How to make a fireplace with your hands. DIY decorative fireplace

They faithfully served man for many centuries. Entering the 21st century, we have retained the attachment to a cozy source of heat, but how to solve the problem in urban housing?

How to make a decorative fireplace with your own hands? Design and materials

It is obvious that our apartments are not adapted to building a complete fireplace. Technically, this is a completely impossible task, especially in an apartment building. However, for those who would like to decorate the interior with such an element, there is a solution, and it consists in the construction of a false fireplace. It retains the external signs of a full-fledged hearth, but does not require the arrangement of a chimney and a firebox. Moreover, making a false fireplace with your own hands is quite a doable task.

Since the imitation of the hearth does not require a radical reconstruction of the room and special skills in its arrangement, the design of a false fireplace depends only on the imagination of the home craftsman. The main thing is the frame of the hearth. It can be made from metal profiles, wooden bars and slats, or simply use an overlay panel with a decorative firebox window. The dimensions of the interior element being constructed depend on the size of the room itself, where it will be placed.

False fireplaces: varieties and features

When planning to install a false fireplace in the interior, decide which view is most suitable for you. Designers divide them into authentic, conditional and symbolic.

Decorative fireplace made of boxes

Reliable models of fireplaces

They carefully observe all the parameters of a real fireplace, except for the chimney outlet. Full copying is achieved by installing a biofireplace burner or a conventional burner in the "furnace" electric fireplace. For its decoration, tiles, wallpaper, and stone are used.

Conditional fireplace

A niche in the wall, a portal (making a portal for a fireplace with your own hands is also easy), imitating a furnace hole and decorated candelabra, firewood and other attributes of a real fireplace. Such a model does not require great depth, 20 centimeters is enough, and you can add internal volume with the help of mirror tiles glued on the sides and back of the niche.

Symbolic false fireplace (painted fireplace)

This is more of a painting on the wall than a full-fledged structure. It can be made from ordinary ceiling skirting boards, denoting only the shape, without depth.

Product style: do-it-yourself fireplace made of brick, natural stone and wood

For lovers of antiquity, this can be a stylization of medieval models using. In the spacious living room, a voluminous false fireplace looks great with a wide mantelpiece and a deep “firebox” niche, which are actively used for decor details. It can be both, and a stack of firewood, and family photos, and flower arrangements.

Decorative plasterboard fireplace

In a modern high-tech or modern interior, a false plasterboard fireplace takes on the most unexpected shape. It can act as a central element furniture wall and be filled with books or carry an individual load, presented in the form stylish art object from black glass.

Advice! If you want to see the fire in the firebox, use reflective material (foil or mirror). Install electrical candles or LEDs - and a false fireplace will give a feeling of warmth.

For the bedroom organic empire or classic made in warm colors. White panels with intricate stucco molding bring a soft touch of homeliness into the interior, and the decorative frame of the false fireplace with wood fills the room with sophistication of aristocracy. In addition, this subject can become a kind dressing table if a mirror is placed above it.

Despite the presence of original solutions, the false fireplace with remains the most popular. Both professional and home designers choose candles for decoration. They are installed both in the furnace hole and on the mantelpiece. They are selected by size and color, lined up in various combinations, simply placed on the floor or placed in multi-tiered candelabra.

Artificial fire for a fireplace and imitation of a flame in a fireplace with your own hands

Some masters resort to the help of paints and draw inside the firebox with their own hands. With the right lighting, you get a stylish piece that resembles a burning hearth.

An effective solution would be to purchase a mobile false fireplace, which they will help you make in a furniture workshop, which will allow you not to tie the interior design to a stationary decor item, but to use it in different rooms.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to lay out a fully working fireplace in the apartment. In this aspect, the owners of private houses were more fortunate. It is quite realistic to build a fireplace there, especially if you provide for it at the design stage of the structure itself. But the inhabitants of apartments in modern high-rise buildings have a worthy alternative: they can make a decorative fireplace with their own hands. This will create a relaxing and cozy atmosphere in the interior of the room.

