Varieties of indoor palms. Indoor palm tree: types and care

Many plants are grown at home, but palm trees invariably come first. They began to be used even in royal palaces. It is amazing how majestic this tropical plant looks. There are a huge number of varieties of this specimen. Various types of indoor palms with photos and names can be found on the Internet.

Features of growing room palm trees

Indoor palm has long been a success with many, because it has a luxurious exotic look and is able to decorate every room.

Grow both single-stemmed and bushy types of plants. Palm leaves with their unusual cuts and interesting arrangement have the greatest attraction. It is worth remembering that for slender beauties, large rooms should be selected where it is possible to create a tropical microclimate.

plant varieties

There are many varieties of palm trees. They vary in size, leaf shape and cultivation method. The most famous of them:

Other home palms, whose photos and names can also be found in various reference books, are also often grown in homes and winter gardens.

Growing a tree

Each plant requires an individual approach. In order for a palm tree to grow to the desired size, certain conditions must be observed. Basic Rules:

Each type of ornamental plant requires a special approach to growing, only the fulfillment of these conditions will help grow a beautiful palm tree.

How to care

If you are interested in indoor palm trees, a catalog with photos and names will report on their features. Anyone who wants to grow an exotic beauty at home should know that how to properly care for them:

Palm trees are not particularly picky, and special care is also not required.

Disease protection

Due to improper care, various problems appear with the growth and development of the palm tree. If the plant has turned brown or yellow, then you are watering it incorrectly - either not too often, or, conversely, overwatering. With insufficient room humidity, the tips of the leaves become dry and turn brown.

Fungal diseases are mainly the result of high temperature and humidity in the room. This is expressed in the fact that oval spots appear on the leaves. As the fungus begins to spread, the spots gradually increase in size.

To save the palm tree, you should resort to removing damaged parts and reducing the regularity of watering, you should also monitor the temperature of the room. If the reason lies in the contaminated soil, then a palm transplant will be required. It is also worth resorting to spraying using fungicidal preparations.

If the plant suffers from root rot, then there is a slowdown in growth, the leaves lose their color, acquiring yellowness, some roots begin to die. To combat this disease, you need to purchase the drug Homecin and place a palm tree in it, leaving it for a quarter of an hour. Now the wounds of the plant are treated with activated charcoal, for which the tablet is ground into powder and sprinkled on the roots. After carrying out all the procedures for the palm tree, a new place of residence is selected.

Pest control

There are several nasty insects that can harm the palm tree.:

  1. Spider mite. This pest feeds on plant sap. The places where he visited are immediately noticeable, because they are covered with a touch of white. To fight, you will need to use Vertimek.
  2. Mealy worms. This species reproduces very quickly, they climb into the petioles, penetrate into the rhizome. At the same time, palm leaves droop, its pallor is observed. Pests are destroyed by Aktellik, a powerful targeted drug.
  3. Thrips. These are the most dangerous creatures, as they often hide in separate areas near the plant. Defeating such an opponent is difficult, but possible. To do this, it is recommended to arm yourself with Fitoverm and walk not only on the surface of the palm tree, but also on windows, containers and other things that are located near the houseplant.

Due to some mistakes in caring for a palm tree, certain problems arise with the plant, it starts to hurt, and sometimes even dies. Therefore, you should pay attention to your pet and be attentive to the various manifestations of the disease, conducting timely processing to protect the palm.

Palms are an ancient family of plants. Its various species have taken root in the tropics, subtropics and equatorial forests. These are coconut, oil, peach, ginger, date and other palms. Among the fruits that grow on them are coconuts, dates, drupes, serenoa. In total, there are more than 3000 individual varieties in the family. You can find a detailed description of each. Palm trees are the most recognizable plants in the world, despite the fact that their habitat can be limited not only to warm regions, but also to several islands. They are well adapted to the wild and outperform many plants. One of the amazing properties of palm is endurance in unusual conditions. Some subspecies easily withstand severe frosts and other adverse factors. Palm trees can grow indoors in other climates and do not require careful care. You can grow them without gardening experience.

