Fortune telling online for free - Patter. Fortune-telling online - The near future The meaning of cards in fortune-telling now in an hour

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about what or who you are enchanting. Hold the deck down until it feels like it's time to finish the shuffle.

Online fortune telling Near future... One of the simplest and most reliable ways to find out what is happening or will happen in the very near future with a fortuneteller. An ancient fortune-telling, which was used very often at Christmas time. It was very common in Russia and enjoyed a well-deserved popularity. Of course, this is not the easiest scenario, but with due experience, it should not cause serious difficulties. The interpretations given by us have not been changed and are presented as they are, that is, as they were guessing before. You will need to independently apply them to the existing situation.

Technique for performing online fortune-telling:

Before the layout, it is best to retire and exclude extraneous sounds. We hold a deck of 52 cards in our hands and set it up to "work". Shuffle the cards well. After that, you need to take two cards from above and lay them out on the table with the words: "Now - in an hour - by the evening - for the whole night - what was - what will be - how the heart will calm down - how the cards will be closed"

The method of performing the ritual is given in the book by E. L. Isaeva. All types and methods of fortune telling

Fortune telling Patter is a predictive technique that originated in Kievan Rus. Thanks to the cards, the guys and girls recognized the upcoming events, understood what to expect. Magic skills are not required for divination: buy a new deck, believe in the power of divination.

To conduct fortune-telling, buy a new deck - 36 playing cards. It is forbidden to use elements that were used to play. Apply attributes only for divination. Higher powers will consider disregard for a gesture disrespectful, and will stop giving clear, truthful answers.

Before you do the tongue twisters, calm down, put your thoughts in order. It is necessary to step aside from the hassle, focus on the desire to know the future. There should be no doubt about the veracity of the answers. Have a meditation session, light aroma sticks, play a soothing melody, try breathing practices. It promotes concentration.

A good time to carry out fortune-telling on the cards is a tongue twister - after sunset, in the evening, deep at night. To find out what to expect today, the alignment is done before dawn.

The location doesn't matter. For beginners, a secluded session without bright lights can help tune in. You can light candles with matches. Empty the table, remove foreign objects, cover with a clean cloth. Hold the cards for 5-6 minutes in your palms, think about the desire to know the future.

If you don't have a deck at hand, try the online fortune telling tongue twister. Esotericists are skeptical about the use of modern technologies, preferring authentic methods.

For permanent layouts, the method will not work, single online rituals will give a true prediction.

Higher powers send signs in real life, helping to avoid problems. Fortune-telling patter through the network is an easy way to convey information if a person has a well-developed intuition. Perform the ritual alone, keep the information received with you. Self-evil eye is a common problem for people. You can get rid of the self-evil eye with the help of psychological techniques, auto-training, and rituals of white magic.

The scheme of the alignment is now in an hour by the evening for the whole night

The old name of tongue twisters is fortune-telling now in an hour by the evening for the whole night. For the ceremony, shuffle the deck, concentrate on the future. Slide the piece towards you with your left hand. Choose eleven from the remaining cards. Put the elements one by one, saying:

  • the first is the present;
  • the second - what will happen in an hour;
  • the third - will indicate the past;
  • fourth - a tongue twister will tell the future;
  • the fifth - what lies on the road;
  • the sixth - on the threshold, whom fortune-telling will bring;
  • seventh - make you wait for the evening;
  • the eighth - for the whole night;
  • the ninth - will show how everything will end;
  • tenth - how the heart will calm down;
  • the eleventh - which will be the end of the whole.

A variation of a tongue twister is an alignment of fortune telling for a specific person. It is carried out to find out what a man, a guy is doing now, is feeling. For a magical ceremony, stay alone in the room, designate the significator. The picture represents the boyfriend.

Traditionally, it is chosen: a young guy under 18 years old - the jack of hearts, up to 25 years old - a jack of diamonds, a man under 35 - the king of tambourines, older - the king of clubs. If a fortune-telling patter is performed on a married, busy person - the king of spades.
Mix the deck with the card. Lay out one by one, pronouncing the words of fortune-telling:

  1. Will come to visit.
  2. Steps on the threshold.
  3. Is on the way.
  4. Lies and rests.
  5. Sits at the table.
  6. Loves very much.
  7. Stays in a dream.
  8. Give a kiss.
  9. Grief will bring.