Decorative fireplaces are divided into the following groups:

  • symbolic. Any material can be used to create them. A feature of such a decorative fireplace in the apartment is its dissimilarity with the usual fireplace. An example is his image on the wall, decorated with decorative paraphernalia;

  • conditional. Thanks to a self-made portal protruding from the wall, this type of fireplace is very reminiscent of a real one. At the same time, you can decorate it as you wish, for example, by placing firewood or candles in the firebox;
  • reliable. This is an option for the most complete imitation of a fireplace in an apartment, in compliance with the principles of design and the corresponding dimensions of the structure. To create the effect of a real flame, the inside of the pseudo-furnace is equipped with a bio-burner. The impressive price of this option is offset by its extreme realism.

You can make a decorative fireplace with your own hands from a variety of materials. Moreover, any such design is easy to implement. The materials you need can be purchased at any hardware or hardware store, and a number of them can even be found at home.

Making a fireplace with your own hands from boxes

It is noteworthy that from this material it is possible to create a portal for an electric fireplace with your own hands, and not just a purely decorative design. Of course, this option excludes the installation of a gas burner due to the presence of an open flame, which can cause a fire. It is impossible to place a heat-exchange fireplace with a casing and a water boiler in it due to the fact that cardboard can catch fire from overheating, and because of the bulkiness of the final design. For the same reasons, do-it-yourself installation of an electric fireplace with a built-in heating function and with an open firebox is unacceptable.

From the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusion: in a structure created from boxes, it is allowed to install only an electric fireplace with imitation of a flame using a backlight or on an LCD screen.

Useful advice! To make it look more like a real fireplace, finish the product from the boxes with decorative plaster or paint with acrylic paint.

The only drawback of such structures is their lightness. Therefore, fastening a homemade fireplace from boxes must be carried out to the floor or wall.

This material allows you to implement a wide variety of design ideas. There are several style directions of a fireplace from boxes created by one's own hands in an apartment today.

Modern. Designing a fireplace portal in this style involves a variety of colors and textures, a combination of antique decorative elements (sockets, stucco moldings, etc.) and modern forms. Such a fireplace will be in perfect harmony with almost any interior.

High tech. This style suggests a certain futurism. Therefore, in this case, to create a fireplace in the apartment with your own hands, such ultra-modern materials as plexiglass, steel are used. It would seem, what does cardboard boxes have to do with it? However, even from them you can make a fireplace in a modern style. It is enough to give it an interesting geometric shape and paint it steel or black, and simply insert a mirror into the firebox. It is also allowed to lay glass on the mantelpiece.

Classic. This style is always in fashion. A minimum of additional decorations, strict lines - you can put such a fireplace in absolutely any apartment.

Country. Rustic style is preferred by many of our contemporaries. Such fireplaces differ in that they are made of natural stone. To give the product from the boxes such a look, it is enough to paste over it with self-adhesive wallpaper or a film with a stone print, and firewood must be placed in the firebox.

What materials and tools will be needed to make a cardboard fireplace with your own hands

It is clear that in the first place it is necessary to have several large cardboard boxes. In addition, in this case, you will need to buy to create an imitation of a fireplace:

  • glue for connecting boxes together;
  • polymer-based adhesive;
  • paint suitable for working with cardboard "building materials" (usually water-based);
  • paint "gold" in a can;
  • colorless varnish;
  • ceiling molding;

  • brushes and sponges;
  • masking tape and adhesive tape;
  • ruler, level, measuring instruments.

Let's briefly consider the question of how to make a decorative fireplace with your own hands. The length of the base is about 120, and the height is 50 mm. The main part is constructed from a cardboard box and pasted over with adhesive tape. As a result, you need to get a blank that looks like a dollhouse. The portal is also created from cardboard. To simplify the work, opt for the option with a solid back wall.

On a note! When drawing lines for cutting a cardboard box, do not use felt-tip pens and markers. They will show through the paint and ruin the whole look.

The front part of the portal is made from a piece of cardboard in the form of a strip. Then the furnace part is cut out. To connect all the parts together, adhesive tape is used.

