Why dream drunk brother dear. What is the dream of brother

Dreams about relatives are often visited by dreamers, sometimes deceased relatives dream and warn of significant events. Why is my brother dreaming? According to popular beliefs, a brother in a dream comes to scandals and quarrels in relatives. Let's see the answer in the famous dream books.

The interpretation of the dream is ambiguous and depends on many reasons:

  • who dreamed of a brother - a woman / man;
  • how brother behaved in a dream;
  • whether the dead brother dreamed;
  • brother's age in reality - older / younger;
  • where was the brother in a dream - at home or elsewhere;
  • how the dreamer behaved and what he felt.

If you come to sleep happy and healthy sibling, in your common destiny there will be positive changes. If brother is in a dream looked sick or poorchanges will be unfavorable.

Older brother  portends good events in life, financial stability and prosperity. However, sometimes a dream may indicate a desire to find protection, especially if a girl sees a dream.

If it comes to sleep younger brotherExpect unforeseen hassle and extra responsibilities at home or at work. The dream also talks about the lack of warmth and spiritual communication - the dreamer needs it.

If you dream quarreled with brother, in real life expect quarrels and conflicts in the family. A normal conversation with a brother in a dream portends a lot of things, hard work and recovery.

See a dead brother  in a dream is not good. Some dream books interpret this vision as a disease, others as trouble. It’s bad if in a dream you were gambling with the deceased. Such a plot says that the dreamer's life literally hangs in the balance.

However, there are other interpretations. If a brother looked cheerful, a dream portends good. If he looked sad and preoccupied - misfortune.

See brother drunk  - soon hear about his frivolous acts, the result of which will be big trouble. Strong alcoholic intoxication portends a serious illness of the brother.

If you saw a sibling in blood  (hands, face, clothes), difficult financial times will soon come for both. If a brother is scared in a dream, expect family troubles. If a brother cries, a dream portends joy.

See a loved one in dirt - a feeling of heaviness and guilt. Try to find out what disturbs your brother, how you can help him. It’s bad if the brother is lying in the mud: such a dream prophesies troubles and hardships for a loved one.

See my brother drowning in water  - You will have to unwind the tangle of problems that he created.

Other subjects

The birth of a little brother  in a dream heralds news. If the message brought joy in a dream, the news will be pleasant. Feeling bewildered or angry about the birth of a brother predicts shocking news.

Hug brother  in a dream - to conflicts and quarrels in the family, the clarification of relationships. Kisses with brother  promise tensions, in contrast to hugs and kisses with other relatives.

Fight with brother  considered a positive character. This story portends either a quick enrichment or good support from other people. Moreover, support will be a complete surprise for the dreamer.

Killing brother  in a dream - to sadness and grief. Or this dream advises to get rid of an old family problem as soon as possible. Worse, if the dreamer himself acted as a killer. This plot portends a very bad life situation, shame and dishonor.

Brother's death  in a dream, well-being promises everyone - the very "dead" and the dreamer. Another interpretation of the plot is the message that they will need help from the dreamer. The funeral of a living brother in reality promises well-being and health.

The wedding of a single brother in reality  involves major changes in the lives of family members. Married brother's wedding  portends the birth of a child. Not necessarily from him, just hear the news from family or friends.

If a woman dreamed wedding with own brother, a dream portends good. The dreamer is very attached to the family. Sex with a sibling speaks of intimate problems: a woman is fixated on her intimate life.


Why do cousins \u200b\u200bdream? A dream has a similar interpretation with a sibling. If your cousin looked happy and healthy, expect auspicious change. A quarrel or conflict with a cousin carries negative symbolism.

Nonexistent brother

How to understand a dream in which you see a brother who does not exist in reality? Such dreams talk about feelings of abandonment and loneliness. A man is so closed that other people cannot reach his heart.

If a non-existent younger brother comes to sleep, the plot tells about a feeling of jealousy or rivalry in the dreamer's life.

The nonexistent half-brother will tell that in a close circle of communication there is no mutual understanding between the parties.

The opinion of dream books

French dream book   believes that the sleeper will have to face villainy or betrayal if he saw his brother in a dream. The dream also portends family conflicts and feuds. To see the death of a brother in a dream is to joy and profit.

Big dream book   portends news if the sleeper saw such a plot. The fight promises strong family ties and a sense of appreciation.

  • The modern dream book portends the receipt of false news or false ears.
  • The latest dream book: to see a cheerful brother - to a successful long life, a patient - to a speedy recovery.
  • Azar's dream book predicts a long life.
  • Medea's dream book promises difficulties in life.
  • Dream Interpretation Horoscope believes that soon the dreamer will find a true friend.

Dream Interpretation Hasse   considers the plot on the positive side. Negative meaning is a dream with a fight or quarrel.

