How to clean pipes with soda and other means at home. How to clear a blockage in a sink at home How to clear a severe blockage

All domestic wastewater flows through the sewer pipes. Food debris, hair and other debris get into the water of everyone. All this causes blockages even in smooth plastic pipes. Tips on how to clean the sewer at home will help you cope with the situation on your own.

A clogged drain in the kitchen is a common situation.

What triggers the blockage?

Water standing in the sink or bathtub, and the appearance of an unpleasant odor are signs of a blockage in the sewer pipe. Common reasons for its appearance are:

  • operation of a kitchen sink without a mesh;
  • getting large debris into the toilet;
  • fat accumulation in the pipes;
  • insufficient slope of the sewer line.
  • in an autonomous system, freezing of a pipe section or damage to the system can occur.

During the operation of cast iron pipes, over time, there is a significant decrease in their diameter due to deposits and corrosion on the walls. A line with a cross-section less than required quickly clogs up and requires thorough cleaning.

Attention. Areas prone to frequent clogging include: sinks, bathtubs and toilets outlets.

Easy ways to deal with blockages

The sewage system in a private house is clogged, what should be done to quickly restore its work? This question periodically arises from everyone. Removing a trash jam does not always require the use of complex methods and special tools; it is worth trying to solve the problem with simple and affordable means.


Every family has this common plumbing tool. It consists of a smooth wooden handle and a rubber bowl at the end. Cleaning the sewer pipes with a plunger is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • If there is not enough water in the sink, then draw it up to the height of the bowl.
  • The device is pressed against the drain hole, and translational movements are made up and down.
  • Further, the plunger rises sharply, if the water quickly flows into the hole, then the work is over. If necessary, the movement of the device is repeated several times.

The pressure from the plunger causes the debris to budge and continue down the pipe.

Punching a plunger through a blockage in the toilet

Advice. If there is an overflow, it is necessary to close the hole with a plug, otherwise it will not be possible to create pressure in the system.

Draining the boiling water

The main reason for the clogging of pipes in the kitchen is the large amount of fat that settles on the walls. Hot water effectively dissolves such deposits, so it is worth turning on the hot tap and trying to flush the system.

A folk remedy will help dissolve the fat - a solution of soda and vinegar. This method is very simple and everything you need is in the kitchen. Before you clean the drain with baking soda and vinegar, you need to prepare a rag to plug the drain. For work you will need:

  • a glass of soda;
  • a glass of 9% vinegar;
  • Cork.

Soda is poured into the dry drain of the sink and vinegar is poured. The hole is quickly closed by the cooked item. Substances enter into a violent reaction, during which deposits on the pipe walls are broken down. Citric acid will become an equally effective substitute for vinegar, which gives an active reaction when interacting with soda. After a while, the sewage system is flushed with hot water.

Pipe cleaning methods

All measures to cleanse pipes from clogging are carried out in one of three ways:

  • mechanical cleaning - performed with a special tool;
  • chemical cleaning - active reagents in the form of powder, solution or gel decompose debris;
  • hydrodynamic cleaning - works with the pressure of water under pressure.

Mechanical tools

The use of a plunger is also referred to as mechanical cleaning, if its use does not give a result, they switch to a plumbing cable. It allows you to cope with a garbage plug that has accumulated at a great distance from the drain. The cable for cleaning the sewer is made independently from metal wire. The factory version is made of a flexible spiral and ends with a handle. You can enter it through the inspection hatch, or by removing the siphon under the sink.

Plumbing cables vary in diameter and length; for use in a private house, a tool with a cross section of 6-9 mm and a length of 5-6 meters is sufficient. To increase the efficiency of use, toilet attachments, in the form of a brush or a hook, are offered to the cable. The work is performed in a specific sequence:

  1. It is necessary to cover the floor at the place of work with plastic wrap, and put gloves on your hands. Preparatory measures will protect against contamination by impurities that may flow out of the pipe.
  2. The cable end is inserted into the pipe and gently pushed inward. During movement, the tool is rotated in one direction.
  3. When the rope reaches the obstacle, they try to break it down into separate fragments with forward movements.
  4. In case of a large blockage, the cable is removed and cleaned several times. Mechanical cleaning of the sewage system ends with the pouring of a large volume of hot water from the system.

