Weekly self care plan. Daily self-care: a plan of procedures for a month

How to take care of yourself I think everyone knows. But not everyone has the time for this. I will clarify - not everyone can and wants to find time for this. I used to be one of them too. When to find time for self-care, if the whole day like a squirrel in a wheel is familiar? Meanwhile, everything is much simpler.

Taking care of yourself is essential, and not just to look good. Much more important - in order to feel good. I will not develop this idea, it is trite “when we look good, we feel confident.”

In the difficult and painstaking business of self-care, my systematic approach has been of great benefit to me. I want to tell you in detail how the process went. Perhaps you will take note and use the direction of my thoughts.

First of all, I wrote a list of all the executions of procedures that would not hurt to carry out with varying regularity, such as: facial cleansing, hair removal, head washing, manicure, face-hair-body masks, and so on.

Then I sorted them out by regularity - those that are done every day, once a week, once a month, and so on.

Daily included in the morning and evening five minutes. In order not to forget, I pasted stickers on the mirror in the bathroom: “milk-ice-tonic-cream-massage”. Practice has shown that after a month the stickers could be removed - the habit stuck to me to death. The main thing is to keep yourself in control and, no matter what, carry out what was planned. It turned out to be very convenient to have two baskets in the bathroom - with morning and evening remedies.

weekly glued on the inside of the bathroom cabinet door - so as not to embarrass the household)) For example, a hair mask, eyebrow plucking or peeling is enough to do once a week. Here, too, it is possible to use a personal "weekly" basket. I dump it on the washing machine, used all the jars, raked it back. Nothing is forgotten. Such massive attacks on my body are done on Saturdays, after the bath, manicure and pedicure are by all means done.

Monthly procedures, you will laugh, but it turned out to be convenient to coincide with critical days. Over time, a reflex developed: “began” or vice versa “ended” - it means it's time to do a steam bath or “big skin cleansing”, visit a solarium or sauna. Also, don't forget about manicures and pedicures to look perfect! You can contact the master, or you can do a manicure at home. If you still don’t have anything for this, I advise you to purchase a starter set of gel polishes for manicure with a UV lamp on the site https://nailsmania.ua/nabory-gel-lakov

Self care plan - 12 months

So, January. Behind the New Year holidays with their fuss, gluttony and alcohol excesses, which means that, first of all, the body needs rest and cleansing. We eat more vegetables and fruits, drink fermented milk and a lot of mineral water. We get out into the fresh air more often - the best thing I can imagine is skiing, but skiing with children will do. It would also be nice to go to the pool or to fitness - physical activity will help to shake up and get back into a rut after the holidays.

February. In February, we all do not look the best, from the cold and wind, the skin turns red, pale and flaky. This month we pay special attention to it - actively nourish and moisturize. We make masks more often, but for now it’s better to forget about the scrub. You can visit a beautician, professional procedures are still more effective.

April. In April, you should put pressure on physical education - summer is coming, and there is still time to get in shape. The ideal option would be outdoor exercises, light morning or evening jogging, since it is already quite warm outside.

June. We put on open sandals, which means that a high-quality pedicure is simply necessary. Better hardware. Better - in the cabin. However, nothing prevents you from doing a pedicure at home. Great addition - foot baths. And of course, epilation.

July. To protect against the July sun, we buy a cream with an SPF filter. In the summer heat, it is better to use cosmetics to a minimum, but it is desirable that all of them have an SPF filter.

August . Vacation time. Coloring eyelashes in the salon with a special permanent paint (and for the most courageous - permanent makeup) will allow you to look attractive, coming out of the sea foam. Don't forget to bring sunscreen to the resort.

In October , when the sun is already low, experts advise to clean the face. Professionals in a beauty salon will help you choose a suitable cleaning method, it is better not to show independence here.

November. We are switching to winter mode. We buy fatter creams, products to protect against cold and wind, as well as nourishing and protective lip balms. Do not forget that moisturizer should not be applied less than an hour before going outside. If necessary, repeat the course of vitamins (after consulting with your doctor).

December. A magical New Year's Eve is ahead, and we must look no less magical. To do this, you need to think over the outfit and makeup in advance, sign up for a hairdresser and a manicure. In order to do everything and not forget anything, we actively use our best friend - the organizer.

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Girls know: beauty is not given just like that. Facial skin requires constant care, and the list of necessary procedures tends to infinity. Moisturizing, nourishing, cleansing, massage - where can you find time for all this? But there is still a way out: you need to make a schedule and distribute all the necessary cosmetic procedures by day of the week.

website offers you a facial skin care schedule for every 7 days, taking into account the biorhythms of the body. And as a bonus, we have prepared a couple of exercises that will help maintain a clear lip contour and will be an excellent prevention of the appearance of crow's feet.

