What can you do on Easter week. Bright week - the week after Easter

The temples hold special liturgies. All this time, the deacon's doors and the gates of the altar remain open. This is a symbol that the resurrected Jesus opened the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven (paradise) for believers.

In addition, bells are ringing almost continuously these days. This is because, according to a long-standing tradition, everyone - from a toddler to an old man - will be able to get the opportunity to climb the bell tower and, with their own hands, announce the area with bell chimes, sharing the Easter joy with other believers in a similar way.

Do's and Don'ts in Easter Week

All Bright Week, however, should be devoted to entertainment. On these days, it is customary to visit each other and treat yourself to a quick meal. Unlike Maslenitsa week, unbridled fun is not encouraged on Easter. There should be no excesses in food and, moreover, fist fights should not be.

On Easter week, you must definitely go to the cemetery and. There are two whole days for this event - Monday and Thursday. There is an opinion that it is on these days of the Bright Week that the souls of deceased people temporarily return from heaven to earth in order to rejoice in the resurrection of Christ together with the living.

Meanwhile, the Orthodox Church does not approve of the remembrance of those who died on Bright Week, which is why commemorations are not held in churches these days. The Church motivates her decision by the fact that Easter is a holiday of life and mentions of death will be superfluous.

Rites and beliefs of Easter week

Easter week will end with another holiday, which is popularly called the Red Hill. From time immemorial, it has been the most popular day for marriage. In many Russian cities during Bright Week, parades of newlyweds are organized. At this time, ceremonies associated with the conclusion of a marriage union are held.

So, it is believed that a girl will be able to bring her marriage closer if she manages to be the first to get to the bell tower and strike the bell.

According to popular belief, if a child is born during Easter week, he will be in good health. The girl will be able to preserve her beauty if she washes herself with water containing a painted Easter egg. It is also believed that during the week it is necessary to give alms to the poor at least once so that the family has money all year long.

Great Easter is considered one of the most significant and brightest holidays among Christians. However, many believers have forgotten about most of the interesting Easter customs and limit themselves to attending services. Don't let yourself get bored and have a real celebration.


Boil and paint the eggs. They should not only be eaten, but also given to those who you meet when greeting. By the way, on this day you need not just say hello, but say "Christ is Risen", you must answer "Truly Risen". You can capture the greeting with a kiss, as this kind of tenderness brings people closer and cheers up. According to an ancient custom, spouses should not greet each other like that in public - this portends a quick separation.

Go to church for services and processions. The service lasts all day and not everyone can stand for so long on their feet, especially since not everyone has such a desire. In any case, at least go to the church and light a candle. According to tradition, the stub must be taken home and hidden, it is believed that this will save the family from misfortune.

Wash yourself in the morning with water, which must be stored on Maundy Thursday, preferably any silver item in the container. It is believed that such a morning toilet will bring beauty and health. Put on new clothes, agreeing that the resurrection of Christ was the beginning of a new life.

On Easter, it is customary to lay a rich table, rejoicing in the resurrection of Christ. The main dish, besides eggs, is Easter cake, which it is desirable to light in the church. According to ancient customs, Easter bread has healing powers, so you cannot throw away a single piece of it. Also, during the whole Easter week, it is not customary to throw away the shells of eggs. The villagers crumble it and use it as fertilizer, the city dwellers can get rid of the shell after the holiday.

krotoffa c What absolutely must not be done on the day of the celebration of Easter. Suddenly who will do it ...

Original taken from karina_great c What absolutely must not be done on the day of the celebration of Easter

Our ancestors firmly believed that the events taking place on Easter are full of a special divine meaning.

There were many signs and beliefs among the people for Easter, the veracity of which was not even questioned.

1. You can't do homework on Easter - cleaning, sewing, knitting. Direct all your attention to God and your family.

2. On Easter day and during Easter week, one should not be sad and cry.

3. It is forbidden to have sex - throughout the week you need to forget about worldly affairs and think about spiritual things.

4. You cannot go to the cemetery on Easter, for this is the Memorial week.


The celebration of Easter in our country is associated with many folk traditions and signs.

✔ In order to have a harmony in the house, and to be successful in business, get a talisman or amulet.

