

Laser building levels

The convenience of this equipment lies in its non-contact use and in a large coverage area with a marking.


  • The device pendulum is leveled after unlocking. It is advisable to set the plane of the base horizontally.
  • Manufacturers offer an additional mounting tripod, but its dimensions are not enough for marking at a height. In this case, a bar is used, which is fixed between the floor and another horizontal surface. The platform on which the tool is installed moves along it.
  • In bright light, the laser beam is not visible to the naked eye. To resolve the issue, glasses with glasses in the red color range are used.

Some of the laser levels produce static vertical and horizontal lines in a limited sector. The alternative, using a running point in a circle, allows you to make markings simultaneously from all sides.

Magnetic building levels

Magnetic levels are visually indistinguishable from bubble levels. The difference is noticeable only at the bottom ends. This option is equipped with magnets for easy handling of metal surfaces.


  • Strip magnets are more commonly used in polymer levels, in combination with a V-notch for ease of use on pipelines.
  • Ceramic magnets or ferrites have been the industry standard in levels up until recent years.
  • Rare Earth - Most aluminum models now come with this type of magnet. They are up to 10 times stronger than ceramic.

This type of level is more often used for work related to the installation of frames for drywall, as it is conveniently mounted on ceiling and rack profiles, leaving your hands free.

Optical building levels

An optical level or level is used in industrial facilities or in the construction of houses. The kit includes a special tripod, without which the use of the tool is unproductive. Installation comes down to mounting, focusing and centering.


  • Centering is needed for point-to-point measurements. It is carried out using a plumb bob attached to the bottom of the tripod.
  • Focusing - the telescope is aimed at the staff, the clarity is adjusted with the help of the adjusting screw. The eyepiece defines the reticle.

After setting, the survey of heights is performed. The captured data are summed up, their arithmetic mean is calculated. It will be the base mark from the instrument horizon.


Each type has its own set of advantages:

  • Hydro levels ... They support measurements in different rooms when the initial level is hidden by partitions or heavy structures. This functionality is not provided in other models.
  • Bubble ... Easy to install and use, light weight and dimensions. Can be used to measure the level and simultaneously check the plane of the wall or floor.
  • Magnetic ... Do not require additional fixation when working with metal. Have the full benefits of bubble models.
  • Laser ... Supports simultaneous vertical and horizontal measurements. Longer coverage than any handheld model. Automation of routine processes.
  • Optical ... Applicability in open spaces, in the construction of roads and large facilities. Functionality, time and labor savings. When measuring from a distance, the accuracy is not degraded.


Disadvantages and inconveniences also depend on the type of instrument:

  • Hydro. M is understandable and difficult to operate. The routine processes of filling, draining, unwinding and expelling bubbles are time-consuming. Not suitable for vertical surfaces.
  • Bubble ... Often it gets lost, adjustment is often unavailable. Not suitable for working over long distances and areas. In adjacent rooms, the correct level cannot be determined.
  • Magnetic ... The same disadvantages as the bubble. Magnets often protrude out of the plane of the rib - when measuring, fresh paint or putty can be damaged. Some models are less stable than bubble ones. Frequent breakdown of magnets is also a disadvantage.
  • Laser ... Requires a flat surface. The pendulum often breaks down during transportation. The beam diameter increases with distance, which affects accuracy. Plane measurements can only be carried out using additional accessories.
  • Optic ... Adjustment is time consuming and requires skill. For domestic purposes, functionality is redundant - neither time costs nor costs are justified.

How to choose a building level

For most types of levels, accuracy will be the determining indicator, so it is important to check its correctness.

Bubble and magnetic

The same design also implies uniform methods for assessing the correctness of the readings.

To check a horizontal flask, you need:

  1. Place the tool on a flat surface.
  2. Make two marks: at the end of the level and along - near the horizontal ampoule.
  3. Remember the position of the air bubble.
  4. Turn the spirit level 180 ° and set in the same place in accordance with the previously made marks.
  5. Check the position of the air bubble. Any differences in its position before and after flipping the level indicate an inaccuracy of the instrument.
  6. Repeat the test even if the readings match.

To check the vertical flask, set the level on a door frame or flat wall, further steps - by analogy with horizontal measurements.


