How to restore the old kitchen set. How to update the facades of the old kitchen with their own hands? Lacrification, GILLY or Morilka processing

Drawing owners of apartments correctly believe that it makes no sense to spend money on new furniture, if the appearance can be changed with your own hands. It is easy and exciting, since the methods of mass. Update is a little time, and the result will pleasantly surprise households and guests. How do it yourself, let's find out.

The new facade of the kitchen with their own hands to make the most important desire

Materials and tools

Depending on the selected transformation method, a variety of tools will be required..

Among them:

  1. Carbonate - Cutters for Thread If the Home Masters has appropriate skills.
  2. Carpentry tools. Listed does not make sense - for each option you need your kit. However, the screwdriver and the electrolybiz - probably need.
  3. Accessories - handles, loops, decorative facing - making even a small part of the decor, transform the headset, will make a novelty or change beyond recognition.
  4. Material for the manufacture of the door, if the owners are satisfied at all. For this, as a rule, chipboard or natural wood.

Sometimes experience is not required at all - the main thing, fantasy and the desire to create. And the "step-by-step recipes" of the work will be available at any "corner" of the Internet.

Options for creating facades

The ideas of updating the old kitchen are not new.

All new this is what we tried and therefore the design can be chosen any

Among them is painting, sticking decorative film, aging, post-forming, manufacture of new frames and the insertion of the selected material. Details:


Simple work, affordable apartment owner without experience. Stages are as follows:

This is a cheap and effective method to transform old boxes in the kitchen. A variety of films and papers will allow you to decorate the headsets for any imitation or change them as often as the owners want.

Film sticking - cheap and popular option


The decorative renewal of the facades of the kitchen is to apply plastic smoothing straight ends - the plate smoothly passes on the wrong side. Thanks to this design, the strength of the facade increases, the countertops - plastic is immune to scratches, pressure. In the home conditions to make work gently and comparable to the factory blanks - it is impossible, but no one forbids trying. For the manufacture requires the following tools: milling mill, mold, glue for laminate, electrolovik.

  • Billets from MDF or chipboard are cut into size, and then the mill of their edges are spinning.
  • Plastic for post-forming is measured with a reserve leaving on the wrong side.
  • Doors and shelves are drained with glue. The same is done with plastic. Then it is pressed against the surface and is closed with a painting for greater adhesion.
  • Places of transitions and ends are cleaned with sandpaper for smoothness. Install hidden - they are not visible on the surface.

Of course, the result is far from the factory. But independent actions will help to become beautiful, for example, a kitchen at the cottage.

Postforming is a very progressive idea for furniture in our time


One way to update the wooden kitchen. Aging methods are much - with the help of the veil, cracker. Actions are simple, and the result is gorgeous. For cracker, you will need a few shades of paint. It is necessary to focus on the prevailing colors of the interior.

  1. The removed doors exempt from accessories - loops, handles and coverage. Wooden parts are cleaned and degreased by any make-up combined with future paints. The ends are cleaned.
  2. They apply a white layer, without waiting for a complete drying yellow. Then the dry sponge is a clutch not to the end of a dried surface in one direction - the previous one passes the upper layer. The following layers are again applied and in the same way.

The effect of old age is obtained due to contrasting colors of paint, appearing through each other - the view of many times painted cabinet, buffet.

It is suitable for the hands made of natural wood without adding plastic, varnish, films and other decorations. First, the brush on the metal of the facades is clean, acting hard - scratches and furrows remain on the surface. Then the solder lamp pass the surface - the resulting defects from the brush must be charred. Next, a soft brush is rubbed into the door and the resulting effect is covered with varnish.

Aging firing can be used in many styles and design designs

Rotange facade

Popular with the use of rattan is beautiful, environmentally friendly and inexpensive. How to do:

  1. Rotanges are soaked for swelling for 30 minutes. It is impossible to redistribute, since it is breastged.
  2. Prepare frames of facades. You can use straight canvas, and fixed planks to them.
  3. The pattern from the canvas is attached to the door with clips or glue.
  4. Over the finished doors strengthen the rails, drove at an angle of 45⁰.