Benefits of interior decoration with palm trees

Beautiful appearance is the main quality of an ornamental palm tree. It is characterized by a variety of sizes and shapes. These plants are both fast and slow growing. A low ripening rate makes it possible to grow a large palm tree at home for some time, and before it reaches the size familiar to the natural environment, plant it elsewhere. The pace of development additionally depends on the care and amount of sunlight received. Each individual subspecies has some ability, which simplifies the choice for those who wish to purchase this plant. You can choose a beautiful and undemanding palm tree: smooth or prickly, fast-growing, if you need a large plant in a short time, or slow-growing, if the long-term presence of a palm tree in the interior is a priority. Some dwarf species are bred by man.

Popular varieties

Some palm trees are somewhat reminiscent of brushes (if we take into account the fan appearance of their foliage). The name literally translates as "palm". The varieties of this plant differ in their growth, the shape of the leaves and stem, and the density of the plates. The foliage can be like a fan, umbrella, fern, dracaena, or be lush and voluminous. Palm trees have one or more trunks, and accordingly, they are single-stemmed and bushy. Over time, they may change. Several stems of a bush palm tree are able to combine into one in the process of their development. Depending on the type of leaves, palm trees are classified into pinnate and fan. The first type is characterized by a parallel arrangement of plates attached to the central vein. A distinctive feature of fan palms is the attachment of all leaves to the petiole at one point.

Popular types include:

  • date palm;
  • ropalostylis;
  • karyota;
  • govea;
  • rapis.


This is a fan palm growing on the Southwest coast of the United States and in Mexico; named after the scientist Tycho Brahe. The trunk is expanded at the base and has a diameter of up to half a meter. It leaves scars from dead leaves. The leaves themselves have very hard, pointed endings. This species goes well with other plants, so it can be found in various gardens and greenhouses. Subspecies differ in size, which makes it possible to grow them for different purposes. During flowering, many inflorescences appear. Seeds - about 2 cm in size, have a round shape. Brachea grows rapidly and requires careful care. It needs to be watered a lot. But it is preferable that she receive water often, without being exposed to an excess of moisture when watering. The bright rays of the sun are harmful to the palm tree, while it can withstand cold up to +8 ° C.


This palm also belongs to the Palm family. The leaves are characterized by a pinnate structure, and the height varies from a few tens of centimeters to 10 meters. The species of Butia capitate is cultivated in the interior. Under natural conditions, its trunk can reach 6 meters in length. The capitate thickening near the root served as the name. The leaves of the butia are hard, arched, long-petiolate. They consist of dozens of xiphoid lobes with a loose arrangement. The front part has a green color with shades of bluish. The reverse side of the leaves is the same color, but pale. Petioles are entwined with felt (in young) or small spines (in adults). As the palm develops, the lower leaves die off and fall off. This explains the peculiarity of the appearance of the trunk. The plant blooms in late spring and June. In late October - early September, edible fruits ripen.

This plant is common in the following countries:

  • Brazil;
  • Paraguay;
  • Argentina.


The distribution area in nature is the dry regions of the Southwestern United States. The two most famous species of this plant are Robusta and Philifera. The second subspecies is also called thread palm. It got this name because of the "beard" that is formed in adults from fallen leaves. In the natural environment, these threads envelop the tree, completely hiding the trunk. The first subspecies is more common in Mexico, it is inferior in size to the American variety. Washingtonia has large palmate leaves. For growing, you need a warm, lit place, without direct sunlight. In winter, you need to give less water than in summer. Excess will have a bad effect on the appearance of this palm tree. Washingtonia is unpretentious, but dead parts must be removed in a timely manner. At the age of 5 years, this palm needs more space and gardeners have to look for a more spacious place.


Gioforba, also called the bottle palm, grows in the island regions of the Indian Ocean. Under natural conditions, the height does not exceed seven meters. The hyophorbe has a seal in the middle of the trunk. He himself is smooth, without scars and other formations. Cirrus elements give the palm fan a presentable look. Gioforba requires careful care. The temperature in the room should not fall below +16 °C. It is not recommended to put it near the windows on the south side. Gioforba needs to be watered in time, and the leaves should be wiped from dust (but not during wintering). This palm tree grows slowly and if it gets sick, the recovery process will also be long. Dried foliage will signal a deterioration in the condition. To prevent this from happening, you need to monitor the humidity in the room. Next to the giophorba, you can put a container of water or an aquarium.


