Calendar for March. Calendar for March Unfavorable days for sowing seeds

A new gardening season has begun and we all hope that this year we will grow an unprecedented harvest.

Moon phases in march 2017

  • The moon grows - from 1 to 11 March
  • Full Moon - March 12
  • The moon is waning - from March 13 to March 27
  • New Moon - March 28
  • The moon is growing again - from March 29 to March 31

Favorable landing days in March 2017

The table shows the most favorable days for sowing seeds for seedlings.

Unfavorable days for sowing seeds.

Auspicious days in March 2017 for planting seedlings, cuttings and grafting

Attention! The table shows the most favorable there are days for planting and sowing seeds, but this does not mean at all that on other days you cannot plant. You should not plant anything only on prohibited days.

The table shows the phases of the moon, its position in the signs of the zodiac and recommended work for gardeners - gardeners - flower growers for each day of the month.

date Moon in the signs of the zodiac Recommended works
March 1 Growing Moon in Aries
  • Aries- the infertile sign of the Zodiac (Days of the Fruit) and still the Lunar calendar of gardeners - gardeners recommends:
  • In the greenhouse- sowing seedlings of tomatoes, sweet peppers, hot peppers. Sowing parsley, spinach, lettuce, radish, celery, dill, Peking cabbage, cauliflower in a greenhouse. Thinning of seedlings, loosening of the earth. On the growing moon under the sign of Aries, pest and disease control gives good results.
  • Not recommended germinate seeds, water, replant plants, dive.
  • In the garden- cutting dry branches.
2nd of March Growing Moon in Taurus
  • Taurus- fertile zodiac sign (Days of the Root) The lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners recommends:
  • In the greenhouse- favorable time for sowing seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, early and late white cabbage, cauliflower. Forcing onions, parsley, celery, sorrel. The picking of seedlings, pinching, watering, and mineral feeding are going well. Laying out potatoes for germination.
  • In the garden- whitewashing of trunks, preparation of cuttings.
March, 3rd Growing Moon in Taurus
4 march Growing Moon in Gemini
  • Twins
  • In the greenhouse- sowing leeks, Chinese cabbage, radishes, watercress, dill. Pest and disease control, weeding, loosening.
  • Not recommended- germinate seeds by sowing seeds for seedlings.
  • In the garden- pouring boiling water over berry bushes of currants, gooseberries, sanitary pruning
5th of March Moon in Gemini first quarter
March, 6 Growing Moon in Cancer
  • Cancer- the most fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days)
  • In the greenhouse- favorable days for sowing early and late white cabbage, cauliflower, Savoy cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, leek, root celery for seedlings. Sowing early ripening hybrids of cucumbers for the greenhouse. It is recommended to pick seedlings of pepper, eggplant, tomatoes. Planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse. Forcing greens of onion, parsley, sorrel, celery, beetroot, Swiss chard. Watering, mineral dressing. Laying out potatoes for germination.
  • In the garden- grafting in split, pruning trees and shrubs in frost-free weather.
7 march Growing Moon in Cancer
March 8 Growing Moon in Leo
  • a lion- infertile zodiac sign (Days of the Fetus)
  • In the greenhouse- sowing of asparagus and bush beans, basil, fennel, cucumbers, lettuce, scorzonera. Loosening of dry soil, weeding, preparation of beds.
  • Not recommended water, feed plants, germinate seeds, dive seedlings, pinch, transplant. You should not prune trees: wounds on plants do not heal for a long time.
9th of March Growing Moon in Leo
10th of March Growing Moon in Leo
11th of March Growing Moon in Virgo
  • Virgo
  • In the greenhouse- you can sow root crops for seeds, green (grow quickly): dill, ‘fennel, artichoke, valerian, except for salad. You can thin out seedlings, fight weeds, pests and diseases, cultivate the land, and replant plants. Phosphorus feeding is well absorbed. The aerial part of the plants is vulnerable - leave them alone.
  • In the garden- pruning is not recommended, the wounds inflicted will heal for a long time.
12 march Full Moon Moon in Virgo According to the lunar sowing calendar of gardeners and truck farmers for March 2017, it is not recommended to work with plants on a full moon.
March 13 Waning Moon in Libra
  • scales- Zodiac sign of average fertility (Flower Days)
  • In the greenhouse- sowing for seedlings of white cabbage, cauliflower for open ground. Sowing root crops: early radish, beets, carrots, parsnips, aromatic herbs, asparagus, leeks - for the greenhouse and windowsill. Planting sweet pepper seedlings (with 5-7 leaves). Seedling picking. Watering is moderate.
  • In the garden-rejuvenating pruning of trees and shrubs.
March 14th Waning Moon in Libra
March 15th Waning Moon in Scorpio
  • Scorpion- fertile zodiac sign (Days of the Leaf) and according to the lunar sowing calendar it is recommended:
  • In the greenhouse- favorable days for sowing low-growing tomatoes, peppers, early cabbage (white and cauliflower), root celery, broccoli, bell peppers, eggplant, late tomatoes for seedlings. Picking seedlings of late tomatoes, celery root and petiole, white cabbage. Sowing radishes, carrots, parsnips, parsley and celery root. Layout of potato tubers for germination. Organic feeding, weeding.
  • Not recommended- watering, loosening the soil - the roots are very sensitive to wounds inflicted.
  • In the garden- grafting and re-grafting, application of organic fertilizers, cuttings.
March 16 Waning Moon in Scorpio
March 17 Waning Moon in Scorpio
18th of March Waning Moon in Sagittarius
  • Sagittarius- Zodiac sign of average fertility (Days of the Fruit)
  • In the greenhouse- forcing greens of onions, weed control, diseases, pests. Sowing radishes, onions for turnips, root crops. For seedlings - sowing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, leeks, root parsley, dill.
  • Not recommended- transplant plants, germinate seeds, huddle, dive, water. You can apply organic fertilizers, loosen dry soil. Plants react painfully to any mechanical damage.
  • In the garden- spraying them against pests and diseases (at plus 4-5 degrees).
19 march Waning Moon in Sagittarius
20th of March Moon in Capricorn last quarter
  • Capricorn- Zodiac sign of average fertility (Root Days)
  • In the greenhouse- favorable days for sowing seedlings - early white cabbage, sweet pepper, eggplant, late low-growing tomatoes. Sowing radish, celery root and petiole, broccoli. An excellent time for picking vegetable seedlings. Sowing onions on turnips, root parsley, root crops. Watering, loosening, organic feeding of root crops, weeding. Laying out potatoes for germination.
  • In the garden- application of organic fertilizers, disease and pest control, formative pruning, grafting.
21 March Waning Moon in Capricorn
22 march Waning Moon in Capricorn
March 23rd Waning Moon in Aquarius
  • Aquarius- barren zodiac sign (Days of the Flower)
  • In the greenhouse- for sowing, planting, transplanting unfavorable days. Better these days to do weeding, thinning seedlings, loosening the soil, fighting pests and diseases.
  • In the garden- sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs, cutting out overgrowth. Pouring hot water over currants and gooseberries. Removing shelters, loosening trees, loosening dry land, cutting out overgrowth.
March 24 Waning Moon in Aquarius
March, 25 Waning Moon in Pisces
  • Fishes- fertile zodiac sign (Days of the Leaf)
  • In the garden- if the weather permits, you can sow radishes, carrots, root parsley, onion sets and nigella in open ground, and early potatoes under the film.
  • In the greenhouse- moderate watering, organic feeding, sowing radish, spinach, watercress, lettuce, root celery, for seedlings - kohlrabi cabbage, broccoli, Savoy. Picking vegetable seedlings.
  • In the garden- formative pruning of trees and shrubs, processing of strawberries, application of organic fertilizers.
26 March Waning Moon in Pisces
March 27 Waning Moon in Aries On a new moon, all plants are extremely vulnerable, therefore, according to the lunar sowing calendar, it is not recommended to work with them on these days.
28 march New Moon Moon in Aries
March 29 Growing Moon in Taurus
March 30 Growing Moon in Taurus
  • Taurus- fertile zodiac sign (Root Days)
  • In the garden- favorable time for sowing early and late white cabbage and other types of cabbage for seedlings. Sowing seeds of cucumbers for transplanting under a film, early ripening tomatoes, celery, pumpkin, turnip. Sowing basil, marjoram, eggplant, pepper for seedlings, but not for seeds. Under the film - sowing lettuce, Chinese cabbage, early spinach, radish, early peas. Seedling picking. Closing moisture, watering, loosening, mineral fertilizing of plants in greenhouses.
  • In the garden- grafting, sowing green manure, watering, forming pruning.
March 31 Growing Moon in Gemini
  • Twins- barren zodiac sign (Days of the Flower)
  • In the garden- cleaning the site, loosening the soil, sowing green manure, dill, caraway seeds, fennel, mineral fertilizing (nitrogen-phosphorus)
  • Not recommended- sowing seeds for seedlings.
  • In the garden- spraying against pests and diseases (wintering stage). Removing shelters from trees and shrubs, planting strawberries, replanting shrubs.