It remains to clean the seams and cover the lacquer design. Thus, update the furniture kitchen is easy. The process is fast - will take a couple of hours, provided that the components are ready.

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The described ways to make your own headset new - not all. In the piggy bank of homemade craftsmen there are a lot of options for other decors and materials for their creation. It is important to consider them all and choose your own individual version.

If something in the old furniture broke or she lost its appearance, it does not mean that it is necessary to change it. Furniture can be restored, with any furniture, including kitchen. To begin with, it is important to determine what exactly was broken, is it possible to fix whether the repair will be a temporary or furniture will still be able to serve for a long time. In that case, if the headsets are made of good material or requires only the correction of cosmetic defects, repairing kitchen furniture with their own hands justifies itself. This is especially true of wooden furniture, it can be repaired repeatedly. But also more affordable furniture from MDF and chipboard is also repaired when, for example, it is necessary to reflect the appearance of the facades.

Cosmetic repair of kitchen furniture

Usually faster the whole kitchen loses appearance, and most of all this is noticeable on the facades. If these are the facades of the MDF, then in some places the film is lagging behind (vulnerable places are the fronts of the facades), scratches appear, appear spots from various contaminants, for example fat, the coating changes the color and becomes inhomogeneous by tone.

Restoration of small damage

Small damage should include chips, scratches, scuffs.

  1. Skoles are eliminated with wax. Pre-lined at the edges of the chipped with molten wax, grind, and then painted with special markers, picking up colors. Then they fix the finish layer of varnish.
  2. Washes are rubbed with a soft cloth from the microfiber, which is applied to the dye from the marker.
  3. Scratches polish with furniture wax.
  4. If some parts diverged, the edges are wetted with PVA glue and pressed the clamps to each other.

It happens that the edge of the tabletop headset or kitchen table is dugs. It can be replaced with a new, suitable color. To do this, the edge, scissors, construction knife, iron, will be required.

  1. The edge is cut into parts, according to the size of the table top, with a small allowance. First make blanks for long sides, then for short.
  2. Then the iron is adjusted so that the edge does not overheat and not wait.
  3. The edge is smoothly applied to the end. For convenience, you can put a tabletop end.
  4. Uniform leisurely movements are watering along the edge of the iron, as a result of which the glue molds, and the edge is glued to the end.
  5. While the glue is not cooled, it is necessary to press the edge to the tabletop, stroking with pressure along the edge with a piece of felt or cloth.
  6. The excess edge on the corners is cut by scissors, pouch with a knife.
  7. Excess edge from above and below, if it does not fit in width, cut off with a knife, gradually, towards the worktop. And then pass again in one movement, applying the blade at an angle of about 45 degrees to the tabletop.
  8. Corner joints are slightly stuffed with shallow skins.

Video: Restoration of the famous countertop

Swollen, the film is dug

You can stick back, if this lack is insignificant. For these purposes, the usual PVA glue. The main thing is to get to all hard-to-reach places.

Video: glue shrink film PVA glue

When the problem acquires a global scale, the film will have to delete. This is done as follows.

And after that, two options are possible: either paint the facades, or glue a new film.

Staining facades

If it is decided to paint, then the facades will need to be inhaled to consider the remnants of the glue and align the surface. This applies to both MDF, chipboard and solid wood. In places where the cutter passed, the material can be rough. To prepare for painting, professionals are recommended to take:

  • entround paper P220-280 on the foam rubber. She best takes shape, and it can be sophisticated complex bends;
  • scotch Bright P220-280 is a nonwoven abrasive material, something like a felt. They pass hard to reach places;
  • antysilicone - acts as a degreaser;
  • plastic primer (suitable for both wood);
  • epoxy soil - needed for good adhesion;
  • acrylic soil is a filling, for alignment of the plane;
  • solvents.

If there is a gloss on the facade, it is necessary to knock it down throughout the plane, to achieve mattness. Then carefully remove dust from the surface, degrease it and put the primer for plastic. Then they are ground with epoxy soil, give it to dry 3-4 hours (if there is no paint and varnish coating on the facades, this step can be skipped) and grind the fluffing ground, grind, preparing the facades under painting.

