Ladders to the attic with their own hands. How to make an attic ladder

For cottages outside the city, private houses and ordinary cottages equipped with any attic, the presence of a reliable and convenient staircase is an important element.

Ladders to the attic can be located either outside or inside the building. Portable ladders are usually used as a temporary option.

Standard folding ladder

Folding stairs can be made of wood and metal (aluminum). The combination of these materials gives the best results. For wooden models, you need to use solid wood. The thickness should be at least 2 cm. Wood should not be used when the folding ladder is used too often, because this leads to rapid wear. In this case, the best option is a metal product.

Plastic accessories are also used to prevent rubbing of components during transformation and to seal when the fixture is folded. The manhole cover is filled with polystyrene foam and provides good thermal insulation.

Folding models can be opened manually or automatically using an electric drive. Often, a load is attached to the mechanism with a manual drive, which greatly facilitates the process of assembling the product, as if it pulls the ladder into a special niche and, on the contrary, smoothly lowers it, compensating for the weight.

The main requirements for such devices are their compact size and high strength. In addition, the aesthetics of the model is important - a good ladder transformer should blend in with the ceiling.

Standard dimensions of stairs:

When buying folding fixtures, it must be taken into account that the product parameters must match the dimensions of the manhole cover, otherwise the folding parts will touch the hole. The hatch is optimal, in which a sliding model 70 cm wide and 120 cm long is built in. With a smaller opening, it will be inconvenient to climb. If the dimensions of the hatch are large, large heat losses are possible. Since the attic is an unheated room, a good thermal and vapor barrier must be provided.

When choosing the angle of the fixture, it is important to consider that the smaller it is, the larger the size of the attic needs to be made and the larger the staircase should be when unfolded.

The folding model must be strong and reliable. Therefore, a combination of materials may be the best choice. For example, when steps and railings are made of wood, and the parts responsible for the transformation are made of metal. Such structures will not be expensive, but they can serve effectively for many years. Only those parts on which there is practically no pressure can be made of plastic or composite, because due to the constant load they can fail very quickly and the device becomes unsafe to use. Often there are plastic or rubber pads on the step that prevent slipping.

Sliding loft stairs

Sliding sliding models consist of two sections, one of which is fixed directly on the hatch cover, and the second is vertically extended using special guides.

When you add this ladder, one section will slide into another, which is quite convenient. The only drawback is the bulky design, which requires a wide opening in the attic floor.

When thinking about a folding ladder system, it is worth remembering that attic sliding ladders can vary in design. In particular, it is customary to distinguish between the following types of systems:

The main types of products are:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • composite.

Selecting the type of stairs

The main criterion for choosing the type of fixture is compliance with the desired installation height. The size and height of the stairs are determined from the floor of the room to the ceiling. To install the attic model, the dimensions of the hole are determined. These will be the dimensions of the hole directly in the ceiling. The attic model can be installed in concrete and wooden openings.

Manufacturers of stairs offer a wide range of attic models. In any case, the installation and assembly of the product will depend on the material of production and the design features proposed by the manufacturer.

Necessary tools and materials

You can make a staircase with your own hands. To get the job done special tools and materials are required:

Simple fixture design

The modern staircase leading to the attic is no longer a cumbersome stationary structure, but a completely new mobile and practical model. For the manufacture of attic models, the simplest and most affordable design is chosen, for example, you can make a two-section folding ladder.

Making a folding ladder to the attic with your own hands begins with measurements. To do this, measure the height of the room, as well as the expected angle of the fixture. Recall that the angle of inclination is achieved empirically. As practice shows, this angle is 30 degrees.

The height to the ceiling should be 2.5 m, and the length of the stairs should be 3.0 m. Carefully draw a drawing of the stairs. For manufacturing, it is recommended to use logs for an inclined seam in width, fasteners, upper door hinges, as well as boards for steps.

In addition, you need to purchase folding pendants that fix the hatch cover. Having prepared the necessary materials, we begin to create a device. When working, you should take into account the height and width of the stairs themselves, as well as the number of steps. Stages are fixed in the traditional way on both sides. This may be using the "peak-groove" mounting method or using screws and glue. At the step, it is recommended to apply or stick an anti-slip pad. Installation of the device begins with mounting under the ceiling. Two rods, equal in width to the stairs, are connected to each other by contours.

The main disadvantage of this folding ladder is its appearance, as all fasteners and rods are visible.

Creating a hatch

Making a folding model in the attic with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

When making a wooden staircase, it is necessary to take solid wood (oak, beech, ash, larch) with a thickness of at least 2 centimeters. The hatch is the basis of any attic stairs.

