Modern materials for wall decoration in the hallway. Watching MDF panels: types of panels and installation

Repair - always the case is troublesome, and even more so internal finish. A person is found along the clothes, and the apartment in the hallway. After all, this is the first room of our house, so you need to carefully refer to its arrangement.

Often in the family, when deciding to start repair, the question of choosing the finishing material is very sharp. Wallpapers, plaster with décor or other types of coatings require considerable costs, not only material, but also physical, since the surface under them must be thoroughly prepared - remove the old coating, eliminate dents, cracks, or resort to the walls of the wall.

All these troubles will not only increase the final price, but also add dust and dirt into our and so not perfectly clean life. Therefore, many residents make a choice in favor of panels for walls. You do not have to level the walls and even remove the previous coating. Behind such panels, it is very advantageously hidden by various kinds of communication, and sometimes add a heater, which carries and sound insulation function.


Benefits of wall products

The hallway panels are a great idea for updating the interior. The predominance of low cost in combination with the grace and practicality of panel materials give indisputable advantages in choosing this product.

Their main advantages:

  • Easy installation. For the purpose of saving, you can separate the whole room without assistance and specially trained personnel.
  • No need to level irregularity, remove old wallpaper.
  • Special tools are not needed. We need only bars, nails, panels. And if you do not build a crate, then only glue.
  • Wall panels are easy to wash, just wiping with a wet cloth.
  • When a small sector of the coating can easily be replaced with a new one.
  • A huge selection of the material from which the panels for the walls are made, will not leave you indifferent to the selected trim method. Color, texture, additional accessories and many other "chips" will delight buyers.
  • Finally, this material is not only practical and environmentally friendly, but it just looks beautiful in the hallway.

One more of the benefits of panels are fasteners:

  • Directly to the wall, with the help of special glue or decorative nails (bolts). But for this you need to prepare the wall - align, primitive.
  • Using a building stapler is fastened for a tree crate.
  • On an iron or wooden frame with self-tapping screws.
  • On a plastic clammers for mounting.


The building materials market in today's market is so diverse that "eyes are running out." Choose something suitable is difficult, but still you can. Be sure to pay attention to the decorative panels. They are several varieties:

  • Rack type. Panels in the form of long plate widths up to 30 cm, up to 370 cm long, up to 1.2 cm thick. Installation can be made both in horizontal and vertical direction. Adding built-in LED lamps will only decorate the decoration of the parade and add light into the room.
  • Tile type.These are a square or rectangular panels. The fixation is performed using the Schip-Groove Castle Connection. Figure and texture can be the most varied. Suitable for compiling a colorful and unique panel of your interior.
  • Sheet type.Such panels, as a rule, have large sizes, unlike the previous ones. Reach 1.2 x 2.4 m with a thickness of 0.3 cm. The size minimizes the number of seams.


Wall panels of the hallway should not only fit into the interior, but also to respond to the necessary properties (illumination, humidity, air temperature) of this room. Externally, they are also selected taking into account the characteristic features of the hallway, so that the result of the finish is pleased with the owners, and not vice versa.

It is believed that the wall decoration panels is a sign of minimalism and low cost of repair, but this is a delusion. The market offers us a huge number of colors and materials of their manufacture:

  • Plastic. PVC panels are considered a relatively inexpensive finish material. But they are easy to clean, are not subject to water, and have a variety of decorations - from the imitation of the tree to the tile.
  • MDF.These are plates made of pressed wood chips. They are much easier than a tree. This material is a good soundproofer, and if you purchase a MDF panel with a special impregnation, then they will not be scary moisture. They are textured or even more beautiful thanks to the milling on the front side.
  • Wooden.This material is environmentally friendly, always gives the interior solidity, but at the same time requires a balance with other parts of the finish. The panels are made multilayer and have high resistance to heat, humidity, mechanical effects, ultraviolet. Often you can meet walnut wood, oak, birch and other valuable breeds. There are models with threads, intrusions of other materials.

Color options

Will your wall panels may be purple or lightweight in a black asterisk, under a tree or under stone - depends on you and your choice. Only your fiction can tell you or household, which will most likely against black walls with hearts. You can always agree and find a common color decision that everyone will appeal. Of course, the color greatly affects the external perception of the room. Everyone knows that in small or narrow rooms, the bright colors of panels win, then immediately from the doorway will seem a little more.

