Making paving slabs with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

For many owners of suburban real estate, the technology of making paving slabs with their own hands remains an urgent issue.

Indeed, if you acquire certain skills in working with paving stones, then the backyard territory can be transformed beyond recognition, make a hard surface in the yard or mount garden paths.

Manufacturing methods

In practice, two main methods are used. To begin with, let's get acquainted with the nuances of obtaining the material under consideration by the vibration casting method. This method is distinguished by its comparative low cost and the possibility of obtaining high-quality building materials even by inexperienced workers.

The production technology of the material is as follows. The prepared working solution is poured into molds lubricated by processing. Then they are installed on a vibrating press and compacted until air bubbles come out. Next, the raw material is placed on special drying racks. After about two days, the tiles are knocked out of the molds and reused.

Paving stones made by vibrocompression differ from their counterparts in improved resistance to mechanical stress and high strength. Such materials are intended for laying the coating in critical places, for example, in car parks.

Note: with your own hands, you can only make vibrated paving stones, which can be used for the device of garden paths. Homemade materials cannot be used for a long time as a covering in places of movement or parking.

The technology of obtaining vibropressed tiles is somewhat reminiscent of works on the manufacture of tiles by vibrocasting. The finished solution passes through a special press, so the products have improved strength indicators. At the final stage of work, the material is dried in special steaming chambers.

Which is better

According to the majority of consumers, about 80% of the total number of respondents, the best indicators are materials that were obtained in the factory by vibrocompression.

Such products differ in a slightly higher cost, by about 20%, but they are much more durable.... The concrete mixture has a denser structure, there are fewer pores in its composition, which improves the indicators of frost resistance and abrasion of the surface.

It's important to know: pressed paving stones, which are present in hardware stores, are limited in shapes and shades, cast tiles, on the contrary, have many different shapes and colors.

The maximum destructive effects occur with the coating in the winter season, when water gets inside the concrete, expands and destroys its structure. The surface of materials made by vibration casting can be protected by introducing special hydrophobizing substances into the base composition, but such elements will not make it eternal, but will only increase the service life.

Special tools

To obtain the materials in question, you need the following tool:

  • A concrete mixer of a certain volume.
  • Factory, or do-it-yourself vibrating table.
  • Rack for stacking forms of paving slabs (used as a dryer). Drying of raw materials will take place in this place. The initial process takes two or three days, then the paving stones are knocked out of the mold and put to dry for another month.

Good to know: a similar unit is used to remove air bubbles from the concrete mix during compaction.

  • Tanks for warm water. They are used to extract products from the formwork;
  • Matrices or shapes. They can be made from scrap materials or ordered on the pages of online stores.

Types of forms

One of the most popular forms for paving stones is silicone. Such products are used to create complex shapes. Such formwork allows you to get a pattern with a different textured surface.

The disadvantage of the product is considered to be limited use (no more than 50 cycles). In the future, the form loses its original geometric dimensions.

The next type, plastic formwork, is used to obtain simple products. The main advantages of such structures are considered to be high indicators of durability and strength. Such products can withstand up to 800 pouring and hardening cycles of the working mixture.

Forms based on polyurethane are somewhat similar to silicone formwork, but they differ in their higher cost and long-term operation (up to 100 cycles).

Many private developers are interested in the question of how to make a form for paving stones on their own. The most popular option is considered to be wooden formwork, made from pieces of plywood or thin boards.

Take a note: when making a mold, the internal dimensions are taken into account, which will correspond to the dimensions of the finished product.

Such shapes are made in the form of a square or rectangle, as well as a hexagon. At the points of joining of adjacent elements, metal corners are fixed.

Preparation of the solution

The basic composition of the mortar for paving stones must contain the following components:

  • 21% binder (cementm500);
  • 55% of sand cleared of coarse impurities;
  • 24% granularity;
  • 0.7% plasticizer (you can take the C-3 brand);
  • 7% pigment dye
  • reinforcing fiber 0.05%;
  • 5.5% water.

It is interesting: from one cubic meter of working solution, 16m2 of tiles can be made, provided that its thickness is 6 centimeters.