You can make a hatch with your own hands using the following materials:

  • bars 50 × 50 mm;
  • plywood.

First, you need to know the parameters of the width and length of the hole for which the hatch is made, and then add 6-8 millimeters to the values ​​obtained.

The order of work is as follows:

  • determine the location and size of the future hatch;
  • then you need to cut the timber into 4 parts of the required dimensions;
  • cut grooves at the ends of the beams;
  • then we lubricate the grooves with glue and connect the beams, we strengthen the seam place with screws;
  • then fix the plywood;
  • try to put the device on the hatch;
  • to close the hatch well, pierce the latch in the lid;
  • to open the hatch, you need to make a handle that is inserted into the hole and presses the latch.

Folding ladders have gained wide popularity today, as they combine two important advantages at once: saving space in the room due to the prefabricated ladder system and the possibility of comfortable and safe access to the attic. Whatever the function of the attic in your home, it can only be climbed with the help of a ladder, which will become a link between the two floors.

Long gone are the days when homeowners had to climb a bulky ladder to the attic. Modern options for the attic are good because they take up a minimum of space both in the folded and unfolded state, and it is difficult even for an attentive person to guess the presence of such a design behind a beautifully finished attic hatch.

And such a wonderful alternative to helical structures and ladders as a folding attic ladder is definitely pleasing to the eye - you can make it with the right fasteners, with a strong spring mechanism and no worse than modern expensive market products. And even better!

Advantages and disadvantages of folding stairs

A folding attic ladder should be easy to hide and fold under the ceiling, and therefore it is customary to make it shorter, with a small number of sections. After all, each extra step in this regard is an additional weight and volume.

Such stairs are good primarily because they can significantly save space. At the same time, they do not spoil the ceiling of the dwelling at all. After all, the entrance to the attic is often located just in one of the inhabited rooms of the house. At the same time, such stairs are quite functional, durable and compact. And using them is as easy as shelling pears: just pick up a special rod with a hook at the end and hook on the ring.

Then, with your left hand, you can easily take out the bottom step of the extreme section, reach the floor and straighten all the other components of the ladder. In the same way, doing everything in reverse order, you easily fold the ladder back and remove it into the ceiling. Moreover, many modern attic stairs also unfold and fold with the help of an electric drive, which is generally incredibly convenient:

Another benefit is safety. Going down and up such a ladder is much safer than using an attached ladder: it will not break underfoot and the legs will not suddenly “leave”.

And finally, ease. The lightest folding attic stairs are made of stainless steel and aluminum, so that the attic floor is not subjected to serious loads. As you understand, in view of the design features, such a staircase can only be made of metal.

Why is it better to make the stairs yourself?

Ready-made industrial stairs, which the market is actively offering today, are quite convenient, as far as one can judge from the available reviews on them. But we do not recommend putting them in attics that you often have to climb (for example, our workshop or mini-library is located there).

Why? Because such ladders often turn out to be quite flimsy in practice - this is not hand-made production, but mass production, and no manufacturer needs to make them too durable. For any product, the maximum border load is always calculated, which often does not take into account quite a lot of factors and force majeure. And this is the case when you are in a calm state and with almost no additional weight in your hands, carefully descending or ascending. If you slip, fall, or a sufficiently complete relative decides to lift a heavy box into the attic - expect trouble.

Also, such stairs are often made quite steep, and it is inconvenient to go down them with something in your hands - you need to stick to one. And go down only backwards. Therefore, it is quite natural that many home craftsmen who have built their own house or bath see no reason to buy fragile and expensive folding stairs to the attic. Why, if they can be made with your own hands, and of excellent quality and much greater reliability?

Moreover, in this case, you have much more choice both in terms of material for the manufacture of stairs, and the fasteners themselves. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dimensions of the future structure, so that later it folds easily and compactly over the hatch, nothing touches the opening and does not create problems.

Another common reason that many undertake to build such stairs on their own is that most industrial options usually have very thin and fragile steps - they literally creak underfoot.

So, in order to make such a ladder for the roof with your own hands, you will need wooden trimmings. Decide first on the dimensions of the future attic opening, and in the second step, make the lid and frame of the hatch. Then you will attach a ladder to it. On each side, it is desirable to leave gaps of 7-8 millimeters. Here are the technical parameters:

So, now let's figure out what types of attic folding stairs are.

Design #1 - Sliding Ladders

Sliding ladders usually consist of two sections, one of which is attached directly to the hatch cover, and the second is moved apart vertically with the help of special guides. When you fold such a ladder, one section seems to crawl over another, which is quite convenient. The only negative is the bulkiness of the whole structure, which requires a wide opening in the attic floor.

