Boomerang at home. How to make a boomerang out of paper or wood: step by step instructions

Boomerang for Russia is a very exotic weapon. At their core, boomerangs are sporting weapons and are not qualified or prohibited in any way. Indeed, this is not a homemade crossbow and it is insanity to prohibit throwing a boomerang at a speed more than permitted by law, and who should be standardized, a boomerang thrower? :)

So the boomerang is ignored by the law, as, indeed, is the homemade sling. Therefore, you can safely make and throw boomerangs without violating Russian law. The main thing is to make sure that the tested boomerang does not cause damage and does not fly into your head when returning.

The dimensions of the boomerang are not large, the distance between the edges is from 30 to 50 cm. Despite its small size, the striking power of a correctly launched boomerang is very large.

Boomerang blueprints

The homemade boomerang is crafted from durable, dense wood. Under normal conditions, it is best to take multilayer plywood with a thickness of 8-10 cm. It is better to choose imported waterproof plywood, it, unlike Russian, does not exfoliate and withstands a blow well when a boomerang hits a target or an accidental tree. For small boomerangs, you can use a large kitchen cutting board as a starting material. This is a perfectly aged dry wood that lends itself well to processing.

Take a look at the drawing of the boomerang below.

The coordinate grid has a cell size of 5x5 cm, scale it to the workpiece and you can start making a boomerang.

Here is another version of the drawing of a boomerang, it is adapted for making from plywood and has a simple profile.

Such a boomerang is much easier and faster to make, and flies no worse than a boomerang with a complex streamlined profile.

As a child, we made boomerangs according to drawings from Modelist Constructor and Young Technician. An example of such a drawing is below.

I must say that even several boomerangs made according to the same drawing have their own characteristic features of flight and features of a throw.

Among the drawings of boomerangs, there are also very original ones, for example, stylized as "Betman".

By the way, watch the video of throwing such a boomerang - it flies very well!

And these are the blueprints for a three-bladed boomerang.

When making this, the easiest way is to make each blade separately, and then connect them in the center using overhead elements.

Wood is not the only material for manufacturing, it is simply the cheapest and lends itself well to processing. But, you can also use durable plastic or metal.

How to make a boomerang with your own hands

First, you need to transfer the contour of a homemade boomerang to plywood or the material from which you will make a boomerang and cut it out.

The easiest way to do this is using a paper template printed on ordinary office paper - here's an example, something that fit on one A4 sheet.

The second part is printed separately and used after the first stroke.

A regular hand jigsaw works well for sawing. Slowly, but efficiently, however, you can use the electric one - everything is in your hands.

The boomerang profile is controlled using counter patterns as in the figure below.

However, for simplified models according to those drawings of boomerangs that have a flat bottom and top, you can do without counter templates - just draw the edges of the profiles, since the descents are not complicated.

Processing is carried out using sandpaper, first we put coarse-grained, then finer. This work is best done outdoors - there is a lot of wood dust from sanding! A grinder will not interfere with this, with its help you can make a boomerang in 30 minutes. But it can take a whole day to do it manually!

After manufacturing, the boomerang is varnished. The yacht varnish has proven itself very well - it holds well, gives texture to the wood and holds the shock load quite well. The boomerang is covered with three layers of varnish with an exposure time between varnishing procedures.

If you want to apply a pattern to the boomerang, it is done after the first varnish. Acrylic paints from your regular office supply store work well.

How to properly launch a boomerang

The boomerang is launched with the right hand, the throw is made at an angle of 10 to 35 degrees. The flight path depends on the angle of the throw. If the launch angle exceeds 45 degrees, the boomerang will shoot up sharply and then also abruptly return along an almost vertical trajectory on your head.

The boomerang throw must be strong enough, while in the final phase of the throw, it is necessary to give the projectile a twisting moment with a sharp movement of the hand.

The flight of the boomerang is highly dependent on the wind, it is better to throw it against the wind, then the wind will help the boomerang when returning. For precision throws, it is best to use a calm day.

Watch a video of boomerang throws.

Please note that catching a boomerang is done with a clap with both hands! If you try to catch a boomerang with one hand, you can injure your fingers!

Like a sling, a homemade boomerang requires a lot of practical experience to accurately hit a target. This is not a rifle or a crossbow, much depends on the weather conditions and the ability to correctly throw a boomerang in these conditions.

Here is a recording of boomerangs flying from a quadcopter.

As you can see, with the proper skill, the boomerang always returns.