In this type of measuring instruments, there are no structural parts responsible for the accuracy of measurements, but there are nuances that should be taken into account when choosing:

  • The length of the hose - you should not choose it in reserve, because the expulsion of air bubbles and the straightening of the tubes can turn this advantage into a problem.
  • Pay attention to the tightness of the protective caps. Water should not be poured out - this will interfere with work.
  • It is worth checking the integrity of the tube and the joints with the flasks.

An additional parameter is the flexibility of the hose, but it is difficult to assess without experience with this type of level.


The choice of a laser level implies a comparison of a number of indicators:

  • Measurement error - should not exceed 3 mm by 10 meters.
  • Self-leveling - test multiple models. The preferred option is the pendulum of which aligns faster than in analogues.
  • Range - marked as a radius or diameter. To avoid misconceptions, specify what type of distance is indicated. The laser is also responsible for the same parameter. A green beam with a wavelength of 532nM will work for most measurements.

Additionally, the integrity of the tool and the absence of mechanical damage are checked.


You need to choose a level taking into account the challenges and features of future use. They are divided into three classes: precision, basic and technical.


  • An air damper is suitable for outdoor conditions, and operation in vibration mode requires the use of a magnetic version.
  • To perform tasks in a confined space, the determining parameter should be the smallest sighting distance. For large objects, models with the maximum telescope magnification range are preferred.
  • Leveling of I or II class on construction sites is usually not required, but it should be borne in mind that only high-precision instruments can perform it.
  • It is easier to prepare a tool with a compensator for work due to self-alignment of the sighting axis.

Which is better

The answers to these questions will help you choose the best type of tool for your current task.

What basic functions should the level perform?

  • The functionality of the bubble level will cover all the problems of household tiling, but it is impossible for them to correctly measure the level of ceilings in different rooms.
  • Laser - saves hours of work marking the walls for frames and wallpaper, but not good for determining the correctness of the level of the planes.
  • Optical - it will support accurate calculations for laying routes, leveling surfaces, but it will not work to hang shelves inside a kitchen cabinet with its help.
  • Hydro - will help to carry out a uniform marking of ceilings, but it is useless for the installation of wall frames.

Where will it be used? Indoors, outdoors, or both?

  • Most electronic models are not designed for outdoor use or in aggressive environments (rain, snow).
  • Please note that in addition to the laser level, you will need a detector for outdoor use, as the rays will be invisible in daylight.

What is the required measurement accuracy?

Industrial lasers and levels have mechanical or digital counters, there is support for recording the angle of inclination with a step of 0.01%. For less accurate measurements, basic hand tool models are selected.

Do you need additional features?

Professional-grade tools, accessories necessary for comfortable work. But the functionality of household and industrial models may not differ significantly.

How to use the building level

Features of use depend on the type of tool. There are no uniform operating methods.

How to use the hydro level

  1. Carefully unfold the tubes and fill the instrument with clean running water through one of the flasks, while holding the other above. Try to fill non-stop to avoid excess air gaps.
  2. Check that the filling is correct - the tubes must be uniformly convex. Slightly clicks the remaining air bubbles to the flasks until they come out completely. If done correctly, the risks during measurement will rise to the same height. This can be checked by placing the flasks close to each other.
  3. Secure the caps.
  4. Further, it is supposed to work together. One person holds the flask, and the second goes with a hose to a place or room, the level of which must be compared with the current one.
  5. When both are in place, the caps are removed from the flasks. It is important to do everything at the same time and at approximately the same height - otherwise there will be overflows.
  6. One person holds the flask against a predetermined mark, making sure to match the center of the water meniscus.
  7. The partner gently raises or lowers the flask, thereby adjusting the level of water filling.
  8. When everything is aligned, a level mark is made by the second participant.

Precautions: avoid kinking and mechanical damage to the hose.

How to use bubble and magnetic level

  • Place the tool on the surface of the object to be checked for horizontal alignment.
  • If the air bubble is to the right of the line, the object is tilted down to the left.
  • If the bubble is to the left of the line, the object is tilted down to the right.

The vertical level is found by analogy.

Maintenance and care consists in the timely cleaning of the tool, especially after measurements on wet plaster surfaces.

