Rules of conduct in case of an accident in air transport. Aviation accidents: types, causes and what to do

Transport accident Is damage to the vehicle. For example, a car, a train, an airplane, or a ship can get into an accident. At the same time, an accident with tragic consequences associated with the death of people is called a disaster.

Protection in case of car accidents (disasters)

A car accident is one of the main causes of death in peacetime.

In most cases, car accidents occur due to non-observance of basic safety measures and traffic rules, as well as insufficient awareness of the consequences of any violation of road safety rules. For example, few people know that a collision with a stationary obstacle at a speed of 50 km / h without a seat belt is tantamount to jumping face down from the 4th floor.

About 75% of all accidents in road transport occur due to drivers violating traffic rules. The most dangerous types of violations are still speeding, ignoring road signs, going into oncoming traffic and driving while intoxicated.

Bad roads (mainly slippery ones), malfunctioning of cars (in the first place - brakes, in the second - steering, in the third - wheels and tires) often lead to accidents.

The peculiarity of car accidents is that 80% of the wounded die in the first three hours due to profuse blood loss.

There are several recommendations on how to protect yourself during an accident. So, in the event of an accident in a vehicle, in case you see that it is impossible to prevent it, try to take the safest position, grouping yourself and covering your head with your hands. During an accident, all muscles must be tense to the limit. Most importantly, prevent yourself from moving forward. To do this, if you are sitting in the driver's seat, you need to press your back into the seat and, straining all your muscles, rest your hands on the steering wheel; if you are sitting in the front seat as a passenger, then you should rest against the "front panel"; and if in the back, then in the front seat. In the event that you, while driving, did not fasten your seat belt, you should press against the steering column, and in the passenger seat, you should cover your head with your hands and fall to one side. Do not leave the car before it stops, as the chances of surviving in a car are 10 times more than jumping out of it.

If the accident involves a rollover or fire of the vehicle, try to leave it as soon as possible, using for this, if necessary, not only doors, but also windows.

If the car has fallen into the water, the doors should not be opened, as the water will immediately rush inside, and the car will suddenly sink. In this case, you need to get out through an open window.

If a fire breaks out in public transport, first, notify the driver immediately. Second, try to open the doors with the emergency release button. If this fails, break the side windows or open them as instructed as emergency exits. Thirdly, try to extinguish the fire yourself, and if this fails, then immediately leave the salon.

The electric power supply of trams and trolleybuses creates an additional threat of electric shock to humans. Therefore, when getting out of the tram or trolleybus, do not touch its metal parts.

In any case, the main thing is to remain calm and in no case panic, as panic can lead to more damage. Determine where you are in the car and what position you are in, whether the car is on fire and whether gasoline is leaking (especially when overturning). After getting out of the car, move away from it - an explosion is possible.

If nothing serious happened to you, help the victims, organize first aid and take measures to eliminate the consequences of the accident. If necessary, call an ambulance and report the incident to the police.

Protection in case of accidents (catastrophes) in railway transport

Statistics show that the death of people on the railroad transport is mainly associated with train crashes. Therefore, it is necessary to know and apply the rules and safety measures in the event of this emergency.

In case of a crash or emergency braking of the train, the most important thing is to gain a foothold and prevent one from moving forward or throwing to the sides. To do this, during an impact, a point resulting from an accident, try to grasp the stationary parts of the carriage or group, covering your head, in order to avoid injury. When overturning the carriage, hold on tightly with your hands and rest your feet against the wall, top shelf, etc. After the carriage becomes stable, outline the way out of it. At the same time, if the car is overturned or damaged, get out through the windows, pulling out the children and the injured in your hands. In the event of a break in the wires of the contact system, move 30-50 m away from the cars so as not to get under the step voltage.

Of course, ensuring the safe movement of trains depends mainly on the drivers and dispatchers, but you can also reduce the risk of a possible train crash if you know some of the rules:

  • in a collision of trains, the most dangerous are the head and tail cars;
  • doors in the compartment that are not fixed in the extreme position lead to injuries from their sudden movement when stopping;
  • bulky items, glassware located on the upper shelves also lead to injuries to passengers when stopping abruptly;
  • on electrified sections of the railway, broken supports and electric wires lying on the ground pose a particular danger in case of train crashes.