Next up is the top shelf. It must be understood that the strength of an artificial fireplace created by one's own hands is determined by the quality of this particular element. To ensure that the installation of heavy objects on the top shelf does not lead to its deformation, it is necessary to glue several layers of cardboard together. And to give this part rigidity, press it until it dries completely. Fixation of the upper shelf on the portal is carried out using polymer-based adhesive. Then the joints between all the details of the fireplace are sealed using masking tape.

The process of decorating a do-it-yourself decorative cardboard fireplace is the most pleasant and easy of all the works on its manufacture. One of the most attractive options is the use of stucco. But most often moldings or baguettes made of foam are used to frame the fireplace.

Making your own brick fireplace

This material is used to ensure that the appearance of the structure is similar to that of a traditional fireplace. Usually used decorative or facing bricks. Laying must be carried out according to a previously drawn up drawing or sketched order. Only a master with experience in masonry work can perform this type of construction.

Decorative brick fireplace does not need additional finishing. This material itself looks very original. Wooden shelves and real logs are suitable for decorating this type of structure. A special romantic atmosphere will reign in the apartment during the construction of a false brick fireplace with candles in it.

What is live fire? Types of fireplaces with 3D fire effect. Features of the choice of electric fireplaces. Rules for the installation of an electric fireplace.

Brick laying for a fireplace is in order. Before moving on to the next row, it is advisable to give the previous one time to dry. Be sure to wipe the front side of the brick.

A gap of 5 millimeters must be left between all metal components and the brick. Lay an asbestos cord of the same width in it. The gap is left in order to prevent damage to the structure of the dummy fireplace caused by different coefficients of linear expansion of metal and brick.

Note! Jointing of masonry joints should be done immediately. Then there will be no need for additional finishing.

To decorate the structure, it will be enough to install a hardwood mantel on it. As a budget option - a foam concrete shelf. Inside the furnace hole, you can install an electronic portal with the functions of simulating live fire and sound. Of course, the use of such a hand-made brick fireplace for heating is impossible, but the visual perception of the “dancing” flames will bring notes of real warmth to the room.

Creation of decorative fireplaces from plaster

Gypsum is included in the group of the most practical and at the same time cheap materials for the construction and decoration of false fireplaces. It is safe for health because it is environmentally friendly. Gypsum is able to absorb excess moisture in the room and, conversely, give it away if the air there is very dry. The plasticity of this material ensures the ease of decorating the surface of the product.

A gypsum fireplace portal can be decorated with elements that match the style of the interior of a particular room. A wide range of options available for artistic processing of such a design is the main advantage of this material in terms of the implementation of design ideas. For example, its surface can be decorated with alfreine painting or covered with gilding, made to look like marble or wood, tinted with acrylic or water-based paint in any color.

The answer to the question of how to make a decorative gypsum fireplace portal depends on what kind of homeowner prefers it. According to the criterion "manufacturing method", experts distinguish two main types of such structures:

  • profiled. Individual elements of the decorative frame are attached to the profile: cuts, pilasters, moldings, friezes, rods;
  • sculptural. Here it is supposed to use such sculptural elements as atlases, bas-reliefs and caryatids.

A good help when choosing will be the study of a photo of imitation fireplaces with a plaster portal.

Features of manufacturing a corner raised fireplace from drywall

In accordance with the name, such a decorative fireplace is placed in the corner of the room. Thus, the floor and two interlocking walls serve as the supports of the structure. The use of drywall sheets allows you to give the fireplace smooth and curved shapes and perfectly fit it into the interior of your apartment.

And in this embodiment, the final product is often equipped with a top shelf. By placing decorative items on it, the owner will bring a touch of sophistication and originality to the home.