Design #2 - folding with spring mechanism

The most popular today are folding stairs, otherwise called sectional. These consist of three or four sections, which are easily straightened into a flight of stairs. They are interconnected by a special spring mechanism.

Folding structures are considered the most complex in their design, since they have many fasteners and must be correctly attached to the hatch opening. Such stairs are made of both wood and metal.

Construction #3 - telescopic ladders

The next view is a telescopic design. She shows herself remarkably well in cases where the attic is visited quite often. For example, when it was specially insulated to make it residential, although it has not yet reached a full-fledged attic. That is, we are talking about a technical attic, like a dressing room or a workshop, and in this case it is better to put a residential attic in a spiral staircase made of wood or metal and always with a railing.

In a telescopic design, the blocks are pulled out one by one, while taking up as little space as possible. And such stairs are good, especially because they can be extended to almost any length, which is especially valuable for high ceilings. But such devices are not suitable for children and the older generation in the house, who find it rather difficult to reach the lower section and generally cope with the whole structure.

Design #4 - Simplified Folding Ladders

These types of folding ladders do not hide behind a hatch in the attic, but they are easily removed into a corner or behind an interior decoration. For example, here is such a rarer species, which is usually made independently, also has the right to life:

And such options for folding stairs are quite popular abroad:

But both of these options have considerable disadvantages, some of which are able to bring discomfort to the interior of the living space, from where there is access to the attic, and after a month or two such designs are already boring the owners with their stupidity to the point of soreness. And therefore, we still suggest that you deal in more detail with more practical folding ladders that can be easily folded and hidden behind a manhole cover.

How to determine the parameters of the future stairs?

So, let's give you some tips on choosing an attic ladder.

  • Council number 1. When you choose the parameters for the future staircase, consider the mechanism of the hatch: when it is opened and closed, it can move forward and backward slightly.
  • Council number 2. If the ceiling in the room is high enough and exceeds 3.5 meters, it is better to install a marching or attached structure, or a spiral staircase, which will be safer in this case.
  • Council number 3. When making a hatch, keep in mind that the larger the opening, the more heat will go to the attic.
  • Council number 4. Another point that you should pay attention to is how the hatch will open. For example, in ready-made market options, most often it opens slowly, thanks to special springs, and certainly does not fall on anyone's head. Be sure to work on this point, especially since special parts are not difficult to acquire today.
  • Council number 5. The steepness of a staircase is always determined by it only by its angle. The larger the protrusion of the step, the greater the number of these steps and the smaller their height. But this does not mean at all that it will be convenient for you to climb and descend on such a ladder. Therefore, we will call the most convenient step height of 20 centimeters, which is most suitable for a standard human foot.

Here is a very useful video that will help you avoid many mistakes when installing such a ladder:

What fasteners and materials are needed?

As for the base material, a wooden staircase will be the most affordable, but here it is important to pay special attention to the strength of the fasteners. To make such a ladder, you will need two long and two short bars, as well as a piece of plywood 10 millimeters thick.

Let's look at this point in more detail. All designs that help open the stairs with a hatch down differ only in the presence of additional mechanisms and depreciation. Cushioning, in turn, makes it easier to close and open the stairs. And you can buy all the necessary hinge elements at any store. But simple metal strips drilled in several places are quite suitable for arranging such a staircase, and an aluminum sliding system will cost you the most for arranging stairs.

Simple and practical fastening:

More complex system:

But what are the requirements for fastening the entire staircase. The first is the ability to support the weight of the entire structure, as well as the weight of the person who will climb and descend it. And not only the static loads of a person standing on it with its certain weight, but also dynamic ones, which are much more than static ones. For example, a person stumbled and abruptly stood on a lower step, or staggered and leaned on the stairs with all his weight, but sharply and suddenly.

And, finally, we note the ability to easily control the design. As you understand, such a ladder weighs decently and it is important that you then look at it easily to open it. And when closing, you will have to lift all the weight at once, so provide special springs that will make the whole process easier for you over time - you will be grateful for such a trick.

Instructions for making a folding ladder

So, let's go through step by step how to make a folding ladder for your attic. You will need the following tools: a hacksaw, a ladder, hinges, two beams, bolts, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver and a metal hook.

The process itself can be divided into several steps:

  • Step 1. Fasten the top beam to the opening with hinges, and the bottom beam with self-tapping screws. The fastener itself should be on the back of the stairs.
  • Step 2. And now we connect everything using the most common bolts, with a diameter of 6 or 8 millimeters. A smaller diameter may not withstand the load, a larger one is simply not needed. Remember that self-tapping screws cannot be used here at all - they will not withstand the load and on a certain day they will simply tear out the entire system mount.
  • Step 3. Now we divide the stairs into three parts, measure 2/3 and make a cut, just between the steps.
  • Step 4. We connect the sawn parts again, but already with loops.
  • Step 5. Nail longer bars on the reverse side so that they turn out obliquely for strength.
  • Step 6. Now the ladder itself is supplied under the hatch and pressed against the wall with the upper bar. Secure this bar with bolts.
  • Believe me, in practice everything will be much easier!