A fire in the carriage also poses a great danger to railway passengers. This is due to the concentration in passenger cars of a large number of people and the difficulty of their evacuation, the rapidity of the temperature rise and the spread of toxic gases in confined spaces, the remoteness of the train on the way from the fire departments.

If a fire breaks out on the way, first of all inform the conductor or the driver about it. Try to take all measures to stop the train, using a stop valve or emergency braking system, and extinguish the fire. (Remember that in the event of a fire, you cannot stop the train on a bridge, in a tunnel or other places where evacuation will be complicated.) If it is impossible to extinguish the fire on your own, leave the carriage immediately, using all exits, including windows, without forgetting to provide assistance in evacuation for children and elderly people. Remember that in the event of a fire, the material with which the walls of the carriages are lined, malminite, emits toxic gas that is life-threatening. Therefore, during a fire on the train, try to ensure your respiratory protection.

When evacuating, be careful not to get hit by an oncoming train. After leaving the train, do not stay near it, but try to move to a safe distance.

Protection in case of accidents (disasters) in air transport

Flight safety depends, first of all, on the reliability of aircraft and the professionalism of crews and dispatchers. However, when using air transport, you must comply with certain safety rules.

If you have a choice, then sit in a chair that is located near the exit and, if possible, closer to the middle or tail of the plane. Ask where the exits (main and emergency) are located on your plane and how they open. Make sure your seat belt is tightly tightened during takeoff and landing. Be attentive to the commands and signals that are transmitted through the microphone, on the light board, or flight attendants.

One of the emergency situations that can occur in flight is decompression - a decrease in the oxygen content due to the "escape" of air. Decompression usually begins with a deafening roar, the cabin of the aircraft is filled with dust and fog, and visibility is sharply reduced. At the same time, people experience ringing in the ears and pain in the intestines (gases expand), air quickly leaves the lungs, and people lose consciousness. Therefore, at the first signs of decompression, you must immediately put on an oxygen mask (the flight attendant informs about where it is stored and how to use it at the beginning of the flight) and prepare for a sharp descent or emergency landing, since an emergency situation associated with decompression is corrected by a decrease in flight altitude ...

For an emergency landing, take the most secure position. To do this, lower the chair and group, pressing your head to your hands and resting your legs in the direction of travel. At the moment of impact, strain as much as possible. When the plane makes an emergency landing, strictly follow all instructions from the crew.

If a fire breaks out in flight, do not panic, but try to help extinguish the fire or protect yourself from fire and smoke by using clothing and water. Prepare for an emergency landing and be sure to visualize your way to the nearest exit. After an emergency landing, try to get off the plane as quickly as possible using the escape hatches and ladders (you have one or two minutes for this). When doing this, try to protect your skin and not breathe in smoke. The main thing is to remain calm and do not give in to panic, as not only your salvation depends on this, but also the salvation of other passengers (according to the US National Transportation Safety Administration, over 70% of people who have been involved in plane crashes with fires survive). Once outside the plane, provide assistance to the injured and try to move as quickly as possible to a safe distance with them.

If the plane crashed in a deserted area, then during an emergency evacuation from the plane, try to take with you the most necessary things (first-aid kits, warm clothes in winter) and think over how to send signals from the ground, visible from the air.

Protection in case of accidents (disasters) in water transport

For the timely and organized work to rescue passengers and the vessel itself, each of them has been developed Alarm schedules. They describe all the actions of the team and passengers on the appropriate alarm signals in the event of an emergency. In addition, each passenger seat has a passenger cabin card in Russian and English, which indicates: the meaning of alarm signals; place of collection of passengers on alarm; number and location of the lifeboat; illustrated brief instructions for putting on personal life-saving appliances with an indication of the place of their storage.

Therefore, before settling in the cabin, carefully study this card.

There are three ship alarm signals:

  • "General ship alarm" - one continuous signal by a loud battle bell for 25-30 s, after which the announcement "General ship alarm" on the general ship broadcast in forced operation mode. An alarm is announced when an emergency occurs or in the pre-emergency period, when it becomes clear that an accident cannot be avoided. However, this does not mean “Abandon the ship”.
  • Alarm "Man overboard" - three long beeps are given by a loud fight bell 3-4 times. Following this, a voice announcement is made on the general broadcast of the ship, indicating the number of the boat to launch. The alarm applies only to the ship's crew. Passengers are prohibited from entering open decks on this alarm.
  • "Boat alarm" - seven short and one long signals with a loud battle bell, repeated 3-4 times, followed by an announcement in a voice over the general ship broadcast. It is given only in the case when the condition of the damaged vessel leaves no hope for the success of the damage control and the vessel should die immediately; announced only by order of the captain. On a boat alarm, the crew members responsible for the safety of passengers will escort you to the embarkation point in the collective life-saving appliances.

