What documents are required to obtain a loan? Agreement with the bank - what certificates are needed for a loan? What do you need to apply for a loan?

Now banks practice the so-called issuance of loans in one visit. That is, a potential borrower comes to the branch with a package of documents, the employee forms an application and releases the client. If the loan is denied, nothing happens, but if the credit organization decides positively, the funds are automatically credited to the account.

In practice, you need to come to the bank at least twice. The first is to find out what documents are needed to obtain a loan, the second is to apply for it.

We want to save you from the first visit to the bank and tell you what documents you need to provide for obtaining a consumer loan, as well as remind you that you can submit an online application, and then you don’t have to go to the bank at all.

Standard package of documents for a consumer loan

The specific list depends on the bank you have chosen, however, we have analyzed the requirements of the largest credit organizations in the Russian Federation and have prepared for you a list of documents that will most likely be required to apply for a loan.

  1. Passport, that is, a document confirming your identity and status as a resident of the Russian Federation.

    The passport must have a permanent registration stamp. If you live in a completely different region where you are registered, then the bank may require a document on registration at the place of residence. The term of the loan often depends on the period of temporary registration. This is done because in case of non-payment of the debt, the bank must know where to look for you.

  2. Confirmation of your employment. This may be a copy of the work book or an extract from it. Both documents must be certified by the employer. If you do not have a work book, it will be successfully replaced by an employment contract.

    If the contract is concluded for a certain period, this may affect the decision of the bank. In Rosselkhozbank, for example, the term for concluding a loan agreement cannot exceed the term of the employment contract.

  3. Proof of a certain level of your income. This can be either a 2-NDFL certificate or its analogue - a certificate in the form of a bank.

    The second option is suitable for those whose official salary is less than the actual one. If the employer agrees to confirm to the bank the amount of your earnings, then in such a certificate the accountant will indicate the amount that you really receive.

    The period for which a salary certificate is provided is usually 4 or 6 months. We recommend taking a certificate six months in advance in order to be able to apply to several banks.

    In some cases, proof of income is not required. For example, if you apply to a bank, on the card or account of which you receive a salary. Then, when applying for a loan, you need to tick the box “I am a payroll client”, and the employees who make a decision on the application will simply check the status of your account and the movement of funds on it for the required period.

    Apply for a loan in the "salary bank". He will not only ask for fewer documents, but is also likely to lower the interest rate or increase the loan amount.

  4. SNILS. Not all banks require its presentation, but in VTB, for example, this is one of the mandatory documents. However, remember that many banks have their own non-state pension funds.

This means that when applying for a loan, you may be offered to transfer from a state fund to a non-state fund, which is why SNILS is needed. Therefore, carefully read the documents before you sign them, especially if you are applying to a small, recently appeared bank that does not yet have a good reputation.

This concludes the list of required documents for granting a loan. Depending on the type and purpose of the loan, you may be asked for additional documents. Suppose an individual applies for a loan not alone, but with a co-borrower. Then a package of documents will be required from both. If there is a guarantor, everyone must prepare the specified documents.

If you take out a consumer loan, which you plan to secure not with a surety, but with a pledge of some property (an apartment or a car), then you will need documents confirming your right to do so. That is, a certificate of registration of a car or an extract from the USRN for a property.

Keep in mind that the deposit must be insured. Consequently, you doom yourself to the annual costs of renewing the policy.

What two documents are used to issue loans?

Sometimes banks, even large ones, provide loans upon presentation of a minimum package of documents. This is done within the framework of express programs. The list of documents in this case consists of two items.

  1. Passport. As already mentioned, it confirms your identity and citizenship.
  2. Second document. On the official websites of banks, such a wording is found. At the same time, almost anything can be used as a second document for a loan: SNILS, TIN, passport, pension certificate, even a driver's license.

What exactly to choose, the borrower decides. Most often, clients stop on the rights, because they are always with them.

These loans tend to have smaller amounts than other loans and higher interest rates. Thus, banks insure themselves against non-payment of debt. In addition, usually loans under two documents are not available to everyone, but only to those who already have a history of relations with the bank and have established themselves as a reliable client.

Take loans from one bank. If you have five loans in different banks, in the end you will not be appreciated in any one. If you borrow from the same organization over and over again, then you earn a reputation as a good payer. In the future, this may turn into a preferential loan.

