What to plant next to carrots. Planting onions with carrots

For many centuries of growing vegetables, people have noticed that some vegetables grow well together, and some, on the contrary, interfere with each other's growth. Vegetables, herbs, and flowers help each other grow by improving the soil or keeping pests away from each other. Smart planting will provide you with a big harvest.

The choice of neighbors in the garden.

Choosing your garden neighbors is the true art of garden planning. Each vegetable is planted in the garden not alone, but next to another companion plant. Such tactics help to minimize the harmful effects of insects and diseases.

Neighborhood rules in the garden. When choosing neighbors in the garden, pay attention to the families of vegetables. Vegetables from the cabbage family, for example, are well planted next to beets and green leafy crops. Some herbs will help deter pests from cabbage. Planted in the same garden as cabbage, mint will enhance its flavor.

Vegetables can experience not only sympathy, but also antipathy towards each other: some vegetables stun the growth and reduce the yield of each other. A simple sign below will help you choose a good neighborhood.

What vegetables grow well in the same garden?

I offer you a brief table of compatibility of vegetables. More information is further in the article.

Vegetables Good Neighborhood Bad Neighborhood
Asparagus tomatoes No
Beans Corn, celery, garden savory, cucumbers, radishes, strawberries Onion and garlic
Beet Cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, onion, garlic Beans
cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts Beets, chard, potatoes, celery, dill, lettuce, onion, spinach beans
Carrot Legumes, tomatoes No
Celery Beans, tomatoes, cabbage No
Corn Cucumbers, watermelons, pumpkin, peas, beans, pumpkin Tomatoes
cucumbers Beans, corn, peas, cabbage No
Eggplant Beans, pepper No
Melon Corn, pumpkin, radish, zucchini No
Onion Beets, carrots, chard, lettuce, peppers Legumes
Peas Beans, cucumbers, turnips, carrots, corn, radishes. Onion garlic
Potato Beans, corn, peas tomatoes
vegetable marrow Corn, melons, pumpkins No
tomatoes Carrots, celery, cucumbers, onions, peppers Corn, kohlrabi, potatoes

Other Useful Neighbors for Vegetables

In addition to the neighborhood of one vegetable crop with another, it is good to consider other possible neighborhoods - vegetables and flowers, vegetables and herbs. Such combinations in the beds are not only beautiful, but also useful.

Flowers next to vegetables.

Good advice: plant a few marigolds in the garden with tomatoes, they repel pests. Marigolds can completely decorate the entire garden around the perimeter - this will help keep pests at a distance.

Some flowers act as pest traps, luring insects to them. Nasturtiums, for example, are very fond of aphids. These pests will prefer to eat nasturtium, and will not pay attention to vegetables growing nearby.

Vegetables and herbs.

Herbs planted nearby will give your vegetables a more refined taste. They also repel harmful insects. Rosemary repels beetles that attack beans. Thyme repels cabbage pests. Onions and garlic repel aphids. Oregano, like marigolds, is a good universal barrier against most insect pests.

Deciding which vegetables to plant nearby in the garden, you need to be guided not only by scientific data, but also by common sense. Lettuce, radishes, and other fast growing plants can be planted between melons or pumpkins. Lettuce and radish will ripen before the pumpkin grows. Shade-loving green leafy vegetables like spinach and chard are grown in the shade of corn. Sunflowers also grow well with corn as their roots occupy different levels in the soil and do not compete for water and nutrients.

Well, let's move from the particular to the whole, and consider successful and unsuccessful neighbors for each vegetable.

Plant compatibility.

Neighbors for carrots.

What can you plant carrots next to? The optimal neighborhood for carrots will be:

  • beans;
  • sage;
  • radish;
  • salad;
  • rosemary;
  • peas;
  • tomatoes.

But the negative neighborhood for carrots:

  • dill;
  • parsley.

Optimal conditions for pepper.

  • basil;
  • coriander;
  • bow;
  • spinach;
  • tomatoes.

Do not plant peppers near beans.

Potato and its neighbors.

What can you plant potatoes next to? Potatoes will bring a good harvest if planted next to:

  • beans;
  • broccoli;
  • cabbage;
  • corn;
  • eggplant;
  • garlic;
  • lettuce;
  • bow;
  • peas;
  • radish.

