What a holiday May 8th. year - The Beatles releases a new disc - "Let It Be"

Such a memorable date, traditionally celebrated on May 8, was established in honor of the famous Swiss businessman and public figure Jean Henri Dunant, who was born on this day. Dunant was a selfless humanist and altruist; it was on his initiative that in the middle of the 19th century groups of volunteers began to be organized to help wounded soldiers on the battlefields.

In 1863, on his initiative, a conference was convened, as a result of which the International Committee of the Red Cross was established. However, the official name - International Committee of the Red Cross - was approved only in 1928 at a conference in The Hague. At the same time, the charter of the organization was adopted. Today, volunteers and staff of the International Red Cross provide assistance to prisoners, the sick and people affected by military conflicts in 176 countries around the world.

The Swiss flag was chosen as the emblem of the IWC; the background color was changed to white, and the color of the cross was changed to red.

V-E Day

May 8th and 9th in Europe are the Days of Remembrance and Reconciliation, dedicated to the memory of the victims of World War II. In Russia, May is also associated primarily with Victory Day. The United Nations invited all Member States to celebrate the anniversary of the Victory on one or both of these days. In the countries of Western Europe, the anniversary of the surrender of Nazi Germany is celebrated on the eighth day: the surrender came into force in 1945 on that very day, at 23:01 CET.
In the USSR, the document that was signed on May 9 was recognized as an act of surrender, so to this day in Russia and the CIS, Victory Day is celebrated on the 9th.

Day of the operative worker of the penitentiary system

Russian employees of the operational units of the penal system (penal system) celebrate their professional holiday in May. This structure was formed in 1925, but officially May 8, 1935 is considered the day of its occurrence. Operatives of the penitentiary system are engaged in the investigation of crimes in places of serving sentences and ensure the safety of prisoners and correctional officers.

Women's History Night in Norway

A very interesting, but still local holiday has recently been celebrated in Norway. Women's Historical Night, along with International Women's Day, is designed to draw society's attention to the problems of gender discrimination, in particular the "glass ceiling" phenomenon (when women receive less wages than men occupying the same positions), violence and prostitution.

The UN General Assembly in November 2004 proclaimed May 8 and 9 as days of remembrance and reconciliation and invited all member states, organizations of the UN system to annually celebrate one of these days or both - as a tribute to the memory of all the victims of World War II.

In many European countries, various commemorative events are held these days - solemn meetings, meetings with veterans and their honoring, as well as reviews of historical military equipment, reconstruction of some battles and laying flowers at the Eternal Flame and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

In Ukraine

The Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation has been celebrated in Ukraine since 2015. The Verkhovna Rada approved May 8 as the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation, and left May 9 as a public holiday, changing its name to "Victory Day over Nazism in World War II."

© photo: Sputnik / Stringer

So, these days Ukraine does not host entertainment events and do not celebrate Victory Day, but only honor the memory of tens of millions of victims of World War II.

Also canceled in honoring the memory of the fallen during the Second World War, the use of Soviet symbols - a symbol of memory in Ukraine, as in European countries, is a red poppy.

V-E Day

In most European countries, in the USA and Great Britain, the Victory Day in World War II is celebrated on May 8 under the name of Victory in Europe Day.

The date of the celebration is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, which was signed in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst on May 8, 1945 at 22:43 CET (at 00.43, May 9, Moscow time) and entered into force on the same day at 23: 01. By that time, May 9 had already arrived in the Soviet Union.

Having learned about the surrender of Germany in the distant 1945, Europe rejoiced, and spontaneous festive celebrations began everywhere. Thus, more than a million residents of London, which survived the devastating Nazi bombings in 1940-1941, gathered in Trafalgar Square and at Buckingham Palace.

Londoners were congratulated on their victory by King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

May 8 celebrations also began in the United States, France and other European countries.

And Soviet citizens learned about the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany at six in the morning on the radio on May 9th. So the discrepancy in the dates of the celebration is attributed to the time difference between countries.

Celebration traditions

In Europe, many countries celebrate this holiday quite magnificently. In France, parades and festivities are held throughout the country. Every year, the president lights the Eternal Flame and lays wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Veterans are invited to this ceremony, each of whom the president shakes hands with.

In England, the celebrations were pompous, although in recent years, after the solemn celebrations of the 60th and 65th anniversaries of the Victory, the celebrations on May 8 are held very modestly.

In Poland, May 8 is a public holiday, although it is not a public holiday. On this day, a parade is held in the capital of the country and flowers are laid at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Victory Day in Europe is considered an official holiday; parades, festivities, and reviews of military equipment are held on this day.