Govea (Kentia) - one of the subspecies of cirrus palms. This is an endemic Lord Howe plant not found elsewhere. There are three popular types of this palm tree: Forster, large-fruited, Belmore. The height in the natural environment reaches 15 meters, and the length of the foliage is up to 5. Govea has a wide, sweeping crown. The surface of the trunk is annular formations in the form of scars from dead leaves. Plant care is not difficult. All you need to do is control soil moisture. This palm tree is often decorated with landscape gardening, offices, business centers. Govea does not require special care: it can be without moisture for a long time and out of the light zone. However, experts advise well ventilated rooms and do not smoke near it. The usual temperature at which wild Goveas grow is in the range of + 20 ... + 25 ° С. The minimum temperature that it can withstand is +10 °C.


There is a karyota in India, Indochina, and other areas of southern Asia. The genus includes more than 10 different species. The juice of this plant is a raw material for the manufacture of sugar and wine. The leaves of the caryota are bifurcated, and their edges have a special torn shape. They are somewhat reminiscent of fish tails. In spring and summer, the plant needs a lot of water, but you need to monitor the condition of the soil so that liquid does not accumulate there. With good care, the karyota will grow rapidly. If desired, the development rate can be slowed down: for this, it will be necessary to water it less often and less. The external state of the karyota signals what mistakes are made when growing it. If the amount of moisture consumed is insufficient, the leaves will turn yellow. The darkening of the foliage indicates the effect of low temperature. If pale dots appear on the caryotes, then the lighting is too strong.

Main subspecies of karyota:

  • burning;
  • soft.


It grows in many regions. These are the South of Asia, Australia, the Malay Islands, Polynesia. The soil for the plant is the banks of rivers and swampy forest areas. Despite the fact that the leaves of livistona have a fan configuration, the plates are not completely dissected, but only three-quarters. On the trunk of the plant there are traces of petioles of dead leaves. In nature, the height is more than 20 meters, and decorative livistons grow to human height. This palm tree grows both in height and in width. The main subspecies of liviston are Chinese and southern. The first develops more slowly, but does not require much attention to itself. She is shade tolerant, but she needs enough free space for proper development. Livistona south has a spectacular appearance. It has a thick stem and long petioles with sharp spines.


This plant looks like a bush. It does not grow tall even in its natural environment, it has a thin trunk. The leaves are also very thin and tough. The plant copes well with conditions of low humidity and low light. One of the features of rapis is frost resistance - it can withstand temperatures of -8 ° C. The optimum temperature range is between +15 °C and +20 °C. This palm goes well with the interior of the room and does not require large expenses for its cultivation. To care for her, it is not necessary to be an experienced gardener. In summer, the palm tree can be kept outdoors, in the shade. The plant grows best if watered with filtered water, but you can not control the humidity in the room. The soil for planting should be loose and sour. Rapis subspecies are visually very similar.

Varieties of this palm tree:

  • subtilis;
  • humilis;
  • excels.


A popular pinnate palm is ropalostylis. The genus includes several species. The natural habitat is Norfolk Island and New Zealand. Unlike many types of palm trees used for decorative purposes, you need to be careful with ropalostilis and devote more time to caring for it. Its stem is covered with circular scars from fallen leaves, petioles are omitted. The leaves are greenish-gray in color. The lower parts of the foliage are slightly lowered. They are located as close as possible to each other, which allows the use of ropalostilis in the interior of small rooms. It has a protrusion in the trunk that looks like a leg. It must not be touched, otherwise the plant may die. During the flowering period, this protrusion looks like a bird's tail. Ropalastilos need to be watered and fed frequently. Of all the varieties, Bauer's ropalostilis is the most famous.


Sabal is an alternative to date palm and chamerops. It can be considered one of the most beautiful palm trees. Sabal fans have a beautiful color, but it is not very popular among gardeners. The foliage is initially straight, but gradually loses its straightness with age. The plates are deeply indented and blend well with the petioles. Sabal is known for its medicinal properties. From its wood and extracts, oils and medicines are made, which are widely known in some countries. The pygmy sabal is one of many species of this genus. It can be chosen as an ornamental plant due to its durability and unpretentiousness at home. At first, the sabal grows slowly and begins to develop intensively after many years. In this, it differs from all other representatives of the Palm family.