Documents for obtaining a loan for a pensioner

Since life does not end at 55, as at 60, retired people also often turn to banks. Some credit organizations have even developed special programs for pensioners. These include Rosselkhozbank, Sovcombank and others. But in Sberbank there are no such proposals. Although a cash loan and even a mortgage in this bank can be taken, provided that you pay back the money before reaching 75 years.

So, what documents do you need for a loan to a pensioner?

  1. Passport. The answer to the question of what documents are required for a loan always begins with this word.
  2. Confirmation of retired status. This can be either a pension certificate or a certificate from the Pension Fund informing about the fact of retirement.

    The first document is presented if you became a pensioner at the age of 55 or 60. However, members of some professions retire long before reaching the legal age (for example, law enforcement officers). They don't have a pension.

    It is enough for such people to take a certificate from their branch of the Pension Fund stating that they are really entitled to receive a pension payment.

  3. Confirmation of the amount of the pension. The Pension Fund issues such certificates. As in the case of a salary, if you receive a pension through the bank you apply for a loan, you may not need these documents: the bank already knows how much and when you receive and how much of it you spend.

Be sure to find out if receiving a pension through a creditor bank is a requirement. In Rosselkhozbank, for example, in order to get a pension loan, you need to transfer your pension to this bank. This item is even included in the loan agreement as one of the obligations of the borrower.

Documents for loan refinancing

If you have several loans in different banks, then you can combine them into one. To do this, you need to apply for a loan for refinancing.

To take such a loan, the same documents are required as for obtaining a regular consumer loan. To familiarize yourself with this list, please return to the first paragraph of our article.

In addition to the above, you will need more documents to refinance the loan.

  1. Loan agreement. If for some reason you do not have the original contract (lost or worn out), check with the bank whether it is necessary or whether it is enough to provide general lending conditions. They are usually posted on the bank's website, they can be printed at any time.

    If the lender is not satisfied with this option, you will have to order a copy of the agreement from the bank. No one will give you the original, since one copy of the contract must be kept in the archive, but a certified copy will be made. However, the timing of the provision of this document must be found out at the bank.

  2. Information about the balance of the debt. As a rule, banks issue such certificates instantly, since they are generated by a computer program, the employee only needs to sign and seal. However, a typical certificate may not suit the credit institution in which you plan to refinance.

    For example, VTB and Gazprombank have clear ideas about how a refinanced loan certificate should look like. They give their clients a list of items that must be in such a certificate.

    If the standard primary lender's statement contains all the required information, you can limit yourself to it. If something is missing, ask the staff if it is possible to order a certificate according to your requirements. The terms of its production and cost depend on the bank.

    Always check the information in the received help! The employee who prepared it may be sealed. Yes, it will be his fault, but you will have to return and order a certificate again. Therefore, carefully read the document that was provided to you, and only then leave.

  3. Information about the quality of fulfillment of obligations. This document contains information about whether you had late payments, their amounts and the timing of payment of overdue debts.

    Sometimes they ask for a separate certificate, sometimes information about this is included in the previous document.

    If you've been late in making payments, find out if you qualify for approval. Some banks have strict limits on the number of delinquencies. For example, 4 overdue payments per year - and you cannot qualify for refinancing.

  4. Consent of the primary creditor to re-pledged. This item is important only for those who refinance a mortgage loan. Since your apartment is mortgaged, you need both banks - the old one and the current one - to agree that its value is enough to secure the obligations of two loans. Indeed, for several months, while you pay off the first mortgage and remove the encumbrance, the apartment will be pledged in two banks.

If the first bank refuses you, it's not scary: as a rule, you still manage to refinance the loan. The apartment will remain pledged to the first bank, and the second will still transfer the money for early repayment of the loan. But until you remove the encumbrance and secure an apartment as collateral for an existing loan, you will have to pay at an increased interest rate.

An alternative to refinancing can be loan restructuring. However, remember that by reducing the monthly payment to a comfortable one, you thereby increase the term and, consequently, the overpayment.

So, now you know what documents are needed for a loan. Just remember that many of them have an expiration date, and do not delay applying. Otherwise, certificates will have to be collected again, and this is not always fast.

If you urgently need to buy something expensive, but you do not have enough money, do not despair. Take a loan. A loan is an economic transaction concluded between a borrower and a lender, on certain conditions, on the provision of funds, with a subsequent return. Almost all modern people belonging to the middle class take a loan as needed, because it is quite difficult to accumulate the required amount in a short time, and the equipment does not stand still, you always want to buy something new, or just go somewhere to relax or start your own business.