Until the buds open, the gardens are sprayed with chemicals to free them from overwintering pests and pathogens. Preparations: N30 (500 per 10 l of water), iron vitriol (500 g), bishal (1 l) or table salt (1 kg). Can be treated with urea (500 g) if not used in the fall. Spray when the average daily temperature for 3-5 days is plus 4-5 degrees.

Check the bark of seedlings and young trees up to 4-5 years old. If the bark is severely damaged by mice, immediately coat the wound with garden varnish, without stripping its edges, and wrap it with foil. Make sure that later it does not cut into the bark.

March is the time for sanitary pruning, treatment of boles, skeletal branches. Try to treat trees on auspicious days, which are indicated in the lunar sowing calendar. Cut out any diseased or shriveled branches to prevent spreading disease. Cut by grabbing 2 to 3 cm of the healthy part of the branch. And clean up the wounds with the obligatory capture of a healthy bark.

Immediately cover all sections with a diameter of more than 1 cm, as well as cleaned wounds with garden varnish or oil paint on natural linseed oil. Other organic solvents may impair wound healing.

Cover with var or other putties (70% nigrol + 30% ash or 70% nigrol + 15% clay + 15% mullein) not only the wound, but also around it. Burn all cut branches, pieces of bark at once.

Renew sunscreen whitewash on trees if it has been washed away by the rains. It is useful to spray the trunks with copper sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water) before whitewashing.

At the end of March, if the ground has thawed, plant fruit trees, berry bushes, root the berry bushes. Sow lawn grass seeds.

The strawberry plantation must be freed from the shelter and thoroughly "combed out" with a rake, after scattering nitrogen fertilizers (30 g per 1 sq. M). Burn dry leaves: they may have an infection of spots, powdery mildew.

If you haven't thinned out the plants in the rows and removed the rosettes in the aisles in the fall, do it now. Spud the newly planted plants in the fall, if the roots are bare, free the buried hearts from the soil, plant new rosettes instead of dead plants.

The florist's lunar sowing calendar will help grow beautiful flowers in your summer cottage, at home or in your winter garden. Follow the advice of the moon table, and bright and healthy buds will delight you all year round.

  • Flower specialists know that the best time to plant flowers is during spring, summer and fall. But every culture needs some care.
  • In addition, it is necessary to listen to the advice of astrologers who have learned to determine auspicious days for planting green spaces.