Precautions are taken to protect the instrument from impacts and falls.

How to use the laser level

  • Place the instrument on a tripod or flat surface.
  • If the model is manually adjusted, check that the bubbles indicate a level. Otherwise, find the screws on the side and adjust them to the required correctness. Self-leveling - After installation, allow the tool to self-level, usually 30 seconds.
  • Turn on the device. The device will release a beam that is reflected on the surfaces. Depending on the type of laser level, it can be a point, a line, or multiple horizontal or vertical intersections.

Calibration is required if the device has not been used for a long time or has been dropped. Installation on a rail or tripod is done using a clamp or clamps from the kit.

Precautionary measures:

  • do not look at the beam itself, do not direct it at children or animals;
  • do not use the tool in the rain;
  • do not carry with an unlocked pendulum - many models warn about this with a sound signal or blinking of the laser.

How to use the optical level

Check the stability of the tripod before use. Tighten the mount with the tool. Make sure the lifting screws are not too tight on the base plate.


  • While grasping the adjusting screws between your thumb and forefinger, turn them simultaneously in opposite directions. While doing this, observe the movement in the graduated flask.
  • The air bubble should be centered on the circular level window.
  • Point centering is performed with a plumb line mounted on the tripod screw. Then the level is shifted over the head.
  • Centering is complete when the plumb line is above the target point.


  • Aim the telescope at a piece of paper or other light object.
  • Twist the eyepiece until the desired sharpness appears - the sight should be clear.
  • With the tube pointing at the supplied rail, adjust the focus using the knob.
  • If the alignment is correct, the leveling rod scale and the crosshair of the target do not move one after the other.
  • After focusing, hold the level on a specific target.

Use the focus knob to add sharpness.

Precautions are the same as for laser models, but extra careful handling of the lens is required.


The standard warranty excludes mechanical damage.

Bubble, magnetic and hydro - refer to hand tools. They rarely have a warranty over 12 months. Most manufacturers do not specify detailed conditions for these types of tools.

Laser - depending on the manufacturer and the category of the tool (household or professional), a warranty of 1 to 3 years is provided.

Optical - standard warranty period from one year. But the narrowness of the niche forces manufacturers to go for tricks. Some give a tool warranty for up to 25 years.

The warranty period can be counted from the date of purchase or shipment. In the second case, it is appropriate to clarify whether the instrument spent a lot of time in the warehouse.

Malfunctions and repairs

The weak links are different parts - their set depends on the type of tool.

Bubble and magnetic

The main problem is related to the loss of correctness of measurements.

  1. A flask with a bubble is knocked down - the readings will no longer be accurate, the error can reach several cm per meter. In budget models, flask adjustment is not provided - the tool is unusable with this malfunction. In other cases, tightening the screws or fixing clamps will return the level to the correct reading. During setup, a calibration is performed in the same way as when selecting a tool.
  2. Profile bent - this happens when you hit and fall. The tool cannot be repaired, it will no longer give accurate readings.
  3. Crack in the protective glass of the flask - in models of a collapsible type, the part is changed to an analogue. In this case, one-piece cast levels cannot be repaired.

Minor problems: breakage of protective pads and handles, falling off of magnets are corrected by replacing an obsolete part with a new one.

Hydro levels

Hydro-level faults are of three types:

  1. Hose burst or cracked ... It occurs as a result of mechanical damage or freezing of a tool filled with water. As a temporary measure, you can glue it with a layer of nail polish and wrap it with electrical tape. Complete repair and replacement of the hose is often unprofitable - the costs are comparable to the purchase of a new hydraulic level.
  2. Cracked flasks - temporary measures are similar to those presented in the previous paragraph, but instead of electrical tape there should be transparent material in order to see the risks. Replacement may not be necessary in mild cases. In serious cases, it is imperative to change, since the defect will affect the accuracy of the instrument.
  3. Broken or lost protective caps - the simplest case. They can be replaced with plastic soda lids.


The correction is often impossible to carry out on your own due to the need for a special tool.