In the corridor, it is customary to use more restrained tones, but bright and rich colors are becoming more and more popular. You can often find panels with drawings that can be made and according to your sketch. Pictures are applied using modern printing technologies using full-color digital printing.


In the urban apartments of the old planning, completely few space remains under the corridor or the hallway, but another thing is private houses that most often make it possible to show a fantasy on their expanses. It is possible to decorate the walls with panels with volumetric moldings, eaves or stucco, thus obtaining a great interior in classicism style.

Relief wall panels (or they are also called 3D panels) will help to recreate an interesting design with an emphasis on the wall. Such surfaces do not need an additional decoration in the form of paintings or mirrors, they themselves are of affordable attention. Those who prefer originality and severity simultaneously with the minimum number of decorations such an option will have to do. Imitation of masonry or brick wall, wooden plate or ceramic tile, mosaic or frescoes - all these modifications are limited to your financial capabilities.

It is necessary to clearly represent all the criteria for the coverage of the walls before going for the purchase. Do not forget about practicality. It is very difficult to remove stickers that have placed children without demand in the interior, traces of glue or paints. And the wall panels will just help you forget about such petty troubles.

What is better to see the walls?

No one can answer clearly for this question, only the owners themselves themselves. And of course, the choice depends on the overall concept of the interior, your financial capabilities, features of the hallway.

The main advantages of the MDF in the hallway finish are:

  • Simple installation that does not require excessive time costs.
  • A small amount of garbage during installation.
  • Depending on class, there are several options for fastening on the wall.
  • For cutting panels there is no need to use special tools, enough hacksaw or jigsaw.

  • Part of the panel that came into disrepair can always be replaced with a new one.
  • Sound and thermal insulation.
  • Decent quality, strength, resistance to external influences, as well as a decorative effect.
  • In addition, the smooth and smooth surface is well laminated and painted.
  • And the last, but important quality is an acceptable value for money.

But without flaws do not do. Such are the change in the appearance with a large degree of humidity and the impossibility of using abrasive substances during cleaning. However, the hallway is not the room where everyday cleaning with detergents with abrasive particles is required.

The use of PVC panels has no less positive qualities, including:

  • Harmfulness. It is known that there is nothing perfect, but close to the ideal in this sense can be considered plastic. Thanks to modern technologies and components, it is safe to argue about the harmlessness of modern panels for a person, they do not distinguish any odor or chemical compounds, in addition, they are practically non-combustible.
  • Easy installation. You do not have to search for specialists to install panels.
  • The tightness, which lies in the lowest distance between the panels, in which hateful dirt will not accumulate.
  • Care will not burden any hostess.
  • Durability that will still depend on the lifestyle and accuracy of households.
  • In the event of damage, you can always update it with a specific decor, stickers, stickers.

Facing walls by wood is considered to be one of the high-quality and fairly popular types of finishes, albeit expensive. The tree was used and will always be popular among homeowners.

All this thanks to the following characteristics:

  • In case of timely and regular care, such panels will rejoice you for a long time with their quality and appearance. There is also a specialized impregnation (antibacterial, antifungal, water-repellent) or wood varnish, which reduces all the risks of damage.
  • Separately, it is necessary to add a periodic update of this type of finish - with the help of special means you can emphasize the texture of the tree or even change the color.

A significant disadvantage of wooden panels can be considered an increased cost.

Most often, the repair of the hallway households are recently made, but this approach is erroneous. The hallway is visible from all the rooms of the apartment, and the neighbors are not discharge can see it from the staircase, for example.

Today in many homes you can see that the hallway finishes are made by the MDF panels - and the result looks more than worthy. There are a lot of MDF plates today in the construction materials market, you can easily find even those that naturally imitate wood or tiled coverage. This material is also economical and very practical, in some special care he does not need.

Warm plates and their characteristic properties

What is an entrance hall in the apartment? This room is something like a business card. And the decoration of the walls is generally very important - because thanks to such a cladding, you can drastically transform the entire style direction. Thanks to the texture, color of a specific finishing material, the most visual image arises, on the basis of which a person makes output to the score of your hallway, its design.