As statistics show, the main danger during a shipwreck comes from a sinking vessel, which is capable of carrying people under water with it. In addition, in a shipwreck, people are in danger during the evacuation from a sinking ship, as well as when they are in the water, on rafts or on boats.

Among the preliminary measures of protection, it is advisable to remember the way from your cabin to the life-saving appliances on the upper deck, since it is very difficult to navigate during a disaster, especially when there is smoke and the ship is heeling. Preventive measures also include the study of instructions for actions in emergency situations, rules for the use of life-saving appliances and practical training on the use of life-saving appliances.

When people are evacuated from a ship in distress, danger arises in the event of failure of launching devices, overturning and strikes of rescue equipment, their improper use, as well as, if necessary, jump into the water from a dying ship from a great height. During the evacuation, you should take only the necessary things with you. Places on life-saving appliances are primarily provided for women, children, the elderly and the wounded.

When evacuating from the ship, you must wear warm clothing, and on top - a protective suit made of waterproof fabric and a life jacket. You should go down to the rescue boat using ladders or ropes. If circumstances permit, additional blankets, clothing, an emergency radio, and supplies of drinking water and food should be loaded into life-saving appliances. If you need to jump into the water, you should hold your nose and mouth with one hand, and hold on to the life jacket with the other.

Once in the water, a person is in danger of drowning, hypothermia and exhaustion. To slow down the onset of hypothermia, while in the water, you need to keep your head as high as possible above the water, while trying to spend a minimum of physical effort to keep yourself on the surface of the water. You should only swim to the life-saving device.

On the high seas, life-saving appliances should follow two basic principles: all life-saving appliances should stick together and be at the place of the sinking of the ship, if there is no firm confidence in the ability to reach the shore or enter the ship's routes.

When you are on rafts or boats, the main danger comes from hypothermia of the body, and when you are on them for a long time - from a lack of water and food. Therefore, while on a rescue vehicle, you should first of all keep your feet dry and cover your body, strictly ration water (500-600 ml per day per person, divided into numerous small doses) and there is only an emergency supply. However, in any case, it is necessary to maintain self-control and not succumb to panic, otherwise it will only reduce the chances of salvation and hasten death.

The plane allows you to quickly cover huge distances. More than a hundred million people use it worldwide every year. The reliability and safety of aviation is constantly improving. Modern protection is being introduced in case of an accident in air transport, including systems for screening passengers and baggage at airports, inspection of the ship before departure, close interaction with meteorological services, the presence and observance of clear regulations when flying an aircraft.

Air transport accidents, their main causes and consequences.

Aviation accident - an event related to the operation of an aircraft that occurred while passengers or crew members were on board, which resulted in damage or destruction of the aircraft and caused injury to people or did not cause bodily harm.

Aviation accidents are divided into flight and ground.

Under flight accident understand an event related to the performance of a flight mission by the crew and entailing consequences of varying severity for the people on board the aircraft (injury or death) or the aircraft itself (damage or destruction).

Ground incident an aircraft accident that occurs before or after the flight.

Depending on the consequences for passengers, crew and aircraft, flight and ground accidents are divided into breakdowns, accidents and disasters.

Breaking - an aircraft accident, which was not followed by the death of crew members and passengers, resulting in damage to the aircraft, the repair of which is possible and economically feasible.

Crash - an aviation accident that did not entail the death of the crew members and passengers, but that led to the complete destruction or severe damage to the aircraft, as a result of which its restoration is technically and economically unfeasible,

Catastrophe - an aviation accident that resulted in the death of crew members or passengers in the destruction or damage of the aircraft, as well as the death of people from injuries that occurred within 30 days. from the moment of the incident.

World statistics show that almost 50% of plane crashes occur on the airfield. For example, an IL-62M plane crashed at the Havana airport in 1989, 125 people were killed, at the Sverdlovsk airport in 1990, a Yak-42 plane crashed, 122 people died.