As a dye, paint can often use paint. Staining the facades, first pass the ends, then put the paint with a smooth movement from side to the side, moving up from the bottom up or top down, with the overlap of the layers.


A popular way to update furniture is a decoupage. It is characteristic of the rustic interior styles, especially Provence.

First of all, unscrew the handles from the facades.

If there are some defects, they are eliminated.

To remove the paint coating, you can use the wash. After applying the means, the brush should be covered with the facade of the film.

Then, withstanding the time, according to the instructions, the lacquers believes the spatula, as the film is cleared. Repeated use of washes.

The surface is well sandwiched, the dust is cleaned with a dust rag.

To achieve transparency of paint, mix white acrylic varnish and white acrylic paint. Paint in the direction of the tree fibers.

The drawing must be carefully cut down by the stationery knife along the contour, fed to the size of the plane. To position the elements symmetrically, control the distances using the measuring instrument.

Apply the napkin and on top of it are applied PVA glue.

Then, after drying the glue, the surface is fine skin.

Apply acrylic varnish with a thin layer. Shucing again and lacquer.

Additionally, the facades can be decorated with putty. The composition is prepared as: mixed oil putty with PVA glue, achieving the consistency of sour cream. Attach the stencil in the right place and the spatula is applied over the stencil putty.

The resulting ornament is grinding in shallow skin. If you wish, you can tint putty. Then this section is covered with acrylic white varnish.

Then we are applied to the surface of a matte yacht varnish.

Printing self-adhesive film

If there is a desire to give the MDF facades a specific texture, use self-adhesive film. Before sticking the film, the facade is prepared as before painting. Film It is important to stick carefully, avoiding the appearance of bubbles.

  1. First, a suitable piece of film with 2 cm batteries on each side are cut out. Then exactly applied the film to the edge of the facade, after removing 5-10 cm of the protective strip.
  2. Print material with small sections, smoothing and gradually removing the protective film.
  3. If still formed bubbles and they cannot be expelled, it is necessary to pierce them and release air.

Replacement table top

The DSP countertop sometimes comes in disrepair completely, if, for example, she swept away from the water. In this case, it is not necessary to order a new one. You can make yourself a tabletop from tiles. Such countertops are first, durable, and secondly, you can choose almost any design. It is fashionable to spread the countertop from the mosaic.

The basis of the countertop is the extruded polystyrene foam. It is installed on liquid nails.

First, liquid nails are applied to the base, then polystyrene sheets are laid.

A metal plinth protecting the ends of the tabletop is installed on liquid nails.

Then angular plinth

and thin plinth for tiles.

Then they apply tiled glue to the worktop.

The same is done with tiles. And glue it to the tabletop.

Broken mounting holes

Chipboard has a property not only to swell from water, but also crumble under load. From a frequent non-accurate opening of the door of the cabinets, the screws split the holes and are pulled out what is called "with the root". Just fasten again to the same place, the self-sufficiency is impossible. But there is one long-known method of repairing broken holes, which still successfully use.

If there is more serious damage when the laminated coating is hosted around the mounting place, use in another way. Mix plow glue and wooden chips. This composition fill damage. They give dry, and then screw the self-sufficiency, as if it were a new surface.

Second life chairs

Viewing the methods of repairing kitchen furniture, you must say about the repair of chairs. The easiest way to update is a cover, which will hide all scratching, scratches or patches on the seat. If a stool with a solid seat, then it is enough to paint it, you can decorate with decoupage. The work is carried out by the same scheme as in the case of the restoration of the facades. Old stool with soft seats need to drag. Consider in more detail how to do it. From materials and tools you will need: sandpaper medium grain paper, primer, brushes of different sizes, gloves, paint, batting, upholstery fabric, furniture stapler.

First remove the seat and remove the upholstery and filler.

Then cover the wooden seat of the primer, it has antiseptic properties. Trunking, leave until complete drying.

The chair itself must be sanded, then brew and repeat these two actions again. If you want to achieve the effect of the perfectly smooth surface, then you need to make additional sanding and priming, and the leveling primer.