Advice. A soft spring cable is suitable for cleaning plastic pipes, it will not damage the walls of the pipeline.

Cleaning pipes with a rope

There are electric cables, with the help of which he performs cleaning of sewer pipes with his own hands in difficult situations. The device has a drum, pistol grip and a set of attachments. The device is placed in a pipe and works like a drill, destroying any blockage.

Preparations for chemical cleaning

Sewer blockages are divided into several types:

  • mechanical - arise as a result of large debris entering the system;
  • technological - appear when pipes are worn or design errors;
  • operational - accumulate in the process of using the pipeline.

If an object that has fallen into the system can only be reached mechanically, then the operational blockage lends itself to the action of special means. It usually occurs due to fat settling on the walls, attracting and holding various small debris.

Alkaline preparations

Cleaning sewer pipes at home is possible without the use of tools and unwinding fittings. To do this, you need to use one of the chemicals presented in huge quantities. The preparations have a different consistency:

  • powder - dry matter is easily poured into the pipe;
  • gel is an economical and effective agent that covers the entire surface of the walls and flows slowly;
  • liquid - used for difficult blockages.

Any chemical agent is aggressive, it is worth wearing gloves before using it and leaving the room after application so as not to inhale the vapors.

Advice. Do not leave the drug in the pipes longer than the manufacturer recommends. The active substance can damage the drainage material. After application, the line is flushed with water.

Acids and alkalis are used to remove the plug, one of such substances is caustic soda, which is used to clean the sewage system. It readily corrodes organic compounds and should be handled with care. The drug can cause chemical burns. They work with her in gloves and glasses, and the room must have constant access to fresh air. The technology for cleansing with soda is very simple: two tablespoons of caustic are poured into the drain and poured into a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, the drain is rinsed with water.

The popular Krot sewer pipe cleaner is made on the basis of caustic soda. It is used for sediment removal and prevention. Treatment with the composition 1-2 times a month will rid the pipes of fat and food debris.

A safe way to add lye

Granular products

"Flup" is a preparation in the form of granules produced in two types: for use with cold and hot water. The powder is poured into the drain in the recommended amount and filled with water. The action time is 3-15 minutes, the field of the pipe is rinsed with plenty of water. The product removes limescale, fibers and food debris.

"Pothan" is a potent drug that dissolves paper, hair and grease. Do not allow it to come into contact with skin, clothing and surrounding objects. The powder is poured into a dry drain and after 3 minutes it is poured with hot water. After another 3 minutes, rinse the pipe with warm water.

When choosing a chemical agent to unclog a blockage in sewer pipes, you should take into account the recommendations for use for various materials.

Sewer gels

Among the gel preparations, "Mister Muscle" and "Tiret" are popular. Both tools are versatile and can be used for plastic and metal pipelines. Gels are effective for minor blockages and as a prophylaxis.

An effective way to remove plaque and debris plugs is to hydrodynamically clean the sewage system. To perform it, it is necessary to guide the system with a hose with a metal tip and nozzles. Water is supplied to it under high pressure, which is directed through nozzles to the walls of the pipes. For work, you need a pump that pumps up to 190 MPa. The movement of the nozzle is carried out by the jet thrust of the jets directed in the opposite direction. The nozzle pierces the drain and the water removes deposits.

Efficiency of using the hydrodynamic method

Advice. The hydrodynamic method is safe and efficient and is suitable for any type of pipe.

