What does the name Hope mean? The meaning and origin of the ancient name Nadezhda, the fate and nature of the name.

"Whatever you call a yacht, so it will float." These words from the song about Captain Vrungel set the right accents. This pattern also applies to people. However, why then do many have the same names, but their life develops in different ways? The fact is that each of them should complement the qualities of a person that are given to him by nature, and not oppose them.


What is the history of the name Hope? It became common with such as Faith and Love. In Christianity, these are sisters-martyrs. They were executed for their faith in Jesus Christ. The order was given by Hadrian, the emperor of Rome. According to legend, Nadezhda was then only ten years old.

The female name Nadezhda appeared in the 9th century. Then the liturgical books began to be transferred to the Church Slavonic language. The translation of the name Hope is made from the ancient Greek Elpis.

Previously, in everyday life, it was not used at all. The attitude towards these three names changed only in the 18th century. Then the daughter of Emperor Peter I, Elizabeth, came to power in Russia. And the rapid growth of the national consciousness of the Russian people and patriotism began.

In noble families (at first in them!), One after another the girls who were born began to be called that way. Moreover, the surge was big. There were 25 Hopes per 1000 newborns. In merchant families - half as much (11 percent). Among the peasants - only 2. But with the arrival of the XIX century, this name quickly spread in all classes. Even later (for example, in 1924-1932) it was ranked 8th in the ranking.

The mystery of popularity

You ask: "What does the name Hope mean?" This is purposefulness, responsiveness, a huge reserve of patience and expectation of something definitely good. Not only for yourself, but also for those around you. It is no coincidence that one popular song contains the words: "Hope is my earthly compass."

As a child, the girl is a little stubborn. Has pronounced and considerable talent for music, theater, recitation. She also enjoys dancing and romp in general. The school strives to be the leader and the best in performance. The schoolgirl succeeds in both equally easily. And she really likes to be in the rays of glory.

Most often, most of the girls and women who bear this name have a masculine temperament. They are strict, firm, sustained. Soul secrets are not spoken to girlfriends and acquaintances. And they are not very affectionate with others, by and large. They also have some prudence, adventurism.

Name Hope: the meaning of the name and fate

What are the character traits of these people? Perseverance, determination, boundless patience, sometimes stubbornness - these are the characteristics of the name Nadezhda. And since there is considerable optimism in her soul, she is always in a joyful mood.

In any case, he hardly falls into pessimism. Thinks about his future. And it is in front of her - always light. And Nadezhda stubbornly tries to bring this time closer by herself, with her work, while remaining very kind and sympathetic.

Distinctive features

You also need to take into account that a person's character depends on temperament. The result of their interweaving - depending on how these qualities organically correlate with the nature of the girl. If she is a choleric person and knows how to quickly and impulsively devote herself to her work, overcome serious difficulties with great passion, relying on her enormous ability to work, then, of course, in terms of her career, success awaits her. And if she is a melancholic who is prone to constantly experiencing various events, and is highly emotionally vulnerable, then the matter will simply stall.

Pleasant to all

Do not forget that the main qualities (kindness and patience) of a girl who bears such a name make her easy and pleasant to communicate with others. And for family life too. This is the core of the approach to Hope. If she suddenly does not want to do something, then there is absolutely no way to force her. However, it is worth asking kindly, and she will not refuse you. Merciful, sensitive, selfless, virtuous - this is what the name Hope means.

See for yourself. Which of your friends will respond immediately to your request? Whom will you approach yourself if you need to have a heart-to-heart talk? Who will lend money or donate personal time to sit with your sick child? Nadia! And only she!

Work or family

This is how she is, Nadezhda: name, character, destiny - everything is interconnected here. This should be taken into account by a young man who wants to marry such a girl. As a rule, her whole life is a persistent movement towards her intended goal. What would she prefer? Maybe a brilliant career. And perhaps the creation of an ideal family. But in both cases, she will not be exchanged for trifles, but will give all of herself to the main one. This should be borne in mind by the future groom. If Nadya chooses her favorite work, then it may well be that her home comfort will fade into the background. And not every man is able to support his wife in this "imbalance".

Moreover, she can bypass her husband in such professions as musician, lawyer, economist, manager, programmer, teacher (especially English teacher), doctor (pediatrician), writer, journalist. And in others, where non-standard thinking, a practical mind, an instant reaction to changing situations is required. Moreover, Nadezhda easily masters any profession. She can quickly retrain, change her profile, occupation. She can do everything!

And since she is a typical careerist, she will never settle for a quiet life. She needs a struggle to succeed. She only dreams of peace. And this can also serve as a reason for the divorce of the spouses. Despite the fact that they agreed on a great and mutual love.

Here's everything for you and laid out on the shelves: the name Nadezhda, the meaning of the name and fate. A husband really needs to have great feelings and understand his wife, recognizing her right to be a creative person who needs to be in demand.

Lonely mother

True, she often does not succeed in family life. And this is also a kind of characteristic of the name Nadezhda. She usually gets married early. But often then she is left alone with the child and categorically deletes her ex-husband from their life.

But even if everything is fine in a marriage, it is relatively easy for Nadia to get mad with even an innocent joke. After all, she is also a person of mood. But this is more common in adolescence. In mature years, a woman is more restrained in the manifestation of her feelings.

She, like others, also needs happiness in the family. Why not? Over the years, Nadezhda is reincarnated - in front of you is an excellent hostess. And her hard work helps in this. Yes, she still leads her husband, but gently, tactfully. Children are usually well-bred. The authority of their mother is very great for them.

Karma or your own mistakes?

Of course, love has its own laws. But, tying the knot, one must probably take into account the compatibility of the name Nadezhda with the names of men.