It is common in the subtropical regions of the planet. This is one of the most frost-resistant genera of palm trees. The plant copes with temperatures down to -10 ° C, but you should not grow it in open space. Trachycarpus can be found in winter gardens and large lobbies. This palm tree grows slowly. If there is such an opportunity, then in the summer the trachycarpus should be moved closer to fresh air. For the growth of a palm tree, comfortable conditions are needed - the air temperature is + 18 ... + 25 ° С, but if the temperature in the room is slightly higher or lower, then there is no need to adjust it or transfer the plant. In a room with trachycarpus, air should not stagnate. If an unpleasant smell appears in it, then it must be aired immediately. In winter, trachycarpus should be moved to a colder place. During wintering, the temperature near the palm tree should not exceed +16 ° C.

Phoenix (date, date palm) is chosen due to the fact that it is easy to grow from a stone. During the day, the plant should receive as much diffused light as possible, and this applies to all seasons. Date does not tolerate stagnant air. The top of the palm tree should be directed from the light source, to the central part of the room. This is necessary in order for the plant to grow more evenly. Do not allow stagnation of liquid in the soil - this can lead to decay. Watering should be reduced if brown spots begin to appear on the leaves. If the date palm began to darken evenly, then you need to change the soil to fresh. Date leaves are very sensitive: if the earth dries out, they may sink. Their original form will not be restored. For comprehensive care, it is necessary to water the palm tree with soft water: snow or rain, depending on the season.

It grows in forests that receive a lot of rainfall. Hamedorea is also called the bamboo palm. Under natural conditions, the plant is well protected from adverse factors such as the scorching sun or strong cold winds. This does not interfere with its cultivation in room conditions with low humidity. Hamedorea can have both one and several trunks, that is, have shrub-like rhizomes. Some people are mistaken in believing that several stems growing side by side are separate plants. However, chamedorea with one trunk can be planted in close proximity to each other. The crown of the plant is very lush and dense. For this palm tree, an insect such as a spider mite is dangerous, so you need to closely monitor its health. Four species are cultivated in floriculture.

Subspecies of Hamedorea:

  • oblong;
  • monochrome;
  • graceful;
  • high.

This palm tree grows in the Mediterranean region. Humperops develops slowly, and its maximum height is 5 meters. The genus is represented by only one variety, humilis. Sandy and rocky soil is suitable for the plant. The foliage is very tough and densely spaced, has a dirty green color. There are usually several trunks. Chameropsa tolerates bright light and sudden changes in temperature. In nature, it can often be found in places that receive a large amount of sunlight. The room in which the hamerops ripens must be regularly ventilated. You can keep the plant on the sunny side of the room. This is its difference from the vast majority of decorative palms. Chamerops need to be fed with mineral fertilizers 2 times a month during the warm season.

Care rules

The best place to grow palm species is a greenhouse. Palm trees located in such a room receive a lot of scattered sunlight from different sides. Their appearance will be better than in a normal room. But due to the unpretentiousness of these plants, the creation of similar conditions in an apartment or house will give the same result. First of all, you need to look at the condition of the foliage plates. If their appearance has changed, then this most likely indicates a deterioration in the health of the palm tree. At home, their leaves can fall off and grow back. Up to three leaves can grow in a year, and fall off - more than four. Thus, the palm tree can be left without foliage and die. Some species, starting from a certain time, are generally unable to grow it. Do not confuse the natural process of discarding leaves due to palm growth and disease due to insufficient care.

To avoid misunderstandings and properly care for your palm tree, you need to listen to the opinion of experienced gardeners.


Only some decorative palm trees are recommended to be placed in the sun. Usually they should be kept away from direct rays. From an excess of light, the condition of the plant can deteriorate dramatically. Also, this factor provokes rapid growth, which may lead to the fact that the palm tree will have to be moved to another place. Ideally, plants should receive diffused light. Only a few palm trees have shade tolerance. If the plant is transferred to the street, then you need to choose a place where it would be constantly in partial shade. Since most palms are photophilous, it is better to place them on the sides of the window, reliably protecting the top of the crown from direct rays. Before choosing a place for a pot, you need to find out which side the windows face. It is not recommended to put palm trees on the south, southwest and southeast sides. This recommendation does not apply to the most light-loving palms.