That is why it is so important to think through the design of the walls carefully. This item is an important.

What are the pros of the panels, why are they popular in the hallway finish?

  • First of all, installation work is carried out easily. Anyone will cope with such a task - there would be a desire. Also, during the work there will be a minimum of dirt, dust and construction garbage: what can not be said about other facing options.
Fixation of MDF panels on the wall can be made in different ways. Due to this, you will always be able to choose the decision that for your home will be the most acceptable.
  • Another advantage of the panels to which you should pay attention to: the strips are crucified very simply - the electrolovka or hacksaw will help. And if it is necessary to replace one or another part, which is damaged: There will be no difficulties with disconnection - the elements are easily separated from the base, immediately;
  • Other pluses are also there: the soundproofing room will be good, as well as thermal insulation. Just between the walls and plates will be free space. Here they put insulation, immediately you can hide any communication without any problems.

Materials required for MDF installation

Any master, even a beginner, perfectly understands: finishing the hallway panels MDF - the task is not the most difficult. However, even here is needed - that the result is high-quality.

What sequence everything is produced?

  • To begin with, you need to purchase the finishing material together with the necessary accessories, components;
  • The number of panels required for work is determined. It is important to take into account here not the volume of space that must be closed - and its width is important.
In the case when on the wall, individual panels will contact each other, you must also buy. That is, you can not do without additional expenses (time will also have to spend).
  • A sure solution is to make a wall cladding with panels that are integers. The width of the MDF panel (we are talking about type indicators) is 15 cm. However, there are panels whose width and 19 and 24 cm;
  • Make this: The width of the wall is divided into the width of that panel of the MDF, which you are going to use. As a result, it will become clear - how many specifically the panels for decoration will be required to you.
  • When you buy the material, make a certain stock: no one is insured against errors, marriage. Trimming will also be quite normal.

Varieties MDF panels

The MDF panels differ by type - everything depends on how the frontal part of the finishing material is finished. For example, the most popular can be called laminated panels - in the production process, PVC films are applied on them..

Advantages of laminated MDF panels

  • This material has dust-repellent properties;
  • Against mechanical damage is stable (and levels of sustainability are high);
  • The veneered panels are separated by a veneer of high-quality wood - at the request of the customer you can add any shade;
  • If the panel is painted, then high quality compositions were chosen for its staining, the stability of which is not subject to doubt.
If you need to cut these panels - it is best to use an electrolovka. The incision will be clearer, completely even, without any burrs.

Fasteners of panels - stages

Beginner masters may experience different difficulties when attaching panels on the walls in the hallway. Someone this process will even seem hard. For the problems to have a minimum, you should be aware: what sequence should be observed in the work stages.

The procedure here will be about such:

  • First you need to measure the room where the repair is assumed;
  • You must calculate - how many sheets for repair will be required;
  • Finish corners also need to calculate - they are needed to form an angle. At any angle, the joints can be both external and internal;
  • The special compositions of the disinfectant are made to process those areas where fungal may occur in the future, mold - it happens often.
Now it is necessary to start the formation of the frame - it is to him that the boards will be attached. Here wooden rails are usually used (size is selected 4 by 2 cm).
  • The rails are fixed on the wall - the plastic filler will help in this, and often screws, dowel-nails, often apply;
  • The walls for the walls in the hallway are already selected, so when the lamb is done - the master must make sure that the design is smooth. This will always help the construction level. Sheets on the wooden base are attached with thin, small carnations. Staples are also suitable - they are called kleimers.

Materials required for installation work

Now consider those materials and elements without which the installation works will not.

  • Do not do without finishing corners (they consist of two planks), there is a 2 mm gap between them. The product is usually applied to the film of the same shade as well as the MDF panels themselves. Two strips are fastened with this film;
  • The angle is easily bends both outside and inside - and all this thanks to this design. Especially, these adaptations are easy to operate when you in the hallway are far from the most ideal corners;
  • You will need wood rails - to prepare a framework for lining. The ideal option is when the rail width is 4 cm, and its thickness is 2 cm.
Reiki with a large cross section do not advise - panels are lightly by themselves. Also, Wooden railings are always free to find in any construction store.
  • To fix these ridges on the wall surface, you will need self-tapping screws that are suitable for working with a tree (sufficient length of 80 mm)). Plastic dowels can also be used
  • Kleimers are also better stocking - through these MDF elements panels, you can easily attach to the frame. You will be able to find kleimers in the same department where the panels themselves are located (sometimes they even go in one set - but it does not happen in all cases);
  • Liquid nails are an excellent solution in order to glue corners. Buy such glue if you have no one;
  • In general, glue is worth paying special attention. Some random composition here is not necessary - a substance has a substance having certain characteristics.