What makes a boomerang interesting for a survivalist

Firstly, by its uniqueness. The law does not prohibit making a boomerang and a sling, you can safely train with them anywhere. Boomerang develops coordination and is good for general athletic performance.

In the case of BP, the boomerang will not be perceived as a weapon, but the kinetics of its impact is very high, precisely because of the angular velocity of rotation of the ends of the boomerang.

The boomerang's ability to return in the event of a miss is very convenient when hunting birds. I mean hunting during survival, of course, not going out with guns and vodka at normal times.

During a flight through a flock of birds or over water - a boomerang can knock down more than one target, the size of a small bird is not so large to stop it, we add to this return in case of a miss and it becomes clear - if you are more or less able to own a boomerang, then hunting with it will be more convenient for him than with a bow or crossbow. After all, arrows and bolts after a miss must be looked for, and when they hit, they tend to break. And the boomerang is wiped off with a rag and is ready for battle again! :)

The video below shows the launch of a homemade boomerang, which is already 20 years old, and these years it flew on weekends, and did not hang on the wall.

And making a boomerang is much easier than a powerful bow or crossbow.

Boomerangs are a type of throwing weapon made of wood that was used in ancient times. However, the time when they were a dangerous and serious weapon is long gone. Today, this throwing weapon is a simple, ordinary toy that will delight both children and adults.

It is worth noting that you can make a boomerang yourself, at home. To do this, you need to stock up on all the necessary materials and follow all instructions for its manufacture. The main feature of the boomerang is that when thrown correctly, it returns back to the person who launched it. However, it should be noted that there are special, combat models that do not return after being thrown back to their owner.

Important! Despite the fact that the boomerang is a simple toy for entertainment, it can still harm human health if misused. Therefore, before launching boomerangs, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the relevant safety precautions and familiarize yourself with the rules for launching it.

Double-beam boomerang scheme

Probably, most people have a completely natural question: how can you make a boomerang, what is needed for this? Answering it, it should be noted that making a boomerang from a tree that returns is not so difficult. Indeed, as a rule, when it is self-made, dense, durable wood is used.

As an analogue, for self-production, at home, instead of wood, you can use multilayer plywood as a starting material. The thickness of the plywood should be at least 8 cm. Answering the question: how to make a boomerang out of plywood, it is worth noting that in this case, during its manufacture, it is preferable to use imported waterproof plywood.

This is due to the fact that imported plywood, unlike similar products of a domestic manufacturer, will not delaminate during use. In addition, it is shock-resistant, so a boomerang made from it will not disintegrate in the event of a collision, for example, with the first tree that comes across.

On a note! To make small boomerangs, you can use, as a starting material, an ordinary cutting board, which every person has in the kitchen. Such a board is made from seasoned, dry wood and is excellent for further processing. This is especially important when the material needs to be given the desired shape, while respecting all angles.

There are many varieties of boomerangs. They are:

  1. Combat.
  2. Hunting sports.
  3. Multi-bladed.
  4. Peel - Peel.
  5. Kylie.

However, it should be noted that not all boomerangs can return to their owner after launch. For example, combat models do not have this ability. Before you start making a boomerang with your own hands, first of all you need to get a drawing of it. Today this is not such a big problem, because a drawing of a boomerang of almost any kind can be obtained without much effort on the Internet.

A drawing of the product must be printed or drawn on a sheet of paper and special coordination grids applied to it. The mesh size should be 5x5cm. By using such a mesh, you can more accurately model and scale the workpiece. After drawing the drawing, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of the product itself.

Required materials and tools

To make a boomerang yourself, you will need a small amount of materials and tools. During the handicraft, independent manufacture of this product, you will need:

  • a sheet of plywood or well-dried wood;
  • one sheet of cardboard;
  • varnish (alternatively, it is fashionable to use paint);
  • jigsaw (you can use a jigsaw if available).

Also, during its manufacture, you will need a plane for the primary processing of wood and sandpaper of different grain sizes. As an alternative to PVA glue, it is best to use epoxy. You will need a brush to apply paint or varnish. Also, during its manufacture, you may need a knife and a hacksaw.

The manufacturing process does not take much time and effort. At the initial stage of production, you need to make a sketch of the product, while observing the proportions of its natural size, as well as the shapes. To do this, the drawing must be transferred to a sheet of cardboard. The cardboard should be dense, of small thickness.