Then you can proceed to staining. It is recommended to start staining from the inner parts, niz.

Then the chair turn over and apply paint to the upper part of it. After drying during the day, the chair is stained with the second layer of paint.

Leaving the allowance of 4-5 cm, cut a piece of fabric in the sizes of the seat, two sides are immediately. Moreover, the folding of the tissue must coincide with the outer edge of the seat, i.e. Details will be connected together.

Then the batting is cut. It is enough to pave a fabric in 4 layers.

All batting is fixed around the perimeter with a furniture stapler.

Then lay out the upholstery with the withdrawal side, put the seat down with a Vatin.

They pass the stapler on the sides, then separately bend the upholstery at the corners, fix the brackets. The remaining piece of upholstery is put on top, fell inside the extra. And pass the stapler or hot glue.

Install the seat.

And it still happens that the tree is breathed, and the chair begins to stagger. This problem is also corrected independently.

Video: how to fix a stool chair

So you can repair kitchen furniture. These are not all options. You can find many more ways to repair, original options for restoration and renewal of kitchen headset, table, chairs. But even using only these recommendations, it is possible to completely renovate the kitchen furniture, while spending only consumables.

It may seem that the handles are a slight element and not even talk about them. But the designers have a completely different opinion on this. They claim that it is small details that play in a general image a fairly large role - the furniture is made of the finished look and emphasize the style. If the kitchen set as a whole preserved well, did not crack, but the handles at the same time they swell and shuffled, the interior of the kitchen will look sloppy.

That is why I urgently replace old handles to new! Now you can find a huge variety of different options: these are modern brackets of various colors, wooden, or transparent plastic.

Want to make the kitchen brighter? Purchase colored handles, they will certainly make a fresh note in the interior of the room. Experiment not only with the material, but also with the form. Now there is a huge selection of various handles for furniture facades, for example, in the form of animals or plants, from which your child will simply be delighted.

The range of door handles is so diverse that it will be able to satisfy the requests of any, even the most demanding buyer.

Going to the store for the new accessory for kitchen cabinets, be sure to take an old handle as a sample, otherwise you can make a mistake with the size, we will eventually have to make new holes in the doors, and this is just an excessive time spending.

Decorative inserts

Another interesting idea, how to update the kitchen with your own hands, is a sticker on the facade of lockers (including on the doors) decorative inserts. For this, you can use a variety of materials - the remains of ceramic tiles, for example.

For this, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • ceramic tile (you can take the remnants for this purpose and even buy scrap-price);
  • tile glue;
  • overhead planks.

Special skills will not need. Do not give up this method for the reason that you have never had to spread the tile before you. Believe me, everything is much easier than it seems. First you need to unscrew the doors of the lockers, remove the accessories. Wash them carefully, let me dry. It does not prevent particularly strongly pollution to treat with some alcohol-containing solution. If you want the facades to update dramatically, then it is worthpressing then to paint. Divide tile glue. Lubricate the surface of the facade. And start gluing a tile on a predetermined sketch.

To add a facade of aesthetics, make a frame from decorative or plastic slats around the tiled mosaic. They also stick to glue, but pick up universal, such that without any problems fit for both surfaces and did not leave traces.

By the way, the inserts can be not only ceramic, but also from the rathant cannon - they are most suitable for kitchens, the interior of which is created under ecosil or under some kind of country style varieties.

That's all - finishing facades in the kitchen headset completed. The home master remains only to install them and fasten the steam fittings.

May there be a color!

Instantly transform the interior of the kitchen space Colored drawers. Now there are very fashionable colored splashes, disproportionately located on the surface. If the kitchen is made of wood, just paint a few boxes in different colors. For example, if updates require a kitchen white, then paint the boxes in the green or blue color. Do not be afraid to create, there are no restrictions, it can be red or yellow, your taste.

Although white is considered to be the color of purity and accuracy, but in general it is quite boring and monotonous. And it is bright color inclusions that can make furniture colorful and fun. If the kitchen is made of plastic, then the boxes can be sewn with a color self-adhesive film that is sold, both in building markets and in stores. Clean boredom and despondency from the family hearth!

