How to fasten a cup of brush on the ears. We choose the nozzles on the grinder for wood processing - species and characteristics

USH, if you know and competently use all its capabilities - the device is truly universal, which is amenable to almost any material. And if we are talking about processing a tree on a large scale, "Bulgarian" is much more efficient than manual abrasive tools and devices. The main thing is to correctly select the appropriate nozzle. With their main modifications and specifics of application, this article will help.

Rough stripping wood


Such nozzle almost completely replaces this hand tool.

An indispensable thing, if required, for example, produce draft logs - when erecting a cut, prepare a fencing support and so on.

Features of application:

  • In this case, the protective casing can be removed. Such nozzle is a solid, and its destruction does not occur. But protection against split chips (glasses, dense clothing, mittens) is required.
  • Work is allowed only with the "grinder", in which the second handle is provided (or installed). The USH should be held with the rough processing of the tree necessarily two hands.

Driving disk

The main purpose of such nozzles is the removal from the wood of the cortex, squeezing the workpiece. If "Bulgarian" in skillful hands, then with such a device you can make a sample of material. For example, if necessary, cutting the bowl. If a log log house is erected, then the USM with such a nozzle perfectly replaces a carpentine ax.

In some cases, a vindride disk can be cutting. True, the cut will be wide, and waste (chips, sawdust) will get a lot.



Such nozzles are produced in various design. The main difference of devices - in the size of the grains of abrasive.

They differ in the specifics of the use of rasp. The difference only in the speed of the technological operation. With certain skills, it is advisable to use and for finishing wood.


They are, and especially on wood. The range is significant, since nozzles of this type are characterized by configuration, location and sizes of teeth.


  • Selection of grooves.
  • Pre-alignment of edges.
  • Cutting bowls.
  • Sawing (for wooden blanks of a small section).

Specificity Application:

  • When processing wood, such nozzles dismantle the protective cover is prohibited.
  • For each product there is an instruction. It is uniquely indicated, for which types of work this nozzle is intended, the recommended turns of the "Bulgarian" and so on.

Grinding of a tree

If we decipher the abbreviation of the ESM, it is clear that it is pure processing - the main purpose of "Bulgarian".


Used mainly for primary (coarse) wood grinding, when it is necessary to smooth out the sample irregularities.

Overseas discs

The name speaks for itself. Such nozzles are treated with finite parts of wooden blanks (sections). Especially effective if you have to deal with angular (oblique) saws.

Petal nozzles

The most used grinding devices for the "Bulgarian".

Such nozzles are used consistently, therefore, they will need several of them for wood processing. Grinding begins a disc with a "coarse" abrasive, and gradually the size of its grain must be reduced. Consequently, adaptations in the process of work on the Bulgarian periodically change.

Grinding circles

The most universal device to the "Bulgarian". Its one is quite enough for varying degrees of grinding. The nozzle itself is a metal base on which there are circles with one or another grain. They are easily changed or as wear, or in the case of transition to another area of \u200b\u200bwork. Consequently, only circles are consumable. The nozzle itself is used unlimited time.

Specificity Application:

  • Grinding of a tree.
  • Cyclovka parquet.
  • Processing edges and ends.
  • Wood stripping before staining.

Polishing wood

For these purposes, brushes are used, wheels circles. Their "working elements" can be from a sponge, felt, fine-grained "sandwich" and a number of other materials.

The article presents examples of only the main types of nozzles on the "Bulgarian". Products of this class are quite a lot, therefore it is easy to choose the optimal version of the device for processing any wood. The author hopes that the information provided will help the reader in this.

On a note!

Under the processing of wood is meant and cutting it (sawing). Sometimes in the manufacture of piece parts, it is necessary to engage in their fit on the installation site even before it starts to grind the sample. Some "craftsmen" (and among their friends, and on the Internet there are many) advise to use for such operations. It is strictly prohibited! Here are just the main reasons for which it is impossible cannot.

  • "Bulgarian" - a high-speed machine. And although the metal from which cutting discs are manufactured, durable, in this mode it does not withstand for a long time. More precisely, cutting edges (teeth), which are recorded by the attack method. With intensive work, they fall off and scattered on the parties, and with a huge speed. Consequences to predict is easy.
  • Not all disks in size (first of all, external diameter) are suitable for installation on the EMS. So you have to dismiss the protective casing. The same thing is about the security of an employee can be forgotten.
  • The structure of wood (even solid rock) is sufficiently loose. Therefore, the likelihood is great that the saw disk due to the constant vibration can hold. How "Bulgarian" behaves in a similar situation, taking into account its power and turnover, no one will take predict. But the fact that it is quite easy to break out of the hands - definitely.
  • The constant changes in the mode (for the same reason - the viscosity of the lumber) lead to the systematic overheating of the ECM engine. With this use "Bulgarian" will not serve for a long time.