To obtain a high-quality mixture, it is necessary to mix all the specified raw materials in a concrete mixer. First you need to dissolve the plasticizer with a little warm water and pour it into the mixer. The drum of the unit rotates until the plasticizer is completely dissolved in the liquid.

The pigment dye is also mixed with water heated to 80 degrees until complete dissolution, these components of the mixture are taken in a ratio of 1 to 3. After pouring the required amount of water into the concrete mixer, sand and crushed stone are alternately added, then the binder (cement). For effective mixing, water is periodically added to the composition of the raw materials. The last time this is done at the end of the batch.

Step-by-step description of the process at home

First you need to properly prepare the forms. To do this, their inner surface is coated with working off or another type of lubricant.

At the stage of formation, it is necessary to pour the prepared solution into the molds. If there is a need to make a material with a colored surface, then 75% of the formwork is poured with ordinary gray concrete, the remaining 25% is colored. In this case, the decorative part of the product should be at the bottom.

The molds, filled to the top with the solution, are gently shaken and placed on a vibrating table for about 5 minutes. The products are taken from the table after the appearance of a white film on the surface. Whiteness usually indicates the release of air bubbles from the concrete. When making two-color paving stones, each layer is compacted separately.

Expert advice: if oil is applied abundantly on the tile surface, small depressions can form, but if there is not enough lubrication, then it will be problematic to pull the paving stones out of the mold.

The next stage of work, drying, involves stacking products on racks for a period of up to three days. The drying room must be equipped with exhaust ventilation. In addition, the sun's rays should not penetrate into the finished product storage warehouse. To reduce the rate of evaporation of moisture from the surface of the material, the mold with concrete is covered with a transparent polyethylene film.

The final stage is the removal of the tile from the mold. This process is carried out in a special container with water heated to 60 degrees. Under the influence of heat, the form expands, as a result of which the tiles can be removed without any particular problems. The product is knocked out on a soft bedding and placed on drying for another month (for final hardening).

Calculation of manufacturing cost

A price calculation is necessary if this material will be used for subsequent sale, as well as to determine the savings between handmade paving stones and factory products.

The main money will have to be paid for the raw components of the concrete mix and formwork. Here are some approximate rates:

  • 50 kg bag of 500 Portland cement - 400 rubles;
  • Fine crushed stone - 1,750 rubles per m3;
  • Sand cleared of harmful impurities - 600 rubles per m3;
  • Pigment dye - about 5000 rubles for a 25 kg bag;
  • Plasticizer brand C-3 up to 80 rubles per liter;
  • Lubrication within 100 rubles. Per liter;
  • The cost of the forms depends on the size and material of manufacture, ranging from 30 to 1500 rubles.

The price of ordinary tiles with a smooth surface starts at 200 rubles / m2, textured tiles are even more expensive - about 450 rubles / m2. If you carefully calculate all costs, then homemade paving stones will cost 10-30% cheaper than factory products. .

How to make colored paving slabs

There are several ways to make colored paving stones at home. Let's describe the most popular ones:

  1. Adding pigment dye to the base mix. After mixing the raw materials, concrete of the desired color can be obtained.
  2. The second option for coloring the tile is to apply color to the inner surface of the mold. Acquisition of the selected color by the material occurs after direct contact of the concrete mixture with the pigment dye.
  3. Finished materials are painted with a spray gun.

Keep in mind: when mixing several colors, a more interesting texture of products is obtained.

As we can see, the process of making paving slabs at home is quite simple. When you become familiar with the production technology and have at least a slight desire, you can make a hard surface in the courtyard of a private house and even earn money selling paving stones.

For detailed instructions on making paving slabs with your own hands, see the following video:

You cannot do without garden paths on your personal plot or cottage. If we talk about garden paths more specifically, then their types and the material from which these paths are made are determined not only by function, but also by the style of the site or garden.

Often, designers recommend equipping a track section by combining materials of different textures. The material for garden paths can be natural stone, gravel, paving slabs, paving stones, wood. The easiest way is to make garden paths from finished paving slabs, but it is much more interesting to make paving slabs with your own hands. Skillfully supplementing such homemade paths with appropriate plants, you can make them very original.