✔ Husband and wife should hit the colored eggs against each other at breakfast on Easter Sunday, whoever does not have a broken egg will be the "head" of the family all year round.

✔ Whoever of the neighbors is the first to return from the Easter service will be the luckiest.

✔ If you want to be beautiful, on Easter morning, after breaking the fast, pour water into a basin, dip the consecrated dye into it, roll it over the bowl, and then wash with this water and roll the dye on your face - this will bring beauty, relief from skin diseases.

✔ And if you wish yourself wealth, dip gold and silver jewelry and coins into the water to the egg.

✔ Roll the testicle over the faces of children - it is believed that this will save them from the evil eye.

✔ If an unmarried girl really wants to get married, during the festive Matins she needs to whisper quietly: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom! "

✔ It has long been customary for Easter to go out with an egg and, meeting with friends, fight with dyes. Whose after the blow will remain intact, that whole year will be healthy and happy.

✔ No homework should be done on Easter, otherwise happiness will go away with hassle. The exception is teaching children and caring for animals.

✔ And the main belief: on Easter, God hears all our prayers and helps to fulfill desires! Let's wish ourselves and our loved ones peace, health and love!

✔ There was a belief that water collected in a spring on Easter night or during Matins has a special power comparable to the power of holy water. It was only necessary to bring it home without uttering a word on the way. To gain happiness and prosperity, houses and barns were sprinkled with this "silent" water.

✔ Husband and wife should not be christened on Easter, so as not to be separated, as the folk omen for Easter says.

✔ There are also signs for Easter for girls related to Easter. Lips itch on Easter week - a kiss is inevitable; hurt my elbow - remembered the dear; a fly fell into the cabbage soup - there will be a date; eyebrows itching - to a meeting with a loved one.

✔ There is a sign for Easter to get pregnant. In the morning, go to church, dedicate eggs and Easter cakes. And then ask God to fulfill your desire.

✔ If you are experiencing constant difficulties with money, be sure to give the beggar a coin on Easter - you will not know the need all year round.

✔ And so that there is peace, harmony in the family and no one quarrels among themselves, the Easter meal must be started with the whole family and everyone must first of all eat a piece of cake and eggs, which were consecrated in the church.

✔ The first Easter egg is usually divided into several parts according to the number of family members. Such joint eating of one egg, according to legends, strengthens the family, maintains friendly relations and love for each other in it.

✔ In many places it was believed that if you go to a spring on Easter night or during Matins, collect water there and silently bring it home without uttering a single word on the way, then the water will acquire a special power, almost equal to the power of holy water. Houses and barns were sprinkled with such "silent" water for happiness and well-being, washed with it for health, etc.


Bright Week - the week after Easter. Believers continue to rejoice at the great miracle of the resurrection of the Savior, the victory of life over death, honor Christ, and pray fervently. And such prayers, uttered in the days of Bright Week, are especially powerful. What can and cannot be done at this time, we will try to tell you in our publication. We will not disregard folk customs, signs, ceremonies by day.

Celebration of Bright Week - weeks after Easter (Red Week, Great Week, Great Week)

Into it joyful for everyone Orthodox time festive liturgies are served in churches and processions of the cross are performed every day. The fast food permit comes into effect. Weddings and funeral services are prohibited. It is on Bright Week that the dead appear in front of the heavenly gates, where the Almighty grants them absolution.

On the week after Easter, worshipers ask the resurrected Savior for forgiveness, forgiveness, faith, health for themselves and their families. You need to start the day and end it thanksgiving prayer. It is best to do this in a relaxed environment. The prayers and requests made in the first week after Easter are considered to be the most powerful.

Do's and don'ts in the week after Easter


  • ring the bells, give alms;
  • help those in need;
  • rejoice, have fun, laugh, be happy;
  • be baptized;
  • rest, enjoy life, postponing urgent matters for later;
  • give up negative actions and thoughts;
  • bless the water on Friday, honor the Blessed Virgin;
  • arrange a bride show;
  • burn bonfires, relax in nature, ride on a swing.


  • get married;
  • visit the dead at the cemetery, do commemoration and memorial services;
  • work hard, especially on Wednesday;
  • fast;
  • stay at home on Sunday;
  • hunt and fish, since everyone rejoices at the wonderful resurrection of the Savior, even animals and birds: they are also creatures of God.