Knowledgeable people say that an alliance is successful and strong, for example, with Alexander, Igor, Gregory, Zakhar, Nikolai, Yegor, Yuri, Yakov, David, Konstantin. And nothing can work out with Vitaly, Ivan, Boris, Sergei, Maxim, Prokhor, Fedor.

Cavalry maiden

It is interesting to trace what the name Nadezhda means in the life of famous women. By the way, about appearance. Usually Nadya, Nadezhda (in childhood and adulthood) has a pleasant face, a slender figure. Others are simply written beauties. Add here a docile character, kindness and responsiveness, perseverance and firmness of spirit, devotion, self-sacrifice - and it becomes clear that such girls and women never lack fans.

Let's start with the first in Russia - a cavalry girl. This is a woman officer, and later the writer Nadezhda Durova.

She was born into the family of a captain. He often moved from place to place. Nadia "grew up in the saddle." It was her cradle. I listened to the regimental music. She rode horses herself. Her mother always dreamed of a son. And here - a girl! Because of this, she disliked her. From an early age, my daughter tried to make amends for her "guilt", tried to imitate her dad and other men.

She was married at 18 years old. A son was born. But in her heart, Nadya remained a dashing hussar, a warrior, she was not at all inclined to devote herself to the role of a housewife! Five years later, wearing a Cossack costume, she ran away from home. Entered the lancer regiment. She fought bravely. She was even awarded an order. Then he was promoted to officer. And during all this time (which is simply incomprehensible!) None of the colleagues even suspected that she was a girl.

However, all the secret becomes clear. The exchange was revealed. But the king left her in the service. Allowed to continue to call himself not Nadezhda, but Alexander.

Until the age of 33, Durova led a military life. She was wounded near Borodino, but then she again took part in many dangerous operations.

Opera prima

Another example of what the name Hope means. These are great abilities for music and dance, for art in general.

Nadezhda Zabela-Vrubel graduated from the conservatory in St. Petersburg. And she began performing at the Kiev Opera. Then she toured many cities. Experts are still writing about her voice - a crystal-clear coloratura soprano, and even with an unusually charming timbre.

Her namesake - Nadezhda Bogdanova - was a ballerina. And one of the first dancers she glorified Russian ballet abroad.

You can also name such Nadezhda as Rumyantseva (film actress), Kadysheva from the "Golden Ring" ensemble, Troyan - a partisan nurse, scout, Hero of the Soviet Union, Babkina performing folk songs.

Do no harm!

How did you choose a name for your baby in the old days? According to the calendar. It was believed that the newborn takes on some of the good qualities of the saint after whom he is named. And he protects the child from evil forces all his life. He is his guardian angel.

The season was also taken into account. If a baby was born in winter, he was given a soft name, melodious, in order to soften the action of nature. One who was born in the spring is unable to defend himself. He was "added" fighting qualities - through the name. Children of the summer months have more than enough energy, but they lack endurance. They were looking for such qualities and a name. Those who appeared in the fall have good health, intelligence and perseverance. But there is no delicacy in relations with people.

There was also such a way. The parents listed all the names in a row, keeping the child next to them. If it turned its head away or cried, then read on. And he smiled - it means I agree. You can try it yourself.

There was also a tradition to call the baby by the name of ... the first comer! Then the child is supposedly guaranteed a happy fate.

Modern scholars give parents this advice: listen to how the names sound. If one letter in their name and the child's name is repeated, then mom and dad will be satisfied with the heir. If not, he will bring them a lot of trouble or even grief.

In honor of grandmother or mother

There are people who call their daughters the same as the names of their relatives. This tradition is fairly widespread. Once upon a time there was even an obligatory ritual. He gives the newborn a kind of a message: be the same. Is this good or bad?

  • pros... The child is protected from trouble by his family. Feels like a member of a large family. Grows bold, free internally. The whole world is both safe and very interesting for him. Using his parents as an example, he will then create the same model of his family.
  • Minuses... Parents orient the baby to a specific “relative”. With his character, destiny. And a child can inherit all the worst of his life! "Alien" properties will begin to strengthen, and maybe even break his own character. So it's not a fact that the father and mother will get what they have planned. At the same time, the son or daughter is being adjusted to the "standard", they are not given the opportunity to grow and develop as nature intended for him personally. Yes, and today's Nadia is unlikely to want to live according to grandmother's or even great-grandmother's scenario. And this will certainly lead to psychological distress.

You can't put pressure on children. They must grow according to their own personality. Nevertheless, the name for the girl Nadezhda is an excellent choice, because its owner will live an interesting and bright life.

The short form of the name Nadezhda. Nadya, Nadya, Nadya, Nadyokha, Nadyukha, Nadya, Nadyunya, Nadiura, Nadia, Nadina, Dina, Dinusya, Nadisha, Nadezhka.
Synonyms for the name Hope. Nadezhda, Nadina, Hope, Esperanza, Spes, Speranza, Nadzee, Nadee, Nada, Nadia.
The origin of the name Hope. The name Nadezhda is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Hope has Greek roots and is a literal translation of the Greek name Elpis, which was worn by one of the three sisters, revered Christian martyrs (Faith, Hope and Love). Their names reflect the three main virtues of Christianity. Their mother Sophia is also revered. The name Nadezhda had an ancient Russian form - Nadezha, which helped this name to take root and strengthen among people.

Nadezhda is a very independent woman, for whom the word “freedom” is not just a word, but the meaning of life. This woman is an individualist who does not accept restrictions, can be undisciplined, take risks, not considering the possible consequences of her actions. Hope can have a reputation for being haughty, her behavior is discouraging at times, and she certainly never does things by half!