  1. Pendulum shift - the instrument does not work correctly, with deviations in horizontal and vertical measurements. This happens after the device has been dropped or moved with an unlocked pendulum. Reconstruction will require an offset correction. Such damage is not covered by the warranty.
  2. The beam does not burn - the malfunction is caused by a break in the wiring or incorrect operation of the batteries. In the first case, you will need to remove the cover of the device and replace the flexible wiring going to the pendulum. In the second case, it is more often enough to open and clean the contacts or change the batteries. Both options lend themselves to self-repair.
  3. Instability of readings - as a rule, it will be necessary to change the suspension bearing. The case is rare, but guaranteed in the absence of mechanical damage.
  4. Buttons do not work - there are several breakdown options, of which only clogging of contacts can be self-repaired. The keyboard may not work as a result of frequent use in dusty environments. Clogged contacts will need to be mechanically cleaned. The procedure is feasible in a domestic environment.

In difficult cases, a keyboard replacement will be required. When the coating is membrane, it will not be possible to repair the device without special skills.


Optical level problems are solved systemically or by replacing parts. Repair with an improvised tool is often inapplicable.

  • Compensator sticking - to solve the problem, the standard calibration procedure is performed several times. In case of gross errors, service of the tool will be required.
  • Lens or mirror cracked ... The purchase of a similar part is required. The optical lens can be replaced by yourself.
  • The regulation is out of order - it will be necessary to adjust the device. The screw fasteners are loosened, the plate with the mesh is aligned. To do this, the horizontal thread is placed perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the tool, and the vertical one is set along a plumb line.

Problems in the operation of electronics, serious mechanical damage, repair of the platform or hauling of torsion bars will require the intervention of specialists.


Manufacturers are represented in different price categories. The correlation between prices and quality is often insignificant.

ADA - manufacturer of diagnostic and measuring equipment. The company is multinational. Digital and shockproof level types, professional tool. No warranty claims are specified. Website:

Bosch is a German manufacturer of machinery. Rotary, line and point lasers, digital levels. The instrument is presented in professional (blue) and consumer (green) formats. Standard warranty. Valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. Additionally, a long-term promotion is taking place, within the framework of which warranty cases with mechanical confirmation of the instrument are recognized. Website:

FIT - a low-cost manufacturer of power tools. Torpedo and laser levels are available in the minimum configuration. The tool is certified, a network of service centers. Warranty terms are not announced. Website:

Kapro is an international manufacturer from Israel specializing in measuring instruments. Digital, magnetic, aluminum levels with an ergonomic design, comply with Russian standards, and are certified. The warranty period is 12 months. Website:

KRAFTOOL - manufacturer of professional hand tools. Models available with magnet, digital, folding and box. No warranty or certification declared. Website:

Stabila - manufacturer from Germany. The company specializes in measuring instruments. The assortment includes 120 construction, including telescopic and special models. No warranty is provided. Website:

Stanley - hand and power tools, including measuring. Average price category. Certification is provided. Simple and magnetic models are available. No warranty specified. Website:

Zubr - a budget manufacturer of household and professional tools, but measuring devices are presented in the middle price category. Basic and heavy-duty models. No warranty claimed. Website:

A good tool is a great help in any work, and a good building level is necessary in any household (hang a mirror or a cabinet) during repairs. And to build a bath, you will need at least two or three different levels. There are quite a few types of this tool and each has its own characteristics.

Bubble levels are the most popular. Most likely, this is due to their not very high price and sufficient measurement accuracy. These instruments come in very different lengths - from several tens of centimeters to 3 meters. During construction or repair, levels of several sizes are usually needed: short ones are convenient if you need to check compliance not with small areas, but long ones are irreplaceable, for example, when plastering, when installing lathing under the lining in a bathhouse, etc.

Bubble levels have one, two or three transparent chambers with a scale, filled with liquid with a bubble. By the position of the bubble relative to the marked divisions, the deviation from the vertical and horizontal is determined. If the instrument has only one camera, only horizontal surfaces can be monitored, if there are two cameras - vertical and horizontal. There are levels with three flasks. The third, if fixed, is used to determine the deviation from an angle of 45 degrees. But there are models with movable flasks that allow you to determine the deviation from the selected angle of inclination. Such will be needed when erecting a rafter system and some other work.

There are several modifications of bubble levels: some of them have magnets installed and are convenient to fix on metal surfaces. Such levels are also called magnetic levels. There are special tools for bricklayers and tilers: there are places where you can knock with a hammer, which is very convenient.