Important: The lunar calendar contains fertile and barren days for planting indoor flowers, plants for the winter garden, greenhouse and garden ornamental plantings.

The lunar sowing calendar of the florist for 2019-2020: table

Astrologers and other professionals who study influence of the moon on the growth of green crops, noticed that:

  • On the growing moon, the sap of the plant rises up and begins to feed stems, leaves and buds.
  • On the waning moon on the contrary, the nutrients of the culture go to the root system.
  • So the flowers that are planted with seeds, plant when the eternal satellite of the Earth finds in ascending phase, on growth, and flowers that planted with bulbs, tubers, roots - in the waning phase of the moon.
  • The most unfavorablenew moons and lunar days ( January 10, June 5, July 5, November 30, 2020) and solar eclipses ( December 26, 2019, June 21 and December 14, 2020). These days, nature seems to freeze in anticipation of something new.

The location of the Moon under certain signs of the zodiac also affects the cultivation of flowers.

Zodiac signs can be

  • fertile (Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio)
  • moderately fertile(Libra, Capricorn)
  • poorly fertile(Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries)
  • infertile(Aquarius and Leo)
  • Under the signs Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo, Aries flowers are best not watered or fed.
  • On the growing moon(active processes in the roots are reduced) and under the sign Taurus, Capricorn it is better not to loosen (roots are sensitive).
  • Under the sign Sagittarius it is better not to circumcise (more likely non-healing wounds) and do not remove weeds(there will be more).
  • Curly, ampelous and tall plants tolerate planting well, transplanting under signs Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo.
  • Under the sign of Aries flowers with thorns and thorns and bright red and fiery orange grow profusely and bloom.
  • Bulbous will delight you, if you put them in descending order, under the signs Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Libra.
  • Cut flowers to last longer in a vase is better under the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.
  • if digging under the sign

Will help you grow beautiful flowers lunar sowing calendar florist 2019-2020.


Of 2019

It is forbidden to plant flowers
January 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 1, 2, 3, 24, 28, 29 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 22
February 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 1, 21, 25, 27, 28 3, 4, 5, 11, 18, 20
March 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21 23, 27, 28, 29 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 17, 18, 22, 30, 31
April 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19 2, 3, 20, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30 1, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 27, 28
May 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 1, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 31 4, 5, 11, 12, 20, 24, 25
June 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 18, 24, 28, 29 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22
July 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 21, 25, 26, 30 2, 4, 5, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 31
August 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 31 16, 18, 21, 22, 27 1, 2, 14, 15, 17, 28, 29, 30
September 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 29, 30 18, 19, 22, 23, 24 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 25, 26, 28
October 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 29, 30, 31 15, 16, 17, 21 6, 7, 8, 9, 22, 23, 27, 28
November 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 27, 28, 29, 30 13, 17, 20 4, 5, 18, 19, 25, 26
December 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 27, 31 13, 17, 19, 23 1, 2, 15, 16, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30

Table for 2020:

2020 year
Fertile days for annual flowers from seed
Fertile days for bulbous, tuberous
flowers and propagating roots
It is forbidden to plant flowers
January (2, 3, 4, 30, 31 - with thorns, red), 5, 6, (7, 8 - ampelous and high), 9, 27, 28, 29 (14, 15, 20, 21 - high), 11, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24 10, 12, 13, 25, 26
February (4, 5 - ampelous and high), 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 24, 25, 28, 29, (26, 27 - with thorns, red) (10, 11, 16, 17, 18 - high), 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20 8, 9, 21, 22, 23
March (2, 3, 29, 30, 31 - ampelous and high), 1, 4, 5, 6, 27, 28,
(25, 26 - spiked, red)
(10, 15, 16 - high), 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 22, 23 7, 8, 9, 19, 20, 21, 24
April (5, 6, 25, 26, 27 - ampelous and high), 1, 2, 7, 24, 28, 29 (11, 12 - high),
9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19,
(20, 21, 22 - red)
3, 4, 8, 15, 16, 17, 23, 30
May (2, 3, 23, 24, 30, 31 - ampelous and high), 4, 5, 6, 25, 26 (8, 9, 10 - high), 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21 (18, 19 - red) 1, 7, 13, 14, 22, 27, 28, 29
June (26, 27 - ampelous and high), 1, 2, 3, 4, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30 (6, 19, 20 - high), 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, (14, 15, 16 - red) 5, 9, 10, 11, 21, 24, 25
July (2, 3, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31 - ampelous and high), 1, 4, 25, 26, 27, 28 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, (16, 17, 18 - high), (11, 12, 13 - red) 5, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22
August (20, 21, 26, 27 - ampelous and high), 1, 2, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 (13, 14 - high), (8, 9 - red) 3, 4, 17, 18, 19, 30, 31
September (22, 23 - ampelous and high), 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 29, 30 (6, 7, 8, 13, 14 - high), 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16,
(4, 5 - red)
1, 2, 14, 15, 17, 26, 27, 28
October (19, 20 - ampelous and high), 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, (1, 28, 29, 30 - with thorns, red) 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, (3 - red) 2, 11, 12, 16, 24, 25, 31
November (16, 17 - ampelous and high), 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, (25, 26 - with thorns, red) 1, 2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, (3, 4, 10, 11 - high) 7, 8, 9, 15, 20, 21, 30
December (27, 28, 29 - ampelous and high), 15, 16, 20, 21, 25, 26, (22, 23, 24 - with thorns, red) 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 31, (1, 7, 8, 13 - high) 5, 6, 14, 17, 18, 19, 30
  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the effects of the moon.

Now it is worth considering favorable and unfavorable days for each specific month of 2019-2020.