In Norway, this holiday is called Veteran's Day. It is a public holiday and is celebrated with the same solemnity as other public holidays.

In some European countries, Victory Day is celebrated on the days when the country was liberated from the Nazis, such countries include the Netherlands and Denmark.

But there are countries in which Victory Day is not celebrated at all. These include those countries that supported Hitler, including Japan, Turkey and Finland. At the same time, in Italy and Germany, the day of victory over fascism is considered a state, official holiday.

In Europe, the red poppy is considered a symbol of the Victory Day - a commemorative sign of the victims of all military and civil conflicts, as well as a display of a bloody trail from a shot.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

The question of what holiday today is extremely relevant among Russians. After all, every new day is fraught with information about a particular holiday event.

In this regard, today, May 8, 2017, is no exception to the general rules. The fact is that it falls on several holidays at once, namely: the World Day of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Day of the operative worker of the penitentiary system of Russia. In the folk calendar, the day is designated as follows: Mark Klyuchnik.

What holiday is today, 08.05.2017: World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

Every day, employees and volunteers of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement around the world save other people in the most difficult situations. On May 8th we celebrate the International Day of the Red Cross and Red Crescent to remember the incredible work they do.

The activities of the ICRC were awarded three Nobel Peace Prizes (in 1917, 1944 and 1963).

Currently, the international movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent unites more than 400 million people from 175 countries of the world.

In 2005, the Committee decided to replace its emblem with the Red Crystal, as it is religiously neutral. However, this symbol has not yet become universally recognizable.

The fundamental principles of the Red Cross are: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntariness, unity and universality. They were proclaimed during the 20th International Conference of the Red Cross, which was held in Vienna in 1965, the site writes. The main task of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is the implementation of humanitarian programs in the interests of the population.

What holiday is today in Russia, May 8: Day of the operative worker of the penitentiary system

Every year on May 8, employees of the operational units of the penitentiary system (UIS) of Russia celebrate their professional holiday.

This structure in our country dates back to 1925, when the secret department of the Joint State Political Administration was entrusted with secret operational work in political isolation wards. However, May 8, 1935 is considered the official day of the creation of the operational units of the UIS.

Currently, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia has an independent structural unit - operational management. It ensures the personal safety of prisoners and correctional staff, and is also involved in the investigation and prevention of crimes in prisons. Operative employees of the penitentiary system are also engaged in the search for criminals who have escaped or evaded punishment.

As the leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service notes, during the period of reforming the penitentiary system within the framework of the concept of its development until 2020, a special role belongs to the operational units that work in difficult conditions and perform difficult tasks related to ensuring law and order in correctional institutions.

What is today, May 8, a national holiday: Mark Klyuchnik

Day of the Apostle from the Seventy - Mark, who is also known as a faithful friend in the travels of Saints Paul and Barnabas. The popular nickname - the Keymaker - is associated with the legend that Mark keeps the keys to heaven and can bring rain down to earth from them.

So they prayed on his day for fertile moisture, which would not let the earth suffer from thirst, or even simply called the rain: “Rain, rain! On a woman's rye, on grandfather's wheat, on a girl's flax - water with a bucket!

The clear weather of that day foreshadowed a good harvest of spring crops, but it was even better if there were three rains in May, and such that not only wet, but soaked through everything! Then they waited for the birth of bread three years ahead. If there was not a cloud in the sky, then they would say jokingly: “The sky is bright on Mark: the women are hot in the hut.” They also started sowing buckwheat: “A Tatar woman is sown on St. Mark.”

Birds this day also did not go unnoticed. Now they were waiting for their return not one by one, but by whole flocks, and if it happened in the morning to catch them in a hemp field, it means that there was no need to worry about the harvest of this crop. This means that you can feed not only domestic birds, but other birds by spreading hemp seeds in the yard. And they caught siskins, they sang very beautifully.

On this day, the name day is celebrated by: Mark, Sergey, Vasily.

  • 1910 - The wedding of Nikolai Gumilyov and Anna Akhmatova took place
  • 1945 - The final act of unconditional surrender of Germany is signed. However, May 9 is declared Victory Day
  • 1945 - Completion of the Berlin strategic offensive operation of the Soviet troops
  • 1949 - Opening of a monument to the soldiers of the Soviet Army who fell in battles against fascism in Berlin
  • 1965 - The regulation on the honorary title "Hero City" was approved in the USSR
  • 1967 - Opening of the memorial architectural ensemble "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier"
  • Vladimir Sofronitsky 1901 - Soviet pianist and teacher
  • Valery Todorovsky 1962 - producer, screenwriter and director
  • Harry Truman 1884 - 33rd President of the United States
  • Yuri Mamin 1946 - Russian theater scriptwriter and film director
  • Jean Dunant 1828 - Swiss public figure
  • Andre Lvov 1902 - microbiologist, Nobel laureate
  • Fernandel 1903 - actor and comedian
  • Roberto Rossellini 1906 - film director
  • Vasily Pushkin 1770 - poet, uncle A.S. Pushkin
  • Nikolai Novikov 1744 - publisher, journalist
  • Konstantin Romanov 1779 - Grand Duke
  • Romain Gary 1914 - film director
  • Alain-Rene-Lesage 1668 - satirist and novelist

