Chastushki for Valentine's Day class hour (Grade 1) on the topic. Draw "Venetian glass"

There was not a penny ....,

There was not a penny, but suddenly altyn - an unexpected acquisition, luck, success, joy. They say this when, after the absence of something desirable and unattainable, it or something similar suddenly appears, and even in a larger volume or quantity, with abundance. In general - an unexpected joy

Synonym: There was not a cup, but suddenly a valley

Pennies and altyns: Russian money

  • Grosh - an old copper coin in half a penny
  • Altyn - an old copper coin of three kopecks
  • Money - old coin, first silver, then copper, in half a penny
  • Polushka - at first it was equal to half of Moscow and a quarter of Novgorod money. With the unification of Rus' - a quarter of a penny
  • A fifty-kopeck piece is a 50-kopeck coin. At different times there was copper, silver and even gold
  • A penny is a copper coin equal to 0.01 rubles. In Russia, from the 16th century there was silver, since 1704 it became copper
  • Semishnik - two kopecks
  • Hryvnia - old silver coin in 10 kopecks
  • Hryvnia - 10 kopecks since 1701. The name goes back to the old Russian monetary unit hryvnia.
  • The ruble is a silver monetary unit from the 2nd half of the 13th century. In 1654, weighing 28 - 29 grams, in 1764 - 1915 and in 1924 - 18 grams.
  • The imperial is a gold coin since 1755. At different times, it weighed 11.61 gr., 7.74 gr., 5.85 g. It cost 10 silver then 15 gold rubles
  • A quarter is a 25-kopeck silver coin that was in use from the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century.
  • Chervonets - a gold coin with a denomination at different times of 3.5 or 10 rubles

The use of the proverb "there was not a penny, but suddenly altyn"

- “Great, Olya! Two sons! It's like the people say: "there was not a penny, but suddenly Altyn"
(S. P. Babaevsky "Light above the earth")
- “So, dear dear mother, from March I will appear in two thick magazines, probably, according to the proverb - there was not a penny, but all of a sudden altyn” (Letter from Mamin-Sibiryak to his mother, February 26, 1882)
- “Battenberg says: Bulgaria, our dear fatherland! Fatherland? What kind of country did it appear to him in Bulgaria, which he had not seen even in a dream? That's right: there was not a penny, and suddenly altyn "(Saltykov-Shchedrin" Little things in life ")
- “Hello, dear Alexey Nikolaevich! "Steppe" is over and sent. There was not a penny, and suddenly altyn. I wanted to write two or three sheets, but I wrote as many as five ”(Chekhov’s letter to A. N. Pleshcheev, February 3, 1888)
- “So, mother (found a groom), there was not a penny, but suddenly Altyn. Such an ace that you can’t get it with your hand ”(Ostrovsky“ Poor Bride ”)
- “The young mother, having demanded the foundling, immediately laid him next to hers and announced that she now had twins. “Here’s a sister-in-law (said the old man), there wasn’t a penny, but suddenly an altyn” (V.I. Dal’s “Grandfather’s Willows”).