Favorable days for sowing flowers according to the lunar calendar of the florist in January 2020

During the winter months, most plants experience stunted growth. During this period, minimal care is carried out - feeding, watering and processing from various bugs.

It is better to postpone the vaccination and pruning until February. But, if you still need to plant some kind of culture, then do it at the right time.

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the effects of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in January 2020.

Favorable days for sowing flowers according to the lunar calendar of the florist in February 2020

In February, there are already more bright days. Therefore, flower growers and other amateur gardeners begin to transplant plants and perform root division.

Important: This month there will be a solar and lunar eclipse, therefore, on unfavorable days and days when planting is strictly prohibited. Also, it is not worth planting seedlings, sowing seeds, performing anti-aging pruning and even loosening the soil.

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the effects of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in February 2020.

Favorable days for sowing flowers according to the lunar calendar of the florist in March 2020

In March, gardeners sow seeds for flower seedlings so that in a month it can be planted in the ground. On excellent planting days, you can feed the plants and prune them.

  • Cutting flowers it is better to do according to a sign
  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the effects of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiacal constellations in March 2020.

Favorable days for sowing and planting flowers according to the lunar calendar of the florist in April 2020

  • Cutting flowers it is better to do according to a sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius(can be kept in a vase longer).

The real spring has come. It is already hot at noon, which means that you can plant annual flowers in the ground.

The seedlings are planted in a permanent place two weeks after sowing the seeds in the ground. Choose favorable days for sowing flowers according to the lunar calendar in April and plant crops:

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the effects of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in April 2020.

Auspicious days for sowing and planting flowers according to the lunar calendar in May 2020

This month, perennial bushes are divided and the seeds of annual flowers are planted. Asters, marigolds, daisies, cornflowers are planted in May.

Flowers that are planted with seedlings and tubers will also flower and grow better if planted on suitable moon days.

  • Cutting flowers it is better to do according to a sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius(can be kept in a vase longer).
  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the effects of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in May 2020.

Favorable days for sowing and planting flowers according to the lunar calendar of the florist in June 2020

Every florist knows that in the summer there is an active growth phase for many plants and flowers.

  • Cutting flowers it is better to do according to a sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius(can be kept in a vase longer).

But you need to know when to plant green crops, and when it is better to refrain from it.

Important: The planted plants at a certain time will take root well and will bloom until autumn, delighting the soul.

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the effects of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in June 2020.

Favorable days for sowing and planting flowers according to the lunar calendar of the florist in July 2020

  • Cutting flowers it is better to do according to a sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius(can be kept in a vase longer).

Roses and phlox are cuttings during this month. You can already start digging the bulbous flowers, since by this time the leaves of many of them have already turned yellow and withered.

  • Bulbous and tuberous flowers are better stored if digging under the sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius... It is better to do this on a waning moon.

During this period, gardeners divide irises and other similar flowers. It is possible to remove faded flowers, cuttings and divide the roots only on suitable days.

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the effects of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in July 2020.

Favorable days for sowing and planting flowers according to the lunar calendar of the florist in August 2020

  • Cutting flowers
  • Bulbous and tuberous flowers are better stored if digging under the sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius... It is better to do this on a waning moon.

Summer is coming to an end, but the "hot" season for summer residents is in full swing. At this time, tubers of perennial flowers are planted so that they bloom next year.

Important: At this time, flowers are planted that are unpretentious to care for. For example, chamomile, carnation, mallow, delphinium and others.

Follow the advice of the lunar calendar and your flowers will delight the eyes of all passers-by. This month there will be a solar and lunar eclipse. This period is indicated in the column of prohibited days for disembarkation.

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the effects of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in August 2020.

Favorable days for planting flowers according to the lunar calendar of the florist in September 2020

  • Cutting flowers it is better to do it according to the sign of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius (you can keep it in a vase longer).
  • Bulbous and tuberous flowers are better stored if digging under the sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius... It is better to do this on a waning moon.

Gardeners celebrate their pros of planting flowers in the fall. Plants grow hardened and adapt better to the soil. In spring, such flowers bloom faster and delight with their beauty.

Advice: Plant all bulbous flowers on suitable lunar days - tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, snowdrops, and others.

Favorable days for sowing flowers according to the lunar calendar in September 2020:

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the effects of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in September 2020.

Favorable days for planting flowers according to the lunar calendar of the florist in October 2020

The garden is already empty this month. All vegetables have been removed and the ground is covered with fallen leaves.

In October, perennial tubers are dug up and the last flower bulbs are planted, which were not submerged in the soil in August and September.

  • Cutting flowers it is better to do according to a sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius(can be kept in a vase longer).
  • Bulbous and tuberous flowers are better stored if digging under the sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius... It is better to do this on a waning moon.
  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the effects of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in October 2020.

Favorable days for planting flowers according to the lunar calendar of the florist in November 2019-2020

The weather in November is unstable, but despite this, gardeners can do what they love - growing flowers. Asters, calendula, marigolds, lavender, mignonette and others are sown before winter.

Seedlings of these flowers will appear in early spring, when the ground is still wet and cold. It is very good for the germination of flower bulbs.

Auspicious days for sowing flowers according to the lunar calendar in November 2019:

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the effects of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in November 2019.

The time for the lunar calendar of the florist is Moscow.
The beginning of the lunar day is the time of the moonrise.