A convenient solution for getting to the attic directly from the house is an attic staircase with a hatch. Thanks to this device, a lot of space in the house is saved, and you can go upstairs without much effort.

Manufacturers, models and prices

There is a wide range of models on the market. Among the well-established manufacturers, European brands stand out:

  • VELTA (Denmark).
  • ROTO (Germany).
  • FAKRO (Poland).
  • Nozycowe (Russia).

Approximate prices in rubles for popular models can be seen in the table.

model, manufacturer characteristics price, rub
Optistep OLN
Nozycowe foldable
"Comfort" VELTA
Roto Cadet 3 ISO-RC ROTO

dimensions beech, pine, maximum load on steps 150 kg, on the entire structure 350 kg, height up to 290 cm
Roto Cadet 2 ISO-RC ROTO

When choosing a specific model, you should proceed from the following parameters:

  • dimensions of the product (based on the height of the house and the size of the hatch, which is made or which has yet to be done);
  • the maximum load on the steps and on the structure as a whole - if frequent economic use is expected, it is better to take it “with a margin”;
  • how insulated the hatch can be estimated by the thickness of the insulating material;
  • presence / absence of folding railings - if there are elderly people or children in the house, it is better to choose structures with bulkheads.

Before choosing a specific staircase, it is assumed that the hatch to the attic has already been made. It is easy to make it with your own hands, which is described in detail in the corresponding section.

Do-it-yourself ladder installation with a hatch: step by step instructions

After acquiring the model, the question arises about the installation of the structure. If there is no finished hatch to the attic, you can make it yourself, taking into account the size of the stairs - more on that later. If it is, you can immediately get to work. About it right now:

A detailed video, which clearly shows the technology of mounting an attic staircase with a hatch on the example of the FAKRO model, can be seen here.

Do-it-yourself attic hatch: step by step instructions and video

If the passage to the attic is provided only from the roof itself (from the street), then in order to maintain a constant warm temperature in it and prevent the roof from freezing, it is advisable to seal the street opening and create an internal hatch in the ceiling, under which then pick up the stairs.

Making a hatch yourself is a real option that does not require much effort. Structurally, the mechanism consists of:

  • opening (base box, built into the thickness of the ceiling);
  • hatch covers;
  • opening-closing mechanisms (closers, clamps).

Before choosing a specific place for making a hole, you need to consider the following details:

  1. The place should be located in a convenient place so that the stairs do not interfere with the passage and at the same time be located close to the utility rooms, from where you will often have to raise or lower things.
  2. The fundamental requirement is that the opening be located at a sufficient distance from the load-bearing floor beams that serve as the main ceiling.
  3. In the event that the attic is cold, it is important to take into account in measurements that the insulation lies in the opening at a sufficient thickness.
  4. In any case, the opening is reinforced with additional ceilings: if the ceiling is wooden - with wooden beams, if concrete - with the help of metal corners.

The technology for creating an attic opening in the ceiling is as follows:

The hatch must be insulated if the attic is cold and the house is located in harsh climatic conditions. Mineral or ecological wool can be used as a heater. In any case, it is important to put a layer of vapor barrier on the side of the house so that it does not collapse under the influence of natural humidity.

Detailed video instructions are available here.

Do-it-yourself ladder with a hatch: step-by-step instructions and video

Finally, the staircase itself with a hatch, with certain skills, can not only be installed independently, but also made. Since it is easiest to get the required amount of wood from improvised materials, in most cases you can make a wooden folding ladder (from 3 sections) connected by hinges at home.

Regardless of the specific type of construction, it should be assumed that:

  • the stairs had 12-15 steps at regular intervals, comfortable for a small step;
  • the width of the steps was from 20 mm;
  • the limit slope was 70 degrees;
  • the hatch was wide enough, but not too wide (in order to keep warm) - usually 120 * 60 cm are enough.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, you need to clarify all the design parameters - the height of the stairs, how many parts it will consist of and the dimensions of each of them, as well as the size of the opening leading to the attic (in accordance with it, a hatch will be made).

To help you draw up a drawing, you can use the options shown in the diagrams below.

You will need the following tools and materials:

  • hinges, self-tapping screws, anchors;
  • saw;
  • tape measure and building level;
  • wooden staircase;
  • bars with a thickness of 20-30 mm: 2 short (along the width of the hatch) and 2 long (200 mm longer).