Hydrodynamic elimination of the blockage can be accomplished by purchasing a sewer cleaning machine. This unit has various sizes and modifications:

  • manual - work like a household pump with a hose;
  • gasoline - powerful and efficient devices cope with blockages in large diameter pipes;
  • drum - powered by electricity, used for internal and external sewerage networks.

Regular maintenance of sewer pipes will eliminate the need to deal with blockages.

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Often, blockages, especially in the kitchen, arise from grease, dirt and small debris. If you have steel pipes, pour boiling water into them directly from the kettle. If the pipes are plastic, just turn on the hot water tap for 10-20 minutes. A small traffic jam will not withstand such an attack.

With the help of a plunger, air and water are injected into the pipe, and the blockage is destroyed under their pressure.

Fill the sink or some water or drain it: the liquid should cover the bottom by 1–2 cm. If the problem is with the toilet, wait for the water to subside, or drain it, no matter how unpleasant it may be: do not splash its contents all over the room.

The plunger must completely cover the drain hole, leaving no gaps for air to escape. Then firmly grasp the plunger (you can use both hands) and make several movements up and down. You will feel the pressure build up in the pipe.

Briskly lift the plunger by removing it from the drain hole. If the blockage has collapsed, water will begin to flow normally through the pipe.

Repeat the procedure if necessary.

If the problem is in the double sink, you will have to arm yourself with an additional plunger. They need to cover the second drain hole to block the air flow into the pipe. If a spare plunger is not available, cover the empty drain with a rubber gloved hand.

How to remove a blockage with chemicals

If you don't feel like messing around with a plunger, choose one of the proven recipes.

  1. Soda + vinegar... Pour 150 g of baking soda into the drain hole and immediately pour the same amount of vinegar (for a clogged toilet bowl, safely increase the dosage of ingredients by 1.5-2 times). The chemical reaction that has begun will be accompanied by the active release of a thick, hissing foam, so you should not be intimidated. Cover the drain hole with a rubber glove or something else so that the mixture penetrates deep into the pipe, corroding the blockage, and does not come out. After 10-15 minutes, open the tap (or drain the water) and check if the blockage has been removed. If the water still does not drain well, repeat the procedure.
  2. Lemon acid... Boil a liter of water and dissolve 1-2 sachets of citric acid (about 40 g) in it. If you have metal pipes installed, you can pour liquid directly into the drain hole. If the pipes are plastic, wait until the water cools down to 70-80 degrees. The acid will dissolve deposits on the pipe walls and remove blockages in 10–20 minutes. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
  3. Store-bought pipe cleaner... Choose any to your taste and wallet and use it, following the manufacturer's instructions. But remember: these fluids are toxic. Work with them with gloves and make sure that the product does not get on the skin and mucous membranes.

How to remove a blockage with a plumbing cable

If the blockage doesn't want to give up, take a plumbing cable. Perhaps you or someone you know has it. As a last resort, if you are not afraid to damage the pipes, use a long wire or a bendable brush.

Look under the sink and find the siphon (the curved part of the pipe) there. The water in it prevents the sewage odors from entering the apartment, and through it you can get to the blockage. Unscrew or remove the siphon (depending on the design) and give yourself access to the pipe. If a bathtub or toilet needs to be cleaned, the process is simplified: you don't even have to untwist anything.

Insert the rope carefully into the pipe. Here, the help of another person is desirable: he will scroll the handle of the cable, winding hair, dirt and small debris from the walls of the pipe on it.

Push the cable inward until it hits the blockage, and then gently push it back and forth to break the plug.

Pull out the cable. Reinstall the siphon and turn on the tap to flush the pipe and remove any remaining blockage.

How to avoid blockage

  1. Remove food debris from the sink before placing it in the sink.
  2. Do not drain any remaining cooking oil into the sink. He belongs in the garbage bag.
  3. Place a protective screen on the drain hole.
  4. Make sure that your hair does not end up in the sewer: in pipes, it can cling to all kinds of protrusions and get tangled. Comb your hair before showering, collect it and throw it in the trash can.
  5. Don't flush a lot of toilet paper down the toilet. The sewer system in your home may not be suited to this at all. If the plumbers confirm this, you will have to put an extra trash can in the toilet.
  6. For prophylaxis, flush the pipes with hot water or special household chemicals. This will help remove salt and fat deposits.