Note: During the winter months, most indoor plants have a dormant period or significant growth retardation. The minimum care is watering, pest control and transshipment if necessary: ​​if the plant was flooded, pests appeared. Loosening of the soil and sanitary pruning are also carried out as needed: if the soil in the pot does not dry out for a long time, the branches have dried out from a draft, etc. Other methods of care: top dressing, grafting, formative and rejuvenating pruning, transplantation, division, etc. should be postponed until the end of March, until the really bright days come. The exception is plants that are supplemented with lamps and continue to grow, bloom or bear fruit.

date Lunar day Moon in a sign moon rise Moonset Moon phase Moon without a course Recommended Not recommended
March 1 4th Aries 1st quarter, waxing moon

Watering and feeding with mineral fertilizers.

Grafting and grafting.

Cardinal crown pruning.

Planting and transplanting plants.

2nd of March 5th Taurus from 10:18 1st quarter, waxing moon

from 5:18 to 10:42

Until 10:42 am the moon has no course, no work with plants.

After 10:42

Cardinal crown pruning.

March, 3rd 6th Taurus 1st quarter, waxing moon from 18:20

Soaking, sowing and planting indoor plants, garden flowers, vegetables, fruit and berry trees and shrubs.
A good time to plant cacti and succulents.
Watering and feeding with mineral fertilizers.

You can transplant (with caution), transfer plants and vaccinate.

From 18:20 the Moon has no course, not to work with plants.

Cardinal crown pruning.

Weed weeding. Trimming roots, dividing rhizomes and offspring.

4 march 7th Gemini from 12:27 1st quarter, waxing moon until 13:05

Until 13:05 the Moon has no course, no work with plants.

5th of March 8th Twins 2nd quarter, waxing moon

Planting, transplanting and forming only climbing, ampelous, climbing plants. Including strawberries, strawberries, honeysuckle can.
Sowing seeds of garden and indoor crops. Weed weeding, soil loosening, soil preparation.

Treatment against diseases and pests.
Blanks and home canning.
Pasynkovanie, air layering.

It is possible to dig up bulbs for storage.

Transplants and pruning of roots, division of rhizomes and offspring.

Watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

March, 6 9th Cancer from 15:02 2nd quarter, waxing moon from 11:22 to 15:54

from 11:22 to 15:54 Moon without a course, not to work with plants.

After 15:54

7 march 10th Cancer 2nd quarter, waxing moon

Soaking, sowing and planting of vegetables that bear fruit in the aboveground part (tomatoes, cucumbers, melons), as well as fruit trees and shrubs.
Watering and mineral fertilizing.

Sowing and planting non-frost-resistant plants.
Planting and sowing climbing and ampelous plants, as well as tall plants, as well as delicate herbaceous plants and greenery.

March 8 11th Leo from 18:57 2nd quarter, waxing moon from 17:59 to 19:45

Soaking, sowing and planting of vegetables that bear fruit in the aboveground part (tomatoes, cucumbers, melons), as well as fruit trees and shrubs.
Watering and mineral fertilizing.

from 17:59 to 19:45 Moon without a course, not to work with plants.

Sowing and planting non-frost-resistant plants.
Planting and sowing climbing and ampelous plants, as well as tall plants, as well as delicate herbaceous plants and greenery.
9th of March 12th a lion 2nd quarter, waxing moon

Sowing seeds and replanting herbaceous and fruiting plants.

10th of March 13th a lion 2nd quarter, waxing moon from 20:05

Sowing cacti, succulents and any drought-resistant plants.

Loosening, weeding, mulching, hilling.
It is possible to transplant plants with powerful roots (ficuses, barren trees and shrubs).

From 20:05 the Moon has no course, not to work with plants.

Undesirable: watering, spraying, feeding.
Sowing seeds and replanting herbaceous and fruiting plants.
11th of March 14th Virgo from 01:05 2nd quarter, waxing moon until 1:07

Watering and feeding with mineral fertilizers.

You can plant only the most unpretentious ones, like Tradescantia or Coleus.

No serious work with plants and plantings.
12 march 15th Virgo Full moon 17:53
March 13 16th Libra from 08:42 3rd quarter waning moon from 5:36 to 8:28

Until 8:28 the Moon has no course, no work with plants.

After 08:42

Soaking and sowing seeds.

March 14th 17th scales 3rd quarter waning moon

Feeding plants with organic or humic fertilizers and watering.

Loosening, weeding, mulching.

Planting and sowing tuberous plants and caudex (adenium, jatropha, etc.) and flowering plants.
Rooting of cuttings, pruning (rejuvenating, shaping, sanitary).

Vaccinations, spraying, pinching.
It is better not to soak the seeds.

March 15th 18th Scorpio from 17:10 3rd quarter waning moon from 13:05 to 18:11

Until 13:05 see calendar for 14 maria

From 13:05 to 18:11 Moon without a course, not to work with plants.

After 18:11

March 16 19th Scorpion 3rd quarter waning moon

Seed soaking.
Sowing planting of perennial crops, as well as cacti and all plants with thorns, ampelous plants. Planting of greenery is possible.

March 17 20th Scorpion 23:59 3rd quarter waning moon

Seed soaking.
Sowing planting of perennial crops, as well as cacti and all plants with thorns, ampelous plants. Planting of greenery is possible.

Pruning and pinching to curb crown growth.
Loosening and weeding (carefully) is possible, if necessary, transshipment of indoor flowers, soil preparation and composting.

Watering, feeding with organic fertilizers.
Spraying against pests and diseases.

Transplant, any damage to the roots, division of tubers, rhizomes and bulbs.
Sowing, planting, picking tuberous, root crops.

18th of March 20th Sagittarius from 05:59 AM 09:10 3rd quarter waning moon from 0:56 to 6:00

Digging, loosening, weeding and sanitary pruning.

Spraying against pests and diseases.

19 march 21st Sagittarius 3rd quarter waning moon

Sowing and planting ampelous plants.
Digging, loosening, weeding and sanitary pruning.

Spraying against pests and diseases.