Temperature regime

Despite the fact that in their natural habitat, palm trees grow at high temperatures in summer and in cool / hot climates in winter, home care provides for keeping at a temperature not exceeding +25 ° C. The reason is that even in nature, palm trees tend to shelter from the sun. In summer, plants should be in a warmer environment, and in winter they should be moved to a cool place (verandas, yards). Heat-loving palms should winter at +13 ... +16 °С, and frost-resistant palms - at temperatures from +8 °С to +11 °С. Do not forget about the ratio of temperature indicators and air humidity. In a room with high humidity, the feeling of warmth and the feeling of coolness will increase, depending on the temperature. If the room, on the contrary, is too dry, then these conditions will be perceived in a similar way.

Humidity and watering

Palms are hydrophilic plants. Their location in the natural environment directly depends on the presence of a source of moisture. But almost all species, including palm trees growing in dry areas of the Earth, can survive for a long time without water. For full development, you need to keep the humidity at 70% or higher, as far as the type of room allows. Near the plant, you can place a container with water. Palm trees should be watered carefully so as not to provoke a deterioration in the condition of the roots. In summer, watering should be more abundant and more frequent, especially in hot weather. In winter, the soil should be kept slightly damp, but not wet. If there is a lot of water in the ground or it forms accumulations, then the condition of the palm tree can deteriorate dramatically. It is necessary to water the plants with good quality water, but doing so with distilled water can be dangerous. The leaves of some species are recommended to be kept dry and wiped as little as possible. For irrigation, cool water with a temperature of at least +20 ° C is needed.

How to grow your own

At home, you can also breed palm trees. Ornamental palm trees need to be grown by sowing fresh seeds, and in some cases - offspring. For germination, a temperature of + 25 ... + 35 ° C is needed. They are sown in pots with sawdust, moss and sand. A drainage layer with particles of charcoal is placed at the bottom. Seeds germinate within a week or several months (depending on the species). Transplanting is necessary before the start of active growth, in the spring. It is necessary to transship young palm trees every year, old ones - once every few years. During these manipulations, you should be careful with the roots. The pot must be chosen based on the size and shape of the rhizome. If the roots rise from the ground, then a tall pot should be chosen. For accelerated development in the spring and summer periods, it is recommended to use top dressing in the form of organic fertilizers.

Most palm trees do not tolerate the transplant process, so it should be done quickly and as rarely as possible.


Palm trees are practically not found in the temperate climate zone and colder regions of the planet. Despite this, they can be attributed to the most adaptable species of wildlife. They can differ in cold, frost and shade resistance, many are able to withstand dry or humid climates, adverse weather events. These plants have become popular in decoration due to their presentable appearance. Decorative palm acts as a key element of the interior, which goes well with other plants. They can be seen in many institutions and gardens throughout the world, including regions where the cold season predominates. Growing indoors does not require large expenses and does not take much time. All that is required is to know the basic rules for caring for decorative palm trees.

Indoor palm is, as a rule, a fairly large plant, with the help of which flower growers and not only them like to decorate large open spaces, as well as the interiors of apartments, offices and other premises, making them more comfortable and creating a unique atmosphere of warmth. Domestic palm trees, which can be modest in size, can be divided into 2 groups according to the degree of their undemanding care: very unpretentious and rather capricious. In this article we will talk about the first group of palm trees (their names and belonging to the species), the cultivation of which at home will not cause much trouble, but nevertheless, you still need to know and follow some care rules.

What is a palm tree and its beneficial properties

To be honest, many people completely incorrectly call all plants that have a bare trunk and a lush top as palm trees. For example, yucca, dracaena, nolina, cycas- This not palm trees and not even their relatives, and even more so not their varieties.

Plants that do not have a central stem and top - this is it palm trees.

Only they look like palm trees:




Cycas (cycad)

Useful properties of palm trees or why do you need such house plants:

  • improve the microclimate of the room, filling it with oxygen;
  • like any other greenery in an apartment, the green color of plants has a positive effect on the central nervous system;
  • have a calming, anti-stress effect on the body.

How to care for indoor palm trees

Despite the fact that palm trees look different, the basics of caring for them are similar.