A clogged sink is an unpleasant phenomenon that brings severe discomfort. When the pipe is clogged, water leaves slowly through the drain hole or does not leave at all, but accumulates in the sink. In addition, an unpleasant odor appears. In this article, we'll take a look at how to remove a blockage from your sink.

The reasons for the blockage

Before you clean the sink from the blockage at home, it is important to establish the cause of the blockage. It could be corrosion of metal pipes. In metal devices, mineral build-up and rust gradually form. Only an expert can handle the cleaning of such pipes. However, many houses now have modern pipes made of plastic, which does not corrode. Therefore, they will not face such a problem.

The clogging can be caused by the wear of old pipes or other equipment. In this case, replacement of the siphon, wiring, riser and other devices is required. Sometimes a blockage appears due to the accumulation of small solid particles of flowing water inside the pipeline. This means that you have too contaminated tap water, which requires additional treatment. See what to do if dirty or rusty water flows.

In addition, a blockage is formed due to the ingress of debris and due to the grease plug that forms when washing dishes. Various small debris gets into the drain, including the remains of food and soap or detergents, threads, hair, animal hair and other elements.

This is the most common reason for a clogged bathroom or kitchen sink. In this case, we can flush the drain and pipe with our own hands. Let's take a closer look at how to clear a blockage in a kitchen or bathroom sink.

First aid: four easy ways to clear a blockage

  1. With steel pipes, pour boiling water into a clogged sink. If the pipes are plastic, turn on the hot water tap and leave for twenty minutes. If the plug is not too tight, it will drain down the drain along with the water. After the procedure, turn on a small flow of water from the tap and check if the drain has cleared;
  2. A slight blockage will also clear up the lemon. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the drain hole, and after two hours rinse the sink or bathtub with hot water;
  3. The accumulated fat in the pipes is effectively removed by salt and soda. To do this, pour half a mug of salt and a mug of soda into a glass of water, stir and pour the mixture into a clogged sink. Leave for five to ten minutes, and then clean with a rag or plunger and finally flush the pipes with a stream of water;
  4. If you have a vacuum cleaner with a blow-back or blow-out function. Wrap the device tube tightly with a rag, place it in the drain and start blowing. A powerful stream of air will push through the stagnation.

Remove the blockage with a plunger

If the above methods did not help, the sink is heavily clogged and requires more decisive action. The most popular home remedy for a clogged sink is a plunger. To use the device, fill the sink with hot water a third and press the plunger firmly against the drain hole. To make it fit as tightly as possible, first lubricate the rim of the hole with Vaseline.

Press down on the plunger and make sharp, intense up and down movements. As a result, a hydraulic column is formed, under the pressure of which the blockage breaks down. Pull out the plunger and repeat the procedure. Repeat until the drain is completely clear.

If you have a sink with two sections, you will need two plungers, which must be used at the same time. When there is no second plunger, close the second drain with a wet cloth and press down with your hand. However, the plunger will not help with very tight, deep and old blockages. In this case, you can use a special plumbing cable.

Cleaning the sink with a rope

The plumbing cable is made of resilient steel. There is a handle at one end of this device, and a special spiral or brush at the other. By the way, such a cable can be made with your own handles. Take a flexible metal wire, wind the fabric from one end and make a handle, and bend the other in the form of a hook.

The cable is placed in the pipe and scrolled clockwise, while the product is pushed inward or directed towards itself. In the first case, the debris is pushed deep into the pipe. In the second, it goes outside. Before cleaning, remove the siphon and only rotate the cable clockwise, otherwise the device will break. In addition, turn on the water periodically to rinse off any loose debris.