The following advantages of such a design solution can be distinguished:

  • saving indoor space;
  • in almost any room you can find a free corner and place a false fireplace in it;
  • this placement allows you to increase the size of the corner fireplace. Due to this, the decorative component of the interior of the housing will increase;
  • installing a false fireplace in the corner does not create obstacles to moving around the room;
  • any home master will be able to mount the design of a corner decorative fireplace with his own hands. Photos of this product will be the best assistant in carrying out such work. To increase the level of visual appeal, decorate the corner false oven with natural or ceramic tiles, etc. In addition, elements made of polyurethane and gypsum can be used for decoration, for example, in the form of columns.

Note! One of the most common design decisions is to install a false stove in the corner opposite the front door. Then the decorative fireplace will become the central accent of the interior.

What tools and materials will be needed to make a false plasterboard fireplace

Beginners who do not know how to make an artificial plasterboard fireplace portal should heed the recommendations of professionals. The main advice is formulated as follows: before starting work, you need to decide on the design of the product and create a drawing. It is this scheme that will allow you to calculate the approximate amount of materials.

Typically, the case will require:

  • drywall. It is sold in sheets with different sizes;
  • metallic profile. A frame is created from it;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • putty and primer;
  • lining material.

A metal profile made of galvanized sheet acts as the basis for fastening the elements of the fireplace portal. During installation, several types of such products are used: arched, guide, rack, corner profiles.

To build a frame, the following tools should be at hand:

  • grinder - angle grinder;
  • level, better laser;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • long ruler and tape measure;
  • square.

The beginning of work on the installation of a raised plasterboard corner fireplace

The choice of installation site is made taking into account the following factors:

  • distance from other objects. Placing the structure close to cabinets and other furniture is not the best solution. The fireplace will not look here;

  • the presence of free space - in it the fireplace attracts the attention of others more;
  • away from windows. Even a decorative fireplace is always associated with warmth. And near the window opening, such an association can be broken.

Having chosen a place, we draw a drawing. It should display the parameters of each element of the false furnace. There are two options here: choose a ready-made plan from the Web or create a drawing yourself. In favor of the first, he says that you will definitely be sure of the correctness of the indicated figures characterizing the dimensions of all structural details.

Having made a drawing, we apply markings on the floor and walls. Having done this, check all the lines for level. Even the slightest irregularities must be excluded.

On a note! Before you go to the building materials store to buy elements of the future frame, you should calculate the optimal thickness of the metal profile, taking into account the magnitude of the load. Evaluation "by eye" is unacceptable.

How to install a corner decorative fireplace made of drywall

The appearance of certain nuances is due to the angular arrangement of the false furnace. To assemble a frame from metal profiles, the following sequence of actions is performed:

  • we install the starting profile along the walls on the floor. It must converge in the corner;
  • then we build the base of the fireplace on the floor. We assemble it according to the standard scheme using guide profiles;
  • along the lines in the corner and along the walls we fasten the guide profile, which is included in the starting one fixed on the floor;
  • all fastenings between profiles and walls, as well as the floor, are carried out using dowels.

The basis is metal profiles of different types

Remember that the key to the strength of the entire structure is a stable and powerful foundation. After its installation, we proceed to the assembly of the frame and the niche of the fireplace portal. First, we insert the guide profiles into the base and remove the box. After that, we fix the jumpers between the guide profiles. We connect the profiles to each other using screws for metal. The final stage of the installation of the frame is the laying of wires through which power will be supplied to devices that simulate a real flame.

Sheathing the frame and decorating a false fireplace

Plasterboard sheets are used for sheathing. Meanwhile, in the context of the question of how to make a fireplace from this material in an apartment, this procedure has the following features:

  • to sheathe the inside of the portal and the base, you will have to cut drywall sheets into small pieces;
  • at this stage, you will need a much larger number of perforated corners than in the previous ones. Only with them the created structure will have ideal right angles.

In all other respects, the sheathing of the frame with plasterboard sheets is carried out according to the standard scheme. Upon completion, proceed to decorate the fireplace with your own hands. When choosing a finishing option, it is necessary to focus, first of all, on the design features of the living space.

Most often, ceramic tiles, decorative bricks and artificial stone are used for external coating. To fasten the finishing components, liquid nails or tile adhesive are used. If the cladding is done with tiles of the correct shape, it is necessary to lay them so that the gaps are the same. To achieve this result will allow the use of special plastic crosses.