Her sensuality, irresistible desire, combined with her impulsiveness, sometimes lead Nadezhda much further than she herself initially assumed. She loves to chat, various conversations are part of her life, and her adaptability turns out to be a valuable asset. The owner of this name is highly excitable and impatient, and compensates for her high mobility and activity by exploring new and distant horizons for herself. When she has a clear motivation, she is able to limit her enthusiasm, tremendous energy and effort in a coordinated and uniform rhythm. Nadezhda is an authoritarian person capable of organizing any event.

As a child, Nadezhda is a bit of a tomboy and a daredevil who is not afraid of anything. She seeks to use her charm, despite the fact that she is not always aware of what this can lead to. Therefore, it is necessary to warn her about potential dangers, teach her to recognize them in her youth. This girl needs an active life, so sports, dancing and group activities are highly recommended for Nadezhda.

Nadezhda is always ready to be the center of attention, she needs the freedom to do what she pleases, it is in this that both the joy and the necessary requirement of this individualist. Hope can be very proud, sometimes selfish.

In love affairs, Nadezhda prefers to play the main role, the image of a romantic young lady does not suit her at all. She does not tend to fall in love at first sight, she has a more practical view of relationships. Hope hopes to find such a life partner who will idolize her. For the owner of this name, the role of the leader in the family is not discussed - it will only be herself. Hope can be very demanding and jealous, but her loyalty to her husband is completely infallible. Hope was certainly not born to be a housewife. Her professional choice is likely to be geared towards diversity and travel mobile occupations (tourism, marketing, advertising). She can also become a journalist or choose art for herself - cinema, theater.

Nadezhda's birthday

Famous people named Nadezhda

  • Nadezhda Bogdanova ((1836-1897) Russian ballerina, one of the first to establish the glory of Russian ballet abroad)
  • Nadezhda Durova ((1783-1866) Russia's first female officer, "cavalry girl", writer)
  • Nadezhda Romanchenko (Russian teacher, excellent student of public education, Honored teacher of the Russian Federation, Honored teacher of the Russian Federation)
  • Nadezhda Rimskaya-Korsakova (nee - Purgold; Russian pianist, musicologist, composer. Wife of the composer Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov.)
  • Nadia Komenech (Romanian gymnast, Olympic champion in gymnastic all-around)
  • Nadezhda Krupskaya (wife of V. I. Lenin, public and political figure)
  • Nadezhda Plevitskaya (pop singer, performer of Russian folk songs (1884-1940))
  • Nadezhda Pushkina (Hannibal) (mother of the great poet A.S. Pushkin)
  • Nadezhda Rumyantseva (tetra and film actress)
  • Nadezhda Kadysheva (singer, soloist of the "Golden Ring" ensemble)
  • Nadezhda Troyan (Soviet intelligence officer and nurse of the Tempest partisan detachment, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Nadezhda Babkina (singer, performer of Russian folk songs, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Nadezhda Kosheverova (Russian director)
  • Nadezhda Shvets (Russian artist, Honored Artist of Ukraine, Chief Designer of the Lysenko Kharkiv Academic Opera and Ballet Theater)
  • Nadezhda Kozhushanaya (Soviet, Russian screenwriter, writer; Honored Artist of the Russian Federation)
  • Nadezhda Salina (Russian singer (soprano), mother of the composer Alexander Yurasovsky)
  • Nadezhda Verbitskaya ((born 1925) theater, film and television actress)

The name Nadezhda is borrowed from the Old Slavonic language, where it appeared as a translation of the Greek name Elpis (Nadezhda). Nadezhda is from the legendary family of martyrs, which, according to church legends, included the Greek sisters Agape, or Haris (Love), Pistis (Vera) and Elpis (Nadezhda). The old Russian form of the name is Hope. The name Elpis comes from the root meaning "will", and the Russian word "hope" comes from the verb "to act". The beautiful name Nadezhda is fraught with action, and only forward, in spite of all deaths. The secret of the name lies in its direct meaning. It became very popular in ancient Russia, mainly among the nobles. Back in the 18th century. out of a thousand noblewomen, Nadezhda was 40, in the merchant class - 20, and among the common people - five. In 1961-1970. out of a thousand girls this name was received by 29. Now it is in the second ten.

Nadezhda is the owner of a strong masculine character. She is characterized by such qualities as prudence, commercialism, purposefulness and secrecy. At the same time, she can be passionate, gentle, generous, generous and kind. In general, this is a person of mood, so you should not be surprised at the impulsiveness and unpredictability of this extravagant woman. But still, the rational kernel in Hope always wins over emotions and impulses. This name contains a powerful potential that helps to fight all the hardships of life.

Characteristics of the name Nadezhda

Corresponding zodiac sign: .

Patronizing planet: .

The dominant element of Feng Shui: .

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Coral.

Talisman-color: Orange.

Mascot plant: Calendula.

Animal mascot: Hedgehog.

Character traits: Sensitivity, Selfishness, Giftedness, Determination.

Hope selfish, vain and selfish. She is used to giving orders and orders, while she herself absolutely does not know how to reckon with the opinions of others and adapt to circumstances. She loves herself more than anyone else in the world, so she spares no effort, no time, no money for her improvement and transformation. But still, she should learn to be more loyal and attentive to people, otherwise sooner or later she will be completely alone.

Hope - nature is light and attractive in every sense. She tries to perceive all problems philosophically, in which her natural optimism helps her. This woman really loves life, she is in a hurry to live and enjoy every new day. But still, she should think about stability if she wants to create her own harmonious family. Otherwise, she will not be able to avoid the disappointments associated with love and family affairs.

Hope - a hard worker who never loses sight of anything. She is responsible and practical, so there is no place for surprises and surprises in her life. But sometimes she wants to become frivolous and carefree, but she cannot afford such a luxury. But in vain, because our life often consists of a series of accidents and incredible gifts of fate that need to be able to accept. If on the way autumn Nadezhda meets a cheerful, but strong-willed man, she cannot avoid happiness in family life.