How to choose a bubble level

The range of prices for these instruments is quite large. Definitely, buying the cheapest is hardly worth it, unless you need them for one-time work. If you have construction or major renovations, you should choose one of the professional levels. Although they are several times more expensive, they will last much longer: they have thick-walled bodies for which shocks and falls are not so terrible, some are equipped with rubber pads that soften the shocks. The building stabila has proven itself best of all. The Kapro tool (the manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty on the flasks) and Kraftool serve well. These are probably the best building levels on the market today. If we talk about the middle price category, then Zubr, Stayer and Matrix have proven themselves well.

When choosing a tool, pay attention to the attachment of the flasks: they shouldn't stagger... Better if they are mounted tightly, without screws. At first glance, the flasks fixed with screws are good because they can be independently adjusted, but in practice such tools very quickly go astray, and you have to repeat the entire adjustment procedure over and over again. In order for it to be convenient to work with the level, you must clearly see the flask, the divisions on it and the position of the bubble. The farther apart the strips on the flask are, the more difficult it is to determine how much the bubble is displaced.

Important! Even after a slight drop, the bubble level can start to "lie", especially for cheap models. For this reason, check the level for accuracy in the store.

How to check the bubble level

To check the accuracy of the level, you need to place it on any horizontal surface (for example, on a display in a store), notice the place where it lies, and remember the position of the bubble. Turn the instrument 180 ° (the part that was on the right should be on the left), set it in the same place and look again at the position of the bubble. If the readings match, the horizontal flask is aligned correctly. Repeat the same test on a vertical plane (for example, on a wall). If the readings there are the same, you can buy this level. If there is a deviation somewhere, ask for another.

See the video for details on checking the bubble level.

Laser building level

Laser building levels are the most modern and accurate, but also the most expensive. The most budget-friendly options cost the same (or more) as professional bubble levels. But this is a compact device that attaches to any surface and has a range of up to 100 meters. Laser levels allow you to ideally set a straight line, some models have the function of sweeping the direction in a plane, there are cross models with 2 or more (up to 10) lines, with which you can perform any work. Their only drawback is the high price.

The world leader in the production of laser levels is the German company Bosch - it produces a huge line of laser levels. Compact models include the Bosch PPL5.

This device is quite compact, as you can see by watching the video.

The laser level can be fixed on the wall, and the tiles can be glued to the walls in the bathhouse or sauna along the guide.

If you are not a professional builder, you are drowning in the need to buy the expensive levels that Bosch products belong to. If you only need a laser level to build a single bathhouse, then it is quite possible to buy a laser level in China. The price of this level on eBay is only $ 8-9, and shipping to Russia is free.

Chinese laser level with tape measure (click on the picture to enlarge)
The laser requires three coin-cell batteries

Water or hydro level

This tool is suitable for determining the presence of deviations of horizontal surfaces. Neither verticals nor planes located at an angle can be checked by them. The water level is a set of a hose (from 5 to 25 meters long) and two glass flasks with a scale printed on them.

Water is poured into this structure (be sure to fill in water at room temperature and make sure that bubbles do not form). You can draw a horizontal line by setting the same water levels in both flasks.

Water levels are useful when working with large surfaces (for example, when laying a foundation or piles), but they are inconvenient when working in small rooms. Their main disadvantage: sensitivity to temperature extremes: surfaces that are less than 1.5 meters away from heating devices or other heat sources cannot be checked.

The huge advantage of water levels is that, when used correctly, horizontal lines can be perfectly extinct on large planes. For this reason, for marking, it is advisable to use a water level, and not a bubble level.

When buying a hydro level, check that there are no cracks on the plastic flasks.

Pipe levels

They work on the bubble principle, but are small in size and are most often made in the form of a rectangle. Some models are foldable.

They are convenient to use when working with pipes or when laying profiles (some have corresponding holes and / or magnets to make them easier to attach).

There are many types of levels and their different modifications. The main thing is to determine for what purposes you will use them, and choose the most suitable option for them.

Level on Android

What progress has reached ... This is what I want to say when you find out that you can now download and install the program-building level on a device running the Android operating system (Android).