In other cases, accidents occur in the air at different altitudes, and an aircraft in distress is the cause of death not only of passengers and crew, but also of people on the ground. For example, in 1994 near Irkutsk, when a Tu-154 plane crashed, 125 people died, including 1 local resident who happened to be at the scene; in 1988, a Boeing 747 with 258 passengers on board fell from a height of 10 thousand meters onto residential quarters of the Scottish city of Lockerbie, killing 15 local residents with them.

Civil aviation crashes, which seem very frequent and dramatic compared to other traffic accidents, have more modest average sanitary losses. At the same time, in aviation accidents, almost 100% death of the crew and passengers often occurs, exceptions are rare here. Usually, the size of sanitary losses in these cases can reach 80-90% of the total number of people on the aircraft.

Every year, on average, there are up to 60 air crashes, of which 35 kill all passengers and crew. 40-90% of survivors may have mechanical injuries; combined and concomitant lesions occur in 10 and 20%, respectively, head injuries are possible in 40-60%, shock develops in 10% of victims. Almost half of the passengers and crew members of the aircraft can suffer severe damage.

According to the Russian Emergencies Ministry, in 1996, 40 aircraft accidents occurred in air transport, including 14 plane crashes, in which 232 people died and 334 injured.

Based on the above information, it can be assumed that the task of providing medical assistance to a massive number of victims of aviation accidents will not be typical. Most often it will occur in cases of ground accidents or after a forced landing of an aircraft.

According to available data, the maximum number of casualties, depending on the type of aircraft, may be: AN-2 aircraft - 12 people, AN-24 - 47, Yak-42 - 113, TU-154 - 168, IL-86 - 324 people.

Statistics for 1981-1989 indicates that per 100 thousand flight hours in passenger traffic, the accident rate in the USSR was 0.11 cases in 1981 and, gradually decreasing, 0.03 in 1989. These indicators in the USA were 0.06 and 0.04, respectively ; according to the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO (without the USSR), the accident rate during these years was 0.14. The number of victims (crew + passengers) per 1 million transported over the same years was respectively: USSR - 2.34 and 0.30; USA - 0.01 and 0.60; ICAO data (without the USSR) - 0.56 and 1.00 people.

Aircraft accidents and disasters are possible for many reasons and lead to serious consequences. Takeoff and landing accidents are among those where there is hope of rescue, as they usually occur when the aircraft is still on the ground or not high above it, and its speed is relatively slow. Moreover, they tend to occur in the airport area where there are rescue teams and the necessary equipment.

Passenger actions in case of an accident during takeoff and landing:
Bring the back of the chair to an upright position;
Take off your glasses, high-heeled shoes, loosen your tie, unbutton your collar, remove sharp objects from your pockets;
Put soft things on your knees, adjust the seat belt and fasten it;
Lean forward, lower your head down, rest your hands on the back of the chair in front (in its absence, grab your knees with your hands and put your head on them).

Leaving the plane through the exit with a released and inflated ladder, you need to jump on it without stopping, and not sit on the edge and then slide down. Only by jumping is an increase in the speed of evacuation achieved. Before jumping take off glasses, high-heeled shoes.

During decompression, i.e. air discharge in the aircraft cabin as a result of depressurization, the latter is filled with dust and fog. Visibility is sharply reduced, air quickly leaves the person's lungs, and it cannot be delayed. At the same time, ringing in the ears and pain in the intestines may occur.

Rapid decompression usually begins with a deafening roar (air escapes). In this case, immediately put on an oxygen mask without waiting for a command. Do not try to help anyone before you put on the mask yourself, even if it is your child: if you do not have time to help yourself and lose consciousness, then both will be without oxygen. Fasten your seat belts immediately after donning your mask and prepare for a sharp drop.

Actions of air passengers in case of fire:
Listen to and follow the commands of the crew members;
Protect exposed areas of the body from direct fire by using the available clothing, blankets, etc .;
Bend down and crawl to the exit on all fours;
If the passage is blocked, move over the lowered backs of the aircraft seats;
Once outside the plane, move as far away from it as possible.

When evacuating, dispose of carry-on baggage and avoid exiting through hatches near which there is an open fire or heavy smoke.

For emergency escape by passengers and crew, all main and emergency doors, as well as emergency exits, located, as a rule, on the left and right sides of the fuselage, are used. Passenger exits, entrances and opening means are prominently marked for easy identification. All decals are illuminated from the inside regardless of the main lighting system. The device of escape hatches and their locks with handles is made simple, noticeable and does not require much effort to open. Instructions for opening them are printed on the doors (hatches).