Algorithm for manufacturing a 2-section ladder

Having collected all the necessary materials, you can proceed with the installation:

  • If there is no finished staircase, you can make it yourself from durable wooden beams, which then must be sanded so that they do not give chips.
  • Short bars are connected to the top and bottom of the stairs with hinges.
  • NOTE. It is highly desirable to strengthen the stairs, for which you can nail two slats on the back side along the entire march.

  • Next, from the bottom up, you need to measure the stairs and stop strictly at the mark of 2/3 of its length.
  • At the marked point, you need to carefully cut it into 2 parts and connect them with loops.
  • From above the ladder fastens under the hatch. For this, hooks and loops are used, which will block the self-lowering of the structure. The opening itself can be mounted according to the scheme:

Such a ladder is the simplest option, but it does not fit completely into the attic.

To make a classic folding structure, you need to make a 3-section ladder.

Algorithm for manufacturing a 3-section ladder

The installation sequence is as follows:

All technology is reflected in step-by-step photos.

There is an option with the manufacture of the hatch opening mechanism on a spring - the technology is also shown in the photo selection.

You can see in detail how to make such a design at home, here.

How to use an attic ladder

It is very easy to operate an attic ladder with a hatch, and even a child can handle it, since the design provides for convenient opening and folding. The sequence of actions is clearly shown in the figure.

First, the hatch opens (a special cord is designed for this). Further, the ladder extends due to the fact that the lower part stretches towards itself, and the whole structure unfolds (or moves apart in the case of accordion stairs). It does not require special efforts - a woman and even children can handle it.

Some models are equipped with an automated opening system - they are more expensive, but provide maximum comfort. In some cases, it is enough to open the hatch using a special remote control supplied with the structure.

To take care of the stairs, it is enough just to occasionally lubricate the moving mechanisms (joints, hinges) with ordinary technical oil.

It is better to hold the rope at a sufficient height so that children do not reach it. You can raise it to the very ceiling and open the hatch by climbing onto a stepladder or a sturdy chair.

An attic staircase with a hatch is a great option for country houses with permanent residence, since you can get to the attic directly from the house, which saves heat both indoors and on the roof.

Varieties of attic stairs

All attic stairs can be divided into 3 large groups:

  • monolithic;
  • portable;
  • folding.


Monolithic - these are traditional stairs leading to the 2nd floor, to the attic. They are perfect for capital construction with a large area. If the area is small, you can choose the screw option.

If the place allows, then it is quite realistic to put a classic mid-flight staircase with one or even two spans.

The advantages of such devices are many:

  • they are capital structures that are very convenient to use, including for children and the elderly;
  • they look very nice;
  • with their help, you can organize the space well - for example, you can install drawers, chests of drawers right under the stairs, which will be both beautiful and practical.

But this option is not suitable for small houses, as well as in cases where the attic is not heated - cold air will constantly flow from the space.


These are ordinary ladders that are very affordable and quite easy to carry to any place. They are indispensable in the household, however, in terms of access to the attic, they are not so convenient:

  • installation of a hatch in the attic is mandatory, regardless of the type of stairs - and in this sense, the built-in version is much more convenient than a separate staircase and hatch;
  • the ladder is not reliable: if you carry loads, there is a risk of falling, and a securely made attic staircase equipped with a hatch completely eliminates such cases.


This is the type of stairs that is best suited for country houses. The basis is always a mechanism that allows you to conveniently fold the ladder and place it above the hatch, and close the hatch cover hermetically to prevent cooling of the house.

Depending on the design features, the following types of attic stairs with hatches are distinguished:

How the ladder is arranged and what advantages it gives

If space allows, then in the house you can equip a stationary spiral staircase with railings and a wide march. However, this option is not suitable if:

  • the attic is not heated and is not intended for year-round use;
  • there is not enough space in the house for such an overall structure;
  • you need to get into the attic infrequently and only for economic purposes.

For such cases, an attic staircase with a hatch is needed, which is a single mechanism consisting of:

  • a three-section folding ladder, all parts of which are conveniently stacked like a transformer on top of each other and stored in the attic;
  • warm hatch, which is mounted directly on the ceiling;
  • fastening and connection mechanisms.

There are different options in terms of dimensions, but on average they are small values:

  • the hatch is 120-130 cm long, 70-90 cm wide;
  • ladder height from 270 to 330 cm;
  • when unfolded at an angle, the ladder takes about 120-200 cm.