However, for the finishing of a decorative fireplace in an apartment in a multi-storey building, a less expensive option is allowed. For example, the use of paint or decorative plaster. In this case, the surface should be carefully processed with putty, all irregularities should be eliminated and the joints between the skin components should be repaired.

Important! Even a neatly cut drywall sheet will have notches on the edges. Before puttying, they must be removed with sandpaper.

In conclusion, it remains to place an electric fireplace in the opening of the "firebox". However, you can decorate the free space in accordance with your taste preferences. So, one of the great options for a classic interior is the arrangement of warm and soft lighting in the “firebox”.

In general, today there are many ideas for decorating a decorative fireplace. You can implement the proposed solutions, or come up with your own, unique.

The beauty of the flame of fire enchants and attracts. You can look at it without stopping for hours. And you rarely meet such a person who would not dream of installing a fireplace in his home. But what to do if you live in an apartment and you can’t install a fireplace in it? Here a decorative plasterboard fireplace will come to the rescue.



Decorative fireplaces are becoming more popular day by day. If earlier they emphasized their wealth, now it is a common element of decor. This is because such fireplaces bring harmony to the house and have a number of positive aspects.

  • A decorative fireplace will add chic to any interior, acting as the main focus in it.
  • A false fireplace is not only a decorative element, but also a heating device that will bring warmth and add coziness to your home.
  • It is nice to spend time with loved ones around him.
  • Not dangerous for children.
  • Do-it-yourself decorative plasterboard fireplace does not require large investments.

And these are just the main advantages of installing a false fireplace at home.


Place for a fireplace

If you decide to install a flash fireplace at home, then first you need to determine the place. The choice of its location is very important so that you can qualitatively create the illusion that the fireplace is quite real.

  • First, we determine the room where we plan to install such a fireplace. Everything is simple here. Most likely, it will be a living room or a hall. Less commonly, decorative fireplaces are installed in the bedroom.
  • Secondly, we plan its placement. Usually it is installed in the middle of the longitudinal wall. But here it all depends on your wishes and the design of the room, as well as on its technical capabilities.

Do not place the fireplace in places where it will interfere. For example, near cabinets, doors and batteries. This will not only complicate the installation work, but the fireplace may subsequently be damaged.

How to do

To make a decorative fireplace yourself, you will need some drywall skills, the ability and desire to create, and, of course, a tool.

Initially, you need to make drawings. First, draw a diagram of the location of the future fireplace, or even several, and then draw a fireplace in two projections, apply all the necessary dimensions. It is better to carry out the drawing in full size, so that it is easy to try on the wall. We develop a sketch to the smallest detail, so that later you do not have to redo anything.

Based on the drawing, we make a model of the future fireplace from cardboard boxes or foam. It is necessary to create all the details of the fireplace, and install them on adhesive tape where you plan to place this decor element. Execute the layout carefully, completely in accordance with the project, in order to analyze errors in advance and eliminate them.

We turn to the construction of the structure. During construction we will need:

  1. Bulgarian;
  2. perforator;
  3. screwdriver;
  4. cutter;
  5. putty knife;
  6. stationery knife;
  7. metal scissors;
  8. roulette;
  9. building level;
  10. pencil.

Initially, we transfer all the details of the future fireplace to sheets of drywall, and cut it out with a grinder. We mark all parts of the fireplace on the wall, use the building level to maintain a clear horizontal and vertical line. We install guides on the wall where it is planned to place a false fireplace. We do this with a puncher and dowels.

If you do not plan to install a false chimney and are thinking of organizing a shelf for photographs and figurines at the top, then you must immediately strengthen the side racks for structural reliability. Lead the cable with electricity into the structure so that you can then insert and connect an electric fireplace or LCD TV into the portal. You can assemble the frame separately, and only then install it on the wall. This option is more convenient if your fireplace is located near a wall.