A package of documents for obtaining a loan with confirmation

  • A company with a turnover of 50 million to 100 million rubles per month.
  • Full support.
  • The company employs at least 200 people.
  • Documents for a loan include: 2-NDFL certificates, income statements in the form of a bank, photocopies of a work book and, upon request, certified photocopies of the company's charter.
  • 100% confirmation from the company.

What is a loan for?

Everyone knows that only smart, prudent, prudent people who know how to earn . If you take a loan, it already means that you are conscientious and solvent. So what is it for? In order not to deny yourself the pleasure of driving a new car, living in your own apartment, wearing expensive fur coats and jewelry, etc. In general, in order to feel comfortable and keep up with the times.

Decided to take a loan?

When you decide to take a loan and decide on the loan amount, you need documents to apply for a loan. And this is a very tedious and laborious work. You need to collect a lot of documents and references, such as:

  • a questionnaire filled out by the borrower;
  • copies of all pages of the passport;
  • certificate 2 personal income tax;
  • certificate from the place of work;
  • copies of employment contracts, etc.

Convince the borrower

Your task is to convince the borrower of your solvency, documents for obtaining a loan will be the most important factor. Otherwise, they will not give you a loan, because the bank will not take risks, because. there are a lot of unscrupulous and irresponsible people.

The most common problem for clients taking out a loan is that the size of their official salary does not suit the credit institution. In the 2-NDFL certificate, there may be an amount that does not reach the minimum threshold. Although in fact, since you are sure that you will pay on time, you have quite a decent, stable income. In this case, you will be denied a loan.

Buy documents for a loan

To avoid such misunderstandings, you can buy documents for obtaining a loan from us.

You do not have to waste precious time, your strength and nerves. Entrust us with this unpleasant work, and enjoy the result yourself. We will arrange everything quickly and efficiently, guaranteeing full compliance with the requirements and standards.

Mikhail Startsev 02/05/16

Thanks to the documents, I bought myself a new car honda civic type r!

Alexey Utkin 27/02/17

Thank you so much, I'm doing an exclusive renovation in a new apartment

Alexander Proskurin 23/03/17

I urgently needed money for a wedding, so that normally, with a limousine, a cafe, but the official salary is small. At work, they refused to write more, out of harm's way, they are afraid of inspections, so I had to buy all the documents. But everything was quickly issued, without delay.

Sergei Gabrielov 08/09/17

Thanks a lot. helped a lot

Vasily Knizhknikov 31/10/17

I do not work formally. I needed money to buy an apartment in the Czech Republic. helped!

Vladislav Popukalov 01/06/17

Thank you. I took documents for Sberbank, everything is fine. The only interest rate of the bank itself was a little upset!

Anna Knyazeva 01/09/17

I liked working with VTB. Huge thanks for the advice!

Vladimir Drozdov 21/09/2018

I ordered documents for a loan from Alfa-Bank and received 1,800,000 rubles without any problems!

What documents are needed to obtain a consumer loan - this question first of all visits potential borrowers. Knowing this, you can significantly save time when contacting a credit institution. It is also better for a person to know not only the minimum list of documents, but also additional secrets of their submission, which will help to save a lot when obtaining a loan.

What documents are needed to obtain a consumer loan: general rules

Usually, what documents are needed to obtain a consumer loan is determined by the internal rules of the bank. At its discretion, the bank may reduce the required list to a minimum or require additional confirmation. A complete list can usually be found on the bank's website, check at any office. At the same time, you should immediately clarify what kind of loan you would like to receive and some additional criteria, since the list may change for different categories of borrowers.


Depending on where exactly a person plans to take a loan, the list of documents needed to obtain a consumer loan may also change. All this can be clarified immediately before signing the loan agreement. It must be understood that the list will not be the same for those who are a client of the bank and for those who apply for the first time.
The main documents, which are always required, usually include passport and TIN . They must be provided in any case.
Practice shows that many banks try to limit themselves to only these documents if the client wants to receive a small amount. The speed and ease of obtaining a loan is what attracts people to a particular bank. That is why lenders try to simplify this procedure as much as possible.