Watering and spraying, fertilizing, pruning, pinching.
20th of March 22nd Capricorn from 18:31 4th quarter waning moon from 13:37 to 18:31

From 13:37 to 18:31 Moon without a course, not to work with plants.

After 18:31

21 March 23rd Capricorn 4th quarter waning moon

Planting and sowing root crops and bulbs.
Weeding, weeding, digging and preparing land, composting. Cleaning of fallen leaves.
Watering, feeding with organic fertilizers.

Sanitary pruning of dead and diseased branches, excess shoots.

Disturb the root system, cut the roots and loosen the soil deeply.
22 march 24th Capricorn 4th quarter waning moon from 16:20

Planting and sowing root crops and bulbs.
Weeding, weeding, digging and preparing land, composting. Cleaning of fallen leaves.
Watering, feeding with organic fertilizers.

Sanitary pruning of dead and diseased branches, excess shoots.

After 4:20 pm the Moon is out of course, with plants not to work.

Disturb the root system, cut the roots and loosen the soil deeply.

March 23rd 25th Aquarius from 05:01 AM 4th quarter waning moon until 5:28
March 24 26th Aquarius 4th quarter waning moon

Treatment against diseases and pests (spraying, watering with pesticides carefully).
Land preparation, weeding, loosening.

Sanitary treatment of plants, removal of old and dried shoots. Cleaning of fallen leaves.

Sowing, picking and planting fruit trees and bushes. Refrain from watering, replanting and feeding.

March, 25 27th Pisces from 14:24 4th quarter waning moon from 8:56 to 13:06

From 8:56 to 13:06 Moon without a course, not to work with plants.

After 14:24 Moon in Pisces

26 March 28th Fishes 4th quarter waning moon

Sowing and planting vegetables and root crops that are not intended for long-term storage, but for canning, drying or for seeds.

Sowing and planting of indoor plants, especially decorative flowering plants, cacti and succulents.
Watering and feeding with organic fertilizers, but carefully.

Sanitary and formative pruning.
Spraying on the leaf from pests.

Plant greenery and delicate herbaceous plants that cannot tolerate overdrying (eg azaleas), as well as fruit trees and non-frost-resistant plants.

Prepare the ground, dig, loosen, pinch and replant. It is undesirable to injure the root system (divide the rhizomes or plant offspring).

March 27 29th Aries from 18:34 4th quarter waning moon from 13:19 to 17:11

Watering and feeding with organic fertilizers, but carefully.

from 13:19 to 17:11 Moon without a course, do not work with plants. In the remaining time before the new moon, we rest.

28 march 1st and 2nd Aries New Moon 05:58 We have a rest, read useful literature on gardening and floriculture.
March 29 3rd Taurus from 8:07 PM 1st quarter waxing moon from 15:07 to 18:48

We have a rest, read useful literature on gardening and floriculture.

From 15:07 to 18:48 Moon without a course, not to work with plants.

After 8:07 pm, you can soak the seeds, water the seedlings and flowers.

Do not plan any serious business for this day.
March 30 4th Taurus 1st quarter waxing moon

Soaking, sowing and planting indoor plants, garden flowers, vegetables, fruit and berry trees and shrubs.

A good time to plant cacti and succulents.
Watering and feeding with mineral fertilizers.

You can transplant (with caution), transfer plants and vaccinate.

Cardinal crown pruning.

Weed weeding. Trimming roots, dividing rhizomes and offspring.

March 31 5th Gemini from 08:48 PM 1st quarter waxing moon from 2:12 to 19:40

Until 19:40 the Moon is without a course, not to work with plants.

If you need to water the plants, it is best to do this between 19:40 and 20:48 hours.

Auspicious days in March 2017

  • from 1 to 3 March 2017 (waxing moon)
  • March 7, 9, 2017 (waxing moon)
  • from March 14 to 19, 2017 (waning moon)
  • March 21, 24, 26, 30, 2017 (waning moon)

Bad days in March 2017

  • 5 March 2017 - First Quarter
  • 12 March 2017 - Full Moon
  • 20 March 2017 - Last Quarter
  • March 28, 2017 - New Moon

Note: do not take the grower's lunar calendar literally as a guide to action. If in October or January you see recommendations that "you can sow and plant some indoor plants" or "water and feed with organic feeding", then know that they can only be followed by experienced florists and applies only to plants in certain conditions. For example, it is permissible to feed fruit-bearing indoor trees monthly even in winter. Plants that are in warm conditions of long daylight hours in autumn and winter (with additional lighting) can also be fed and even transplanted. Experienced flower growers can successfully cut and re-root plants in winter, as well as sow seeds or carry out artificial pollination. In the general rules of plant growing, with the onset of autumn, cooling, a reduction in daylight hours and light intensity, i.e. the transition of plants to the stage of dormancy or deceleration of development, feeding, transplanting, grafting, pruning and other procedures is strongly discouraged.

Daylily is a remarkable plant. Completely unpretentious. Blooms for 1.5 months continuously, and some - almost the entire season. A fantastic variety of colors, shapes and sizes of flowers. Some varieties also smell very nice. And if you are bored with flowering, the buds can be cut off, fried and eaten! For me, the daylily is also valuable for the ease of crossing, that is, the ability to create your own unique varieties. "Sorts" is, of course, a strong word.

Even owners of large plots sometimes do not have enough space to accommodate all their "wishes". What to say about ordinary summer residents, whose land allotment rarely exceeds the classic six acres! But often we ourselves lose a precious place where we could plant a lot of plants. Why leave strips of bare earth when you can find suitable neighbors for the main inhabitants of the garden? The latter will also bring a crop and will not require additional space.