A forced landing on the water is rare. Before sinking, the plane can be afloat for 10 to 40 minutes. However, if the fuselage is damaged, this time is much shorter. Airplanes with engines located on the wings will float in a horizontal position, and those with two or more engines on the tail will float with the tail down.

In one case, the plane can touch the water surface very smoothly, in the other, it can fall apart and quickly sink. Therefore, when landing, it is necessary to act clearly at the command of the crew commander or flight attendant.

Actions of air passengers during a forced (emergency) landing on water:
Put on your life jacket and inflate slightly;
Take with you or wear warm clothes;
Take a seat on the liferaft.

After a forced landing, liferafts are launched. The time for bringing the raft into working condition is approximately 1 minute. in summer and 3 min. in winter.

Using paddles and improvised items, you need to move away from the dive site of the aircraft. After that, straighten and throw overboard the floating anchor, which will reduce the speed of the raft's drift downwind and will keep those fleeing in the accident area.

The modern world and society cannot be imagined without aviation. Despite,

that the issues of ensuring safety in aviation transport are given priority

attention, emergencies still occur.

Emergency situations in air transport have a number of specific features. It's connected with

high speed of movement of aircraft, the presence on board of a large

the amount of fuel that can ignite or explode when people are in a closed

the volume of the cabin, high flight altitude, lack of effective and reliable

measures of influence and assistance to people who suffer a disaster in the air, suddenness and

the flow of events.

The main factors of injury and death in an emergency on air transport are

forces arising from the impact of an aircraft during a fall, fire, explosion, poisoning

blowing gases, decompression.

Emergencies in air transport can occur at any stage: takeoff, flight, landing. By-

it is very important for this to know the features of aviation accidents, to be able to behave in the event of their

occurrence, skillfully use the rescue equipment that finds

camping on board the aircraft.

In the event of an emergency on the plane, you must quickly take

safe position: to group, clasp your hands under your knees, put your head on

laziness. You can not straighten your legs and place them under the chair in front. At the moment of impact

they can be injured. Stay in your seat until the plane comes to a complete stop, do not

stop panic, act quickly and skillfully.

Safety requirements for aviation transport:

You must not go to the parking area of \u200b\u200baircraft without being accompanied by air workers.

port, without permission to climb into the aircraft cabin, enter the cockpit, tro-

to open and open locks and exit handles, open doors and hatches;

materials, spontaneously combustible objects, cylinders with compressed and liquefied gas, poisonous

twisted, poisonous, corrosive substances;

It is forbidden to carry cold weapons and firearms; __

• it is forbidden to use air transport for people who have contraindications for


• it is forbidden to get up from their seats, walk around the cabin when the airliner moves along

ground, takeoff and landing.

In the event of an emergency on board the aircraft, the priority task is to

rescuing people is a quick evacuation. It should be carried out through the main

emergency, emergency, service exits, vents in the cockpit, cargo hatches, openings,

done by rescuers, rifts in the fuselage.

The design of the locks of all aircraft doors ensure their quick opening as

from inside the cabin and outside. This operation does not require large physical

efforts. Locations of emergency exits are indicated with stencils, lock handles are

painted with bright colors.

Emergency evacuation is directed by crew members or rescuers. Evacuate injuries

rescuers must use special means. After leaving the transport

means must move away from it at a safe distance. It is considered safe to

standing at least 100 meters.

Each aircraft is equipped with its own emergency equipment for emergency

guiding people, these include: inflatable ladders, fabric gutters, life ropes.

Their locations, the order of activation and operating techniques are indicated on

stencils. Detailed information on emergency life-saving appliances is given by the stewardess

during the flight.

The need for prompt evacuation from an air

means associated with the possibility of explosion or fire.

One of the main causes of injury to people inside the cabin in a fire is

severe poisoning by combustion products, primarily carbon dioxide. Through not-

how many minutes after the start of burning, its concentration reaches a lethal level. Not me-

high temperature in the cabin is dangerous for her. During a fire, do not remove the top

clothes and shoes, they will protect from burns and broken glass.

An emergency landing can be performed on the water surface. In this situation

to rescue people, inflatable boats with an emergency supply of food, drinking water

dy, medicines, alarms.