Namely, what should be the glue:

  1. The glue must maintain its plasticity even after frozen. Just MDF panels are usually made from pressed cardboard, so they are very susceptible to temperature indicators, humidity in the room. Such glue is needed that can easily cope with such temperature changes. This property is usually described on the package very detailed
  2. Further, the glue that is chosen for MDF panels should help in their installation even where the walls are not smooth perfect. Simply put, the glue composition should have such a texture so that it can be easily applied to a thick or thin layer on the surface. Thick glue - this is what you need
  3. All these requirements are perfectly consistent with the above-mentioned liquid nails, which are often chosen today for such a work - when the MDF panels are performed.
If you decide that MDF panels are ideal for facing the hallway, pay attention to the following: This finishing material does not apply to the number of moisture resistant. So, if in your room the level of humidity is high, panels after some time they absorb moisture and can be deformed. For such a room, it is better to choose another finishing material, good, the choice is rich today.

Technology of mapping MDF panels on the wall

If you have a concrete, wooden or brick surface in your room, it is not necessary to consider with her former coating at all (if it is wallpaper, paint, plaster). Moreover, it is not even necessary to stucked or put the walls in the hallway before you begin to mount the MDF panels.

It is this item that is an important dignity of wood fiber products. However, to remove old plinths after all and it is necessary: \u200b\u200bwithout this it is impossible.

  • The master must find the place on the wall that the rest is stronger than the rest. It is from here that begin to make installation;
  • Since the bumbly will be located all over the area horizontally, and its maximum step will be 400 mm, MDF plates are taken vertically;
  • In the case when the permissible value is exceeded by a step distance, curvature can occur - it is impossible to forget this;
  • In a situation where the planks begin to mount the corner, it is recommended to ensure that the latter item is solved;
  • All calculations better check before once again - attached to the wall purchased panels and personally see: where the material will go to bed without any problems, and where it is not necessary without increasing the robbing basis;
  • The hallways are separated by panels so that the spike panel is located in the corner, the installation of which is carried out. Experienced masters advise at the very first element to cut it at all;
  • Then, a glimer holder is installed in the groove - five to six pieces are placed along the entire length;
  • Each Clayer holder is fixed to a wooden beam - the screwdriver will help you.
For drywall, it is customary to fix the opposite end with the help of self-samples. However, before making the fastening with self-drawers, in the bar it is worth making a hole - this will help the drill, designed to work in the metal. Perfect diameter: 8-10 mm. In this case, the hat will not exactly in sight.

  • The next bar is assumed to be attached so that it is a spike in the groove of the previous one - then each subsequent panel is collected in the same way. At the joints there will be all compounds, edges from the side and on top are fixed by means of corners - they are attached using liquid nails;
  • Sometimes the boards are taken diagonally, but at certain cases - horizontally. It is imperative that the wooden base is relative new coating perpendicularly;
  • If there are deep depressions, cracks or holes, you can always lay bars or wedges;
  • The joints are taken from below, it is customary to hide behind a simple plinth - it can be fixed using nails or glued to the sealant;
  • The corner of the joint is made under the ceiling;
  • On the wall, the bottom rack is fixed at a certain height from the level of your floor - so that in the future it can be used to attach the plinth. As a rule, this rail is placed directly on the floor - and it works.

See detailed video How when finished by the hallway, the MDF panels are attached to the panels to the wall surface:

Possible fastening options

Let's talk about what options for mounting MDF panels to the surface exist today. If there are no serious errors on your surface of the concrete, it is absolutely clean and smooth, there is a layer of plaster (which is still strong), putty (which is not peeled), then glued the panels directly to the sealant glue.