The product is quite affordable, and in most cases it comes with a minimum lifetime warranty of 8-10 years. The conveniences that such a staircase with a hatch for getting into the attic gives are obvious:

  • At any time, you can get to the attic from the house, and not from the street.
  • Thanks to the warm hatch, the attic can be blocked from the side of the street and additionally insulated - thanks to this, it will become warm, and it will be possible to store almost any items, equipment, etc. on it.
  • Thanks to a warm attic, the heat loss of the house is significantly reduced, since the main part of the heat (up to 30%) goes through the ceiling.
  • The ladder is portable, it can be easily rolled up and does not take up space in the house.
  • The attic ladder allows you to withstand heavy loads and eliminates the risk of falling, unlike a ladder: you can safely carry heavy loads to the attic.
  • Finally, thanks to the hatch and the attic staircase itself, a beautiful view is created in the house - when it is in a collapsed state, the ceiling looks as usual, without unnecessary mechanisms.

From the space of the first floor, the staircase looks like this:

When building a house, many include an attic in the layout. Naturally, you can not do without stairs. To make the descent and ascent as comfortable as possible for all the inhabitants of the house, we suggest studying all the nuances of this design and the requirements for its construction. Creating an attic staircase with your own hands is not a difficult task, it is enough to have all the necessary materials, drawings, tools and allocate some free time.

Variants of folding stairs to the attic

Stationary design (marching or screw) .

Rebuilt for permanent use. Reliable, safe, convenient, but takes up enough space.

Folding with hatch. Installed at the entrance to the attic hatch. Compact, but less reliable and safer than the previous one. Depending on the type of construction, it can be folding, scissor telescopic or lever.

  • Scissor - most often completely metal. The folding mechanism resembles an accordion. In the process of caring for the structure, lubrication is necessary, otherwise creaking cannot be avoided over time.

  • telescopic- usually aluminum, fairly light and rigid. When unfolding the sections of the ladder, they slide out one from the other.

  • Folding (lever)– two-, three- or four-section design. The first part is attached to the hatch opening and is equal to its dimensions. The remaining sections, connected by hinges and hinges, are laid out in a flight of stairs.

  • Folding - in the assembled state, it is fixed on the wall. Card loops are used to fasten the steps to the bowstring.

Attached (ladder). The least safe and extremely inconvenient for daily use.

Requirements for attic stairs

  • Safety. The design must be reliable and durable. This applies to both the material used and the fasteners. In some cases, anti-slip step pads are recommended.
  • Stair options. For comfortable use, steps with dimensions of 70 cm (width) x 30 cm (depth) x 20 cm (height) are considered optimal. From the point of view of safety and reliability, the total length of the entire structure should not exceed 3 m. The recommended angle of inclination is 45 °. Although options from 60 to 70 ° are possible. The classic design has 10 - 15 steps about 2 cm thick. The surface of the steps must be parallel to the floor. The structure must be able to withstand a load of at least 150 kg.
  • Hatch dimensions. The most optimal option is 120 x 70 cm. If you make it smaller, it will be inconvenient to use, the larger size of the opening will contribute to a very significant heat loss. If there is no heating in the attic, you can provide heat and vapor barrier for the hatch.

Location of stairs

Ladders to the attic can be external and internal. The latter, of course, are much more convenient, you can go up to the attic without leaving your home. Designs are usually located in a corridor or a hall. It should be placed in such a way as not to interfere with the free movement of residents of the house. It is important to remember that the area occupied by it in the unfolded state of the space is inversely related to the angle of inclination. The smaller it is, the more space will be required.

Manufacture and installation of a folding ladder with a hatch to the attic

It is not difficult to build a folding attic ladder with your own hands, you just need to follow the instructions below.

Let's consider how to make folding attic stairs of various types.

Simple two-section ladder

We make a simple ladder according to individual sizes.

Next, the finished flight of stairs is sawn into two unequal parts (1/3 and 2/3). They are fastened together with card loops, and the design takes on the appearance of a folding one. A wooden bar is attached to the wall under the hatch. With the help of loops, a ladder structure is fixed on it.

In order not to open, the ladder is fixed on the wall with a hook, the loop to which is located at the point where the sections are connected.

The main disadvantage of such a ladder is that it cannot be hidden in a hatch. If it is important for the owners that the design does not spoil the appearance, a three-section staircase can be made.

Staircase of three sections

The finished design will look like this.

First of all, the hatch cover is made. From a plywood sheet with a thickness of 10 mm we cut out a blank. In size, it should be 8 mm larger than the hatch itself around the entire perimeter. With this allowance, the lid will close freely, while maintaining thermal insulation properties.