Hope modest and laconic. She shuns those around her and does not like it when they violate her peace and invade her living space without demand. This woman does not trust people, thereby protecting her heart from bitter disappointments. To earn her favor, and even more so trust, is not an easy task. But if you really succeed in doing this, then in the person of the winter Hope you will acquire a truly devoted friend with whom you can enter both fire and water.

The nature of the name Hope

The meaning of the name Nadezhda leaves its mark on the temperament of its representative. She successfully combines masculine and feminine principles, and this is her uniqueness. The girl always knows what she wants and stubbornly achieves it. Possessing an almost masculine character, with his inherent firmness, prudence, the ability to analyze the situation, she is very emotional, sensual and generous. She is inherent in harmony with herself, activity and patience.

As a child, Nadya is vulnerable, her eyes are often "in a wet place", but the girl is not used to complaining, she skillfully keeps a lot in herself. Among her peers - the soul of the company, she has many friends, she is a cheerful and sympathetic child. Often the only child in the family, and this is fraught with selfishness. Parents need to be careful in their love for their daughter and to cultivate in her disinterestedness towards her neighbor from an early age. Hope is often categorical towards herself and others. Excessive stubbornness is not always good for her. She subjects everything that happens around her to a logical analysis. Appreciates her independence, especially in adolescence.

The characteristics of the name Nadezhda differ somewhat depending on the time of year when the girl was born. Born in winter, it is somewhat withdrawn and silent. Spring - prudent through measure, but always neat, charming and attractive. Summer loves travel, she is open to people, always calm and restrained. And the autumn bearer of the name is an incredible workaholic, lover of truth. She is responsible for carrying out any assignments.

Positive about the name Nadezhda: Hope has a sense of harmony. She is active, firm in her intentions, patient, purposeful. Hope is often considered cold, accused of excessive materialism, but it is capable of manifesting philanthropy, selfless deeds. A girl named Nadezhda has high artistry and musicality. From early childhood, the girl will try to imitate all sounds, copy those around her. Therefore, she will learn to speak earlier than other children. Nadezhda takes part in discussions, disputes and discussions with pleasure. The only requirement of Hope for the surrounding reality is logic.

Negative about the name Nadezhda: Nadezhda lives in the future, but does not make unrealistic plans, does not like to fantasize. She can be too serious, stubborn. A girl named Nadezhda subjects her world to microscopic analysis and is often unhappy with everything and everyone, gets stuck in the insignificant, cannot grasp the whole problem. As a child, the name Nadezhda does not tolerate interference in her "internal affairs". It is advisable to give her a separate room, where she will be a full-fledged mistress.

Hobbies and hobbies

Nadezhda enjoys studying in various circles thanks to her natural talent and hard work. She does not differ in her special zeal for studying at school, but an actress or a singer turns out to be “great” from her. She loves being the center of attention, she loves noisy games and fun fun. The girl is very active, agile, enjoys music, dancing, sings well. Having settled down and married, Nadezhda devotes all her free time to her family, especially children. She also gets great pleasure from gardening.

Profession and business

Hope is a versatile woman. She is able to cope with any work: creative or routine, interesting or monotonous. She can be both an excellent leader and a responsible executor. Any business started always brings to the end. She is not distracted by idle chatter, everything has its time. Therefore, one should not be surprised that among Nadezhda one can find women of many professions: actresses, and flight attendants, and artists, and scientists, and engineers, and doctors, and managers, and bankers, and teachers.

An ambitious woman requires attention and recognition from her superiors, therefore, she does any work entrusted to her in good faith and with enthusiasm. But still, the ambitious Nadezhda wants to manage, and therefore does everything possible and impossible to climb the career ladder. Such qualities as dedication, perseverance, hard work, responsibility, conscientiousness, pedantry and discipline help her in this. In business, Nadezhda can succeed thanks to her innate intuition. She knows how to earn and properly invest her savings. She is more attracted to those areas of activity in which a non-standard way of thinking and creativity is needed. She is very economical in expenses, successfully runs a household.

Mind and health

Hope is a sanguine person. Hope is a controversial person, so her reaction is difficult to predict. She can be practical and calculating, or she can be good-natured and overly generous. One thing is for sure - you won't be bored with her, because this woman knows how to bring bright colors to life. She longs for a thrill and unforgettable sensations, so in her youth she "stuffs" a lot of cones. But in adulthood it is quite difficult to "twist around the finger". In general, the owners of this name are destined for an interesting and full of events and emotions life.

She is often in good health. And this is despite the fact that he practically does not follow him. But still, she should not forget about her nervous system, and therefore it is better to be less nervous and more rest. Also, due to a careless attitude with age, the bronchi and the digestive system can become a weak point.

Love and sex

Feminine and charming Nadezhda is always sweet and attractive, and therefore does not lack male attention. But because of her inability to understand people, in general, and men, in particular, she is looking for a life partner for a long time. Moreover, she tends to rush into the pool with her head, so there are many novels in her life, which, alas, most often end in a complete fiasco. In a relationship, she is attracted by danger, so the partner will have to try to constantly maintain this woman's interest in herself. The owner of this name is attracted by strong, courageous, domineering and strong-willed men who can subdue the independent Nadia. And she will only trust the one in whom she sees real protection and reliable support. But events can develop in a different vein: so, tired of uncertainty and stormy passions, she will find a quiet and calm man who will obey her.

Hope is a very passionate and sensual nature, loves experimentation and novelty, and this also applies to the sexual side of life. He has an impeccable taste, always looks after himself, is easily carried away by men, but just as quickly and is disappointed. For the sake of love I'm ready for a lot. She adores diversity, to a sensual and gentle partner, she is ready to give all her temperament and sexuality. But for a man, as a sexual partner, she makes very high demands, which are often quite difficult to meet. Therefore, Nadezhda has long been looking for that man with whom she will be comfortable both in life and behind the bedroom doors. In her youth, she often has stormy romances, but after marriage, order and organization come into her life.