You can not plant potatoes if they grow nearby:

  • cucumbers;
  • melons;
  • zucchini;
  • sunflowers;
  • tomatoes;
  • turnip.

Tomato neighbors.

  • asparagus;
  • basil;
  • beans;
  • cucumbers;
  • carrots;
  • celery
  • dill;
  • lettuce;
  • melons;
  • bow;
  • parsley;
  • pepper;
  • radish;
  • spinach;
  • thyme;

Do not have tomato beds and any types of cabbage, potatoes and corn nearby.

Neighbors for asparagus.

What can you plant asparagus next to? An excellent neighborhood for asparagus will be:

  • basil;
  • beet;
  • salad;
  • parsley;
  • spinach;
  • tomatoes.

What can not be planted with asparagus?

Fortunately, there are no plants that negatively affect the growth of asparagus.

Neighbors for beans.

What can you plant beans next to? The optimal neighborhood for beans:

  • broccoli;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • celery;
  • cauliflower;
  • cucumbers;
  • eggplant;
  • peas;
  • potato;
  • radish;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • strawberry;
  • tomatoes.

Undesirable neighborhood for beans:

  • garlic;
  • sunflowers;
  • pepper.

Neighbors in the garden for beets.

What can you plant beets next to? Beetroot will give more yield next to:

  • broccoli;
  • asparagus;
  • cauliflower;
  • lettuce;
  • bow.

Unwanted beet garden neighbors:

  • mustard;
  • beans.

Broccoli and neighbors in the garden.

What to plant broccoli next to? Optimal neighborhood for broccoli:

  • beans;
  • beet;
  • celery;
  • cucumbers;
  • potato;
  • sage.

Unwanted neighbors for broccoli:

  • cabbage;
  • cauliflower;
  • salad;
  • string beans;
  • tomatoes.

Neighbors in the garden for Brussels sprouts.

What is the best planting for Brussels sprouts? Best neighbors:

  • dill;
  • salad;
  • radish;
  • sage;
  • spinach;
  • turnip.

Brussels sprouts have one unwanted neighbor - tomatoes.

Neighbors for cabbage.

What can you plant cabbage next to?

  • beans;
  • celery;
  • cucumbers;
  • dill;
  • salad;
  • potato;
  • sage;
  • spinach;
  • thyme.

Unwanted neighbors in the cabbage garden:

  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • strawberry;
  • tomatoes.

Cauliflower and its neighbors.

  • beans;
  • beet;
  • celery;
  • cucumbers;
  • sage;
  • thyme.

Bad neighbors for cauliflower:

  • broccoli;
  • cabbage;
  • strawberry;
  • tomatoes.

Companions of celery.

Celery has no unwanted neighbors. But it is better to grow it next to:

  • beans;
  • broccoli;
  • cabbage;
  • cauliflower;
  • leek;
  • spinach;
  • tomatoes.

What beds to do next to the cucumbers?

  • beans;
  • broccoli;
  • corn;
  • cabbage;
  • cauliflower;
  • sunflowers;
  • peas;
  • lettuce;
  • radish.

You can not plant cucumbers next to herbs, melons and potatoes.

Corn and its neighborhood.

  • beans;
  • cucumbers;
  • salad;
  • melons;
  • peas;
  • potato;
  • zucchini;
  • sunflowers.

But you can’t plant corn next to tomato beds!

Suggestions for eggplant

Eggplants do not have unwanted neighbors in the garden, but they feel great next to:

  • basil;
  • beans;
  • lettuce;
  • peas;
  • potatoes;
  • spinach.


Optimal bed companions for lettuce:

  • asparagus;
  • beet;
  • cabbage;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • carrot;
  • cucumbers;
  • peas;
  • eggplant;
  • potato;
  • radish;
  • spinach;
  • strawberry;
  • sunflowers;
  • tomatoes.

But broccoli is the worst companion for lettuce.

What to plant onions next to?

The best neighborhood for onions will be:

  • beet;
  • tomatoes;
  • broccoli;
  • spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • salad;
  • pepper.


  • beans;
  • peas;
  • sage.

Peas and its neighbors in the garden.