Building level program in a smartphone

A fairly large number of similar programs have already been created, but there are not as many of them of high quality as you want. One of the most popular levels for a smartphone is the program Bubble level, which can be installed by following this link

The Bubble level program allows you to switch the view of the level.

Bubble level software allows you to switch the level view

The smartphone is oriented in space using the built-in camera. After installing the program, you need to calibrate the device by placing it on a flat surface.

As you can imagine, the level for an android cannot be considered as a full-fledged tool in the construction of a bath. Although using this level it will be quite possible to even hang pictures in the rest room.


When building a bath, as with any other construction, you cannot do without a building level. Since our site is designed for amateur builders, we venture to offer the following gentleman's set:

  1. Hydro level (required);
  2. Bubble level (required);
  3. Chinese laser level (you can do it).

This entire set can be bought for just 1000 rubles and it will be enough for all types of work, from pouring the foundation to laying the tiles.

The bubble level is an indispensable tool in construction. With its help, you can check the slope and angles, create perfectly straight lines in any plane. Levels are also used when laying pipes, when installing household appliances that vibrate during operation and are demanding on the evenness of the base. Such devices should be in the arsenal of any home craftsman; we will tell you about their design and selection rules in this article.

Construction - features of modern building levels

The construction bubble level is a constructively simple tool. It is a bar made of solid material with several ampoules filled with liquid and a certain amount of air. Measuring marks are applied on the surface of the ampoules, which make it possible to determine the evenness of the measured surface by the position of the bubble. To measure oblique surfaces, you can use the air deflection indicators relative to the central marks on the ampoules.

Ampoules with air are the most important parts of any level, if the integrity of the ampoule is violated, the device will become unusable. Industrial alcohol is usually used to fill ampoules. To increase the functionality of the instruments, some manufacturers add other details to the bar, for example, lenses that allow better visibility of the bubble. To ensure the ability to operate the level in conditions of insufficient lighting, fluorescent components are added to technical alcohol, thanks to which the ampoules with liquid will be clearly visible even at night.

On the market, you can also find shockproof models of measuring instruments. During construction, devices are constantly exposed to adverse effects: they are strongly shaken, dropped, which ultimately leads to damage and failure. Long levels are most susceptible to unfavorable effects, when they fall, the impact force is significantly higher than that of brands with a short frame. Shockproof tools are much more expensive than others, but they are more reliable and usually last much longer than cheap counterparts.

The durability and quality of the measuring device is also influenced by its base - a frame consisting of aluminum, wood or plastic strips. Levels with aluminum bases are the most common, they are made from hollow slats and are very light in weight. However, this is the main disadvantage of such tools. The heavier the device, the better its technical characteristics, the more convenient it is for them to work and the easier it is to obtain accurate measurement results.

There are quite specialized models of such devices. For example, to work with metal bases, the easiest way is to use special levels equipped with magnets. They can be attached to the base and easily get information about the flatness of the surface. A ruler on the long side of the level can also be a useful addition, it will be needed when, in addition to the evenness of the base, other measurements need to be taken.

The simplest models are equipped with only one ampoule with an air bubble, but today they are considered very outdated and are rarely found in stores. It is much more convenient to use levels equipped with 2-3 containers. In such devices, one ampoule is located on the long wide side of the bar, it is designed to measure horizontal planes. The second ampoule is placed on the narrow side of the level perpendicular to the first; it is needed for convenient measurement of vertical surfaces. The third flask is placed on the narrow back side of the bar at an angle of 45 degrees, its main purpose is to control the operation of the device.

Bubble levels can be of different lengths. The simplest modifications for home use have a length of 20 cm, while professional devices can reach a length of 300-400 cm. The functionality and efficiency of the level directly depends on the length. In a private house, a short level is enough for the installation of household equipment and simple installation work. For laying tiles, longer slats are required, within the range of 40-100 cm. The longest levels are used when performing complex construction and installation works. They are rarely needed in the household.

Learning to choose measuring devices - what to look for?

On the construction market there are a wide range of spirit levels (levels). Such devices are, perhaps, favorite among manufacturers of low-quality and fake products, because every owner wants to have such a device at hand, but not everyone knows how to choose among the assortment of a hardware store. The spirit level is quite simple to manufacture, but it requires the highest precision and the use of only high-quality materials.