That is why the treatment of wood with its help is made only by surface - rough stripping, grinding, brash. And for cutting, the saw tools and mechanisms should be used (hacksaw, circular, email / padzik and so on).

Metal Brushes for Bulgarian (ESM)

In various fields of human activity, where the processing of materials is needed, a large role is given to grinding. After all, the product will not look ready (as a rule, does not lose functionality), if it has convexities not burr. For this purpose, special grinding materials should be used, in the midst of which huge benefits bring nozzles for an angular grinding machine (we argue about the "Bulgarian", as it is called in everyday life) in the form of crafts. Read more here.

What brushes for the grinder are?

Now Russian manufacturers offer different options for performing brushes for ESM. Committedly, they differ in the material for villi, pushing out from which nozzles are divided by their own stiffness. Nettle, for rigid brushes use stainless steel hardened wire. The choice of this material is not by chance, because it allows you to work in rather aggressive environments without much wear. The doped metal resistant tolerates the effect of high temperatures, which occur during the processing process (it is worth considering the moment that the preheated products often processes such equipment). Protective layers do not allow the metal to be influenced by corrosion, which significantly increases the service life of the brush for the ESM.

Freak. Scheducts for the ESM (Bulgarian).

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Circles for Bulgarian Paint Removal Comparison Test

Disk for removing paint on the angular grinding machine ( bulgarian) Used for removal and cleaning Metal

Soft brushes often Also made made of metal wire, but its diameter is noticeably less. If rigid options come with dimensions of 0.5-0.7 mm, then for these, a wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm is already used. With their help, a gentle cleaning is performed, which is ideal for final processing of products. It can be found both braided options and corrugated (the choice depends on the type of work).

What brush to pick up?

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Another point to which you should pay attention when buying is a form of nozzle. For angular grinding machines often Use two options: "Cup" and "disk". Disk brushes are used to process connections and joints in hard-to-reach places, such as grooves or angles. The cups are ideal for processing smooth surfaces, especially. Large square.

And the last parameter in which brushes for the ESM are different, this is the diameter of the nozzle. Basically, you can purchase options with a diameter of 115 to 200 mm, although there are other sizes (the main thing is not to confuse, because the manufacturer often makes similar nozzles on the drill, bormer and other devices, they can have completely different characteristics that are not suitable for " Bulgarian ").

Based on the above moments, you can easily choose yourself the necessary brush for the ESM. But if you have any questions, you always have a qualified consultation from our representatives. They will gladly give you answers and explains the features of each of the products presented.

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One of the most popular, both in everyday life and professional use, tools for repair and construction work is considered to be Bulgarian, or a corner machine (USM).

Bulgarian, like any working tool with electromechanism, is particularly susceptible to loads. Despite the protective impact-resistant body, the minor elements of contaminants and dust fall inside, which sooner or later leads to the failure of individual parts or the entire mechanism as a whole, namely, the operation of contacting the collector with brushes is disturbed. In the work of this tool with a metal, which is a conductor, the penetration of its particles into part of the dispatch of the collector and the brushes leads to a closure and overheating of the copper plates. This in turn leads to the melting and enhanced burnout of the brushes, as evidenced by the sparks.

Since when using OSMs, it does not avoid different kind of pollution (sawdust, dust and so on.), Replacing the brushes is an integral condition for the proper operation of the tool. Especially since the brushes are most susceptible to wear. It is not surprising that brushes that have failed, spark and burn. The brush is a hexagon with parallel equal edges and with an electrocontact, with the help of them the current to the collector is carried out.

If the Bulgarian suddenly started working with jerks or jerking, the first thing you need to look at the brushes. With the unnecessary detected wear, the smell of Gary will arise, and the tool itself will stop working at all.

Thus, for the safe and efficient work of the Bulgarian, it is necessary to control the mechanism of action of the electrical panels, and in preventive purposes to regularly clean the collector.

In most models, the Bulgarians electrolates are inside the handle (see photo). Such a location is due to savings in the production of hull, as well as more comfortable exploitation of a tool due to compactness. On some other models for the convenience of quick replacement of brushes, screws are located directly on the housing. In any case, it is more expedient when replacing brushes to also clean and lubricate the entire tool, and for this it is disassembly.