Now we sheathe the frame with drywall. We do everything carefully, remembering that a deviation of a few millimeters can distort the whole picture and will not make it possible to fill the portal in the future. If the lining of the false fireplace is assumed to be massive and heavy, then it is necessary to sheathe the future fireplace with two layers of drywall. For lining the fireplace, drywall sheets with a thickness of at least 1.2 cm are suitable.

Next, we move on to putty. Why is it necessary to process the edges of the drywall with an abrasive, prime and putty the fireplace completely. We produce putty inside and outside. We use tape and perforated corners to connect the sheets to each other so that the grout holds well and the surface becomes perfectly flat.

The next step is finishing the false fireplace. You can decorate it with any material. Tile, artificial stone, gypsum finish, granite, marble, just painting and much more are suitable here. It all depends on your imagination and the stylistic decision of the room as a whole.

But initially you need to finish the inside of the decorative fireplace, especially if a heat appliance will be installed in it. Thermal insulation in this case is necessary. We trim the portal with magnesite and cover it with foil on top. Such a layer will reflect heat and will not allow the inner walls of the fireplace to heat up.

If a heater is not provided in a false fireplace, then inside it can be trimmed with a mirror.

If the fireplace is finished with artificial stone or marble, then finishing work in the form of putty can be omitted. In this case, you just need to prime the drywall, and then glue the stone with special glue. We give the glue to dry well and process all the seams between the stone with a special grout.

Another great way to finish a drywall fireplace is with decorative plaster. We apply it to the fireplace, and, without waiting for the coating to dry, with a spatula we imitate brickwork.

You can paste over with a decorative film, choosing a suitable pattern. A huge selection of textures will make your fireplace unique.

After finishing the fireplace, it is necessary to decorate it. To do this, we use various columns, stucco, moldings. Such decor will give an artificial fireplace naturalness and completeness.

You can install a decorative shelf on the top of the fireplace, install an electric fireplace or a TV in the firebox.

Design in the interior

The design of a decorative fireplace can be performed in any stylistic decision, and it is possible to equip it in different ways. From what you fill the portal at the false fireplace, it will determine the function of this decor element.

  1. A fireplace, decorated in a classic style, decorated with marble or granite, with an electric fireplace in the portal, will not only bring warmth to your room, but its presentable appearance will become the central accent in the interior.
  2. A false chimney will add naturalness to the fireplace.
  3. A brick-lined fireplace with a TV in the firebox is suitable for a high-tech stylistic solution. Its clear lines and simple shapes fit perfectly into this style.
  4. Finishing in the form of Greek statues will add chic and fit into the bohemian style of the living room.
  5. For an apartment decorated in Art Nouveau style, a fireplace with a minimal finish is perfect.
  6. Candles in the portal will add a romantic touch to the decor of the room.
  7. Decorative fireplace can be used as a book shelf.
  8. Corner false fireplace will be a decoration even in a small room.
  9. The top shelf can be decorated with figurines for hours, giving English chic to the interior.
  10. A decorative fireplace trimmed with stone is perfect for a room with a rustic style.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to lay out a fireplace in the apartment that will fully work. From this point of view, the owners of private houses are more fortunate - a fireplace can become a reality, especially if you plan it at the design stage of the house. But if you really want to decorate your interior with a fireplace, then a decorative fireplace will be a worthy alternative. Moreover, you can make it yourself, and then your interior will be truly unique and inimitable.

Building a decorative fireplace doesn't really require special skills. All you need is some time, a few building tools and materials. Tools, as a rule, can be found with every owner, but today you can also use rental services. And with materials, there will be no difficulties at all, since their choice in specialized stores is very large.

What can be a fireplace?

How the fireplace will end up depends on the overall style of the room. If the room is designed in a classic style, then a square fireplace with stucco or bas-reliefs will be appropriate. It can be finished with marble or brick tiles.

If the room is made in modern style, then reflective materials can be used for decoration. For high-tech, it is recommended to pay attention to the shape of the fireplace - there may be non-standard acute-angled shapes and mirror finishes. Today, country style in interiors is quite popular. Its signs are naturalness and simplicity, therefore the materials will be required simple and even rough. Decoration with decorative elements in country style is not welcome.