SPB GUZ "Children's Sanatorium - Rehabilitation Center" Children's Dunes "

Lesson summary of the basics of life safety in grade 6 on the topic "Emergency situations in air transport"

Prepared and conducted by a teacher

OBZH Parygin V.I.

Topic "Emergency situations in air transport"

Purpose: To update knowledge about the importance of observing safety rules in air transport, to form skills of behavior in the event of an emergency situation in air transport.


Educational: to consolidate knowledge of the concepts used, skills on the topic. Study the rules of safe behavior in air transport.

Developmental: develop the ability to correctly understand and interpret the wording of rules and recommendations for safe behavior in air transport.

Educational: foster a respectful attitude and commitment to mandatory observance of rules and recommendations for behavior in air transport.

Lesson type: combined.

Basic concepts: helicopter, plane, airport, stewardess (steward), pilot, take off, landing, briefing, seat belt, oxygen mask, depressurization.

Equipment and materials

Multimedia presentation on the topic: "Emergency Situations in Air Transport"; video - fragments of records of dangerous situations occurring in air transport; textbook "Fundamentals of life safety"; workbook;

Forms of work in the lesson: work with a board, work with a book.

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time.

    Checking homework, the degree of mastering the material.

    Explanation of the new material.

    Initial verification and consolidation of knowledge.

    Physical education.

    Verification stage (game)

    Summing up the lesson.

On the blackboard in the middle - a number, the topic of the lesson: "Emergency situations in air transport."

During the classes:

Organizing time.

Speech exercises: slide show and work with a dictionary on the topic "Transport, modes of transport", "Water transport" (1-4 slide).

Teacher's introduction:

There is another type of transport that we have not studied with you - air transport. What air transport do you know (Aircraft , Helicopter) (Slide 5, 6).

Today the topic of our lesson (I am writing on the board) is "Emergency situations in air transport."

Write down the number, the topic of the lesson.

The place where the planes are, the helicopters are calledaerodrome , and the place where passengers come in order to get on the plane and fly away is calledthe airport .

You come to the airport with adults, show your ticket (question for children: what else?) Your passport, check in heavy bags in your luggage and go through control on the plane. Meet you on board (who)stewardess (steward), which shows you your place and you are waiting for the command (who)pilot for what) takeoff. When the plane takes to the sky, it is calledtakeoff and when he sits on the ground islanding ... Stewardess conductsbriefing. During takeoff, you are offered juices, water, breakfast, lunch. On board the aircraft you can eat, sleep, read, watch a movie, use the toilet. It is forbidden to smoke, talk loudly, laugh, you will disturb other passengers. Aircraft accidents most often happen during takeoff or landing. Therefore, all buildings, stadiums, dachas built near airports are at risk.

Any passenger needs to know basic safety rules, both on the ground and on board the airliner. (View video with teacher's comments).

One and dangerous situations in the air -depressurization interior, that is, a violation of its impermeability to gases. (View video with teacher's comments).

Let's rest and do some physical education (eye exercises).

And now we will consider the situation when a fire broke out on board the aircraft (watching the video with the teacher's comments).

Let's open the tutorial on page 73 and write down the rules of conduct in an airplane fire in a notebook.

Securing new material.

Let's play!

There are cards with tasks on the table, each of you will choose a card and complete the task that is written there.


1.Imagine the work of a steward on board an airliner (why do you need instructions);

2. Depressurization in the cabin, show how to properly put on the oxygen mask;

3. Emergency landing of the aircraft, fasten your seat belt (use a pillow);

4. Substitute pictures to words on the board;

5.Repeat the rules of conduct in case of fire on the plane.

Summing up the lesson.


In the lesson, I learned that….

I liked the lesson (didn’t like it), because….

Post grades and homework.

AIR TRANSPORT ACCIDENTS Aviation accidents and disasters are possible for many reasons. The destruction of individual aircraft structures, engine failure, malfunctioning of control systems, power supply, communication, piloting, lack of fuel, interruptions in the life support of the crew and passengers lead to serious consequences.