With what vegetables next to place beds with peas? Peas feel great next door to:

  • beans;
  • carrots;
  • corn;
  • cucumbers;
  • eggplant;
  • lettuce;
  • melons;
  • parsnip;
  • potatoes;
  • radish;
  • spinach;
  • turnip.

You can not plant peas near the ridges with onions and garlic.

Useful weeds in the garden.

Sometimes plants can be useful to each other only at a certain stage of growth. This is true for some weeds as well. How can weeds be useful in the garden? Some weeds pull nutrients from deeper layers of the soil and bring them to the surface. When weeds die and decay, nutrients become available on the soil surface for shallow-rooted vegetables. That is why some vegetables grow very well in the neighborhood of nettles.

What could be easier than planting carrots in spring. But this is only at first glance. In fact, by choosing the wrong time and place for planting, by poorly preparing the seeds and soil, you can easily deprive yourself of a good harvest. Be prudent, and start landing only after you know all the details of this process.

An important decision on the way to a good carrot harvest is the choice of variety. Faced with their widest variety, you can simply get confused and make a rash decision. To avoid this, check out a small list of the most common varieties.

Shantane 2461 - very large, well kept.
Losinoostrovskaya 13 - tender, juicy, well stored.

Carrot Losinoostrovskaya 13

Nantes 4 - very tasty and long carrots with a blunt end.
Incomparable - tasty, well rises and is stored.

Carrot variety Incomparable

Important! Do not forget that only medium and late varieties of carrots are suitable for winter storage.

Proper fit is the key to success

Carrots do not belong to those crops that can be planted anywhere, anyhow, and anytime. If you want to get a bountiful harvest, first familiarize yourself with its requirements.

Where to plant carrots

The red-haired beauty loves the sunniest places in the country. It grows well after cucumbers, cabbage, onions, potatoes, peas and tomatoes. In places where greens were grown, it is better not to plant carrots.

Choose a place for planting carrots in the fall to prepare it in advance. Dig up the area, adding ash and humus to the ground. Never use fresh manure, which will attract pests and lead to the accumulation of nitrates in the fruit. In the spring, before planting, loosen the land reserved for the beds.

Carrots should be planted in a sunny area

See also: What pests attack carrots? Fighting methods

How is spring planting

Before planting, the seeds must be immersed in water so that they swell. If desired, use special stimulant drugs. Landing should be done in shallow, moistened furrows. Do not make the sowing too thick - keep a distance of 1-2 cm.

Advice! Carrot seeds are very small, so it is very difficult to achieve a uniform, sparse planting. To make this easier, buy seeds taped to paper tape, or glue them yourself to toilet paper with homemade starch glue. In this case, you will have to do without soaking, and therefore water the ground abundantly when planting.

Sticking carrot seeds to toilet paper will make planting easier.

To improve germination, cover the planting site with a film or non-woven material. When the seedlings grow a little, remove the covering material. Carrots grow slowly, so to make the rows stand out, mix them with faster-growing radishes or lettuce when planting.

When to plant carrots in spring

To get a crop as early as possible, some summer residents plant it in early spring. Are these timings good? Most often, seeds lying in cold ground germinate for an extremely long time, and sometimes sprouts do not appear at all. Do not forget that spring is different from spring, so if you are lucky with the weather, you can count on success.
The safest time for planting carrots may vary from region to region. In most cases, this is the end of April - the beginning of May. The main thing is that the daytime temperature should be kept at 15ºС, and the ground temperature should not be less than 7ºС.

It is better to postpone planting in the spring until the earth warms up completely.

Some tips after planting carrots

After a month, thin out the seedlings, leaving 4 cm gaps, and a little later, do this again.
Mulch the soil for easier maintenance.
Loosen the beds more often.
After thinning, remove the tops from the ridges, and place onion beds in the neighborhood - this will help get rid of pests.

There are never too many carrots

Planting carrots in the spring is not too fussy, but without knowing the main points of this process, it is very difficult to get friendly shoots. Do not forget about the benefits of carrots for vision, hair and skin. The abundance of carrots in the house will help keep these parts of the body in excellent condition.