In this case, sometimes the list can be somewhat expanded. For example, if a client wants to get a consumer loan for a large amount, or if he is unreliable according to some internal criteria of the bank. In this case, he may be required to additionally provide a certificate of income form 2-NDFL and a copy of the work book. You may also need to provide documents of the guarantor (also a passport, TIN and income statement).

Even if the bank is ready to provide a loan without this, it is still recommended to provide additional documents to the lender. Most often, the rules of the bank provide for a lower percentage in this case. That is, if a person provides a certificate of income, then he will be able to receive a loan with an interest rate on average 2% lower than when drawing up an agreement without a certificate. That is why, if such an opportunity exists, it is better to provide a certificate when obtaining a loan.
Further, some other documents may be agreed upon, depending on the type of loan being issued. For example, if a loan is issued on the security of something, then you need to additionally provide title documents (PTS or documents for real estate). If the borrower has an insurance policy (life insurance), then it will also need to be provided. You may also need a student card or pension certificate to clarify the special status.

In other words, the borrower must be prepared for the fact that he will need to provide the passport and TIN without fail to the bank, but the rest of the documents will depend on the type of loan received and the status of the borrower.

Where to apply

When a person has found out what documents are needed to obtain a consumer loan, he should transfer them to a loan officer. In rare cases, if he himself cannot do this, then transfer through an official representative is possible with a certified power of attorney. If necessary, it is also possible to send documents with a list of attachments by registered mail. Each sent copy must be certified by a notary.
With documents, a potential borrower drives up to the office and signs an agreement there, provides copies or an original for this (depending on the type of document). Each copy must be signed, dated and directly certify that the copy corresponds to the original. The bank employee puts the same marks.

As a general rule, the borrower, along with the contract, must be given a paper that indicates the full list of documents received. Sometimes this can be listed in the contract as a separate clause.
Sometimes the client may be asked to place scanned documents in the Personal Account. This can only be done if the client has been a client of the bank for a long time. For example, if a person receives a salary from a bank, he has a Personal Account, but in order to apply for a consumer loan, you must provide some additional documents.

When considering what documents are needed to obtain a consumer loan, you should also take into account some additional practical tips:

  1. If possible, it is better to independently clarify the possibilities of submitting a certificate of income. Even if this is not mandatory, sometimes loan officers simply keep silent about the fact that when submitting a certificate, you can get a loan on more favorable terms.
  2. It is not recommended to send documents by mail or in scanned form. It is better to arrange an arrival at the office.
  3. It is better to take both the original and a copy of the document with you right away so as not to travel twice - if you have one copy without the original, the document cannot be accepted by the bank.
  4. However, it is better to clarify the full list directly with the bank, because sometimes there may be various original conditions determined specifically by this credit institution - a potential borrower may be required to have a military ID, title or any other document that is not included in the list of common documents.

It is best to submit as many documents as possible that can provide guarantees to the bank - this will increase the client's reliability and allow you to get a loan on more favorable terms (a larger amount or a lower percentage).

The rule regarding a large number of documents does not apply to those situations where the potential borrower is already a client of the bank. In this case, the maximum that they can ask for is a passport. All the necessary information is already in the database and therefore there is no need to submit documents again. Sometimes it may not be necessary to have a passport at all - some banks practice SMS confirmation when a transaction confirmation code arrives on the client's phone. Also, the database usually contains a photograph of the client, and therefore it will not be difficult to identify his personality. A complete list of documents will be required only if the person has not previously been a client of the bank or if he wants to receive a large amount of funds on credit, and this requires additional confirmation.

To protect yourself from misunderstandings in the future, it is best to take an official statement from the bank confirming the receipt of documents. There should be indicated not only the names, but also the series, registration numbers. Transferring documents without such an extract is not rational and unsafe.

The loan officer should only verify the information in the copy with the original and that's all, but he does not have the right to take the document itself.

Today, banking organizations provide customers with many different types of loans, which differ from each other in terms of requirements for the borrower, features, and also have their own advantages and disadvantages. There are the following types of loans:

  • target - funds are issued for the purchase of a particular product or service;
  • non-targeted - funds are issued for any needs;
  • secured by a vehicle;
  • secured by property;
  • secured by the acquired property (the list of documents can be found on our website);
  • under the guarantee of third parties, etc.

Key Documents

When applying for a loan, regardless of its type, you will need to collect and provide a certain set of papers. The list of required documents for a loan, for example, in Sberbank includes:

  • original and copy of the applicant's passport;
  • a certified copy of the work book or other document that can replace it;
  • certificate of income received by individuals.