When choosing a material for a decorative fireplace, it is better to be guided by the degree of complexity of its processing and installation. You can of course use wood, bricks or even stones. However, for an apartment, such a design may be too cumbersome. Great opportunities at work are drywall. We propose to consider the option of making a decorative fireplace from this material.

Decorative plasterboard fireplace

Drywall today is an affordable and relatively inexpensive material. In addition, it is very easy to process, and the installation of drywall structures is not particularly difficult.

For work you will need:

  • drywall;
  • profile (metal);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screws and dowel-nails;
  • Decoration Materials.

Consider the process of making a decorative fireplace step by step:

  1. You should start with a sketch. You decide on the location of the fireplace and draw a sketch. According to the sketch, it is necessary to calculate the actual dimensions and quantity of the required materials. If the fireplace is in the corner of the room, then you have to assemble its frame separately and then install it. If it is located near the wall, then the frame can be assembled directly on the wall.
  2. We will consider the option of assembling the frame against the wall. Marks are applied on the wall for fastening profiles, which will become the basis of the back wall of the fireplace. For fastening, it is best to use dowel-nails.
  3. According to the sketch, gradually build the entire frame. To give the structure strength, be sure to make jumpers, approximately every 30 cm. Then the structure will be able to withstand the decor elements placed on the mantelpiece - clocks, figurines, books, etc. If you have conceived an arched upper part in the fireplace, then make pre-cuts along the side of the profile and then you can already give it the desired shape.
  4. Sheathe the finished frame with drywall using self-tapping screws. Actually, the base of the decorative fireplace is ready, and then it will have to be lined with the selected finishing materials.

Plasterboard lining can be very different- from painting to tiling. It all depends on the style you choose for the fireplace. Drywall itself is a very versatile material and makes it possible to improvise.

If you are going to paint, then pay special attention to the heads of the screws - they should be tightened well so that they do not stick out. In addition, the surface should be prepared for painting - primed, covered with putty and only then applied paint.

If you will use tiles, then follow the instructions for the selected brand of glue. Do not forget that grouting is performed only a day after laying the tiles. During this time, the glue will have time to dry well.

Other materials can be used for decoration - it all depends on your imagination and interior ideas.

How to make a decorative fireplace "burn"?

When creating a fireplace, we, of course, want it to add coziness to the room, and imitation of a flame can become the solution to this problem. Today, appliances are on sale that can be placed inside a decorative fireplace, and they will transmit an image of burning firewood and even a characteristic crackling sound.

But you can get more creative with this issue. For example, make the back wall of the fireplace mirror and place logs and candles in front of it. Another interesting idea is to place a lamp inside and tighten the niche of the firebox with a translucent film. If the film is yellow or orange, it will create a warm glow effect.

There are actually many variations. And we are sure that such a decorative fireplace will be a great decoration for any interior!

DIY decorative fireplace - video

DIY decorative fireplace - photo ideas

Those in whose possessions there are city apartments, probably somewhere in the depths of their souls there is not enough crackling firewood in the home interior. But, this is not at all a reason to deny yourself such pleasure, limiting yourself from the fireplace, near which you can sit comfortably on a frosty evening.

After all, do-it-yourself decorative false fireplaces can bring no less comfort and warmth to your home. Especially if they are equipped with an imitation of a flame, as well as an electric furnace.

Note. When creating a false fireplace, you may need lumber, the site presents the largest range at affordable prices.

How to make a fake fireplace step by step

This is quite a simple procedure. For manufacturing, you will need to make a sketch, which, by the way, you can draw yourself! Any building materials will do. You can use drywall on a metal/wood frame.

Polyurethane, porcelain stoneware, tiles, MDF. You can come up with absolutely any shape of your fireplace, for example, imitate a classic hearth, or create an original design that will be complemented by other decorative elements. There are many DIY ideas on this site.