Quiche with chicken and cherry tomatoes - a delicious pie made from tender and crumbly shortcrust pastry with filling. Kish, aka tart, he is an open pie came to us from France, I think many have come across the name quiche Lauren or Lorraine pie. There are different versions of the recipe - with caramelized onions, with fish, with different vegetables or mushrooms - the principle of preparation is the same. Put the filling in the base of unsweetened shortbread dough, fill it with a mixture of eggs and milk, bake.

I have many exotic plants at home. Carried away by them, I lost sight of the traditional ones, so to speak. Once I went to a neighbor and was shocked by the luxurious cascade of pale pink tiered flowers of the Decembrist. Of course, soon I had a scion, which quickly gave roots. I was looking forward to the winter bloom, but the numerous buds suddenly crumbled. I didn’t look for a reason for long, it turned out to be offensively banal. What kind of care should be provided to the Decembrist?

Lazy cabbage rolls with sauerkraut and chicken fillets baked in the oven in a thick gravy of sour cream and tomato sauce, in my opinion, are even tastier than ordinary cabbage rolls with fresh cabbage. Once I saw on TV a recipe for Hungarian cabbage rolls, in which the filling was wrapped in whole sauerkraut leaves. Since there were no whole sauerkraut heads in the bins, I had to improvise, and the result exceeded expectations. I offer another recipe for stuffed cabbage rolls.

One day my neighbor and I were drinking coffee on her veranda, and my attention was drawn to an object dangling like a decorative piece under the roof. I knew right away that it was a bottle gourd (lagenaria). “Before, when there were no plastic pipes and other devices, we used it to pour wine and rakia into barrels,” said a neighbor. I went home with the seeds of Lagenaria and since then I have been growing it on my site. In this article I will tell and show you how I make bottle pumpkin dishes.

Today, the private gardens contain many huge mature conifers that tower over the houses, casting shadows over the surrounding areas. At the same time, most conifers respond positively to pinching, which allows you to keep the tree in check, without harm to its health and appearance. If you decide to settle a coniferous tree reaching the height of a large-sized tree in a small garden, then you need to immediately start "raising" a seedling.

Potatoes with mushrooms and chicken - a classic and win-win combination of products! This dish is easy to prepare in a skillet. In less than an hour, you will get a delicious roast for lunch or dinner. Any mushrooms are suitable for the recipe. To preserve wild mushrooms for several days, you can boil them in salted water and store in the refrigerator, and mushroom broth is always useful for soup or sauce. Serving such a roast is convenient in cast iron portioned pans.

ATTENTION! This is an archive page, currently relevant:

Lunar calendar for the gardener 2017 - Seedling. Crops for seedlings

The table of the lunar calendar given on this page is a thematic selection from the universal made for the convenience of planning work related to work on the beds. Garden strawberries are present in this section, since it is more convenient for us to view works related to it in the "garden" section of the calendar.

March is the awakening of the earth.

March is the first month of spring. The touching first sprouts of seedlings delight, filling the soul with warmth and hope ... Sowing of vegetable seeds for seedlings (peppers, tomatoes, etc.) continues. Towards the end of the month, warm beds (using biofuel) are being prepared in the garden for sowing cold-resistant vegetable crops and planting seedlings.

In March 2017, the lunar phases were distributed so that the most favorable days for sowing seedlings of all flower crops (flowers), as well as vegetable crops such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and cabbage, fall only in the second decade of the month (from March 10 ), and ends at the full moon (March 22).

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time... (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time *)

Moon calendar

Garden work, activities for the care of vegetables and other plants

from 01 March 2017 00:00 (Wed)
to 02 March 2017 10:42 (Thu)

The growing moon in the sign of Aries

Favorable period for sowing seeds parthenocarpic cucumbers grown on the window. Available sowing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants(the next sign - Taurus is more favorable to this). Germination of grain crops to obtain vitamin seedlings. Loosening the soil and, if necessary, thinning the seedlings.
(We still have a blog:, entry from the lunar calendar only)
from 02 March 2017 10:42 (Thu)
to 04 March 2017 13:05 (Sat)
Watering plants and applying mineral fertilizers. Favorable time for soaking and sowing for seedlings of seeds determinant tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis, cabbage(early ripening colored and white cabbage, broccoli, Peking), aromatic and medicinal crops. Sowing parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing on the window. Transplanting seedlings of indeterminate tomatoes and tall varieties of peppers into large containers. It is possible to lay out potatoes for germination. Spring garlic and onion sets are placed in a warm room for warming up. Sowing lettuce on greens.
03 March 2017 Sowing of tomatoes for seedlings is planned.
from 04 March 2017 13:05 (Sat)
to 06 March 2017 15:54 (Mon)
Do not water the plants on these days. Possible only " dry watering"indoor plants - loosening the surface crust of the soil, destroying the capillaries, which draw moisture from the depths. Pickling of seedlings is possible.
from 06 March 2017 15:54 (Mon)
to 08 March 2017 19:45 (Wed)

The growing moon in the sign of Cancer

It is strictly forbidden to carry out pruning and pinching of plants. Watering and application of mineral fertilizers. Favorable period for sowing determinant tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, physalis... Favorable time for soaking and planting seeds cabbage(early and mid-ripening white and colored, broccoli, kohlrabi and Peking) for seedlings, aromatic and medicinal crops, bush beans, parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing on the window. Sowing watercress and onions on a feather in heated greenhouses is favorable; sowing on seedlings of petioled celery, leeks, onions.
from 08 March 2017 19:45 (Wed)
to 11 March 2017 01:07 (Sat)

The growing moon in the sign of Leo

Unfavorable time for sowing seeds and replanting. Covering greenhouses and greenhouses with foil for quick melting of snow and warming the ground. Convenient time for loosening seedlings and working with the soil in closed ground.