Monday - big purge

The best place to start your weekly skin care routine is to cleanse your face. Therefore, on Monday we will get rid of dead particles that slow down cell renewal and make the skin dull and ugly.

Beauticians consider optimal for such procedures time from 20:00 to 21:00 when the skin begins to prepare for a night's rest.

After normal washing and makeup removal, perform a deep cleansing procedure. For dry skin, scrubs with smooth and fine particles that gently remove dead skin cells are best suited. For oily skin, you can arrange a more serious cleaning (for example, coffee scrub), and for sensitive skin, peels based on fruit or hyaluronic acid are suitable.

Tuesday - meals

The second day of the week we will devote to skin nutrition. On a well-washed face, apply a suitable mask or apply an herbal compress.

Here, too, it is necessary to take into account biorhythms. In the morning, it is better to use a tonic or moisturizing mask, and leave vitamin and regenerating masks for the evening (approximately from 22:00 to 23:00).

Do not forget that the mask is supposed to be applied to well-cleansed skin and massage lines only.

Wednesday - restoration of water balance

And now it's time to take care of saturating the skin with moisture. Before applying the usual cream, we will arrange active moisturizing with special masks.

Can also be used homemade fresh ingredients(carrot, zucchini, honey, apple, cottage cheese). For example, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream mixed with 1 tbsp. l. grated carrots and add the egg yolk.

Moisturizing procedures are good to do in the early morning. A suitable time for the skin to absorb nutrients well will also be the period from 16:00 to 18:00, when blood flow in the body increases.

Thursday - steaming

On the fourth day, we organize a steam bath for the skin. You can make it at home: just hold your face over the pan with herbal or potato broth.

Another option is to visit a beautician who will professionally clean clogged pores and remove blackheads.

It is better to plan a trip to the salon in the first half of the day or from 16:00 to 18:00, when the skin is especially receptive to all procedures. But the time from 13:00 to 16:00 cosmetologists consider it useless for healing - during this period, metabolic processes slow down and useful substances are absorbed with difficulty.

Friday - massage

A light massage will do more than just improve your complexion. This procedure can improve skin elasticity and even smooth fine wrinkles. The ideal option would be to make an appointment at a beauty salon. But, if for some reason this cannot be done, you can have a massage at home.

Do not forget do it along the massage lines, and begin and end with light and soft movements. Usually, cosmetologists advise using 4 basic techniques: kneading, stroking, rubbing and vibration.

And again, we recall that all active procedures are supposed to be done either in the morning or after 16:00, when blood circulation in our body increases.

Saturday - anti-aging treatments

We give the skin a break from cosmetic procedures and arrange for it. Simple exercises will help improve lymph flow and make the skin more elastic, and some cosmetologists even call facial gymnastics a real alternative to plastic surgery.

For example, for elimination of "crow's feet" you need to place your fingers at the outer corners of the eyes, close your eyes and stay in this position for 6 seconds.

And to maintain a beautiful shape of the lips, pull the corners of your mouth up as if you are smiling. Hold the tension for 6 seconds, then relax the muscles. To avoid creases and wrinkles, place your index fingers on the outer edges of the eyes, and slightly fix the nasolabial fold with your thumbs.

A little secret: all exercises must be performed while sitting in front of a mirror, and after each of them it is supposed to relieve tension from the muscles of the face, exhaling through relaxed lips.

Are you ready to live on such a “beauty schedule” or do you have your own principles of skin care?

Good day everyone. The main problem of any working mother is time for herself. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there is not so much of him left. And you always want to look young and beautiful.
For myself, I found the best option, how to plan all the necessary care procedures within one week. And it gives very good results. In general, I allocate about half an hour for self-care in the evening, when a little more. At this time, I do not include mandatory daily procedures such as washing, applying cream on the face, arms, legs, etc.

This way of planning allows you not to forget about yourself and look your best every day, and not just at certain times when it is most needed.

Day 1. Hand care

The skin of the hands ages faster than the skin of the face, and sloppy manicure is always very noticeable. If your work is connected with communication with people, then your hands should always be in order.

Please note, they are a good indicator of problems in the body. Think about it, maybe you should, after all, it's harmful.

  • We file nails, remove dirt.
  • We make a hand bath with sea salt or olive oil (or any other).
  • We apply medicated oil to the nails.
  • We massage our hands and apply the cream.

Increasingly, I'm opting for a simple clear nail polish treatment or a natural nail polish. Such a manicure is suitable for any image and saves a lot of time.