The use of wire rope cleaning is more suitable for metal pipes. Since they are more resistant to deformation and mechanical pressure. Moreover, the cable also removes rust. Plastic pipes must be cleaned in this way very carefully so as not to damage the material. In addition, you can use professional and folk remedies for cleaning.

Folk and professional remedies

A common folk remedy for blockages in the sink is cleaning with baking soda and vinegar. In this case, 150 grams of soda is poured into the drain hole, and then vinegar is poured in the same volume. The hole is closed with a stopper for half an hour, after which the pipe is rinsed with boiling water. Baking soda and vinegar form a caustic foam that quickly and efficiently eats away any blockage.

When the sink in the kitchen or bathroom is clogged, you can use Alka-Seltzer tablets. Throw two tablets into the drain hole and pour a glass of vinegar. After two minutes, turn on the hot water at full power. This method helps to remove mild blockages and foul odor.

For the prevention and cleaning of blockages, household chemicals are used. Choose products that are suitable for the type of contamination and the type of material from which the pipes are made. Be careful, as these formulations are aggressive. When working, be sure to wear gloves, follow the instructions, keep the drug away from children and animals!

The best household remedies for blockages

A drug Description Price
A popular affordable remedy with an effective but slow action; removes blockage in 1.5-2 hours; removes bacteria and unpleasant odors

20-60 rubles1 (gel, 0.5-1 l)

A universal inexpensive agent for any type of pipes with a delicate action; removes blockages in an hour, removes unpleasant odors and has a childproof lid

55 rubles (gel, 500 ml)

A popular gel for cleaning pipes of any kind, works in 5-30 minutes, but does not always cope with difficult blockages; soft safe composition and high price

200 rubles (500 ml)

An affordable and effective product in the form of powder and gel; does not form dust, but has a pungent odor; copes with blockages in 15-20 minutes 30 rubles (powder), 80 rubles (gel)
Powerful plastic and PP pipe gel, not suitable for aluminum pipes; comes in a convenient package with a blocking lid; clears blockage in an hour

130 rubles (gel, 500 ml)

Aggressive preparation with powerful action and high efficiency, does not have a pungent odor and disinfects; made in granules, quick and easy clogging cleaning 40 rubles (micro granules, 60 g)
Bugi Pothan An expensive and fast-acting compound removes blockages in three to five minutes; characterized by convenient packaging and economical consumption; not suitable for old and worn pipes; available in granules and tablets 100 rubles (1 tablet), 290 rubles (granules, 250 ml)

Selena anti-clogging

An affordable product with a slow cleaning action in one to two hours; suitable for both sink and toilet; does not produce dust, no pungent odor 100 rubles (gel, 1 l), 15-30 rubles (powder, 90 g)

To keep the sink from clogging, do not add cooking oil to the sink. Before washing, clean the dishes from food debris, do not throw threads, wool, vegetable skins and other small debris into the sink. To protect the drain hole and pipe from foreign objects, use a special mesh.

Regularly clean the drain from the hair and clean the siphon once a week, clean the sink with hot water, rinse the hole with boiling water. Wash the sink daily and clean the siphon periodically, replace parts and devices in a timely manner.

Using household items and some items from the medicine cabinet or kitchen cabinet, you can quickly and easily unclog your kitchen sink without spending a penny. Just select and click on one of the 8 express methods below, depending on the degree of blockage, the availability of tools and "chemicals" in the house. Or view the entire material ⇓.

First aid for blockages - 6 easy ways

Perhaps, to clear the blockage in your kitchen sink, the following simple and absolutely harmless to pipes (of any kind) will be enough, and you will not need to read the article further.

Method 1. Cleaning pipes with boiling water or hot water

Perhaps this is a very first aid measure, which is often enough to eliminate blockages.

