Fill out the application form 2 2 accounting. Rules for filling out an application for obtaining a tax identification number for an individual

Obtaining a TIN by an individual is accompanied by submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service office at the place of residence of this person. The Tax Service has approved the application form for registration with the tax authority, Form 2.2. In the article you can download this form, as well as download a completed sample application for a TIN.

In order to obtain a TIN, you need to download the application form from the link above, fill it out using the recommendations below and the sample form, and submit it to the Federal Tax Service in person, by mail or through a representative. After a certain period of time, an individual will receive a document confirming the fact of registration with the tax authority, which will indicate the 12-digit TIN number.

When submitting an application to the tax office, you must remember to take your passport with you, as well as a document confirming the individual’s residential address (if it does not coincide with that indicated in the passport). In addition, you must have your birth certificate with you.

Sample of filling out an application for TIN form 2.2

Form 2.2 requires three pages to be completed.

Filling out the first page of form 2.2:

The code of the tax authority to which the application is being submitted is indicated.

The applicant's full name is written in full block letters, according to the passport. If there is no middle name (for foreign citizens), then “1” is entered in the corresponding field.

In addition, on this page of the form you need to fill out the “I confirm the accuracy of the information” section.

Filling out the second page of form 2.2:

General information about the applicant, place of birth, place of residence, and identity document is reflected here.

If an individual changed his full name in the period after September 1, 1996, then the previous full name must be indicated in the appropriate fields, in addition, the year of replacement must be entered.

Below is the gender, place of birth according to the birth certificate, details of the identity document.

The number below indicates whether the individual has citizenship or not. The country code is taken from OKSM.

Filling out the third page of form 2.2:

Stateless persons, with foreign citizenship and for those who presented another identification document instead of a passport, indicate information about documents confirming residence at the specified address.

You also need to indicate your previous address of residence in the Russian Federation, and indicate with a number (1 or 2) what this address was, a place of permanent residence or a place of temporary stay.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons indicate the code of the country of permanent residence before their arrival in Russia, as well as the deadline for registration in the Russian Federation.

The address of actual residence is filled in if the application for a TIN is sent by mail and the address of the place of residence does not coincide with the actual address.

Each sheet of application form 2.2 must bear the signature of the applicant or his representative.

Download the form and sample

Video - obtaining a TIN

An application on form 2-2-Accounting is a document that will have to be filled out in order to register with the Federal Tax Service as a taxpayer. In simple words, an application is submitted to the Tax Inspectorate to obtain a TIN. We will tell you which application form to use and how to fill it out correctly in this article.

Purpose of the document

The current fiscal legislation determines that all citizens, entrepreneurs and organizations must be registered with the Federal Tax Service as taxpayers. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether a particular entity pays taxes to the budget or not. Even if a given person has no obligation to transfer fiscal payments, he is required to register with the Federal Tax Service.

Registering an individual with the Federal Tax Service, or simply obtaining a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), is a mandatory procedure. Without a taxpayer identification number, a citizen will not be able to apply for tax deductions, register an individual business, or create a legal entity (organization). In addition, the TIN is a mandatory requirement for almost all tax and reporting forms.

Therefore, in order to obtain this registration code, you will have to contact the tax office with an application 2-2-Accounting.

Unified form

To obtain an identification number for an ordinary citizen, you must prepare a special written application with a request to register you in the state register of taxpayers. The treasured identification code shows who you are on the list in this state register.

To prepare your appeal, use the unified form, which is approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service dated August 11, 2011 No. YAK-7-6/488@. The unified form is presented in Appendix No. 6 to this regulatory order.

You can download the form 2-2-Accounting at the end of the article.

Full name of the document: “Application of an individual for registration with the tax authority” KND 1112015, form 2-2-Accounting.

The main recommendations for filling out this document are enshrined in the same Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. YAK-7-6/488@ (Appendix No. 16). Next, we will determine a sample for filling out the application (form 2-2-Accounting). So, when preparing a written appeal, consider the following rules:

  1. Enter information into the form by hand or fill out the document using a computer or any printing technology. For handwriting, use only black or blue ink.
  2. If you made mistakes in the 2-2-Accounting sample, you will have to re-create the form. Errors, corrections, erasing or the use of corrective means when drawing up documents of this kind are unacceptable.
  3. If you fill out the form by hand, put dashes in the empty fields. When preparing KND 1112015 on the computer, you don’t have to put dashes.

Enter the information in block letters and make sure that the text is easy to read.

A ready-made sample of filling out the application 2-2-Accounting can be submitted to the Federal Tax Service in person, by mail or through an authorized representative.

Step-by-step instructions for filling out

Step #1: Start filling out the application from the first page.