Why make a tile yourself: the advantages of hand-made

You are a creative person, you have original ideas, then making paving slabs with your own hands is a process for you. The process is simple and accessible, even if there are no special skills in the construction business.

What does it do?

Firstly, by creating paving slabs with your own hands, the result of your work will be an exclusive version of the track.

Secondly: the technology for the production of paving slabs that you have followed is a 100% guarantee of its durability.

Thirdly: if you like tinkering, learning new technologies, you will get a sea of ​​positive and pleasure.

Fourth: in addition to the pleasure received from work, a significant amount of money is saved.

How to make paving slabs yourself

So, it was decided: we do the paving slabs for the garden path with our own hands. Let's start by purchasing the necessary tools and supplies.

To work, you need the following tools: a drill with a mixer nozzle, with which we will stir the solution, a trowel for leveling. If you intend to manufacture a large number of paving slabs, you can purchase a vibrating table. It makes it possible to distribute the solution in the forms more densely and evenly, since the concrete mixture in this case spreads into all the cracks under the influence of vibration. But, it is quite possible to do without it.

To make paving slabs with your own hands, you need to choose molds. Their configuration and size will determine the look of our paving slabs. Molds can be bought at the store. Or you can do it easier - use ready-made plastic containers in which food products are sold. We choose those containers that do not crunch - these are fragile, but soft and flexible. They are much stronger and can withstand several fillings, so they are perfect for making paving slabs with your own hands.

Do not choose containers with intricate shapes. It will be very difficult to lay it. In order for individual paving slabs to dock well with each other, we give preference to containers whose sides are 90 degrees to each other. It is easy to lay tiles with even sides, the gaps between them will be minimal. Debris will not accumulate in the gaps, so it will be easy and simple to sweep such a path.

By the same principle, you can choose the shape for the borders.

Making a path from concrete forms

The process of making such a track is quite simple. First you need to prepare the formwork. Its size can be 35x5 cm, height 6 - 7cm.

The method of making the track is quite simple. First of all, we prepare the place where the tiles will be laid. We remove the grass and all irregularities, expose the formwork and fill it with mortar, compact it tightly and level it with a trowel. After a few days, we rearrange the form further and repeat the process in a new place.

The gaps between the "pseudo-tiles" can be filled with sand or filled with more liquid colored concrete. In this case, the construction of the track will become stronger. If such a path is planned in the garden, in the gaps between the tiles it is possible not to fill it with a solution, but with soil, into which you can then sow grass seeds.

Making paving slabs that imitate stone

Today, ready-made polymer forms for casting paving slabs that imitate the laying of natural stone have become very popular. These forms differ in configuration and size. Moreover, the configuration of the forms allows them to be stacked in several rows, that is, it makes it possible to adjust the width of the track. With the help of such forms, you can create not only a path, but also a bridge for a patio and a gazebo. To make the process of work go faster, it is good to have a set of 2 - 4 forms.

The technology for making paving slabs in this way is similar to the previous method. If you do not want grass to grow between the tiles, after removing the sod, the soil must be lined with geotextiles. And only then form a cushion of sand and gravel. A form is laid on a tamped pillow and poured with concrete, tamped well, the surface is leveled with a bar. After a few days, the mold is rearranged to another place and the process of pouring paving slabs continues. The finished tiles must be moistened to avoid cracking. If the path is in a sunny place, and the weather is dry and hot, it should be covered with plastic wrap to avoid rapid evaporation of water.

When can you walk along such a path? First of all, you need to make sure of its strength: 3 - 4 weeks after pouring, hit the tile with a hammer. If there is no trace of the impact left, you can walk along the path.

Materials for creating paving slabs

In order for the paving slabs to serve for a long time, it is necessary to prepare a mortar as a rule. The materials that make up it must be of high quality. First of all, this applies to cement. You shouldn't skimp on its quality and quantity. The strength of paving slabs most of all depends on cement. Therefore, it is best to take cement grade 500, although some amateur builders recommend grade 300. If you consult with experienced builders, then everyone will unanimously say that the quality of cement has become worse. It is better not to take risks, so that later you do not stumble on the path crumbling right before your eyes.