People born on this day are usually friendly and spontaneous, charming and smart. Combining materialism with idealism in a bizarre way, you are sociable, sincere and need people. You keep your spirit youthful for the rest of your life.

This guarantees you the constant sympathy of others. And because you are ambitious, it also helps you reach your career goals.

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. Compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will learn what the planets say about your personality.

You were born on May 8, the zodiac sign is Taurus. You are able to think actively and express your thoughts clearly, are able to critically analyze situations, are ready for hard work and are naturally endowed with a business sense. This explains your ability to accumulate wealth.

You know how to impress people with a unique personality and style.

The desire to transcend the limits of the world can be expressed in your craving for mysticism - or in confusion, escapism and pipe dreams.

But in any case, you are invariably honest, straightforward and extremely freedom-loving. Combined with practicality, this allows you to unleash your full innate potential.

From the age of 13, you awaken the desire to express your thoughts and communicate with others. This desire can inspire you to study and provide you with mental development.

After 43 years, you begin to feel more acutely the need for emotional self-expression, for rapprochement with your family. From the age of 73 you become stronger and more self-confident.

Personal qualities born on May 8

Taurus, born on May 8, is an extremely versatile personality. Therefore, you need to set clear goals and objectives for yourself. By concretizing and developing your plans in detail, you will avoid indecision and anxiety.

The desire for money or luxury can lead you away from your true ideals, so in order to fully develop your outstanding talents, first decide for yourself what your duty really is.

Fortunately, a lively mind and the ability to easily absorb knowledge will always provide you with material stability.

It is likely that education and literary activity will play a role in your career; but it is possible that this will have a positive impact on your life after retirement. However, be that as it may, this is a great way to express your creative nature.

Work and vocation of those born on May 8

Your innate ability to make money, combined with charm, will take you to the pinnacle of success in your chosen professional field - especially if you choose to go into sales, advertising or mediation.

However, those born on May 8 can devote themselves to publishing, journalism, banking, law or politics.

Your inherent organizational skills and ambition will help you rise to leadership positions. And the craving for creative self-expression can lead you into the ranks of writers, poets or actors.

On the other hand, your artistic talents can be realized in music, art or show business.

Any activity related to the land can also bring success: real estate trading, farming or construction.

Love and partnership born on May 8

In need of stability, security, and the means to maintain a high standard of living, you seek to socialize with wealthy people and often turn to friends for financial support.

You are idealistic, but not alien to practicality, friendly and sociable.

Being an amorous person, you are romantic with the people you love, but you need consistency and financial security to be happy.

Do not rush to make a choice: you risk being disappointed by making sure that people do not live up to your expectations.

The ideal partner for those born on May 8

For love and lasting relationships, you better look for a person born on one of the following days.

  • Love and friendship : 6, 8, 14, 18, 23, 26, 28 January; 4, 10, 12, 21, 24, 26 February; 2, 10, 12, 14, 19, 22, 24 March; April 8, 14, 17, 20, 22; May 6, 15, 16, 18; 4, 13, 16, 18 June; July 2, 11, 14, 16, 20; August 9, 12, 14, 22; September 2, 7, 10, 12, 24; 5, 8, 10, 26 October; November 3, 6, 8, 28; December 1, 4, 6, 30.
  • favorable contacts : January 9, 12; February 7, 10; March 5, 8; April 3, 6; May 14; June 2, 30; July 28th; August 26, 30, 31; September 24, 28, 29; October 22, 26, 27; November 20, 24, 25; December 18, 22, 23, 29.
  • Kindred soul : January 12, 29; February 10, 27; March 8, 25; April 6, 23; May 4, 21; June 2, 19; July 17th; August 15; September 13; October 11; November 9; December 7th.
  • fatal attraction : 9, 10, 11, 12 November.
  • Troubled Relationships : January 11, 13, 29; February 9, 11; March 7, 9, 30; April 5, 7, 28; May 3, 5, 26, 31; 1, 3, 24, 29 June; July 1, 22, 27; August 20, 25; September 18, 23, 30; October 16, 21, 28; November 14, 19, 26; December 12, 17, 24.