Day 2. Foot care

We often don't pay enough attention to our feet. In summer, the skin becomes dry due to open shoes, and in winter, many do not take off their boots even in the office, which also entails a number of problems.

  • We relax by dipping our feet in a hot tub or simply pouring hot water into a basin, adding sea salt and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the water.
  • We process the coarsened areas of the feet with pumice or grinding. And here is the link -
  • We cut and clean nails.
  • We apply foot cream.
  • If desired, cover the nails with varnish.

Day 3. Body care

  • Let yourself relax under the jets of a warm shower.
  • We apply a body scrub and actively rub the skin.
  • With a hard washcloth, we additionally rub the “problem” areas.
  • We do / depilation.
  • If there is a feeling of tightness of the skin, apply body lotion or self-tanning.

Day 4. Hair care

Today, we have quite a few options on how to take care of our hair. You can entrust this to professionals, you can buy special tools, or you can cook everything yourself. The effect? Here everyone evaluates individually.

  • I wash my hair with shampoo.
  • Actively massage the scalp.
  • Apply a hair mask.
  • We wash off the mask, you can rinse your hair with an infusion of herbs, apple cider vinegar for shine.

It is best not to brush your hair until it is dry. And do not forget to visit the hairdresser regularly.

Day 5 Facial

On this day, you can pamper your skin with something special, regular facial care will bring the desired result very quickly.

  • We wash and cleanse the skin well.
  • , for example, from an avocado.
  • We put on an eye mask.
  • We wash off the mask.
  • Apply grape seed oil or (any suitable for your skin) to the face
  • We do massage.
  • We correct eyebrows, apply oil for eyelashes and eyebrows.

Day 6. Take a bath

I really like to take a bath. Taking a book with me, I can spend an hour or two there. This, of course, is not entirely correct.

I will not write much in this post about the benefits of this procedure, since I already wrote. Recently, I like to take a bath with, and not with fragrant foam.
In parallel, you can make a mask for hair, or face, depilation and much more.

And on the seventh day, I just rest. And this day can be considered a reserve if a day is missed.

It's that simple! I am sure that everyone can make their own personal care plan. And after spending a little time, but every day, become more beautiful after a couple of months.

What do you think?

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Hello dear girls!

As you may have guessed from my blog posts and social media, I really love aesthetics. I especially like everything that is connected with female beauty - fashion, decorative and skin care cosmetics (as well as healthy and beautiful food;)). For the last four months, I have been quite carefully engaged in my beauty - I smear myself with all sorts of different creams, do masks and body wraps, regularly go to the playground in skirts and heels :)

Because taking care of yourself is a sacred female duty (you can read about women's duties), a pleasant pastime, as well as a kind of therapy for the female soul, then I decided to systematize caring for my beauty by making a beauty schedule for a month. Carrying out daily self-care, taking small steps every day, I can forget about the worries about rough heels, unplucked eyebrows or lack of manicure :)

My beauty plan, as well as a calendar template for four weeks, can be downloaded in the application.

So, in my personal care plan, I first of all made a morning and evening skin care routine. My morning routine includes cleansing my face and neck. I wash my face with cleansers about every other day (because even the best of them dry my skin), every other day I wash my face with just water. I wash my eyes ten times with cold water. After washing, I spray with cosmetic water to moisturize. About eight months ago I discovered these wonderful products, now I do not part with them for a day. After the water has dried (sometimes I help it with patting movements), I apply a nourishing cream and gel under the eyes.

Evening care in my beauty schedule involves removing makeup, using water to moisturize the skin. Again, in the evening I apply a nourishing cream and gel under the eyes.

In addition to these items, my beauty schedule includes a scrub + coconut wrap for hands and feet. I really love coconut oil. For dry skin of hands and feet, this is just a salvation. To make a wrap, I simply smear my hands / feet with oil, put on plastic gloves / bags, they are wearing ordinary gloves (you can use construction gloves) / socks and sit like this for half an hour. After 30 minutes, I remove everything and blot the remaining oil with a paper towel. The effect is just wonderful! By the way, when I don’t have enough time to do a manicure or pedicure, I apply coconut oil around the nails for 10 minutes and the cuticle looks very well-groomed;)

In the beauty plan, I also included plucking my eyebrows once a week, manicure and pedicure once every 10 days (I mean not applying varnish, but just caring for the cuticle, shaping the nails).

This was my daily self-care plan. Let me remind you that I use only those skin care (and decorative) cosmetics that do not contain animal components and are not tested on animals. Read reviews about some of my products in the Fashion, Beauty, Shopping section.

I suggest that you, girls, make a beauty calendar for a month. First of all, it will help to consolidate the habit of caring for yourself, raise self-esteem.

With all my heart I wish you to be beautiful and live consciously!

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