Lay out the cards, pronounce the words of fortune-telling until the chosen one falls out. The word tongue twisters, on which the element fell out, symbolizes the answer.

Interpretation of the results of the prediction

In online programs, the interpretation of the meanings is given immediately. To decipher the results, use the table on their own.

If dark suits fell:

Card in a tongue twister The value of peak suits in divination Interpretation of clubs elements
Ace Disease. Visit to a government agency.
Sad message.
Collapse of hopes.
King The tongue twister says: a person carrying danger will appear in life. Fortune telling indicates a married man.
Lady The hidden enemy weaves intrigues, asks questions about you. A joyful surprise.
Jack Do not put more hope - you will be disappointed. Many worries that ended well.
Ten Fortune-telling warns of wasted time, energy. The tongue twister foresees a meeting with a man interested in you.
Nine Bitter love that will make you cry. Finding love.
Eight The tongue twister broadcasts about a conversation that will leave a sediment on the soul. Nice conversation.
Seven You will cry. Fortune-telling portends the receipt of money, financial profit.
Six The journey will be unsuccessful. Collapse of plans, losses.

If, during the layout, the tongue twister fell out red suits:

Divination Cards The value of the tambourine suit The interpretation of hearts
Ace Receiving a message. A visit to the parents' home.
King A hypocritical, lying person in a tongue twister. Finding love.
Lady in fortune-telling Conversation, mother's influence. Meeting with a friend.
Jack Sad message. We'll have to spend money.
Ten Fortune will turn its face. The patter anticipates love.
Nine The unexpected start of a relationship. Fortune-telling advises to reveal secrets, a secret from which an unpleasant aftertaste will remain.
A love confession from a loved one that you do not care.
Eight The tongue twister informs: the conversation that you have been waiting for a long time will take place. Conversation with a stranger.
Seven Fortune telling foreshadows an amazing event. Spending time with your loved one.
Six Get-togethers with a friend. Short trip.
Traveling with friends.

Fortune telling by pronouncing tongue twisters will give an overall picture of the future. When decoding, listen to your intuition, do not take the meanings literally, discard sadness, anxiety. It is possible to change the future: after hearing the prediction, think about your life and actions. Change the way you think, take action.

In what cases fortune-telling will not come true

Fortune telling on cards can show a wrong outcome. This often happens with beginners who misinterpret the alignment. A common reason for false predictions is a lack of faith, a comic performance of a ceremony, a skeptical attitude towards magic. Answer tongue twisters are sent to those who are ready to receive information.

An incorrect result can provoke a violation of the rules. You cannot play with cards for fortune telling. If the deck was used for games, the force is blocked. Purchase new items.

False predictions can be obtained through frequent magical actions. Do the layout once a day. If you do not like the answer, you cannot repeat the ritual.

The tongue twister should be interpreted wisely. Being too confident that an event will happen can be harmful. Having received knowledge about the future, a person will stop making efforts to achieve the set goal. Mistrust in the outcome of fortune-telling harms, attracts a change in fate.

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about who you are predicting for. Hold the deck down until it feels like it's time to finish the shuffle.

Divination Patter... We present to your attention one more ancient prediction, which was carried out by our great-grandmothers. It is very similar to another fortune-telling presented on our website - but in this fortune-telling, a deck of playing cards of 36 pieces is used and the interpretation of the meanings of the cards is different. You can independently try both fortune-telling and decide for yourself which one is more suitable for you, because there is no single formula here and what one fortune-teller does well, the other may not give a result at all. The implementation of this alignment should not be difficult for you, since everything here is quite simple and understandable, after completing it a couple of times with our help, you will be able to carry it out yourself.

Technique for performing online fortune-telling:

To fulfill this prediction, you will need a deck of playing cards of 36 pieces. Before the layout, imagine a querent (the person you are going to guess at) for this you can use her / his photo. Shuffle the cards well and then slide part of them with your left hand towards you. Then start taking out cards with words from anywhere in the deck first map - Now, the second card isIn one hour, and so on, one card at a time - What happened, What will happen,On the road, On the doorstep By the evening For the whole nightHow will it end Than the heart will calm downHe will put an end to everything.

In order to make a prediction on our website, tune in to the ritual in the same way and to shuffle, click on the deck of cards located below on the page.