A certificate containing information on income received for a certain period of time can be obtained from the accounting department or the personnel department of the institution in which the applicant works. It is worth noting that different banking institutions require the provision of this document for a certain period of time. In order to find out the required period, you need to consult with an employee of your bank.

Additional documents

In addition to the main package, a banking organization may additionally require confirmation of a certain social status. May be required:

  • passport of a foreign type (by the way, how to apply for a new passport, read);
  • TIN certificate;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • copies of valid loan agreements and paid agreements;
  • certificates confirming the absence of existing debts on loans and borrowings;
  • certificates confirming the existence of securities, shares, etc.;
  • copies of diplomas of received education.

Target loans


Some of the money spent on education, you can return in the form of a tax deduction. To do this, you need to collect the necessary documents and contact the tax office. We will talk more about the deduction in. In another article, you can read how to return money for treatment.

To apply for a consumer loan, additional documents are required confirming the expenditure of funds for goods or services for which funds were issued. For example:

  • a loan issued to pay for studies - confirmation of the targeted spending of funds is an agreement concluded with an educational institution;
  • purchase of any equipment - the invoice received in the store is used as confirmation;
  • home loan - confirmation is the purchase agreement, various expense documents, etc.

As you can understand, when using a targeted loan, it is necessary to provide documents that confirm the fact of spending funds on those things for which the bank has provided money on credit.

Additional Documentation Required for a Car Loan

When applying for a loan secured by a vehicle, in addition to the basic set of documentation, most banking organizations also require:

  • agreement for the sale of a car;
  • a certificate or any other document confirming the applicant's ownership of the transport;
  • a certified copy of the technical transport of the car;
  • certificate of registration;
  • insurance contract.

A set of documents required for obtaining a loan secured by real estate

When applying for a loan secured by acquired or owned real estate, you will also need to provide additional papers:

  • a document confirming the applicant's ownership of the collateral;
  • real estate cadastral passport;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate Rights;
  • extended type extract taken from the house book.

Additional documentation for other types of lending

If the bank concludes a loan agreement with individual entrepreneurs, it requires the following additional documents:

  • originals from notarized copies of documents on registration of an individual enterprise;
  • an extract from the bank account of the organization;
  • a copy of the tax return, which is filled out according to the third form of personal income taxes.

What documents are needed to apply for a consumer loan - see the video:

If instead of collateral, the applicant draws up a loan against the guarantee of third parties, then they are required to provide:

  • originals and certified copies of identity documents;
  • certificates, certificates or statements confirming employment;
  • any documents that can confirm financial solvency, etc.

Thus, if you want to borrow money from a bank, it is strongly recommended to find out in advance what documents are needed to apply for a consumer loan. It is important to understand that banking organizations differ from each other, respectively, and the requirements for the documentation provided may also be different. Therefore, before applying, you need to familiarize yourself with the lending rules of your bank.

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Urgently need money? Thinking about the possibility of taking a loan, but do not know if you can qualify for the loan you need? Then all the relevant information is collected in this article especially for you. We will pay special attention to the bank's requirements for the client, documents, application methods and possible reasons for refusal, as well as reveal the secrets of increasing the chances of a positive decision on your application.

Requirements for the borrower

Depending on the chosen financial institution, the requirements that any contacting client must meet are generally almost identical:

  • the borrower must be a citizen of the Russian Federation, and in most cases also have a residence permit in the region where the bank is located;
  • the age of the borrower can start from 18 years old (some banks set limits from 21 years old for some loan products), and the end of lending must be under 65 years old (in rare cases, banks lend to people under 75 years old);
  • a prerequisite is a clean credit history and a small credit load: all this is carefully checked by bank managers through credit bureaus;
  • only those who have been officially employed in the last place for at least 6 months (very rarely from 3 months) can receive a loan or can provide real statements of a stable receipt of money from other sources of income;
  • to get a serious loan, the amount of income is very important: if it is enough only for a living wage, it is useless to count on lending.

Of course, this is not a complete list, but it is the basis for most banks.

What documents are needed to get a loan?