Family and marriage

It is common for Nadezhda to marry at a fairly early age. If this does not happen, then she, on the contrary, will delay marriage. Firstly, with age, she will become more choosy, and secondly, it will be difficult for her to part with her freedom. But Nadezhda's husband must remember that he will hardly be able to completely re-educate this passionate and sensual woman, and therefore if he does not cease to correspond to her ideal, she will easily find a replacement for him. It is interesting that this woman chooses a calm and balanced man, far from adventures and adventures, as her husband, rightly believing that one joker in her face is enough in the family. In general, marriage makes a woman out of frivolous Nadezhda a serious and solid woman, but at the same time not devoid of romanticism and lively emotions.

Nadezhda is a hardworking hostess who devotes a lot of time to her family. She forgets about her ambitions and fun, but sometimes she also wants a holiday in her life. And then the husband should take upon himself all the worries about bringing more colors into the life of his beloved. The owner of this name is zealous and practical, and therefore the husband can be calm about the family budget, which, by the way, is managed by Nadezhda (and in general, we can say that she is slowly but surely taking the reins into her own hands). I would like to note right away that Nadia's greatest value is her children, with whom she really lives. She actively participates in their lives, helping with everything she can. For the sake of children, she is ready to limit herself and her interests in many ways.

Horoscope named Hope

Hope- Is an eccentric, stubborn and quick-tempered person who tends to exaggerate everything. Hope-Aries has a mobile mind, while her restless nature is always lacking in emotions. Among the shortcomings of Nadia, one can note a disposition to outbursts of uncontrollable anger and fervor. The partner of Hope-Aries must come to terms with the fact that her actions sometimes defy logic, but this also attracts this eccentric woman who will not stop until she gets her way. It is difficult for her to find such a man who will understand her.

Hope- - this strong, independent and incredibly talented woman attracts attention wherever she is. She is open and sincere, but at the same time she will not allow any liberties in relation to herself. Knowing her merits, Hope-Taurus skillfully uses them for her own good. And in general, she is used to achieving her goals, despite the existing obstacles. Nadezhda is a generous and completely disinterested woman. She is always ready to help close people without demanding anything in return. Hope-Taurus is a practical housewife who knows how to count with money. Family for her is the meaning of life.

Hope- - this unusual, generous and kind woman succeeds in life, and all for the simple reason that she never falls into despair and always hopes for the best. Gemini Hope does not like to display their merits for everyone to see, preferring to remain in the shadows. Fame and material well-being are not an end in itself for her. Above all, she values \u200b\u200ba warm and trusting relationship. This woman perceives others as they are, therefore, she is looking for a man who will not remake her.

Hope- - This is an apathetic, secretive and depressed person who is constantly not satisfied with something in life. Such an attitude repels those around them, who, next to Nadezhda, become discouraged. Therefore, it is extremely important that this woman is surrounded by positive people who can charge her with their energy. Nadezhda-Cancer is an interesting and erudite person with a rich inner world. She is interested in bright and imposing men with a developed imagination who are capable of performing romantic acts.

Hope- - a selfish, ambitious and narcissistic woman who will go out of her way to prove her superiority to everyone. Nadezhda-Leo is hardworking and responsible. She completely surrenders to any business, sparing neither herself nor those around her. It is not surprising that Nadezhda the boss is not liked in the team, although they are respected. This woman does not tolerate criticism, because she herself tries to put up with the shortcomings of others. She is loyal to her friends, and if she falls in love, then once and for all.

Hope- - a calm, balanced and self-confident woman who is smart and perspicacious. She knows how to calculate all her actions, so she prefers to plan everything clearly. Hope-Virgo is very obligatory and responsible, therefore it is quite natural that she achieves great success in life. Many people dislike this straightforward woman, but she prefers to be honest. Any flattery is abhorrent to her, because she herself does not like undeserved praise. This woman is attracted to cheerful and energetic men.

Hope- - cheerful, carefree, simple-minded and direct Nadezhda-Libra has an easy attitude to life. This is probably why fate constantly presents her with pleasant surprises. She is interested in everything that happens around her, but such curiosity leaves no time for herself and building strong relationships. Therefore, she often comes to the 30-year-old milestone as a self-sufficient, but lonely woman seeking love. Nadezhda-Libra chooses an interesting and erudite man with whom it will be easy to go through life.

Hope- - the caustic, stubborn and selfish Hope-Scorpio belongs to the category of people who are always dissatisfied with something. She tries to take everything from life and the people around her, but she is in no hurry to give. This woman has a passionate nature, she is tireless and energetic, while Hope-Scorpio often spends her potential thoughtlessly. In general, this conflicted person does not know how to live in peace. Her personal life also resembles a volcano that is about to spew lava.

Hope- Is a real perpetual motion machine that does not know fatigue. So, Nadezhda-Sagittarius is in time everywhere, she solves not only her own, but also other people's problems, although no one asks her about it. She easily finds a way out of any situation. This woman prefers to act rather than philosophize. Hope-Sagittarius is looking for a man to match himself, that is, the same active, decisive and purposeful. But romantics and philosophers, she bypasses, because they tire her.

Hope- - the closed Hope-Capricorn is fenced off from others, thereby protecting itself from meanness and betrayal. At the same time, loneliness does not give her any discomfort: on the contrary, alone with herself, she feels absolutely calm. This is a thoughtful, aspiring, hardworking and stubborn person who is not afraid of any trials. Power and a masculine character scare men away from her, which absolutely does not upset Hope-Capricorn, who believes that her man will not pass by and will be able to see in her an affectionate and gentle woman who knows how to love.