Dream Interpretation 2012 . An older brother dreams of a need for protection, advice and support. The younger dreams about the need to take care of someone.

Dream Interpretation Zadeki   considers that to see a living brother in a dream as dead — to well-being and longevity, to see in water — to get rid of troubles, to see the sick — to recovery.

Very often in dreams we see relatives - mom, dad, grandparents ... And why is my brother dreaming? What does it mean if a brother dreamed? Let us see the interpretation of various dream books.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

My brother dreamed healthy and energetic - you will have a reason to be happy for his or his fate. In a dream, a brother is poor, hungry, sick, asks for help, or some kind of misfortune happened to him - this dream indicates the approach of unpleasant events in life. Watch your health and be vigilant.

Brother - Wangi's Dream Book

If you saw in a dream a brother (loved one) sick - this indicates that in reality he needs real support and attention.

Freud's Dream Book - What is Brother Dreaming of?

For a man, such a dream means danger from possible sexual competitors. If a brother dreamed of a young woman, this means her desire to replace a sexual partner with another, or have another one.

Interpretation according to the dream book of Hasse

And why does the brother dream about the Hasse dream?

  • The loss of a brother - to turbulent events in the future, quarreling with a brother - to grief in real life.
  • To see my brother is to family well-being.
  • Parting with a brother - to a happy moment in life.
  • To lose a brother means changes, events that will rapidly develop.
  • Scolding a brother will be upset for some reason.

Sleep brother from Loff's dream book

I dreamed of a non-existent brother - you can meet in life a betrayal and hypocrisy, jealousy and family troubles. To receive a letter from your brother means to be disappointed in the lies and meanness of those around you. The death of a brother speaks of joy and profit.

To see a brother in a dream can mean news from far away, either to news from the brother himself or to someone from close relatives.

If your dead brother dreamed, then you will achieve success in all your endeavors, and thanks to good health you will live a long life filled with harmony and happiness.

If you dreamed that you were talking about something with your brother, then in reality it will take a lot of effort to achieve your goal, as well as rest to restore them.

A dreaming brother in custody means that you are abusing the trust of your near and dear ones. I had a second cousin - a meeting with a relative is ahead. In a dream, start a fight with a brother - it promises in reality to experience a feeling of kindred love, gratitude and recognition in relation to a brother. If you see your brother in the water - to joy.

If the real brother dreamed of the dead, then this dream means longevity.

Interpretation of a dream according to the dream book of O. Smurov

If in a dream you started a fight with your brother - this is a sign of affection and kinship. The dream in which you grieve for your missing brother is a sign of gratitude for the support and appreciation from your brother.

To see a brother blind in a dream is a messenger of the fact that in real life your brother needs to be very careful, as this dream speaks of danger and an imminent death. If you dream that your brother is drowning in water, this means that you will have to get out of the unpleasant story into which your brother has drawn you.

For a young unmarried girl, a dream about her brother may mean an offer that her lover will soon make to her. The dream of a brother portends to a young guy divisions and squabbles in the family circle.

Why dream of a sibling or cousin?

To dream of his stepbrother - to deception on his part.

The dead brother dreams of wealth, profit, victory, and may also foreshadow the victory of the case in court. The brother who dreamed in a dream can mean a relationship with the brothers in reality, and if you are the only child (for a man) - this is a symbol of unity, male friendship and mutual assistance.

To meet a brother of one’s own - to feel dissatisfied with one’s life, does not have enough strength to achieve a goal. Seeing a cousin - sleep means family problems. Argue with brother - beware of loss through your own fault.

Brother of husband and guy - dream book

If a husband’s (boyfriend )’s brother dreamed, it means a sexual dependence on some person (lover)

What is the dream of an older or younger brother

Meeting with an older brother in a dream means well-being and stability in reality, the realization of plans in life, good health.

Meeting with a younger brother involves additional responsibilities.

Dream Interpretation - Brother's Wedding

The brother’s wedding is a dream of auspicious events, the fulfillment of a cherished dream or the approach to its realization. Also, a brother’s wedding can mean that in reality you will receive a long-awaited gift.

To see a brother in a dream is a sign of receiving news from him or about your other relatives;

Parting with him in a dream is a case of extraordinary luck;

Lose it - the rapid development of events that can change your life.

Seeing your brothers in a dream full of strength and vitality is a sign of joy for their luck.

If they ask you for help in a dream, are sick or weak, then do not expect pleasant events.

If in a dream you quarrel with your brother, then you will find many disappointments, a quarrel with relatives and bad news.

Fighting with a brother in a dream is a sign of great affection and family ties, which nothing but money can destroy.

The dream in which you yearn for the missing brother means that you are very grateful to him for his support and help.