In addition to the formal requirements for the client, there is a certain set of documents that the bank requires from the client:

  • a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document confirming employment (employment, contract);
  • in the case of an individual entrepreneur applying, there is a need to provide an extract from the USRR;
  • it is mandatory to request a certificate from the place of work in the form 2-NDFL or a declaration confirmed by the tax office;
  • if there is unofficial income - it is necessary to provide bank statements or electronic money system;
  • for men, an additional rule has been established: those wishing to apply for a loan under 27 years of age must have a military ID with the appropriate marks to avoid late payments.

Depending on the purpose of the loan, as well as the amount of the requested loan, guarantors or collateral may be required (if mortgage is implied as a method of lending), in each case a certain package of documents is also drawn up.

How to apply for a loan?

In order to apply for a loan, first of all, you need to determine for yourself a suitable bank and a loan product that fully meets your capabilities and needs. If the bank is chosen, for example, Sberbank, then on the official website you can find information on how to apply for a loan for both business purposes and consumer lending.

Possible options

Among the available methods, there are only two:

  • Fill out an online application for a consumer loan that you like according to the conditions, having previously calculated it on a loan calculator located directly on the page of the proposed loan product. Anyone can use such an application, however, special preference is given to existing bank customers who have a personal account;
  • Personal appeal to a convenient branch of the bank. This method of application simplifies the procedure for choosing the right loan product, as an authorized loan manager will select an agreement on the spot that fully matches your financial capabilities.

Causes of failures

Of course, the bank may have a lot of reasons to refuse to issue a loan, and it has the right not to explain exactly what reason you have. But in general, there are 10 main reasons for refusal that everyone should know:

  1. the income you receive is insufficient to process the loan you requested;
  2. non-compliance of the client or his documents with the requirements of the bank;
  3. Lack of official place of employment;
  4. the client must have a permanent registration;
  5. the presence in the personal file of the client of a criminal record, and even more so for financial fraud;
  6. special attention is paid to the place of work, and people involved in dangerous professions (firefighters, rescuers, police) are most often refused;
  7. previously tarnished credit history or too much credit burden;
  8. the borrower does not have contact information in the form of a landline phone;
  9. providing knowingly false information about income;
  10. the bank has exhausted its own limit on issuing a loan in the reporting period.

How does the bank screen loan applications?

After submitting an application and documents for verification to the bank, each client undergoes a thorough check:

  • for compliance with the conditions put forward both to the client himself and to the documents;
  • assessment of the client by key factors using a scoring system;
  • checking credit history through specialized sources;
  • verification of the place of work and employer;
  • a full check of the future borrower in all possible bases for a criminal record, debts and other black spots in the dossier;
  • a bank risk check based on your income and employment combined with your credit history.

How to increase your chances of getting approved?

To increase your own chances of approval of any requested loan, the client should take care of such nuances as:

  • your credit history;
  • correct completion of all documents;
  • measuring own income and determining an adequate loan amount;
  • the presence of deposit savings or savings.

What loan can you count on?

Let's talk realistically, the higher and more stable the permanent income, the higher the amount that the bank will be able to issue to a conscientious borrower. For the bank, the solvency of the client plays a key role, because his main income is interest, and more of it can be earned on larger loans issued for long periods.

Therefore, if you are the owner of a salary of 25 thousand, and you are counting on a loan for 5 years in the amount of 2 million, then you should not even hope for such a loan. But for the implementation of current plans to carry out repairs worth no more than 100 thousand, it is quite possible, especially if the monthly payments are broken down into 12-18.

What do you need to get a loan with delinquency?

I would like to pay attention to the credit history of the borrower. If at some point it was stained, we are all not without sin, this is not a reason to panic. Of course, it is impossible to remove this stain from the credit base, but you can always contact the bank with a guarantor or collateral, which will become a guarantor of the return of the loan you received.

Another very affordable way to get a loan is to use the services of a bank that does not pay attention to the disadvantages of your credit history. But even here there are serious drawbacks: even though you will receive a loan, in addition to it, you will be rewarded with huge, and in some cases, unbearable interest rates up to 50% per annum.

What do you need to borrow a phone?

In order to get such a small loan, as for the purchase of a mobile phone, you need to meet the requirements of the bank, which we described above, and choose the most comfortable way to repay the debt. In most cases, with an average income of 25 thousand, it will be enough to issue a loan for 6 months and pay the phone in payments of 3-5 thousand rubles.

And also, do not forget that the hardware store may also be offered to issue an installment plan, and most likely, you will not even be checked for possible gaps in your credit history, all that is needed is to meet the minimum set of criteria for selecting potential customers.