Planting onions and carrots in the same garden

Works in the garden

Experienced summer residents claim that onions and carrots get along well in the same garden, since their roots are located at different levels - deep in carrots, and superficial in onions, so they do not interfere with each other. But it is necessary that the greens of the carrots do not shade the onions. There are no problems with growing, and the harvest and taste of vegetables will certainly please you. If you want to test this statement, select a garden bed and try growing onions and carrots on it.

For planting, the bed must be made 1.2 meters wide and in the spring it should be filled with fertilizer. For these purposes, you can use chicken manure (3-4 buckets) or compost (7-8 buckets). It is good to add 250 g of double superphosphate to organic matter.

You need to plant onions and carrots at the same time. Planting material must first be prepared. To do this, stick carrot seeds with starch paste on thin paper cut into the width of the beds (1.2 m). The distance between the seeds should be approximately 2-3 cm. Onions should be soaked for 2-3 hours in a humate solution before planting.

In the beds where carrots will grow, do not add anything. And in the places where the onion is planted, sprinkle the groove with ash mixed with mineral fertilizer in the proportion - 1 teaspoon of fertilizer per liter jar of ash.

When planting, a strip of paper with seeds must be carefully laid across the width of the beds to a depth of about 2 cm and sprinkled with earth. Plant an onion in the next row. It is important not to press the onions into the soil, but carefully place them on it. And the distance between the rows should be from 10 to 15 cm. Close the bed with plantings for 15 days with covering material.

Onions will grow first, and should be fed. Onion feeding should be done when its feather grows to 8-10 cm.

To do this, prepare a solution: for 10 liters of water, take 1 tablespoon of ash, urea, extracts of double superphosphate and kerosene. Top dressing is good to repeat after 10-12 days.

Following the onions, carrots begin to grow intensively: root crops increase, acquiring a good taste.

In mid-August, the onion crop can be harvested. And then expect a rich harvest of delicious carrots.

Many people think that zucchini and zucchini are one and the same. This is not entirely true, although zucchini also belongs to pumpkin crops. Zucchini is a very valuable vegetable. Over 10 varieties and hybrids of zucchini have appeared in our country. Unlike zucchini, zucchini can be eaten raw.

Is it possible to plant onions next to garlic together in the garden

It has much more vitamin C than zucchini, and carotene is 2 times more than carrots. Zucchini contains a large amount of carbohydrates, ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins of group B, PP.

Carrots are planted by many amateur gardeners, and this is understandable. It is well known that carrots are one of the most useful and best foods for the liver, kidneys and digestive tract. Carrots promote healthy metabolism, help with diarrhea and other digestive problems by killing harmful bacteria.


(Healthy and healthy food)

Rutabaga (Brossico no pus ropifera) is one of the favorite and healthy vegetables that can be grown in our vegetable gardens. In winter, this root crop will fit the elderly in dietary nutrition with atherosclerosis and to maintain vitality, and young people with colds, and mature ones to make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Grow greens indoors

Garden on the windowsill

If you like to grow indoor plants, and, moreover, are practical, then you will love the idea of ​​​​growing herbs and vegetables at home. A small garden by the window and on the windowsill will decorate your apartment no worse than home flowers. There will be few worries if you start forcing spicy and salad greens from onions, root crops and rhizomes, etc.

The special arrangement of nature has always surprised man. It is so arranged in it that nearby plants help each other or, on the contrary, start a “struggle” for a place in the sun. If you are seriously convinced that the danger to the garden lies solely in the weeds, then you are mistaken! Nearby beds with incompatible crops can cause a gardener to be in a bad mood.

So, what should not be planted close to each other? For example, it is not recommended to grow cucumbers next to lettuce, as these vegetables will not be able to live "in harmony" with many herbs, including aromatic ones. Dill is no exception. As you can see, there are many nuances and subtleties in this matter. We will try to deal with them in this article when we give an answer to the question - what to plant next to the carrot?

Carrots are a vegetable that every hostess always needs! All year round they add it to all sorts of dishes, both hot and raw. Salads with carrots are especially delicious. What neighborhood with carrots will be the most favorable?

Onions and carrots

Onions and carrots are "eternal" cohabitants. Of course, you have already heard many stories about carrot flies, which liked this root crop no less than people. If you plant carrots and onions on the same bed, then this pest will be able to drive away. The reason is that such flies cannot tolerate the aroma of onions. The benefit of a nearby onion also lies in the fact that it prevents root mites from damaging carrots.