At the very top of the page, in the “TIN” field, indicate the identification code, if available. Then write down the code of the tax authority to which the accounting form will be sent. You can find out the tax authority code by contacting the Federal Tax Service, for example, by phone, or by checking the information on the official website of the Tax Service.

Now enter your last name, first name, and patronymic, if available, in the appropriate fields of the document.

Enter the information using your passport or other identification document. For example, a child's birth certificate.

Further, the structure of the document provides for dividing the first page into two parts. The left one is filled out by the applicant, and the right one is filled out by the tax inspector. If the documentation is prepared by an authorized representative, then information about the authorized representative is indicated here.

At the bottom of the first sheet, information is entered exclusively by a tax employee. Information about the assigned TIN, the date of registration, as well as details of the certificate itself (date and number) will be indicated here.

Step No. 2. We proceed to filling out the second page.

Here we indicate information if, in the period after 09/01/1996, a citizen changed his last name, first name or patronymic. For example, a woman entered into an official marriage and took the surname of her husband. In this case, please provide information about the changed details and the year of replacement. Now write down the gender of the applicant (1 - male, 2 - female), his date of birth. Fill out information about your place of birth in the same way as on your identity document. For example, exactly as indicated in the passport.

Then register information about the document, which is the basis for confirming the identity of the applicant. For example, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (code - 10 for a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation). Enter information about citizenship and place of registration (residence address).

Step No. 3. Fill out the last sheet.

On the third page of the application we indicate information about the document that confirms registration at the place of stay in Russia. Not only the number, date and other registration data of the official document are written down, but also the address of the place of stay in the Russian Federation is entered.

Methods for obtaining a TIN

A citizen can obtain a taxpayer identification number in the following ways:

  • By personal contact with the tax authority.

From January 1, 2017, you can apply for a TIN and obtain a certificate at any tax authority of the citizen’s choice. Let us remind you that previously it was possible to submit an application and receive a document confirming registration only at the territorial tax authority at the place of residence (registration by passport) or stay of the citizen.

  • Through a representative by proxy.

To submit an application and receive a certificate, the representative must have a power of attorney certified by a notary; in the absence of one, the tax authority will refuse to accept (issue) documents.

  • By Russian Post by registered mail with a list of the contents.

Please note that if documents are sent by mail, a notarized copy of your passport must be attached to the application.

  • Through a specialized service on the Federal Tax Service website.

The fastest and most convenient way to fill out and submit an application for a TIN is to compile it on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Let's take a closer look at this method of preparing a tax registration document.

What to do if your TIN is lost or stolen

To restore a previously lost TIN certificate, a citizen will need to provide a package of documents to the tax authority, as well as pay a state fee of 300 rubles.

  1. Enter your login (email address) and password.

If you have not registered on the Federal Tax Service website before, you must do so by filling out a special form:

Note: registration on the Federal Tax Service website has no relation to the Taxpayer’s Personal Account, which a citizen gains access to through a personal visit to the tax authority.

  1. After entering the login and password, the user will be redirected to the page for filling out the application form

Note: it is better to enter data in order, following the system prompts.

From the stage of preparing a document to sending it, you need to go through 5 steps:

Note: if you plan to receive a certificate from a tax authority other than your place of residence, then in the last block you must select “Other tax authority”:

  1. At the second stage, the system will prompt you to enter information about your identity document, contact information, as well as information about changes in full name, gender, date and place of birth
  1. After entering your passport and contact information, an application number will be generated for which you will need to obtain a certificate

At this stage, you can still return to editing the data and, if you are in doubt whether all the information was entered correctly, select “Return to editing the application” at the very bottom. If the information is reflected correctly, click “Register an application and send it to the Federal Tax Service”:

  1. After completing all the specified actions, the application will be registered and sent to the tax authority for consideration:

You can find out about further actions by clicking on “Wait for a response from the Federal Tax Service” in the “Actions” column:

The procedure for independently filling out an application for a certificate

Note: the official procedure for filling out form No. 2-2-Accounting can be found.

OVBR Forms and forms for opening an individual entrepreneur Application for obtaining a TIN (form and sample) How to obtain a TIN If you need to get a TIN for the first time, or you have lost a previously issued one, there are currently two ways to do this:

  1. Online, through the service for registering an individual with the tax authority - application for a TIN via the Internet.
  2. We submit the completed form for obtaining a TIN (Form 2-2-Accounting) to the tax authority at the place of registration with a passport.