This work is done so:

  • Glue is distributed to dots or zigzags throughout the table;
  • Then it is pressed to the surface for a few seconds;
  • Then, the walls for a moment are torn - and again apply: this time it is forever;
  • All excess adhesive substances need to be removed with a spatula or knife.

An excellent reason for such work will also be a frame made of metal. To this end, UD profiles and suspensions are often used.

Such technology will be preferable if you plan:

  • Make a layout of the insulation;
  • Would you like to hide a lot of different designs that have volume;
  • If a concrete or brick foundation has serious deviations;
  • In such a situation, you can even abandon the ridges from the metal in favor of Bruusyev. This design will be stable, stronger;
  • If somewhere it is necessary to put a power outlet or switch - the opening of the required diameter is performed;
  • The mounting box (peavercraft) is selected in the same way as when working with sheets of plasterboard.

Gasket insulation - process features

Usually, when the decoration in the hallway is produced, it is important to use in the process and an additional insulation. This role is perfectly suitable: "Penofol A", Polysto-Foenylene. Such materials are good in that it is not only perfectly retaining heat, but also isolate noises.

When the installation of the metallic frame is made, the foam is glued to the surface. It is necessary to glue this material to that side where there is no foil. The sealant is distributed by thin strips of Polystoinoethylene - it is important that there is a step 10-15 cm between the stripes. Sticks - the edges of the formation must be connected.

Now you exactly have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the MDF panels are performed by a hallway. You can not even doubt this option - it will suit you perfectly.

If MDF quality - for them are characterized by the following advantages:

  1. Definite moisture resistance (for the bathrooms will not suit, of course);
  2. Strength and decorativeness;
  3. Installation work is simply carried out;
  4. Material is durable.

Another very important characteristic of MDF panels - they are very easy to mechanically process (milling, grinding, fastening, drilling, gluing). All these works can be performed using the same materials and tools that are used for wood.

If you have the necessary tools at your hand - you will be able to cut into the panel any patterns, it is also possible to decorate with decorative cuttings: today many are doing this.

Finishing quite succeeded - MDF looks perfectly on the walls in the hallway

Since MDF is a completely even material, the panels are laminated without problems, color. Caring for the surface is made easily - it is only necessary to wipe it from time to time a little damp rag (and ensure that there are no abrasive substances in the cleaning agent). The cost of MDF panels is also the undoubted advantage of this material.

If the film is slightly laughing on top of the panel - it is necessary to walk with sandpaper (choose fine-grained). The problem will be definitely eliminated.

Such materials that cost moderately, it is advantageous to apply for wall cladding - in a variety of hallways, corridors. If it turns out that some panel will be damaged - it can always be replaced with new - difficulties will not arise.

A good owner can try himself as an experimenter: for example, a variety of materials are combined. For example, on top of the wallpaper of some light shade, from the bottom - the panels that imitate the tree. Be sure to get something interesting - this can not be doubted. The main thing here is: believe in your strength!

The first impression of guests from your apartment begins to develop when meeting the hallway. So the choice of materials for this room is no less important than for others. Hallway - a room that does not require special materials. Main criterion: surfaces must withstand frequent wet cleaning. From the streets we pull the mud, which can negatively affect some of the materials. The decoration of walls in the corridor in most cases implies the use of wallpaper, but this is not the only option. What can be covered with walls?

We have prepared for you 60 hallway design options.

Walls in the hallway can be subjected to various influences: dirt, water, drafts. If you have children or pets, the corridor can mercilessly suffer from merry games and chain claws.

Therefore, it is necessary to select materials durable, not afraid of exposure from the outside.

  1. Painting;
  2. Decorative plaster;
  3. Cork coating;
  4. MDF panels;
  5. Fake diamond;
  6. Parquet;
  7. Laminate;
  8. The liquid wallpaper.


With paint just work and it is easy to care for it. The only condition - it must be waterproof, otherwise it can not be washed often. Paint refers to budget types of finishes. However, it is not worth buying the cheapest option. Cheap species can not be washed, they will quickly erase.
One of its drawbacks is the preparation of the surface. The walls must be perfectly smooth, otherwise it will be bad. We will have to spend money on primer, putty and plaster. In addition, it will be necessary to remove the old coating completely. But aligning the walls, subsequently make this re-no need.
Special popularity is now used by water-emulsion paints. They are absolutely safe for health, and in connection with this there are no smell, since there are no toxic substances. The water-making paint will quickly dry, which simplifies the work process.