The second component that is required for the manufacture of paving slabs is sand. It must be sieved to remove dirt - leaves, grass. The mesh of the sieve should not be small. If you find small stones in the sand, do not remove them. The quality of the concrete will not be affected, and the tiles will be more textured.

Another component of the solution is water. It also has its own requirements - it must be clean, not stagnant or sour.

If you wish, you can make the track colored by adding appropriate dyes to the concrete solution. We select pigments that are resistant to alkaline environments, weather conditions and light. All these qualities are possessed by inorganic pigments. To get a clear concrete color, the usual gray cement must be replaced with white.

General instructions for making tiles

1. Prepare a container for preparing a solution (it can be a bucket or a plastic bowl), as well as a measuring container. Pour cement - 1 part and sand - 3 parts into the container for the solution.

2. Slowly pour in water while stirring the solution. The consistency of the finished solution should not be liquid, it should be pasty and not slip off the trowel.

3. To make the tile easier to detach from the mold, the inner surface of the mold can be greased with any oil.

4. We fill the prepared forms with the prepared solution. We tamp it well and compact it with a trowel. If the tiles are made on a vibrating table, the solution spreads evenly into all cracks under the influence of vibration.

5. After leveling the surface with a trowel, our homemade paving slabs are sent to dry. It is best to set aside the drying area under a canopy so that direct sunlight does not fall on the tiles. If the air temperature is high, the tiles should be moistened with water once a day to avoid cracking.

6. After 5 - 6 days, the tiles can be removed from the mold and dried under the same canopy, spreading them out on a plastic wrap. Drying time will take much more - up to a month. During this time, the paving slabs will acquire the necessary strength.

Step-by-step master class on making paving slabs

In conclusion of all that has been written, I want to show you a master class from my neighbor Nikolai, who has kindly shared with me the secrets of making exclusive paving slabs.

Nikolay is a creative person. Therefore, the usual paving slabs did not fit into his concepts in any way. This is the kind of paving slabs he came up with.

There is a river not far from his house, so he found building material under his feet. Except for cement, of course. Every time, returning from the river, he brought home, in addition to fish, a bucket of beautiful pebbles. His children, while dad was fishing, turning interesting-shaped pebbles into an exciting activity.

For the outflow of paving slabs, he built a formwork for one large tile and picked up two polyethylene molds, which in size were equal to the width of one side of the formwork.

We chose a plastic bowl for kneading. It washes well after the solution. A plastic ice cream bucket served as a measuring cup. He observed the proportions as indicated in the instructions (see above).

The whole process of making tiles took place on a plank platform.

Plastic wrap was laid under the formwork. Nikolay lubricated it with used engine oil. The concrete batch was laid out on a film and evenly, with the help of a trowel, was distributed over the entire area, well tamped and smoothed.

After the stones were laid, they were pressed into the mortar with force using a trowel. At the same time, the solution was poured into small molds. The tiles were kept in the molds for 3-4 days, covered with cellophane, since the summer was very hot. In the morning and in the evening, it was watered with water so that cracks did not form. As soon as the tiles were removed from the formwork, the formwork was removed and the tile production process continued.

The paving slabs made in this way are laid in different combinations. It looks quite original and goes well with a stone fence, creating a kind of ensemble.

Landscaping has long and firmly entered our life. I would like to make a suburban area not only useful, but also beautiful. And for this it is necessary to add original and beautiful elements there.

The uniqueness of the site is given by original paths, if the paving slabs are made and laid by their own hands according to their own sketches. She can lay out not only paths, but also playgrounds, patios.

Paving slabs are a modern coating for city streets, squares, sidewalks, paths. A more environmentally friendly material, in comparison with asphalt - it does not melt in the heat, does not emit harmful substances, does not interfere with plants, and withstands large temperature drops. Very easy to use.