As they say, a carrot does not remain in debt. It protects the bow from onion flies and moths. It is worth noting that this root crop is an excellent cohabitant for all varieties of onions, and even for garlic.

There are separate methods for sowing onions and carrots. The essence of one of these methods is that it is necessary to scatter onion seeds in the garden fourteen days before the start of sowing carrots. It is not necessary to sprinkle the onion seeds immediately, but after the carrots are sown. This is not only convenient for the gardener - he does not have to do one job several times, but also useful, because crops will be sown at a time convenient for them.

The situation is different if you decide to plant carrots next to onion sets. First you need to plant carrots, and after a few weeks, start planting sevka. It is recommended that carrots and onions grow through a row or even two rows.

When planting carrots and onions together, be aware that the first crop is compatible with tomatoes, while they cannot be planted next to onions!

Carrot and celery

It is not recommended to grow carrots and celery in the same garden. These cultures don't mix well with each other. Celery does not protect the onion from the onion fly, on the contrary, it attracts insects that are dangerous for it.

Planting onions on the same bed with carrots has a number of features. These crops are recommended to be sown earlier than carrots. If you sow a vegetable ahead of schedule, then its sprouts may fall under spring frosts, and then instead of a rich harvest, you will get a "flower bed". It is known that carrots bloom only in the second year, and she can "decide" that he has already come and it's time for her to bloom.

A plus for crops in close proximity to carrots is that, when blooming, it attracts various beneficial insects with its aroma.

Carrot is a vegetable that is present during the meal on almost every table. This root crop is rich in vitamins, trace elements and beneficial minerals. No wonder in Rus' they said that this vegetable brings strength to people. Not only useful properties, but a pleasant taste distinguish carrots. Even desserts are prepared with its use, and it is recommended to give young children delicious carrot juice.

But in order to get a good harvest of carrots, you need to know which crops are best placed next to them. The most optimal compatibility of carrots:

  • Beans,
  • Radish,
  • Sage,
  • Peas,
  • Salad,
  • Garlic.

What is incompatible with carrots?

Carrots are a common root vegetable. It is grown in almost every garden, but not always the harvest is as good as the gardener would like. It would seem that there is no drought, and it was planted at the right time, and its care is excellent. What's wrong with carrots?

And the answer is not as complicated as it might seem. The disastrous neighborhood with other cultures is the main reason. The vegetable spends all its "strength" and "reserves" on the fight, and the carrot grows thin, weak and in small quantities.

The following crops are incompatible with carrots on the same bed:

  • Anise,
  • Beet,
  • Horseradish,
  • Parsley,
  • Fragrant greens.

Moreover, carrots are recommended to be planted as far as possible from apple trees. Otherwise, you may end up with bitter vegetables, and bitter apples. Of course, I want to grow sweet carrots, so it is best to refuse such a neighborhood.

Now you know what to plant next to carrots, and which crops should be avoided. The gardener must take this information seriously. Be sure that by planting carrots away from dill, you will get an excellent crop that your neighbors will envy! The main thing is the correct seating. Knowing which vegetables are in conflict with each other, you can protect them from losses, because in the first place it is beneficial for you! On the contrary, knowing which cultures are "friendly", help each other and protect against insects, you will deliberately plant them next to each other.

This is such a unique nature! It is very difficult to grow a good crop of carrots and beets on the same bed, and for many summer residents it is almost impossible. Nearby beetroot and carrot beds can produce a quality crop with proper care.

Vegetable neighbors - video

Many gardeners at the beginning of their "agricultural career" strive to grow as many vegetables as possible on their 6 acres. The enthusiasm of a novice gardener does not dry out while seedlings are purchased or grown, while the earth is being dug up, and the greenery begins to take root. To be honest, we zealously monitor how our beds grow, whether they lag behind their neighbors. In case of success, we are very proud of them. But sometimes no amount of enthusiasm and diligence helps to collect a decent harvest. Something is going wrong. It seems that the weather is good, and the forces spent, unmeasured ...

And then a neighbor who looked at the heavy sighs explains: “Who is planting peas among onions!”