For the manufacture of the hatch frame, we need 4 beams, equal in size to the length and width of the cover (section 5 x 5 cm). At their ends, cuts are made with a depth of 2.5 cm, they are smeared with glue. The bars are fastened with self-tapping screws. To make the diagonals perfectly even, you can use temporary scarves made of thin plywood sheets. When the frame is ready, the scarves are removed and the cut-out blank of the hatch cover is fixed on it with self-tapping screws.

The next stage is the manufacture of the ladder mechanism itself. This is a hinged version without a spring. The entire set of parts for it can be purchased at the store, but we will tell you how you can make it yourself.

First, on sheets of cardboard, you should recreate the drawing of the planned staircase, taking into account the opening angle of the hatch. We try on the cut-out layout on the spot. This will help us determine the required hinge length.

For the manufacture of one mechanism, we need metal elements: a rectangle, 2 strips of different sizes, a corner. We drill holes for hinges for bolts No. 10. We assemble and tighten the parts. With the help of a bevel, we measure the angle at which the hatch will open and open the structure to the desired angle. On the rectangle, select the area overlapped by the resulting angle, and cut it out with a jigsaw.

We cut off the excess from the strips of metal and round them at the ends. Now the corner can be locked in the desired position.

Next, we make a similar element in a mirror version. To do this, each pair of parts is fixed on the clamps. A hole is drilled into which the bolt is inserted. Next, a second hole is drilled. The blanks are twisted with two bolts and aligned in length. All elements are created in this way.

The resulting mechanisms are mounted to the cover. The finished structure is hung on the hatch.

Now let's make the sections. Their dimensions will be: the first - 90% of the length of the hatch, the second - 90% of the length of the first, the third - the length of the flight of stairs minus the lengths of the first two.

We need 15 p.m. m boards (10 x 3 cm). We mark them according to the calculations, the angle of the march is transferred to the bowstrings. Bowstrings are mounted in a mirror way, this must be taken into account when marking and drilling. Holes are made at the connection points of the parts of the stairs - in a mirror image through one.

According to the calculated section sizes, we cut the boards into bowstrings. Using a file, we process the holes. Cut out the stairs. All elements are ground, chamfers are rounded. Further, using a chisel, according to the marked marks, we cut grooves for the steps.

Each part of the structure is tightened with self-tapping screws using wood glue.

We make loops from metal strips 2 cm wide. We should get four strips 16 cm long and four 12 cm long. Paws are welded to the short ones, in which a 0.8 cm hole is pre-drilled. The short strips with paws should be equal in length to the long ones. Now we have eight elements of equal length, four of them have a step. We twist the mechanisms with bolts.

Now we carry out the general assembly of the flight of stairs on the manufactured hinges.

We do not recommend using self-tapping screws to fasten the structure to the hatch cover. To do this, we need bolts - they are more reliable. After completing the assembly, we conduct a test. If everything worked out and the mechanism does not need to be adjusted, we remove the ladder in order to paint. Varnish and spray paint for metal are recommended for processing.

For country cottages, private houses and simple country houses equipped with an attic, the presence of a convenient and reliable staircase leading to the said room is a common vital necessity.

At the same time, the staircase should not be capital and bulky at all - you can assemble and install an excellent folding structure that will not be inferior to stationary stairs in any way.

You can handle all the related tasks with your own hands, saving money and testing your own strength.

There are several types of ladders that can be installed to access the attic.


A staircase with wide flights and railings is the most reliable, durable and easy-to-use design. However, the possibility of arranging such a staircase is far from being everywhere - it is definitely not possible to equip it in small areas.


They are mainly used as a temporary option, as well as for access to rarely used rooms. The main disadvantages of such a ladder are low safety and ease of use. Therefore, if possible, the use of such a design should be abandoned.


They are something between portable and stationary ladders. In terms of ease of use and safety, they are practically in no way inferior to full-fledged stationary structures and, at the same time, they have a significant advantage - very little space is needed for their arrangement. Therefore, when making stairs yourself, it is recommended to give preference to a folding structure.

Material selection

An equally important point is the choice of materials from which the staircase to the attic will be assembled. For the manufacture of the main elements of folding sectional stairs, wood is usually used, and fasteners are traditionally made of metal.

Nowadays, there are many different materials, types of controls and fasteners, which makes it easy to assemble a folding ladder that will best suit your particular room.

When choosing materials for the manufacture of attic stairs, you need to consider a number of important factors. First of all, decide on the functional purpose of the structure, its type, width, as well as the optimal number of sections.

The functional purpose of the stairs to the attic is very important in terms of determining the maximum allowable load on the steps. So, for example, factory-made wooden stairs are able to withstand an average load of 150 kgf, metal - 250 kgf. For homemade stairs, these figures are slightly reduced.