Unlike gravel paths, tiled surfaces are more aesthetically pleasing. If you have an art education or just a good skill, you can lay out whole mosaic pictures on the road. The original handmade tiles on the porch will decorate the entrance to the house. In addition, such a surface will be easier to clean.

This coating is easy to repair by replacing the damaged element with a new one. You can give a flight of imagination and create surfaces of any configuration and pattern. And the sidewalk anti-slip tiles, made by hand from modern components, will help not to fall even in rain or ice.

The original solution is paving slabs for the lawn. It turns out a kind of "lattice" on the lawn. The grass continues to grow, but you can walk on it without trampling, because now there is a special path.

Often for these purposes, paving plastic tiles are used to make the grass grow. So there are now a lot of modern design options for paths and playgrounds in country houses, for every taste and income.

The benefits of homemade tiles

Now on the market there is a wide selection of various tiles, all colors, shapes and materials. You can find craftsmen who can make tracks of any complexity. Why do you need do-it-yourself paving slabs?

It is the homemade version that has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Availability of raw materials and inexpensive equipment.
  2. Originality. Color options, shapes and layouts of individual elements are endless.
  3. Lower cost compared to purchased materials.
  4. Savings on laying tracks, shipping and unloading materials, etc.
  5. Qualitatively made samples will not be inferior to the factory ones. And they will surpass them in diversity.
  6. By applying imagination and artistic taste, you can achieve a variety of colors that you cannot find in store samples.
  7. Subject to the technology and the use of quality materials, such tracks are very durable.
  8. You can achieve 100% uniqueness and exclusivity in design.
  9. It should also be borne in mind that the purchased material, despite the high price, is not always highly reliable. As a result, the coating will quickly deteriorate and will need to be replaced. Again, additional time and cost. With your own hand-made installation, you can be sure that the coating will last the required period.
  10. Having mastered the technology, you can make tiles to order, for friends, acquaintances or for sale.

Disadvantages of the method

It should be noted right away that the manufacturing process is quite laborious. If a person does not have free time and the skill to do something with his own hands, then this method is not suitable. Craftsmen should take note of it.

Homemade tiles are unlikely to hold up to large trucks or heavy equipment. At home, guests on paving stones are unlikely to be able to comply.
But for decorating paths on a personal plot, this is ideal.

Molds for casting

First, you need to decide what configuration the future tile will be, based on this, and you need to choose the appropriate shape. For example, the simplest and most budgetary option is plastic food boxes - containers.

Mold for casting paving slabs with your own hands - video

If you use them, you get rectangular paving slabs. Or square, depending on the container. In the same way, a brick paving stone is made with your own hands.
A square or rectangle is the simplest configuration.

For a beginner master, it is best to start with a simple option. But if you want something more sophisticated, you can offer a hexagon option - a honeycomb tile. They are also easy to make, but look more interesting.

How to make simple forms for paving slabs - video tips, drawings

For more sophisticated configurations, you will have to get purchased "molds". They are in stores, they are rubber, plastic or polyurethane. The price varies, depending on how long they will be used and how many fillings they will last.

Skillful craftsmen do not spend money on purchased forms. And they are made right at the place of work, separating places for future fillings with boards, planks or other similar material.

Paving slabs without special shapes - video

But for novice craftsmen, it is better to purchase ready-made matrices. In addition, they already have a drawing that will be printed on the finished tile. In this case, you can try to make curly and embossed blanks, such as a turtle tile.

Necessary materials

  1. Cement. In order for the cement-sand tile to be durable and of high quality, it is necessary to take cement of the M400 brand, or better M500. Then the solution will be reliable, water - and frost resistant. Only fresh cement should be taken; after a short storage period, it significantly loses its properties.
  2. Filler for mortar. These are crushed stone, slag, pebbles, sand. The sand should be fine, clean, sifted and free of impurities.
  3. Distilled water is better.
  4. Plasticizer for tiles. Served in shops.
  5. Dye (optional).
  6. Fiber to increase the strength of the product (especially if colored).
  7. Mold lubricant. Any machine oil (you can waste it), soap, vegetable oil (if not a pity). If not lubricated, the frozen product will stick to the walls and it will be difficult to remove it without ruining it.
  8. Vibrating table for vibration treatment of the future product.