ACCIDENTS BY AIR TRANSPORT The more prepared a person is for self-rescue in the conditions of flight accidents, the higher they are. An example of this is the disaster that happened in 1974 with the B 707 at Paju airport in Samoan. Of the 102 passengers, only five survived. The only thing that can be advised here is to clearly follow the instructions of the crew. Fasten the belts, and adjust them to fit your dimensions so that they do not dangle on the body and are as low as possible, preferably almost on the hips.Put your crossed arms on the back of the chair in front of you, tilt, press your head against them, stretch your legs and rest them on the floor or front seat. In another posture recommended in case of an accident, which seems to me more convincing, you should clasp your hands with your elbows with the passengers sitting next to them, protect your head with your palms (or, covering your head with them, rest your elbows against the back of the front seat), put a folded blanket on your knees and under your stomach, a coat, a bag with soft things to create the most voluminous soft buffer, bend over, press your chin firmly against your chest and rest your knees on the back of the front seat! It is better to get rid of glasses, earrings, brooches, fountain pens, keys, etc. pocket change, so that later doctors do not have to cut and pluck them out of your body. Scarves, shawls, ties, chains and laces around the neck, which, catching on an accidental ledge, can strangle you are dangerous. At the moment of impact, it is necessary to strain all the muscles as much as possible, especially in the forward and downward direction, from which, most likely, a push will follow. ! Until the aircraft comes to a complete stop, do not leave the seat or unfasten your seat belts. The first blow may be followed by a second and third, more crushing.

The aircraft should be left both through the main hatches and through the emergency hatches. These hatches are located, as a rule, in each salon. Unfortunately, the experience of accidents shows that passengers tend to leave the plane the way they got into it. And they die in traffic jams at the entrances. For descent from the crashed aircraft to the ground, special ropes with knots and inflatable ladders are provided, which are two inflated air cylinders with a bottom stretched between them. One end of the ladder is fixed in the plane, the other - rests against the ground. Passengers sit down (jump during a quick evacuation) on the floor and slide down it. You must see the emergency hatches and understand how they work before the flight. Most of the hatches are opened by turning the handle downwards, after which the door is pulled back into the cabin and slides in. In order not to damage the rubber surfaces of the gangway, women need to take off their high-heeled shoes before boarding it. Do not hold on to the side edged cord with your hands (so as not to get burned) and hold on to the bottom of the ladder, hindering the descent of other passengers. In case of landing on water, each aircraft's emergency kit contains collective and individual rescue equipment - life rafts and life jackets. Life jackets are stored in the aircraft seat underneath.

DECOMPRESSION is a vacuum in the aircraft cabin in case of violation of its DECOMPRESSION tightness. Accidents at an altitude of over seven thousand meters are often accompanied by decompression. Initially, passengers hear a deafening roar, characteristic of a massive leak from the passenger compartment. The surrounding space is filled with dust and fog, which sharply decreases visibility. Some loose objects and things can fly around the cabin. From the lungs, all the air that is there is very quickly drawn out, which cannot be held by forceful methods, no matter how you strain the chest. At the same time, the eardrums are overloaded, which is accompanied by pain and noise in the ears, intestines, where internal gases expand, causing sharp pains. Within a few seconds, a person loses consciousness from suffocation. ! The only way not to lose consciousness when the aircraft is depressurized is to instantly use the oxygen mask, which is usually stored in the back of the seat in front, by putting it on your face. Putting it on, and not pressing it to your mouth, it is enough to lose consciousness for a short moment, which can happen with oxygen supply, so that it falls out of a weakened hand.

Until the moment you put on the mask, you cannot try to help other people! Even if it is your beloved or your child. No matter how blasphemous it may sound, the first concern should be about your health. What's the point if you rush to them first and die before you can help. First, save yourself, then, while maintaining consciousness and capacity, you can help others as well. Fasten the belts immediately after attaching the mask. The first thing the crew will do is direct the unsealed aircraft downward, which can cause you to be thrown out of the seat. The safest locations in crash-related crashes are closer to the rear of the fuselage, but not in the tail itself. Naturally, there are no safe places in the air during the explosion and collapse of the aircraft. All these places fall from the same height and the same acceleration. And yet, even in such a hopeless situation as a free fall from a height of several kilometers, people manage to survive! The history of aviation knows truly amazing cases.