May 8, 2018 - Tuesday, 128th day of 2018 according to the Gregorian calendar. May 8 corresponds to April 25 of the Julian calendar (old style). Holidays May 8, 2018.

Holidays May 8, 2018 in Russia

  • Day of employees of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation. Every year on May 8, the Day of Workers of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation of Russia is celebrated. The professional holiday of FSMTC employees is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the founding of the system of military-technical cooperation. On May 8, 1953, the Main Engineering Directorate was established under the Ministry of Internal and Foreign Trade of the USSR, whose task was to supply weapons and military equipment abroad. This event marked the beginning of the development of the system of military-technical cooperation in the Soviet Union, and later in the Russian Federation.
  • Day of the operative worker of the penitentiary system. Every year on May 8, employees of the operational units of the penitentiary system (UIS) of Russia celebrate their professional holiday. This structure in our country dates back to 1925, when the secret department of the Joint State Political Administration was entrusted with secret operational work in political isolation wards. However, May 8, 1935 is considered the official day of the creation of the operational units of the UIS. At present, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia has an independent structural unit - operational management. It ensures the personal safety of prisoners and correctional staff, and is also involved in the investigation and prevention of crimes in prisons. Operative employees of the penitentiary system are also engaged in the search for criminals who have escaped or evaded punishment.

Also read:

Holidays May 8, 2018 in Ukraine

  • Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation. 2015 in Ukraine on May 8, on the eve of Victory Day, the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation is celebrated. This memorable date was officially established by the decree of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in March 2015. Due to the difference in time zones, Western countries and the former republics of the USSR celebrate the anniversary of the entry into force of the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Germany on different days: Victory Day in Europe is celebrated on May 8, and Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War is celebrated on May 9. In 2004, the UN declared both days the Days of Remembrance and Reconciliation, dedicated to the memory of the victims of World War II. Previously, in Ukraine, as in most other post-Soviet republics, only Victory Day was celebrated. However, in 2015, it was decided to hold celebrations on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazism in Europe for two days - May 8 and 9. At the same time, Victory Day remained a public holiday, and May 8, the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation, was declared an annual memorial day that is not an official holiday.

World and international holidays May 8, 2018

  • Days of Remembrance and Reconciliation dedicated to those who died in World War II. On November 24, 2004, the UN General Assembly, by its resolution No. A / RES / 59/26, proclaimed May 8 and 9 as the Days of remembrance and reconciliation. Recognizing that Member States may have their own Days of Victory, Liberation and Celebration, the UN has invited all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate one or both of these days in an appropriate manner each year as a tribute to all victims of World War II.
  • World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. Every year on May 8, World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is celebrated. The date chosen for the celebration was the birthday of Jean Henri Dunant, thanks to whose efforts the International Committee of the Red Cross was founded. Having witnessed the aftermath of the Battle of Solferino, when about nine thousand people were left to die on the battlefield, Jean Henri Dunant, a Swiss public figure and entrepreneur, set out to create a Society for the Aid to the Wounded. So in 1863 the International Committee of the Red Cross was founded.

Orthodox holidays May 8, 2018

The following memorable dates have been established:

  • Memorial Day of the Apostle and Evangelist Mark;
  • Memorial Day of St. Sylvester of Obnorsk;
  • Memorial Day of St. Basil of Polyanomerulsky;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Sergius Rokhletsov, presbyter;
  • Tsaregradskaya - the icon of the Mother of God.