Customs, signs, ceremonies on the days of Bright Week

Tuesday of the week after Easter (Bathing, Bright Tue)

It was imperative to wake up and go to the morning service. Otherwise, sleepyheads will bring misfortune and poverty into their home. Therefore, those who slept were watered with cold water. Women went to visit with Easter cakes and dyes. The men were busy with household chores.

Wednesday of the week after Easter (Gradovaya, Round dance, Bright Wed)

In the morning, those who have not yet married should raise a prayer to the Lord for the speedy acquisition of family happiness. After the whole day it was necessary to be among people so as not to miss the fateful meeting with the betrothed. It is absolutely forbidden to work so that the crops are not damaged by hail. It is highly recommended to go to the inn to have fun with your friends.

Navsky, Light Thu.)

Time to visit your ancestors. Cemeteries are visited on this day. They take care of the graves, leave a slice of Easter cake and dyed eggs there. The bird sitting on the monument is a deceased relative who went down to receive the gifts. Such a bird, if it flew during a visit to the grave, was considered a good good sign of heaven. It is strictly forbidden to be discouraged. This is a day for bright greetings to their deceased relatives. The day when they descend from heaven to share bright joy with the living.

Friday of the week after Easter (Forgiveness, Bright Fri.)

This is the day of all beer lovers. On Friday, beer was brewed, treated and treated to a light hop to invite good luck. Excessive drunkenness clicked on trouble. The son-in-law and his family were invited for beer. They made peace with their mother-in-law and father-in-law if they had time to quarrel with them.

Saturday of the week after Easter (Saint Artos, Bright Sat.)

Believers visit the bell tower in their church, ring the bells to celebrate Bright Week. They go to visit, wish others well and prosperity. The clergy hand out consecrated bread-artos with a cross pattern to the faithful. We washed our houses to get rid of misfortune and evil. Those who live in the private sector need to water the roof with a hose. Those who live in apartments can limit themselves to washing the front door.

Such a long-awaited and beloved by all is approaching Easter holiday which falls on April 8 in 2018.

The Bright Resurrection of Christ is the greatest day for any Christian who is one step higher than even Christmas. This is a time of joy and love, as well as a tribute to the memory of Jesus himself, who gave his life for us.

There are many opinions about how to celebrate Easter properly... Someone arranges large feasts and does not deny themselves anything on this day, but someone first goes to church.

Popular superstitions that have survived since pagan times are closely intertwined with the true traditions of the Orthodox Church, so it can be very difficult to determine what is right and what is not. So what is the right way to celebrate this holiday, what can you do on Easter, and what not?

What not to do on Easter

On the Bright Resurrection of Christ, the most important thing to remember is that this is the time to rejoice, remembering the Resurrection of Christ. All other restrictions and prohibitions follow from this.

The celebration lasts all week (Bright Week), so the prohibitions are valid for the entire period of the celebration.

Easter bans

  1. You cannot swear with someone or take offense at someone. If you still have old grudges, try to let them go and forgive them.

  2. On this day, you cannot be greedy and stingy. Since ancient times, it has been customary for Easter to share food with the poor and needy. And this applies not only to money or food - give your smile to everyone around you, give forgiveness to everyone who asks you for it. In short, try to give everything you can.

  3. You cannot swear, be sad and indulge in despondency. All seven days you need to be as kind as possible so as not to overshadow the bright holiday for others.

  4. You can not get drunk and indulge in excesses. Everything should be in moderation - food, alcohol. The priests say that it is better to drink only wine from alcohol during this period, leaving vodka for other periods.

  5. You cannot work to the detriment of the holiday. However, if you have scheduled working hours, then there is nothing to worry about. But if there is no great need, it is better to devote this time to communication with friends and family. The church does not prohibit work on this day, but the clergy recommend postponing household chores for another day.

  6. Cleaning is not allowed. But there are also nuances: you should not clean up in the full sense of the word, devoting half a day to washing the floors and wiping off the dust. Of course, this does not apply to small everyday issues. Although, if that doesn't stop you from being in a holiday mood, it's okay. In any case, this is more likely not a prohibition, but moral advice.