For obvious reasons, lightweight fuel tanks and tens of tons of fuel contained in them are not enough! Quickly get rid of flammable and fire-melting synthetic clothing. contribute to fire safety. No wonder every fifth aviation accident is accompanied by, for example, women from tights. But outerwear from poorly burning natural materials, on the contrary, followed by a fire. And that is why it is so important to follow flight instructions, wear categorically to protect yourself from the heat of the flame. For the same purpose and to protect the legs from possible shrapnel, wear flammable combustible and explosive substances that prohibit the carriage of flammable fuels and explosives in aircraft. footwear. Necessarily - non-combustible hats. If there is, throw a blanket or blanket on top. Air fire codes are more stringent than ground ones. It is understandable - in the cabin of a burning person. Attempts to extinguish a fire using onboard fire-fighting equipment are not prohibited (you cannot pull the stop crane about the location at an altitude of 10 thousand meters of the aircraft and you cannot jump out the window. Besides, which is better to know in advance). an additional provocateur of ignition here is the rarefaction of the atmosphere caused by altitude, which significantly enhances the evaporation of volatile liquids. ! Protect the respiratory tract from smoke with rags soaked in water, milk, juice, urine. With strong smoke, it is better to move on all fours near the floor. If the passage is blocked, crawl over. On the ground, there are no such problems. In this situation, a microcrack is enough in the container where the lowered backs of the aircraft seats are stored. Emergency hatches must not be opened if smoke and fire are visible behind them. a flammable substance, or a poorly ground cork plus micro-sparks for an explosion. It seems to me that the listed reasons are enough to study and comply with fire regulations.

After a forced landing, the surviving passengers should follow the instructions of the crew, which is trained to operate in such extreme conditions. ! But even before that, without waiting for a separate invitation, one must: run away from the person who committed the emergency! landing the plane, so as not to fall under a possible explosion, lie on the ground for some kind of obstacle and cover your head with your hands. And do not get up until the command of the crew. Or until the plane cools down and the fuel spilled on the ground evaporates. After that, the passengers, if another team does not follow, should get together, carry the injured to a safe distance from the crashed plane and provide them with first aid (first, people with severe arterial and venous bleeding and respiratory tract clogged with foreign objects, then - with fractures, wounds and other injuries); to separate the dead from the bulk of the people; inspect the wreckage of the aircraft and the surrounding area in order to find items useful for survival; to build a temporary shelter that protects from wind and precipitation. These are priority actions, until the completion of which it is impractical to engage in others. It is only then that you can analyze the place where you are for topographic dangers and convenience of stay and try to find a safer one. ! In no case do not go far from the wreckage of the aircraft, unless it is caused by a real need. The first thing the rescuers will do is follow the route of the missing airliner. Thanks to scattered debris that can be clearly seen from the air and damage to the natural landscape, they will quickly find him, but if you went into distant forests and scattered in twos, threes in all directions, you still have to pick up.

Any search for places convenient for survival should be carried out only during the daytime and only in pairs or triplets. Walking alone is unacceptable! While the scouts are searching, everyone else should be as warm as possible and kindle a fire. Fire, besides warmth, is important as a factor of moral support. The sight of fire is always soothing and inspiring. In addition, the bonfire makes it easier to find the crash site, as it is visible from the air for ten kilometers or more! When assigning duties and work, it should be borne in mind that wounded and injured people require the most attention. Children, with their seeming insecurity, are physically very hardy (remember the preschoolers who, in the bitter frost, laughing snow into their collars and then manage not to get sick! Yes, an adult would die in their place!), But are weak in spirit, so they need support. Old people, on the contrary, are weak physically, but this is more than compensated by their life experience and moral endurance. Women are just the same example of endurance and patience, but it is important for them to participate in their fate of the stronger sex, and most importantly - rational leadership. In situations where the crew of the plane died, it is important that the leader stands out from among the confused passengers. He must inspire confidence with all his appearance and behavior, give orders without a note of doubt in his voice, even if he does not even know what to do the next minute.

Once on the plane, you MUST: # study the reminders, listen to the instructions of the crew; # fasten the belt, adjusting it to the figure; # when the aircraft is depressurized - immediately put on an oxygen mask, help the neighbors; # in case of an emergency landing, remove earrings, glasses and throw away other sharp and fragile objects; # take a safety posture - bow your head, rest your elbows and knees on the front seat, put soft things under your stomach and chest; # when there is a crush at the exit - use the emergency exit. DO NOT: # clutter the upper shelves with heavy things; # unfasten belts, get up before the team; # helping others before putting on an oxygen mask; # give in to panic.

Do you know how to act Thank you for your attention! in a plane crash? author of the presentation: Popkova Vera 1 "I".