Regardless of the location of the electrolate, it is necessary to start it from the electrocups of the USM. Tips are removed, a visual inspection of the holder design is performed, and the brushes are pulled out, as shown in the photo. When chipping, scuffs and other evidence certificates are replaced with new ones.

Usually, with a grinder when buying is issued a spare rem. A set in which there are brushes. Also, they can also be purchased in any specialized store. It is difficult for some models of Bulgarians. It is difficult to choose suitable, so brushes are purchased a little more of the desired size and are neatly fed. In the case of the difference in the tips of the leash from the old brush is attached to the new one.


In the Ishm Interskol models to pull the brushes, it is necessary to remove the rear cover of the stator housing. Then unscrew the screws from the holder.

Worn elements are determined by their residual length. The length of working coal brushes cannot be less than 5 mm. For more detailed study of the technology of changing brushes, you can watch video.


Access to electrolates at the Bosch ESM is opened by opening the handle of the stator housing, which holds on the screw. The length of the coal-type workers should be at least 8 mm. By the way, coal electric boards for Bosch are distinguished by the presence of a device that suspends the operation of the tool when the minimum exploitation length is reached.


A screw is twisted in the Macuit's ush, and the back cover of the case is removed. Makita 9565 model applied coal brushes with auto shutdown.

Choosing electrolates

Brushes differ in size near, forms, manufacturing material. Previously, they were produced in the form of a design consisting of copper wires and a toxochki brush. But due to very fast wear, this design was decided to modernize. Currently, electrolates are produced by pressing at high temperatures of carbon material.

It is impossible to underestimate these interchangeable elements of the mechanism, because it is from the proper operation of the brushes that the engine life depends, because, in time, replacing the brushes, you can protect the grinder from the destruction of the armature collector plate.

Varieties of brushes:

  1. Graphite brushes. In production, graphite is associated with a special composition, which can be added soot. Next under pressure, molding occurs, and after the root. The difference in the production of such brushes is due to the impression of additional strength and resistance to wear. Made from carbon materials (graphite, soot) and binders. After the standard formation of molding, graphitization follows, which implies temperature firing 2500-2600 ° C in specialized ovens. Such electrolates are the most common for the use of Bulgarians. Despite the relatively enhanced price category, the advantages of properties overlap the high cost;
  2. Coal brushes. The main material for the production of these brushes is not different from graphite. The difference in production technology is the absence of thermal processing, which reduces production costs. Hence the low price tag in stores. But the wear resistance of such brushes is insignificant.
  3. Metallographic brushes. The composition of the raw materials for the manufacture of brushes includes not only graphite powder, but metal. Mainly adds copper powder, but lead, tin or silver can also be added. In this case, the metal base of the powder contains about 80%. Such brushes are used in generators and electric motors, because They are distinguished by high wear resistance and reliability. But they are very rarely used in household electrical appliances. The price category is high.

Before buying electrolates it is better to look in the instructions or in those. Passport Bulgarian, which brushes recommends a manufacturer. Also, on the choice of the desired brushes, you can consult in service centers.

Brushes are called as the current collectors inside the grinder - the desired element of the electric motor, without which a corner-glare machine, like any other electrical tool, will not be able to work, as well as removable nozzles, allowing to produce with the help of this tool stripping, grinding and even polishing various surfaces. In this article, let's try to deal with those and other brushes.

Features of brushes

If we talk about electrolates, you first need to explain the name. Brushes This device was named even at the initial times of its existence (beginning of the 20th century), when, indeed, a design resembling a brush or, more precisely, a brush was used to remove the current from the electric motor rotor. Such a device, despite the high efficiency, turned out to be too short and was replaced by a more durable, from a dense material, into which the copper wire is pressed.

The movement of the electric motor rotor causes constant friction of the working surface of the electric power, which is the main reason for the failure of this part. As a result, they have to be periodically changed. This process is natural and inevitable with long-term operation of any power tool. Remove the wear of the brushes is very simple: a reliable earlier unit will start working with interruptionsA characteristic smell of ozone may appear from abundant education sparks in the current collector. It is advisable to replace the electrolates at the first signs of their abrasion.

Electrokers are graphite, coal or metallographic. In all varieties, the main material is carbon.