In the application you can download an application form for obtaining a TIN and a sample of how to fill it out. The procedure for filling out the application form for obtaining a TIN Name of the tax authority - full name of the tax authority at the place of registration 1.1 - last name, first name, patronymic 1.2 - tick your gender 1.3 - date of birth in the format xx.xx.xxxx (day.month.year) 1.4 - city (for example: city)

Sample application for obtaining an Inn

YAK-7-6/ Source here and below: 2 - Federal Tax Service. Provided without Appendix No. 1 to the filling out procedure (directory “types of documents certifying the identity of a taxpayer”). I. General provisions 1. This Procedure for filling out the form “Application from an individual for registration with the tax authority” (hereinafter in this procedure - the Application) was developed in accordance with paragraph 5.1 of Article 84 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

2. The general requirements for the procedure for filling out the Application are similar to the general requirements given in paragraphs 2 - 4 of the Procedure for filling out the form “Notification of the selection of a tax authority for registering a Russian organization at the location of one of its separate divisions located in the same municipality, federal cities values ​​of Moscow and St. Petersburg in the territories under the jurisdiction of different tax authorities" (Appendix No. 15). II.

Form 2-2-accounting (form and sample)


If an identification document is presented that does not contain information about the date and place of birth, the information is filled in on the basis of a birth certificate or other document containing such information. 15. The code of the type of identification document is indicated in accordance with the reference book “Types of documents proving the identity of a taxpayer” (Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure).

The details of the identity document (series and number of the document, the name of the body and code of the unit that issued the document, and the date of its issue) are indicated in accordance with the details of the applicant’s identity document. 16. The “Citizenship” field, consisting of one acquaintance, is filled in by putting down the appropriate number: “1” - citizen; “2” – stateless person.

17. In the “Country Code” field, indicate the numeric code of the country of which the applicant is a citizen.

I need to get a registration certificate (inn) again

The date of registration at the address of the place of residence (place of stay) is indicated on the basis of an entry in the passport or a document confirming registration at the place of residence (if not a passport, but another identification document is presented), or a document confirming registration at the place of residence. 23. The field “Former address in the Russian Federation” is filled in similarly to paragraph 18 of this Procedure.

The date of registration at the address of the previous place of residence (place of stay) is indicated on the basis of the entry in the passport (a document confirming registration at the previous place of stay). If the applicant submits a document confirming registration at the place of residence that does not contain the date of registration at the previous place of residence, then the date of registration is recorded without documentary confirmation.

Application for obtaining an Inn - sample

In the field “Country of permanent residence before arrival in the Russian Federation (for foreign citizens and stateless persons)” the numeric code of the country of permanent residence before arrival in the Russian Federation by foreign citizens and stateless persons according to OKSM is indicated. 26. In the field “Completion date of registration at the place of residence (place of stay) on the territory of the Russian Federation (if any) (for a foreign citizen and stateless person)” indicates the end date of registration at the place of residence (place of stay) on the territory of the Russian Federation.
27. The address for interaction with an individual who does not live at the address of residence (place of stay) without documentary evidence is indicated if the application is sent by mail. 28.

Rules for filling out an application for obtaining a tax identification number for an individual

The application for form 2-2-Accounting can be downloaded in PDF format here. Sample of filling out 2-2-Accounting General requirements for filling out form No. 2-2-Accounting are given in paragraphs. 2-4 Procedure for filling out the form (Appendix No. 15 to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of August 11, 2011 No. YAK-7-6/). So, for example, the following basic requirements for the application can be identified:
  • filled out in one copy by hand in black or blue ink or on a computer in Courier New font 16 - 18 points high;
  • You cannot correct errors in the application using a correction tool, use double-sided printing of the document, or staple sheets if this leads to damage to the document;
  • A dash is placed in unfilled cells.

Sample application for obtaining a tax identification number according to form No. 2-2 registration

However, without it it will not be possible to open an individual entrepreneur - application for registration of individual entrepreneur form P21001. Many employers require it during employment.

Its presence is necessary when receiving tax deductions and personal income tax returns, filling out tax returns and in other cases. To register and obtain a TIN, you should use Form 2.2-accounting.
The current application form is valid from October 4, 2011. Additional application samples for an individual:

  • about the closure of IP R26001 - sample;
  • to obtain a Russian passport - sample;
  • for obtaining a foreign passport - sample.

The application is three pages.
The first page is considered the title page; it should indicate where the application is being submitted - the tax code at the place of residence. Next, write your full name, as indicated in the passport.



At the top of page 003 of the Application, the surname and initials of the name and patronymic of the individual who submitted the Application for registration with the tax authority at the place of residence (place of stay) or receipt of the Certificate are indicated. 21. In information about a document confirming registration at the place of residence in the Russian Federation (for a foreign citizen or stateless person; for a citizen of Russia who has presented an identification document other than a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) or registration at the place of stay (in the absence of a place residence), indicate the type of document in accordance with the reference book “Types of documents proving the identity of a taxpayer” (Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure) and the details of the document (series and number of the document, name of the authority that issued the document and the date of its issue) in accordance with the specified document.