Seeing your brother blind in a dream is the harbinger of his imminent demise.

If you see in a dream that he is drowning, then you will have to deal with some kind of complicated business into which your brother has drawn you.

If in a dream you accidentally meet your brother, then you will be shocked by the terrible rumors about your relatives who accidentally reach your ears.

To see a cousin in a dream means that you have a pleasant meeting with a close friend or receiving news from a person whom you have not seen for a long time, but who has always been dear to your heart.

Parting with a brother in a dream foreshadows a happy accident.

A girl's dream about her brother predicts that someone will make her an offer.

Brother brother's dream predicts family squabbles. Seeing a stepbrother in a dream is a sign of deception on his part.

To see him dead is a sign of profit, wealth and victory over enemies.

Such a dream also portends a win in court.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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  Dream Interpretation - Brothers

We saw in a dream our brothers healthy and full of energy, then yours and their fate will be successful.

If you saw them in poverty, suffering or praying for help - soon you will not expect very pleasant events.

In general, for people who have brothers or sisters, dreams with their participation are a completely natural phenomenon.

D. Loff wrote that such dreams should be specifically interpreted only if brothers or sisters who do not exist in reality appear in them. Perhaps this “balance of power" reflects your perception of the family as a whole. For example, your brother (sister) does not get along with your family - then the dream of an incomplete family reflects a break in family relations.

If you dreamed of one of your colleagues as a brother or sister and you take it very positively, then you may have a constructive partnership ahead.

If this dream has caused concern in you and it seems to you that the new brother or sister penetrates too deeply into your life, then in real life you should increase the distance with them.

  Interpretation of dreams from

There is nothing strange in seeing a brother in a dream, if in reality he is always there. This is just a reflection of life transformed by fantasy. And if you never had it? Or dreamed of unpleasant incidents, strange circumstances? More often dream books interpret these events “on the contrary” in a positive way: they predict strong family ties and longevity, sometimes they warn of danger.

Native or consolidated

If a sister and brother live side by side, it is not necessary to look for the hidden meaning of the dream. In other cases, the interpretation of sleep is prophetic and depends on the degree of kinship.

I dreamed of a brother - cheerful, healthy, affable - as Miller’s dream book says, you can envy your own destiny.

Seeing him sick in a dream is a harbinger of strengthening his own health, drunk - danger of injury, naked - he can get into an awkward situation. Talking peacefully with your brother - to longevity, swearing - to troubles.

To dream of a brother’s wife portends a breakdown with relatives and a cooling of relations with relatives, his wedding is a pleasant gift.

A younger brother is a symbol of the need to take care of someone. Senior - a sign of need for patronage.

Freud's dream book explained why men dream of the most dear of their peers - this reflects rivalry, the struggle for the attention of the beloved, as well as a premonition of a difficult period: with fierce competition, one will have to deal with hypocrisy and treachery. Damam famous psychoanalyst predicts a new sexual relationship or jealousy, which also does not promise an easy life.

A cousin or second cousin who really exists is a sign that it is time to visit relatives. And if this is a purely virtual character, then in your immediate environment there is (or is about to meet) a soul mate, a true friend. Communication with a cousin is associated with dream books by disappointment in a loved one.

Someone's relative

My friend’s brother dreamed of a meeting with him, cooperation. Cheerful, friendly brother of her husband - luck awaits in front.

The dream books interpret the brother of a loved one as dissatisfaction with relationships. You will experience a new sexual attraction if you dreamed of a guy’s brother, and he may also be an object of interest. What is the dream of the ex-boyfriend’s brother: the girl has a fan, of whom she does not yet suspect.

Quarrel and hug

For men, the meaning of a dream about a fight with a brother is rivalry and close friendship. Why dream of beating him - to family odds, hug and kiss - to a truce. According to the 21st century dream book, fighting is for a bargain, a quarrel is financial loss due to one’s own stupidity.

The girl should not panic if she had sex with her brother - this is a reflection of strong family ties, getting support from loved ones. Dreambooks speak of emotional attachment if one had a chance to marry a brother in a dream.

Birth and death

A good omen is to see that brother was born. His birth symbolizes a profitable project, for men - increased competition.

Why dream that little crying? To the disappointment. Reassured the crying - the implementation of the project will require serious efforts, died - failure will occur. To see a baby dead is to overcome its infantility.

Seeing an adult dead will live long. Death of a brother: in reality you will be asked for help or money in debt - do not refuse. Be careful, the image of the deceased warns of a possible danger.

According to the dream book From A to Z, attending a funeral, seeing off the deceased in a dream, means the health of family members. To see a brother in a coffin is to live for many years. Farewell to the grave of the deceased reflects real feelings for a loved one.