In the first case, the product is pressed at high pressure, and then processed thermally, enveloped increased wear resistance. The coal version is the lowest, since it does not imply thermal processing. Such brushes are the least durable. Metallographic brushes are the most expensive, since, in addition to carbon, contain metal powder. This is the most durable option, which in household appliances can be found very rarely. As mentioned, it is also a brush called a removable nozzle for the grinder.

To serve its main functions, it is necessary to install one or another nozzle on it. It may be cutting or grinding discs or brushes from a different kind of pile, fixed in a circle. Such a removable device is called a piping or even shorter - a pin. Brushes, like discs for the UMB - consumable material. In the process of work they are abrase, and they must be changed. Brushes for the grinder are arranged in such a way that they are installed on the rod due to the hole in the center, these are their main difference from the brushes for a drill having a shank for their installation in a drill cartridge.

The pile of brushes, depending on the specifics of its use, can be steel, brass, polymer fibers and even wool.

What is needed for?

In this section, we will not talk about the electrolates for a long time, they will not speak for a long time, their purpose is to remove the current from the rotor (anchors), in other words, without them there will be no rotation in the electric motor, the stock of the power tool will not rotate, and it will not work. But you need to say about the pupils.They are used for mechanical processing of various materials. Different types of these nozzles are used for stripping before painting or applying the soil, for wasting wood, to remove old paint from various surfaces, for polishing, grinding, smoothing corners and other operations.

They are especially necessary for cleaning metal products after welding to remove scale.


As already mentioned, electrolates can be classified according to the material from which they are made. The graphite brush, as follows from the name, is made of graphite, which adds soot and binding elements. This type of current collectors is most often used for UMB.

The coal brush is made of the same material, but without heat treatment. Such such a product is significantly faster and almost does not apply for the grinder. It is important not to be mistaken when purchasing brushes for replacement. Coal brushes on the Bulgarian will last long.

Metallographic brush is used in large industrial aggregates, and install it on the grinder is unlikely to be able to install it. This is the most durable product that is characterized by a very high price. A variety of patches is much larger, their form, material and size varies significantly, which is determined by the diversity of the use of such equipment. They can also be classified by the material from which they are made. Metallic pile brushes are most popular. Metal pin is a fairly universal nozzle. For the manufacture of such products, both metals and alloys are used.

Steel pins apply for metal. Stainless steel brushes better apply in stainless steel or aluminum. Often, steel pile is covered with brass, such brushes are not subject to corrosion. There are also pure brass brushes - despite the greatest softness, they have a number of advantages: relatively mild effects on the material, the absence of sparks when working on large revolutions, the absence of scratches when processing the surface.

Wire for such brushes may be different. Twisted wire is usually the most rigid, it can be assembled by harms (they are more hard and can self-fold) or fixed it is random. With the help of such effective nozzles, you can skalo from welding or rust. The corrugated cordschchet has a wave-like curved pile and, unlike the previous type, affects the surface not so intense. With it, you can clean the surface from old paint.

Brushes with a smooth pile have the widest use, they are most versatile and can be used on any surface. Their effectiveness may be somewhat lower than specialized nozzles. Nozzles with a polymer pile, for example, nylon, are used to polish various surfaces, including metal. You can successfully apply to work on wood - to highlight texture or final processing. Plastic brushes are often used to work with soft materials.

Brushes can be divided into form.

A cup is used to work with large surfaces. Shape it follows from the name. On this brush, the pressure nut is immediately fixed most often, since the special key provided in a set with a grinder cannot be applied to it. The conical brush is used to work with concave surfaces. Radial, as a variety of flat brushes, is used to process hard-to-reach areas. The disk, the most common type of pillars, also has a flat shape and can be used to process a wide variety of small surface area.

And the pillars are divided into dimensional groups.The diameter of the brushes is determined by the technical capabilities of the grinder and the application area of \u200b\u200bthis nozzle. Brushes with a diameter of less than 115 mm are usually used to treat small surfaces. The circle of more than 200 mm for a small grinder is better not to apply, you will have to remove the protective cover, and this is a violation of all safety standards. Such large brushes are used usually for processing overall structures and only with the help of large powerful UMB.

The most acceptable for domestic purposes is the diameter of brushes 125 mm.You can offer the fourth classification of patches - for use. Krestovka brush, the name is given from the name of the technical operation, which is carried out with this nozzle. Color - Preparation of the surface to subsequent processing: Removal of rust, paints, contaminants. At some stages, this is the process of chemical impact on the surface of the product, but the initial processing is in the mechanical cleaning of the surface. For mechanical crashing, metal (steel or with brass coating) is used for the brush. The task of such treatment is the removal of scale, oil spots, small defects, sowing and the like. Without crashing, it is sometimes difficult to evaluate the quality of the weld, the attractive scale can hide some defects.