Making your own boomerang out of wood that comes back at home on your own is a pretty simple task that will not take much time and will not cost much effort. All that is necessary for the independent production of this product is directly its drawing (diagram) and all the necessary tools, as well as consumables.

It is worth noting that when choosing a blueprint, you need to take into account the fact that not all boomerangs are designed to return back to the original point of their launch. For example, combat or heavy models that were used by Australian Aborigines for hunting do not go back to the person who launched them. Some self-made models made from wood with their own hands can only come back if they were launched against the direction of the wind.

Raw billet

Cutting material boomerang

After the drawing of the product has been found, and its dimensions have been established, you can start making a boomerang. For example, it can be made out of 3 ordinary pieces of wooden lath. The lath can be made of pine, birch. At the initial stage of manufacturing, it is necessary to make all measurements and cut drawings on the rails, as well as their subsequent connection.

Then, along the previously drawn lines, you need to make cuts using a hacksaw on a tree, 1/2 of the thickness of the lath. It should be noted that the cuts should be without distortions, on both sides, both above and below the rail.

In the places where sawing, with a knife, you need to carefully, observing accuracy, break off parts of the wood. As a result, you should get a groove less than ½ of the thickness of the rail itself. Breakage points must be processed with a file. The surface of the wood must be perfectly flat.

Output of wing profiles

After the materials and individual elements of the product have been prepared, you can start assembling it. Then you need to use a knife, boomerang blades, to give an aviation wing profile. In this case, it is very important not to confuse the sides of the product.

Bending of boomerang blades

During the manufacturing process, the blades of the product need to be given a slight bend. It should be noted that it should be on the convex side of the blade. It is worth noting that the bend affects the speed at which the boomerang returns to the initial point from which it was launched. Simply put, the greater the bend, the faster it will return to its owner after launch.

To give the blades a bend, they must be placed in a container of boiling water and wait a few minutes until the wood begins to soak and becomes flexible and soft. Then the blades can be bent. It should be noted that the bend should be slight. Cylindrical objects can be used to give the blades the required bending.

Painting and varnishing

Before painting, the boomerang must be assembled, and its surface must be carefully sanded with sandpaper so that there are no burrs or irregularities on it. It can be varnished or treated with colorless wood. It can also be painted with ordinary paint in any color. To do this, you need to use the most ordinary brush.

In order for the product to dry without smearing a layer of applied paint on its surface, you need to use a special stand. An ordinary plywood sheet with three nails hammered into it can serve as such a stand. It is necessary to carefully place the product on these nails so that the paint on it dries and does not smear.

Video how to make a boomerang out of wood

Wood is the most popular material used in making boomerangs. This is due to the fact that wood is a lightweight, durable and at the same time affordable material that you can easily find in your home or buy on the market or in a hardware store. There are many different models of boomerangs made of wood. To get acquainted with them, as well as with the main nuances of their manufacture, circuit drawings, sizes and drawings, you can watch the video posted on the Internet.

It's time for summer and outdoor activities!

When I was 13-16 years old, my dad and I did a boomerang (then I did the second myself). This topic is interesting to me to this day, which we will talk about further.

From the background:

As a child, in some magazine I saw a boomerang and a drawing and instructions on how to make it. Dad and I got this idea on fire and made a boomerang. It was a "classic" boomerang (well, like the aborigines of Australia;), because it was their weapon). Here we have such a boomerang. Its wingspan was approximately 50-60 cm.

We made the boomerang from 10 mm thick plywood (both the first and the second).

After the blades were carved and given the desired shapes and proportions, we putty the grooves in some places and painted them. The boomerang has gotten a little heavier.

As I remember now, we went to the test))) ....
We had a clearing not far from our house. Very large, a house was being built on the outskirts. People had vegetable gardens, in some places reeds grew.

Learned to throw a boomeran He returned, but returned with such force that once flying through the reeds - he mowed them, mowed some potatoes in the gardens)))), Once he returned, so far (he returned 100 meters back from us) that from all Mahu crashed into the house, fortunately not through the window ... a neighbor jumped out with horror and round eyes when he heard a strong slap.

As a result, this boomerang broke, hitting a stone. But we have plenty of napuskalis :)

Then I did the second! I lost it, or rather did not find it;) - in windy weather I flew into the wheat. The search was unsuccessful.

What do I want to say?

Boomerang is a fun and interesting "toy" for both children and adults!

On the Internet, I accidentally came across a scanned copy of the magazine, the drawing on which I made the first and second boomerangs, which prompted me to write this article.