Fake and simply low-quality levels are produced in violation of all possible technologies, unreliable materials are used to create them, which are not capable of providing a decent resistance to external influences and durability for the device. If you are not familiar with measuring instruments, you should only buy products from reputable manufacturers. Devices of the following brands have proven themselves well:

  • Bosch;
  • Kapro;
  • Gross Laser;
  • Stabila;
  • Shark;
  • Leader;
  • Ermak.

You should not choose equipment only for cost, keep in mind that devices from these manufacturers are not the cheapest on the market. If you see a spirit level from Bosch at a ridiculous price - most likely, this is a fake, and you shouldn't buy it.

In addition, you need to select devices that are fully consistent with the planned work. If you plan on tiling the floor or walls yourself, you need a good household level. You don't need to buy a very expensive professional spirit level, you just waste money. You need to decide in advance on the length of a suitable tool. The more complex work you have to do, the longer the spirit level you need. The optimal size of the household level, which can be used to solve various problems, is 40-60 cm.

When choosing, carefully examine the device visually, paying particular attention to the glass elements. Flasks must be intact, without any signs of mechanical damage and impact. Then you need to assess the strength of fixation of the ampoules with bubbles on the long bar. The containers should be installed as tightly as possible, should not wobble and fall off.

On the shelves of hardware stores, you can find levels in which the flasks can be adjusted. This is an ambiguous function of measuring devices. On the one hand, by adjusting the damaged level, on the other hand, the device will be much more vulnerable to adverse mechanical impacts, falls and shocks. We strongly recommend purchasing spirit levels with tight ampoule fixation, they are the most reliable and durable.

After examining the integrity and reliability of the ampoule fixation, pay attention to the air in the containers and the marks applied to them. All marks on the flasks must be clearly visible and located in close proximity to each other.

It is best if the control strips on the ampoules are located inside the flasks, and not outside, since due to active use of the device, the marks can simply be erased from the outer surface.

Regardless of what material the spirit level itself is made of, the device must be heavy, durable and stable. It is best to choose devices equipped with additional stiffeners. You can also pick up a device among the well-known models that you like visually, but the visual appeal does not affect the measurement accuracy in any way.

It is highly advisable to pre-check the performance of the level before purchasing. For this, large hardware stores have special stands with a perfectly flat surface. If there is no such stand, you can simply place the level in a horizontal plane and remember the position of the air bubble. After that, the device is turned 180 degrees and placed on the same surface; in both cases, the vial in the ampoule must be in the same position. If there are no deviations in measurements, the device is in good order and you can buy it.

By the way, even if you do not check the accuracy of measuring flat surfaces with a spirit level in a store, you can do it at home. But be sure to keep your purchase receipt so that in case of problems with the level, you can replace it with another one. However, experts do not recommend buying measuring equipment, be it a bubble spirit level, or a level without preliminary checks. Even the most expensive devices from well-known manufacturers need to be checked, high-quality equipment can be defective and fail during transportation from the manufacturer to the place of sale.

Setting up unfixed spirit level containers

If you purchase a model of a measuring device with unfixed ampoules, it can be adjusted and reconfigured if the readings are out of order. Setting up the device is quite simple, you can easily cope with such a task on your own. To do this, you need to determine the smoothest wall in the room. If you have never checked surfaces with an accurate spirit level before, you can choose the visually smoothest wall.

Step back about 4 cm from the left corner of the wall and drive a nail into the surface at eye level (you can screw in a self-tapping screw) so that the fasteners protrude from the surface at a distance of 20-30 mm. Above the spirit level is positioned in such a way that one side rests on a self-tapping screw or a nail, and with its long side adjoins the wall surface. Adjust the device so that the air in the container shows a flat surface. Draw a line along the edge of the level on the wall.

Then turn the device over and repeat the procedure again. If the lines drawn completely match, then the device is adjusted normally and can be used. If the marks diverge, then you will have to additionally adjust the device. To do this, on the right side of the wall, where the marks end, a central point is marked between them. The level is placed on the nail so that one of its edges is adjacent to the marked point. In this position, the device must be fixed and the ampoule adjusted so that the bubble shows an even base.