For the processing of soft materials (plastic or wood), nylon, harness (sisalous) and hair linked brushes are used. Such brushes need to be made with special emulsions (for wood it is possible to use vegetable oil), otherwise the surface will be matte.

How to choose?

In stores the selection of cords for the grinder can be quite wide. Consider what you need to consider when choosing this type of nozzles. The parameters of the selection can be dictated by the nature of the upcoming work and the size of the ISM to which the brush will be installed. In no case cannot be installed on a small grinder intended for a large unit. It is also important to know the number of grumps, the brush must be selected according to this indicator. If a circle, intended for small revolutions, will be on the fast grogging, its effectiveness will be small, since, most likely, it will fail before the end of work. Work on the "slow" grinder with a nozzle for a rotor unit will be very laborious and will take much more time than with a brush corresponding to the possibilities of the ABM.

If we decided on the size and variation of the brush, you should pay attention to its quality.The wire iron tank must have a uniformly distributed pile, separate patches should not be longer or shorter, this factor may cause poor quality surface treatment and excess vibration, therefore, the loads are not only on the details of the grinder, but also on the hands of who will perform work .

Excessive vibration of the machine when working - the main cause of high load on the muscles of the hands. With a brush of a small diameter, vibration is always less. The polymer brush is the easiest variety of piping, and the vibration with it is the smallest, but not all sorts of surface can be treated with such a nozzle. The polymer-abrasive brush is applied to the brush (aging) of wood, and you should not try to process with its help metal.

If there is no work experience with pillars, of course, it is necessary to consult, and sometimes you have to purchase several different nozzles in order to determine the best model in practice. The most popular manufacturers of cords presented on the shelves of specialized stores can be built into a kind of rating. Russian brands: "Bison", "Practice", "Sibrth", "Enem". Foreign: Dexx, Fit, Matrix, Lessmann, Wortex.

Each man in the assortment of tools should be such things like Bulgarian and Drill. Bulgarian is capable of cleaning the metal from old paint and corrosion. In everyday life drill is able to significantly alleviate repair work if it is necessary to stir any mixture or spin screws.

But each of these tools has a common goal - cleaning the surface from rust and corrosion. For this, metal brushes are used. On the Internet you can find photos of metal brushes, so as not to be mistaken in the choice. In this article, consider the types of brushes.

Brushes for a drill and grump

Tools such as drill and grinder are capable of cleaning any surface from rust and corrosion. Consider the main types of brushes.

Cup brush

The brush is able to cope with the surface cleansing from the traces of concrete and corrosion. Such a brush for metal for the grinder and drills is often used to process flat steel products.

If you need to handle a wooden surface, then use a nylon brush.

Conical brush

Such a brush for a drill and a grinder is used to get rid of rust or other garbage in hard-to-reach places. It happens because of its peculiar brush design.

Disk brush

If you need to clean the large section of the surface, then the disk brush is used. It has high rigidity and durability, so you can use it for a long time.

Metal stripping brush is manufactured according to the latest technology. Such a brush is usually called brushed crash and is used in industry.


Corses are used for stripping parts from rust and flux raids. Also, if it is necessary to give the product to the product - use just such a type of brush.

If it is necessary to clean a certain plane from the garbage, then apply a tight bristle nozzle. To complete the cleaning, use a nozzle with less rigidity. This is used so that the brush does not spoil the surface itself, but simply cleaned it from the remnants of unnecessary old paint.

To properly select the best brushes for metal, you should purchase brushes from the best and reliable manufacturers who have trust in their customers.

Correct the brush for the grinder and drill. Take into account when choosing a turnup for the machine. It is impossible to ignore this rule, because if you put a brush designed to a low speed on the machine with a high speed of rotation, then no result will be.

And such a brush will quickly deteriorate and become unsuitable for use. It also applies to metal brushes. They are intended for high speed of rotation, therefore it is not necessary to include it at low speeds. So, such a brush will not give the desired result.

It should be very carefully taken to the purchase, because the final result depends on it. Brushes should be purchased only from reliable manufacturers, so as not to buy a poor-quality brush and not waste money.

Stock Foto Metal brushes for bulgaria and drill