Folk holidays May 8, 2018

  • Mark Key. The national holiday "Mark Klyuchnik" is celebrated on May 8 (according to the old style - April 25). In the Orthodox church calendar, this is the day of honoring the memory of the apostle from the 70th Mark of Alexandria, evangelist, bishop. Other names of the holiday: "Mark", "Markov's day", "Bird starvation", "Babi holiday", "Stanislav". St. Mark's Keymaster was popularly nicknamed because, according to legend, he holds the keys from the rains. It was believed that from that day a rainbow appears in the sky. Mark of Alexandria was born in Jerusalem. His uncle was the apostle Barnabas. From a young age, the boy was surrounded by Christians. Even in his youth he became a disciple of the Apostle Peter. Mark built the first Church in Egypt and became Bishop of Alexandria. The pagans, who were against the Orthodox religion, decided to kill him. One morning they broke into the temple, grabbed Mark and threw him into prison. The next day he was taken to court. The saint died on the way. In Russia, on this day, people prayed to St. Mark and asked him not to allow a drought that could destroy sunrises and send down rain, which is so necessary at this time. The peasants looked up at the sky and said a saying that three heavy rains in May would give three years of harvest. They also prayed to St. Mark for various ailments, for the love and peace of spouses, for the patronage of the family hearth. There was another name for the holiday - "bird" or "bird starvation." These days, birds begin to actively return from warm countries to their homeland. Flights are exhausting. They return hungry and tired. Therefore, the peasants scattered hemp seeds over the fields and yards so that hungry and tired birds that flew in from warm lands would not look for food for a long time. The people believed that if birds fly to hemp fields, the harvest of this plant will be good. The tradition of catching siskins on May 8 was also widespread, as it was believed that they bring happiness. St. Mark's Day was associated with special signs for the weather and harvest. For example, a clear day promised a good harvest of spring crops. If there was a rainbow in the sky that day, the weather was predicted from it: a low and flat rainbow promised bad weather, and a steep and high one promised good. Also, this day was associated with certain field crops. So, the people used to say: “A Tatar woman is sown on St. Mark”, that is, buckwheat. May 8 was considered a strong magical day. He was good for divination and lucky for sorcery. Healers on this day were engaged in family and love magic. The day was also good for trips, travel and business trips. It was good to start new things. It was also believed that in order for the money to flow like a river, it was necessary for Mark not to deny himself anything, to buy any thing he liked without hesitation. “The more you spend, the more you get,” people used to say. On May 8, one should beware of interfering in other people's affairs and someone else's fate - otherwise one's own could go awry. Lovers on this day were not recommended to make plans for the future.

Holidays May 8, 2018 in the countries of the world

  • Holiday in Armenia May 8, 2018 - Yerkrapah Day. Every year on May 8, Armenia celebrates Yerkrapah Day, the professional holiday of all members of the RA Volunteer Union (Yerkrapah), founded in 1993. It was officially approved in 2001. The date of the celebration was chosen in connection with the liberation of the city of Shushi (Nagorno-Karabakh) on May 8, 1992 during the Karabakh war. By the spring of 1992, the city of Shusha (Shushi) remained the last large settlement on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, in which the Azerbaijani population predominated. From May 8 to May 9, 1992, the Armenian armed formations took Shusha, the defense of which, in addition to the Azerbaijani formations, was also carried out by the Chechen militant Shamil Basayev. Therefore, the unofficial name of the holiday is also Shushi Liberation Day. The socio-political organization Yerkrapah Volunteer Union was founded in 1993, currently it includes more than ten thousand people, most of whom are veterans of the Karabakh war.
  • Holiday in Norway May 8, 2018 - Women's Night. Everyone knows about International Women's Day, which is celebrated on March 8. But few people know that the Night of Women is also celebrated on the planet. It falls on May 8 and is celebrated in Norway. Women's Night (Kvinnehistorisk Natt), which played a significant role in history, was invented in 2006 by feminists from the Norwegian city of Bergen (Bergen). It turns out that there is still gender discrimination in Norway. The main demands put forward by the organizers of this Night are equal salaries for men and women (in modern Norway, women's salaries are often 80 percent lower than men's salaries in similar positions) and affordable kindergartens (there are not enough of them in Norway, families have to wait in line for some years). Under the influence of these factors, gender discrimination only intensifies: women have to stay at home with their children, and it is unprofitable to go to work and hire a nanny.
  • Holiday in China May 8, 2018 - Feast of Heavenly Empress Matsu. Tian-hou Matsu (Heavenly Empress Matsu) is the goddess of the sea in late Chinese mythology. Her cult originated in the 10th-11th centuries. Tien-hou is depicted sitting on the waves, on clouds or on a throne. She has two assistants: one has a hand attached to her ear, the other is raised to her eyes. According to legend, the prototype of Matsu was a girl from a fishing village named Lin, who lived in 960, who knew how to swim in the sea on a mat and cross to the islands on the clouds. She flew to rescue brothers in distress at sea. When at the age of 28 she ascended to heaven, she became completely subject to all the movements of the waters. If Matsu orders, the floods and typhoons will subside. But if she pleases, the elements can rage again. In 1156, by order of the emperor, a temple was erected in her honor. Sovereigns awarded her magnificent titles. From the 13th century, they began to call her Tian-fei (Heavenly concubine), and from the end of the 17th century - Tian-hou.
  • Holiday in Mexico May 8, 2018 - Miguel Hidalgo's birthday. Every year on May 8, Mexicans celebrate an important memorable date - the birthday of Miguel Hidalgo, who initiated the war for Mexico's independence from Spain. This holiday is celebrated throughout the country, but is not a public holiday. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla was born on May 8, 1753. He was a Catholic priest and revolutionary leader who, with his famous call, launched the war for Mexican independence from Spanish rule.