All indoor palm trees love warm and dry feet. Accordingly, they need to be properly looked after and create the necessary conditions:

  • The root system is located at the bottom of the pot, so for the plant to feel good, its roots should always be warm and not waterlogged (water should not stagnate). To achieve this goal, the pot must be present drainage holes and good drainage layer(for example, from expanded clay).
  • Putting an indoor palm tree directly on a windowsill and bare floor is not the best idea, because on the windowsill, cold air comes from below, and in winter the floor is almost the coldest place in the apartment. Therefore, if you do not want your pet to die, a plant pot should put on a stand(for example, wooden or use foam). In general, it’s pretty, so it’s completely optional to keep them on the windowsill. You can put them just near the window, but a very dark corner does not suit them.
  • Abundant, but rare watering. The drying of the top layer of the earthen clod between waterings is quite acceptable, but the earthen clod itself should never dry out. But note that the plant not enough moisture Can according to the condition of the tips of the leaves of the plant: they begin to dry, become dry and very often the leaves turn yellow and die from lack of watering. Interestingly, excess moisture affects the plant in exactly the same way. In other words, watering a room palm tree should be approached with special care. For example, when you have watered and the water has spilled into the pan, you do not need to immediately drain it. It is necessary to let the plant stand in this way for 1 hour, and then drain the rest of the water. Important detail: in winter palm plants become very sensitive to air humidity Therefore, they are strictly forbidden to be placed next to batteries or other heating devices.

Important! Water for irrigation should be warm - + 28-30 degrees.

  • None of the varieties of house palms does not tolerate a sharp change in growing conditions. For example, you can’t just take and rearrange the pot from the windowsill to the corner of the room. It is necessary to gradually move the plant to a new place so that it can adapt to changes in light and humidity.

Note! Palm trees grow very slowly, so it is best to immediately buy a plant of the right size.

Pests and diseases

The most dangerous pest of domestic palms is red spider mite. The mealy worm, scale insect and thrips are no less a threat to the health of the plant.

Varieties of indoor palms

According to the type of dissection of the leaf plate, palm trees are divided into 2 types:



The most unpretentious home palm trees: names and types

There is no doubt that those types of indoor palms that are distinguished by unpretentious care have gained the greatest popularity. If you follow the above rules of care, then the following house plants will delight you with their decorative effect for many years.



Rapis high

Trachycarpus Fortuna (Japanese)

Chamerops squat (European)


Hamedorea graceful (Neantha)

Date Robelena

Thus, the domestic palm tree has long been one of the most beloved indoor plants used for landscaping areas. And now you have the opportunity to choose exactly the type that you most like. We hope that our tips will help you grow a beautiful and tall plant.

Video: homemade palm trees in pots: varieties and rules of care

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Puff pies with sorrel from ready-made yeast-free puff pastry - crispy, ruddy, piping hot, and on your table. You don’t need a lot of sorrel for the filling, you can even mix it with fresh spinach, it will be delicious! Sorrel adds sourness to the traditional egg and onion filling for puff pastries. Remove puff pastry from the freezer 30 minutes before cooking and leave at room temperature so that it thaws a little and becomes pliable.

Among the huge community of indoor representatives of the Aroid family, the syngonium is the only plant that cannot boast of an increase in popularity in the last decade. Everyone seems to have forgotten about this vine. Perhaps due to the rather capricious nature of syngoniums or their similarity with many large-leaved houseplants. But not a single indoor liana can boast of such variability. This is one of the most modest vines, but non-standard.

Apricot pie made from delicate shortcrust pastry with cottage cheese filling turns out to be very similar to a traditional apricot cheesecake: the thinnest layer of crumbly shortcrust pastry, moderately sweet, then a layer of apricots covered with the most delicate curd filling. To prepare this pie, you will need the so-called intermediate baking. That is, first we bake a shortbread cake, which we then fill with fruit and cottage cheese, then we bake the cake until cooked for some more time.

Palms are popular plants among most flower lovers due to the fact that they are extremely showy, decorative and most importantly perennial, and not very difficult to grow at home. Until recently, in almost every salon or office there was a large sprawling palm tree, since a kind of fashion reigned on these plants at one time. Larger specimens are now less common, and many of us still love these unusual plants. There are many species to choose from, even growing up to several meters in height, so when choosing a particular plant, one must be guided, in particular, by the size of the room in which the palm tree will grow.

How to create optimal conditions for a palm tree?

Palm trees are exotic flowers that do not require much care, but if you want them to please you with their appearance for many years, you should take care of them in accordance with the requirements. Almost all palm trees love light, but it is desirable that it be diffused rather than direct. If we talk about specific species, such as coconut and date palms, then they can be exposed to direct sun from time to time. Slightly different requirements Hovei which will grow well in both sun and shade. Since palm trees are tropical plants, they prefer high air temperatures, which in winter should not fall below 10 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to take care that these plants have a lot of fresh air, they should be placed in rooms in which there is a constant circulation and inflow of fresh air. In winter, do not allow intensive ventilation of the premises.