The fastest way to make your own decorative fireplace is to purchase a ready-made polyurethane portal. The thing is that today the store offers a wide range of different portals, among which it is absolutely not problematic to choose the right style, dimensions for your home.

Electric fireplaces can be built into such a design, for which you need to know what its dimensions are (dimensions and installation). It is also important to know what are the requirements regarding ventilation, as well as connection to electricity.

When deciding to install a false fireplace made of polyurethane, you can use the photos of false fireplaces in our catalog, thanks to which you will surely make the right choice faster.

To perform this version of the fireplace, you need a shop polyurethane portal, a contact type of glue, putty, finishing materials for the firebox like decorative bricks.

Installation process:

  • Choose a place where the false fireplace will be installed. It is advisable to install it on one of the side walls in the room, because in this way you will achieve maximum harmony. At the same time, the fireplace should not become an obstacle to movement in the room.
  • You need to think in advance whether your portal will have an electric fireplace, as well as lighting. To do this, you need to run wires and make an outlet nearby.
  • Using wooden bars, you should make a frame. Also for a profile with a wall, plywood or plasterboard is suitable.
  • The portal should be installed. Then secure with contact adhesive. Gently putty the gaps using the finishing type of putty.
  • Install an electric fireplace, finish the firebox in accordance with the preferred style of interior design. Turn on the backlight if necessary. If your fireplace is classically styled, lighting with soft and warm tones is ideal. In other cases, an LED strip can be used.


If you are not going to install an electric fireplace, decorate the back of your structure with a mirror. Lay decorated logs on the bottom / fill it with stones, shells, glass balls.

You can make a perfectly safe fire inside your fireplace. To do this, install candles with different shapes and heights in the firebox.

Decorating the back of the fireplace

The portal can be decorated using paint, patina, gilding, or using decorative elements. The fireplace mantel can be installed in wood/artificial stone.

Ready-made portals are made of polyurethane, wood. They are much more expensive in value, at the same time, among them you can find the most incredible masterpieces. For example, a bar can be equipped inside.

Plasterboard false fireplace

If after the repair work you still have a profile or plasterboard, use it! This option will be not only excellent, but also very inexpensive. And the design will fit into a niche / corner of any type. It can also become an element of a real shelf composition.

For such a structure, you will need: wood beams, galvanized drywall profile, trimming plasterboard, plywood sheets, a screwdriver, a jigsaw, scissors for metal carving, putty, acrylic-based paint, brick / decorative stone look.

This is the manufacturing process. In advance, it is imperative to think over a sketch of the fireplace, on which all dimensions will be indicated, including the junction of the frame parts. It is important to measure the room, to decide where exactly the fireplace will stand. Then the required amount of material is calculated.

The frame is made from a profile, its elements are interconnected by self-tapping screws. The profile is cut with a hacksaw / scissors. In order for all elements to be the most stable, they should be connected by transverse types of jumpers. If your structure is too large, then its frame should be attached to the floor and walls. After all, if it is heavy, or just narrow, the fireplace will be completely unstable. GKL should be cut out in accordance with the sketch, then make a fitting, trim if necessary and fasten with knee black self-tapping screws directly to the profile. The self-tapping caps should be slightly deepened so that puttying is not problematic in the future. GKL is quite easy to cut with a knife.

Then the sheets are screwed to the frame. At the joints and fixing points, it should be puttied, leveled with putty intended for interior work, in two layers. The corners should be reinforced with paint mesh.

Then you should putty the edges with the joints of the plasterboard. Align the surfaces on the sheets, if necessary, use putty. The structure needs to be painted. Also, for decoration, you need to use other materials, such as artificial stone, tiles, stucco moldings. You need to glue on a special glue, which is diluted strictly according to the instructions.

The firebox is made out of brickwork, or a mirror is installed on the back wall of the structure.

You can also install candles inside the firebox, or install an imitation hearth with backlighting.

A false fireplace is a completely safe design that can be installed even in children's rooms. In this case, you can use the mantel as a stand for photo frames, toys and other things.

Photos of the best design options for false fireplaces in the interior