Material ratio:

  • cement - 23%;
  • sand - 20%;
  • crushed stone - 57%;
  • plasticizer - 0.5% of cement;
  • water - 40% of dry components.


The solution must not be liquid! A minimum of water will make the concrete stronger and prevent cracking in cold weather. When correctly mixed concrete is poured and compacted into a mold, no milk builds up on its surface!

Operating procedure

To prepare the solution at home, use a tool with a mixer attachment or, if available, a concrete mixer. If the volume is very small, you can also interfere with your hands.

The main thing is to achieve a homogeneous mixture. There should be no lumps in it; in consistency, it should resemble dough - not too thick, but not liquid either. Therefore, one should not overdo it with the addition of water.

It is recommended to mix sand, cement and plasticizer first. Then add rubble (or whatever replaces it). All mixed ingredients are poured into a container of water gently and in a thin stream. It is necessary to stir constantly.

DIY paving slabs - video

Before pouring the mixture, the surface of the mold should be treated with some kind of oil, for example, machine oil. Immediately after pouring the matrix, place it on a vibrating table.

Why do you need vibration treatment of fillings?

At this stage, the smallest air bubbles are removed from the mixture. If they are not eliminated, water will get into them in winter and the tiles will begin to crack.

At home, you can try to replace the vibrating table with a washing machine, after putting one wet rag in it to create vibration. If pouring is done on the spot, then the container with the solution must be shaken well before use.

The molds filled with solution must be installed on the machine and turned on. The main thing is to make sure that the fill does not fall from vibration. Estimated time is 3 minutes. Do not shake for longer, otherwise the solution will begin to exfoliate. When the solution “settles down”, add the solution.

When the vibration is over, the molds removed from the machine should be removed for two days, so that they do not dry out too much, you can cover them with foil. The room should be warm and dry, moisture should not be allowed.

After two days, carefully remove the finished product and store it in some room for 10 days. You cannot put tiles on top of each other, store them in a "slide", they are not yet strong enough for this.

For strength, they should then be kept for at least another month in the open air, and only then used.

Painting paving slabs

If you want to get a colored coating, then you need to take care of purchasing suitable dyes. Choose ones that are resistant to all weather conditions.
You can paint in several ways.

  1. Add liquid or dry color to the concrete mix. If mixed completely, the mixture will become uniform in color. But you can achieve multi-colored stains if you do not mix it completely.
  2. Pour the paint into the mold, in this case you will get a material with partial staining.
  3. You can also paint the finished coating using a spray gun so that the painted layer is even.

Errors in the manufacture of paving slabs

If the master is still just a beginner, it will be difficult to avoid mistakes when working. But it is necessary to list the main ones, then the work will be easier.

  1. Unsuitable cement. An attempt to save money will lead to the fact that the finished product will quickly begin to deteriorate.
  2. Unsuitable sand. It must be sifted, otherwise unnecessary inclusions, even completely invisible, will create voids. Which will lead to rapid wear.
  3. Excess or lack of water. The wrong amount of liquid will spoil the quality of the product.
  4. Poor quality lubricant. Lubricate the mold with a thin layer. Engine oil can often produce black spots. So it's best to test it first.
  5. Not using a plasticizer. It significantly improves the quality of the coating, so it is better not to abandon it.
  6. Removal from the mold too quickly, less than two days later.
  7. Improper storage - rain, sun, cold.
  8. Too fast to use. Finished products should be kept for three weeks - a month, only then lay out the tracks with them. If they dry out in very hot weather, they should be moistened with water to prevent dryness and cracking.

Secrets of technology for the production of paving slabs with their own hands - video

Pleasure is not cheap, but everyone wants to make their yard clean and pretty, so I had such a great desire.

I could not buy the paving stones in the required quantity - it turned out to be too expensive, but to do it on my own is easy :) It is about how to make the paving stones on my own that I will tell you in this article, fully illustrating the manufacturing process.