  7. You cannot go to the cemetery. The church forbids this week to hold memorial services and mourn for the dead. Since sorrow is contrary to the spirit of the holiday - joy on the occasion of the Resurrection from the dead of Christ.

  8. Also, you can not lead an intimate life. Sexual life is prohibited throughout the week. Two spouses must give up intimate life. This happens by mutual agreement.

  9. It is also worth mentioning that it is forbidden to bless in the church. You can only sanctify those foods that were excluded from the diet during Great Lent. But alcohol is a complete taboo. Once it was customary to hallow only butter bread (kulich), eggs, meat, cheese and milk, and now they put everything in the basket.

    You should not put in the Easter basket: alcohol, because there is no place for drunk people in church; money and other material values; blood sausage, it is generally not recognized by Orthodox ministers as fit for consumption. Salt and pepper should not be sanctified, since these foods were not banned during the fast.

    Putting these products in the Easter basket is more a folk tradition than a church tradition. Also, do not bring fruits and vegetables to church.

  10. Don't throw away leftover Easter food. As a rule, after a festive feast, there are leftovers of food - cakes, Easter, eggs. Do not throw away everything that is left not eaten!

    Don't even put eggshells in the trash bin! It is customary to give all food leftovers to birds or animals.

Bright week can be quite opposed to Holy Week, and not only in terms of fasting, but also the spiritual state, general. Its most important Christian holiday marks Easter, when all living things rejoice at the resurrection of Christ, glorify God and the victory of light forces over dark ones.

Bright week can be quite opposed to Holy Week, and not only in terms of fasting, but also the spiritual state, general. Its most important Christian holiday marks Easter, when all living things rejoice at the resurrection of Christ, glorify God and the victory of light forces over dark ones. But what can and cannot be done on Bright Week will be described in this article.

Holiday Week Tips

I must say that the week begins on Easter Sunday and lasts until Krasnaya Gorka. The church charter calls on all believing Christians to rejoice and have fun all week, to visit and visit their friends, relatives and friends. Not only on Easter itself, but throughout the next week, Orthodox Christians greet each other with the words: "Christ is Risen", exchange eggs and cakes and break their fast, that is, they eat breakfast with these products, which were lit in the church on the eve of the great holiday.

All week after Easter, various services are held in the temples. The throne is covered with a shroud, and the ringing does not subside in the bell tower. I must say that only on Easter day anyone can go up here, regardless of gender and age, and ring the bells. Do not miss this opportunity and give yourself the joy of communion with God, his mercy and grace. All services held should be attended, but if possible, of course. For those who are interested in whether it is possible to receive communion on Bright Week, it is worth answering that it is not only possible, but also necessary. Moreover, the priest will admit to the sacrament and will not even ask if the servant of God fasted, because fasting is not observed this week.

But confession is not canceled, and as for whether it is possible to read in Bright Week, this is a mandatory attribute of all confessors. In the villages in Russia, it was customary to go for festivities every evening, spend time by the fire, sing and have fun. All work in the field and at home was canceled, so those who are interested in whether it is possible to plant in Bright Week are advised to postpone this for now.

What was not recommended to do?

The questions whether it is possible to wash in Bright Week and whether it is possible to get a haircut during Bright Week should be answered in the negative. It is important to understand that, according to church customs, it was customary to have fun and rejoice, and domestic work did not contribute much to this. Of course, the modern specifics of the organization of labor are significantly different from the past. Today it is impossible to walk a week without an important reason, therefore Christians act according to modern realities - they work, but they do household chores only when necessary.

The priests carry out all the usual rituals - baptism and wedding, but with the latter it is still worth postponing, although the fast is over. Nothing should distract from the celebration of the great day of Easter. Memorial services and funeral services are not held, but an exception will be made for the dead this week. It is also not accepted to go to the cemetery - there are special days for this, Radonitsa, for example. What should not be done in any case is to be sad and despondent. The latter in itself is a sin, and to be sad at such a time means to indirectly deny God. Those who are in a desperate situation and cannot cope with themselves are advised to talk to Father, complain to him and get reasonable advice.

This is how it is customary to celebrate the Light, or as it is also called the Red, Glorious, Joyful week. When will there be such an opportunity to see relatives and friends and sit with a glass of "tea". However, it is not recommended to get drunk, you should still observe the measure when drinking alcoholic beverages.