  1. If the pipes are steel, pour about 1 liter of boiling water into the drain hole and wait 20 minutes. To clean the plastic pipes, we simply start up hot water from the tap for about 20 minutes (the water temperature should not exceed 60 degrees). A not too tightly seated cork should drain into the drain.
  2. We check the result by letting in a small stream of water. Did not help? Trying another method.

Method 2. How to clean pipes from clogging with a plunger

  1. We plug all the overflow holes in the sink tightly with a wet rag to block the passage of air and provide a hydraulic column.
  2. We press the plunger to the drain hole, then pull it sharply towards you. We repeat these actions several times in order to properly "stir up" the cork and break it into small parts.
  3. We check the result by releasing a small stream of water.
  4. We start up a stream of hot water for a few minutes so that the cork goes down the drain safely.


  • If there is no plunger at hand, and the blockage is not too difficult, then you can replace it with a glass or rag. The actions are the same: we press it against the drain - we pull it out sharply.
  • If you have a two-section sink, then you need to have two plungers and use them at the same time. That is, when cleaning the drain in one bowl of the sink, you need to close the drain in the second. This will create great suction power. If there is no second plunger, cover the second drain hole with a damp cloth and press it down with your hand.

Method 3. How to clean the pipes in the kitchen from fat using soda and salt

A blockage in a kitchen sink is often caused by an abundance of grease trapped in the pipes. In this case, ordinary salt and soda can fix the problem.

Method 4. Removing the blockage with vinegar and soda

Another popular way to clean pipes in the kitchen at home is with vinegar (9%) and soda. Corrosive foam from the chemical reaction of these components should eat away at the blockage.

  1. Pour 150 grams of baking soda into the drain hole, and pour the same amount of 9% vinegar on top.
  2. Close the drain with a plug to prevent foam from flowing out.
  3. Wait a couple of minutes, then run hot water at full strength - this will help push through the plug.

Method 5. Removing the blockage ... Alka-Seltzer

If there was suddenly no soda in the house, but there is Alka-Seltzer, then he, too, will be able to clean a moderately clogged siphon. By the way, this product has one more bonus - the unpleasant smell from the sink will disappear.

  1. Put a couple of Alka-Seltzer tablets into the drain hole, and then pour 1 cup of 9% vinegar.
  2. After 2 minutes, drain the hot water at full strength to help push the dirt out.

Method 6. How to unclog a blockage in pipes using a vacuum cleaner

Do you have a vacuum cleaner with a blow-out function? Fine! We wrap the pipe of the vacuum cleaner with a rag so that it fits snugly into the drain hole. The strong airflow from the vacuum cleaner will push through the stagnation.

When folk methods don't help

The problem has not been solved? If first aid did not help, it means that the blockage in the sink is old, large and dense. How to unclog a blockage in a pipe if folk recipes did not work? Do not rush to call a plumber and disassemble the siphon, try using special chemicals (Mole, Tiret, Potkhan, etc.) or a plumbing cable.

Method 7. How to clean the pipe from blockage using a plumbing cable (and how to replace it at home)

If the kitchen sink is heavily clogged, you can use a special plumbing cable. This metal device looks like a brush with a long flexible handle (sold at hardware stores). Wire-rope cleaning of water pipes is best for metal structures - it can even partially remove rust. But for cleaning plastic pipes, the method is not suitable, since there is a risk of damaging them by excessive mechanical pressure.

  1. The cable is placed in the pipe and rolled. Here you can direct the movement both from yourself, pushing the blockage into the sewer pipe, and towards yourself, pulling out the plug.
  2. When cleaning with a cable, periodically it is necessary to supply water to the sink so that the flow of water rinses off the released dirt.
  3. We run hot water for a few minutes in order to drain the remains of sediments into the sewer.


  • If there is no cable on the farm, then an ordinary metal hanger will come to the rescue, from which you can make a mini-cable. Cut it with pliers so that the resulting wire has a small hook at the end (see the picture below).