Required materials and devices

The technology for the production of paving stones, like its recipe, was found by me on the Internet, since there is more than enough information, and I got down to business.

To make such paving slabs, you need to buy a superplasticizer and, if desired, a dye.

In the store I bought several bags of 500 grade cement and a superplasticizer: it will increase the strength of the paving stone and increase its resistance to low temperatures.

Not a huge, of course, but quite a decent pile of sand, brought about a year ago from a local quarry, we have left after the completion of the house.

And I decided not to buy a colorant-dye. Honestly, as for me, the difference between colored and gray paving stones is small, the color still turns out to be a shade of gray!

As a vibrating table, without which the production of high-quality paving stones is simply impossible, it was decided to use an old Siemens washing machine, which has long served its life, but is still very working. If anyone does not know what a vibrating table is for, I explain - with its help, the maximum compaction of the forms of any concrete elements is achieved, in our case, paving stones, which become more homogeneous and, accordingly, strong.

I will tell you about forms separately and in more detail :)

About forms for self-production of paving stones

When I shared the idea of ​​making paving stones on my own with my friends, some of them suggested that I make the molds myself. Some suggested making them out of old boards, the second advised using unnecessary containers - trays, dishes, and so on, while others persuaded to make them from a special polymer. I, of course, a girl "with hands", but did not dare to do that, I decided to buy ready-made forms... They are quite diverse, so you can choose a shape with a beautiful pattern that will be printed on the surface of the finished product, giving it a special charm and chic.

To make paving stones with their own hands or not, everyone decides for himself, and I can only say that it is exciting, not burdensome and profitable. I hope my little paving stone workshop will be useful to you, try it and show off your results!

Every owner who wants his property to look beautiful and be functional tries to do a lot with his own hands. Especially if he is a creative person. From this article you can learn how to make paving slabs with your own hands.

Where is the product used?

In principle, the field of application of such a material is quite wide. Most often, such products can be seen on the private territories of residential buildings, summer cottages, baths or other structures. You can also lay such tiles in gardens, squares, parks and other public places. Naturally, in the latter case, ready-made material is purchased.

Before you begin to understand how to make paving slabs with your own hands, you need to figure out whether it is worth doing it, what are the advantages of the finished product, what needs to be prepared for work. First of all, it must be said that the manufacturing process is not complicated and does not require expensive equipment.

Advantages of the material

Before you make paving slabs with your own hands, you should consider its advantages. Among them are the following:

The originality of the elements. During the manufacturing process, you can play with colors and fillings. Thus, you will create exactly the design and shape of the tiles that you yourself want. Naturally, you should be careful here, because the technical characteristics of the product depend on the proportions of the ingredients.

Low cost. Naturally, before making paving slabs with your own hands, you need to choose the necessary materials, which must be of high quality. You shouldn't buy cheap cement.

Relative strength (although these elements should not be stacked where the car will drive).

Manufacturing of products directly at the place of laying.

No need for expensive equipment. However, if you decide to open your own business, then you cannot do without a couple of machines.

Ecological cleanliness.

Resistance to rapid wear and durability (if all stages of manufacturing are performed correctly).

Minimal injury risk.

Now consider the question of how to make paving slabs with your own hands.

What materials will be required?

Naturally, all ingredients should be of the highest quality. So, for work you need to prepare:

1. Cement (only M-500 grade is mandatory, since this type of material allows you to make a mixture that, after hardening, will be very strong).

4. Small stones.

5. Kohler (one or more).

6. Plasticizer (sold at a hardware store).

All ingredients must be free of impurities (debris, leaves, grass). Also, before making your own paving slabs, collect all the necessary materials and the necessary tools.

Required equipment

So, in order for the process of manufacturing products to go relatively quickly, it is necessary to take care of all technical devices in advance that will help speed up the work. So, you will need:

Concrete mixer. If there are several of them, that's good. In this case, the process will go faster.

Forming vibrating table. You can also build it yourself. Although this machine is optional.

A set of forms. It is better if there are several dozen of them.