Decorative plaster

The decoration of walls in the hallway decorative plaster is less common, but gaining popularity. Plastering will turn the corridor into an elegant and noble room. The choice of textures and patterns is distinguished by a wide range.
Plaster is distinguished by durability. She will serve not one dozen years. In this case, it is a solid material that is not subject to weak mechanical effects. Carry out the surface easily: just wipe it with a dry cloth or vacuum.
Decorative plaster is made on the basis of only natural components, so it is absolutely safe for the environment. One of the disadvantages is the complexity of work. Some types of plasters can be applied on their own, and some will require a call to the wizard, because you yourself cannot produce high-quality installation.

Cork coating

This type of finishing is made of cork oak. This is a natural material, which means it is safe for a person. Behind the cork surface do not need to carefully care. Periodically walls can be simply supplied. The material does not contribute to the spread of mold.
The strength of the material does not leave doubt. Your walls will not be afraid of blows, pets. The cork coating does not absorb heat and has sound insulation qualities. Will serve you at least 15 years. Such a coating is not afraid of a small amount of moisture and for the corridor will fit.
The most important drawback is the price. Natural materials are much more expensive artificial. The plugs are afraid of small particles: such as sand capable of scratching the surface. They cannot be removed using brushes.

MDF panels

MDF panels relate to safe materials. They are made of sawdust, which subsequently pressed. At the same time it is not expensive. They just work with them, the entire fastening process can be performed independently. They will serve for many years, providing a durable coating.
Before selling the panel, be treated with a composition that is not afraid of moisture. Under the panels are not formed mold or corrosion. Walls can be removed with a wet rag. The MDF panels repel dust, not allowing it to accumulate, they can be installed even if there are allergies in the house. They will save heat, which is important for the corridor.
Despite the fact that the panels are treated with special compositions, they will not stand much moisture. You can damage them a very strong blow. Support burning.

Fake diamond

The stone is made of decorative concrete based on various binding substances. It is used more often when finishing private houses, but now he began to appear in apartments. It costs much cheaper than natural stone.
Facing the artificial stone will not independently be labor.
It is attached to glue, a specific tool in the installation process will not need.
A rich selection of colors and drawings will not leave anyone indifferent. You can choose imitation of any stone. Write to the coating is much longer compared to other facing materials. Despite the fact that the stone is artificial, it is absolutely safe.
It is made only from natural ingredients. The stone will last long, but does not compare with the service life of natural stone. The material is not afraid of temperature drops and humidity, but still, inferior in the characteristics of natural.


We are more accustomed to see the parquet on the floor, but it is used for finishing walls. Install parquet can be installed on uneven surfaces. Preliminary works under the decoration are minimized. During work, the practical garbage is not formed. All work can be done with your own hands, which allows not to spend money on the challenge of specialists.
However, parquet is installed on a special framework. Its manufacture will require the purchase of additional materials, and will increase the operating time. Although it can be installed independently, still this process of time consuming. The frame takes the centimeters from your room, so it is not recommended to install it in narrow corridors. Parquet increases acoustics indoors, although it is not problematic for the corridor.


Laminate, like the parquet is often used to finish the floor, but still suitable for walls. The material is safe for humans and the environment, because it is made only from eco-friendly materials, without the content of toxic substances.
Laminate antisticate - dust does not accumulate on it, so it does not have to clean it often.

Laminate is a stele on the floor, which means that it is wear-resistant and durable.

You can choose a drawing for any interior, laminate is rich in choosing.
Laminate swells from frequent water from falling on it. Therefore, it needs to be wiped quickly. It is also afraid of temperature drops. It is quite suitable for the corridor, but the zone of clothing and the place for the umbrella should be protected from direct contact with the surface of the walls.