Hope- - vulnerable, impressionable, sensitive and patient Hope-Aquarius is distinguished by generosity and magnanimity. She takes other people's troubles and hardships close to her heart, while rarely anyone can understand and support her. This woman makes concessions to everyone, since harmony in relationships is very important for her. This elegant and calm woman arouses genuine interest in men, who see in her a mysterious nymph who has descended from heaven to earth and needs protection.

Hope- - docile, caring and gentle Nadezhda-Pisces tries to treat life judiciously and practically. She shows her emotions extremely rarely, guided in decisions by reason. But if you offend or anger this woman, then she will become uncontrollable, cruel and rude. Knowing all the shortcomings of her character, Nadezhda-Pisces tries to isolate herself from people. In general, this is an insecure woman who needs a patient and sensitive partner who will support her in difficult times.

Name compatibility Nadezhda with male names

Nadezhda and Dmitry - in this union, partners do not need a stamp in their passport, but rather the opposite: Nadezhda and Dmitry enjoy their free, but at the same time harmonious relationship, in which there is no lie and mistrust. Over time, this couple may well turn out to be a strong and happy family.

Nadezhda and Alexander - despite the fact that Nadia and Alexander have different characters, they always manage to find a compromise and keep peace in the relationship. The cheerful optimist Alexander is a wonderful couple for the bright Nadezhda, who loves to be in the very center of attention.

Nadezhda and Eugene - Hope needs communication, she thirsts for novelty and adventure, and often marriage changes this woman, but it is not possible to completely suppress the thirst for adventure in her. It is important that the calm and balanced Eugene is condescending to the whims of his chosen one.

Nadezhda and Sergey - Nadezhda completely trusts her life in a reliable and serious Sergei, who is able to ensure a prosperous and stable life together, but only if he is able to cope with her mood swings. Otherwise, the couple will break up.

Nadezhda and Andrey - this couple is characterized by complete concentration on each other. Harmonious relationships are what Nadezhda and Andrey are striving for. And I must say that they are great at building warm and trusting relationships in which both feel absolutely happy.

Nadezhda and Alexey - for both, the family is the highest value in life, and, therefore, by joint efforts, they do everything in their power to make their family prosperous. Nadezhda and Alexey not only love, but also respect each other, they value their feelings, on which well-being largely depends.

Nadezhda and Konstantin - many doors open before the owners of these names, because they are persistent, hardworking and ambitious. The woman admires the hard work of her chosen one, and she is ready, as far as possible, to help him in his work. It is she who is able to awaken ambition in Constantine, as a result of which he has every chance of achieving ever greater heights. And if they act together, then they will definitely be successful, both in family life and in business.

Nadezhda and Ivan - romantic Ivan and passionate Nadezhda are a wonderful couple with excellent prospects. This is that rare case when a man and a woman are one hundred percent suitable for each other. If there is no desire to rule between them, then everything will work out for them.

Nadezhda and Yuri - in terms of emotions, this is an unstable and rather complex tandem, and this is despite the fact that both have quite similar characters. Hope lacks self-confidence and inner freedom, and Yuri lacks responsibility and organization, which can destroy this union.

Nadezhda and Stanislav - the fragility of this union determines that serious Nadezhda cannot come to terms with the frivolity and frivolity of her chosen one, and he, in turn, is absolutely not going to change. Gathering with friends attracts Stanislav more than dinner with his family.

Hope and Maxim - an open and sincere Nadezhda often does not know what is going on in the soul of her secretive partner, and this greatly upsets her. Maxim, on the other hand, simply does not want to upset the vulnerable and sensitive Nadezhda over trifles. In general, peace, respect and mutual understanding reign in their family.

Nadezhda and Victor - in this couple they live peacefully and amicably, and all for the reason that neither Nadia nor Victor like to sort things out and quarrel. It is always warm and cozy in their house, because their goal is to build a happy and harmonious family with their own traditions.

Nadezhda and Oleg - about this alliance it cannot be said that it is long and lasting, and the reason for this is the lack of common goals for Nadezhda and Oleg. In this union, the woman is serious and practical, while the man is frivolous and carefree.

Nadezhda and Roman - for Roman, Nadezhda is a real mystery, because she can be passionate and temperamental, or she can turn into a shy and modest person. This woman does not give up without a fight, which attracts the persistent Roman, who is ready to fight for his happiness.

Nadezhda and Vladimir - if Nadezhda and Vladimir learn to solve problems through dialogue, and not quarrels, then nothing threatens their family life. But if emotions prevail over reason, then their union will be doomed, and nothing can save it.

Nadezhda and Denis - the owners of these names agree on the basis of friendship, but true love between them is hardly possible. Most likely, a sense of habit will keep them together. Nadezhda and Denis are comfortable and comfortable with each other, and this is quite enough for them.

Nadezhda and Artem - happiness in this union is unlikely, since both partners do not want to compromise their principles and go to meet each other. In the struggle for power, Nadezhda and Artyom lose their warm feelings, without which the harmonious existence of the family is not possible.

Hope and Anton - despite the fact that Nadezhda doesn’t love her cheerful and carefree companion, he lacks seriousness, and this is very important for her. If there is no stability in the relationship between Anton and Nadia, then this union will very quickly disintegrate.

Nadezhda and Mikhail - calm and balanced Mikhail is used to leading a measured lifestyle, while Nadezhda wants adventure and surprises. If Nadia comes to terms with the fact that romance will be absent in her life, then this couple can take place.

Nadezhda and Nikolay - surprising, but true: no quarrels can cause Nadezhda and Nikolai to part, because true love reigns between them: yes, its manifestations can be too emotional, but this suits them quite well. Sometimes one gets the feeling that they are quarreling on purpose, and all for the sake of stormy reconciliation.