March 9 (21.02 st. Style) - Midsummer's Day (Acquisition)
"If the snow (fell) on Finding, then trample it until April (the spring will drag on)"

from 11 March 2017 01:07 (Sat)
to 11 March 2017 17:02 (Sat)

growing moon in the sign of Virgo
Better not to sow anything. Transplanting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis into large containers.
A rather long period begins without favorable days for sowing plants for seedlings, the purpose of which is to grow "tops" - aboveground fruits. If you don't have the opportunity to wait, then a blog post will help you find alternative days:
from 11 March 2017 17:02 (Sat)
to 13 March 2017 19:28 (Mon)


It is not recommended to sow, plant, transplant, cut anything. Preparation of soil and seedling containers. Thinning of seedlings, loosening of the soil in planting containers is possible. Clearing greenhouses and film greenhouses from snow. Purchase of fertilizers, stimulants, plant protection products from pests and diseases, seeds.

March 12, 2017 17:53 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (middle of the lunar month,: until March 13, 2017 8:28 am Moon in the sign of Virgo, then in the sign of Libra).

March 13 (28.02 art style) - Vasily Teplyi (Kapelnik)
"By the thawed patches around the trees, they determine: Steep edges - spring is friendly. If it rains on Vasily, there will be a wet summer."

from 13 March 2017 19:28 (Mon)
to 15 March 2017 18:10 (Wed)

waning moon in the sign of Libra

Favorable time for sowing black onions and leeks for seedlings. Sowing potatoes from seed. Laying out potatoes for germination. Seedling picking tomatoes and peppers.

March 14 (01.03 Art. Style) - Evdokia (Avdotya) Vesnyanka
"What is Avdotya - such is the summer. Rain on Evdokia - to a wet summer"

from 15 March 2017 18:10 (Wed)
to 18 March 2017 06:00 (Sat)

waning moon in the sign of Scorpio

Watering and foliar feeding with organic fertilizers of seedlings. Spraying plants with growth stimulants. Favorable time for sowing seedlings of black onions and radishes in heated greenhouses. Laying out potatoes for germination.

March 15 (02.03 Art. Style) - Fedot Vetronos
"Fedot is evil - not to be with the grass. (If the weather is bad, the wind, then the spring will drag on)"

from 18 March 2017 06:00 (Sat)
to 20 March 2017 18:31 (Mon)

waning moon in the sign of Sagittarius

Loosening the soil, thinning seedlings. Possible transplant, pick and feeding seedlings.
In those regions where snow is already melting, cleaning greenhouses and film greenhouses from snow residues and covering them with film. Shelter of carrot beds, perennial onions and second-year parsley, sorrel, rhubarb and other perennial vegetable crops.

March 18 (05.03 Art. Style) - Konon Ogorodnik
"From that day on, they began to prepare a vegetable garden for future plantings. It was believed that it was possible to soak seeds for seedlings only after Konon Ogorodnik"

from 20 March 2017 18:31 (Mon)
to 23 March 2017 05:28 (Thu)

waning moon in the sign of Capricorn

Favorable time for sowing black onions and leeks for seedlings. Laying out potatoes for germination. Sowing root celery for seedlings. Picking seedlings into large containers. Spraying seedlings with growth stimulants. Transplanting low-growing varieties of tomatoes. Top dressing with organic fertilizers.

March 22 (09.03 Art. Style) - Magpies (Forty Sorokov)
"Larks with" secrets "are baked on this day"

from 23 March 2017 05:28 (Thu)
to 25 March 2017 13:06 (Sat)

waning moon in the sign of Aquarius

A very unfavorable time for planting and sowing seedlings. Preparing greenhouses and greenhouses for the season. Sprinkling ash on the ridges, covering them with a dark film in order to accelerate the melting of snow, and subsequently warming up the soil on them. Thinning of seedlings, spraying against pests and diseases, application of organic fertilizers.
from 25 March 2017 13:06 (Sat)
to 27 March 2017 06:15 (Mon)

waning moon in Pisces

Pruning trees and shrubs is not recommended. Watering and feeding seedlings with organic fertilizers, plant transplantation. Sowing of early radish in heated greenhouses is possible. Favorable time for spending picks seedlings tomatoes, peppers, eggplant.

March 28, 2017 05:56 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month, - until March 27, 2017 17:10 The moon is in the sign of Pisces, then in the sign of Aries.

from 29 March 2017 07:03 (Wed)
to 29 March 2017 18:48 (Wed)

The growing moon in the sign of Aries

Favorable period for soaking and sowing the seeds of parthenocarpic cucumbers for heated greenhouses. Picking tomatoes, peppers, eggplants into large containers. Sowing and planting of plants with a short growing season (watercress), as well as climbing plants.
from March 29, 2017 18:48 (Wed)
to 31 March 2017 19:40 (Fri)

The growing moon in the sign of Taurus

Favorable time for watering plants, applying mineral fertilizers. Sowing of determinant and super-determinant tomato varieties for seedlings; early ripe varieties of pepper, physalis. Favorable time for sowing melons and gourds (zucchini, squash, pumpkins, cucumbers etc.) for seedlings, as well as tomato picks and the peppers planted earlier.
from 31 March 2017 19:40 (Fri)
to 31 March 2017 23:59 (Fri)

The growing moon in the sign of Gemini

Unfavorable time for watering seedlings and plants grown on greenery. Loosening of the soil ("dry irrigation"), thinning of seedlings. Pickling of seedlings is possible.

Work on the table of the gardener's lunar calendar for March 2017 completed 02/09/2017

The gardener's lunar calendar was made in this form at the suggestion of one of the active visitors to our site on the forum.
We try to accommodate your comments. With suggestions, please contact. To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours ... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.