Method 8. How to remove a blockage in a sink using household chemicals

Special agents designed to remove blockages in pipes can be acidic or alkaline. Most often they are:

  • Liquid and helium (for example, Sanfor, Tiret Turbo, Deboucher).
  • Dry in the form of free-flowing powder or granules (for example, Bagi Pothan, Mole, Chirton "Clean Drains").

The pipe cleaner is chosen depending on the material of the plumbing and the type of contamination expected.


  • The cheapest, well-known and universal remedy - "Mole", is based on acidic compounds and in most cases corrodes blockages of any origin. But for the most advanced cases, we recommend trying the fast-acting agent Bagi Pothan in the form of granular powder.
  • Liquid blockage cleaners are softer and easier to use.
  • Whichever product you choose, first clean the blockage with boiling water, holding it for 20 minutes (if the pipes are steel) or with a 20-minute stream of hot water (if the pipes are plastic). Then add the cleaning solution exactly following the manufacturer's instructions.
  • If children live in the house, then it is better to buy a pipe cleaner once in small bags.
  • Be sure to wear rubber gloves before you start cleaning the pipes, otherwise the blockage remover will deal with not only the cork, but your skin as well.
  • If you are going to remove the blockage in the sink with a caustic chemical or vinegar, then be sure to open the window.

If none of the above methods worked, then it's time to call a plumber. Most likely, the stagnation is too deep and clogged up tightly out of reach of most instruments from clogging.

Cleaning plastic pipes should be done with extreme care, since the material is quite susceptible to mechanical damage. It is worth knowing that the smooth surface of plastic pipes does not corrode. Also, surface contamination does not adhere well to it. However, a blockage can still occur, because fat deposits, hair, food debris gradually clog the water drain.

  • For plastic pipes, you can use a plunger or household chemicals, which give excellent results.

And a little about prevention

To prevent the kitchen pipes from clogging up as long as possible, you should follow these recommendations:

What if water doesn’t come out of the sink in the kitchen? How to quickly remove the blockage so that you can wash dishes, food and cook dinner again?

Why doesn't the water drain out of the sink?

First of all, you need to understand the cause of the blockage.

  • If it is a large object stuck in the pipes, then it will have to be removed mechanically. No chemistry (folk or professional) will help in this case.
  • The water-soluble fat envelops the inner surface of the pipes in a thin film, forming a sticky coating. Small particles of debris adhere to it, forming a dense layer of fatty plug. This situation can be corrected by strong alkali solutions and some acids.
  • The third reason why the drain does not work well is the installation errors of the drain system. The siphon works on the principle of a sump, in which most of the fat and small debris settles.

The classical form in the form of the Latin letter "S" best solves this problem. However, in the pursuit of extra square centimeters in the kitchen cabinet, manufacturers straighten the siphon, as a result of which it does not work properly, passing unwanted particles into the pipes.

It is worth remembering that extra bends of the pipe and elbow of 90 degrees or less also work as garbage and grease traps. It is in these places that blockages form.

Pipe cleaning methods

The most popular and affordable ways to clean pipes from blockages are described below. Choose the most suitable method depending on the intensity of the contamination.

Mechanical methods

Dismantling of pipes. If yesterday and even a couple of hours ago the drain worked perfectly, and suddenly the water stopped going down the drain, disassemble the siphon and clean it. It may have been hit by a large object or dense mass like tea leaves or yesterday's porridge.

Ventuz. A plunger works well with loose aggregates. When working with it, you need to close all overflow holes. The device creates pressure in the system. If the holes are left open, air will circulate through them and compensate for the generated pressure. As a result, the cork will remain in place.

Pour water into the sink for 2/3 of the volume, tightly close all unnecessary holes and inject pressure into the system. As a result, the blockage breaks down and the water leaves.