Indeed, vegetables and herbs do not always get along with each other. The neighborhood of some increases the harvest, and diseases, the neighborhood of others - depresses.

Take, for example, the most common vegetable - carrots. Carrots get along well next to and mixed with peas, spinach, radishes, lettuce, beets, chard. Carrots grow well with onions, leeks or perennial onions. Neutral to radish and turnip. But he does not tolerate dill, celery and parsley, he does not tolerate anise nearby.

Dill in our gardens spreads by self-sowing and often lush dill branches turn green on carrot beds by the end of June. But do not be lazy and weed the carrots from dill, immediately put it in okroshka!

Basil grows well alongside beans, peppers, fennel, cucumbers, lettuce, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, corn, and squash. It is not recommended to plant it next to marjoram and dill.

Eggplant grows well next to bush beans, peas, peppers, does not like neighborhood with cucumbers and quite conflicting opinions about their neighborhood with other nightshade. Many gardeners who have eggplants planted next to tomatoes or next to potatoes are convinced that such a neighborhood is quite successful. Other gardeners believe that eggplants are losing their harvest. But thyme is believed to have a beneficial effect on the eggplant harvest.

Beans grow well next to many crops: corn, tomatoes and cucumbers, carrots and radishes, as for potatoes, there is one feature: beans cannot be planted mixed with potatoes, but only along the edge of a potato field. In the common ridge, beans lead in terms of nutrient consumption, potatoes will receive less, first of all, potassium, tubers form small ones. But beans planted around the perimeter of potato ridges repel moles. They do not like neighborhood beans with onions (all kinds), garlic and peas. If a good harvest of beans is important, you should plant oregano or rosemary next to them.

Grapes grow well next to radishes, radishes, bush beans, carrots, and beets. Tomatoes, cabbage, corn, onions (all kinds), horseradish, soybeans are considered harmful to it. Regarding cabbage, white cabbage spoils the taste of grapes, and cauliflower, on the contrary, has a beneficial effect (according to Moser), like cucumbers - not the best neighbor, but definitely not harmful. Moser in his experiments notes the beneficial effect of sorrel, yellow mustard, spinach, alfalfa, melon, and other plants on grapes. The worst effect on grapes: eggplant, potatoes, peppers, dandelion, wormwood, nettle.

Peas - a good relationship with carrots and cucumbers, zucchini and cabbage, do not like his onions, watercress, tomatoes, garlic.

Strawberries - compatible in plantings with lettuce, beans, garlic, spinach, grows well next to beets, onions, radishes, parsley. It does not tolerate the neighborhood with horseradish, the joint planting of strawberries and strawberries is highly doubtful.

Zucchini - good neighbors for him - peas, onions, lettuce, bush beans, spinach. It is undesirable to plant zucchini next to pumpkin, potatoes, radishes and radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley.

Cabbage - it is not difficult for her to find a place in the garden. Many cultures are friends with cabbage: these are bush beans, carrots, beets, beans, celery, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes (except red cabbage), leeks, beets. Greens can be planted next to cabbage: dill, onion. Conflicting opinions about the compatibility of cabbage and strawberries, strawberries (possibly depends on the variety and method of planting), as well as parsley.

Different types of cabbage have different attitudes towards onions, a number of agronomists believe that Beijing cabbage and onions are incompatible, and onions and broccoli make a good combination. We recommend based on your own observations.

Kohlrabi cabbage differs from other types of cabbage - it is planted next to peas, potatoes, radishes, asparagus, bush beans, it does not like being next to tomatoes, horseradish and garlic.

Potato - grows next to a variety of crops, it is easier to list those whom the potato does not like: these are melons, legumes (except for bush beans or beans along the perimeter of the field), cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as raspberries, sunflowers, asparagus and celery.

Strawberries can be planted next to greens (dill, parsley, lettuce), onions, radishes, beets and beans. Does not like strawberries cabbage and horseradish.

Watercress is a fairly selective crop. It is good to plant it next to carrots, tomatoes, radishes, spinach, but not next to legumes, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, and herbs - celery, fennel, dill and parsley. As for onions, the data are contradictory, the German gardener Hubmann recommends joint plantings of watercress, chives and spinach. A number of other gardeners in their notes indicate that watercress does not combine with onions, leeks or green onions.