Wooden decor

Wooden stickers on the kitchen doors look original. They can be purchased ready - for this purpose, sets for children's creativity are fit. Do you know how to drink? Wonderful! Then make wooden blanks with your own hands! Cover them with varnish and stick to the doors.

What form will be a sticker, solve only to you - small flowers or asterisks, geometric shapes or fences, glued across or along door panels. If there is a child, invite it to participate in this interesting business, he will be with great pleasure to decorate the kitchen furniture under your leadership.

Sitsene accent

Nontrivially looks stem facades. In order to decorate the kitchen, you will need a piece of Citz, which you can buy in the store or find in your closet, measure the doors of kitchen furniture, cut the fabric to the obtained measurements and stick it into the panel (be sure to remove the knobs!).

After drying, stem is a colorless varnish - it should be done five times - seven. On the perimeter of the glued tissue, wooden spears can be attached, which will complement the innovation and make the decoration more neat. And if from the same fabric you will be able to make a lamp and lamp, sew covers on the chairs, then you will get an unusually beautiful kitchen.


Decoupage is one of the most spectacular and cheap ways to update the kitchen set. The work of the masters are so interesting that we have looked even very high-quality photos, still captures the spirit and want to try with your own hands to transform unrecognizable incredibly annoying furniture in the kitchen.

To make such beauty, nothing expensive will be required. It is only necessary for the artistic flair, understanding how the transfigured furniture will look like after decoupage work will be completed.

What will take:

  • paint;
  • large drawings of kitchen topics (for example, fruits, beautiful jars with spices or croups);
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • primer;
  • krakylur varnish (provided that you want to achieve the effect of the composition - as a result, the furniture will cover with artistic cracks);
  • pVA glue (or special decoupling);
  • sandpaper;
  • a set of tassels.

Without dismissing the kitchen, you can not do again. Unscrew the panels, remove the fittings. Thoroughly wash the surface that you will decoupage. If necessary, inhibit, remove the irregularities.

Carefully inspect the surface if there are large cracks on it, which spoil the appearance, you will first have to sharpen them. After that, go through the panel with sandpaper.

In order for the surface to look even and applied decor, then looked naturally, it is better not to be lazy and primed.

If the decoupage is planning to do on glass inserts, then it is necessary to degrease the glass. Special detergents will help you to help you.

Prepare the drawing you want to place on the furniture. Take into account the surface area, the size of the pattern will depend on it. Do not glue too small images. But, of course, it all depends on the idea implemented. It is better to use special three-layer napkins for decoupage. What to choose drawing to solve you, but consider that they should be a good quality and approach the overall kitchen interior. If the main decor of the room is made in the style of Provence, then you will fit pictures with the image of the lavender, olives, plenty roses.

By the way, you can print pictures for decoupage and yourself, if you have a laser printer in stock.

You can go and other ways to decorate kitchen cabinets with pieces of wallpaper with a suitable pattern. Perhaps this is the easiest of the decor.

If you have decided to decorate the old headset with the help of wallpaper, then in this case the standard glue for decoupage or PVA will not fit. In this case, the glue is selected from the type of wallpaper.

The final barcode is to cover the entire part of the acrylic varnish. Make it is necessary 5-6 times.

It is necessary that each previous layer of varnish is good.

We collect a kitchen set and admire the transformation. Do not forget to make a photo and lay it out on social networks - so faster you will wait for friends to visit, for sure they want to learn the secrets of updating kitchen furniture with their own hands and see how the headset looks live.

Fabric imitation on old kitchen furniture

There is another way to refresh the kitchen set - imitation of fabric. If you do not want to mess with a real material, take advantage of this method. First you need to remove the doors from the loops. Paint the facade of white paint and let it dry completely. Next, apply a thin layer of paint of any other color to your taste, but follow the white color to not shine through the new layer. If you wish, you can leave the edge of white on the edges. Now start to create. Take a spatula with large cloths and fueled flat lines from top to bottom. As a result, there will be smooth tracks. Go for a short distance and take a look at the door - it seems that it is covered with a striped cloth. If you read also horizontal lines, there will be a feeling that fabric into a cage. There is one important circumstance - be sure to keep the hand to be trembling, the lines were smooth. To pull the hand during the lines can also be possible, otherwise the tracks will look inactively.