Here is this pattern to be transferred to the plywood.

Boomerangs are best made of wood. Commonly used are strongly bent roots and twigs of hardwoods such as beech, oak, birch and linden. It is important that the wood is firm, heavy and well dried. If there is no such piece of wood, then we use plywood.

For convenience, we fix the boomerang blank on the bed with clamps and start processing with a plane or a rasp, and then with a file.

The boomerang blades should resemble a "propeller" on one side and smooth on the other. We process it as shown in the figure, observing the dimensions and cross-section. Towards the ends, the boomerang blades become thinner to 6 mm. In the center - boomerang thickness - 8 mm.

After you have processed the workpiece to its final state and all proportions and dimensions are observed, you can start grinding it with sandpaper. The boomerang should be completely smooth and free from roughness.

We varnish the boomerang in 2 layers. You can start testing immediately after the varnish has dried, or before varnishing to check the flight performance. Suddenly it will have to be finalized.

How to properly launch boomerangs

The boomerang is launched strictly in an upright position (and slightly upward) with the right hand from behind the head so that the convex side of the boomerang should be on the side of the thumb.

If the weather is windy, then the boomerang should be launched into the wind, if under the wind, then it may not return.

Here is an approximate flight path of the "classic" boomerang, which I wrote about above.

There are also four-bladed and three-bladed boomerangs and they belong to semi-sports and sports

The pictures below show how to make these boomerangs. I also had a cruciform (four-bladed) - this can be done even from 2 wooden rulers. His flight radius was 20 meters, and if he started it hard, he could make 2-4 circles and return. It is also easy to do - from 2 wooden plates (well, or from a single piece of plywood or wood). The wing profile is exactly the same shape.

More options with boomerang sizes

There are also a large number of forms, so to speak, designer boomerangs.

For example, this boomerang pattern ... maybe someone will like it))))

What kind of boomerang to make is up to you!

During tests and further start-ups, safety precautions should be observed, since it is still a throwing weapon:

Here is the permanent address for this article:

I wish you a good warm season, creative ideas for you!

Making a boomerang yourself at home will not be difficult. In this article, we will walk you through the making of several types of these flying objects.

Did you know that not all boomerangs return to their owner after being thrown? When hunting large animals such as kangaroos, the aborigines of Australia used non-returning boomerangs. Throwing such a boomerang almost horizontally. And he himself was curved less than its modern brother and reached a length of up to 1 meter.
Today boomerang is not used for practical purposes. It is used to develop manual dexterity or just for fun. The device is generally not tricky. Perfect for learning the basics of aerodynamics.

Classic L-shaped boomerang

Manufacturing material: thin plywood.

First, let's prepare a template. Take heavy paper and mark it out with a 50mm square grid. In the diagram, the convex side is facing the reader. Transfer the outlines of the boomerang from the diagram to the prepared sheet of paper and cut it out. To check the symmetry of the resulting template, bend it along the OA axis. Make sure both sides of the boomerang are aligned.

Now glue the template onto the plywood sheet. At the same time, the outer layers of plywood must remain perpendicular to the OA axis. Use a jigsaw to cut the boomerang along the outline. Please note that finishing only needs to be done from the side shown in the diagram. Leave a flat surface on the bottom. Use a flat file to ensure that the thickness of the boomerang passes smoothly from the middle to the edge.

For each section shown in the figure, make a counter-template from tin or thin plywood. Next, use the same flat file (or semicircular file) to profile and grind the surface. The edges must be carefully rounded. Do not forget to constantly compare the boomerang cross-sectional profiles with the translucent templates throughout the entire procedure.

All that remains is to balance the boomerang. To do this, along the OA axis, you need to attach a thread to it and then hang the resulting structure. None of the boomerang's wings should outweigh. If this does happen, correct the balance of the model by attaching a small lead rivet to the lighter wing.
All is ready. Now you can start painting the boomerang with its further varnishing.

Cruciform boomerang

Crafting material: linden, oak, birch or other heavy wood.

Two-bladed option

Make the boomerang blades according to the above diagram. Cut grooves in them. Then glue the “wings” together, or connect them with screws, making sure that the balance is observed.

Three-bladed option

The range and flight time of such a boomerang is increased from 3 to 8 percent.
If you have no experience in handling a boomerang, then it is advisable that the length of the blades in both variants of the scheme does not exceed 25-30 cm.