This does not mean that the steps will not be able to withstand a higher load, but it is definitely not worth loading them regularly, otherwise the structure will break very quickly.

The width of the stairs, at the same time, should not be more than the width of the attic opening.

When choosing the size of the attic stairs, be guided by proven and approved standards.

Remember: the steps must be installed strictly parallel to the floor surface. In addition, the stairs must be non-slip. To do this, you can fill over the base material lining of any non-slip material.

Attic stairs guide

In the independent manufacture of stairs to the attic there is nothing super complicated. Of course, an inexperienced craftsman is unlikely to be able to assemble a design with the same attractive appearance as factory-made models, but it's definitely worth a try.

Before starting work, create a drawing of the future stairs. In the absence of the necessary skills, order the creation of a drawing by a specialist, or select the appropriate scheme from the options presented in open sources.


Prepare at once all the necessary devices so as not to be distracted by the search for missing tools in the future.

You will need:

Also, before starting work, you need to buy or assemble an ordinary ladder. For self-assembly of this design, you only need to fix the transverse steps between two long vertical posts and further strengthen the structure.

The finished staircase should be about 30 cm longer than the distance from the level of the opening to the attic to the floor.

With the manufacture of the hatch, you can also easily do it yourself. From the materials you will need only sheets of plywood and a wooden beam 5x5 cm.

First step. Choose a place to place the hatch and determine its optimal dimensions. Add about 7-9 mm to the dimensions of the hatch on each side, so that in the future you can easily close the lid without squeaks and other noise. Make an opening in accordance with certain dimensions.

Second step. Cut the wooden beam into four pieces according to the dimensions of the hatch.

Third step. Make grooves at the ends of the bars. Lubricate the prepared grooves and connect the bars into a rectangular (square) structure. Strengthen the connections additionally with self-tapping screws. Screw the scarves so that the diagonal does not lead.

Fourth step. Fasten the plywood cover to the resulting base and try on the product in the hatch opening.

Fifth step. Insert a regular latch into the hatch cover. You will open the latch with the handle. Attach it to the cover and finally fix the product in the pre-aligned opening. Usually loops are used for this.

Simple folding ladder

Start making a folding ladder. It is assumed that you already have at your disposal the previously mentioned wooden ladder.

First step. Attach a beam across the width to the bottom of the ladder. Attach the same bar to the top of the product. In this case, the lower bar must be fixed rigidly, and the upper one - on the loops.

Second step. Saw the ladder into 2 pieces. The upper part should have a length of about 2/3 of the total length of the stairs.

Third step. Attach a pair of battens for extra diagonal stiffness.

Fourth step. Connect the parts of the structure with loops.

Fifth step. Secure the top beam under the hatch with anchors.

Sixth step. Secure the lower part of the ladder with a hook so that it will not unfold spontaneously. Install the loop on the stringer above the cut line.

Seventh step. Press the finished structure to the wall surface and fix it.

The main disadvantage of such a homemade staircase is not a very attractive appearance - the entire timber and fasteners remain visible. However, with the main tasks - ensuring a convenient and safe ascent and return descent - such a ladder copes with 100%.

An improved and more attractive version of the previous design. There is nothing complicated in the manufacture of such a ladder, it is enough to follow all the provisions of the manual step by step.

First step. Divide an ordinary wooden ladder into 3 parts. Make the first part according to the size of the attic hatch, make the second a little smaller than the first, and make the third such that the remaining space to the floor surface is completely covered.

Second step. Take a bevel and measure the angle of the attic hatch. Transfer the corner to the boards, thus marking the location of the steps.

Third step. Drill holes at the hinge locations between the individual ladder sections.

Fourth step. Sand the edges of the structures.

Fifth step. Saw the boards at the hinge points.

Sixth step. Cut and sand steps.

Seventh step. Prepare recesses for steps in bowstrings.

Eighth step. Insert the steps into the prepared recesses. Use glue and further strengthen the connections with self-tapping screws.

Ninth step. Connect the sections of the stairs with special loops. To do this, the sections must be placed on a stable, level surface.

Tenth step. Check the operation of all sections. If defects or deviations are found, try to correct them immediately.

Eleventh step. Sand all wood surfaces and varnish them.

Twelfth step. After the varnish has completely dried, install the structure in the opening of the attic hatch. If necessary, make a final adjustment of the structural elements.

Thus, self-assembly of stairs is extremely simple and accessible to almost every event. At the same time, the cost of a home-made staircase will be much lower compared to the price of a similar factory-made design. Follow the instructions and everything will definitely work out.

Successful work!

Also read the article on our website - stairs to the basement with your own hands.

Video - Do-it-yourself ladder to the attic