Self-adhesive film

One of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to update the kitchen set is to glue the facades and the inner shelves with self-adhesive film. The assortment of this material in the stores is impressive - you can easily choose the vinyl film with the desired drawing. The image on the film imitates different surfaces: natural stone, skin, wooden texture.

Self-adhesive film is ideal for restoration of old kitchen furniture:

  1. Well tolerate increased humidity;
  2. Resistant to the sharp difference in temperature;
  3. Well wash;
  4. If necessary, it is easy to replace a damaged fragment.

Materials and tools:

  • vinyl self-adhesive film with the desired drawing;
  • accessories;
  • roulette;
  • marker knife / scissors;
  • rubber roller;
  • sponge.

Before starting restoration work on finding the appearance of the appearance of kitchen furniture, it is necessary to fully free it from the contents, remove the shelves, drawers, remove the facade with the loops, remove the accessories.

Steamed facades decompose on a solid horizontal surface. Now remove the size - the height and width of the boxes, the facades that are going to have a self-adhesive film. Write down this data.

Unscrew the handles, corners and other fittings if it is on the facades.

Now argue with sponges, detergent - thoroughly wash the surface to be plans to stick self-keys. Make sure that there are no fat spots on the panels and shelves. Do not forget to wipe the headset with a clean soft rag, which leaves no villion.

It is easy to work with self-adhesive film, a novice furniture restorer can cope with it. Please note that a paper centimeter grid is applied on the reverse side of the film. It will help you cut the details of the desired size.

Do not forget to add 4-5 cm in those places where the film will bend. This stock is necessary in order that the film is well stretched. When you become coloring the film, control the location of the pattern if it is there.

Cut with the help of a marker knife the required number of details on predetermined sizes (taking into account the reserve on the bending).

Start decorating the headsets. Attach the film to the surface of the facade, gently separate the protective paper base on which a centimeter layout is made. After the film rolled exactly, go through the rubber roller. Control so that the self-adhesive film lay down exactly, air bubbles remained under it.

In such a simple way, take all the facades, shelves, drawers. Replace accessories if necessary. Screw the facades into place.

Now admire your work! The headset was transformed, serves a few more years or until you want to drastically replace all furniture in the kitchen. In the meantime, get ready to listen to the compliments from the friends of the friends who were able to light up so much to transform their old headset to be unrecognizable.

Replacing facades

There is still a cardinal way to update the kitchen headset - a complete replacement of doors. But immediately let's say that this method cannot be attributed to economical. By making measurements of old doors, you can order new ones, at your discretion, both in color and by material.

New doors you can cover varnish or paint. And you should not be upset that except the doors everything remained old, no one, believe me, will not notice. And if the basis of the kitchen is in good condition, then she will be able to please you for many more years. There is one more important item - you did not overpaid for the update, because almost all wooden kitchens are based on the chipboard, and they only have the front panels from the tree. Think for what you have new costs, when the "skeleton" of furniture and so good. If the shelves have been contaminated during the past years so that they are almost impossible to drop, look at the surface of the self-adhesive film under the tree - inexpensively and beautiful!

Replacing glasses

If your kitchen cabinets have glass doors and shelves, change them to new, more modern. Now at the peak of popularity matte and colored glass. The updated facade of kitchen furniture, as well as new shelves - and we can assume that fashionable furniture has appeared in the kitchen.

It is best to order a glass in the store, but if you do not have any means, you can use the way that our grandfathers invented - a mixture of powdered chalk with silicate glue to apply a brush on the glass in two layers.

You can put a beautiful bright dishes on the shelves, which will give the kitchen "Merry Mood", and under the shelves you can make a backlight. As a result, a kitchen set will turn out, which will not give up dear Italian furniture.