Palm trees love acidic soils. Individual species have slightly different soil requirements, so before you decide to get a particular palm tree, read the home care information for a particular species. It is worth using a special mixture that can be bought at gardening stores, like soil for palm trees. Then you will be sure that the substrate is well composed and your plant will have enough nutrients.

During the entire growing season, palm trees should be fertilized quite intensively.. Fertilizers are applied every two weeks. Palm fertilizer can also be purchased at gardening stores. When fertilizing, carefully follow the recommendations on the packaging regarding the proportions and amount of fertilizer used. Otherwise, you will not help the plant, but harm it, which can lead to its death.

It should be remembered about intensive watering in the summer, as well as spraying their leaves. In winter, watering should be reduced, but the soil in the pot should not dry out completely. Avoid spraying the leaves at the time of intense sunlight, that is, in the afternoon, as this may cause burns. Spray only in the morning. Leaves for a beautiful appearance should be wiped with a slightly damp cloth, then they shine beautifully. The use of any polishes is not recommended.. Water must be boiled to make it softer and more tender, because it is such softened water that is suitable for palm trees.

If you want to transplant a flower, you should do it in early spring. This plant is transplanted only when the roots have filled the entire pot, because palm trees do well in cramped pots only if they are deep. If the plant is large, then instead of transplanting, it is necessary to replace only the top layer of the earth.

Diseases and pests

Some symptoms may indicate that something bad is happening to your palm. What to pay special attention to? One of the warning signs yellowing and drying leaves. In this case, there are three possible reasons to consider. One of the reasons is too much watering of the plant or vice versa. Yellowing leaves may cause hypothermia. If the leaves appeared brown spots, this may be a symptom sunburn, or excess calcium. To avoid this, replace the soil in the pot, and then water the plant with boiled water.

Do not expose plants to direct sunlight. Palm trees are also susceptible fungal diseases which results in yellow spots on the outside and brown on the underside of the leaves. Unfortunately, the most severely affected leaves must be removed to reduce the spread of the disease. The flower must be sprayed with a fungicidal preparation to protect the plant. Silver spots on the leaves and the threads under them mean that a pest has wound up on your flower, spider mite. You can remove it with a special preparation, which is available in houseplant stores. Another pest that infects palm trees is worm. Its presence is evidenced by "cotton wool" between the leaves. In this case, it is also necessary to use a specially designed preparation. It is best to describe each alarming symptom to specialists who work in garden plant stores. You can also bring photos with you. Based on this, the specialist will select a tool that will help your plant.

Popular palm trees grown at home

There are several types of this plant that are especially popular among indoor plant lovers. Photos and names of popular home palms:

At home, a slightly smaller version of it is grown, the species is called Canarian date. The plant undoubtedly has decorative qualities in the form of complex pinnate leaves. In the wild, it lives in humid forests and prefers such conditions at home. The plant needs a fairly sunny location and nutritious soil, but in general it is not too difficult to grow. Propagated by seeds, however, it takes quite a lot of patience to achieve germination, because the seed can sprout in a month.

It is characterized, first of all, by long decorative leaves. Can grow up to 25 meters in height. Although this plant is a perennial, it rarely manages to survive indoors for many years. Despite this, many plant lovers prefer to breed it in order to admire it for at least a few years.

A flower that loves moisture, both in the soil and in the air. It must be watered frequently and care must be taken to ensure that the room in which it lives has a sufficient amount of moisture in the air. It is grown at home because of its beautiful, decorative leaves, as, indeed, every palm tree. It can grow up to 2 meters in height, although in nature it reaches much larger sizes.

This flower was named after the first President of the United States and has characteristic leaves and stem. Interestingly, its leaves do not fall off after withering, but hang down to the ground, which looks very interesting, although many admit that the flower does not look very elegant. The plant is native to rather dry and rocky regions. This palm tree is difficult to grow, she often does not survive at home.


Native to Europe, the plant usually consists of several stems. It is a low and bushy palm. At home, it can grow up to 2 meters, but usually much lower.

The palm tree in the house is certainly a wonderful and bright decorative element. It is worth adding at least one species to your collection. Palm trees are very beautiful and decorative, and the time spent on their care is definitely worth it.