Had an accident or the murder of a brother - you will be overwhelmed by strong emotions. To see how the deceased was killed is a violation of plans, a sadness that can be dealt with.

Dream Interpretations predict longevity and prosperity to those before whom the dead brother appeared alive. If the dead brother appeared in a dream as if alive, remember the deceased, put a candle in the church.

comments 9

  • Good evening. I had a dream how I am a mother and my dead brother is going to the village. Brother sits smoking in the kitchen. Then they kind of rang the doorbell, and mom went open. On the threshold stood three women in age and began to say that they were looking for a man and they called all the data of the deceased brother. The brother gets up and goes to them, leaving a cigarette not quenched. I'm stewing her. And I'm starting to call my sister. What could such a dream mean? Thank you in advance.

Seeing your brother in a dream in good health and full of energy, says that soon there will be a reason to rejoice in his fate or luck in the fate of his brother. If the brother is in poverty and sorrow in a dream, and they ask for help, then in the near future unpleasant events await.

What if my brother and I are arguing?

What does the brother dream about - this sign most likely speaks of relations with brothers or sisters, and it can also refer to the universal brotherhood. If you are the first child in the family, then perhaps on a subconscious level the word "brother" is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200ba usurper in the family. All associations that arise from this word can come from childhood.

It is necessary to analyze what role brother plays in life, what he always meant, whether he beat the defender or vice versa, had a bad influence, or simply ignored? It may also be that the desire to have a brother has always been spinning in the subconscious, because he never came into the world. The feelings and emotions that are associated with this word are the interpretation for such a sign from a dream.

Also, a brother can be a religious symbol, since in monasteries, servants call each other brothers. This may be the masculine aspect of the self or all the bonds that unite men. To argue with a brother in a dream is a warning, there is a probability of loss, moreover, through his own fault.

To dream of a fight with a brother - in reality you experience a feeling of brotherly love, longing for it, or appreciation for help and support.

Dreams of brothers are very common. If in reality there is a brother or sister, then it is likely that they will be heroes in dreams about the family. The interpretation of sleep is necessary if something unusual happens in a dream, or if there are no brothers in life, and suddenly appear in a dream.

To see in a brother’s dream healthy, full of strength and energy, means that his fate, although difficult, will turn out well in the future. If you see your brother in a dream in poverty, suffering, and asking to help him - in the near future unpleasant situations await.

A dream in which there is a brother - a symbol of hypocrisy, betrayal, which will soon have to meet. Also, brothers in a dream - to jealousy, abuse in the family. To see in a dream the death of a brother or sister - soon there will be profit and joyful days. If the brother is healthy and happy - luck will always be on the side of the family. Sick and unhappy - most likely fate prepared a lot of trials for the family.

If a woman saw her brother in a dream - this is a symbol of the desire to change a sexual partner. And also make a new one. If in a dream there is a deceased brother, it is a sign of longevity of one’s own, good health and good luck in a career. Talking with a dead brother in a dream - in the near future, an important task has to be completed, which will be very tiring, and the need for rest will grow more and more.

To dream of rivalry between brothers - in reality there is a fear of being rejected by parents, if they prefer a brother.

What portends?

If in a dream there was a quarrel with his brother, then this is a sign that a lot of disappointments, misunderstandings or bad news will happen soon. Fighting a dream with a brother is a sign of affection of strong family ties that will not destroy even money. A dream, where there is longing for an absent brother, may be due to the fact that in the subconscious there is appreciation for him and a feeling that he owes him a lot.

To see a brother drowning in a dream will have to unravel some muddy affairs into which the brother has drawn. If a cousin is present in a dream, it is a sign that a pleasant meeting with friends or receiving news from a person who disappeared a lot of time ago, but whose memory has been kept all this time, is coming soon.

Parting with a brother in a dream suggests that a happy event will happen soon. If a girl has such a dream, perhaps a young man will make an offer to her soon. Brother's dream of a brother foreshadows family quarrels. To see the stepbrother in a dream is a symbol of deception on his part. If you see your brother dead, it leads to profit, victory over enemies and happy days. Such a dream can still portend that the case in court will be won.

The characters of the brothers in dreams can be interpreted ambivalently. Often, this is simply a reflection of the intimate family feelings, affection, and unrest that are associated with it. However, in most cases, the images of brothers in dreams are a reflection of their own person. To dream of a brother or sister in a dream full of strength and energy, and endlessly rejoice at this - a portent of the success of the work begun and bringing them to the end.

Be careful that even if you had a bad dream, this does not mean that the same thing will happen in life.

A brother in a dream is a frequent occurrence. Such a dream can cause mixed feelings. But in any case, no matter what happens in a dream, one does not need to be upset or rejoice, there are not so many chances that the same thing will happen in life.