If our tips and examples with the photo did not convince you to update the old kitchen set, then try at least just a pretty wash it. For many years, a huge amount of soot and fat is entrusted to the surface of the furniture, and it can even change color with high-quality cleaning. Furniture, which is finished with plastic and is covered with enamel, is easily cleaned by the usual washing powder at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. Missing the surface of enamelled furniture with water above fifty degrees with soda or economic soap, it is not worth it. The listed funds lead to fading enamel. A tree is sufficiently wiped with a well-squeezed cloth, and after that dryly wipe the surface of the furniture with a flaxed napkin.

If there are many small cracks and scratches on the surface of the furniture, acquire a special tool in the store that masks them. In the event that on the lid of your table, the stain is stained from once the hot pan, you can easily linse it with a mixture of alcohol and vegetable oil.

Metal kitchen parts that have darkened or sweat from time to time can be updated independently cooked asymoid alcohol (30 g), chalk or dental powder (15 g) and water (50 g). All this mixture is necessary to break carefully, and then apply with the help of a flannel napkin on a darkened surface and grasp it to shine. After such processing of the furniture handle will be better than new ones.

In a word, choose the way you liked and go ahead! All you do for the sake of your favorite cuisine, believe me, will appreciate the advantage and will be a long time to please you with your new type. We will be happy to see in the photo, as furniture has been transformed, thanks to our advice and your skillful hands.

Your repost will change the Internet :)

An old kitchen set in need of transformation is quite realistic to restore independently without special financial investments.

The most common ways to update facades are the use of decoupage techniques, painting, use of moldings and self-keys.

1. The simplest - vinyl stickers

The most economical option is to update the facades with the help of a self-adhesive film. Using this method does not require special skill and applying professional tools.

For work it is necessary:

  • Vinyl self-tech - purchased in construction stores or in advertising agencies;
  • Stationery knife, scissors;
  • Square, long line (at least 80 cm), construction roulette;
  • Special scraper for smoothing material.

How to stay with your own hands?

  1. Remove all kitchen doors. Clean them from dirt, fat, dust. Eliminate the identified deformation of the facades: cracks to smell, cut bumps, etc. The surface to which vinyl stickers will be applied should be treated with a degreasing agent.
  1. Move each element with an accuracy of a millimeter. Move the resulting dimensions on a sheet of film with respect to direct corners. It is important to make a margin around the perimeter at least 10 mm on each side. Crop the film according to the obtained size.

Example: The overall size of the facade of 200 x 700 mm. Cut for it film should be 220 x 720 mm. The example is valid only if the film is planned exclusively on the front part without capturing the ends. If it is necessary to apply restoration material and on the side parts of the door, it will have to add the thickness of the material to the total size.

  1. The sticker of the vinyl film (oracale) occurs in stages. A small plot of protective paper is removed and the open part of the sticker is applied to the top of the facade. The bubbles of air are "driven out" the scraper, and then paper is very slowly tightened with a back. At the same time, it is necessary to continue with a spatula (or similar tool) to eliminate the formed emptiness with air.
  1. Pruning excess material occurs immediately after applying a film to the kitchen facade. Next - installing new fittings and fixing the doors to lockers.

Photo before and after

2. Decoupage, Moldings and Painting

Restoration of furniture with moldings, painting and decoupage is suitable for kitchens decorated in classic and ethno styles. Step-by-step photo report.

Decoupage - technique for creating unique images by attaching a certain pattern carved along the contour from paintings, napkins, wallpaper, fabric, to the plane. Prints are glued to the surface of ordinary PVC and fixed with varnish.

Molding is miniature decorative elements of wood, plaster and foam. Mixed on the facades immediately before painting. Create additional relief: frame, thematic ornament, fantasy composition.

All three methods (molding, decoupage, painting) are closely related to each other and can be used in the restaurant restoration both together and separately.

Tools and materials:

  • ready decorative elements,
  • pVA glue, small carnations,
  • fabric cuts (for smooth drawing),
  • paintwork materials, solvent,
  • scraper for removing old painting (if necessary),
  • emery paper, spray gun, brushes.