Corn - rarely grown by gardeners, but if you really look for a place for it in the beds, then preferably next to potatoes or peas. Can be planted next to cucumbers or tomatoes, not next to grapes, celery and beets.

Onions are traditionally planted next to carrots. They protect each other from the most common pests: carrots drive away the onion fly, and onions drive away the carrot fly. Also, onions can be planted next to melons, cucumbers, beets, lettuce. Onions are contraindicated in proximity to beans (only leeks are friends with it), asparagus, and legumes.

Marjoram - can be planted next to any kind of onions, carrots, turnips, spinach. Joint plantings of marjoram with fennel and basil are undesirable.

Carrot grows best mixed with onions, next to peas, as already mentioned, it grows well in the neighborhood of many crops, but does not like the neighborhood with spicy herbs (celery, parsley, anise). Sage and rosemary protect carrots from the carrot fly.

It is good to plant cucumbers next to beans (bush and curly), peas, beans, white cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, beets, lettuce, onions, basil, dill, fennel, radish (it is not clear with radish), garlic, spinach. Do not plant cucumbers next to potatoes, zucchini, turnips, leeks, watercress, eggplant. The issue of joint plantings of cucumbers and tomatoes is controversial, it should be left to the discretion of the gardener and personal experience. The same goes for the combination of carrots and cucumbers (more data on incompatibilities).

Pepper can be planted next to eggplant, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, thyme and basil. Bad neighbors for him will be beets, any beans, fennel. An interesting question about the compatibility of pepper and kohlrabi - some sources claim that they are incompatible, others claim that kohlrabi and sweet peppers are wonderfully combined. Possibly depends on the type of pepper, for example, there is no data on hot pepper.

Radishes and radishes grow well alongside watercress, green onions, parsley, carrots, potatoes, lettuce, spinach, bush beans, peas, and tomatoes. It is undesirable to plant radishes and radishes next to horseradish, basil.

Turnip - sweet and tasty will grow next to legumes, watercress, marjoram, radish, celery, spinach. Do not plant it next to cabbage (common diseases), there is no exact data on tomatoes, but turnips are less demanding crops, tomatoes are quite demanding, so if the soil is well fertilized and nutritious, you can plant turnips next to tomatoes.

Leaf lettuce can be planted next to cabbage, onions, strawberries, dill and parsley. Dislikes neighborhood with celery and fennel.

Beets - it is favorable for her location next to bush beans, dill, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, zucchini. Do not plant beets next to perennial onions, peppers, curly beans.

For a better harvest, tomatoes are planted next to basil, beans, watercress, perennial onions, carrots, radishes, radishes, lettuce, celery, cabbage can be planted nearby (except kohlrabi). But plant tomatoes away from grapes, peas, potatoes, as well as zucchini, kohlrabi, dill, and fennel. The controversial issue of joint planting of tomatoes and cucumbers, perhaps it depends on the method of planting and varieties.

Pumpkin is very often planted together with zucchini, but this is wrong, they are pollinated, and as a result, something in between grows with low taste. Pumpkin can be planted next to beans, beans or peas. Although it is better to plant pumpkins separately somewhere on the compost heap. The main thing is that there are no plantings of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, potatoes, peppers nearby - the pumpkin takes a lot of nutrients.

Lentils and beans they are quite similar in terms of requirements - in joint plantings they are friends with radishes, spinach, cucumbers, they grow well next to tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, beets, celery, Americans often practice with cabbage (all types). Very conflicting data with onions: it is permissible to plant leeks next to lentils and beans, all other onions (including decorative ones) cannot. It is impossible to plant garlic, fennel, dahlia flowers next to beans and lentils. To help beans and lentils, there will be sowing in the immediate vicinity of the savory (repels aphids). Pumpkins, zucchini - they do not have a positive or negative effect if they are planted in the neighborhood.

The special arrangement of nature has always surprised man. It is so arranged in it that nearby plants help each other or, on the contrary, start a “struggle” for a place in the sun. If you are seriously convinced that the danger to the garden lies solely in the weeds, then you are mistaken! Nearby beds with incompatible crops can cause a gardener to be in a bad mood.