Safe boomerang

Production material: paper.
This option is absolutely safe for others. Making a boomerang out of paper is incredibly easy. As a result, you will get a boomerang that duplicates the principle of the wooden prototype. Following the diagram, cut a blank out of paper.

Bend the edges of the blades towards you. If you are left-handed, use the opposite direction of the fold.

Well, you have achieved the desired result, as you can see, making a boomerang at home turns out to be very simple, the main thing is just to want it strongly.

Safety engineering

Making a boomerang also entails basic safety rules for its use. It is recommended to use a boomerang in large open areas in calm weather. There should be no people nearby. If you noticed someone, you need to warn him about your actions.

Attention! Using a boomerang without observing safety precautions can lead to criminal penalties. The information in this article is for peaceful purposes only. Anyone using the obtained data for criminal purposes is fully responsible for their actions.

If you are interested in this topic, then let me suggest a few more:

And in conclusion, on the video, how to make a boomerang out of wood:

Today the boomerang is just fun, although it used to be one of the means of hunting. The instruction article will provide basic information about what this item is, what its types are, as well as how to make a boomerang out of plywood correctly so that it functions well.

General features

As such, the boomerang is a sporting weapon today. A standard tool has approximately the following parameters: from 30 cm to half a meter between its edges. But this is the weapon to which the saying "small, but remote" comes in handy, since if the boomerang is done correctly and even more so correctly launched, then its destructive power is really amazing.

The shape of the gun is a bit like a wing, and it is this shape that allows you to throw a boomerang along a certain trajectory. But its flight is influenced not only by the shape, but also by the material and profile of the "wing", which must be calculated and designed with great precision. The aerodynamic characteristics of the boomerang will depend on the accuracy of the calculations.

So the upper and lower planes of the gun should be slightly shifted, then a good height and range of the boomerang will be ensured. The most reliable and functional boomerangs made from natural wood, but they are expensive. Therefore, we propose to make a sports item from plywood.

Drawing creation

So let's start practicing how to make a boomerang out of plywood. Dimensions and project drawings are the first things to master before picking up a saw and other tools. To make the perfect boomerang with a simple configuration, you need to create the drawing below.

A life-size drawing is a kind of template for future workpieces. Each cell is equal to a square with a side of 5 cm. This is a project of the simplest type of boomerang. You can also build three- and four-bladed guns. Below is the blueprint for the sporty 3-cotton boomerang.

The practice of making a homemade boomerang

So, the first step is to make a template on paper according to the drawing created earlier. To do this, draw a grid of 50x50 mm squares on a thick sheet of paper. Next, transfer the contours of the future tool from the diagram to the sheet and cut out the template. We glue this template to plywood. Cut the plywood along the contour of the glued template with a jigsaw (manual or electric).

Important! The boomerang must be symmetrical, so you need to bend the made paper template along the axis and check that its sides coincide.

How to make a boomerang out of plywood is clearly demonstrated in the video below. The article will describe the process of creating a simple boomerang, what we are doing for what, and what is needed for this. So, from the materials we need plywood, it is better to take sheet material, consisting of several layers. The acceptable thickness of such plywood is 8-10 cm.

Note! One side of the boomerang remains completely flat, without bulges. Finishing is done on one side only.

Now it is necessary to give the blades the wing-like shape required for aerodynamics. Use a flat file to give the boomerang the desired profile. The ends of the blades can be thinned slightly, leaving more "body" in the middle. It will be easier to do this using pre-created counter-templates.

Counter-templates can be made of the same thin plywood or tin. Use a flat file to profile the surface and sand thoroughly. Particular attention should be paid to the edges, which must be carefully rounded. And it is imperative to balance the weapon.

To do this, along the OA axis, which is indicated in the drawing above, we attach a thread to the boomerang and hang the weapon from it. Both blades should be at the same level, if neither of them outweighs, then the boomerang is perfectly balanced. If this is not the case, then a lead rivet can be attached to the lighter blade to achieve balance.

Now we need to process our workpiece to perfect smoothness. To do this, we use sandpaper of different grain sizes. The first is coarse-grained, then finer. This will take a lot of time and patience, but if you have a sander, half an hour will be enough.

In conclusion, you can decorate the boomerang, or you can simply open it with 2-3 layers of varnish. It is recommended to use yacht varnish for this business, it fits perfectly and gives a special texture to the material. In addition, it perfectly withstands mechanical stress when the boomerang collides with objects.

Important! In the process of coating the product with varnish, between each subsequent layer, you need to stand for some time so that the coating comes out smooth and even.