Application for obtaining an Inn form 2.2-accounting

Procedure for filling out page 001 of the Application 3. At the top of each page of the Application, an individual registered with the tax authority shall indicate the taxpayer identification number (hereinafter referred to as TIN) in accordance with the document confirming registration with the tax authority (Certificate of Registration with the tax authority, notification of registration with the tax authority, information from the Unified State Register of Taxpayers (USRN), received in the prescribed manner, a mark in the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation). 4. In the “tax authority code” field, indicate the code of the tax authority at the place of residence (place of stay) of the individual to which the Application is submitted. 5. In the fields “Last name”, “First name”, “Patronymic” the surname, first name and patronymic of the individual are indicated in full, without abbreviations, in accordance with the identity document.

The country code is indicated according to the All-Russian Classifier of Countries of the World (OKSM). If the applicant does not have citizenship, the code of the country that issued the document proving his identity is indicated in the “Country Code” field.

18. The “Address in the Russian Federation” field, consisting of one acquaintance, is filled in by entering the appropriate number: “1” - place of residence; “2” - place of residence (if there is no place of residence). The address (district, city, other settlement, street, number of the house, building, apartment) of the place of residence in the Russian Federation is indicated in accordance with the entry in the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, residence permit or document confirming registration at the place of residence (if not presented passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, or another identity document).

Sooner or later, almost every person is faced with the need to obtain a TIN - a personal number that is assigned by the tax authority when registering an individual. This number helps track an individual's tax payments.

You can obtain a TIN on the basis of an application in standard form 2.2-accounting. You can download the application form and sample filling in 2017 in the article below. The current form was approved by order of the Federal Tax Service No. YAK-7-6/488@ dated 08/11/2011, as amended. dated 09/12/2016.

The TIN is useful when applying for a job; the employer, as a rule, requires you to provide this number. It will also be needed when preparing various declarations, when receiving tax deductions, registering individual entrepreneurs and a host of other cases.

It is quite simple to obtain a TIN; you need to fill out an application form 2.2-accounting, the form of which is provided for downloading below, and submit it together with your passport to the tax office at the place of residence of the individual. After receiving the document, the tax specialist will register the citizen with the Federal Tax Service and assign him a twelve-digit code.

It is quite possible that a TIN has already been assigned if a citizen owns a vehicle or housing. In this case, the Federal Tax Service independently opens a case against an individual and assigns him a tax number.

Both an adult citizen and one who has not reached this age, including those under 14 years of age, can register with the tax office and receive a TIN.

How to fill out an application to receive TIN 2.2-accounting

In the application you should write the code of the Federal Tax Service branch where documents are submitted to obtain a TIN.

The full name of the individual is written below, according to the passport or other identification document. If the middle name is missing, this must be noted.

An application in form 2.2-accounting can be submitted personally by the person receiving the TIN; in this case, in the “Authority..” section you should put the number “5” and indicate a telephone number for contact.

The form can also be submitted by a representative of an individual, but to do this, you need to issue a power of attorney to represent interests at the tax office, duly certify it, and indicate the details in the specified section of the form 2.2-accounting. In this case, it should be indicated that the applicant is a representative - put the number “6” and fill in the full name of the representative, his TIN and telephone number.

On the second sheet of form 2.2-accounting, you should fill out information about the individual receiving the TIN:

  • Date of Birth;
  • Place of Birth;
  • Passport details;
  • Information about citizenship;
  • Residence address.

If the applicant submits an application due to a change of last name, first name or patronymic, then the last full name and year of change must be indicated.

If form 2.2-registration is filled out by a foreign citizen, a stateless person, if the place of residence of an individual is confirmed by another document other than a passport, then the details of this document should be written on the third page.

Also on page 3 of form 2.2-accounting you need to fill in the previous address of the individual.

How to submit documents for registration - step-by-step instructions

Step 1 Fill out the standard application form 2.2-accounting.

Step 2 Prepare additional documents necessary to obtain a TIN (passport for citizens over 14 years of age, birth certificate for younger ones, passport of a representative and a power of attorney issued for him.

Step 3 Submit the documents personally to the Federal Tax Service, through the taxpayer’s personal account on the tax website, through the government services portal, and by sending by mail.

Step 4 Receive a completed certificate of registration, where the TIN number will be indicated. The period for issuing the certificate is 5 days from the date of receipt of the papers from the individual.

Form and sample 2017

Application for tax registration by an individual, form 2.2-registration 2017 form - .

A sample of filling out an application for a TIN in 2017 -.