Brief instructions

  1. Remove the facades, clean up. Protect facades when cracking.
  2. Attach moldings and similar decor. Degrease all surfaces of kitchen doors.
  3. Apply two layers of paint. Each subsequent layer is applied only after complete drying of the previous one.
  4. Secure paper images (decoupage). At this stage, screen and contour drawings from oracale can also be used.
  5. Apply lacquer for finishing fixation of all parts and for the overall homogeneity of the coating of restored facades.
  6. Fastening accessories is recommended after drying all surfaces.
  7. Next - installation of doors on the frame of the kitchen headset.

Preparation of facades for painting and decoupage

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Perennial use of the kitchen sooner or later makes itself felt: no matter how high-quality headsets are, over time he loses a valid appearance. And then you have to choose: buy a new headset or update the kitchen with minimal cost. Many stop in the second version, namely update the facades using a special film.

Kitchen to:

Kitchen in an intermediate state: buy a new or update the facades?

On the right, traces of glue are visible - the consequences of attempts to repair the headsets.

Options for "new clothes"

Since the headset itself is not yet falling apart, then you need to update the facades. It will benefit as appearance and protect material from moisture. Options for updating the facades of the whole two:

  1. Finishing
  2. Individual photo printing on glue paper

The owner of this kitchen stopped at the second version, after which he was reflected about the theme of photo printing. The initial option with a separate picture for each door was rejected: a general view will be too distinction. Even after some thought, it was decided to choose a print with nature, the "breaking" of which the apron would not affect the perception of the picture.

When searching for a suitable print, the picture should be selected with the maximum resolution - only in this case it will not be blurred.

Getting to work

The owner of the kitchen took advantage of a pretty simple method: I was looking for pictures according to the word "nature" with the permission of at least 40 megapixels.

This option was the most appropriate, but with minor amendments: a huge butterfly was decided to remove. Approximately so print should look like in the kitchen.

In the photo editing program, an sketch was made, for visual understanding that it would be lost from the picture. The butterfly was replaced on the grass.

With this picture, you can safely go to the advertising agency. The print was selected with lamination, in order to update the facades, they could be washed.

You need to print in a slightly enlarged size, so that there was an opportunity to attach ends and wrap the film inside.

After that, you can proceed directly to the facade pasting:

  1. Knowing the dimensions of the door, it is necessary to throw 1-2 cm on each side for the ends and another 1-2 cm on the break.
  2. Cut the picture of the required size.
  3. Degrease the door and remove all irregularities.
  4. Gently stick and smooth.
  5. We make holes for the handles and install them.

Use a hairdryer as in the case of a car film it is impossible:the film is deformed.

The most difficult part is the corner of the door. You can take them in two ways, here is the case of taste:

  1. Jack
  2. Vanosest

Corners should be covered with maximum accuracy, as the self-adhesive film will not hold on to the supercle.

During the cuisine update, it was decided to unload the shelf to dry the plates from the covers accumulated there, hanging them on the doors on the reverse side. To do this, you need to purchase ordinary hooks and consolidate them in any convenient way.

To the tapping screws were not visible under the film, the holes for their installation predeterday must be translated, i.e. Make holes for console.

The final stage of the update headset steel door under the cooking panel, which was not originally. The doors were made of 5 mm. plywood. With a special desire, you can collect the heads from plywood with your own hands.

The shortcomings in pasting can be removed by the blade, but for this you need to wait 1-2 weeks: then the film will finally take its place.

The refrigerator can become the most severe element for pasting. Get ready for the fact that the film will have to be repeatedly removed and stick once again, good, it allows. Get rid of small bubbles very problematic, so excess air is better to drive out after the process is completed using the needle.

Conclusions and prices

Several conclusions on the basis of updating facades:

  • Film can be washed and rubbed.
  • It holds very well, removed with great difficulty.
  • Door corners are the weakest places.
  • The film is easily scratched.

The costs of such a cuisine update turned out to be as follows: about $ 120 per print on self-keys with lamination and about $ 90 per fane, hooks and handles. When buying a regular film, the budget can be reduced at times.