Nadezhda and Igor - this union can develop only on condition that the feeling of love does not fade between Nadezhda and Igor. If they grow cold towards each other, then their relationship will collapse, since independent Nadezhda will not tolerate Igor's authority.

Nadezhda and Ilya - you can talk about this tandem for hours and set it up as an example, because Nadezhda and Ilya are an ideal couple, not only at home, but also at work. And if they start running their own business together, they will surely be lucky.

Nadezhda and Kirill - in this unstable union, the ambitious Nadezhda cannot understand the wait-and-see attitude of Cyril, who is waiting for fate to send him another gift. Tired of promises, Nadezhda will simply leave the inactive Cyril.

Nadezhda and Vitaly - this couple is blessed in heaven - this is exactly what can be said about the tandem of Nadezhda and Vitaly, who are building their family life slowly but surely. Ambitious Nadya charges her chosen one with energy, and in return receives affection and tenderness.

Nadezhda and Vadim - this couple can only be envied, because for each other they are lovers, and friends, and support. In life, you rarely meet people who feel each other so subtly and understand at a glance. A happy future is destined for Nadezhda and Vadim.

Nadezhda and Pavel - Nadezhda often uses her leadership qualities not only at work, but also at home, which negatively affects her family life. Men don't like being pressured, especially women. And Paul is one of those men.

Nadezhda and Ruslan - this couple is not afraid of any obstacles, because they understand and love each other, and what else is needed to create a strong family in which everyone will be happy. Ruslan is ready to work day and night to provide for his family, while Nadezhda will be happy to maintain an atmosphere of love in the house.

Names: origin and forms

Hope - (from Slavic) hope.

Old: Hope.
Derivatives: Nadezhshka, Nadia, Nadeya, Nadya, Nadyokha, Nadyukha, Nadyusha, Nadiura, Nadia, Nadina, Dina, Dinusya, Nadisha.

Directory of Russian names

Hope (from Old Russian).

They are hardworking. Diverse in behavior. Uncontrollable and active in everything. They are inventive from natural relaxedness and some adventurousness. They are tough and demanding. They do not accept effeminacy and cowardice. True to their word, reliable. They love wholeheartedly.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Hope - hope (Old Church Slavonic).
One of the legendary family of martyrs. The name was and is given to girls quite often.
Zodiac name: Libra.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: Orange.
Stone talisman: coral.
Auspicious plant: maple, calendula.
Patron name: hedgehog.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of the year: autumn.
Diminutive forms: Nadia, Nadia, Nadina, Nadyukha, Nadia, Nadina, Dina.
Main features: hard work, emotionality.

Names, patron saints

Hope Roman, young woman, martyr, September 30 (17). She, at the age of 10, and her sisters Vera, 12 years old, and Lyubov, 9 years old, one after the other, after being tortured for the faith of Christ, were beheaded before the eyes of mother Sophia.


See the name Vera.


Nadya is emotional, overly stubborn, cheerful. She can be musically gifted, she sings well, dances. She loves noisy games, funny games - swings, carousels. At school, she is patient, persistent, hardworking. She is all directed towards the future, dreams of a happy adult life. She has many girlfriends, she strives to be the first among them in everything - in knowledge, the ability to sew, knit, play the instrument, skate better, ride a bicycle. All this she does with great willingness, easily and joyfully.

After school, she seeks to start an independent life as soon as possible, having left, for example, to study in another city. She often falls in love, commits rash acts, the experiences of youth remain in her heart for life.

Nadezhda is outwardly attractive, has good abilities, and is more often inclined towards humanitarian professions, although an accountant, technologist or conductor of some kind of production is also not excluded.

In her work she is conscientious, active, reliable, but does not make a significant career. She is very emotional, constantly ready to cry and at the same time secretive, aggressive. She is very proud and internally independent, always trying to prove to everyone that everything is in order and she is happy.

However, she is rarely happy, although with age she gains some stability in life. Nadezhda's family life is not always successful. Often she marries early and soon divorces, left alone with the child and forever deleting his father from their life. If everything is in order in the marriage, life will still find what kind of bump to "reward" Hope, this name is passive.

Hope can be easily pissed off with the most innocent joke. True, she quickly calms down, Nadezhda is a person of mood, her behavior is often unpredictable. Gradually, with age, she becomes more restrained in the manifestation of feelings.

Hope needs simple family happiness. She becomes a good housewife, no longer lives only for the future, but rejoices every day. He leads her husband, but he does it tactfully. She is hardworking, happy to tinker in the country, cultivate the beds. Nadezhda's children are brought up, they recognize the authority of the mother. Hope is a little selfish, tries to bring more to the family, strives for material well-being.

If her husband shares her aspirations, Nadezhda is quite happy. Her successful marriage with Alexander, Vitaly, Egor, Konstantin, Yuri.


Nadezhda Ivanovna Zavela-Vrubel (1868-1913) is an outstanding opera and chamber singer. She graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatory, theatrical activity began at the Kiev Opera House I. Ya. Setov. And wherever she later performed - in Tiflis, Kharkov, in other cities - everywhere they wrote about her lyric-coloratura soprano of some special, crystal-clear, inexplicably charming timbre.

According to M.F. Gnesin's voice, her voice was "incomparable, even, even, light, tenderly fluffy and full of colors or, more precisely, alternating overflows of some kind of paint, extremely expressive, although completely calmly pouring. It seemed that nature itself like a northern shepherd boy plays or sings on this animated musical instrument ...