Tables or racks that will be installed as evenly as possible. Otherwise, the mixture in the forms may harden incorrectly, with a bias. Naturally, such elements will already be considered defective, and as they cannot be laid flat.

Tool for pulling finished products out of containers.

Since almost everyone can do it, the technology of the work should be considered.

Features of the choice of form

This question is not difficult. Most often, plastic molds are used for home making the presented material. They can be of different sizes. In addition, our construction market presents a huge selection of types of such forms. That is, you have the opportunity to make a very original tile that no one else will have. Naturally, such a container must be strong enough so that it can be used more than once.

Before you do it yourself, you need to decide on the shape of the containers: square, round or some other. If you do not want to buy this material from the store, you can use regular plastic food containers. However, they will not last long.

Features of the preparation of the solution

Before you make the paving slabs yourself, you should find out in what proportions you need to mix the ingredients so that later the elements are of high quality and durable. You will need this amount of materials for one batch:

Stir it thoroughly. And in order for there to be no air in the solution, it will need to be processed on a vibrating table.

Manufacturing instruction

Now let's consider the question of how, in fact, how to make paving slabs yourself. The whole process involves the implementation of several stages, which cannot change their sequence:

1. Preparation of the solution. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. This can provide although gravitational works just as well.

2. Form filling and vibration compaction of the mixture. This should be done carefully. Filling is done with a conventional shovel. A vibrating table is required for compaction. His fluctuations should not be too strong. That is, make sure that the solution in the mold is evenly distributed. Such a seal will make the elements as strong as possible and prevent their delamination. Consider the concrete level when loading concrete. In all forms, it must be the same. To do this, you can simply make marks on the inside of the container.

3. Aging and drying of elements. Since you want to make paving slabs at home quickly, many manufacturers may violate the production technology. The quality of the elements suffers from this. Therefore, it is necessary to withstand the time allotted for the aging of the concrete and its drying. So, after compaction, the molds with the mixture should "rest" on a flat surface for at least two days. So that maturation goes well, and the cement does not crack due to moisture loss, containers should be well wrapped with plastic wrap.

4. Removing finished products from molds. Now you understand how to make paving slabs at home, you also know the composition of the mixture. However, you should consider the question of how to properly remove the finished elements from the forms so that they do not break or crack. To do this, it is better to place them in a bath with water, the temperature of which will be no more than 70 degrees.

5. Warehousing of products. In order for the concrete to dry further quietly, it is necessary to cover the tile with a heat-shrinkable film.

After all these steps, the product is almost ready for laying. Naturally, he should be given time to gain strength. It is best to leave the material alone for a few weeks. Now you understand how to make paving slabs at home.

What are plastic bottle tiles?

The problem of recycling is very urgent today. However, a method of using plastic bottles was invented, which involves reducing the degree of environmental pollution. They learned how to make tiles for sidewalks. Moreover, this process can take place both at home and at work.

Before making paving slabs from plastic bottles, you should consider the features of this procedure. Its advantage is the low cost of the product, as well as the absence of problems with the amount of raw materials.

The production of such material is divided into the following stages:

Grinding of raw materials.

Melting plastic in a special heating apparatus and mixing it with raw sand and pigment.

Pouring the resulting solution into molds and pressing.

Cooling down the tiles.

It should be noted that such a product is characterized by durability, high strength and resistance to abrasion, external beauty, a variety of shapes, and quick production.

Making paving slabs with your own hands is not very difficult. However, the process has some nuances. For example, if you want to save a lot of color, you can use the layering technique. Naturally, in this case you will need two concrete mixers. Layers are stacked alternately, and the colorless should be inside. The thickness of each is 1-2 cm.

If you have defective pieces of tile, you can break it and reapply it in the mortar. New forms can be treated with a special substance so that later the concrete will better move away from the walls. After use, the plastic must be washed with a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. Forms for work can be made by yourself using silicone or wood. Naturally, these elements will need to be well fastened before work.

Please note that the plasticizer increases the strength of the elements, as well as their resistance to temperature extremes. However, you should not add too much of it. For the manufacture of the presented building material, not only concrete can be used.

Now you know how to make paving slabs at home. Good luck!