The liquid wallpaper

Although the material is called - wallpaper, it looks like plaster. They are related to breathable materials, which means that the condensate will not accumulate on the wall and the fungus or mold is not formed.
Liquid wallpaper can be used repeatedly. With the help of water, you just remove them from the wall and leave to dry. Dry mixture can be reused. The installation process is simple, careful preliminary work is not required. The mixture is suitable for finishing the cold room. She is not afraid of dirt or drafts.
In the process of applying, you yourself form a drawing. Therefore, it is possible to create a unique design. It is difficult to damage the coating, but even if it happened, to repair a separate area will not be difficult.

The biggest minus - the liquid wallpaper is afraid of water. They simply come from the wall. Therefore, they are covered with an additional layer of varnish.


Ceramic tile reminds of Soviet times. But this is no longer a disadvantage. Modern tile differs significantly in appearance from its predecessor. Tile - solid coating. It is not scary burning, mechanical impact.
The only thing that can be done is hard to hit, then there is an opportunity to damage it. But replacing a separate area will not be difficult. Ceramics tile is absolutely safe. It is easy to wash, any stains can be tiled from her surface. It is not afraid of water, temperature drops.
One of the disadvantages - does not hold warm. The tile remains cold even in the warm room. Not the worst for wall cladding. And it increases the acoustics of the room.

It is not a secret for anyone that the overall impression of the room depends more than the finishing of wall surfaces and the hallway is not an exception.

It is important to competently perform the overall decoration of the walls in the hallway, since it largely depends on the individuality and feature of the space.

Required materials for the hallway

When comparing all rooms in the apartment, the hallway occupies a special leading place.

On the basis of this, the varieties of materials are determined for the design of walls in the hallway, which will give it some reliability, it will help to modify and increase the duration of its operation as necessary.

As for refinement, this is especially true in those houses in which children or pets live, since it is damaged or possible pollution.

It is for this reason that it is better to select materials that are without much labor cleaning (better at the same time to acquire less light) and if necessary to restore.

An equally important problem is the lack of space, and it is also characteristic of even large-sized apartments. As a result, the space is usually littered and resembles a storage room for storing a wide variety of items of all dimensions.

The strength of the materials is necessary to avoid the occurrence of various chips or scratches, which can be characteristic of a decorative wall in the hallway.

Currently, there is a huge number of the most diverse materials for wall decoration in the hallway, distinguished strength and high quality. However, the choice should be based on the observance of a number of requirements and criteria.

The main advantages of finishing materials

Each material has its own positive and negative characteristics. Consider the main ones in more detail:

Wall panels. It has several variable varieties. The MDF panel, presented in the photo of walls in the hallway, is characterized by environmental purity, has a wide classic color gamut.

Like plastic, not different from the main criteria.

It is easy to fasten and cannot cause the appearance of difficulties. It should be noted that they do not require preliminary preparation of walls. Huge positive quality is the increased duration of operation - on average up to 15 years.

The main disadvantages include a fairly narrow range of colors and ornaments when choosing the most suitable color of the walls in the hallway.

It is important to note. That this option is considered relatively budget and economical.

Micro cement. It is a mixture with the presence of polymers and variants of dyes. It makes it possible to create various textures, while not requiring preliminary preparation and leveling of the surface. Different with durability and relatively reduced cost.

Wallpaper. It has a huge range of gamma and structures. For example, vinyl wallpapers have a pair of varieties: on flizelin and paper basis.

Wall finishing with wallpaper in the hallway can be in places to hide the surface irregularities by the presence of the pattern. No less popular species are liquid wallpapers that have an increased service life.

Decorative plaster. It has a number of pronounced distinctive properties, the main of which are increased strength and a variety of textured decisions.

It is important to apply it on a predetermined aligned and spitting surface. As an experiment, various sizes of material grains can be used as an experiment to create an unusual wall design in the hallway.

A rock. It gives a unique opportunity to perform not only high-quality, but also an unusual finish. In this case, it is better to purchase a flexible type in the form of plates for finishing a wall with a stone in the hallway.

Moreover, such material is suitable not only for the walls, but also for the arches and columns. It is distinguished by strength and perfectly suitable for both internal and exterior decorations. Another popular variety is artificial stone.

It is based on plaster. Creating the interior of the walls in the hallway in this way is quite rare due to the high cost, therefore it is better to use it only in separate areas subject to external influence.

It can also be well combined with other varieties of materials, but not with laminate.

Photo of wall design ideas in the hallway