So, what should not be planted close to each other? For example, it is not recommended to grow cucumbers next to lettuce, as these vegetables will not be able to live "in harmony" with many herbs, including aromatic ones. Dill is no exception. As you can see, there are many nuances and subtleties in this matter. We will try to deal with them in this article when we give an answer to the question - what to plant next to the carrot?

Carrots are a vegetable that every hostess always needs! All year round they add it to all sorts of dishes, both hot and raw. Salads with carrots are especially delicious. What neighborhood with carrots will be the most favorable?

Onions and carrots

Onions and carrots are "eternal" cohabitants. Of course, you have already heard many stories about carrot flies, which liked this root crop no less than people. If you plant carrots and onions on the same bed, then this pest will be able to drive away. The reason is that such flies cannot tolerate the aroma of onions. The benefit of a nearby onion also lies in the fact that it prevents root mites from damaging carrots.

As they say, a carrot does not remain in debt. It protects the bow from onion flies and moths. It is worth noting that this root crop is an excellent cohabitant for all varieties of onions, and even for garlic.

There are separate methods for sowing onions and carrots. The essence of one of these methods is that it is necessary to scatter onion seeds in the garden fourteen days before the start of sowing carrots. It is not necessary to sprinkle the onion seeds immediately, but after the carrots are sown. This is not only convenient for the gardener - he does not have to do one job several times, but also useful, because crops will be sown at a time convenient for them.

The situation is different if you decide to plant carrots next to onion sets (). First you need to plant carrots, and after a few weeks, start planting sevka. It is recommended that carrots and onions grow through a row or even two rows.

When planting carrots and onions together, be aware that the first crop is compatible with tomatoes, while they cannot be planted next to onions!

Carrot and celery

It is not recommended to grow carrots and celery in the same garden. These cultures don't mix well with each other. Celery does not protect the onion from the onion fly, on the contrary, it attracts insects that are dangerous for it.

Planting onions on the same bed with carrots has a number of features. These crops are recommended to be sown earlier than carrots. If you sow a vegetable ahead of schedule, then its sprouts may fall under spring frosts, and then instead of a rich harvest, you will get a "flower bed". It is known that carrots bloom only in the second year, and she can "decide" that he has already come and it's time for her to bloom.

A plus for crops in close proximity to carrots is that, when blooming, it attracts various beneficial insects with its aroma.

Carrot is a vegetable that is present during the meal on almost every table. This root crop is rich in vitamins, trace elements and beneficial minerals. No wonder in Rus' they said that this vegetable brings strength to people. Not only useful properties, but a pleasant taste distinguish carrots. Even desserts are prepared with its use, and it is recommended to give young children delicious carrot juice.

But in order to get a good harvest of carrots, you need to know which crops are best placed next to them. The most optimal compatibility of carrots:

  • Beans;
  • Radish;
  • Sage;
  • Peas;
  • Salad;
  • Garlic.

What is incompatible with carrots?

Carrots are a common root vegetable. It is grown in almost every garden, but not always the harvest is as good as the gardener would like. It would seem that there is no drought, and it was planted at the right time, and its care is excellent. What's wrong with carrots?

And the answer is not as complicated as it might seem. The disastrous neighborhood with other cultures is the main reason. The vegetable spends all its "strength" and "reserves" on the fight, and the carrot grows thin, weak and in small quantities.

The following crops are incompatible with carrots on the same bed:

  • Anise;
  • Beet;
  • Horseradish;
  • Parsley;
  • Fragrant greens.

Moreover, carrots are recommended to be planted as far as possible from apple trees. Otherwise, you may end up with bitter vegetables, and bitter apples. Of course, I want to grow sweet carrots, so it is best to refuse such a neighborhood.

Now you know what to plant next to carrots, and which crops should be avoided. The gardener must take this information seriously. Be sure that by planting carrots away from dill, you will get an excellent crop that your neighbors will envy! The main thing is the correct seating. Knowing which vegetables are in conflict with each other, you can protect them from losses, because in the first place it is beneficial for you! On the contrary, knowing which cultures are "friendly", help each other and protect against insects, you will deliberately plant them next to each other.

This is such a unique nature! Growing a good crop of carrots in one garden is very difficult and almost impossible for many summer residents. Nearby beetroot and carrot beds can produce a quality crop with proper care.