Plumbing cable... Its dense tip breaks down all obstacles. However, its diameter is usually small and if chemistry is not applied in the future, the channel will quickly overgrow with deposits again. However, cables with hydro-cleaning systems wash the pipes under pressure, freeing them from dirt and deposits.

But such installations cost a lot of money and their purchase is advisable only if you are professionally engaged in plumbing work.

Cleaning pipes at home - what is at hand in the kitchen!

Soda. Any fat dissolves in the presence of concentrated alkalis. Regular soda can do the job easily. To do this, pour half a glass of soda powder into the drain hole and gently pour a glass of warm water. The resulting alkali solution will begin to eat away at the fatty film. After 30-40 minutes, rinse the pipe with boiling water.

It is easy to make caustic from regular baking soda. To do this, pour boiling water over it. The crystals will react with the liquid. The soda will become three times less, but it will become more caustic. The process is accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide. Therefore, it will also be effective to pour soda into the drain hole and pour boiling water over it.

Soda and vinegar. If the soda solution is allowed to work and the layer of deposits is soaked, and then a glass or two of vinegar is poured into the pipe, the resulting gas bubbles will help loosen the fat plug and destroy it. Leave this solution in the pipe for 2-3 hours, and then rinse with boiling water.

Boiling water. Ordinary boiling water is capable of dissolving fats in the siphon area. Then the hot water will come in chilled form. However, she will have time to clear the most problematic area. For cleaning, you need 2-3 liters of boiling water.

Lemon. If there are no other remedies at hand, then you can resort to lemon juice. Squeeze a few lemon pieces into the hole, rinse with boiling water after half an hour.

Specialized chemistry

Most pipe cleaners are based on caustic soda or any other strong alkali. Thanks to this component, it is possible to dissolve fatty films and deposits.

  1. When working with potent agents, it is necessary to take precautions: use gloves, goggles for the eyes and open all available vents.
  2. In accordance with the instructions, the agent is poured or poured into the drain hole. He needs to be given time to react with the fat. This usually takes 10 to 30 minutes.
  3. Please note that the decorative layer of metal shells does not withstand longer contact with alkali and begins to deteriorate.
  4. Next, it remains to rinse the pipe with warm water and start using the sink.

Comparative table of clogging cleaning methods.

How to prevent clogging of sewer pipes

  • Periodically pour a couple of liters of boiling water into the drain hole.
  • Send a couple of spoons of dishwasher there at night.
  • Periodically pour a couple of tablespoons of baking soda into the pipe for a couple of hours, followed by pouring warm or hot water.
  • Treat the drain with a pipe cleaner once a month.

What if the pipes become clogged regularly despite careful operation?

In this case, it is necessary to check the sewerage system for compliance with building codes. It will also be helpful to reduce the number of seams, transitions and elbows.

Sometimes there are situations when a large object stuck in the pipe is the cause of constant blockages. This could be a piece of styrofoam, plastic, washcloths, or rags.

Since the kitchen and the bathroom in most cases are combined into a single sewer system, care must be taken not to empty food residues containing large pieces into the toilet, and also to avoid large quantities of gravel, sand, clay from entering the system.

In any case, in case of systematic problems, it is necessary to call a wizard with diagnostic equipment, which will identify the cause of the trouble. An experienced technician will suggest troubleshooting options so that your sink will delight you with cleanliness and excellent performance again.

To avoid unscheduled repairs, try to pack the pipes in collapsible boxes. If you sew up risers and wiring in drywall, the sheets should be easy to unscrew and open access to communications. Neglecting this rule can result in large repairs. Take care of your funds and the nervous system of the craftsmen.

As you can see, minor fat plugs can be removed using simple tools at hand: baking soda, vinegar, boiling water and plunger. More serious problems are solved with concentrated alkaline agents. And when chemistry is powerless, a cable and specialized equipment are used. But before calling the master, do not be too lazy to look into the siphon. It is possible that this simple step will help you save on plumbing costs.

Jun 12, 2017 Werri