And what a look! Was it possible, once seeing this creature, not to be deceived by it for life! These wide, set fabulous eyes, a captivating feminine, invitingly perplexed smile, a thin and flexible body and beautiful, long arms ... "

At the first meeting with Zabela, the composer Rimsky-Korsakov was amazed at her originality. At first it seemed to him that the poetic charm, as if radiated by the artist, was explained by the amazing correspondence of his artistic images to the natural data of the singer. Zabela was especially successful in the roles of fantastic, fairy-tale creatures: the Volkhovs, the Snow Maiden, Pannochka, the Swan Princess. But later Rimsky-Korsakov was no less delighted with Tatiana Larina performed by Zabela, with her wildness, her isolation from the world of the Petushkovs and Buyanovs. Whoever Zabela played - princesses, mermaids or earthly girls - her heroines invariably conquered with spirituality.

The heyday of Zabela-Vrubel's creativity was associated with the private opera of S.I. Mamontov. It was here that the performances of such masterpieces by Rimsky-Korsakov as "The Pskovite Woman", "May Night", "The Snow Maiden", "Sadko", "The Tsar's Bride", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Kashchei the Immortal" with the participation of Zabela-Vrubel were staged ... No wonder she was called "the Korsakov singer". One of Zabela's best roles was Volkhova in the opera Sadko.

After the premiere, Rimsky-Korsakov wrote to the artist: "Of course, you thereby composed the Sea Princess, which created her image in singing and on stage, which will forever remain in my imagination for you ..." received the highest praise from Rimsky-Korsakov, who wrote to her husband, the artist M. Vrubel: "I have never heard a Snow Maiden so sung like Nadezhda Ivanovna." Contemporaries called Zabela a singer of a woman's soul, a woman's quiet dreams, love and sadness, noting the crystal purity and tenderness of her voice, the crystal transparency of the timbre. All this corresponded to the musical and stage image of Martha ("The Tsar's Bride") - one of the most expressive in the operatic palette of Rimsky-Korsakov. Zabela's opera repertoire was not limited only to the music of this composer. She was a magnificent Antonida in Ivan Susanin, she sang heartfelt Iolanta in the opera of the same name, Mimi in La Boheme. Still, the best images of women she created in the operas of Rimsky-Korsakov, his romances formed the basis of Zabela's chamber repertoire.

Nadezhda Ivanovna was married to the greatest artist - Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel. Almost on the very first day of their acquaintance, he made an offer. Subsequently, he told his sister that if she had refused him, he would have committed suicide. But Zabela did not hesitate for long, and after two months they got engaged, and in July 1896 they got married.

Vrubel was very musical and took the closest part in learning the roles of Zabela, she always listened to his advice. He invented all her costumes and makeup himself. Zabela became the artist's muse, her fantasy portrait, painted in the year of her marriage, is named "Muse".

The personal life of Nadezhda Ivanovna was woeful - the early death of her son, the mental illness of her husband. Her creative theatrical career was also short. For only a little over five years she shone on the stage of a Moscow private opera, then failures followed on the imperial stage. Only the Zabela-Vrubel chamber evenings still attracted the attention of the audience. Her last concert took place in June 1913, where she performed works of her favorite composer.

The fate of Zabela is sadder than the fate of Vrubel. After the artist, his paintings remained. The singer's voice disappeared with her, who survived her husband by only three years. Now Zabela lives only in Vrubel's paintings. Here she is the Princess of the Sea - at the rising of the month stands among the thickets of reeds, wearing a crown of pearls; and here is the Swan Princess in magically shimmering plumage, in a tall, pearl-clad kokoshnik with an airy veil and sparkling precious rings on her thin fingers. Vrubel painted not only "fantasy portraits of his wife, but also her portraits from nature." The treasury of Russian art includes portraits of Nadezhda Ivanovna Zabela-Vrubel in 1898 in a dress with a wide belt and a hat, against a background of birches (1904), after a concert (1905), resting on a couch, near a burning fireplace. She is wearing one of those extraordinary concert dresses that Vrubel invented for her - a dress made of several transparent cases of various colors, like an exotic flower ...

Published with the kind permission of the OKULUS project - astropsychology.

Nadezhda became the owner of a heavy temper, in which both female and male qualities are simultaneously combined. What does the name Nadezhda mean, and what character do the women who wear it have?

Nadya is calculating, a little rude, straightforward, has an unshakable will and can analyze the situation without the slightest mistake. But she always remains sensual, emotional, patient and generous.

The origin of the name Hope

Love and sexuality

In her youth, Nadezhda easily falls in love, never lacks fans. He begins to make many mistakes, and another love tragedy leaves a painful scar in his soul. Due to constant worries, she becomes too cynical, which as a result provokes a prolonged depression.

Girls who own this name, passionate and bright, are not afraid to violently express their feelings, emotions and experiences. However, Nadia will never go on intimacy with the first man she meets. She will look for a partner whom she really loves or respects.

Not afraid of experimenting in bed, likes to try something new. Prolonged abstinence negatively affects Nadia's character. If next to Nadezhda there is a self-doubting and not brave man, she becomes more confident in bed. She loves role-playing games, but first of all strives to satisfy her partner, so that he would feel the happiest next to her and be grateful for the emotions received.

Marriage and family

Nadezhda rarely becomes happy in marriage, because these are two practically incompatible concepts. A woman with this name in marriage will seek only female happiness, but it often happens that Nadia lives alone or becomes a single mother. She needs a person who will have a soft and flexible character, because two leaders simply cannot get along peacefully.

Nadia will always remain loyal to her chosen one, will become a support and support for him in all endeavors. She turns into a wonderful hostess who will spare no time, effort, or money to equip a family nest. In marriage, she shows all the best qualities that she received as a gift from nature.

The spouse may not worry about the family budget, because Nadezhda is a practical and economical housewife. She will gladly take on all financial issues and the spouse must come to terms with this fact. The greatest value for Nadia will be the birth of children, to whom she will devote herself entirely. For the sake of children, she is able to limit herself in everything and sacrifice her own interests.

Nadezhda's birthday

In March - 14th and 20th.

September 30th.

October 21st.